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2019학년도 제( 1 )학기 중간고사 □ 실시일자 : 4월 30일

코드 문항 ■선택형: 1 번 ~ 20 번 ( 20 문항)
과목 영어Ⅰ 번호 06 학년 2 공통
번호 ■서술형: 서술1번 ~서술 6번 (6 문항)
1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
틀린 것
적절하지 않은 것은? (정답 2개) (3.8점) 바르게 고친 표현
( )
No one wants to fail. We all want to succeed in
everything we try and to avoid failure. Nonetheless, ( )
failing and learning from our bitter experiences is ①needless
for success. In fact, the most successful people are often
people who have experienced many more failures than
others. One of the most famous examples of someone
who learned from failure was Thomas Edison. He 2. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?(3.0점)
was one of the world’s greatest inventors, and he Sometimes failure can lead us to success by
acquired over 1,000 ②patents. Like a wizard, he showing us that we are not good at something.
seemed to take ideas from thin air. However, he The fashion designer Vera Wang, for example, found
also faced ③enormous difficulties. Edison is said to a path to success, thanks to her failure. At the age
have failed 9,999 times before creating a perfect of seven, she began devoting herself to figure
light bulb. Unlike the ④average person, Edison saw skating, hoping to compete in the Olympics. When
these mistakes not as failures but as an ⑤evitable she was 19, however, she failed to make the U.S.
part of the invention process. In response to a Olympic team and quit figure skating. She
question about his errors, he once said, “I have not experienced a brutal letdown. While staying in Paris,
failed 9,999 times. I’ve successfully found 9,999 she happened to discover her passion for and talent
ways that will not work.” Of course, he was right. in fashion design, which led her to move to fashion
He was able to achieve success after failing as a career. After returning to America, she started
repeatedly. working as a salesperson in a clothing store.
Developing her career from editor of a fashion
magazine to design director for a global brand for
[서술형 1] 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 2개 골라 번호를 about 20 years, she eventually ended up designing
쓰고 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.(4점, 각 2점) clothes on her own. Today, Vera Wang is a
These failures can not only motivate us to find a world-famous designer whose elegant dresses are
successful way to accomplish our goal ①but also to sought after by celebrities the world over.
help us grow in wisdom and in spirit. Toni Morrison
②began writing when she was in college, but she ① 패션 디자이너인 베라왕은 그녀가 한 실패 덕분에 성
did not produce ③anything good enough to publish 공으로 향한 길을 발견했다.
for many years. Her troubled marriage, divorce, and ② 베라왕은 어린나이에 올림픽 피겨스케이팅 팀원으로
life as a single mother made it even harder for her 활약했지만 부상을 당해서 그만 두었다.
to write. At 39, she published her first novel, The ③ 베라왕은 파리에 있는 동안 패션디자인에 대한 열정
Bluest Eye, ④that receiving mixed reviews and did 과 재능을 발견하여 패션업계에 진출했다.
not sell well. However, ⑤all her hardships added ④ 미국으로 돌아온 후, 베라왕은 옷 가게 판매원, 패션
depth to her novels and encouraged her to improve 잡지 편집자와 디자인 총괄자로 활약했다.
her writing skills. Later in her life, Morrison wrote ⑤ 베라왕이 디자인한 자체 브랜드의 드레스들은 전 세
masterpieces such as Song of Solomon, Beloved, 계 유명 인사들에게 인기가 있다.
and Jazz. In 1993, she became the first
African-American woman to receive the Nobel Prize
in Literature.

