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Br J Sp Med 1994; 28(4)

Overtraining - what do lactate curves tell us?

Asker E. Jeukendrup MSc and Matthijs K. C. Hesselink MSc
Department of Human Biology, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands

In a cyclist, competing at national and international level, Kuipers'). The test was aborted at 350 W because the
submaximal lactate concentrations were initially inter- 4mmol -h-point had been exceeded (4.1 mmolh-1 at
preted as improved endurance capacity. However, 2 weeks 350W). The lactate concentrations were compared
later, a test in which maximal lactate was measured with the results of a maximal test conducted 2 months
showed that maximal lactate was decreased as well. earlier. Results of these two tests are shown in Figure
Together with the complaints of deteriorating perform- 1. The lactate curve was shifted to the right and it was
ance and subjective complaints of irritability and sleep
disturbances, overtraining was diagnosed. After decreas- concluded that the cyclist was in good physical
ing the training load, performance was gradually restored. condition. Because problems occurred predominantly
This example indicates that athletes should be carefully during the later stages of the races the advice of the
questioned on their ability to perform their regular sportsphysician was to include a 4-h endurance
training programme, their motivation, possible sleeping training session in the weekly training programme.
disorders and eating problems. This case serves as a The cyclist reported to our laboratory 2 weeks later
reminder to interpret lactate curves carefully and shows with the same complaint. From his medical history it
how important it is to obtain maximal lactate from a appeared that the cyclist had some sleeping problems
graded exercise test. and was irritated more frequently than normal. An
Keywords: Overtraining, over-reaching, training, per- exercise test was performed till exhaustion and
formance, cycling, lactate plasma lactate was measured. Results of this test and
Overtraining is frequently observed in sport practice. 14 -4-
Many athletes suffer from a decreased, or lack of, * test 1
improvement in performance even though they 0 12 - test2
continue their regular training programme. The only 10
adequate therapy, which is feared by most athletes, is 0
a drastically reduced or zero training programme. 0u0
-W 8-
e I.

The diagnosis is often difficult because of the lack of co

appropriate indicators or misinterpretation of test 6
aborted at 350 W
results, as will be seen from the case report below. 4- 4-

Case report 20-

Il I
An amateur cyclist (19 years, 64kg) competing at 0 100 200 300 400 500
national and international level consulted a sports- workload (W)
physician with the complaint that he had problems Figure 1. Lactate curves for test 1 (graded exercise test) and
during the last hour of the classics (180-km road test 2 (a preliminary aborted graded exercise test)
races). Whereas previously he could normally finish
within the first group, he now finished in one of the 16-
chasing groups or did not finish at all. Blood was max
collected and analysed for aspartataminotransferase 14 - 0 test 1 4-
(ASAT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine -0-- test 3
kinase (CK), red blood cells (RBC), haematocrit (Ht), 0 12 -
haemoglobin (Hb) and ferritin. E 10
There was a slight, but not pathological increase in 0
the concentrations of muscle enzymes. RBC, Ht, Hb, 8- max

and ferritin were in the normal range. An exercise wu 4--

test was performed on a cycle ergometer in the
laboratory and lactate concentrations were measured 4-
at the end of every stage (2.5 min according to 2
0 100 200 300 400 500
Address for correspondence: A. E. Jeukendrup, Department of
Human Biology, University of Limburg, Postbus 616, 6200 MD workload (W)
Maastricht, The Netherlands Figure 2. Lactate curves for test 1 (graded exercise test in
(© 1994 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd the nonovertrained state) and test 3 (graded exercise test
0306-3674/94/040239-02 in the overtrained state)

