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Summary of IPS Test Cases

# of TCs # of TCs
Serial # Screen Name # of TCs
Passed Failed

1 IPS_Home Page 14
2 IPS_About Us Page 9
3 IPS_Contacts Page 9
4 IPS_Services Page 9
5 IPS_Download page 9
6 IPS_Administrator Home Page 9
7 IPS_Administrator_Add Agent Page 19
8 IPS_Administrator_Edit Agent Page 17
9 IPS_Administrator_Delete Agent Page 11
10 IPS_Agent Home Page 10
11 IPS_Agent_Life Insurance Page 13
12 IPS_Agent_Life Insurance_Details Page 10
13 IPS_Agent_Life Insurance_New Customer Page 64
14 IPS_Agent_Life Insurance_Existing Customer Page 11
15 IPS_Agent_Life Insurance_Death Claims Page 11
16 IPS_Agent_Life Insurance_Maturity Claims Page 11
17 IPS_Agent_Motor Vehicle Insurance Page 12
18 IPS_Agent_Motor Vehicle Insurance-Details Page 9

IPS_Agent_Motor Vehicle Insurance-New Customer Page 51

IPS_Agent_Motor Vehicle Insurance-Existing Customer Page 11
Total Number 319
ary of IPS Test Cases

# of TCs not Bugs #TCs

Version Build No. Tested By Test Date
executed Posted Automated
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By Kurra
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Venkat

Test Information

Test case Name IPS_Home Page

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
1 Verify the background and fore ground color

Verify The 'Alignment, Spell Mistakes and Font' of

2 the IPS Home Page

3 Focus on the Home and press the Tab Continusly

Leaving User Name and Password as blank and
4 Click on [Login]
Enter invalid 'User Name' and valid Password
5 click on [Login] button.
Enter valid 'User Name' and leaving 'Password'
6 as blank and click on [Login]

Enter Pasword as some characters and observe

7 Password' field.
Enter valid Admin Username and Password and
8 click on [Login] button

Enter Valid or invalid information in Username

9 and password fields and Click on [Reset] button
10 Click on 'About Us' link
11 Click on 'Contacts' link
12 Click on ' Services' link
13 Click on 'Download' link
14 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the Usability & User Interface and

Test case Objective
functionality of 'Home Page'
Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display the 'IPS Home Page'

Should be visible to the user
Should be a same alignment and Should
not be any spellmistakes and should be
a same Font
Should go with 'About Us',
'Contacts' ,'Services', 'Download' and
Username,Password, [Login], [Reset]

Should display the Popup window

"Please enter the valid User Name"
Should display the Popup window
"Please enter the valid User Name"
Should display the Popup window
"Please enter the valid Password"

Entered Password should be displayed

in '*" Format OR encrypted format
Admin Home page should be displayed

All fields should be cleared

Should display 'About Us' Page

Should display 'Contents' Page
Should display 'Services' Page
Should display 'Download' Page
Browser should be closed.
Test Cases Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Moderate Minimal
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name SIPS

Test Case History

Created By Kurra
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information

Test case Name IPS_About Us

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0

2 Click on 'About Us' link

Verify The Alignment, Spellmistakes and font of
3 the 'About Us Page'

Focus on 'Home' link and press the Tab

4 continuously
5 Click on the 'Home' link
6 Click on the 'Contacts' link
7 Click on the 'Services' link
8 Click on the 'Download' link
9 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the Usability & User Interface and

Test case Objective
functionality of 'About Us Page'
Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display the 'IPS Home' Page

Should display the 'About Us' Page

Should be a same alignment and Should
not be any spellmistakes and should be
a same font

Should go through 'About Us', 'Contacts',

'Services', 'Downloads, etc,
Should display the 'Home' page
Should display the 'Contacts'Page
Should display the 'Services' Page
Should display the 'Download' Page
Browser should be Closed
Test Cases Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name SIPS

Test Case History

Created By Ganesh
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information

Test case Name IPS_Contacts

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
2 Click on 'Contacts'

Verify The 'Alignment, Spellmistakes and font' of

3 the Contacts Page

Focus on 'Home' link and press the Tab

4 continuously
5 Click on the 'Home' link
6 Click on 'About Us' link
7 Click on the 'Services' link
8 Click on the 'Download' link
9 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the Usability , UI and functionality of

Test case Objective
Contacts Page
Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display the 'Home Page'

