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WEEK 1 TIME 8.00-9.00
DATE 21.03.2022 LESSON 1
TOPIC Family Ties
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Family-related vocabulary, including collocations and expressions
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
construct meaning
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in longer texts on an increased range of
familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by
context on an increased range of familiar topics
1. Answer 10 yes or no questions.
2. Answer 6 objective questions.

Success Criteria By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand specific details and information in longer texts on an increased range of familiar
2. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context
on an increased range of familiar topics
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students asked to look at the picture page 5 and the caption and
asked to say how appropriate the caption is for the picture. Students
asked to describe how and why people’s hands change as they get
older and what a person’s hand can reveal about him or her.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity D (page 7)
1. Students asked to see Exam Close-up box and explained that
these boxes are used throughout the book to give them tips
about how to do specific tasks.
2. Students was told to read the box and then a student asked
to explain what it says in his or her own words to the rest of
the class.
3. Students asked to read the instructions, questions 1-10 in
the Exam task box and their options T(true)or F (false).
4. Students explained that they should try to underline the
parts of the text Meet the ancestors that refer to each parts
of the questions.
Activity E(page 7)
1. Students asked to do the tack individually, but check
answers as a class.
Activity F(page 7)
1. Students asked to make their own family tree about their
own families. Students asked to look at the words in bold
and to scan the text again to find the underlined words.
POST LESSON Students asked to review their learning in this lesson by getting them
to close their textbooks and then to recall with their talk partner(s)
the exam tips they read on p. 7 (‘Exam Close-Up’).
REFLECTION 6/10 students were able to answer at least 7 yes or no questions correctly.
7/10 students were able to answer at least 5 objective questions correctly.
5/10 students need extra guidance.
WEEK 1 TIME 9.00-10.00
DATE 21.03.2022 LESSON 1
TOPIC Let’s chat
THEME Science and Technology
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Words/phrases related to free-time activities; phrases expressing likes and dislikes; phrases
expressing opinion
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Answer 6 objective questions.
2. Answer 7 subjective questions.
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
construct meaning.
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics.

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Activity A (Student Book page 8)

Students asked to read through the questions and initiate a short
LESSON DELIVERY Activity B (Student Book page 8)
1.Students asked to tell what the texts will be about. Students pay
attention to the TIPS. Students asked to read through the texts and
underline any unknown words at the same time. Students asked
the questions in the rubric. The answers checked in the class.
Activity D (Student Book page 9)
1.Students asked to read through the question 1-7. Students
allowed some time to do the activity. The answers checked with
the class. Students asked to provide justification for their answers.
Any unknown words explained and students are chosen to read
the texts aloud.
Activity E (Student Book page 9)
1.Students asked the question and a short discussion is initiated.
POST LESSON Students asked to review their learning in this lesson by
identifying with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or
expression they have learned in relation to the topic of free time
activities. Words are collected and shred as a whole class.
REFLECTION 8/13 students were able to answer at least 4 objective questions correctly.
6 / 12 students were able to answer at 4 subjective questions correctly.
7/13 students need extra guidance.
WEEK 1 TIME 11.00-12.00
DATE 21.03.2022 LESSON 1
THEME People and Culture TOPIC It's Personal
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Words/phrases related to free-time activities; phrases expressing likes and dislikes; phrases
expressing opinion
Main Skill: Reading
3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
CONTENT STANDARD construct meaning
Complementary Skill: Speaking
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
Main Skill: Reading
3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
LEARNING STANDARD and some unfamiliar topics
Complimentary Skill: Speaking
2.1.5 Explain and justify own feelings or those of others
What I’m looking for (WILF)

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Pupils can state the best title article out of the 3 possible titles.

2. Pupils can discuss their feelings regarding 3 questions with at least 1 reason for each.

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
and some unfamiliar topics by deciding which out of the 3 possible titles is the best
title for the article.
2.1.5 Explain and justify own feelings or those of others by discussing their feelings
regarding 3 questions with at least 1 reason for each.

