An Exact Abridgment of All The Statutes in Force and Use. 1720 - Vol 2

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Full text of "An exact abridgment of all the statutes in force and use.
1720: Vol 2"
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a Charta, 93. to the Be-

ginning of the Reign of King GEORGE.

oT. .


printed by his Ma- $And by the Aſſigns

jeſty's Printers, 5 2 Edward Sajer, Eſq; ©

And gre to be Sold by R. Goſling, at the
MiddlesTemple-Gate in Fleet-ffreet. MDCC xx

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Damages and Coſts. 10 nero

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1. 6E. 1.

in Der, +40 —_—_ _

8 Diſſeiſor, as again
Diſſriſor himſelf ; ſo tha every one hal

| anſwer for. his \ Tins "of

n. The Diſſeiſee ſhall * =. = — Writ of Entry 7

yaa 55 Di ſſaifin- againft him 1 Wer =

I Jana 70

ill. Damages ſhall be awarded in all Caſes —

ereth in ro Af of Mort 4 anceft Nor ; and DIS Na of of "ll

"the 4

5 % Axel, and Beſayel; 8 210

The B. Demandant _ reco) r Sed the Tong
ofts of his Writ, together with the Damages a oreſai i; and
his Act ſhall hold Place in all ou with 45 2 1s to re-
over Damages. oh Kan

V. Glouceſter cap. 14. s E. en in lande 4 0. 2

D eie r Recogaiſance ſame Aſſiſe gravy tha; cred

6 {

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| Fes HD .
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covered their erer and the Diſſeiſors ſhall be zmerce!

A a — e wy won
mr of Entry Sur Difſeifin, Mort d'enceftor, Cou-
1 . Ayel and -Beſayel,- and toucting Tatruſion, or of one's
don Ar, by any — 1 'of * Yom —_— ſhall bear
2 * ter pur agamtt t t ho ſince

tu; Jaber; heir Anceſtor died ſeiſed thereof. 1

VII. Seat, 8 Ea. 5 cap. 10. Where any Perſon hs by

; tore Execution had) a Writ of E

e 5 if the Fleer be affirmed, . E
1 or the Party — Seth it be nonſuit, the Party againſt

* the Writ is brought, ſhall recover his Coſts and Dama-

Fi der — F the Juſtis before whom The fad
rit is

© IN. Stat. 19 FER . 20. The Statute of 3 7 cap. 10.

is confirmed, and ſhall be uly put in Execution
X. Stat. 23 H.8 cab. 1 5. If the Plaintiff be ES or
overthrown by lawfal 'Triat 2 2 77 85 Plaint,
for Treſpa's upon the Statute of 5 R. 2. 82 7. ( which ſee in
efo:cible. Entry I.) or for any Debt ot Covenant upon *
alty os Contract, or for Detinue, Account upon the Caſe, or
2 any Statute, the Defendatit — in ſuch Caſe, have has
ſts,-r0 be aſſeſſed by the Judge or Jud 5
to be "recovered as the Plaintiff might —— his, in calc
E eee
t ſues in a
bur) * ſuch Puniſhment as the Jute = JH
| Court ſhall think fir. 6 per |
3» K. 11484 -
XII. Stat. 24 H. 8. cap. 8. There ſhall be no Cofts award-
et Defendant, when any n is W ace.
e. irren e;
54 | 2
* 5h Eliz. cap. 6 ** Perſonal Ations cen
at N minſter, (being not for Land or Batt wy ) when it ſhalt
E to tpe Judges (206 ſo by them ſign! On that the Debt
:Damages & e * to the Sum of 42 1

aw 44

Wo. -. ESE
4 AS *
* .

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Ee 90 855 mall award to the .

Serke. leſs ar their Diſcretion. ——

XIV. Heat, 4 Jac. 1. 75 . Ir the Demandant or Plaintiff

be nogfuiror e awful Trial in any Action hat-
ſoever, the Tenant or Beten dant ſhall have Coſts, to be affefſed

and levied. . 17 the *

of 23 H. 8. cap. 1).

XV. Stat. 21 Jac. 1. cap 16. 10 Ades of Slander; %

Jury find or aſſeſs the Damages under 40 4, the Plaintiff __—_ te-
cover e than Damages. 2 5 20 N !


XVI. 13 Car. 3. Seat. 2. cap. 2. If ecute Kd 15 4

Error, for the Reverſal of an ase mſn in any + ol
of the. Courts at Weſtniinfter,” or in the Counties Palatine of

Cheſter, Lancaſter, or bam, or in the Courts of great

ions in any of the 2 Shires of Han ap Jo 1205 ent his
fanny they ſhall pay. double Cow: By :

—— 2 4 Aube 8 W 2 7 .
dictments, | [£3 3 a
NV DK e Ca. 2. e Agbs, of *

U, Aſſault and Batter „and othe nal Actions, * —

ow. udge ſhall not gon the He R wy
Battery was proved, or the Id or br le of the — :
in 3 the Plaintiff, if the Jury findthe Damages under

ſhall recover no more than Damages if more

Fold, are awarded, the the 2 ent ſhall be void, and the Defend-
ant may have -an Action 82 Con bf See 1 — = 2 for

ſuch * Sui W *
ver his | 15

XVII Stat. . ey: „

yolous and vexatious Suits in the Principali ity bf Wales — 1
Counties Palatiae, this Clauſe in the Act of 22 & 3
cap. 9; ditecting, That in ions, whore
ſhall find Damages under 40 5. the P
more Cofts or 2 than — which
ſerence to an BIZ, cap. 6. touching |
clave Cours of Wii Ing. 07 thn. |

I exte to Courts in
CO Palatine of Choſtor, Lancafter, and and Buran 2
none ſhall be held- to. Special Bail in ſmall "Actions in ales
and the ſaid Counties Palatine, unleſs Affidavit be made and
filed in the Courts at Feflminfter, Hence the Proceſs iſſues,
ſignifying the Cauſe of Action, and that it is 20 f,. or — 7
aud * for more than the Sim fo

ales, and t

* * 15


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. . "we _—

1 Seat it? 2. cap. 6. No De Cler Mel be'thkeh De

25 29th. of September, e if any Officer in any

= the Kings s Courts take or exact * 4 in the Name of

; icorum, or any thing in heu thereof, be mall for-

9 1 rreble the Value, to ee in any of the e

che Party grie ved. A & 4p ,

PO a Darrein preſentment. 34 7x
ant, | ; E
I. Magna Charta, cap. 13. 9 H 3. Affffſes of Dee Re- 9
. ſentment ſhall be taken before . Fn by the ap 2 5
there Nall de determined. N y
4 f L197. 1:4 iS
3 Days in Bank, „.
I Stat; D. Aitio Biſſectili, 21 H. 3. The Dy en 5
in the Lea be 94 the Day next jb Ne Day ice 5
counted And this was done to avoid the doubt
of the Lear — Day that were wont to be aſſigned to Sick Per: |
et impleadcd,. to the end they might know (ben the
ap; Lear happened) how to reckontheir Year and PRs 1
* Ce tat. 51 H 9 7 55 ö
-rUtas Sancti „ * 72 Sand Hil, —
| Ouinzime Aid | | | nzime Hil, 75 IV.
; | Mie... 2 raſtin A | ;
| Craſtino hats, * - 4 fie. 80 12
Craftino Mart. 2 | Tres Paſibe. 1 we
Utes 3 5 Menſe the. | v )
inzime Mart. " Paſebe, + 1 | oF
22 Hilarii, 2 1 . in. f ay
Quindena Hilarii, 8 Quindens W. dit Thc 2
2 2 ſtimes in O afl. 8. Job. B VI.
8 1. N 4 SSI. & Uras S. Job B Gunn
2 8 l Jab. B. POP
*Be | Veas Mich. N —
| 8 i}
| 8 Pee ſent
fe o the
4 105
18 | D:ſtreſſ
177 er Pled
1 "Ando every Tenn fl anfwerto other.
8 III. Stat

—— oO r
83S. . SS I. :
8 I Ry” ef P ,4
\ 7 4, k .

be 8


ny Fr n 8 2 N
er Coe, Mick, J ae dee,
for- 2 Micc bz. | Craft, Mart. So
s by er Mich...” ; 1 Otabis Martini.

= | Menſe Mich. 8 Quindena Martini.

't Craſtino Anim. | thabis Hilarii.

Craftino Mare. = | Quindena Hilorii,

py g Odtabis Marr. 8 | raftino Furie.
Pro io Quindena Marr. 8 10 abis Hife.

A E Ottabzs Hil. | 'S | 8 Paſe

zn s Quindena Hil. - | =. i Tres Paſche. |

: Craftino Purific, 87 Menſe Faſche.

NI OA. Furie. f Craſtino Aſcenſ.

. Qu indema Paſche, 3 Octabis Tin. |

2 Tres Paſthe, S | Quindma Thin, .
aſing Menſe Paſche, = => | Craft. Job. Bar.
E a8 um Pa the, IN A | Oftabis, Fob. Bape,
oubt & Hino Aſcenſc. | | Ouindena Fohanms._
Fer- Oct abi: Trin. I 1 Otabis Mich. |
n the Ouindena I in. 2 — Mich.
$6 | Caftino Johanmis,' _— s. Mich.
fy | Oftabis Jobannis, | | Menſe Mich.
© l- TC Ouindena Jobannis, © 'J' © \ Craſtino Anim.
. MWarlb. cap. r2. 52 H. 3. In Dower ( unds nibil habet)
Pour Days ſhall be given in the Year, and more if conveni-
_-»—ntly may be; fo that they ſhall. have Five or Six Days (at
Ppeaſt) in the Year. | rofl,
V. In Aſſiſes of Darrein Preſentment, and a Plex of
Quare impedit, Days ſhall be given from 23 to 15, or from
2 Weeks to Three Weeks, according to the Diſtance of the
Place. | |

VI. In- a Quare impedit, if the Difturber come not in upe

Fummons, nor caſt an Eſſoign, he ſhall be attached at anot
ay ; when if he come not, nor caſt an Eſſoign, the great Di-
treſs ſhall iſſue againſt him; when if he come not, a Writ ſhall -
"We ſent to the Biſhop,that the Diſturber claim not for that Time
o the Prejudice of the Plaintiff, ſaving unto him his Right at
nother Time. pe" > ;

VII. The fame Law ſhall be obſerved for Attachment as for

):{treſſes, fo that the ſecond Attachment ſhall be made by bet»
Wer Pledges, and after the laſt Diftreſs., wo as WP

VIII. Stat. 32 H.8. cap. 21. There ſhall be only Four Days
{I Return in Trinity Term, viz. Croft, Trin. Odtab. Tyin..
atundena Trin. and Tres Trim. 5

| A IX. This

q K £ * 4 **.- 44

* 30 $5.2. a. ak N * þ 9 C "= ad i r " 6 tb <

ET} : N * * * ic l F394 ki. * * x

4 * N * . 5 wil 4 * 9 * * * * 2 n 29 8
. 9 Fs * ö ka 1 22 f

: i : ' | ® LES ag ' Fx ,

[4 7 f 9 7 bh . *

* . > 20 , . 8

mt a 1

III. Stat. 31 H. 3. concerning general Days in a Writ of I

| * f . 4 : 4
nn eee 3 2223 ; „ene *

yy hb 1 N l
J N p 7 1 =
** 3 ” 6.4 *
P 2 1 1

that I,"

* A - Days in Bank: .
II. This Term ſhall hereafter begin upon the Munday after
Thinity Sunday for keeping of Edoigns, Profers Returns, me

_* other Ceremonies formerly uſed ; and the Term ſhall begin the

Friday after Corpus Chrifti Day, being always the Friday next


2 Hil. © | Olfah. Trin.

raſtino Purific. 55 8 Trin.
abis Purific. CB Tres Tin. To.

Cra . Thin. = Craft. Anim. ge

Ottab. Trin. S | Craft. Martini.
Ouindena'Trin. | » | Offabis Martini.

es Trim, IS COuindena Martini.

er ine 5
For . :

XI. Ifany Write, ö

of Note: a: „ Zens *
in and be return- E. Af .

we Ofabis Hil.” JF Cra A,

ndena Tran.
s Tryin,

4 wo.

Craſtino Tvin.
| abis Thin.

XII. All common Writs and Proceſſes ( a+ well Perſonal as

3 keep the ſaid Returns of Trinity Term ordained by
his 4. 48,4; A a

XIII. This AR ſhall not prohibit the Juſtices. of the King's

Courts of Record to aſſign ſpecial Days of Return, in fuch
Caſes and Proceſſes as have uſed to have ſpecial Days aſligned.
XIV. The ſaid Statute of Marlbridge cap 12. and alſo j E. 3.
( which ſee in — being not contrariant to this AG, ſhall
remain firm, notwithſtanding this 5 25 M
XV. Stat. 168 17 Car. 1. cap. 6. There ſhall be only Six
Days of Return in Mic bacl mas Term, viz. Tres Michael. Menſe
Michael, Craft. Anim. Craft. Mart. Octabit Mart. and Qxin-

XVI. Michaelmas Term ſhall hereafter begin at Thes Mich.

for the keeping of Eſſoigns, Profers, Returns, and other Ceremo-

nies heretofore uſed, and the full Term ſhall be Four Days
after. Howbeit, if the Beginning of the Term, or the ſaid
222 unday, then the next Day is to be



Writ in any real

Action (other
than Writs of 85
Entry for com-
mon ecoveries,
Writs of Ri ht.
and Advow-
and Writs of
Dower, unde ni-
bil habet, here
after mentioned)
come in and be


Gabi. Trin. | [anden Mart.

1 Trin. | Octabis Hilarii.
Fes Tin. uindena Hilarii.

XVIII. Provided, That in Writs of Dower ( unde nibil bh.

Bet) after Iſſue joy ned {Pars betwixr the Te/te and the Term
ſhall ſufficè, as is uſed in Perſonal Actions. ;
XIX. Craftino Aſconſe ſhall be a good Return, notwithſtand-
ing there be not x5 Days between the guarto dis of that Re-
turn and the i of the Return of Craft. Trin. Alfa
Mich. to Craft. Anim, ſhall be a good Re-
turn, albeit there be not x5 Days between the quarto dis of

1 4

Tres Mich. and the Eſſoign · days of Craft. m. ve).

XX. All Writs of Summons ad warrantizandum againſt

; Vouchers upon common Recoveries had in Writs of Entry u

the Appearance of the Tenant, and all Writs of Right of Ad-

vowſon, ſhall be abridged to Five Returns, as Writs. of Sum-

mons ad warrantizandum in Writs of Dower have been here-

ofore uſe | |

XII. Fi Act not prohibit the Juſtices, of the King's

Courts of Record 2. ſpecial Da J of Return in ſuch
Parkes Proceſſes as-have uſed to have ſpecial Days af-

XXII. The Days in Aſſiſe of Darrein. Preſontment, and in

Plex of Quare 225 limited by the ſaid Stature of Merle-
bridge, and alſo the Days given in Attaint, limited by 5 E. 3.
© a 20 ee je oe Ng) ag
contrary to t enor Wit

. 5
. — . ” i 1 * *
„ 7 — . * = : * * * A,
© 4 1 * . 1 — # . wt + , II wy >
PF, £* ve - was. 4» ©” by =— 1 v * 1 2
2 3 9 4

$459 8 p4 *. 4

* * 5

* *% Us
.»< * LES * : *

I. Stat.
evexſion or ctancy of
any Eftate whatſoever after the Death of any other Perſon
upon Affidavit in Chancery, by the Perſons claiming, of
their Title there:o, and 1 have cauſe to believe that
ſuch other Perſon is Dead, and ſuch Death concealed by the
Guardian, Truftee, or other Perſon, may once a Year, if
the Perſon grieved think fir, move the Lord Chancellor,
Keeper, or Commiſſioners of the Great Seal, to order fuch
Guardian or other Perſon ſuſpected to conceal, at ſuch Time
and Place as the Court ſhall dire&, on Service of the Order, to
produce to ſuch Perſon and Perſons (not exceeding Two, na-
med in the Order by the Proſecutor ) ſuch Perſon ſuſpected to
be concealed : And if ſuch Guardian or other Perſon ſhall re-
fuſe or neglect to produce ſuch Perſon on whoſe Life ſuch
Eftate depends, then the ſaid Court is to order ſuch Guar-
dian, &c. to produce ſuch Perſon concealed, in Chancery, or
before Commiſſioners appointed by the Court, as the Court
ſhall direct, Two cf which Commiſſioners to be named by the
Proſecutor at his or their Charges: And if ſuch Guardian, &'c.
refuſe or neglect to produce ſuch Perſon ſo concealed, and
the Return be filed in the Petty-Bag, the Perſon concealed ſhall
<a to be dead, and the Perſon claiming may enter on fuch

are. g = | p .

II. If it ſhall appear to the Court by Affidavit, That ſuch

Perſon, for whoſe Life ſuch Eſtate is held, is or was at ſome
Place beyond Sea in the Affidavit named, the Party proſe-
cuting ſuch Order, at his Charge, may ſend one or both Per-
ſons appointed by the Order, to view the Perſon for whoſe lite
the Eftate is held; and in cafe the Perſon ſuſpected to conceal
refuſe or neglect to produce ſuch Perfon aforeſaid, then a true
Return thereof is to be made and returned, as aforeſaid, and
ſuch Perſon aforeſaid ſhall be taken to be dead, and the Perſon
claiming may enter. LOS LY

III. Proviſo, If it ſhall after appear in oy Action to be

brought, that ſuch Perſon, for whoſe Life ſuch Eſtate is held,
was alive at the time of ſuch Order, then the Perſon having
the Eftare determinable on ſuch Life may re-enter, and he, his
Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns, may maintain an Action
againft thoſe who received the Profits fince the ſaid Order, and
during the Time they were oufted, 1

IV. Proviſo, That if ſuch Perſon having Eſtate determinable,

as aforefaid, ſhall make appear to the ſaid Court that he hath
uſed his utmoſt endeavour, and cannot procure ſuch Perſon


qt * * * rn \ WY 2 4 Ce fg, 7 2 n * 8. e 9 2 * * NY I 4 * *
+ 2 & -.. 5 * ö 95 * | 9 8 * al „ te © 1 —
* Jo „ bone, 55 * Th 8 * : 2 3 * * 1 ; %
5 1 * 6 g ; 4 % 9
* 7 ** =
; * 1 a * + q 4 1 4
9 n
- V4 As : y ' =
2 3 . - * —— ” *.
i vs * : Be . 1 * ; KA z
n 8 n
4 . 4 FY ©
. | =
+ .
9 409 «©; IL 1 ARS Nimes 49 ,
dn whoſe Tifa ſuch Eſtate dete ags, fo, a
Perfon was hyil AG time of che R her 2
Perſon having ce ſhall continue in Poſſeſſion, and receive,
e Profits. 1 | 7 x
V. Ferſons who, as Guardians or, Truſtees, or ſeiſed in the
Right of their Wives, and Perſons having Eftates detetminable
pon Life, holding over without the Conſent of the Perſon next
ntirled, ſhall be adjudged Treſpaſſers ; and the Perſon next 7 |
itled, his Executors and Adminiftrators, may recover. again
uch Perſon holding over, his Executors and Admupiftcators, he
alue of the Profits received. Ord 2d 33

| — e ** \ % * , : 4 ;


I. Weſt. 2. 3. Ed. 1. cap. 23. None ſhall reſtrain a Foreigner

n any City, Borough; Town, Marker or Fair, for any Debt
herefore 2 is not Debtor or Pledge, in _ to be grievouſly
puniſhed ;} and if he be, the Diftreſs ſhall be re-delivered with-
om es by the Bailiff of the Place, or the King's Bailiff, if
e b | | | |

* =

II. Stat. 1 R. 2. cap. 12. No Warden of the Fleet ſhall fur:

fer any Priſoner (being in by Judgment) to go at large by

ind Nainpriſe, Bail or Biſton, 1 greeing with the Party for
all e thing adjudged, (un'eſsit be by Writ, or other Command of
ich me King) in Pain to loſe his Office.

III. The Warden being attainted thereof by due Proceſs,

uch n ſhall have their Recoyery againſt him by Bill of

me L t. | , | |
fe- IV. If any Perſon, being judged to another Priſon, ſhall
er- with Purpoſe to be removed to the Fleet, and there to have
life ore Liberty) confeſs himſelf Debtor to the King, the ſaid,
cal Recogniſance ſhall be received; and if he be not Debtor to the
rue ing upon Record, he ſhall be remanded, and there remain until
ind e hath agreed with the Party, and afterwards ſhall be ſent to
ſon 3 Fleet, and there remain uatil the King be ſatisfied the Cog-
be 1 | ENS 8 8 . hy Wy

audulent Conveyance to defraud the Creditor, if upon the

up148 for the Debt, the Sheriff return he hath not taken him,
decauſe of ſame privileged Place where he lies; the Gas
hall have another Writ to make Proclamation once a Week
ive Weeks together, at the Gate of the privileged Place,
hat the Party appear at the Day compriſed in the laſt Writ :
and then, upon Return of the ſaid laſt Writ, that Proclamation-
3s made accordingly, if the Ty appear neither by himſelf"

or his Attorney, Judgment ſhall be given againft him upon the

Principal for his Bee and Alſo (the Collaſion being proved )
Execution had of all his Goods and Lands without the Place
privileged, as well thoſe demiſed as others.

VI. Stat, 3 Fac. 1. cap. 15. Every Citizen and Freeman

of Lender, ee ns erfon there inhabiting, being
2 Tradeſman, Victualter or Labourer, which haſh. any, Debt
2 to him, not amounting to 40 8. by any ſuch Perſon afore-
id, may cauſe the Debtor to be ſummoned to the Court of
Requeſts at Guildhall, upon a Writing to be leit at the Deb-
tor's Houſe by an Officer of the ſame Court, or hy ſome other
reaſonable Warning, to appear before the Commiſſianers there,
who (or any Three of mem) ſhall have Power to make Or-
jy . to be regiſtred in a Book, and duly obſerved by

th Parties. | e 3
VII. The Commiſſioners alſo (or any Three or more of
) have Power to adminifter Oaths, both to the Parties and

itneſſes. | | -

VII. If any fuch Perfors, as aforeſaid, for any ſuch Debt

commence any Suit elſewhere againſt = other like Perſon, and
that it appear to the Judge upon the Defendant's own Oath, or
other ſufficient Teſtimony, that he is a Freeman, or Inhabitant
of London, 2s aforeſaid, and alſo that the Damages ſued for
amount not to 40 5. the ſaid Judge ſhall not allow to the Plain-
tiff any Coſts of Suit at all, but ſhall award to the Defendant his

treaſonable Coſts.

IX. None ſhall refuſe to appear upon due Summons, or to

obey the Commiſſioners Orders, in Pain to be impriſoned in one
ok the Compters by the ſaid Court, or any other of the Ser-
z at Mace of the City, there to remain until their Orders

performed. |
X. This Act ſhall not extend to any Debt for Rent, real Con-
tracts, or concerning Teſtaments, Matrimony, or any thing be-
bnging to the Eccleſiaſtical Court.

TI. Stat. 7 Fac. 1. cap. 12. None keeping a Shop- Boo his
Executor or Adminiftra ſhall be allowed to — it ay Fyi-
dence for Wares or Work above One Year before the Action

brought z Unleſs they have obtained a Bond or Bill for the Debt,
brought an Action thereupon within One Year after the

. Wares delivered, or Work done.


III. This A& ſhall not hold place between Merchant and
Men, 3 and 8 — Tradeſ-
man, for any thing falling withi Compaſs o ir mutual
Trades and Merchandize. nen


| een .
"og = Charta, c 2.8.9 K. 3. The King nor his Bailiffs ſhall
man an Bere LE or Reats fo long as the Debtor hath
Ang oods and Chattels to ſatisfie : neither ſhall the Pledges be di-

ained fo long as the e is ſufficient; but if he fail, then

Ore- all the Pledges anſwer ebr. Howbeit they ſhall have the
t of Pebtors Lands and Rents until they be ſatisfigd, unleſs he can
757 acquit himſelf againſt the Pledges. .

II. Magna Charta, c | 18. 9. H. 3. The King's Debtors *

ing, the King ſhall — betore the Executor. 7 |

III. Weſt. 7. cab. 19. 3 E. x. The Sheriff having received

e Rigg) Debt, upon his next Account ſhall diſcharge the
Debtor thereof, in Pain to forfeit three times ſo much to the

Debtor, and to make Fine at the King's Will.

debt BE TV. The Sheriff or his Heirs ſhall anſwer all Monies that they

and whom he imploys do receive; and if any other that is anſwer-

„ of able to the Exchequer by his own Hands do fo, he ſhall render

tant rice ſo much to the Plaintiff, and make Fine as before.
for V. Upon Payrzent' of the King's Debt, the Sheriff ſhall give

lain- a Talley to the Debtor, and the Proceſs for levying the ſame

t his ſhall be ſhewed him upon Demand without Fee, in Pain to be

x to grievoufly puniſhed. © a 5 |

one VI. Artic. ſuper . Chart. cap. 12. 28 E. 2. Beafts of the

Ser- Plough ſhall not be lileained ker the King's Debt, ſo long as

ders others may be found, upon ſuch Pain as is elſewhere ordain-

ed b Stute, * by me Statute De diſtrictions Scaccarii,

, |

Con- « 3. which ſee in Diſtreſs, ) LOL

473 VII. The great Diſtreſſes ſhall not be taken for his Debts, nor

driven too far; and if the Debtor can find convenient Surety, the
Diſtreſs ſhall in the mean time be releaſed: and he that doth

x uy ptherwiſe, ſhall be grievouſly puniſhed.

i. | 3 „„
— VIII. Stat. 13 Eliz. cap. 4 All the Lands, Tenements and

Hereditaments, Which 1 of the Queen, her Heirs

nd Succeſfors, hath while he remains accouncable, ſhall, for

Payment of the Debts of the Queen, her Heirs and Succeſſors,

de liable and put in Execution, in like manner as if ſuch Ac-

del- eountant had ftood bound by Writing Obligatory ( having the

cual Effect of the Statute 7 7 to her Majeſty, her Heirs and Suc-

ceſſors, for Payment of the ſame.

IX. If this uper be not paid within Six Months after the Ac-
Debt count paſt, the Queen, &'c. may ſell ſo much of his Eſtate -4

_ - w
— — — — “t — EE > ²˙ w A

I. Lands purchaſed by Accountants ſince the Beginning of

AR, and not otherwiſe.

| Traverſe be diſcharged without Livery, Oufter le main, or other

9 "©. Lab m—
* * 7 1. *
- 4
by * 20
* - 9

12 Debt to the King.

will anſwer the Debt, and the Overplus of the Sale is to be re-
dred to the Accountant or his Heirs, by the Officer that receives is I
the Purchaſe-money, without farther Warrant. Deb!
X. If ſuch an Accountant or Debtor purchaſe Lands in others cce
Names in Truſt for their Uſe, that being found by Office or In-
22 thoſe Lands alſo ſhall be liable to ſatisſie the Debt in
uch manner as before is expreſſed. _ Tx

the Queen's Reign, either in their own Names, or inthe Names

of others in Truſt for their Uſe, ſhill be alſo liable to be fold For
the Diſcharge of their Debts, as aforeſaid, rendring the Overptus
to the Accountant, as before. 128 =P
XTI. Provided, That Biſhops Lands ſhall be only chargeable
fr Subſidies or Tenths, as they were before the making of this

* XIH. Neither ſhall this Act extend to charge any Accountant Wl

whoſe Yearly Receipt exceeds not 300 J. otherwiſe than as he X
was lawfully chargeable before this Act. 7 ;
XIV. Neither ſhall this Act extend to ſuch Accountants as
by Order of their Offices and Charge, immediately after their
Accounts paſt, are to lay out Money again; ſuch as are the
Treafnrers of War, Garriſons, Navy, Proviſion of Victuals, or
for Fortifications or Buildings, and the Maſter of the Wardrobe ;
unleſt the Queen, &. command preſent Pay. _
XV. Neither doth this Act extend to Sheriffs, Eſcheators, or
Bailiffs of Liberties, concerning whoſe Accounts the Courſe re-
mairs the ſame that it was before, | |
XVI. Lands bought of an Accountant bona fide, and with-
out Notice of any fraudulent Intent in the Accountant, ſhall be Nut:
ifcharged : And if they be found by Office, yet ſhall they upon
Suit. 5 |
XVII. The Queen, Cc. being ſatisſied by Sale of Land, the
Sureties ſhall be diſcharged for ſo much, and if any yet remain
unpaid, the Sureties ſhall pay the Reſi ſue ratably according ta
their Abilities. | RSS.

XVIII. Stat. 14 Elis. cap. 7. The Statute of 13 Eliz. cap. 4.

Mall alſo extend to make the Lands, &c. and Goods of Under-
Collectors ſubſtituted by Biſhops, and (Sede vacante ) by
Dean and Chapter, to collect the Tenths and Subſidies of the
Clergy, liable ro their Debts.

XIX. The ſaid Under - Collectors ſhall account in the Exche-

quer; and the Biſhop, and Dean and Chapter (Sede vacante )
ſhall be diſcharged of ſo much as is levied of the Under-Col- art
lectors Lands, Cc. and Goods, 9

4 5

14 Deni Pen, a. 1
| to be divided betw'xt- the King and the Proſecutor: and m.
r that procure ſuch Inqueſt ſhall incur the like Pu nd
mm ent, |

II. If the Juror or Embracer have not whereof to make Gree Nice

he ſhall ſufferx a; Year's 9 ay 75

III. But no Juftice eee eee Or

Rp =

f n : *
1 4 7 241427


I POET 35 E. 3. cap. 15 By the antient Terms = Foray

of Pleaders & Man ſhall be. prejudiced, ſo that the Matter of
* gan een. n amm Writ,

n Deeds and Writings. © Wi
I., Stat; 1 M. Ss 2 Nee 5 ct

1715977 2 +

nd Writings made by or to any Perſon ſinee * 6th of Ju n

ft, ban =" 2 Auguft, under the Name of any other chan th —

ST This Act ſhall not extend ty make good any Letters Pa-
tents, Commiſlion, Grants, or other Writ 7 by the ha
* Favs COWAN the ſaid Sa 2 a ante

117 on. 263 **

„D r Salt terre

ee hunt, rake in 154 ki * or take 2

14 any Red or Fallow Deer, in 8 "Chaſe, \Purliey, tro
| Pac dock, r other = 3 —
Deer are or u — none nt of the ier
Owner, ot Perſon entruſted with the Cuſtody thereof or be wis
aiding therein, and ſhall be convicted by Confeſſion or the Oath Mil! k
of one Witneſs, before a Juſtice of Peace of the County where
the Offence ſhall be committed, or the Party apprehended, *
in a Twelve Month after the Offence done. they ſhall forfeit for
every ſuch Offence 20 J. and for every Deer wade. taken

or killed, 301. to be levied by Diftreſs and Sale of Goods, by

Warrant from the Juſtice before whom the Conviction ſha
be made, one third part to the Informer, the other third part to
the Poor of the Pariſh where the Offence ſhall be commit-
ted, and the other third to the Owner, of the Deer. And
for Want of Diſtreſs, they. ſhall be impriſoned a Year, and Ae
ſer in the Pilory an Hour, on ſome Market-day, in the
Town next adjoining to the bans Wa the e was


Inder Officers.

II. Conſtables, Hes

ice Warrant, 8
auſes and orher
on: er Skins of Ber ers

_ the Party

upok Oath,
RNS deer er Be

1 able or oth 5 ns profecut

ay bean ſuch Offenders Cuſtody, 8 do not . a

y/ the Monies due by the Convidtion, tiff Ay may @ -

ade - the Warrant for Diſtreſs,” ſtich POTS

Deer, or ani de a ER

£24 ei os ER) $. . 11
IV; Owiiers of 'any ſack
ay refit ſuch O dats," and be indeminified, Be.
Lt had been mary 4 in an antient Chiſe or Park;

Juh V No Certiorari ſhall be allowed to remove an y Con

in the other Proceeding this Act, unleſs Wert ary con
zal, before it be allowed, beconie bound leon
s Pa- J. with Sureties to be approved by thefaid Juſtice, ro p.
ithim a Month aſter the Conviftion confirmed os ed

arited, their 285 Coft* $to — ſcertained

VI. No Offender © by'vi — 2 188 his. Fe hi incur
ze Penalty of any other r 1085 * Offence.

VII. All Ferſons profecured for any thing dong in £

this Act may. Þ plead, the General | Uſae, and give che om

atter in ue FE |

VIM. If any. ny. Peeſory nan in the Ni ;ghe- Tins down or

= ſtroy, or cauſe to be pulled down or © deft Chat oy Pales or
where alls of any Park, Fon” O's or ok Gtound incloſed,

here Red or Fallow Deer ſhall ck. Perſons being

nvicted by Oath of one WI | a
all by ſuch Lo 8 Tuffer

vuths('" as ah | |

WI uſtice of Peace


2 —
— C


|. Dtat, r 0 For maki good the D

erving mw tick Credit," ing fo That 1 55
chequer Bills, The 3 3. Land- Tax L Per 8 IW. 3.
p. 6. The Duty upon * Paſtboard, Parcnment, &.
antol = 8W.z 3. cap. A * . S 22.

upon 21. T 11

W. 3. cap. 38. The Fix for 5440 * 2

10 V.

84 , ,
bl PTY
* *
10. N. 9d. and Salt, Stampt Vellum, Parchment and 1
Paper,” * 9 N 4c 24. were deficient in the Whole too :
2338028 J. 15 8. 5d. 39; beſides Intereſt due and to grow due.
d therefore Enact:, T hat 12 Car. 2. 2 of Tonnage and
Poundage, and an Order made in pur thereof for ſettling
Officers Fees, figned by Sir Edward. Turner, Speaker; And
12 Car. 2. cap. 19. to prevent Frauds and Concealments of Cu-
ſtoms and Subſidies; And 14. Car. 2. cap. 11. for. preventing!
Frauds, and regulating Abuſes in the Cuftoms; And az Car. 2.
cap. 13. for the 1 I ron of Tillage, Ic. And 25 Car. 2,
cap. G. for taking off Aliens Duties, &'s. And 25 Car. 2. cap. 75,
for the Encouragement of the Greenland and Eaftland Trades,
He And 1 Fac. 2. cap. 19. for the Improvment of Tillage; je
And 8 . 3. cap. 34 tor leſſening the Duty u Tin, &. ut
And 9 . 3. * 39. for increaſing Duties upon Luſtrings and XI
Alamodes, And 11 V. 3. cap. 20. for taking away the Duties
upon Woollen Manufactures, Corn, c. and all the Directi- Wd
ons contained therein, or in any other Acts now in Force con- Mnce
certing the Subſidy of Tonnage and Poundage, granted in XI
12 Car. 2. ſhall be in Force until the Firſt of - Auguft,

1 10. 4 «154d EG, | II 4

"IT Rosi, That nothing herein ſhall determine any Amid
in any of the laſt mentioned Acts intended to be perpetual, or
continued for any time which will not expire before the Firſt{WPntir
of uſt, 1710. 42g 4 04 1, JETS
III. Daries upon Wine and Vinegar, granted per 1 Jac «2,
cap. 3. continued till x Aug, 1710, . |
VV. Duties. upon Tobacco and Sagar, granted per 1 Jac. on!
cap. q. continued till x Auguſt, LY Bea vom 4 A. 2 '
; Forio, That the Duty upon Tobacco ſhall be anſwered
in ſuch Method, and with ſuch, Allowance, as mentioned in
Stat. 7. V. 3. cap. 10. nfs „Moe Ane
NMI. Duties upon Eaſt- India Goods, wrought Silks, and
ther Goods imported, granted per 2 W. 8 M. Seff. 2. cap.
continued by ſeyeral Acts till 1 Auguft, 1701. are hereby con-
tinued till 1 Augu/?, 1710. except ſuch. part of the ſaid! A,
concerning Vinegar, Tobacco, Eaſt-India Goods, and otherfW@9itic
Merchandizes, touching which Proviſions are made by any Ad
of Parliament now in being; which Proviſions ate continued du:
ring this Act; and the ſaid AR of 7 W. 3. cap. 10. is hereby com
* 71 5 ng, 1710. wo . 7
II. The Duties per 4 IV. cap 5. for granting certain

Additional Impoſitions upon ſeveral 8d, = 4 Merchands

zes, — continued to 1 Auguſt, 1710. except as hercin after
excepted, ; |

VIII. But during this Act only the Sum of 2 s. per Ton
ſhall be paid tor Lapis Calaminaris exported, over and above
the Rates charge] in the Book of Rates; and it ſhall be lawful

11 ds, og Fol. * 2 ers W

| IX. Rent e.

3s made
Eh e laſt 15
dbſerVed during the Term 335
$4 Duties upon Vellum],

o King William and 255 wig hd Per Meas! = an
Il Powers and Clauſes etein, 10 other Att, cooferning

Fl oontin l , ,1710,
xL. Poo, Ro — 45 ls 466: 9 977 made by any
cher, 1 ch Alteration ſhall be hl az to the ſame
2. Duties 5 5 granted pep 7 7 28. hich

20. Were CON

d al Ia and 2 in the ſaid 15 val 21 E =
Pncerni he faid Duties, continued ti 1 5 Aug: 1710. TP
XIII. Wikle-F A

17 po © Fins af 4 Pat vr
c * much of uty of
im af 1$ 15 700 71 ſublec | 185 continued ti

xv 2710. 1 > of the: Pew 7 and 7 Day

dntinued ior for-


ſeyeta Fands,. 0d 111 75 t 25 A Sid 19 7

ank of uy ny} Fel 1 1 of the Her co
y.Dur 0 Rock 255 pot Pe ſaid Di

on Whale- ind Js Linens A cap. 45-8

ef ct on of Princi 1 re to me |
o laſt mentioned 1 2 by to

k good the ſaid deficient 2 be 02085 233 $85 q+,

8 d Intereſt, due grow due, 3ccording, 1 the 9 85

XV. The Sub f Toin e, and Pounds the Duties

on Wines bly iS — Eaft- India ge, wrought
Ks, and 3 Duties t. eg wick peo Op by this AG the
. 8 2 ions Upon ſeveral Goods and Merchar
e pon Vellum, *Paxchment, and Paper, the Duties
es, the Duties uhm Whale Fins an 3 Linen,
[the time the ſaid Duties are reſpectiyely here Ne
wm the ſaid Oye lus Money, 4 if 1 be) ſhall de
72 * make the ſa ficiencies, amounting.
I. T5854 aſk Rt an” and to gtow.

. Dae al Monied Bed appropriated, ſhall

| pplied to the Payment of the ſaid R mentioned
Yr 2 juſt Proportions, and according to the true Intent of

—_ B XVIL The


e pe Ge le iT 55 pl:

ans 12

e Money for Piſcharg e lets ſhall

he . The Money nd P X. Fame *
kane ought if fach re 2 Fin Fenn on, t 255 A

rt er ve de ufo he Jo f CERES ll ed,” In

t ient Funds, 2s a
not de diverted, under the Penal 1 8 NE dete


IX. The A tixfatinn

7 5 "rem apo weed to 1 80 l N 7
"Ke ” Prove. That nothing in this A& ſhall extend ts/con
ENS the e Y on Sab — ue x grauted, ! W

F The, Co ITT + th: afy „ or. af Three

Hh Treaſurer for the time ng, or other |
the Exchoquers Fine Vary, Fa * a J t the Ac e 94
wes of t aw 5 of the Land- | |
Sen be wih Intereſt reteived 10

lies, Sfc, ps . 3 * 11. according to the . .

of. the es art t in the — 12 M n now}

ey in his e ee 8 i |

ee Money in r 6, 15 of dich ne Th
EE Lord . gh Tra ver b 115 1 0 A0p OR

ASH Jets
Sele Np 25 Aptj 0

es u

CNY. "The aid ede of High Treiftirer' u

make. mpoiliction M. atbanie u oY <I7Y

+50 The Be oven AN . A. pr

or, any Mes 8 ox more of th tave Power. to cal
rifie, to the Paymaſt maſter of iy 97 the 7085 to Tipo
and Companies, ip t 05 Nats 120
and Majori . the C aptains. o i" Re 1 dal WP
to pg uch Certi res ; and ende eral,
lag ont Dabei 1 l to. ſuch, Perſan, out of the.
10 * in Tl * 5 Pa Deen 8

ay thereou on-Lommi1 100 q)

ol Wives, Chil io: and Aſſignees, for Debis by them

and contracted on Account of their Pa 2pPeaps 77
Certificate of their $2 rain; and in ca e his Death, o the
Colonel, &fc. ſuch Perſon receiving, on Receipt, ſhall give
"_ at 4 Twelve-months * to retuin an Account upt

11 358

2 4 =o | Dileett,

zue e 3 8 ov Dils;
4 12
| 5855 EE have Ay in th
ca urt agal | erſona
might. have inft-t x Admit e

, bal

«4 — — —
OT. 3 Lo on] Bonn
J 7 6/4 44

II. Stat. 14 '+ 7 11.

pidatiom ſhalt 22 22. Bel cars be

4 e

5 »

ing for which they, were 12 15 22 to ar

acer — Bede Dir 52-8119 he ]

Ne 47 ** 1 — 8 4 Wu
Fe 1 * = Ty! 01 943 LY It
25 1 11 1 7241 12 25 _ (4

l * 12 x [Pon do ar cel
to any 1 FN. 89910 {Lond BN and thereob obe
* 2 er a V Day's Im priſonment at

ſt j and if he be a Pleader, he hal be alſo. expelled the-Gourt,

TIE if they deſerve greater Puniſhment, it ſhall be arthe



ꝙ2ꝙ22 of Fee, and Marlhaks of Juſtice in E 2 Prof

mere Morey —— — t fo dd, in — pc Sh
to pay the treble thereof to the inan -. 017009; . if .

2.3 Vs

* 1 3. 22 Gi A Wii pry Diſceit fab EL

taina e as well incaſeo arniſhmen ching a Land,

as in caſe of Summons in Plea of Lind,

- Dilcontinuance of Right 9 Wet 5

1 Eight 12575 20. If a Woman tha
Dower for Life, * ail jointly lg her NS
to her ſelf, or to her Ul. inany Lands, a5, the
ar Purchaſe of her Husband, or given 85 die Haube | |
by the Husband's Anceftors, or any ſeiſed to the ule . the Hub
band or his Anceſtors, do ſole, and with an a e Huf 'Y
band, diſcontinue or ſuffer a Recovery by Covin, it ſhal
and he to whom the Land ought to belong after the Death
ſaid Woman, may enter (as if the Woman were dead ) 1 Gt
out Diſcontinuance or Recovery. 1
IL. Provided, That the Woman may enter after the Husband's=_
Death; but if the Woman were ſole, the Recovery or mrs
e barreth her for ever.
III. This Act extends not to any Recovery or Diſcontinuanc
withthe Heir next inheritable to the Woman, or by his Conſent

Recard ed,
* — Diſcontindana

of 7 7
, an

x; e V2
Dittontinunnte ok Plots.
1 Stat, 11. E & cap d&. No Suit before Jultices' of Peace


II. Stat. 1 E. 6. cap. 7. The Death of the King ſhall not dif-*
ontinue any Suit berwixt Party and Party; neither ſhall the
ariance between the Original and Judicial Proceſs in reſpect of
he King's Name be material as concerning any Default to be al-

Wu ereof. G
II. Aſſiſes of Novel difſeifin, Mortdanceflor, Juris utrum,
Attaints, ſhall not be diſcontinued by reaſon of Death, New
ommiſſions, Aſſociations, or the not coming of the ſame Ju-
Hces, or any of them. 1 e .
IV. Preferment of the Demandant or Plaintiff to be Duke,
biſhop, Marqueſs, Earl, Viſcount, Baron, Biſhop, Knight,
uſtice of the one Bench. or the other, or Serjeant, not
aake the Suit abatable. |
V. Preferment of Juſtice of Aſſiſe, Goal-delivery, or Peace,
of any other Commiſſioner, to the Dignities aforeſaid, or to
x Sherift, ſhall not leſſen his Power. But Note, that to be She-
uf is altered by 1 M. Parl. 1. cap. 8. which ſee in Dheriffs.
VI. New Juſtices of Goal-delivery may give Judgment of 2
Priſoner found guilty of Treaſon or Felony, though he were
prieved by other Juſtices. | SD |
VII. No Proceſs or Suit before Juſtices of Aſſiſe, Gaol- de-
very, Oyer and Terminer, or Peace, or other of the Kings
ommiſſioners, ſhall be diſcontinued by a New Commiſſion, or
y the Alterations of any of their Names- 0 4

VIII. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 3. No Pleas, Writs, Plaints, Pro-

ſs, Nc. pleaded, returned, or having Day in the Court at Veſt-
ninſter, at any the Four firſt Returns of Eafter Term 1660. or
ther Day certain, ſhall be diſcontinued by not keeping the ſaid
etums: but are hereby continued and adjourned to the firſt
Return of the ſaid Term. 5 Cj
n No Judicial Proceedings commenced before the Fifth of
vith er Lord Protector, Ic. or Richard Lord Protèctor, a.
al be diſcontinued by the King's Reaſſumption of the Govern -
and ent; nor (hall the ſame be cauſe of Error % ES ns
onti- RET:

Ia 5

mn GR | |

S 8 e Fiſt ho 15 5 8220 FI ro

jects in any W * ſhall be

a — c whe, |
ormer arriages are confirmed. mrs
III. A Confirmation of all Archbj 403

babe Pr $ and Biſhops,

Authority, and. of 12 Eccle exſons gn by
Authority of this Act, and not L. any Foreign Power.

I he Effects and C ls, B and

penn ta Hoe fe when

£ the Great Seal. N (#9 |
. ene, — —


Stat, De Diftriflione Scaccari, 51 H. 3. The. Re.

Bk Cattle may give them them” Food without ;


II. A Diſtreſi taken for the King's Debt, a not —

within 15 Days; and upon deen * a Talley, 2 555 giving
Surety for his 7 rance in the Exchequer up”

Account. the Diſtreſs ſhall ceaſe : the Sheriff ſhull alfo 4 25

tach the Party that received the Debt, to be there alſo. at

me time.

III. + 5 Draught-Cattle nor Sheep ſhall be drain

found fo fav the Debr Bee ll ber Coe The
to ſatisſie t teſſe⸗ reaſonable ;
iff ſhall anſwer all Debts received; and where the Sheriff
— himſelf, the Debtor ſhall be acquitted.

IV. Marlbz. cap. 1. 52 H. All Perſons ( high and low

ſhalt — felt the King's 3 Court. 0 0 l
V. None ſhall take any Diſrcls of his on Authority with-
. out Award of our Court, in Pain (upon Conviction thereof)
to be puniſhed by Fine, according to. the Treſpaſs ; and tlie . I
ty grieved ſhall be alſo recompenſed his Loſs. | :

VI. Warlbz, cap. 2. 52 H. 3. None ſhall diſtrain any ta

come to his Court that is not of his Fee, or upon whom hen bath
no no Jurſcin ; neither ſhall Piftreſſes be taken out of the Fee

lace Where he hath no Juriſdiction; in Pain that the Offen-

— ſhall be — as before.
vu. M.

EET et it is e

1 ui, if the Lord n w be defi

5 wh, de fined, amefcied: neverthelcl the
lad rover his Damages againſt him. |

f he Ounty w was taken, in Pain to ma
25 Aud L br ume ſo to do againſt his 8

cer tnteaſonable DN, in Pain to. be



TI. Marlbz, cap. 13. . Kan ende as ex<

ot hn ah; 5 Gate having ſpecial eee (ex: to
F a

1E "MIT Street.

XII. Wett. 1. add. 16. 3 E. 1. Roos hall die Pass out

the County, or oi in wrongfull hy, > GED 425 0 in Pain

ſold i

by d be puniſhed 34 Starate of Ma, 7. is provided, or more

ben vou, if tho ceſpaſ fo require.

A. un. cned. x. cap; x7. 3 E. 1. If Beafts be im

the aſtle or e Aer convenient be impounded in

ined ound 145 not to be replevied by the 3 2. or
de me other of the King's Bailiffs, the King =_ common har
The Ale or Fortreſs to be demoliſhed : after the ficft

and of the 4 iff or _ ) the FF: all recane double -

image: a the Lord, or Impounder ; or, Impounder
e not ble. 1 then a * 1 Lord himſelf an y. |
XIV, In this caſe, if the Bailiff of the F ranchiſe,_gcfuſt + to
pic then Tall he Sheriff 5c le, pon the aforeſaid

XV. Alſo Deliverance ſhall be made by Attachment ot the

ntif enen *

IF XVI. Weſt n 1. None ſhall procuee any to

rain — + to mike him appear at the County Court, or
other inferior Court, on pürpoſe to ver him, and put him
5 Charge and Trouble, in . to make Fine to the Kings and

d pay to the Party grieved treble Damage.

Bg | vn welt,


1 Dillreſſe
but by Bailiffs known and ſworn, in Pain to reftore ben

| _ to _ and cauſe the Niftreſs to be appraiſed by Two


Dilreſſes; -
Weſt. 2. cap. 37. 13 E. 2. No Diſtreſſes ſha "

the Party grieved, and to be grievoully puniſhed by the

. 4 « 6 er 5 : A 4 1 IF ö 7 "4 FOE |
XVIII. Artic. cleri, cap. 9. 9 E. 2. Diſtreſſes ſhall not
taken in the H- Wg. u in the ancient Fees of the |

XIX. Stat. x & 2 EG AM. cap. 23. No Diſtreſs of Cattle

(hall be driven out of the Hundred where it is taken, except to
a Pound overt within the ſame Shire, not above Three Miles
diſtant from the Place where. it was ſo taken: neither.ſhall a
Diſtreſs be impounded in ſeveral Places, whereby the Qui
er may be conſtrained to ſue ſeveral Replevins for the Deli
very thereof: in Pain to forfeit to the Party grieved for
every Offence committed againſt this Act, 3 J. and treble Da-

Mages. wa Nov rnien

XX. None ſhall take above 4 d. for the Poundage of one
Diftreſs, (and, where, leſs. is uſually taken, to take leſs) in
_ to forfeit to the Party grieved 31. beſides what is taken
avVoaVe. . | : need do 45 22 4
XXI. The Sheriff ſhall at his firſt County-day, or within, Two
Months after he receives the Patent, depute, and proclaim in the
Shire-Town Four Deputies to make Repleyzns, not dwelling
above 12 Miles diftant from one another, in Pain to forfeit 5


every Month he wants ſuch Deputy or Deputies, 3 J. to be

vided berwixt the King and the Profecutor,

XXII. Stat. 2. FV. & M. Seſſ. 1. cap. 3. After the Firſt of

Jie, 1695. where any Goods or Chattels ſhall, be diſtrained
for Rent, reſerve] and due upon any Demiſe, Leaſe, or
tract, and the Tenant or Owner of the Goods ſhall not, within
Five Days afier ſuch Diſtreſs, and Notice thereof, (with the
Cauſe of ſuch Taking) left at the Manſion-houſe, or other
moſt notorious Place of the Premiſſes charged with the Rent,
_— the ſame, the Perſon diſtraining may, with the She-
riff or Under-Sheriff of the County, or with the Conſtahle of
the Hundred, Pariſh, or Place where, c. who are hereby re-


orn Appraiſers, whom ſuch Sheriff, c. thall ſwear to ap-

praiſe them truly, according to the heſt of their underſtanding z
and after ſuch Appraiſement may ſell the ſame, towards the Sa-
— — 3 the ent: n the Charges of the Diſtreſs an Ay »
aiſemenr, leaving the Overplus, if an in the Hands 8
aid Sheriff, &c. for the Owner's Uſe, n wit af: IG
XXIII. It fhall be lawful todiftrain for Rent arrear, as afore-
ſaid, any Sheaves or Cocks of Corn, or Corn looſe in the Straw,
or Hay in any Barn or Granary, or upon any Hovel, Sack br
Rick, or otherwiſe; and to lock yp and detaia the ſame 1 8
' | » : : CC

1 K 8 0 { ” p N . *

* i 2 * - N 1 N Y * * 7 e "*Y PR =. l 4 *

nne * 2 Aue : . * . * ,
, 1 .

Dober; Dower. 27

place where it ſlall be ſound, till it be replevied, as aforeſaid ;

by 4 thereof, 0 ithir the Time afbreſaid, to ſel
3 aſter Appraiſement, as aſbreſaid; ſo nevertheleſs that
be not rem 2 the Damage of che Owner, but kept where
Hall be and ſeiſed, a impounded, till it be replevied
Oo 4 450 {1 0 > aw, th G4 $0 ; ; 8 e

XXIV * — any Pound · Breach or Reſcous of Goods! di-

zined for Rent, the Perſon grieved ſhall have a Special Action
pon the Caſe, and recover treble Damages and Coſts of Suit
gainſt the Offenders, or againſt the Owner of the Goods, if
hey come to his Uſe or Poſſeſſion 4 $644
XV. If any ſuch Diſtreſs or Sale, as aforeſaid, ſhall be made
here there is no Rent due, the Owner of the Goods diſtrain,
d may, 2 — of Treſpaſs, or upon the Caſe, againſt the
erſons diſtraining, recover double the Value of the Goods di-
Wraincd with full Coſt of Suit - ö a

Dover : See Title Havens and Rivers, Seft. XIV.