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삼각산고등학교 2019-1학기 중간고사 2 학년 공통과정 과목명: 영어Ⅰ
이 시험문제의 저작권은 삼각산고등학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권법에 의거
처벌될 수 있습니다.
[선택형 3-4] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 4. 윗글의 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는
낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? (3.8점)
Still, wouldn’t it be even better if we could be
successful without ever failing? We may think so, but
(A) (B) (C)
in the end, performing without failure doesn’t ① origination significant functions
necessarily produce lasting success. ② organization significant malfunctions
( ① ) All success with no failure often leads a
③ organization insignificant functions
person to arrogance and carelessness. As a result,
④ origination insignificant functions
the always successful person or (A)[origination/
⑤ organization insignificant malfunctions
organization] could suddenly encounter a disaster.
Between the 1960s and the 1980s, NASA, the U.S.
agency in charge of researching and exploring
5. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한
space, completed one successful mission after
another with no (B)[significant/ insignificant] failure.
Edison, Morrison, and Wang all suffered big
( ② ) In 1968, it launched Apollo 8, the first
failures, but they never gave up. They learned from
manned spacecraft to fly around the moon. In 1969,
their mistakes and went on to experience even
Apollo 11 landed on the moon, and the NASA
greater triumphs. Like many successful people, we
astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person in
should view failure not as the opposite of success,
history to walk on the moon. ( ③ )
but as an to reach success.
During the following years, NASA successfully sent
After all, the only way to avoid failures is to do
five other rockets to the moon. Even when the
nothing. J.K. Rowling said that suffering many
oxygen tank in Apollo 13 exploded on its way to the
failures in her life eventually enabled her to write the
moon in 1970, its entire crew was rescued, and they
Harry Potter series. She remarked, “Failure taught me
were able to return home safely. ( ④ ) In 1986,
things about myself that I could have learned no
NASA planned to send its second space shuttle,
other way.” By risking and confronting failures and
Challenger, into orbit. Right before the launch,
learning from them, we can become wiser and
engineers expressed concerns about mechanical
(C)[functions/ malfunctions] and advised that the
launching be postponed. However, NASA managers
① ineffective learning process
did not take their warnings seriously and launched
② only way to avoid mistakes
Challenger as planned. ( ⑤ ) Challenger broke apart
③ indispensable step on the path
73 seconds after it was launched, which resulted in
④ unnecessary life-time suffering
the deaths of its seven crew members.
⑤ undesirable experience on its way

6. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 의미상 적절하지 않은 것은?

3. 윗글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
① After traveling around the world she ended up
writing a book about her experience.
② A vegetarian diet may consequently result in
This continued series of successes made the protein deficiency.
decision-makers at NASA too self-assured and ③ The student came up with a novel way of
unable to imagine failure. memorizing English words.
④ The police were urged to rescue a thorough
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ investigation into his death.
⑤ The news generated a tremendous number of hits
in Internet traffic.

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삼각산고등학교 2019-1학기 중간고사 2 학년 공통과정 과목명: 영어Ⅰ
이 시험문제의 저작권은 삼각산고등학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권법에 의거
처벌될 수 있습니다.
7. 다음 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 표 [선택형 8-9] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
현으로 가장 적절한 것은? (3.4점)
Kim Whanki, one of the most beloved Korean
When Steve Jobs went to college, his parents, artists, is considered the leading figure in the first
(A)[who / they] were not rich, could not afford to generation of Korean Abstract painters. ( ① ) He is
pay for the school. As a result, he had to drop out. more than just that, however. ( ② ) All his life, he
Nevertheless, he kept taking calligraphy class, devoted himself to discovering the essence of
(B)[where / which] dealt with what made letters Korean beauty. (A)___________, he was a man who
beautiful and easy to read. Though he did not never ceased to challenge himself and grow as an
know, this class had a great effect later on his life. artist. ( ③ ) Kim Whanki was born in 1913, on a
He utilized (C)[what / which] he learned in the class small island in South Jeolla Province. ( ④ ) During
when he designed a personal computer, which was the Japanese occupation, he spent most of his
the first computer to have various types of letters. adolescent years in Seoul and then studied painting
in Japan. ( ⑤ ) After Korea achieved its
(A) (B) (C) independence from Japan, he became both a
① who ... where ... what promising painter and respected professor at an art
② who ... which ... which college in Seoul. When the Korean War broke out in
③ who ... which ... what 1950, he went to Busan for safety. His paintings
④ they ... where ... which Shanty and Refugee Train portrayed the hard life of
⑤ they ... which ... which the common people during wartime. (B)___________,
these paintings are not depressing images. Bright
colors and simple lines show hope for life among
people who did not give in to their difficult
[서술형 2] 다음 주어진 우리말에 적합하게 <보기>의
단어를 모두 사용하여 어법에 맞는 문장으로 (A), (B)를
완성하시오.(필요시 단어 형태를 변형 하거나 중복해서 8. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장
사용할 것) (6점, 각 3점) 적절한 곳은? (3.3점)

