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Bs paper

1) I didn’t realize that she was getting married.

a) Noun clause

b) Adverb clause

c) Adjective clause

d) Prepositional clause

2) I am saying that we must buy new products.

a) Noun clause

b) Adverb clause

c) Preposition clause

d) Conjunction clause

3) Take whatever book you need.

a) Adjective clause

b) Adverb clause

c) Conjunction clause

d) Noun clause

4) The money will go to whichever ____you choose.

a) Charity

b) Charities

c) Chariot

d) Charioted
5) The subordinate clauses are______.

a) Noun clause

b) Adjective clause

c) Adverb clause

D) all of these

6) This is a present for Rabia.

A) Demonstrative adjective

b) Demonstrative pronoun

c) Preposition

d) Conjunction

7) This book is mine.

a) Demonstrative pronoun

b) Demonstrative adjective

c) Ellipses

d) Conjunction

8) There are _____relative pronoun in English language.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 5

9) He _____milk every morning

a) Take

b) Takes

c) Taking

d) Taken

10) The sun ____in the east.

A) Rise

b) Risen

c) Rose

d) Rises

11) Present indefinite is the ___of present Tense.

a) Aspect

b) Modality

c) Tense

d) Mood

12) Mono transitive verb has only ______objects.

a) Half

b) Little

c) One

d) Mini

13) I saw a lovely pair of shoes. How many objects are there/?

a) 2
b) 3

c) 1

d) Complement

14) He calls himself the topper of the institute.

a) Transitive

b) Mono transitive

c) Complex transitive

d) Intransitive

15) She blushed furiously.

a) Mono transitive

b) ditransitive

c) Complex transitive

d) Intransitive

16) Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

a) Adjective clause

b) Adverb clause

c) Preposition

d) Independent clause

17) He is the man whom we all respect.

a) Adverb clause

b) Adjective clause
c) Independent

d) None of these

18) This is the place where mice are in abundance.

a) Adverb clause

b) Adjective clause

c) Preposition clause

d) Independent

19) The finite verb shows_______

a) Number

b) Tense

c) Number and tense

d) None of these

20) The girl with golden hair is my cousin?

What is the function of underline phrase?


b) Adjective

c) Verb


21) _____the instant written record of a meeting or hearing.

a) Circular

b) Agenda
c) Memorandum

d) Meeting minutes

22) Minutes usually include_____.

a) The names of participants

b) The follow up actions

c) Decision made by the participants

d) All of these

23) As a minute taker you don’t need to familiarize yourself with _____of order.

a) Law

b) Rules

c) Principal

d) Perspective

24) Learning shorthand will ________note taking.

a) Easy

b) Speed up

c) Simple

d) Difficult

25) In meeting minutes include only ____taken, not ________.

a) Discussion, actions

b) Action, discussion

c) Suggestion, recommendation
d) Recommendation, suggestions

26) A CV is a concise document which summarizes__________.

a) Existing professional skills

b) Academic record

c) Proficiency, experience

d) All of these

27) Unique hobbies and interest will make you_____.


b) Attractive

c) Stand out

d) Polite

28) Your bio data includes_______.

a) Name, father name

b) Gender and nationality

c) Religion

d) All of these

29) In CV ________yourself.

a) Repeat

b) Don’t repeat

c) Always repeat

d ) Seldom repeat
30) Memo is intended to inform a group of people about a specific issue such as_______.

a) Policies

b) Events

c) Records

d) All of them

31) The auxiliaries and full verb can be differentiated by______.

a) Tense

b) Subject verb inversion

c) Negation of the verb

d) Both a and b

32) Modern name for parts of speech is_______.

a) Speech act

b) Probing

c) World classes

d) Word classes

33) Simple sentence can have________.

a) One subject one object

b) Compound subject and compound object

c) Compound subject and one object

d) All of these

34) The teacher insisted that I________ hard

a) Work

b) Must work

c) May work

d) May work

35) He has gone to Karachi, hasn’t she? What type of question is this?

a) Alternative

b) Tag question

c) Yes, no

d) Wh question

36) Rashid was used to _______a lie.

a) Tell

b) Telling

c) Told

d) Tells

37) Sabeeta used to ________flour.