I. Irtic, ſuper Chart. cap. 7. 28 E. x. The Conſtable

wa. Dover Caſtle ſhall not hold Plea of any Foreign County
the ithin the Caſtle - Gates, except it concern the keeping of the
ing ſtle: neither ſhall he diftrain the Inhabitants of the Five Ports
for > plead elſewhere or otherwiſe than as they ought according to

e Form of their Charter eonfirmed by the Great Charter. 3

of Dower,
of I. Merton, cap. 1. 20˙ N. 3. A Woman deforced of her

ower or Quarantine in a Writ of Dower ſhall recover Dag

the er, viz. the Value of her Dower from her Husband's Death,

ther the Day of the Recovery of het Dower, and the Deforcer

e Il be amertied. 14 94 | 44 41897; $: 02% A

e of . Med. r. cap. 49. 3 E. 1. In a Writ of Dower ( unde
re · bil habet) the Writ ſhall not abate by the Exception of the

'wa nant, that ſhe hath received her Dower of another before the

ap- init purchaſed, unleſs he can ſhew that ſhe: received part of

"gs beer of himſelf, and in the ſame Town before the Writ
2K — SC ; "x . 4 "Y X F .

x* I. Weſt. 2. cap. 4. 13 E. 1. The Wife ſhall be Endow-

a well where Land was recovered againft her Husband

ault, as by Covin; fo that albeit the Land was loſt by

þ Hugband +Detzult, yet — ſhall her ood Arguing of

nant, but he mult then proc a ew his K1 L

=. 2 per, = 3
V. When Tenants in Dower, in Frank · Marriage, by che
Courteſie, for Lien in Tail, defe the . Lr by Ba gol
che Tenant iscompelled to ſhew his Right they may vouch the
Reverfioner, if they have Warranty then the wee
paſs betwixt the Tenant and the Wartantor, according to Te
nour of — Writ, 2 the — > pars, of Del —.—
and ſo many iont reſort to one Fu
viz. that the — recorerthit Demand, and 2nd wht
Tenant ſhall go qui
V. Here 1 — of ſach a Tenant which is compe
lable to ſhew his Right, be moved by a Writ of Rights ©
the great Aſſiſe or Battle cannot be joyned by Words accu-
| mom yet ſhall it in that caſe be joyned by Words come

VL If the Wife be wrongfully endowed $-- Guardian
during the Minority of the Heir, he . fu ſhall be
I yet ſnall the Wife retain her juſt D wa, f ſhe male
her Title good.
VII. By this Statute, in place'o of a Writ of Right, , Quo: .
deforceat is given to Tenant in Dower, in Free- by Bak

the Courtelic, forLif es and in Tail, upon loſing

VIII. tat. 1 E. 6. cap. 12. The Wife ae endowed,

| albeit her Husband were attainted, convicted, or outlawed]

for Treaſon or Felony, ſaving the Right of others. Bus mots,
ebat = — n altered for Treaty 5 E. 6. Caf 12. Which

ſee in C
| Dyapery.

1. Stat. 12. E N Cloths made beyond Ses

be beought into 2 55 z Dominion, in Pain to ber w 2
ve Lands,

ſame, and to be further puniſhed at the King's Will.

Ul. Stat. l. E. 3. cap. 3. Cloth-workers of

which come into the King's Dominion, ſhall have
Protection, dwell where they pleaſe, and have convenient F
chiſes granted unto them. 3 1 L


II. Seat. Of Cloths. 25 E. 3. Stat. 4. All Cloths ve

dible ſhall he meaſured by the King's Aulnager or his die.

IV. Every Cloth of Ray ſhall be 28 Yardslong add fix quar-

ters broad, and is to be meaſured by the Lift ; eo the Len Lane

of a coloured Cloth ſhall be 26 Yards, and the Breadth 6 Qu

—- 75 an half, and ſuch Cloths ate to be meafured by the

be this Stafure for the Meaſure. 1 Stat. +

V. Stet. 47 E. z.

| Wired l re
* 8 727 5 and de Ba ſhall take "for z his — of the Seller one Half;
0 foe entry: Cloth which is of Alliſe, © «Cn an.
e but he hall take nothing for 9

I he meddle with Clos which are not fo

r to the
VI. A Subſidy to the
oth (not rained ) of Aſſiſe * t
and 3d. if grained f d a 1.

y Subũdy
VIII. No Subſidy hall
oth made for'a Mans 0
9 Ix n 50

us 8
— Jt

. Seat. a 7. Woollen Cloths haſt not be Trrüf:

— or pay Subſidy before they be fulled · :

XI. Stat. 50 E. 8. Cloths called Friſe- mare, 2 |

0 'Weell, ſhall pay 0 Sublidy Ak, 1 2

XT Stat. 3 N. 2. 2 The Aulnager ſhall not ſeal K

ed Cloth, n Pain chat the Owner ſhall forfeit the Crs,

the Aulnager his Office: - -

XIII. If he Lal a Cloth which is not of Alte he ſhall for-

tithe Value of the Cloth and his Office, and beſides fuller i.

and be raxivined © AE. .

AL Seat, 7 33.


d ates
pt Mt:

je again Decc K A Con to be fold, and a =

| of the e of — |
KV. He that findeth Defects oboe wer to for-"
x Statures, ſhall have the Value of the third" Parr of ſuch
tp which nevertheleſs-ſhail be anſwered to the King by the

\ together with the reſt of the Thos forfeited,

Stat. 13 R. 2. cap. 10. are and Kenda Clath- |

TIS the Starwte of Aſie of Cloth, bor ſhall

Length readth as merly, ſo it *

d of ſuch courſe Woall as formerly. | *

2 8 * R.2.cap. rr No phin Clthtackofo Wie |

: Dorſet, Briftol and

2 "hal n e le ore they de opencd, 4

XVIII. The, Workers, Weavers, and Fullers, ſhall put theie

Seals to every Clothz upon a cettain Pain to be
Juſtices of Peace. Niete tb „rte: UL. .1

74 *

ar Stat, 37 f g fe. No Co uit fl rer

it js meaſured and ſealed by the Aulnager, upon the Pains con
tained in the Statutes thereof made. 1 „ e eee
*. No ſhall be uſed in Kerſeys, in Pain to forſeit

, 8 -
( - -

* wn

AI Stat. 4 7. 9-c4þ. 24. The: Aulnage miy he let to.

m by —_ mx to the Diſcretion of the Lord-
eaſurer and Barons of the — notwithſtanding the

Statute of 17 R. 2. Which ſoe in | Ev DLL

XXI. Stat. 9 H.4. cap. 2. No Cloth called Kendal, wheres

of the Dozen paſſeth not 6 s. 8 d.: ſhall be ſcaled, neither ſhall

any Aulnage be paid for the ſame.

XIII. Stag. 2x H. 4 c. &. None ſhall tack or plait to-
gether Cloths be

in Pain to forfeit the ſame.

, XXIV. If the Aulbager be attainted to do contrary to this

Statute, he ſhall forfeit to the King Jox.the firſt Offence, 10 l.

all be arreſted, and all his Goods and-Chattels at the

Will. And here the Proſecutor ſhall have a fourth part of the
ſaid Forfeitures of 10 J. and 20 J. ſaving to Lords and

XXV. Stat. 21 H. 6. cap. 9. This Word Cloth in the aſore-

Taid Statutes of 7 H. 4. cap. 10. and 11 H. 4. cap. 6. ſhall be un-
dexſtood of Broad Cloth, and Broad and not of Stxeats.

XVI. Every, Man may make and ſell all Streats containing
in Length 14 Yards, and in Breadth One Yard, unwatered, or;
elſe 12 Yards watered, paying to the King the due Aulnage,
Subſidy, Cuſtoms, and other Devoigs- © | A n

XXVII. If Streats want the aforeſaid Length and Breadth,

the * ſhall cut off the Liſt thereof at one of the Ends,
2 nd 1t may be af erwards ſold as a Remnant, and not for
a, Cloth. 8 4 ä 2 2636 lee

XXVIIL No ſuch Cloths ſhall be ꝓut to Sale until they be

meaſured, ſearched and ſealed by the Aulnager, in Pain to ſor-
3 SER "4 21 bi 11 | 5; 30:68

IX. The ager that ſealeth any Streats wanting the

Length and Breadth aforeſaid, and cutrech not off the LR, as
Foy Chen forfeit to the King for every ſuch Piece of de-

e Cloth, 6s. 84,

and for the ſecond, 201. and for the third Offence, e Kings

limited by the
> £6 MMR HS

fore the Aulnager hath ſect his Seal unto them,

ag.. ww Es

ne «@, ot WW o_

by che re
II. Sow < the

2 0 { Lk
in his Office, ——

——— 282 —
( apa wn or yrs ind is be net went
Kang Tots

II v.
} © 4 |
1 8 72 The 2 ſhall | payee to his Work ob ben w.

. i SEE
lr, ; _

Futhngs Rowing — — ?
and not Cards, in Irrer th
1 A 79 De it e 5852 4 17K.
Is Every Juſtiee of Peace, Cunſtoble —
or Steward of a Leet out of Corporations, and in Cd
every Head Oditer' or Officers,/vkerend Mater lis al
Maſter — — hear and derermige. nei u well m—
cerning the Non-paymenr of th

mager aforcfai Vor which inch fawD 72.
be ſuatisſied. ed n e de e

Pewer to commit ren

XIX. The ſaid Juſtice — Officer have Power). 10 te

ſuace of any other: Peefon; to /enmquireaſter,/ and purilh ſur
Qffanders by infli — 94 0 ths
King, or other dtc-Eibeny molvire fach d

mitted. 54 ane les Wb 2

. NoClbth — — err gag - (emept tual

our Frauck) e

> or taken at Sea with

2 1 N in Pain terſbrſe it che fame.
cap. 2. Tue Inbabiante of oy A les
"Lifton, 22 8 N
into their Cloths, notwikllagding the Starme carne of 6 lol .
Fw . bs.

aL, Stat. =D ogy. ee Dickevc inn

mal carry deyond Sea any Woollen Larn r Cloth hn


EY |
be feal 2X at bak Ende except
| which hat be fealed w with; Lead.

Lord 'Treafl | W * *
Su A. ot Os a "Moi |
n 3 far 5 de ac
countable in the. 9 5 13 n, ALES? 160 (© FLY 71
DD R 3 Ser vive y
be put to
. each Lang pe havi

2 ks

Yards within Seta

n ſhall.os eee 16. 18827
Cloth in three Pieces, and;
— — i whale Cloth & 2 {
3.4.44: nevfylly ary won" e


900 Flas,
ache wich abe Io 155
d Nail ar leaft,)

; r 0
51 e
a men ack

; = 955 e Cloth to be,

on ow on 5 . „and —
= 19 1988 Coun . — IANS 4“
oh) x W era — on

8 Treaſurerſhall make none Aulnagerz

| | — ir or e 47 him nd che, ae Tod Cloth

eee ere nnen ne

* 86 leaſt ; and t ſo d near

ped tes le pol no Cloth but ſach as is made ng theo rs of}
Depqatione is in Pain to] fouſgit to the very whale
” Qs 5 rks, for an Hall Gor 33% 4 „Streat 20%

br, Kerey to 4 | | LXIII, None

| 32 ' Dzapery. E
11m. None ſhall ſet or draw in Length ot Breadth any
Cloth N watered, by Tentering, or otherwiſe; i Paitrts for
feit t
| I. N ne ſn fr, c caſt or th any F.
. tag thing, an Br Mer

LXV. No Shear-man or other ſhall ſhear or cancel any Cloth

not fully witered;” upon the like Pain of 30 5. for, every Cloth,

I. Nene ſhall convey any Cloth beyond Sea not fully

eau; andaſter it is ſo watered; it ſhall not be ſer or drawn
in en or Breadth, in Pain of 30 #. for every Cloth'fo con

News! m retail Cloth before it be fully Watered, 1

- Evo fo watered it ſhall not be ſet or drawu, 28 elald, *

2 that che Fell hall fri the faid Cloth, or th Value BY ©

IVI. None ſhall keep in his Houſe r Tote er oth; tra

Engine whereby Cloth may be drawn in Leng or Breadth, in

'of 20 l. but Tenters ſhall: be ſev In open Places, 2 We Ser

for the due tretching of Cloth after it cometh frbin the dei

| 2 and before it be rowen. And all Head tal take ——

e that Cloth — Hae Teriters ſhall not be unc orte Fn ig Iny

Or A

. B Nel Strünger ſhall buy any ' Wooll which ſhall paſs Bow

the Stats of Marrobe, ſorted; clacked or barked, nor

* ooll __ 7 Locks Locks or Refuſe ſhall be 2 1 Vie ſuch 1
e . — e e
wing of t u

ſorting, clacking or refuſe, as in Balve f ſuch *

Woolf, and the de able Value there. £25943 2 bo

LIN. No all dye any Cloth with Orebel kr Got, in Pais

Bain of 40 8. Mall any to Sale any Cloth ſo d). |

Pain to torfeit the lame. Howbeit Cork made withinthis

may be uſed in Dying upon W s; ſo that the Weoll land
Cloth be perfedtiy boiled and —— ſuch Bngi
may be put upem Cloth that is perf e
LXII Ever Pyer ſhall dye — TT Cloth and the 2875 |
with nite Cot cpa ee
I. None put to e d i
In Pain to fotfeit the ſame, or the Value thereo. dyed, 7
LXXIII. Fauky Cloth ſhall be brought to the Chief Officer- RE
of the Place where it is ſeiſed, and ſhall | be cut in thiee Parts,
7 the hall have one, another ſhall be by him car». Ws
into th&Evehequer, and the third the ſaid Officer ſhall have
for the Uſe of the 'Commonaltyy- i 7 LIFT 1 Iren
EXIIV. All other Forſeitures ef this 4 en be divided "Yor
betwixt the — Proſeciior - 5 1 1
re a 8

— Av. The v

The e hr ene e wH boy.

2 ns C
b Nino Worfen, Florens, BY farts, Ke cel. Aires

pg pe ag

3:74 itt

ing-ware, or Frize-ware the ſaid, Cloths

according to their natore ald true e

LXXV I. Stat. 3 It. Nie ſha

Woollen before it is Pra e and hoth; TE: into pore gf

the Vallie therenf, to be divide berwixt the King and the Pte
ſecutor ; except Vel Nu Seng CON and others peed
40 5. or under. f *

. A Meat N 8. cap. J. The gat

d, and 42 74 IT: 20 12 7 z ony Na 150 ys, 92
* 845 ib not Ans our Mar 2 5 kg

Fe tranſpotfed- 9/6 ** if, KY: þ 223-1 1 15 f oi 70:

n mL eat, H. B. cap. 2. None ſhall make Wan

ed Strea h 1, bur WK; they 5 raw 7, to be toked; and
he being i Vard'and half 2 Quarter broad, — Ohm 125 55
ce except the Maker ſet his ſpecial Mark ug

in any uſe anbther'ꝛ Mark; in Pain to forſt 1 8

1 made or wmaked, to de divided berwixt the

or Seizet. 18 ve
ch N 1er Stat: 5 H &. bp beer
4 _— may bf be camei ed beyond r the Sea unbarbed, unſh |

"LAXX:' Notie ſhall convey befotd* Sea any ſuch Cloths

bode Five Marks the Piece, unbatbed, unſhorn, unrowt
Paig, UK Br 9 forfeit 1 thereof, to be N age ts 5

LXXX1. Sat- 6 E G ech 6 Theft of 55087 |

ps made perpetual ; and none ſhall make White or

0 tw 7» POUR So K

- *

Neth er
hich ( bemg, raw) ſhall not be of Len adth, [nd
rot weigh 14 Pounds the Piect zt leaf; in Pain fo

e ſame, to Aided betwixt the King and the Seiter:

; Roe for breaking, — carding ox 1] ning,

by juſt Weight of Avoirdupois, riot exc +

dreaker, Kembet, Carder and Spinner, Il re deliver ta t

lothier the ſime Wool, er Woollen Fan, by the

ny part thereaf or _ any thing therein deceitfully;

Vol. II. : 1 C Y Faig

arked; 8 by the {aid Stat. of 5 H. 8 25 t ph rigs;

LXXXII. Stat; ö H 8. Ep. 9. The Wobll deltyered by byths
| in
Quarter for the Waſte in 12 Pound of ſein A If | fe 8
eight (the Waſte thereof excepted ) without conceali

a) :

forfeit to of the where the Work i

8 5 7 with Lond Lud ault 12 4 — Proof thereof before

cs Oe thees, $70 e him fit Perſons to prave the

CNT. The Weaver ſhall put all the Yarn delivered unto
him into the Web, or — it 8 putting any thing de ·
LX None ſhall Il bay = Sed Wooll or Yarn of
| any, Carder Weaver, tit open Market, in Pain to

keit the
110 Tie Ne and Fuller ſhall July work every Web

without * or other Deceit, and ſhall not row or work in

Mr — ſide 2 174 in Pain of 6s.8 d.

5 web hall to Sale any Cloth a which (being
EE brig, ne Lard in Lend and Owe
in Breadth, for the more part thereof, arrows or Streats
after that Rate, in _ of 6 6. 8d. and to abate the Buyer for

; | None, alter he hath bought Cloth, ſhall draw or
Rai in Log 0 or Breadth with Tenter, Wrinch, or other:

in Pain
| Tit rovided, That ſuch Buyer (harigg for yeook-
Lake fully wet Cloth) may draw and ſtrain them for Evening th
only, 5 5 he exceed not One Yard of the Length it had when
it was wet.
1 None ſhall put upon Cloths any Elocks or other De-

ain of 20.6
The Buyer and Seller of Cloths ſhall meaſure them by

| and 2 of che Rule, and not.atherwiſe, in Pain of 5 l.

l. The EF res. aforclaid ſhall ſhall be divided or the

d the P
* f. the Heck al not extend to Nadel, Carpnel Whites,

Toftocks made in Devon, Cloths made in Cornwall )Conom ot

menen Lancaſbire.o Ghaftive, .. OLA

dem a e e Scot
ing of 1 Q |
4 ſet 2 a Tee

= 1 e ere fo:
8 ſhal lente die
Force PRs on * e in Warcefter, —
omeſgrove, in pain to
every Cloth fr wp vie 40 5.
CV. This At ſhall not extend to Cloths made for 403 Pe

PA 4 their Children or.Servants.

x « 4
ELSE" i ©


. XCVI, Scat, 2 H,8:cap, 1. Dro li allen

Mark tobe — his Cloths and and ſhall fx n=

of Lead thereunto, ſhewing — true — reſo FT the

bold being wet: and in caſe of Defect,

the Jouble Value thereof to the Buyer.

T ms
a or order t not, a8

— be forfeited, and divided betwint the the King and 889225

vim. Broad (Cloth ſhall hold | Seven Quarters in Br

betwixt the 2 — — Water, and in Prod
Yard; in Pain of har, and 0 d fo this to be ne

ded berwixt the * the Proſecu AN

XCIX. This — ſnall not — Cloths not excecting
ven Nobles the Cloth, nor to Das Weftern for L.
Frizes, Kendals, Coas "nor courte Olathe made for |
dhe Aulnager
Aul ſhall not ſeal Cloths, until be
by the 2 Seal of Content, in Pain to 1 tale his Ole; |
neither ſhall-the Buyer afterward — them by Str
leſs he after reduce them to the right Content again, in F 9
orfeit the double Value thereof, to be divided, as
2 Stat. 2) H. 8. 6p. 1 Every White cb
wn — and and every coloured. Cl LIK yo for hor 1. 2
; _—— d'; but be coneped — convey fuck * beyond
e Prices, in Pain to forfeit the Value 5 to 955 55
wixt the King and the Proſecutor.
CIL Stat. 33 H 8. 3. Wellb Cloths called Whites
uſſets and Rio brou Sy into Fairs or Markets, to be 1015.
Pan fre e DINED Io
: ain to forfeit *
e Proſecutor. | m_
CHL Stat. 33 H. 3 ip MA
celle Cloth zhove the: V tall big pop je
rowed; unbarbed, or — — Ive =; der to 8
ses, in Pain to ec the Lame, af the Value the
1 be divided betwixt the King and the Trotte. 6
3. Every Clothier mall ſet " x
juſt the Length thereof, to

is IV. tat. 38 4 E. 6. c
aof Lead to his Cloth,

tried by the Water.

CV. None ſhall ſtretch any Cloth above 2 Yard anda half in
. in Rade in Pain of 40

84 1,2779 CVL Nong

35 —
as vt None ups the ſaid' Pain ſhall: put to Sale any Cloth
ich (being wer) vſhall ſhrink above à Yard and a Quarter
In Length, or 2 Qiatter'in Breadth : neither ſhall Streats or
| Kelter be ſtretehed above a Yard in Length, and half 2 as
er in Breadth, in Pain of 20 r. 1 39S)
W None ſhall put to Sale any Cloth, Nerds ell. Fea
erſey, the Pieces whereof (being wet Yhall ſhrink more than
Jak the ſame Ratrbs;in Pain of 20's. 1 20 -_ ft
ay III. None ſhall dye any Cloth N it be rfeQtly
ined, or maddered upon the 'Woad, and vel fer wi with
Cork. or Orehel, in Pain of 20. tt
A wot None'ſhall dye any Wooll to ——— ins Cloth,
Hits or Caps, befo1 re Mbe perfectly woaded, boy led and mad.
Hered, in Pain N nt for every ſuch Cloth, or {61 much
| . as makes h, 40 5. neither ſhall any dye with Braſil
2 make à falſe Colour in Tloth, [/Wooll, Hats or Caps, in Pam
2 561. None ſhall put n Cloth any Flocks, Caalki Flour,
Starch, or other deceibeabſe thing. ih Pain of 40.

CTI. Node ſhall uſe any Fro Cards ox Pickards in! Rowing
ef Cloth, in Paih fo foi feit the ſame, and 205 beſides.

CXII. None ſhall fell any Cloth by other Meaſure than Vard

Ar according to the Stat. of 6 H. 8. ca 9 in Lam to

for it for every Tard other wiſe meaſtred,' 6's. 1 27 20

XIII. Not L. all put to Sale within this Realm aa Chet.

N in Pai ſeit the ſame, or the Value thereof.

St ices e's Peace and Head-Okkeers ſhall in their fore

110 Preck appoint and ſwear Officers for the due obſerving of
this Stature concerning the well 2100 pies Cloth, who. ſhall
haze Power to make Search 78

CV. The Foötfeitures for Defaults in Cloth mentioned in

chat Statute ) ſhall be recoveted in any Court Record, and
— Fe divided betw xt the King and the Overſeer thar diſcovers

: but in caſe the Overſeers will act fac for them within
Half a Year, then may any other within another Half Yeartake
the Suit, and ſhall have the Overſeer's Moiety.

'CXVI. No Overſecrduly choſen, ſhall refuſe to extcyteithat

Office; i in Pain of 4+ and ſhall remain in the Cuſtady ct the
Sheriff until he pay it) or give Security for it; and this Nall be
divided betwixt the King and the Juſtices of Peace or lead *
ficers that choſe him.

CXVII. The Overſcers, or Two of them at leaſt, ſhall « once |

.of: this ;
King ind he |

9 W make due Search for. the true execu

Statute, in Pain of 10 l. to be divided berwixt. the
Prof ecutor. _ | |

CxXVIII. None ſhall i interrupt the Overſeers in the due Exe-

cution of their-Offce, in Pain of 200 to be . betwirt the
King aud the Overſcers fo interrupted.

CXIX. None

A&A. Noneſhalb take: Advant .

this AR, un:eſs the Gone for _ f vl
Veaarafter theyaccrue-? - £2 5 m le
I. Every Clothice ſhall cauſe the Latter E crowned to be
wrought in every Cloth, in Pain of 205. to be divided betwixt/
Wenne the Presents ͤĩũ H VB iff 22401 A
An af Bra er ee de ie Un eee
„XXII. Stat. 5 & 6E. G. cap. 6. Every Broad Cloth made in
Kent, Suſſex, or — or of like making with them, ,( —
therdw wet) ſhall contain in Length betw int 28 and 30 Lands
uſual Meaſure, and in Breadth 7 Quarters throughout -withinf
the Litts ; and being well ſcomed, chicked, milled and dried,
ſhall weigh 90 Pounds at leaſt. ihe} ag e iH
- CXXIL Every White Cloth made in Warcefler, Coventyy; or
elſewhere,'of like making ( being wet )- ſhall. contain in Length
betwixt 29 and 30 Yards with Inches of the Standard, and Seven
Quirters throughout in Breadth betwixt the Lifts, and, being
ordered, as aforeſaid, ſhall weigh 84 Founds at leaſt : and every
coloured Cloth there ſhall contain like Length and Breadth, and
ſhall weigh 80 Pounds at leaft. + ASA Oer
CXXIII. White ſhort Worceſters ſhall containing (be-
ing wet) detwixt 23 and 25 Yards with Inches, as aboreſaid, and
in Breadth, as aforeſaid, and ſhall weigh 60 Pounds at leaſt,' >
CXXIV.. Coloured long Clot is made in Suffolk, Norfolk, E,:
ſex, and elſewhere, of like fort, ſhall contain in Length (being
wet) hetwixt 20and 30 Yards and Inches, and in Breadth Seven
Quarters, and ſhall weigh 80 Pounds at leaſt: and coloured
inort Cloths there and elſewhere, ſhall contain in Length be-
twixt 23 and 25 Yards, and the Breadth aforeſaid, and ſhall
weigh 61 Pounds at leaſt : alſo coloured or white Handywarps

Pin there and elſewhere, ſhall-be of like Bieadth, and every Yard
nd thereof ſhall weigh 3 Pounds. 99; by

wa CXXV. All Whites and Reds in Wilts, Glouceſterſhire, and

— Somerſet, and elſewhere, of like making (being wet ) ſhall con-

tain in Length betwixt 26 and 28/Yards,and7 Quarters in Breadth

and weigh (being white) 64 Pounds; but coloured 60 Pounds

dat t leaſt: Alſo Plunkets, Azures, Blues, and other coloyred Clott:s
the made there and elſewhere, ſhall contain in Length berwixr 21 and
Io 28 Yards, be of the ſame Breadth, and ſhall weigh 88 Pounds,

CXXVI. Ocdinary Kerſeys ſhall contain in Length betwixy

17 and 18 Yards, and ſhall weigh 20 Pounds ; and forting Ker-
ſevs ſhall have equal Length, but ſhall weigh 13 Pounds.

CXXVII. The Length of D- vonſbirs Kerſeys called Dozens,

ſhall | e berwixt-x2 and 13 Yards, and their Weight 14 Pounds.

CXXVIII. Tre Length of Broad Cloths called Tauntons,

Bridgwaters, and the like, ſhall be hetwixt 12 and 13 Yarcs,

and their Breadth 7 Quarters : and every Narrow Cloth made
mere or elſewhere of like fort, ſhall contain in Length he-
2 41 3 | 3 5 c WII

CER ore 4 Tarts, to in Beat On Tod, a8 Ol

et Ker and Streats ſhall contain in l

r and in Breadth One r

| ; Frizes in Wales, and , teady

for Sale, and wet, ſhall contain 36 —
Quarters in Breadth, and ſhall weigh 48 Pounds ; and
Er Piece after the ſame Rate.
CXXXI. Northern Cloths ſhall be betwixt . 25 Lane
and 1 — and ſhall weigh
ſhall 1 12 — 13 Lands ang, and
7 uarters broad, — — h 33 Pounds.
XIII. Fennyſtones and Foreft-whites ſhall be betwixt wi
—— apr ye. and Six Quarters and an Half broad, and
CXXIIV. Mancheſter, Lancaſbive, and Cheſhire Cottons ſhall
be 22 Yards longs a and 3 Quarters broad, and ſhall e _
' CXXXV. Manthefter Ru vor Fries ſhall be
22 2 ſhall not be ſtretched above a

Ly putts Sale any of the Broad kel

1200 not of the due h, Breadth or Weight aboveſaid, they

ſhall forfeit for { every Chet deſective or exceeding in Lengrh or
— 40 5. and for every Pound it wants * exceeding
mo 1 3 and if it wants more Four, they

CXXXVII. Provided, if Broad Cloth exceed the due Ne

by reaſon of the Finenefs or Stuffy Making thereof, the Ma
ſhall nor incur any Penalty thereby.

CXXXVIIL. If a gar Hay 57m any other Cloths above ſpeci-

ſrl wot of due Length, Breadth' — eight, as aforeſaid, they

forfeit 20 5.

* CXXXIX., None ſhall putany Flocks or Yarn made of Lambs-

w_ into any of the aboveſaid Cloths, in Pain to forfeit the

ſame, or the Value thereof.

\ CAL. None ſhall put any Cloth or Kerſey to Sale before they

ave paid the Aulnager his due Fee, in Pain of 20 5.

KN No Cloth ſhall be tranſported before the Seals of the

Aulnazer and Owner be put thereon, in Pain to forſeit the lame,
or the Value thereof.

CXLII. No Retailer of Cloth ſhall put it to Sale before he |

have tried it by Water, Meaſure, and Weight, and ſhall preſent |
the Defe@ thereof to an Head Officer, or Two next Juſtices of
Pence, in Pain to forſeit the double Value thereof: and the Cloth
85 pave ſhall — — into ale parts; whereof OM.

ing mall have one, t rolecutor ano and the Head

cer or Two Jultices the Third, *


m ¼ ins Ba 8 WU SS gr 8 099

| n and ſhall be in Ward until he pay; or giv

np ener $ deceiveable manner, but only with the Cold Preſs, in

„ Kn I 4 FF BY RE 4848. SFE B& EE & 45S ESE

2 None ſhall firerch Cloth above «Yard in Laogth

and an Half Quarter in Bread, in Pain of 3
CXLV. None ſhall uſe with his Tenter any Wrinch Rops,
Rings or other Engine, to ſtrain or ſtretch Cloth, in Pain of

CXLVI. Two or more Searchers of Cloth ſhall de appainted

in every Place where Cloth is made, who being fworn, ſhall have
Power to enter into all Houſes where Cloth ia made or ro 1
to make Search whether the Cloths are well dreſſed and poi

A me King have, a given

tr the Uſe of the Commonalty or Town where the Offence os
Default is committed or mack.

CILVII. The Party with whom ſuch zefective Clock is

found, ſhall recover — againſt the Party that was the
cauſe thereof, Action of Debt, c. 5

CXLVIII. The Head Officer of every Town ſhall prepare 2

Seal of Lead, having the Arms and Name of the Town printed
thereupon, Which Seal the Searchers ſhall fix to every Cloth well
made, and ſhall have for every Seal ſo fixed, 2 d.

CXLIX. If the Searchers findany fault coloured Cloth, *

ſhall at each End fix another Seal of , having the Letter
— thereupon, and ſhall alſo in the Li ( juſt againſt the

ult) ſet another Mark of an Inch coy fs, to the end the
Bayer may readily diſcover where the Fa | .

CL. If the Searchers ſet the Town-Seal bh \ Cloth not ſuffici»

ently dreſſed, the Corporation ſhall forfeit the Value thereof.

CLI. If the Searchers ſet the Town-Seal to fan Cloth, or

do not ſet — Lever F above expreſſed thereunto, Conpage-

tion ſhall forfeit

CLIl. No Retailorof Cloth thal Sutin os it re the ſald
Town-Seal be fixed thereunto; and he ſh at gn
End thereof until it be all ſold; in Pain eee the Talue'of
ſuch Cloth. :
CLIII. The Corporation that inte bot ſuch
ſhall torfeit 10 I. and the Searcher that refaſerh 1 8 2 2

CLIV. None ſhall preſs any Cloth with the Hot Preſs; nor i

forfeir the ſame, or the Value thereof,

CA. V. If any (but Perſons authoriacd by this AR) counted.
ty ſet toy or ſabe away from 2 any af the Seals-ap.

3: F-.

inted by this Act, he ſhall forfeit for the firft Oſſente ( bel
maya Suhary or by 12 Men, Two Witneſſes, or hi own
| Kaen) 10 I. and for the ſecond ſhall Rand upon the Pillory, and
forfeit all his Goods and Chattels to the King. oP
CLI. Every Article in any Statute heretofore made toncern-
ing the Making, Dying, Preſſing, Searching, or Sealing any of
the Cloths above in this Act mentioned, and being nant
contrariant to any Article of this Statute, ſhall be vo.
CLVII. Tre Forfeitures aboveſaid (not otherwiſe appoint ·
ed) ſhall be divided betwixt the King and the Proſecitor.
CLVIII. Provided it ſhall not be lawſul to boy} Wooll.( to

de converted into Cloth) with Galls, Rinds, Bark, or Sawduk;,

in Pain to forfeit the ſame, or the Value thereof, to be reco-

vered and had, as aforeſaid. ; TYPE
8 Act ſhall not extend to Devonſbire Cloths called

CLI. Stat. 5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 8. No Perſon ſhall venus or

make, or put to weaving or making, Broad Woollen Cloth, un-
leſs ke hath been Seven Years Apprentice to that Art.

- CLXI. Stat, 1 M. Payl, 3. cap, 7. Any Perſon may mike

Broad Clath, and put them to Weaving, Walking, Fulling, Dy-
ing and Shearing, Without any Impediment, ſo that the Cloth
| be duly made according to the Statute of 5 & 6 E. G. cap. 6.

notwithftanding the Statute of 5 & 6 E.. cap. 8. ar any: other

Statute of Cloth-making made to the contrary. x.

CLXII. Stat. 2 & 3 E & A. 11. No Clothier in any

Corporation or Marker-Town ſhall keep in his Houſe above
one Loom, or let any Loom, or Houſe and Loom together, to
make Profit thereby, in Pain to forfeit for every Week he ſo
been or letteth them, 20s - | | 9 80 5

CLXIII. No Weaver in the ſaid Places ſhall keep above TwWo

Looms in his Houſe to make Profit thereof, in Pain to forfeit for
every Week he keeps more, 20 10 80 :

- CLXIV. A Weaver (being no Cloth. maker) ſhall not keep

any Tucking · Mill, nor uſe the Art of a Tucker, Fuller or Dyer,
in Pain of 20 5, for every Weck. 2 444.591

CLIV. No Tucker or Fuller ſhall have in his Houſe any

Loom to mate Profit thereof, in Pain of 20 f. for every Week.
II. None {hall make any Broad White Woollen Cloths
but ina Corporation, Market-Town, or other Place where they
have been made 10 Years; beforg the making of this Act, in Pain
of 8 I. for every Cloth otherwiſe made. | |
LXVII. No Weaver in a Corporation or Market-Town,
_ have above Two Apprentices at one Time, in Pain of
10 — L 5 r



Dzapery. 46

- CLXVA None ſhall de 2 Weaver but he who hath beer

| = es in that Art, in Pain of 20 l. 92

CLXIX. This Att ſhalt not extend to the Counties of Tri
umberland, Northumberland, and M oſtmorl ant.

CLXX. Stat. 2 & 3'P. 8 M. 12. No Cloths called Bridg-

water, Tauntom and Chard Cloths, and made in the County of
Somerſet, ſhall be ſold there before they be viewed, ſearched
and ſcaled in Bridgwater, Taunton, or Chard, according to the
Statute of & 6 E. S. cap. 6. in Pain to forſeit the Cloth fo
old, or the Value thereof, to be divided betwixt the King

the Proſecutor. ent YA 5 |

CLXXI. Stat. 4 & 5 Þ. & M.cap. 5. White Morte fers;

and all others of like making, being well Scoured, Totes,
Milled; and fully Dried; ſhall weigh 75 Found.

CLXXII. Broad Cloths made in the Counties of Wilts, Glou-

efter, and Somerſet, and all Others of like making, ordered,
hs aforeſaid, ſhall weigh 61 Pounds. | LY


CLXXIII. Broad Cloths made in Kent, Suſſex, and Reading,

nd — — of like making, ordered, as aforeſaid, ſhall weigh
80 3. | . Slay TW
CLXIIV. Courſe ſhort Cloths made in Suffolk, Norfolk;
Kent, and Eſſex, and others of like ſort, ſhall contain at the
ater 6 Quarters and an half in Breadth :
CLXXV. Handy-warps ordered, as aforeſaid, ſhall contain
the Breadth ordained by the Statute of 5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 6. and
ſhall weigh two Founds and an half. 20
CLXXVI. None ſhall-add Handy-warp Lifts to their Cloths,
except in TVorcefter, and when the Warp thereof is ſpun upon
— a or Diſtaff) in Pain to forfeit the Cloth, or the Value
thereof. 95 ,
CLXXVII. None in the Weſt-Riding of Toytſbire ſhall make
ny Broad Cloths, Pewks, Tawnies, Violets or Greens, except
he Wool! thereof, being firſt converted into Yarn, be firſt dyed
lue, of the Value of 2s. the Pound, in Pain to forfeit ſuch
orb, or the Value thereof. F
= CLXX VI. Ordinary Kei ſeys ſhall contain in Length (in the
Y ater) betwixt 16 and 17 Yards, ( Yard and Inch ) and bang |
Wprdercd, as aforeſiid, ſhall weigh 19 Pounds the Piece. |
ung Kerſeys (W ordered) ſhall weigh 22 Pounds.
CLXXIX. Devonſhire Kerſeys. (ordered, as aforeſaid.) ſhall
weigh aſter the Rate of one Pound the Yard.
XX. Welſh Cottons (in the Water) ſhall contain 3
Quarters of a Yard in Breadth, and ſhall weigh one Pound and
a half the Goad, and being well cottoned, ſhall weigh one
Pound at leaſt. 1 n | 7

nx No

| XXII. No Retailer of Cottons i it el

62 other, 7 by 1 Oreſſer thereof, 12

e 1ece otherwiſe dr — ye 8d. _ 9
and Alancbe fler u — rizes, may be divided into two
Half Pieces, 2ud-ſhall.contain in Length and Breadth as by the
Eid Scatute of 5:8 6 E. 6. is ordained for the whale Piece.

CLI If any Cloth ot Kerſey exceed the Length pte ·

{cribed by this or the ſaid Statute of E. 6, then every Varl

exceeding ſhall. weigh according to the Rate of the due
gth thereof, in Pain to forfeit ſor every Yard not weighing

after that Rate, 5s. And if any ſuch Cloth or Kerſey lack am

of the due Length, the Maker ſhall forfeit for every Pound

prove defectiye or il

( CLXXXV. If any by himſelf, or any other,

wanting more than 4 Pounds, 3 # and for every Pound under nh

End thereof a Seal

to, or take away any Seal appointed by this or the ſaid Statute q. 1

E. 6. he ſhall incur ſuch

E. &. are limited. | a

SIXT l. Cloths and Kerſeys made out of Corporations,

» Cloths an $ out |

ſhall be ſealei in the Town-Corporate. | TEL

. CLXXXVIIL If any Searcher or Sealer ſet the Corporation
appointed by this, or that other Statute , |
animal forfeit the Value thereof. | | |

CLXXXIX. The Searchers and Sezlers may in the Day- time es-
ter into any Houſe to ſearch and 10 Cloth, &c. and may ſeiſe
Cloths made of other Colours than by the {aid Statute E. 6
is —— ( Friers-gray, Crane Colour, Purple, and old Med.
ly Colours, uſed to be made 20 Years laſt paſt, only excepted. )
; CXC. None ſhall deny or withſtand the Searcher or Sealct,

XCI. No Searcher or Sealer ſhall in any Fair or Market

ſhare any Cloth, c. which hath a'Corporation-Seal affixed

tnereunto. | | 5
- CXCII. Every Clauſe in the ſaid Statute of E. 6. not repug-
nant to this Ast, is confirmed. |
cn. None ſhall incur any Penalty or Forfeiture of
Offence limited by that Act, which is mitigated, or

appointed by this,
* cxcrv. Eyety

„ we”
0 ht in each Cloth, in Fxiato fork 20 6: for very

__ not ſo marked.
CC. Node ſhall wrave or make, or to weaving br

aki .Cloth or Kerſey, -unleſs he hath been an Ap

2 — exerciſed that Art ſeven rn in Phin u
rſeit it, or the Value thereof;

pre. CXCVI. The Penalties and Fotfeitures of ehirand the bu

Lauda of E. 6. ( not otherwiſe appointed) ſhall be divided bes
due irt the King and the Seizet, (where r
— x otherwiſe the King and the Proſecutor,

any i

CXCVH. Stat. 8 Eliz. cap. G. For e

rrought, tranſported by Licence, one ſhall be carried ovee -
ell wrought, in Pain to forfeit for evety- nine Clbtlis other-
wk mim 10 l. and the tenth Cloth ſhall be none of the

CXCVIII. No Kentiſh or Suffolk Cloth ſhall- he rinfport

d unwrought by nah or Bf Pain to forfer for 2

— th ranſported, 40 #- and no Licence thal extend 10 ny
i or 4

CXCIX. The ſaid Forfeitures ſhall be divided betwixe thb

Ling and the Maſter and Wardens of Clothworkers, for the Re-
ef of the Poor of that Company.

CC. Stat. 8 Flix. cap. 7: He the ſth Trade of bing

Frizes, Cottons or Plains, ſhall not exereiſe the Art of F
n in Pain to forfeit for every Piece fo uſed,

100" CCI. Thoſe that uſe the Trade of buying N Cloth er Lk

drh, ing, ſhall pay e

| Freedom.
CCIL Stat. 8 Elis. cap. 12. None full ur wh Gin

; Rugg made ie up heme cher ſhall heres - þ

de the Length of the Piece, being wet and
Je. to be divided berwixt the Queen and the Proſce
\ulnager ton they ſhall Seal any Cloth, &fc; before they be

dive, tw Ar wo that County any Cloth 1822 *

eal hereunto, and the Auluager, the Queen's 3
b ſhall have en the one SME his 31 , and + 1 *
u have a Portcullis crowned on the dhe fide; and des
"4 == on the other fide; in Pain to forfeir ſuch
nt. In Manchofter, Reehale, Bolton, Blackmore and
Berry, the Aulnager may = puties, and neither the
elghed, in Pain to forfeit = for every Pack, to be divided
derwigt the Queen and the P oſecutor,
Queen 1 ae Tue

4 _ _ Mar 5
CCIV. The Aulnagers Fee for 1 fuck
Cloth, Ce. is 3 d. and for any Quantiiy than a Pack, ah
half-peny the Piece. . rn 4.109 IF
. cev. Every Cotton well wrought and fully dried, ſhall
Weigh 21 Pounds, and ſhall contain in Length 21 or 20 Goads;
and in Breadth 3 Quarters, or within one Nail thereof: alſo
Frizes and Ruggs being well thicked and dried, ſhalt weigh
44 Pounds the Piece, and ſhall contain in Length betwixt 35-atd
37 Vards, and in Breadth 3 Quarters, or within one Nail trete:

and ſhall not be ſtrained upon Tenters above one (Nall in

Bach 1 and if the ſaid Cloths ex:ced the ſaid Length; every
Goad or Yard fo exceeding, ſhall weigh according to the ſame
Rate, in Pain to forteic for every Goad or Yard not ſo weighinz,

12 d. *. * b ; q {
CCI. If any the ſaid Cottons, Frizes or Ruggs, want of the
id Weights, the Party ſelling them ſhall forfeit | for every
ound lacking under three Pounds, 12 d. and for every Pound
above three Pounds, 3. Kine
CCVII. All Act: heretofore made for the Sealing and Mz-
king of Cottons, Frizes and Ruggs, ſhall be void.
CVIII. The Cnarters and Liberties of Towns-Corporate in
L ancaſbire are ſaved. Lott 12 ff FLO

CCIX. Stat. 23 Elia cap. 9. Two Juſtices of Peace of the

nty, or the Head Officer of a Corporation, ſhall command
wood (which ſome deceitfully-uſe-for dying of Cloth) to
be ſeiſed and openly burnt ; and the Dyer that uſeth it ſhall for-
feit the Value of the Cloth, Wooll, or other thing dyed there -
with, to be divided betwixt the Queen and the Proſecutor. Vid
Cuſtoms, 70. & inf r. Sed. 313. en F
. CCX. Nothing of the Nature of Cloth ſhall be maddered for
2 Black, except it be firſt grounded with Woad only, or with
Woad and Anele, alias Blue Inde, unleſs the MadJer be put in
with Shoomack-or Galls: and whoſo doth otherwiſe; ſiall for-
feit the Value of the thing ſo — to be divided betwixt the
| Quipnant the Proſecutor, and Offender is to be impriſoned
untill he pay it. | | | 5
_ ECXL. Provided, it ſhall be lawful to dye any manner of
Gall Black, Shoomack Black, alia: Plain Blacks wherein. no
Madder ſhall be uſed. | J 1 ..5 |
XII. The Dyer ſhall 12 Seal of Lead ta the: Cloth, r.
which he n with the Letter M to ſhew it is madderei
and Woaded, in Pain to forfeit for every Yard thereof 3 5. 4d
and the Seller thereof ſhall make it known that it is not Woadled,
in Pain to forfeit the double Value thereof, to be divided be
twixt the Queen and the Preſecuor. 4045;




Back, and from the Weaver's Loom J fal weigh

6 Jeaſt, and ſhall U contain in Length betwixt 25 and

26 Vards' (Yard! and Inch of theRule. )

* CCXXIThe Weaver that weaves or makes any of the ſaid

Cloths of leſs Weight or 2 ſhall forfeit aus Quarter

bf a Pound or Quarter of a Yard wanting, 12 d. and they ſhall

be ſewantly: woven throughout of well and like ſorted Yarn,

except the Lin.

xx. The Weaver ſhall \ weave in his Mark at one End
of the Kerſey: of ſome coloured Tarn, and alſo at each End

— and ſhall not deceitfuly mingle his Yarn, i in e

""COXITIL: Nane ſhall put to Sale — raw Kerſeys, be-

= they be viewed, weighed, and marked, in Pain of. 10 5. for
every Cloth, to be vided betwixt the King and the Head Of-
cer where the Offence is committed.
| a — Searchers and Sealers of ſuch Kale ſhall be

Yearly appoint 7 Head Officer of the Place where they

dare made; who be ſworn, and have Power to enter —
any Houſe ( in the Day-time ) to make _ Tri
thall have a\Farthing for every

+ CCXXV. M the: Searchers. and Sealers be be — Yearly a S.

ted, or: do neglect their Duties, or offend in thei

the Head Officer ſhall forfeit- for every ſuch —— 30 &
and for every. Marker gay there are not 'Two or One Searcher

4. gt
„Gurt No. Kerſey ene wid or dre bete it be
fy Fan of None ſhall diminſtoahe Length of any fach Ker
20 8, -
ALA] HL. The Forſcitures aforcid (not before limit
Conte romeo ö Profecutor: -: 4



"both the
the $1

fame Seſſion taken, where if the Party \

* be — he e dal ſuffer the Pillory, and ſonfeit

divided bet wirt the Queen and the Proſecutor, |

2 E 2 K 20's

C xXX. Stat, .
be brought neo thn Re \ ms

PR? REAB- S = = .

S. 8 AN

5 ® Arn

— —


| ER Daapery. 47
and Berk the Value thereof, to anten.
N |

40 None ſhall Bretch Aria

r 23
ſe, in Pain of 20 l.

s ſhall be made of ſuch

Length, and Breadth, as by former Statutes are provided, u

e EIT 2 cxery Northerh

h thereof,

225 ha — 1540 here the be Offendertſhall alſo: fort =?

every. Yard that it wand of due Length; r * ;
r hat it you due Weight, 2.


wy Search
Cloths :; and i
with any kale Ses
the next —

holds an ulty Corn,

for the ſecond 20. and

ly = wang by Verdi —
re chat

to — Pu


3 any tt Ord ſer or.take ake away

rom _— nd
mr e e
eon che wo
2255 . *

1 1 e 0 Nass, Hol Copfiables 8.

ch and * Winches, and other nes

ow, for e ſtret 8 Nartbern Clotha, aan e

10081 about mentianed ſor

ee t inthe

2 8

* ores L*Andshis and all

End 9 e ivaded into Theee:P

een is to buys Oe the Intormer another,

the Foo fa Jace where the e

1 2. 1 bh I ju

48 „ anz,

Ccxl. Juſtices of Peace have Power to beit af dttermit

theſe Offences in their Seſſions, and Juſtices of Aſſiſe to con.

vict the Juſtices of Peace that are negligent, upon P N

Witneſſes. But upon N "of Juflice by the Hic 05

of Peace, and Juſtices of Aſſiſe, the aboveſaid Penalties ar

recoverable in any other Court of Juſticc. nd in that'caſe

_ the onchalf there del go to the Queen; and the other to the
i rmers © -i „ erer rs er e 3 oþm
| CCXLI. The Owner of Northern Cloths brought nip to, ts
fold in London, ſhall cauſe them to be brought to Blackwell.

_ be ſearched dry without wetting, in Pain of 48 s.. But

the Searcher ſhall not make his Search at flich tim
when it may be a Hindrance to the Owner's Market, in Pait
of 5 l. Theſe Penalties ate likewiſe given to the Queea and the
TT foi owT daniel]

- CCXLII. Stat. 43 Eliz. cap. to. None ſhall put any 'Hait,
Flocks, Thrum-yarn made of Lambs-Wooll; or any other ge-
ieeiveable ' thing: in Broad Cloth, Keiſey, Frize,'Dozen,* Pevy-
Kone, Cotton, Taunton Cloth, Bridgwater or Dunſtey 'Chtton
| 4 winch Dwunfter Cotton ſhalf be taken tobe of the like Weight,
Length and h as Tawnton and Bridgwater Cloth; in Pain
o forfeit ſuch Cloth, Kerſey, c.) and none „ pro-
ure any ſuch deceivable thing for that Intent, in Pain to for
feit the ſame. ; FFP
COXLIK. None ſhall uſe any Engine to. ſtre:ch the fad Cloths
or Ruggs unwrought, in Length or Bteadth, in Vain of 20 l. ti
be divided bett the Queen and the Proſe euer
„CCAILIV. None” ſhall ſer any weotight Woollen e trpos
Tenter or other Engine, to ſtretek the Ars a
ns followeth, piz.-the:whole Btosd Cloth - one Tard in Length,
and ene half Quarter in Breadth; and the Kerſey, Cotten, Nl.
ane half Yard in Length, and one Nail in 5 in Pain to
forfeir ſuch Cloth, enen man 11 1
_..:. CCXLV. Woollen Cloths ſhall not exceed the Le
painted by former Statur es, in Pain to forfeit the ſame:
that A — 3 and —+ of 255
may weigh only 30 Pounds; and Suffolk, Norfolk, -
— Cloths ſhall be abated 4 Pounds in the Whole
and 2 Pounds in the half Cloth. RE IS,
, CCXLVI. If any whole Cloth want above Tarr $a.
weight limited the ſaid Statutes, or a halt Cloth half
much, for every ſo wanting he ſhall forteit 10 5. for
2 Pounds, 205. fot 3 Pounds; qo 5. and fo to forfeit a double
Penalty for every Pound ſo wanting, unleſs he will yield the ſaid
Cloth, and then it ſhall be forfeited. 1 *
CcXLVII. The Statute of 39 Elix. cap. 20. which
Power to Juſtices of Aſſiſe, Juftices of · Peace, and Head

, A

"2208s Stat Dy % hall

- CCLIY. Re. Fac. 1. 6 . one. incur Pe:
nalty for want of — 2 Content to Wolſb erte ne
ſhall any (fave the Buyer) ſearch or try thend? in Pain of 5 1,
to be divided betwixt the King and the Party grieved. 8 ©
| - =
CLX. Stat. 4 Jag. 1. 2. 2. Every coloured Broad Cloth
made in Kent, Torkſhire, Reading, and elſewhere, of like my
king (being thorow wet) ſhall contain in Length between
30 and 34 Yards * and Inch) Standard Meaſure, and
6 Quarters and an half throughout within the Lifts ; and being
well ordered and dried ſhall —— Pounds. |
CCLXI. The Length of white Worcefters (being wet) ſhall
be between 30 and 33 Yards, their Breadth 7 Quarters, and their
Weight 78 Pounds, 977
__ CCLXII. The Length of Plunkets, Azures, Blues, and Long
Whites ( being wet ) be between 29 and 32 Yards, ther
Breadth 6 Quarters and an half, and their Weight 80 Pounds,
- CCLXIIL Sorting Cloths ſhall contain in Length betwin
23 and 26 Yards, be 6 Quarters broad, and weigh 64 Pounds.
CCLXIV. Fine ſhort Suffolks ſhall contain in, Length be
-tween'23 and 26 Yards, be 6 Quartersand an half broad, and
weigh 60 Pounds. | 8 54
CCLXV. Handy-warps ſhall contain in Length between
29 and 32 Yards, be 7 rters broad, and weigh 76 Pounds,
CCLXVI. Broad Plunkets, and other coloured Cloths made
in the Counties of Wilts and Somerſet, or elſewhere, of like mx
king, ſhall be betwixt 26 and 28 Yards long, 6 Quarters anda
half broad, and weigh 68 Pounds. 8 |
CCLXVII. Short coloured Cloths made in Yorkſbive, or elle
where, of like making, ſhall be between 23 and 2 5 Yards long
6 Quarters and an half broad, and weigh 66 Pounds; ani
every Half Cloth or Dozen ſhall be made according to the ſan

CCLXVIII. Broad-liſted Whites and Reds ſhall contain be

tween 26 and 28 Yards in Length, be 6 Quarters and an hal

broad. and weigh 64 Pounds. 1 .

