Atividade de Inglês Parte II

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THE TSE Feel like a number Artist: Bob Seger ‘Album: Stranger in Town (1978) Ttake my card and I stand in line ‘Yo make a buck I work overtime Dear Sir letters keep coming in the mail Bee I work my back till it's racked with pain oe ‘The boss can’t even recall my name eS I show up late and I'm docked Ps ase Renever fails oo oso es dnd fel ike «numer poste? et Feel like a number 29 a 0H oS Feel like a stranger oe ¢ ‘A stranger in this land a oO fet ke a namber I oto st Ym not a aumber 3 eo” Tm not a number e all Dammit fm a man {said fm a man ‘bupy few iyricsfreak:com/ty/bob+seger/fee+ikera*umber_20021983,hml : (Accessed on April 4, 2014) FTeNTO PARA QUISTAD0 | ‘There were only two Americans stopping at the hotel. They did ‘not know any of the people they passed on the stairs on their way to and from their room. Their room was on the second floor facing the sea. It also faced the public garden and the war monument. There were big palms and green benches in the public garden. In the good weather there was always an artist with his easel Artists liked the way the palms grew and the bright colors of the hhotels facing the gardens and the sea. Italians came from a long ‘way off to look up at the war monument. It was made of bronze and glistened in the rain. It was raining. The rain dripped from the palm trees. Water stood in pools on the gravel paths. The sea broke in a long line in the rain and slipped back down the beach to come up and break again in a long line in the rain. The motor ‘cars were gone from the square by the war monument. Across the square in the doorway of the café a waiter stood looking out at the empty square. sain, escrito pelo Hemingway (1899-1961). Assinale a opcio tempo esté bom logo na Cat in the rain, Ernest Hemingway. From: hup:/erww: /eat pat ‘Gevessed on April 4, 2014.) introdusao da histéria. €. E possivel tomar um café expresso préximo ao jardien. de guerra. d. Apesar de se chamar Cat in the rain, 0 pféximo ao mar. b. 0 trecho narra a chegada de dois turistas americanos em um hotel © O hotel fica préximo a um lindo jardim e a um famoso monumento 0 trecho € a introducao do texto fiterdrio Cat in the autor americano Emest INCORRETA. . 0 trecho descreve as belezas do entomo de um hotel. ai Anti-Slavery Intemational works at local, national and intemational levels to eliminate all forms of slavery around the world. ‘What is modern slavery? Millions of men, women and children around the world are forced to lead lives as staves. Although this exploitation is often not called slavery, the conditions are the same. People are sold like objects, forced to work for litle or no pay and are at the mercy of their ‘employers’, Slavery exists today despite the fact that it is banned in most of the countries where it is practised. It is also prohibited by the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Righis and the 1956 UN Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery. Women from eastern Europe are bonded into prostitution, children are trafficked between West African countries and men are forced to work as slaves on Brazilian agricultural estates. Contemporary slavery takes various forms and affects people of all ages, sex and race, Common characteristics distinguish slavery from other human rights violations. A slave is: ** forced to work ~ through mental or physical threat; * owned or controlled by an ‘employer’, usually through mental or physical abuse or threatened abuse; + dehumanised, treated as a commodity or bought and sold as ‘property’; «physically constrained or has restrictions placed on his/her freedom of movement. (..) Pasting eg avery say chat 6 0dr a slavery.aspx (Accessed on April 4, 2014.) 0 texto acima esté disponibilizado no site de uma ONG denominada ‘Anti-Slavery international, cya principal missao ¢ a de: a. combater toda forma de escravidao ao redor do mundo. b. combater especificamente a prostituiglo de mulheres. ‘& demunciar 0 trfico de criancas na Africa Ocidental, 44. denunciar o trabalho escravo em propriedades agricolas brasileras. . combater toda forma de violacSo de direitos hurmanos, dentre as quais 0 trabalho escravo. ‘Segundo informado pela ONG Anti-Slavery international: a. a escravidio foi totalmente abolida a0 redor do mundo. ». “escravidso modema” é 0 nome que se di & escraviddo ocorrida centre 1948 e 1956. a escravidso moderna atinge apenas criancas do sexo masculino. 