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Monday, 3RD – Saturday, 8th July, 2023
Monday, 3RD July, 2023
Marital Siege Terminated via Wonder-Double Agenda!
“I believed God for marriage and just wanted to settle down. Meanwhile, in my
family, we are five grown-up men and for 15 years, no one got married. God’s
servant, Bishop Oyedepo said that if we engaged in the Wonder-Double Prophetic
Agenda, every everlasting mountain would be cleared and all perpetual hills would
be rolled away. So, I dived into it. I was ‘mad’ and I gave myself a targets of 185
souls. To the glory of God, I was able to lead 45 of them to Christ and about 15 are
planted in this Church.
During the Marital Breakthrough Service in August, the Bishop said, ‘If you are here
and you truly desire to get married, seven weeks from now, God will connect you to
your marital destiny.’ Lo and behold, God opened my eyes to my wife to be that
same week
I proposed to her on and by November, we were gloriously wedded in this
Commission. We give all the glory to the God of this Commission and salute our
father in the faith, a territorial commander and the head of faith in this
dispensation!” ---Mr. & Mrs. Onyekachi Anyadike

5 –Year Diabetes Destroyed Via Prophetic Word and Kingdom Engagement!

“In 2010, I was diagnosed of diabetes and placed on insulin day and night to be taken
forever if I wanted to live. Anytime I missed the dose, a lot of scary signs in my body
threatened my life. I have tried all I could knowing that, in my family, early deaths
have been traced to strange issues such as this and to my knowledge, a two-year
interval never passed without such. Therefore, I was scared and complied with the
specialist’s instructions religiously. However, I brought the case to God in 2015, and
God’s Servant said long term afflictions are not normal, they are a curse. Also, he
said, ''What you don't want, you don't watch''. I keyed into this. When, He instructed
that we enter into covenant with God, I choose to convert the fund for the drugs to
transportation seeds to carry converts as I had an idea of what it cost me monthly.
The mystery is, since that Shiloh 2015, all the symptoms disappeared, no more rising
blood glucose level and yet no insulin. To my surprise, even food that I have been
barred from eating since 2010, I have been eaten regularly without any
complications. To God be all the glory!” Mr. Edache O.
Tuesday, 4th July, 2023
Healed of Enlarged Heart via Soul-Winning!
“For three years, I suffered from severe chest pain but this year, it became very
severe. I went through series of tests and I was diagnosed with cardiomegaly (an
enlarged heart). As a result, my heart valves were not working properly. I was told
that there is no other way out except I undergo a surgery, which stands a 50-50
chance. Before I would be scheduled for the surgery, I was told to go for a test called
That week, Bishop Oyedepo said that if nothing about God moves me, then nothing
about me will move God. Those words struck me and I engaged in soul-winning and
Kingdom advancement prayers, in spite of the pains.
Thereafter, I went for the test and the result showed that my heart was not
enlarged. When I told my cardiologist, she shared my testimony at the reception of
the hospital and a Muslim lady, who was diagnosed with the same health challenge,
gave her life to Christ. Today, I am healed of cardiomegaly. I engaged in ‘Operation
by all means’ and God healed me by all means. I give Him all the glory!” ---Adebiyi

Business Breakthrough via Kingdom Advancement Endeavour!

“During the first phase of the Wonder Double Prophetic Agenda, the Holy
Spirit ministered to me to give free transportation to members of my zone for the
remaining six weeks of the Wonder Double period. So, I told the bus agent to
announce free transportation for the next six weeks and believed God to be able to
pay the total of eighty thousand naira since we were paying sixteen thousand
naira per week. 
By the third Sunday there was an increase in the number of buses to three; hence,
the need for twenty-four thousand naira per week. I made up my mind to see it to
the end. By the fifth week, there was fuel scarcity, so the transportation
fare became thirty thousand naira every week.  While I contemplated on what to do,
God showed up and a contract I quoted for over a year ago was given to me for five
million, seven hundred thousand naira.  Also, during the second phase of the Wonder
Double Prophetic Agenda, I started paying four thousand five hundred naira every
Sunday for the transportation fare of my converts to church.  Shortly after, a
client who practically sent me out of his site called me and started negotiations for
a new job. Thereafter, he gave me a contract of four million nine hundred thousand
naira.  I give God all the glory to the God of Wonder Double, Who never lies!” ---Ayeye
Wednesday, 5th July, 2023

Marital Stagnation Terminated via Shiloh Sacrifice!