CCLXIX. Narrow-lifted Whites and Reds ſhall contain i

Length betwixt 26 and 28 Yards, be 6 Quarters and an hal
— and, being White, ſhall weigh 61 Pounds, but Red, 6
Founds. | | :

CCLXX. Fine Cloths, with Plain Cloths, ſhall contain it

Length between 29 and 32 Yards, be 6 Quarters and an hal
broad, and weigh 72 Pounds.” |

CCLXXI. Chths having Stop-lifts, ſhall contain in Length

| 1 and 33 Yards, be 7 Quarters broad, and weig!


ceLXXil. Tauntons, Bridgwaters, Dunflers, 8c. ſhall cor

tain in Length berween 12 nd x3 Yards, be 7 Quarters _

_ Dzapery. CE
nd weigh 30 Pounds: and every narrow Cloth ma-
Rin Tal 2 between 24 and 25 Yards long; One Yard broad,
: 4 weigh 30 * and the Half Cloth of. that Kind ſhall

ontain the ſame Breadth, and the Length and Weight ratably.

And as touching ſuch Broad and Narrow Clotbs as are made in

m- rzſbirs into Whites and Reds, the Broad Cloths. there ſhall

wen reep the ſame Meaſures and Weight; but the Narrow is to con-

ana in in Length between 17 and 18 Yards, in Weight proportion

being ble, as aforeſaid. 1 l 1 v8

CCLXXIN. D we Kerſeys or Dozens ſhall contain in

ſhall ength between 12 and 13 Yards, and ſhall weigh 13 Pounds:

their nd Check Kerſeys, Screats, and plain Grays, ſhall contain in

gth, between 17 and 18 Yards, be One Yard broad, and

og. Pounds.

thes V. Ordinary Penyſtones and Foreſt Whites ſhall

nds. ontain in Length between 12 and 13 Yards, be 5 Quarters and
twin Wn half broad, and weigh 21 Pounds; and ſorting Penyſtones

CCLXXV. All Cogware, Kendals, and Carptme |

ade to pleaſe the Buyer, and ſhall not be ſearched,, ſealed, or

bje@ to other Penalty than ſuch as was impeſed thereon be-
dre 39 Elis. ſo they ſhrink not above One Yard in 20.
CCLXXVI. Kerſeys called Waſhers, and Waſh-whites (

10 be ·
2 g half thicked ) ſhall contain in Length between 17 x: |
and u rds, or (Quarter thicked ) between 18 and 19, and ſha

eigh 17 Pounds. | rods $5247 5 i

CCLXXVII. None ſhall raiſe or row Woollen Cloth with

lie- |
1 yl, Greaſe, or the like, or uſe the ſame + upon thę
> anl the Sheers only, in Pain of 1345. 4 d. and it ſhall be
e ſan: ought all alike throughout, upon the like Pain; and the

ſooll thereof taken away only by the Sheers upon the ſame

in. | |
CLXXVIII None ſhall blow, ſpout, or bedew Woollen
pth near the Lifts thereof, with Water or otherwiſe, in Pain
ain - Wy 3 + 4 4. and if it be done to increaſe the Weight, the Pe-

ry is 40s. + |
_ crx. Abatement ſhall be made for the Dying, Dreſ-
WE Shecring, and Rowing of Cloths, viz. for ſhort Cloths
in u 3 and long Cloths 5 Pounds, and according to that
an hal |

ECLXXX. Flannel, Wadnals, Coverlet, and Blankets may

_ as formerly they have been, notwithſtanding this
e. |
CLXXXI. None ſhall exceed the Lengths aforeſaid, in Pain

forfeit for every Yard and Inch fo exceeding, 10 5

CLXXXII. I any ſell Woollea Cloth wanting the Weight


all be between 13 and 14 Yards long, 6 Quaiters and an half

road, and weigh 35 Pounds. | 34
als ſhall. be

dveſaid, he ſhall forfeit for every 2 Pounds ſo wanting, 10 5.

Wy 2 Bar : CCLIXEILL if

= =

1 * (©
a — »

, | FRE Dꝛaperp.
-.CCEXXXIH. If any Cloth want the juſt Breadth, the Scller
thereof ſhall forfeit for ſuch Want through the whale Piece, 20 s,
the half Piece. 105. and for any leſs part, 5 5. 1589-1

- CCLXXXIV. If a Cloth be of lefs Length than the Seal there-

of doth purport, che Seller ſhall forſeit do the Buyer, 68. '8d,
for every Yard and Inch that ſo wants, befides the Value of fa
much as fo fall ſhort, ns 2843: 2171
- CELXXXV. KEvery Branch in any former Statute whereby
any other Length, Breadth, or Weight of the faid Cloths, or
any other Penalty concerning the ſame, or any Offence (in-
tended by this Act to be reformed) is limited, or whereby
any Penalty for the Offence ( in this A@ mentioned) is given
— any _ Perſon than in and by this Statute is limited, ſhall
De repealed. 8 4 |
- CCLXXNVI. Ototh ſealed by the Overſeers appointed by the
Statutes of 19 Elia. cap. 20. and 43 El:z. cap. 10. fhall nat be
ſearched; tried, or wateicd again, but only by the Buyer thereof,
_. CCLXXXVIE The Penalties fox Over-length or Want of

Weight found by the Overſeers, ſhall be divided betwixt the

King and them; but if ſuch Default ſhall be found by the Buy-
er, and not found and certified by the Overſeers, then ſhall ſuch
Penalties be diviied betwixt-the King and ſuch Buyer.

CCLXXXVIIE. If any Broad Woollen Cloth longer or

ſhorter than 24 Yards and Inches, the Duties for the ſame ſhall
e proportionable according to the Length. : |
:. CCLXXXINX. Every Clothier may make any Kind of Woot
len Cloth in what Place he pleaſeth. _
CCXC. The King's Duties are reſerved, as alſo the Aulnz-

ger Office and Fees ; fo as Cloth once lawtully ſearched and

fraled, ſhall not be ſearched and ſealed again.

* CCXCI. Stat. 7 Jac. 1. _ The Sorter, Carder, Kember,

Spinſter, or Weaver of Wooll or Yarn, that ſhall be found ( by
his own Confeſſion, or the Teſtimony of One Witneſs ) to im
bezil or detain any part thereof from the true Owner, ſhall in-
cur Whipping and the Stocks, to be — 2 them ( in the
County ) by any Two Juſtices of Peace, and (in a Corpora. le
tion) by the Head Officer and another joyned with him. And 6
here alſo the Receiver thereof ſhall incur the like Puniſh |
ment, as alſo thoſe in Eſſex which uſe a Reel lefs than TV
Yards about. | SEES
* CCXCTE. But fuch Imbeziler may redeem his Puniſhment by
giving ſich Satisfaction to the Owner as ſuch Juſtice or Head ns
Ofcer ſhall think fit. | |

_ CCXCHE. Stat. 7 Fac. 1. 755 16. Certain coarſe Cloths Fon

made in the North ſhall not be ſearched or ſealed, nor any Cu

ſtom or Aulnage paid fox them. ++ - - **

So: * $9 CCXCIV. Stat,

$0 ks

e th 7 by oe mA og

Dzapety. $3
cx Seat. 21 Jat. . t. cap 18. The Statute of 4 Facs L.
cap. 2. is continued, 2 N
ntinued, or
CXC V. B None i par wy any Flachs 'Thrumbs, Hair 7 |
other deceirful Stuff, into Waoollen Cloth, in Pane 5
ro be Gifiriburod to the Pobr w bete ſuch deceitful Aan 1


CCXCVI. The The Scarchers or Orerſzten of Cloth may enter

into, and make ſearch in any Houſe or other Places to find de. |
ceitful Cloth.

CCXCVII, Any two Juſtices of Peace may call before them |

any Perſon ſuſpetied for — deceitful Cloth; and if, u
Confeſſion of the Party, or 2 of two Witneſſes,
ſhall find any guilty | Cong and Wake Certificate accordingly
under their Hands and Seak to the Churchwardens and Over
ſeers of the Poor of the Pariſh where: che Offence is commited,
thoſe Officers ſhall levy the Penahies furſeited by Diſtreſs and
Sale of Goods, and for want of Diftreſs the Offender ſhall ſuffer

CCXCVITL, The Off er being Card, ſhall be allowed to

plead the General Ifſue, c. and ſhall recover double Cofts.

CCXCIX, If Cloth be defettive, the Searchers of the Pariſh

where it is made ſhall certiſie it by their Seal, having the Word
Faulty ſtamped upon it: And the Searchers that ſearch Cloth
already ſearched, Shall forfeit 5 1. to the Party grieved. 8

CCC. Al Woollen Cloths ſhall be ſearched and ſealed be-

fore they be ſold.

CCCI, No Tenter for Broad Cloths made i in Yorkſhire ſhall

have any . lace of Liberty under Bar than half a Quarter
of a Yatd; Overſeers in thoſe Parts ſhall, upon the Pen-
alties of their — — make due Search ſor deceitful Tens
ters, and if any be found, ſhall deface them.

CCCII He that offends the ſecond time in having duch.

Temer, ſhall forfeit 45 8. to the Poor.

CCCI1. Every Overſeer of Cloth ſhall (upon the like Penal-

ty of his Recogniſance) ſet his Name upon the Seal of Cloth,
_ Cloths otherwiſe ſealed ſhall not be allowed as ſuficiently

CCCIV. Preſling of Cloths between hot Planks, or by any

Heat of Fire, or other deceitful Means, ſhall be puniſhed by tice
| Forfeitures as Preſſing with the hot Preſs is puniſhable by any
former Statue.

CCCV. A third Part of all Penakties limited by this and .

mer Statutes for want of Length, Breadth and Weight, the
Searchers that find and certifie ſuch Defaults ſhall have; and
the reſt ſhall be delivered to the Church-wardens and Overſeers
ſot ohe Uſe of the Poor, for which they ſnall be accountable, as

by dhe Statute of El ix. ca is proyided.

43 oy 6ſt rn D3_ CCCVI. Stat.

5 . D2apery. :
-CCCVI. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 22. The Governors of the

Dutch Bay- Hall in Colcheſter, and the Dutch People there, ſhall

uſe and govern their Trade with like Immunities, and in as am-

manner as at any time heretofore. _ |

CCCVIL. If any weave in the ſaid Town or Liberties thereof
any Bay, and carry it not to the Raw-Hall within two days al-
ter to be ſearched, or if any Fuller or Thicker receive ſuch Bay
before it be ſtamped, and marked there, they ſhall forfeit for the
firſt Offence 405: to be levied by Diftreſs and Sale of Goods, to
be accounted for to the — — and Commonalty, for the Uſe of
the Poor of that Town, if ſuch Bay be made by an Engliſh Ma-
fler · maker; if 20 a Dutchman, then to be diſpoſed by the Go-
vernors of the Dutch
tion ; and for the ſecond Offence 51. to be levied and diſpoſed
up ſupra ; and for the third Offence ſhall not be permitted to
Work any more in the ſaid Town and Liberties, |
; -CCCVTIIIL Bays bought, or carried out of the Town before
they are ſearched, or offered to be carried out, ſhall be confiſce-
ted, the one Moiety to him that will ſeiſe, the other Moiety
to the Poor of the Pariſh where ſeiſed. |
CCCIX: Perſons that counterfeit any Seals uſed by the ſaid
zoration, or not being the Officer thereto appointed, and
in tre Place by them _— affix any Seals to Colchefter
Bays, ſhall for the firft Offence pay to the Uſe of the Governors
of the ſaid Hall, 2ol. and for the ſecond Offence ſhall Rand in
the Pillory an Hour, and for the thirdſuffer as a Felon. And
Bays carrying or carried out of Colchefter without the Mark of
the Maker, ſhall be forfeited. - : |
CC. The Governors of the ſaid Hall or their Officers, may
in the Day-time ſearch Carts, Wagons, Packs, and with a
«Conſtable may ſearch Houſes, Shops, &c. where they are in-
formed ſuch deceitful Bays are, and bring them tothe ſaid Hall;
which Bays ſhall be corfiſcate, and diſpoſed of as the Forſei-
tures to be paid by the Weavers and Fullers.

' CCCXT. TheGovetnors of the ſaid Hall may make By-Laws;

but no ſuch By-Law in Diminution of the King's Prerogative,

or the Law, ſhall be executed till approved by the Lord Chan-
cellor, Lord Treaſurer, or Chief ſuſtice of either Bench, or a
'three of them, or both Juſtices of Aſſiſe in their Circuit in E
ſex, on Pain to forfeit 201, "Iu f
CCC XII. Stat. 13 & 14 Car. 2 cap. 5. Por Regulating the

making of Norwich Stuffs in Norwich and Norfolk, Vide Title |

XIII. Stat. 2 & 14 Car. 2. cap. 11. The Statutes of

23 ERA cap. o. & 39 El. cap. 11. repealed as to all Clauſes rela-
ting to the Erohibition or Uſe of Lew od BS $5.5
mT e)). Mah,

Bay- Hall, for the Poor of that Congrega -

89 90 2 ow

CCCXIV. Stat. 13 & 14 Car. 2. cap. 32. An Act ſor the

within the Weſt· Riding of the County of York. This Act fliall
continue to the End of the firſt Seflion of the next Parliament,
and no lager Eadie © bh 4, fo hue biel br

cr. Stat, 23 & 23 Car. 2.c4p. 8. An AR to —

the making of K:iddermin/ter Stuffs. the Statute at Large.

' Dureſs,

I. Stat. 1 R. 2. cap. 13. All Obligations forced by Dureſs

upon Eccleſiaſtical Judges and others, whereby they are re-
ſtrained from Suing for Tithes and other Duties in the Eccle-
fiaftical Court, ſhall be void. |

IT. Such as falſly procure ſuch Judges or others to be indict -

ed, ſhall incur ſuch Puniſhment as by Wet. 2. cap. 12. is ordains

ed for falſe Appeals: Which ſee in Appeals.


I. Stat. 7 E. 6. Not printed. By this Act the — goa I

of Durbam was diſſolved, and the ing was to have all the
Lands and the Hereditaments thereof: and another Act was al
ſo made the ſame Year, cap. 10. whereby the Town of Gate-
fide was united to the Town of Newcafile + but both theſe Acts
are repealed by 1 M. Parl. 2. And by this Act the Biſhopri
ot Durham is revived and erected, and thereby are annexed un-
to the Og all the Juriſdictions both Eccleſiaſtical
and Temporal, as alſo the Town of Gateſide, and all Lands and
Hereditaments before belonging to the ſaid Biſhoprick; and
divers other Proviſions are therein contained concerning thoſe
Matters. For which ſoe the Statute at large. * 1.

II. Stat. 5 Eliz. cap. 27. Fines levied before the Juſtices
of the County-Palatine of Dur bam (or one of them) of Landy
lying in the fame County, ſhall be good.

III. Stat. 31 Eliz. cop. 9. Writs upon Proclimations

and Exigents —— any Felon — wichin the County-
Palatine of Durbam, ſhall be directed to the Biſhop of Dur-
bam, &c. with divers other Proviſions fox that County-Pala«
Une; For which ſes the Statute at large, PE;


56 Eccleſialtical Jurisdixion, &c,

IV. Stat. 25 Car. 2. cp. 9. The Cointy Palatine of Dur-
bam may have two Knights, and the 9 Durham, two
Citizens, to ſerve in Parhament, - ts be choſen by the King's

nit to the Biſhop of Dur ham. or his Temporal Chancellor of

the ſaid County, and returned by the Sheriff into the Chancery
of England, — the like Pains as be ordained for the Sheriffs
of other n | . 1 W. S IH 1 . 9 Os K 1

1 ©»

. - *

„ * »„— — —

_ Eccleſiaſtical Jurſsdition.

8 1 Stat. Node of the Civil Law ( albeit they be

37. 2 17. L Laymes,. and married or unmarried)
may exerciſe Eccleſtaftical Juriſdictioounn.
1. Seat. 22 H. 8. cop. 10. If any calling themſelves Egypti-
ans do come into this Realm, they ſhall forfeit all their Goods,
and being commanded, ſhall deparr the Realm within 15 days,
upon Pain of Impriſonment. But * here in the Statutes fol-
lowing a greater Fenalty ordained. ' kt

II. Stat. 1 & 2 Þ. & M cap, 4. None ſhall tranſport any

NN who call themſelves Egyptians, into this Realm or
, in Pain of 40 J. And it ſhall be Felony (without Clergy)
for them to remain above a Month in England or Wales; nei
ther ſhall they be tried per medietatem Lingua, but by the In-
habitants of the County or Place where they are taken. 1
III. None ſhall ſue for any Licence or Paſsport for any E-
ians to ſtay in England or Wales, in Pain of 40 J. and fach

5 or Paſsport ſhall be void. | #120 a9

IV. The Forfeitures aforeſaid ſhall be divided betwixt the
King and Queen's Majeſties, and the Proſecutor. + |
This Act fhall not extend to charge Perſons not above
the Age of x3 Years, nor as Acceſſory to any Offence contained Wi
in this Statute. + gy 22% 4; 2 4:51)

VI. Stat. 5. Eliz. + 20. Any Perſon whatſoever conſort-

with Egyptians by the Space of a Month, ſhall be adjudged

a Felon witnout Clergy. | 56

VII. This Act ſhall not include Children within 14 Years of

Age: neither ſhall any Perſon born in England or ales, be

compellable to void the Land by the Statute of 1 & 2 E & AN.

but only th leave their lewd Courſe of Life | cb

. * * *y 44.0 * * 9 2 {s PP... Ps
vo 8170 PR 12 } {ct 12 105 T* 1 +1

i 1 . 5
. * VP 4 . - hed 2 9 7 - 5
r yd + 4 7 — 4 4 4 L 6 Ch ns . $434 a 5

c f
* „0
+ © ” 4 & —
* 1 — # & .
. l q 1 ES,
A i. i PN #4 # > 4% > *

* 13 10 2 * we eh, 5324 4» 2110

r. None gifted an N A725

of aaa For 4,

for the Bee IL: Thar ll fd tin |

In. Stae.-4r Elte. cap, 8. ray Perfor or Prifien 158
Election or = hq in the Nomination or Choice of any having
to have Phe in any Church, College, School. Hofprea ls
or wo Society „ ſhall take an n

or any F or Affftrance t directſy or lache ty, for

ſuch their E 9 or Voice, then fach Place ſhall be void

and then“ fack Perton us Fin Power to Gfjeſe chert

may fe ef the lame, as H the Perfon before clefted or |
a 9 actually dead.

Ae of Fuch So Societies take any Reward or Al-

hate th eo, direct rectiy, for reſigning ſuch Place,
the Party givi it mall ER he double Va lied and.
the 5 been d ah it ſhall be uncapable of ſuch Place; and then
alſo the whom ſuch Place appertains may Grose there-
of, 1

V. At every Election this Statute, and = Statutes of the So-

ciety, which concern Bee ſtall be re |

VI. The Forfeitures of Statute Mal be divided betwixt

the een and the Proſecutor.

„If iny Perſon, for any Reward or Affurance thereof

duectiy or indixettly, taken, do preſent of coMate any Pert
ſon to any Benefice with Cure of Sguls, Dignity, Prebend,
or Living Eecleſiaſtical, yr ve beſtow” the Tame for any
corrupt Conſideratiom every ſuch Prefentation, Coffation,
it, Ofc. beftowing, and every * 5; Inftitation, In-
eeſtitute and Indtition there ſhall be void; and from
we thenceforch the Queen her H 1 Succeſſors, may reſent
Wor collate thereunto, or ge ot beftow the fame . 6s
Turn only.

VIII. None ſhallgive or take ſuch Reward, or take or make

ſuch Aſſurance, in Pain to forfeit the double Value of one
Shoes Profit of ſuch Spiritual Promotion; and tte Perſon ta-
A. ſuch Fromotion all be diſabled in Law to enjÞy the

IX. Tf 2dr es Perfon for any ſuch Reward or Aſſurance there-

o (Lawfu Fees excepted) admit, inſtitute, inſtal, induct,
Inveſt or Place any . m any fuch Spiritual Promotion,

. e

53 Engli<men, England and Scotland.

the Party ſo offending ſhall forfeit the double Value of one

Years Profit of ſuch Promotion, and the Admiſſion, Inftituti-
on, Nc. ſhall be void; and then the Patron or other Perſon
unto whom the next Gift appertains, may preſent or collate

thereunto. © n 1 „ VE a
X. Howbeit no Lapſe ſhall accrne upon ſuch Uoidance, until fix
Months after Notice thereof given by the Ordinary to tbe Patron,

XI. If any Incumbent of any Benefice with Cure of Soul

ſhall are reſign or exchange the ſame, or ſhall y
take for reſigning or exchanging thereof, directly or indirectly
any Benefit whatſoever, both the Giver and Taker thereof ſhall
5k the double Value of the Benefit ſo had, te de divided be-
twixt the Queen and the Proſecutor, Fe dot
XII. Penalties inflicted by the Eccleſiaſtical Law are not taken
away by this Statute. va ns n |
XIII. If any Perſon ſhall, directly or indirectly, take any Re-
ward or other Profit or Aſſurance of the ſame ( Lawful Fees
only excepted ) 2 make a Miniſter, or to give Licence to
Preach, he ſhall forfeit 92 aud the Party ſo made Miniſter,
or licenſed to Preach 101. and if the Party ſo made Miniſtet
or Hcenſed be inducted, inveſted or inftalled into any Benefice
within ſeven Years after, ſuch Induction, c. ſhall be void, and
the Party kering the Gift thereof may preſent, or collate, as if
he were dead. RE

XIV. The Forfcitures of this Act ſhall be divided betwixt

the Queen and the Proſecutor. Jaye. 1

_ Engliſhmen.

1. Stat. 14 & 1j H. 8. cap. 4 All Engliſhmen ſworn Sub-

V to ny Foreign Prince, ral pay lach Impoſfitions as

1Ens . RAE

II Their Names ſhall be certified into the Chancery from

Holland, Zealand, Brabant, and Flanders, by the Governor
of the Merchant-Adventurers there, and from other Parts by
the King's Ambaſſadors reſiding in thoſe Parts.

III. An Engliſhmenreturning and dwelling again within this

Reatm, ſhall be reftoped to his Liberties.

7 England and Scotland.

IT. Stat. x Jac, 1. cap. 2, An Authority is given to certain

Commiſſioners of both Houſes of Parliament (named in the
Statute) to treat with certain Commiſſioners of Scotland con-
cerning the Settlement of an Union and Peace between the
Kingdoms of England and Scotland, | 1 |

England and Scotland. 99

II. Stat. 4 Jac. 2. cap. 1. Laws of Hoſtility and the De
. : between the Two Nations, ate repealed : —
this 3 is not to take Effect until the like be acted
in Scot฀ 1 a SH 31215 1 71 ine F 131
III. None ſhall be troubled for any Wrong done before: the:
Death of Queen Elix. by the Laws of the Border.
TV. Felonies committed by Engliſhmen in Scotland ſhall be
tried in Cumberland, Weftmorland or Northumberland, before
Commiſſioners and Jurors of England and here the Feion ſhall
be admitted to-have his Witneſſes examined upon Oath; and the
Proſecutor. and his Witneſſes ſhall, by any Juſtice of Peace of
any of thoſe Counties, be bound by Recogniſance to Fe
and give evidence, the Proſecutor firft tendring ſuch Witneſſes
their reaſonable Charges. 5 2362344. 23k ads; wy
V. Here alſo the Acceſſory ſhall be ſo tried, albeit the Prin-
cipal be not convicted or attainted, and neither Principal nor
Acceſſory ſhall be allowed Clergy, or peremptorily challenge
above Five, and the Indictment ſhall be 5 — notwithſtanding
the 8 Contra Pacem, Coronam &
VI, No Sheriff or other Miniſter ſhall return any Juror upon
ſuch Trial, but ſuch as have Free-hold worth 5 7. per Annum
in the County where the Trial is had, in Pain of 40 J. for ey
Juror otherwiſe returned, to be divided betwixt the King and
him that will ſue for it. h | wig
VII. Here the Offender ſhall not forſeit ny Lands, nor have
his Blood corrupted, neither ſhall his Wife loſe her Dower ; but
he ſhall forfeit all his Goods, Chattch and Credits, | 8
VIII. The like Act being intended to be made in £
when the like Offence is committed in England, by a Scotchs
man, afterwards fled into Scotland, Juſtices of Oyer and Ter-
miner, Gaol delivery and Peace of England, have Power. ta
bind over by Recogniſance both the Proſecutor and Witneſſes,
they being tendred their Charges, as before, to appear in Scot»
land upon the Trial; which Recogniſance ( 17 Flilure) being
certified into the Exchequer-Chamber ſhall by Decree there he
made a Debt to the King. PA ; *
IX. Scotchmen coming into 2 to proſecute or give
Evidence againft an Offender in Scotland ſhall be free fram Ar-
reſts for any Ofence or Cauſe whatſoever, except Treaſon and
Murder, fo long as they are in England for that Purpoſe.
A. The Offence ſhall be alledged in the Indictment to be done
in the Place where indeed it was done.
II. He that is once tried in Scotland ſhall not be again called
in Quelhon for the ſame Offence. hut his former Trial ſhall bo a
good Plea for him, unleſs by Certificate from Scotland ſome
other Cauſe may be diſcovered.


ignitatem nofiras, be


| England aun Scotland.

man ſhall be ſent — of E to be
——— — altered by — Akeg tre
XIII. The Jurors, or — Parr of them, may a
reject any of the Witneſſes of cither Party, as as they alin ir
Þiſcrerions find Cxaſe.
_ XIV, Hero the Trial of a Peet ſhall boby his Pecs.

XV. Stat. 7 Fae: x: 1. F 1. 11 an Ene ſhall 3

Felony in Scotland, and — then fly into e the Juſtices of
Aſſiſe, or one of them, the Juſtices of Gaol. delivery in their
Gaoldelivery, or Four of them, or the Juſtices of Peace in
Seſſiom, or Four of. them, may ſend the Offender into 'Scor-
| Jindto be tried: Howbeit chis Act ſhall not take Effect til

= l like Nature 1 85 . be Arch ia Scot- |

XVI. Stat, 1682 x7 Cie. 1. aun. wy An Act forthe Ge

gon of the Treaty of Pacification der een the Two Kingdoms 0
England and Soo laud. Sov the Statute at lange.

XVII. Stat. 16 & x7 Car. t. cap; 18. An Act for ſceur

by Publick Faith the Remainder of the'Friendly Aſſiſtanc wy

Relief promiſed to our Brethren of Sil ond. See tho Stour
et large.

XVIII. Stat. 10 Car. 2 cap. 13. Twelve Petſorsto be bo

minated by the King, ſhall 12 Commiſſioners for this King -
dom, who, or Five or more of them, aſtet rhe p > of Fame
afy, © 1667, and before the 25th'of March, 1688. and fo
from time to time, may meet at ſuch Place in England #
the Kin — ſt appoite, with Commiſſioners for the Realm of
Scotland, treat and derermihe bony may the Liberty

of Trade Nero the Two Kingdems, by fu ning —

ſttions, e. r ice the _ of Marob, in the Twelfth
der? of the . io ug mmoditiet of the Grown

eicher Kingdom, or of any of the Engliſ

—— or other Commodities exported out of *

into Scotland; their Determinations to be reduced into
ting under the Hands and Seals of the Commiſſioners, and br

Ing ratified by the King, ſhall be in Force for a Year from the

Date of ſuch Ratification, or to the End of the neat Seſſion of


XIX. Stat. 22. Cor. 2. cap. 9. Wet eagle by the

Ring under the Great Seal, or fo many of them as ſhall be ap
| to be of the Ororum, (hall have Power to treat with
miſſfioners to be authorized by the Patliament of Scothend,
Concerning an Union of the Realms, and ſuch other Mayen 1

Engleſchires Entry, Kc. 6

14] think fit; for the King's Honour, and Good of both
cinch Their Proceedings ta bg reduced into Writings or
Inftruments Tripartite, one part whereof to be prefented to the
King, another to the Parliament of England, and a Third to
that of Scotland, Provided mat Foyt. — he agreed on by

them ſhall be of Force till conſitmed by Act of the Parliament of


I. Stat, 13 E. 3. Stat. i. cap. 4. Preſentment of Engleſehive

is clearly aboliſhed. c VIE He Eng -

Entry, and Writs of Entry. |

. — many Alienations have

been made, that the Writ of wy cannot be made in the uſual
Form, the Plaintiff ſhall have a Writ to recover his Seiſin wich-

out Mention of the Degrees. And this is called a Mit of E-

try. ſur Diſſoiſin en ls Þ.ft. |

II. Glouceſter, cap. 7. 6 E. 1. If a Woman Alien her Dower

in Fee or for Life, the Heir, oc other Perſon to whom the Land
ht to-revert after her Death, ſhall immediately recover it by

a Writ of Entry. | MOT SB: Om

1. Marlbz, cap. 29. 52 He

Entry lawful,
I. Stat. 32 H 8. cap. 33. Where a Diſſeiſor dieth ſeiſed of
Lands, 1 ſhall not take away the Entry of the |

ſeiſee or his Heir, unleſs the Diſſeiſor had peaceable Foſſeſſion

thereof Five Years next after ſuch Diſſeiſin committed.

| I. Stat. 5 E. 3. cap. 2. in fine, BT 10 E. 3. Stat. 3. cap.

= Where Error is made before the King's Steward and Marſhal,
| the Phintiff may by Writ remove rhe Record into the King's
Bench, and may there have it redreſſeec. :

II. Stat, 31 E. 3. Stat. 1. cap. ta. The Lord Chancellor and

Treaſurer, calling to them ſuch of — — and other ſage
Perſons as they ſhall think fit, as alſo the Barons of the Exchequer
(to give the Reaſons of their Judgments ) may examine Errone- -
— ge ee ee — - *


62 een

ous Judgments given in the Exchequer, and ( if any Error be

by may correct the Rolls, on apt 1 Exchequer may

proceed to Execution. © OO |

II. Stat. 23 Elia. cap. 3. Fines and Recoveries, and all Mat-

ters conce them, -now extant and in beine, may be en-

rolled, which Enrollment ſhall be of as great Validity as the
ſame ſo extant and remaining in being. 6

IV. No Fine, Proclamation or Recovery, ſhall be reverſible

for falſe Latine, Raſure, Interlining, Miſ-entring, Mif-return-
ing, —— Returning, or any other Matter of Form, and not of

V. This Act ſhall not bar any from a Writ of Error yan
any Fine or Recovery heretofore had and purſued within Five
Years after this Parliament, or which before the Firſt of June,
1582. was exemplified under the Great Seal; nor a Feme · covert,
Infant, non compos mentis, one in Priſon, or beyond Sea, ſo that
they or their Heirs purſue ſuch Writ within Seven Years after
fuch Imperfection, Reſtraint or Abſence removed: And if any of
them happen to die n Suit, their Heir may undertake
it within One Year after the ſaid Seven Years ; and if the Heir
be under Ave, then within One Year after his full Age.

VI. The Day and Year of the Acknowledgment of a Fine, and

of the Warrant' of Attorney for'the ſuffering. of a Recovery,
ſhall be certified together with the Concord or Warrant ; and
none ſhall be enforced ſo to certiſie but within One Year after
ſuch Acknowledgment made, or Warrant given,

VII. No Officer ſhall receive any Writ of Covenant or Entry

without the Day ſo certified, in Pain of 5 J.

VIII. No Attornment upon any Fine in a Quid juris clamat,

Quem redditum reddit, or Per que ſervitia, ſhall be entrel

upon Record, unleſs the Party Attorning have firſt appeared in

Court, or by Attorney warranted under the Hand of a Tuftice of
one of the Benches, or of Aſſiſe. And every Attornment others
wiſe made ſhall be void without any Writ of Error, or other
Means to be uſed for the Avoiding thereof, |
IX. There ſhall be an Office for the Enrolments of Writs for
Fines and Recoveries, and one of the Juſtices of the Common-
Pleas (beſides the Chief Juſtice ) ſhall have the Care thereof;
and ſhall have for the Enrolment and Examination of every
Fine with the Parts thereof, 6 s. 8 d. and as much for a Reco-

very, and the Parts thereof, and for every Exemplification of

them, 5 s. and for the Search of every Year, 4 d. and for every
Sheer of a Copy (containing 14 Lines) 4 d. and ſhall ſub-

Icribe his Name to the Roll after he hath ſo examined it, in

Pain of 51.

X. The faid Juſtice ſhall have Power to puniſh the Officers |

who manage that Imployment by Fine or Amerciament, 5

a -*:Ertoz; 4.5 63 P
+ % : „ .

- Miſoeifion or Negligedce therein, which ſhallbe eftreated

be — - ws Fines and Amerciaments of that Court. ;
may II. The Chirographer ſnall the Firſt Day of every Term fix in

the Court of Common-Pleas' 4 Table of each County, contain-

ing a true Content of the Fines paſſed in any one Term, and
ſhall alſo deliver the like to each Sheriff, in Pain of 5 J. and the
Sheriff ſhall fix it up in'the Court at the next Aſliſes, in like
Pain of 5 4. The ſaid Forfeitures are to be divided betwixt the
Queen and the ow aca and the Chirographers Fee for every
rent 13

OK Recouds (hall not be carried out of the Office of En-

rolments ; and Fines and Recoveries already paſſed and exem-
plified ſhall not be afterwards amended. |

XIII. Stat, 27 El. cap. 8. Where a Judgment is given in the

une, King's Bench in „Detinue, Covenant, Account, Action
ert, von the Caſe, Ejeltione firme, or Treſpaſs, firſt commenced
that here (other than ſuch where the Queen is Party) the
iter Plaintiff or Defendant may ſue forth of the Chancery a Writ
y of of Error, commanding the Chief Juftice to cauſe the Record
take o be brought before the Juſtices of the Common-Pleas

nd Barons of the Exchequer, - into the Exchequer-Cham-

der z which Juſtices and Barons, or any Six of them (being of
he Coiff ) have their Power to examine, reverſe or affirm the

ery, aid Judgments, other than for Error concerning the Juriſdifti-
and on of the King's Bench, or for want of Form in any Writ, Re-
ifter n, Plaint, Bill, Declaration, or otherProceeding whatſoever

Wand after ſuch Judgment reverſed or affirmed, the ſaid Re

hall be remanded, that the King's Brench may proceed there-

pon as ſhall appertain: Let ſuch Reverſal: or Affirmation ſhall -
ot be ſo final, but that the Party who finds himſelf grieved,

2 nay ſtill ſue in Parliament, as before.

din | I'F 5; * GY .! 3 e385 |

ze of WR XIV. Stat. 31 EI. cap. 1. The not coming of the Chancellor
her · And Treaſurer at the Day of Adjournment in any Suit of Error

depending by Force of 2 Stat. 1 cap. 12. ſnall not be an

{continuance of the Writ Etror ; but it both the Chief Tafti-

for es. or either of thoſe great Officers be there, it ſhall de no

10n- {continuance : Howbeit, no Judgment ſhall be given therein,
zof ; res both thoſe Officers be there preſent. |

very WA VV. Any Three of the Juſtices of the Common-Pleas or Ba-

eco- A dns of the Exchequer may receive Writs of Error, award Pro-
1. of ess thereupon, and prefix Days of Continuance for ſuch Wiirs,

very ewithſtanding the Statute ot 27 El. cap. 8. but no nt

ſub- Il be given therein — full Appearance K
„ in ording to that Statute; and here alſo the

| riy that finds himſelf

Wericved, may ſuc in Parliament, as before. |

XVI. Stat.

W- > _— -Eftheato1s. |

IVI. Stat, 16 Car. 2 c. 2. The pot coming-of the Lord

— and Lord Treaſurer, or of them, at the Day
of Return of any Writ of Error; by Vi of deft 2
— E. 3. ſhall. pot — or diſcontinue fuch Writ of Error;
tif Soth Chief Juſtices, or either af them, or and Chance
lor, or Lord Treafurer come, the Suit ſhall proceed.
XVII. Provided, That no Judgment ſhall be given in 19
ſuch Writ of Error, unleſs en een _

Treaſurex be preſent.
XVIII. Stat. 2 Car. 2. cap. 4+ 6 * in
a Wric of Econ 3 in the Exchequer in the Preſence of the Lou
of the Great Seal, nn Ou IO! of z

Lor Treaſurer.

XIX. Stat. 30 Car. 2. cap. 6 * 4a * 17 Cor t.

cap. 8. (whereby amongſt other Things it was Enacted, T

in all Actions real, perſonal, and mixt, the Death of ei

Parry between Verdict and J ent, ſhould not be alledged

Error, ſo as ſuch a man e entred within Two Term

aſter ſuch Verdict) orce for Seven Years, and to

the End af the next Seton 6 Prellament. 1 Ar

7 _ 2. cap- To
So Elcape,

J. 888 3 E. 1. Nothing ſhall be taken for the

Eſca of a Felon, until it be judged 2 Eſcape by rhe Juſtices

in — in Pain of reſtoring ſo much to the Tay —

and as much alſo to the King.

II. Stat. Stat. 1. cab. 14. The Eſ of Fel
28 e be 10 + c cape 0 on

— —ũ——— — * —

— —3—àHũ — —_—

and the Ch lons, Fugitivet, and Clerks Convict, ad.

judged by the King's Juſtices, (hall be levied as they ſhall fall.

III. Gent. 1 R. c uſtices of Peace have Power i

Sefion 10 enquire of Efaps Foes,

: Ä
— - — —

— »

1. Stats 14 E. 3. cap. 8.'Eſcheators ſhall be the

— a B — Chief Baron, M be choſen by the
IW o Chief Jutiices; as Sheriffs uſe to be choſen ; and 121 ſhil
not continue in their N abore One Lear,

6 rao af Stat

— ͤ˖ 1 EE EIS 3

——— —
— — ——
— — ———

— 7 —
— nes —

—y]—ñ— —
——ũũ— ——

| | — _ Elſcheato2s; „
U. Stat. 34 E. 3. Saß 1. caß. 13. Every Eſcheator ſhall

take his Inqueſts of good and lawful Min, well inherited, and

is made; and the Inqueſts fo taken ſhall be indented bet 0

and the Jurors, otherwiſ they ſhall be void. The

ſhall alſo be taken in Towns openly, and not privily;

, III. Stat. E. Stat. 1. C 14. Travetſes of 6 |

found before Ry 2 ſhall bet in the Bench.

IV. Stat. 36 E. 3. Stat. 1. cap. 1 An Eſcheator ſhall have

no Fee of the Lands of the King's Ward, — ſhall. he
commit any Waſte therein, in Pain of forfeiting 22 Dama-
ges at the Ward 8 own ul, or by his Friends. The ſame Law
is alſo of other Land ſeiſed by Inqueſt of „„
V. Land ſeiſed into the King's Hand by an Eſcheator, ſhall be
ler to Farm by the Chancellor to him which tendreth a Traverſe
do e. WE. 154.0148. Nu 4-7 0 *

VI. Inqueſts ſnall be taken openly and by Indenture, as afore

Lid; 2 f Fſcheator ELN this Act, he _ .
725 Two Years Impriſonment, and be ranſomed at the King's
1 . We” 1 N 1
; w3- .. ca. oa. 3 , ;
VII. Stat. 42 E. 3. cap. 5. None ſhall be.Eſcheator unſcts
e have 20 l. 961 Land at alt in Fee: he ſhall execute his G.
ce in proper Perſon, and upon the putting in of another, his

ce determines. ONT.
V1INL. Seat, 8 Kr 6. cap. 16, No Eſchenr or Commiiſiolz
hall take any Inqueſt but ſuch as are impannelled by the

heriff of the County within wh:ch he bears that Office

Pain of 40 l. to be divided berwixt the Ring and the Party

elons rieyed. 24 id * * 13 1 1 2 1 r
t, a . Lands ſeiſed b the Bſcheator ſhall not he lett to kam
all. ore the Office be fully returned; and then they ſhall be lett to

y the A _ *. 1 3 N 12 384 i *
m d XI. Stat. 18 H. G. cap. 6. No Lands ſhall be granted before
y ſhall e King's Title thereunto be found by Inquiſition, nor within

Month after, unleſs it be to him that teudteth his Ttaverſe,


Vol. II. "RM IH XII. Stat;

66 - Echeators:
XII. Stat. 18 H. 6. cap.7. The Eſcheator ſhall return an
O fe found before wo. = + the Chancery or Exchequer, with-
in one Month after the taking thereof, in Pain of 40 7. given
by the Stat. of 8 H. 6. cap. 16, 2 befides to anſwer fo
GT. 2 the King 2s he b damnified for not returning the

XIII. Stat. 23 H. 6. cap. 17. The Efcheator ſhall take his

Inqueſt within one Month after the Delivery of the Writ unto
him, and that in ſome good Town openly. _ WY

"XIV. He ſhall not take above 40 fl. for the Execution of one
Writ in one County, and that — when his Labour and
Colts require it, otherwiſe he ought to take leſs; and all
| Aud Pain of 40 l. to be divided betwixt the King and the
£ XV. If any will traverſe an Office, no Protection ſhall le
for the Patentee ; and concerning the Demiſe of the Lands to
him that tenders a Traverſe, the Stat. of 36 *

8 H 6. cap. 16. and 18 H. 6. cap. & ſhall be duly You rip

be an Eſcheator, or Denny to an Eſcheator, unleſs the Eſcher

tor himſelf hath Free-hold within the County worth 20/.

Anmum, in Pain of 40 J. to be divided betwixt the King

and the Proſecutor. | .

XVII. His Deputy or Farmer ſhall be a ſufficient Man, and

ſhall certifie into the Exchequer his Deputation within 20 Day
Dent. after X is made, upon the like Pain of 40 J. to be divide,

orefard, Arby . -— =
A XVIII. Rices of Peace in Seſſions have Power to hear an A Ca
determine theſe Defaults, and give Judgment for the Recoven

of the ſaid Forſeitures *

XIX. This Statute ſhall not reflxain Corporations, which hu
Power by their Charter to appoint Elcheatots.

XX. Stat. 1 H. 8 cap. 8. No Office ſhall be returned in

N the Gr Cos but ſuch as is found by Jury, ui
Pain to forfeit 5 7. to the Party grieved. ms |

XII. The Yearly Revenue of an Eſcheator or Commit!

| dan de 40 Marks in Free-hold in the ſame County, ſo that thy ce

all not execute any Writ unleſs they have Lands of that Vr
Tue, in Pain of 20 l. and the Commiſſioner (not having ſud
an Eſtate) may, refuſe to fit, and ſhall be diſcharged ups
Oath without Fine or Fee. | |

XXII. They ſhall fit in open Places according to former $t

| utes, and ſhall take their Evidence openly, in Pain of 491.
XXIII. Here, if the Sheriff return a Juror not having 40%

per Annum Free-hold in the ſame County, he ſhall 1s ; -

Ee 12 85


Tbe Inquiſition Mall be

ſhall remain the

to one part hal by the Com Samt Commiſſioners oe E .ſcheator into of

ty- Othce, from 28 is aft Wm to AS tranſcribed |

hequer ; an urors *
in Fan 0 dri as s. apiece. The Bachelet alt 2 the

miſſioners, or Pei of Il, (ſhall Wow the Jurors Prefe

t, without In Pain of

men W. The Oe in the Petty- 6 ſhall Fo Offi]

in Three Days after pra thereof, in Pain HP I.

VI. The Officer in the 2 r

ee an Office wi Fender, ſhall fare 242 and 2482.
— or Commiſſioners ſhall be iſh: of their Fot
ſeiture of 40 l. for not e 0 we 2 wiehin — >
ſo that they return an Mon of

(2 25 the Cauſe requires Y "within 2 "Ute iy" char h

1110 21

n The Clerk of the Pett Bug ſhall ſend a T |

of the Ce — the Exchequer the — Term after e
of Jie

173 XVII. None f ſhall be Eſcheator” ne ow x e Nen nou
Part 1 ſhall = but the reſt fl ſhall de div d we

Mae Years after ; and the abovefaid Forfcitur

he K 2 the

_=_ IT. This act dall nee not reſtraim ſuch dep of
! — e, Preſcri yon, of, ant, m ay 0
that ſuch Aachens ma) th ez Ag ve a hear;

XXX. Neither ſhall the Roll heh of chis Ad e e |

* fearly Value of ae and Juror extend to

f oration 25 1 2 = . Counties 7

XXII., Neith h AQ ene tend t a uftices

| na: * Year yh * e os Sen t
ras ro. Landy fe ied pt Ki

nd Inqueſt of Office, ſha oh

nin Gmc rs amer wi 40 7 TEEN ig
ace n 10.
XXX11I.. Stat.

— 45 the N be E T- ar, hl within on

Lonth take upon him the Office, or ſhew Cauſe

er Why he doth it not, in Pain of 20“.
XXIV. om Eſcheator ſhall not fir virtute Offici: where the

ads be 5 7. per Aunum, or above, in Pain of 51.

E z | XXXY, The |

68 | Elcheatozs;
XXXV. The Eſcheator ſhall forfeit 3 J. if he op for the
finding of an Office of Lands that exceed not 5 J. per Anman
rag s. viz. for his own Fee 6 2. 8 d. for Writii Sek Ole
for the Juries Charges 3 5, and for the Officers aboye
2 28 tke Office 282 * FR
3.4K VI. e Officers appoin o receive Inqui tions,
r Tender, withia a Month after their finding, in
in of 3 J.
VII. The aboveſaid Forſcirures han be Giided en
the King and the Profecutor-- .

XXXVII. 1 A Ile lie wie

reſt of others ſhall be ſaved, though they, be not found in the

Office. |
XXXIX. Where an Heir of full Age is found within Age,

he ſhall have a Writ of tat- probanda, and may Proceed to

ue out his Livery, or Oufter le main (as his Caſe is) and re.

eine the Proice of N Lands, nave Rkſizodia ing ſuch Offic

Where after the King's Tehant's Death more Heirs than

one are found, or if one untruly be found a Lunatick, Ideor, ot
any he the Party — — may — his Traverſe, as in other Caſa


+ A . or Monftrans de droit, 4s given withou

Banz though the King de entitled by c > Matter of

XLII. When the Jury finds De uo wel de quibus, Ree. igm f

rant, or Per . ignorant, the firſt thall not make 1
Tenure of the King, nor the laft a Tenure in Capita, but in ſuc
2 "Xt Nel ius in ſhall iſſue forth.
III. Trave

given to an Office, where a wrong Tenure i

XLIV. The Rents of mean Lords ſhall be paid ( daring the

whom: of e Ward) by the Officer that receives the Revente

XL. This Act ſhall not extend to Inquiſitions taken befor i

the 20th 2 1543.
XI. VI. Upon every Traverſe 2 Scive facias, or Two Writs i
Search ſhall iſſue forth, viz. the firſt againſt the King Patente: Wl
and the other when by the Common 1 Law the Fancy goon 1
Vile win Tra wile the K former k |
' or ing 2 V 1 |
Jha) be referred... YO: |

* .
1 2 A — 1 4
I *< 1 4 : FLY 1
. * & * : » 4 .
7 0 .
* p -

| 1 N 1 — a r to f
e cn, nent
| | *

I. Marlbz. cap. 13. 52 H. 3. After Iſſue ſoyned in Dower,

Darrem | ive qt, one Elloign or one De-
fault only (hall be allowed ; and if the Party come not at the
Day given, or make Default the ſecond Day, the Inqueſt ſhall
be taken, and Judgment given. g 11

II. If the Inquett be taken in the County before the Sheriff or

Coroners, it ſhall be returned before the Juſtices at a certain
Day; when if the Party appear not, another Day ſhall be a-
ſigned by the Juſtices, and then ſhall iſſue a Command to the
Sheriff to cauſe the Party to come to hear the Judzment ; ea
if he come not, the Juſtices ſhall proceed to judgment. In hke:
manner it ſhall be done-if he come not at the Day given by the

III. Marlbz. cap. 19. 52 H. 3. In Counties, Hundreds, Courts- -

2 or other Courts, none ſhall need to ſwear to warrant

18 Z110180s. e TUTA7 2t 8 | 2

IV. Weft. 1. cap. RY 3 E. 1. In Aſlife, Attaints, and Juris 7

utrum, aftex Appearance the Tenant ſhall not be eſſoigned. 6

enfeoffed, Gal act ricky Eſſoign. 15 *

4 VI. Weſt. 1. cap. 44. 3E. t. Eſſoĩgn ultra mare ſhall-not be
allowed, but ſhall be turned into a Default, if the Demandant
vill prove that the Tenant was within the Four Seas the Day
pf the Summons, and Three Weeks after. Howbeit, this 4s only.

> be done before Juſtices. | ;

VII. Glouceſter, cap. 10. 6 E. 1. The Husband and Wiſe be

g unpleaded, ſhall not fourch by Eſſoign. 10 .

VIII. Weff, 2. cap. 12. 13 E. 1. There ſhall be no Eſſoign for

y Appellant. # Wu | * 245

We 1X. Weſt. 2. cap. 27. 13 E. 1. In the Circuit of the Juſtices an

WE (loign Do malo fad lieth not for Lands in the be hn
ales the Party be ſick indeed; for if at the Inftance of the
Demandant it be proce by Inqueſt that the Tenant is not ſick,
the Eſſoign ſhall be turned to a Default. 1
X. Neither ſhall ſuch an Eſſoign lie ina Writ of Right, be-
Ween two claiming by one Deſcent. |

E 3 N XI. eſt.”

at the next Day after Inqueſt, but nom at any of the other Days
following; nor after Day givenPrece | |


of their Lives in iny Action commenced by the Leffors or Re-

70 | Eſtates for Lives, 3

XI. Weſt. 2. cap. 27. 13 E. 1. An Eſſoĩgn may be allowed

II. Weſt, 2. r. 48. 13 E. r In Aſſiſe after Appearance,

Demandant ſhMl not be eſſoĩigned· N _

Al. Stat. O) E/bigns, 12 E. 2. Edvgns do not ke in the

enſuing Caſes : Where the Land is taken into the King's Hands;
whete the Party is diſtrained by his Lands ; where any Jabs:
ment is given thereupon; if the Jurors come; where the Party
is ſeen in the Court. Eſſoign ultra mare lieth not where the
Party hath had before an; Effoign De mai ven; it lieth not
where the Party hath eſſoigned himſeif another Day; where
the Sheriff was commanded to make the Party to appear · Eſſoi

De ſervirio 2 not where the Party i a Woman; it li-

eth not in a Writ of Dower, or becauſe the Plaintiff hath not

found Pledges ; it lieth not where ſuch a Man's Attorney was

efſoreried ; where the Party hath an Atrorriey in his Suit ; where
the Eſſvigner conſeſſeth that he is not in the King's Service;
where the Summons is not returned, or the Party not attached;
uron Non eft inventus returned; where the Party was before
eſſaigned De ſervitio Regis, and had not put in his Warrant;
where the Party hath been re- ſummoned in Aſſiſe of Mortdan-
ceſlor, or Darrein Preſentment ; it lieth not becauſe ſuch a
one is not named in the Writ ; nor where the Sheriff hath 2
Precept to diſtrain the Party to come by his Lands and Goods;
nor where the Biſhop was commanded to cauſe the Party to ap-
pear '5 nö for that thi Pay is paſt. :
XIV. An Effvign' De ſervitio Regrs is allowed after the
— nr ape, and Diſtreſſes taten upon the Lands

herb det ina Writ of Nrw. Diſſeſbe, Dower, Darvein Preſont-

Mont, or Appeal, Vide Raſt. Eſo 13. Nn ank

( 1 ee ee en
Enates fo; Lives;
5 Car. 2. cb. 6. If Ferſons, for whoſe Lives

Eſtate ate granted, remtin beyond Ben, or abſent chemſelves in

this Realm, Scven Years together, and no evident Proof be made



5 2

99 7


© Kh

— *

verſioners, far Recoyery of ſuch Tetements, they ſhall be account-

ed as deid. Ana in ſuch Actions the Leſſor or Reverfioner may
take Exception to a juior, that the ꝑteateſt part of his Real
Eſtate is held by Leale os Copy for Lives © u. Thi

"ADD 85 —— Ww* -


II. This Act ſhall not extend to Lands held by the Lives of
any Perſons attainted fox the Murder the late „Which
have been veſted in the King, and are now granted to the L

III. If after any Perſons ſhall be evidted by virtue ef this

Act, the Perſons upon.whoſe Lives. ſuch Eſtates depend, ſhall
reeturn nun beyond 1 ox on 2 in 88 Action for the Lime
We made appear to be living, or have been living at the time
Wor the Eviction, the mand was outed, be Executors, Oc:
Wray entec, &c. and upon Action againſt them that received
e weder for Damages the full Profits with lit


I. Weft. 1. cap. 45. 3 E. 1. If Tenant or Defendant make

Hefault after the firſt Attachment returned, the great Diſtreſs
all be awarded; whereupon, if the Sheriff make no ſuffici-
nt Return, he ſhall be amercied: but if the Return be that
hath done Execution, and delivered the Iſſues to the Sure-
ies, Day ſhall be given them to return them before the Ju-
tices ; when if the Party appear, he ſhall have them, but 1.
ot, the King ſhall have them; and the Juftices ſhall cauſe the
> be ſeat into the King's: Wardrobe, and then deliver them
nto the Exchequer, and the Juſtices in Eyre to the Sheriff
he County (Where they plead) and likewiſe of Forei
ounties, who ſhall be charged therewith by the Rolls of the


1. Stat, De forma mittendi Extradlus ad Scaccarium,

5E. 2. Vid. Raft. Eftreats 2. Firſt all Fines to hive Wits,

nd all the Fines herein the Sum is expreſſed) of one Coun-

y for the whole Year, which are to be ſent into the Exchequer,

ntred inthe Eftreat of themſelves in one Place, in order as they

ee entred in the Chancery-Rolls, together with the Date of

e when ſuch Fine was made. of

l. Next to them ſhall be entred Charters, Letters · Paten's,

a Commiſſions in which any Rent is due to the King, or any

count is to be made; then Homages, Fealties, Writs of Diem

aufit extremum, Reliefs and Services.

