Paper 1: Đề Kiểm Tra Cuối Học Kỳ I Môn TiếNg Anh Khối 4 NĂM HỌC 2020-2021

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……………………… Primary School Thứ……. ngày ….

tháng 01 năm 2021

Name :……………………………. ĐỀ KIỂM TRA CUỐI HỌC KỲ I
Class :…………………………. MÔN TIẾNG ANH KHỐI 4
NĂM HỌC 2020-2021

Paper 1

Marks Teacher’s comment

PART 1: LISTENING ( 3 points):

Question 1: Listen and draw lines, ( 1pt):



Question 2: Listen and number, ( 1point):

Question 3: Listen and complete, ( 1point):

Tuesday seventy-three taller

purple circles Wednesday bigger

1/ Boy: Who’s she?

Girl: She’s Lucy’s grandmother. She’s Grace.
Boy: How old is she?
Girl: She’s seventy-three years old.
Boy: Seventy-three?
Girl: Yeah, that's right.

2/ Tom: What about dad?

Alfie: Sam is _____________ than me. It’s Ok, Tom. Let’s go.
Tom: It’s alright, Alfie. Come on! You look great.
M: And the winner is…

Kids: Yay, Alfie!

3/ Lucy: Tom, when do you have English?

Tom: I have English on _____________________.

4/ What color are her shorts?

They’re _____________.

5/ Lucy: Hello, Tom. Hello, Alfie.

Alfie: Wow, I like your paintings.
Lucy: Thank you.
Tom: Look, Alfie. How many ______________ can you see?
Alfie: I can see six.
……………………… Primary School Thứ……. ngày …. tháng 01 năm 2021

Name :……………………………. ĐỀ KIỂM TRA CUỐI KÌ 1

Class :…………………………. MÔN TIẾNG ANH KHỐI 4
NĂM HỌC 2020 -2021
Paper 2

Marks Teacher’s comment


Question 4: Read and put a tick () or a cross () in the box,(1point):

- Is this your shirt ?

- Yes, it is.

- What’s this ?

- It’s my hand. 

- How many rectangles can you see?

- I can see four rectangles.


4. 2 + 28 = 30 Two plus twenty- eight is thirteen. 

Phong: What’s the matter, Kim?
Kim: I’m thirsty.
Phong: Do you want some juice?

5. Kim: Yes, please.

Question 4: Read and fill in the blanks,(1point):

sing Wednesday nine cap short

Hello. My name is Lili. I am (0) nine years old. I have a brother. His name is
Toby. He has __________ (1) hair and small eyes. He likes wearing caps. Today is
his birthday. I am going to buy a new __________ (2) for him. I also _________ (3)
a song to my brother. His favorite subject is English. He has it on Monday and
_______________ (4).

Question 6: Read and match pictures with the right words or sentences, (1pt):

1/ I take tests in Math.

2/ Put the book between the chair and
the desk, please.
3/ In this lesson, we do a lot of
exercise and play games.
4/ What’s she wearing?
She is wearing a nice watch. D.
5/ What’s the matter with you, Nam?
I’m hungry. E.
Question 7: Reorder the letters to make a complete word, (0,75 pts):

0/ yese
__eyes____ 1/ aptns

2/ lltare 3/ w telve
_________________ _______________

Question 8: Fill in the blanks with correct words from the box,(0,75 pts):

hungry white subject this these

0/ - What does a tapir look like? – It’s black and white

1/ - Are ______________ your shorts, Tom?
- No, they aren’t. They are Alex’s shorts.
2/ - What’s your favorite _____________ , Ben? – I like English.
3/ - What’s the matter, Kim? - I’m _______________ .
Question 9: Order the words to make meaningful sentences, ( 0,5 pts):
1/ are/ bigger / you / me / than/. You are bigger than me.
2/ does /a/ What/ like / tapir /look/?______________________________________
3/ glasses /are / Whose / these / ? _______________________________________


PART4: SPEAKING ( 2PTS): ( Phần 4: Kiểm tra kĩ năng nói)
I/ Getting to know each other (0,75pts) :
1. Look and read:
- Pronunciation: Read aloud the words
M1/ three, math, star, art, milk, sixteen, seven, Monday, circle
M2/ twelve, between, Wednesday, fifteen, rectangle, water, do
exercise, buy flowers, chocolate
- Intonation: Read sentences
- How old are you? - Are these your jeans?
- What’s your phone number? - Is this her sweater?
- When do you have math? - Would you like some pizza?
- Whose handbag is this? - Is this his jacket?
- How many circles can you see?