Should display the 'Contacts Page'
Should be a same alignment and Should
not be any spellmistakes and should be
a same font

Should go through 'About Us', 'Contacts',

'Services', 'Downloads, etc,
Should display the 'Home' page
Should display 'About Us' home page
Should display the 'Services' Page
Should display the 'Download' Page
Browser should be Closed
Test Cases Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By Ganesh
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information

Test case Name IPS_Services

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0

2 Click on 'Services'

Verify The 'Alignment, Spellmistakes and font' of

3 the 'Services' Page

Focus on 'Home' link and press the Tab

4 continuously
5 Click on the 'Home' link
6 Click on 'About Us' link
7 Click on the 'Contacts' link
8 Click on the 'Download' link
9 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the U , UI and functionality of Services

Test case Objective
Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display 'Home Page'

Should display the 'Services Page'

Should be a same alignment and Should
not be any spellmistakes and should be
a same font

Should go through 'About Us', 'Contacts',

'Services', 'Downloads, etc,
Should display the 'Home' page
Should display 'About Us' home page
Should display the 'Contacts'Page
Should display the 'Download' Page
Browser should be Closed
Test Cases Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By Sreenivas
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information

Test case Name IPS_Download

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0

2 Click on 'Download' link

Verify the Alignment, Spelling and font of the

3 'Download' Page

Focus on 'Home' link and press the Tab

4 continuously
5 Click on the 'Home' link
6 Click on 'About Us' link
7 Click on the 'Contacts' link
8 Click on the 'Services' link
9 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the U , UI and functionality of

Test case Objective
Download Page
Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display 'Home Page'

Should display the 'Download Page'

Should be a same alignment and Should
not be any spellmistakes and should be
a same font

Should go through 'About Us', 'Contacts',

'Services', 'Downloads, etc,
Should display the 'Home' page
Should display 'About Us' home page
Should display the 'Contacts'Page
Should display the 'Services' Page
Browser should be Closed
Test Cases Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By Sreedhar
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information

IPS_Home Page_Administrator Home

Test case Name

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter valid admin User Name and valid
2 Password and click on [Login] button

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

3 Administrator Home Page

4 Focus on the' Add Agent' link and Press on Tab

5 Click on 'Add Agent' link
6 Click on 'Edit Agent' link
7 Click on 'Delete Agent' link
8 Click on 'Logout' link
9 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the Usability User Interface and Check

Test case Objective the links 'Add Agent','Edit Agent','Delete
Agent', 'View All Agents'
Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display a' IPS Home Page'

Administartor Home page should be
Should be a same Alignments and
should not be any Spelling Mistakes and
should be a Same Font

Should go with 'Add Agent','Edit

Agent','Delete Agent', 'Logout' links, etc
and once again back to 'Add Agents'
Should display 'Add Agent Page'
Should display 'Edit Agent Page'
Should display 'Delete Agent Page'
Should display the Home Page
Browser should be closed
Test Cases Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By Sreedhar
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information

IPS_Home Page_Administrator Home

Test case Name
Page_Add Agent Page

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Launch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [GO] button (or) click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter valid User Name and valid Password and
2 click on [Login] button
3 Click on 'Add Agent' link

Focus on the' Agent Name ' link and Press on

4 Tab

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

5 add Agent Page
Leaving blank as a ' Agent Name' and click on
6 [Add] button
Enter valid 31 Characters in ' Agent Name' and
7 click on [Add] button
Enter valid upto 30 Characters in 'Agent Name'
8 and click on [Add] button
Enter Valid agent name and Leaving the
9 'Password' blank, click on [Add] button
Enter valid Agent name and Enter valid 16
Characters in ' Password' and click on [Add]
10 button
Enter valid Agent name and Enter valid upto 15
Characters in ' Password' and click on [Add]
11 button
12 Verify Access level Drop down field

13 Verify list in 'Access level'

Enter valid agent name and Password and select

14 'Access level' as "User" and click on [Add] button
Enter valid agent name and Password and select
'Access level' as "admin" and click on [Add]
15 button

16 Verify the Message

17 Click on [Cancel] button

18 Click on 'logout'
19 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the Usability User Interface and Check

Test case Objective Functionality of [Add] and [Cancel] button

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display a' IPS Home Page'

Should display the 'Administrator Home
Should display 'Add Agent Page'

