Kamaluddin Case

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Th biHenes5 btuo th SC and sup Ame

n L IlOcHd a Hai CaJewhich
has h hi toical impox tame 1hiicase
a talaked to tha puisdiCHom et
h iC

th at Miskd AightO m the time ef he

nartexs imthocU CAd bu the Baith
OHciaks O mnaluld din da t o{Onon o
Salh taum at kitllom_bahaLE O kanta |
Babu u hD way hino0adm: jm 1775,
Kamaluddim uas um a i a e+ dubE ax
ho HuMALO. Lollectrom: h ULE w@
that a OHit aaissue _cLgauiamAt him
y h , TON 2mue counule CálcUH a uw tch
a opn-hailahlo R oa gaankd bal.
A hOblaimsd th EC| hab eS LOpLt
Dmhe S: 1he pLUi dkU: C hLCUenLL
oun.ul at Cau uuto M Lott 7ell_admi He
tihat tE uoas usto mauy to giadt bcul i
Euhcases Th [ud guot h SC h l d Haat
daa CLwhicdh imn volueddtp uwHd
accou nt
th peUOm oMLULmad ca m bu qAo mttc
Dul kuuthe imqi yqmd hoinduld
mat bi 1mpLSO.mLd fox hik unt i s
und untt hal bm calLlLd upoM to_pay
H axiats o i h had pHOved_o he
iouolvLMtlheon4Lic behoe n tha s und
e p HASA2 d ALULntMME and
he SUUpHomng CouE 1S MoE qmpow
tak sudh cabeA HLlatd to HLVMML
ACcOHdimg o Hham, by Hhu nqulatimg acE
13 HAo FatImdia Compunu_waA
mud ho DIuOan ot Bemaal co Hao dupHmL
Council had etlLALve Twüsdictiom hLe:
dm ntalia tom Ha dupLmL COu ncil
dLcidod o osd 1u Hhw pToyimuol 0Unil
to AOim puisDM Kamaludcim_amd to

Elay Impay Llho uu Haaioml o

HouoHn ox (Homutaluwa LLn HLHnas Wo
HalHngs LuLd o itupp.ont HhLp me
coun ul hit a i icase ampDsec h con ict
hakuom ha udges and nRLcted H

dle CHuL_p xOVISLond ofh 2 oAlana

act e1773 m his Hea -o ho Lou
ictoK, Elijah AImpey eMplannd
tt at_a cluHm cton should be. diau
bekeOn clamnq [Uscdichaon 01/
he oziquira
O CaLLse. unida Ha dudau
hawe no done co Hu'i ca LActodd
Hhe biHer niss bhu Wanu on Hauhmqs
Ovenno (hemsaL_aMd mOMMb lHL t

ounil and iE aluo LcLhel qap im nu

y elcutionihip:

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