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Rainfall Interception Based on Indirect Methods: A Case Study in Temperate

Forests in Oaxaca, Mexico

Article  in  JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association · April 2020

DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12844


0 38

2 authors:

Tania Fernandez Irma Trejo

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


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Rainfall Interception Based on Indirect Methods: A Case Study in Temperate Forests in

Oaxaca, Mexico

Tania Fernandez and Irma Trejo

Research Impact Statement: Quantification of rainfall interception (RI) is important in hydrologic studies.
The proposed indirect method to measure RI is easy to reproduce in different ecosystems.

ABSTRACT: Rainfall interception represents the amount of water trapped in natural cover that is not drained
directly to the ground. Intercepted rainfall may evaporate after a rain event, making it one of the main drivers
of water balance and hydrologic regionalization. This process can be affected by factors such as climate, altitude,
vegetation type, and topography. Here is a simple method of calculating rainfall interception in temperate for-
ests using in Santa Maria Yavesia, Oaxaca, and Mexico as an illustrative study area. We used two rain gauges
to measure net precipitation (Np) under the canopy at each study site and one gauge outside the canopy to
obtain gross precipitation (Gp). Throughfall (Th) was indirectly measured using hemispherical photographs.
Rainfall interception was obtained through a combination Th and Gp and Np. The mean rainfall interception
was 50.6% in the Abies forests, 23%–40% in the coniferous-mixed forests, and 27.4% in the broad-leaved forests.
We classified rainfall events by intensity to determine the effect of canopy structure and precipitation and found
that 75% of the events were weak events, 24% were moderate events, and 1% were strong events. In addition,
we found that rainfall interception was lower when the intensity of precipitation was higher. Our method can
be replicated in different ecosystems worldwide as a tool for assessing the influence of rainfall interception in
terms of ecological services.

(KEYWORDS: rainfall interception; throughfall; gross precipitation; net precipitation; rain gauge; canopy

INTRODUCTION other system with plant cover (Levia et al. 2011).

Rainfall interception results in canopy water storage,
and some of the water falls through the branches and
Precipitation is one the most important hydrologi- leaves, reaching the ground, while some of this water
cal processes because it serves as the primary supply returns to the cycle through evaporation, resulting in
of water in a basin. During the hydrologic cycle, some a redistribution of water in space (Gerrits et al.
rainfall is trapped by the forest canopy, causing a 2010). The amount of water retained through plant
redistribution of the water, much of which is lost by interception depends on the plant cover area, foliage
evaporation (Link et al. 2004). Rainfall interception is density, season, intensity, and duration of rainfall
defined as the quantity of water that is retained by (Pypker et al. 2005). For instance, the higher the
the canopy in leaves, branches or any other part of plant cover, the greater the volume of intercepted
the plant canopy in forests, agricultural fields or any rainfall and the lower the runoff (Rutter et al. 1971).

Paper No. JAWRA-18-0126-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received August 22, 2018; accepted
March 19, 2020. © 2020 American Water Resources Association. Discussions are open until six months from issue publication.
Postgraduate in Geography (Fern andez), and Department of Physical Geography, Institute of Geography (Trejo), National Autonomous
University of Mexico, Mexico City, MEX (Correspondence to Fern andez:
Citation: Fern
andez, T. and I., Trejo. 2020. "Rainfall Interception Based on Indirect Methods: A Case Study in Temperate Forests in
Oaxaca, Mexico." Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1–12.



