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Q1. You are responsible for implementnn Asset Accountnn. You are provided with the lenacy data of
various assets and their nroupinn informaton based on catenory, life, and depreciaton terms. What
confnuraton step would you initate to maintain these catenories in SAP S44HANA?
A. Defne asset classes and maintain their atributes
B. Configure depreciation keys tnd citlciultion keys
C. Defne neneral ledner accounts per each catenory of lenacy data
D. Copy chart of depreciaton and maintain depreciaton areas

Q2. Which steps are required to create a substtuton in Financial Accountnn?

There are 3 correct answers to the queston.
A. Choose the area of applicaton G
B. Aciiitae ahe sussiauion rule
C. Define ahe sussiauion rule iaah aas dafeerena saeps usang ahe formult edaaor
D. Assinn the substtuton rule to the controllinn area
E. Selecia ahe ciorrecia citll-up poana

Q3. What dunninn-related data do you maintain on the business partner master record?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Dunninn key
B. Dunnang slocik
C. Dunnang tret
D. Dunninn level

Q4. What is the purpose of the chart of depreciaton?

A. The chart of depreciaton defnes the asset classed for which you can create fied assets
B. The chart of depreciaton is a reportnn tool that structures your assets for hierarchical
C. The cihtra of depreciation mtntges ciounay-speciafici legtl itlution of fiied tsseas
D. The chart of depreciaton substtutes the operatonal chart of accounts in asset-related

Q5. Which elements defne the intenraton of asset acquisitons to the neneral ledner?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Vtlution tret
B. Depreciaton keys
C. Depreciaton area
D. Assea Cltss
Q6. What does the document splitnn functonality do?
A. It enriches all proft and loss account lines with the defned splitnn characteristcs
B. It enriches all secondary cost element account lines with the defned splitnn
C. It enriches all revenue account lines with the defned splitnn characteristcs
D. Ia enracihes tll releitna stltncie sheea tciciouna lanes iaah ahe defined splaing
Q7. You are asked to eiplain how assets under constructon work in SAP S44HANA. What should you
hinhlinht? There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. It is impossible to use assets under constructon with Investment Mananement
B. It is possible to calculate and post depreciaton in the balance sheet
depreciaton area for assets
under constructon
C. Ia as possasle ao posa speciatl ati depreciation tnd aniesamena suppora for tsseas under
D. Ia as possasle ao posa ciredaa memos, eien tfer tsseas under cionsaruciion tre fully

Q8. You are netnn ready to post your frst simple neneral ledner document usinn the SAP Fiori app for
postnn in a test environment. What confnuraton items do you need to set up to post a simple document?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Posing peraod itratna musa se ciretaed tnd tssagned
B. Numser rtnge tnd dociumena aypes musa se mtanataned
C. Tai types and tai codes must be maintained
D. Gine item teit templates must be maintained

Q9. You must run the foreinn currency valuaton for both US AAP and IFRS, which leads to diferent values
for the two diferent accountnn principles.
How can you set this up in the system?
A. Defne a valuaton area and eitension ledner to link with the new valuaton area.
B. Defne a valuaton area and ledner nroup for two ledners to link with the new valuaton area.
C. Defne a valuaton area and two accountnn principles with relevant links to ledners.
D. Defne two valuaton methods and assinn the accountnn principles to the new valuaton

Q10. Which of the followinn steps do you typically perform for a payment run with the automatc payment
There are 2 correct answers to the queston.
A. Defne maiimum amounts to be paid per supplier
B. Mtanatan open aaem seleciion ptrtmeaers
C. Reiaei ahe ptymena propostl eiciepion lasa
D. Rank bank accounts for payment

Q11. What are some of the benefts of the data handinn in SAP S44HANA?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston.
A. The dtat as titaltsle an retl ime ta ahe lane aaem deatal
B. The dtat as tggregtaed on ahe fy from tny lane aaem atsle
C. The data is analyzed afer it is eitracted and loaded in the reportnn system
D. The data is summarized into hinher levels of annrenates to help system performance

