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Speaking Review

1. Why do some people buy brands while others dislike brands?

Is it important to have a strong brand?

Do you like to use products from famous brands?

Do luxury brands deserve their prices?

- It depends on their’s hobby, taste and behaviors. Some people are more likely to buy clothing
or consumer goods in the market than brand. It have a various stylish types and especially is
cheaper. Luxury brands always have a top- of – the – range products , that also means its
product have a exorbitant prices.

- For me , I am not a big fan of buying products in the well-known brand because in some
situation, their quality is not derseve their price. I have some bad experience when I use
products in famous brands so I don’t want to try buy it again.

2. Are there differences between men and women as leaders? Why have most leaders been men?

Do you prefer you boss to be a man or a woman?

- Women tend to have more cooperative and friendly when they leading a team, while men tend
to have a more ‘command and control style’.They’re more task’ oriented and directive,
whereas women are more democratic.
- Men are more likely to be chosen as leaders, because they had more assertive personalities
and thus spoke up more than women.
- For me, my leaders can be a man or a woman. Because I consider a good leaders not depends
on their ages, their abilities and skills that makes me impress and make them stand out in a

3. Discuss methods of advertising. Which ones would you select to promote a new product of
your company? Why do you decide on this method?

- I will using their hire endorsement. Because the good endorsements can help boost the image
of my firms. When I lauch a products, endorsement can have me appoarch a new market and
new customers. Hence, increasing my company’s profits. Moreover, product endorsements can
help my business be able to stand out and maybe can make products become have competitive
advantage compared to same products in other firms. Changing consumer attitudes abouts my
company’s products, because endorsements can create people’s trust, makes products more
trustworthy. So, in the long time, consumers can become to customer loyalty in my products.

- Social networking website are more and more popular today. KOLs have a significantly
influenced for people’s trust. So , it is not bad choices.

4. “You have to change to survive”. To what extent do you agree with this saying?

Because everything will change over the time. It maybe outdate or advance but ensure it will

5. “People should retire at 50.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Not at all. There are some many advantage of ..

+ have time to enjoy life , have enough money to pay fee for life => reduce stress and have more
time to chill out with family

A healthy lifestyle

+ Still disadvantage :

- feeling boredom

- you not saveing enough

6. What makes a good leader? Discuss with your partners.

- have skill – technogical skill, ….

- keep pease between each members in a group

7. “The role of women in business is no longer an issue.” Discuss to what extent this is true in
your country.

-Vietnamese women play an increasingly important role in the nation's development, especially
at present and in the future. When we look back at the development of Vietnamese society,
particularly economic development, women hold a key position, as they directly participate in
the national labour force and in paid labour. For instance, in agriculture - one of the country's
key sectors - women make up some 70 per cent of the labour force, and in production alone, they
make up not a modest workforce in export-oriented industries, such as garment and textile,
footwear, light industry, and seafood processing.

8. Discuss the trade barriers and the reasons for trade barriers. Is free trade always the best thing?

-A barrier to trade is a government-imposed restraint on the flow of international goods or services.

- often enacted to protect industries and workers within a country . For example, tarriffs, quotas and
lisence make foreign goods more expensive and less available.

- Trade restrictions may still exist today. But, it had been much less than before. The increasing role
of multinational companies and international institutions (such as the WTO) erodes these barriers.

Not good if government free all tax because tax protecting established domestic industries from
foreign competitor and securing domestic employment and income.

9. Which brand interests you most? What image and qualities does it have?

- I’m a big fan of using Samsung’s product. About the image, it is a well- known brand and is a
directly competitor with Apple. It have a advertising I can learnt. Samsung will jump together to
attract you , have a clear mission, vision and core value for people.

- various stylish phone , the range of phone makes people have more choice when they buy a

- advanced with more function , durable

Consumer goods such as washing machine or regrigerator

10. Why do you think some people dislike brands? Why do people buy brand? Question1

11. Can you give some examples of successful and unsuccessful brand stretching?

-A successful brand helps a company enter new product categories more easily.
For example, Nike is a company whose main product is shoes. Currently, Nike uses its brand to
promote and trade many other sporting goods, including football, basketball, sportswear, golf
equipment, etc. Nike is a company whose main product is shoes.
The Kubus brand has undergone a very successful brand extension from children juice drink to
another drinkable products.
* Examples of unsuccessful brand extensions:- 1. In case of new Coke, Coca Cola has forgotten
what the core brand was meant to stand for. It thought that taste was the only factor that
consumer cared about. It was wrong. The time and money spent on research on new Coca Cola
could not evaluate the deep emotional attachment to the original Coca- Cola

12. What action can companies take if they start to lose their market share?

-There are three key strategies that companies often use to regain market share once it has been
lost: pricing changes, promotional changes, and product changes. All three strategies have
unique benefits and all are risky for different reasons.

