6) Irereasirg Price of Seholadg: Scholarly Comuiccstor For

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() Albt is ope AcceSs 2 Erplato As iopordante, dvartages

and disadvortages.
carn Cccess
is o provision tbrough wbich le
Ans: Open Ckcess ts
douonload and tad axiroun Durober of ioforrnor
and acedemie
Or scholarly Comuiccstor for our hy to day
Cecess Provioior s Creoted to cope up wth
tuo sttuts.

iqitshon Wbich Causes overlaad of infor

6) Irereasirg price ofhorld
for thie adeie
Six ouobesS.

3) Pance
a place
(S) Progtoig nd

Clccesg is to Ccieve he
Cqcitaba qay Cducadsos for all, wle cire
Aaiog ahot dhe termieobg alidy 1 le CIre

() Wbt is open cccess ? Erplainits împordante, darlags

and disadvantages,
Aog: Open Cccess is c proviston tbrougb which kle can cIccess
and douonoad cnd ted axiron nuober of inforno
do day codeie
or scho larly Comnuniccon for OUr

Open Cecess provition is cected to cope up

tuo sttuatos.
) Diqityoion bhich causes Overload of ifooi
of sbolady co
6) Inereasiy prfce
for this dedesie hlorld
Six ounbesS,
Iale Co Cvel opeoes

(2) Tirne
3) Pace
(6) prograing

access s to cbieve th

9r Ahe Lepitaa quaity Cducadion for al. we e rot

1 le CIlre
he oast Crphsts te eqily, because kquy
faienass in very sduatorn Whereas Coualdy is giving
e roe
IAlhot hle found day day ife tht teqire
af e ceers for fh th tesources fs pootie b,
ntue ' oroeot
\arious by Jhesr
nature and diffiragt Irepireets e acudee
all tbe Cxpecddion or he all US
tdutbon bin
hate the equlae
be free in terrns f
h Oferess should

) Eeromizllq
G) Socialy
4) stendards
(S) Saftuare

As per Budapao Spar Oecess isdive, its fooe availab

on he pubtc inteenet
he peritg ary Users f these to
to red, dousdoad, copy
drstbute, pot, Seoreh or ho
indexing, Pass
to the full fexts Oricles, (raul hen from
or Jse h e for
hesn as data to saftwre
purpe , Wthot fianci), legail, or tedboica)
bartier oter thn those ísepaTba. fror gaiig
uccess to the nteat Tdself.
steternets add ht for Work
Te Betesda and Bes tio
oust be abe o Cop Use)
Ho be opan aCess, Users
dtsibute, transt, ond dispay te Work publialy ad to
rnake and distibte derillave alorkS, lo diajd. edium

any tesponsble purpose, subjet to proper

of authorsbip

Clccegs roe seneh
tesearb fraely aailable to arore
rmears t h t h e
coopecioo, Wbic
IaH a îoleft
taseareb car reach a
acceSs Jornl.
lalas publshed in a oen oper

b) Jrereceed Inpact:
to iocreae
Opern-access bas bearn sbown
relo Trofact ff researcb,

to read and cHe the resereb.

Clecessr t e s :
e) Co-ophane hltlh Oper iosttttors Teire
turdog agencies and
roake their resereh
fteely aaibba,
tesearebers to researers
pliabing in
Meertthese m t e s ,
a per
4) Ireeased colabortioos
rokes H Easier for reseArcben
collaborate, as a teely share thasr reseac

Dis ctdvetes?
) Cat:
abDrs a
Sore Open ClcceSS jourols chn
bich can be orier for
pubkealion fee,
Some teseorchers.

G) Pealdy Corcen
ie oper
Soroe researebees and instbors shendords,
Jjourls baviog looer quahdy
helle lower bariers
ss jouroals
ds a y opeD-access
tadidronal journals.
to knry t n

still Vie w
Bore heseerehers ad ingtutoos
in a nog-op
Cccess journa)
prasigius, which ean be
in hesr Car ess.
for those lbo priorige prestige
Cceess lodels?
Ahe diffeena beea)
here Cre rany yps f open access journas,
and fall
) God open access :
af e est open, le t teshidve
acces, he fioal published \Varson

teles ts pesoerlly endfrealec a

of tesearch
ahaileble for anone, r Where

dcce ss Wese
Tbis is one of those Aps af eper Where the
Subsetpior journ affers open drteles. Alhousb
for individua)
froceastng fee tht of
be bgher than
Hhe processtg fed fea moy be ort the
a c e s s journa)
regular oper frds te joun
ffot if pur cliele
(s) Brorge open ccess because eagh
is nat
ilabla, he
the ds e w) be frely bind f
journals t fer his
Service bale no