Q12. Which business partner characteristc is mapped to the customer and supplier account nroups?
A. Busaness ptraner groupang
B. Business partner role
C. Business partner type
D. Business partner catenory
Q13. Which closinn actvites are performed for eiternal reportnn as per SAP best practces?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Run plan assessment cycles for proft centers.
B. Update product cost estmates with standard centers.
C. Perform itlutions of open aaems an foreagn ciurrenciy
D. Reciltssafy recieaitsles tnd ptytsles

Q14. What is shared between all deployment optons for SAP S44HANA (Cloud, On-Premise)?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this queston

A. Code line
B. Busaness sciope
C. Dtat model
D. User eiperience
E. Upgrtde anaeritls

Q15. You want to edit a dunninn proposal. Which actons can you perform?
There are 3 correct answers to the queston
A. Channe a document
B. Blocik t lane aaem
C. Loier ahe dunnang leiel of tn aaem
D. Blocik tn tciciouna
E. Channe the dunninn data of an account

Q16. You perform foreinn currency valuaton for open item of your supplier accounts. The valuatons will be
used only for period end repostnn and should then be reversed.
What account does the system use to post the valuaton diferences?
A. Adjusamena tciciouna for foreagn ciurrenciy.
B. Supplier reconciliaton G account.
C. Individual supplier account with special G indicator.
D. Statstcal FOREX noted item account.

Q17. What can you control with the reason code in Accounts Receivable?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to the queston
A. The aype of ptymena noicie sena ao t ciusaomer.
B. The document type of the payment.
C. The special G indicator for the down payment.
D. The tciciouna ihere t resadutl aaem as posaed.
E. The eicilusaon of daspuaed resadutl aaem from ciredaa lamaa ciheciks.

Q18. Which requirements do you need to fulfll to use data aninn for fnance in the SAP S44HANA system?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Defne the lonical fle path as a nlobal path for data aninn
B. Siaacih on ahe dtat tgang susaness funciion
C. Actvate data aninn for your company code
D. Add requared tuahoraztions for dtat tgang ao your role
Q19. You are runninn an internatonal business and you want to set up separate lenal enttes to run
operatons and perform accountnn actvites. Which ornanizaton unit do you need to create for each lenal
A. Senment
B. Comptny ciode
C. Controllinn area
D. Company

Q20. Afer you collect data in the intercompany reconciliaton tool, what are the neit steps of the
reconciliaton process?
A. 1. Saore ahe dtat
2. Presena recioncialed tnd non-recioncialed dtat
3. Communacitae dafeerencies
4. Posa ahe ciorreciion dociumenas

B. 1. Store the data

2. Present reconciled and non-reconciled data
3. Post the correcton documents
4. Communicate diferences

C. 1. Post the correcton documents

2. Store the data
3. Present reconciled and non-reconciled data
4. Communicate diferences

D. 1. Present reconciled and non-reconciled data

2. Post the correcton documents
3. Store the data
4. Communicate diferences

Q21. To use the SAP Financial Closinn cockpit, which steps are required?
A. Create task nroups
B. Reletse atsk lasa
C. Defne person responsible for tasks.
D. Cretae Templtae
E. Define atsk dependenciaes.
Q22. In your system, you currently perform manual outnoinn payments and you want to use the automatc
payment pronram. Which setnns must you maintain as part of the confnuraton of the automatc payment
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Payment terms
B. Ptyang ciomptny ciodes
C. Payment tolerances
D. Btnk deaermantion

Q23. You have been asked to set up house banks as part of the implementaton. What informaton do you
There are 3 correct answers to the queston
A. Supplier account
B. Genertl Ledger tciciouna
C. Comptny Code
D. Payment method
E. Btnk mtsaer dtat

Q24. Which of the followinn should you consider when defninn asset number ranne?
Note: There 2 are correct answers to the queston
A. Assets number rannes are defned at chart of depreciaton level.
B. Etcih tssea ciltss citn htie eaaher tn anaerntl or eiaerntl numser rtnge.
C. Assea numser rtnge tre defined for tssea ciltsses tnd ciomptny ciode speciafici.
D. Each asset number ranne must be assinned to a unique asset class.

