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Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology for Diploma Studies Unit-I

1. What is computer network? And Explain characteristics of Computer network.

Define Computer Network. And Explain characteristics of Computer network.
 Computer Network is defined as two or more computers are connected in such a way that they can
share their data, information as well as their resources.
 Computer Network is the interconnected collection of autonomous computer and peripheral
Characteristics of Network:
 Resource Sharing: It means that all computers within network share resource. The goal is to
make all programs, data and devices available to anyone on the network without considering the
physical location of the resource and user.
 High reliability: Networks provides high reliability by having alternative source of supply. all
files could be replicated on two or more machines so if one of them is unavailable then other
copies could be used.
 Saving Money: Network consists of two or more computers. Mostly in networking, one computer
work as server and other as client means only server computer require connection with resource
and all other client can easily access it. so it requires less hardware that’s why it saves money.
 Powerful Communication Medium: Using a network it is easy for two or more person who live
far apart to write a report together, when one person makes a change to an online document, the
other can see the change immediately instead of waiting several days.
 Scalability: Network is able to increase system performance as the work grows, just by adding
more processor.
 Low Cost: Using networking, we are able to talk with any person at any part of the world with a
low cost compare to telephone.
 Time Saving: For example E-mail services require less time compare to postal services.
 Flexibility of Equipment Location: We can change the location of LAN or any device at any
 Improved Performance: We can improve the performance of network by adding network
hardware and software.

2. What are the advantages of Computer Network?

 Efficient management of resources: A network offers the user to share their resources. For
example a user can share a single high quality printer rather than putting a number of low qualities
and less expensive printer at individual desktops.
 Faster data sharing: Transferring files across a network is almost and always faster than other
none network means of data transfer.
 Keeping information reliable and up to date: A well manage centralized data storage systems
allows multiple user to access data from different location. This helps to keeping the data up to
date and ensures that unauthorized person do not tempering or changing the important data.
 High reliability: In a network, unauthorized person are not able to access network resources
without permission. That will increase the reliability of network. Network provides high reliability
by having alternative sources of supply. All files could be replicated on two or more machines so
if one of them is unavailable then other copies could be used.
 Efficient communication: E-mail, online conferencing, project monitoring can lead to better
communication between workgroups and help to improve productivity.

3. Explain Network Criteria in detail.

 Effective and efficient network must be able to meet following three criteria.
1) Performance: Performance of a network can be measured by two times.
 Transit time: Time required for a message to travel from one device to another device.

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Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology for Diploma Studies Unit-I

 Response time: It is the elapsed time between inquiry and response.

2) Reliability: Network reliability is measured by

 Frequency of failure: All networks fail occasionally. A network that fails often however is a
little value.
 Recovery time of a network after a failure: A network that recovers quickly is more useful
than one that does not.
 Catastrophe Events: Our network must be protected from the catastrophe events like fire,
earthquake, tsunami, etc.

3) Security: Network security includes protecting data from unauthorized access and viruses.
 Unauthorized access: Sensitive data must be protected from unauthorized access.
 Viruses: Network is accessible from many points it can be susceptible to computer viruses.
A virus is introduces code that damages the system. A good network is protected from viruses
by hardware and software designed especially for that purpose.

4. Explain in detail Network applications.

 Financial Services: Credit history searches, foreign exchanges, investment services and electronic
fund transfer, etc.
 Marketing and Sales: Marketing persons use them to collect, exchange and analyze data relating
to customer. Sales applications include teleshopping, online reservation services for hotels,
railway, airlines etc.
 Electronic Messaging: E-mail services are possible using networks.
 Manufacturing: Computer Networks are used in the manufacturing process. CAD –computer
assisted design and CAM-computer assisted manufacturing these two applications use networks to
provide services.
 Directory Services: It allows list of files to be stored in particular location and search operation
for the file.
 Information Services: World Wide Web site offers the information services.
 Cellular Telephone: Today cellular networks make it possible to maintain wireless phone
connection over large distance.
 Cable Television: Cable television is also used for the computer network concepts.
 Teleconferencing: It allows conferences to occur without the participant being in same place. It
includes text, audio and video conferencing.
 Electronic Data Interchange: It allows business information to be transferred without using

5. Define Protocol. What are the key elements of Protocol?

 A Protocol is a set of rules that manages all aspects of data communication. It represents an
agreement between the communication devices.
The key elements of protocol are
8 bits 8 bits Rest of bits

Sender address Receiver address message

Syntax of protocol

 Syntax: It gives the format of the data or structure of data syntax of the order in which data are
 Semantics: It gives the meaning of each section of bits.
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 Timing: Timing refers to two characteristics

(1) When data should be sent.
(2) How fast they can send.

