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The lion cub had just finished eating. He was so full that his
tummy was so round. He had eaten so much that he could not
even run. The little golden cub wanted to sleep, but before
sleeping he wanted a drink.
The lion family lived in Kenya, a country in Africa. Kenya was
very hot, and in the summer there was not much water because it
never rained. The lion family had to walk for six hours to get a
drink of water at the big lake.
Once they arrived, the cub, mother and father all had a big
drink and fell asleep in the long grass under an old tree.
There were two monkeys and one ape, but only one banana.
Each of them wanted the delicious banana but could not decide
who was going to have it.
The ape, who was the biggest and oldest was also the
smartest. He told the two monkeys that they should all share it.
One of them laughed and smiled. He thought it was a silly idea
and started arguing with the ape.
While the monkey and the ape were arguing, the cheeky
monkey grabbed the banana, climbed the tree and started eating
it all by himself.
Rose had never swam in the open ocean. She had also never
learnt how to jump high over the waves. The meant that she could
not jump through the rings during the shows at the aquarium
where she lived.
She watched her friend, who was called Jenny, jump really
high. Jenny could even flip and spin in the air. Rose wished she
could jump like Jenny.
Rose decided that she needed to practice, so she did.
Everyday she jumped and jumped. Everyday she tried to flip and
spin but always made a big splash. Eventually after trying and
trying Rose became the best and was the star of the show.

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