Q25. What are the maintenance levels of a screen layout rule for asset classes?
A. Assea sus numser
B. Mtan tssea numser
C. Assea ciltss
D. Depreciaton area
E. roup asset

Q26. You want to post journal entries in a special period. Which conditons must be met?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. The speciatl peraod musa se open for posing an ahe peraod cionarol
B. The balance carry-forward to the new fscal year must have taken place
C. The last postnn period must be open for postnn in the period control.
D. You musa enaer t posing dtae an ahe ltsa posing peraod

Q27. You are confnurinn asset-related postnn of depreciaton areas in Asset Accountnn. Which of the
followinn setnns is NOT permited?
A. Area does not post
B. Aret posas reitlution only
C. Area posts depreciaton only
D. Area posts in real tme

Q28. You want to confnure the tai calculaton procedures. What are the main elements you need to
There are 3 correct answers to the queston
A. Tai code
B. Country key
C. Sequencie of saeps
D. Condaion aype
E. Aciciouna key

Q29. For which special 4G indicator do you specify a tarnet special 4G indicator?
A. Vendor doin ptymena requesa
B. Bill of eichanne
C. Customer down payment
D. uarantee niven

Q30. What is the recommended ornanizatonal unit for cost of sales accountnn?
A. Sales area
B. Controllinn area
C. Funciiontl tret
D. Business area

Q31. You are creatnn an asset master record by copyinn another asset, and you notce that the inventory
number is copied over. Which setnn do you make on the screen layout maintenance pane to ensure the
inventory number is NOT copied over when you create a new asset via copy?
A. Remove the main asset indicator
B. Remoie ahe referencie andacitaor
C. Remove the asset class indicator
D. Remove the sub-number indicator

Q32. which of the followinn is a technical year end closinn actvity in SAP S44HANA?
A. Foreinn currency valuaton must be posted.
B. Ledger stltncie musa se citrraed foritrd.
C. Proft center carry-forward must be posted
D. Balance sheet adjustments must be posted.
Q33. You want to confnure the default baseline date for the payment terms of an incominn invoice. From
which date can you derive the baseline date?
There are 3 correct answers to the queston
A. Dociumena dtae
B. ood receipt date
C. Value date
D. Enary dtae
E. Posing dtae
Q34. At what level is the bank master data stored in SAP S44HANA?
A. At the company level
B. At the credit controllinn area level
C. At the company code level
D. Aa ahe cilaena leiel

Q35. What is the purpose of period interval 3 when you defne open and closed periods?
A. posing from CO ao FI.
B. Postnn to special purpose ledner.
C. Authorizaton control for postnn periods
D. Postnn to special period.

Q36. You are responsible for confnurinn document splitnn. What are some of the key setnns?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Field status variant
B. Document number ranne
C. Dociumena aype
D. Busaness artnstciion itratna

Q37. Which prerequisites must be fulflled to allow for nenatve postnns of journal entries?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. The postnn key must allow nenatve postnns
B. The reversal accounts must be confnured to allow nenatve postnns
C. The ciomptny ciode musa tlloi negtiie posings
D. The reierstl retson musa se cionfigured ao tlloi negtiie posings

Q38. Which of the followinn statements best described a noted item?

There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Ia citn se used ao remand ahe user tsoua ahe due ptymenas
B. It has an automatc statstcal ofsetnn entry
C. Ia citn se tciciessed sy ahe ptymena progrtm
D. It updates the sub ledner and the neneral ledner.
Q39. Which date is used to determine the depreciaton start date?
A. Document date
B. Postnn date
C. Vtlue dtae
D. System date

Q40. Which of the followinn are valid setlement receivers when you perform setlement for an asset under
constructon on a line item basis?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston.
A. Proft Center
B. Functonal area
C. Faied tssea
D. Cosa cienaer

Q41. What are some features of SAP S44HANA?