Should go with 'Password','Access

Level', [Add], [Cancel], and 'Logout' link,
and once again back to Agant name and
so on.
Should be a same Alignments and
should not be any Spelling Mistakes and
should be a Same Font
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Agent Name"
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Agent Name"
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Password"
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Password

Should display a Pop Up Window

"Please Enter the valid Password"

Should display a Pop Up Window

"Please Enter the valid Access Level"
Default "*None*" should be selected
List should contain the values as "User"
and "Admin"

Should display a message IPS Agent

Details are added Successfully

Should display a message IPS Agent

Details are added Successfully
Message should be simple and clear
and should not be any Spell Mistakes,
Should be Middle Alignment

Should clear the all fields of Add Agent

Logout Page should be dsiplayed
Browser should be closed
Test Cases Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project ID IPS

Test Case History

Created By Purushotham
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information

SIPS_Home Page_Administrator Edit

Test case Name
Agent Home Page

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter valid admin User Name and Password and
2 click on [Login]
3 Click on 'Edit agent'
4 Verify Agent Name

5 Verify list in Agent Name

6 Select valid agent name

7 Verify agent name, password and access level

8 Focus on the'Agent Name' and Press on Tab

Verify the Alignments,Spell Mistakes and Fonts of

9 Edit Agent Page
Select Agent Name and enter password as 16
10 Characters Click on [Update] Password as " 1234444444444444"

Enter 15 Characters in ' Password' and click on

11 [Update] Password as " 123444444444444"
Select Access level as "None" and click on
12 [Update]

Change Access level to "Admin" and click on

13 [Update]

14 Verify the Message

Enter password as 5 characters and select

15 access level as " None" and Click on [Cancel]
16 Click on 'logout'
17 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the Usability, User Interface and

Functionality of [Update] and [Cancel]
Test case Objective buttons and UI and Usability of Success

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display a' IPS' Home Page

Should display the 'Administrator Home
Edit agent page should be displayed
None should be displayed

Valid agent names should be displayed

Edit agent page with name, password

and access level should be displayed

Valid information should be displayed.

Should go with'Agent
Name,Password,Access Leval,[Update],
[Cancel] ,'Logout'
Should be a same Alignments and
should not be any Spelling Mistakes and
should be a Same Font
Should display a POP UP message
"Please Enter the valid Password"

Should display a message "SIPS Agent

Details are updated Successfully"
Should display a POP UP message
"Please Select the access level"

Should display a message "SIPS Agent

Details are updated Successfully"
Message should be simple and clear
and should not be any Spell Mistakes,
Should be Middle Alignment

Default fieds should be selected

Logout page should be displayed

Browser should be closed
Test Cases Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By Purushotham
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information

Test case Name
Agent Page

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter Valid Username and Password and Click
2 on [Login] Button
3 Click on 'Delete Agent' Link

Verify the alignment and spell mistakes and fonts

4 of the Delet Agent Page
5 Verify 'Agent Name' Dropdown Field
6 Click Agent Name Dropdown List
Select any one of the Agent Name in Drop Down
7 list and verify

Select any one of the Agent Name in Drop Down

8 list and click of [Delete] button

9 Verify the Message

10 Click on [Cancel] button

11 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the Usability, Userinterface and

Test case Objective Functionality of [Delete] and [Cancel] Button

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

IPS_ Homepage' should be displayed

Administrator Homepage' should be
Delete Agent Page' should displayed
Should be same alignment and should
not be any spelling mistakes and should
be same font
Default "*None*" should be selected
Should Display the Agent Names
Should Display the Agent
Name,Password,AccessLevel Fields

Should display a message "SIPS Agent

Details are Deleted Successfully"
Message should be simple and clear
and should not be any Spell Mistakes,
Should be Middle Alignment

Should navigate to the previous page

Browser should be close

es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By Purushotham
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information
Test case Name
Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter valid Agent User Name, Password and
2 click on [Login] button

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

3 Agent Home Page
Focus on the' Life Insurance' link and Press on
4 Tab
5 Click on 'Life Insurance' link

6 Click on 'Industrial Insurance' link

7 Click on 'Motor Vehicle Insurance'link

8 Click on 'Electric Application Insurance'link

9 Click on 'Logout' link
10 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Test case Objective

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

IPS_ Homepage' should be displayed

Should display the 'Agent Home Page'

