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Exercise 2.

1(a)3(x+5) (b)5(2y-3) (c)7(2-4x) (d)3(4-3y)

2(a)x(4x+5) (b)6y(x+2) (c)7y(1-y) (d)3x(7-4y)

3 Marcus has used a common factor, but Arun has used the highest common factor.

4(a)2(x+2) (b)2(2b-3) (c)2(4+5y) (d) 2(9-10m)

5(a) 3(6+7p) (b)3(y-6) (c)3(3+5m) (d)3(4-9x)

6(a)5(2z+1) (b)4(2a-1) (c)7(2+3x) (d)6(3-4z)

(7) (a) peer discussion;

(b) (i) 4y (ii)3p (iii)a

(8) A and iii, B and i, C and iv, D and ii

(9)(a) x(3x+1) (b)6y(y-2) (c)3b(1+3b) (d)3n(4-5n) (e)9(2y-x)

(f)3(4y+3x) (g)4y(2x-1) (h)5z(3+2y)

(10)(a) 2(x+3y+4) (b)4(y-2+x) (c)3(3xy+4y-5) (d)x(5x+2+y)

(e)y(9-y-x) (f)3y(y-3+2x)

(11)5(2 x  6)  2(3x  5)  10 x  30  6 x  10
 16 x  20
 4(4 x  5)

(12) Correct expansion is:

6(3 y  2)  4( y  2)  18 y  12  4 y  8
 14 y  20
 2(7 y  10)

Marcus has used -8 instead of +8 in the first line of the expansion like this
6(3 y  2)  4( y  2)  18 y  12  4 y  8
 14 y  4
 2(7 y  2)

(13)2a 2  18a  2a  l
2a 2  18a
l 
2a(a  9)

 a9

For A, Length = a+9

3d  3d  2l  14d  10c
6d  2l  14d  10c
2l  14d  10c  6d
8d  10c 2(4d  5c)
l    4d  5c
2 2

For B, Length = 4d-5c

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