CVL 633 Transportation Engineering

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DigtRUCHON: Answer any Five (5) Ques TIME ALLOWED:' 3 Hours a @ a 4 RESTRICTED : NIGERIAN DEFENCE ACADEMY * “POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (?GDCEI) | of 100 kmph if desirable stopping and passing sight distances*f 200i and. 500m, respectively are to be provided. “Assume driver eyes height and object height 1,05m each, i (6 Marks) (@) Briefly dischss the objective of highviay drainage’ (2 Marks) (b) State the’ niost frequent method ‘ise to estimate’run~off'and- write-down the! equstion defining each parameters. * (2 Marks) (©) A highway is being’ASSHTO standards with 2,70 mph design speed.and at one section an equal tangent vertical curve must be’ designéd to connect grade of +1:0% and -39%, Determine the minimum length of vertical curve required assuming provisions are to be made for jrinimum and desirable SSD (F = 0.28, ty = 25 secs and assume an operating speed is SB mh) ‘Mote that at 70 mph, k = 290-540 + (8 Marks) ta RESTRICTED v RESTRICTED * NIGERIAN DERENCE ACADEMY. POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA JN CIVIL ENGINBERING (PGDCEI)) 3 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING p CVE 733 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING II (3 CU) i CONTINUOUS ASSESMENT 15" June 2019 INSTRUCTION: Answer all Question = TIME ALLOWED: — Hour : i @1 (@) Enumerate the dynamic challenges faced by Highway Engineer (3 marks) () Outline the characteristic of a'good'pavement ” (a mats) (c) Differentiate between Flexible paveinent and Rigid Paveinent (2 marks). a : Q2, "A 3000 lb car is wavelling at an elevation of 6000f-(p = 0.002045 slugs/ft?) on # 7* concrete surface. If the car is wavelling at 60 mph and has cy = 0.4 and Ay 30;ft? and an available tractive effortiof 300Ib, what-is the maximum grade” that this car could ascend and maintain the 60 mph speed. =) (10 mari) (QS A 6 lane trunk / highway with eniaverage design period is proposed benween P/darcourt and Aboda in Rivers Statelof Nigeria. The expected average daily wafiie during the first year is $500 v/length. 5:5 % of the vehicle exceeding 3 tonne load and the tiaffic growth rate is 6% per annum with a growth factor of 1.84, results of CBR tests carried out on, location along the propose highway gave @ design. CBR of § %. Design the pavement if cement stabilized lateritic base'with 90% CBR end a szndy cley sub-base of 30 % CBR are to be used. . €iU marks) A (4) Bnunfrate the factors that influence design highways iS marks) (b) Drivers must slow from 70 mph to 40 mph to negotiate a sever curve on a rural highway, A waming sign for the curve is only visible for 100 &. how fer in advance of the: curve is it necessary to, post the sign in order to ensure that veliich:s are able to properly. decelerate,.Assime f = 0.30,G =.0.0% and perception reuction time of 2,0 secs, (5 marks) : RESTRICTED , ©

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