1. Pupils turn to English Download page 5 and look at the picture and predict who they
think the people are (a family).
2. Pupils discuss as a class how many generations of the family are in the picture (three)
and how the people are feeling and why they are feeling this way (they are happy
because they are outdoors on a nice day doing something fun).
PRE-LESSON 3. Pupils read the title of the unit and discuss as a class what the title means and who they
discuss their personal issues with.
4. The following phrases are written on the board: adoptive family, blended family,
extended family, single-parent family and traditional family.
5. Pupils to discuss in pairs what they think these terms mean.
6. Pupils share their ideas as a class.
7. Pupils turn to page 6 and read the instructions in Activity 1.
8. Pupils work individually to answer 8 statements by deciding whether a child or a
parent should do the specified household chores.
9. Pupils discuss answers in pairs before discussing as a class.
10. Pupils move on to Activity 2 and discuss in pairs which of the chores in Activity 1 they
11. Pupils also discuss the following questions with at least 1 reason for each
question(Complementary Skill):
 How they feel about doing these and other household chores?
 Do they enjoy doing household chores?
 Do they feel it is their duty to help their parents with household chores? Why/Why
12. A few pairs share their discussion with the class.
13. Pupils go on to Activity 3 and read the instructions.
14. Pupils are asked 3 general WH-questions about the main points in the text.
15. Pupils then identify the key words in the titles (tips/falls apart/treat) and skim read
the text to look for the key words.
16. Pupils read the text and decide which out of the 3 possible titles is the best title for the
article. (Main Skill)
17. Pupils discuss the answer as a class.
Differentiated Actvities:
Less proficient pupils: Provide vocabulary to use in the speaking activity, or sentence
More proficient pupils: Write a summary sentence/phrase for each of the four paragraphs.
(For example: who should do the chores at home/why teens don’t do chores/Jessica decides
enough is enough/why Jessica didn’t ask for help sooner).
18. Pupils review their learning in this lesson by describing what they learnt in the lesson
POST-LESSON and how they learnt it.
19. Pupils discuss their ideas with their partners before sharing with the class.
1. 2/2 students were able to state the best title article out of the 3 possible titles.

2. 2/2 Pupils can discuss their feelings regarding 3 questions with at least 1 reason for each.

3. 2/2 students need extra guidance.

WEEK 1 TIME 8.30-9.30
DATE 22.03.2022 LESSON 2
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Language Awareness COM. FOCUSED SKILL Language Awareness
TOPIC Let’s Chat
THEME Science and Technology
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present Simple vs Present Progressive / computer-based vocabulary
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
1. Complete a dialogue by filling in 14 blanks.
2. Write six sentences using present simple and present continuous.
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Define the rules of present simple and present continuous.
2. Construct 6 sentence examples of present simple and present continuous.
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON 1. Students asked to responses using either the Present Simple or
Present Continuous.
2.Students discuss their responses with talk partners.
LESSON DELIVERY 3. Students asked to read through the examples.
4. Students pay attention to the verbs in bold and they asked what
the difference between the Present Simple and the Present
Continuous is.
5. Students explained that the Present Continuous is also used with
always when describing an annoying habit.
6. Students are given another example.
7. Students are asked to give some more example.
8. Students refer to the four texts in the reading activity and they
asked to find examples of the two tenses.
9. Students do the activity in the grammar section. The answers
checked with the class.
Differentiated Actvities:
Less proficient pupils: Students are asked to fill in the blanks with
the correct tenses to complete a dialogue
More proficient pupils: Students are asked to write six sentences.
Three sentence using stative verbs and three sentences using
action verbs in the present continuous.

POST LESSON 10. Pupils review their learning in this lesson by describing what
tthey learnt in the lesson and how they learnt it.
11. Pupils discuss their ideas with their partners before sharing
with the class.

1. 6/13 students were able to complete a dialogue by filling in at least 9 blanks correctly.
2. 3/13 pupils were able to write six sentences using present simple and present continuous
3. 10/13 students need extra guidance.


