V Fitness Mini Project

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1) Chitari Shubham Anil _______

2) Rangdal Mayur Ashwin _______
3) Shaikh Farukh Mehboob _______
4) Sheral Navneet Suraj _______
5) Vaggu Shreyash Niranjan _______




















This is to certify that work on the Mini Project Report

“A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards V Fitness In
Solapur City”
Presented by –
1) Chitari Shubham Anil
2) Rangdal Mayur Ashwin
3) Shaikh Farukh Mehboob
4) Sheral Navneet Suraj
5) Vaggu Shreyash Niranjan
In partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Administration
(Sem IV) to the P.A.H. Solapur University Solapur; has been
carried out under my guidance.
To the best of my knowledge and belief the matter presented in
this report has not been submitted earlier.

Principal Signature of Guide

HNCC, Solapur Dr. Rajni Kshirsagar

The Principal,

Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce,


Respected Sir,

We, the undersigned, hereby declare that Mini Project Report

entitled “A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards V Fitness In Solapur
City” written and submitted by us to P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur, in
the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A. II
Sem IV) under the guidance of Dr. Rajni Kshirsagar is our original work.
The information in this report is based on the data collected by us. While
preparing this report, we have not copied from any other report.

We understand that any such copying is liable to be punished in

a way the University Authorities may deem fit.

Date: Signature of the Students

1) Chitari Shubham Anil _______

2) Rangdal Mayur Ashwin _______
3) Shaikh Farukh Mehboob _______
4) Sheral Navneet Suraj _______
5) Vaggu Shreyash Niranjan _______

Chapter Name Page No.
1 Introduction
1.1 General Introduction to Research Area 1
1.2 Research Problem 2
1.3 Scope of Research 2
1.4 Literature Review 3

2 Research Methodology
2.1 Research Objectives 5
2.2 Research Methodology 6

3 Data Analysis & Interpretation 8

4 Findings 43

5 Suggestions 48

6 Conclusion 51

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur



1.1 General introduction to research area

As the COVID period comes to end where vaccines are launched

but in the lockdown, many people have utilized their time for their body
fitness, exercise and meditation and enjoying their hobbies. Many people
got more fit and started living with good eating habits but also many
people got stressed and they gained more weight. After the lockdown was
open a certain rush was there in gyms for the fitness as people realized to
maintain a healthy body, a regular healthy diet and a proper exercise or
gym was necessary. Although there were some difficulties are raised for
gym trainers/owners as well as to the customers in maintaining social
distancing and hygiene of the gym to avoid spread of corona virus.

While searching we came up with the topic of V fitness because as

the lockdown ended the Gym's started and attracted huge amount of rush.
And also the owner of V fitness is familiar to us, and they are planning
for further expansion of their business so we thought that it would be
helpful for our research study and it will help the owner of V fitness to
know customer satisfaction and reviews about future expansion/branch of

H.N.C.C. 1 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

1.2 Research problem

“To study the customer satisfaction towards V Fitness in Solapur


In this competitive world lot of multilevel marketing companies are

there in market and they have variety of products and services line up as
well. Some of them are going successful few of them are not doing well.
This work is an attempt to study about a gym V Fitness, which is doing
well in its field. So this study is an attempt to understand the customer’s
opinion about the gym when it was re-opened after the global pandemic
and what are the thoughts of its customers which will be helpful in
solving the problems of customers and also serving them better in future.

1.3 Scope of research

The success and failure of a company is purely based on customer’s

satisfaction. Globalization and liberalization has opened up high
competition among the business sector and especially for local start-ups.
In order to retain their customers and also to attract new customers the
company has to concentrate more on quality of service provided to
customers. Therefore there arises a need for V Fitness to find out the
customer satisfaction it is this context that the present study is

H.N.C.C. 2 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

1.4 Literature review

Customer Satisfaction Level at a Gym Cross fit (Lewis, 2012)

Lewis (2012) undertook a study that was aimed at analysis the

level of satisfaction for the individuals who were attending the gym for
physical fitness. The main focus was to check the distribution of
customers’ attendance, which is linked to the level of satisfaction.
Individuals who get better results after doing the physical exercises will
tend to have more classes than their fellow counterparts. Also, the
population of gym members will lead to a conclusion that the gym is
offering better services to its customer. On this survey, 55.9% of the
respondents were male, 39% females and 5% non-response. The main
objective of the study was to establish a web-based survey platform for
the past and current gym members. Also, it was focused on extracting
information about the satisfaction of the members leading to information
gain for areas that need improvements. The findings could be used by the
gym instructors and investors to better their businesses for better results.

The findings of the results indicated that 63% percentage attended

the gym at a rate of 3 – 4 days a week, 34% 1 – 2 days a week and the
rest (7%) more than five days a week. Lewis concluded that the level of
satisfaction in that gym facility was high and the data could be used in
future references to create standard fitness centres. The main areas that
need to be improved were increasing the percentage of membership,
encourage people to attend at least 3 days per week for the gym classes.
Finally, they could aim at maintaining their service delivery quality to
retain the existing customers, which could attract more people in the
neighbourhood and reduce the membership turnover (Lewis, 2012).

H.N.C.C. 3 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Driver of Customer Satisfaction in a Fitness Club (Yee, Yeung and

Ma, 2013)

The other the Driver of Customer Satisfaction in a Fitness Club

was aiming at evaluating the key determinant of satisfying a person in a
fitness centre. The study was divided into psychological factors, physical
environment, service environment and two-way interaction. The findings
confirmed that goal; perceived value, resources, environment and waiting
time were the main drivers of satisfaction for gym customer. In addition,
attitude, behaviour, enthusiasm employee and management interactions
were also categorised as some other factors that can hinder customers’
satisfaction level. Gym management and instructors should take into
account all these factors to ensure that they provide quality services to
their customers for maximum satisfaction. Improper management of the
fitness facilities might lead to obstruction of all the key elements in the
gyms thus reducing the level of satisfaction for the customers, which
might make them opt to quit. The qualitative study created an idea of how
important the two interactions were important to the success of a gym
business. Therefore, this result advises the fitness management teams to
ensure that the relationship between them and the customers are perfectly
managed. The study results acknowledge that there is a greater need for
knowledgeable and experienced gym employees to deliver quality
services to the customers (Yee, Yeung and Ma, 2013).