4) Bluc Oper
acce ss ro Ddel, bere
Tbis is :llegal
the rtela is not
alough Services ht effer
il1ey Serv
is srl) shared by her
Je cieifie pbliaons
dcceSS do
free a

Diaroond |ptinun
access but dort harge
joumals that publah open tnsltsons, dvertistg
APe's. Tbes re
pbrlantropy, ede.
() reans
Befers to sl-arehivtrg geney f the pre-or-fpact
prí ef adales in reposttories.
Thougb grean oper oc
access generally refers to he
e tere are 3 basfe
tot prrot an ardicla
Hht be self archive in

2) Peast friots ond

(3) fublisher's \ers ioo.
frod at
6) Alhot o à predatorg jouroal ? How does

f- gfuen journal pradony

Predatory joumal" "Predetor publsber
As be te Arnesican ?brrían
Wlas oioed in 2o1o b
Bemll to deseribe cinscrupulous Open decess
Who ere publistiog crseles no peer

Atere are
Ao iderhjy predtory
publisdes nd jouroals:
jouna) does nt bave clear poicies
y The (lcE
tetractor, Corecdiorleraa,or
is Jaciog
mansetpt bndog process
e) Deseoiphon of professior)
the Contnt C r l add ress
and rn- joum)
Are requested to be subitedl by
oolioe Subnssios
fnstead of ough an oooe
access ber re
to be open fail to oerton
resereh or
Capy " f published

whaher and ou Your nal Cotert

e) Inforaion presested is absest
a:ll be Ordbiia and

t) Seepe of Jourmal
(8) ebsite Coris spelbog and grea

abat teseorch Medries d t înogoela

(4) Erplio

Iod Metres noeans Mesureroert!

In the acadeie pblishig indusry, Iale


Ahe frpact f published resereh

bused on Vias


or xomple, hle looK
fs ctded by subject o)Cor and bouo ary
Specifte CHrele journ is ted
to aCCess the frgfpordan f he journl and
on he field af sHudy
Ne haye hree onedries :
b) ourn level,
(a) Adele leve)
3) Ahor level.

Cach of these bas

C4) Jourl-leve) Medotes!
hos been
a) Tropact fador: Tbis oetrte
Used roost
an alicle, proteediog. Or

of tatoos
Rew published in g jaurnal
I is publkshed în jousnal Ton Report je R).

b) Eigen facbr : Eigen facdor gives bigher

clatrors from înflential jouroals cnd
Consider the
Self citetioos, IA is bsed on
average Gtetioos in 9 J<R yeer do paes poblshad

: Scimsp jorna Rook:(sR) : Stlar to Cier

facdor, sJE gies qrealer leigbtge do ctliorm
is based onhe
from iafluenka) journa
Cveraae numbe of Weighted cddioos in a
to thal published in bst 3 Jeens.

d) Soura Normaliged Irspcd per pper (SNi) ?

s based Ahe eiabted cdtioOs fo
tapess publsbed fn he Last
ear do
4hrei yeons. also Corrects the diffesena
eoster Jo coopo
his e t e coross LariDus filds.
Seopus. rocudes
(e ite Soore A: Medoie b
indictors suh os te Score
Seore pereehta foer percentle,
tracker, ce
cou ad mre.
nmedie couns h e nuober
of atcles h) published în the pasl
th have
is aVbl Ahrough qooya sechelar.
G) Trodiocey Trdexa TH is he Cheag nuben

of adtcle ctotions in he
TA belps to access how quieely hege ppors
alo SDUT es As det foro aleb f Stiene.

(B) Atak lee Metres :

Atiele level Medrics are csed do euaoify

pblehed acdicles-houw publsbed
he imtad af dsscussed and shared.
papers lre beiog
) Atroedrtes: Altnedics is
tradtfool Gttion metries. Tbet
to the
wikipedia ad publie
peer eviews, cittions on relearch bloqs, media
pokey doeisets, diseussi
bookma ks on referena manages and
nedtorks. Thesfore , the deta for calculatog
Social and can
In give
is Sourced froy oeb
ioto he reseorcb oulput acdivity acress
plifors Medrics : allows
allos to
to rseASUTe
6) Aedrela
(b) -lave)
resarth before 4 stok
the Tropad o your Deesures both Chcode
recieviog ia) medais to dopl4 the level f d
ard soeia)
froro both Scierbife CoroUrg and is useally
publ?e, D
Wth irdrvidual sournal aale.
duçlayei abg
Cc) Author-Level Metres
Athor level etrics provide an assessess

aulbor on he Siene

Hbok Scieotifie frouds Cre
Veny raimpd
and Could you cTte tio documerted cose from
India and abrod 2
Co mroOn, S o e i s
Ans' Scienla
reseachers ie about results and ?nvert det
to wi funding and preshiqe other Jimes,
researcbers to stg and fublish
entrely bogus "sla
sludies to Wio an unde served