‘In my family, we are seven girls, and none of us was married. However, I joined this
Commission in 2017, and that same year, I came for Shiloh. During the Impartation
Service, while I dropped my Shiloh sacrifice, I cried out to God and asked Him to take
away the marital reproach in my family and settle us in 2018. Lo and behold, the God
of this Commission showed up! In May 2018, I was supernaturally married, and three
of my sisters also got married in 2019. This God is too faithful to fail. I return all the
glory to God!’ — Mosunmola S.

Supernatural Supply Through Kingdom Stewardship

I have been in debt for so long, and I have been asking God to bless me so I could
settle my debts and be free. When we started the specialized outreaches, I
participated tirelessly. In instances where I had no money, I would trek to church.
Three days to the last day of the outreach, as I was coming to church for outreach, I
saw a place where they sell second hand clothes and the Spirit urged me to buy some
of the clothes to be distributed while on outreach, which I did. When I got to church
I was checking the clothes and I felt something at the edge. So I tore that part and I
found a diamond. I showed it to a brother and he confirmed that it was a diamond.
After, the Spirit prompted me again to go back to where I bought the clothes and I
did so. I asked the seller where he bought the clothes and he showed me, so I
bought a bag full of clothes. When I got home I checked the bag and found coins and
gold. I was able to sell the gold and pay all my debts and even paid my children’s
school fees which were in arrears. I have come to return all glory to God. Justice O
Thursday, 6th July, 2023

Miracle Job via Operation Possess The Land Engagement!

“Some time ago, I was licensed by the company I worked with to operate on my
own. So, I got a place and everything was fixed. Suddenly, some government officials
demolished all the shops there, including mine. So, I went there, gave God thanks
and left.
On Sunday, May 29, 2016, when Operation Possess The Land was flagged off with 7
days of prayer and fasting, I was so happy because I knew that another opportunity
had come for me.
On Tuesday, May 31, 2016, while meditating on having a reward mentality in Kingdom
engagement, I told God: ‘If you can turn a 17-year old boy to a global phenomenon
overnight after three hours of Kingdom engagement, I will also give you three hours
today for the miracle of instant reinstatement to my former office in June.’ Also,
before I started praying, I told God that everyone ‘on the go’ and ‘on their knees’
that day must return with testimonies. Thereafter, I scheduled three prayer points
for those three hours―one, that God should double the April 2016 average Sunday
attendance by Sunday, June 26, 2016. Two, that God should give us the heathen for
an inheritance and the uttermost part of the earth for our possession all through the
Operation Possess The Land agenda and finally, that we shall possess every land that
the soul of our feet steps on, all through this prophetic season.
Miraculously, by 5:17p.m that same day, I received a call from the HR of my former
place of work. She told me to come to the head office the next day, which was June
1, 2016.’
When I arrived there, I was asked if I still desired to work with the organisation and I
replied in the affirmative. Immediately, I was shown to my office and I resumed that
day. Truly, Kingdom advancement engagement is a divine opportunity for instant
delivery of miracles; and everyday is God’s day, the day you believe is your own day. I
give God all the glory!” ---Emem Grace

Miracle Job via Kingdom Advancement Endeavours!

‘After my National Youth Service Programme in 2018, I trusted God for a lecturing
job. In 2018 and 2021, I went for an interview twice for this position in an institution
but was not called back for the job. In January 2022, when the 21-day prayer and
fasting began, I engaged vigorously in Kingdom advancement prayer for two hours
at night and one and half hours during the day. I prayed for the salvation of souls, the
establishment of souls, church growth and church members using all the intercessory
prayer bulletins. Also, I engaged in intense soul winning. After the spiritual exercise,
it seemed nothing was going to happen, but while I continued in my engagement
vigorously, I remembered Bishop David Oyedepo had always said, “Those who
engage in profiting the Kingdom are partakers of the blessings, and your testimony
is your strongest message.” Lo and behold, my heavens open up! On 2nd February
2022, I submitted my CV in the same institution again and on 7th February 2022, I was
invited for an interview in the same institution that had rejected me twice. I was
given the job that same day, and the salary package, which has other packages, is
mouthwatering. Serving God pays the most. I return all the glory to God!’ — Soneye
O. B.

