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Adjectives Adverbs Adjectives Adverbs

agreeable agradable agreeably agradablemente immature inmaduro immaturely inmaduramente

Amazing Increíble amazingly sorprendentemente impatient impaciente impatiently impacientemente

ambitious ambicioso ambitiously ambiciosamente inconsiderate desconsiderado inconsiderately desconsideradamente

Angry Enfadado angrily airadamente indecisive indeciso indecisively indecisamente

Brave Valiente bravely valientemente interesting interesante interestingly interesantemente

Careful Cuidadoso carefully cuidadosamente late tarde late tarde

confident confiado confidently con confianza lucky afortunado luckily afortunadamente

considerate considerado considerately con consideración mature maduro maturely maduramente

Creative Creativo creatively creativamente nervous nervioso nervously nerviosamente

Curious Curioso curiously con curiosidad optimistic optimista optimistically con optimismo

Decisive Decisivo decisively con decisión patient paciente patiently pacientemente

disagreeable desagradable disagreeably desagradablemente quick rápido quickly rápidamente

dishonest deshonesto dishonestly deshonestamente rare raro rarely raramente

Early Temprano early temprano reliable fiable reliably fiablemente

Easy Fácil easily fácilmente sad triste sadly tristemente

enthusiastic entusiasta enthusiastically con entusiasmo serious serio seriously seriamente

Extreme Extremo extremely extremadamente similar similar similarly similarmente

Fair Justo fairly bastante strange extraño strangely extrañamente

fashionable de moda fashionably a la moda stubborn terco stubbornly obstinadamente

Fast Rápido fast rápidamente sudden repentino suddenly de repente

fortunate afortunado fortunately afortunadamente surprising sorprendente surprisingly sorprendentemente

glamorous glamuroso glamorously glamorosamente unfair injusto unfairly injustamente

