Math Pattern Task 16th

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SUBJECT: Mathematics
Revision Sheet

Name: Amber Class/Section: 10C Date: 16.1.2023

Command Terms:
 Apply mathematical problem-solving techniques to discover complex patterns
 Describe and Generalize patterns as general rules consistent with findings
 Verify - Provide evidence that validates the result
 Justify- Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion
 Use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols and terminology) in written
 Use appropriate forms of mathematical representation to present information

Jason went to a mall where a math-e-magician is trying to demonstrate a magic in front of a crowd in
India. He explains to the audience how they can receive the number of coins after magic.
“If you put inside one coin, you get back 1 extra coin.”
“If you put inside two coins, you get back 4 extra coins.”
“If you put inside three coins, you get back 9 extra coins.”
Jason observed something and wrote his observation in the table as follows:
Number of Coins after Total number of
coins(n) magic(m) coins(t)
1 1 2
2 4 6
3 9 12
4 16 20
5 25 30
6 36 42
7 49 56

Based on the following observations, write a report on the following parameters:

 Predict the missing values in the table

The missing values in the table can be predicted using the pattern observed in the table. For example, the
value for m when n = 5 can be calculated by squaring 5 (5^2 = 25), and the value for t when n = 5 can be
calculated by adding 5 to the value of m (5 + 25 = 30). Using this pattern, the missing values in the table
can be filled as follows:
Number of Coins after Total number of
coins(n) magic(m) coins(t)
1 1 2
2 4 6
3 9 12


4 16 20
5 25 30
6 36 42
7 49 56

 Describe three patterns given in the table.

 The value of m increases as the value of n increases, with the increase in m being the square of n
(m = n^2)
 The value of t increases as the value of n increases, with the increase in t being equal to the sum
of n and m (t = n + m)
 The value of t is always equal to the sum of n and m (t = n + m)

 Generalize the rule of m with respect to n

The rule for m with respect to n can be generalized as m = n^2

 Generalize the rule of t with respect to n

The rule for t with respect to n can be generalized as t = n + (n^2)

 Verify the rule for t and m

To verify the rule for t and m, we can substitute the value of n = 7 into both rules and check if the
resulting values match the observations in the table. Using the rule for m, we get m = 7^2 = 49.
Using the rule for t, we get t = 7 + 7^2 = 49 = 56. These values match the observations in the
table, thus verifying the rules.
 Justify the general rule for t.
The general rule for t can be justified by observing the pattern in the table, where the value of t is
always equal to the sum of n and m. This can also be verified mathematically by substituting the
values of n and m into the equation t = n + (n^2), which results in the same values as observed in
the table.


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