Adryas (Trichogrammatidae) HYMv106 Proc - Entomol.soc - Wash.2004

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John D. Pinto and Albert K. Owen

Department of Entomology, University of California Riverside. CA 92521. U.S.A.


Abstract. — The new genus Adryas, with eight new species, is described from the Cen-
tral and South American tropics. Included are A. albicerata, A. bochica, A. erwini, A.
incompta, A. iris, A. Uoptera, A. magister, and A. plurifumosa. The genus occurs from
Costa Rica south to Bolivia and the species show a relatively high level of sympatry. at
least in certain parts of the genus range. Included is a key to species and a discussion of

Ke\ Words: Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae, Adryas, new genus, new species. New
World tropics

The Trichogrammatidae remains one of Terminology and Methods

the most poorly known families of Hy-
Most descriptive anatomical terms follow
menoptera. One reason for this is that cur-
Doutt and Viggiani (1968). Terms and ac-
rent concepts of generic limits and diver-
ronyms associated with antennal sensilla
sity are based largely on Holarctic and and setation follow, or are modifications of.
Australian faunas. Recent collections
those utilized for Trichogramma by Vincent
from tropical areas throughout the world and Goodpasture (1986) [= V/G]. Olson
promise to expand and modify our under- and Andow (1993) [= O/A], and Pinto
standing of the family considerably. In ( 1999) [= P]. These are as follows: APB =
this paper we take the opportunity to de- aporous sensillar trichodea B (socketed) [O/
scribe the new genus Adryas, one of the A]: PLS = placoid sensilla [P]; BPS = bas-
more distinctive new taxa encountered iconic peg sensilla |P|: FS = flagelliform
from the Central and South American setae (unsocketed) [V/G. P] (also known as
tropics. Male genitalia place Adryas in the multiporous pitted sensilla trichodea A [O/
tribe Chaetostrichini according to the A]); UPP = uniporous pit pore sensilla tri-
classification of Viggiani (1971). Al- chodea D |0/A1; APA = aporous setae A
though uncommonly collected, the genus (O/A) (also called unsocketed setae [P]).
is already known to be widely distributed, We use the term recurved sensilla (RS) as
occurring from Costa Rica to Bolivia, and in an earlier paper (Pinto and George 2004).
moderately speciose, with eight new spe- Similar structures in female Trichogramma
cies currently assigned. Its hosts remain are termed multiporous pitted sensilla tri-
undiscovered, however. In addition to in- chodea C I O/A I . As in Trichogramma, RS
troducing the new genus, we include de- occur ventroapically on the antennal club in
scriptions of all of its species, a key to females. They also are similar in general
species, and brief discussions of generic shape and have characteristic oblique sur-
placement and species relationships. face grooves (Fig. 8). RS differ, however.

Figs. 1-2. Adryas magister, 9. Head. 2, Maxillary palp, showing terminal seta (at left) and peglike

in lacking a distinct type C base (a shallow even when segments are partially or com-
socket). As in flagelliform setae (FS), RS pletely fused. They never are associated
have a type A basal insertion (sensilla and with anelli. Placement of the BPS is helpful
antennal surfaces contiguous). in identifying club segments and segment
Sensillar terms, as applied to Adryas, fusion. The first club segment (CI), al-
stem from a comparison of structures with though reduced and anelliform, occurs in all
those in Trichogramma. Comparisons are species. It is partially fused to C2 in two of
based on examination of all species with the the species examined with SEM (Fig. 7) but
light microscope and three of the species we are unsure if this is the case in all. The
{A. magister, A. bochica, and A. incompta) other club segments vary in the degree of
with the scanning electron microscope. It is fusion. To facilitate interspecific compari-
recognized that their utilization implies ul- son of homologous segments, all are iden-
trastructural features and function which tified by number even if fused. Thus, C3/4
have not been verified in Adryas. refers to the complete or partial fusion of
The antennal club segments often are C3 and C4. Relative club segment lengths
only partially separated from one another in are given only for C2-C5. The transverse,
Adryas. Also, the suture dividing certain plate-like shape of CI (Fig. 7) precludes a
segments may be obsolescent. For this rea- length measurement. The antennal club of
son numbering club segments is not females of several Adryas species has a cy-
straightforward. We have taken a five seg- lindrical apical process. This process is a
mented club to be the ground plan state for continuation of the last club segment and
the genus. This is based on the occurrence the UPP sensillum is mounted at its apex
of five segments in males (known for two (Fig. 3B). In determining the length of the
species) and five partial segments in fe- process, its base is marked at the point
males of all species except A. lioptera and where the extension of the apical-most PLS
A. pliirifumosa. BPS generally occur at the leaves the surface of the club.
apex of each club (and funicular) segment Acronyms for fore wing venation in the
in trichogrammatids, and often are retained descriptions are as follows: PM = premar-
VOLUME 106. NUMBER 4 907

Figs. 3-8. Antennae of Ad ry as. 3A, A. maltster. $, lateral larrows to FS (a) and RS (b)]; 3B, as 3A,
5, A. incompta, 9, lateral. 6A, A. bochka. 9, lateral (arrow at one of two RS at apex of club); 68, as 6A,
except dorsomedial, enlargement of base of club showing narrow, subfusiform BCP sensilla. 7. A. luagister, 9,
basal view of club with arrows at Al (a). A2 (b) and CI (c), also showing clavate BCP sensilla on CI and C2.
8, A. bochica. 9, detail of RS (see arrow in Fig. 6A). showing oblique ridges characterizing these structures.

ginal vein; MV = marginal vein; SV = junct) as the boundary between these two
stigmal vein. The division between PM and veins (Figs. 18, 20). Setation on the fore
MV is not as obvious in Adryas as in many wing veins varies interspecihcally. Most of
other trichogrammatids because the two this variation is on the dorsal surface. On
veins are broadly confluent. We use the po- the MV a distinction is made between an-
sition of the two PM campaniform sensilla terior and posterior setae. The anterior setae
(or apical-most sensillum if they are dis- are at the margin of the wing and are slight-

