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Biology | Module 5 Heredity Analysing sexual and asexual methods of

reproduction | in animals Chapter 1.1

Inquiry question: how reproduction ensures the
continuity of a species Analysing reproduction methods in the organisms
will allow us to understand how they ensure the
Heredity: is the passing on of physical or mental continuity of species:
characteristics genetically from one generation to
another Types of sexual reproduction have different
strategies, advantageous and disadvantageous
Therefore, reproduction ensures the continuity of according to environmental conditions inhabited in
species, through the replication of DNA passing
genetic information to offspring via heredity Recap: for organisms to survive they have to be
well-adapted to
To understand this process students are studying
animal and plant reproduction processes that show Survive the selective pressures of their
how reproduction ensures the continuity of species environment:
via different methods
 Temperature
Animal reproduction | Chapter 1.0  weather conditions
 geographical access
Reproduction is a fundamental evolutionary
process ensuring the continuity of life
Outcompete their competitors for:
For animals to increase survival, there are 2
methods of reproduction to occur effectively  Resources (food/water)
according to environmental conditions  Shelter
Asexual reproduction: involves 1 parent and  Mates
produces offspring genetically identical to the Hence types of reproduction methods an organism
parent may undergo is to adapt to changes making it so
Sexual reproduction: involves 2 parents that that its reproductive success is advantageous and
produce offspring with a mix of the parent’s genes, therefore;
therefore differ from parents Terrestrial  reproduce internally
However, to improve reproductive success for each Aquatic  reproduce externally
species, animals have reproductive mechanisms to
ensure this continuity of its species NOTE: not limited by this

Explaining mechanisms of reproduction | This is because Haploid cells need to stay hydrated
Ensuring continuity of species during the process of fertilisation hence:

During sexual reproduction, a combination of  Aquatic organisms reproduce externally

genetic material (chromosomes) from each parent as surrounded by water
is passed to offspring  Terrestrial organisms produce internally
as not surrounded by water
It is important to prevent the number of
chromosomes from doubling and maintained, NOTE: There are other reasons that can determine
ensuring offspring receive the genetic variation internal or external which makes it either
needed for functional protein production advantageous or disadvantageous
This prevention is done by Meiosis, therefore a Therefore, reproduction can be either internal or
mechanism for ensuring the continuity of its external fertilisation
Advantages of external or internal fertilisation of
Meiosis: Is cell division that produces gametes and an Animal |
occur in:
Fertilisation is the union of male and female
Females Ovary gametes (sperm & ova ) this can be either done as
Males Testes
External fertilisation: The male’s sperm (gametes) Similarly to animals’, plants have different methods
fertilises the female’s eggs (gametes) outside of the of reproduction to ensure their reproductive success
female’s body which leads to 

 Embryos developed outside the body Analysing sexual and asexual methods of
reproduction | in plants
Internal fertilisation: Copulation allows the egg
and sperm (gametes) to fertilise and develop inside A plant’s reproductive structure is the flower which
the female body contains both female reproductive parts and male
reproductive parts
 Embryos developed inside the body
Therefore, it may reproduce asexually or sexually
RECAP: The types of reproduction methods an depending on its environmental conditions,
organism undergoes ensure its reproductive success
is at an advantageous hand, these include: This ensures the continuity of its species hence:

Advantages of External fertilisation  Sexual reproduction in plants is the

successful fusion of male-female gametes
I. Gametes are produced in large numbers to
increase offspring survival  Asexual reproduction in plants is the
II. There is a higher genetic variation to successful act of vegetative propagation
withstand selection pressures
III. No gestation period means less demand
and burden on the mother
Sexual fertilisation Process in plants
Advantages: Internal fertilisation
Pollination: Male gametes inside the pollen
I. Less gametes are produced to reserve carried from anthers to the stigma (female)
II. Gametes are protected away from Deposited: Pollen deposits on the stigma  a
predators pollen tube germinates & grows down the style
III. Offspring more developed to increase Sperm: carrying inside style the male gamete
chances of survival (sperm cell) to an ovule in the ovary
IV. Parental care is involved to teach skills fertilisation occurs
required to survive and protection from

Disadvantages: External fertilisation Types of sexual fertilisation in plants

I. High energy requirements to produce large Cross-Pollination: Combines pollen and ovule,
numbers of gametes involving 2 separate plants (requires less energy)
II. Relies on an aquatic environment to or one plant (self)
prevent gametes from dehydrating
Note: cross-pollination is a mechanism to increase
III. Requires successful coordination of male
genetic variation and ensure the survival
to cover eggs with sperm
IV. No parental care is involved leads to the
likelihood of predation

Disadvantages: Internal fertilisation

Self-Pollination: Combines pollen and ovule from
I. A long gestation period is a burden on the the same plant (rely on outside agent, or biotic
mother factors )
II. Reduces mother’s mobility and increases
her nutritional needs (more susceptible to Note: Pollination is a mechanism in plants that
predation and disease) include self-pollination
III. High energy requirements to attract and
To ensure survival if reproductive
copulate a partner
partners are scarce

Advantages of sexual reproduction:

 Promotes genetic diversity to cope with Disadvantages of asexual reproduction
selection pressures (environmental change
and disease)  Lacks genetic diversity which leads to
populations vulnerable to selection
 Seeds are well dispersed to avoid the
pressures (lead to wipe out/extinction)
competition of close individuals

