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Harvey Fletcher soon after

his wedding in September 1908.

(Photograph provided by
Stephen Fletcher.)

My work with Millikan

on the oil-drop experiment
In this personal reminiscence the late author recounts his
experiences as a graduate student in the Ryerson laboratory in Chicago and
his contribution to the determination of the electron's charge.

Harvey Fletcher Professor Millikan and others of the committee, and they decided to let me
faculty of the physics and mathematics enter the graduate school as a candi-
departments. date for the doctorate with the condi-
When I went back to the admission tion that I make up one year of under-
Lorena (Chipman) and I were married group I got the sad news that I must do graduate college work at Chicago,
on 9 September 1908. Soon after we four years of college work at Chicago preferably in those lines in which I was
left by train for Chicago. On arrival before I could enter the graduate deficient, such as history, English, for-
there, we found a small apartment near school. This was a great blow to me. eign languages, sociology.... I thus
the University. After a sleepless night I decided to talk spent three full school years and two
My first problem was to get admitted to Millikan about admissions. At that summers at Chicago and graduated in
and registered in the graduate school. I time he had just been made an assis- 1911. I was as well, if not better,
went to the admission authorities and tant professor and seemed to be a very prepared in physics and mathematics
presented my credits. [Fletcher had likeable fellow. than any of my classmates who had
taken three years of college work at He indicated a way out for me. He graduated from the College at Chicago,
Brigham Young University, which was said I could enter as a special student but I was below them in my knowledge
at that time sufficient for a BS degree.] and select the courses a first-year grad- of subjects in the general educational
They glanced at them and said it would uate student usually takes. If I passed field.
take a little time before they could give them successfully, the admissions com- I had to borrow some money to com-
me a definite answer. They made an mittee might reconsider my entrance plete my first year of graduate work.
appointment for four or five days later into the graduate school. I told him I After that, through the influence of
when I should come back. In the mean- was sure that I could. As a matter of Millikan, I was able to get work in the
time I had become acquainted with fact, I had already taken courses simi- University that paid enough to defray
lar to some of these at Brigham Young. my school and living expenses for the
So through his help I was able to enter remaining two years. During the sec-
Harvey Fletcher (1884-1981) directed acous-
tical and, later, physical research at Bell Labo- as a special student. ond year I was given a job teaching
ratories from 1925 to 1952, developing hear- The courses were not difficult, and I science to high school students in the
ing aids and stereophonic equipment. He also passed them all with high grades College of Education. I cooperated
taught at Columbia University and headed among the top in the classes. With this with other members of the faculty to
research at Brigham Young University. record I went back to the admissions map a general science course that

0031-9228 / 82 / 0600 43-05 / $01.00 © 1982 American Institute of Physics PHYSICS TODAY / JUNE 1982 43
would be suitable for boys and girls of
that age. . . .
Also, that year I took charge of lan-
tern projectors for various classes. I
received a dollar for each lecture. This
too helped out my finances. It was at
the beginning of this second year [1909]
that I went to Millikan to see if he could
suggest a problem upon which I could
work for a doctor's thesis in physics.
He was a busy man, and I had a hard
time making an appointment with him.
Finally, he told me to come down to one
of the research laboratories where he
and Professor [Louis] Begeman were
working and he would talk to me.
First he and Begeman showed me the
research work that they were doing on
the electronic charge, and reviewed the
work that J. J. Thompson and E. Re-
gener had been doing along this line in
Cambridge, England.
They had arranged a little box hav-
ing a content of 2 or 3 cubic centimeters Apparatus for the oil-drop experiment at Caltech in the early 1920s. (Photograph courtesy
that was fastened to the end of a mi- California Institute of Technology Archives and AIP Niels Bohr Library.)
croscope. A tube was attached from an
expansion chamber to the box. By
opening suddenly a petcock, a sudden droplet, that is the fall speed, and the difficult to be sure who suggested what.
expansion of the air in the box caused a intensity of the field to stop its fall, one I left with the impression that I had
cloud of water vapor to form. When could calculate the electrical charge on suggested oil for it was easy to get and
viewed through a microscope this cloud the droplet. This was essentially re- to handle. However, in his memoirs
was seen to be composed of a large peating the experiment that Regener Millikan said he had been thinking of
number of tiny water drops. The dro- did in England. However, the water this before this conference. Of course, I
plets would soon fall from the top to the forming the droplet evaporated so fast cannot say yes or no to that, but I do
bottom of the box under the influence that it would only stay in view for about know what happened after this confer-
of gravity. A conducting plate was 2 seconds, so it was difficult to get more ence.
arranged at the top and another one at than a rough estimate of the charge. Professor Millikan said to me,
the bottom of the box so that an electric We discussed ways and means of "There is your thesis; go try one of
field could be imposed. getting around the difficulty, and I these substances which will not evapo-
When an electric field was turned on, think we all agreed that we should rate."
it would retard the fall of some dro- have a droplet that did not evaporate if To build an apparatus like they were
plets. They were trying to make the we could get it small enough and could using would take considerable time. So
field just right so that a selected droplet control it. Mercury, oil, and two or I decided to make a crude setup in the
would be suspended in the air between three other substances were suggested. laboratory and try it before designing
the plates. From the speed of the In a discussion of that kind, it is rather an elaborate one. I went out to the