6. Explain the following terms.

1. ISO –International Standards Organizations
 ISO is the world’s largest developer and publisher of international standards.
 Founded in 1946 is an international organization composed of national standard bodies from over
157 countries, one member per country based in Geneva, Switzerland that co-ordinates the system.
 ISO is a non-governmental organization that forms a bridge between the public and the private
 For example, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) is a member of ISO.
 ISO has developed over 17000 international standards on a variety of subjects and 1100 new ISO
standards are published every year.
2. CCITT–Consultative Committee for International Telegraphy and Telephony
 This committee was devoted to the research and establishment of standards for
 In March 1, 1993 the name of this committee was changed to ITU-T (International
Telecommunication Union-Telecommunications Standards Sector).
 CCITT has defined many important standards for data communication.
3. ANSI–American National Standards Institute
 ANSI is a private non-profit organization that oversees the development of voluntary agreement
standards for products, services, processes, systems and personnel in the United States.
 The organization also co-ordinates US standards with international standards so that American
products can be used worldwide.
 The organization’s headquarters are in Washington D.C.
 ANSI’s operational office is located in the New York City.
 ANSI was formed in 1998 by five engineering societies and three government agencies.
4. IEEE–Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
 IEEE is an international non-profit, professional organization for the advancement of technology
related to electricity.
 It has the most members of any technical professional organization in the world, with more than
365000 members in around 150 countries.
 IEEE is incorporated in the state of New York, United States.
 It was formed in1963 by the merger of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE, founded 1992) and
the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE, founded 1884).
 IEEE manages the development and adoption of International Standards for Computing and
5. ITU –International Telecommunications Union
 ITU is the oldest international organization, establish to standardize and regulate international
radio and telecommunication.
 ITU was founded in 1865 and became a United Nation agency in 1947.
 Its main tasks include standardization, allocation of the radio spectrum and organizing
interconnection arrangements between different countries to allow international phone calls in
which regard it performs for telecommunications.
 ITU is made up of three sectors.
1. ITU-T deals with telecommunications.
2. ITU-R deals with radio communications.
3. ITU-D deals with development sectors.

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6. ISOC – Internet Society

 ISOC is an international, non-profit organization founded during 1992 to provide direction in
internet related standards, education and policy.
 It states that its mission is “to assure the open development, evolution and use of the internet for
the benefit of all people throughout the world”.
 Internet Society has offices near Washington D.C., USA and in Geneva, Switzerland.
 It has a membership base comprising more than 80 organizational and more than 28,000
individual members.
 The society will be a non-profit organization and will be operated for international educational,
charitable and scientific purposes among which are:
 To facilitate and support the technical evolution of the Internet as a research and education
infrastructure and to stimulate involvement of the academic, scientific and engineering
communities in the evolution of the internet.
 To educate the academic and scientific communities and the public concerning the
technology, use and application of internet.
 To promote scientific and educational applications of internet technology for the benefit of
educational institutions at all grade levels, industry and the public at large.
 To provide a forum for exploration of new internet applications and to foster collaboration
among organizations in their operation and use of the internet.
7. IETF – Internet Engineering Task Force
 IETF develops and promotes internet standards, operating closely with the W3C (World Wide
Web Consortium) and ISO/IEC (International Electro Technical Commission) standard bodies and
dealing in particular with standards of the TCP/IP and internet protocol suite.
 It is an open standards organization, with no formal membership or membership requirement.
 All participants and managers are volunteers.
 The IETF is organized into large number of working groups and informal discussion groups, each
dealing with a specific topic.
 The working groups are organized into areas by subject matter.
 Current areas include Applications, General, Internet, Operations and Management, Real-time
applications and Infrastructure, Routing, Security and Transport.
8. EIA – Electronic Industries Association
 EIA is a trade organization for electronics manufacturer in the United States.
 EIA is a non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of electronics manufacturing concerns.

