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Community Service Project Report 1:

Promoting Education through Sustainable Book Donations

Submitted by:
Group 1: Members
▪ Ghina Nasim Asif
▪ Biyah Malik
▪ Faiza Haider
▪ Sheza Mukhtar
▪ Ramla Jabeen
▪ Laiba Noor
▪ Muhammad Ibne Zahid
BS- LMS 4th
Submitted to: Miss Qurat ul Ain
Objectives of the Project
The primary objectives of our community service project were to:
● Gather books for the children of Pakistan Sweet Homes, one of Pakistan's biggest
orphanages that promote education among orphans.
● Support the development of a kids' library at the orphanage by providing books that
focused on character building, inspirational moral stories, Quranic stories, and English
● Ensure the project's sustainability by collecting old books from the community and
exchanging them for new ones for the orphanage's library.
● Encourage active participation from the community and promote the spirit of giving for a
good cause.

Brief Description
Our project aimed to collect books for the children's library at Pakistan Sweet Homes orphanage.
The Sahara Dou project aimed to support education and provide enriching reading material for
the children at Pakistan Sweet Homes. We started by contacting the orphanage administration to
understand their specific requirements. Based on their provided list, which included character-
building books, inspirational moral stories, Quranic stories, and English storybooks, we devised
a plan to gather books from our surroundings.
To make the project sustainable and reusable, we created awareness and encouraged
participation. To do so we designed posters and placed donation boxes within our university
premises. We also utilized social media platforms to spread the word and encourage people to
donate their old books. Additionally, we offered an option for monetary donations, which some
individuals voluntarily contributed.
Throughout the collection phase, which lasted from May 2nd to May 18th, 2023, we successfully
gathered approximately 60 books and received monetary donations. We then exchanged the
collected books for new ones at an old bookshop and utilized the donated money to purchase
additional new books for the kids' library.
On different dates between May 12th and May 20th, we completed the book exchange process,
ensuring that the orphanage received 170 new books. We wrapped and decorated the books in
beautiful boxes covered with gift paper and bows. Finally, On 22nd May 2023, the team visited
Pakistan Sweet Homes to deliver the books. During the visit, we interacted with the children,
took pictures holding the project banner, and provided snacks as a gesture of kindness. The
whole project’s video was made, compiled, and uploaded on social media so that more people
contribute to this good cause and help us continue this project in the Future.

● May 2nd, 2023: Initiating the promotion for book donations.
● May 12th to May 18th, 2023: Collection of books and monetary donations.
● May 12th to May 20th, 2023: Exchange of collected books for new ones.
● May 22nd, 2023: Visited Pakistan Sweet Homes orphanage for book delivery.
During the project, various tasks were assigned to team members based on their strengths and
interests. These tasks included:
● Coordinating with the orphanage administration to understand book requirements.
● Designing and distributing promotional materials
● Setting up donation boxes and managing collection
● Handling monetary donations and budget management
● Coordinating the book exchange process
● Designing and printing our Banner
● Buying snacks for the Kids
● Packaging the books for presentation
● Organizing the visit to the orphanage for book delivery
● Videography and photography of the whole Project.

Future Recommendations
● Continue promoting sustainable practices by encouraging book exchanges or donations
from the community.
● Establish long-term partnerships with local bookstores, schools, and universities to
facilitate regular book donations for the orphanage.
● Conduct regular assessments of the children's reading needs to ensure the library is
updated with relevant and engaging books.
● Explore opportunities to expand the project's impact by providing educational resources
beyond books, such as stationery supplies, art materials, and educational games.
● Conduct workshops or reading sessions at the orphanage to engage with the children and
further promote education and learning.

Our project focused on sustainability in several ways:
● Instead of purchasing new books, we collected old books from our surroundings,
ensuring their reuse and reducing waste.
● The collected books were exchanged for new ones, allowing us to provide fresh reading
material for the children without additional resource consumption.
● Monetary donations were used to purchase more new books, maximizing the impact of
the project.
● By involving the community and promoting active participation, we fostered a sense of
ownership and created a sustainable model for future book donations.
Our project aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals, including:
1. SDG 4: Quality Education - By providing educational resources to the children, the
project supports access to quality education and promotes lifelong learning.
2. SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities - The initiative addresses the inequality faced by orphaned
children by providing them with access to educational materials.
3. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - The project promotes the reuse,
recycling, and exchange of old books, contributing to sustainable consumption patterns.

Individual Performance- Self Benchmark

Ghina Nasim Asif (Group Leader)
As the group leader and project initiator, I played a crucial role in guiding the team and ensuring
the project's success. My individual performance in the project can be summarized as follows:
1. Idea Initiation and Guidance:
● Initiated the idea of gathering books for Pakistan Sweet Homes and promoting education
among orphans.
● Guided team members about their roles and responsibilities throughout the project.

2. Social Media Promotion:

● Uploaded posters created by other group members on social media platforms to raise
awareness about the project.
● Actively promoted the project through regular updates and engagement with the

3. Physical Setup and Book Collection:

● Assisted in pasting posters within the university premises and placing collection boxes
for book donations.
● Collected donated books from team members and stored them in my car for safekeeping.