WEEK 1 TIME 9.30-10.00
DATE 22.03.2022 LESSON 2
THEME People and Culture TOPIC It's Personal
LANGUAGE & GRAMMAR FOCUS Words/phrases related to household chores; collocations and expressions
Main Skill: Reading
3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
CONTENT STANDARD construct meaning
Complementary Skill: Speaking
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
Main Skill: Reading
3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of
LEARNING STANDARD familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics
Complimentary Skill: Speaking
2.1.3 Explain and justify plans and ambitions
What I’m looking for (WILF)
1. Pupils can match 5 sentences to 6 gaps.
2. Pupils can state at least 1 reason for each chore in the list.

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
SUCCESS CRITERIA and some unfamiliar topics by matching 5 sentences to 6 gaps.
1. 2.1.5 Explain and justify own feelings or those of others by stating at least 1 reason
for each chore in the list.
20. Pupils discuss in pairs their opinions about helping their parents with household chores.
21. Pupils share their ideas as a class.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT 22. Pupils turn to English Download page 7 and read the instructions in Activity 4 and also the sentences
to clarify with teacher any parts they do not understand.
23. Pupils work individually to match 5 sentences to 6 gaps (1 is not needed).(Main Skill)
24. Pupils check their answers in pairs before discussing as a class.
25. Pupils go on to Activity 5 and read the instructions also the sentences to clarify with teacher any parts
they do not understand.
26. Pupils complete 6 sentences using the correct form of the expressions in the yellow box.
27. Pupils check their answers in pairs before discussing as a class.
28. Pupils move on to Activity 6 and read the instructions also the sentences to clarify with teacher any
parts they do not understand.
29. Pupils work with a partner and imagine they are sharing a flat and one of them has a birthday the
next day and they have invited a group of friends to come to the flat to celebrate.
30. Pupils must make a plan of everything they need to do, including household chores, food preparation
and decorations etc.
31. Pupils write a list of household chores that need to be done and then discuss each chore and decide
who will do what, when and why and justify the list with at least 1 reason for each chore.
(Complementary Skill)
32. A few pairs share their list with the class.
Differentiated Actvities:
Less proficient pupils: Provide simple definition of each of the expressions in Activity 5 (e.g. put your feet
up means have some rest). Show pupils how to use the context of the article and the sentences to match
the definition to the correct expression. For the speaking activity, provide relevant vocabulary to use
describing different household chores and sentence starters such as ‘If you ………… then I will…………..’.
More proficient pupils: -
33. Pupils review their learning in this lesson by identifying with their talk partner(s) at least one new
POST-LESSON word or expression that they have learned in relation to the reading text topic.
34. A few pairs share their words/expressions as a whole class.
REFLECTION 1. 2/2 students were able to match at least 3 sentences to 6 gaps correctly.
2. 2/2 Pupils can state at least 1 reason for each chore in the list.
3. 2/2 students need extra guidance.
WEEK 2 TIME 9.00-10.00
DATE 23.03.2022 LESSON 2
THEME People and Culture TOPIC It's Personal
LANGUAGE & GRAMMAR FOCUS Words/phrases related to household chores; collocations and expressions
Main Skill: Reading
3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
CONTENT STANDARD construct meaning
Complementary Skill: Speaking
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
Main Skill: Reading
3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of
LEARNING STANDARD familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics
Complimentary Skill: Speaking
2.1.3 Explain and justify plans and ambitions
What I’m looking for (WILF)
2. Pupils can match 5 sentences to 6 gaps.
3. Pupils can state at least 1 reason for each chore in the list.