Source of the story magnitude of the charge of the electron. It

relates how and by whom the apparatus for
matchless manner, the evidence for the view
that the cathode rays consist not of ether
Last year Mark B. Gardner, of Spanish Fork, the final phase of the experiments, that using waves . . . but rather of material particles car-
Utah, wrote an obituary of his long-time friend oil drops, was devised. The matter is all the rying electric charges, each particle possess-
and co-worker, Harvey Fletcher, for PHYSICS more significant because of the importance ing a mass of about V1Ooo of that of the lightest
TODAY (October 1981, page 116). In the that Millikan himself saw in the details and known atom." Values were sought for the
course of correspondence with Gardner, we mechanism of the experiment. In his Nobel magnitude of the electron's charge. Early
learned that Fletcher had left him a manuscript Lecture he said that "my own work has been determinations were averages of very many
autobiography that included an account of that of the mere experimentalist whose main hypothetical individual charges; they were in-
Fletcher's work in the celebrated oil-drop motive has been to devise, if possible, certain direct measurements at best, according to
experiment for which his thesis adviser, Rob- crucial experiments for testing the validity or Gerald Holton in his essay on Millikan in The
ert A. Millikan, won the Nobel Prize in 1923. invalidity of conceptions advanced by others Scientific Imagination.
Fletcher had instructed Gardner to publish the regarding the unitary nature of electricity."
manuscript only posthumously, so it would be Shortly afterwards came the remark, "The Millikan and his student Louis Begeman initial-
clear that Fletcher had no personal interest success of the experiments first performed in ly used such a method, one devised by H. A.
motivating its publication. In fact, Gardner told 1909 was wholly due to design of the appara- Wilson, in which clouds of water droplets were
us that Fletcher was deeply grateful to Millikan tus, i.e., to the relation of the parts.... Scarce- produced in an expansion chamber between
for the many kindnesses he accorded him and ly any other combinations of dimensions, field parallel horizontal plates of a charge condens-
for the friendship that lasted throughout their strengths, and material could have yielded the er. This method assumed that Stokes's law
lifetimes. He did not want in the least to results obtained." held for the droplets, presupposed that each
tarnish Millikan's reputation. At our request, droplet formed on a singly charged ion, and
Gardner sent us the manuscript and obtained Fletcher came to Chicago and to Millikan at a
time when the existence of the electron was ignored the effects of evaporation. The re-
the consent of Fletcher's family to have it sults that Millikan and Begeman produced,
published. becoming widely accepted by experimenta-
lists as more than a heuristic device. Only two falling within a smaller range of values of e
Fletcher's account fills a gap in Millikan's years before, J. J. Thompson had published a than those of Wilson, were only tentative.
otherwise extensive deceptions, in his books paper reporting measurements of the con-
and his Nobel Prize Lecture, of the sequence stant charge-to-mass ratio of cathode rays, Millikan attempted to improve his results by
of experiments he undertook to determine the which, in Millikan's words, "put together, in a eliminating the error from evaporation. He


