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College of Economics, Management, and Information Systems

Department of Information Systems

[Introduction to Information Systems: INFS101]

[Assignment Test-1]

Submitted by:

[Student name: Usama Mohammed Alrawahi ]

[Student ID: 17950757 ]
[Due date: 29th September 2022]

Submitted to: Mr. Ismail Said Almuniri

Semester: Fall 2022/23

Answer All Questions (5 Marks): Write all your answer here in this template and upload to
the given folder in moodle.

Question 1: (2.5
How is data different from information? How is information different from knowledge?
Data is a facts .
Information is a set of processed organized and contains data stored in it .
Knowledge is awareness and understanding of a set of information and how to use it in a task.
Question 2: (2.5
What is cloud computing?
It’s the transferring information, data or computer services to a server to stores it. It’s include
servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence over the Inter-
net .

1. Must write all relevant references using IEEE style
2. On answering all questions, you have to apply critical thinking, analytical skills along
with understanding of facts.
3. TURNITIN will be on to check the similarity. Any types of plagiarism (including
copy from friend) will be treated as of University’s academic misconduct policy.
4. Acceptable similarity rate is 20% (maximum).

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