13. Which of the situations would you find more difficult to deal with: changing your job and
moving a house?

-moving a house more difficult to deal with

-    moving is often a tedious and frustrating process, as many items must be packed in boxes for
transportation., then arrange of it into new room.

Thing to do before moving => I’m not have intested in with plan something before

- find the new house, consider the work whether or not near by my new house

The items we usually take for granted can become major hazards when we’re in a rush to pack
and move

Items are missing in the transportation

Settle all paperwork before the big day including your unpaid utility bills, invoices and
administration related to moving to the new house.

14. Which has been the most significant change in your life so far?

- learning my current major in FPT university

15. How do you understand this quotation “if you want things to stay as they are, things will
have to change”?

-It might be saying that, to keep things the way they are (i.e. not to let them get any worse),
people (either a certain group being referred to or mankind as a whole) should change the way
they operate. In other words, things don't stay the same but constantly deteriorate unless you
make an effort (work) to keep the existing state (i.e. a life form must find food to survive, a
building must be regularly repaired not to crumble down, tribesmen must defend themselves not
to be enslaved by another tribe, etc). The quotation seems to say the situation is worsening
because "people" are not doing enough, and that they have to change their current ways to keep
things under control. So in this interpretation, the first "things" means how things are (the
current condition of life), and the second what people are doing now to control their destiny. It's
just the impression I got from reading it for the first time, so I could very well be wrong.

16. Would you like to work for a multinational company? Why or why not?

Can you give some examples?

Working in a multicultural environment. You work together with people from different countries
with different backgrounds. This culturally diverse work environment gives you new insights
and is good for your language skills. This kind of environment also offers  the right preparation
for an  international career. If you would like to work abroad, a job at a multinational company
can give you the confidence you lacked to make this dream come true. You build up an
international network and you can experience "on the job" whether this environment is
something for you, without having to move first.

For example, when you learning a FPT university, you always have opportunity to experience a
short-term education about english. It is a good point for your cv when you apply a job

Apple's special policy helps employees work with peace of mind

17. Would you like to work for a company where the headquarters make the major decisions or
for one in which regional offices are given considerable decision-making power?

The question raised in the statement is of vital importance, especially in the times we live now.
As far as I am concerned, working for a bigger and more powerful company with a headquater
will be more beneficial. The reason why I would chose this option is clearly the possibility of
being more independent and, what is even more important in my case, the bigger and more
influential companies are in the higher position on the market. Therefore, the income would be
substantially better. The next purpose is that big companies works on on the established rules,
they are not allowed to breach the deals which they had made with other companies. Because of
that mutual dependance, the rules are clearly established and there is no room for
misunderstandings and blemishings of any sort. Moreover, the bigger the company, the better
and more stable its position on the market. The consequence is that almost all the decision are
made irrespective of the smaller, minor companies which have to adapt the terms of cooperation
if they happen to cooperate in any sphere.

18. Do you agree with this statement: People remember advertisements, not the products?

No. Effective advertising reaches potential customers and informs them of your products or
services. Ideally, advertising should capture the prospective customers attentions attention and
entice them to use your product. Regardless of the method, all your advertising should be clear
and consistently reflect the unique positioning statement of your business.

Word of mouth is a type of advertising

19. Do you agree with this statement: advertisement has a bad influence on children?

Can you give some examples?

What characterizesthe abusiveness of advertising aimed at children is mainly the fact that it
takes advantage of the naiveté of children in order to sell products and services. Because of the
fact that the majority of children believe what they see and hear, they also believe that the
product or service advertised will actually provide the benefits and pleasures that advertising
promises. Even though it is something absolutely unreal and impossible to be realized. An adult
can understand that an advertised tennis brand will not make him/her as famous and rich as the
sports star acting in the television commercial. A child, by its turn, will desire the product due to
the belief that, for example, he/she will have a distinguished power upon eating the chocolate; or
will enter an enchanted world if they bought the particular product. It is, therefore, an unequal
game, in which who advertises to children knows what they are doing, while the children do not
know exactly what they are buying.Digital advertisements are increasingly targeting children
when they play games, go on social media, use apps, and in the many other ways that children
access the internet. These ads may harm children by leading to childhood obesity, hurt their
self-image, and increase use of tobacco products, marijuana and alcohol.

20. Can you give an example of a viral campaign you have read about?

-When people got stuck at home due to  Covid-19, that's when Zoom came up with a great social
media campaign contest and giveaway.

