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Kuwaiti Food

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Kuwaiti Food

In the Middle East and Kuwait in particular, a surge in the number of people who have

access to the internet and smart phones has led to the establishment of new businesses and the

expansion of existing ones. In the last five years, the internet food business has seen one of the

most rapid periods of development among these other sectors (Arafa et al., 2020). The old food

market has been overtaken by its digital version because of the many advantages that the internet

food sector offers, such as greater convenience, speed, and variety. Dominance, as always, comes

at a cost. Because of the proliferation of online food aggregators (OFA), food and beverage

(F&B) shops have grown very reliant on the new online intermediaries. The purpose of the

proposed research is to find a response to the issue of whether or not this reliance has an overall

beneficial or bad influence on the three parties that have a vested interest in the matter: the

customers, the food and beverage outlets, and the food and beverage sector in Kuwait as a whole.

The investigation will revolve primarily on five primary goals, each of which is

connected to one of the aforementioned three stakeholders. The following are the goals: an

analysis of how significant OFA is in the current state of the local food and beverage industry; a

comparison of the F&B outlet experiences of those who participate in OFA and those who do

not; an examination of how OFA affects the ratio of dine-in customers to delivery customers in

the Kuwaiti food and beverage industry; and the development of new food and beverage-related

services as a direct result of the growth of OFA. As was mentioned earlier, individual factors that

have been impacted by the growth of OFA in international markets have been the subject of a

number of research papers; however, a comprehensive study that examines the

interconnectedness of these factors across a variety of stakeholders has not been carried out,

particularly when it comes to a regional market. This is something that needs to be done.

There are three primary domains in which the academic contributions of the issues that

are going to be investigated by the research may be found. To begin, the emergence of OFA has

caused fundamental shifts in the financial mechanics of the formerly uncomplicated interaction

between consumers and food and beverage outlets. The speed and diversity of tertiary business

prospects that have arisen as a result of OFA is the second topic that is investigated. This is an

area that is researched even though it is not unique in terms of online enterprises. Lastly, the

psychology that is at play on the side of both customers and F&B outlet owners, as well as how it

directs the reactions of these two stakeholders to the business disruptors that are OFA, is an area

that is investigated. However, the scope of this question cannot be answered by single research

since it encompasses too many facets of human behavior. Understanding the effect that online

food aggregators have on the individuals, societies, and environments that they interact with is of

importance that extends beyond the realm of the economic sphere. This is because the global

population is growing at an alarming rate, and at the same time, the number of people who have

access to the internet and who live in cities is growing.

Because of the complexities that are inherent to the primary subject of dependence on

online food aggregators, which the proposed research intends to investigate, it will be necessary

to gather data using a variety of different methods. These methods differ in their application

depending on the nature of the data and the interests of the stakeholders involved with the data.

The primary goal, which was mentioned above and relates to the experience of the customer, is

addressed by using surveys and focus groups in conjunction with one another. In particular,

statistics on the level of satisfaction that customers have with the OFA service and the frequency

with which they use these online platforms are gathered via the use of surveys. statistics on the

social effect of OFA, as seen from the viewpoint of consumers, are gathered through the use of

focus groups. The poll uses a sample size of 200 respondents, which (given the roughly 10

million people that live in Kuwait) resulting in data with a confidence level that is (90 minus 5)

percent. When choosing survey participants, the distribution of parameters like gender, age, and

yearly income are taken into consideration in order to guarantee that the sample is indicative of

the broader community.

In addition, the dependency that will be investigated by the proposed study has resulted

in the practical unionization of food and beverage outlets in Kuwait, and these outlets have

subsequently established online delivery platforms that compete with OFA (by providing the

commission that was previously paid to OFA as direct discounts to consumers). This is a

phenomenon that ought to be researched, since it is a consequence of the dependence that is

going to be investigated, and it is related to the topic that will be investigated. In conclusion, the

study that was proposed has the potential to act as a template for further research projects of a

similar kind that will be carried out in a wide variety of countries and locations across the world.


Arafa, T. B., Al-Fahad, M., al Ghais, M. R., & Hamdy, H. I. (2020). Measuring Citizen

Satisfaction with Public Services Delivery: Evidence from Kuwait Public Sector.

Frontiers in Management Research, 4(1).

Musaiger, A. (2014). Consumption, Health Attitudes and Perception Toward Fast Food Among

Arab Consumers in Kuwait: Gender Differences. Global Journal of Health Science, 6(6).

Verjee, Z., & Hume, T. (2012). Fast-food-loving Kuwaitis fight fat with stomach stapling - CNN.

CNN. Retrieved, from


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