4. Book Exchange and Purchase:

Sourced 130 new books from an economical place in Rawalpindi, ensuring cost-

5. Report Writing
● Compiled all the information related to the project.
● Written the report for this project.

Biyah Malik (Co-Leader):

● Coordinated the book exchange process, ensuring a smooth and successful exchange of
collected books for new ones.
● Handled monetary donations and managed the project budget with transparency and
● Designed posts for social media campaign to collect donations in the form of money and
● Researched and identified suitable old bookshops for the exchange, considering factors
such as availability, quality, and affordability.
● Maintained accurate records and financial documentation for monetary donations and
● Collaborated with the team to determine cost-effective options for purchasing new books
while meeting the orphanage's requirements.
● Helped put boxes around the campus to collect donations.
Faiza Haider
● As a follower, I actively took part in our group's community service project.
● Other than books collection, placement of boxes for book collection, I made three
different posters for our book collection drive.
● I personally collected 40 books from different people, but unfortunately I could not
exchange them by myself from the old book shop.
● The posters we displaced in our department's notice board were so attractive that many
people approached us by referring to them.
● I actively promote our donation drive through my personal whatsApp and Instagram
accounts. And the responses were great.
● I also bought two boxes of biscuits for the children in the orphanage.
Sheza Mukhtar
Ramla Jabeen
● Promoted the posters,through social media and encouraged people to donate their books.
● I organized two group meetings,where we had a great discussion on our project.
● Collected the books for donation, as we had divided the task.
● I also helped my team members in making the boxes and pasting the posters in fcs,notice
board, gulljee.
● I was there throughout the whole project to help them.
Laiba Noor:
● Actively participated in this project as a collaborative and dedicated individual.
● Firstly, along with my group members, we placed boxes in our Iqbal Campus, FCS, and
in front of Guljee for books collection
● Put up "Book Donations" posters in various locations within the university.
● Effectively promoted our book donation drive on my social media platforms.
● Collected books from individuals who contacted me through Instagram and WhatsApp.
● I coordinated with a printing press for the "Sahara Dou" banner, obtaining information
about sizes and prices.
● Maintained continuous communication with the printing press, providing them with order
details, and disseminating information to my group members.
● I also created an Excel sheet to document the names and categories of the books we
collected and purchased for the orphanage, ensuring proper records.
● Packed the books in boxes together with my group members.
● Arranged transportation for our visit to the orphanage.
● Spent time with the children at the orphanage, along with my group members,
distributing books and snacks to them.
Muhammad Ibne Zahid

Personal Experience
Ghina Nasim Asif (Group Leader)
● Showed strong leadership skills by initiating and guiding the project.
● Demonstrated effective communication and coordination within the team.
● Actively engaged in promoting the project through social media and physical efforts.
● Managed logistics, including book collection and transportation, efficiently.
● Fulfilled the role of a photographer and videographer, capturing memorable moments.
● Experienced a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction by making a positive impact on the
lives of orphanage children.
● Learned the importance of teamwork, organization, and community involvement in
achieving project goals.
Biyah Malik (Co-Leader):
● Engaged in a rewarding and fulfilling experience, making a positive impact on the lives
of children at the orphanage.
● Developed valuable skills in communication, budget management, and coordination.
● Enhanced teamwork and leadership abilities through collaboration with team members.
● Learned the importance of clear and concise communication when working with external
● Highlight of the project was the visit to the orphanage, interacting with children and
witnessing their gratitude.
● Felt a sense of responsibility towards giving back to society and motivated to seek further
community service opportunities.

Faiza Haider
● It is my first time in poster making, and I learned a lot about how to make eye-catching
● It was a great experience in visiting orphanage
● Learned the importance of community service in our lives.
● Learned the importance of team building, team work in context of nonprofit
● Learned the importance of an effective follower in teamwork.
Sheza Mukhtar
Ramla Jabeen
● Working in a group was a big task, we all had a same goal, the motivation behind the
project,and all that began with a shared passion for helping underprivileged children and
promoting education.
● It was a unique experience, where we all individuals had different skills,and how
effectively we were coordinating and communicating with each other.
● It was a great pleasure to visit orphange for first time. It not only enriched the lives of the
children but also fostered a sense of unity, empathy, and commitment within our team
and the community at large.
● We bid farewell to the children, promising to return and continue supporting them in any
way we could. The visit had a profound impact on me, instilling a sense of gratitude,
humility, and compassion. I realized the power of collective efforts and the joy that
comes from giving selflessly.
Laiba Noor
● This community service project provided me with valuable lessons in teamwork,
communication, organization, leadership, and the power of making a positive impact on
the lives of others.
● Setting up donation boxes and pasting posters in different areas of the university helped
me develop promotional skills.
● The project provided me with the opportunity to connect with different people and
engage them in a meaningful cause.
● I got to know about the importance of effective negotiation and attention to detail while
coordinating with the printing press to create the project banner.
● To me, creating an Excel sheet to document the books we collected, emphasized the
significance of maintaining accurate information for future reference.
● Spending time with the children at the orphanage, distributing books, and providing
snacks created a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. It taught me empathy, and the joy of
giving back to the community.

Muhammad Ibne Zahid

Overall, the project was successful in achieving its objectives within the allocated timeline. The
smooth execution, good communication within the team, and the sustainable approach made it a
fulfilling endeavor. By providing educational resources to Pakistan Sweet Homes orphanage, we
contributed to the promotion of education and positively impacted the lives of the children

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