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Individual - Others - Ecosystems

Parting Words
Predict Instructions
The end is near….

All too quickly, your time at EXPLORE Data Science Academy is drawing to a
close. You’ve learnt a lot, you’ve grown, you’ve stretched and you’ve pushed
through seemingly impossible tasks.

You’re a different person to the one who first stepped through the doors on Day 1,
back at the start of this journey.

We’d like to hear that story.

Please record a video of yourself telling us your EXPLORE story - what’s
happened for you over the course of your time with us and how you’re taking that
out into the world with you.

Your video must be 30 - 90 seconds long (please time it!) and can be shot
anywhere you choose.

Give us your testimonial.

Please upload in the Predict tab within Thrive: Close out

Naming convention: Name_Surname_Close Out

Give us your consent.

These video’s may be used on the EXPLORE website and other media platforms
for marketing purposes.

We will assume that you are happy for us to publish your video for marketing.

If you do not wish for your video to be published, please indicate that as your first
line in the video.

Say something like “Do not publish” or “Not for media use”

Ready. Set. Action!

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