Should be a same Alignments and
should not be any Spelling Mistakes and
should be a Same Font
Should go with All links of the 'Agent
Home Page'
Should display 'Life Insurance' Page
Should display 'Industrial Insurance'
Should display 'Motor Vehicle Insurance'
Should display 'Electric Application
Insurance' Page
Should display The 'Home Page'
Browser Should be closed
es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information
Test case Name
Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter the valid Agent Name and Password,click
2 on [Login] buttton

3 Click on 'Life Insurance' Link

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

4 Life Insurance Home Page

5 Focus on 'Details' link and Press on Tab

6 Click on 'Details' Link

7 Click on 'New Customer' Link

8 Click on 'Existing Customer' Link

9 Click on 'Death Claim' Link

10 Click on 'Maturity Claim' Link

11 Click on 'Home Page'Link

12 Click on 'Logout'Link
13 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Test case Objective

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

IPS_ Homepage' should be displayed

Agent Home Page should be displayed

Life Insurance Home Page should be

Should be a same allignment,Should not
be any spell mistakes and should be a
same Font

Should go with New Customer,Existing

customer,Death Claim,Maturity
Claim,Home Page and Logout
Should display the Details Page
Should display the New Customer link

Should display the Existing Customer

Should display the Death Claim Page
Should display the Maturity Claim Page

Should display the 'Agent Home Page'

Should Display the Logout Page

Browser should be closed
es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information
Test case Name
Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter the valid Agent Name and Password,click
2 on [Login] buttton

3 Click on 'Life Insurance' Link

Click on 'Details' Link

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

4 Details Home Page

Focus on 'Personal Life assurance Plans' link

5 and Press on Tab

6 Click on 'Personal Life Assurance Plans'link

7 Click on 'Swatantra Bhartiya Policy'link

8 Click on 'Azaad Bhartiya Policy'link

9 Click on 'Life Insurance' Link

Click on 'Home Page'Link
9 Click on 'Logout'Link
10 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Test case Objective

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

IPS_ Homepage' should be displayed

Agent Home Page should be displayed

Life Insurance Home Page should be


Details Home Page' Should be displayed

Should be a same allignment,Should not
be any spell mistakes and should be a
same Font

Should go with Swatantra Bhartiya

Policy, Azaad Bharatiya Policy,Life
Insurance,Home Page and Logout
Should display ''Personal Life Assurance
Should Display 'Swatantra Bhartiya
Policy' page
Should Display 'Azaad Bhartiya
Should Display The 'Life Insurance
Should Display "Agent Home Page'
Should Display the Logout Page
Browser should be closed
es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By Nataraj
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information
Test Case Name
surance_New CustomerPage_Result

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter the valid Agent Name and Password,click
2 on [Login] buttton

3 Click on 'Life Insurance' Link

4 Click on 'New Customer 'Link

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

5 'New Customer Home Page'

6 Verify all mandatory fields

Place cursor in the ' Name ' field and press Tab
7 continuously
Leaving all fields blank and click on [submit]
8 button
Enter valid 31 Characters in ' Name' and click on
9 [Submit] button
Enter valid upto 30 Characters in ' Name' and
10 click on [Submit] button
Enter spaces into 'Phonenumber' and click on
11 [Submit] button
Leaving blank as 'Phonenumber' and click on
12 [Submit] button

Enter Phone number as

1. Alphabets
13 2. Special Char and Click on [Submit]
Enter 16 digits into 'Phonenumber' and click on
14 [Submit] button
Enter Up to15 digits into 'Phonenumber' and click
15 on [Submit] button
Enter 26 characters into 'E-mail' Format and click
16 on [Submit] button
Enter Upto 25 characters into 'E-mail' Format and
17 click on [Submit] button
Enter 21 characters into 'Location' and click on
18 [Submit] button
Enter Upto 20 characters into 'Location' and click
19 on [Submit] button
Leaving blank as Address and click on [Submit]
20 button
Enter 76 characters into 'Address' and click on
21 [Submit] button
Enter Upto 75 characters into 'Address' and click
22 on [Submit] button
23 Verify the age drop Down

24 Verify the LIST in Age Dropdown

25 Selet the age as 25

Leaving blank as Insurance Name and click on

26 [Submit] button
Enter valid 21 Characters in 'Insurance Name'
27 and click on [Submit] button

Enter valid upto 20 Characters in 'Insurance

28 Name' and click on [Submit] button
Enter spaces into 'Anual Income' and click on
29 [Submit] button
Leaving blank as 'Anual Income' and click on
30 [Submit] button