Disadvantages of sexual reproduction:

Asexual reproduction in other organisms
 The success of pollination relies on
external factors (wind, animals, water) for Organisms: Protists, fungi and plants, alternate
pollination between sexual and asexual reproduction.
 A lot of energy is invested in attracting
pollinators This mechanism, is known as the alternation of
generations, and for the same reason interchange
methods for the successive reproduction of its
Asexual fertilisation Process in plants Chapter 1.3
Fungi | budding and spores
Asexual reproduction in plants relies on vegetative
propagation, where it is the cloning of an adult Budding:
plant (offspring are genetically identical to the In reproductive budding, an adult organism gives
parent ) this is done by; rise to a small bud, which separates from the parent
and grows into a new individual
Prennnating organs, where the plants roots or
stems is stored underground to sustain the plant’s
dormant state In depth explanation | process

Undergrounds organ begin to develop and bud I. A small bud develops on the parent cell
once in favourable conditions outgrowth enlarges, the parent cell
replicates its DNA
NOTE: This process allowing plants to survive
adverse conditions ( winter & summer ) II. Nucleus then divides and moves into the
However asexual reproduction in simpler terms can bud or daughter celluntil it reaches a
be categorised as: certain size, finally detaches

 Propagation: parent grows an outgrowth III. continues to grow, until it buds into a new
which is separated and develops into an individual
 Fragmentation: parent breaks into pieces
and can be developed into offspring Spores:

a reproductive cell capable of developing into a

new individual. Uses wind to disperse offspring 
Spores are released from the parent and can survive
very harsh conditions (dormancy)

When environmental conditions are favourable

(warm and moist) the spores develop
Can be produced by bacteria, fungi, algae and
Advantages of asexual reproduction
Ensuring the continuity of species: this process of
 Maintains desired characteristics from spore production to reproduce enables fungi to
parents (beneficial for agriculture) reproduce rapidly

 Can quickly reproduce when their traits

are suited to current conditions In depth explanation | process

I. The structure called sporangia produce

very large numbers of spores
III. Is released when favourable conditions
II. light and easily dispersed, travelling long return
distances by wind

Analysing Features of fertilisation implantation |

III. Spores effectively expand the distribution Chapter 1.4
of the species
Reproduction stages

Bacteria | Binary fission: 1. Fertilisation

Bacteria will reach a stage of maturity and size that 13-15 days after menstruation the female releases
will cause them to divide (similar to mitosis) an ovum  remains in the fallopian tube
For successful reproduction, timing of division is  Hormones coordinate oestrus in the
crucial  each individual must retain a complete female and copulation allows sperm to
and exact copy of genetic material. travel into the fallopian tube
 With physical contact, a sperm and ovum
Used by bacteria and protists will fuse producing a zygote
 The term means to be separated into two  Zygote is the fusion of male and female
gametes (sex cells) to form a zygote
(fertilised egg)
 Zygote contains a new combination of
In depth process |
genetic material
I. A newly divided cell grows to twice its
Increases chances of survival when there is an
environmental change
II. replicates its genetic material (DNA)  The cycle must be self-perpetuating, to ensure
the continuity of the species

III. splits into two cells with identical genetic

material, and reproduces Fertilisation In depth process:

1. The sperm uses enzymes from the

Protists | binary fission & budding acrosome to dissolve and penetrate the
protective layer (zona pellucida)
Protists are unicellular eukaryotes ( amoeba ) that
surrounding the egg to 877878reach the
reproduce asexually through a type of binary
cell membrane
fission 2. Molecules on the sperm surface bind to
This involves mitosis and the formation of a receptors (specialised proteins) on the
egg’s cell membrane to ensure that a
spindle to distribute chromosomes equally
sperm of the same species fertilises the
egg, then the nucleus of the sperm enters
the cytoplasm in the egg cell
3. Changes at the surface of the egg occur to
prevent the entry of multiple sperm nuclei
into the egg
4. Fusion of the haploid egg and sperm
In depth process |
nuclei results in a diploid zygote cell (the
I. In adverse environmental conditions, fertilised egg)
amoeba form a cyst
2. Implantation 
II. Divides by multiple fissions inside the
cyst, forming many identical cells The zygote then undergoes rapid cell division
(mitosis) and travels to the uterus
This develops a clump of cells called a blastocyst Endoderm- forms the lungs, bladder, and lining of
which attaches itself to the endometrium the digestive system

Ovarian cycle
Implantation in depth process |
The cycle controls the release of the ovum. The
cycle lasts an average length of 28 days and it starts
 zygote travels down the oviduct until it on the first day of menstrual bleeding
reaches the uterus. First stage of
development is cleavage- a period of rapid The two stages are: 
cell proliferation  Follicular phase
 Luteal phase
 single-celled zygote is divided into many
hundreds of smaller cells by mitosis. This
mitosis transitions the cell to a morula. Follicular phase |
This is a ball of unspecialised embryonic
stem cells This phase prepares the ovum to be released into
the fallopian tube
 The continued mitosis causes the morula 1. Dormant ovum stored in the ovary. Each ovum is
to become a blastocyst as its cells begin to
covered in follicles.
differentiate. The inner cell mass will give
rise to the embryo and the outer layer of 2. Follicles of one of the ovum will produce FSH
cells will help the placenta develop to produce more follicles around it
 gastrulation occurs to form a gastrula 3. At approximately day 14, follicles release LH
which eventually becomes a fetus which causes it to burst. This releases the ovum

