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CENG1006 Social and Professional

Issues in Computer Science

Spring 2020
Dr. Barış İşçiPem beci
Patents for Inventions in Software
We noted earlier that in addition to copyright law, another
alternative legal framework has been devised to protect
intellectual property: patents

A patent is a form of legal protection given to individuals who

create an invention or process.
Patents for Inventions in Software
Patents protect inventions by giving the inventor a monopoly for
a specified period oftim e.

Patents differ from copyrights in that they protect the invention,

not just a particular expression or implementation of it. Anyone
else who wants to use the patented invention or process must
get the authorization of the patent holder, even if the other
person independently came up with the same idea or invention.
Patents for Inventions in Software

One device or machine might involve many patents.

Since 1895, for example, thousands of patents (with some

estimates over 100,000), have been issued covering various
aspects of the automobile.

Laws of nature and mathematical formulas cannot be patented.

Patents for Inventions in Software

Patent law requires that inventions satisfy three

conditions: (i) usefulness, (ii) novelty, and (iii)
Patents for Inventions in Software
Although computer hardware inventions clearly satisfied the
requirements of patent law, this was not initially the case with
computer software.
In a series of decisions beginning with a court case in 1972, the
U.S. Patent Office and the courts established a strong opposition
to patenting software.
Benson applied for a patent for an algorithm that translated the
representation of numbers from base 10 to base 2; such an
algorithm is an important feature of all programs.
So, critics worried that if Benson had been granted a patent for
his algorithm, he would have controlled almost every computer
in use for a number of years.
Patents for Inventions in Software
However, Benson was denied the patent because his algorithm
was viewed as an abstract process or mathematical formula that
could be performed by a series of mental steps with the aid of
pencil and paper.

But the goal of obtaining patents for computer programs did not
end with Benson. And in 1981, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in
what many now consider a landmark case for patents affecting
computer software: Diamond v. Deihr.
Patents for Inventions in Software
In that pivotal case, the Supreme Court decided 5–4 that a
patent could be awarded for a computer program under certain
conditions; in this instance, the program assisted in converting
rubber into tires.

On the one hand, Deihr had developed a new process that

physically transformed raw rubber into rubber tires; on the
other hand, Deihr had only a new computer program, since
every other part of the machinery used in the conversion
process consisted of traditional technology.
Patents for Inventions in Software
Initially, Deihr’s request for a patent was denied by Diamond,
the director of the Patent Office. But Deihr appealed, and his
case was eventually heard by the Supreme Court, which ruled in
Deihr’s favor. However, in their ruling, the justices also
continued to affirm the view that computer algorithms
themselves are not patentable.

They pointed out that the patent awarded to Deihr was not for
the computer program but for the rubber tire transformation
process as a whole.
Patents for Inventions in Software
Since the Deihr case, numerous patents have been granted to
computer programs and software applications. Some fear
that now patent protection has gone too far.
Patents for Inventions in Software
Since the 1980s, the Patent Office issued thousands of patents in
Patents cover encryption algorithms, data-compression algorithms,
one-click shopping and other e-commerce techniques, copy-protection
schemes, news feeds, location-based services for smartphones,
delivery of email to cellphones, and so on.

The Patent Office has a backlog of m ore than 600,000 patent

applications. It grants an estimated 40,000 software patents each
With hundreds of thousands of companies producing software, there
are simply not enough patent attorneys to review the patents and
determine if a new software product would violate an existing patent.
Patents for Inventions in Software
Google, Apple, and Microsoft paid billions of dollars to buy
thousands of wireless and smartphone patents. It is generally
recognized that the companies do not buy the patents
because they need them for products they are developing.