ly longer than the row of posterior setae Taxonomy

situated only slightly behind (Fig. 18). The
Adryas Pinto and Owen, new genus
PM has two dorsal setae, and their position
relative to one another varies. A field of Type species. — Adryas magister Pinto
foliate and apically attenuate structures ( = and Owen, n. sp.
foliate sensilla) occur in Adryas on the ven- Diagnosis. — The structure of the antenna
tral surface of the fore wing anterior to the and fore wing distinguishes Adryas. Anten-
retinaculum (Fig. 10). They appear to be na without a funicle, CI anelliform, asym-
modified setae and also may replace setae metrical and closely appressed to base of
along certain posterior setal tracks. An ad- C2 (Fig. 7). Females with number of club
ditional field of structures, minute cuticular segments varying from 3-5 but never with
nub-like projections, also on the wing's 5 complete segments, instead segments var-
ventral surface, occurs in most species near iously fused, completely or in part; club
the base of the PM. We refer to these as with at least a few RS ventrally on apical
alar acanthae. segment. Fore wing fumate behind vena-
All measurements for length and width tion, MV and PM confluent, PM distinctly
represent maximum dimensions. Unless in- wider than MV with a distinct gap between
dicated, body length measurements are tak- submarginal vein and PM; gap also reflect-
en from card-mounted, hexamethyldisila- ed in fumation. PM shape characteristic
zane-dried specimens (Heraty and Hawks (Fig. 20): subtriangular, with anterior mar-
1998). Measurement is taken from the front gin deviating minimally, if at all, from wing
of the head (in a hypognathous position) to margin but posterior margin diverging from
the apex of the metasoma. Fore wing length posterior border of marginal vein resulting
is taken from the apex of the tegula to the in a gradual widening to its base; the basal
apex of the wing. Quantitative data are margin of the PM is its widest aspect and
means derived from specimens representing is perpendicular to the wing's longitudinal
the sampled geographic range; the range axis. Male genitalia (Fig. 28) as in the
also is given when variation is possibly sig- Chaetostrichini (see Description).
nificant. Unless indicated, these data are Description. — Body robust, compact,
based on three specimens. convex dorsally; surface smooth (Fig. 9),
Material studied of all species included dorsum of mesosoma weakly reticulate.
slide- and card-mounted specimens. The Body length 0.4-0.6 mm. Eyes red. Head
number of specimens mounted on slides is (Fig. 1 ) wider than mesosoma, with a dis-
given in the material examined section of tinct, smooth plate on vertex; vertex flat, on
each species. To better assure conspecifici- same plane as mesoscutum, perpendicular
ty, types are restricted to slide-mounted in- to face; lateral ocelli placed adjacent to
dividuals. Acronyms used for collections compound eyes. Malar sulcus present. An-
are as follows: BMNH, The Natural History tenna (Figs. 3-8, 11-16) laterally com-
Museum, London; CNC, Canadian National pressed with 1 distinct anellus, and a 3-5
Collection of Insects, Ottawa; lAVH, The incompletely segmented club in females
Humboldt Institute, Villa de Leyva, Colom- (club completely 5 segmented in male);
bia; NMNH, National Museum of Natural second anellus incomplete, almost com-
History, Smithsonian Institution, Washing- pletely fused to club; CI transverse, anel-
ton, DC; UCRC, University of California, liform, strongly asymmetrical, produced
Riverside (Department of Entomology). medially; club always with at least two RS
The acronym PN and PNN associated with ventrally on apical segment; FS relatively
several of the collecting localities indicate few on C2-C5; at least lAPB on CI, C2
Parque Nacional and Parque Nacional Nat- and at apex of C5; PLS absent on CI, a
ural, respectively. single curved PLS on C2, variable in num-
VOLUME 106, NUMBER 4 909

ber on other segments. Mandible with 5 relatively high. For example, four of the
teeth. 3 posterior most teeth well sclerotized species have been collected at La Selva Bi-
and distinct, 2 anterior-most teeth smaller, ological Station in Costa Rica; four also
less obvious. Maxillary palp 1 -segmented have been taken in fogging samples from
(Fig. 2) with a well developed elongate the Reserva Etnica Waorani in Ecuador,
peglike sensillum usually slightly below with a fifth collected at the Tiputini Biolog-
apex. Pronotum narrowly divided medially. ical Station nearby; and three species are
Midlobe of mesoscutum with 1 or 2 pair of known from Amacayacu National Park in
setae; scutellum with 2 pair. Mesopleural Colombia (see Material Examined in the
suture present. Fore wing venation (Figs. species treatments). All collections appear
17-27) elongate, extending 0.6-0.8 wing to be at low elevations and from mesic for-
length; MV elongate, confluent with the ested habitats.
considerably shorter PM; SV distinct; PM Discussion. — Adryas is tentatively
subtriangular, distinctly wider than MV. placed in the Chaetoslrichini as defined by
widening toward base due to marked diver- Viggiani (1971, 1984) and based primarily
gence of posterior margin, basal margin of on male genitalia. Few genera of chaetos-
PM subperpendicular to longitudinal axis of trichines that lack a funicle have a very
wing; with a distinct gap between PM and short anelliform first club segment. Those
submarginal vein, gap coinciding with a that do may be confused with Ad)-yas and
narrow but distinct clear (non-fumate) zone include Uscanoidea, Lathrogramma and
extending at least partially across base of one or two other undescribed New World
wing; costal cell narrow, with 0-2 setae in genera. All are separated by wing venation.
narrow apical extension of cell; disk dis- In these genera the premarginal is narrower
tinctly fumate beneath venation, with sev- than the marginal vein or subequal in width,
eral setal tracks apical to fumate area; an not wider, and a gap between the submar-
RSI present or absent; basal vein track of ginal and premarginal veins does not exist.
two setae present; a field of foliate sensilla The extensive fumation of the fore wing
on ventral surface near base of wing ante- and the presence of recurved setae ven-
rior to retinaculum (Fig. 10). Hind wing troapically on the female club further dis-
with 3 setal tracks. Male genitalia of the tinguishes Adryas from these genera. The
chaetostrichine type (Viggiani 1971): ele- presence of foliate sensilla (Fig. 10) on the
ments fused into a single structure with a underside of the fore wing, although appar-
large anterodorsal aperture but without par- ently not common in Trichogrammatidae,
ameres, volsellae or a distinct aedeagus does occur in Trichogramma (Schmidt and
(Fig. 28). Ovipositor not extending appre- Smith 1988, as flattened hairs) and in cer-
ciably beyond apex of metasoma. Hypo- tain other genera as well (unpubl.).
pygium present, variable in length, extend- The monotypic Uscanopsis Girault,
ing from 0.2-0.8 length of ovipositor. known only from its poorly preserved types
Etymology. — This genus was known in of U. carlylei Girault (examined), may also
our laboratory as "A" previous to this de- be close to Adryas. Unlike the other chae-
scription. We couple this with Dryas (gen- tostrichines mentioned, the premarginal
der feminine). Latin for a wood nymph or vein is wider than the marginal vein in this
dryad, in reference to the forested sites genus. However, its shape is not compara-
from which collections of the genus origi- ble. In Uscanopsis the premarginal vein is
nated. more elongate, not subtriangular and it is
Geographic distribution. — Adryas is widest at the middle not at its basal margin.
known to occur from Costa Rica south to The greatly enlarged apical spur of the hind
Bolivia. Most collections are from Costa tibia, absence of a submarginal/premarginal
Rica, Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. vein gap, and densely setose fore wing that
The level of sympatry within the genus is lacks distinct .setal tracks and fumation pro-