H.N.C.C. 4 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur



2.1 Research Objectives

1) To measure the experiences of customers.

2) To find out level of satisfaction from V FITNESS based on various


3) To gain insights into Customer Expectations.

4) To get the opinions from respondents on the issues they face in gym.

5) To make suggestions for improvement of their machines & their

services from the customer’s point of view based on this research to fulfil
customer’s needs

H.N.C.C. 5 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

2.2 Research Methodology

1. Primary Data
“The first hand information/fresh data collected by researcher
specifically for solving research problem, is known as primary data.”
The primary data for this survey was collected through interview,
where Google form questionnaire link was sent to respondents for
collection of responses.

2. Secondary data
“Any data which have been gathered earlier/previously by
someone, readily available for research for reference is known as
secondary data”
The secondary data for this survey is collected from internet,
research papers already published through researchers of similar topic.

3. Sampling details
A) Sampling Method
“It is a method or definite plan for obtaining sample from
sampling frame”
In this research following two sampling methods are used.

1. Convenience sampling method

2. Quota sampling method
B) Sampling size
“Number of samples selected from population for the survey
or study is known as sample size”
The sample size for this survey is 50, Therefore n=50.

H.N.C.C. 6 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

C) Sampling Units
“The individuals whose characteristics are to be measured in the
analysis are called sampling unit”
The sampling units for this survey are individuals going to V

D) Research area:
The research area for this survey is limited to Solapur city
and the customers of V Fitness.
E) Data collection Period
The data collection period for this research is 7 days

H.N.C.C. 7 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur



Table 3.1 Table showing the Gender of Respondents

Sr. No. Gender Frequency Percentage

1 Male 50 100

2 Female 0 0

Total 50 100

Graph 3.1 Graph showing the Gender of Respondents

Male Female



The above graph consists responses of 50 respondents in which

100% are males because due to lockdown the survey was taken through
online means by contacting them personally on Social media so therefore
the female section was not covered in this survey as we had to take their
number and messaged them.
H.N.C.C. 8 B.B.A. Programme
P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.2 Table showing the Age group of Respondents

Sr. No. Age Group Frequency Percentage

1 15-20 7 14
2 20-30 39 78
3 30-40 4 8
Total 50 100

Graph 3.2 Graph showing the Age group of Respondents

Age Group


10 4

15-20 20-30 30-40


The above graph shows the age groups of people who visit gym
where the highest is 78% of respondents falling under age of 20-30 which
depicts that the youth or young generation has more interest in improving
fitness as compared to other age groups and the lowest is 30-40 consisting
about 8% showing that a little amount of middle age or older generation
is also interested in maintaining their fitness

H.N.C.C. 9 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.3 Table showing the Occupation of Respondents

Sr. No. Occupation Frequency Percentage

1 Businessman 12 24
2 Professional 8 16
3 Self employed 1 2
4 Service 11 22
5 Student 18 36
Total 50 100

Graph 3.3 Graph showing the Occupation of Respondents


12 11

Businessman Professional Self Service Student



The above graph shows the occupation of respondents in which

36% consists of students because craze of fitness is high is youth and
24% and 16% of businessman and professionals respectively who visit
the gym to maintain fitness and the number is comparatively low because
many of them are not able to manage time for gym.

H.N.C.C. 10 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.4 Table showing the monthly Income category of


Sr. No. Monthly Income category Frequency Percentage

1 Below 10000 24 48
2 10001-20000 8 16
3 20001-30000 9 18
4 30001-40000 5 10
5 40001 and above 4 8
Total 50 100

Graph 3.4 Graph showing the monthly Income category of


Monthly Income Category

40001 and above 4

30001-40000 5
20001-30000 9
10001-20000 8
Below 10000 24

0 5 10 15 20 25 30


The above graph shows that 48% of responses are have income
under Rupees 10000 because this section mainly consists of students who
are still pursuing education and 8% are above Rupees 40000 who is
mainly from working class who come to gym to maintain their fitness

H.N.C.C. 11 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.5 Table showing the Source of awareness of


Sr. No. Source of awareness Frequency Percentage

1 Friend and Family Members 30 60
3 Location 11 22
4 Newspaper 2 4
5 Social Media 7 14
Total 50 100

Graph 3.5 Graph showing the Source of awareness of


Source of awareness
Friend and Family Members Location
Newspaper 14% Social Media




The above graph shows awareness or how to respondents got to

know about the gym, where 60% respondents have joined the gym by
influence of their family/friends or simply mouth publicity and 22% have
joined the gym by first visiting the location or taking trial also 14%
people had influence of social media ads and 4% of people joined after
seeing ad in newspaper.