IV. Then the Names of all ſuch as ſhall be aſſigned that Year

er in

made hear, inquire of, or do any thing whereby Fine, A mercia-

Re- nent or other Profit may ariſe to che King, to the End they
unt- may be ſent to for the Eſtreats thereof, And in the Eäd of the
may ſtreat Re · diſſeiſins and Surcharging of Paſtures. |

Real V. Sta'utum Scaccarii is confirmed, and it is Rane or-

Gained, that the Juſlices of hoſe. my Beaches, che


n of

| Etrepement; ee,

Ute Forel „ the Steward of the King's Houſe, and the Clerk of
Market, ſhall in like manner rly deliver their Eſtreats in

the Exchequer : the Steward of the King's Houſe ſhall alſo fend

25 Eftreats ts Tearly a at | the Cloſe of E. or Term, and. the next

after M |
G7 . alfo of the Aulnage . „ deliver his
4 85 to the Treaſarer, cortaining all Defaults of Cloth com
rrary to the Aſſiſe, and the Price 45 which he delivered them;
- and alſo where, when, and by what Warrant. * +

VII. Divers other Proviſions for the King's Butler and Cue
mers, concerning Wines imported.

VIII. Stat. 42 E. cap. The Pa thengeable the E.

Areats of Green Wax, 4 12 ayment — ſhall be Sche- |}
dulcs — under Seal; and the Charge being paid, it ſhall -|
be ware by thy Sheri for default whereof, if the Party be

erwatds fied, the Sheriff ſhall pay him treble Dathages

to be recovered before Juſtices of Peace, or other Juſtices, and
ll befides make Fine to the Ki Alſo where the -Copics
2 the Eſtreats I "ſhalt gem evra” to

Se. + 4
IX. Stat. 7 H. 4. c The ion and udges belore
whom Iſſues or 22242535 are ar oe the Clerks
the Eſtreats, where they are ſo forfeit, by Oath. to expreſs
their Rolls the Cauſe of ſuch Forfeit, the Term When, the
Nature of the Writ whereupon, and betwint what Parties
22 were loſt, and chat as well in prongs dragons

* The Sunn of 4. E. 30 9. confirmed.


1. Gtoueetier . E. „* wine
„eee , 73 1, No ll mae hangin


I. Star. Jac. 1. An Adden being

a Juſtice of ber er Ns 9 Bailiff of 'a Corpora cyt
borough, Port- -Reeve, £ Conſtable, Tythingman, or or Collector of of

Subfidies or Fifreens, for any thin

ral Officey, both they and all their Afi ny ig the Or
I. Here

n aud yet give the Special Matter

>, oF . p 4 , " * *
4 * 4 o - — *
W % *

Ettception, Ertbaug . 73

. Here; if the Verdict paſs ſor the Deſendant, or the Plain:

1 be Non · ſuit or — = his Suit, the Defendant ſhall he
allowed double Cofts, to be recovered a5 Cofts in ether Caſes,


given to the Defendant; uſe to be recovered.

III. Stat. 21 Jar. 1. ce. The Statute of 7 af ik Ps.

js confirmed, and Churchwardens, Sworn-men, and Overſeers

of the Poor, together with their Aſſiſtants, are to be com


hended within the Purview of the fame Statute. HET:

IV. An Action brought againſt any the ſaid'Officers, theie _
Deputies or Aſſiſtants, ſhall be laid in the County Where thy
Fact was committed, and not elſewhere. IN
V. Vide Tith Collettots, Se. 2, 8

ws. 4 144 159

s 7. © r
— - , g : "i
d 7; . | RO fy 0:
N 5 1 . Hh. — 4 a 84

ow a Bill tion yer, if the P im
tender the ſame unto them in Writing, and require their Seals
thereunto, they.or one of them ſhall do It. _ |
II. If che Exce ion ſealed be not put into the Roll, upon
3 — tor = ings the 7 ſhall be ſent for, and
cannot t l, the Court ſhall proceed to Judgment

= = -

5 ä KN = HH.

« 6 © % FP * d
- I " my f . ” .
4 LE | ”
w þ * . ;
"I xchange.

II. Seat. 25 E. 3. Stat. 5. a

Gold for Silver, or Silver for Gold, or for Gold and Silver, ſo
— INES — ed, nortake Profit fo ſuch
in Pain to ſorſeit the o EXC excepe
King's Exchangers, which take Profitfor ſuch Exchange, accord-
ing to rhe Ordinance before made. tbat this Statute is
£bus 75 recited in 5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 19 Howbeit the French
O, —— Au bold the ſame 25 —. ;
ath ic t ut que * e come en Eſc bange;
ſo the Miſtake — to be in the Word Come, unc Heu
have been Comen, And Raftal in the Firſt Edition of his A-
bridgment (which I have) renders it, Nul projgne reins
change d Or pur Argent, ou e contra, ain de forfiter

werent folunque I Ora: Shan poor 7 110 1 De

1 3 : * -

(14+ _ i &. «2 » J ? 4 4 - of N ff .

22 4 III. Stat,


12. Every man may


Sad. 4 8
| ha * .

74 Erxchequer, and Exchequer Bills.

1 Merchane ſhall be bound- in Chancery to buy (Within chter

Months after ſuch Exchange ) erchandiſe of the Staple tothe

Value of the Sum exchanged, in Pain to forfeit the Sun.

IV. Stat, 2 cap.'$. The. Statute of x4 R. 2. ſhall

be duly executed, and the Lord Chancellor ſhall fend the E.
ſtreats or Exchanges taken of Merchants into the Exchequet
15 Days: and the Baron there ſnall have Power to examine the
Cuſtomers in that Caſe, and to puniſh -themif they find them
rag 1 Statutes are now out of

E, n f 27 287 Nr |

V. Stat. 5 & 6 E. G. cap. 19. None ſhall give or take any

more for the Exchange of Coin than the true Value thereof a- |
mounteth unto, in Pain On the Money fo exchanged, or
ſuffer one Year's Impriſoſment, and to be fined at the King's
Pleaſure; and the [aid Forfcituze is to be divided betwint
King and the Sciſcr or Proſecutbr. * 6: 1 iel. 1

{ 4 1 2 r : ;
5 - , 14 4
* *
_ « 1 N U =" _— | . 9 SY
. 2 [ 1 4 1
: 1 * l ty | - *
" * 2 f * , 4 * "

I. Stat. Scarcavii 51 H. 3. MI Bailiff, Re —

of Cheſter, Receivers ot Wards and Eſcheats, and other

ſhall account in the Exchequer to the Treaſurers and Baron

there; and all Sheriffs, Farmers, .Bailiffs of Franchiſes, and
others that ought to come totheProfer of that Court the Mun-
day after Mich. and the Munday after the Utas of Eafter, ſhall
chen pay in them Farms, Rems and Kaos; and upon De-
fault they ſhall there remain until Payment, or Agreement
made for the ſame, and in caſe of Abſence, they ſhall be x

mercied. | 2 e 3 f
II. Then alſo ſhallithe Sherilfs am Bailiſſs pay in their Sam-
mom of rhe Exchequer, and beithen alſo ready ro make Account
for the things aforeſaid : And if the Bailiff fail to do it, their
Bodies ſhall remain in Ward of the Sheriffs, and the Sheriff
ſhathlevy the King's Debes by himſciforhis own Bails, where
the Bailiffs of the Franchiſes fail to do r.
III. The Juſtices; of Cheſter ſhall have Day to account from
Tear to Year in Cuindens Paſche, and the Bailiffs thereof in

the Mund of Bafirr Urn. |

of \W; Lancaſter, Wor

IV. All Sheriffs (except #

cefter, Rutland and Corumal) thall keep all Wards and Bf

cheats belonging to the King, and ſhall be anſwerable for the

Iſſues thereof in the Ex r at the Terms aforeſaid ; and .at

their Turns they ſhall find Office of ſuch things as belong ta the

King, and which are not uſed to be found before 2

44 ? 2 ; 5

Exchequer, en Exchcome win,

8 bez and ou

the 2 —

rec | ce Kingrhetoos e e wan Without!

the ertifie the King — r
* 1



ae ts Corneal.
Wards and*Eſcheats i thoſe Count,
or the Iſſues thereof in the © en a Well he 80

heir own Countzes |

VII. The ſaid Sa 2 $64 ta de .
Demeſfris, and ſhall 1 — — os! |
e Farmers ſhalt be — tothe Ee Bs 1725 |
hey in the Exchequer Year er
VIII. Aſſo the — CN Oren UE Wool
— and pay Yearly in the Exchequer at the Ve ho
or id 0
IX. The Keeper of the King's Wardrobe fa Alſo account

Nearly at the Feaſt ef St. #d, 1 |

X. The Treafarer and Barons jall Prefer ye tebing of hls
to be heard in Court, exce



. 2 73

ces ccounts before any 3

t concern t $ own |
— XI. One D not be received to vecolint _
nd her's Account, nor until the firft Accountant have paid ;
al A The Conſtabbe, Marſha, Chamberlain, and i ng ev x
Je- e of Fee in the Exchequer ent to
ent re of mores to execute Wr Km 83
1 mManſver.

XIII. No Depu cer without t N

Juret and Barons . $4. re.
nd if he commit any perten, aid be that:
nſhment inflicted, This Superibr Wel be ond ee dhe ber K.
XIV. The Officers of the Wooft-ftzple thall mae Orth ti
ihe bop x and ') of Ned fome of them (or, if
I * e of and Otfeners em-
ted in

i oye Woo ©: i Mauser, And hebe the Cloſe of

he Exc ger, + ſhall be made jg wbob Wy Miecit Sheriff *
ih failed to actoumt & | .
thereof ſhall be made in tbe Rall: and Rf 1% i be 8 0
Sheriff, his Account ſhali be ficſt heard after Miabarlnar; but

> — he ſhall be fummoned er diſtrained to account at a



2 Xvi. The

ſurers or Barons ſu

76 Exchequer, ann Exchequer Bills.

XVI. The Surveyors of the King's Works ſhall be *
the Oath of 12 Men, and of ſuch as may beſt attend that O.
fice, and are ſufficient to anſwer to the King, if need be; and
ſhall ſwear that 2 bear lawful Witneſs; and if the Tres.
pect the Sale, Allowance of Charges, ct
the like, the Truth thereof fhall be inquire; and he that i |
attainted ſhall anfwer the King as much as the Allowance
amountcth unto, ſhall ſuffer a Leit and 4o Days Impriſonment,

and be farther puniſhed. at the King's Pleaſure ; and the Sur:

veyors ſhall be alſo puniſhed. for their Conſent. And

—— 44 3

be puniſhed as well as he that admitted ſuch falſe Alon.

- XVII. All Juftices, and others, ſhall deliver |

into the Exchequer Yearly after Michaelmas, the Eſtreau of

. Fines and, Amerciaments taxed belore them, and the Eiche.

quer ſhall eſtreat them out in the Summons to all Counties, er
*ept the Eftreats in Eyre, which ſhall be delivered immediate
IX the Eyre made, = 2 ner Neue

XVIII. Stat, de Rutland. 10 E. 1. From hence forth the

Bodies of Shires ſhall not be written in ſeveral Rolls, but in:

ectain Annual Roll by themſelves, which ſhall be read every
ear upon the Accounts of Sheriffs, _ |
XIX. The Remnants of the Ferms ſhall be written by later

Dates in the Annual Rolls, and the Sheriff»ſhall be charge!

therewith; in which Remnants, Liveries, Alm: aſſigned, and

other Allowances (if Sheriffs have had any) of the Iſſues of

their Bailiwicks by the King's Writs, ſhall be allowed; And to
the end the King may not be abuſcd in ſuch Allowances, the

Treaſurer and Barons ſhall certifie to the Chancellor the due

| Allowances ; and the Writs of Allowances ſhall be made accort

ing to ſuch Certificate, | "ry

X. Alſo in thoſe Annual Rolls ſhall be written the Sheriff

Terms, the Profit of Counties, the Ferms of Serjeants, Aerts,
Cities, Boroughs, Towns, and other Ferms, whercof there h
anſwer Yearly made in the Exchequer. In them likewiſe ſhal
be written all Debts determined, groſs Debts, and all other

' Debtsthat ſeem to be clear: Howbeit, new Duties ſhall not be

written therein, but thoſe Debts Whereof there 1s hope of Pay

ment, and whereof the Sheriff is anſwerable, and Debts foun!
i XI. Of dead Ferms and defpertte Deb an

8 ead Ferms perate Debts, wh there is 00

hope, one Roll ſhall be made, Intituled, Conit atus, — ſhall
be read NO 2 che 3 8 * ty and the Debts there
whereot t eriff is aniwerad'e, writ in the
Roll, and there ſhall be acgülttel.

Wks XXII. Tale:

Exchequer, and Exchequer Bills: ' 77

£0 | IL Tallies already paid; and not allowed, bur charged in

t Oh * —— of the Exchequer, ſhall after 2 be
3 nd lclivered to the Sheritts, to be allo« ed upon their Accounts;
Trex und two faithful Knights in every County ſhall be preſent at the
3, or WWD clivery of ſuch Tallies, which ſhall be delivered by Indenture
bath I ectwirt the Knights and the Sheriffs, which Knights ſhall ſend
Vance heir Part to 4 at the Sheriff s Account: And if the
ment, Tallies be not ſo delivered, as aforeſaid, the Party failing ſhall
Sur: hargcable with the Debt. e e eee
* XXIII. Inqu ſitors ſhall be appointed in every County, what
Debts; and what part thereof are paid, and What not; which In-
low: guiſitori ſhall certifie the Perſons convict to have received them

nd there Examination thereof ſhall be made in the Exche ·

eliver guat, and the Rolls rectiſied accordingli 9.

ts of | IV. The Chamberlain of the Exchequer ſhall not make to

xche- Sheriffs or Bailiffs Tallies or Dividends, unleſs they firſt
ly Cle pf them Writings concerning the particular Sums of the Actions
ately of Debts, 72 Names of them that 5 them, unto which

Particulars he may put the Names of ſuch Dividends, which be-

umbred into other Particulars.

XXV. When Nichili are returned by the Sheriff, they ſhall

be eſtreated into Rolls, and delivered unto circumſpect Men to
de enquired of, as the Treaſurer, and Barons ſha ll direct.

later I. No Suit ſhall be proſecuted in the Exchequer-houſe,

ge it concerns the King and his Officers there.
es of XXVII. Stat. 37. E. 3. cap, 4. The Clerks of the Remem-
nd to brance ſna ll ſit a in x ba kf the Pipe, to take Notice of,
* | — — a Diſcharges an the Pipe, to the end on Las
may thereupon ceaſe : alſo upon Diſcharge .
cord ons of Pipe hall —ů — Tam ILY

XXVII. Stat. . S. An for +4200: l.

concerning the Officers of the Exchequer ſhall * — *

ren e XXIX. If any Officer there make out a Proceſs for a Debt
_ WaIrcady paid, he ſhall loſe his Office, be impriſoned, and make

Gree with the Party at the Diſcretion of the Treaſurer and Ba-

05, tl emen - {7 l 2 2

W ANXX. Stat.; R. 2. Stat. . cap. ꝙ Every on impeached

in the Exchequer, may 8 in his own Nickage
XXXI. Stat.; R. 2. Sear. r, cap. 11. Accounts in theExche-
quer ſhall: be heard, made and ingroſſed more ſpeedily than
they were wont. > 5%*4 0 |

q ; | .
1 0 XXIII. Stat.
: /

ing ſo received under their Seals, they ſhall not be afterwards |

" Exchequer, and Exchequer Bills;

8. Stat. 5 R. 2. Stat. 1. cap. 12, Two Clerks ſhall le
| . and fworn to make Parcels of Accounts in the Exche

uer — ſhall Ce E 202 hat

„ * |

| XXXIU. Stat! 5 R. 3 I. | 206 A

— — be 4 E 1 xamination of the

ſach be diſchar N favin

the the King's 7s Right, F 5

XIIXIV. Stat. 5 Skins map I ech 875

| an 2 two Remembrancers ſhall be {worn to make d

Term) of all Writs for the Diſcharge o

. And the Remembrancers ſhall alſo be 165 ee tak

a Schedule (every Term) of ſuch as ſhall be * -

and to deliver iv to the Clerks of the Pipe, to th

may alſo be diſcharged in'the'great Roll: An — Gent of

che Pipe ſhall alſe be fworn to require ſuch Sehedules, and tec

liver like Schedules to the en of fach as ſhall be

diſcharged in his Office. |

' "XXNV. Stat. 5 R. 2. Stas. x. cap. 13. fa Tulgment of

very given in any other Court, ſhall be ſent into the Excheque,
the Remembrancer in whoſe Office ſuch 4 lech 5

manded ſhall not iſſue new Proceſs there => but tha
to ceaſe by an Indorſement upon the 'W :

XXXVI. Stat;-5 R. 2. G x, of 16 The Clrs Feel

ling of Commiſſion r
quer ſhall be only 2 .

XXXVII. Stat, 13 R. 2. gun. dp. 14. Reconifancii

Bonds of the Double made in the Exchequer for 5 Dur
5 wy be Me 8 e de e ht

- XXXVUTE. Stat; x +: oh. 26 Ines 10 which by

Eliz. Orders mat Shs r5th Year of her Reign, ought
to be remitted, ſhall from henceforth be diſcharged. in the

Exche ner. _

XIII. Tfehe Treafurer' Remembrancer, or any un

— him, obſerve not the ſaid Orders, they ſhall Folter 20 J. co
be ſued for within Two years,and to be divided berwigt the King

2 Part — 1 —
66 to do Homage and Fealty, or Fea ly onhy,or
Writs of Sc. re facias,Capias, or Diſtreſs, for Fines out
of the Comman-Pleas, ſhall iſſue out of the Remembrancer's

upon Suppoſal only, upon the Pains provided by 2


Nifi Prius in the Exche

- 88 Exchequer, and Excheguer Bills;

The Exchequer-Fees for reſpect of Homa age; = |

: The Value of Fs The Re-| The 95 The Attorneys

. ee.

the Land


o4/By ſfome<Cor
» og[By ſome oo

By ſomer oz
volunta- A or .
ry Annu- Joo
caluies for Yoo
- 09

By 25 5


8 S8 2888 SA REIU

all Mat-
Theſe never loſe If
wes, but have they
ines paid, whethey
they come or not.

III. The Treafurei's Remembrancer ſhall ſatisfie every Sub-

je&'s Charges that ſhall be vexed upon a Suppoſal to be ſet by the
rt; ſo alſo ſhalt his Clerks pay the Iſſues loft, when the
Subject hath duly paid his Reſpect of Homage, to be proved by
the Acquittance. 1 90 | .
LIII. The Treaſurer's Remembrancer may, by Order of the
Exchequer, iſſue out Proceſs for the Diſcovery and Preſeryation
of Tenures, notwithftandine this Act: Howheit, no ſuch Te-
8 appearing, the Party ſhall be diſcharged without Plea ot
Se. 0 3

LIV. Stat. 19 Car. 2. cap. 11. All Perſons to whom any

Money ſhall be due in the Exchequer, and ſhall have any Order
xegiſtred in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt for Pay-
ment thereof, by Endorſement of their Order, may transfet t
Benefit thereof, or of any part t to any other, which
being notified in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt, and
Entry thereof made, ſhall entitle ſuch Aſſignee to the Beneſit
thereof. And it ſhall not be in his Power, who made the Aſſigu-
ment, to releaſe the ſame. | 30
LV. In cafe of an Aſſignment of any Sum, not exceeding One
hundred pounds, the Auditor of the Receipt ſhall not take above
Six pence for himſelf and his Clerks, for making an Entry there-
of. And for any Sum above 100 J. he ſhall not take above

A EVE: Thi

1674. and to the End f the

enſuing, and oo longer. 3
LVII Stat. 1 Jb. ech. 2 72 48 255
ed cont inued even. Tears, and to rh
the next Seſſion Parliament. gmt fr Pea £3 Fel

1692. for Sven Tears, and to the End of the war & =
ter, per Stat. 485 WAG M. Seſſ. 4, cap. 24 87. „ FIN

LVIIL Stat. 48 5 V. & Me wy Wort

ſhall be taken by. a Off Officers 4 * e 39 of 7
Receiver- General of Aids or Supplies to their M d. ke
fuch antient Fees as ſhall be e r bd


III. Stat. 5 & C. 8 M cap. 20. The a 18

ceipt of the Exchequer may receive and take for their Fees o
Peny in the Pound, and no more, for all or any the Sims of
Money to be iſſued or paid to any their Majeſties Garrifons,
Land-Forces and Armies, and other Charges incident to —
ſame, out of the Money ariſing by this or any other Act and
on of this Seſſion, or any other Seſſion of Parliament, du-

this preſent War, to be diflributed in ſuch Proportion as

the Ay or Cy of the K RAE:
point. TS

LX. Stat. 8& 9 W 10 28. For banter Oban >

the Courſe antiently uſed inthe Exchequer, it is EnaCted, That
after the 20 of April, 1697. when any Money ſhall be brought
into the Receipt of the xchequer, the reſpective Teller, into

whoſe Office it ſhall be brought, if the 2 9 ang to

the Talley-Court be then attending, or as ſoon ſhall at
tend for the Levying a Talley, ſhall without Behr the,
ſaid Money, wei N the ſame in intire Sums or otherwiſe?
and making due my thereof, ſhall throw down a Bill or Bills
written upon Paxchment and ſigned, into the Talley: Caurt,
hereby a Tal may be duly levied (accordin to the Nature

Fes 88288 8 Sarl

LVI. This Act ſhall coming till per ane oh Dy of

uch of the Payment ;) And that dach Teller, his Clerk or Subſtitute
and hall not for ſuch Money give a Note Importing a Dep ws |
eit or other private Note or Security, to 7 the due Char
izo- Ichereof in che Exchequer, 2 aforeſaid, pron an that 2

Teller, who ſhall offend againſt this A pong en to re ·

, * A ng

Ine ceive and duly charge himſelf with ſuch

ove ite Notes 28 aforeſaid, ſhall forfeit his Office, and aig

re led to ferve the King in any Office, and forfeit double Da-

ove ge: to the King, or Party damnifi; iT full Cofts of Suit:

nd every Clerk — of Ag * Mac oy x [ 12

ch Vol.

$2 Girhequie,/ and ende

2 this A giying an
ene Nb e e prove Neat þ fue 25
was given, one — . — to the King, the other to i th

b d the ſaid R .
N Aker the | fa po h, of Apr 1. Tales fall wh a

him aſc Bill w A Re pe of 1 4 4 ohiks in the Eiche

CY bu Phot Offiters of the Doo rt are thete pte.

a Ne It any ro or his $ Moe rufe throw down *
the faid *. any Bill, purportin ee Lek any

E, EXCEPT ſes where alli ge or His i be levied

ſpecial artant 00 e Loids of the Treaſüxy, ot Tarzan
atv vchequer, or Whete the Peiſon for w 75 Taltey
Il be levied, ſhall at the fare time, or on the ſame Day,
give a Diſcharge according to the Courſe of the Exchequer, up-
ſome Order or Debenture ** the ney for, tor which, ſuch
Bit 11 ſhall be = 0 down, upon Pain b Iz the like
Forfeiture of Off 3.9 Diſability, 45 hace, Waadt ed, and
7 double the Sum (o unduly charged 5 ne N.
N OAT bo Oe: 2 and for Clerk
lauter ike Penalty, as aforeſaid
LXII. No Teller, his Clerk br Subſtitute aer the Bill
thrown down into the Talley- Court, ſhall ! ine, 5 pay, of or by any
way whatſoever, depart with ſuch Money out o Office,
without an Order for the ſame, made forth by the 18 ahd
recorded by the Clerk of the Pells, and taking a Receipt to
_ diſcharge the Rigg a0 according to antient Coutſe, under the like
er ee 977 ena * as for unduly charging any
before actually receiv
iir ter he ſaid zoth of 7 th Chant 4
Deputy Ch 1 70 ains, and fuch other, ee
Depuoes e 27 4 to the iff bro ine 1 ly 88 _ .
V-Aayt antly attend, at_Jea m Eight ©
95 lock to one, en Lad 549 and 47 27 7 and
nine to one, between Michaclnias and La carly
om they be ſick, or have Leave from the e Commiſion of
N. or Treaſurer, ot Under-Treaſurer of che
in wines caſe Fg, Som ſhall be 3 ſapplicl
Ach ch been 55 cuſtomed, upon Pain to anſwer. ay make to
| Kit Ber Party that l ſuffer by reaſon of ſuch Abſence,

REES and Fu
iv. And. he Aon of the Receipt, Writer of Tal

75 ; unleſs, lah 188 or his Clerks Ret goal 850 70 8

lies, Clerk of the ob, the four agag and en Officers

and conftant Attendance in rhe! r =, Be

7 the Receipt, ſhall by 8 5 reſpective De-

puties ( in ſuch a where. they Depury) give
the like Penalties of double the Damages ard ard full Colt
2s aforeſaid.
. LXV. The

Exthequer; ind erden x wits 83

, Ov. The firſt Clerk ih the Off N

eceipt, the Clerk of the Pells, and oft the 1 5

onn for the due, juſt, and faithful e of Aal Ma Matters

to 3 rformed by chem Wa the {id Offices ively.

IX VI. None of the M „Nee or it ven he Re

vie of the Exchequer bs chene paid or_iffued but in
rſuance of fome 2 Lal. — the Great Seal, or
by vitrae bY: 5 7 Aut hority undet the Peng Sel,

trfuant to ſome AR of Parhament.

TVI. K Table 6f Tables mall be made and fit up at 4
Door of the Auditor of the Receipr, ſhewing how far the Of-
ficers there have proceeded in the yment of Loans upon
we 9 of Tate or A ber and how far the Motties paid
eſpective Receivers thereof do e en, from time
_ 4 — — : Principal and Intereſt upon the
How r. reſpectively.

Hul 1. The fen of the Recei * ſhall, from time to

time 1 his Law ul Fees ) duly en Letters Patetti, ard
ace for ant the King's en Sed hat drow
the t iſſui requite tds o
Treafury, or Treafu 2 Exchequer, and ſhafl keep Er.
tries there f, and Week! y take the Tellers Accounts; and make
Certificate to the er of all Receipts, Iſſues, and Remaits
of the King's Money there, and make out the Im Cet-
tificates, and tranſmit the Ordinary Impreft Rolls Half-year
to the Remembtancer; and ſhall Half-yearly, at Eaſter
— tranſmit to the Treaſury the claration the R

ny Iſtues, and - at 16 Exchequer, in ſuch

ath been bogey And the Clerk of the |

than, from time to 44 2 his Lawfut Fees) duly enrol all
Letters Parents, and Priv POW, for iſſuing the King's Trea-
ſare, and fairly enter all ts and IT. at the ſaid Exche-

quer, and take the Tellers x Weekly Ac and certific

He fury Weekly the Recei Mass a ar s of

King's Money _ Cari , kamin the La. Certi-
fieates and Impreſt antes tranſmit to the IL
yearly, Declarations of the Receipts, Iſſues and 0 withe
in the Half-year; and hall in all Matters appertaining to his
Office carefully obſerve tie antient Courſe and Method. And
the ſaid Officers, their Deputies and Clerks, ſhall be anfwerable
for their Demeanors in their reſpective Duties, as well to the
* 1 Perſon who may later by uy Neg or


je hw Ill Penakties and Forfeitures by this AQ ſhall be re-

cone by Action or or CT the con Bill, suit, or In-
orma in any ing s Courts of Record wherein no
Eſſoign, Jr. ſhall be allowed. F

F 2 xx. This

opening ſome

84 Exchequer, and Exchequer Bills.

LXX. This Act not to leſſen ox diminiſh the Lawful Pow.
er, Order, Rule or Goverment which the Commiſſioners of the
Treaſury, or Treaſurer for the time being, have, and. ought to
have. in their Places and Trufts, reſpectively. |
\ -LXXT. This Act not to alter ox change any Method of Re.
1 or Payments of Bills of Credit in the Exchequer allowed
by Parliament. 3 5 ; | |
© LXXIE. All the Money in the. ſaid Receipt ſhall be kept in
Cheſts under. three different Locks and three Keys, the Teller
to keep one, the Clerk of the Pells one, and the other ſhall be
kept by the Eldeft of the two Deputy Chamberlains ; and no
Orders ſhall be paid the ſame Day they are ſent up from the
Auditors Office to the Clerk of the Pells (except for the Na-
ry, Ordnance, Forces, or for Monies regiſtred.) And the
Cletk of the Tells, and Deputy Chamberlains, ſhall every Morn-
ing, except Sundays and Holy-days, cauſe the reſpective Cheſts
to be opened in their Preſence, and fo much Money to be tx
ken out, and left with the Tellers, as will ſatisfy the Orders ſo
directed and ready to be ſatisfied, and the Reſt to be ſafe lock
up again; and every Day ſee all the Money, which was recei-
ved that Day (except what ſhall be paid away) to be firſt weigh-
ed in the Bags, a Ticket of the Content put into each Bay,
and fo ſecured in the ſaid Cheſts. And in caſe Monies in the
Laid Cheſts be directed to be iſſued for the Navy, Ordnance, &.
fo that the Payment muſt not be deferred, the Clerk of the
Pells and Deputy Chamberlains ſhall go up forthwith to the
Tellers Offices, and ſee the Cheſts opened for that Money,
and the Publick Service d ſpatcht, and the Cheſts ſecured agi
in manner aforeſaid ; and when the Clerk of the Pells cannot
attend, his eldeſt Clerk ſhall keep his Keys of the ſaid Chefs;
If the Deputy Chamberlain cannot attend, his Keys ſhall be
kept by his Fellow; and no Money ſhall be taken out of the
ſaid Chefts but in Preſence of the reſpective Tellers, the
Clerk of the Pells, and Deputy Chamberlain, or in caſe d
Sickneſs, or Abſence with Leave, of their Clerks, as afore
mentioned. . |
LXXIII. After the ſaid zoth of April, the Auditor of the
Receipt, or his Chief Clerk, ſhall at leaſt once in Twenty eight
Days, viſit ey Teller's Caſh, and by numbring the Bag)
of them, and (if he thinks fit) by weighing ot
telling the Money, ſee that the Tellers have in real Mone
the remains wherewith he charges them; and that at leaf
once in three Months te examine the Tellers Vouchers fot
the Payments which he allows them in his Weekly Cer:
ificate. | 98

ILXXIV. Stat. 5 A. cap 13. The Rates and Duties granted

per 7 V. 3. cap. 18. See Taxes, (being an Act for go

| od

* " * ,
; D * >
4 ,

: |
\ I” . er 5 2 10 1
Exchequer, and Exchequet Bllls. 85
ing to his Maj e and Duties on Houſes, ſor
making good the Deficiency of the Clipt Money ) and Which
thereby, and by 8 V. 3: cdp. 20. were granted to continue till
me Firſt of Auguſt, 1706. and ber 1 4. cap. 13. See Deficten-
cies, were to continue to the Firſt of Auguft, 171. ſhall be
ayable to her Majeſty, her Heirs and Succeſſors, for ever, in the

rms Manner, and by ſuch Rules, and under the Penalties men
tioned in the ſaid Acts, and the Clauſes therein, or in any,
other Act of Parliament concerning the ſaid Duties now in
Force, ſhall continue during the Continuance of this Act

LXXV. The Duties upon Houſes after the ſaid. laſt of July,
1710, growing due, ſhall be 3 with the Yearly Fund
of 41. 10 5. per Cont. per Ann. to be paid to the Bank of Eng
land for Circulating Exchequer Bills, to be iſſued in purſuance
of this Act; and all the ſame, except the charge of raiſing the
ſame, and ifſuing the Exchequer Bills, are appropriated in the
firſt _m to pay to the ſaid of England, the ſaid 4 J. 10 5.
Per Cent. nh. 7 1 r

LAXVE. After the Monies charged by the ſaid Act of 1 4.

cap. 15 (on Duties on Houſes ) ſatisfied, then the Duties
granted by the ſaid Act of 1 A. for the Remainder of the
Term thereby granted, and Arrears thereof, to be received
before March, 1710. ſhall be applied to the Payments which -
before March, 1710. ſhall grow due for the faid 4 J. 105. per
* Ann. and the Arrears thereof. .
| XVII. The Lord High Treaſurer or Commiſſioners of the
Treaſury, or any Three, may cauſe Bills to be made out of
the Exchequer for any Sum not exceeding 1 00000 l. and iſſue
the ſame to the Uſes of the War, and other her Majeſt es Occa-
ſions, as he or they ſhall think fit.

LXXVIII. The ſaid Bills ſo to be iſſued ſhall be received, and

be current to the Collectors of all Taxes granted, and to be
granted, and alſo at the * of the Exchequer. ed

LXXIX. The Governor and Company of the Bank of Eng-

land, who are willing to circulate Exchequer Bills after *
Rate of 4 J. 10 5 per Centum per Annum (redeemable by Par-
liament upon a Years Notice) and Pay the ſame as ſpecie Bills,
ſhall receive to their own Uſe 4 1. 10 s. per Centum per Annum,
for Circalating ſuch Bills from the reſpe&ive Times of the
* the ſame until the ſame be diſcharged as hetein is pro»

LXXX. The Lord High Treaſurer or Commiſſi ners of the

Treaſury, or any Three, are hereby required, upon every one
of the Four uſual Quarterly Feaſt Days until Mich. 1710. inclu-
five, to compute the Sum which on every the ſaid Feaſt Days
ſhall be due and —"_ (over and above ſo much of the ſaid
Houſe-money as ſhall have been paid to the Rank of England,
for the 4 1. 10 7. per Cont.) to * good the ſaid 9

| F 2

86: MExchequer, and Exchequer Bills;

2 10 4 ;s ue Bar and 90 uh Bank br an

a to DE 17 ive Allowance: Which Excheguer, Bills ſo to
> made ſhall be be current, and 7 + i. in like mannet
8 Bits be male our or the id moon,
Cer3- appointed for managing t
n Houſes bereby yo be phoned ſhall perf 70 ** "Bui

; erein under the 1 preſcribed

(9) Trade ) Jays the like Offence or e * 1 * 2.5
on Salt, and ſtampt Paper, Cc. and thereby or referred

'LXXXII * I be kept in the Office of . Audit

of the Receipt, 2 of all Ke 3 n Duties on How
ſes, hereby appropriated, paid

LXXX II. The an 71.26 1 EN (out of

Duties on Houſes arifing 15 wg» et oY ſaid AQ

I * 13. hereby appropriated ) unto the fad Bank


LIXLTV: In cafe any Officer. of the uer divert, or

4 pply the Monies hereby appropriated Fora of the

$5.19 s, or do not the other things ned of w Act, he

Fall forfeir his Office, be uocapable a 4 Tt aud

Pay treble Damage * of Suit, to * eee by the

. of Englan PR ion of Debt or Information, in any

Court of Record at Weſtminſter, One third of amage to bet

Majeſty. the other Two thirds to the Bank of England,

' LXXXV. Poviſe, That if at the End of any 7 — (begin

ning to compute at Mich. 1210.) the Monies appropriated ſo
Payments of 4“ 10 «. 21 Cent. required hereby, ſhall ex
_ n ſuc Exceſs or Surplus ſhall be diſpoſable! by

F LXXXVI. The ſaid Bank ſhall, if ired, pay ſuch Bill
together with Intereſt, in caſe ſuch Bills ſhall be indorſed to
Intereſt. And the ſaid Bank ſhall remain a Corporation

un the ſaid Exchequer Bills ſhall be redecmed, as herein men-

T run. In caſe the ſaid Banł or their Caſhire ſhall negled

Co ch ſuch Bills upon Demand thereof made at their Office,
ich 2 Gang the Currency of theſe Bills is to be in Low
for 24 Hours ; then the Perfons demanding may bring

on) Action for the ſame againſt the Bank, and declare that
the ſaid Governor and Company are indebted to the Plaintiff
therein, the Money demanded on the Bills iſſued according
= Statute, and have not paid the ſame, which ſhall be

ficient ; and the Plaintiff in ſuch Action ſhall recover the

Money, Damages and full Coſts of Suit, and the ſaid Gover
not and Company are hereby made liable thereto, ff



4 V Pc E


Es 8 8 8



8 =


S 8


Þy Indorſemen of the

tian to —
1 by 1

Hack of Jack Bi Bills, 1 that hx h 3 ay 2 5 We

15 Aer * with ach Be $ (ball carry x
Att for f ſych e; 2 a — as ſha
rſed ; and the e £9: 3 7 2
I and the Intere {alle Payments, 152 75
at XC ee

„That ne Intereſt ſhall. up, or be Paid on

i Fe fac ame as they ſhall remain in the Hands af

og 8 5 of Tazes or Teller of the Exchequer, bot for
ach de ſhall me for ine Benefit of the faid |

i! . 55 b

"NC. The Perſons, payj ſich, B _carryin Intereſt, -to

any: Receiver 5 0 the Bill, nn at the dime

e lach Payment Write in Words at leng the time of Payment,
to Which time the: . ſhall be Ae again the. Intereſt

Ar Proviſo, That when fuch Bills, indorſed ſhall be e-

bled out of the Exchequer, che Teller from whoſe-Office| the

= are reiſſued ſhall indorſe 'the Words at it length, the Time
ken reiffued, and gn the ſame, from which time the Interc

Il revive,

XCIL. Won, That when ſuch Bills, ſo indorſed, ſha

ny again paid out; by; the aid N Company, and
again 2 to their Ha „ being paid by — the faid

ſhall diſcharge all Beere above Bix Months due

305 55 ;

LC. N n One Year's Notice, and upon

151 41 due on the ſaid Billa, and
the 41. Ie per Cent. per N then and not till then,
he Ta uk ſabe cancelled, as by A d Parkament, or in
ault thereof as by che Lord Treat, ah Thee Co
Ko the | Treaſury al be appointed: Aud fo much 0 the

on thi es as — jr es 2 * ay VE, tity of

TO .
4 bee. f Farhamenr fu eee

AIV. In c os Lich Exchequee Bills ſhall be filled ap

ent, or de do Hou
Treaſurer, ox Three
5 the
Bank, may cauſe new We be ate out tobe del ell to
the Bank in lieu thereof; the ald to be cancelled and N ben, at

the Exchequer; the new Bills to have the ſame

and Sums as the Old.

XCV. If any Perſon. mall forge any Lach Bill or Intorſemene
JO. or == tender the ſame in al fate! þr's Fel
uch, — convict ſhall 1 as 2

* 5 n XCVI. The

88 Efchequer; and Exchenet Bills:

iTonal''Ettate, and

-{XCVI. The Batik Shall have one part of the Indents or

Covunttrfoils of ſuch Bills from which the ſame ſhall be cut:

Mod When the ſaid Bills, or any of them, ſhall be cancelle

Inden I

in purſuance of this Act, one Far of the ſaid Indents

Countetfoils, or ſuch part as ſhall relate to the Bills to be
diſcharged or cancelled, ſhall be delivered back to the Exche-

yer. 3 Irre
vn The'Bink'for the better Circulating the faid-Bilk,
may ditect to be paid in to them by their Members any Sumi

of Money: And all Executors, Adminiſtrators, Guardians

and Tauflecs ſhall-be indetinifiel in paying thereof. And in

Notice in the'Gazette, and fixed on the Exchange, L

the aid Bank may not only ftop the Dividend of - ſuc
Member until thereof the ſaid Share be ſatisfied,” but alſo
ſtop the Transfers of the Share of ſuch Defaulter, and charge
ſuch Defaulter with Intereſt at 6 J. per Cent. for the MO
not paid, until Payment thereof. And ſo much of the Share
off ſack Deſaulter ( in caſe af Non · payment in Three Months
may be fold, as will ſatisfie the ſame. 5 5
AVI. And no Member of the ſaid Bank; by reaſon of aty
thing in this Act contained, ſhall be diſabled to be a Mem-
bck of Parliament, or be fable c be 2 Bankrupt, nor ſhall
the ſaid 4 J. 10 4 Per Cent. be hable to any Foreign Attach:
F ROT. d dis $655; | 1 113. 0. | i -

ment. 1 r |
- XCIX. Andthe faid 4 J. 20 f. per Cent. and the Share of every

| caſe any Member pay not their Share at the Time ents

| Member therein ſhall be Tax-free.

DC. And the ſaid fox per Cent. ſhall be adjudged a Per-
Igo to the Executors and Adminifics
tors. (414-0192. „nn e e ee 34+ 7.18
CI. Until all Erchequer Bills by this Act directed ſh
be paic: off, no other Hills of like Nature ſhall be made

of the Exchequer, With or without Authority of Parli-

mente (1 7 | BONLl es #21 1145 140 Yah

II. N That nothing ſhall hinder the Redemption ol

the Original Fund of 100000 l. per Annum, or of any orher
Fund granted, upon which the Bank have, or hall lend Money
-red&mable ; but that the ſame may be redeemed with Re-
1 of the Inteteſte thereby granted.

i. Wphere it ſhall. appear by Affidavit before any. Baron

of dhe Exchequer, to the Satisfaction of ſuck Baron, chat any
Miſhon or Malt Lottery Tickets, unpaid Exchequet Bills, or De-
bentures undiſcharged, are loft or deſtroyed; the Officer appoint-
ed ta iſſue forth ſuch Tickets, Bills, or Debentures, or Difcharge
the: ſame, or iſſue 2 8 thereon, upon a Certificate
from any ſuch Baton of ſuch Affidavit, and upon Security to
his good Liking, is hereby required ta male Leh Duplicates
thereof, and to pay and d charge the ſame, and the Intereſt Ft

Exchequer, and Erchequer Bills. 89

And if there be no ſuch Officer, the Lord Treaſurer is hereby

— to make out ſuch Dapticates, | ones wel, 6
CIV. Stat, 6 A. cap. 32. All fuch Sums as the Bank of
England have, or ſhall call iter the Circulation of Exchequer
Bills, not exceeding, 10911771 4. 10 s, ſhall be taken as capital

Stock for capacitating Perſons interefted therein to be elected

Governor, Deputy Governor, Director, or to vote at General

hurts. See before Set. 97. : |

CV. Proviſo,” That nothing herein ſhall reſtrain the ſaid
Bank from Calling in from their Members any further Sum or
Virtue of 5 A. cap. 13,or otherwiſe, the y may

Sums, which by
0. 4

s 6

Cl. Stat. 12. A. Seſſ. . cap. II. Reciting the Act

& 8. A. relating to Exchequer Bills made forth, amounting
o 2500000 1. Principal N and by another Act more
xchequer Bills were made forth to the Amount of 400000 J.
to bear Intereſt at 2.d. per Cent, per Diem, when they ſhould
ot be paid in the Pablick Receipts : Reciting alſo the Act 9 A.
For Obliging* the Bank of England, to exchange all Exchequer
Bills for Ready Money "pos emand, and that 43000 J. per
Inn, ſhould be paid to the Bank by Quarterly Payments, until
he ſaid Fan Exchequer Bills to be made for Intereſt,
ogether with a Million of the ſaid Bills ſhould be paid off;
And whereas the Bank is willing to circulate a farther Sum of
1200000, in other Exchequer Bills ; tis now Enacted, That
he Treaſury may iſſue our 1300000 0, for Pubſick' Uſes and
* ices. Inn ry 0 44 : 458 Trim o
CVII. Theſe Bills ſhall bear Tntereſt at 2 d. pey Cent. per
Diem to the Bearer, and the Bank ſhall have 3 J. per Cent.
der An, for all. the ſaid Bills, to commence and take effect
only, in Pr ion as the ſa ſhall be iſſued at the Exchequer,
and ſhall be hkewife proportionably abated. ©
CVIIL And that the Bapk may be 5 5 * 1
aud Bi anging them for ready Money on Deman
the Len, Jun of 2 T. ſhall be paid to cl over and
above the Yearly Sum of 45000 J. by the Act ? An.
mence on the 31 of July 1713, and to be paid to them Quar
terly, until no more than 190009 U. of all the ſaid Bills ſhall
be ſtanding out and uncancelled; and that the 1 9 An.
vix. the Two thirds of a Subſidy of Tonnage and Poundage,
the Duties on Coffee, Cocoa Nuts, Chocolate, Cocoa Paſte,
8 Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, and Pictures, White
Callicoes, China Ware, and Drugs, &c. ſhall be a Fund to
ſatis1e the ſame- | | |
CIX. The Allowance of 3 J. per Cent. per An. for Circu-
lating the Bills upon all del Acts, ſhall be paid Weekly =

to com-

Exchequer, andExchequer Bills;

the Receipt of the Excheqp x: to 2 n 1 N

may iſſue out Money to lach

x of Ang aces for diſchargi *
po Ga
nh nes id Bills,

S Mer Payment of the ſaid he. * 953

Per Cent. per An. then the Monies 157
TINA Bank or 1 n the Teach am of B
g I 750 175. uly 17 13. and Yearl 1 Sum of of ro Li
fan be — pai
2 of e Exch ep and the fg 1 W Baſe
Iatereſt always take Place in B I 0 oh
the 110 Fund, before the Y Leah Sum of 8090 and 45090],

© CI, Br Proviſo, — cy 1 pe C of the ſaid Dor

nt. per and 2 m,

e An. Pe 5 F 5 88

Remainder of He ſaid Funk (TER from Ko WA to time produce

% approp ted for Diſcha Ing Ex

Till the Fund efta ſhed ſha SO the Trex

may compute he Sum hc all be Quarterly du,

2 owing Þ ay lt eſt of 2.4, per. ens By Pep. nd 145

Cent. per An. upon + the Bills, and 8. 0

the Sum which 255 ter- day fg

upon or for the ſaid Tefl Sum

our other None: Bil's, 5 71 ell

obe due, to carry the F SETS


CE Hanks, X the Produce 8. a» 10 Ii

ut of of the .nexe Aids tobe granted by Mk,

by © od fel Py oof, It If chere he any, Surplus, it ſhall be diſpal

are in v; Theſe cheer Hil Riſk 1 1 75 1 -

Cixculating t
EXVI. A N the bone ane Solas, 6. &%
in the ſaid recited Acts mentioned, relating to Exeheg
ſhall be in

CXVII. The Yearly Sums.of v and 3 the

Allowances of 3 4. Por C Cent. per An. and 2 d. 12925
Diem, ſhall not be liable to any Tax-

CXVIII. The Bank ſhall be obliged to eh nge the Exche

quer * for ready Money, and in ult .chereaf afts
twenty four Hours demanding the . — be ſued,

2 Plantiff ſhall recover the Monies, Damages, and ful

CMI. Bank may contract with other Perſons whom te

fl ck e to fueniſh Mane on ſuch Terms, and 2

717251 1 and, on

Exehequer, and Exchequer Vils. 9x

h Penalties and Forfeitures, as they ſhall find neceſſary,

4 the better enabling them to exchange the ſaid Bills'on

CXX. Such Contracts in Writing may be made without any

and the Bank have Power to Mus out Bank Bills

under cir Common Seal, not exceeding the Principal Sums

be alley in by them, or be paid upon ſuch Cen-

— 4 (oyer ang 4 — bove he Sum which they have already Li-

erty to iſſue in ſuch Bank Bills by any former Act.)

CXXI. The yg hc may ma Money from ork; reſpeRtive

Members, according to th Lo Intereſts in the Ca-
vital Stoch, for Circulating ** — and the Money ſo called
n, may in a General Court be 22 of the Capital
Stock; and all Rules, Reirchem, a and Matters contained in
any former Adds — Capital Stock, ihall be ex ended
to 2 Capital Stock foe ed. |

CXXII. 1. Ja ank — nn till all the

2 5 ils are diſcharged.

Wie Rap That after all the Principal and Intereſt

2 on the ſaid Bills ſhall be diſcharged, dhe ſeveral Sub-

ſches and Daries, e. which are made 2 Fund for the ſame,
hall be underſtood to be redeemed by Prliament; and cis
arther declared that the Sublides and Duties, Qc. may be re-
Jeemed from the Bank in Manner before mentioned, without
— * wee i Funds by the Act 7 An. or by any os
AQ ing eren ſettled or made payabiotothe

K xrv. The Proriſo in the AR 7 An. for determining the

Tearhy Fund of 100000 , and the 1 2 of the Bank,
pon twelve Months Notice after 1 Auguſt 1732. is now: xe»
ealed, and the Rank ſt mein and continue a Corpo-

in. twelve | Months Notice uſter

; rey 80000 1, by the


ceaſe, and the Corporation ſhall then deter:

CXXVI. This ſhall be taben to be « publick Aſt. - wt

CX XV11. The by Letters Patents may appoint 25000.
An. to be iſſued or kf by Weekly or Quarterly Payments

at the Receipt of the 42 for the Term of TOP

two Jour, to c:amence from Michael mas 22
be charged as well on the Hereditary Revenue of .
a1 in what is granted to Her for Life; the Sum - continue
and be charged on the Hereditary Revenues, Duties, and

Branches of the Crown after Her Demiſe, and during the

laid Term, with ere to all other Payments w er.

6 X.xxvnl. Nori,


O Wiggz

E 25. &


CXXVIII. Proviſo, That nothing in ſuch Letters Patent
contained, ſhall prejudice any Diſpoſitions concerning the
* of the Firſt- Fruits, or of the General Poſt- Of
f 6 c. Ys ;
2.CXXIX. The Queen by ſuch Letters Patents may direct
and:appoint, by what. Methods, and in what Form, a Sum not
exceeding 500000 J. ſhall be raiſed and paid, and may impower
any Perſons to advance the ſame, and direct in what Mar
ner the ſaid Fund, not exceeding 35000 l. per Annum, or any
Share or Proportion thereof, ſhall be applied to repay the
Perfons who ſhall advance the ſaid 500000 J. and how the
Money ſhall be aſſi zned or transferred ; which Letters Patent,
Vc. mall be good in Law. 5 ö

/ CXXX. The Officers who are to pay the Monies out of the
Raid Yearly Fund, ſhall perform their Duties without taking
any Fee, neither ſhall the Money be diverted to any other Uſe,
on Pain of loſing their Places and treble Damages; and the
Money advanced, or that ſhall be payable to any Perſon by
virtue of this Act, and of the ſaid Letters Patents, ſhall be
free of all Taxe. e #31 £193

. CXXXI. All the Money lent upon the Land-Tax ſor the
Vear 1713. after all the Loans, and the Intereſt thereof, ſhal
be ſatisſied, . and all the Money lent upon another Ad
for granting the Duties on Malt, Mum, Cyder, and Peri,
for the Service of the Year 17rz. aſter the Loans, and” the
Intereſt thereof are likewiſe ſatisſied, and all the Sums nt
exceeding 1200000 J. authorized by this Act to be iſſued in
Exchequer Bills, ſhall be approprſated for or towards - the
Charges of the Navy, and for Victuals, Wages, Wear an
Tear, and for Service in the Ordnance, fo as in the whole,
the lame doth not exceed 1200000 J. over and above the Mo-
ney to be made good to the South-Sea Company; and for
and towards defraying the Half-pay to the Sea-Officers in the
laſt War, and who ſhall be out: of Imployment by Sea or
Land in time of Peace, fo as the Half- pay for the Year 171
do not exceed 17000 J. and for and towards defraying the
Charges of the Land-Forces for Six Months, from 22 D..
cember, 1712. to the 23d of June, 1113. both incluſive, and
ſor reducing their Numbers; and for .and towards the Dil-
charge of the Guards and Garriſons in Great Brit ain, from
23 June, 1713 to 25 December following; and for the For-
ces in the Illand of Minorca, from 24 June, 1713. to
25 December following ; and for the Forces in Gibraltar |
for the ſame Time; and for the Forces in Dunkirk for Five 6.
Months, Cc. | |
» CXXXII. Proviſo, That no 2 ſhall obfirul e 7.
any Payment by the Treaſurer of the Navy in purſuance ©
an Act 9 An. Intituled, An Ad for making good Deſici 8.
Ca | Eno |

Exciſe. 9
6. and for eveting a Corporation to carry on a Trade. te
| mg rt c. to make good Deficiencies to the ſail

Xin. All Duties intended by this Act to be ſatisfied

irect gut of the ſaid Sum of 500000 J. to be raiſed, as aforeſaid,

not and all Debentures for the ſame, which haye been ſold or aſſign-
wer ed before 30 June, 1713. ſhall and may be redeemed, on Pay-
Man- ment of the Principal Money, and Intereſt paid in Conſiderati-

>n of making ſuch Sales.

| pri f — » * :
CXXXIV. Proviſo, That ſuch Redemption be made within
| — ix Months after the Seſſion of this Parliament is ended.

