Curriculum Phases

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Patricia Mae V.

BSED-English III
EDUC 327

Chapter 1

Lesson 1.1│ The Curricula In School

Activity 1 – Think-Pair-Share

a. Does the Sabre-tooth Curriculum still exist at present?

From my perspective, Sabre-tooth Curriculum still exist at present

since the educational system today still teaches students to do particular
tasks on their own and with that, it helps a lot in exercising their minds
and skills, too. For instance, doing experimentations in a laboratory helps
exercise their minds and skills and let them explore the world by having
those experiences which could help them in the future.

b. Describe the kind of curriculum that exists as describe in the


The curriculum that was being described on the article actually

conveys a message in a form of the premise “we should teach them on how
to catch a fish using their hands rather than using a net.” In which it
implies that we teachers/future teachers, we must teach the young on how
to manipulate their cognitions, we should let them think and we should
let them do things on their own rather than spoiling them with all their
needs and covets.

c. What does the author mean, when he said “A curriculum should be

timeless?” Explain.

Basically, it means that a curriculum should preserve the past, but

not be limited by it. Also, our education system should fit with the needs
of the time and serve a purpose. Ultimately, these curricular decisions
should be made by our society to fit our needs, rather than by individual
teachers, school buildings, or districts.

d. What is the difference between education and training?

The term training implies the act of imparting a special skill or

behavior to a person, which is commonly offered to employees of
operational level. On the other hand, education is a process of systematic
learning something in an institution that develops a sense of judgment
Document continues below

and reasoning in employees. In addition, training is undertaken in the

hopes of gaining a specific skill. Hence, this skill will make you more

employable. While education is undertaken in the hopes of furthering your

individual knowledge and developing your intellect.


Read each statement and decide whether you agree or disagree.

1. Agree

2. Agree

3. Agree

4. Agree

5. Agree

6. Agree

7. Agree

8. Agree

9. Disagree

10. Agree


1. Is it necessary for teachers to learn about school curriculum? Why?

Basically, it is fundamental for teachers to learn about school curriculum

for them to be able to help students learn easily and connect with sources of

information and knowledge that allows them to explore ideas. A school

curriculum will always help the teacher to adjust in the environment better.

Without doubt, the most important person in the curriculum implementation

process is the teacher. With their knowledge, experiences and competencies,

teachers are central to any curriculum development effort. Better teachers

support better learning because they are most knowledgeable about the practice

of teaching and are responsible for introducing the curriculum in the classroom.

Lesson 1.2 │The Teacher as a Curricularist

Activity 1 – Let’s Do a Simple Survey

The Teacher as a Curricularist Survey Tool

Name of a Teacher: Renamae Flor Teh

School: Mote Elementary School

No of Years Teaching: 4 yrs.

Grade Level Assignment: Kinder

Degree Graduated: BEED-Generalist

Circle YES or NO that will correspond to your self-assessment.

As a school teacher,

Answer & Rank

1. I master the subject matter that I have to teach.

2. I implement what I have planned for my teaching.

3. I monitor and assess if my students are learning.

4. I modify my activity to suit my learners in my


5. I lead in the implementation of a new curriculum in

my school.

6. I write instructional materials based on the

recommended school curriculum.

7. I look for other ways of doing to improve teaching

and learning in my classroom.

8. I participate in community activities as a good


9. I disregard the needs of my learners and focus only

in my lesson.

10. I teach my plan for the students to learn.






















I am a Teacher! Who am I as a Curricularist?

Case 1: Innovates the curriculum

Case 2: Initiates the curriculum

Case 3: Plans the curriculum

Case 4: Writes the curriculum

Case 5: Innovates the curriculum

Case 6: Knows the curriculum

Case 7: Evaluates the curriculum

Case 8: Innovates the curriculum

Case 9: Writes the curriculum

Case 10: Initiates the curriculum


Choose one from case 1 to 10 above. Reflect on the case you have chose

and write your reflections on the box below. Ask your classmate to read and

comment on your reflections. Both of you, discuss your answers.

Name: Patricia Mae V. Jondonero Case No. 6

A. My Reflections on Case No. 6

I realized that knowledge is truly limitless. What I learned from my

lower years were not enough. Most of the people tend to stop learning after

their educational degrees, which is contrary to the concept of "learn and

grow" each day. As a curricularist in the future, I should enroll at my

graduate school to advance my learning for the reason that I need to know

more because I believe that by learning new things, and those who practice

this were most likely to excel and achieve higher goals.

B. What my partner said about my reflections:

I could not agree more from what she said since education is indeed

limitless and learning is worthwhile, too.

Name of Partner: Shaira Ocliasa

H. Integration 9. Allowing the transfer of content, from past to future I. Continuity G. Sequence 10.
Arranging of contents from easy to difficult J. Learning outcomes Self-Reflect

After learning from this lesson, how would you prepare yourself to become a teacher, using the three
approaches to curriculum?

In order to prepare myself in the near future, I must first learn what is

curriculum and how will it help my job as a teacher and for the students. Also,

it is important to know my goals, resources, students whether they are gifted,

advanced, or special ed, as well as knowing my state curriculum, preference and

ability. As what they say, curriculum as a product will have a defining parameter

of what students will be capable of doing when they leave your class. Curriculum

as a process is just the range of products you have exposed them to over the

year. Mastery is not necessarily a consideration for pass fail, but whether they

have participated or not. My preparation should be focused on what and who I

will be teaching, determining what to achieved, and much better if I spent my

time maximizing co-planning and intrapersonal skills

Describe the model of curriculum development which you understood

best. Write in two paragraphs.

The model of curriculum development which I understood best is Tyler’

model the four basic principles. Its illustrious career in education resulted in

major contributions to the policy and practice of schooling. His influence was

especially felt in the field of testing, where he transformed the idea of

measurement into a grander concept that he called evaluation; in the field of

curriculum, where he designed a rationale for curriculum planning in the realm

of educational policy.

Tyler recognizes a problem in connection with the selection of learning

experiences by a teacher . The problem is that a learning experience is the

interaction between a student and her environment. That is, a learning

experience is to some degree a function of the perceptions, interests, and

previous experiences of the student. Thus, a learning experience is not totally

within the power of the teacher to select. Regardless, Tyler maintains that the

teacher can control the learning experience through the manipulation of the

environment, resulting in stimulating situations sufficient to evoke the desired

kind of learning outcomes.


1. What phase of the curriculum process do you find very important as a

teacher? Why

All phases of the curriculum process are essential however, from my

standpoint, the curriculum planning is way more important than the rest since

in this phase, some of the questions that need to be addressed to define the issue

is being explored. That includes ways to identify gaps between knowledge and

practice; trends emerging from the data; a process to prioritize needs; and

identification of the characteristics of the target audience which I think the most

essential things to be considered in the curriculum process.

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