H.N.C.C. 12 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.6 Table showing the Frequency of visits in week of


Sr. No. Frequency of Visits in week Frequency Percentage

1 Once in week 5 10
2 2-3 Times 3 6
3 4-5 Times 15 30
4 6 Times in week 7 14
5 Daily 20 40
Total 50 100

Graph 3.6 Graph showing the Frequency of visits in week of


Frequency of Visits in week




Once in week 2-3 Times 4-5 Times 6 Times in Daily


H.N.C.C. 13 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur


The above graph shows that how frequently the respondents visit
the gym, where 40% of respondents visit daily and this group mainly
consists of students and working class people, followed by 30% who visit
4-5 times, this group mainly consists of people who visit the gym to
maintain their current fitness and do light exercise and the least 6% who
visit 2-3 times a week these are businessman or professional who don't
have ample amount of time to go regularly to gym

H.N.C.C. 14 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.7 Table showing the General Health of Respondents

Sr. No. General health Frequency Percentage

1 Below Average 5 10
2 Average 25 50
3 Above average 20 40
Total 50 100

Graph 3.7 Graph showing the General Health of


General Health
Below Average Average Above average



The above graph shows the general health of respondents 50% of

whom have rated themselves as average and this section is mainly
focused on improving it and also building muscular physique and some of
them maintaining their current physique, also 40% have also rated
themselves as above average, because these people have already good
fitness and they have joined to maintain that and also a small amount of
professional body builders, the last 10% of respondents have rated
themselves as below average, these mainly consists of people who want
to gain weight and build muscular body.

H.N.C.C. 15 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.8 Table showing the opinion about joining gym of


Sr. No. Opinion about joining gym Frequency

1 Lifestyle 16
2 Rehabilitation 8
3 Strength training 6
4 Weight loss 13
5 Health improvement 31

Graph 3.8 Graph showing the opinion about joining gym of


Opinion about joining gym

Health improvement 31

Weight loss 13

Strength training 6

Rehabilitation 8

Lifestyle 16

H.N.C.C. 16 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur


The above graph shows why respondents visit the gym or their
motive behind joining the gym , where 16% of people visit gym for
lifestyle because in today's generation for various people it's part of their
daily routine and they want to or they have made it their habit that they
have dedicated time for their exercise or fitness, 13% of respondents have
joined gym for weight loss or to gain a proper physique to and build a
good personality, 8% of them have joined so that they can get rid of their
bad habits by paying more attention on their health and 6% of them are
the ones who visit for strength training these people mainly visit for
professional body building.

H.N.C.C. 17 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.9 Table showing the Preferences of timings of


Sr. No. Preferences of timing Frequency Percentage

1 Morning 31 62
2 Evening 12 24
3 Night 7 14
Total 50 100

Graph 3.9 Graph showing the Preferences of timings of


Preference of timing
Morning Evening Night




The above graph shows the timing preference of 50 respondents

where 62% of respondents prefer to attend gym in morning as they go to
work or attend college in day time, 24% prefer to go in evening in their
free time and at night 14 % respondents prefer to go after working hours

H.N.C.C. 18 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.10 Table showing the Workout style of Respondents

Sr. No. Workout Style Frequency Percentage

1 Independent workout 26 52
2 Trainers 24 48
Total 50 100

Graph 3.10 Graph showing the Workout style of


Workout Style
Independent workout Trainers

48% 52%


The above graph shows the Workout style of 50 respondents where

52% of respondents prefer to do workout independently as they could be
well trained or they watch workout training videos on social media. Rest
48% respondents prefer to do workout under professional trainers.

H.N.C.C. 19 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.11 Table showing the Workout Preferences of


Sr. No. Workout Preferences Frequency Percentage

1 Machines 21 42
2 Cardio 9 18
3 Classes 2 4
4 Lifting 18 36
Total 50 100

Graph 3.11 Graph showing the Workout Preferences of


Workout Preferences
Machines Cardio Classes Lifting




The above graph shows the workout preferences of 50 respondents

where 42% of respondents do machinery workout as they are easy to
handle. 36% respondents prefer to do lifting which helps to shape their
muscles. Rest 18% respondents prefer cardio for weight loss and 4%
respondents prefer to do either yoga or Zumba.

H.N.C.C. 20 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.12 Table showing the reason behind joining gym of


Sr. No. Reason behind joining gym Frequency Percentage

1 To build muscular and athletic body 23 46
2 To get rid of excess fat 12 24
3 to maintain your current figure 15 30
Total 50 100

Graph 3.12 Graph showing the reason behind joining gym of


Reason for joining Gym

to maintain your current figure 15

To get rid of excess fat 12

To build muscular and athletic

0 5 10 15 20 25


The above graph shows the reason for joining gym of 50

respondents where 46% respondents joined gym to build muscular and
athletic body to look more attractive. 30% respondents joined gym to
maintain their current figure and 24% respondents joined gym to get rid
of excess fat.

H.N.C.C. 21 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.13 Table showing the satisfaction towards

equipment in V fitness Respondents

Satisfaction towards
Sr. No. Frequency Percentage
equipment in V Fitness
1 Very Dissatisfied 2 4
2 Dissatisfied 1 2
3 Neutral 15 30
4 Satisfied 22 44
5 Very Satisfied 10 20
Total 50 100

Graph 3.13 Graph showing the satisfaction towards

equipment in V fitness Respondents

Satisfaction towards equipment in V Fitness

2 1

Very Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very

Dissatisfied Satisfied


The above graph shows satisfaction rating of 50 respondents

towards equipment in gym where 44% respondents are satisfied and 10%
are very satisfied because of they visited any other gyms and they found
this gym equipment are satisfied. Rest 30% are rated neutral. 4%
respondents rated very dissatisfied and 2% rated dissatisfied as they find
less equipment in gym than others.
H.N.C.C. 22 B.B.A. Programme
P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.14 Table showing the Rating towards staff and

customer service of Respondents

Rating towards staff and

Sr. No. customer service Frequency Percentage
1 Very Dissatisfied 1 2
2 Dissatisfied 1 2
3 Neutral 10 20
4 Satisfied 24 48
5 Very Satisfied 14 28
Total 50 100

Graph 3.14 Graph showing the Rating towards staff and

customer service of Respondents

Rating towards staff and customer service

Very Satisfied 14
Neutral 10
Very Dissatisfied 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30


The above graph shows satisfaction rating of 50 respondents

towards staff and customer service where 48% respondents are satisfied
and 28% are very satisfied as they found behaviour of staff was very
polite and customer service is up to the mark. Rest 20% are rated neutral.
2% respondents rated very dissatisfied and 2% rated dissatisfied it could
be there as they found that they don’t have good interaction with staff

H.N.C.C. 23 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.15 Table showing the awareness about diet plan

given by gym of Respondents

Awareness about diet plan

Sr. No. Frequency Percentage
given by gym
1 Yes 45 90
2 No 5 10
Total 50 100

Graph 3.15 Graph showing the awareness about diet plan

given by gym of Respondents

Awareness about diet plan given by gym

Yes No



The above graph shows the awareness about diet plan given by
gym of 50 respondents where 90% respondents are aware of diet plan
because they interacted with the trainers or guides who gave them proper
diet plan and 10% respondents are not aware about diet plans as they can
be fresher to the gym.