CXXXV. Proviſo, That no ſuch Redemption ſhall be allaw-

ed, unleſs the Party Who claims a Benefit thereof, do enter a

- the Note or Memorandum thereof in the Office where the Debt

aking became due, on or before 29 September, 1713.

Uſe CXXXVI. Saving to all Perſons (other than to the Crown)

the Il ſuch Rights, &c. whatſoever, in, to, or out of the ſaid Reve-
n by ues, or Hereditaments, not exceeding 35000 J. as they had
U be before this Act was made.

CXXXVIL FProviſo, That the ſaid Sum of 5000001. is here.

1 the by appropriated, and ſhall be applied in Aid of the ſaid. Re-

ſhall enues or Branches which were — for the Support of
40 he Honour and Dignity of the Crown, ſor and towards the
— Paying and Diſcharging of ſuch Arrears of Salaries, Wages,
\--the drank ey and 23 nn ns on and for
wt other Cauſes, as appear to due and owing to the
ed in Que n's Servants, Tradeimnen, and others. * N
- the | Lok
Mo- 0 7 | | | \ 2
d for I, Stat, 12 Car. 2. cap. 23. There ſhall be paid to the King
in the for his Life the — 1 Followiog, Viz wR e e
ea of 1. For every Barrel of Beer or Ale above 6 s. the Barrel,
171 brewed by any that fell the ſame, to be paid by the
g the Brewer, 74, as 7 4
> D. 2. For every ſuch Barrel of 6 s. or under, e ee
„ and 3. For every Hogſhead of Cyder and Perry ſold by Retai
Dil or otherwiſe, to be paid by the Retailer, If
from 4. For every Gallon of Metheglin or Mead fold by Retail,
For- or otherwiſe, to be paid by the Maker, ob.
3. to 5. For a. Barrel of Vinegar-Beer, brewed by a common
Altar Brewer, | | 6 d.
- Five 6. 2 of Strong · water or Agua uita, to be paid by
aker, . | 2 75 955
and 7. For a Barrel of Beer or Ale imported from beyond
Jeffci- 8. For a Tun of Cyder or Perry imported, 15
nas 9 7 9 Yg | 9 For


8 RE:
9. For 4 Gallon of Spirits made of Wine or Exder ty
4 | rt A 1 . D | p |
10. For a Gallon of Strong-water imported,
-- Wl y

For a Gallon of Coffee to be paid by the Maker, +
12. For a Gallon bf Chocolate, Shetbet, and Tea, 8 4. 404 fo
proportionably for greater ot leſſer Quanrities.
II. The faid Duties heteby ſer on Foreign Liquors ithpotte|,
mall be paid by the Merchant Importet'in ready Money, up
his Entry made, and before Landing. | |
III. Common Brewers of Beer and Ale ſhall bee 4 Week,
and all Retailers of Beer, Ale, Cyder, Perry, Metheglin, ct
Strong · water, ſhall once a Month make true Entries at the Of.
fice of Exciſe of all the Liquors afbreſaid which &y brew ot
retail; in Default whereot common Brewers ſhall fotfeit 3
Inn-Keepers 5 I. other Retailers 10 . Common Brewers not
cleating within a Week, arid Retailets within a Month after
they make or ought to make Entries, ſhall pay double the Duty.
But none livimg in a Matket-Tow'ti ſhaft be * to travel
out, nor 2 of one, to travel to any other Place tha
the next Market- Town in the fame County on the Matket=dy,
to make ſuch Entries and Payment. ; |
IV. The Commiſſioners atid Sub-Commilſibhert ma
their Hands and Seal, conſtitute Gatizers, who may by
in the Preſence of 2 Conſtable of other Officer by N ight, enter
into any Places belonging to Brewers, Victuallers, and DiRtillen
of the Liquors aforeſaid, and gauge Coppers and Vellels, and
take an Account of the ſaid = z And make Return ther-
of to the Commiſſioners, or Sub-Commiſſioners, e. leaving
a Copy thereof under their Hands with the ſaid Brewers, &
ſach Returns to be a Charge o the ſaid Brewers, & c. Breu
e. refuſing to it the Gaugers to enter, ſhall be for
idden by them to ſell the ſaid Liyuors ; and if they fell after
uch Warning, or deliver out any the ſaid _— not hz-
— = apr the Duty, they ſhall loſe 5 J. beſide the double

Value. |
V. Thy fs Gallons of Beer go to a Barrel, and 32 Gallons
of Ale to a Barrel of Ale, and the other 4 aforeſaid ac-
craig to the Wine Gallon, Brewers and Retailers ' of Ber
and Ale ſhall ſell at che uſual Rates; Saving that common
Brewers may receive the Exciſe due over why. Bron *
VI. Common Brewers, not ſelling by Retail, ſhaf be allowel
for Waſte and Leakage upon 23 Batrels of Beer, artek;
upon 22 of Ale, 2 Barrels; which Allowances in ca e of falſe
Entries, and Conviction thereof before Two of the Commillio-
ners, ſhall be forfeited for 6 Months. | 9
VII. No Beet or Ale ſhall be delivered by the Brewer to the
Retailer till he be paid the Exciſe oyer and above the Price.

Pu. Parſow


= i
VIII Perfons Brewing add-Retailing ſihall Quantities of

ith. 5 . dn q &.

: : Faifs, and Who are not ufual Brewers

11 Nenlert thee, hat ing the Exciſe, ſhall be diſcharged

44 rom all the Penalties of this Act for fo much and no more.

IX. The Commiſſioners arid Sub-Commilſioners may com-

ound for this Duty with Retailers. And the Lo Treaſuter

Mt pres; Sers of tte Treaſury may farm the Duties pon
n che Liquors aforeſaid, not exceeding the Term of Three

x cars, Po 8
| | in this Act within the Limits of the Chief
7 1 ſhall be determined by the ſaid Chief Com-

Peace near

of Refuſal

tion; and at their Diſcretion

dot. Tels

1cipa | ha zor withi

o Miles of it, as long as the King hall think 2 8 1 Toh

ther Offices 3 omg th the _ woo ſhall

de appoin the Kmg, W any o of them, tre
* Governors the Management of the King's
Receipt of the Exciſe. ' 1
XI. None ſhall meddle th apy Office relating to the Exciſe
ill they have taken the Oaths of, Allegiance and. 8 acy

— before two Juftices of Peace of the County where ſuch Office is,
: vr one Baron of the Exchequer, and this Oath, mutatis mutandis.
owed * = :
ble aithfully without Favour or Affettion, and ſball, from 4 ro

ime, true Account make and geliver tofuch Parſon and Perſons
ts B15 Majefly ſhall appoint 3 recoi vs 2 ; and 2

Fee or Reward for 'the

Execution of the" ſaid Office, from

* 7 other Perſon than Los his 2 or = whom 575 Ma-
* Ay

ſhall appoint in that Behalf.


96 Exciſe. |
The taking of which Oath the Juſtice of Peace ſhall certif.
to the next Quarter-Seſſions, there to be recorded.
XII. All Places within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, fu
be under the Inſpection of the Head Office. Subordinate Com-
miſſioners for other Places ſhall be appointed by the King. The
Taid'Office ſhall be kept open from Eight in the Morning to
Twelve at Noon, and from Two in the Afternoon to Fi.
The Chief Commiſſioners ſhall pay what they receive, fron
time to time, into the Exchequer. |

XIII. Perſons ſued for acting in 388 of this Law, mz .

plead the General Iſſue. And if a Verdict paſs for the Deſen
ant, or the Plaintiff be Non-ſuit, the Defendant ſhall hay bs
double Cofts. 1 | 2
XIV. No Writ of Certiorari ſhall ſuperſede Proceedings upaj ha
any Order by Juſtices of Peace in purſuance ofthis Act. Confirmed it
13 Car. 2. cap. 7. Exciſe upon Beer, &c. given to King Willian 1
and Queen Mary during Life, per Stat. 2 W. & M. cap. 3. 3
XV. Stat. 1 Fac. 2. cap. 1. The ſeveral Rates, Duties aul N
Impoſitions upon Beer, Ale, Cyder, and other Liquors afore by
ſaid, ſhall be paid to — Fans tne Second during his Life: ho
and the ſaid Ef mentioned Act ſhall be of Force during the g
ſaid King's Life, as if at large recited over again. Star. x Jab. *
cap. 1, Repealed by 2 V. & M. cap. 3. S. 11. | ar
XVI. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 24. There ſhall be paid to the 8
King, his Heirs and Succeſſors, in Recompence for the Profits d ect
the Court of 'Wards and Purveyance, the Impoſitions hereafte the
expreſſed. Which are the Fun verbatim with thoſs in cap, 3 1
ſupra, which long Act is hore repeated word for word. Confirn- =
ed 13 Car. 2. cap. 7. Vide 2 . & M. Seſſ. 1. c * Vid ch
9 W. 3. cap. 23. 10 M. 3. cap. 21. & 1 Anne cap. 7. Vide 5 Aut)
cap. 19. : 9 uf
1 en
XVII. Stat. 15 Car. 2. cap. 11. No Brewer or Retails oon
of Beer or Ale, without giving Notice at the next Office of
Exciſe, or to one of the Commiſſioners, Farmers, or $ub-Com-
miſſioners, within the Limits of whoſe Office he inhabits, ſhall
ſet up, alter or enlarge any Tun, Fatt, Back, Cooler, or Cop-

r, and 'uſe them for 28 Beer, or Ale, or Worts, & XXI

eep any private Store-houſe for laying ſuch Liquors in Cui,

on Pain to forfeit 50 J. for every Tun, Cc. and they u fore

whoſe Occupation any Houſe, c. is, in which ſuch cor ock
cealed Tun, c. ſhall be diſcovered, ſhall forfeit 50 l. res
ſuch concealed Tun, ſo diſcovered or altere], with all Bert
Ale, or Worts therein, may be ſeiſed and delivered to the With of
Overſeers bf the Poor, to be ſold for the Poors Uſe, or be diftr- ¶ d ou

buted th | |
8 amongſt them. .

. 2

| BE Von.
XVII. No Commiſſioners for Regulating the Exciſe ſhall

farm it, nor ſhall . Farmers of the ſame act as Commiſ-

hal | Pain of being diſabled for ever to be either

D n Commilicons, - Ads dreeby tack ſhaft be word

in Law, and Perſons molefted by their Authority ma

bring their Actions, and recover * againſt them. Ani
Letters Patents 3 Farmers to miſſioners or
Su 1 be void in Law. Vide infra
Sett. 41.

ma XIX. Gaugers of the Exciſe ſhall Weekly, after the Brew-

en hath or ought to have made his Entry, deliver at his
have ouſe a Copy of ſuch Return as they have made thereof to

he Commiſſio on Pain to forfeit 40. No Brewer

hall be proſecuted for any Miſentry or ſhort Entry, if
ithin a Week after Delivery of ſuch Copy, he certifie his
Ry eng to the ſaid Return, or otherwiſe diſcharge

| XL, As oft as Occaſion ſhall be, Two able Artiſts ſhal be

| an] ppointed, one by the Commiiſionets or Farmers, c. and one
fore · Dy the Brewers of any City or Place, who ſhall take Oath be-
Life pre 2 Juſtice to compute the Contents and Gauge of all Brew-
g the g Veſſels, and to give one Copy thereof to the Commiſſioners,
fac. armers, c. and another to every Brewer. Such Computa-

on ſhall be according to the Meaſures expreſt in the former

Icts for Exciſe.

o the III. No Commiſſioner, Farmer, Brewer, or Inn-keeper, ſhall

fits of ecute, as a Juſtice of Peace, any Laws concerning the Exciſe 3

eaftet they do, their Acts ſhall be void.

p. 2þ II. The Commiſſioners, Farmers, and Sub-Commiſſioners

Hern. each County, ſhall depute under Hand and Seal Perſons in
Vida ch Market-Town, to perform all things touching the ſaid

duty, which Perſons (and the Place where they intend to

dld their Office) being the next Market-day publiſhed, ſhall
end on every Market-day from 9 in the Morning till 12 at

etaile oon, and from 2 till 5 in the Afternoon, on Pain to forfeit

fice d. half to the King, half to the Proſecutor. Such as come
Con. make Entry and Payment, and tender the ſame 9 to
, ſuil ſaid Acts, and can prove ſuch Tender by one Witneſs, ſhall
r Cop- liable to no Forfeiture, _ | |
ts, & XXIII. No Brewer ſhall deliver or carry out Beer or Ale ta

Cuſtomers in any City, Town-Corporate, or Market-Towng

ore Notice given to an Officer of Exciſe, but between 3 a -
cock in the Morning and 9 in the Evening, from the 25th of
l. and WW a7c to the 2gth of September, and between 5 in the Morn-
| Beet aud 7 in the Evening, from the 29th of September to the
to the ch of March, on Pain to forfeit 20 5, for every Barrel ſo car-
diſtri- out. a a

II. Nei vol. IL G XXIV. It

98 | Exciſe. ..
XXIV. If any Brewer or Retailer, after Acconnt taken by
the Gauger of his Beer and Ale, Je. convert ſmall Beer 6+
mall Worts into Strong Beer or Ale, and deliver out the fame
without giving Notice to the Gauger, or conceal any Beer, Ale
gr Worts from View of the Gauger, he fhall forfeit for every
arrel 20 5. Mela 4 at
XXV. Vtenſi's for Brewing, into whoſe Hands ſoever they
come, are hereby charged with all the Duties of Exciſe owing
by any for Beer or Ale made in the ſaid Brew- houſe, and al
orfettures incurred for any Offence againſt the Statutes for
XXVI. No Brewer, or other, who ſhall compound for hit
Exciſe, ſhall brew, or ſuffer to be brewed within his Brew.
houſe, for any other Brewer, any Beer or Ale, without givi
Notice thereof to the Commiſſioners, Farmers, or Sub- C mmi.
fioners, and paying the Exciſe, on Pain that both he that brews
and be for whom it is brewed, ſhall forfeit for every Barr
5 J. half to the King, and half to the Informer.
XXVII. None ſhall ſell or retail Coffee, Chocolate, Sherbe
or Tea, without Licence from the General Seflions of the Peaa
for the reſpective Counties, Certificate being firſt ſhewed tha
they have given good Security for Payment of their Dues, (fir
which Licence, Security and Recogniſance but 12 d. ſhall h
given — Pain to forfeit 5 J. a Month. Wy
XXVII. No Brewer or other ſhall bribe any Gauger ors
ther Officer, nor they take any Bribe, on Pain to forfeit 10l
which Offences ſhall be p by two Witneſſes before ti
Juſtices of Peace or the Chief Magiſtrate of the Place when
committed; the Penalties to be levied by Diftreſs and Sik
of Goods by Warrant under their Hands and Seals; and
dns -_ ſach Diſtreſs, the Offenders to be committed thm
onths. AC
XXIX. No imported Liquors ſhall be landed before Ent
made, or the ray” paid. And every Warrant for Landing ſud
Liquors ſhall be ſigned by the Officer of the Exciſe for the Plat
where, Ic. and all ſuch Liquors otherwiſe landed, or withod
the Preſence of an Officer, or the Value of ſuch Liquors, fii
be forfeited, half to the King, and half to him that will ſel
or ſue for the ſame. |
XXX. No Perſons importing Exciſeable Liquors, or oth
than Beer, Ale, Cyder, Perty, and Metheglin, nor any to whe
they are conſigned, ſhall land them without making due Ent
on Pain to forfeit duuble the Value.
XXXI. No Appeal in any Cauſe of Exciſe ſhall be admitte
till tte Appellant bave depoſited the ſingle Duty in the Ha
of the Commiſſioners, c. and given Security to the Comuni
- ftoners of Appeals, or, Cf. for all ſuch Penalty as was adjudf CLI
againk him. I the Judgment be reverſed, the ſingle Duty,“ Va

— Ap F nne
N n — Wwe,

; a

C Extile. 05 95

o much as ſhall be adjudged, ſhall be reſtorel, and the Party ori

— * Proſecuting, ſhall pay double Coſts : if — —

Ale A . een. wma
ny XXII. All Perſons making Beer ta convert into Vinegar for

Sale, ſhall pay for every Barrel of ſuch Vinegar-Beer as Com-

hey mon Brewers do. 7 Fas Lge + #
ing Jr Hills in either Univerſity, which be-
al the Duty of Exciſe impoſed, did brew their own Beer and
for Ale, ſhall pay no Exciſe. : TEE:

XXXIV. Difference and Appealy ning the Exciſe ſhall.

bis determined in the proper Counties, or the ſeveral] Ridings

ey and Diviſions of Yorkſhire and Lincolnſhire. rt 5 f
vi XXX V.. No Officer of Excife ſhall take any Fee for any Bond, |
mil. deceipt, ot Note, on Pain to forſeit 1o 9.
ewy XIXXVI. Tue Juſtices of Peace, or two of them, or chief Ma-
arrel itratcs, in the ſeveral Counties, Cities, and Places, ſhall meer

dnce a Month, or oftner, to determine all Matters and Of-

ences againſt this Ac 2. If 1 274
XXX VII. One thitd Part of all Forſeitures, not herein other-
iſen diſpoſed, 'ſhaH be to the King; another third to
Poor of the Pariſh where the Offence ſhall be committed
e other third to the Informer: and all Fines and Fork
itures, for which no Remedy is ordained for the Recoyery
ereof by this Act, ſhall be recovered by Action of Debt,
2 in any Court of Record, or as by the former Act is
jrected. | | Y
XXXVIIE. No Appeal within the Limits of the chief Office
Londom ſhall be admitted, that is not brought within two
onths, nor elſewhere, that is not brought within g
er the firſt Judgment, and Notice given or left at the Houſe
the Party concerned therein. : ö
XXXIX. No Perſon ſhall be imployed in the Farming, Col -

ing, or taking Accounts for the Duty of Exciſe, till he have

< Ken the Oaths appointed by 12 Car. 2. cp. 23. before the Per-
/ithel thereby inted, and have entted his Certificate for
g them with the Auditor for Exciſe, on Pain of 30 J. fo
ery Months Fr This laft Ad, and Rules therein, to

tinus during the Lives of King William and Queen Mary,

r Stat 2 W. & M. cap. 3+ | | | |
XI. Stat, 15 Car. 2, an. 12. Where the Commiſſioners for 1

time being have iſſue f Summons, which hath been leſt at

Houſe, or with the Wife, Child or Servant of any Perſon

* arg able, it ſhall be deemed a good Summons.

50 CLI. Stat. 16 & 17 Car. 2. cap. 4. Farmers of Exciſe may |

rciſe ſuen Powers and Authorities, as Commiſſioners and

b-C cs may, 23 the Judicial part of their Office.
* . XLII.

Fa ach

C ü
XIII. Stat. 22 Cay. 2.cap. 4. Brandy was and is cha
by the Acts of 12 Car. 2. cap. 23, & 24. with the Duty of 8 4
per Gallon, impoſed upon Strong Water; and not with the Dy-
ty of 4 d. per Gallon only, impoſed upon Spirits made of Wine
or Cyder, imported. | | |

XLIII. Stat, 1 Fac. z. cap. 5.' An Act for Nigg an Addi

| — Duty upon Brandies for five Years. Vbicb ſee Title Cu-
oms, 101. | -

. XLIV. Stat. x W. & M. Sefſ. 1. cap. 24. From the Twer-

ty fourth Day of July, 1689. there ſhall be paid to their May
ies for three Years, for Beer, Ale, Cyder, and other Liquor
herein after mentioned, by way of Exciſe, over and above the
Duties already charged; That is to ſay, For every Barrel d
Beer or Ale, above 6 6. price, 9 d. For every Barrel of Beet
or Ale of 6s. or under, 3d. For every Barrel of *
or Vinegar Beer, made of Engliſh Materials, 1 3. 6d. Fa
every Barrel of Vinegar, or Liquor prepared for Vinegy,
made for Sale, of Foreign Materials, 4. For every Bam
of Beer, Ale, or Mum, imported, 3 . For every Ton d
Cyder or Perry imported, 4. For every Gallon of Si
le Brandy, Spirits, or Aqua vite imported, 2 s. For eien
llon of Brandy, Spirits, or Aqua vite above Proof, impott
ed, 4s. For all Cyder and Perry made and fold by Retail, u
be paid by the Retailer, for every Hogſhead, 1 s. and 3 d. in
Metheglin and Mead made for Sale, to be paid by the Mats

for every Gallon, 3 d. |

XLV. If any Diftiller or Maker of Low-Wines, ſhall a
the zoth Day of July, 1689. after an Account taken by tr
Gauger of the Quantity of his Wines, diſpoſe of the ſan
without drawing them off the ſecond time, he ſhall forfeit is
every Gallon ſo diſpoſed of, 5 5.
VI. The Duty hereby impoſed, ſhall be raiſed in mano
and form, and under ſuch Penalties as are mentioned in lt
Act of Parliament, made in the 12th Year of the Reign of il
late King Charles II. Intituled, An Alt for taking away
Court of Wards and Liveries, 8c. and by another Act ma&i
the x5th Year of the ſaid King's Reign, Intituled, An Additin
Ad for the better ordering and collecting the Duties of
ciſe, &c. or by any other Law now in Force relating to the!
Ciſe, not otherwiſe herein and hereby altered and provided agai
XLVII. Every thirty four Gallons of Beer or Ale, accord!
to the Standard of the Ale-quart, four whereof ſhall make ti
Gallon, ſhall be reckoned a Barrel of Beer or Ale. And the
lowances, appointed to be made within the Weekly-Bills «
r - Waſte, by Filling 2 — Hall be two Bi
| a halt upon every twenty three Barrels, and no more.
3 3 855 XLVIII. W..

, D * S ws.
1 1 r :

| Exciſe, - -"4.
XVIII. Whenit ſhall appear to the Gauger, that any Worts
re miſſing, or not fairly let down into the Tun, and the Gauger
zannot find the ſame, the Gauger ſhall charge the Brewer, Je.
ich £> much Beer or Ale as the Worts miſſing would reaſon-
bl ke. |
| ALIX. Gaugers may make their Returns and Charges upon
arm Worts, and make Allowance of a tenth part thereof for
aſh and Wafte ; and ſuch Worts are not to be afterwards
harged with any Duty of Exciſe. a *
L. No Retailer of Beer or Ale, ſhall during the Continuance
f this AR, or of the Duties hereby impoſed, be impleaded for
ttering — Ale at any higher Price than the Price hereto-
dre appointed. 5
LI. n caſe any Diſtiller or Maker of Strong waters, Aqua


the te, d upon Requeſt or Demand made by the

ela ruger in the Day: time, or in the Night time in the Preſence
Beet a Conſtable, refuſe to permit the Gauger to enter his

ouſe, Cc. he ſhall incur the Penalties by the ſaid. former

c inflicted ;, and the Proſecutor ſhall not be obliged to prove

[3219 t fuch Offenders delivered out part of the Commodities, be-

ny re they had cleared the Duties.

CS LI. Whereas it is Enacted by the ſaid Act of the — of

Si. ing Charles IT. That no common Brewer ſhall be proſecuted
ever any Miſ-eatry, if within one Week after the Delivery of the
epo of the Gauger's Return, he certifie his Entry made for
zil, 08 eck, for which ſuch Copy is delivered, according to
d. ch Return, or otherwiſe diſcharge himſelf: Be it Enacted,
Vial hat no Brewer ſhall have any Benefit of that Froviſo, upon any
bormation, if it ſhall appear upon Evidence, that he did not,

11 att Ir: 4 fide, ſhew to the Gauger all the Beer, Ale and Worts o
Guile for which ſuch Copy of the Return was given, or
any apparent Fraud was acted to defraud their Majeſties of

feit cir Duty, © |

III. Common Brewers and Retailers of Beer and Ale, who,

mani trary to the ſaid Act made in the fifreenth Year of King
in o darles II. ſhall uſe any private Cellar, Ic. ſhall forfeit 5ol.
of ü every ſuch Offence ; and for mixing, concealing or con-

' ing ey ny Worts contrary to the ſaid Act, ſhall forfeit

» a Barre
LIV. True Notes in Writing of the laſt Gauges taken, ſhall
left by the Gaugers with all Brewers, Cc. containing the
ntity and Quality of the Liquors gauged, on Pain to forfeit
. for every Neglect. | 1
LV. The Commiſſioners of Exciſe or Appeals, ar Juſtices
. Peace, upon Complaint made to them on behalf of the
ewers, &c. of any Overtharge returned by the Gaugers, ſha
Bills er and determine the ſame, and examine Witneſſes upon
| th on both Sides.
G 3 LVI. Fox

\ . Corn, ſhall have the Benefit and Advantage of the ſaid Act

102 Excile.
LVI. For the Eaſe of the Inhabitants in the County of Any.
3555 living remote from the Market- Town, there ſhall be
es kept for making Entries and Payments in Hoh. Beach
Newborough and Lanerchthmeth, as well as in Beaumaris.
LVII. No Commiſſioner, or other Perſon employed about

the Exciſe, ſhall demand or receive any M or other Re- ie

ward from any Perſon but their Majefties, on Pain to forfeit Wo:
their Offices, and be uncapable of executing any Office in the |

Exciſe, ce.
LVIII. No Information ſhall be brought againſt any Brewer
or other for any Miſ-entry made after the 24th Day of Jah,
1889. but within Three Months after the Offence committed;
and Notice thereok fa be given to the Defendant in Writing,
or elſe left at his*Dwelling-houſe within a Week after the li- M.
formation entred. wy
LIX. From the Firſt Day of September, 1689. no Brewer
or Retailer of Beer or Ale, ſhall uſe in working any Beer or
Ale, any Mellaſſes, courſe Sugar, Hony, or Compoſition or
Extract of Sugar, on Pain to forfeit all ſuch Liquors, and the o|
Sum of 100 J. One Moiety to their Majefties, and the other to ante
the Informer; ſo as the Suit be commenced within Six Monty
after the Forfeiture incurred. |
LX. When Malt or Barly ſhall be at 24 s. a Quarter
under, and Rye at 32 s. or under, and Wheat at 48 s. or ur
der in Berwick, Merchants and others who ſhall export the
fame in Engliſh Shipping, the Mafter and Two thirds of tht
Mariners at leaſt being Engliſb, and ſhall purſue the Metheb
and Things preſcribed in that behalf in an Act made this Sd:
fion, Intituled, An Act for the encouraging the Export at ion

= => ſaid Corn had been ſhipped from any Port of England at
"ales. | | :
LII. If any Merchant or other Perſon put on Ship-boulil Mo
any Scotch Corn at Berwick, it ſhall be forfeited, One thin
part to their Majeſties, another Third part to the Informer, and
a'Third part to the Poor of the Town of Berwick.

LXII. Stat. 2 W. 8 M. Seff. r. cap. 3. The ſeveral Rats re

Duties and Impoſicions upon Beer, Ale, Cyder, and other LW...

uors mentioned in an Act of Parliament made in the 120

ear of the Reign of King Charles 2. Intituled, .4 Gram if
certain Impoſitions upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, for th
Increaſe of bis Majefiy' Revenue during bis Life (except ſud
of them concerning which it is otherwiſe provided by any Al
of the laſt Parliament) ſhall be paid to their Majefties during
their Lives, and the Life of the longer Liver of them, it
ſuch Manner, and by ſuch Rules, and under ſuch Penaltis
as are directed by the ſaid Act, and by another AR in —

h 2 Exciſe. 103 Ry

| Fear of the ſaid late King's Reign, Intituled; An Addi.

— Att for the better ordering and collecting the Duty of

xciſe, and prev'nt ing Abuſes therein, or any other Law now -

in Force relating to the Exciſe. _ | FU

LIIII. And whereas their Majeſties are pleaſed that the Dy-

ies and Impoſitions hereby granted, ſhall be a Fund of Credig

WT hat if their Majefties ſhould die before the 24th Day df De-

We ember, 1693. the ſaid ſeveral Duties and Impoſitions ſhall conti-
ewer ue to be paid until the ſaid 24'h of December, ſubject to, and
hargeable with the Sum to be borrowed, as aforeſaid.

LXIV. Any Perſons may advance upon the Credit of

this At, not exceeding 250000 J. in whole, at Intereſt for
Money lent before the 10th of June, Cent. and for
LXV. Aſtet the Fuft Day of November, 1690. till the ſaid
ch Day of December, 1693. the Commiſſioners of Exciſe ſhall
n c eparate and kee am Three Parts (the whole in Four Parts
o be divided) of the Money ariſing by this Act: And the Au-
litor and Comptroller of the Exciſe ſhall keep a diſtin Account
pf the ſaid Three Parts, to which Perſons concerned may have
\ cceſs without Fee; and the Commiſſoners and Governors of
he Exciſe ſhall pay the ſame Weekly into the Exchequer every
Wedneſday, if it be not a Holy-day, and then the next Day after |
hat is not a Hly-day, diſtinct from other Monies. | t
LXVI. And there ſhall be provided in the Exchequer, in
he Office of the Auditor of the Receiprs, one Book, in which

P. ich Monics ſhall be entred apart; and all Perſons 88

on f AP oncy upon the Credit of this Act, ſhall have a Talley o
oa ſtruck, and Order for Repayment, bearing Date with the

alley, in which ſhall be a Warrant for Payment of Intereſt

according to the Rates aforeſaid, to be paid every Three
Months; ſuch Orders to be regiſtred in Courſe without Pre-

ore erence ; and all Perſons ſhall be paid in Courſe, as theie

and Orders ſtand entred ; and the ſaid Money not to be diverti-
ble to any other Uſe or Purpoſe ; and if the Commiſſioners
or Governors of the Exciſe, do not pay in the ſaid Momies,
as aforeſaid, or miſapply any part thereof, they ſhall forfeir
their Offices, and be uncapable of any Office or Place of
Truſt, and pay the full Value of the Sum miſapplied, to him

11 achat will ſue for the fame. No Fee, Reward, or Gratuity

hal be demanded or taken for providing or making any
fic lucn Regiſters, Entrics, View or Search, in or for any Say”
10 ment of Money lent, or the Intereſt, — of cheir Maje-
Iu ſties Officers, their C eiks or Deputies, on Pain of Payment

of treble Damages to the Party grieved. and Cofts of Suit;

and the Officer taking ſuch Fee, c. ſhall loſe his Place: nd
any undue Preference be made in point of Regiſtiy or Pay-

| G 4 | ment,

. 8 us a * 2 - * _ p bY x a "RES ” 9
+ 4 , : 70 * - - * Y - * —
y a os ** 2
> *
* . = 4

104 Exciſe:

ment, the Party offending ſhall be liable by Action of Debt:

or of the Caſe, to pay the Value of the Debt, Damages a

Coſts to the Party grieved, and ſhall be ſorejudged his

if an Officer; if a Deputy or Clerk only, he ſhall for ever

ter be uncapable thereof: And in caſe the Auditor ſhall not

direct the Order, or the Clerk of the Pells record, or the
Teller make Payment, according to each Perſon's Order,
ſhall be adjudged to forfeit, and their Deputies and Clerks of-
fending, to be liable to ſuch Action, Damages and Cofts, az
aforeſaid. All which Penalties and Forfeitures to be recovered
by Action of Debt, Bill. Plaint, or Information, Cc. - |
LXVII. If ſeveral Tallies of Loan, or Orders for Payment,
bear Date, or be brought. the ſame Day, it ſhall be no undue

Preference which is entred firſt, ſo as all be entred the ſame

Day. Nor ſhall it be any undue Preference to direct, order

and pay ſubſequent Orders of Perſons that come and demand
their Monies, and bring their Orders before others that do
not come to demand theirs, ſo as there be ſo much Money
left as will ſatisfic precedent Orders ( Intereft upon Loan be-
ing — from the time that the Money is kept in Bank for

em. N : 4 ; 6

LXVIITI. Money due by virtue of this Act, after Order &-

tred in the Regifter, may by Endorſement be transferred, and the
Aſſignee may in like manner aſſign it toties quot ies But ſuch
Endorſement muſt be notified in the Office of the Auditor of the

Receipt, and an Entry or Memorandum made thereof in the

Book of the Regiſter for Orders.

LXIX. Nevertheleſs an Act made in the Firſt Year of the

Reign of the late King James, Intituled, An Ad for ſeetling

"the Revenues on bis 11.27 for bis Life, which was ſettled on

bis late Majeſty for his Life, is hereby repealed.

LI. Their Majeſties by Letters Patents unier the Great

Seal, may ou to Princeſs Anne of Denmark, the Yearly Sum

of 20000 l. to be iſſuing out of the Duties hereby granted, du-
ring their Majeſties Lives, and the Life of the Survivor of them,

{ freed from the Loans by this Act to be made) payable Quar

terly at the Four moſt uſual Feaſts.

LXXI. It the ſaid Princefs ſhall depart this Life in the Liſe
time of their Majeſties, or either of them, their Majeſties may
grant the ſaid Yearly Sum to the Prince of Denmark, and the

ſſue of the Princeſs reſpectively, in ſuch Proportions as their

MNlajeſties ſhall think fit, to be paid Quarterly,

,LIXIL. Stat. 29.8 B. 2: cap. 3. A Alfor doubling

tb Dur xciſe 1 cer, ot q during
che ſpace 7, Qne 1. E 1 P. TW 3 2

LXXUI. Stat.


22345 83878



N ITY "OM » *
oy * 2 * 1 q Y _ 7 „ 88 as db * * k ** * *
r N ? a. * n \ F 9 x Wa l 3
: wet . 4
SY \
, , . f *
: ”

LIIIII. Stat. 2 V. & M. Seſſ. 2. cap. 9. From the 24th Day

of December, 1690. until the 25th Day of December, 1695.

there ſhall be paid by way of Exciſe for Low- Wines or Spirits

of the firſt Extraction, the Rates following; vix.
LXXIV. For every Gallon of Low- Wines drawn from Fo-
reign or imported Materials, 8 d. e
For every ſuch Gallon drawn from Exgliſb Materi-
als other than from Drink prepared from any ſort . of malred
Corn, or from Perry or Cyder, 1 8. | |
LXXVI. For every ſuch Gallon drawn only from Drink
brewed and made of any fort of malted Corn, 1 d. |
LXXVII. And for every ſuch Gallon drawn from Cyder or

2 q
LXXVIII. Such as make Low-Wines, Spirits or Brandy
from Corn, ſhall cauſe their Corn to be made into wholſom
Drink, and from ſuch Drink, without any Mixture, ſhall draw
their Low- Wines; and the Gaugers of Exciſe may gauge and
keep an Account of Liquors, Worts and Drink for the making
Low- Wines, c. and ſee that they be made from Drink made
from malted Corn entirely: And it Diſtillers or others mix other
Materials, the Gaugers ſhall charge the Low - Wines drawn from
Drink ſo mixed, with 1 3. a Gallon. FAY
LXXIX. No Diftillers or others drawing Low-Wines or
Spirits from Corn prepared, as aforeſaid, ſhall prepare any
Waſh from Mellaſſes, or other Materials, from any other Per-
fon, until he has drawn off and diftilled all the Liquors made
or prepared from Corn, as aforeſaid, on Pain to forfeir for
24 reel of ſuch Liquors made of Corn, found undiſtil -
1 |
LXXIX. If any Gauger or other Officer of the Exciſe, ſhall
wittingly make a falſe Charge, by returning any Quantity of
w-Wines not made from malted Corn, as made from malted
Corn, he ſhall loſe his Imployment, and forfeit for every Gallon
ſo falſly char ed, 10 5.
LXXXI. Diftillers and others, agen Oath made before
Two Commiſũoners of Exciſe, or Juſtices of the Peace, That
any Brandy or Strong Waters intended to be exported, was
drawn from Drink brewed from malted Corn, without any
Mixture, and that the ſame is not mixed with any Low- Wines,
nor drawn a ſecond time, nor with any ome or Brandy
made from any other Materials, and that the Duties of the ſame
are entred and paid, and that the ſame are exported for Mer-
chandize, may export ſuch Spirits or gy and upon 2
Certificate from he Officer of Exciſe for Place where
they were Gig off, of the Quantity, and that the ſame were
ſhipr in the Preſence of ſuch Officers, ſuch Exportee ſhall be
paid by the Commiſſioners for ſuch Port ar Place, 3 4. for every

allon >
eta age of. + LT IXXXI The

106 Excite. |

IXXII. The Gangers ſhall take an Account of all W

and other Materials prepared for making Low-Wines, and of be
all Low Wines, Spirits and Strong Waters found in the Hoy,

ſes, Ec. or in any Waſh-back, Caak, or other Veſlel, uſed by -

any Maker of Low-Wines or Spirits; and if they miſs any Li- —

quor brewed, which they found R the laſt time ”

were there, not exceeding Twenty Hours before, and ſh; CA}
not receive Satisfaction what is become of it, they ſhall charge 3.-
the Diſtiller with ſo much Low-Wines as ſuch Liquor miſſing fo!
would have made. ; | 325 Io

LXXIIII. From the ſaid Twenty fourth Day of December, M

no Maker of Low-Wines, c. ſhall ſet their Stills at work, ot |
deliver or carry out any Low- Wines, &c. to their Cuftomer WR 1
in Cask, or by the Gallon, without Notice given to the Of- D;
ficer of Exciſe for the Place where he lives, unleſs from the
Twenty ninth Day of September, to the Twenty fifth of March |
Yearly, between Five in the Morning and Eight at Night; At


m the Twenty fifth of March, io the Twenty ninth of

September, between Three in the Morning and Nine at Night,
on Pain to forfeit for every ſuch Offence, 10 I. 5 Fs

LXXXIV. The Duties hereby impoſed, ſhall be levied in ſuch |

manner, and under ſuch Penalties as are directed by an AR of g2¹

Parliament made in the tzth Year of King Charles 2. Intitu- ]

led, An Ad for taking away the Court of Wards and Live ]
ries, &c. And by another Act in the 15th Lear of his Reign,
Intituled, An Additional Ad for the better ordering and col. im!
leting the Duties of Exciſe, and preventing the Abuſe: therein; 1
or by any other Law now in Force relating to Exciſe. ]
LXXXV. Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures hereby impoſed, Rei
Aſhall be recovered as by any Law of Exciſe is diredied, or by 1
Action ef Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any their Mz J
jeſties Courts of Record at Weſtminſter, One Moiety to their ner
Majeſt ĩes, and the other to the Proſecutor. Par

- LXXXVI. Any Perſons, during the Continuance of this AR; Int

may diſtil for Sale any Low-Wines or Spirits from Drink Al,
brewed from malted Corn, only paying the Duties, and being to 1

* —.— . arother pier. e

| Strong Waters, Brandy, Aqua vita, or Spirit
brought from Guernſey, Ferſey, Sork or Alderney, ſhall be Ok
charged with 8 5. a Gallon to be paid to the Collector, upon Es- or
try before landing; and other Exciſeable Liquors brought from are
thence, except Beer, Ale and Mum, ſhall be chargeable with thc J
like Duties as are charged upon the like Liquors made. in this wit
Kingdom. And before the landing of any ſuch Liquor, the Im- ed
porter or Owner ſhall make Oath before the Collector, or ptin- Alc
cipal Officer of the Cuſtoms of the Port where they are to be on
landed, That they are of the Growth and Manufacture of the ſail Du
Iſlands, and not mix'd * any Foreign Materials; and if * by

„ .

Faſh e imported before due Entry, ſuch Oath made, and the Duties
1 of ary ep” be —— and the Tmporter ſhall incur the
low Seng] ien in an Act made in the Firſt Year of their Majeſties
| by Reign, Intitulcd, An A for probibiting all Trade and Com-
Li merce with France. This la Sett. continued per 12 V. 3.
10 cap. 11. till 2 ; March, 1706. This laſt Soll. continued alſo per
— 3 A. cap. 4. till 24 8 mob 999% ili rp PN we
age [ XXX III. All Letters Patents made or to be made for the
ling fo'e making of Brandy, e. from Corn of any forts, as a new
4 Invention, are hereby declared void. Contimued to the 2 5th of
cb, 29. by Seat. 7 V 3. c. SJ.
7 * þ p

LXXXTX. Stat. 2 M. 8 M. Seff. 2. cap. 10. From the 15th

01. Day of November, 1697. there ſhall be paid during Four Years,
the for the Liquors hereafter mentioned, over and above the Im-
arch WE pofrions already ſer, as followeth, viz. ATR
pit For a Barrel of Beer or Ale above & s. the Barrel, x s. 6d.
6 For every ſuch Barrel of 6 3. or under, 6 d. ;
ght, a F24 Ae of Vinegar, or Vinegar-beer made with
neliſh Materials, 35. "tat
uch or every Barrel of Vinegar, or Liquor prepared for Viue-
t of gar, made with Foreign Materials, 8 s. ee
u- For every Barrel of Beer, Ale or Mum imported, 6 s. |
1. For every Ton of Cyder or Perry imported, 8 J.
180, For every Gallon of Single Brandy, Spirits, or Aqua vita
col imported, 4 . | | 1
en; For every Gallon above Proof imported, 8 . __
"A * * every 3 of Cyder and Perry made and ſold by
etail, 2 3. 6
r by For all Metheglin and Mead for Sale, 6 d. a Gallon.
Me XC. The ſaid Rates and Duries to be levied in ſuch man-
hei ner, and under ſuch Penalties as are mentioned in an Act of
Parliament made in the Firft Year of their M. jeſties Reign,
. Intituled, An Adt for an Additional Duty of Exciſe upon Beer,

Ale and other Liquors, or by any other Law in Force relating

to the Exciſe. = 4 MI.
ICI. Nothing in this Act ſhall be conſtrued to continue the
Duties granted by an Act in the Firſt Year of their Majeſties
Reign, Intituled, An Att for an Additional Duty of Exciſe, &c.

Es. or any other Duties of Exciſe, ſor any longer time than they
from are granted by the ſaid Act or Ads. * begs
a XCIL. Victuallers, Retailers; or Common Brewers, who

within a Year, before the 17th of November laſt, have not brew»

Im. ed their own Beer and Ale, may brew and make tHe Beer and
tin. Ale ſpent or fold in their Houſes, &c. paying the Exciſe ; and
J - on their entring the ſame at the Exciſe „ and paying the
— Duty, they ſhall not be liable to the Penalty of roo J. im

by an Act of this Parliament, Intituled, An A# for oy
b 4 % | 4

D - s 0 - a * s * N 222 * $
| _— k a ied " — nn * * * * on * EY "EE
wms 1» ra P od $2 3 7,7 EY a OC oa a oy a ”
* ow * . * - N 1 J 7 % 2 3 4 L l
rt 8
: *

108 Extciſe. .
the n Beer, Ae, and other Liquors, for the
Tear. | |

DPF IT. All Monies which ſhall become payable to their Ms:
jeſties by virtue of the ſaid AQ, Intituled, An A for an Ad.
ditional Duty of Exciſe upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, af-
ter the Sum of 600000 I. ſhall be paid to the States General of
the United Pruvinces, and all Monies to be levied by virtue of
this Act, ſhall be applied to the Uſes following. viz. 570000.
to the Building and Furniſhing 27 Ships of War, whereof 17
to be of the Third Rate, and to contain 1100 Tons, and car-

ry 80 Guns apiece ; and 10 to be of the Fourth Rate, and to

contain 900 Tons, and carry 60 Guns apiece : The ſaid Ships
to be built and furniſhed with all convenient Expedition, and
the whole Number to be complete within Four Years from the
25th of March, 1691. _ |
XCIV. And that the ſaid Sum of 570000 J. may be applied
accordingly, and their Majeſties be enabled to borraw upon the
Credit of this Act any Sum not exceeding 1000000 I. for the
Ukes of the War, Be it enacted, That after the Payment of the
aid 600000 l. to the States General, until the 18th Day of Ne.
vember, 1695. the Commiſſioners of Exciſe ſhall keep apart the
Monies arifing by the ſaid Act, Intituled, An Ad for an Adds
tional Duty on Exciſe, &c. and the Monies ariſing by this AQ;
and the Auditor or Comptroller of the Exciſe, or their De-
puties, ſhall keep a aint Account of the ſaid Monies, to
which all Perſons may have Acceſs without Fee; and the ſail
Commiſſioners of Exciſe ſhall pay the ſaid Monies Weekly
into the Receipt of the Exchequer, apart from other Mo-
mes. |
XCV. And the Officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer
ſhall keep the Monies paid in by virtue of this Act, or of
the ſaid former Act, and the Account thereof, apart, and 3
1 Account of the Building and Furniſhing the faid

XCVI. Out of the Monies ſo from time to time p

third part ſhall Yearly be paid out towards the Bui
Furniſhing the ſaid Ships; and the Commiſſioners of the Trea-
ſury ſhall ſign no Warrant for iſſuing out any part of the ſaid
Third part to any but the Treaſurer of the Navy, or Treaſurer
or Paymaſter of the Ordnance, expreſſing therein that the ſame
is for Building and Furniſhing the ſaid 27 Ships of War; nor
ſhall the Auditor of the Receipt draw any Order for iſſui
any part thereof otherwiſe than as aforeſaid ; nor ſhall he di-
rect, or the- Clerk of the Pells record, or the Teller pay an
part thereof, by virtue of any Warrant or Order, 4
than as aforeſaid. | ARID AE
' XCVII. The Treafurer of the Navy, and Treaſurer ot Pay-
maſier of the Ordnance, may traniſer any part thereof pay
in, One
Iding and

— So


Ain E




3 Ertiſe. ; 7.26
to them upon any Order, by Endorſement upon ſuch Or-
1 and ſuch Affigne may aſlign fofies quot iss. 16th
XCVIII. The Treaſurer of the Navy, and Treaſurer or
Paymaſter of the Ordnance, ſhall: keep ſuch Monies apart, and
iſſue the ſame by Warrant from the Principal Officers and Com-
miſſioners of the Navy or Ordnance reſpectively, or any Three
or more of them, mentioning that it is for Building and Fur-
niſhing the ſaid Ships. Nor ſhall any the ſaid Principal Officers
and Commiſſioners ſign any Warrant for Paying any of the
ſaid Money to any other Uſe or Purpoſe, „ |
XCIX. Any Perſons may lend Monies on the Credit of
the Third part of the Monies to be brought in by virtue of
oh * ark exceeding 1000000 J. and have Intereſt at the Rate
O * or Ak.
| g And if the Commiſſioners or Governors of the Exciſe
refuſe or neglect to pay in the ſaid Monies, as aforeſaid, or
miſapply any part thereof; and if any Officer belonging to
the Exchequer, Navy or Ordnance, ſhall offend againſt any
Clauſe of this Act. or. miſapply any Money contrary to the
Intent thereof, they ſhall loſe their Places, and be diſabled
to execute any Office or Place of Truft, and ſhall pay the full
Value of any Sum ſo opplicd, to any Perſon who ſuc for
the ſame in any of their Majeſties Courts of Record. at Weſt-
min ſter. |

a And no Stay of Proſecution ſhall be admitted by any

Court in any Proceeding for the Recovery of any the Penalties
by this Act inflicted, or for or in order to the Conviction or
Diſability of any Perſon 3 againſt this Act.

CII. Aſter the 23d of December, 1690. during the Conti-

nuance of the Act made this Seſſion, Intituled, An Ad for
granting to their Majeſties certain Impaſition upon all Eaft-

ndia Goods and Manufattures and upon all wrought. Silks,

&c. and of one other Act, Intituled, An Ad for the Con-
tinuance of ſeveral former Ad: therein mentioned, for the
laying ſeveral Duties upon Wines, Vinegar and Tobacco
there ſhall be within London an Office for the Receipt of
the Monies payable to their Majeſties by virtue ef the ſaid

Ach, in which ſuch Monies ſhall be paid to the Receivers

General of the Cuftoms, to be appointed by their Majeſti

who ſhall keep apart the Monies payable. by virtue af
the ſaid firſt mentioned Act, and ſhall hkewiſe keep apart the
Monies payable by the ſaid Act next recited : which Monies
ſhall remain from time to time, after the Payments which ſhall
be made thereout by any Laws in Force, upon Debentures
for Goods that ſhall be re-ſhipped, or for Corn exported, or
upon Diſcounts upon Bonds, and of ſuch Allowances of da-
— Goods, of Bills of Portage, as have uſually been

ade. And the Comptroller General of the Accounts Par aa

110 Excite.

Cuſtoms ſhall keep diſtinc Accounts of the fad - teſpediin

Sums of Monies, to which all Perfons may have reſort wich
out Fee; and the ſaid Receiver or Receivers General ſhall

Weekly pay the ſame into the Receipt of the Ex

yer, apart

r Monies; and if they neglect ſo to ge, or mif

apply the ſame, they ſhall forſeit their Office, and be in

capable of any Place of Truſt, and ſhall

ay the Value

of the Sum miſapplied, to him that will ſue for the

ſame. ww
III. Out of the Money which ſhall be paid by virtue
of this Act into the Exchequer 909000 1. ſhall be þ

Third Rate, to contain each 1050 Tons, and

them Furniture; and to the paying for Stores and

the Navy, and to the Expence of the Office of Ordnance will
reſpect to Naval Affairs, and to ether neceſſary Uſes of the

ated to the Payment of Seamen that ſhall ſerve in avy

for the Year 1691. and to the Building of Three Ships of the

wal fo

Navy in the Time aforeſaid. And out of all other Money that
ſhall be d pe into the Exchequer upon Loan, or otherwiſe, by
virtue of this or any other Ad of this Seſſion, for granting
Aids or — for Reducing Ireland, or Proſecuting the

inſt France, ( other 'than what is. 2 by

War a

this AR, and the Act for granting an Aid to

the Sum of 751702 |. 8s. for Payment of Seamen,
dec.) the Sum of 1500000 J. ſhall be appropriated to the Pay-
ment of the Land-Forces, and other Charges relating there-

Hlies of


unto. And all other Monies payable into the Exchequer by

virtue of any of the ſaid Acts, ſhall be applied to the Pro

ſecution of the War againſt France, and Reducing of Ire

and the Payment of Debts that ſhall be incurred by reaſon
the War.

CIV. The Three Ships aforementioned, to be bullt withi

2 Year from the 2oth of March next.

CV. Their Majeſties may uſe any Sum or

Sams not er.

ceeding 5o00cood. in the whole, granted in this Seſſion, and

not particularly appropriated, fo as it be repaid and applied
to the carrying on the preſent War, out of ſuch Momes 2
ſhall ariſe from their Majeſties Revenues before the 24th Day

of March, 1691.

© CVI. Stat. 3 . & M cap. 1. An 42

Majeſties — 2 Laer ae
quors, for one Tear. .

anting to thei

and other Lis

CVII. Stat; 3 & 4 V & M cap. 13. No Corn Diſtiller

or Maker of Low-Wines, Spirits, or Strong Waters for Sale,
ſhall at any time aſter the Firſt Day of March, 1591. ſer up, uſe,

or alter any Tun, Cask, or other Brewing V

for brewing

= > ec A <— a= V4


a "
of ” * ” * * 2 * 7 ”
$ . 1 4 Y TY n

Excile. 111
8 any Worts, Waſh, Low-Wines, Spirits, or Strong
2323 or uſe any ome or concealed Wate- houſe,
or other Place, for laying of Waſh, Lom- Wines, e. with-
Mut giving Notice thereof to the next Office of Exciſe within
he Limits where he inhabits, on Pain to forſeit 20 /. for every
un, Cc. ſo ſet up, uſed, or altered; and for every private
are-houſe, Ic. and w_ other Perſon in whoſe Occupation
any Houſe, or other Place ſhall be, where any private Tun ec.
all be found, ſball forfeit 20 l. One Moiety to their Majeſties,
ind the other Moiety to the Informer. ' *
CVIII. If any ſuch Corn Diſtiller, &c. ſhall conceal or con-
y away any Low-Wines, Spirits, Ce. from the Sight or
View the Gaugers, he ſhall forfeit for every Gallon ſo con-
ealed or conveyed, 5 5» All which Penalties ſhall be ſucd for
and recovered as by an Act made in the 22th Year of the Reign
pf the late King Charles 2. intituled, An Ad for taking away
he Court of Wards and Liveries, &c. and another AQ made
bn the 15th Year of his Reign, intituled, An Additional
or the better ordering and collecting the Duties of Exciſe, &c,
vr by any other Law in Force relating to the Revenue of Ex-
iſe on Beer and Ale is directed. Ree”

CIX. Stat. 4W. & M. | 3. From and after the 25th

pf 7amuary, 1692. there ſhall id to their Ma jeſſies, their

eirs, &fc. during the ſpace of 99 Years, for the Liquors

erein after expreſſed, over and above all Duties now charge-

able upon the ſame.