drug store that afternoon and bought The oil-drop
an atomizer and some watch oil. Then experiment. I. ISOLATION OF INDIVIDUAL IONS AND MEASUREMENT
I came back to the laboratory and set Filtered air, into
up the following apparatus: which an atomizer In order to compare the charges on different ions, the
First, an arc light with two condens- (A) blows oil procedure adopted was to blow with an ordinary com-
ing lenses in front of it was set up. The droplets, is
mercial atomizer an oil spray into the chamber C (Fig. 3),
admitted into
combination made a bright beam of chamber (C).
light. The experience I had with pro- Droplets of oil find
jection lanterns for lectures made it their way through
possible to get this together very quick- pinhole (p) into an
ly. I then used the atomizer and squirt- air condenser
ed some oil spray so that it fell through bounded by plates
the beam of light. The light made these (M) and (N) held
tiny drops of oil look like tiny stars. apart by ebonite
This indicated this part of the experi- posts (a); the plates
ment would probably work. Next, I are charged by the
went down to the student shop and controlledbattery (B),
by switch
found some brass sheets about one- (S). The oil drops
eighth of an inch thick. From them I are illuminated and
cut two circular plates about 20 centi- seen through the
meters in diameter. I soldered a stem window (c). (From
onto each one so that they could be held Millikan's The
by an ordinary laboratory stand with Electron published
clamps. A small hole was then bored in in 1917.)
the center of the top plate. Next, the
plates were set up horizontally about 2
centimeters apart. In this first setup Fie. 3
the air between the plates was not
enclosed. So I moved the stands hold- The air with which this spray was blown wasfirstren-
ing the two plates over into the beam of dered dust-free by passage through a tube containing
light. I then put a large cardboard gl?-<; wool. The minute droplets of oil con=tit-t-ing the
between the light and the plates and * -tt. ' ' Hem h"-"'nij 'Hiif ' *i
cut a hole just large enough to permit a
beam of light to go between the plates
without touching them. Next, I found a scope; sprayed oil over the top of the ular view of it. The tiny droplets were
cathetometer, an instrument common- plate; then came back to look through being pushed first that way and then
ly used around a physics laboratory, the telescope. I saw a most beautiful this way by the actual molecules in the
and placed it so the telescope on it could sight. The field was full of little star- air surrounding them. I could hardly
be turned and raised or lowered until lets, having all colors of the rainbow. wait until I could try an electrical field
its line of sight went between the two The larger drops soon fell to the bot- upon them to see if they were charged.
plates at about 120° from the direction tom, but the smaller ones seemed to I knew there were two or three banks of
of the light beam. The distance from hang in the air for nearly a minute. small storage cells in the laboratory. A
the telescope to the plates was about 1 They executed the most fascinating large number of these had been con-
meter. I then tried out the apparatus. dance. I had never seen Brownian nected in series and mounted in com-
I turned on the light; focused the tele- movement before. Here was a spectac- partments on a small truck. Each one

hoped to hold the cloud steady so that he nite, sharp, unambiguous proof that electricity Holton, while Fletcher worked with Millikan.
could study its rate of evaporation. To do this, was definitely unitary in structure." He ob- Until then, values of different "balanced"
he increased the strength of the electric field, tained a value of e as 4.65x 10" 1 0 electrosta-
water drops were compared. In the new
which actually had the effect of dispersing the tic units. procedure using oil drops, sets of data were
particles by acting differently on differently obtained on the risings and fallings of a single
charged particles. Millikan wrote, "the disper- On 31 August 1909 Millikan presented his oil drop. Droplets, often charged by friction,
sal seemed at first to spoil my experiment. But results at a meeting in Winnepeg, Canada, of were introduced into an electric field between
when I repeated the test, I saw at once that I the British Association for the Advancement of two charged plates. The charges on the
had something before me of much more Science. Delivering his paper, he had the droplets were changed by irradiating them.
importance than the top surface.... For re- good fortune to be able to contradict a state- The speeds of descent of a single droplet with
peated tests showed that whenever a cloud ment that Lord Rutherford had made a few different charges were compared and found
was thus dispersed by my powerful field, a few days earlier: "It has not yet been possible to all to yield multiples of a smallest value, that
individual droplets remained in view." When detect a single electron by its electrical or value being e. Millikan had to make adjust-
he saw that by turning off the field, drops fell at optical effect and thus count the number ments for the viscosity of the air (or other
different rates, he realized that their different directly, as in the case of alpha particles." medium used) in using Stokes's law, because
weights had been balanced by their different the particles observed were so minute that the
charges or numbers of ions. Timing the des- Soon after Millikan's return from Winnepeg, medium could no longer be treated as entirely
cent of a droplet whose weight he could find Fletcher came to him asking for help in continuous. (When larger particles were ob-
by means of Stokes's law, he discovered the choosing a thesis topic. Millikan showed him served, their behavior did conform to the law,
magnitude of its charge needed to balance its the apparatus that had been used for the but the advantage of having long times of
weight. Comparing droplets falling at different balanced-drop experiment (which Fletcher de- descent—sometimes over a minute—was lost
rates, he was able to eliminate most of the scribes in the early part of this excerpt) and because the heavier particles fell much more
effect of evaporation. The results he obtained suggested he work on using less quickly quickly.)
always came out, within the limits of his evaporating substances to find more accurate
measurements, to 1, 2, 3, 4, or some other values of e. While the general features of Millikan and Fletcher continued the work for
exact multiple of the smallest charge on a Millikan's experiments had by this time—early years, with many variations, and finally ob-
droplet he obtained. "Here then [from this fall 1909—been set, they did undergo a "pro- tained a value of e at 4.774 ( ± 0.005) x 10" 1 0
balanced-droplet method] was the first defi- cess of significant maturation" according to electrostatic units. —DG