7. What is Line Configuration?

 Line configuration defines the attachment of communication devices to a link.
 A link is a physical communication pathway that transfers data from one device to another device
 For communication to occur, two devices must be connected in some way to the same link at the
same time.
 There are two possible line configurations:-
Point to Point
 Two and only two devices are connected by a dedicated link as shown in figure below:


Work Station Work Station

Point to Point Link

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Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology for Diploma Studies Unit-I

 Dedicated means that link carries traffic between connected devices only.
 In this configuration, entire capacity of the channel is reserved for transmission between two
 E.g.: Line configuration between the remote control and television.
 A multipoint line configuration is one in which more than two specific devices share a single link
as shown in figure below:


C Multi Point Link

 In this configuration, the capacity of the channel is shared either spatially or temporarily.
 Spatially Shared Line Configuration: if several devices can use the link simultaneously (at same
time) is called spatially shared line configuration.
 Time Shared Line Configuration: It means some fixed time slots are given to the users are called
time-shared line configuration.

8. Define Topology. Explain different types of topology in detail.

 Topology which refers to the way interconnection path between many users or nodes are arranged.
 Topology described the actual layout of network transmission media
 Physical topology: The actual topology of a network refers to the configuration of cables,
computers, and other peripherals.
 Logical topology: logical topology, which is the method used to pass information between
BUS Topology
 It is also known as linear bus topology.
 It consists of several computers attached to a long common cable act as backbone to link all the
devices in the network shown in fig.

 In bus topology, data on the network is send to all the computers on the network the data travels
from one end of the cable to another end.
 However, only the computer that has the address matching the address in the signal accepts the
 Only one computer at a time can send message.
 The failure of one computer does not affect the performance of the network.

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 Bus topology is a passive topology in which the computers on the bus are not responsible for
moving the data.
Advantages of BUS Topology:-
1.It is very simple.
2.Reliable in very small network.
3.Easy to use and easy to understand.
4.Bus requires the least amount of cable to connect the computers together.
5.It is easy to extend the bus topology.
Disadvantages of BUS Topology:-
1.Bus topology cannot work efficiently under heavy network traffic.
2.Too many extensions on a bus can weaken the electric signal.
3.Troubleshooting a bus can prove to be quite difficult.
4.Entire network shuts down if there is a break in the main cable.
5.Terminators are required at both ends of the backbone cable.

Star Topology
 In star topology each devices has dedicated point to point link only to a central controller usually
called HUB.

 The devices are not directly linked to each other.

 A star topology does not allow direct traffic between devices.
 The controller acts as an exchange, if any device want to send a data to another , it sends the data
to the controller, which then relay the data to the other connected device.
 If the central controller fails the entire network is disabled.
 However, if one computer or the cable that connects it to the HUB fails, the rest of the network
continues to function normally.
 Each computer is connected to central HUB, this topology requires more cable.
Advantages of STAR Topology:-
1.It is easy to modify and add new computers to a star topology network without disturbing the rest
of the network.
2.There is a central point, controller or HUB in star network; it is easier to diagnose network
3.Single computers fails does not bring down the whole network.
Disadvantages of STAR Topology:-
1.If the central HUB fails the entire network fails to operate.
2.More cable is required compared to BUS topology.
3.More expensive than linear bus topologies because of the cost of the concentrators

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Ring Topology
 In ring topology computers are connected on single circle of cable shown in fig.

 There are no terminated ends.

 A signal is passed along the ring in one direction from device to device until it reaches the
 Each device in ring incorporates repeater.
 When a device receives a signal intended for another device, its repeater regenerates the bits and
passes them along.
 Failure of one computer in ring affects the entire network.
 The network uses token passing method for transferring data.
 A short message called a token is passed around the ring until a computer needs to send data to
another computer.
 The receiving computer returns a message to the originator indicating that message has been
 The sending computer than creates another token and places it on the network. Allows another
station or device to capture the token and begin transmitting.
Advantages of RING topology:-
1.The network efficiency can approach 100% under condition to heavy load.
2.The networks allow equal access to all computers.
Disadvantages of RING Topology:-
1.Failure of one computer in ring can affect the whole network
2.Adding and removing the computer disturb the network.
3.It is difficult to troubleshoot.