Good Bueno well bien unfortunate desafortunado unfortunately desafortunadamente

Hard Duro hard duro unreliable poco fiable unreliably Desconfiadamente

Honest Honesto honestly honestamente wise sabio wisely sabiamente

 The team members found the proposal agreeable and were eager to move forward
with it.
 The fireworks display was truly amazing, leaving everyone in awe of the colorful bursts
in the night sky.
 Sarah has always been ambitious, setting high goals for herself and working tirelessly to
achieve them.
 He was visibly angry, his face turning red as he expressed his frustration with the
 The brave firefighter rushed into the burning building to save the trapped occupants.
 The architect was careful in designing the building to ensure it met all safety standards.
 Despite the challenges, she remained confident in her abilities and knew she would
 He was considerate of others, always offering a helping hand when someone needed it.
 The artist's creative mind led to the creation of stunning and unique masterpieces.
 The curious child asked endless questions, always eager to learn and explore new
 The decisive leader made quick and informed decisions, keeping the team focused and
on track.
 Her disagreeable attitude made it difficult for others to work with her effectively.
 His dishonest behavior led to a loss of trust among his colleagues.
 The early morning fog slowly lifted, revealing the beauty of the landscape.
 Learning to ride a bicycle was easy for him, and he quickly gained confidence in his
 The enthusiastic crowd cheered loudly, showing their support for the team.
 The extreme weather conditions made it challenging for the hikers to reach the
 The judge ensured a fair trial for all parties involved.
 She always had a fashionable sense of style, turning heads wherever she went.
 The fast train service allowed commuters to reach their destinations in record time.
 He considered himself fortunate to have such supportive friends and family.
 The glamorous movie star walked the red carpet, dazzling everyone with her beauty
and charm.
 She had a good heart, always willing to help those in need.
 The hard worker put in long hours to complete the project on time.
 His honest and straightforward approach earned him the respect of his colleagues.
 They agreed to the proposal agreeably, without any objections.
 The magician amazed the audience with his mind-blowing tricks.
 She pursued her dreams ambitiously, never settling for anything less than success.
 He reacted angrily to the unfair treatment he experienced.
 The firefighters bravely entered the burning building to save lives.
 The jeweler carefully crafted each piece of jewelry with precision.
 She confidently presented her ideas to the board, knowing they would be well-
 He considerately held the door open for the elderly woman with her hands full.
 The artist expressed herself creatively through her paintings.
 The young boy curiously explored every corner of the mysterious old house.
 The team acted decisively to address the urgent issue at hand.
 His disagreeably rude behavior caused tension among his colleagues.
 The dishonestly written article spread false information.
 They arrived at the meeting early to prepare for the presentation.
 She easily solved the challenging math problem, impressing her classmates.
 The children enthusiastically participated in the school's talent show.
 The extremely cold weather required everyone to bundle up in layers.
 He treated everyone fairly, regardless of their background or status.
 She always dressed fashionably, following the latest trends.
 The fast train service allowed commuters to reach their destinations in no time.
 Fortunately, no one was injured in the minor car accident.
 The glamorous actress walked the red carpet, posing for the cameras.
 He played the guitar well, captivating the audience with his musical skills.
 The hard worker never shied away from challenging tasks.
 He answered the question honestly, even though it was difficult to do so.
 His immature behavior showed that he still had a lot of growing up to do.
 The impatient driver honked his horn at the slow-moving traffic.
 His inconsiderate actions hurt the feelings of those around him.
 She was indecisive about which college to attend, weighing the pros and cons carefully.
 The book was so interesting that I couldn't put it down.
 He arrived late to the meeting due to unexpected traffic on the way.
 She considered herself lucky to have such supportive friends and family.
 The mature response to the criticism impressed everyone in the room.
 He felt nervous before the job interview, but he managed to stay composed.
 Despite the challenges, she remained optimistic about achieving her goals.
 The patient teacher explained the concept again, ensuring everyone understood.
 The quick runner won the race, leaving the competition behind.
 Seeing a shooting star is a rare occurrence that fills people with wonder.
 He proved to be reliable, always delivering on his promises.
 Her sad expression revealed that she was going through a difficult time.
 The serious tone of his voice indicated that he was discussing an important matter.
 The twins have similar personalities but different interests.
 The strange noise coming from the attic made them feel uneasy.
 The stubborn child refused to eat his vegetables, no matter how much his parents
 The sudden change in weather caught everyone by surprise.
 The surprising plot twist at the end of the movie left the audience speechless.
 The decision to fire her seemed unfair, as she had been a dedicated employee for
 It was unfortunate that the event got canceled due to bad weather.
 His unreliable behavior made it difficult for others to trust him.
 The wise advice from her grandmother helped her make the right choices in life.
 He immaturely handled the situation, showing a lack of maturity.
 The driver impatiently honked his horn at the slow-moving traffic.
 She acted inconsiderately, not thinking about the feelings of others.
 He indecisively weighed his options before making a choice.
 The book was so interestingly written that it captivated readers from start to finish.
 He arrived late to the meeting due to unexpected delays on the way.
 Luckily, they found a solution to the problem just in time.
 She handled the difficult situation maturely and calmly.
 Nervously, he waited for the results of the exam.
 Despite the challenges, she remained optimistically focused on her dreams.
 The doctor patiently explained the treatment options to the worried patient.
 He quickly completed the assignment, finishing well ahead of the deadline.
 Rarely do we witness such a magnificent display of nature's beauty.
 She reliably delivered excellent results in her work.
 Sadly, he had to say goodbye to his beloved pet.
 They took the matter seriously, knowing its importance.
 The siblings similarly shared a passion for art but expressed it differently.
 Strangely, the lights flickered without any apparent reason.
 The stubbornly locked door refused to budge, no matter how hard they tried.
 Suddenly, a loud noise startled everyone in the room.
 The surprising news caught everyone off guard.
 It seemed unfairly biased towards one particular candidate.
 Unfortunately, the event had to be canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.
 His unreliably changing moods made it hard for others to predict his behavior.
 He wisely considered the consequences before making a decision.

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