Enter 11 digits into 'Anual Income' and click on

31 [Submit] button

Enter Uoto10 digits into 'Anual Income' and click

32 on [Submit] button

Enter spaces into 'Passport Number' and click on

33 [Submit] button
Leaving blank as 'Passport Number' and click on
34 [Submit] button
Enter Passport number as 1.
35 2. Special Char and Click on [Submit]

Enter 11 digits into 'Passport Number' and click

36 on [Submit] button
Enter Uoto10 digits into 'Passport Number' and
37 click on [Submit] button

Leaving blank as 'Medical Certification' and click

38 on [Submit] button
Enter 21 Characters into 'Medical Certification'
39 and click on [Submit] button
Enter valid upto 20 Characters in 'Medical
40 Certification' and click on [Submit] button
Leaving blank as 'Tax Info' and click on [Submit]
41 button
Enter 76 characters into 'Tax Info' and click on
42 [Submit] button
Enter Upto 75 characters into 'Tax Info' and click
43 on [Submit] button

Leaving blank as 'Bank' and click on [Submit]

44 button
Enter 21 Characters into 'Bank' and click on
45 [Submit] button
Enter valid upto 20 Characters in 'Bank' and click
46 on [Submit] button

Leaving blank as 'Policy' and click on [Submit]

47 button
Enter 21 Characters into 'Policy' and click on
48 [Submit] button

Enter valid upto 20 Characters in 'Policy' and

49 click on [Submit] button

Leaving blank as a 'Join Date'and click on

50 [Submit]buttion

Enter Valied Join Date in Date Format and Click

51 on [Submit Buttion]

Leaving blank as a 'Maturity Date'and click on

52 [Submit]buttion

Enter Valied 'Maturity Date' in Date Format and

53 Click on [Submit Buttion]

Enter spaces into 'Payment' and click on [Submit]

54 button
Leaving blank as 'Insurance Amount' and click on
55 [Submit] button

Enter 9 digits into 'Insurance Amount' and click

56 on [Submit] button
Enter Uoto 8 digits into 'Insurance Amount' and
57 click on [Submit] button
Enter spaces into 'Payment' and click on [Submit]
58 button
Leaving blank as 'Payment' and click on [Submit]
59 button
Enter 9 digits into 'Payment' and click on [Submit]
60 button
Enter Uoto 8 digits into 'Payment' and click on
61 [Submit] button

62 Verify the Message

Fill all the fields of the 'New Customer Page' and
63 click [Cancel] button
64 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the usability,user interface of Result

Test Case Objective

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

IPS_ Homepage' should be displayed

Agent Home Page should be displayed

Life Insurance Home Page should be

Should Display the 'New Customer
Home Page'
Should be a same allignment,Should not
be any spell mistakes and should be a
same Font
Should display in RED color/should
display * before the mandatory field
Tab order should go with all the fields
according to their occurrence
Should display a popup message
'Please enter Name'
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Name"
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Emailid"
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Phonenumber'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Phonenumber'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Phonenumber'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Phone number'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'E-mail Id'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid E-Mail'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the Valied Location'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Location'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the Valied Address'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid Address'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid Address'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the Age'
By Default 18 should be displayed.

Valid List should be displayed(18-39) an

dshould not any NULLS or Blank

Selected date should be displayed

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid Insurance Name'
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Insurance

Should display a Pop Up Window

"Please Enter the valid Annual Incom'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Anual Income'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Anual Income'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Annual Income'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Passport Number'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Passport Number'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Passport Number'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Passport Number'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Passport Number'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Medical Certification'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Medical Certification'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Medical Certification'
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid 'Tax Info'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Tax Info'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valied 'Tax Info'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valied 'Bank'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Bank'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Bank'
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid 'Policy'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Policy'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Policy'

Should display a Pop Up Window

"Please Enter the valid 'Join Date'

Should display a Popup window'Please

Enter the valied 'Join Date'

Should display a Popup window'Please

Enter the valied 'Maturity Date'

Should display a Popup window'Please

Enter the valied 'Maturity Date'

Should display a Popup window'Please

Enter the valied 'Insurance Amount'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Insurance Amount'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Insurance Amount'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Insurance Amount'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Payment'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Payment'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Payment'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Payment'
Should display the New Customer
Result Page
Message should be simple and clear
and should not be any Spell Mistakes,
Should be Middle Alignment