<우리말> It was during this time that he became familiar

with new trends in Western art, including Abstract
이 건축물은 9세기에 세워져 수년 동안 감옥으로 사용 painting.
되었던 것으로 추정된다.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤

use / be / estimate / build / have / to

9. 윗글의 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

⇨ This architecture is (A) ___________ _______
________ _________ ____________ in the 9th century
(A) (B)
and (B) _________ ________ ________ ___________ as
① However Moreover
a prison for years. ② Furthermore Nevertheless
③ Besides As a result
④ In addition Eventually
⑤ Just as On the other hand

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삼각산고등학교 2019-1학기 중간고사 2 학년 공통과정 과목명: 영어Ⅰ
이 시험문제의 저작권은 삼각산고등학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권법에 의거
처벌될 수 있습니다.
[선택형 10-11] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 11. 다음 일기에서 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 문장은?
Returning to Seoul after the war, Kim Whanki felt a Dear, Diary
strong desire to capture the essence of the beauty
found in traditional Korean art. He collected old I went to Whanki museum yesterday. Here are
Korean paintings and pottery. He especially loved interesting facts about him and his art. ①As soon
large white porcelain moon jars. When he was asked as he returned to Seoul after the war, he
why he (A)[attracted/was attracted] to moon jars so established himself as the first pure abstract painter in
much, he said, “Korean jars have broadened my Korea. ② Especially, he was into the porcelain moon jars,
idea of beauty. The jars are like curious textbooks which inspired him to broaden his idea of beauty. ③He was
for my paintings.” Along with jars, he often included not the type of person who was satisfied with his
mountains, plum blossoms, and the moon as success only in Korea, so he moved to Paris. ④Living
subjects in his paintings. Paintings like Jars and abroad provided him with the chance of developing
Plum Blossoms and Jar and Moon his abstract art style. ⑤Art critics complimented his
(B)[represent/represents] his love of Korean pottery work Song of Eternity.
and other traditional objects. At the time, his
painting style was semi-abstract; viewers could see
certain forms in his paintings although the objects
were simplified. 12. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
By the early 1950s, although Kim Whanki had (3.3점)
become successful as an artist, he was not satisfied
Kim Whanki returned to Seoul in 1959 and
with being an outstanding painter only within Korea.
quickly regained his fame as a prominent artist.
In 1956, he resigned from the college and went to
Paris, where he lived for three years. He
concentrated on delivering the beauty of traditional
(A) Life in New York was not easy. In the beginning,
Korean objects on canvas to the people of France.
he received negative reviews from critics. Once an
During this period, objects were given more
art dealer lied to him and sold his paintings without
(C)[simplifying/simplified] shapes, and his art
paying him.
became more abstract. In his famous work Song of
Eternity, he included natural objects from the
(B) In 1963 at the age of 50, he became the first
sipjangsaeng, the 10 symbols of eternal life, such as
Korean artist to be invited to the São Paulo Art
water, stones, mountains, clouds, and pine trees. It
Biennale in Brazil. Meeting artists from all over the
was praised by art critics for combining Asian
world and seeing their works, he decided to go
concepts and ideals with abstraction.
directly from São Paulo to New York to challenge
himself and extend his artistic boundaries.

