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CONTENT FOCUS: We care for animals in the environment.

I. Objective:
Separate and represent groups of equal quantities using concrete objects up to 10
(beginning division) (MKAT-00-16)

II. Subject Matter:

A. Messsage : We have animals in the environment.
B. Reference : National Kindergarten Curriculum Guide / ICC Kindergarten
C. Materials : pictures, chart, TV

III. Pamamaraan
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Motivation
Good morning class..
Before we start a lesson for today, I want you to
join me in singing, would you like to sing?
Yes, teacher.
Our song is entitled “Old Mcdonald Had a
Farm”. Now, sing altogether.

Old MACDONALD had a farm Old MACDONALD had a farm

And on his farm he had a cow And on his farm he had a cow
With a moo moo here With a moo moo here
And a moo moo there And a moo moo there
Here a moo, there a moo Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo moo Everywhere a moo moo
Old MacDonald had a farm Old MacDonald had a farm
Old MACDONALD had a farm Old MACDONALD had a farm
And on his farm he had a pig And on his farm he had a pig
With a oink oink here With a oink oink here
And a oink oink there And a oink oink there
Here a oink, there a oink Here a oink, there a oink
Everywhere a oink oink Everywhere a oink oink
Old MacDonald had a farm Old MacDonald had a farm
Old MACDONALD had a farm Old MACDONALD had a farm
And on his farm he had a duck And on his farm he had a duck
With a quack quack here With a quack quack here
And a quack quack there And a quack quack there
Here a quack, there a quack Here a quack, there a quack
Everywhere a quack quack Everywhere a quack quack
Old MacDonald had a farm Old MacDonald had a farm
Old MACDONALD had a farm Old MACDONALD had a farm
And on his farm he had a cat And on his farm he had a cat
With a meow meow here With a meow meow here
And a meow meow there And a meow meow there
Here a meow, there a meow Here a meow, there a meow
Everywhere a meow meow Everywhere a meow meow
Old MacDonald had a farm Old MacDonald had a farm

Old MACDONALD had a farm Old MACDONALD had a farm

And on his farm he had a dog And on his farm he had a dog
With a aw aw here With a aw aw here
And a aw aw there And a aw aw there
Here a aw, there a aw Here a aw, there a aw
Everywhere a aw aw Everywhere a aw aw
Old MacDonald had a farm Old MacDonald had a farm

What are the animals in the song? - cow

- dog
- pig
- cat
- duck
I will show you different pictures of animals in the
farm of Old MCDONALDS and let us count them.

4 cows

6 pigs

10 cats

2 dogs
4 ducks
B. Presentation
Now, OLD MCDONALDS has 2 sons
named Mac mac and Donalds and he want
to give his pets to his sons equally.

Let’s begin with the cows. How many cows

again do Old MCDONALDS has?
There are 4 cows
How many cows will each son be able to
They will get 2 cows each
How about the pigs, cat, dog, duck.
6 pigs, 10 cats, 2 dogs, 4 ducks
How many pigs, cats, dogs, ducks will
each son be able to get?
3 pigs each
5 cats each
1 dog each
2 ducks each
Now, let’s put it in the column.

Mac mac Donalds Mac mac Donalds

Now, Let’s divide these stones equally into three.

Let’s divide popsicle sticks equally into two.

C. Engagement Activity
Teacher Supervised Activity
Activity 1: Butterfly Wings
I’ll give you picture of butterfly and 10 spots.
Divide the 10 spots equally in the 2 wings of the
butterfly then write the numeral below the dots.

IV. Evaluation
Independent Activity

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