Zoom, a video conferencing platform, had come up with a Virtual Background Competition in
March 2020. It had introduced the monthly competition for remote workers. They could share
videos or pictures using zoom’s virtual background feature. A monthly competition with three
prizes per month.

How did Zoom perform? Over 50,000 people signed just to take part in the competition. Another
great thing was customer value-added service. This campaign brought new people to Zoom and
got them to explore different features. A good way to make sure customers learn and recommend

This campaign became the most successful viral marketing campaign on social media in the year

21. What factors do you think are important for getting a job? Why?

- knowledge / skill/ characteristics and core value

22. If you have to change your job, what method would you use to find a new one?

- social networking platform

-Networking is one of the most important components of job searching, and it's one of the top
ways job seekers can get hired. Whether it's networking in-person or online, or using social
media to grow your career, there are many ways social networking can help you get hired.

Many employers will placejob advertisements on Facebook. You can find these opportunities by
searching for “Jobs on Facebook” in the search window on the site. However, the greatest value
of Facebook is the opportunity to solicit the assistance of your contacts with your job search.

Instagram is a good way to establish your personal brand while demonstrating your social
media skills and enhancing your overall digital presence. It's also a smart way to glean
information and insights about a company where you might want to work.

23. Do you agree with this saying: At work, appearance is more important than performance?

No. It depends on each stage or position you apply.

For example, when you attend interview , appearance is a important factor can make impress
for their employer.

But when you work daily, performance is the most crucial factor.

In conclusion, appearance or performance should be a mixture of factors so that the company

achieves its objectives through an excellent human talent.

24. How has the role of women in business changed?

Women have made enormous strides in the business world today. Some are CEOs of Fortune
500 companies while others own medium and small enterprises. Their participation in the
workforce is indicative of the degree of advancement that women have undergone over the past
century. Better educational opportunities, strong antidiscrimination legislation and positive
attitudes towards the female gender have contributed to these advancements.

A lot has changed for women in business in recent decades: more women in leadership roles
than ever before, and more equity and progress being made to close the pay gap. Even so, there
is still much more to be done to create a fair,  diverse and equal opportunity environment for
women in the workplace.

25. Do you agree with this sentence: International markets create unemployment and lead to job
losses in richer countries? Why or why not

International markets have both of postitive and negative impact for labours

26. Do you agree with this sentence: International markets promote higher standards of living,
working conditions, technology, education, etc.? Why or why not

Raising standards of living

Higher incomes are one of the signs to rising standards of living, there are, however many more
aspects to the standards of living of an individual, one reason is education. Education does not
only let the workforce become more productive but also increases the ability of the individual to
enjoy and appreciate their culture. Another example such as working. Access to working does
not only provides an income but also provides self-esteem and purpose of working. Rising living
standards are also linked to the ability of people to contribute in society. The poor are not given
that opportunity as they do not have the income to buy.

27. Your government is very much in favor of protectionism. They are afraid that importing less
expensive goods from abroad will hurt industries and small businesses at home. Are you for or
against this policy?

-Advantages of Protectionism

 More growth opportunities: Protectionism provides local industries with growth

opportunities until they can compete against more experienced firms in the international
 Lower imports: Protectionist policies help reduce import levels and allow the country to
increase its trade balance.
 More jobs: Higher employment rates result when domestic firms boost their workforce
 Higher GDP: Protectionist policies tend to boost the economy’s GDP due to a rise in
domestic production

 Limited choices for consumers: Consumers have access to fewer goods in the market as a
result of limitations on foreign goods.
 Increase in prices (due to lack of competition): Consumers will need to pay more without
seeing any significant improvement in the product.
 Economic isolation: It often leads to political and cultural isolation, which, in turn, leads to
even more economic isolation.

Related Readings

28. Do you think great leaders are born or made? Why?

Recent scientific studies suggest that leadership is 30% genetic and 70% learned. These findings
propose that leaders are made not born. Ultimately, the answer is that both are true: a person
can be born with natural leadership abilities, and someone can learn how to be a good leader
at work.

29. What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow them
while managers have people who work for them. A successful business owner needs to be both
a strong leader and manager to get their team on board to follow them towards their vision of

Leaders create a vision, managers create goals.Leaders paint a picture of what they see as
possible and inspire and engage their people in turning that vision into reality. They think
beyond what individuals do. They activate people to be part of something bigger. They know that
high-functioning teams can accomplish a lot more working together than individuals working
autonomously. Managers focus on setting, measuring and achieving goals. They control
situations to reach or exceed their objectives.

30. What qualities do you think good leaders possess? Why?

Good leaders possess self-awareness, garner credibility, focus on relationship-building, have a bias
for action, exhibit humility, empower others, stay authentic, present themselves as constant and
consistent, become role models and are fully present.

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