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**Title: The Impact of Climate Change on Global Biodiversity**


Climate change has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with far-reaching
consequences for the environment and all life forms. One of the most significant impacts of climate
change is its effect on global biodiversity. This document explores how climate change is altering
ecosystems, threatening species, and the urgent need for conservation efforts to mitigate these

**1. Changing Habitats and Ecosystems**

1.1. **Rising Temperatures:** Increasing global temperatures directly impact ecosystems by altering
temperature-sensitive species' distributions. As temperatures rise, species may struggle to survive in
their current habitats, leading to shifts in ecosystems.

1.2. **Ocean Acidification:** The absorption of excess carbon dioxide by the oceans leads to ocean
acidification. This negatively affects marine life, especially organisms with calcium carbonate shells,
such as corals and shellfish.

1.3. **Melting Ice and Sea Level Rise:** The melting of polar ice caps and glaciers results in rising sea
levels, threatening coastal habitats and the species that depend on them.

**2. Threats to Species and Biodiversity**

2.1. **Habitat Loss and Fragmentation:** Climate change-induced habitat loss and fragmentation
disrupt the natural ranges of species, making it difficult for them to find suitable environments and

2.2. **Migration Challenges:** Some species may try to migrate to more favorable habitats due to
changing climatic conditions. However, barriers like human infrastructure and fragmented
landscapes can impede their movement.
2.3. **Altered Reproductive Patterns:** Climate change can impact

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