Mesh Topology

 In a mesh topology every device has a dedicated point-to-point link to every other device shown
in fig.
 The term dedicated means that the link carries traffic only between the two devices it connects.

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Advantages of mesh topology:-

1. The use of dedicated links guarantees that each connection can carry its own data load thus
illuminating the traffic problem that can occur when links must be shared by multiple
2. It provides privacy or security means while every message travels along a dedicated line,
only the intended recipients see it’s prevent other users from gaining access to message.
3. Point to point links makes fault identification easy.
4. It is robust, means if one links becomes unusable it does not incapicate the entire system.
Disadvantages of mesh topology:-
1. More cables and more numbers of I/O ports are required.
2. Installation and reconfiguration are difficult because every device must be connected to every
other device.
3. Hardware required to connect each link can be expansive.
4. It is usually implemented in limited fashion.
Tree topology
 A tree topology is variation of star; nodes in a tree are linked to central hub that control traffic to
the network shown in fig.

 Not every device plugs directly into the central hub.

 The majority of devices connect to secondary hub that in turn connected to central hub.
 The central hub in the tree is an active hub.
 The active hub contains a repeater, which is a hardware device that regenerates the received bit
patterns before sending them out.
 The secondary hub may be active or passive.
 A passive hub provides simple physical connection between the attached devices.
Advantages of tree topology:-
1. Moe devices to be attached to a single central hub.
2. It increase the distance a single can travel between devices
3. It allows the network to isolate and prioritize the communication from different computers
ex…cable TV.
Disadvantages of tree topology:-
1. Overall length of each segment is limited by the type of cabling used.
2. If the backbone line breaks, the entire segment goes down.
3. More difficult to configure and wire than other topologies.

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9. Explain scale criteria of networks in detail.

 Network classify according to their geographical size. Network referring to three primary
1. LAN(Local Area Network)
2. MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
3. WAN(Wide Area Network)
Inter processor Processor located in
distance same

0.1 m Circuit board Data flow machine

1m System Multicomputer

10m Room

100m Building Local Area Network

1km Campus

Metropolitan Area
10km City Network

100km Country
Wide Area Network
1000km Continent

10,000km planet The Internet

LAN(local area network)

 LAN is a group of network computer and network communication devices interconnected within
the geographically limited area. Such as office building, computer lab or campus.
 LAN tends to use only one types of transmission medium was cabling.

Characteristics of LAN
1.It allows users to share storage devices like printer, application data and other network resources.
2.It transfer data at high speed (more than 1 mbps)
3.It exists in limited geographically area (Up to few kilometers).
4.Multiple accesses (many can use it at the same time)
5.It is having a lower error rate.
6.Its technology is generally less expensive.
Advantages of LAN
1.LAN is the best means provides a cost effective multi-user computer environment.
2.LAN can fit any site requirement.
3.Any number of users can be accommodated.

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4.Allows sharing of mass central storage and printers.

5.It is flexible and growth oriented.
6.It provides data integrity.

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

 A MAN covers a much larger area and might cover an entire city but uses the LAN technology.
 It may be a single network which as cable television network or it may be a means of connecting a
number of LANs together into a larger network. So that resources may be shared LAN to LAN as
well as device to device.
 For example, a company can use a man to connect the LANs in all of its offices through a city .
 A special category or standard has been adopted for man and this standard is now implemented
and it’s called DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus).
 A man can support both data and voice.
WAN (Wide Area Network)
 When a network is spread over wide areas such as cities, states, countries or continent it is called a
 Communication on a wan takes place via telephone lines, satellite or microwave transmission
rather than physical cable.
 Most WANs are combinations of LANs and other types of communication.

Characteristics of WAN
1.They exist in unlimited geographical area.
2.They are more susceptible to error due to the distance the data can travel.
3.They interconnect multiple LAN.
4.They are more sophisticated and complex than LAN.
5.Their technology is expensive.