For every Bartel of Beer or Ale, above 6 . the Barrel, g d.
For every Barrel of Beer or Ale of 6 s. or under, 8d. -
For every Barrel of Engliſh Vinegar, 2s. 6 d.
For every Barrel of Vinegar made with, or paſſing through
orcign Materials, or any Mixture with Foreign Materials, 4.
For every Barrel of Beer, Ale and Mum imported, 3 5.
For every Ton of Cyder or Perry imported, 4 J.
For every Gallon of Single Brandy imported, 6 d.
For every Gallon of Double Brandy imported, 2 5s.
. 2 pan, made and fold by Retail, upon
very Hoglhead, I 5. 3 |
For all Metheglin or Mead made for Sale, by Retail, or
dtherwiſe, for every Gallon, 3d. 3 |
CX. The ſaid yy mg to be paid to their *
Ce. in the ſame Manner and Form, and by ſuch Rules,
and under ſuch Penalties as are mentioned in the Act of
12 Car. 2. intituled, An Act for taking away the Court of Wards
and Liveries, &c. and in another Act made in the ſame Year, in-
tituled, A Grant of certain ion: B and
othey Liquors, for the Increaſe of bis Majeſty's Revenus during
bis Life; and in another Act made in eee |
| | ing's
412 Exciſe.

King's Reign, Intituled, An Additional Alt for the bettey order. fn

| #ng and collecting the Duty of Exciſe, &c. or by any other
Law in Force relating to the Revenue of Exciſe. W
CI. The Commiſſioners and Governors for the Mz: ki
nagement of the Exciſe at the Head Office in London, ſhall 12
keep apart the Monies arifing by the Duties hereby grant- *
ed, as the ſame ſhall be paid in, and ſhall pay Weekly, ev "54
- Wedneſday, if it be not an Ho ay and then the Day 1

ter, into the 1 all the (aid Monies, diſtinct from the Go
_ Monies wh they ſhall. receive for their Majcſties als.
- » CXIE. There ſhall be kept in the Office of the Auditor of WW Ba.
the Receipts, one Book in which all the ſaid Weekly Monic 0

ſhall be entred apart from other Monies. 5 Chi

CXIIL If the ſaid Commiſſioners and Governors neglect o I <<
refuſe to pay the ſaid Weekly Sums, as aforeſaid, or miſapp C

any of the ſame, they ſhall forfeit their Offices, and be ines F xe
pable of any Office or Place of Truſt, and ſhall pay the ful Wa
Value of the Sum or Sums ſo miſapplied, to any that will ſue wat
for the ſame. . . | Lov
CXIV. The Sums appointed to be in Weekly, as aſote
ſaid, ſhall be the Yearly Fund for the Purpoſes mentioned in ties
this Act, viz. to the Contributors of 1000000 J. upon Anni Brat
ties of 10 l. per Cent. upon Survivorſhip for 99 Years, or gs of E

per Cent. for a ſingle Life. Vide Annuities, Sed, x, &c- wer,
Toft of this Att. Vide Annuities, Set. 45, ce. ſhip

. CXV. Stat. 7 & 8 V. 3. cap. 30. After the 25th of March, ¶ Sum
1696. until me 25th of March, 1701. there ſhall be ped by G
way of Exciſe, for all Low-Wines, or Spirits of the Firſt Ex
traction, drawn by any Diſtiller, or other Perſon, for Sale or time
Exportation, in England, Wales, and Town of Berwick, the ¶ ſuch
following Rates, viz. 7 1205
For every Gallon of Low- Wines or Spirits of the Firſt Ex- Mof th
traction drawn from any Foreign Materials, or any Mixtwe Ci

of ſuch, 8 d. | | | Marc
For every Gallon of ſuch Low-Wines drawn from Brewers I ſtiher
Waſh or Tilts, 1 5. Wine

For every Gallon: of ſuch Low- Wines drawn from Drinł duced
brewed and made of malted Corn, x d. 5

For every Gallon of ſuch Low-Wines drawn from any other

ſort of Engliſh Materials, 12

For every Barrel of mix 1 commonly call d Sweets,

made from Foreign or Engliſh Materials, 1 s.
CVI. All DiſtHers, and others, who make any Low-
Wines, Spirits, or Brandy from Corn, ſhall cauſe their Corn
to he brewed, and from ſuch Drink ( withour any Mixtwe
of eike, Waſh, Til, or other Materials) ſhall dra

Ekcile; 1173

* Low- Wires, er Spirits of the Firſt Exfraction- Aud

ther the Gaugers of Exeiſe ſhall keep an Account of the Liquors,

c Worts and Drink made hy ſuch Diſtillers or others; for ne}

Me: ring fuch Low:Wipes Spirits -or Brandies, and fee, thatthe
hal ſame be made 4 abeve directed in cafe any Diſtaller ſhall
ant- do otherwiſe; the Gauger ſhall charge the Low-Wines drawn
T from ſuch Drink wWitx the Duty of I's. che Gallon: +. ;: :.4 7 2

« CXVH. No Diſtaler er others drawing Lowe Wines: from

the Corn, ſhall prepare any Waſh from Mellaſſes or other Materie
ſties als, or receive ſueh from any Perſon; till hę has diſtilled all che

Liquors prepared from Corn, on Hain ef Forfeiture for every

Barrel of Cort-Ligiibe” found undiſtilled 1 . „% „„ Hof

CXVIII. X Gauger or other Officer of Exciſe making a. ſalſe

Charge or Return, ſhall forfeit his Employment, and alſo for
every G. llon ſo falſly charged or teturned, 1 ...
CXIX. Diſtillers — Oath before two Commilſſgaritrs of
Fxciſe, or two Juſt


BS .


Peace, that their Brandy or Strong

Waters were drawn from Drink brewed from maẽ.t Corn
without Mixture with any other Materials, not mix d with
Low- Wines, nor drawn à ſecond time, nor with other Fp.
rits or Brandy made from other Materials, and that tha Hu-
ties for the ſame are dulv paid, may efport. ſuch Spirits or
Brandy; and upon a Cextiſicate under the Hands of the Officers
of _ for —— — or 3 — age th *. Brandy
were ſhipt oft, of t — Shipt, that t ame Wa
ſhipt in the Preſence of fuch Officers, then the Diſtillex to —
paid back by the Commiſſioners of the ſaid Port or Place the
Sum of 3 d. por Gallon. 12119 49066, 362 „ e no
CXX.: The Duties impoſed an the Liquors -aforeſaj&ſhall be
levied, collected, recovered and paid unto the King, during the
time afore mentioned, by ſuch Ways and Means, and under
uch Penalties as are expreſſed and directed in the Act made
rg cap. 24. or by any other Law telating to the Revenue
of the Exciſe. L934 n
. CXXI. If any Officer of Exciſe ſflall, aſtet the (aid 25th of |
March, ſind in the Houſe of any Compound or Rectityiog Dis
ſtiller, or other common Diſtiller, er of decay"
Wines, Cyder, or other Materials, whereby he may, be in-
duced to believe that ſuch Diſtiller doth ot may dra from th
ſame Low- Wines or Spirits, ſuch. Officer mayrtake off, the Head
of his Still or Stills that be prepared to works, and examine what
Materials are therein; and if ſuqh Stills are at work, he may ag
in the Diftiller's Houſe till the Stills ſhall be wrought off, and
hen — What was wrought therein 3, and in oY e, 4
— re 44 permit the Officer, he ſhall ſorſeit for every ſuc
ebe han AE oil or ee &
, 'CXXH. Afier the ſaid 2 5th of March, all and very the Stills,
other Vellels add for mak

\ 2 i Still-headt, and +* * tors





Fa fs

£35 K ik & & EY


114 Exciſe.

Low-Wines or Spirits far Sale or Exportation, in/whoſe Hand

ſeever they come, or whoſe-ſoever they Ft hall be liable and
fabje&to: the Debrs and Duties of Exciſe owing by any ſuch
Piftiller, 2s aforeſaid;z and the ſaid Debrs and Penalties may be
Evied en the ſaid Stills, Worms and Veſſels, as if the Debtor
er Offendet had been the true and real Owner of the ſame,

CXXIII. The Galiger ſhall from time to time gauge and take
Account” Fa Waſh and other Materials prepared for making
Low: Wie, and alſo ef all Low. Wines, Spirits or LE
ters found: in the 2 any nne e he ſhal
mist any Quantity Materials which he found or gauged
the ft time (not above Twenty Hours before) and fallen
receive Satnfaction What is become of ſuch Materials, in even
ſuch caſe fach Gauger ſhall charge ſuch Diſtiller with ſo much
Low-W ines as ſuch Materials would have made. 5%
-- CXXTV.. Affer the faid'z5th of March, no Diſtiller ot Mz
ker of Low-Wines, Agua vite;or Strong Waters, ſhall ſet ther
Stills) at work, or deliver out any ſuch Low-Wines, &'c. with

din Notice firſt given to the Officer of the Exciſe for the Dj ey
viſion here he lives, that ſuch Officer may be preſent to ſa pe
aid gauge the Quantities, unleſs from the 29th of September u m
'the z jm of March Yearly. between the Hours of Five in te Vic
Morning and Eight in the Evening, and from the 25th of :
March to the 2gth'of September Yearly, between the Houn « —
28 AN and Nine in the Evening, under the l et
Yaly ot ro. n 93; |
CXXV. If any Maker of Vinegar, Cyder, Mead, Methe 4
* or Sweets, for Sale, ſhall hide or convey away any fu 8 8
Liquors from the Sight of the Gauger appointed to take Ac C
count of the ſame, every ſuch Maker of ſuch Vinegar, & Bre
ſhall forfeit 40 6. for every Barrel of Vinegar, or Liquor pre moy
— for Vinegar, or Sweets fo hid, and ſo proportionabh; 1
every Hogſhead of Cyder, 49 5. and for every Gallon —
Metheglin or Mead, 55. ſhall

-- CXXVI. In caſe any Maker or Retailer of Vinegar or oth

Commodies aforeſaid, refuſe to permit the Gauger, in tb
y-ime, or with n Conſtable in the Night, to enter his Houſ

or other Place uſed 75 him, to take Account of any the I

9 ſuch r ſhall fbrſeit 15 I.

who II. No Maker of Vinegar or Sweets ſhall ſell ors

Rver, or carry out the ſame, either in whole Cask or hy t
Gallon, without Notice firſt given to the Officer of Exciſe h
iche Diviſion where he lives (unleſs at ſuch times of the Ye
Between ſuch Hours, as aforeſaid ) under the Penalty of g
r every Barrel of the ſame ſo carried out. Ar
el The Clayſe i the AR made 2 V & M. cap
relating to bf rong Waters, Brandy, and a vit, and othe
exciſcible Liquors brought from — 27 „Sari or A

— 115
all the Cha Duties and Penalties therein con-
continue N ull Force during ns Continuance of


! a
1 'A.. «044 Wb *
5 ee „ Innkeepers and Vieual-
Fi che fad gh Morch al be Vet hs Ra
1 all declare to the Ga en Fee to take an
pu el the ſame, * mach .of Pa — is intended
For Sti Beer or Ale, 909 W end for _ ro
of fuch ; Guile: 3 i Wee rr *
in thei 5 5 e hr 1 de-
mat ang in caſe. ſux ** Ganget
— — and 7210 the Uo e yeh. 7 co — roNgs
| uch the at. erco wp 73
and in caſe ſuch = ror 5 Servants, aſter ſuch Dgclara-
tiog, ſhall make an of their Scrong Beer, or Ale fo
declared, by any; a jor] eam, ſuch Increaſe ſhall be ow
ed and taken to be, d from mixing Small Beer
with ſuch Strong l e; and ſuch Brewer Niall 5 for
every ſuch Barrel ſo increaſed; the 1255 40 * and fo —. — |
portionably,. over and above the Penalties —
mixing Small wi pf leg in caſe jt ſhal fe
vidence given on uch Brewer, that the. 21
as made by Mixing or Addin ſuch, Strong Beer o A
1411. returned, erent, of a former Brewing fuch- Brower,
r the {aid Baie excr be allo

et h
by Oath, That a, Str ING ann. oy
+ . 1 V View * Us e Ga + This 4d reals

88 1 |
CXXX. 1 * og ter the 2 25th of 11 5 a any + aba
Brewer, ——— Wictu⸗ ller, ſhall cleanſe, carry out or re-
moye out of his Brewhauſe, any — his Guile, or Brew
ing of of Beer, Ale, or Wart, before the whole is brewed off,
be in his Tuns, — Coolers, ofa the
ſhall ax" might Sa n an 33 5
ving Note or or
IJ. ll forfeit — Bat of Beer, 8
r 3 Inn ·
n $1
the ſaid 25th 191 Moreb, $i ES
the Day-ume, or with n — 25
houſe other Plac
being lawfully 5 to. flay —
Guile is Brewing, and take an Account 5 |
as they. wo 1 off, and ſee the Strong =

— mM
Mak rom hey wy ths Tat — Tuch
bot be obliged to pro

— ä

for ſe it 1 mer |
5 5


he i
116 Exile: Re gd
ot any part of ſuch Guile of Beer or Ale before he paid be
l. rn * * KT TY *

CXXXII. 1t any Common ver or -keeper* after the

tinie aforeſaid; Mall at or after” the carry! chef Drink,

Nate or mix any ſmall Beer or Small Worts with any Strong
Beer or Ale; wow his Dray or efewhere, * ſhäll forfeit” for 0
every ſuch Offence 57, And the Gauger may taffe the Drink Ol
upon any ſuch Brewer? Dray wherefoever he ſhall feet the
Same. and upon Requeſt enter into the Cellar of any Inn Keeper
— — ictuallet, — 1 Drink in rhe ſame; 1 — — | — 02 di
ſuſt to permit him To to do, the Hnlxeeper or Victuallex for an
X m_ ſuch Offence Thill bats bY . ? 15 |
: *.CXXXIN. Tue Commiſſſonets of 'Bxeiſe and Juſtices of Peace
reſpectively upon Information fox any Offence againſt*the Laus an
of Exciſe, may ſummon any Ferſpn or Perſons (other chan the
Party 'accuſe3 Y to apperr before them" to give Evidence, and
for Neglect ar Refuſal” fo to ds; every ſuch Terſon ſo maki the
Detsult, ſhallforfer the Sam ↄf of t

A CXXXIV. After the ſald 25th'of March, every Gauger ſhil fra)
Within Three Days after the End of Every Week Jeave with the 8E*
Brewer, whoſe" Liquors he hath : gauged, or ſome of his Ser. It .
vants, 2 true Copy under his Han _ each reſpectide Change
by him made! upoh ſuch Brewer, in ſuch Week and if ay
Gauger ſhall refuſe or neglect ſo to do, or ſhall charge ſuch S We
Brewer more chan fuch Copy Contains, ſuch Gayger' ſhall for
Lfeit:for every ſuch Offence 10 J. to be recoyered y any Per.
.\fon wha. all ſhe for the ſame in any of the King's Courts at Whoa

Weftminfter, wherein no Efloin; Ir. or more than one Impat 1

ane td he al We lll

--: CXXXV. Ne Gauger who ſhall deave ſuch Copy of his Char eit.
ges, | as above directed, ſhall from henceforth be liable to the ot |
- Pehalties by the! Act of 5 & 6 V. & MA cap. 14. impoſed, for

not. leaving ſuch Notes at the time of Gauging, ' ©

1"CXXXVE After the ſaid z ˖th of Mart, any Officers of Et eipt
xiſe m his reſpective/Diviſion, who Thall*have juſt Suſpicion o lay.
- uy: private Back, Tuns, Drains; Pipes, or other Conveyancs Kece
uſed by any Brewer or Diſtiller, may in the Daytime, an
in the Preſence of a Conſtable, upon Requeſt firft made, brei C2
open the Door of ſuch Brewer's or Difuller's Brewhouſe, Deut
:filtinz-houſe, or other Room, or the Ground in their er
* 5 — Poſſeſſiom, to ſearch after the ſame; and in cal
they find any private Pipe or Conveyance,- follow the ſam:
into the Houſe or Ground of another Perſon, and if Occafint
be, break open the Ground there to follow ſuch Pipe; in cr.
der to find out ſuch private Back, making good the Grout!
broken up; and in caſe ſuch Brewer, or other Perſon {hi
oppaſe ſuch Officers or Officer herein, every ſuch Perſbn ſlil
forleit for eyerpſuch Offence, 20.

as "oy
. -

oy into the faid 0 ka |

all Ferſons concerned ſhall 1 Kreg Accs cat | tes |

times. ,
. Tallies of Loan ſhall be levied fi al 11 eue Sun
Sums of Money ſo to be gent, and Ordets according to
Courſe of the Exchequer, drawn and ſigned for R 2
efit, with Intereſt, as dein ſuch Orders to be aſſi
able without Power * Revocation, being endotſed and oh
tred in the Office of the Auditor © the Receipt of the Eiche.
er. And a diſtinct Re er ſhall bs kept the ſaid Res
apt of the Exchequer: of the ſaid Orders of Repayment,
in which the ſaid Orders ſhall be regiſtred in Courſe accord-
arg to the Date, Without Preference; and every Perſon paid
fe, as his Order is entred. And no Fee, or Gratuity,
ſhall be Aten by aty Officers, their Clerks or Deputies, on
Pain of fotfeiting tre le Damiges to the party grieved ſo allo
for giving any undue Preference.
al If ſevetal Orders bear Date, or be brought the ſame
to be regiftre, it ſhall be no undue Preferetice which of
theſe b be entred fir
25 XLVI. No undue preference to pay ſubſequent © Orden to

who come and demand their Monies,

o did not come in their Courſe, fo as there de 1 much
2 kee, as mY ſatisfie precedent Otders ; put Inter.
an 88 om the time that the ſaid Money wa
in Ban
1 II. Aſter the 2oth N April, 1696. the weekly
Sum of 6000 7. ariſing from the 2 and Tem TW edn Ex-
2 ſhall be ſeparated and kept apa on 1
eekly (unleſs a Holy-day ) iſſued and applied to the 55
of the Tallies already levied, and now remainin
oh the Branches of Exciſe, or either of them, and the Inter-
eſt not exceeding 6 7. per Cant. until the ſame be fullyjpajd of,
and after the full nn hy" A then the Came to go to
the Re-payinent of be borrowed upon Wi Ga
dit of this Act, (part of the {Fo Bodog Sums of 51 1
intended to de ie the * Purpoſes ee
the Intereſt for 055 ſo to borrowed, at
ſor the e „aud ode for the othe? z000ol.
the Tallies for the principal Sums to be paid off in Co
2 oy Forge OT, three ren till Satisfaction
iſſioners of the Revenues o |
5 to en the ſaid n to be paid Were with

our — ing the ſame, and without Preference in the thi

Peyment of ab, under Penalty of treble Damages and Of
Cofts of Suit. And in caſe in any Week the whole 2
ceipt on the particular Branches, called the Heredit
Tymporary Exciſe, ſhall not be — to anſwer be Veal ly
ay ment

wy =

4 7 " jp Ls I o
* N **
— | |


IN payment, then the the Deficiency' ſhall be -
b hole Receipts upon the whole Branulics' che next X
de or any ſubſequent Week. th

CLLVIII. The Monies which aal be W on fuck Tall

and the Intereſt thereof, ſhall be aſſignable; Without Power
Revocation, being entred in'a Boo * * 2 in *

Head Office of Exciſe at London; and no M

n. the Credit of the ſaid Weekly Sum of 6⁰0⁰0⁰ J. 1 Jeff be en

4 to any Publick Tx. = |
Te CXLIX. A Book ſhall be kept in the Head Office a aforeſaid,
Res in which all the aid kae ſhall be entre , and their'pirti-
ent, cular Dates, accord ing to which Dates Payments are to be made
rd. in — to which Book all Perſons concerned ſhall have fiee
pad Accels, And no Officer ſhall toks ay Fee or Gratuity, di-
ty, rectiy or indirectiy, for Payment of the fad Tallies,' Search,

| Fa or Entry.

No undue Preference to pay 2 ſub bſequent Talley be ·

one of a former Date that hath not been Fought to the
* to I nor where ſeveral Tallies bear the nme
Tallies of Perſons who come and
ore others who do not come, ſo 38

Date, nor to p N
demand their

$ fo ſo much Money — reſeived as will ſatisſie 1 — 5

2 but Incerft to © to ceaſe from: fuch time that oney Was lik

| r them.

ter. CLI. The ſaid Weekly Payment ſhall not obftrutt 2

der the Payment of — or other incident Charges

ceſſary to the Management of the ——— of Lene:

7 After — 20th «' 4 So April, 1696

J. arifing from the — Letter-Office, or che Wy 5

| ** ſhall be eparated a - 9s ns, and on e

neſday Weekly (unleſs a = iſſued and applie


thel Payment of the Tallies already 2 and now remain —

Iter- unſatisfied, on the ſaid Revenue ariſing in the ſaid Office,
.off; and the Intereſt thereof, not 8 per Cene. untif the

0 to ſame be fully paid 5 3 and after the full SfrufaRion thereof,

Cre- then the ſame to ge to the Re- payment of 45000 5 to de
000. borrowed . the I of this Act (part of the foremen-
2 —.— — N — — raiſed 7 ſed for oe

' evera urpoſes. andit c at

oo! The Tallies for the Principal to be pa 40 Cont

+ and the Intereſt paid every Three e till the Peincip ]
n be ſatisſed. The «Poſt Maſter General for the time bei
E ce AN 2 more

yithe a ien to aid a |

; ar things before directed © — we. oh of the Feſt |

Office, ſhall wk
like Pe males 2 denen at the General Poſt-Office

. Dun 4 34: 55

ci ili No-


1} | . Exciſe;

+ CLI, Nothing in this AQ ſhall extend to hinder or delay

Paymest of the Learly gums of 30000 f and 20000 U per Av
mum granted in truſt for his Royal Highneſs Prince George
of: Denwark,. and her Royal Highneſs the Princeſs Anais of
Denmark; but that the Monies ſo granted ſhall be duly paid
our of the ſeveral Branches of His Majeſty's Revenue; charg
therewith :- i kn a . | 12 e 14.290
„ CLIV. Nor to take away, or interrupt the Payment of the
Yearly Sum of 47001. out of the Profirs: of the ſaid Poſt-
Office to Barbara Dutcheſs of Cleaveland, - * 17 7
„CLV. Notes, in Writäng of every Gauge; containing the
Inches and Tenths of the Backs, and Wants of the Tuns, and
Quality of the ſaid Liquors, ſhall be left by the Gaugers,
wich all common Brewers (if demanded) at the time of ta-
ing tde Gauges, on pain of 49 5. with Coſis of. Suit.
| LVI. If the Corporation of Moniers (being ſuppliel
with clean Silver Plates by the Mafter'and Worker > the
Mint, for making the ſeveral Species in the Act 7 V. 3 caps,
appointed) ſhall refuſe or negle& to make and mark the
ſame into Monies of the ſeveral Species in the ſaid Act dr
rected. or ſhall not imploy ſo many Men and Horſes as ſhall
be ſufficient, to keep all the ten Mills in Work, for twenty
Hours ip each Day, then the Mafier and Worker of the
| Mint ſhall and may imploy ſuch other Perſons and Hor-
ts — * be neceſſary, and pay them for ' Performing the
ON e e eee e

. CLVI. Stat. 5 & 6 V. & M. cap. 20 verſus finen,

True Notes in Writing of the laſt Gauges made or taken ly
the Gaugers, ſ leſt by them with Brewers, Makers at
-Retailers'of Beer, Ale, or other Exciſable Liquors, or ſome
ef their Servants, at the times of taking their ſaid Gaugs,
containing the Quantity: and Quality of the Liquors, ſo: gat
ged, upon the Penalty of 5 l. for: every Offence or Neglect,
do be recovered. by any Perſon! that ſhall ſue fox the ſame in
any of. their; Majefties-Courts of Record at eſtminfler.

CLVIII. Stat. 8 . 3 cap. 3. All the Tallies of Pro, ot

— — Which have been levied, and are charged up
on the Hereditary or n Exciſe, or upon the Wed-
| iy Sum of Goco l. payable thereour, ſhall be duly; paid in
Ce according to their reſpective Datęs, and not o ther-
wiſe, without Preference, . unleſs where Money 'is: reſerve!
for Payment of the preceding Tallics, and the Intereſt ef
the. ſaid; ;Tallics ſhall be paid every three Months out of tbe
laid Weekly Sums of good la a; Meek; pg. all Tallies of
Pro, or other Tallies which have been levi „ .and are charp-
ed upon the Revenue of the Poſt-Office, or "p08 t oy


Excile.” „

c 600 I. appropriated thereout, ſhall be im like:

cnet duly paid 8 — "according to 1
Dates, without Preference, us aforeſaid; and the Intereſt of.
the laſt mentioned Tallies ſhall be like w iſe paid etery three
Months out of the ſaid Weekly Sums of 6000 7. 4 Week, un-
der the ſame Penalties or Forfeitutes, as by the aforementioned
Act are preſcribed. 1 ASE EEE
pril, 169%. the Clauſe telaring to Party-Guiles, in the.
Act made the laſt Seſſions of this Parliament (7 8 W. 3.
ap. 30. ow antea Sett, 129.) mall be repealed all Intents
and Purpoſes.” © . 24 lf reg! tc fy
CLX. Every Common Brewer ſhall, after the ſaid Tenth of
pril, declare to the Gauger how much Strong Beer or Ale
e intendꝭ to make of a Guile,” and how much Small (if he
ntends any) before an part of ſuch Guile is cleanſed or re»
oved ; and upon Refufal of ſuch Diſcovery, the Gauger
all return the whole Guile to be Strong," and the Brewer
all beſide forfeit: for every Barrel of Ale or Beer, contained
n ſuch Guile, 20 1. And in caſe. after ſuch Declaration, any
ncreaſe be made of the Strong Beer or Ale, or * theres
ff laid off, the ſaid Brewer ſhall forſeit for every Barrel ſo in-
reaſed or laid off, 5 J. and the Servant aſſiſting there in ſhall
or/eit for every Barrel 20 5. and in Default of Payment, ſhall .
uffer three Months Impriſonment.' In caſe : the Incteaſe be
ade by adding Beer or Ale left of a former Brewing, the Brew?
r ſhall incur all the ſaid Penaltics, unlefs it be proved by
Dath, that it was done in the Sight and View of the Gauger.
CLXI. It it ſhall appear to the Gaugers, that the Quali-
y of Strong Beer or Ale remaining of a former Guile, and
added to a Guile of New Drink, hath been altered ſince
t was brewed, he ſhall return all ſuch Beer and Ale, fo
dded to à Guile of new Drink, as if the ſame were then ori ·
ally brewed, and the Brewer: ſhall pay the Duties accord ·
gly. % ws eino en | ad tis 105 (a
CLXII. No Common Brewer ſhall, aſter the twenty eighth
Day of April, 1697. have or keep any Pipe or Stop-coce um-
der. Ground, or other. private Conveyance, by — any Beer
le, or Worts, may be conveyed from one Tun, Brewing
feſſel or Place, to another, on pain to forfeit for every 1
Dffence he Sum. of 100 IJ. 7. 80 Regt att |
CLAIIl. From and after the ſaid twenty eighth of April,
ny Gauger or Officer of Exciſe, may in the Day time, and in
he Preſence of 2 Conflable, or other Lawſul Officer of the
Feace, and Requeſt firſt made, break up the Ground in any
ommon ,* Brewhauſe, or the Ground adjoyning, or any
all; to ſearch fur ſuch private Pipe or Conveyance. *



8. |
ſhall be found, ſuch Gauger ſhall make good the Ground, or

Brewer to keep any Pipes, Stop-cocks, or ather Convey-

— - "Roy ground, in open View, for the. Uſe of hit
r * | | wh e
CLIV. Every Common Brewer, who after the aſoreſaid
il, ſhall without firſt giving Notice to the next
roth of Apr

of Exciſe, ſet up or alter any Tun, Batch,

, or have or keep any private or concealed
nly known to be
forfeit for every

- CLXVI. If any Common Brewer or Maker of Cyder fhall,

after the ſaid roth. of April, deliver to any Diſtiller or Vi-
negar-Maker, any Waſh, Tilts, Ale, Beer, Vinegar-Beer or
Cyder, without firſt giving Notice to the Gauger of that
Diviſion, of what Quantity he intends to deliver, and when,
- and to whom, he thall forfeit for ev

Cooler or Co

Tun, Batch, c. other than ſuch as a

commonly uſed in his Brewhouſe, he
(al 2001

ſuch Ve

ed 20 4.

Pain to forfeit 20 1. And every

ed as forfeit 501.

LXVIII. After the ſaid 1Oth of April every Perſon making |

or keeping any Waſh, Cyder or other | Materials fic for Di-

101 21 havin — his — 2 —

containing tw allons or ards, Proof

thereof — Oath before ſome - A Peace, ſhall 3

eee eee e, and Subject to the Duties of

Exciſe. | 3 54
. -CLXIL. All Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures, by this Ad
ſued for and recovered: by
Means as uſed by the Laws of Exciſe, or by .
Debt, Bill, Plaint, &c. in the Courts of Record at Weftmin- -
Fer, whereof one Moiety to the King, the other to

Cx. Any Perſons who have already ſet up, or here-

_ after ſhall ſet up any Works or Offices fox making or di

impoſed, ſhall be

re 1

Copper, Still or

mn .Ww

tack. W


ery Barrel ſo deliver

_* CLXVIL No Common Diſtiller ſhall, after the ſaid rothef |

April, ſet up, alter or enlarge any Tun, _ Se. or have r

keep any private or concealed Tun

other Veſſel, or any private or | concealed Warehouſe, Cellar,
Fc. without firſt giving Notice thereaf, as .

e .
tion any Houſe ſhall be where ſuch things ſhall — |

ny Still or a



fll- |
ling |


45 A2


AAB 88.
2 E

of the Commiſſioners of Exciſe; and all ; the ESE

ISN Fass

Excite. "YY'\ 15

1 *
or Low ines or Spi a, e Drink
FE Take & Cort or 1 Notice to the P |
ers of Exciſe, within ys after the entring ſuch. Othce.
or Work, may follow ſuch Ork, and may Tehne the Spi rits
of weir own Waking, paying the Duties, and bong ſuby to
le Fines and Temltieg is other Dittillers arg. *

z tat. 8 . , Cap. * pere ſhall be a

to his Ma Majchy for 155 th (mad de of any ar al pid
which any nes or Maker of Malt for Sale, Seller or Re-
tailer of Maſt, Brewer, Diftiller, E 8 or
e in this yr or _ Ul

3 « 4

Makers thereof reſpectively. AR r e 275 1 of

made or ſold in England 699. o 20 Fuly,1

Ten Shillings ( ws 4 * 8 the 9 4 5 =

Maker or Seller Res Me And for crew rel o f 5

made from Foreign or E Materials, fr om 20 Ea I

to 20 Fuly, 1699. (over — 8 the Fea Duties) T

Shillings, by the * thereof. And for all Cyder and Per-

ry made for Sale, from the ſaid 22 — * to N Ju
2 1 Via oyer and above the preſent er and
' Retail ) 4 5, por Hogſhead, by th fi yer or


W N And every Perſon. who ſhall, bu 5


to make der or Pe of la
Perry the fd phe or Pe hug ht ox made —
or any 26s or lefier Meaſure, I be op 4 Kae 5
charges le with the ſaid Daties,

CLXXHI. All Ahicd 2 Duties ſhall be under. | the Management

ficers in the Exciſe, ſhall be the "Officers for t

under the Direction of the ſaid 5 Obcm for. the
N alter them, and make ſuch others, eden tha om
CLXXIV. And all ſuch Malſterz, e. having on 20
1697. any 8 of Malt whatſoever, ſhall fore 10
4 enter the ſame particularly Ms the next Office of Br:
under Penalty of - nd to forfeit the Malt not entred;
and within. Six Days er, tb | either pay down the Duties

for the lame to the Officer ive Security to

the ſaid nd Oates within ix done with we AN Allowance 4 to pi

— for the ſaid Six Months, if paid = the


fas Su Bar

2. - Excile.,

*CLXXV.. And the ſaid Officers are, authorizel to take an

Account of ſuch Malt as any Malſters, Qt. ſhall be ſo pol-
ſedſſed of on 20 April, 1697. ind to that end are to be 'permit-
ted, at their Requeſt, to enter, in the Day-rime, into the Dwel-
3 Nc. of any ſuch Malſter, Qc. under the Penalty

10 4. 0 n 22 0 de EB Ed cr

CLXXVI. And fuch Officers are further to be permitted,

at their Requeſt, to. enter, in the .Day-time, into- * Hauſe,
Malt-houſe, or other Place of any.Perton whatſoever, 'who after
the ſaid 20th of April, 1697. till the ꝛcth of July, 18 hall
make any Malt (for Sale or not for Sale) to gauge the Veſſels
| _—_— the ſteeping of Barley, or other Grain for making

of Malt, and to take an Account of the Quantity of Bar-

ley, and other Grain, ſteeping or fteeped therein, and report the
fame to the Commiſſioners Raving the Copy of ſuch Report
with he Malſter or Maker of Malt ee.

CLXXVII. And no ſuch Maker of Malt for Sale or priyate

Uſe ſhall refuſe Entrance to ſuch Officer, for the Purpoſes afore-
aid, under Penalty of's J. 8
CLXXVIII. pot the ſaid zoth of April, $07; every Make
of Malt, for Sale or'not for Sale, ſhall, every Month, make an
Entry at the ſaid Exciſe-Othce of alt the Malt ſo made, unler
Penalty of 10 f. and ſhall, within Three Months after, pay the
Duties for the ſame reſpectw ex.
CLXXIX. And upon neglecting or refuſing. to make ſuch
Payment, to forfeit for every ſuch Offence double the Duty:

And after ſuch Default, ſhall nat ſell, deliver, or carty out any
Malt until the ſaid Duty be cleared, on Pain to forfeit doub
the Value of ſuch Malt, Ts IR.” => a
CILXXX. The Buſhel in this Act is meant to be the Mi-
cheſter Buſhel, and the Barley or Grain in ſteeping or ſteeped,
al! be returned a fo many Buſheli ef Malt, according he,

CLXXXI. After the zoth of April, 1697. no Maker of

Malt ſhall alter his Veſſel for ſteeping of Barley ot Grain for

28 firſt giving Notice thereof to the next Officer of

42 e
5 of 'O I. a 4 :
CLXXXII. After the zoth of April, 1697. no Sweet-maker
ſhall ſer up any Veſſel for making of Sweets, Without firſt giving

Notice thereof at the next Office of Exciſe, on Pain of forfeit-

IXI Im The Directions and Rules eſtabliſhed by the AR

of 12 Car. 2. ſox ſettling the Revenue of Exciſe, or by any other
Law now in Force, telating to that Revenue (not otherwiſe
provided for by this Act) ſhall be put in Execution, for levy ing
the ſaid Duties on Malt, Mum, Sweets, Cyder and Perry;
hereby granted. oO |

nor keep any private Veſſel fox that purpoſe, under pe.

© CLAXXIV, All |

© CLXXIIV. Al Penalti e e in this AR ſhall

recovered as any Ban 2 ty may be by the, Laws, *
Exciſe. or by Action of Debt, Nc. at ee r
CIXXXV. The Commiſſioners ef Exciſe, or ſuch Perfons as
they ſhall appoint, or elfe the Collector or 15557 dr of the
| Diftrict, may compound "with any, Perſon! for the ſaid Duties
on Malt not made for Salt, at the Rate of 5 x: per Anmem for
erery Head in the Family, and rake Security for paying. the
| fame Quarterly; and then their Malt-houſes und other, Plze
ſhall"rot be able to the AF Day, or to the Snrvey of the Of-
ficer o E for um, PC Ip on
CLXXXVI. But if ſuch Petſon, after Compoſition, ſell or
deliver out any Malt to others, ot ſel any Beer, Ale, or oth
Liquots made of r 50 L. and lofe the Benefit
of ch Com fi an. VLG - __ a K 4 i, et | 8 | vi
CLAXXVH. Our of every 20 Buſhels of Malt ſs charge by
the Gauger, there ſhall be an Allowance of Four Buſhels, in Con.
ſideration of the Difference berween Corn wet and ſwollefi, and
the fame converted into dy Malt.
CEXXXVIIH. Any Perfon' may export Malt, for which the
Duty hath been paid, to any Foxeign Parts, except Scotland, gi-
ving Security not to reland the ſame in this Kingdom; but if
the ſame ſhould neyerthe'eſs be relanded, then ( beſides the Pe-

nalty of the Bond) the Malt, or the Value thereof, to be for-

ſeited. „ * 4 , . - 1288 i Fo art

CLXXXIX. The Expbtter of any Matt ſhall produce a Certi-
ficate from the wh Officer; that the n hath
been paid or ſecured to be _ which muſt be ptoved up
on Oath, and that it is the ſame Malt mentioned in .tHe
Certificate; whereupon the faid Duty of 6 d. per Buſhel i
- be repaid to the Exporter, by the Collector or Commil-
oners. 1 3 5 |
CXC. Provided, That all Malt ſold before 20 April, 1697.
and not delivered to the Buyer, or Contratted ſo to be, the Buyer
ſhall pay the Seller 6 d. per Buſhel upon Delivery, ot the Com
wa tbe yoo, © een eee e
CXCI. Rent payable in Malt, or in Money to be aſcertained
by the Price of Malt, the Tenant to deduct fo much as amounts
to 2 7. for every Quarter of Malt, which, is to be allowed

accordin | 8
rted into



"xl, Aber 20 2 . no ye to be > |

this Kingdom from beyond the Seas, on Pain of forteitin
Malt, 9. the Value thereof, 213 "Ih © FAS, 7 1 177
CXCIII. Out of the Money ariſing by Loans on Bills upon the
Aid of 3 s. per Pound and other Duties, 1200000 J. ſhall be
approprnted to the Navy and Ordnance, "&c. And the re-
mainder ariſing by that Act, other than the Loans upon the
Act ) V. 3+ for purchaſing Annuities, and 23006 J. 7 s. 8 d
| | | Fa


| lent on the Exchequer in general,:both-ttaryferred to

tet 2 Act, ſhall be ap c appropriated ts ed 80 yo Land Fae, Ce.
CTV. Out of t r * |
I, ſhall be ap pro iated for the 5 — es =
ee r his neceſſa Vernon nel”

Loiety of the 2 to the ſame ce, and the other Cl

oiety to the Navy and Army dle dur „ till 1 8 aid Sum of W
EL be wa paid and 4 to the Navy and of
nd Forces equally. of

CXCV. The, Rides in the Ad, 1 u. & 1 for an Ai

of Z . per I. ſhall be applied to the Diflribution and Applic:

of the Sums hereby appropriated,

CVI. The Monies ariſing by the Duties on Malt, ſhal

propriated to the Payment of the Manies due upon Bil

= ickets hereaſter mentioned; And if by 20 April, 168,

he Produce thereof br t into the Exch in ro

| rat I. the Bebe to be de gong thei Br

e "feſt Aid, granted after the ſaid 20th © Abril, 1698. And tit

. laid Duties on Malt brought into the Fxche quer by fre

| 7 2 th of, Sqprember,; 1099. With the Proviſional Su y of thi

| the nementhaned Deficiency, be nat 15 5000 J. the ſh
id N be made good out of the firſt Aid granted after tle
| 291 Selle, 1699. ca
| XVII. For advancing the Sum of 1400070 1 any Per- be
ſon, Native or Foreigner, paying om the 24th of June, 1095. to ra

| the Reteivers, thereto ap pppinted or ſeveral to J. upon | if

| this Act, ſhall for every 10 bake 2 Las. Which Receiveri it
are to take neu mi led Money, or hammer d Money or Stan- the

| ard Plate, at 55 Ber Ounce. on

CXCVIII. The Managers or Directors to be ajpointed by the
is Majefly for that purpoſe, ſhall prepare Books divided into an
cur Columns; in ea which ſhall be printed 140000 lot

2 the Third ** 28 that ſuch 285 | F (

Bearer to Ti , with a Far 4 9,5 r:

we Foote mg 72 of vil or to a babes Cle, by

ets to be ſigned by the ceivers, and delivered | to ** rec

| — Payment of the ſeveral 10 I. as aſpreſaid. And Fo

- *he Money and Plate fo received to be anſwered into the

xchequer by the ſaid Receivers, who ſhal xoth of Fo

ly, 1697. redeliver the Books to the Managers, with 2n M

t of the Money and Plate ſo received, and paid into the N

xchequer.. And the the Tickets of the Third Column not diſpo- Ti

fed of, ſhall be delivered into the Exchequer for the Uſe of the de

War, and of his Ma jeſty s Houſhold, and other Uſes in thi =

ch and. thence be dane tor the ſaid Uſes, as if they wert me

Fe -

cordingly. |
8 X eren. The

Excite. ==
© + The Tickets in the Second Column are to be rol-
; Gn faſtned, being cut n and put in a Box
markt A. to be ſecured by the Managers, who are 51 1 Ire
another Book diſtinguiſht into Two Columns, in each of which
are to be printed 3000 Tickets, hereol 3 300 in the outermoſt =
Columm to be Fortunate and written upon in es and
Words at length, viz. Upon One of them 1000 f. Upon L.
of them 500 J. each. Upon Three of them 400 I, Upon Four
of them 300 L. Upon Six of them 200 . vi AD of them
100 l. Upon One hundred and three of them 30 J. Upon One
hundred and thirty of them 30 /. Upon Four hundred of them
201. Upon Two thouſand eight hundred of them 10 J. Which
with 150 1. to the firſt drawn Ticket, and 100 /. to the laſt
drawn Ticket, amounts to 60]. A

CC. The ſaid 5000 Tickets in the outermoſt Columns to be

rolled up and faftned, being cut off Indentwiſe, and put in a
Box markt B. to be ſecuted alſo by the Managers, till the
time of Drawing; And no Money or Plate to be received
from any Adventurer, after the ſaid 24th of June, t694, And
the whole Buſineſs of preparing the ſaid Tickets fit for Drawing,
ſhall be performed by the 2d of Auguſt, yy 8856

CCI. On the toth of Auge, + * the Managers ſhall

cauſe the Boxes to be brought to the Guild ball, London, and
being * — and the Tickets well mixt, to be drawn by
two indifferent Perſons, a Number and a Ticket 5 which Lot;
f it be a Blank, ſhall be filed with the Number drawn with
it ; but if it be a Fortunate Ticket, then to be entred with
the Number coming up with it, and the Eatry ſigned 'by
one of the Managers, and then put on another File; And 12
the Drawing to continue till the 3500 Fortunare Tickets,
= one more for the laſt, be completely drawn, and no

onger. |

CCII. And afterward the numbred and Fortunate Tickets

drawn againſt the fame, ſhall remain in à Box lockt up
by the Managers, to be examined and adjuſted, if Occaſion
requires. And the Managers are to print and publiſh the
Fortunate Tickets, and the Numbers drawn againſt them. :

CCIIL. And in caſe of Diſpute, the Property of the ' ſaid

Fortunate Tickets is to be determined by the Majotity of the

anagers. | mg} 915 5:

— Sad it ſhall ___ 2 to 22 any ſuch

icket, or knowingly bring the ſame to the .

= „The {aid are allo. to provide a Parch-
ment Bock, to enter the Number | of the Fickers belongi
to the 3500- extraordinary Benefits, with the fieſt and BR
drawn Tickets, to be ſigned by the Managers, and tranſmit-
ted into the Exchequer by 10 Septemb. 1697. And the Prizes

0 4

- Ss gw



for paying the ſame accordingly.

aforeſaid ; - Which -Officers to be ſubject to the Inſpection
be preſcribed them, conducible to-the Ends and Pur of
this Act; 77 L 2251 ark

oo 1

ot Benefits Hall be paid accordingly, as the Fund comes ifito
the Exchequer, in Cbucke, without Intereſt; And the Con
tributors not having Prizes, ſhall receive Ten Pounds for e.
very ſuch Contribution, out of the ſaid Fund, with' a Far-
thing per Diem Imereſt from 24 June, 1697. till paid dff. And
every Perſon having 4 Prize not above 20 J. ſhall have 10 l.
over and above, with Intereſt, as aforeſaid; All payable to
the Beraters. \ F 7 e 2 320 51. 19
CCI. And the Managers, juſt before the Drawing, ſhall

epare 140 Tickets, as the Indices to the 140000 Tickets, to

rolled up and drawn, for adjuſting the Courſe of Pay-

ment of each Thouſand of the ſaid 140000. And ſhall | be
writ down in à Book, and tranfmitted in the Exchequer:
And the Duties ariſing on Malt ſufficient to pay the firſt
Phouſand Tickets, as'entred in the laſt: mentioned Book

BY wnornnAs oc

_ applied thereunto, and ſo on till the whole be (a: Bu

tis fiedl. n YI OHH, Sehe: d m
Cl. An Account is to be publiſhed the Firſt Mundy N
in every Month, and ſet up at the Exchequer, what Thou: fs
Fand Tickets are to be*paid that Month; And after the Mo- 2
rey is r.ady to be paid, the Intereſt to ceaſe, and the Mo- Aq
ney not called for to be reſerved. IS 2
CCVIII. Every Manager to take Oath faithfully to execute Ge,
his Truſt, Se. = | 512 9
CCI. Out of the Reſidue of the Fund, after paying the 7
Fortunate and other Lots, the Managers, Clerks, Officers, Cc. —
may he rewarded as his Majeſty ſhall diiect. | of
(CX. Tre Adventurers paying in their Money before *
24 June, 1692. ſhall be allowed Intereſt to that time, after cd
the Rate of 14 J. per Cent. per Ann. > 07 variant
. ,.CCXI, And the Receivers to have an Allowance not exceed- .

ing 2 d. per Pound. bi

CCX11. Al Receipts and Iſſues of the ſaid 1400000 1.
to be perto1imed by the Officers without Fee or Rewatd;
— the Monies lent, or payable by this Act, not to be
CCXIII. There ſhall be a diſtinct Office at the Exche-
quer, for paying tte Benefits by this Act appointed, till all

be ſatisfied ; the Officers thereto appointed to give Security

--CCXIV. The:Monies ſo brought into the Exchegner up-
on the ſaid Fund; ſhall be, without any further Warrant,
paid over to ſuch Officers, by way of Impreſt, for the Uſes

and Cemptrol of the Treaſury, and to ſuch Rules as hall

Pf to I 40 | cCbxv Aoy

Exclle. 129

itq Any Perſons may lend his Majeſty 2 of. 2

CCXV. .has y 20000041, at
— 81. Cont. latereſt, not — to be repaid in urſe,
24 with the Intereſt every Three Months, till repaid out of tie
” Contributions. for the ſaid Tickets: And if ſuch Contribu-
nd tions before the 24th of June, 1697. be not ſufficient to |
* the ſaid Loans with Intereſt, ſuch Loans ſhall be tate N
8 out of the Duties on Malt brought in, in ſÞecie, and
many Tickets not delivered out as are equal to ſuch Princip
all Money unſatisfied, to be cancelled, and the reſt drawn, and
ww proportioned accordingly. Which Money ſo lent to his Majeſty,
5 to rt of the Sum appropriated to his Majeſty's Haute ſhold,
- and ther his neceſſary On. | '
160 CCXVI. Every round Buſhel 18 Inches and an half wide
. Han t, and 8 Inches deep, ſhall be eſteemed a Winchefler
ſa: Fs] 3
4 CCXVII. Stat. 10 & 11 V. 3. 17 + After the laſt Day
lay of January, + 0 and before the Firſt of February, 1699. none
ho. ſhall draw, diſtil, or make within this Kingdom any brandy,
10 Aqua vite, Spirits, or Low- Wines, but according to the Limi-
. tations in this Act, from any Malt, Corn, or Grain, 2
from any Waſh or — * produced from Malt, Corn, o
ute Grain, under the Penalties of forfeiting all ſuch Brandy,
Aqua vite, Spirits and Low-Wines, and Ten Shillings for
the every Gallon thereof, and all the Stills, Backs, Casks, and
J. other Utenſils and Veſſels imployed in the d laß, draw-
We ing, making, or keeping the ſame ; one Moiety to the King,
the other to the Informer or Proſecutor, recoverable as
ter other Forfeitures for Offences may be recovered by the
| Laws of Exciſe ; And all Servants and others wittingly and
e. willin, y aſſiſting in making ſuch Spirits, c. and bein
7 thereof duly convicted in any the Courts of Record at Weſt-
* minſter, or at the General Quarter - Seſſioni of the County, or
a Place where the Offence ſhall be committed, or the Perſon
| apprehended, ſhall ſuffer Six Months Impriſonment without
Bail or Mainprize.
he CCXVIIL But Perſons drawing Spirits, Brandy, or Low-
al Wines, from any Materials not prohibited by this Act, may
my we Yeaſt for Fermentation of their Waſh in order to its di-
y Ng. |
up: CCXIX. Every Diftiller having any private Pipe, Stop -
nt, cock or 83 by which — Waſh or Li — fit Be
{es Diſtillation may be conveyed from one Back or Veſſel to ano-
on ther, or to their Still or other Place, ſhall, before the 28ch
all of ST, 1698. take up or demoliſh the ſame, and ftop
of ole for Conveyance in ſuch Back or Waſhbacch, a

up ever
Aker the ſaid 28 h of February, ſhall keep no ſuch private
Pipe, Je. nor Hole in ſuch Back or Waſbbatch, under the

. Forfeitute

Vol. II.


130 3 Extile. J
Forſcitme of 100 L. for every ſuch Pipe, Stop-cock, -Conjey:
Mo fo N 8
CNT. After the ſad 28ch of February, the Gaugers ang

Officers of Exciſe, in the Day-time, with a Conſtable ar other

Officer for the Peace (ho are to be aiding therein) 5 Requeſt
made and Cauſe declared, may break up the Ground, Partition,
or other Place, 387 adjoyning to oy Mor = Hye mc: to
ſearch for any fucl Pipe, Ofc. and the G Oc. through
or into Which any ſuch Pipe or Conveyance ſhall lead, and
may cut away the fame, and may turn Cocks to try whether
ther ſerve for ſuch Conveyance. '

CCXXI. Where upon Search no. ſuch Fipe or private

Conveyance is fourd, ſuch Gaugers and Officers of Exciſe
ſhall make good the Ground, &c. fo broken up, or make Satiſ-
faction to the Owner, to be adjudged by of the next

uſtices of Peace, whereof one of the Quorum; or the Party

jured may bring his Action for Damages, and what ſhall be
adjudged by the Juſtices, or recovered upon Action ſhall be

aid by the Commiſſioners of Exciſe out of the Revenue; and

Pit or others obſtructi "g ſuch Gauger or Officer therein
ſhall forfeit for every ſuch Offence 100 1. | |

CCXXII. Any Diſtiller may keep and uſe any 22 Pipe,

Stop-cock or other Conveyance aboye Ground for letting his
Waſh into his Backs or Waſhbatches, and his Waſh or Wort
from thence into his publick Stills. 1

CCXIXIII. Where the Gaugers or Officers of Exciſe ſhall

now or ſuſpe@ there is any ſuch private or concealed Still

ck or Veſſel, Spirits, Low-Wines, Waſh, or other Mate-
rials for Diſtillation, upon Affidavit thereof before a Juſtic
of Peace of the County or Place, ug er the Grounds
of ſuch Knowledge or Suſpicion, fuch Officers in the Day-
| * with a Conſtable or Officer of the Peace, who are to
9 ing therein) by Warrant from ſuch Juſtice, ma
oreak open the Door or Place where they know or
ch Concealment to be, and ſeiſe all ſuch Stills, Backs, or
other Veſſels, Spirits, Low-Wines, Waſh, &c. and keep the
ſame in the Place where fo concealed ; and not being claimed
by the Owner within Twenty Pays after Seizure, the ſad
Stills, Cc. ſhall be forfeited and fold at the next general Day
of Sale appointed by the Commiſſioners of Exciſe or theit
Officers; one Moiety of the Proceed (Charges deducted) t

o to the King, the other to the Diſcoverer and Seizer ; and

ſuch Stills, Cc. be claimed within the ſaid 20 Days, the

. hal wick * every ** re

ore-houſe, or other Place, and for every ſuch Still, Back,

and Veſſel found therein 20 u.