Should clear all the fields in the 'New

Customer ' page
Browser should be closed
es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By Nataraj
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information
Test Case Name Page_AgentHomePage_MotorVehicleIn

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Lanch the Browser and Enter the valid URL and

1 click on [Go] button or click Enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter valid Agent Name and valid Password and
2 click on [Login] button

3 Click on 'Life Insurance' link

4 Click on 'Existing Customer 'link

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

5 'Existing Customer Home Page'

6 Focus on the [Submit]buttion and Press on Tab

7 Verify 'Select Customer ID' Drop Down Field
Select any one of the Select Customer ID in Drop
8 Down list

9 Click [Cancel]buttion
10 Click on 'Logout'
11 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Verify the usability,user interface and the

Test Case Objective functionality of [Submit],[Cancel] of Existing
Customer Page

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

IPS_ Homepage' should be displayed

Should display the 'Agent Home Page'

Should Display the Life Insurance Page

Should display the "Existing Customer
Should be a same allignment,Should not
be any spell mistakes and should be a
same Font
Should go with'Cancel, Logout,Select
Customer ID'
Default "*None*" should be selected
Should Display the Selected Customer
ID Fields

Should Display the 'Life Insurance Page'

Logout Page should be dsiplayed
Browser should be close
es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID
Project Name

Test Case History

Created By
Reviewed By
Approved By

Test Information

Test case Name

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design

Launch the Browser and enter the valid URL and click on [go]
1 button or click enter
Enter the valid Agent Name and Password and click on
2 [login]button

3 Click on 'Life Insurance'link

4 Click on Death Claims Page

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the 'Death Claims

5 Page'

6 Focus on the [Delet]buttion and Press on Tab

7 Verify 'Select Customer ID' Drop Down Field
Select any one of the 'Selected Customer ID'Drop Down Field
8 and Click on [Delet]button
9 Click on [Cancle]buttion
10 Click on 'Logout'
11 Close the Browser

nataraj Date Created 26.04.10

Purushotham Date Reviewed 29.04.10
Purushotham Date Last Updated 29.04.10

IPS_Home Verify the usability,user interface and the

Page_AgentHomePage_MotorVehicleIns Test case Objective functionality of [Submit],[Cancel] of Claims
urance_ClaimsPage Page

Date Executed

Input Data Expected Result Actual Result

http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0 Should display a 'IPS Home Page'

Agent Home Page' should be displayed

Should display a 'Life Insurance Page'

Should display a 'Death ClaimsPage '
Should be a same allignment,Should not
be any spell mistakes and should be a
same Font
Should go with'All the Fields of the
Death Claims Page'
Default "*None*" should be selected
Should be deleted Selected Customer ID

Shou go for 'Life Insurance Page'

Logout Page should be dsiplayed
Browser should be close
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Not Executable
Defects Reported

Pass Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major
Defect Id
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name IPS

Test Case History

Created By
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information
Test case Name
Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Launch the Browser and enter the valid URL and

1 click on [go] button or click enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter the valid Agent Name and Password and
2 click on [login]button

3 Click on 'Life Insurance'link

4 Click on'Maturity Claims Page'

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

5 'Maturity Claims Page'

6 Focus on the [Cancle]buttion and Press on Tab

7 Verify 'Select Customer ID' Drop Down Field
Select any one of the 'Select Customer Id' and
Click [Check]buttion
9 Click on [Cancle]buttion
10 Click on 'Logout'
11 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Test case Objective

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display a 'IPS Home Page'

Agent Home Page' should be displayed

Should display a 'Life Insurance Page'

Should display a 'Maturity ClaimsPage '

Should be a same allignment,Should not

be any spell mistakes and should be a
same Font
Should go with'All the Fields of the
Death Claims Page'
Default "*None*" should be selected

Should display the Selectid customer id

Shou go for 'Life Insurance Page'

IPS Home page should be displayed
Browser should be close
es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name SIPS

Test Case History

Created By
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information
Test case Name
Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Launch the Browser and enter the valid URL and

1 click on [go] button or click enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter the valid Agent Name and Password,click
2 on [Login] buttton http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0

3 Click on 'Motor Vehicle Insurance' Link

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

4 Motor Vehicle Insurance Home Page

5 Focus on 'Details' link and Press on Tab

6 Click on 'Details' Link

7 Click on 'New Customer' Link

8 Click on 'Existing Customer' Link

9 Click on 'Motor Vehicle Claim ' Link

10 Click on 'Home Page'Link

11 Click on 'Logout'Link
12 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Test case Objective

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display a 'IPS Home Page'