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
SUCCESS CRITERIA and some unfamiliar topics by matching 5 sentences to 6 gaps.
4. 2.1.5 Explain and justify own feelings or those of others by stating at least 1 reason
for each chore in the list.
35. Pupils discuss in pairs their opinions about helping their parents with household chores.
36. Pupils share their ideas as a class.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT 37. Pupils turn to English Download page 7 and read the instructions in Activity 4 and also the sentences
to clarify with teacher any parts they do not understand.
38. Pupils work individually to match 5 sentences to 6 gaps (1 is not needed).(Main Skill)
39. Pupils check their answers in pairs before discussing as a class.
40. Pupils go on to Activity 5 and read the instructions also the sentences to clarify with teacher any parts
they do not understand.
41. Pupils complete 6 sentences using the correct form of the expressions in the yellow box.
42. Pupils check their answers in pairs before discussing as a class.
43. Pupils move on to Activity 6 and read the instructions also the sentences to clarify with teacher any
parts they do not understand.
44. Pupils work with a partner and imagine they are sharing a flat and one of them has a birthday the
next day and they have invited a group of friends to come to the flat to celebrate.
45. Pupils must make a plan of everything they need to do, including household chores, food preparation
and decorations etc.
46. Pupils write a list of household chores that need to be done and then discuss each chore and decide
who will do what, when and why and justify the list with at least 1 reason for each chore.
(Complementary Skill)
47. A few pairs share their list with the class.
Differentiated Actvities:
Less proficient pupils: Provide simple definition of each of the expressions in Activity 5 (e.g. put your feet
up means have some rest). Show pupils how to use the context of the article and the sentences to match
the definition to the correct expression. For the speaking activity, provide relevant vocabulary to use
describing different household chores and sentence starters such as ‘If you ………… then I will…………..’.
More proficient pupils: -
48. Pupils review their learning in this lesson by identifying with their talk partner(s) at least one new
POST-LESSON word or expression that they have learned in relation to the reading text topic.
49. A few pairs share their words/expressions as a whole class.
REFLECTION 1. 7/13 students were able to match at least 3 sentences to 6 gaps correctly.
2. 6/13 Pupils can state at least 1 reason for each chore in the list.
3. 7/13 students need extra guidance.
WEEK 1 TIME 11.00-12.00
DATE 22.03.2022 LESSON 1
TOPIC Let’s chat
THEME Science and Technology
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Words/phrases related to free-time activities; phrases expressing likes and dislikes; phrases
expressing opinion
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Answer 6 objective questions
2. Answer 7 subjective questions
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
construct meaning.
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics.

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Activity A (Student Book page 8)

Students asked to read through the questions and initiate a short
LESSON DELIVERY Activity B (Student Book page 8)
1.Students asked to tell what the texts will be about. Students pay
attention to the TIPS. Students asked to read through the texts and
underline any unknown words at the same time. Students asked
the questions in the rubric. The answers checked in the class.
Activity D (Student Book page 9)
1.Students asked to read through the question 1-7. Students
allowed some time to do the activity. The answers checked with
the class. Students asked to provide justification for their answers.
Any unknown words explained and students are chosen to read
the texts aloud.
Activity E (Student Book page 9)
1.Students asked the question and a short discussion is initiated.
POST LESSON Students asked to review their learning in this lesson by
identifying with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or
expression they have learned in relation to the topic of free time
activities. Words are collected and shred as a whole class.
20/22 students were able to answer 6 objective questions correctly.
20/ 22 students were able to answer at 4 subjective questions correctly.
2/22 students need extra guidance.


WEEK 1 TIME 1.00-2.00
DATE 22.03.2022 LESSON 1
THEME People and Culture TOPIC It's Personal
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Words/phrases related to free-time activities; phrases expressing likes and dislikes; phrases
expressing opinion
Main Skill: Reading
3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
CONTENT STANDARD construct meaning
Complementary Skill: Speaking
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
Main Skill: Reading
3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
LEARNING STANDARD and some unfamiliar topics
Complimentary Skill: Speaking
2.1.5 Explain and justify own feelings or those of others
What I’m looking for (WILF)

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Pupils can state the best title article out of the 3 possible titles.