vide additional separation from Adryas. 4. Club with last segment bearing an apical pro-
Also, it appears that the female antenna in cess (Fig. 5). Antenna brown in color. Ovipos-
Uscanopsis lacks the short anelliform first
club segment that characterizes Adryas. Il- - Club with last segment lacking an apical pro-
lustrations of these features in Uscanopsis cess (Fig. 15). Antenna white, suffused with
are provided by Doutt and Viggiani (1968, brown. Ovipositor shorter than hind tibia . . .
fig. 46). albicerata,n.sp.
5. Fore wing with a distinct RSI setal track (Fig.
Interspecific variation in Adryas is con-
17). Marginal vein (MV) with 6 setae on dorsal
siderable for a genus of Trichogrammatidae. surface (3 anterior and 3 posterior), the two
Features commonly used to diagnose gen- basal-most posterior setae distinctly thicker
era such as number of club segments, club than others (Fig. 18). Maxillary palp with peg-
shape, presence or absence of the RS 1 setal like sensillum arising distinctly below apex . .
track, and number of setae on the mesos-
— Fore wing without an RSI setal track (Figs. 19,
cutum all vary. Because all species share 22, 23). MV with 4 setae on dorsal surface (3
distinct features and because intermediate anterior and 1 posterior), posterior seta not
states bridge the extremes of some of the thicker than others. Maxillary palp with peg-
features that do vary, subdividing the genus like sensillum arising near apex (as in Fig. 2)
is not a practical option.
6. Fore wing with a large circular clear area in
The presence of recurved setae (RS) on basal 2/5 of wing behind venation (Fig. 19).
the club, characteristic of many Tricho- Club with last segment bearing an apical pro-
grammatini genera, is not reported for many cess (Fig. 3B) magister, n. sp.
Chaetostrichini. In addition to Adryas these - Fore wing uniformly fumate behind venation
(Figs. 22, 23). Club with last segment lacking
sensilla are known also in the recently de-
an apical process (Figs. 13, 14) 7
scribed Kyuwia from Africa (Pinto and 7.Forewingvenationelongate,withstigmalvein
George 2004), and in Brachista (Pinto (SV)extending0.8distancefrombasetoapex
1994). ofwing.Forewingfumationextensivebutnot
Key TO THE Species of Adryas of disk (Fig. 22). Propodeal disk rounded api-
(females) face lioptera, n. sp
— Fore wing venation not as elongate, with SV
1 . Club with last segment symmetrical, cylindri- onlyextending0.6distancefrombasetoapex
cal, with no more than 2-3 recurved setae (RS) ofwing.Forewingfumationextendingbeyond
on ventroapical surface (Figs. 5, 6, 15, 16) . . 2 level of the stigma over entire width of disk
- Club with last segment asymmetrical, ventral (Fig. 23). Propodeal disk attenuate apically,
surface convex and dorsal surface straight or without a mediolongitudinal ridge on its sur-
concave, with a distinct patch of 10 or more face plurifumosa, n. sp.
RS on ventroapical surface (Figs. 3, 11, 13, 14)
5 Adryas albicerata Pinto and Owen,
2.MidJobeofmesoscutumwithonepairofsetae. new species
Club with basiconic peg sensilla (BPS) rela-
(Figs. 15, 24)
tively narrow for entire length, subfusiform
(Fig. 6B) 3 Diagnosis. — This species can be distin-
- Midlobe of mesoscutum with two pair of setae guished by the pale antennae, the anterior
(Fig. 9). Club with BPS expanded apically, cla-
pair of scutellar setae which are distinctly
vate or subglobose (Fig. 7) 4
3. Fore wing without a distinct RSI setal track shorter than the posterior pair, and the sub-
(Fig.25).Clubwithlastsegmentelongate,lon- conical club lacking an apical process.
gerthanremainingsegmentscombined(Fig. Description. — Female. Body length ca.
6A) bochica, n. sp. 0.5 mm (slide-mounted specimens). Color
- Fore wing with an RSI setal track (Fig. 27).
brown with antennae, apex of tibiae and tar-
remaining segments combined (Fig. 16) .... someres I and II distinctly lighter; antenna
iris,n.sp. white, suffused with brown. Fore wing fu-
VOLUME 106, NUMBER 4 911

Figs. 9-10. Adryas magister, $. 9, Mesosoma. lOA, Fore wing, venter (arrow to field of foliate sensilla).
lOB, Enlargement of a foliate sensillum in field indicated by arrow in lOA.

mation extending to apical Va of wing, fu- with apex narrowly to moderately broadly
mation lighter immediately behind vena- rounded. Fore wing ca. 1.8 (1.7-1.9) as
tion. long as wide, fringe setae 0.14-0.17 wing
Maxillary palp ca. 2X as long as wide width; venation extending 0.6 wing length;
with peglike sensillum as long as palp and MV ending abruptly at apex, SV arising
more than half length of apical seta. Mea- from its posteroapical corner and directed
surements of antennal scape, pedicle and slightly toward apex of wing; relative
club: length/width ratio— 2.9 (2.8-3.0), 1.2 length of PM, MV, SV = 12: 27: 11; PM
(1.1-1.3), 3.0, resp.; relative length— 8: 5: 2.0-3.0X as wide as MV, diverging slightly
13, resp.; relative width — 7: 9: 11, resp. from wing margin and with a single seta in
Club almost symmetrical in outline, sub- membrane anterior to vein, PM with pos-
conical, incompletely 5-segmented as in terior seta at basal margin of vein, distinctly
bochica (C3 + C4 partially fused) but C2 more basal than anterior seta, campaniform
and C3/4 distinctly more asymmetrical, sensilla in contact; MV with 4 dorsal setae
their length varying with surface; relative (3 anterior, I posterior) and 6—7 shorter
maximum length of C2-C5 = 2: 5 (C3/4): ventral setae, basal-most anterodorsal seta
6; C5 narrow, elongate, ca. 0.8 the length not adjacent to PM; SV with a short seta
of remainder of club, gradually narrowing slightly posterior to uncus. Fore wing disk
to apex, without an apical process. Club moderately densely setose with ca. 16 setal
sensilla: with only 2 RS ventroapically on tracks, tracks distinct in non-fumate section
C5; BPS subglobose; PLS on C2 (1), C3/4 of wing, posterior tracks continuing basally
(3) and C5 (4), those at apex of C5 extend- into fumate area; RSI present; membrane
ing slightly beyond segment apex; UPP behind venation with scattered setae except
sensilla at apex of C5 setiform; 2-3 APA anteriorly; distal seta in basal track anter-
on C2 and at base of C3/4. oapical to basal seta; alar acanthae ca. 10
Midlobe of mesoscutum with 2 pair of in number. Hind wing with anterior and
setae; scutellum with anterior pair consid- middle setal tracks complete, posterior track
erably shorter, only ca. 2/5 length of pos- not extending beyond half distance from
terior pair. Propodeal disk subtriangular. level of hamuli to wing apex.