2. Ask and answer these questions about these:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
(Xin vui lòng in màu trang này)

II. Talk about familiar objects

- What’s your name? -How old are you?

- What’s your phone number? -What do you want to do for Teachers’ Day?

- What do you do in………..? - What’s your favorite subject?

- Put …..

III/ Describe pictures:
MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 4 HK1 (NH: 2020-2021)
PART 1: LISTENING: 12 câu = 3điểm
Question 1: Listen and draw lines : 1 điểm

1-C 2- A 3- B 4-E 5-D

Question 2/Listen and number ( 1pt)

3 1 2 5 4

Question 3:
1-(M) 2- bigger 3- Tuesday 4- purple 5- circles
PART 2: READING: 3 điểm
Questin 4: ( 1 điểm): 1 – (M) 2 - 3– 4- 5 –
Question 5: (1điểm): 1 – short 2 - cap 3 – sing 4 – Wednesday
Question 6 ( 1 điểm): 1- E 2-A 3- B 4- D 5-C
Question 7: ( 0,75 điểm) : 1/ pants 2/ taller 3/ twelve
Question 8:(0,75 điểm): 1/ these 2/subject 3/ hungry
Question 9: ( 0,5 điểm):
1/ (M)
2/ What does a tapir look like?
3/ Whose glasses are these?
I/ Getting to know each other (0,75pts) :
1/Look and read: Giáo viên yêu cầu HS nhìn vào từ/ câu và đọc to, chú ý đánh
giá cách phát âm , nhất là phụ âm cuối, âm nhấn, ngữ điệu câu để cho điểm
( chọn 4 từ mức 1+ 2 câu mức 1 + 2 câu mức 2 theo ma trận đã thống nhất)
- Pronunciation: Read aloud the words
Mức 1: chọn 4 từ
Mức 2/ chọn 4 từ
- Intonation: Read sentences

Mức 1: Raising tune (chọn 1 câu) Mức 2: Falling tune ( chọn 2 câu)
- How old are you? - Are these your jeans?
- What’s your phone number? - Is this her sweater?
- When do you have math? - Would you like some pizza?
- Whose handbag is this? - Is this his jacket?
- How many circles can you see?
2/ Answer these questions:
Mức 1: GV hỏi trực tiếp cá nhân HS
Mức 2 + Mức 3:GV yêu cầu 2 Hs hỏi và đáp theo tranh gợi ý hoặc
GV đưa ra tình huống để HS tự đặt câu hỏi và trả lời theo cặp
( chọn 2 câu mức 1+ 1 mức 2 + theo ma trận đã thống nhất)
What’s your name? ( mức 1)/ How old are you? ( mức 1)
What’s your favorite subject? ( mức 2) / Would you like some……? ( Mức 2)
How many stars / circles/ ….can you see? ( M2)
II. Talk about familiar objects
-GV yêu cầu HS nhìn tranh và đưa ra các câu chỉ đẫn để đặt các vật vào vị trí như
trong tranh ( chọn 1 câu mức 1+ 2 mức 2 + theo ma trận đã thống nhất)
Mức 1: Put the……… (on/in/next to/…) the …..
Mức 2: Put the……… (between/under …) the …..
- What’s your name? ( M1) -How old are you? ( M1)
- What’s your phone number? ( M2)
- What do you want to do for Teachers’ Day? ( M2)
- What’s your favorite subject? ( M2)
- What do you do in………..? ( M2)
- Put ….. ( M2)
III/ Describe pictures:
M3: GV chỉ vào tranh và hỏi từng cá nhân HS( chọn 1 câu)
M4: Gv yêu cầu HS hỏi theo cặp ( Mỗi HS hỏi nhau 1 câu)
What does she / he / Nick / …look like?- She/ he has…..
What are you wearing? I’m wearing…… / What is he/she wearing?
What color is her / his / your….? What’s the matter?

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