10. 윗글의 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로

(C) On another occasion, a group of paintings were
가장 적절한 것은? (3.8점)
lost during an exhibition. With loneliness and financial
difficulty, he tried to find a way to survive in New
(A) (B) (C) York as an artist.
① attracted represent simplified
② attracted represents simplifying ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ was attracted represent simplifying ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
④ was attracted represents simplifying ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
⑤ was attracted represent simplified

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삼각산고등학교 2019-1학기 중간고사 2 학년 공통과정 과목명: 영어Ⅰ
이 시험문제의 저작권은 삼각산고등학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권법에 의거
처벌될 수 있습니다.
[선택형 13, 서술형3] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 14. 밑줄 친 부분 중 의미상 어색한 표현은? (3.3점)

During his 11 years in New York, Kim Whanki’s ① Most parents devote themselves to taking care of
style eventually reached complete abstraction. He their children.
gradually took away figures and filled his canvases ② We should give in to the difficulty we encounter
with basic elements such as dots and lines. His in life to succeed.
masterpiece, Where, in What Form, Shall We Meet ③ The university has continually produced many
Again?, completed in 1970, (A)___________ thousands prominent artists today.
of blue dots. The title was (B)__________ from a ④ As he gets older, he longs for his homeland
famous poem by Kim Kwangsup, which is about more and more.
looking at the stars and longing for loved ones. Kim ⑤ The movies directed by him never cease to
Whanki explained, “The dots are the faces of all my amaze me.
friends in Korea. The faces I was longing for
became the stars in my mind and the dots in my
painting.” Starting with that work, he began to [서술형4] ⓐ~ⓖ 중 어법상 틀린 것을 3개 찾아 올바르
use only dots and created his own unique style 게 고쳐 쓰시오. (6점, 각 2점)
(C)__________ “dot painting.” In dot paintings, he
filled big canvases with countless dots. Most of ⓐ The exhausting man sat down to rest after
these paintings were in his characteristic blue tones, finishing his first marathon.
which represented the color of the sea near his ⓑ Most people invited to the party looking happy.
hometown. ⓒ I am not sure how long it takes to come to
Europe via Turkey.
ⓓ The landscape described in the book reminded
him of his hometown.
13. 주인공에 대한 내용으로 알맞지 않은 것은? (2.8점) ⓔ Simply observing someone is not enough to know
what kind of personality the person has.
① 큰 화폭을 수많은 점들로 채웠다. ⓕ The government needs to make a strict law
② 그의 걸작 제목은 유명한 시에서 가져온 것이다. restricting the use of plastic bags.
③ 그의 그림의 점들은 그의 친구들을 나타낸 것이다. ⓖ We were not informed when would the package
④ 뉴욕에 사는 동안 그의 화풍은 완전한 추상주의에 도달했다. arrive at the destination.
⑤ 형상은 계속 유지하되 점과 선 같은 기본적인 요소를

틀린 부분 → 올바른 표현
[서술형3] 윗글의 (A)~(C)에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 <보기>
에서 골라 문맥에 맞게 완성하시오. (3점, 각 1점) (A) →

(B) →
(필요할 경우 어형변화 할 것)
(C) →
cover with / call / take

(A) :

(B) :

(C) :
5 8
삼각산고등학교 2019-1학기 중간고사 2 학년 공통과정 과목명: 영어Ⅰ
이 시험문제의 저작권은 삼각산고등학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권법에 의거
처벌될 수 있습니다.
15. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? (3.8점) 17. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 문맥상 어색한 것은? (3.6점)