Ovipositor slightly shorter than hind tibia rical; relative maximum length of C2-C5 =
(OL/HTL = 0.90, n = 2); outer plate wid- 16: 32 (C3/4): 57; C5 abruptly narrower
ening considerably posteriorly, maximum than other segments, elongate, longer than
ovipositor width to length = 0.70. Hypo- CI— C4 combined, abruptly narrowing fur-
pygium extending 0.5-0.6 (n = 2) length of ther at apical third, with a relatively short
ovipositor. apical process. Club sensilla: C5 with only
Male. Unknown. 2 RS on ventral surface at apical third; PLS
Type. — Holotype 9 : PERU. Loreto: Ten- on C2 (1), C3/4 (3) and C5 (4), one PLS
iente Lopez (220 m); vii-22-1993; R. on C3/4 extending entire length of com-
Leschen, collr.; deposited in CNC. bined segment; BPS narrow and fusiform;
Etymology. — In reference to the pale an- UPP on apical process short, only slightly
tenna of this species. longer than process itself, apparently trun-
Material examined. — 3 9 (all on slides). cate at apex; 2 APA at base of C3/4.
COLOMBIA. Magdalena: Zaino (PNN Midlobe of mesoscutum with only pos-
Tayrona, 50 m); 11°20'N, 74°02'W; v-13/ terior pair of elongate setae present; scutel-
30-2000; 'Ml 36'; 19; R. Henriquez. COS- lum with 2 pair of elongate subequal setae.
TA RICA. Heredia: 'Est. Biol. La Selva' Propodeal disk not appreciably produced,
(75 m); 10°26'N, 84°0rW; ii-27/28-2003; its posterior border arcuate. Fore wing 1.8X
19; J. S. Noyes; 19. PERU. Loreto: 19 as long as wide; fringe setae relatively
(see Type). short, ca. 0.15 wing width. Fore wing ve-
nation attaining apical 0.6 of wing; MV
Adryas bochica Pinto and Owen,
abruptly curved at apex to form SV, which
new species
is distinctly constricted at base and almost
(Figs. 6, 25)
perpendicular to MV; relative length of PM,
Diagnosis. — The symmetrical, subconi- MV, SV = 5: 13: 7; PM ca. 2.5 X as wide
cal club, the elongate last club segment as MV. diverging slightly from wing margin
(longer than the remainder of club), and the but without setae in membrane anterior to
absence of an RSI setal track on the fore vein; PM with posterior seta at basal margin
wing separate this species from congeners. of vein, more basal than anterior seta, cam-
Description. — Female. Body length 0.4 paniform sensilla not separated; MV with 5
mm (n = 5). Color light brown with me- dorsal setae (3 elongate anterior; 2 shorter
sosoma and apex of metasoma slightly posterior) and 5—6 shorter ventral setae;
darker, and tarsi and apex of tibiae lighter; basal-most anterodorsal seta adjacent to
antennal pedicel bicolored, dark brown dor- PM; SV with a short seta medial to uncus.
sally, considerably lighter ventrally. Fore Fore wing disk moderately densely setose,
wing uniformly fumate beneath venation, with ca. 16 setal tracks obvious in clear api-
fumation extending somewhat beyond level cal area of wing, scattered setae in apical
of venation in posterior half of disk. section of fumate area; a distinct RSI not
Maxillary palp ca. 3X as long as wide present (setae present in area of RSI but not
with peglike sensillum ca. one third palp differentiated from neighbors); two basal
length and a fourth apical seta length. Mea- track setae subparallel to longitudinal axis
surements of antennal scape, pedicle and of wing; alar acanthae few in number
club: length/width ratio — 3.5 (3.0-4.0) 1.3, (<10). Hind wing with anterior and middle
3.6 (3.5-3.8), resp; relative length — 7: 5: setal tracks complete, posterior track not
22, resp.; relative width — 7: 10: 15, resp. extending beyond half distance from level
Scape elongate, linear, narrowing slightly to of hamuli to wing apex.
apex. Club almost symmetrical in outline, Ovipositor subequal in length to hind tib-
subconical, with C3 and C4 incompletely ia (OL/HTL = 1.02); outer plate widening
separated; segments only slightly asymmet- posteriorly, maximum ovipositor width to
VOLUME 106. NUMBER 4 913

. ..-
Figs. 1 1-16. Antennae of Achyas (medial surface in primary focus, arrows indicating RS). 1 1. y4. envini. 9.
\2, A. envini, 3. 13. y4. lioptera, 9. 14, A. pi urifiimosa, 9. 15, A. albicerata, 9. \b, A. iris, 9. RS accentuated

length = 0.50. Hypopygium extending 0.6 m); vii/viii-1995; 19; R Hanson. Heredia:
length of ovipositor. Chilamate (75 m); vii/x-1990; 19; R Han-
Male. Unknown. son. La Selva Biological Station (50 m); ii-
Types. — Holotype 9 COSTA RICA. 1991; Malaise trap; 69; J. Noyes (includes
Heredia: La Selva Biol. Station; 50 m; ii- Types). Same except: 75 m; 10°26'N,
1991; Malaise trap; J. S. Noyes, collr; de- 84°0rW; ii-27/28-2003; 1 9. OTS-La Selva
posited in BMNH. Two female paratypes, (100 m); ix- 14- 1995; Malaise trap
same data as holotype; UCRC. (Ml 1.456); 19; ALAS Project. Same ex-
Etymology. — Bochica, the solar god of cept: X- 16- 1995; Malaise trap (MO 1-471);
the Chibcha people of ancient central Co- 1 9 . Puntarenas: R. F. Golfo Dulce; 24 km
lombia, an area included in the range of this W. Piedras Blancas (200 m); xii-1992; 19;
species. R Hanson. ECUADOR. Napo: Onkone
Material examined. — 189 (10 on slides). Gare Camp, 1 km S. (Reserva Etnica Waor-
BELIZE. Las Cuevas (550 m); 16°44'N, ani, 216.3 m); 00°39'25.7"S, 76°27' 10.8"W;
88°59'W; v-1999; Malaise trap; 19; C. x-4-1996; "fogging in terre firme forest";
Minty. COLOMBIA. Magdalena: Zaino 1 9; Lot 1755; T Erwin, et al. Tiputini Bio-
(PNN Tayrona, 50 m); 11°20'N, 74°02'W; diversity Sta. (nr. Yasuni Natl Park, 220-
v-29/vi- 14-2000; "M241"; 19; R. Henri- 250 m); 00°37'55"S, 76°08'39"W; vii-4-
quez. COSTA RICA. Alajuela: Reserva 1998; "fogging terre firme forest"; 19; Lot
Rincdn Forestal (Est. Caribe, 400 m); 1875; T. Erwin, et al. Napo River (Sacha
10°53'N, 83°18'W; ii- 19/20-2003; sweep; Lodge); 0°30'S, 76°30'W, vi- 18/23- 1 994;
1 9; J. Noyes. San Ramon (Estac. Biol., 800 Malaise trap; 1 9 ; R Hibbs.

Remarks. — The specimen from Reserva 4 (2), C5 (5), apical PLS on C5 extending
Rincon Forestal, Costa Rica, is a molecular slightly beyond apical process; BCP subgl-
voucher (D#1227; Owen, et al.. in prep.). obose; UPP on apical process setiform, ca.
Only a fore wing and one antenna are pre- 3 X length of process itself; several APA on
served, mounted on a slide. C2 and base of C3/4.
Midlobe of mesoscutum and scutellum
Adryas erwini Pinto and Owen,
each with 2 pair of elongate setae, anterior
new species
pair of scutellar setae ca. 0.7 X length of
(Figs. 11, 12, 17, 18)
posterior pair. Propodeal disk subtriangular,
Diagnosis. — The insertion of the peglike
with a fine mediolongitudinal ridge at cen-
maxillary sensillum at the middle of the pa-
ter, rounded at apex. Fore wing 2.2 (2.1-
pal segment rather than just below its apex
2.3) as long as wide, fringe setae ca. 0.4X
is unique. Also, unlike congeners, the dor-
wing width. Fore wing venation attaining
sum of the marginal vein bears six setae
apical 0.6-0.7 of wing; MV abruptly curv-
rather than five or fewer, and the two pos-
ing at apex to form SV, the latter almost
terior and basal-most of these setae are con-
perpendicular to MV, with only a slight
siderably thicker than the others. The fore
constriction between MV and stigma; rela-
wing venation of the male is not inflated in
tive length of PM, MV, SV = 6: 14: 7; PM
this species.
ca. twice as wide as MV, diverging slightly
Description. — Female. Body length 0.4-
from wing margin with two setae in mem-
0.5 mm (slide mounted specimens). Color
brane anterior to vein; PM with posterior
apparently uniformly brown except apex of
seta slightly more basal than anterior seta,
scape and venter of pedicel obviously ligh-
both apical to basal margin of vein and both
ter; fore wing uniformly fumate behind ve-
thicker than in other species, campaniform
sensilla adjacent; MV with 6 dorsal setae (3
Maxillary palp unique for genus, ca. 3X
anterior, 3 posterior) and 4 slightly shorter
as long as wide, abruptly and asymmetri-
ventral setae, all anterodorsal setae on MV
cally narrowed at middle with peg-like sen-
elongate, the two basal-most posterior setae
sillum arising at middle, at point of abrupt
slightly shorter than anterior setae but con-
palpal narrowing, its apex only slightly sur-
passing apex of palp; sensillum elongate, siderably thicker than all other MV setae,
ca. half length of palp and 0.4 X length of the apical-most posterior seta short and
thin; SV with a short seta medial to uncus.
apical seta. Measurements of antennal
scape, pedicle and club: length/width ra- Fore wing disk moderately densely setose
tio — 2.8: 1.3: 2.6 (2.3-2.8), resp.; relative with 12-13 longitudinal setal tracks in non-
length — 7: 4: 11, resp.; relative width — 3: fumate area of wing, only posterior tracks
4: 5, resp. Scape not inflated but distinctly extending basally into fumate area; RSI
wider in basal half. Club asymmetrically ta- present, its setae stouter than others in
pering from base to apex; 5-segmented but membrane; two basal track setae subparallel
with C3 and C4 incompletely separated to longitudinal axis of wing; alar acanthae
over most of circumference; segments 10-15 in number. Hindwing with 3 com-
asymmetrical, C3/4 longest dorsally. C5 plete setal tracks.
longest ventrally, C5 with ventral surface Ovipositor 1.47 (n = 1) as long as hind
convex, dorsal surface relatively straight; tibia; outer plate narrow not appreciably
relative maximum length of C2-C5 = 15: widening posteriorly, maximum width to
35 (C3/4): 33; C5 slightly less than 0.5 X length = 0.20. Hypopygium extending 0.7
length of entire club, with a short apical (n = 1) length of ovipositor.
process. Club sensilla: C5 with fewer RS Male. Single male as in female except
than in magister (ca. 10) and confined to antennal club subconical and almost sym-
apical half of segment; PLS on C2 ( 1 ), C3/ metrical in outline (cf. Figs. 11, 12); C5
VOLUME 106. NUMBER 4 915