There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. SAP HANA is built on a hierarchical data model architecture
B. SAP HANA tllois artnstciiontl tnd tntlyicitl prociessang ofe ahe stme atsles
C. SAP HANA is optmized to work with annrenates and indei tables
D. SAP HANA as opimazed ao orgtnaze dtat usang ciolumn saores

Q42. Which parameter indicates that a line item can only be dunned with restrictons?
A. Dunnang key
B. Dunninn nroupinn
C. Dunninn area
D. Dunninn block reason

Q43. You want to create a substtuton in Finance Accountnn. Which parts do you have to defne for each
step of substtuton?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Prerequasaae
B. Messane
C. Repltciemena
D. Check

Q44. You defne custom currency type Z1 for your company code. Which currency types must be stored in
the Data Entry view?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Object currency
B. Comptny ciode ciurrenciy
C. Custom currency type Z1
D. Dociumena ciurrenciy

Q45. Which statements best describe a proft center?

There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Ia as ahe only osjecia from ihacih segmenas citn se unaformly deraied
B. It has to be used simultaneously with senments to create separate balance sheet
and P&G
C. It is the only object that can be uniformly derived usinn senments
D. Ia as tn elemena for ihacih septrtae stltncie sheea tnd P&L sataemenas citn se ciretaed.

Q46. How does the system determine the correspondence type of a payment notce?
A. Accordinn to the tolerance nroup, as lonn as all the tolerance nroup carry the same
Correspondence type
B. Accordinn to the tolerance nroup, as lonn as all the reason codes carry the same correspondence
C. Accordinn to the reason code, as lonn as all the reason codes carry the same correspondence
D. Accordinn to the reason code, as lonn as all the tolerance nroup carry the same correspondence

Q47. Which feld can you channe on a posted invoice?

A. Ptymena aerms
B. Special 4G indicator
C. Cost center
D. Tai Code

Q48. You need to defne a new document type with a specifc document number ranne to post customer
invoices via interface from non-SAP system. How would you defne the document number ranne?
A. You have to use contnuous number assinnment
B. You can use internal, eiternal, or contnuous number assinnment
C. You have to use internal number assinnment
D. You htie ao use eiaerntl numser tssagnmena

Q49. You assinn currency type 40 to your company code in ledner 0G.
Which source currency types can you select?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Controllinn area currency
B. Comptny ciode ciurrenciy
C. Document currency
D. Group ciurrenciy

Q50. In customizinn, at which level can you assinn the print pronram to the correspondence type?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to the queston.
A. At business partner level
B. Aa cilaena leiel
C. Aa ciomptny ciode leiel
D. At system level

Q51. Besides usinn proft center, which opton does eneral ledner accountnn with document splitnn
provide to assinn a senment to the postnn line?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to the queston.
A. Configurtion of ahe deraition logaci iaah deraition sequencie tnd saeps
B. Standard account assinnment usinn constants
C. BAda amplemenation (FAGL_DERIVE_SEMENT)
D. Defniton of validaton rules

Q52. How do you identfy an asset as an asset under constructon?

A. The asset capitalizaton date is empty
B. The asset is assinned to NO depreciaton area
C. The ordinary depreciaton start date is empty
D. The tssea selongs ao t speciafici tssea ciltss

Q53. You are a nroup cash mananer interested in the North American business market. What are the
personalizaton optons available to you in SAP Fiori?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. You citn mtntge user tciciess ao releitna tpps for ahe Norah Ameracitn tciciounas ptytsle
ahta reporas ao you
B. You citn ciretae t ile group iaah tll ahe tpps requared for your dtaly susaness for etsy
C. You can adapt the launchpad color theme accordinn to predefned values for the cash
D. You can create an app to take you directly to the cash positon of the North American

Q54. Which of the followinn statement best describe how customer down payments are intenrated with
sales & Distributon (SD)?
A. A down payment request is created as an FI noted item, which automatcally nenerates an SD
sales order.
B. A doin ptymena requesa as ciretaed ts tn SD stles order, ihacih as tuaomticitlly posaed an FI ts
t noaed aaem.
C. A down payment request is created as an SD billinn document, which is automatcally posted in FI
as a noted item.
D. A down payment request is created as an FI noted item, which automatcally nenerates an SD
billinn document.