Rainfall interception, particularly by forest cano- The proposed method allows for the assessment of
pies, is one of the principal components of the hydro- several factors in the rainfall interception process,
logic cycle (Limousin et al. 2008). Previous studies such as the differences between Gp and Np, Co with
have shown that rainfall interception varies from different forest types and the relationship between
10% to 50% of gross precipitation (Gp) (Zhang et al. the rainfall interception process and intensity. The
1999; Roth et al. 2007; Levia et al. 2011; Flores Ayala proposed method has economic and logistic advan-
et al. 2016) (see Appendix). Compared to other plant tages and is particularly suited for use in areas with
ecosystems, forests have higher rainfall interception limited fiscal resources in order to help manage water
(Calder 1998). Interception by forest canopies is and other natural resources.
important because it reduces the risk of landslides
and prevents soil softening (Morgan 2009). However,
the amount of rainfall that is intercepted can be
affected by forest type, the time of the year when METHODS
rainfall interception is measured, and the methods
used to evaluate rainfall interception (Cant u and
Gonza lez Rodrıguez 2002). Study Area
Various methods have been developed to estimate
the quantity of intercepted rainfall. The most com- Santa Marıa Yavesıa in Oaxaca, Mexico, is part of
mon models are based on models proposed by Rutter the Ixtl
an District in the North Mountain Range or
et al. (1971), Gash (1979), and Gash et al. (1995), Sierra Juarez and is located from 17°080 N to 17°160 N
which use parameters such as canopy storage capac- and 96°210 W to 96°280 W (INEGI 2005) (Figure 1).
ity, free throughfall (Th), a flow coefficient, and water Santa Marıa Yavesıa has a total area of 6,349 ha.
storage capacity in trunks and calculate rainfall coef- Most of this area (97%) is conifer and broad-leaved
ficients moving through the tree bark. Other studies temperate forests, and only 2% of the area is used for
consider information regarding net precipitation (Np) agriculture. Human settlement accounts for only 1%
and Gp, cortical flow, trunk and canopy evaporation, of the total area, with a population of 448 inhabitants
infiltration, and Th, which can be obtained using (INEGI 2010). The altitude ranges from 1,900 to
direct or indirect methods (Llorens et al. 1997). As 3,400 m a.s.l. (meters above sea level), and the aver-
these parameters are usually difficult to measure, age annual temperature ranges from 8.9°C in the
values obtained from the literature are often used to highest altitude area and 15.9°C in the lowest alti-
calculate rainfall interception (Zhang et al. 1999; Mir- tude area. The hottest months are April and May,
alles et al. 2010). Literature derived values are not the wettest period is from May to September, and the
reliable especially when the hydrometeorological con- coldest months are November, December and Jan-
ditions at the site vary widely from conditions where uary (INEGI 2005). Table 1 shows the dominant for-
the literature measurements were made (Llorens and est species per sample site.
Gallart 2000).
In this study, we aim to estimate rainfall intercep-
tion with indirect methods that estimate canopy Precipitation and Temperature Patterns in the Study
openness (Co) and free throughfall (Th) and direct Area
methods with rain gauges that measure net precipita-
tion (Np) and gross precipitation (Gp). We determined Information from two meteorological stations
Co using hemispherical photographs because it is an equipped with Vantage Pro sensors (Davis Instru-
easy, precise, fast, and noninvasive method (Breda ments Inc) were reviewed as part of this study. The
2003) that relies on free software to perform the instruments have an accuracy of () 0.05°C for out-
required photograph classification (Rich 1990; side temperatures and () >4% or 1 tip for daily rain-
Jarcuska et al. 2010). Precipitation events were clas- fall (DAVIS Instruments 2005). The stations are
sified according to their intensities based on the total located at 3,100 and 2,000 m a. s. l. and show the
rainfall quantity and the duration of each event influence of relief on precipitation patterns, with a
(Moncho et al. 2009). Equipment to measure cortical difference of 1,100 m between the high part of the
flow, evaporation rate, and other necessary parame- study area and the lowest part (where the town of
ters required by some interception models is gener- Santa Marıa Yavesıa is located). Data from January
ally not available in routine hydrological studies 2007 to December 2013 were analyzed for annual and
(Gash et al. 1995). A simplified indirect method of Th monthly precipitation, and minimum and maximum
measurement that is inexpensive and easy to repro- monthly temperatures served as the reference dataset
duce is therefore proposed here. (Figure 1).



FIGURE 1. Land use, weather stations, and sampling sites.

TABLE 1. Dominant species per sample site.