I am sure you have heard something like, “You can Sometimes a person is acclaimed as “the greatest”
do anything you want, if you just persist long and because there is little basis for comparison. For
hard enough.” ①Perhaps you have even made a example, violinist Jan Kubelik was acclaimed as “the
similar assertion to motivate someone to try harder. greatest” during his first tour of the United States,
Of course, words like these sound good, but surely but when impresario Sol Hurok brought him back to
they cannot be true. ②Few of us can become the the United States in 1923, several people thought
professional athlete, entertainer, or movie star we that he had slipped a little. However, Sol Elman, the
would like to be. ③Environmental, physical, and father of violinist Mischa Elman, thought ①differently.
psychological factors widen our potential and play He said, “My dear friends, Kubelik played the
an important role in our lives. ④“Trying harder” Paganini concerto tonight as ②splendidly as ever he
cannot substitute for talent, equipment, and method, did. Today you have a different ③standard. You
but this should not lead to despair. ⑤Rather, we have Elman, Heifetz, and the rest. All of you have
should attempt to become the best we can be within developed and grown in artistry, technique, and,
our limitations. We try to find our niche. By the time above all, in knowledge and ④appreciation. The
we reach employment age, there is a finite range of point is: you know ⑤less; not that Kubelik plays less
jobs we can perform effectively. well.”
* acclaim: 칭송하다 ** impresario: 기획자, 단장

16. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가

장 적절한 곳은? (3.7점)
[서술형5] 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)의 뜻이 되도록 <보기>
In fact, koalas spend little time thinking; their
의 주어진 단어들을 모두 사용하여 배열하시오. (6점)
brains actually appear to have shrunk over the
(단어를 추가하거나 형태를 바꿀 수 없음.)
last few centuries.

If there’s one thing koalas are good at, it’s sleeping.

The practice of medicine has meant the average age
( ① ) For a long time many scientists suspected
to which people in all nations may expect to live is
that koalas were so lethargic because the
higher than it has been in recorded history, and (A)
compounds in eucalyptus leaves kept the cute little
한 개인이 그 어느 때 보다 심각한 질병에서 살아남을
animals in a drugged­out state. ( ② ) But more
더 나은 기회가 있다 such as cancers, brain tumors
recent research has shown that the leaves are
and heart diseases. However, longer life spans mean
simply so low in nutrients that koalas have almost
more people, worsening food and housing supply
no energy. ( ③ ) Therefore they tend to move as
little as possible — and when they do move, they
often look as though they’re in slow motion. ( ④ )
They rest sixteen to eighteen hours a day and spend <보기>
most of that unconscious. ( ⑤ ) The koala is the survive / opportunity / there is / disorders / a better
/ than ever/ for / an individual / to / serious
only known animal whose brain only fills half of its