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Types of WAN
Public network
 Public network are those networks, which are installed and run by the telecommunication
authorities and are available to any organization or individuals who subscribes.
Private network
 The basic technology used in all forms or private wan is to use private or more usually leased
circuit to link the location to be served by the network.

10. Define Server. Explain Dedicated Server and Non-dedicated Server.

 Server is a computer or device on a network that manages network sources. A server is the main
computer in which the network operating system is loaded.
 The servers are of two types
1.Dedicated Server
2.Non-dedicated Server
Dedicated Server:-
 Dedicated servers do nothing but fulfill request to network clients.
 These are commonly found in client server environments.
 It’s defined as the computer with operating with operating system and can’t be used by any user.
 Large network is usually required for dedicated response networks.
Disadvantages of dedicated server:-
 All data is stored on a single server, if the server fails all data becomes unavailable.
 Design, proper management and backup is essential.
Advantages of dedicated server:-
 Its response time is very fast.
 It can’t be used as node.
 Foreground LAN processing is done.
 It is more reliable, more efficient and more secure.
Non Dedicated Server:-
 Non-dedicated servers do double duty by requesting and providing services.
 It is the microcomputer, which is made as a server and can act as an individual workstation
even while it controls the network.
 If the computer system consists of a network operating system, it can be used as a
workstation or if user can act directly with the server then it is known as a non dedicated
 Its response time is slow.

11. Explain different types of server.

 Server: A computer or device on a network that manages network resources is called server.
File server:-
 A file server is a computer attached to a network that has the primary purpose of providing a
location for the shared storage of computer files( such as documents, sound files, photographs,
movies, images, databases) that can be accessed by the workstations that are attached to the
computer network.
 File server is a computer and storage device dedicated to storing files.
 Any user on the network can store files on the server.
 In file server FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is installed.
 FTP is making possible to move one or more files securely between computers.
 The term server highlights the role of the machine in the client – server scheme, where the clients
are the workstations using the storage.
 A file server is usually not performing any calculations and does not run any programs on behalf

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of the clients.
 It is designed primarily to enable the rapid storage and retrieval of data where the heavy
computation is provided by the workstations.
Application server:-
 A program that handles all application operations between user and organizations backend
business applications or database.
 Application servers occupy a large amount of computing way between database servers and the
end user and they often connect the two.
 Application servers are typically used for complex transaction based application.
 To support high-end needs, an application server has to have built-in redundancy, monitors for
high-availability, high-performance distributed application services and support for complex
database access.
 It is called an appserver.
Print Server:-
 A print server is a computer that manages one or more printers.
 A print server or printer server is a computer or device that is connected to one or more printers
and to client computers over a network, and can accept print jobs from the computers and send the
jobs to the appropriate printers.
 Print servers allow printers to be shared by other users on the network.
 Supporting either parallel and/or serial interfaces.
 A print server accepts print jobs from any person on the network using supported protocols and
manages those jobs on each appropriate printer.
Mail Server:-
 Mail Server is usually a storage area where E-mail is stored for local users.
 A set of user definable rules which determine how the mail server should react to the destination
of specific message.
 Mail server’s move and store mail over corporate network and across the internet.
Proxy Server:-
 A proxy server is a server which services the requests of its clients by forwarding requests to other
 A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service such as file connection, web page
or other resource available from a different server.
 A proxy server provides the resource by connecting to the specified server and requesting the
service on behalf of the client.
 A server that sits between a client application such as a web browser and a real server.
 It intercepts all requests to the real server to see if it can fulfil the request itself. If not it forwards
the request to the real server.
 A proxy server that passes all requests and replies unmodified is usually called a gateway or
sometimes a tunnelling proxy.
 A proxy server can be placed in the user’s local computer or at specific key points between the
user and the destination servers or the internet.
Web Server:-
 Web server is a computer that delivers web pages.
 Every web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name.
 Web server’s serves static content to a web browser by loading a file from disk and serving it
across the network to a user’s web browser.
 Web server is a computer program that is responsible for accepting HTTP requests from web
clients, which are known as web browsers, and serving them HTTP responses along with optional
data contents, which usually are web pages such as HTML documents and linked objects.

12 Dept: CE Computer Networking(3340702) Chintan Kanani

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