Davis rain gauges were used at the sample sites in
Sample Altitude, accordance with (WMO) standards (Jarraud 2008).
site m a.s.l. Forest type Dominant species Rain gauges were installed over a 1.1-m-tall base and
1 3,185 Coniferous Abies hickelii, Pinus
placed within wire filter meshes to prevent dust, pol-
forest ayacahuite, P. hartwegii len, insects, or leaf litter from entering. The gauges
2 3,006 Mixed forest P. ayacahuite, P. were 16.5 cm in diameter by 25 cm in height and
montezumae, P. Abies were fitted with an event recorder (HOBO). Each
hickelii, Quercus pulse of the gauge was equivalent to 0.25 mm of rain,
ocoteifolia, Q. laurina
3 2,339 Mixed forest P. pseudostrobus var.
and the pulse reader recorded information about each
apulcensis, P. lawsonii, Q. pulse of precipitation with its associated date and
crassifolia, Q. acutifolia time, as well as the ambient temperature each hour.
4 2,334 Broadleaved Q.crassifolia, Q. laeta, Q. Information was stored in the instrument’s internal
forests castanea, P. lawsonii memory and downloaded for further analyses. A one-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to
test for differences between the rain gauges below
Precipitation Data from Sample Sites the forest canopy to test for potential variation in the
sites. All analyses were performed with the statistical
Four sampling sites with different altitudes and software STATA v.12 (StataCorp 2011).
vegetation types were selected, and three rain gauges
were installed at each site. One rain gauge was
located outside the forest canopy to measure Gp, and Canopy Openness
the other two were located under the forest canopy to
measure Np. Vegetation at each site included conifer Canopy structure was defined as the quantity and
forests and a variety of mixed forests (see Table 1 organization of aboveground plant material, and the
and Figure 1). Data were collected from May 2012 to portion of the canopy that interfaces with radiant flux
November 2013 and were subjected to requisite qual- density, air temperature, soil temperature, air vapor
ity control and quality assurance checks. Erroneous pressure, leaf temperature, soil heat storage, wind
readings from the gauges were removed from further speed, rainfall interception, and leaf wetness duration
analyses. Periods of time when the devices were (Nobel and Forseth 1993). The two methods to mea-
unexpectedly unplugged or clogged were also noted. sure Co are direct and indirect: the direct method



considers the area, shape, angle, position, sheet size, known as total forest precipitation, is the water that
weight, etc. Some of these direct methods are inva- reaches the soil through runoff from leaves, branches
sive and include cutting branches, stems, and leaves, and trunks, as well as the rainfall that penetrates
which is often difficult to perform. Indirect methods through gaps in the canopy (Lopez 2002). Gap frac-
usually use hemispherical photography, which tion (Gf) is the probability (fraction) of no interception
employs a camera with a wide-angle lens to obtain a of light by the foliage (Welles and Cohen 1996). The
view from below the canopy looking upward. Inter- gap fraction considers a random distribution of leaves
pretation of these data requires special software and within the foliage, and the flux of light through the
algorithms (Norman and Campbell 1989a, b). canopy depends on the direction of the zenith and
Forest canopy structure was described here using azimuth angles. Co is the number of pixels considered
hemispherical photographs with a Canon EOS as the open sky in contrast to the unopen sky on the
Rebel digital camera equipped with a Sigma wide- hemispherical image (Welles and Cohen 1996; Frazer
angle lens (“fish-eye”). This kind of lens provides a et al. 1999). Th is defined as the quantity of precipita-
panoramic view (180°) that allows an estimation of tion that penetrates through gaps in the canopy and
Co, light penetration through the canopy, percent- moves through tree crowns to the forest floor (Daw-
age of clear sky and other parameters using special son and Simonin 2011; Trinh and Chui 2013) and
software for the interpretation (Rich 1990; Chi- was obtained from hemispherical photographs (Llo-
anucci and Cutini 2012). Eight hemispherical pho- rens and Gallart 2000; Lopez 2002; Link et al. 2004)
tographs were taken at a height of 1.20 m T can be defined as the following:
aboveground, with the camera always oriented
toward the north. The photographs were taken at Th ¼ Gf þ Co ; ð1Þ
the sample sites where rain gauges were located
under the forest canopy. Hemispherical photographs where Th = throughfall, Gf = gap fraction and
from August 2012 were used in this study. August Co = canopy openness.
is a rainy period, and during this period, there is a In this study, rainfall interception (RI) was evalu-
peak in temperate forest growth, providing the most ated as the difference between Gp and Np and Th
representative time period for capturing forest cano- (Lopez 2002; Flores Ayala et al. 2016). The equa-
pies (Jeong et al. 2011). Photographs were analyzed tion used for this is per event is as follows:
using the free software Gap Light Analyzer, which
provides specialized routines for extracting forest RI ¼ G p  N p  T h ; ð2Þ
canopy structure and gap light transmission from
hemispherical photos (Frazer et al. 1999; Promis where RI = rainfall interception, Gp = gross precipita-
and Cruz 2009) (Figure 2). tion, Np = net precipitation and Th = throughfall.