Note: important for blastocyst to adhere to the

lining of the uterus. The outer layers of the
blastocyst initiate the formation of the placenta Luteinising phase |

This phase produces a corpus luteum which

 Placenta brings the blood vessels of the fetus
prepares the endometrium for pregnancy
into close contact with maternal blood through
diffusion to exchange nutrients, gases and waste 4. hCG acts on the remaining follicle and develops
it as a corpus luteum

5. It begins to enlarge and secretes a hormone

3. Embryo called progesterone

The blastocyst that is still attached to the This causes the endometrium to be highly
endometrium develops into the embryo vascularised and ceases the menstrual cycle if
With a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients
from the endometrium, corpus leutum and 5. In absence of fertilisation, the corpus
placenta, a child is born in 9 months luteum will degenerate. If fertilised, hCG
levels remain high until it is replaced by

By the reproduction cycle, we can see how

hormones work to ensure this process hence to help
Development of the embryo: us further understand this leads to 

Ectoderm- forms epidermis, hair, brain and spinal Hormonal control of pregnancy & birth in
cord cells mammals | Chapter 1.5

Mesoderm- forms muscle, cartilage, kidney and Mammals have several reproductive mechanisms to
gonad cells maximise the reproductive success that is;

 internal fertilisation
increases the chance of gametes meeting  Controls the menstrual cycle and triggers
the release of an egg from ovaries
 implantation of the embryo
internal development increases embryos’ RECAP: The follicular phase and Luteinising phase
chance of survival use these hormones to aid the reproductive cycle

 pregnancy
developing young is protected Other hormones in mammalian reproduction |

NOTE: hence through these three processes Androgens: Are male hormones, Androgens
within reproduction ensures the continuity of a control the development and functioning of male
species sex organs and secondary sex characteristics

These stages of sexual reproduction are timed and Oestrogens: Are female hormones, controlling
synchronised by a combination of hormones, that the development and functioning of the female
coordinate the reproductive cycle to ensure greater reproductive system and secondary sex
reproductive success characteristics

Hormones allow chemical substances to act as Progesterone: second group of female hormones a
messengers in the body, coordinating the primary role in pregnancy
reproduction cycle

From meiosis (gametogenesis) to courtship

Hormonal control of the female reproductive
behaviour, pregnancy, and birth are carefully
cycle |
regulated by hormones
Female reproductive hormones signal the
Gametogenesis is cells undergoing meiosis form
molecules responsible for communication between
gametes organs and tissues to regulate physiological and
Where hormones come from | behavioural processes

The hypothalamus (located in the brain) plays a Endocrine glands regulate and control the ovarian
crucial role in releasing hormones coordinating the: and menstrual cycles in a coordinated manner
synchronising these cycles to ensure fertility
 Pituitary gland
 Adrenal cortex ( outer adrenal gland) Oestrogen and progesterone, produced by the
 Ovaries ovaries and controlled by hormones of the pituitary
 Testes (FSH & LH)

The hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary

glandpituitary gland will then secrete Impact of scientific knowledge | manipulation of
hormonesadrenal glands produce hormones in plant & animal reproduction in agriculture
response to signalshormones in testes & ovaries Chapter 1.6
Agriculture is the cultivation and breeding of
The pituitary gland | animals, plants and fungi for food to enhance
Secretes hormones that regulate the release of their human life
hormones for growth, metabolism and reproduction Humans have been manipulating plant and animal
these include but not limited to; reproduction to improve the quality and yield of
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): stimulating The simplest method is to select the parents of a
maturation of follicles in the ovaries of females species to mate and increase the possibility of
 Manages the menstrual cycle and desired traits (selective breeding)
stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs

luteinising hormone (LH): promotes final

maturation of the ovarian follicle, ovulation and
development of the corpus luteum in females
Cell replication | Modelling the process of cell  Prophase
replication Chapter 1.7  Metaphase
 Anaphase
Inquiry question: How important is it for
 Telophase
genetic material to be replicated exactly
It is important for genetic material to be
replicated to offspring, ensuring the next generation
has the genetic information to survive in the same
conditions Interphase/ prophase:
Interphase occurs in the S phase of the cell cycle,
This is done via a process of meiosis and mitosis, where DNA synthesis occurs:
both replicating genetic information DNA replicates and separate into chromosomes

Therefore, if genetic replication fails these Prophase:

processes can cause mutations and chromosome The chromatin material shortens and thickens by
rearrangements, leading to diseases or even death coiling and the DNA separates out into
Hence leads us to firstly 

The role of mitosis in cell replication | Each copy is called a sister chromatid, and these
are joined by a single centromere
All organisms start off as a zygote that grows into
an embryo, and this “growing phase” is through Metaphase:
mitosis chromosomes line up across the centre or
‘equator’ of the cell, each attached to the spindle
Embryonic cells are able to divide repeatedly and fibres by a centromere
are pluripotent (they have the potential to develop
into any type of tissue)
Hence, cell division by mitosis leads to the Proteins in the centromere are cleaved, which
formation of 2 new identical cells that contribute to allows the sister chromatids to separate. Each
chromatid becomes a chromosome.
 Growth of the multicellular organism
 Repair of damaged tissue and replacement Telophase:
 Asexual reproduction The daughter chromosomes gather at opposite
 Genetic stability poles of the cell. The nuclear membrane forms
around the two nuclei now called daughter nuclei