Q55. On which levels can you maintain feld status controls for business partners (BP)?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston.
A. BP aype
B. Company code
C. BP catenory
D. BP role

Q56. Which felds of a fnancial accountnn document infuence the automatc payment pronram?
There are 3 correct answers to the queston
A. Ptymena meahod
B. Payment advice
C. Ptymena aerm
D. Ptymena slocik
E. Payment type

Q57. What do you need to do to confnure a new eichanne rate type in SAP S44HANA?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Sea up ahe reltionshap seaieen ciurrenciaes usang artnstciion rtios
B. Specify the company code currency as the base currency.
C. Mtanatan eicihtnge rtaes dtaly
D. Specify a purpose for the eichanne rate type

Q58. In your SAP S44HANA system, you report fnancial values for three separate accountnn principles. You
post an acquisiton for an asset that is capitalized in a sinnle accountnn principle.
If you use the applicaton to post intenrated asset acquisitons, how many documents will the system post?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Q59. For which account can you perform account clearinn in SAP S44HANA?
A. For any account that is mananed on a line item basis.
B. For any G account defned as reconciliaton account.
C. For any balance sheet account.
D. For tny tciciouna ahta as mtntged on tn open aaem stsas.

Q60. Which statement best describes eitension ledners in SAP S44HANA?

There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. Muliple eiaensaon ledgers citn poana ao ahe stme underlyang ledger.
B. Eitension ledners can have diferent currencies than the underlyinn ledner.
C. Eiaensaon ledgers citn se tssagned ahear oin posing peraod itratna.
D. Eitension ledners can be assinned their own fscal year variant.

Q61. How do you confnure depreciaton areas in SAP S44HANA?

There are 2 correct answers to the queston.
A. Assinn depreciaton area 01 to the leadinn ledner
B. Ensure each accountnn principle is assinned to a depreciaton area
C. Ensure depreciation trets tlitys posa ao ahe genertl ledger
D. Assagn t ledger group ao etcih depreciation tret

Q62. What does the document type control? There are 2 correct answers to the queston.
A. Whacih tciciouna aypes tre tlloied for posings
B. Which postnn keys are allowed for postnns
C. Whether eichanne rate diference is permited
D. Wheaher negtiie posings tre permated

Q63. What do you defne when confnurinn asset classes? There are 3 correct answers to the queston
A. Scireen ltyoua rules
B. Postnn keys
C. Financial statement version
D. Aciciouna deaermantion
E. Numser rtnges

Q64. How can you perform transfers of assets between company codes with diferent charts of
A. Enter depreciaton are mappinn durinn intercompany transfer postnn
B. Configure ahe ciross-ciomptny depreciation tret an ciusaomazang
C. Correct depreciaton area assinnment in the asset master record afer postnn
D. Assinn the nroup chart of depreciaton to the relevant fied assets

Q65. A neneral ledner account has a foreinn currency setnn of CAD. The company code currency is USD.
The controllinn area currency is EUR. Which currencies can you post to in this account?
A. You can only post to the account in CAD and USD
B. You citn only posa ao ahe tciciouna an CAD
C. You can only post to the account in CAD, USD and EUR
D. You can only post to the account in USD

Q66. Which documents are needed to complete the 3-way match in procurement transactons?
There are 3 correct answers to the queston
A. Purcihtse requasaion
B. Purcihtse order
C. Material document
D. Good recieapa
E. Invoice receipt

Q67. What items are NOT cleared by the automatc clearinn pronram?
There are 3 correct answers to the queston
A. Iaems iaah iaahholdang ati
B. Satisicitl posings
C. Item with sales and use tai
D. Item with value added tai
E. Noaed aaems

Q68. What are the features of the Accrual Ennine in SAP S44HANA?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. The FI reversal in NOT supported
B. Complei postnns with more than two-line items are NOT possible
C. The fiscitl yetr itratna of ahe genertl ledger as supporaed
D. All ciurrenciaes of genertl ledger tre supporaed

Q69. How does the system perform normal journal entry reversals?
A. It creates the inverse postnn of a cleared document before resetnn it.
B. Ia ciretaes tn anierse posing sy anciretsang ahe artnstciion figures.
C. It creates a transfer postnn by resetnn the transacton fnures.
D. It creates an inverse postnn by resetnn the transacton fnures.