2. Pupils can discuss their feelings regarding 3 questions with at least 1 reason for each.


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
and some unfamiliar topics by deciding which out of the 3 possible titles is the best
title for the article.
2.1.5 Explain and justify own feelings or those of others by discussing their feelings
regarding 3 questions with at least 1 reason for each.

50. Pupils turn to English Download page 5 and look at the picture and predict who they
think the people are (a family).
51. Pupils discuss as a class how many generations of the family are in the picture (three)
and how the people are feeling and why they are feeling this way (they are happy
because they are outdoors on a nice day doing something fun).
PRE-LESSON 52. Pupils read the title of the unit and discuss as a class what the title means and who they
discuss their personal issues with.
53. The following phrases are written on the board: adoptive family, blended family,
extended family, single-parent family and traditional family.
54. Pupils to discuss in pairs what they think these terms mean.
55. Pupils share their ideas as a class.
56. Pupils turn to page 6 and read the instructions in Activity 1.
57. Pupils work individually to answer 8 statements by deciding whether a child or a
parent should do the specified household chores.
58. Pupils discuss answers in pairs before discussing as a class.
59. Pupils move on to Activity 2 and discuss in pairs which of the chores in Activity 1 they
60. Pupils also discuss the following questions with at least 1 reason for each
question(Complementary Skill):
 How they feel about doing these and other household chores?
 Do they enjoy doing household chores?
 Do they feel it is their duty to help their parents with household chores? Why/Why
61. A few pairs share their discussion with the class.
62. Pupils go on to Activity 3 and read the instructions.
63. Pupils are asked 3 general WH-questions about the main points in the text.
64. Pupils then identify the key words in the titles (tips/falls apart/treat) and skim read
the text to look for the key words.
65. Pupils read the text and decide which out of the 3 possible titles is the best title for the
article. (Main Skill)
66. Pupils discuss the answer as a class.
Differentiated Actvities:
Less proficient pupils: Provide vocabulary to use in the speaking activity, or sentence
More proficient pupils: Write a summary sentence/phrase for each of the four paragraphs.
(For example: who should do the chores at home/why teens don’t do chores/Jessica decides
enough is enough/why Jessica didn’t ask for help sooner).
67. Pupils review their learning in this lesson by describing what they learnt in the lesson
POST-LESSON and how they learnt it.
68. Pupils discuss their ideas with their partners before sharing with the class.

1. 2/2 students were able to state the best title article out of the 3 possible titles.

2. 2/2 Pupils can discuss their feelings regarding 3 questions with at least 1 reason for each.

3. 2/2 students need extra guidance.

WEEK 1 TIME 11.30-12.30
DATE 23.03.2022 LESSON 3
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Language Awareness
THEME People and Culture TOPIC It's Personal
LANGUAGE & GRAMMAR FOCUS present simple; present continuous; stative verbs; relative clauses
Main Skill: Language Awareness
This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are
not explicitly covered

Main Skill: Language Awareness

This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are
not explicitly covered

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to understand

LEARNING OBJECTIVES present simple; present continuous; stative verbs; relative clauses by answering 9 sentences using the
present simple or present continuous and circling 10 correct answers in the text.
What I’m looking for (WILF)
5. Pupils can answer 9 sentences using the present simple or present continuous.
6. Pupils can circle 10 correct answers in the text.