a) Knead

b ) Kneading

c) Kneads

d) Kneaded

38) In a complex sentence noun clause can function as_________.

a) Subject
b) Object of verb

c) Object of preposition

d) All of these

39) Report writing is important to _____________

a) Enable us to keep record

b) Tell about failure and success

c ) Help researchers to do their work

d) All of these

40) Title page includes_____.

a) Title of the report

b) Recommendation

c) Suggestions

d ) All of these

41) Abstract is the _______ of report.

a) Paraphrase

b) Detailed account

c ) Elaborated detail

d) Summary

42) Introduction in the technical report writing includes______

a) What

b) Why
c) How

d ) All of these

43) The ______acquaint the reader with the problem you are setting out to solve.

a) Title page

b) Discussion

c) Introduction

d) None of these

44) _________includes plans for further research should proceeds.

a) Conclusion

b) Discussion

c) Abstract

d) Recommendation

45) Report writing is an essential skill for __________.

a) Practical

b) Theoretical

c) Political

d )Professional

46) Covering letter is also called letter of _______.

a) Transmittal

b) Transmitted

c ) Transformal
d ) Transmission

47) Letter to the person who commissioned the report is called________.

a) Personal letter

b) Informal letter

c) Letter of transmittal

d ) Proficiency letter

48) The alphabetical list of abbreviation used in the report is called______.

a) Appendix

b ) Bibliography

c) Glossary

d) Abstract

49) Acknowledgement is a short paragraph thanking person and organization________.

a) For helping the report writer

b) For collecting data

c) For preparing report

d) All of these

50) Abstract include one (or so) sentences for every main_______ of your report.

a) Page

b) Clause

c) Complex sentences

d) Section
51) Abstract is written ______you have written the report.

a) After

b) Before

c) In the mid

d) None of these

52) Recommendation is _____for further actions.

a) aim

b) Process

c )Suggestions

d) Purpose

53) Bibliography is ______ but _______directly in report.

a) Consulted, not referred

b) Referred, not consulted

c) Referred, not explained

d) Explained, not recommended

54) Appendix is placed at the_______ of report.

a) End

b) Beginning

c) Mid

d) Before title

55) Always use _______ in report writing.

a) Active voice

b) Passive voice

c) Narrative

d) Causative

56) Letter is a written form of communication directed from______.

a) Person to person

b) Organization to person

c) Organization to organization

) All of these

57) Paragraph essentials are____

a) Coherence

b) Unity and order

c) Completeness

d) All of these

58) Joyce said, ‘money makes the mare go.”

A) Joyce said that money made the mare go.

b) Joyce said that money make the mare go.

c) Joyce sais that money made the mare go.

d) Joyce said that money makes the mare go.

59) Cook the fish.

a) Let the fish be cooked.

b) Let the fish cook

c) Let fish be cook.

d) None of these

60) Preposition used to indicate movement from one place to another is______.

a) On

b) Over

c) At

d) By

61) The birds are sitting ___the branches _____the tree.

a) On, in

b) In, on

c) By, in

d) In, by

62) At is used to _____.

a) Indicate destination

b) Show plane surface

c) Indicate days and dates

d) To show a century

63) A memo should be ended on the note of _______.

a) Thanks

b) Seriousness
c) Optimism

d) Promise

64) Do put your ________above your typed name if you are sending your job application in print
form via post mail.

a) Address

b) Phone number

c) Signature

d) Mail Id

65) Business writer today generally favor the______ letter format.

a) Semi indented

b) Full block

c) Traditional format

d) All of these

66) Place _______after complementary close in a letter.

a) Period

b) Exclamation mark

c) Comma

) Semicolon

67) Letter one sends to family friend and relative is called______

a) Informal

b) Formal
c) Invitation

d) social

68) The purpose of reading is _______

a) Writing

b) Reciting

c) Instruction

d) Understanding

69) A group of sentence organized around a central topic is called_______.

a) Phrase

b) Sentence

c) Paragraph

d) Essay

70) Unity in a paragraph begins with_______

a) Concluding sentence

b) Topic sentence

c) Vague sentence

d) Supporting sentence.

Abdullah Danish (BSN Student GCN KTH)

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