The cell cycle of Mitosis

Telomeres and aging
Cell division and enlargement occur in a repetitive
sequence is called the cell cycle and occurs in four Cells reach a point where they can no longer
main phases: divide, due to a change in the structure of the ends
of chromosomes
I. G1 is a gap phase for cell growth before
DNA replication. This is a change by the shortening of telomere at
the end of a chromosome
II. S is a synthesis phase during which DNA
replicates Once at a certain length, the cell stops dividing
leading to cell senescence ( death )
III. G2 is a second gap phase after replication In short, decreases in length is a sign of ageing

IV. Mitosis (a division of the nucleus) then

occurs, followed by cytokinesis
The role of meiosis in cell replication |

Mitosis as four main phases | Meiosis gives rise to gametes that transmit genetic
material from one generation to the next during
Interphase sexual reproduction
Meiosis prevents chromosomes from doubling, a
mechanism exists to ensure that half of each parent  Sister chromatids remain
chromosome pass attached (different in mitosis as
they are disconnected)
In short, Meiosis ensures that the chromosome
number of each species is maintained (not doubled) Telophase I

 When chromosomes arrive at the

poles, nuclear membrane forms
The cell cycle of meiosis | and chromosomes decondense
RECAP: Cell division and enlargement occur in a  Cytokinesis occurs at the same
repetitive sequence called the cell cycle and occurs time forming two haploid daughter
in two phases cells. Each cell has chromosomes that
are not identical to each other
Meiosis I, where the diploid cell divides into two
haploid cells and the chromosome number is Phase 2:
Prophase II
 meiosis II, where the two cells each divide
again, resulting in four haploid daughter cells  Cells move from meiosis I to meiosis
II without replicating DNA. 
Phase 1: Chromosomes condense and
nuclear envelope breaks down
Prophase I
Metaphase II
 Chromosomes condense and duplicate
during interphase to form sister  Chromosomes line up individually along
chromatids attached at the centromere (1 the equator in one row
maternal and 1 paternal) Anaphase II

 Sister chromatids pair up as homologous  Sister chromatids separate to each pole,

chromosomes and are positioned very chromatids are now chromosomes
close to each other Telophase II

 Crossing over genetic material occurs  Nuclear membranes form

at the chiasma (point of contact). around each set of
This creates non- chromosomes,
identical chromosomes and chromosomes decondense

Metaphase I  Cytokinesis splits the chromosome sets

into new cells four haploid cells (23) in
 spindle fibres form and which each chromosome has just one
attach to chromosomes. chromatid
Homologous chromosomes
(not individual chromo)
line up at the equator as Through meiosis, the cell has produced four
two rows gametes that contain the DNA for replication this
leads us to
 These chromosomes are randomly
assorted to ensure each gamete is
produced with different assortments of
chromosomes (independent assortment)

Anaphase I

 Homologous chromosomes are pulled Why does DNA need to replicate ?

apart to move to each pole of the cell
(opposite sides) An organism genetic code contains instructions
for every feature of the individual
hence it is vital that DNA is passed on to each DNA strands, comprise of a sugar-phosphate
daughter cell in an exact copy backbone, where strands are parallel to each other
in opposite directions
to ensure that each generation of cells contains
the same genetic instructions A familiar term to associate with is ‘genes’, they
are short pieces of DNA that carry specific genetic
 Along the chromosomes are long information
sequences of base pairs, called genes
 Genes code for the production of proteins, Genes consists of a combination of 4 different
making large proportions of cell structure nucleotide bases adenine, cytosine, guanine and
and functioning thymine
 Proteins carry and control all cell
adenine bonds with base thymine (A and T)
functioning ( i.e biochemical reactions in
cells ) guanine bonds with base cytosine (G and C)
 Hence, DNA replication is vital as it
allows for the organisms to reproduce and All living things depend on genes as they are
pass genetic material on for functioning building blocks to metabolic functions

DNA serves as a template for replication |

Replication of DNA outside the nucleus
Whenever a cell divides, the two new daughter
As cells divide, organelles must also divide to cells must contain the same genetic information, or
maintain the number for normal tissue functioning. DNA, as the parent cell
This is to avoid a repeated reduction in quantity
with each cell division Therefore, the structure of DNA strand allows for
its replication, as it serves as a template for
In cytokines, the cytoplasm splits in half. Which enzymes to synthesise a new complementary DNA
inside contains organelles (mito and chloro). strand
Therefore, mitochondria and chloroplast need to be
able to replicate themselves, as they carry genes As DNA carries the instructions for the formation
important to cell metabolism and functioning of cells, it is important that it is
transferred to the next generation
Hence, organelles contain their own small amounts
of DNA and replicate, to maintain their numbers in Packaged in the form of chromosomes and carried
successive generations of cells by gametes for the reproduction functioning of
another organism
This is important to take note of as DNA in
mitochondria (mtDNA), is inherited by the
offspring which are located in the cytoplasm of the
egg cell Nucleic acids |