Figs. 17-24. Fore wings of Adryas (dorsal surface in primary focus). 17. A. cnvini. 9 (arrow to RSI setal
track). 18, A. envini, 9, enlargement of venation (arrow to campaniform sensiila marking apex of PM). 19, -4.
magister, 9. 20, A. magister. 9, enlargement of venation (arrows to disjunct campaniform sensiila). 2\. A.
magister, 6. ll] A. lioptera 9. 23. A. plurifiimosa. 9 (arrow to limit of wing fumatiiMi in anterior section of
wing). 24, A. alhicenita. 9.

lacking RS, without an apical process; C3 3.1, resp.; relative length — 5: 3: 11. resp.;
and C4 incompletely separated, as in fe- relative width — 16: 17: 28. resp. Club al-
male. Fore wing venation as in female, not most symmetrical in outline, subconical, in-
modified but with the two campaniform completely 5-segmented, C3 and C4 almost
sensilla at apex of PM separated from one completely fused with only an obsolescent
another by a distance of ca. twice sensillar suture obvious dorsomedially, segments
diameter. Genitalia short, 0.30 length of asymmetrical in lateral view (as in albicer-
hind tibia. ata); relative maximum length of C2-C5 =
Types.— Holotype 9 : ECUADOR. Napo: 4: 7 (C3/4): 7; C5 narrow, elongate, with a
Tiputini Biodiversity Sta. (nr. Yasuni Nat'l moderately long apical process comprising
Park); 220-250 m; 00°37'55"S, 76°08'39"W; ca. 1/5 total segment length, C5 0.7 length of
x-22-1998; "fogging terre firme forest"; Lot remainder of club. Club sensilla: 2 gradu-
#1971; T. Erwin, et al. collrs. Allotype 6: ally curved RS ventroapically on C5; PLS
ECUADOR. Napo: Onkone Gare Camp, 1 on C2 (1), C3/4 (4) and C5 (3); BPS subgl-
km S. (Reserva Etnica Waorani); 216.3 m; obose; UPP on apical process very short,
00°39'25.7"S, 76°27'10.8"W; x-5-1995; Lot setiform, less than half length of process;
1 194; T. Erwin, et al. Paratype 9 : Same data several APA on C2 and C3/4.
as holotype except collected ii-8-1999; Lot Midlobe of mesoscutum with two pair of
#2024. All types deposited in the NMNH. setae; scutellum with 2 pair of setae, ante-
Etymology. — After Dr. Terry Erwin of rior pair only slightly shorter than posterior
the Smithsonian Institution (Washington, pair. Propodeal disk subtriangular, with a
DC), thus far the sole collector of this spe- very faint mediolongitudinal ridge, rounded
cies. at apex. Fore wing 2. OX as long as wide;
Material examined. — 2 2, \6 (all on fringe setae ca. 0.2 maximum width of
slides). ECUADOR. Napo: (see Types). wing; venation attaining ca. 0.6 length of
Adryas incompta Pinto and Owen, wing; MV abruptly ending apically, SV
new species arising from its apicoposterior corner and
(Figs. 5, 26) directed slightly toward wing apex; relative
length of PM, MV, SV = 14: 26: 13; PM
Diagnosis. — This species can be distin-
ca. 2.5 X as wide as MV, diverging slightly
guished by the following combination of
features: relatively dark colored antennae, from wing margin and with a single seta in
subconical club with a terminal projection, membrane anterior to vein; PM with pos-
two pair of setae on the mesoscutal midlo- terior seta distinctly basal to anterior seta;
be, anterior pair of scutellar setae subequal MV with 3 elongate dorsal setae on anterior
to posterior pair, and subglobose BPS sen- margin (no posterior setae) and 6 shorter
silla. ventral setae, basal-most dorsal seta not ad-
Description. — Female. Body length ca. jacent to PM; SV with stigmal seta slightly
0.5 mm (slide mounted specimens). Color posterior to uncus. Fore wing disk moder-
brown except tarsi and apex of tibiae ligh- ately densely setose, with ca. 16 setal tracks
ter; also base and apex of scape, and ventral in non-fumate region of wing, posterior
surface of pedicel distinctly lighter. Fore tracks continuing basally into fumate area;
wing fumation relatively light, extending to RSI present; basal track setae subparallel to
apical V3 of wing. longitudinal axis of wing; with 10 or fewer
Maxillary palp ca. twice as long as wide, alar acanthae. Hind wing with posterior
with peglike sensillum elongate, almost as track incomplete, extending only ca. half
long as palp itself and slightly more than the distance from level of hamuli to wing
half length of apical seta. Measurements of apex.
antennal scape, pedicle and club: length/ Ovipositor 1.3-1.5X length of hind tibia;
width ratio— 2.5 (2.4-2.9), 1.4 (1.3-1.5), outer plate widening posteriorly, maximum
VOLUME 106, NUMBER 4 917



--.^^ '.^^
27 28
Figs. 25-27. Fore wings oi Adryas. 25, A. bochica. 9. 26, /\. incompta. 27, A. /m. 28, Male genitalia, A.