Agent Home Page should be displayed

Motor Vehicle Insurance Home Page

should be displayed
Should be a same allignment,Should not
be any spell mistakes and should be a
same Font

Should go with New Customer,Existing

customer,Motor Vehicle Claim,Home
Page and Logout
Should display the Details Page
Should display the New Customer link

Should display the Existing Customer

Should display the 'Motor Vehicle Claim
Should display the 'Agent Home Page'

Should display SIPS Home Page

Browser should be closed
es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name SIPS

Test Case History

Created By
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information
Test case Name
Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Launch the Browser and enter the valid URL and

1 click on [go] button or click enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter the valid Agent Name and Password,click
2 on [Login] buttton

3 Click on 'Motor Vehicle Insurance' Link

4 Click on 'Details' Link

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

5 Motor Vehicle Insurance Details Home Page
6 Verify the Message

7 Click on 'Back'Link
8 Click on 'Logout'Link
9 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

Test case Objective

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display a 'IPS Home Page'

Agent Home Page should be displayed

Motor Vehicle Insurance Home Page

should be displayed
Should display the Details Page
Should be a same allignment,Should not
be any spell mistakes and should be a
same Font
Message should be simple and clear
Should display the 'Motor Vehicle
Insurance Page'
Should display SIPS Home Page
Browser should be closed
es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name SIPS

Test Case History

Created By Suneetha.M
Reviewed By Purushotham
Approved By Purushotham

Test Information
IPS_Home Page_MVI_New Customer
Test case Name
Reg Page

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Launch the Browser and enter the valid URL and

1 click on [go] button or click enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter the valid Agent Name and Password,click
2 on [Login] buttton

3 Click on 'Motor Vehicle Insurance' Link

4 Click on 'New Customer 'Link

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

5 'New Customer Home Page'

6 Verify all mandatory fields

Place cursor in the ' Name ' field and press Tab
7 continuously
Leaving all fields blank and click on [submit]
8 button
Enter valid 31 Characters in ' Name' and click on
9 [Submit] button
Enter valid upto 30 Characters in ' Name' and
10 click on [Submit] button
Enter spaces into 'Phonenumber' and click on
11 [Submit] button
Leaving blank as 'Phonenumber' and click on
12 [Submit] button
Enter 16 digits into 'Phonenumber' and click on
13 [Submit] button
Enter Uoto15 digits into 'Phonenumber' and click
14 on [Submit] button
Enter 26 characters into 'E-mail' Format and click
15 on [Submit] button
Enter Upto 25 characters into 'E-mail' Format and
16 click on [Submit] button
Enter 21 characters into 'Location' and click on
17 [Submit] button
Enter Upto 20 characters into 'Location' and click
18 on [Submit] button
Leaving blank as Address and click on [Submit]
19 button
Enter 76 characters into 'Address' and click on
20 [Submit] button
Enter Upto 75 characters into 'Address' and click
21 on [Submit] button
Leaving blank as Insurance Name and click on
22 [Submit] button
Enter valid 21 Characters in 'Insurance Name'
23 and click on [Submit] button

Enter valid upto 20 Characters in 'Insurance

24 Name' and click on [Submit] button

Leaving blank as Insurance Sector and click on

25 [Submit] button

Enter 21 chars invalid Insurance Sector and click

26 [Submit]
Enter 20 chars valid Insurance Sector and click
27 [Submit]
Enter Vehicle Number as Alphabets , Special
28 Char and Click on [Submit]

29 Enter 11 digits Vehicle Number and click [Submit] "12345678910"

30 Enter 10 digitsVehicle Number and click [Submit] "1234567890"

Enter Motor Tax as Alphabets , Special Char and
31 Click on [Submit]

32 Enter 11 digits Motor Tax and click [Submit] "12345678912"

33 Enter Up to 10 digits Motor Tax and click [Submit] "1234567890"

34 Enter Join Date without format and click [Submit] "yy/mm/dd"

35 Enter Join Date with format and click [Submit] "mm/dd/yy"

Enter Period Date with out format and click
36 [Submit] "yy/mm/dd"

37 Enter Period Date with format and click [Submit] "mm/dd/yy"

38 Enter 21 chars Period Policy and click [Submit] "123456789123456789123"

Enter Up to 20 chars Period Policy and click

39 [Submit] "123456789asdfghjlmni"