They buy patents so that they can sue other companies for
patent infringement when the other companies sue them for
patent infringement.
Patents for Inventions in Software
Google explicitly said it bid (billions of dollars) on
thousands of Nortel patents to “create a disincentive for
others to sue Google” and to protect continued innovation in
Android and other projects.
Patents for Inventions in Software
Patent trolls
 Some companies accumulate thousands of technology

patents, including many of the type of software patents and

business method patents we are discussing. The firm s buy
most or all of their patents from individuals or other
companies. They do not make any products. They license the
patents to others and collect fees.
Patents for Inventions in Software
A few cases:
 Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft) sued several companies

(Google, Facebook, Apple, eBay, Netflix,AO L,and others) for

violating four early patents related to now widely used e-
commerce and Web-viewing features. A judge dismissed the
suit in 2011 while the Patent Office reconsiders the patents.
 Apple won a patent case against a maker of Android phones

(HTC) . It covers technology that allows a user to tap a touch

screen to perform various tasks, such as calling a phone
number that is in an email or text message.
Patents for Inventions in Software
A few cases:
 Many Web users remember Amazon innovating the idea of

recommending books to customers based on their previous

purchases. But Amazon might not have originated the
technique for doing so. IBM sued Amazon for violating
several of its patents on e-commerce techniques.
IBM had obtained a patent on electronic catalogues in 1994,
before online retail was common. The patent covers a wide
area, including targeted advertising and recommending specific
products to a customer. Eventually, Amazon agreed to pay IBM
a licensing fee.
To Patent or Not?
In favor of software patents

 The main arguments for allowing patents for software-based

inventions and certain business methods are similar to those
for patents and copyright in general.
 They reward inventors for their creative work. By protecting
rights to the work, they encourage inventors to disclose their
inventions so that others can build upon them. They
encourage innovation.
To Patent or Not?
In favor of software patents

 Businesses routinely pay royalties and license fees for use of

intellectual property. It is a cost of doing business, like paying
for electric power, raw materials, and so on. Software related
patents fit into this w ell-established context.
To Patent or Not?
Against software patents

Critics of software patents include those who oppose software

patents in general as a matter of principle. They see patents for
software as stifling innovation,rather than encouraging it.

There are now so many software patents that it is difficult for

software developers to know if their software infringes patents.

Many software developers come up with the same techniques

independently, but patent law does not allow them to use their
To Patent or Not?
Against software patents

The costs of lawyers to research patents and the risk of being

sued discourage small companies from attempting to develop
and market new innovations.

Businesses cannot sensibly estimate costs of new products and

services when lawsuits are so common and results so uncertain.

Even large companies, as we indicated earlier, amass patents as

defensive weapons for inevitable lawsuits.
To Patent or Not?
Against software patents

If courts uphold patents for software techniques, common e-

commerce and smartphone features, and soon, then prices will
go up and we will see more incompatible devices and
inconsistent user interfaces.
To Patent or Not?
Against software patents
It is difficult to determ ine w hat is truly originaland to
distinguish a patentable innovation from one that preempts an
abstract idea, mathematical formula, or fact of nature. (Indeed,
many computer scientists see all algorithms as mathematical

The courts have not been able to arrive at clear, consistent legal
criteria. This legal confusion suggests that it might be better not
to issue patents in these areas.
Patents for Inventions in Software
The large-scale defensive (and
offensive) accumulation of
patents is a symptom of
problems with patents for
innovations implemented in
The United States Patent and
software and patents for Trademark Office issued a patent for
business methods (innovations this technique to in
such as one-click shopping, September 1999. also
owns the "1-Click" trademark.
recommending products based
on a customer’s history, privacy Source: Wikipedia
controls, pop-up ads.)
Optional Readings for IP
 “Fortnite dance lawsuits: The carleton, the floss, the milly
rock, what is going on?” Verge, 2018
 “How Newegg crushed the ‘shopping cart’ patent and saved
online retail”, Ars Technica, 2013
 “The Morality of Game of Thrones Piracy”, Forbes, 2015
 “YouTuber Casey Neistat claims Facebook freebooters cost
him more than 20 million views”, The Daily Dot, 2015
 “Game Critic Uses Brilliant Workaround For YouTube's
Copyright Bullshit” , Kotaku in Action, 2016
 “The story of Richard Prince and his $100,000 Instagram art”,
The Verge, 2016

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