H.N.C.C. 24 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.16 Table showing Opinion of respondents about

availability of machines for workout

Opinion about availability of

Sr. No. Frequency Percentage
machines for workout
1 Yes 32 64
2 Can't say 11 22
3 No 7 14
Total 50 100

Graph 3.16 Graph showing Opinion of respondents about

availability of machines for workout

Opinion about availability of machines for workout

Yes Can't say No



The above graph shows opinion of 50 respondents about

availability of machines for workout where 64% says yes there is enough
Machinery for workout as the machineries are adequate for workout.
Where 22% responded as can't say and 14% said that there is not enough
Machinery for workout because they think there is less machinery.

H.N.C.C. 25 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.17 Table showing the Distance Covered between

respondents (home) and gym

Frequenc Percentag
Sr. No. Distance covered
y e
1 Less than 1 Km 20 40
2 1-3 Km 21 42
3 3-5 Km 8 16
4 More than 5 Km 1 2
Total 50 100

Graph 17 Graph showing the Distance Covered between

respondents (home) and gym

Distance covered

More than 5 Kms 1

3-5 Kms 8
1-3 Kms 21
Less than 1 Km 20


The above graph shows the distance covered by 50 responded to

reach the gym where 42% of responded have to travel 1-3 km to reach
gym as they found V-fitness is good option in south Kasba area .40% of
respondents says that they travel less than 1 km to reach gym as they
selected gym near to their home, 16% responded have to travel 3-5 km
and 2% responded have to travel more than 5 km to reach gym because
they prefer V fitness over their local gym

H.N.C.C. 26 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.18 Table showing the time category spent in gym by


Frequenc Percentag
Sr. No. Time category spent in gym
y e
1 Less than 30 minutes 3 6
2 30 minutes- 1 hour 26 52
3 1hr - 2 hour 19 38
4 More than 2 hours 2 4
Total 50 100

Graph 3.18 Graph showing the time category spent in gym

by Respondents

Time category spent in gym

More than 2 hours 2

1hr - 2 hr 19
30 mins- 1 hour 26

Less than 30 minutes 3


The above graph shows the time spent by 50 respondents in gym

where 52% respondents spend 30 minutes -1 hour because they do single
muscle workout. 38% spends 1-2 hours because they do double muscle
workout in one day. 6% spend less than 30 minutes they do warm up and
cardio. 4% spend more than 2hours in gym because they do intense

H.N.C.C. 27 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.19 Table showing the affordability of gym plans of


Sr. No. Affordability of gym plans Frequency Percentage

1 Affordable 10 20
2 Neutral 34 68
3 Expensive 6 12
Total 50 100

Graph 3.19 Graph showing the affordability of gym plans of


Affordability of gym plans

Affordable Neutral Expensive
12% 20%



The above graph shows affordability of gym plans of 50

respondents where 68% say gym plans are neutral because they found
somewhat same to their earlier gym plans. 20% rated as affordable as
they gym plans are cost effective and 12% says gym plans are expensive
than the earlier gym plans.

H.N.C.C. 28 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.20 Table showing the Gym plan selected by


Gym plan Frequency Percentage
1 Bronze (1 month) 7 14
2 Silver (3 months) 25 50
3 Gold (6 months) 11 22
4 Platinum (12 months ) 7 14
Total 50 100

Table 3.20 Table showing the Gym plan selected by


Gym plan

7 7

Bronze (1 Silver (3 months) Gold (6 months) Platinum (12

month) months )


The above graph shows gym plans selected by 50 respondents

where 50% respondent’s selected silver plan for 3 months as it is more
suitable and cost effective. 22% selected gold plan for 6 months because
they interested more in cost effectively, 14% selected bronze for 1 month
as they are not interested in long term plans and 14% selected platinum
plan for 12 months as they are interested in long term plans.

H.N.C.C. 29 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.21 Table showing the ratings towards various

factors given by Respondents

Terms of Very Very
. Dissatisf Neutr Satisfi Tot
Satisfactio Dissatisf Satisfi
N ied al ed al
n ied ed
1 of gym 2 7 6 20 15 50
2 of changing 2 6 13 22 7 50
3 of 2 6 17 22 3 50
4 3 5 13 20 9 50
5 room 2 5 20 13 10 50
6 4 4 11 20 11 50
of gym
7 While 7 4 13 16 10 50

H.N.C.C. 30 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Graph 3.21 Graph showing the ratings towards various

factors given by Respondents

Ratings towards various factors

Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Music While Workout 13

Ambience of gym 11

Looker room facilities 20

Parking faclities 13

Cleanliness of bathrooms 17

Cleanliness of changing room 13

Cleanliness of gym equipment 6

H.N.C.C. 31 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur


The above graph shows a rating given by 50 respondents towards

cleanliness of gym equipment, Changing rooms and bathrooms where 41
% of respondents are satisfied and 18 % are rated as very satisfied as they
found gym clean. 24% rated as neutral, , 13% are dissatisfied and 4% are
very dissatisfied as they are found some times floor was messy Also
above graph shows rating given by 50 respondents towards parking and
locker room facilities provided by the gym where 33% are rated as
satisfied and 19% as very satisfied as they come early to gym , 33 % as
neutral, 10 % are dissatisfied and 5% as very dissatisfied as they do not
found parking area . And Also shows a rating given by 50 respondents
towards ambiance and music while workout where 36% rated as satisfied,
24% rated as neutral, 21% rated as very satisfied, 11% rated as very
dissatisfied and 8% rated as dissatisfied.