Studies of mtDNA reflect maternal inheritance over DNA or RNA can be referred to as nucleic acid,
many generations which contains chemical elements of carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorous
Therefore by replicating DNA ensures organisms
contain the same genetic code to function and Each nucleotide composes of simple sugar (ribose
coordinate in the same environmental conditions in RNA, deoxyribose in DNA), a phosphate and a
nitrogenous base
Which leads us to understanding the 
Genetic code is then created in the consecutive
sequence of bases, providing the ‘genetic code’ for
a cell

What is DNA and RNA in cells |

DNA replication of Watson & Crick DNA model |
nucleotide composition pairing & bonding DNA stores the genetic information that controls
the cell and thereby the whole organism
DNA STRUCTURE | chapter 1.8
DNA is the main chemical making up chromatin in The importance of accuracy during DNA
the nucleus, although small amounts of DNA are replication | chapter 1.8
also found in mitochondria and chloroplasts.
DNA makes up the genetic code of an individual,
DNA is responsible for transmitting inherited exact copying of this sequence during replication is
information from one cell to another during cell critical to avoid mutation and cancer cells
division and from one generation to another during
reproduction Therefore it is critical to maintain heredity
(inheritance of genes):
RNA is a nucleic acid found in small amounts in
the nucleus, and in larger amounts in the The genetic material transmitted from cell to cell
cytoplasm; it is usually associated with ribosomes. (by mitosis) and from generation to generation (by
gametes from meiosis) needs to be accurate
RNA has the base uracil (U) instead of thymine (T)
This is because errors in replication is common, if
undetected by the enzyme (DNA polymerase),
harm will be undetected, not corrected through
DNA replication | Watson and crick model DNA repair, and replicated
DNA replication is the production of two identical Causing a permanently mutated strand of DNA
double-stranded molecules of DNA from one
original double-helix molecule Note: Mutations can also be mechanisms by giving
rise to variation in organisms, that may be
beneficial to a species in terms of biodiversity &
The process of DNA replication | evolution

There are four main steps Assessing the effects of the cell replication
processes on the continuity of species | Chapter
1. The DNA double helix unwinds 1.9
2. DNA unzips – the two strands separate
3. Nucleotides are added against each single The continuity of species is the ongoing survival of
strand an organism that has remained through accurate
4. Replication errors are identified and DNA replication and hence passes the genetic
corrected characteristics

This is known as genetic stability; however,

Part one | helix unwinds another consideration is that variation also plays a
role in ensuring the continuity of the species
Double stranded helix, progressively unwinds by
an enzyme called helicase Genetic continuity

Part 2| DNA unzips Genetic continuity is reserving genetic information

across generations, this is by mitosis and sexual
Using ATP as the energy source, helicase disrupts reproduction of two organisms. This ensures the
the weak hydrogen bonds of complementary bases continuation of a species, as new cells have genes
on opposing sides required to survive
Part 3 | nucleotides are added Genetic stability
Each separate strand of the DNA molecule acts as a At a genetic level, stability arises when
template for the production of a new strand of chromosomes are replicated accurately to give rise
DNA to identical daughter chromosomes
Part 4 | replication errors For continuity at the species level, desirable traits
must be passed on, along with some random errors,
DNA polymerase I is a complex enzyme that can
this allows species to evolve if an environmental
backtrack to ‘proof-read’ & ‘edit’ the strand.
change occurs
Correcting any base pair errors by splicing out the
incorrect base and replacing Mechanisms that have evolved to ensure genetic
 Consistent replication Packaging of prokaryotic DNA
 Orderly distribution of chromosomes
The circular chromosomal DNA of P cells is about
 Fertilisation methods
1300 µm in length. It is needed to fit into a cell
 Methods of embryo survival ( i.e E. coli ) of 3 µm in length
 Natural selection
Therefore to fit into this it is supercoiled and form
loops around a central protein. Forming a nucleoid
The mechanism that results in genetic variation:

 Mutation in DNA
 Mixing of parent genes in sexual

DNA and polypeptide Synthesis | compare the

forms in which DNA exists in ‘E’ & ‘P’ cells
chapter 2.0

Inquiry question: Why is polypeptide synthesis


Prokaryotic DNA | Location and structure

P cells are primitive cells with a simpler structures, Eukaryotic DNA | Location and structure
that contain single chromosomes in the form of a
circular strand of DNA ( non-membrane bounded ) E cells are located in a membrane-bound nucleus
within the cell, where the DNA molecules are
DNA codes for proteins, made into ribosomes in arranged into sperate chromosomes. They are
the surrounding cytoplasm of chromosomes complex and larger than P cells
The circular strand of DNA is not a helix. The A large portion of E cells are non-coding in
direction and number of twists contribute to the sequences called introns ( ie not used to make
coiling and supercoiling of circular DNA products such as proteins or RNA )

Packaging of eukaryotic DNA

DNA of E cells are linear rather than circular, and

do not supercoil around proteins ( histones) but
winds around, forming nucleosomes made of long
sequences of DNA ( like a cotton bud )

E cells have five main histones, all of which play a

role in packaging DNA. This is due to the fact by,
histones contain a large number of positivity
charged amino acids, which allow them to bind to
negatively charged phosphates of DNA. These
changes are thought to be linked to histone binding

