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Andy Gonzalez

ENC 1102


Project 3 Final Draft

The impact of digital marketing on businesses has been nothing short of revolutionary,

completely transforming the way they engage with their target audiences. It’s precisely why I

decided to pursue it as my major at the University of South Florida. This class has provided me

with invaluable insights on effective writing techniques, which are crucial in the realm of digital

marketing. Writing plays a significant role in various aspects of digital marketing, from crafting

engaging social media posts to persuasive copywriting. Armed with the knowledge I’ve gained,

I’m excited to apply these skills in my future endeavors, utilizing effective writing to drive

results into the world of digital marketing.

When getting ready to write in the future, I believe there will be many concepts I will

use to improve my writing in the rest of my college career, workplace, or even just writing in

everyday life for amusement. One of the best writing concepts that assisted me during this class

were the multiple research assignments we had to do. While using source analysis, it allowed me

to obtain a number of sources and analyze whether they would pertain to my writing, accurately

assist my writing, or would not be considered legible to my writing. In digital marketing it is

important for sources you use to be legible. Not using legible sources will cause trouble in the

workplace and for job security.

Another writing concept I plan on using in the future that I learned from this course is

audience analysis and analysis in general. Leading up to our rough draft and final drafts of our

research papers, there were many source analysis assignments to complete. These source analysis
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assignments allowed us to go through the notions of analyzing if a source was usable to our

paper or not. In the digital marketing sphere, understanding the target audience is paramount.

Before writing, I can now analyze the characteristics, preferences, and the needs of the audience

I’m trying to reach. This knowledge will allow me to tailor my content and messaging to

resonate with them and create a meaningful connection (Kannan, 2017).

When compiling sources for the Final P3 Reflection assignment, I gained knowledge in

which exact sources to use. So far, I have chosen three sources to use for the P3 Final Reflection

assignment. The three sources I have chosen to reflect the major of my choosing that I have been

studying for which is Digital Marketing. The intended audience for these academic journals is

focused on those who are interested in digital marketing. However, those who are not interested

in digital marketing can still read the article to get a sense of what digital marketing is about. The

genre is focused on research and how digital marketing has evolved. I believe the purpose of the

sources is to inform readers about the digital marketing world and how it evolves. I believe the

general audience that was intended when writing the academic journal was in the ages of 21-44

and generally written for those who are in the marketing industry. From analyzing the sources, it

seems college educated readers are also intended to read. I do not believe any specific action

should be taken after reading this as the author intends to inform readers about digital marketing.

While the author generally writes in a way most people can understand, the writing is definitely

tailored to those who already have a background or idea of digital marketing. The piece does not

exclude anyone but caters towards those in marketing. The information is presented as a research

essay with individual sources cited throughout the reading. It is not surprising to see how the

journal is structured when speaking about digital marketing. Specifically, I chose an academic

journal written by Yogesh K. Dwivedi titled Setting the future of digital and social media
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marketing research: Perspectives and research propositions. These academic journal goes into

the evolution of digital marketing and how it is used by many businesses. The article is

structured and mostly reaching out to those in the digital marketing industry. While those who

are not interested in the digital marketing industry can certainly read the journal article. At times,

it could be difficult for the reader to understand without having a background in digital

marketing. (Dwivedi, 2019). While digital marketing is defined, the journal quickly goes into the

specifics of digital marketing that only those who are in the world would understand.

The message for the sources is to inform those about the world of digital marketing and how it is

constantly evolving in a world with social media on the rise.

While I mainly will take these concepts of writing for my future career. I will also take

these concepts of writing for the rest of my college career. Most courses at USF are heavily

writing based. I am actually enrolling in a professional writing course, and I can now evolve into

a better writer for that course with everything I have learned in this specific course.

To write effectively, it is also important to consider the relationship between your

audience and the genre you are writing in. Understanding your audience’s expectations helps you

choose the right genre and adapt your writing style accordingly. Additionally, considering the

purpose and context of your writing ensures that your content connects with readers and achieves

the desired outcomes. By paying attention to these factors, you can create compelling content

that resonates with your audience.

As the courses continued, I believed I evolved as a writer. While I would say I was very

interested in writing and had a decent skill in writing due to the many courses I took in high

school, I appreciate how this course has allowed me to evolve as a writer in ways I did not think
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it could. This course allowed me to strictly analyze my writing and write longer form writing

showcasing my analysis.
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Author links open overlay panelP.K. Kannan a, a, b, AbstractWe develop and describe a frame-
work for research in digital marketing that highlights the touchpoints in the marketing
process as well as in the marketing strategy process where digital technologies are having
and will have a significant impact. U, Nabout, N. A., Bucklin, R. E., Degeratu, A. M.,
Drèze, X., Eisenbeiss, M., Haenlein, M., Halbheer, D., Kannan, P. K., Koukova, N. T.,
Agarwal, A., Amaldoss, W., Anderson, E. T., Andrews, M., Ansari, A., Bakos, Y., …
Fang, E. (2016a, December 3). Digital Marketing: A Framework, review and Research
Agenda. International Journal of Research in Marketing.

Author links open overlay panelYogesh K. Dwivedi a, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r,

… AbstractThe use of the internet and social media have changed consumer behavior and
the ways in which companies conduct their business. Social and digital marketing offers
significant opportunities to organizations through lower costs. (2020, July 10). Setting the
future of digital and social media marketing research: Perspectives and Research Proposi-
tions. International Journal of Information Management.

Faruk, M., Rahman, M., & Hasan, S. (2021, December 14). How Digital Marketing evolved over
time: A bibliometric analysis on scopus database. Heliyon. https://

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