H.N.C.C. 32 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.22 Table showing the Fitness Knowledge of V fitness

of Respondents

Sr. No. Fitness Knowledge of V fitness Frequency Percentage

1 Poor 1 2
2 Neutral 21 42
3 Good 28 56
Total 50 100

Graph 3.22 Graph showing the Fitness Knowledge of V

fitness of Respondents

Fitness Knowledge of V fitness

Poor Neutral Good




Graph showing responses of 50 respondents showing the fitness

knowledge of V fitness where 56% rated as good as they are satisfied
with the trainers knowledge. 42% has neutral and 2% rated as poor as
found fitness knowledge of V fitness is not enough.

H.N.C.C. 33 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.23 Table showing the interest about supplements of


Interest about
Sr. No. Frequency Percentage
1 No 29 58
2 Maybe in future 9 18
3 Yes 12 24
Total 50 100

Graph 3.23 Graph showing the interest about supplements

of Respondents

Interest about supplements

No Maybe in future Yes




Graph showing responses of 50 respondents showing the interest

about the supplements where 58% say no interest in supplement as they
think there is no need of supplement as they follow regular diet plan 24%
says interest in supplement because they can’t get enough proteins in day
from daily diet and 18% says may be in future regarding interest of

H.N.C.C. 34 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.24 Table showing the Problems faced while workout

by Respondents

Sr. No. Problems faced while workout Frequency

1 Technical issues 18
2 Loud Music 9
3 Too soft floor 17
4 Less machines/weights 14
5 No problem 7

Graph 3.24 Graph showing the Problems faced while

workout by Respondents

Problems faced while workout

11% Technical issues
Loud Music
Too soft floor

14% Less
26% machines/weights


Graph showing responses of 50 respondents showing the problems

faced while workout where 28% has technical issues they might face
problem while using machines. 26% has problem of soft floor because
while lifting floor breaks 21% says problem regarding machinery and
weight as might they found machinery and weight are oily 14% says loud
music in gym because the music might not be their liking and 11% has no
problem while workout

H.N.C.C. 35 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.25 Table showing the overall satisfaction of


Sr. No. Overall satisfaction Frequency Percentage

1 Satisfied 30 60
2 Neutral 8 16
3 Highly satisfied 12 24
Total 50 100

Graph 3.25 Graph showing the overall satisfaction of


Overall satisfaction

Satisfied Neutral Highly satisfied




Graph showing responses of 50 respondent showing overall

satisfaction of V fitness where 60% are satisfied as they find better than
the previous gym. 24% are highly satisfied as they are totally satisfied
with overall aspects. 16% are rated as neutral regarding overall
satisfaction of fitness.

H.N.C.C. 36 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.26 Table showing the opinion about prices as

compared to others of Respondents

Opinion about prices as

Sr. No. Frequency Percentage
compared to others
1 No 18 36
2 Maybe 18 36
3 Yes 14 28
Total 50 100

Graph 3.26 Graph showing the opinion about prices as

compared to others of Respondents

Opinion about prices as compared to others

No Maybe Yes

28% 36%



Graph showing responses of 50 respondents regarding the opinion

about prices as compared to other gym’s where 36% of respondent says
it’s not expensive because they can afford it. Where 36%respondent says
it may be expensive because they think the price could have been less.
Whereas 28%respondent says it’s expensive because they think prices are
higher as compared to other gyms.

H.N.C.C. 37 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.27 Table showing the Respondents likeliness of

recommending V fitness

likeliness of recommending
Sr. No. Frequency Percentage
V fitness
1 Very Dislike 0 0
2 Dislike 2 4
3 Neutral 11 22
4 Like 20 40
5 Very Like 17 34
Total 50 100

Graph 3.27 Graph showing the Respondents likeliness of

recommending V fitness

likeliness of recommneding V fitness

Very Like 17
Like 20
Neutral 11
Dislike 2
Very Dislike 0


Graph showing responses of 50 respondent regarding likeliness of

recommending V Fitness 40% are like recommending to others because
they like the gym facilities.34% are very like to recommend because they
think it is best option .22% rated as neutral about recommending 4%
are dislike to recommend as they found better option.
H.N.C.C. 38 B.B.A. Programme
P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.28 Table showing the Respondents likeliness of visit

to new branch

likeliness of visit to new

Sr. No. Frequency Percentage
1 Very Dislike 1 2
2 Dislike 2 4
3 Neutral 8 16
4 Like 25 50
5 Very Like 14 28
Total 50 100

Graph 28: Graph showing the Respondents likeliness of visit

to new branch

likeliness of visit to new branch

8 14
1 2

Very Dislike Dislike Neutral Like Very Like


Graph showing responses of 50 respondents showing likeliness of

visiting new branch of V fitness .Where 50% like to visit because they
might find the new branch will be near to their area. 28% are very like to
visit because they are excited to do workout with new machineries. 16%
rated as neutral. 4% are dislike and 2% are very dislike to visit new
branch because they are not satisfied with the current branch.