69. 2 sentences are written on the board (1 present simple sentence and 1 present continuous sentence).
70. Pupils explain why the present simple or present continuous is used and their individual functions.
71. Pupils are asked if they remember what stative verbs are and to think of 2 examples of stative verbs.
72. Pupils share their ideas with the class.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT 73. Pupils turn to English Download page 9 and read the grammar theory about present simple, present
continuous and stative verbs.
74. Pupils work in pairs to give at least 1 example that shows the different uses of the tenses.
75. Pupils move onto Activity 2 and read the instructions and the sentences quickly and discuss as a class
which clues will help them to choose the correct tense.
76. Pupils complete 3 gap fills for 3 sentences.
77. Pupils compare answers in pairs before discussing as a class.
78. Pupils go on to Activity 3 and read the instructions and the sentences to clarify anything they don’t
79. Pupils read the sentences and identify which clues will help them to choose the correct tense using
time expressions or other clues.
80. Pupils answer 9 sentences using the present simple or present continuous.
81. Pupils compare answers in pairs before discussing as a class.
82. Pupils move on to Activity 4 and read the title of the text and picture and then discuss as a class what
pocket money is.
83. Pupils read through the text once without answering and to identify any words or clues that will help
them to choose the correct answers.
84. Pupils circle 10 correct answers in the text.
85. Pupils compare answers in pairs before discussing as a class.
Differentiated Actvities:
Less proficient pupils: Organise talk partners or grouping so that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
More proficient pupils: Write their own paragraph about a topic (i.e. the plot of a film they like). A list of
relative pronouns is written on the board and see who can use the most relative pronouns correctly in their
paragraph. Pupils write out the paragraph again, this time with gaps where the relative pronouns should go.
Pupils swap paragraphs and see if they can fill all the gaps with the correct relative pronouns.
86. Pupils review their learning in this lesson by working with their partner(s) and making their own
POST-LESSON sentences using relative clauses. A list of relative clauses is written on the board.
87. A few pairs share their sentences with the whole class.
5. 2/2 Pupils can answer at least 9 sentences using the present simple or present continuous.
6. 2/2 Pupils can circle 5 correct answers in the text.
7. 2/2 students need extra guidance.
WEEK 1 TIME 1.00-2.00
DATE 23.03.2022 LESSON 3
TOPIC Family Ties
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple, present continuous and stative verbs.
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson
1. Pupils can answer 8 multiple choice questions using the present simple or present
2. Pupils can fill in 10 blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to understand
present simple; present continuous; stative verbs; by fill in 10 blanks using the present simple
or present continuous and circling 8 correct answers in the text.
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students asked what the verbs of the following sentences are.
Students asked what tenses have been used and how they differ in
-Grandpa always sits near the window.
-Grandpa sitting near the window.
Students revised the affirmative, negative, question forms and short
answers of these two tenses with the class.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A(page 9)
1. Students asked to read the sentences 1-4 and a-d quickly.
Students should understand that a-d refer to the reasons
why we use the Present Simple.
2. Students asked to read sentence 1 again and to find its use in
a-d and write the answer in the box provided.
Activity B(page 9)
1. Students asked to read the sentences 1-5 and a-e quickly.
Students should understand that a-e refer to the reasons
why we use the Present Continuous.
2. Students asked to read sentence 1 again and to find its use in
a-d and write the answer in the box provided.
Activity C(page 9)
1. Students asked to read the instructions and elicit that stative
verbs are verbs we use only in the simple tenses.
2. Students asked to read the sentences and underline the
Activity D(page 9)
1. Students asked to read through the rule and fill in the
missing word.
Activity E(page 9)
1. Students asked to read the instructions and then discuss the
two sentences in a pair
Differentiated Actvities:
Less proficient pupils: Students are asked to fill in the blanks with
the correct tenses to complete a dialogue
More proficient pupils: Students are asked to write six sentences.
Three sentence using stative verbs and three sentences using action
verbs in the present continuous.
POST LESSON Students asked to write two sentences using vocabulary introduced
in the unit. One sentence using a stative verb and the other using an
action verb in the present condition.
REFLECTION 1. 5/10 Pupils can answer at least 6 multiple choice questions using the present simple or
present continuous.
2. 5/10 Pupils can fill in at least 5 blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.
3. 5/10 students need extra guidance.

WEEK 1 TIME 7.20-2.30

DATE 24.03.2022 LESSON Choose an item.
TOPIC Emergency Leave
Teacher is on emergency leave because of the passing of his father.

WEEK 1 TIME 7.20-2.30

DATE 25.03.2022 LESSON Choose an item.
TOPIC Emergency Leave
Teacher is on emergency leave because of the passing of his father.

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