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Course Code: CS1005-1 Course Type: PLC

Teaching Hours/Week (L: T: P: S): 2:0:2 Credits: 03
Total Teaching Hours: 26+0+26 CIE + SEE Marks: 50+50
Teaching Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Course Objectives:
1. Construct python programs using data types and looping.
2. Make use of python operators for manipulating lists, dictionaries and files.
3. Design function based Python programs.
4. Design list, tuple related programs in Python.
5. Write string handling programs in python.

Introduction 10 Hours
Introduction to Computer generations and types, CPU, Primary Memory, Secondary Memory, Ports
and Connections.
Problem solving, Program Development steps, Introduction to Algorithms and Flowcharts.
Introduction to python, basic syntax, interactive shell, editing, saving, and running a script.
The concept of data types; variables, assignments; immutable variables; numerical types; arithmetic
operators and expressions; comments in the program; understanding error messages;
Conditions, Boolean logic, logical operators; ranges; Control statements: if-else, loops (for, while);
short-circuit evaluation

Data structure and function 10 Hours
LISTS, TUPLES, AND DICTIONARIES; basic list operators, replacing, inserting, removing an
element; searching and sorting lists; dictionary literals, adding and removing keys, accessing and
replacing values; traversing dictionaries.
Design with functions: hiding redundancy, complexity; arguments and return values; formal vs actual
arguments, named arguments. Recursive functions, Lambda functions.
Introduction to Object oriented concepts – Class, object and member function

Strings and text files 06 Hours
STRING MANIPULATIONS: subscript operator, indexing, slicing a string; strings and number
system: converting strings to numbers and vice versa, Binary, octal, hexadecimal numbers
Manipulating files and directories, text files: reading/writing text and numbers from/to a file; creating
and reading a formatted file (csv or tab-separated).

Suggested List of Experiments

1. Experiments related to basic operation, data types and variables.
2. Experiments related to operations of Lists, tuples and dictionaries.
3. Experiments on writing functions and parameter passing.
4. Experiments related to working with strings.
5. Experiments related to file handling.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course student will be able to

1. Experiment with the basics of python programming like data types and looping
2. Experiment string manipulation operators in programming
3. Apply the Python operators for manipulating lists, dictionaries and files
4. Design functions in python for modular programming
5. Perform operations on string

Course Outcomes Mapping with Program Outcomes & PSO

Program Outcomes→ PSO↓
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
↓ Course Outcomes 1 2 3
CS1005-1.1 1 2 1 2 - - 2 - - - - 2 - 1 1
CS1005-1.2 - 2 - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - 2 -
CS1005-1.3 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1
CS1005-1.4 - 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - 1 - - -
CS1005-1.5 - - 1 3 - - 2 - - - 1 2 - 2 -
1: Low 2: Medium 3: High

1. Kenneth A. Lambert, “The Fundamentals of Python: First Programs”, Cengage Learning,
2. Magnus Lie Hetland, “Beginning Python from Novice to Professional”, Second Edition,
Apress, 2009.
3. Mark Summerfield, “Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python
Language”, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2009.
4. Y. Daniel Liang, “Introduction to Programming Using Python”, Pearson, 2013.

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