H.N.C.C. 39 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.29 Table showing the problems faced by


Sr. No. Problems faced by Respondents Frequency Percentage

1 No problem 14 28
Cleanliness of fitness
2 17 34
3 Parking 19 38
Total 50 100

Graph 3.29 Graph showing the problems faced by


Problems faced by Respondents

No problem Clealiness of fitness equipments Parking




Graph showing responses of 50 respondent showing problems

faced by respondents in V fitness where 38% faced the problem of
parking because they didn’t find appropriate space for parking. 34%
faced problems of cleanliness of equipment’s because sometimes
machineries are oily because of use of lubricants. Whereas 28% has no
problem faced regarding V fitness.

H.N.C.C. 40 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.30 Table showing the suggestions given by


Sr. No. Suggestions Frequency Percentage

1 Add more professional trainers 1 2
2 Can open new branch 2 4
3 Can start steam for the all days 1 2
4 Increase in parking facilities 3 6
5 More equipment/Machines 10 20
Need to give introduction to
6 1 2
7 No 28 56
8 Proper Cleanliness 4 8
Total 50 100

H.N.C.C. 41 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Table 3.30 Table showing the suggestions given by




2 1
1 1

H.N.C.C. 42 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur



4.1 Findings

1. It was found that the sample covered by us had 100% of male who
have joined V Fitness.
2. It was found that 78% of respondents fall under 20-30 age group,
14% in 15-20 and 8% in 30-40.
3. It was found that 36% of the respondents were students, 24% were
businessman, 22% were from service category, 16% were
professionals and 2% were self-employed.
4. It was found that 48% of people were earning below 10000, 18%
were earning 20001-30000, 16% were earning 10001-20000, 10%
were earning 30001-40000 and 8% were earning 40001 or above.
5. It was found that 60% of people joined gym because of
family/friends, 22% because of location, 14% because of location
and 4% because of newspaper.
6. It was found that 40% people visit gym daily, 30% 4-5 times a
week, 14% 6 times in a week, 10% once in a week and 6% 2-3
times in a week.
7. It was found that 50% of respondents had average health, 40%
above average and 10% below average.
8. It was found that 31% of people joined gym for health
improvement, 16% for lifestyle, 13% for weight loss, 8% for
rehabilitation, and 6% for weight training.
9. It was found that 62% of people ego to gym in morning, 24% in
evening and 14% in night.

H.N.C.C. 43 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

10. It was found that there is only 4% difference between training with
trainers and independent workout i.e. 52% preferring independent
workout and 48% preferring trainers as some of them were newbie
and rest know basic training.
11. It was found that 42% of people preferred machines, 36% lifting,
18% cardio and 4% preferred classes.
12. It was found that 46% of people joined gym to build muscular and
athletic body, 30% to maintain your current figure and rest 24% to
get rid of excess fat.
13. It was found that 44% of respondents were satisfied with
equipment’s, 30% felt neutral, 20% were very satisfied, 4% were
very dissatisfied and 2% felt dissatisfied.
14. It was found that 48% of respondents were satisfied with the staff
and customer services, 28% were very satisfied, 20% felt it was
neutral, and 2% felt dissatisfied and very dissatisfied each.
15. It was found that there 80% difference between awareness about
diet plan i.e. 90% people got their diet plan and 10% weren’t aware
about the diet plan because of occasional visits to gym.
16. It was found that 64% of think that enough machinery is available
for workout, 22% reacted as can’t say and rest 14% thought that
the machineries available were less.
17. It was found that 42% people travelled 1-3 kilometres to reach
gym, 40% travelled less than 1 kilometre, 16% travelled 3-5
kilometres and rest 2% travelled more than 5 kilometres.
18. It was found that 52% of people spent 30 minutes to 1 hour in
gym, 38% spent 1hour to 2 hours, 6% less than 30 minutes and 4%
more than 2 hours.

H.N.C.C. 44 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

19. It was found that 68% of people felt neutral about affordability of
gym plan, 20% felt that it is affordable and 12% felt that it is
20. It was found that 50% respondents chose the silver plan of 3
months, 22% gold for 6 months and 14% chose platinum for 12
month and bronze for one month each.
21. It was found that 56% of people rated the fitness knowledge as
good, 42% as neutral and 2% as poor.
22. It was found that 58% of respondents were not interested in
supplements, 24% were interested and 18% as they will think about
it future.
23. It was found that 18% of people faced technical issues, 17% had
problems with soft floor, 14% faced problems with shortage of
machines and weights, 9% were having problem with the music
and 7% had no problems.
24. It was found that 60% of people were satisfied with the overall
experience of V fitness, 24% were highly satisfied and rest 16%
rated as neutral.
25. It was found that 36% of people thought that the prices are not
costlier as compared to others, 36% reacted as it may be costlier
and 28% thought that it is costlier.
26. It was found that 40% of people were likely to recommend V
fitness to others, 34% were very likely, 22% had neutral feeling
and rest 4% were not likely about recommending.
27. It was found that 50% of people were likely to visit the new
branch of V Fitness, 28% were very likely, 16% had neutral
thoughts about it, 4% were not likely to visit and rest 2% as not at
all visit the new branch.

H.N.C.C. 45 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

28. It was found that 38% of people faced the problem of parking,
34% about cleanliness of fitness equipment’s and 28% had no
problems at all.

H.N.C.C. 46 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

4.2 Scope of further Research

1. The sample size of the research can be increased to more than 50

respondents to get more accurate data.
2. Here in this research only members V fitness centre are included.
But the members or subscribers of other gyms of fitness centres
can be included to increase the scope of research which might help
the new start-ups.
3. The space boundary of the research can be increased moving out of
Solapur city including other cities like Pune, Mumbai and also
cities of other states like Hyderabad, Bangalore, Bijapur or
Vijayapur etc.
4. The time boundary of research cab be increased to for collection of
quantity as well as quality data.
5. The scope of research might increase if we can include females
also in the research in future.
6. The scope of research might increase if we target specific audience
for examples we could cover respondents who should’ve attend the
gym at least from last six months or respondents who are
following diet plans given by gym.
7. The scope of research might increase if include survey on areas
like reach of the advertisement, opening new fitness facility in
another area.
8. Scope of research might increase if we also include yoga camps,
Zumba weeks etc.
9. Scope of research might increase if we study the effect of offers
over normal packages of fitness centres on customers.