Throughfall and Rainfall Interception Precipitation Intensity

Rainfall interception was calculated based on Gp, Precipitation intensity (PI) is measured in rainfall
Np, and Th (Flores Ayala et al. 2016). Gp is defined as interception analyses to assess the amount of water
the water that reaches the soil surface, which is usu- that penetrates a forest canopy over a period of time.
ally measured in open areas that are free of any This depends mainly on two factors: Co and intensity
obstacles (Guevara-Escobar et al. 2007). Np, also of the event (Agassi and Levy 1991). The PI is the

FIGURE 2. Hemispheric photography example. Left original photograph, right interpreted photograph.



quantity of Gp that falls on a site per time unit (t) important to note that precipitation clearly decreased
(Moncho et al. 2009): in 2012 in the high elevation area and in 2013 in the
lower elevation area compared with the amount of
Gp precipitation in years 2007, 2008, and 2009 (Fig-
PIðtÞ ¼ ; ð3Þ
t ure 3). Figure 4a and 4b show average monthly tem-
perature and precipitation data during 2013 at
where PI = precipitation intensity, Gp = maximum higher elevation and lower elevation sites. These data
precipitation, t = time (24 h). were used as a reference between the weather station
In this study, PI was reclassified in accordance located in the study area and data obtained from rain
with the Spanish Federal Meteorological Agency gauges at the sample sites.
(AMET) guidelines, which classify intensity classes
(in mm/24 h) as weak (0.1–2), moderate (2.1–1.5),
strong (15.1–30), very strong (30.1–60), and torrential Gross and Net Precipitation at the Sample Sites
(>60) (Monjo 2010). A linear regression test was per-
formed to determine whether greater PI resulted in Rainfall (with a minimum of 0.25 mm of rain) was
less rainfall interception. All statistical analyses were noted for 159 days at Site 1, 168 days at Site 2,
performed using the statistical program STATA ver- 153 days at Site 3, and 123 days at Site 4 during
sion 12 (StataCorp 2011). The study hypothesizes a May 2012–November 2013.
correlation between rainfall interception and inten- As expected, Gp was greater than Np at all the
sity. To test this hypothesis, four regression equa- sites, but differences between sites were likely due to
tions were developed per site with Gp, net the altitude and type of forest (Figure 5). Differences
temperature (Nt), and rain gauge (Np) as variables. were found in Np from May 2012 to November 2013
between sites due to heterogeneous canopy cover
across sites, comparing annual precipitation from
rain gauges located inside the canopy. Site 1 showed
RESULTS 16% Np at both sites inside the canopy. Site 2 showed
clear differences between the Np of the two rain
gauges at 37% and 57% rainfall interception. Site 3,
Precipitation and Temperature Patterns in the Study Area also with mixed forest like Site 2, presented more
similarities between the two rain gauges located
The description of the precipitation and temperature within the canopy (18% and 26%). In contrast, Site 4
patterns in the study area is important as a reference showed relatively more variation in Np inside the
of these parameters to compare the results with those canopy (27% and 52%). To have a reference for Gp in
at rain gauge sites (which is presented in the next sec- the study area during 2013, monthly data from the
tion). It was found that the altitude directly affects pre- nearest meteorological station to each site were com-
cipitation and temperature patterns in the study area. pared to those obtained from rain gauges located out-
The highest part of the basin showed an average side the forest (Figure 5).
annual rainfall of 1,430 mm for 2007–2013, whereas An ANOVA was carried out to identify the differ-
the lower part of the basin had an average annual rain- ences between the two rain gauges located below the
fall of 833 mm in the same period. The rainiest year forest canopy using the data collected on Np from May
was 2010 at both stations, with 1,981 mm in the high 2012 to November 2013, and the data were significant
elevation area and 1,220 mm in the lower elevation at three sites. At Site 1, N = 477 (F = 6.87, p = 0.0011);
area. The driest year in both parts of the basin was at Site 2, N = 504 (F = 7.29, p = 0.0008); at Site 3,
2012, with 976 mm of rainfall in the highest area and N = 462 (F = 1.50, p = 0.2483); and at Site 4, N = 369
806 mm of rainfall in the lower area (Figure 3). The (F = 6.93, p = 0.0011). Differences in the F value con-
rainy season was clearly defined from May to October. firm the differences between both rain gauges located
The rainiest months were from June to September, below the forest canopy, confirming that although there
showing differences of up to 86 mm in the higher part are similar plant characteristics at each site where
of the area and 56 mm in the lower part of the area, there are rain gauges, there are differences between the
with September being the month with the highest rain- gauges since the canopy is not homogeneous.
fall in 2013 (see Figure 4a, 4b).
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures
at the high part of the study area were 9.4°C and Canopy Openness and Throughfall
8.4°C, respectively. In the lower parts of the study
area, the mean maximum and minimum tempera- We found that Co differed between the forest sites,
tures were 16.4°C and 15.1°C, respectively. It is as observed from the hemispherical photographs,