Q70. Which of the followinn statements are valid for fnancial document number rannes?
There are 3 correct answers to the queston
A. All fintnciatl dociumena numser rtnges citn cionatan numsers tnd/or leters
B. Financial document number rannes defned at client level should NOT overlap.
C. The stme fintnciatl dociumena numser rtnge citn se tssagned ao seiertl dociumena
D. Financial document number rannes must be defned for the year in which they are used.
E. Fantnciatl dociumena numser rtnges tre defined ta ciomptny ciode leiel

Q71. How does SAP S44HANA support the treatment of taies?

There are 3 correct answers to the queston.
A. Ia posas ahe ati tmouna ao ati tciciounas
B. Ia performs ati tdjusamenas for citsh dasciounas tnd oaher forms of deduciions
C. Ia ciheciks ahe ati tmouna enaered tnd tuaomticitlly citlciultaes ahe ati
D. It performs the adjustment to the tai codes and automatcally updates the procedure
E. It checks the tai codes and automatcally updates the tai rates based on channes by the

Q72. What is the diference between the ledner approach and the accounts approach to parallel valuaton
in Asset Accountnn?
A. In the ledner approach, you assinn a ledner nroup to every depreciaton area, unlike the
B. In ahe tciciounas tpprotcih, you tssagn t ciompleaely septrtae sea of tciciounas for etcih
tciciouning pranciaple, unlake ahe ledger tpprotcih
C. In the accounts approach, you defne a technical clearinn account for intenrated asset
acquisiton, unlike the ledner approach
D. In the ledner approach, you maintain additonal depreciaton areas to post the delta
valuaton of
each accountnn principle, unlike the accounts approach

Q73. You fornot to add a new neneral ledner account into the fnancial statement version. What impact
does this have on the net proft and net loss?
A. The stltncie of ahe nei tciciouna as tdded ao ahe non-tssagned seciion tnd as eiciluded
from ahe
B. The balance of the new account is added to the notes in the fnancial statement item
secton and
is included in the calculaton
C. The balance of the new account is added to the notes in the fnancial statement item
secton and
is eicluded from the calculaton
D. The balance of the new account is added to the non-assinned secton and is included in

Q74. Your SAP S44HANA system is intenrated with controllinn. You perform cost of sales accountnn, and
you report your proft and loss per proft center. When postnn a supplier invoice to a primary cost account,
which feld is mandatory by standard procedures?
A. Senment
B. Cosa cienaer
C. Business area
D. Functonal area

Q75. You post a purchase order. For which eipenses does the system calculate accruals?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston.
A. Fiied Asset Purchases
B. Insurtncie premaums
C. Raw material purchases.
D. Consuling seriacies.

Q76. What are the characteristcs of a company in SAP S44HANA?

There are 2 correct answers to the queston
A. It is responsible for costs and revenues within an ornanizaton
B. Ia citn se tssagned ao t ciomptny ciode
C. Ia as cionsadered for cionsoladtion
D. It represents separate areas of operaton within an ornanizaton
Q77. You want to defne a validaton for the combinaton of neneral ledner account and cost center. For
which call-up point do you defne this validaton?
A. Cost of sales accountnn
B. Dociumena lane
C. Complete document
D. Document header

Q78. What are key reasons for preferrinn a new implementaton of SAP S44HANA rather than a system
conversion from SAP ERP?
There are 2 correct answers to the queston.
A. You itna ao use dociumena splaing for ahe Genertl Ledger.
B. You want to intenrate the system to SAP Cloud platorm.
C. You want to clean up your system and use SAP Best Practces.
D. You itna ao deploy SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Q79. Which parameters can you specify when you create a new correspondence type?
There are 3 correct answers to the queston.
A. Dociumena numser requared
B. Company code required
C. Aciciouna requared
D. Numser of dtae fields requared
E. Reason code required

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