2D 2X OY wi eee

- Exciſe, 33

t Hupen breakis er Hoaſe *

no ſuch pe IT. Bot ben . TY es , roy: |

er ſhall mak Ae INE

Satisf 97 to t 2 55
uſtices o 1 * e 1 22 "one 1 or 1
arty injured ax being his Action of Damages, and W
all be adjugs ged. by the Juſtices, or aten upo n
os 9 5 aer Comm ben Ob of Ex Arte « ue the . .

or other Fe fa Pena Gauger or

Officex't herein ha ors feit mon 1

2 eo bf

recover. p impoſe
er ales N Majry to the W © Stet 46 the

r Or |
Hy All Sole — drawa from an) Mixture of- Spi
55 ny of Waſh Va er {rao ng — 1 —
n to be W-
xe) _ from RR -4— "th $,
CCXXVI. In all Place uſed n 0 .
ing Spirits or Lu- ines from Wort te Drink gt —

malte Corn, during the Lear ended zoth of Sept

1008 af part thereof ( a and not elſewhere) the Oi
ſuch Diſtilleries at any ad tween ult. Tanuary.
the Firſt of Fe may drew any Spirits qr, Lows
Wines from Do Drink or Wart 70 1 an malte Corn, ſo — the
uantit n within the id Year, and every Kalendar
0 ns CEE exceed not halt the I of Low- Wines —
1 2 the firſt udien, which in the Feze ale ended,
as aforeſ3 ery Kalend jary onth thereof, were drawn
withip lack Re ae y from Drink 2 Wort brewed
with malted png * hich Ot Quantity ſhall — 1. ſpute be de-

termined by the Accounts or Vouchers theregf for the ſaid Tear

already ended 8 into the Head · Office of Exciſe, or

the Entrjes of the f. ame, to which a ſons cancerned
ave Accels gratis.
| COXXVIEL The R 120 Exciſe u n Requeſt ſhall
give under — $ 7275 Fo ur Owners aforeſaid, or theip
42 ccount ot the 11 ntitjes made in every reſpe-
oo Diſtillery i each Month of the Year, ended the 3oth of
eptember, I
CCXXVIII. — laſt of February, 1698. before
the iſt of February none. all 1 export out aft King
dom, or load or 1 on 3 any Veſlel, in order to be export»
ed to Foreign Parts, any Beer, Ale or Waſh, or Worts draun
rom Corn, or any Ale or Beer from which N may be
tracted, under Penalty of 5 J. for every Barrel of Beer, &c. fa
exported, and fo for a greater or lefler Quantizy 3 one
do the King, the other to the Informer, =

5 |


132 _ Exciſe,

CCXIIX, But not to prohibit the carrying out of ſuch Beer 2

and Ale as ſhall be neteſſary in any Ship or Veſſel, from this —
Kingdom, or returning to the lame, for the Suſtenance of the P
Commanders, Mafters, Mariners, Paſſengers, or others, and K
not to be ſold in Foreign Parts, or for the Supply of any the th
King's Ships in Foreign Parts. ar
C XII. Nor to extend to any Beer or Ale exported to fo
ſuch of his Majeſty's Colonies in America, Perſia or the Eaft. 26
Indies, as have been uſually ſupplied with Liquors from this po
Kingdom, or for the Suſtentation of the ſaid Iſlands and Co- 2
lonies, Forts, Caſtles, and Factories therein only; the Ex- lie
porters giving Security in treble the Value to the Commiſii- 51
oners or Officers of the Cuſtoms, that ſuch Liquors ſhall not 3
be landed bur in the Iſlands and Colonies, for which the *
ſame are declared to be deſigned; which Security ſhall be as
taken 4 and if not proſecuted within three Years, ſhall
be void. 71 Ve
CCXXXI. Nor to hinder Charles Bennet Diſtiller from Cai
drawing ſuch Spirits or Low-Wines, as aforeſaid, from ult. ay
January, 1698. to the Furſt of February, 1699, ſo as the whole pre
Quantity ſo drawn in his now Diftillery, from any Malt, Corn (
or Grain, or the Produce thereof, do not exceed half the Quar- ker
tity of ſuch Low-Wines, Cc. by him drawn in the: Year end- not
ed the 3oth of September, 1690 he obſerving ing all thing pro
Elſe, what other Diſtillers are obliged to by this Act. the
9 2 , and
CCXXXII. Stat. 10 & 11 W. 3. cap. 21. There ſhall be 29t
id for all Sweets made for Sale (over and above all former the
uties upon Sweets, and to continue during the ſaid Term) Liq
the Duties following. mii
CCXXXIII. Every ſuch Barrel of Sweets made after the io C
of May, 1699. and before the 3oth of July, 1699. 12 4. and hou
thence to the 257th of March, 1701. 245. and thence to the tice
25th of March, 1706. 36 s. ; ſuc}
CCXXXIV. All Liquors made from Foreign Fruit or Sugar, - C
uſed in or for Cyder or Wine, ſhall be deemed Sweets. Ale
CCXXXV. All Perſons dealing in the Liquors aforeſaid, and que
having above two Gallons thereof, ſhall be deemed Makers of rel
Sweets. .

CCXXX VI. All Refiners of Sugar, who ſhall before the firi of |
of June, 1699. give 500 J. Bond to the King not to ſell Sweet C
or Syrups from Sugar (except Mellaſſes) or uſe the ſame in Du
or about any Wine, Cyder or Perry, ſhall not pay the Duties reig
hereb 238 till they ſell or male uſe of the ſame. Wi

COXX II. The Duties on Sweets hereby granted, are ap ex |

ropriated to the ſame Uſes as part of the Duty on Sweets

and all the Malt Duties, are appropriated by the AQ ol

V. z. | DEE




CCXXXVIII. For the Encouraging the making Rape Vine -

gar, the former Duties on Vinegar, Vinegar Beer, and Liquors

preparing for Vinegar, ſhall ceaſe after the roth of May, 1699-
and be — 22 tos 1. per Barrel, and ſhall continue, and the
Produce thereof be applied as follows, viz. 6 d per Barrel for the
King's Life, in heu o* the like Duty granted 2 W & M. and for
the ; oa Uſes ; another 6d. per Barrel to the King, his Heirs
and Succeſſors, in lieu of the like Duty granted 12 Car. z. and
for the ſame Uſes ; 2 f. 4 d. per Barrel for 99 Years from the
28th of 7a „ 1692. in lieu of the Duties on Vinegar im-
poſed by the Act 4 V. & M. and for the ſame Uſes ; Another
25. 4 d. per Barrel for 16 Years from 17th of May, 1697. in
lieu of the Duties on Vinegar impoſed by the Salt Act, Anno
5& 6W.& M. and for the ſame Uſes; and the Remaining
2 5. 4 d. per Barrel to the King, his Heirs and Succeſſors, in
lieu of the Duties on Vinegar impoſed by the Tonnage Act,
Anno 5 & 6W.8& M. and for the ſame Uſes.

CCXXXIX, All ſtale Beer, Returns of Beer or Ale, Cyder,

Verjuice, &c. in the Hands of any Vinegar-Maker after the
ſaid roth of May, except for Drink for the Family ( which is
to be kept by it ſelf) ſhall be deemed Vinegar, or Liquors
preparing for Vinegar. |

CXL. After the ſaid roth of May, 69. no Vinegar-Ma-

ker ſhall take in any ftale Beer, Returns of Beer or Ale, &c.
nor deliver out any Vinegar, without Notice firſt given to the
proper Officer of Exciſe, unleſs from the 29 of September ta
the 25th of March Yearly, between Seven in the Morning
and Five in the Evening; and from the 25th of March to the
29th of Septembey between Five in the Morning and Seven in
the Evening, under Penalty of 50 J. and upon taking in ſuch
Liquors ſhall ſhew them to the proper Gauger before they are
mixed with Rape, or otherwiſe, under Penalty of ao J.

CCXLI. Any Vinegar-Maker making uſe of any Store=

houſe, Ware-houſe or Cellar for Vinegar, without giving No-
tice thereof to the next Office of Exciſe, ſhall forfeit for every
ſuch private Store-houſe, &c. 501. | |

CCXLII. Every 34 Gallons creating oy the Standard of the

Ale Quart, remaining with the Chamberlains of the Exche-
quer, ſhall after the Ioth of May, 1699. be reckoned a Bar-
rel of Vinegar, &c.

CCXLIII. The Vinegar-Makers for their Stock upon the roth

of = 1699 ſhall be charged only 8 s. Per Barrel.

CCXLIV. After the ioth of May, 1699. the Moiety of the

Duty of 8 d. per Gallon on Low-Wines. c. d1awa from Fo-
reign Marerials, and the Moiety of 3 d. 2 Gallon on LowW-
Wines from Engliſh Materials Lon than from Malt Drink
er Brewers Waſh or Tilts ) ſhall be no longer paid.

I 3 CEXLV. Rut

_- cn? > 7 ©
CCXLV. But not to leſſen or make void the whole Duties fbr
any ſuch Low- Wines, actually drawn before the Taid 2th of
dy, 1699. but that all the Clauſes in the Act j . 3. Which im-
poſe the whole Duties on Low-Wines, and 7 — the
ame, ſhall be applied to the ſaid Duties (not heteby taken away.)
CCXLVI. The Clauſes in the Act 12 Car. 2. for taking away
rhe Court of Wards, 8c. or in any other Act in Foree telati
to the Exciſe, ſhall be applied to the levying the Duties on Vi
ar. Fe. and on Low-. Wines, Sc. 8 po.
exLVII. The Penalties one Sy this Act ſhall be leyi-
ed, as. other Penalties may be by the Laws of Exciſe, cr by

Action of Debt, c. one Moiety whereof to go to the King, a

the other to the Proſecutor. es Roy 3 \
CCXLVIII. Perſons ſued for any thing done in putſuance of wh
this Act or any other Act telating to the Exciſe, may pleat [WW m1
the General Iſſue, and give this and the reſpective Acts in Eri. Rr
dence, and if a Verdict paſs for the Defendants, or the Plain- Ce
tiffs be hnon-ſuited, the Defendants ſhall have treble Coſts.
CCXLIX. After the ſaid 10th of May, the Gaugets and Of. ſh:
ficers of Exciſe may keep an Account of the Waſh made of Mel. a |
laſſes, in the Hands of any Diſtiller, and upon any Decreaſe Te
thereof, to charge the Diſtiller with Low- Wines equal to a of
fourth part of ſuch Decreaſe ; and with proof Spirits for two th
thirds of the Low-Wines, which the Diſtiller ſhalt pay for the
accordingly. | £ ON
CCL. After the faid xoth of May the Froprietot of a by
private Still, Back or other Veſſel, which ſhal be diſcover
purſuant to the Act of this preſent Setſion, or the Perſon in po!
whoſe Cuſtody the ſame ſhall be found, fhall forfeit for every pa)
ſuch Still, Sc. 200 J. (
CCI. Every Diſtiller who in the ſucceeding Months aſtet a
31 March, 1699. ſhall abate of the Quantities of Low- Wines 4
Fe. which he might draw, ſo much as he exceeded in the po
Months of January and February preceding, the Quanties al-
lowed by the Act of this 2 Seſſion, ſhall not be proſecuted Int
for Breach of the ſaid Act in the ſaid two Months. M.
CCLII. After the ioth of May, 1699. any two Jjuſtices of off,
the Peace reſiding near the Place whete any Offences are com-
mitted againſt the Act 8 V. 3. for laying a Duty on Leather rot
for three Years, may hear and determine the ſame upon Oath, Pa
and give 88 for the Pecuniaty Penalties chereupon —
and iflue Warrants for levying the ſame by Diſtreſs and Sale Ba
of Goods; but the Party agrieved may appeal to the Juftices N.
at the next Quarter Seſſions. | —
CCLIII. The Juſtices may mitigate the Penalty, if they ſee in
cauſe, (the Charges in making the Diſcovery and proſecuting .

being always allowed.) but not to leſs than a fourth part of

the Penalty eltabliſhed beſides Charges. |
| 33 ; CCLIV. The

TRAV Sa 7 an


Iv. The At Anno 8 . 3. for making good the

Dass. Funds, 8c. ſhall not be confirued to charge ſin-
gle Brandies imported with 2 5. per Gallon, over and above the
3 5. 8d. per Gallon charged thereupon by ſeveral precedi
ARs : not double Brandy imported with 4s. per Gallon, oy
and above the Gs. 8 d. per Gallon charged thereon by other

preceding Acts. |

CCLV. For Four Years from the 13th of May, 1699. there

| ſhall be — for Cynders made of Pit- Coal, ſhipped or wa-


ter-born in order to be ſhipped within this Kingdom, or

brought into the ſame, 5 5. per Chalder of 36 Buſhels; to be
aid at the Places of Importation or Landing thereof, by the.
wnets or Maſters of the Ship or Veſſel carrying the ſame; -
which Duties ſhall be under the Management of the Com-
miſſioners of the Cuſtoms, and be levied according to the
Rules of the Act of 9 V. 3. for granting ſeveral ies on
Coals and Culm. | | ;
CCLVL Afr the 29th of September, 1700. no Tobacco
ſhall be imported from the Plantations, or ſhipped there, but in -
a Cask, Cheft, or Caſe, each containing 200 Weight of neat
Tobacco at the leaſt, at 112 ib. Weight per Hundred, on Pain
of forfeiting ſuch Tobacco and 64. for every Pound Weight
thereof, two third parts thereof to the King, and the other to
the Seizer and Proſecutor ( except ſmall Quantities for the
Ship's Companies Smoking in their Tous ) to be recovered
by Action of Debt, &c. in which no Efſoign, C.
CCLVII. Any Perſons after the ſaid 10th of May may ims
port into this Kingdom Pearl-Aſhes of the Product of Germany,
paying the Duties of Pot-Aſhes. |
CCLVIIL All Whale-fins imported from the Plantations ſhall
ay by virtue of the Act of the laſt Seſſion, for taking away
alf the Duties m Giaſi Wares, 8c. the like Duties as if im-
ported by the Greenland Company, and no more.
CCLIX. After the 25th of March, 1699. An additional
Intereſt of a * a Day ſhall be allowed upon each
_ Ticket not difcharged, till ſuch Ticket be fully paid
off. |

CCLX. Where it ſhall appear by Affdavit before a Ba-

ron of the Exchequer, that any Malt Tickets in Courſe of
Payment before the roth of May, 1699. are burnt, deſtroyed
or loft, upon producing a Certificate thereof from the ſaid
Baron, and on Security given to the Officer appointed to
pay the fame to indemrifte him againſt all others touching
uch Tickets, the Officer is to pay ſuch Tickets as came
in m_— within the time alotekald, as if they had been

CCLXI. Any common Brewer or Retailer of Beer or

Ale, who ſtall, alter the 19th * Pg 1699. uſe any —

% * 2 ; \ ' 4 7 8
* 1 *

ws . . ©
jon, or Extract of St
in ee 0 he Rr

= courſe Sugar, Honey or Com i

min Brewing Ale or Beer, or t \
ſuch Mellaſſes, c. ſhall forfeit an 100 I. and all Servants and 0
others who ſhall be aiding therein ſhall forfeit 20 7. and in
Default of Payment ſuffer three Months Impriſonment. :
. .CCLXII. The Money appropriated by the Land Tax Ad |
of this Seſſion for the Subſiſtence and Clearing of the Guards b
and Garriſon for the Year 1699. may be applied to the Pay- 4
ment of the Arrear of Subſiſtence due to the ſaid Garriſon P
before the 25th of March, 1699. as well as to their Subſiſlence
and Clearing for the Year, 1699. 5 H
CCLXIIL. Out of the Money appropriated by the faid Land th
Tax Act of this Seſſion for paying off and disbanding of Regi- of
ments, Troops and Companies, a Sum not exceeding 20000 J. H
may be applied towards clearing the Disbanded Officers of m
the Scotch Regiments, which were on the Engliſh Eftabliſt- f
ment, and the Disbanded Officers of the three Engliſh Regi- ti
ments, lately Colonel Holt, Colonel Liilin gton and Colonel ti
Ruſſel, which wete in the Weft-Indies, and for whom no Hall. 30
pay is allowed. | |
| Continued per 1 A. Stat. 2. cap. 4 till 13 May, 1708. *
CCLXIV. Stat. 12. 3. + It. After the 24th of March,
1700. until the 25th of March. 1706. there ſhall be paid for br
Low-Wines or Spirits of the firſt Extraction, via. all
COLE For every Gallon made from Foreign Materi- 7
4 d. | FED 1e
| CELXVI. For every Gallon made only from Drink, or 8.
Waſh made from Malt or Corn, other than Brewers Waſh, Tit
or Tilts 1 d. 5 e let
CCLXVII. For every Gallon made from Brewers Waſh, or co
Tilrs, or Mixture therewith, three half pence. | af
CCLX VIII. For every Gallon made from other Englib Mr
teriak, or M:xture therewith, 1 d. u
CCLXIX. The ſaid Duties to be raiſed and paid in Manner 0
and Form, and under ſuch Penalties, as directed by Star. 12 Car. 2. G
cap. 23. & 7 V. 3. cap. 30. or by any other Law in Force 5
relating to the Exciſe, except in Caſes where Penalties are pic ca
ſcrited by this Act. | Ok Pe
CCLIX. Exporters of Strong Waters made from maltel of
Con only, upon Oath made, c. ſhall be allowed or paid th
I d. Per OGallon. a ö
CcLXXI. The Clauſe in Star. 2. N & AA. Sefſ. 2. cap. 5 D
. yelating to St Waters and other Exciſable Liquors broug ue
from Guernley, jerſey, Sark and Alderney, continued during af
thu Act. af
F CCL.XXII. Tie ta



va © a FS . ZF

EL 78

" a

FRE-Pa, . .

| Exciſe. 137
CCLIII. The n the ſaid Spirĩte or Lows.
Wines hereby impoſed, to be one Moiety to his Majefiy, the
other to the Informer. 9 ee e
CCLXXUI. The Rates and Duties by 6 M. 3. cap. 7. char-
ed upon Coffee, Cocea-nuts, Chocolate, Cocoa- Tea,
utmegs, Cinamon, Cloves, e, Pictures, &fc. and which
by Act of 9 V. 3. cap. q- were continued to the firft
, 1707. ſhall be continued from the thirtieth Day of 4.
1 x701. until the firſt Day of May, 1706. 5
CCLXXIV. The Act of 8 VV. 3. cn, 25. for pe |
Hawkers and Pedlars, continued by g l 3. cap. 27. unt
the 24th of June, 1698. is hereby continued until the 24th
of June, 1706. and » That the Monies . by ſuch
— pa Pedlars, ſhall be for no other Uſe than herein
mentioned. | |
CCLXXV. The Act of 11 V. 3. caps 3. for impoſing Da-
ties on wrought Silks, Muſlins, and ſome other Commodi-
ties of Fer ſia, China, and the Eaft-Indies, continued until the
zoth of September, 1706, for the Uſes herein mentioned.
CCLXXVI. Proviſo, That if the Muſlins be again expoit-
ed, the Duty of 15 I. per Cent. (upon Proof of Payment there-
of upon Oath) ſhall be repaid. 5
LXXVII. Declared, that by Muſlins are meant Aws
broakes, Abdaties, Betelles plain, Striped Pandavatts, Row⸗-
allew, Golconda, 3 Junays, Doreas, Coſſas, plain and
flowered Jamdannes, Mulmulls, plain and flowere1 Jacol-
fies, Mamulwhates, plain and flowered Neckcloths, Rehing,
Sallowes, Comervilles, Seerbands, Nightrails, Aprons, Ti-

rindames, Callico Lawns, and all other thin Callicoes, cal-

led Muſlins; and that by painted, dyed and ſtained Calli

coes, are meant Callicoes painted, dyed or ſtained, both
after the Weaving and before. * | 5

CCLXXVIII. All Duties by any Act now in being, impoſed

upon Japanned and Laquered Goods imported after the 24th
of June, 1701. ſhall be paid, according to the real Value ſuch
Goods ſhall be ſold for by the Candle.

- CCLXXIX. The Acts of 18 Car. 2. cap. 5. and 25 Car. 2.

cap. 8, concerning Coinage, which were revived and continued
Per Stat. 1 Fac. 2. cap. 7. are hereby continued from the firſt
of June, 1701. for ſeven Years, and from thence to the End of
the next Seſſions of Parliament following. |

CCLXAXX. No Information is to be proſecuted againſt any

Diftiller, Vinegar or Cyder-Maker, for Offence or Miſentey,
unleſs Information be laid and entred within three Months
afrer the Offence, and Notice given to the Party in a Week
after the laying and entring thereof. |

CCLXXXI. No Perſon ſhall fell diſtilled Liquors by Re-

tail to be drunk in his Houſe, except he be licenſed, 25 570


0 \ : a * 4 by
* 1 *
* 2
_ - *

n |
Ale-houſe-keeper is, and ſhall be ſubjeRt to the fame Per 4
A anf che Powers and Authortics of the jagen tl ©
as Ale-houſe-keeper is. ELLER er: £
"The laſt Seition'ts repealed in part; per Stat. 1 A Stat. 2; 2

dap. 1 Vid: Tr . . a 5 N

Ly CCLXXXIT. Proviſo, That the Act of 11 M. 3. _ 15. ſhall or

not deprive the Two Univerſities of their Right of Marking
Meiftires for Ale and Beer. | |

CCLXXXIIL. That all Foreign Spitits imported in any

Veſſel, under 15 Ton, except 87e G 50 only fot the Uſe of 8
esch Seaman, ſhall be for feet. ; th
CCLIAXXIV. A Clauſe for borrowing a Sum not exceeding he
5000 I. at 67. per Cent. for the firſt i 50000 J. and 7 I. per .
x for the Reſidue, the Money not to be rated to any Pub+ 2
ick Tax. | | k | | |
- GCCLAXXAV. The Money atifing on the faid Duties to be |
paid into the Excht quer Weekly. |
* CCLXXXVI. There ſhall be Tallies of Loan and Orden,
according to the Courſe of the Exchequer, for Repayment ; the Or
Intereſt to be paid every three Months, till Satisfaction of the
Principal; rhe Otders to be aſſignable by Indorſement and De
Aſſignments, to be entred in the Office of the Auditor of the 1
Receipt of the Exchequet. A Regiſter to be kept of the Orders, [
and the Orders to be regiſtred and =_ in e, and no and
ee to be taken fot the Search of Regiſter, on pain of treble 2
Damage for the ſame, and for undue of Regiſtry of i
CCLXXXVIEL. Proviſo, If ſeveral Tallies and Orders |
Date, or are brought to the Auditor of Receipt to be regiſtred His
thet ſame day, it ſhall be no undue Preference, which is entred :
. |
CCLXXXVIIL. It ſhall be no undue Preference to pay ſub- edt
- Fequent Orders, brought before thoſe that did not bring re- F
cedent Orders in Courſe, if Money be reſerved to pay precede per
. but Intereſt ſnall ceaſe Rem. dhe time the Money i
reſerved. ä | We |
CCLXXXIX. The Money arifing by this and the Mo- F
ney lent at 1 between 1 18 of Fe ary, vo ws
and tne 10tn o une, 1701. not ex 700000 J. a
out of two thirds arifing by the Act of 12 5. 3- cap. W 350
the Money further to be lent on the ſaid two thirds : og T
And the Money advanced by 12 W. 3. cap. 12, by Weekly *
Payment of 3700 J. out of the Exciſe, except what goes for Pay-
ment of Loans and Intereſt: 8 a

And the Overplus of Money a riated by certain

Clauſes in the Land Tax Act, of fp 3. cap. 4 for Sea
Service, for the Ordnance, for © Circulating © Exchequer

Bills, for Hal Tay, for Disbande4 Officery, for Guat

Tow 28 & 2 5

SS 59%? „A Ka SF SAS TKF A &



2 N 139
* — b ge and Poundage
and Or for five Yeats, ending the: 25th of” Decomb, = —
Mortics #tifing by 1. Ton en Frenich Shi
ftot the 25th of Dichmbtr, #06. until the 25th of March,
1702. 2 2. tdp. 18. Seck. 7. and by 7 W. 3. cap. 20.
upon French Goods: and by the One ſhilling and Th perice
— evety Pound Weight of Wi SHk ig; ſhalt be
ported from the E aft-Indies or Ferſia before the 3oth of

1 Ce Le of hickory | Craches ban

8 24th of June, 7707. till the zyth of > 1703. ate

hereby 8 viz. |
Fer 5e — nd the Ordi me of he N; EL
unt ney, and t na the Navy, 1
For Extrandinaty te the Orkney a7, 199999

For the Navy 250 ictualling Office and os Ordnance

gon whereof 20000 J. for the Debt due for Sick, and

outided Seaman ; and out of All the ſaid Aids, Fe. for Land
Ordnance, 25020

For Guards and Gartifons for one Year from the 24th of
December, roy 300000 J.

For Debts.due to Clothiers f the Year, 1700, 40 J.

For the 12 Battalions for Afffiſtance of the States

and = 149 Money for their its for one Year 181033 U.

aces 8 d e due at Lady diy, 1099 upon


Malt Tickets
For the Lo R the Firſt 3 5. per Pound granted to

dy Majeſty 3384 5 d.
ot Intertit Wat on Loop for Vellum and Paper, 12032 J.

Fe Intereft due on the Third Quarterly Poll-Tax grant; 5

ed to His Majeſty, 18381 L. 127.

For a Year' ** of Loans upon the Third Aid of 3

hd 19
"For I Ms1ths Incteſ upon the Leather va, $2966 J.
alF pay for Diſcarded Officers 41000 J

For | compleating the 66th Payment upon Malt Tickets;

10000 |

For the Sallaries of Commiſſioners for ſtating Accounts,

3 500

"The Officers for Payment of Malt Tickets to endorſe the

Payment of Intereſt upon Tickets.

he Treaſurer or Commiſſionets of the Treaſury to pay
« aflizn by Tallies the Money hereby appropriated at 6 J. per
ent, |
CCXC. As to the Sum: eve appropriated, the Rules and
Directions of 1 V. & M. 8 x cap. 1. for granting 2 5


per Pound, tevived and rut in f orcy. ©

* 4

140 Exciſe.
_-. CCXCT. The Treaſurer of the Navy, Paymaſters of
Forces, and other Officers, who are to ranking
| Money impreſſed by Tallies, of Fictitious Loans, ſhall charge
themſelves by - Oath before the Auditors of the Imprek
with all the Intereſt by them reſpeRively received upon
Account of ſuch Tallies before their Accounts be declared.
This laft NN is altered per 1 A. cap 13. Vide Deficien-
cies, 21 þ * N

CCXCII. The Treaſurer or Commiſſioners of his Ma-

jeſty s Treaſury, for Debts incurre4 before the 25th of March,
1701. may make 2 reaſonable Compoſition with Collector
and Perſons owing Duties upon Salt, Malt and Leather,
who have failed in their Credit, and their Securities became
inſolvent. : |

CCXCII.. The Monies due to the Marine Regiments of

Colonel Seymour, Edward Dutton Colt, Henry Mordant, and

Thomas Brudenell, to be diſcharged out of the Monies iſſued
to the Earl of Orford, late Treaſurer of the Navy, or to the
preſent/Treaſurer, for Wages.
CCXCIV. That Hellen Arthur, and the Perſons mention-
ed in a Report from the Committee of the Houſe of Commons
appointed to ſeparate the Petitions relating to the Ji
Forfeitur may enter their Claims before the Truſtees by
the rx 11 W. 3. cap. 2. for Sale of forfeited Effates
in Ireland.

Cc Cv. That the ſeveral Eftates and Intereſts claimed by

ſeveral Petitions to the Houſe of Commons, ſhall not be ſold
dy the Truſtees by Vi. tue of the ſaid Act of 11 V. 3. cap. 2
until the End of the next Seſſion of Parliament.
Continued per 3 4 cap. 4. And ſeveral other Clauſes and
Duties added. See Luſt. 326.

Continued as to Lo- Wines and Spirits of the firſt Extra-

Rion "4 A. cp 12. See Poft, 328. |

CCXCVI. 12 M. 3. cap. 12. From and after the 25th of

December, 1720. for five Years, the Weekly Sum of 3700 l. out
of the Hereditary Exciſe granted 12 Car. 2. cap. 2% and out
of the a ofs Tonnage 13 anted to his Ma-
jeſty per 9 V. 3. cap. 23. during his Life, which if it de.
termines before the ſaid five Years, then out of the ſaid
Hereditary Exciſe only ſhall be paid into the Exche-
quer. | 5 >
CCXCVII. The ſaid Money is appropriated to the Pay-
ment of 82c00 . to be borrowed . and the In-

CCXCVIII. The Reſidue of the ſaid Exciſe after the ſaid Re.
2yment, and the Revenue ariſing by the Poſt Office, Firſt
Fruits Fines payable in the Alienation Office, Poſt-Fines-
ine Licences, Sheriffs Profers, and by Compoſition 2

" 4


2 . Tar}
Exchequer, and Seizure of uncoſtomed and prohibited
Go the Dutchy of Cornwall, by Rents' of | jo in

England and Wales, and Fines for Leaſes thereof, and
by — and a half S in Barbados and the Lad.
„and by the faid Tonnage and Poundage, to be for the
ice of l. Ates Houſhold, and his 82 neceſſary Ex-
CCXCIX. The Clauſes in 9 W. 3 23. concerning the
Overplus above the ſaid 700000 J. repealed. | EY
CCC. Commiſſioners of Exciſe to keep apart the Money.
ariſing by the ſaid Branches of Exciſe. ' N
CCC. If the Commiſſioners neglect to pay or miſapply the
Mouey they ſhall forfeit their Offices, and double the Money.
miſappli 8 . 5 f
EII. The Comptroller 6f the Exciſe ſhall keep Books
of the Money arifing by the ſaid Exciſe, to which Book free
Acceſs ſhall be had without Fee, on Penalty of Forfeiture of
his Office, and of 100 J. | r *
OCCIII. In the Auditor of Receipts Office a Book ſhall be
kept, in which ſhall be entred all the ſaid Monies which ought
to be brought in Weekly; © © : Rs
CCCIV. Any Perſon or Perſons may advance the ſaid
820000 J. And Tallies of Loan ſhall be levied for the Mo-
ney, and Orders drawn for the Repayment, with Intereſt af-
ter the Rate of 6 I, per Cent. for the firſt 400000 J. and 7 l. "up
Cent. for the reſt; the Intereſt payable every Three Months:
The Orders ſhalh be aſſignable, ſo as the Aſſignment be endorſed
on the Orders, and entred in the Auditor of the Receipts
Office, The Money lent to be free from Taxes 3 The Or-
ders to be regiſtred according to the Dates of the Tallies;

every Perſon to be paid in Courſe as their Ocders ſtand en-

tred. No Fee to be taken for providing of Books, or Search

of them, __ Pain of treble Damage and Forfeit of Office.

No undue Preference to be in 1 of hor wy, and In-
tereſt, upon Pain of the Value of the Debt to the Party grie-
ved, and fore-judger of Place : The Penalties to be recovered
32 of Debt, c. in his Majeſty's Courts of Record at
6 Ine. ,

| . Proviſo, If Tallies or Orders bear Date, or be brought

the ſame Day it ſhall be interpreted no undue Preference by
Auditor which he enters firſt, ' : ö
CCCVI. Proviſo, That it's no undue Preference to pay ſub-
ſequent Orders demanded before others, ſo az Money + reſer-
vei to pay precedent. And Intereſt is to ceaſe from the time

TOOVIL Proviſe, That the Charge of levying the

yoviſo, That the e ing t aid

Branches of Exciſe th 6 2

for the Service of his Majeſty's Houſhold, &c.

: 5 4 CCCVIII. -Proviſe,

all be born out of the reſidue appointed

CCCVII. H 25 255 14 Perfon
fore gooupe 1 th 1 eee
420000 1. laſt part of Ho ke

Zoxlend, wo til they

N fro 5, That * of E
— of the 420000 Manes inlet, uf TIT: 5

make a Dividend of Money received on SY 180

5 ſubſe 9 bed to their Capital Stock FERT to Ref;

b 934 ging if the Ggyernor and Ce
ther therein, orin 9 N. 3+ Sy any other

ay 14.” '.
7, That in "Diſcharge
Tock Elbe and Arrears * $2 hy 2

25 arles 2, to ſeveral Nair
iſe, the my ciſe ſhall from wt. re Ws os

— uns 5 0

ſtand charged or ever 4 ANT

2 nnum, for *
ate yu 1 N ol the A yo 505

Aſſigns, for ever, ran, =: oF ad

dere redeemable upon Taper of a E 4 tide e

Mes . Wroyg ht e 2 > > Che, 255 with Eos

Herba of fhs Mafattus

prohibited by 11 W. 15 0 Tap rh _ — Eto
of Repeater, I79I, an A. 8 up into

| . is e + e in
e eh Goods im : fo) | Send 1 —
2 BIN Ve s fac bf the mf

aber, 170 701.

CCCXTI. Stat. 13 WV. An 4 AQ for gra
ts bj In os laying 2 1 8 Seb
Perry: To continue from the i of ach, 7575 *
Ins; LI9F - |

CCCIINL. Stat. 13 & 14 V. F 8.155

of March, 1701. during he AS. Ger. . of .
from Beer, Ale and other Li iquors Fun el bapl — :

Stat, 12 Car. 2. cap. + and granted » King 05

"Bare of „ TIED) 94
ar ant - er
* of the 8 « 4 IE * K
N . 21 — to her Ma Manner
20 oF 3. under the Foie; eitures ment; 58 Ea the

=" or by any ater Lay in Far relating to the





T 3


granted, The Revenue ef the roll O. Firſt-Fruits, Fi

ed is to be ſubject to the Weekly Payment af 3700 7. according |


. Stele. . 1
CCCXTV: The Tonnage and Por granted per 9 *. 3.

23. 2 from the t r ene

my her Maj ſy by the ays $and Means as in the ſame: A@
10 =, And the fame da 8 55 during ber Mz-
K CCCLV. The Heredirarry Exci ang xciſe hereby

WindiLicenoes, Sheri
Profers, Compoſitions in the and Seizures a
uncuſtomed protuhited Con B of the 42
and oth Reveinics” ariſing by Rents Fines
for thereof, the farther 9 of 4 and
Poundage and ties * 1 were charge-
able with the La, P 1 Duty of Four
and a half per Cent. in 8 5 Barb aden and the Leeward
ag excepted ) ſhall d for — Support of the Houf-

Nevertheleſs the Wr Exeiſe and Exciſe hereby geane=


to 12 . 3. cap, 12. (as if his ſaid Majeſty had in

Life) during the Term of Five Years, '

CCCXVI. Proviſe, Nax after the ſaid Term of Five Years

ſo much Money as together with the 3 J per Cont. por Ans.
(then to commence - ſe to Patentees by Letters Patents
of King Charles 2.) hall make up the Sum- of $700 1. per
Week during her Majeſty's Life, ſhall he taken out of 5
Hereditary Exciſe and Exeſſe hereby granted, and the 3 J. por
Cent. being deducted ont'sf the Hereditary 4 the
he 3700 l. per Week to be diſpoſed to the ublick Uſe” —


l Prery Grant, Leaſe or Aſurence Which | fo

granted AM jeſty, her Heirs or

vie 2 e arch, "1508. under the Great

T, or County of * Seals, or K God 19 5

yp Roll or otherwiſe, of Lands, Tenements, Tythes'or

Hereditaments (Ad Apvgyſons of 9 and Vicatidges ex-
cepted ) within of England; Wales or Brewlck,
al be void; 5 for a Term rot exceeding 31 Yeats
or Three Lives, or ſome Term determinable on One, Two or
ha preg or unleſs to commence from the Date or making

And if ſuch Gran ot Leaſe be made in Reverſion, then the

ſame, together with e Eftate') in Foſſeſſion, not to exceed Three
Lives or 31 Years, |

And unlefs the Tenant be liable for Waſte.

And unleſs there be reſerved the Antient or moſt: ful

82 9 or more, or ſuch Rent as hath been reſerved and paid

for the greater part of 20 Lear: 1 making pony


—_ Ercile. .
and where no Rent hath been reſerved or payable; chat then :
Rent not under the Third part of the Yearly alue ſhall be re⸗

._ And unleſs ſuch Rent be reſerved or payable to her Maj

— and St

Succeſſors, to grant any Eftate hereafter to be forfeited for

Treaſon or Felony, or to demiſe Lands ſeized upon Outlay- cap.

Mum, Cyder and Perry. To continue from the 23d of June,

diſtributed, Cc. as the other Penalties,

= - * ...

her Heirs and Succeſſors, and to her or their Heirs

ſors who ſhall make ſuch Grant or Leaſe. *. |

CCC XVII. Noviſo, Where the greateſt part of the Yearly

Value conſiſts in Buildings that may want to be repaired, her

Majefiy, her Heirs or Succeſſors, may grant f ?- 2 Years or

Three Lives. TL od } | |
CCCXINX. The Hereditary Exciſe, Revenue of the Poſt. Of.
ice, Firſt-Fruits, Fines for Writs of Covenant and Entry pay.
able in the Alienation-Office, Poſt-Fines, Wine - Licences, nd
riffs Profers, Compoſitions in the Exchequer, and Seizures of
uncuſtomed or vokibited Goods, ſhall not be grantable by her
Majeſty, her Heirs or Succeſſors, for any Eftate to endure lot
ger than the Life of ſuch King or - Queen as ſhall make ſuch
Grant. All Grants contrary to this Act to be void without

uiſition, Seire facias, or other Proceeding. 3

XX. Proviſo, Not to extend to Leaſes, Copies, or

Grants to be made by 12 V. 1 cap. 13. of Hereditament
Parcel of the Dutchy of Cornwall, or any thing to be done it
ſuance thereof, or to diſable her Majeſty, her Heirs or


- FS

xy, as hath been uſual, or ro any Eftate taken or ſeized in 325

Execution for Debts due to the Crown, as ſhe or they hall cont
think fit, or to make Grarts or Admittance which of Right Ma:
or Cuſtom ought to be made of Copyholds, or to diſable the
Truſtees for Sale of Fee-farm-Rents, to execute the Truſts and
Powers in purſuance of ſeveral Acti of Parliament concerning
the Sale of the ſaid Rents.

CCCXAXI. Saving to all Perſons, other than the Queen, her

Heirs and Succeſſors, all Right, Intereſt and Demand they had be
fore the making of this Act. |

CCCXXII. Stat. 1 4. cap. 3. An Act for granting =

ly to Her Majeſiy by ſeveral Duties impoſed upon Ma

2793. fo the 24th of June, 1704.

CCCXXIN. Stat. 2 A. cap. . An AR for continuing the

laſt Att from the 234 of June, 1 for One Tear. |

CCCXXIV. 3 If any Maker of Malt conceal or cot

vey away his Malt from the Sight of the Gauger appoin
he ſhall forfeit 10 s. for every Buſhel thereof, to be recovered,


Of +:

T » *
= 1 — — F
He, * * I 7

. 4 ps, L ee

Coffee, Tea,
ES 8

| 22 1 224 2


. EE ©

Ds Hu e,

for 27 tea of the Year 1708...

in Scotland is _— from the Duty, and che made

| there broyght inte England charged. kn 8 por Rule,
"CECxxxTI. Sia. 7 A. cap, 3, Ah Att fo atging ad

uing the Wach Pad, Mal Ban Cyder, an

85 75 5 of. the Near 1709. In the Chah of
but by the A before, it Wai ge 1

5 _
made .in Scotl,
7. Mak tals ae re
br + Þy Lad ml es 27 8

277 5 owns Nee pri DE 1

| the Cro e othe

formef. n en, the other to

\ CCCXXXNV. If any Malt ſhall be damaged by the **

aways or Sinking: of the. Veſſel, the, Juftices in in eg
Proof there of, and, of 3 '& lrg or Security given for the Ds
ty, may 2 the Quantity of the Damage, and what Alloy-
Han ſhall be | mat in ber Lov pt and 1 . under ther
$ — als . and.t
that Certificate. to the, Collett! r of. 22 Daly, he 5
_ allow the dum t N ox in Þ K
rn Hay Aken! out o blo Þ

Pte Perſon Goole ve Damage; bak

ee. Days, before he, next Seſſions, g otice in writing w

Gollefta ol the. 8 amage. ſhall
8 2 to apply Rl ds ch thi ab

thllers nat 5 of Cyder

8 5 l Atreari of 4 5. 2 Hoglhead for 1
by them bought, u 170

* SI: gabe 23 5 wo Nuker Oo

into Malt of one Wetti ith Com

Se into Mal E 2 for former wetti ». before” © Hine

1 8 e * ax, xy on the Fo citutt os 1 for -
25 oiety to die Queen, the, qther t
—_— [ WF
2 Commitconk, of ink inferior ace mal pa

be vacated 1 Demiſe of the late King W |

CCCXL. The Purchaſers of Annuties cage e on 4 i Fan

— eb a AG An, mak bye Hale 2 wi . 25 ir


Ee a7

W —— Pale Lock m

c , k * 8


ES RS oe ©

Eheiles . 147
Stat. 8 Aang 3+: The Duties contimgd 0

24 17711. 15 BG I n eum r £: vlog Lame Aer!


mall See

— over 2 above 1 Duties |

wing. 6
18 7 Barrel of B Beer. ot; Ale (above Ix Sil

any former .

I ve.of the Dur ol, Exile), brewed, 155

ch gi te rm — A . 54%
n For — H 17 Cyder 1 Neon 80 *

1 Faroe fo 2 OR %
36 e allon of Metheglinor Mead, ande

for 1 4. to be the Maker. Ie od

VIII. For every; Barrel of Vinegar, I
for V to' be paid,

or Liquors preparing for Vinegar, 9 4 Au l

by the 122

IX. For e Gallon of Stre W. or

0 45 l Aqua,

vite, made for Sale, 1

GEL. For every Gallon of 44-1 eb ire ma E in Gre Great Britajn.

Kind of Wine, or Nes Ter


Tp be colleArylo an, in ſuc

Kt oF es, pu paz 3 |
ciſe 1 Beer, Ale, or o- auy the,
Eu. For every Ty Te te Alek =" — *

5 rticle of 1 2 there ſhall be paid ſuch 7 40 2

tionable part of 3 d. as 25. bears to 4


r Duties with which the lad bac fon

i Vinegar uſed in makin ing, Pickles for Sale, thoſe

«Mak t |
eee IA an og
CC „That Goa made — aturers
them in preparing t ſame,

of White-Lead 0 > and, ofed

ſhall not. be charged; but if ſold or delivered to others to be im:

other Uſe, 'tis Chargeable-with the ie Dig, od
ter Lach da 1710. there, ſhall be raiſed for

—4 d above all Duties already bayable,


CCCLVL Fax 3 Pound Averdupois Weight of all Pepper

im rted 1 2.
LVII. For Hundred of Raiſins iſins imported, account-
n=. hundred and Welre ** e ec Heu kong

hy 4. 0 ; « 5 *
182 = +4 — .
— 2

* IJ ITY 33 (3:73 Og cecuym. Fat

K 2


In. For zu Natmegs,Cintamon, Cloves and Mate,

ed, double as much as —— reſpeRively pay by any

11 rot
5 . 5

* el x. From

ſhall upon
e that Pry
ſhall he o hs in ready
g uſual; T
ritain, — delivered out฀ of the Ware-hon

= to the Ruyer, he paying then the ather

Taporier Jer. e

— — Wy _ be — delivered out ese

uie to t mpoxter or Buyer, 81 Security to very 0
to be taken by de Cee end for of Gs Cuffoms, that it ſhall
. be one and not. relanded in Great Britain; and upon
to — ſaid Commiſſioners, . the Com-
Wo Seal the Sea, orunder the Hapds an
rok © of two known Britiſh cor Gare that the Pepper
was landed there, or open Pro 405 credi r that it
Was taken or periſhed at dea the id Securities uy 224
8 Fer.

porging Pet I Great B

then in the dal s ale, n Trait
& nor bringing ee in be ren

2 Rupping and cl it, and


WD ASL. «o aan ar ac _ 7

| the ſame.


"on what Da

por Frag PLD Soma 22


Account how much md

1 it ſhall appear, t
— otherwiſe, or
all een in Great Britain, or
faid, for ſuch as fhall be —
ſhall loſe the Value of the Pepper ſo ca
abled from any publick Employment,
| recovered ee divided, as _—_— ED
| Th e Proprietors che Pepper 2 Lad
on the Oh aner and keep the Key, a per may

rs Fer
X the Warehouſe- Keeper may view — and . out
de Pepper (uz) fo much as i to be ſpent in Greas Bri



"5 8

2 F4


SP@LE = mw






Hull be. aſported, uren giving. the a

| tne Pp Duty 1 CLINE

P he U de when

Pepper, Geopher 7 foal ol = tis de-

— ſhall 2 155

-CCCLXV. Provifo, lmqorin, has. 3

1 Cloyes. we, or Sn - ; ſhall have S Year

t uty, giving Security 0 ä

3 fene ll have 50. Por d ado pw
abated, |
. Proviſs, That Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Cloves, or
Mace, may be * Brieifh Shins ſo as the Maſter
and Three fourths of the, Mariners 7 — 2 — 1 2 —
and ſo * 4 hy" given, to the
Cuſtoms, of t a
and the Place whe need to . *
2 1 from the Commiſſioners, c. for
| he 1 which Licence ſhall e gram

ces, Snuff, or any

any „ Raiſins, Spic

* Goods liable to Payment. of * ſhall — 2
ſhipped with an Intention to be landed
ring de be ; or i ary projabted Good 8 |
r the and prohibited Goods ſhall be
5 * * Perſom \ ſhall be

— _--

PC ns ca. . — —— ——t — — — CEE 2 — —

0 yy =

Terwen ir the anſhippte

Ano wingly come after t

Anil Carriage uſed in the landing,

ſtody any Stock 12 8 P

tbe Queen within fir Months Aer I 5. 2

and for that Purpoſe they ſhall, before * 70 19 of hy.
enter the ſame at the neareſt Caftom-houſe, and permit the

X 20 the ſaid fix Months

Within 18 Months-after* an Entry made

mide liable to the Ack 9

1 of Anmuities, &c.


* to whoſe Hands the Lame!

© ſhall forfeit treble

Vakee, © Ewa with the Veſſels an dare and all the Horſe

3 or Ba bn, the

ſame; one Moiety'ts the Crown,' the other” to im who will

ſeiſe or fue for the fame.

CCCLAXXI, Th ſe wh on Bur 3 I have in ;"theit Cu-

r Quai te 92 56 ſhalt Pay to

oper Officers, before 15 May following, to enter, *

* gh, and take Account thereof; the Perſon refuſing f © to

| ig or hiding his Stock, forfeits the Value thereof, to to be re
covered and diſtributed, as aforeſaid.

+ CCCLXXII. Proviſe;" Tf ſuch Perſon ſhall, before the En

pay the Duty for his Stock of Pepper
10 Hand, in fuch Cafe | he ſhall be eyed oh the Rate
10 J. per Cent. for his prompt 1 and 1 *
the Duties for fu
Stock of Pepper ſhall be diſcharged. 7
CccLXXIII. If A Diſpute ſhall ariſe whether Shu lub

"the Proof ſhall lie upon the Ownet thereof.

.CCCLXXIV. The new Duties on Ezeiſeable Liqu

habe the Mana — of the Commiſſioners of Exciſe af

England and Scotland reſpectively; and the new Duties on
imported Commodities ſhall be under the Management of the
Commiſſioners of the Cuſtoms ; which ſaig Commiſſioners te-
ſpectively, and the Receiver General. Ce. ſhall: pay all the
Money they ſhall receive of the ſaid Duties into the Bude
quer, düfte and apart from ali other Branches of the Revenue,

ef be of the Produce or Manufacture of the Queen ws

on Wedenſday in every Week, under the Penalties, Forfeiture,

| * Diſabilities before mentioned: And the Duties

— in Scotland, ſhall be — by the Commiſſioner's

and Receiver General of the Cuſtoms there, into the

E Exchequer in England, diſtinct and apart, under” the lik


*-CCCLAXV. The Officers for managing theſe Duties are

V. z. cap. 44 Intituled, An At fo
raifing.a Sum, not exceeding Two' unllions, upon a Fund fu

: } :

. CCCLXXVI. Stat. 9 A. cap, 3. |. The Duties on Malt, Mum,

. Cyder, and Perry continued till 24 Jun 1112.
CCCIXXVII. All Malt made in Scotland, and brought by

Sena into England, ſhall be entred at the Port of Landing, a and

ſal Pay to the Qtfcer'6 d. Per Bulhel before” tis landed.



I brought by Land, it fhall paß 546 -ihrodgh

al Kor 2 and be entred thete' with the Officer; and

Ys er bre on Pain of forfeiting all the Malt, of the
the 8575 ht either by Sea o or Land, w without 2
will Ve ad af the

wt CCCLXNXIX. Malt combi from Scotland 4 _by Land

Cu- beyond” the the ſaid Towns without being entred, an ee th — |

y to Duty, ſhall likewiſe be forfeited,” or Ae Value ther

. Moiety of this laſt Forfeiture to the Queen, the . to he

Ir fotmer, to be recovered-and levied as any N ate by

any Acts relating to Malt- Duties, or by Action of Debt, or
py n the Caſe, in io the Courts at Weſtminfler. -
TCOCLEFX. The Monies arifing oF, this AR that, from
time to time, be paid into the Exc | =
-CCETLXXNXT: Gaugers, and other cers of Excils; ſhall if *
wes; 1770. meaſure by the Gauge only, and net by the

ef 008 IT any Malfter ſhall; after the ſaid iſt of March;

, tread, ram, or — 4 in the Ciftern, Uting-Vat, or Couch,

rn ſteeping make Malt, he ſhall forfeit

2 18 4. 55 every ohel ; if the Offence is committed within

the Juriſdiction of the Commiſſioners, it ſnall be heard and

8 getermined by them, with "ſuch Appeal therefrom, as is di- =

| reed in other Caſes by, the Laws of Exciſe ; and * out — |
ſhall their Juriſdiction, then it ſhall ' be hea and finally |
e "of mined, and the Penalty recovered, levied wid difiridured * |

; bh the . or Place Where the Offence was committed, and |

th not ellewnere. |
1 III. me That all Proſecutions on this Act |
the ſhall be.made within 4 Xe ears after the Offence committed.

the. CCI XX XIV. A Book ſhall be kept in the Offi: e of the Au-

moe, er the Receipt of Exchequer, in hich the Orders for Mo-

ra, ney payable on this Act ſhall be regiftred ; and the Principal

ities Sums lent. upon the Act 7 A. which granted the Duties on

7 alt, remain unpaid on 29 Jan. 1) 10. wi e

bac Malt, and which 8 7 ich ch

the Intereſt thereof and eyery of Loan for the ſame, ſhall

like be, in the firſt Place, 9 to, and placed in the ſaid

1 Regiſter, _—_ che Intereſt paid every Quarter, till the Principat |

ums are

fr CCCLAXXV. Clauſe of Loan by this Actisat 61. nt.

fo for'any Sum not exceeding 650000 J. The Lenders hav

L Tallies of Loan ſtruck for What they lend, and their

| ſhall not be taxed, but Intereſt paid Quarterly, @&c. of, #14

WY cccixxXVI. Stat. 10 A. co 4:5 The Duties on Malt,

by Mam, Cyder, and Ferry continued One Year, OE

and 1713. (0.24 Jie; Ni | mT 2 it

1 ; | K 4 "ECCLANKVIL, And


.CCCLEXXVYIL And whereas Kverel Parcels - 4

Plate were received into the Mint after x4 Ma 17 rt, at Rat
and Prices exceeding the Money ariling by the Coinage th
to the Value of 1 7 854 J. 11 6. 6 d. now that Deficiency
be 1 our of 1 A — by fl the on Wines
| common ca c mage
eL TV III ir el be egT fr . Lord Treafu
or Commiſſioners of the 28 5 3 2 ppl
much ener ariſing by the Co

Is the Provoſt, and Momniers of the e — A prin

oe to {ow on Account af Recojnage, 1

LEST A Took hall be kept i he Oel gur An

ditor of the Receipts, For transferxi og the ipal Sums dug
Whats pad very Piece Mombe, <4 ths AX, a! Je ls
N S SN F 8
t at

and the Money —.— ed 7 allies 1071 Loan 2

r B and Orders in Courſe, and no

Fee for Regiſtring, nor 1 f t

Pain of treble Dams to L yore the P

ing: Clerks

lable, and and Auden

to forteit.

8 1 Ne Ta ths De

CCCICIL Nor if l Orders be paid before ſuch az

were not demanded in C

CCCXCIII. Orders for Payment are made affignable 4

quoties by the Party.

CCCXCIV. A Clauſe in Favour of Sir Richevd Allin, con-


ered br ve Fre

CCCXCV. Stat. 12 A. 2.6 ated, ther tle

veral Duties by the fo ly 12 4. „Fr. anted to the
Queen upon Malt, — Cyder, and Perry, and nd for 9 2 5
the ſame till 24 June, 1714. be further continued

2713 and be collected and paid by the ſame Ways and 44 M4

a3 in the ſaid Act, c.

CCCICVI. Where the ſaid A& 12 4 related to any Day or

me within the Year which commenced from 23 June, 1713
this Act ſhall relate to the like Day or Time, commencing commencing from
23 June, 1714.

Kercbil The Auditor of the Receipt ſhall keep a Rogi-

ſer, and enter therein all the Orders for Money payable on this
Act; and all the Principal Sums lent on the Ak 10 A
which granted the * on Malt, 8 23 Juno, *

E SSSEEFS. ET aa R558 Barat

KS ©



Imereſ 261 1 gg

erm „ on "Uſe Credir of this ne:

dy Hy which . the 18 h
{hall not exceed Joon.
27 4275 Cru fe of ol Taxes od ney, Lender
oy S end the onies arifing by this Q. hay be Fabl
to ay $042 the . Lenders, RE, any undue 3 a
not to be diverted to any other Uſe, not any Fer n on
Dy ns Hen de on Pint the Yak i
or Payment made,-upon Pain 222 a
the Dehe, with ele Coſy t the Part and Lok of

FRE SEX. Where Tall or Orlen the fa

Day, it ſhall be noundue Preference which of bx Dat he me

5 ſo both N the ſame Ay.