4. 36 se considera trabalho escravo quando a pessoa & forcada a trabalhar sob ameaca fisica. e. considera-se escravo aquele que é privado de seu direito de ire vis. Could it be the flu? What you should know. What you should do. HINT and seasonal fla are expected in Manitoba this fll and winter. les probably not the flu... QQ © cartaz foi distribuido em uma provincia canadense ao final de 2009, pag pecans malig soidendi(@y vis wort: teando's| seu conhecimento prévio sobre 0 assunto e 0 seu conhecimento em lingua lanes Sent 2 opséo correta, a. Trata-se de um cartaz informativo, voltado para esclarecer quais s80 € quais no s80 0s sintomas da gripe HINT. © A.atipe HINT 56 & confirmada quando hé 0 surgimento de todos cea enctatrae tosse, dor de garganta, dores nas juntas e misculos e fadiga. | 4. Dores estomacais, vomito e diarreia também podem ser sintomas si cn tee: esa. . Febre alta é 0 primeiro sintoma dentre 0s idosos e as pessoas com | Pais urvdoce u™ Scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first| living cell to be controlled entirely by synthetic DNA. tlre ie oe ee bythe syihede DNA. The advance Published in Science, has been hailed as a scientific landmark, but critics say there are dangers posed by synthetic organisms. ‘Some also suggest that the potential benefits of the technology have been over-stated. But the researchers hope eventually to design bacterial cells that will produce medicines and fuels and even absorb scents have put both methods together, to create what they calla ‘synthetic cell”, although only its genome is truly synthetic. ce | |htp:// (Accessed on March 22, 2014.) ressalvas foram feitas em relacdo aos métodos de pesquisa utilizados ieee erred a combinaco de dois métodos de pesquisa nao apresentou | « foakadas past ite os Whcstgene 2 cla hospedeira foi implantada dentro de uma bactésia modificada, * yo ONA fot exe, AA frase The team was led by Or Craig Venter pode ser reescrita, sem ‘alteracdo de sentido, como: a. The team is leading Or Craig Venter. b. Dr Craig Venter will lead the tearn. Dr Craig Venter may lead the team. Fresh evidence of child slavery in Uzbekistan's cotton fields has ‘emerged. Once again, during the latest cotton harvest which began in September, government officials closed down schools and forced children, some as young as nine years old, out of their dassrooms and into the fields to pick cotton. Uzbekistan’s booming cotton industry, which is the 3rd biggest. exporter in the world, is reliant on the use of hundreds of thousands Of children in slavery dusing the three-month harvest each year. ‘The single biggest destination for Uzbek cotton is the European ‘market. Despite strong condemnation from the European Union ‘over the use of child slavery in Uzbek cotton production, the EU continues to allow the Government of Uzbekistan to benefit from reduced trading tariffs for its cotton imports to the EU despite its ‘own rules that these benefits should be withdrawn. ‘SIGN THE PETITION CALLING ON THE EUTO REMOVE TRADE PREFERENCES FOR UZBEKISTAN TO STOP CHILD SLAVERY Dear Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament We, the undersigned, call upon the European Union to implement its own rules and immediately remove Uzbekistan's referential trade tariffs for cotton imported to the EU in light of the continuous use of child slavery in the country’s cotton industry. First name: ras mane [ Email: : Country: 1108 peopic have petitioned so far Adapted from hup://www.antislayery.oep/english/campaigns/cottoncrimes/defauilt aspx —— i: 2 ‘Gccessed on February 3, 2011) 36 Assinale.a altemativa que melhor resume a funcao social do texto anterior. . Trata-se de uma campanha de combate ao trabalho infantil por toda Unido Europeia. b. Trata-se de um apelo do presidente do parlamento europeu 3s indistrias de algodao para que combatam o trabalho escravo. © Trata-se de uma cempanha de combate ao trabalho infantil em

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