H.N.C.C. 47 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur


5.1 Respondents Suggestions

Table 5.1 Table showing suggestions of respondents.

Sr. No. Suggestions Frequency Percentage

1 Add more professional trainers 1 2

2 Can open new branch 2 4

3 Can start steam for the all days 1 2

4 Increase in parking facilities 3 6

5 More equipment/Machines 10 20
Need to give introduction to
6 1 2
7 No Suggestions 28 56

8 Proper Cleanliness 4 8

Total 50 100

H.N.C.C. 48 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

Graph 5.1 Graph showing suggestions of respondents.

Proper Cleanliness 4
No Suggestions 28
Need to give introduction to… 1
More equipment/Machines 10
Increase in parking facilities 3
Can start steam for the all days 1
Can open new branch 2
Add more professional trainers 1


The above graph shows the responses of 50 respondents where

56% respondents have no suggestions.20% respondents suggested need to
add more machineries/equipment in Fitness centre so they can have
workout hassle free. 8% respondents suggested need to maintain proper
cleanliness while workout many times floor was messy and bathrooms
are need to clean time to time. 6% respondents suggested need to increase
parking facilities so there will be no struggle for parking. 4% suggested to
open new branch of V Fitness so they can enjoy fitness facilities and also
it affect diversification of crowd. 2% suggested need to add more
professional trainers so there will more professional training for excellent
workout , 2% suggested need to start steam bath for all days so they can
enjoy steam bath every day after workout for the relaxation of muscles
and 2% suggested need to give deep introduction to machineries to new

H.N.C.C. 49 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur

5.2 Researchers suggestions

1. It is suggested that they can might open new branch so they there
will be diversification of crowd
2. It is suggested that they may improve parking facilities.
3. It is suggested that they could add more machineries /equipment’s
so they can prevent time wastage of members.
4. It is suggested that they can increase number of professional
trainers for beginners
5. It is suggested that they may add offers/discounts to increase
affordability, so the members will increase and cost dividing
participants will increase and cost may get low.

H.N.C.C. 50 B.B.A. Programme

P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur



From the overall project work, it can be concluded that there are various
fitness centre’s available in the Sholapur city but V Fitness is providing
great fitness facilities in the city. Where as per the graph 4.25 which
shows the overall satisfaction of the respondents towards V fitness 60%
are rated as satisfied for V Fitness and 24% rated as highly satisfied with
services of V fitness. Where 16% respondents rated as neutral to the
services. As this graph shows majority of respondents are satisfied by
services of V Fitness so V fitness can think about opening new branch in
the city. And also they need to add more efforts to improve parking
facilities and cleanliness of the fitness centre.

H.N.C.C. 51 B.B.A. Programme

1) Books Referred:
a. Marketing Research- G. C. Beri – Tata McGraw Hill
b. Research Methodology- C. R. Kothari - New Age International
2) Website Referred:
a. https://www.perfectgym.com/en/blog/business/6-helpful-fitness-survey-
b. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1192752
c. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_club
d. https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/gym-satisfaction-survey-
To study the customer satisfaction
towards V tness

1. Email *

2. Name (नाम) *

3. Address (पता) *

4. Contact no (सं पक नं बर) *

5. Gender (िलं ग) *

Mark only one oval.

Female (मिहला)

Male (पु ष)
6. Age group (आयु वग) *

Mark only one oval.





50 and above

7. Occupation ( वसाय) *

Mark only one oval.

Businessman ( वसायी)

Service (से वा)

Professional (पे शेवर)


8. Income (monthly in Rs) आय ( पये म मािसक) *

Mark only one oval.

Below 10000




40000 and above

9. How Did You Hear About Us? (आपको हमारे बारे म कैसे पता चला?) *

Mark only one oval.

Newspaper (समाचार प )

Radio (रे िडयो)

Social Media (सामािजक मीिडया)

Location ( थान)

Friend/ Family member (िम / प रवार का सद )


10. How Many Times Do You Visit the Gym a Week? (िकतने बार आप िजम एक स ाह का दौरा
करते ह?) *

Mark only one oval.

once in week (स ाह म एक बार)

2-3 times in week (स ाह म 2-3 बार)

4-5 times in week (स ाह म 4-5 बार)

6 times in week (स ाह म 6 बार)

Daily (रोज)

11. How would you rate your general health ? (आप अपने सामा ा का मू ां कन कैसे
करगे ?) *

Mark only one oval.

Above average (औसत से ऊपर)

Average (औसत)

Below Average (औसत से कम)

12. Why do you go to the gym? (आप िजम ों जाते ह?) *

Tick all that apply.

Lifestyle (जीवन शै ली)

Rehabilitation (पु नवास)
Strength training (मज़बू ती की टे िनं ग)
Weight loss (वजन घटना)
Health improvement ( ा म सु धार)

13. What time do you normally prefer to attend the gym? (आप सामा प से िजम म िकस
समय उप थत रहना पसं द करते ह?) *

Mark only one oval.

Morning (सु बह)

Evening (शाम)

Night (रात)

14. Do you prefer trainers or independent workouts? ( ा आप िश क या तं वकआउट

पसं द करते ह?) *

Mark only one oval.

Trainers ( िश कों से )

Independent workout ( तं कसरत)

15. What is majority of your time at the gym spent doing (िजम म िबताए आपके समय का
अिधकां श िह ा ा है ) *

Mark only one oval.

Machines (मशीन)

Cardio (कािडयो)

Classes (क ाओं)

Lifting (उठाने की)

16. Why would you join a gym? (आप िजम ों ाइन करगे ?) *

Mark only one oval.