Non-chromosomal DNA

P cells may have more than one small rings Of Non-nuclear DNA in eukaryotes
DNA, however are not essential to survival of cell,
In E cells mito and chloro are organelles that
but provide an advantage ( i.e resistance to
contain their own DNA
antibodies )
Non-nuclear mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is amino acids join to make a polypeptide
found in the respiratory organelles of cells and is polypeptides are proteins proteins code for
proved extremely useful in studies of evolutionary metabolic functions
relatedness ( used to trace maternal inheritance )
The process of polypeptide synthesis |
However mtDNA has a higher rate of mutation
than nuclear DNA, making it easier to identify One or more polypeptides twist and join together
differences between closely related individuals forming proteins in cells. The particular sequence
of amino acids determines the configuration of the
The use of mtDNA is of advantage because protein (type of function)
In order for a cell to make a particular group of
 is inherited only from the mother, which proteins, only the relevant instructions for proteins
allows tracing of a direct genetic line are accessed in the DNA nucleotide sequence

However DNA cannot leave the nucleus and

 do not combine paternal and maternal
therefore, an intermediate molecule called
genes, as nuclear DNA does (mixing
messenger RNA ( mRNA ) is created
genes during gamete
formation and fertilisation) mRNA carries a transcribed copy of the relevant
instructions from the nucleus to ribosomes, that
 occur in large numbers in every cell, so translate the message of the mRNA into the protein
they are easy to access and sample

 evolve very quickly because mtDNA does Nucleic acids involved in polypeptide synthesis:
not have repair enzymes, and so mutations
arise often during replication 2 types of nucleic acids are essential in the process
of polypeptide synthesis: DNA and RNA (3 types
of RNA)
Transcription and translation | polypeptide
synthesis chapter 2.1 DNA: consists of long chains of nucleotides that
wound into a double helix
Polypeptide synthesis is a continuous, unbranched
chain of amino acids essential for cell function RNA: is a nucleic acid made up of a chain of
nucleotides, but differs from DNA
Recap: cell function is important as it allows for
metabolic processes to take place (survival)  Most RNA is single-stranded
 The sugar in RNA is ribose sugar (not
This is important as it is the base sequence of DNA
deoxyribose sugar as in DNA)
 for a better understanding: DNA is divided up
 RNA has the nitrogenous base uracil (U)
into functional units called genes, which may
instead of thymine (T)
specify polypeptides
 3 types of RNA: messenger RNA
Polypeptide’s bond amino acids together to create (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA) and
proteins, these proteins are for the metabolic ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
process such as meiosis and so forth  continuity
Messenger RNA (mRNA): is single-stranded and is
of species to further
not twisted into a helix, functions as an
intermediate molecule

Carrying information from DNA in the nucleus to

the ribosomes in the cytoplasm

Transfer RNA (tRNA): these molecules occur in the

cytoplasm, one end of the tRNA are three unpaired
bases called an anticodon

In short: DNA consist of polypeptides & its

sequence is encoded to a gene Where each tRNA molecule will only attach to one
particular amino acid. The specific sequence
determines which amino acid will be carried by that 4) polypeptide may join with another, for its
tRNA final protein end product

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): forms a structural part of 5) mRNA is then broke down, to be reused
ribosomes and is made in the nucleolus of the cell into the same process

Genetic Variation | chapter 2.2

Inquiry question: How can the genetic similarities

and differences within and between species be

crossing over of homologous chromosomes |

genetic consequences of meiosis

One cell undergoes two meiotic divisions to

generate four haploid cells
Transcription occurs when an enzyme, RNA
The genes in each haploid cell are a new
polymerase, binds to a section of DNA to form a
combination of the parental genes
complementary strand of RNA
The new combination results from both crossing
over and random segregation, allow the individual
1) RNA polymerase binds to a part of the DNA alleles of maternally and paternally derived
called the promoter and the DNA ‘unzips chromosomes to assort independently

 leads to genetic variation, depending on

2) Transcription of the gene is controlled by the
which chromosome (paternal
enzyme RNA polymerase, a strand of the DNA
or maternal) of each pair ends up in which
acts as a template and RNA nucleotides are
daughter cell
assembled, forming a complementary single-
 Many combinations of chromosomes are
possible in gametes as a result of meiosis,
mRNA molecule (DNA is transcribed into
resulting in a variety of gametes forming

3) The mRNA moves out of the nucleus and into

the cytoplasm, where it encounters some of the The genetic consequences of fertilisation:
millions of ribosomes in the cell
 Two haploid gametes fuse to form a
diploid zygote
The genes in the zygote are a combination of the
1) occurs when the ribosomes move along genes contributed by the parents
the mRNA molecule, temporarily pairing
Combinations of gametes during fusion of the
bases of tRNA with complementary bases,
sperm cell and egg cell: increase variation that
enables for tRNA molecules to attach to
leads to greater variability in a population of the
organism (50% paternal and 50% maternal)
2) Amino acids from the tail end of each mutation may arise at any point in the process,
tRNA, link to one another via an enzyme more so commonly during replication of DNA
forming a polypeptide chain, and it then
splices off its tRNA carrier
Consequences of self-fertilisation or cross
3) tRNAs move away from the mRNA, and
move back into the cytoplasm and can be
reused for this process
Offspring from cross-fertilisation between plants Once this undergoes then Mendel’s terms ‘pure-
will have greater genetic diversity than those of breeding’ and ‘hybrid’ known as Homozygous and
self-fertilisation heterozygous genotypes is used to ‘categorise’ the
offspring arising from gametes produced by
unisexual animals ( having both reproductive The general idea of this: Humans have two sets of
organs ) have greater genetic diversity than chromosomes. Homozygous and heterozygous are
hermaphroditic (bisexual) animals terms that are used to describe allele pairs

known in modern genetics as ‘homozygous’