width to length of ovipositor = 0.53 (n = conical, symmetrical, with its last segment
2). Hypopygium apparently short, extend- shorter than the remainder of club; RS 1 se-
ing 0.25 (n = 1 ) length of ovipositor. tal track present; midlobe of mesoscutum
Male. Unknown. with only a single pair of setae.
Type.— Holotype 9 : COSTA RICA. Li- Similar to A. bochica; differing as fol-
mon: PN Tortugero (0 m); iv/v-1989; J. So- lows:
lano, collr.; deposited in BMNH. Description. — Female. Color similar but
Etymology. — Incompta, Latin for un- pedicel not as distinctly bicolored; surface
adorned or simple; in reference to the ab- of antenna somewhat more wrinkled. An-
sence of highly distinguishing features in tennal club with C5 shorter, only ca. 0.4
this species. length of entire club and 0.8-0.9 length of
Material examined. — 3 9 (all on slides). segments C1-C4 combined; C5 evenly nar-
COSTA RICA. Heredia: La Selva Biolog- rowed from base to apical process, not
ical Station (75 m); 10°26'N, 84°0rW; ii-
abruptly so at apical third. Measurements of
27/28-2003; 19; J. Noyes. Limon: (See antennal scape, pedicle and club: length/
Type); 1 9 . ECUADOR. Napo: Onkone width ratio— 3.2 (3.1-3.6). 1.3. 3.3 (3.1-
Gare Camp, 1 km S. (Reserva Etnica Waor-
3.5), resp.; relative length — 41. 25. 87.
ani, 216.3 m); 00°39'26"S, 76°27'11"W; x-
resp.; relative width — 13, 20, 28, resp.; rel-
5-1995; "fogging in terre firme forest";
ative length of C2-C5 = 9: 17 (C3/4): 20.
19; Lot 1192; T. Erwin, et al.
Fore wing with MV somewhat shorter, no
Adryas iris Pinto and Owen, new species more than twice the length of PM; MV not
(Figs. 16, 27) evenly curving at apex, ending iibruptly and
Diagnosis. — The following combination SV arising from its posteroapical corner;
of traits separates this species: Club sub- MV with only 4 ventral setae; SV with a

short seta posterior or lateral to uncus. RSI scape, pedicle and club: length/width ra-
present, distinct. Ovipositor longer, 1.25X tio — 2.7: 1.2: 1.5, resp.; relative length —
(1.2-1.3, n = 2) length of hind tibia. Hy- 10: 5: 11, resp.; relative width— 10: 11: 18,
popygium somewhat shorter, extending 0.5 resp. Scape widest near middle, narrowing
(n = 2) length of ovipositor. considerably to apex. Club asymmetrically
Male. Unknown. tapering to apex, only 3 segmented (C3, C4
Type.— Holotype 9: BOLIVIA. Santa and C5 fused = C3/4/5), without partial
Cruz: Gral. [= General] Saavedra; i-1/30- separation of C3 and C4, suture between C2
1994; 'yellow pan trap under natural veg- and C3/4/5 obsolescent; segments asym-
etation'; J. C. Monje, collr; deposited in metrical, C3/4/5 with ventral surface con-
NMNH. vex and dorsal surface straight, relative
Etymology. — Iris, ancient Greek goddess maximum length of C2— C5 = 3: 10; with-
of the rainbow. out an apical process. Club sensilla: C3/4/5
Material examined. — 5 9 (4 on slides). with RS relatively short, numerous, forming
BOLIVIA. Santa Cruz: See Type; 1 9 . CO- a ventral pilose area extending almost half
LOMBIA. Amazonas: PNN Amacayacu, club length and ca. 0.6X length of segment;
Matamata (150 m); 03°23'S, 70°06'W; vii- PLS on C2 (1) and C3/4/5 (7), apical ones
12/19-2000; 1 9 ; A. Parente. COSTA extending somewhat beyond club apex, an-
RICA. Guanacaste: Santa Rosa National other (along dorsum) extending almost en-
Park (Hacienda 2-c); i- 10/3 1-1987; 19. tire length of last segment; BPS clavate;
Same except: Hacienda 1-0; i-31/ii-21- UPP elongate, setiform; APA numerous on
1987; 19. Puntarenas: PN Corcovado; medial surface of C2 and C3/4/5 (ca. 20 in
Golfito (Sector La Bonanza, 500m); iv-20- basal half), also with scattered APA on lat-
2002; sweep; 1 9 ; J. Azofeifa Zuoga. eral surface of both segments.
Midlobe of mesoscutum and scutellum
Adryas lioptera Pinto and Owen,
each with two pair of elongate setae. Pro-
new species
podeal disk subtriangular with a distinct
(Figs. 13, 22)
mediolongitudinal ridge, rounded at apex.
Diagnosis. — The narrower fore wing Fore wing 2.3 X as long as wide, widest at
with its broadly arcuate anterior margin, the apex of venation; fringe setae ca. 0.3 X
considerably longer fore wing venation (ex- wing width; venation elongate, extending
tending 0.8 the wing length), the subgla- 0.82 wing length; MV curving at apex to
brous membrane behind the fore wing ve- form narrow elongate SV; anterior margin
nation and the distinct mediolongitudinal of wing broadly arcuate; relative length of
ridge on the propodeal disk are diagnostic. PM, MV and SV = 6: 16: 7; SV directed
The antennal club also is distinctive in con- toward apex of wing; PM ca. 3. OX as wide
sisting of only 3 segments and having a as MV, contacting anterior margin of wing
large number of APA. (i.e., lacking narrow apical extension of
Description. — Female. Body length = costal cell anterior to PM); PM with setae
0.4 mm (n = 1). Color dark brown, with at same level near base, campaniform sen-
dorsum of metasoma and tibiae/tarsi some- silla adjacent; MV with 4 dorsal setae (3
what lighter. Fore wing fumation extensive, elongate anterior, 1 slightly shorter poste-
covering basal 9/10 of wing, but not ex- rior) and 6 shorter ventral setae, basal-most
tending beyond stigmal vein at apex of ve- anterodorsal seta distant from PM; SV with
nation. elongate stigmal seta anterior to uncus. Fore
Maxillary palp ca. 2.5 X as long as wide wing disk sparsely setose, ca. 8 very short
with peglike sensillum elongate, only setal tracks in narrow non-fumate area at
slightly shorter than palp and ^A length of apex of wing; few scattered setae in exten-
apical seta. Measurements of antennal sive fumate area behind venation primarily
VOLUME 106, NUMBER 4 919