To build muscular and athletic body (मां सपे िशयों और पु शरीर का िनमाण करने के िलए)

To get rid of excess fat (अित र वसा से छु टकारा पाने के िलए)

To maintain your current figure (अपने वतमान ा को बनाए रखने के िलए)

17. How satisfied are you with "V Fitness" gym equipment facility (आप "वी िफटने स" िजम
उपकरण सु िवधा से िकतने सं तु ह) *

Mark only one oval.

Very dissatisfied (ब त असं तु )

Dissatisfied (असं तु )

Neutral (साधारण)

Satisfied (सं तु )

Very satisfied (ब त सं तु )
18. How Would You Rate the Staff and Customer Service?(From 1 Very Poor to 5
Excellent) (आप कमचा रयों और ाहक से वा का मू ां कन कैसे करगे ? (1 ब त गरीब से 5 उ ृ
तक)) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Very poor (ब त गरीब) Excellent (अित उ ृ )

19. Was a proper diet plan given to you according to your Workout program? ( ा
आपके वकआउट ो ाम के अनु सार आपको उिचत आहार योजना दी गई थी?) *

Mark only one oval.

Yes (हाँ )

No (ना)

20. Is enough machinery available for various workouts? ( ा िविभ वकआउट के िलए
पया मशीनरी उपल है ?) *

Mark only one oval.

Yes (हां )

No (ना)

Can't Say (कह नहीं सकते )

21. How far is the location from your home? (आपके घर से थान िकतनी दू र है ?) *

Mark only one oval.

Less than 1 km (1 िकमी से कम)

1-3 Kms

3-5 Kms

More than 5 Kms (5 िकलोमीटर से अिधक)

22. How much time you spend in gym ? (आप िजम म िकतना समय िबताते ह?) *

Mark only one oval.

Less than 30 minutes (30 िमनट से कम)

30 mins- 1 hr (30 िमनट- 1 घं टा)

1 hr – 2 hr (1 घं टा - 2 घं टा)

More than 2 hours (2 घं टे से अिधक)

23. How would you rate fee structure? (आप शु सं रचना कैसे करगे ) *

Mark only one oval.

Expensive (महं गा)

Neutral (साधारण)

Affordable (स ी)

24. Which plan of gym you chosen? (िजम का कौन सा ान आपने चु ना?) *

Mark only one oval.

Bronze (1 month) (1 मिहना)

Silver (3 months) (3 मिहने )

Gold (6 months) (6 मिहने )

Platinum (12 months) (12 मिहने )

25. On scale of 1-5 please rate the following in terms of satisfaction (from 1 being the
worst and 5 best) (1-5 के पै माने पर सं तुि के सं दभ म िन िल खत रे ट कर (1 सबसे खराब और 5
सबसे अ े से )) *

Mark only one oval per row.

1 2 3 4 5

Cleanliness of gym equipment (िजम

उपकरणों की सफाई)

Cleanliness of changing room (चिजं ग

म की सफाई)

Cleanliness of bathrooms (बाथ म की


Parking facilities (पािकग सु िवधाएँ )

Locker room facilities (लॉकर म की

सु िवधा)

Ambience of gym (िजम की रोशनी)

Music while workout (वकआउट करते

समय सं गीत)

26. How would you rate the fitness knowledge of "V Fitness" team? (आप "वी िफटने स"
टीम के िफटने स ान का मू ां कन कैसे करगे ?) *

Mark only one oval.

Poor (गरीब)

Neutral (साधारण)

Good (अ ा)
27. Do you take fitness supplements? ( ा आप िफटने स स ीमट ले ते ह?) *

Mark only one oval.

Yes (हां )

No (ना)

Maybe in future (शायद भिव म)

28. What problems do yo face at the time of Workout & usage of any machinery? (िकसी
भी मशीनरी के वकआउट और उपयोग के समय आपको िकन सम ाओं का सामना करना पड़ता है )

Tick all that apply.

Technical issues (तकनीकी िद त)

Loud Music (जोर से सं गीत)
Too soft floor (ब त नरम जमीन)
Less machines/weights (कम मशीन / वजन)

29. What is your overall satisfaction level rate “V Fitness”? ("वी िफटने स" के िलए आपकी
सम सं तुि र की दर ा है ?) *

Mark only one oval.

Highly satisfied (अित सं तु )

Satisfied (सं तु )

Neutral (साधारण)

Unsatisfied (असं तु )
30. Do you feel the prices offered by “V Fitness” are costlier as compared to other
fitness centres ? ( ा आपको लगता है िक "वी िफटने स" की पे शकश की कीमत अ िफटने स
क ों की तु लना म महं गी ह?) *

Mark only one oval.

Yes (हां )

No (ना)

Maybe (हो सकता है )

31. How likely would you recommend “V Fitness” to your family, friends or colleagues
(आप अपने प रवार, दो ों या सहकिमयों को "वी िफटने स" की िसफा रश कैसे करगे ) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Very Unlikely (ब त अि य) Very likely (ब त सं भावना है )

32. How likely are you to visit our new branch of “V Fitness” if we launch it in your
locality? (यिद आप इसे हमारे इलाके म लॉ करते ह, तो आप "वी िफटने स" की हमारी नई शाखा
का दौरा करने की िकतनी सं भावना है ?) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Very Unlikely (ब त अि य) Very Likely (ब त सं भावना है )

33. What are the common problems, which you face while accessing the Gym (आम
सम ाएं ा ह, िजनका सामना आपको िजम जाते समय करना है ) *

Mark only one oval.

Parking (पािकग)

Cleanliness of fitness equipments (िफटने स उपकरणों की सफाई)


34. Would you like to give any suggestions for V Fitness ? ( ा आप वी िफटने स के िलए कोई
सु झाव दे ना चाहगे ?) *

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