Friday, 7th July, 2023

Career and Business Stagnation Destroyed
I have had a lot of dry seasons in my business for about 3 years. However, in the past
one-year we didn’t even get a single contract and we were in huge debt. Therefore,
when the Wonder Double prophetic agenda was declared in 2015, my wife and I
plugged into it for our desired breakthrough. We held at least 30-min kingdom
advancement prayers almost everyday, participated in the church and personal
outreaches, as well as sharing flyers. God gave us souls who became instant and
active disciples of Christ. We also partook of the ark-bearers sacrifice, and brought
people to and fro church on Sunday, to break every siege on our business.
At the end of the 1st phase in 2015, my wife miraculously concluded her Ph.D. and
was promoted, after 7 years of stagnation. In April 2016, we got a contract worth
N100k. Then in May 2016, we obeyed two instructions; on applying the blood
sprinkling and sowing prophetic seed. In the same month, we got two contracts –
1.1M and about 80M. And as if that was not enough, during the just-concluded 7-day
fasting and prayers in June 2016, God visited us again and these two contracts were
upgraded to 1.8M and 146M respectively. We didn’t lobby anywhere; God just
favoured us on every side in fulfilment of Mathew 6:33 and in honour of the
declarations of Papa concerning our four quantum leaps. We are still in awe of God’s
good works through His servant. We also thank Him for divine provisions and
wisdom to complete the projects successfully. --- Mofoluwaso Badejo.

God of the Liberation Mandate has liberated me and opened up my destiny.

Since 2007 I have been praying for God to settle me in marriage but to no avail. I
prayed and fasted, yet nothing happened. Then God spoke and told me to move to
Living Faith Church, but I didn’t respond as I felt it cannot be, because I was working
for God at my place of worship. I was depressed, frustrated and was living in shame,
everyone around saw me as a failure, being single at my age.
December 11, 2015, God spoke again and immediately I obeyed, December 20 th 2015 I
joined this commission fully. During the word that day, God told me that he will
activate all my works that I have ever worked in the past within three (3) months. God
also used His servant to let me know what I should be doing, and the things I should
avoid from that day forward, and I obeyed. I fully obeyed every instruction that came
out from the mouth of God’s servant. I also attended WOFBI again the 2 nd time.
During the 21 day prayer and fasting I never missed a day. When the Operation by All
Means was declared, I keyed into it because I knew my destiny and breakthrough
depended on it. I was always busy evangelizing every morning and evening to the
extent that my partner and I got 17 souls in a place and opened a new cell there. I was
also led to give Shiloh offering which I did. Suddenly, my God showed up and gave me
my Husband. We did the first introduction on 20/03/2016, the second on 29/04/2016
and our wedding has been slated for 9 th and 10th September 2016. Indeed, God has
wiped away my shame and has replaced it with joy. To Him alone be all the glory and
praise. Evelyn P.W.

Saturday, 8th July 2023

Miracle Job via Kingdom Advancement Engagements!

“I am a Ghanaian. Exactly three months ago, I rededicated my life to Christ on this
altar and keyed into every word spoken by the Bishop concerning the Wonder-
Double mandate and engaged in the sharing of tracts. As a result, my colleagues
were surprised at the change in my life. I told them that it is a turnaround for good.
Meanwhile, I believed God for a job.
During one of the services, the Bishop said, ‘Go for your miracle job.’ Immediately, I
said, ‘That could be me.’ So, I applied for the post of a supervisor. When I got to the
organisation with my credentials, the interviewer looked at me and said, ‘With your
qualifications, you could become the Operations Manager; can you handle it?’ I said,
‘Yes, I can,’ and I got the job.
Later, the management said that they needed a General Manager, and they also
believe I am the right person for that position. That was how I became the General
Manager. Now, according to the MD, he can sleep with his eyes closed and go for
summer holidays, knowing that there is someone on ground. I give God all the
glory!” ---Dela Doeodee
Delivered from Generational Curse!
“My forefathers served a certain god named udo, which means snake. When they
passed on, my father also served that god, and He taught all his children everything
about the god. However, when my father passed on, none of his children served the
god because it had brought nothing but tragedies to the family.
Since then, the god tormented our family to the point that no one in the family
experienced progress in life. Instead, we worked as elephants and ate like ants.
When it became a source of concern to my family, we sought for solutions.
In a bid to salvage the situation, we invited more than six prayer warriors from
different churches to liberate my family to no avail. Instead, they said that the god in
my family was strong and they needed to prepare adequately before confronting it.
Thereafter, they never returned.
On September 24, 2015, I joined this Church during the Operation Rescue prophetic
agenda. I immediately dived into Matthew 6:33, obeyed every instruction from the
altar, engaged in soul-winning and praying Kingdom advancement prayers, ignoring
all my needs.
Thereafter, the God of Wonder-double showed up. On Thursday, June 2, 2016, during
the prayer and fasting service, Bishop Oyedepo said: ‘Everything that will not let you
go in your village and the neighbourhood where you live, is going down for you in
Jesus’ name!’ Immediately, I screamed, ‘Amen!’
Shortly after that service, my cousin called from the village shouting that they saw a
big snake (Eke) in our kitchen but it could not move. So, some people gathered and
killed it after one hour. Today, I am free! I give God all the glory!” ---Alex Mbunabo, J.

Jesus is Lord!

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