FIGURE 3. Annual precipitation for 2007–2013 (mm/year) from meteorological stations. Station 1: 3,100 m a.s.l.; Station 2: 2,000 m a.s.l.

FIGURE 4. (a) Temperature and precipitation in 2013 in the high part of the study area. Precip = monthly precipitation; TMax = maximum
monthly temperature in °C; TMin = minimum monthly temperature in °C. (b) Temperature and precipitation in 2013 in the low part of the
study area. Precip = monthly precipitation; Max = maximum monthly temperature in °C; Min = minimum monthly temperature in °C.

resulting in a high variability in Th across sites (Fig- associated with losses due to Th, vegetation, location,
ure 6). At Site 1, the Th ranged from 76% to 38% (the and precipitation. The mean values were approxi-
highest values of any of the sites). This site is an mately 53.17% for Site 1 (Abies forest), 40.1% for Site
Abies forest, where the branches are open and 2 (mixed forest), 24.09% for Site 3 (mixed forest), and
spaced, with acicular leaves that allow more holes in 27.5% for Site 4 (mainly broad-leaved forest). Site 1
the canopy. Site 2 also showed high Th, ranging from had the highest rainfall interception loss as well as
35% to 54%. This site is composed of mixed forests the most Th (Figure 7).
with acicular and broad leaves (oaks) and an abun-
dance of epiphytes (Bromeliaceae). The vegetation at
Site 3 is similar to that at Site 2, which explains why Rainfall Interception vs. Intensity
we found similar Th, with values ranging from 24%
to 27%. Finally, Th at Site 4, which is dominated by A positive linear correlation was noted between
oaks, ranged from 28% to 33% (Figure 6). rainfall interception and PI for all sites; that is,
higher intensity resulted in less interception (Fig-
ure 8). The results for Sites 1, 2, and 4 show that the
Rainfall Interception model explaining the interception was adequate
because the coefficient of determination, R2, was rea-
High variability was also noted across sites in sonably high and equal to 0.86, 0.78, and 0.78,
terms of rainfall interception, which was mainly respectively, implying that most of the variability in



FIGURE 5. Gp and Np and reference zone precipitation (mm/month for 2013). Gp corresponds to the rain gauge located outside the forest
canopy, Np corresponds to the two rain gauges located inside the forest canopy, and the reference precipitation corresponds to the nearest
meteorological station to each site.