(e.g. TT or tt) and ‘heterozygous’ (e.g. Tt)
Variability: respectively
 Variations in the gene content of the The term ‘homozygous’ is derived from two words:
gametes give rise to individuals in the homo = the same; and zygote = a fertilised
population with new gene variations, egg that has received half its genetic material from
increasing variability each parent

 Mutations may further contribute to  A test cross is used to determine whether

genetic variation in an individual and an individual is homozygous dominant or
genetic variability within a population heterozygous for a particular trait

 A pedigree chart is used to trace the

Genotypes and inheritance patterns | chapter 2.3 inheritance of a particular trait through
Autosomal recessive inheritance several generations of a family

Autosomal recessive is one of several ways that a

trait, disorder, or disease can be passed down
through families

Mendel’s model of inheritance was based on a

specific set of conditions, this pattern
of inheritance is known as autosomal recessive

A version of each characteristic or trait in an

individual is inherited from both parents and is
therefore controlled by a pair of inherited factors
called alleles

In short, Alleles are an alternative form of the

same gene, and occur as pairs in a diploid

Recap:  Diploid cells are each parent contributing

chromosomes to form a zygote

Hence, as they occur as pairs in diploid cells, they

contribute to the organism's phenotype (outward
appearance of the organism) via shared genetic
information ( alleles )

However, before this occurs the diploid cell will

experience “Genotyping” which is the process of
determining differences in the genetic make-up Thus after this process, the appearance of this
organism is determined, also known as the
DNA sequencing and other methods can be used to
phenotype and hence,
determine the genotypes ( punnet squares )
The genetic makeup or genotype is used to describe
the its physical appearance or phenotype
Hence, as cells are halved therefore: female gamete
Phenotype is not only the physical appearance of an (egg cell) receives 22 autosomes + X
organism but may also include its physiology
(functioning) and aspects of its behaviour Males gametes (sperm cells) receive 22 autosomes
+ X and the other half receive 22 autosomes + Y
On a molecular level, the phenotype is the sum of
the gene products (proteins and RNA) that are A zygote inherits an x chromosomes from both
made mother and father = female (XX)

In short, An organism's genotype is the set of A zygote that receives an x chromosome from
genes that it carries, an organism's phenotype is all mother and y chromosome from father = male
of its observable characteristics  (XY)

To sum the ideas together so far: It can be said

that as alleles in genes pass down the
characteristics and traits into diploid cells
(exchange of chromosomes) these can be
categorised as homozygous and heterozygous.

Depending on what genetic variation it is

(dominant or recessive) it determines the phenotype
of the organism (appearance)

Deviations from Mendel’s ratio | Sex-linkage, co-

dominance incomplete dominance and multiple
alleles chapter 2.4

It is important to understand that with Mendel’s During the process of fertilisation and determining
ratios, at times there are deviations under certain the sex, some genes carried on the X and Y
conditions, this includes chromosomes code for characteristics other than
the gender  this is sex linkage
 genes that are not dominate nor recessive, may
be expresses as co-dominance If a gene occurs on the X chromosomes of females,
as they have two alleles, they are not affected
a blending of their characteristics may be
expressed as incomplete dominance If a gene occurs on the X chromosome of a male, as
they have one allele of X and Y, they are affected
genes may not assort independently this is
expressed as sex-linked inheritance Thus, it can be concluded that recessive disorders
will appear more frequently in males

Sex determination and relation to sex linkage |

Sex determination is the sepration of chomrosomes
during meiosis that recombine during fertilisation In codominance is when both alleles are expressed,
to determine if the offspring is male of female creating new phenotype

Note that: Where both alleles behave as dominant alleles

because they are both expressed
Femles have 44 autosomes + XX
For instance: Pure-breeding (homozygous) cattle
Males have 44 autosomes + XY may have a red or white coat colour
Recap: during meosis, cells divide ( cells are halved Hybrid individuals (heterozygotes), which have one
) until there are 4 haploid cells (gametes) that allele for red and one for white coat colour with a
contain 23 chromsomes roan appearance
Population genetics | represent frequencies of
characteristics in a population chapter 5.4

The genetic similarities and differences may be

determined by the phenotype, in order to do this
scientists, examine frequency data in genetic
studies this including:

 The study of population genetics

 The gene pool
 Genetic diversity and genetic variability

Incomplete dominance Population genetics combines Mendelian genetics

and Darwinian evolution to explain how changes in
Incomplete dominance is the blending of two
allele frequencies arise in populations and how
alleles expressed, producing a hybrid
these changes can lead to microevolution and
Special notation is used to present alleels that does macroevolution
not show complete dominance ( written as
Population geneticists’ (gene pool) studies
superscripts )
mathematical changes in gene and allele
For instance: Red snap dragon flowers crossed with frequencies in populations to develop quantitative
white snapdragon flowers give pink flowers ways of exploring different evolutionary