near posterior section of wing; RSI absent; and C5 incompletely separated but only
two basal track setae almost perpendicular along dorsal surface, suture between C3 and
to longitudinal axis of wing; alar acanthae C4 complete; segments asymmetrical, C4
apparently absent. Hind wing with 3 com- longest dorsally. C5 longest ventrally, C5
plete setal tracks. with ventral surface convex and dorsal sur-
Ovipositor apparently somewhat shorter face slightly concave; relative maximum
than hind tibia [single slide-mounted spec- length of C2-C5 = 12: 25: 46: 65; C5 0.6
imen not well positioned for measuring]. as long as entire club, produced into a mod-
Hypopygium extending at least half the erately long apical process. Club sensilla:
length of ovipositor. C5 with numerous RS, forming a distinct
Male. Unknown. pilose area occupying almost entire ventral
Type and material examined. — Holotype surface of segment; PLS on C2 ( 1 ), C3 (1 ),
9 : COLOMBIA. Amazonas: Amacayacu C4 (1) and C5 (3); BCP clavate; UPP on
N. P.; 03.82°S, 70.26°W; iii-8/12-2000; apical process elongate, slightly longer than
Malaise trap #5; B. Brown/G. Kung/M. process itself, subspatulate apically; a few
Sharkey, collrs; deposited in lAVH. One APA on C2-C4.
card-mounted 9 with same data as type ex- Midlobe of mesoscutum and scutellum
cept: sweep; iii-9-2000; M. Sharkey. each with 2 pair of elongate setae. Propo-
Etymology. — In reference to the smooth deal disk subtriangular, apex narrowly
('lio', Gr.) appearance of the wing ('ptero', rounded. Fore wing. 2. 1 X as long as wide,
Gr.) in this species. fringe setae ca. 0.3 wing width. Fore wing
venation extending to apical 0.6-0.7 of
Adryas magister Pinto and Owen,
wing; MV gradually curving to form nar-
new species
row and elongate SV which gradually wid-
(Figs. 1-4, 7, 9, 10, 19-21, 28)
ens to stigma, SV distinctly directed toward
Diagnosis. — Distinguished by the non- apex of wing; unique in that MV slightly
fumate oval area behind the venation of the but noticeably wider in basal half; relative
fore wing, the moderately inflated scape, length of PM, MV, SV = 2: 6: 3; PM slight-
and the completely divided C3 and C4. The ly more than twice as wide as MV diverg-
inflated wing venation in males may also ing slightly from wing margin but without
be diagnostic. setae in membrane anterior to vein; PM
Description. — Female. Body length 0.5- with setae placed at same level near base,
0.6 mm. Color uniformly light to moderate- campaniform sensilla unique, widely sepa-
ly dark brown, dorsum of mesosoma and rated by a distance of ca. 4X sensillar di-
ventral half of scape somewhat darker; fore ameter (Fig. 20); MV with 4 dorsal setae (3
wing fumate behind venation except for a elongate, anterior; 1 short, posterior) and 7-
relatively large clear oval area behind PM 9 shorter ventral setae, basal-most antero-
and base of MV. dorsal seta distant from PM; SV with a
Maxillary palp ca. 3X as long as wide moderately long stigma! seta placed well
with peglike sensillum elongate, ca. half anterior to uncus. Fore wing disk sparsely
palp length and half apical seta length. An- setose, with ca. 14 setal tracks beyond fu-
tenna noticeably compressed laterally. Mea- mate area in apical fourth of wing, only
surements of antennal scape, pedicle and posterior tracks extending basally into fu-
club: length/width ratio— 2.1 (1.8-2.3): 1.3 mate area; RSI absent; two basal track se-
(1.2-1.4): 2.4 (2.3-2.8), resp.; relative tae subparallel to longitudinal axis of wing;
length — 12: 7: 22, resp.; relative width — region behind venation asetose anteriorly;
10: 9: 15. resp. Scape moderately inflated alar acanthae < 10 in number. Hindwing
at middle. Club asymmetrically tapering with 3 complete setal tracks.
from base to apex, 5-segmented with C4 Ovipositor 1.38 (1.34-1.45) as long as

hind tibia; outer plate narrow, not apprecia- m); v-1 1-1999; 19; J. Garcia/R. Montilla.
bly widening posteriorly, maximum width Cumboto (Cacao Plantation, 50 m); v-13-
to length = ca. 0.25. Hypopygium relative- 1999; sweep/yellow pan trap/Malaise trap;
ly long, extending 0.5-0.7 length of ovi- 69; J. Garcia/R. Montilla. Cuyagua (see
positor. Types); 59, \S.
Male. As in female except antennal club Remarks. — In the allotype male, the two
subconical and almost symmetrical in out- campaniform sensilla at the apex of the PM
line (Fig. 4); C4 and C5 apparently com- are adjacent to one another on one wing and
pletely separated; C5 without RS, without disjunct on the other.
an apical process, with PLS extending be-
Adryas plurifiimosa Pinto and Owen,
yond apex of segment. Fore wing venation
new species
noticeably modified (Fig. 21): PM and MV
(Figs. 14, 23)
considerably inflated, completely confluent;
PM and basal % of MV of similar width; Diagnosis. — The extension of the fore
MV gradually narrowing to SV; width of wing fumation beyond the level of the stig-
SV and apical section of MV as in female; mal vein and across the entire wing width,
PM shorter relative to MV (relative length the distinctly acuminate apex of the pro-
of PM, MV, SV = 2: 11: 5). Genitalia (Fig. podeal disk, and the absence of an RSI se-
28) short, 0.3 length of hind tibia. tal track in the fore wing distinguishes this
Types. — Holotype 9 and allotype 6 . species.
VENEZUELA. Aragua: Cuyagua (cacao Description. — Female. Body length =
plantation); 50 m; v-13-1999; J. L. Garcia/ 0.4 mm (n = 1 ). Color entirely light brown.
R. Montilla, collrs.; deposited in CNC. Two Fore wing uniformly fumate behind vena-
female paratypes, same data, deposited in tion except slightly lighter behind PM and
UCRC. Two additional card-mounted fe- base of MV; fumation extensive, unique for
males with same data as types in UCRC genus in that darkened area extends beyond
and CNC. the level of stigmal vein and across the en-
Etymology. — Magister, Latin for master tire wing width, covering basal 4/5 of wing.
or chief. Maxillary palp ca. 2X as long as wide
Material examined. — 27 9 ( 1 1 on slides), with peglike sensillum elongate, ca. 0.75
4c? (3 on slides). COSTA RICA. Heredia: length of palp and ca. half apical seta
La Selva Biological Station (75 m); length. Measurements of antennal scape,
10°26'N, 84°01'W; ii-27/28-2003; 19; J. pedicle and club (n = 2): length/width ratio
Noyes. Pto. Viejo, 3 km S. (OTS— La Sel- — 3.0: 1.1: 2.0, resp.; relative length — 10:
va, 100 m); i-1993, iii/iv-1993; 39; P Han- 5: 12, resp.; relative width — 3: 4: 5, resp.
son. Guanacaste: Santa Rosa National Park Scape somewhat tumid but not inflated at
(350 m); iii-1 1/20-1996; M; L. Masner. middle, subequal in width throughout. Club
ECUADOR. Napo: Tiputini Biodiversity asymmetrically tapering to apex, incom-
Sta. (nr. Yasuni Nat'l Park, 220-250 m); pletely 4-segmented with suture between
00°37'55"S, 76°08'39"W; ii-9-1999, x-23- C3 and C4 incomplete and obsolescent, and
1998, x-26-1998; "fogging terre firme for- C5 apparently completely fused to C3/4
est"; 99, 2J; Lots 1915, 1916, 1917, 1942, (i.e., club with only 3 complete segments:
2016; T Erwin, et. al. Rio Napo (Sacha CI, C2, and C3/4/5), all segments asym-
Lodge) (220-230 m); 0.30°S, 76.30°W; ii- metrical; C3/4/5 with ventral surface con-
22/iii-4-1994; Malaise trap; 19; R Hibbs. vex; relative maximum length of C2— C5 =
PERU. Loreto: Iquitos, 40 km NE (Explor- 2: 5 (C3/4/5); club lacking an apical pro-
ama Inn on Amazon River); vi-25-1990; cess. Club sensilla: RS numerous on ventral
19; Menke/Awertschenko. VENEZUELA. surface of C3/4/5, weakly S-shaped, form-
Aragua: Choroni (Cacao Plantation, 120 ing a pilose area occupying ca. Vs club
VOLUME 106. NUMBER 4 921

length; APB more numerous than in other Material examined. — 4 9 (2 on slides).