FIGURE 6. Th percentage per site. Each bar represents values from the two rain gauges located at each forest site.

the model was explained by the selected variables. where there were 75% weak events, 24% moderate
All model coefficients were statistically significant at events, and 1% strong events.
a 95% confidence level (i.e., at a ≤ 0.05) (see Table 2).
According to the AMET PI classification range,
data from the reference stations show the following
results: Station 1 indicated 78% weak events, 20% SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
moderate events, and 2% strong events. Station 2
indicated 81% weak events, 18% moderate events,
and 1% strong events, providing a reference for rain- Precipitation in the study area was mainly
fall patterns in this area. Very strong or torrential explained by geographical location and altitude
events were not noted during the study period. Simi- differences. In comparison to the lower part of the
lar results were also recorded at the sample sites study area the higher part, showed differences in



FIGURE 7. Rainfall interception per site. Canopy 1 and Canopy 2 correspond to the two rain gauges located inside the forest.

FIGURE 8. Rainfall interception vs. intensity at each site.

precipitation and temperature by approximately comparison to other years, 2012 and 2013, when the
132 mm in monthly rain and 4.9°C in the warmest rain gauges were in operation at the sample sites,
month. However, it should be noted that in were atypical years in terms of precipitation



TABLE 2. OLS1 analysis results by site.

Site Coefficient V1 (SE) Coefficient V2 (SE) Coefficient V3 (SE) R2 N

Site 1 36.553 (0.728) 0.440 (0.245) 0.690 (0.266) 0.865 227

Site 2 20.626 (0.621) 0.403 (0.078) 0.321 (0.075) 0.788 336
Site 3 3.726 (0.519) 0.457 (0.157) 0.667 (0.216) 0.444 308
Site 4 7.157 (0.318) 0.260 (0.063) 0.008 (0.010) 0.7888 246

Note: V1, Rain gauge; V2, gross precipitation; V3, net temperature.
Ordinary least squares regression (OLS), commonly named linear regression.

(Figure 2). The intensity of the events (mm/24 h) As the intensity of precipitation increases, the
indicated that 80% of the events were weak, and very interception of rain is reduced, even if the site has
strong and torrential events were extremely rare. similar forest species. This may be because water
The differences in Co were mainly attributed to the falls through a canopy more quickly, allowing less
differences in tree species at each site, which in turn retention than during weak precipitation events. This
was influenced by leaf type, as well as the epiphytes may cause the canopy to retain more water and pro-
located on the trunks (Sites 2, 3, and 4). Site 1 was duce less runoff. It is important to note the impor-
the most open site, given that it is dominated by tance of the forest canopy in controlling soil erosion
Abies, whose physiognomic structure differs from that and other hazards. The forest canopy helps retain
of other species in the area. This type of tree has precipitation, preventing water from falling directly
long, thin branches, which is likely why the canopy is onto the soil and saturating it and thus reducing the
so open. All sites had less Np than Gp, allowing us to chance of landslides. This scenario highlights the
verify that the forest canopy reduces the amount of importance of the relationship between canopy cover
precipitation hitting the surface. This information and altitude. This information is relevant for under-
may be useful for other types of studies to evaluate standing forest ecology, the influence of several forest
runoff, soil protection, landslides, and land use species in an area, and their effect on the rainfall
change. interception process.
In this study, the average rainfall interception for Interception process at each site were controlled by
the Abies forest was 50.6%. This result is comparable four primary factors: Gp, Np, Co, and Th. The first
to the findings on an Abies forest in the United King- two aspects were influenced by physical factors such
dom, for which the average rainfall interception was as altitude, and the last two were affected by forest
48% (Rutter et al. 1975). Similarly, our results for type and seasonality. Although the sample sites have
the Pinus hartwegii forest, where we report 23% similar type of vegetation and the rain gauges were
average rainfall interception, match those of Flores all located with an average distance of 40 m between
Ayala et al. (2016), where 19.2% rainfall interception them at each site, the forest canopy showed differ-
was reported. Results from this study are also similar ences in openness, leading to greater Th and precipi-
to the results of previous studies where different tation and therefore a decrease in rainfall
methods were used on similar species (see Appendix). interception. The rainfall interception process may
However, a direct comparison cannot be made also be influenced by changes in temperature that
because the tree species are different between the occur inside and outside a forest canopy (Bonan
studies. The results of the rainfall interception 2008). A microclimate is probably generated under a
were comparable results obtained from other studies canopy, which makes evaporation different from sites
that have used different methods to measure this without a canopy (Davies-Colley et al. 2000). Simple
parameter. variables, such as Nt and Gp, which are easy to
Sites 2 and 3 have mixed forests that contain obtain, demonstrate the importance of the forest
aciculate leaves and broadleaf species; however, canopy in controlling the rainfall interception pro-
despite having similar arboreal species, precipitation cess.
at these sites is not the same. This may be Although it would be ideal to base the estimates of
explained by altitude. Site 3 is located 667 m lower rainfall interception on much more comprehensive
than Site 2, and this elevation difference causes dif- models such as those suggested by Rutter et al.
ferent patterns in precipitation and Co. This infor- (1971) and Gash (1979), it is often not possible to
mation is relevant for understanding forest ecology, obtain the variables needed for such models for a
the influence of several forest species and altitudi- number of reasons: accessibility, time, funding, secu-
nal differences in the area and their effect on the rity, and logistics. In this study, a methodology to
rainfall interception process. obtain the percentage of rainfall interception for