Allele frequency (genetic diversity) is a measure of

how common an allele is in a population:

Analysing single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)

The term polymorphism refers to individuals with

different phenotypes. Polymorphisms usually arise
as a result of a mutation – an error in DNA

A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is like a

Multiple alleles typing error in DNA, rising during DNA
replication, where a single nucleotide is
Individuals usually have 2 alleles for each gene incorrectly inserted
however, there may be three or more alleles for a
single gene trait, termed as multi-allelic An important note to make is that the term
"haplotype" can be referred as the inheritance of a
For instance: The gene for human blood type has cluster of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
three alleles in the population A, B and O
Hence, a haplotype is a cluster of marker alleles on
To represent multi-allelic blood groups using the same chromosome and can be used for
correct genetic notation’ association studies in disease and to track the
inheritance of different regions of the genome

In other words, SNPs are useful in genetic studies

as they are ‘genetic markers’ currently used to
distinguish disease susceptibility in individuals
Inheritance patterns in a population | chapter 2.5 The method involves chemical reactions specific to
the 2 groups of bases pyrimidines (C and T) and
Inquiry question: Can population genetic patterns purines (A and G)
be predicted with any accuracy?
The process by which follows:
 Investigate the use of technologies to
determine inheritance patterns in a Radioactively labelling one end of the DNA, where
population using: the chemicals and conditions are then modified to
suit a base. Followed by this the DNA strand is
Watson and crick were able to determine the cleaved (cut) at this site
sequence of genes along DNA, using DNA
sequencing and DNA profiling The DNA fragments formed then undergo gel
electrophoresis, and when all patterns from the gel
Which are ultimately technological uses to electrophoresis are compared the sequence of the
determine inheritance patterns bases on the DNA strand can then be determined

DNA sequencing and profiling: DNA profiling

DNA sequencing determines the exact Known as DNA fingerprint analysis, is a scientific
nucleotide sequence of a gene on a chromosome. technique used to identify and compare individuals
There are several methods to do so via manual by characteristics in their DNA
Useful tool in forensic investigations, paternity
 Sanger chain termination testing and other biological applications
 Maxam-Gilbert method
 Automatic DNA sequencer For instance, in humans, the section of our DNA is
called STRs which are ‘short tandem repeats’. They
are sections of non-coding DNA that are repeated
Sanger method: many times over (i.e TATATAT)

British Fred Sanger and his team used this method The number of repeats at any given location in the
to determine DNA sequences. noncoding regions of DNA gives rise to the
different DNA profiles
The process by which follows:

Firstly, isolate the DNA from cells of the organism

where the sequencing reactions produce fragments The use of population genetics data in
of DNA, after this DNA is sorted by length (using conservation management | chapter 2.6
capillary electrophoresis), and finally results are Population genetics is the study of genetic variation
analysed by computer within a population, and the changes in the
The computer will then isolate and replicate, frequency of genes and alleles within a population
however using the polymerase chain reaction the and among populations over time
sequencing reactions are begun forming the exact Mendel’s and Darwin’s work forms the basis of
nucleotide sequence of a gene on a chromosome population genetics, in showing that some alleles
are selected as they confer greater survival
advantage than others
The Maxam – Gilbert method
Conservation genetics looks at how genes are
The Maxam-Gilbert method of DNA sequencing inherited in a population, in order to avoid
involves chemical sequencing of the DNA strand extinction of species by applying conservation
methods that ensure the maintenance of
No longer widely used for DNA sequencing, but biodiversity
still has important applications in the further study
of DNA structure Genetic analysis using large-scale data including
GWAS, SNPs and haplotypes provides detailed
information about genetic diversity in a population
Haplotype networks map the different haplotypes
in populations

The extinction of the woolly mammoth on Wrangel

Island can in part be attributed to a severe decrease
in genetic diversity due to small population

The control region of mitochondrial DNA in koalas

was analysed to determine the different lineages
and genetic diversity in koalas in eastern Australia

The southern lineage of koalas demonstrates the

lowest genetic diversity compared with the lineages
from north-eastern NSW and Queensland, which
demonstrate high levels of genetic

Population genetics studies used to determine the

inheritance of a disease or disorder | Chapter 2.3

The prediction of genetic susceptibility to disease

has traditionally been based on family background
and pedigree analysis

Large-scale screening and DNA analysis can have

a significant impact on individuals through
early detection and improved treatment options.

The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD)

stores comprehensive information about germline
mutations associated with human inherited diseases

Analysis of large-scale genetic information can be

used to predict the inheritance of a disease or

population genetics relating to human evolution |

chapter 2.4

Anthropological genetics is the science of using

genetic data to understand human evolution

Humans have more genetic diversity within a

population than between populations

Until recently, our understanding of human

evolution was based on fossil evidence, which is
both incomplete and subject to interpretation

The two models used to explain human migration

are the Multiregional hypothesis (MRE) and the
Replacement hypothesis

Genetic data favours the Replacement hypothesis

that modern humans evolved out of Africa and
spread across the other continents

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