species, ca. 5 on both C2 and C3/4/5 basal COLOMBIA. Amazonas: PNN Amacaya-
to pilose area; PLS on C2 (1) and C3/4/5 cu, San Martin (150 m); 03°23'S, 70°06'W;
(6 or 7). the two apical-most PLS extending ix-8/1 6-2000, X- 18/26-2000; 29; B. Amado
beyond club apex; BPS clavate; a few APA (see Type). PNN Amacayacu; 03.82°S,
on C2 and base of C 3/4/5. 70.26°W; iii-8/ 12-2000; Malaise trap; 19;
Midlobe of mesoscutum and scutellum B. Brown/G. Kung/M. Sharkey. ECUA-
each with 2 pair of elongate setae. Propo- DOR. Napo: Onkone Gare Camp, 1 km S.
deal disk subtriangular with apex acumi- (Reserva Etnica Waorani, 216.3 m);
nate. Fore wing 1.9-2. OX as long as wide, 00°39'25.7"S, 76°27'10.8"W; x-4-1996;
fringe setae ca. 0.25 X wing width, venation "fogging in terre firme forest"; 19; Lot
extending 0.6 length of wing; MV curving 1757; T Erwin, et al.
at apex to form a relatively short SV, SV
directed toward apex of wing; relative Relationships
length of PM, MV and SV = 12: 35: 11; Adryas can be informally divided into
PM ca. 2.8 X as wide as MV, diverging two groups of species based on the structure
slightly from wing margin and with 1-2 of the antennal club in females and wing
short setae in membrane anterior to vein; structure. In one (Group A) the club is dis-
PM with its two setae at same level near tinctly asymmetrical with a pilose patch of
base of vein, campaniform sensilla adja- recurved setae ventroapically on the termi-
cent; MV with 4 dorsal setae (3 elongate, nal segment (Figs. 3A, 11, 13, 14); also the
anterior; 1 short, posterior) and 7-8 rela- fore wing is nan^ower with longer fringe se-
tively short ventral setae, basal-most anter- tae (Figs. 17-23) and the hind wing has
odorsal seta distant from PM; SV with seta three complete setal tracks. Included are A.
medial to uncus. Fore wing disk moderately magister, A. envini, A. plurifumosa, and A.
densely setose, with 12-13 setal tracks be- lioptera. The other group (Group B) has a
yond fumate area, with numerous scattered, more symmetrical, subconical club with
short setae basally except directly behind only two recurved setae apically (Figs. 5,
venation; RSI absent; two basal tract setae 6A, 15, 16); and in this group the fore wing
subperpendicular to longitudinal axis of is wider, oblately rounded apically, with
wing; alar acanthae < 10 in number. considerably shorter fringe setae (Figs. 24-
Ovipositor length variable (OL/HTL = 27), and the posterior-most setal track on
0.85 in specimen from Ecuador, 1.02 in the the hind wing is incomplete. This group in-
type from Colombia); outer plate broader, cludes A. hochica, A. iris, A. alhicerata and
width to length of ovipositor = 0.50. Hy- A. incompta. The characters of the club in
popygium extending 0.4-0.6 length of ovi- Group A as well as the fore wing features
positor. are derived based on comparisons with re-
Male. Unknown. lated genera. There are no features that
Type.— Holotype 9 : COLOMBIA. Ama- clearly point to the monophyly of Group B.
zonas: PNN Amacayacu, San Martin (150 The incomplete posterior setal track of the
m); 03°23'S, 70°06'W; ix-8/1 6-2000; 'M. hind wing may represent a synapomorphy
838'; B. Amado, collr.; deposited in lAVH. but this state differs minimally from that in
One card-mounted female with same data Group A.
as holotype except date of collection, not Within Group A, A. iiuigistcr and A. er-
designated as type. wini, and A. plurifumosa and A. lioptera,
Etymology. — Plurifumosa (L.), literally respectively, are most similar. The first two
'most fumate' in reference to the more ex- species have an apical process at the apex
tensive fumate area of the fore wing in this of the antennal club, and the outer plates of
species. the ovipositor do not widen posteriorly. In

these species the apical and basal widths of ombian collections were facilitated by NSF
the ovipositor are subequal. A. plurifumosa grant DEB-0205982 to M. Sharkey and B.
and A. lioptera lack an apical process on Brown. This study was supported by grants
the club and the apical width of the ovi- from the NSF (BSR-9978150; J. Heraty,
positor is considerably greater than the bas- PI), and USDA (NRIICGP) (2001-35316-
al width. There also is greater fusion of the 11012; J. Pinto, PI).
club segments in the latter two species. The
Literature Cited
least amount of claval segment fusion oc-
curs in A. magister. It is the only species of Doutt, R. L. and G. Viggiani. 1968. The classification
Adryas having C3 and C4 completely sep- oftheTrichogrammatidae(Hymenoptera:Chalci-
arated. In all other species these two seg- doidea). Proceedings of the California Academy
of Sciences (4th series) 35: 477-586.
ments are at least partially fused.
Heraty, J. and D. Hawks. 1998. Hexamethyldisilaza-
Males of Adryas are known only for two ne—Achemicalalternativefordryinginsects.En-
species, A. magister and A. erwini. The con- tomological News 109: 369-374.
siderable inflation of the fore wing venation Olson, D. M. and D. A. Andow. 1993. Antennal sen-
in males of A. magister (Fig. 21) does not silla of female Trichogramma iiubilale (Ertle and
characterize those of A. erwini. A. magister
females are unique in that their marginal tera.InternationalJournalofInsectMorphology
vein, although not inflated as in the male, and Embryology 22: 507-520.
is perceptibly wider basally than apically Pinto, J. D. 1994. A taxonomic study of Brachista
(Fig. 19). The fact that the marginal vein is (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) with a de-
scription of two new species phoretic on robber-
uniform its entire length in all other species
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of the genus, suggests that this sexual di- ceedings of the Entomological Society of Wash-
morphism is unique to A. magister. ington96:120-132.
Within Group B, A. bochica and A. iris . 1999 (1998). The systematics of the North
are most similar as are A. albicerata and A. AmericanspeciesofTrichogramma(Hymenop-
incompta. The former two are probably sis-
mological Society of Washington, No. 22, 287 pp.
ter species based on the reduced number of Pinto, J. D. and J. George. 2004. Kyuwia, a new genus
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Schmidt, J. M. and J. J. B. Smith. 1985. The ultrastruc-
compta have subglobose BPS sensilla and
ture of the wings and the external sensory mor-
two pair of setae on the mesoscutal midlo- phology of the thorax in female Trichogramma
be, as do all species of Group A. The re- miiuitumRiley(Hymenoptera:Chalcidoidea:Tri-
lationship of these two species to each other chogrammatidae).ProceedingsoftheRoyalSo-
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Viggiani, G. 1971. Ricerche sugli Hymenoptera Chal-
able. Features readily separating the species
cidoidea XXVIII. Studio morfologico comparati-
of Adryas are provided in the key to species vodelTarmaturagenitaleesternamaschiledeiTri-
and in the species diagnoses. chogrammatidae. Bollettino del Laboratorio di
Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri' di Portici
Acknowledgments 29:181-222.
For the provision of specimens we are
of the male genitalia in the Trichogrammatidae
particularly indebted to Terry Erwin, Paul (Hym. Chalcidoidea). Bollettino del Laboratorio
Hanson, John Huber, John Noyes and Mi- di Entomologia Agraria "Filippo Silvestri" di Por-
chael Sharkey. We also thank Gary Platner tici 41: 173-182.
for his technical assistance, and Michael Vincent, D. L. and C. Goodpasture. 1986. Three new
Schauff (Systematic Entomology Labora-
tory, USDA) for the loan of the type of Us- of the Entomological Society of Washington 88:
canoidea carlylei from NMNH. The Col- 491-501.
Pinto, John D. and Owen, Albert K. 2004. "Adryas, a new genus of
trichogrammatidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from the new world
tropics." Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 106, 905–922.

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