Millikan (photo below, in the center) in 1908 flanked by A. A. Michelson (at left), Henry G. Gale
(right) and Carl Kinsley (front). (Photograph by Crowe, courtesy AIP Niels Bohr Library.)
Fletcher in 1936 with Millikan (to his left) and Leopold Stokowski, with whom he worked on re-
cording equipment. (Photograph provided by Stephen Fletcher.)

of these units would produce 1000 volts build it. The principal changes were to thought we were to be joint authors.
dc at its terminals. I soon rolled one of make the plates more accurate and to Before going further let me quote
them into place near my crude appara- enclose the air between the plates to some from that paper. If you want to
tus. Insulated wires were attached prevent air drafts. Also, we obtained a read the whole paper, it is available in
through a switch to the two terminals radium source or x-ray source that we the library.
of the 1000-volt dc battery. I finished could shoot at the chamber to produce a "The Isolation of an Ion, a
most of this that first afternoon. The greater ionization. The actual design is Precision Measurement of Its Charge
next morning I spent some time adjust- described in the first paper published and the Correction of Stokes's Law."
ing it and installing a meter to read the about this work. I want to say more Science, 30 September 1910
voltages applied to the plates. I was about this first paper later. . . . Mr. Harvey Fletcher and my-
then ready to try the battery on these Making the principal changes took self, who have worked together on
tiny oil drops. about a week. Afterwards we started these experiments since December
Once more the atomizer was used to in earnest on this research work, which 1909 have studied in this way
spray some of the oil across the top was later to become so famous. After between December and May from
plate. As I looked through the tele- working five or six weeks we had the one to two hundred drops which
scope I could see the tiny stream of oil press come into our laboratory and see had initial charges from 1 to 150
droplets coming through the hole. and hear our results. We also made a and made from oil, mercury and
Again I saw beautiful stars in constant popular presentation. The papers were glycerine and found in every case
agitation. As soon as I turned on the full of this wonderful discovery. It was the original charge on the drop to
switch some of them went slowly up the first real publicity that I had ever be an exact multiple of the small-
and some went faster down. I was received. My name ran right along est charge which we found that the
about to scream as I knew then that with Professor Millikan's in the news- drop caught from the air.
some were charged negatively and oth- papers. I spent considerable time Throughout the paper such statements
ers positively. By switching the field showing these experiments to various as this occur:
off and on with the right timing one VIPs from all over the country. Mr. Fletcher and my own mean
could keep a selected droplet in the I remember one of them was the times on a given drop generally
field of view for a long time. I went great Charles Steinmetz from the Gen- differ from each other by less than
immediately to find Millikan, but could eral Electric Company. He was one Vioo second.
not find him so I spent the rest of the who did not believe in electrons. He Phyllis was born 21 May 1910, and as
day playing with these oil droplets and could explain all the electrical phenom- you will see, that is about the time we
got a fairly reasonable value of e before finished this first paper. When she was
the day ended. The next day I found ena in terms of a strain in the Ether. about one month old, I was babysitting
him. He was very much surprised to After watching these little oil droplets
learn that I had a setup that was most of one afternoon, he came and with her as Lorena had gone out some-
working. He came down to the labora- shook my hand and said, shaking his where with some of her friends. An-
tory and looked through the telescope head, "I never would have believed it. I swering a knock, I went to the door and
and saw the same beautiful sight of the never would have believed it" and then was surprised to see Millikan. I won-
starlets jumping around that I had left. dered why he had come to our humble
already seen and have described above. This was all great publicity, but I apartment. I soon found it was to
He was very much excited, especially began to wonder if this work was to be decide who was to be the author of the
after turning on the field. After watch- my thesis as Millikan had promised at paper referred to above. There were
ing for some time he was sure we could that first conference in December 1909. four other papers in the formative
get an accurate value of e by this However, during the spring of 1910 we stage that were coming out of these oil-
method. He stopped working with Be- started together writing a paper to be drop experiments and I had expected
geman and started to work with me. published about the new research. they would all be joint papers.
We were together nearly every after- I wrote more of it than he did, par- He said that if I used a published
noon for the next two years. He called ticularly about the modification of paper for my doctor's thesis that I must
the mechanic who worked in our phy- Stokes's law and the arrangements of be its sole author. The five papers on
sics shop and we outlined a new design the data. He went over it all and which we did the experimental work
for our apparatus and asked him to changed the phrasing somewhat to together were
make it read better. All the time I • "The Isolation of an Ion, a Precision



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