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INDEX NO: 200006908

Gone are the days when our voice was noise and our presence a hindrance.
The work titled “THE SPLASH” depicts the existence of freedom such that the undercoved
been released to display the existence of human beauty. I sought to capture the essence of joy
and vibrant emotion through the unconventional medium of spatter pencil portraiture.
As viewers delves into “SPLASH” I invite them to see beyond the surface, beyond the strokes of
the pencil, and discover the deeper meaning within. It is a reminder that true beauty is not
confined to physical appearance but is found in the radiant glow of genuine smile and the
unbridled delight of the soul.
I took inspiration from Frank Xyaklin who us a French artist, he uses coffee as a background on
which the drawings was done. Higher lighter was use to give the out of the coffee splash and also
to give it a feel of unvaling, opening and overlapping.

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