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

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삼각산고등학교 2019-1학기 중간고사 2 학년 공통과정 과목명: 영어Ⅰ
이 시험문제의 저작권은 삼각산고등학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권법에 의거
처벌될 수 있습니다.
18. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 문법적으로 틀린 것은? (3.8점) ④ 컴퓨터는 맞는 말인지에 대해 의견을 제시하지 않을 것이다.
⑤ 컴퓨터가 읽어주는 것도 편집이나 교정에 도움을 줄 수 있다.
One of the first things I did in each classroom in
South Milwaukee was to draw a diagram of the students’
desks, labelled with their names, as an aid to ①recognizing
them. At lunch in the first grade classroom the first day I [서술형6] 다음 글 빈칸 (A)에 주어진 우리말에
was present, a group of students came over, saw the 적합하게 <보기>의 주어진 단어를 한번 씩만 사용하여
diagram, and began ②finding their names on my picture. 문장을 만드시오. (5점)
One said, “Where’s your name?” and was not ③satisfied (문법과 의미에 맞게 단어를 변형하시오)
until I included a sketch of the chair by the bookcase
where I was sitting, labelled with my name. It had not When a child experiences painful, disappointing, or
occurred to me that I needed to ④include: after all, I scary moments, it can be overwhelming, with intense
knew where I was sitting, and knew my name. But to emotions and bodily sensations flooding the right
her, my presence in the classroom was the newest, brain. When this happens, we as parents can help
most noteworthy thing that had occurred that day, bring the left hemisphere into the picture so that the
and it was logical to include me. Her point of view child can begin to understand what’s happening.
was different from mine, and ⑤resulted in a different One of the best ways to promote this type of
diagram of the classroom. integration is to help retell the story of the
frightening or painful experience. Bella, for instance,
was nine years old when the toilet overflowed when
she flushed, and the experience of watching the
19. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? (3.3점) water rise and pour onto the floor left her unwilling
It can be helpful to read your own essay aloud to to flush the toilet afterward. When Bella’s father,
hear how it sounds, and it can sometimes be even Doug, learned about the “name it to tame it”
more beneficial to hear someone else read it. Either technique, he sat down with his daughter and retold
reading will help you to hear things that you the story of the time the toilet overflowed. He
otherwise might not notice when editing silently. If allowed her to tell as much of the story as she
you feel uncomfortable having someone read to you, could and helped to fill in the details. (A)
however, or if you simply don’t have someone you .
can ask to do it, you can have your computer read
your essay to you. Granted, it’s not quite the same
thing, and the computer is not going to tell you
when something doesn’t “sound right.” The <우리말>
computer also won’t stumble over things that are 그 이야기를 여러 번 되풀이 한 뒤에야, 벨라의 두려움
awkward — it will just plow right on through. But 은 줄어들었고 결국에는 사라졌다
hearing the computer read your writing is a very
different experience from reading it yourself. If you <보기>
have never tried it, you might find that you notice after / and / away / Bella’s / eventually / fears
/ go / lessen / retell / several / the story / times
areas for revision, editing, and proofreading that you
didn’t notice before. * stumble: 말을 더듬다

① 당신의 에세이를 당신이 읽거나 누군가로 하여금 읽어 달

라고 하는 것은 유익하다. .
② 컴퓨터가 읽어주는 에세이를 듣는 것도 당신이 직접 읽는
것과 비슷한 경험이다.
③ 컴퓨터가 읽을 때는 어색한 것들에 대해 말을 더듬을 일이 없다.

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삼각산고등학교 2019-1학기 중간고사 2 학년 공통과정 과목명: 영어Ⅰ
이 시험문제의 저작권은 삼각산고등학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권법에 의거
처벌될 수 있습니다.
20. 다음 글의 내용으로 일치하지 않는 것은? (3.8점)

The body tends to accumulate problems, often

beginning with one small, seemingly minor
imbalance. This problem causes another subtle
imbalance, which triggers another, then several more.
In the end, you get a symptom. It’s like lining up a
series of dominoes. All you need to do is knock
down the first one and many others will fall too.
What caused the last one to fall? Obviously it wasn’t
the one before it, or the one before that, but the
first one. The body works the same way. The initial
problem is often unnoticed. It’s not until some of
the later “dominoes” fall that more obvious clues
and symptoms appear. In the end, you get a
headache, fatigue or depression — or even disease.
When you try to treat the last domino — treat just the
end­result symptom — the cause of the problem isn’t
addressed. The first domino is the cause, or primary

① The body tends to accumulate problems that are

subtly related to each other.
② The initial problem is often unnoticed but important.
③ The physical symptoms are lined up like dominoes of
④ To treat the end­result symptom is more important
than addressing the first symptom.
⑤ If you focus on the first domino of the problem, the
symptom will be relieved.

* 확인 사항
○ 답안지의 해당란에 필요한 내용을 정확히 기입(표기)
했는지 확인하시오.

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삼각산고등학교 2019-1학기 중간고사 2 학년 공통과정 과목명: 영어Ⅰ
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처벌될 수 있습니다.
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삼각산고등학교 2019-1학기 중간고사 2 학년 공통과정 과목명: 영어Ⅰ
이 시험문제의 저작권은 삼각산고등학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권법에 의거
처벌될 수 있습니다.

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