Br J Sp Med 1994; 28(4) 239

Overtraining and lactate curves: A. E. Jeukendrup and M. K. C. Hesselink
the results of the first test are shown in Figure 2. tivity to catecholamines or lower plasma catechol-
Overtraining was diagnosed on the basis of the test amine concentrations could result in a decreased
results and the medical history. We advised the lactate production. This view is supported by results
cyclist to rest and to avoid interval training for 2 from a study by Lehmann13 who observed decreased
weeks. Performance increased gradually and after 3 catecholamine levels after intensifying the training of
weeks he was again able to finish within the first 20. runners. However, additional prospective studies
have to be performed to obtain information regarding
What is overtraining? the underlying mechanisms of reduced lactate con-
centrations in overtraining.
Overtraining is a general term for a situation in which In the present case, lower submaximal lactate
there is an imbalance between exercise and recovery2. concentrations were initially interpreted as improved
When this imbalance is continued for 7-10 days it can endurance capacity. However, 2 weeks later, a test in
lead to a variety of symptoms including disturbed which maximal lactate was measured showed that
nervous, endocrinological and immunological func- maximal lactate was decreased as well. Together with
tion. In the literature this type of overtraining is the complaints of deteriorating performance and
called short-term overtraining or over-reaching2. In subjective complaints of irritability and sleep disturb-
this situation supercompensation is possible ances, overtraining was diagnosed. Athletes should
although recovery requires a longer time than in a be questioned carefully on their ability to perform
normal regeneration period. When such athletes their regular training programme, their motivation,
continue their training, they may eventually end up possible sleeping disorders and eating problems. This
with an overtraining syndrome or staleness2 3. case serves as a reminder to interpret test results
Supercompensation will not occur and a long carefully and shows how important it is to obtain
recovery period is needed. maximal lactate from a graded exercise test. Without
Because of many practical and ethical problems measuring maximal lactate it is impossible to distin-
little research on overtraining has been performed guish between 'being in good condition' and 'being
and most studies are anecdotal or use results from overtrained'. Decreased submaximal lactates, in
cross-sectional studies4-7. None of these studies has combination with decreased maximal lactate concen-
identified clear indicators of overtraining. One of the trations, can help in the diagnosis of overtrainingl0.
proposed markers of overtraining is a paradoxical For that reason lactate curves should be interpreted
decrease in plasma lactate levels in submaximal and with caution.
maximal exercise. While lower lactate levels during
submaximal exercise generally indicate improved References
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After 2 weeks of extremely heavy training (13 5 Derevenco P. Florea E, Derevenco V, Anghel J, Simu S. Einige
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concentrations were decreased. The maximal lactates heart rate in runners: a valid sign of overtraining? Physician
dropped by up to 50%. and Sports Medicine 1985; 13: 77-86.
It is not clear why this drop in plasma lactate occurs 7 Kindermann W. Das Ubertraining: Ausdruck einer vegeta-
but there are a few possibilities. Training may have tiven Fehlsteuerung. Deutsche Zeitschrift ffir Sportmedizin 1986;
H8: 138-45.
improved lactate clearance'2. Although this possibil- 8 Foster C, Snyder AC, Thompson, NN, Kuettel K Normaliza-
ity cannot be excluded, a drawback to this might be tion of the blood lactate profile in athletes. Int J Sports Med
that in our earlier study'0 the lactate concentrations 1988; 9: 198-200.
increased again after 2 weeks of reduced training. 9 Jacobs I. Blood lactate implications for training and sports
Second, the reduced lactate concentrations may be performance. Sports Med 1986; 3: 10-25.
10 Jeukendrup AE, Hesselink MKC, Snyder AC, Kuipers H,
caused by the decreased muscle glycogen found after Keizer HA. Physiological changes in male competitive cyclists
repeated strenuous exercise bouts. However, in a after two weeks of intensified training. Int I Sports Med 1992;
recent (over-reaching) study at our laboratory with 13: 534-41.
the identical experimental design to our previous 11 Lehmann M. Sympathetic activity in relation to performance
diagnostics, training and overtraining. Int J Sports Med 1988; 9:
study, it was observed that the plasma lactate levels 390.
were also decreased when carbohydrates were 12 Brooks GA. Current concepts in lactate exchange. Med Sci
supplemented after the training bouts and high Sports Exerc 1991; 23: 895-906.
muscle glycogen concentrations were maintained 13 Lehmann M, Baumgartl P, Wiesenack C, Seidel A et al.
(unpublished data). The third possible explanation is Training-overtraining: influence of a defined increase in
training volume vs training intensity on performance,
a decreased sympathetic drive or a reduced catechola- catecholamines and some metabolic parameters in experi-
mine sensitivity. Catecholamines have an important enced middle- and long-distance runners. Eur I Appi Physiol
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240 Br J Sp Med 1994; 28(4)

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