Soroe of hs rabbtsh can be casily Spotted

b poer ewers, but the peer reie
his become badly stretebed by ever rtng
Peper nu mbers. And there is na dhbret, s
More sophistaate A s able to yenerate
plausbla Scientife dote

Dowreted ca ses from Jodte:

) chersty prafesor aceusad to plagiariziog

More han do artcles.

Urirersty Crecdive Counes) af the Si

\enatesusara wnivexsidy bonned their chemislg profestor
Qecused no! jus One 'or tu reseore

papers, bet almost Seve f hem Ainost all these

Yesearch pters Were ubshed between he years 2o04
Ao 200t he snskluton bonned he professor ron teer
an eSeasch guldonta don wh he norieg romi

(2) Iovesliqiorn Tevels Serious Siersfie miscoodud

by tfi phanbad foccilHy
Assistart professor Dr. Madhuri Cbept af Applied
of ppli
andAsstistant profe ssor br.shrma Cpep
paperS thd have bean retracted
have 4
and twlo pa pers recled for frmage duplaon
*. Docmesed Coses frorn abroad
nned Diedeik
(). In 2oll, a DHDuteh psyehologit DUmber
prpoited cdemfe freud in
publicetions ofer the
dourse of ten kars,
differest iniversidies ; The cnverty
thseo The
Spanning ninersty Amsterdam,
ot 4ronlnge,
Trlbung cletiesthy.
(2) In the polo, Banqu Segun has finlly
Caugld fsifig dot afler ten yeors af
Contiously coromttiog fraud. columbia Jroiveriky
moed to retract ber Ph.D in chemisrg
(2) Whot ore Corornon ebiel tacdices and

ehioal pracHees?
) Horasly

C) Carefuloss
(s) openess
(6) Transpreny
) Accaundabily

) Social Responsibily
(p) NoM- Discsiminaion
oy Legalq
Stecial cbeal Pracdes.
0) Inforad consert

(6) Potentia) for har

4) Confidertial d
(S) ResuHs coroUsiCodon.

(z) hat is aa journa CTdodion report ? How is

fopacd facdor of journal dotesioeA?
Ans: jek Tesource ne for reseorebers, lrbreriens,
lrocs, nsidtions, publishes, auhors, ard renders
of roedial, Scieney nd SDci) Seience Etesotue
do dolerratne a jaunal's iofluene in
io tts relaye fie.

JeR s publieaion b
has been integtoted AHh hleb af Seienca ad
t provides înforralon bout acdefe jouros
in naur and social sehences
Jek to a producd f cavile Analyltcs
resoTee for îrnpd factor

a Jhree -yeor peoiad, and

of ties pblished
be considesed do be the nuober
popes ctted cp to Aoo yeas af
Lets Constler d baropla

= e
e no. of Jirses orteles published in 20A-201o
Alere ded tro indered journas auring
Bhe no. al ttet Orteles, reviews, proceedig
notes publshed

Tbe Tioqad faclor Solo ill be published

r|| )
be caleulted
9oll, because f could
ha becn a recejved.
of the Dolo publiccdons

4) Wte short note publicalon medries and Sts

aeaderyie apliatio.
Cns) Voume.
Can ge
so thot pattster publisber
best scienu has to offar.
ou Veny
hen We Wak s
Reacb ls possible
Arnghingomunity to
a o drive Seiernfie progress
he rtele reevey
The nUmber of cittons
nurober af tiroes each one s acessed

Trust: Aet drustoby and bonest Voi te for

researe Conount

refened to "brbloroetrte"
furcion roadeics, freuert
quarttathe ethod to anmkse publishecl
Prorte publicatiorn bep jou to qet
meries can
frformadon about the reach and fobendi-) impme of
tesearch, AS Wel as do ke
about nthare Jo puibliah
publtaior wetrics con be used to measure the irpat
of researcher, dheir uputs,
ororistona) it. Sore insttutions hale Sig them
ecruttroert, probtion deelaraor, promoton o oer
proesses. They also forrn poa afof dhe caleulatons sed
in voilersidy

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