Enter 9 digits Motor Market Value and click

40 [Submit] "123456789"

Enter Up to 8 digits Motor Market Value and click

41 [Submit] "12345678"
Leaving blank as 'Insurance Amount' and click on
42 [Submit] button

Enter 9 digits into 'Insurance Amount' and click

43 on [Submit] button
Enter Up to 8 digits into 'Insurance Amount' and
44 click on [Submit] button
Enter spaces into 'Payment' and click on [Submit]
45 button
Leaving blank as 'Payment' and click on [Submit]
46 button
Enter 9 digits into 'Payment' and click on [Submit]
47 button
Enter Up to 8 digits into 'Payment' and click on
48 [Submit] button

49 Verify the Message

Fill all the fields of the 'New Customer Page' and
50 click [Cancel] button
51 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

verify usability and user interface and

Test case Objective
functionality of New Customer Page

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display a 'IPS Home Page'

Agent Home Page should be displayed

Motor Vehicle Insurance Home Page

should be displayed
Should Display the 'New Customer
Home Page'
Should be a same allignment,Should not
be any spell mistakes and should be a
same Font
Should display in RED color/should
display before the mandatory field
Tab order should go with all the fields
according to their occurrence
Should display a popup message
'Please enter Name'
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Name"
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Emailid"
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Phonenumber'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Phonenumber'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Phone number'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'E-mail Id'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid E-Mail'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the Valied Location'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Location'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the Valied Address'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid Address'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid Address'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the Age'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid Insurance Name'
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Insurance
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Insurance
Should display a Pop Up Window
"Please Enter the valid Insurance
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Insurance Sector".

Should display a pop up message

"Please enter Valid Vehicle Number".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Vehicle Number".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Vehicle Number".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Motor Tax".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Motor Tax".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Motor Tax".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Join Date".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Join Date".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Period Date".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Period Date".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Period Policy".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Period Policy".
Should display a pop up message
"Please enter Valid Motor Market Value".

Should display a pop up message

"Please enter Valid Motor Market Value".

Should display a pop up message

"Please enter Valid Insurance Amount".

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Insurance Amount'

Should display a pop up window 'Please

Enter the valid 'Insurance Amount'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Payment'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Payment'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Payment'
Should display a pop up window 'Please
Enter the valid 'Payment'
Should display the New Customer
Result Page
Message should be simple and clear
and should not be any Spell Mistakes,
Should be Middle Alignment

Should clear all the fields in the 'New

Customer ' page
Browser should be closed
es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id
Project History
Project ID LT111
Project Name SIPS

Test Case History

Created By Suneetha.M
Reviewed By Prasad
Approved By Venkat

Test Information
IPS_Home Page_MVI_Customer
Test case Name
Existing Page

Test Executed By

TC # TS# Test Design Input Data

Launch the Browser and enter the valid URL and

1 click on [go] button or click enter http://livetechserver:8000/IPS2.0
Enter valid Agent Name and valid Password and
2 click on [Login] button

3 Click on 'Motor Vehicle Insurance' link

4 Click on 'Existing Customer 'link

Verify the Alignments,Spellings and Fonts of the

5 'Existing Customer Home Page'

6 Focus on the [Submit]buttion and Press on Tab

7 Verify 'Select Customer ID' Drop Down Field
Select any one of the Select Customer ID in Drop
8 Down list

9 Click [Cancel]buttion
10 Click on 'Logout'
11 Close the Browser
Test Cases Summary
Total No. of TCs
Date Created 26.04.10 Not Executable
Date Reviewed 29.04.10 Defects Reported
Date Last Updated 29.04.10

verify usability and user interface and

Test case Objective
functionality of Customer Existing Page

Date Executed

Expected Result Actual Result Pass

Should display a 'IPS Home Page'

Should display the 'Agent Home Page'

Should Display the Motor Vehicle
Insurance Page
Should display the "Existing Customer
Should be a same allignment,Should not
be any spell mistakes and should be a
same Font
Should go with'Cancel, Logout,Select
Customer ID'
Default "*None*" should be selected
Should Display the Selected Customer
ID Fields
Should Display the 'Motor Vehicle
Insurance Page'
Logout Page should be dsiplayed
Browser should be close
es Summary

Fail Not Executable Comments
Critical Major Moderate Minimal
Defect Id

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