different types of forests in an accessible way was generated from the network of rain gauges and hemi-
presented. using values of Np and Gp, Co and Th that spherical photographs is easy to replicate in other
were obtained indirectly. Although from a theoretical areas and can serve as a check for other rigorous
standpoint, this model may be considered less rigor- models. Using the proposed methodology to measure
ous when compared to the Gash (1979) and Rutter interception will provide better knowledge of ecologi-
et al. (1971) models, the results are similar to those cal resources and their influence on the environment
of other studies which adds confidence to the pro- and greatly aid natural resource management in data
posed methodology. For example, Abies forests (50%), scarce regions of the world.
mixed forests (23%–40%), and broad-leaved forests
(27.4%) showed similar values to many studies in the
literature (see Appendix).
A rain gauge network provides a reliable system to APPENDIX
obtain Gp and Np inside and outside of the canopy.
TABLE A1. Rainfall interception for different study sites and vege-
The use of these variables was useful for the method
tation. Own elaboration.
presented in this study to compute rainfall intercep-
tion. However, the estimates of rainfall interception Interception
obtained using the proposed method can be further Vegetation Location (%) Author(s) (year)
reinforced by measuring other variables, such as
Pinus pinea France 27.6 Rapp and Romane
evapotranspiration and cortical runoff which provide (1968)
a complete picture of the interception process. Hemi- Quercus ilex France 31.3 Ettehad et al.
spheric photographs are an easy and effective method (1973)
for calculating the opening of forest canopies. These Pinus nigra United 35.3 Rutter et al.
photographs are easy to interpret using freely avail- Kingdom (1975)
Pseudotsuga United 39 Rutter et al.
able software and provide a cost-effective method that menziesii Kingdom (1975)
can be used to evaluate rain interception for different Abies United 48 Rutter et al.
types of forest, as well as to identify gaps where rain Kingdom (1975)
does not fall through the canopy and to the ground. Quercus robur United 18 Rutter et al.
Regarding the intensity–interception relationship, Kingdom (1975)
Pinus strobus Germany 32 Schr€oder (1985)
the results of the study suggest that the decrease in Rain forest Colombia 18.2 Veneklaas and
rainfall interception at Sites 1, 2, and 4 was related Van Ek (1990)
to the intensity of the rainfall events (Shachnovich Pinus radiata Australia 26.5 Pook et al. (1991)
et al. 2008). This means that if precipitation is Pinus sylvestris Spain 24 Llorens et al.
strong, then the water penetrates directly through (1997)
Pinus Mexico 19.2 Cantu and
the forest canopy, and if the PI is weak, then the pseudrostrobus Gonzalez
water is trapped in the canopy. This finding likely Rodrıguez (2002)
occurs because the Nt affects the interception process Quercus sp. Mexico 13.6 Cantu and
due to the presence of microclimates under the forest Gonzalez
canopy. These microclimates can be affected by the Rodrıguez (2002)
Matorral Mexico 8.2 Carlyle-Moses
amount of foliage, slope orientation, height above sea subinerme (2004)
level, or seasonality. Acacia Mexico 18 Cantu Silva and
The proposed method is sensitive to the amount of berlandieri Gonzalez
data that is available at the site. For example, Site 3 Rodrıguez (2005)
had a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.44 in rain- Acacia ridigula Mexico 15 Cantu Silva and
fall interception and PI. This low value may partly be Rodrıguez (2005)
explained by the inadequate amount of data acquired Diospyros texana Mexico 22 Cantu Silva and
during a month in the rainy season, indicating the Gonzalez
importance of adequate amounts of data to apply the Rodrıguez (2005)
methodology presented here. Pinus Mexico 15.8 Carlyle-Moses and
pseudostrobus, Price (2007)
The proposed methodology may be useful for deci- Q. canbyi, Q
sion makers in the fields of forestry, ecology, hydrol- laeta
ogy, and soil management because information about Quercus robur United 29 Herbst et al.
the amount and intensity of precipitation that is Kingdom (2008)
trapped in a forest canopy can be used in different Abies religiosa Mexico 26.1 Flores Ayala et al.
types of studies, such as those focused on landslides, Pinus hartwegii Mexico 19.2 Flores Ayala et al.
water balance modeling, infiltration, and physical–bi- (2016)
ological processes in forest canopies. The information



ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Etude Integree en Ecologie du Sol, edited by Y.R. Dommergues,

J. Balandreau, and F. Toutain, 195–288. Paris: CNRS.
This study is part of the “Social and environmental susceptibil- Flores Ayala, E., V. Guerra De la Cruz, G.H. Terrazas Gonz alez, F.
ity to extreme events and climatic change in the Papaloapan high Carrillo Anzures, F. Islas Gutierrez, M. Acosta Mireles, and E.
basin, Oaxaca” project, which was financed by the Research and Buendıa Rodrıguez. 2016. “Intercepcion de lluvia en bosques de
Technological Innovation Project Support Program (PAPIIT- monta~ na en la cuenca del rıo Texcoco, Mexico.” Revista mexi-
UNAM), project number: IN300312 and IN301118. To National cana de ciencias forestales 7 (37): 65–76.
Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT), for the economic Frazer, G.W., C.D. Canham, and K.P. Lertzman. 1999. Gap Light
scholarship granted to carry out the doctoral studies in Geography. Analyzer (GLA), Version 2.0: Imaging Software to Extract
We thank the authorities of the municipality of Santa Marıa Canopy Structure and Gap Light Transmission Indices from
Yavesıa, Oaxaca, for their support and facilities provided to this True-Colour Fisheye Photographs, User’s Manual and Program
project. We also thank the Laboratory of Instrumentation of the Documentation. Burnaby, BC; Millbrook, NY: Simon Fraser
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences from the National Autonomous University; Institute of Ecosystem Studies.
University of Mexico (CCA-UNAM) for specific adaptations of the Gash, J.H.C. 1979. “An Analytical Model of Rainfall Interception
rain gauges for this study, especially to engineers Manuel Garcıa by Forests.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Soci-
and Wilfrido Guti errez. Finally, we thank Adriana Caballero for ety 105 (443): 43–55.
her valuable help. Gash, J.H.C., C.R. Lloyd, and G. Lachaud. 1995. “Estimating
Sparse Rainfall Interception with an Analytical Model.” Journal
of Hydrology 170 (95): 79–86.
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