OG Meere al Na if if che Tellers
ſas e ers who do not bring their

— _ nam ſo 'as there "Mo oney to ſatisſie ſuch . 0

L I woe is 2

wleredropay: Princi 0 -1

CCI. Orders Ty bent, dh tes


in 728 ner may

On Athdayit made N
that Exchequer Bills, or Lottery Tickers, before x |

171 e been loſt, e or deftro em, on producing

oat ad. of ſuch Affidavit to the mn 5
giving cen ha indemnific 1 Duplicate: of the laid 1
and Ti be made forth by the ſaid Officers, and t

80 75 if dere Be. ro fark Of —

ol Hh of E |
20 5 Bank 4 K 3 *
r 1 125
194 Ordrance, and „

Crodix of the Publick Stock of * Company 2 at \

5154 Excommutation, &c;

Iitereft, and upon ſuch Aſſign ments, M

and according to the Forms ECD 10 4. in

e gp ft greats 1 1

L r; oy | #44

. 1 | Excommunication. | :

91 Gase ls Mp B 8 K. wank Een:

Bürde Year 1234. by the Conſent, and in IG Pre of the
Eis, the Lords, and other Eſtates of the Realm, Boniface Arch.
ſhop of Canterbury, and all the other Biſhops then, preſent,
IE arclled' in, Pontificals, with 'Tapers burning, do in
50 er-Hall ſolemnly denounce, a heavy Curſe and Er-
communication againſt all ſuch as ſHall violate” or break the
iberties of 'the Church, or Cuſtoms and Liberties of the
2257 and SEP Ye Suge] in e Charts, e
WIFRS:: al, a

II. Irtic. Eilert, 1 9 E. C The tings Letter un

Ordinaries ſhafl abſolve Peconlinſiate Perſons, ſhall. not iſſue
forth any Df the unleſs it be found * He King) F

prejudiced Ley

NI. Artic. Clertj ap 12.9 E. 15 The Writ of 'Excomms

o capiends' ſhafl lh be denied for the Privilege of being of

og King's 2 that oy 15 dust not to N. out

of his Pariſh.

IV. Stat, 9 3. Writs, are bed for . Nite to

unicate 220 Perturberi '6f the. Peace bf the Church
and King, Felons, Maintainers, and Conſpirators of Felonics,
falſe Jurors, and Maintainers of falſe Quarreh, every Sunda
and double Feaſt, &c. in all Cathedtal and other C mg

to proceed againſt them recording, ip. the ey,

be 1

— 1 ai bg 1 (7! *: 3,4 3

2928 47

Haun chend.

L 3 5 Ells, ce 23. | Every wat D. E nicato cs

Piendb ſhall be made in Term · time: and returnable in the Kings
"Bench the next Term After the Tefto'thereof, having 20 Days be
| Iwixx the T'fte and Return.

II. After che Writ ſhall be ſeated, it ſhall be forthwith

io he into the — Bench, and there opened and delivered
of Record to the Sheri

"whom the Execution thereof appertains ; and thonif the Sherif,

Fences, and ſabje to ſuch Conditions 0 TEM. Oc,


or other Ofheer, or other Deputies, to |

Wag ook eqmpelled ts Wo. 47 arrel . By

Bench to y.return que 2 ſhart eration how

it 8 5 to the 4 0 2 ag
1 . the Tebure

{ the Sherif, or, en xcrurn 2 Naß et invew

92. Ke e he King's h 2 Ch returnanie
time Two Months e 4 <;
Proclamati 401 Days, Cat

at the County-Court, aol-deli | s that

the Party ſh al within Six Days after Tu 8 8220 hon, yie
his Body to the Gaol, and there remain as a Priſoner, in Pain
of 10l. "And what ſhall indhyg there, and thereupon, ſhall be
returned by the Sheriff, or,
V. If upon the Return eee that the Party hath not ren-
ay himſelf Priſoner upon t e firſt Capias, he ſhall forfe;
ol. more, to be eftrea 2.8 | . and then a ſeco
Copiar ſhall be award wy Nie, with Proc mation, as
before, and nd >a Pain to fork 5 N , Whereupon \1 he not
render himlelf Priſoner, he ſha
by the Juftices, as aforeſaid; and then a din 45 ſhall 8
awarded, with like Proclamation and Pain; en a
and ſo infinitely, until he reader himſelf 11 upon the

aforeſaid. |
VI. The Party yielding, his Body ſhall be committed to
Priſon, in like fort as if be had been taken upon the Excom-

ſaid Writs, he ſhall forfeit to the mart grieved. LIM

VIII. The Biſhop's Authority to receive.

deliver the Excommunicate, | is faveJ, according to 3 1 Fans
Uſaze, viz, by à Cerriticate thereof i into the Chancery! from the
Biſhop, and then a Writ from thence to deliver the Priſoner.
IX. In Wales the Counties Palatine of Lancafter, Cbeſbis

Hi ant Ely, and in the Cinque-Ports, (being ui

dictions.. exempt, Where the Queeg' Writ rungeth not)
Sigaiſtcavit cing on Record in Cooncery ſhalt be ſent

ittimns to the che Bae Head Officers Pong, who ſh

then proceed againft t communicate as his
above Jecke * . F

X. Perſons in Priſon, beyond the Sea, under Age, of Non


— 2 1 EY P

2 2 „

Xl 1

| . 1 1
a 2135 1
Al er, © i

rfeit 20 4 g be eſtteateg

ſeveral Returns whereof he ſhall forfeit 20 J. to be eftreated, a

— 1 If th the * &c. makes 5 falſe Return upon any 18 14

130 Memory, or Cojert, thal not incur the: As alore-

wer ao pen for the

refiant, he
eee N OT


* L. met. 2. ny 18. To Bhat recoreepth | a Deir

| ma in t $ may at his ice have 2 Fix
Facias of the Land 2 Chattels of the Debtor, or a Writ for
the Sheriff to deer him all the Chattels of the Debtor, (er-
cept Oxen and Plough-Beafts ) and the Mojery of his

reaſonable — till the Debt be levied; and if he de

ed out of the Land, he ſhall have an Aliſe, and afterward
» Writef Didi, © need, A Wu

ä e 5. 13 Zu. Fc For al thin PF
fore the King's ] 21, or contained in Fines (whether Co-
r n gations, Services for Cuſtoms c.



IV. Stat. 32 H. 8. cap. 3. If Lands Jelivered ;n Execution

on juſt Cauſe be recovered without Fraud from the Tenant in
Execution before he ſhall have levied or received his whole Deb
and Damages, he may have a Scive Facias out of the Court
from whence he had the Execution, returnable into the ſame
Court at a Da Do $ at leaſt) after the Date of ſuch dcin
facias; at which Day, i ehe Defendant, being lawfully warned

3 or do n do not plead . —

e packs
ptized, 5
Ice, ox Error ih

arty be . in a =

new Ex aga ra and the be

ficer, ſhall not be cal thefirft Arreſt,

VI. This Act ſhall not leffen the e

AY W who Lie tans |

A .

5 5 *
/ »

"Hl ts

Seat. 3 Joc. I. 2 8 _-_ Kite

| upon N 1 ee or Ip
verſing of a Jnianenr' in * Addon of Pr
cbt or 1 1 the Sue er t fer, of oe Conga Folar
0 a ter, 5
Fin Wales, unlefs the faid Phincif PT LL; 9 in

ſuch as the Court

rty (for whom ſuch

in the ſame Court, in double. the Sum 3
the ſaid Writ of 'Error with Effect, and i Fay tif he
ment be affirmed —.— Damages, and Cofts ſo adjud

nd all Coſts t delaying of Exccution

Writ of Error.” * * by

5 2 . The Pai
woke Br ny g

tors, may, after the Death of the Perſon ſo

on, law fully fue forth new Execution againſt the
ments, N and Chatreh, of the Perſon fo
ng A f the Perſon deceaſed bad nerer

IX. 1 PEE.
=» af 6 the Courts

Pa in an
ton upon the upon Promife
ET Action fur Trover, Covenant, Detinue, and
— enghags, 2s by the ſaid Act is oy ke

2. . No Execution ſhall be ſta yed

edras 9 erdict and t 5

ion of Debt 2 Ed. 6. for ſetting our

* gr P — of

be rf

kik ir rr

X. Stat.

lik 1 Irre
. 5 5
Damages recovered, their * or Admmiſtra-

Fac. r. c: 8. by Wii * |

rern eg

1 '

| Takin 0 Taree,
up len Seſſions in any the 12.
— * NE of _ after a N and Flava my

N, In Hane c
ay te 1 4. 18. be i lege cal r
Writs o e u whom. any ods zment after
Ver 5 in er 0 Ejeltione firme, unleſs Plaintiff in

Rite become pound to t 5 De N in ſuch

1 he to whom: the. Writ is djrected,- ha)l think ft,
whe if the Judgment affirmed, or the Writ di mund
in his Default, or he be Non-fuit, he will pay ſuch
and yon of Money . aſcertain which a_ Writ of Ee
ſhall iſſue to -enguire of the mean Profits and Da by
Waſte dope aftex the firft Judgment) as ſhall be; awarded, and
XI. Wi 4 0 Error brought by Executors and Almivifirat,
Actions on Penal Laws (except on 2 Ed. 6. for not ſetting out
Top 1 Indictments, Preſentments, Informations, and Appeal

Xi This Act ſhall continue for Three Yeats, ap] to ye

End of the next Seſſion of Parliament after.
. Made perperual Stat. 22 11 Car, arif Ky

ſ 3.
” \ LIT!

eme 68 Statutes.

10 214 —

2, Stat. H. J. cap. 1. The ag dere; fe urer, or

Privy-Seal, — e of the zl eg
of the Council, and the Two. C ef Joſt 75 art es
Rices in their - 28 upon | Joſs 3 26k to the

Chancellor ſor the King or any other, f or Maint &

tainers, Embraceries, untrue, Demeanings of Sher raking o
Money by Jar 1 great Riots, ox unlaw ful blies, have
Authority to call before, them by Writ or by Privy-Sea Spe the La
Miſdoers, and them and others to examine, 1 ASE pw
according to the Statutes in that behalf made, in like — 5 =
if they were convict by due Order of 7M

II. Star. 21 H. 8. cap. 20. The Preſident of the ak

cil ſhall be aſſociate with. the Chancellor, N, for the
Examination andPuniſhment of the Miſdoers 3 id, a
ing to the ſaid Statute of 3 H. 9. cap. 1. and | OAT Statutes
tl.excof made. | |

4 . | bs 4 4h 3

2 | © Ga

Car + 2. £955, Na ai ee be



+ 81


LOI * . 4 4 3 f * .
„onen be 0 ett tote. 159} Tei? .
. 9 * +7 #4 |
: 2 1.8 * 173 3 VV - Fivs
* ©

8. 1 Is asd
11 * TY woe fY 6 *+ 4 _— * 7 *
1 to U vt nad ri em of Hel

* #4 , Ge nn Te
1 Med 2. 25. 23. 73 E. 1. Erecutors ſhall have'a W
Account, and like Rog ang Fegerſs in the ſame, Writ as th

5721 .0::ltyT
11. Stat E. 3: eff r Executors ſhall have an AQion

2 Treſpaſs hero her yh r, as for their Goods and Chas

rels ried away in his Life, and ſhall recover their Damage; in
bke mafiner as he, whoſe: ecutors they are, ſhould have dong

4-544 a EY © 31 . ,
«3X7 + * i IT'S. 7 5 4 5 8

if he had lived.

III. Stat. ꝙ E. 3. Star. I. cap. 3. In a Writ of Debt broug

againſt — — ſhall — ut one Eſſoign amongſt —
al before Appearance, and another after, ſo that they ſhall not
fourch by Efloign. ', _ Rd bones $a:

IV. Here, though the Sheriff upon the Summons

2 1

rn Ni.
pil, yet an Attachment fhalf be awarded, and upon N:bil alſo
returned thereupon, the great Di and then he or they that

appear ſhall anſwers. 1 „ &.. +: + (. 1

Albeit fome of them after Appearance make Default at

the Returti of the great Diſtreſs, yet ſhall he or they be p

to anſwer that falt appeated at the great Diſtreſs ſo”
turned. . 6 © 447 3. $a . , * WMI 52548 *
VI. If judgment pafs for the Plaintiff, he ſhall have Jug?

ment and Execution agfinft them that have pleaded, and agai
3 7 705 int N of the Teſtator 's Goods, as well
as 1 | eaded. 2 — | ann
VII *Any may ſue ig this Caſe according to the Law for-
merly-uſed 2 he pleaſe ) notwithſtanding this Statute.
VIII. 25 E. 3. Star. 15 . Executor of Executors ſhall
have Actions of Debt, nt, and of Goods carried away of
the firft Teftatprs, and Execution of Statute-Merchants and Re-


cogmiſances*made unto”: ſhall alſo-anſwer to others ſo

fr forth, gs they hl recover of the firſt Teftator's Goods, as
r \o oft vor ae

i | 3 — a 10 27 , 11/1
I. Stat. 33 N. G. cp. f. Where Servarits after the Death
of their Lordi and Maſters, do imbezil their Goods, after full
Information thereof made to the Lord Chancellor by the Execu ·
tors, or Two of them, of ſuch Spoil made, the ſaid Lord
9 by Advice of the Two Chief Juſtices, and Chief
Baron, or Two of them; ſhall have Power to make ſuch Writs
to de directed to ſuch Sheriffs as to them ſhall ſeem fit, to make
Proclamation in | ſuch Places within ta Pays after Delivery
of the ſaid Writs, as ta the ſaid Chancellor, by the Advice 4.
ou | foreſaid,

180 Exetutozs.

foreſaid ſhall ſeem reaſonable the Offender a

the King's Bench at the in the Aſs 1

clamation ſhall be made 15 Days before the Da y of Appear.

Sr hen if the Offender ones

225 + t ued with

may be bailed a by th Juſtices |
ng Te ſufficient Perſons 29. bound with Fe to the
procuring by Recognizance in t — Court, to keep ſuch
Day as he 1255 have by the ſame Cou

. The Gaoles ſhell noe ler phe a got Liber win

Juſtices Order, in painof 40 f. 5

2 Stat, 21 H. 8. c
= ES
deviſed ator to 0

not joyn with

AV. tat. 43 El. c 8. E any Perſon ſhall 5 in 2202

os Debr © of 2 r Re leaſes or other D 55
uty (Which belonged to the A r en

( 2 the Adminiftration to be granted to à S

ol mean Eſtate, and not to be found, with. Intent thereby
tain the Inteſtate Eſtate) and 5 upon upon valuable Su ati
or in Satu action of ſome j t 8 to N LEG
the Goods ſo obtained, in ſuch Cafe ſuch Perſon cp
able as Executor in hs own Wrong, ſo far as due Vase
Goods or Debts ſo obtained ſhall amount unto, Howbeit be
Mall alſo be allowed ſuch reaſonable Deductions as _ 1.

4. That Part of the Excl

of a Will, may ſell any Land
ab Kher Wo wah
e cutori or Adminiſtrators ought to have.
"TV. Stat. 30 Cay. 2. Erecutor and Adminiftry
tors Erh in their own Wrong,

or Adminiftrators, ſhall after the zſt of Auf, 1578. waſte or

convert any Eſtate of - Perſon deceaſed, io their own Uſe,
ſhall be chargeable as the Teſtator Iateftate would have beer,

XVI. This A& ſhall continue three Years and from there

to the next Scilion of Parliament,

XVII. Stat. x Jar, 2, caps . Gooticuel for fenen Year

from the tixrft Day of that Seſſion of Parliament, and from
thence to the End of the firft Seſſion of the next. —
Made perpetual per | Stat. 4 & & K cap. th

» I.


X. If If the Pa appear, the

Priſon, there oy Bla until he th 1 Pans Nt
their Actions, and the ſame ons He geteg " xi

COW B>3 >a BS 880782838


— S E

53 &

EFB. As £


I i BS
' %
e is a |
f x —
. g % 3


e 74485 5. Enacted, That it Nu be kx ll Er

the Queen, Heirs and Succefſors, to grant by Letters Pa-
tents under the Great Seal, or Exchequer-Seal, to ſome Perſon
inted by the ter- Seſſions for the County of Devon,
ths Seite the of Exon, Part of the Dutchy of Gun;
wall, with the Lands and Buildings within the Bays 4 of "IS
Caftle, for the Term of Nine *. is Years, from mags
of 2 Grant, for the Uſe of the ſaid County, and Cy ſa
publick Uſes as the major Part of the Juſtices at their
— Seflis ſhall direct.
II. Such Grant ſhalt be good in Law againft the Crown;
9 which may enjoy the ſaid Dutchy of GB,

III. That the Intereſt of the Juſtices to the Her

of the Soil there before the making any ſuch Grant by any
now in being, ſhall ceaſe upon the making ſuch Grant; andvhe
Antient Yearly Rent of 10 l. per Annum ſhall be reſerved
A ed e Tre, dae Oat, nage

avian hte, 11 ates 157

Tenures, Clims and Demands, to all Perſons other than to the
Crown, or Dukes of Gel of or into the Scite of the faid

Erzen and Atlawy: "a

3 „ 12. Where the PhintiF recovers Das

dant is thereupon outlawed, no- Pardon
granted, except the Chancellor be. certified that the
111. Us oo vom b. by Proceſſes: before Appears
ere one is we
no Pardon ſhall he granted, Keke the Chancellor gary

L *
ea be gr

that the Perſon outlawed hath yielded himſelf to Tote

— 4 the TINY the Place from whence the Zaigend if-

III. If the Out N

Oyer and arg + de riſen before he
himſelf before them, in tar baſe be hell de it in the

yeh hey at * ik che Warning be

Plaintiff appear, then Is

162 Exigent and Atlaww.

if he come not, the outlawed Perſon ſhall be delivered by his

Charter- And note that all ſuch Charters are of the $

Grace, as before they have been.

by reaſon of 3 tefliiedby the Sheriff or others, ha-

ng no Record, let the Party yield himſelf to Priſon, and then
the Juſtices ſhall cauſe the Plaintiff to „ at a certain Day,
at which Day the Averment of ſuch outlawed Perſon ſhall
received; and fo alſo ſhall the King's Council or Proſecutor
have their Averment againſt ſuch Teſtimony. 1

V. Stat, 18 E. 3. Stat. 1. Exigents are to be awarded

againſt Receivers of the Kings Money or Wooll, which de-
tain the ſame, and againſt ſuch as tranſport Wooll not

ed or cuſtomed, Confederators and Conſpirators of Quarrels,

Rioters, and ſuch as bring in falſe Money, if uy cannot be
— EE in by Attachment or Diftreſs, and not aguinft
any o . 1

VI. Stat. 18 E. 3. Star. 2. cap, 5. No Exigent fall f

forth againft one indicted for Treſpaſs, unleſs it be againſt
Peace, or of the things contained in 18 E. 3. Stat. 1.

VII. Stat. 6 H. 8. cap. 4. In Perſonal Actiom, if the De-

t is ſued in a County where he dwells not, and an Eni.
ent awarded thereupon, no Outhony ſhall be had beforea

rit of Proclamation be alſo awarded, and returned by the

Sheriff of the County- where the Defendant is, or lately ws
dwelling ; and if the Defendant dwell in the Place where the
King's Writ runneth not, it ſhall be directed to the Sheriff of the
cn next adjoyning thereunto. - © i
VIII. By this Writ the Sheriff ſhall make Three Proclams-
tions at Three ſeveral Days, viz. twice in full County, and once
at the General Seſſions, that the Defendant ſhall yield himſelf
into Rats and it thall have the ſame Day of Return with the
IX. This Writ ſhall be delivered of Record tothe heriff ot
his Deputy, who ſhall duly execute the ſame, in Pain of Amer
ciament ; and the Officer that makes the Exigent, ſhall alſo male
the Writ of Proclamation, for which his Fee is 6 dd.
; X. All Outlawries otherwiſe obtained are null, and may be
yoided by Averment, without ſuing of any Writ of Error.
XI. Stat. x E. 6. cap. ro. The Statute of 6 H. 8. cap. &
ſhall be obſerved in Wales, and in the County and City of Chef
as well as in other Parts of the Realm of England.

= LE


ERR gn 2

= bs

, &

Exigent and Atlauyyp. ts

XII. The Sheriffs of Wales, and of ire and Chefter, ſhall
have Deputies in the King's Bench and Common Pleas, as other
Sheriffs 8 upon like Penalties.

XIII. All es againſt any dutlawed Perſons in Maler,

ſhall be directed to the Sheriffs in Wales, as immediate Offi-
cers to the King's Bench and Common Pleas, and may be de-
livered of Record to their ſaid Deputies in Court, and ſhall
be duly executed and returned by thoſe Sheriffs, upon the
Pain above limited ; who ſhall alſo for a falſe or non-return

forfeit 5 7. to be divided betwixt the King and the Proſe.


XIV. This Act ſhall not infringe any Franchiſes and Liber
ties in Wales, otherwiſe than by the true Meaning thereof is
provided: Nor yet of any Lord Marcher there, but that
they and their Hein may enjoy the ſame Liberties as be-


XV. Stat. 5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 26. The like Statute is made for
the County Palatine of Lancaſter; ſave.only that all Proceſs
againft any outlawed Perſona there, ſhall be firſt directed to the

chancellor of that Dutchy, who ſhall thereupon make like

Writs and Proceſſes, to be ſealed with that Seal, and direted
« mas of that County Palatine, as heretofore hath been

XVI. Stat, 31 Eliz. cap, 3. In every Action Perſonal where

an Exigent ſhall be awarded, a Writ of Proclamation ſhall be
alſo awarded, and iſſue out of the ſame Court, of the ſame Toſte
and Return with the Exigent, and ſhall be delivered of Record,
and directed to the Sheriff of the County where the Defendant
at the time of Ex gent was dwelling, and ſhall contain the Effect

the ſame Action. |

XVII. The Sheriff ſhall thereupon make Three Proclamati-

ons, vix. one in a full County, another at the Seſſions, and the
laſt ( one Month at leaft before Quinto Exad. by virtue of the
Exigent ) at or near the Church or Chapekdoor of the Pariſh
where the Defendant was dwelling at the time of Awarding the
ſame Exigent, upon a Sunday after Divine Service and Ser-
mon, (or in caſe there be no Sermon) after Divine Service:
and if he dwell in no Pariſh, then in the Pariſh next adjoyni
2» * Abode : And all Outlawries otherwiſe had ſhall

void. Ca”

XVIII. The Officer for making the Exigent and Proclamati-

ons 7 take ſuch Fees for the ſame as are limited by the Statute

6 c roclamati

of 6 H. 8. ap. + And the Sheriff for making the tion

at the Church-door, ſhall have I 5.

Kin XI. In

164 Ertoꝛtion. 3
FIX. In real AQtions after Summons hon the Land (14 Days
at leaſt before the Return thereof) Proclamation of the Sum-
mons ſhall be made upon a Sunday in Form aforeſaid, * the

Pariſh where the Land lies, which Proclamation ſhall

turned with the Names of the Summoners.

XX. If the Summons be not ſo proclaimed, no Grand cape

ſhall be awarded, but an Alias and Pluries Summons, until
2 Summons and Proclamation be duly made according to this


XII. Before Allowance of a Writ of Error, or Reverſing of

an Outlawry by Plea or otherwiſe, the Defendant in the Oxigi.
nal Action ſhall put in Bail to appear and anſwer the Flaintiff,
and alſo to ſatisſie the Condemnation, if the Plaintiff begin his
Suit before the End of Two Terms next after the Allowance of

the ſaid Writ, or Avoiding the Outlawry.

; - Extoztion. -

| |
I. Weſt, 1. cap. 26. 3 E. 1. No Sheriff or other Officer of the
g ſhall take any Reward to do his Office, but ſhall be pail
the King: And if he do fo, he ſhall render the Double, au
be — at the King's Will. |

II. Wieſt, 1. cap. 27-3 E. 1. Clerks ſhall not commit Fr.

— 2 in Fain to Joſe the Service of their Mafter for One
Ear. ; Fd

III. Weſt. 1. cap. 30. 3 E. x. Officers, Criers of Fee, and

Marſhals of Juſtices in Eyre, ſhall not commit Extortion, it
Pain to render the Treble, and to be otherwiſe puniſhed at the
King's Will. |

IV. Stat. 28 H. 6. cap. 5. Merchants, being diftrained ot

arreſted by Officers of the Cuſtom for undue Charges and In
poſicions, may have their general Actions of Treſpaſs again
h Offenders, and ſhall in that caſe recover 40 J. Damages, i
Nr their Actions within Two Months.
J. If they purſue them not within that time, any other maj
do it by Action of Treſpaſs alſo, wherein they ſhall alſo re

_ 40 4 Damages, to be divided betwixt the King > ſud


8 165
- Fairs and Markets.

„H E Statute of Winchefter, cap. G. 13 E. 1. Fairs and

wt Markets ſhall not ay ant ay, ib eel tis 265.4

II. Stat. 2 E. 3. cap. 15. No Perſon ſhall keep a Fair longer

than he ought to . Pain to have it ſeiſed into the King's
Hand, until he have made Fine for ſo — 8

III. Every Lord at the Beginning of his Fair ſhall cry and
publi how long it ſhall endure, in Pain to be grievouſly pu-
ni c

TV. Stat. 5 E. 3. cap. 3. Merchants after the Fair ended

ſhall cloſe their Shops, and Sell no Ware thereafter, in Pain to
forfeit to the King the double Value of the Ware fo. fold,
whereof the Proſecutor ſhall have a Fourth Part. |

V. Stat. 27 H. 6. cap. 5. Fairs and Markets ſhall not be

kept upon Afeenfio-day, Corpus Chrifti, Whitſunday, Tin
Sunday, the Aſſumption of the Virgin Mary, All Saints, G
Friday, nor any Sundays, (the Four Sundays in Harveſt only
excepted ) in Pain to forfeit the Wares ſo ed to the Lord
of the Franchiſe there. 3

VI. Howbeit they may be kept within Three Days next he-
fore or after the ſaid Days, Proclamation thereof being made
beforehand, which is to be certified without Fine or Fee to the
King. And ſuch as have by ſpecial Grant ſufficient Days before
or atter the ſaid Feaſt, may keep their full Number.

VII. Stat. 17 E. 4. cap. 2. No Steward of a Pipowder Court

ſhall hold Plea upon any Action. unleſs the Plaintiff or his At-
torney, in the Preſence of the Defendant, do firtt ſwear, That
the Matter of the Declaration was done within the Juriſdiction
and Time of the Fair. And yet the Defendant may neverthe-
leſs an Iſſue againſt ſuch Oath : And if it be tried, and
the Plaintiff or his Attorney refuſe to ſwear, the Defendant ſhall
be diſcharged. |

VIII. It any ſuch Steward do contrary to this Act, he ſhall

forfeit 5 J. to be divided betwixt the King and the Proſe-
cutor. |

IX. Th's Act ſhall not prejudice the Liberties of the Bi

of Dureſm. | No *

X. Stat. 1 R. 3. cap. 6. The Statute of 17 Z. 4. ch. 2.

made perpetual. Oe | n :

L3 | XI. Stat, |


yy g

166 Fairs and Markets.

IXI. Stat. 3 H. 7. cap. 9. Upon an Ordinance made by the
City of London, * 25. . to carry, their Wares to
Fairs and Markets out of the City, this Act gives them Liberty,
and makes that Ordinance void ; and none ſhall trouble any
Citizen for ſo doing, in Pain of 40 l. to be divided betwixt the

XII. Stat. 2 K 3 P. & M. cap. . Every Owner of a Fair

or Market ſhall appoint a Toll-taker, (where Toll is taken) or

a Book-keeper, ( where no Toll is paid) to fit there from 10 of
Ho ck in the Forenoon till Sun Tet fn Pain of 40 s. for eyery
Ault. 2 |

XIII. The Toll-taker or Book-k ſhall (within One D

after ) deliver unto the ſaid Owner a Note of all the Horſes fo
there that Day, in Pain of 40 s. which Note the Owner fhall
ſubſcribe, in like Pain of 4o 5, 8 7
AIV. Sale of a ſtollen Horſe in a Fair or Market without En-
try in the Book, as aforeſaid, and without ſtaying mere in open
view by the K of an Hour at leaſt, betwixt xo of the Clock
and Sun-ſet, ſhall not alter the Property of the right Owner,
but that he ma by virtue of this Act ſeiſe or replevy him
-Whereſoever he finds him. l W e
XV. Juſtices of Peace in Seſſions have Power to hear and
determine the Breach of this Statute; and the Forfeitures ſhall
| — divided betwixt the King and Queen's Majeſties and the Pro-

cutor. 4

XVI. Where no Toll is due, the Book-keeper's Fee for Eu-

tring every Contract, is 1 d. and no more. | .
VXVII. Stat. 31 Eliz. caps, 12. * Scller or Exchanger
of an Horſe in a Fair or Market, which, being unknown to
the Toll-raker or Book-keeper, doth not procure one Credible
Perſon, thar is well known unto him, to. vouch the Sale of
me ſame Horſe, alſo every falſe Vcucher, and the. Tolks-

ker or Book-keeper, that ſuffers ſuch Sale or Exchange to pals,

ſhall forfeit 5 J. to be divided betwixt the Queen and the

Proſecutor, And beſides, the Sale of ſuch Horſe | ſhall be

void. | | | |
XVIII. The Names of the Buyer, Seller, and Voucher,
and the Price of the Horſe, ſhall be entred in the Toll-Book,
and à Note thereof delivered to the Buyer under the Toll.
taker's or Book-keeper's Hand, for which the Buyer ſhall
iy 34. . - TB *
IX. Juſtices of Peace in Seflions have Power to hear and de-
termine theſe Offences.
AIX. Notwithſtanding ſuch Sale and Voucher, as aforeſaid,
the right Owner or his Executors may redeem a ftollen Horſe,
if they * him within Sig Months after the Selling, Fa

* owl A : . 5 .
1 4 7 « * .






the King's Court

Falls Judgment; nent Fealants, Nc. 167

where he ſhall. find. bim, and make

Prof by two ſufficient Witneſſes before the next - Juſtice of

= County, or before the Head- Officer of a Corpo-

ion, that the Horſe was his, Camp > gr yup ty, cage

Price for the. Horſe as. the fame Buyer ſhall, upon

Oath before ſuch Juſtice or Officer, e to have paid for


Falle Judgment. *

gw: 2825 ier n en

II. Piat. 1 E. 3. ach. 4,

Writ 27 Fr. Judgment, the Party alledg -
eth that the Record is otherwiſe than the Court did record t
ſame, it ſhall be tried by thoſe of the County who were preſent
when the Record was made; but if they appear not upon the
Rn ON re ON CY
good Men of the County.

' Feaſants and Partrivges.

| K
ä I. Stat. 11 H. 7+ cap. 17. None ſhall take Feaſants or
Partridges with E in another's Ground without Li

in Pain ek J. to divided betwixt the Owner of the

A —

II. None ſhall take out of the Neſt a Ezx of Falcon, Goſ- |

hawk, Lanner or Swan, in Pain'of a car and a Day's Impri-

ſonment, and to incur a Fine at the King's Pleaſure, to be
divided betwixt _ —— and tho Owner of the Ground where

* ſhall be fo

one ſhall ng Hawk of Engliſh Breed, called an ;

Eyels Goſhawk, 'Ta Gb, Lanier, Lanneret or Falcon, in Pain
to forfeit the ſame to the Kin

IV. He that brings an Dk Hawk from beyond — mo

Are where
. vine the” bs Taste. — —

eutenant, teſti that is 2 gn Hawk,

the like Pain of forfeiting the Hawk.

V, None ſhall rake, kill or fear away — of 4 — yo

abovementioned from the Coverts where _—_—_—_—

| Pain of 10 l. to be recovered before alc of Peace, 45 0

W eee |

Vi, Stan

r Horſefealer mal not have his |

grnſ a Record brought ung

the Pariſhare to have his

168 _. Feafants\anpPorieivgesl; *
- VL Stat. 23 Eliz. cap. 20. None ſhall kit or
{ants or Partridges with any Net or Engine in the Night-time;

in Pain to forfeit for every Feaſant2o *. and for every\Parttidgg

10 f. which if the Offender pay not within 20 Days, he'ſhalt
ſuffer one Months Impriſonment without Bail, and enter into
Bond (for two Years only) with good Suteties before ſome
Juſtice of Peace, not to offend in the like Kind. | wh
VII. The Forfeiture aforcſaid ſhall be recovereliniany Court
of Record, and divided betwixt the Lord of the Liberty or Ma-
nos end al difpence with” the Offender, che Pom et
in caſe the iſpence With en oor ©
Nash, to bs recovered by any of the

VIII. None ſhall hawk or t with his . Spaniels in

znding Grain, or before it is ed in his own;
CY wks the Owners CE EEE
90's, to the Owner of the ſame Ground, to be recovered, as

1d, ' TT 37 | nts $5 2:48 43314

"IX. Juſt of ie, Juſtices of Peace in Seſſions, and ( af-
texwards.) Stewards of Leets,, have Power to hear and detet-
2 theſe 9 and one Juſtice of Peace may examine

an Offender, and bind him hag? hs Sureties to an-

— at the next General Seſſions, if the Offence be not before
determined at the Aſſiſes, or in a Leet. |
X. This Act ſhall not reſtrain Fowlers, which unwillingly
yy Feaſants ox Partridges, and forthwith let them go at
arge. 5

XI. Stat. 1 Jac, T, cap. 27J» Every Perſon convicted by his

own Confeſſion, or by two Witneſſes upon Oath before two
or more Juftices of Peace, to have killed or taken any Feafant,
Partridge, Pigeon, Duck, Heron, Hare, oz other Game, or to
have. taken or d ed the Eggs of Feafants; Partridges, or
Swans, ſha]l by the ſaid Juſtices be committed to Priſon with-
out Bail, unleſs he immediately pay to the Uſe of the Poor
where the Offence was committed, or be ded; 20 8. for
every Fowl, Hare, or Egg ſs killed or ; And after
ane Month's Commitment, ſhall before two or more Juſtices of
Peace be bound with two ſufficient Sureties in 20 J. apiece,
with Condition never to offend in the like Kind again.
XII. Every Perſon convicted, as aforeſaid, to keep a Grey-
hound, Dog or Net, to kill or take Deer, Hare, Feaſant or Par-
idge ( unleſs he have Inheritance of 10 l. per Aunune, 2 Leaſe
for Life of 30 l. per Annum, or be worth 200 J. in Goods, or
| 22 dy boy of a — or Knight, or Heir Apparent
of an Equire ſuffer Impriſonment, as aforeſaid,” he-
pay 40 #, to the Ule aboyeſaid. ns


— 6d TINT XIII. None

5&3 rf F, 288382. F2 38387.

NR *

= a7arn RSS FS SFA COS. 4

N ans FSR

i 4 * oa
Co Pater n >

or Partridges them
om beyond Bex in —— to 2 for
10 5. Fea 20 3, and Partridge 10.
demtor ng the Poor of the Pariſh
ie u Olfence e C2 f
XIV. Juſtices of Aſſile, Juſtices. of Peace in Seſſions, and
two or more Juſtices of 88 have Power to
hear and determine theſe Offerices
XV. None ſhall by any former Law ſuffer Puniſhment for -
the ſame Offences for which he ſhall be puniſhed ew —
XVI. This Act ſhall” not reſtrain one licenſed in open Sell.
dr ei ne we r
Recogniſance in 20 J. not to kill an yd lv —
k rape" by this Law, nor to Shoot within 600 Paces bf an Hearnry,
Within 100 paces of 'a Pigeori-hbuſe, or in 2 Park, Foreft or
Chaſe, whereof his Maſter is not Owner or Keeper; and the
Clerk of rhe Peace his Fes for ſuch & Licence, is 18 d.

XVII Stat, 7 Jac 1. 7 11. —— Perſon convicted by :

his —— or by two Witneſſes —— Oath, before twa
or more Juſtiees of Peace, to have haw deſtroyed any

Feaſant or Patr NR the Firſt of 7 and the laſt pf

N ſhall fuffe 2 — r one Mon 2 without Bai
— = — , or he appr prehended, Pace for every time
322 and 20 5, for every feaſant or Partridge

or ta

fo deſtroy-

XVIIL He IE iſhed by this how, f ſholk not be
Lu for the fame Offe |
bo proſecuted within 6 5 Month af

bod ſd dehey do it in the Day-time, and

the Poor where the Offence

for every Feaſant or Partridge ſo rer 1
il Deed one ot more Juſtices of Peace”

Fm oa

| | i CON <
, .
» LY 4 w 1

XXII. Every Conſtable or r on 2 Warrant

under the Hank of two or more Juſtices of Peace j hath Power tur
do ſearch the Houſes of Perſons to have any Sctting- the
Dogs or Nets tor the taking of Feaſants or. Partridges, and ” 9
2 Nets there fund to kill and cut in pieces at Pleaſure, 2
as things forfeited unto the ſaid Offices. —
1 I eſt, 2. cap. 4. 13 E. 1. Several antient Fes of Bre
Marſhals, Chamberlains, Porters of Juſtices in Eyre and Set- by
J v anta, bearing Verge before the Juſtices at Weſtminſter. Ses —
the Statute. t 30 6 33h nt , Dr qu

II. Weſt. 2. cap. 44. 13 E. . Porters bearing Verge before

| the Juitices of the Bench in the Circuit, ſhall take for keepi =
a Jury only 10 d. For the Bills, nothing; Upon a Recovery wi
out 2 Jury, nothing Upon a Recovery againſt many by one def

| Writ, For Homage done in the Bench they ſhall have their un
upper Garment. Ot great Aſſiſes, Attaints, Iuries, and Bat- La
tle waged; the Fee is 12 d. For the Pleas of the Crown, the 7
Fee is 12 d. the Dozen. For every Priſoner delivered, 4 d. La

he» Chirographer's Fee 18 4 5. The Clerk's. Fee for writing

85 inals, is for every Writ x d. See the Statuts. =
_ Fee-Farm Rents. *=

I. Stat. 22 Car. 2. cap. 6. Letters Patents to be granted be. oy

fore. the 24 of June, 1672. under the Great Seal, of of
the Dutchy of Lancaſter, or of the County Palatine of Lan. .
cafter, of divers Fee-Farm Rents, and other Reats of-what kind Re

ver, due to the King in Right of his Crown, or in Right of

s Putchy of Lancaſter, or Parcel of the Dutchy of Cornwal Gn
{cept Quit-Reats, and - Copy-hold Rents ſtanding, in Charge I
a5 helonzing to any Manor, and all Tenths and Firſt-fruits,
and Rents nomine decima, payable by any Eccleſiaſtical Corpo- ge
tation, and all Rents; incident to Reverſions now in the King,
and all Reats reſerved Upon Leaſes, and Farms of the'Cuftoms *
or Exciſe, made or to be made, and all Rents and Sums due

in xeſpect of Fire-Hearrths and Stoves ) ſhall good in — Is

Law, for veſting the ſame in Truſtees for the Sale thereof, th
be conſtrued moſt beneticially for the Patentees, any Miſ-naming,
Mayoral or Non: xecital of the Honors, Lands, Ic. charge), ja
or of any Eſtate Tail, ex of the Reverſion thereu not true 0


Naming of the Places where the ſaid Honors, „Cc. da lie, k

ack of the true Naming of the Corporation, or lack of At-


& *



= b

4 9 Px * *
— —
7 —
* _
— LY
* *
LE .



4. |

grid gh m . "= 171

turnment, or N r or not not Nawing of the Tenants of

—— _ 2 or Imperſections notwith-

l The d Truſtees, n
them, ſhall enectite to Purchaſers - Indentures of Bargain and
Sale, containing a Conveyance of the ſaid Rents, and reciting:
the Conſideration of Money neu — which ſhall be enrolled =
915 the four Courts of fiminfler within 6 Months after

e Date thereof.

Such Purchaſers ſhall hold the ſame diſcharged of any.

Brad 97 2 Truſt, which may be pretended to be committed
by the ſaid Truſteet, and may recover the ſame as the King
might, excepting the Prerogative Proceſs out of the Exches.

TV. Rents vot uſually paid by the greater Space of 40 Years

laſt paſt, ſhall nat be inſerted in ſach Letters Patents. Aud
Tenants ſhall hold their Lands diſchar of any Rent reſerved
by Virtue of any Patent of iffion of
defective Titles, not uſually paid by the — ſpace of 45 Yea
* the ſame. ſhall have — by que Courſe


Vi. Purchaſersof 12 patents of

Lands and — 53 and an fol Sa the e of this AS,
ſhall enjoy them, any Por cy 6 Avoidance or Determination of

ſuch Letters Patents notwi . This Act All not be

conſtrued to avoid any Covenants ents on the King's
Fart in the original Reſervatim.of tach Rer Rents, nor Decrees in
the yo of * or Court of Exchequer, before
— N £ 1642 on 8 e of May, 1660.
CC» armers were to rged, a Allowances

of the ſaid Fee-Farm Rents to be made. I

VI. Bodies Politick and Corporate m purchaſe , the ſaid

Rents, the Statutes of Arn twithſtanding.

VII. This Act ſhall not extend to the Sale of Ang Rants 1
ing wit within the Principality pf Vader py | «

| Instructions to be obſerved in the Sale of theſs Rene

pt the Noo prſtance of them flint weaken furt |

I, Contrats for Sales ſhall be ſigned by the Lord Treaſurer

or Commiſſioners of the Treaſury, or two of them.

2. The Truſtees ſhall convey whe of as by. Order from thy

wv Treaſurer, or Commiſlioners the Treaſury, or two
them, they {hall be direRed, ''

3. Every,Contracterſhall,at or before Sealing his Conveyance,

pay one Moiety at leaſt of his Purchaſe-money. into the Exche-
quer, and before he receives his Conveyance give {ach Secu-
rity as the Lord 2 Commiſſionery, 6. ſhall approve,

| . | |

any Perſons he ſhall deſire. - - | N
7. If any Rent be charged with an Incumbrance, Conſs
qeration ſhall be had of it, and Reprize allowed, - and the
Purchaſer ſfiall ' covenant to take upon him fuch Incum-
brance. | | 1 75 i; RT 7 b 1 8 1
= The Truſtees ſhall hold the Rents to the King's Uſe til
; ; The Traſtee ſhall covenant at with Purchaſers agaiaft their
IX. Fee-Farmers of Mills formerly belonging to the Crown,
or 04 of the Dutchy of Lancaſſer, ſhall [the Protection

and Privilege of the Courts of n

e Privileges and Advantages, "IR

L. So much 25 is due for any Uſes out of the Premiſles to be

ſettled upon Trufices, ſhall continue to be paid. And the

Truftees are y authorized to convey for afice of

ſuch Uſes, ſuch of the ſaid Fee-Farm Rents, &c. as ſhalt amount
to the Sums charged. After which Conveyance the Purchaſen
of the Reſidue to be diſcharged'theteof, ff.

XI. Stat. 22 & 23 Cay. 2. cap. 24. All Fee-Farm Rents,

Rents Service, Rents Seck, Chauntry Rents, Guild Rents, Caſtl-
Guard Rents, and others, within the Survey 6f 'the —45
or Dutchy of Lancafter, due to the King, in Poſſeſſion, Re-
yerſion or Remainder, ( other than ſuch 'as are excepted out
of 22 Car. 2. cap. G.] are hereby veſted in Francis Lord Howley,

Sir Charles Harbord, Sir William Howard, Sir John Talbot,

Sir Robert Steward, and Williaw Harbord, and their Heirs, as

wn Ad og rp granted to them by Letters Patents by
virtue of the {aid Act, and ſhall be by them conveyed accord-
1 in the ſaid Act mentioned, upon a Parti-

thereof made by the Auditor, c. before whom they

ftand in Charge.


Frag win 33. F.

7 533585 3 FF oe if in


3 Arai T.

the aid Truſtees 3

XIII. Till Sale of the ſaid Rents, the Receivers of the King's
Revenue ſhall gather the ſame. _ | © NS

XIV. Parchaſers by virtue of this Act ſhall enjoy all the Ad-
vantages allowed to Purchaſers by the former AR, and the Shew-
ing the printed Copies of this and the former Act, and of the
— Cc. ſhall be Evidence in any Court to entitle the

XV. No Tenant in Tail of any the ſaid Rents, ſhall be en-

abled by this Act to bar the Remainder, nor ſhall have greater
Power over the faid Rent than he had before.

XVI. It ſhall be ſufficient for the Purchaſers of ſuch Rents, in

every Suit, A vowry, Connufance, or Juſtification, where Occaſi-
on Hal be, to ſet their Title, to alledge that Francis Lord
Hawley, Sir Charles Harbord, c. were ſeiſed in Fee, and fo
ſciſed, granted the ſame. "Tee |

The Truſtees ma tte WB ee

either by the Words expreſſed in the Letters Patents, or by Par-
ticulars to be made by the Auditors, or _——_— nts
from the Crown, ſaving the Queen s Right tothe hereby

Frelons and Felony,

I, Wet; 1. cop. r2.'3 Z. 1. Notorions Felem which Abe
lawful Trial, ſhall ſuffer ſtrong and hard Impriſonment. |

II. Stat. Of breaking Priſon, I E. 2. It ſhall be Felony !

any Perſon des being in for Tebey, or otherwiſe
III. Stat.; H. 4. cap 4. It is Felony to multiply Gold |
leer. Repoalad by « 1.8: A. 5 „„ FRO
| IV. Stat. 3 H. 4. cap. 5. It is Fe maliciouſly to cut out the
Tok de patonr the this of ky the King's Subjects. 4
V. Stat. x H. 7. 1 If any hall hunt within the Foreſts,

Parks or Warzen in the Night- time, or diſguiſed, one of the

King's Council, or a Juſtice * whom —
of ſhall be made, ſhall by his Warrant cauſe the Offender to be
brought before himſelf, or ſome other Councellor or Juſtice of
Peace, to be examined; where, if he conceal the Fact, ſuch Hunt-
ing ſhall be deemed Felony z but being confeſſed, the *

: | y


1794 Folons and-Felony. _

Finableat the next General Sol And here a R
8 ſuch Arad liabe alte daf

VI. Stat. 3 H 7. cap. 2. It is Felony. to carry. away a Wo-

man, Wite, Widow, or Maid againſt be Wi. havin ot
Goods, or being Heir 9 her Anceſtors ; and the
curators; Abettors, and Receivers in ſuch an Offence, ſhall be al.
fo deemed principal Felons. Howbeit this ſhall not extend to any

that takes a Woman, claiming her as his Ward or Bond- Wo-

VII. Stat. 3 H.7. cap. 14 It is Felony for any of the King's

Servants — to conſpire the deſtro ng of the King, any
Lord, Privy-Councellor worn, Steward, Treaſurer, or Comp-
troller of the King's Houſhold, being thereof convicted by 12 of
the ſaid Houſhold e the ſaid Steward, Treaſurer and Comp-
troller, or Two of them, who have Power to determine the
Matter according to Law. | Ne
VIII. tat. 22 H. 8. cap. J. Servants that go away with,
or otherwiſe imbezil their ers or Miſtreſſes Goods, to the
Value of 40s. Worth, with an intent to fieal them ( being put
in Truſt therewith) ſhall be puniſhed as Felons : To continue

till the next Parliament. But ſee the Statute.

Pow-Dike e Nala Gelebte in

e and in or l
ind in the Iſle Ely. | ; g
X. Juſtices of Peace there have Power to hear and determine

NT, Stat. 25 H. 8. cap. . is Felony, and the

Offender therein ſhall — have his Anke ng 922

XII. Juftices of Peace have Power to enquire of, hear and

determine this Offence. ; . |
XIII. This Statute was to continue but till the next Parliz-
ment. Vide infra. | | |

XIV. Stat. 1 E. 6. cap. 12. Wilful killing by Poyſoning,

all be adjudged Murder; and their Aiders, Abettors, Pro-

curers, and Counſellors, ſhail ſuffer Death, and forfeit as in Caſcs
V. All Offerces made Felony by Starutes 6 April
| 5 ces made Felony tutes ſince 2 i,
1 N. 8. not being Felony — 4 repealed. Howbeit di-
vers of them are revived by other Statutes made fince that







p AS 26 TE FT Fg:

* * 4 T 9 2 4
N * | . y „ r N 48
* * 3 ad CR > n N N Py - : N

175 |

in the Caſe by any

H. 8.( not bei lony,-or within the Caſe of Premunive.
before ) andevery ch of ſuch concetning the making
Offence Felony, or within the Cafe of Premunire, (not
being ſo before) and all Pains and Forfeiture: conceriing the
ſame, are repealed and made void. Bae Sens of cbs 4 bow
been fince revived ; which foe in their proper Hl laces.
XVII Stat, 5 Eliz — 1 10. | The Statureof 21 5 cap. 7:
is revived and made perperual.

XVIII. Stat.; Eliz. TheStatut of 2 18 .

mal . 5 *

is revived and

XIX. Stat. a Elis. * 13. In the Counties of Cumberl.cad,

Northumber Weſtmorland, and the Biſhoprick of Durham,
theca away or detaining of any Perſon againſt his or her
Will, the affenting or aiding, to Back — —_ g or onion,

recei or carrying of mail, the givi

mail for — Xn or the burning of Barns or Sta — of Grain,
ſball be adjudged 2 Shes: Clergy, which the Tuſticer
of Aſſiſe, Gaol-delivery and Peace, have Fower to hear — de-

XX. The Names of Perſons outlawed there fot Felony ſhall

be delivered by the Clerks of the Peace to all Sheriffs, Mayors,
and other Head Officers, to be proclawned throughout al Se
ſaid Counties; and with them none Ne ſhall have Converſe, in Pain
. 6 Months Impriſonment, and not to be enlarged till

be given for Wo good Behaviour during onewho Year

= h Impriſonmenr.

XXI. Juſtices of Aſſiſe, Gaoldelivery, Oyer and Terminer,

2 ets have Power to puniſh the Negligence of Officers
in this

XXII. This ſhall not impeach the Authority of the Lords

Wardens of the Marches.

XIII. Stat. 21 Fac, 1, cap. 26. It is Felony, without Benefit

of Clergy, to acknowledge, ox procure to be acknowledged, any
Fine, ecovery, Deed enrolled, Statute, Recogniſance, Bail
or Judgment, in the Name of any Perſon not privy or conſent-

ing thereunto ; howbeit this Offence ſhall not corrupt the

Blood, nor take away Dower ; neither ſhall it extend to j

— red by an Attorney of Record *

XXIV. Stat. 12& 1 c. © 18. Ex rational "as

* -
— — * ain. — aw 9 "—_—

776. Felons ad geln.

_ Clergy

they te tranſported to ſome of the King's Plantations in ſach

— 8
—— — . "OG a
a 4


— * * * 4 7 A

a TY
q - &..
* ”

cap. 2. If any.on;Porpoſe;204

. + 22 & 23 Car. 2. | *
Malice fore · thought, and by lxing in wait, hall cut out 9 by

diſable the Tongue, put out an Eye, lit the Noſe, ar cut off a

Noſe or 13 cut off or diſable any Limb or Member of any ic

Subject of His Majeſty, with Intention to maim or dirfigure *

' him, ſuch Perſons, their Counſellers, Aidem and Abe thy
ſhall ſuffer Death as in caſes of Felony, without Benefit of Sh

IVI. Provided that no Attainder of fuch Felony ſhall cr: 2

rupt the Blood, or forfeit the Wife a Dower. - cw, TORS, ab

h XX V II. Stat. 22 & 23 Car. 2. 6 5 . 7. Perſons chat mall in

e Night- time malicioufly burn a or Stacks of Co
wk or Grain, Barns, other Houſes or Bui 1

oy Horſes, Sheep, or other Cattle, ſhall ſuffer as incaſe of

But ſuch Attainder ſhall work no Co |

loſs of Dower, or Diſinheritance of. Heir. e

XXVVIII. 1 N attainted by virtue of this Act, ſhall

make Election to be tr od to any of the King's Plantation,

the Juſtices of Aſſiſe, and Termeney, 8&c. beſone whom

they ſhall be convict, may cauſe Judgment to beentred, that

ment named, for Seven Years; and that the Sheriff of the
ty ſhall cauſe them to be embarked. Any returning within
Seven Years ſhall ſuffer Death as if noſuchEletion had been.
XII. If any 9
otherwiſe hurt any 8
Plantations of Trees, or throw

as 2 Witneſs, and
make Diſcovery : and if any refuſe to appear, or to be examined
the — commit them till they ſhall ſubmit to be er-
mined. ' | |

XXXI. None puniſhed for any Offence by virtue of this Law,

hall be puniſhed for the ſame Offence by any other Law : Nor
ſhall — queſtiohed, unleſs within 6 after the Offence

3 | A

5 25 3ISRE


- XXX11/ Stat. 10%" xi 9/5, Zap! 23. All Perſons Who,

Night or Day, after the'2oth of May, 1699. ſhall in any Shop,

archouſe, Coach-houſe or Stable, privately-and feloniouſſy
ſteal any Good, Wares'or Merchandizes, of the. value of 5 4.

or more, though ſuch Shop, Ce. be not broke open, and

though the Owner or any. other Perſon be, or be not, in ſuch

Shop, c. or that ſhall aſſiſt in committing ſuch Offence,

being thereof convi or ſtanding Mute, or challenging
tons Drenty thiee of

Cle b * ˖ 75 a . ; . I
m. After the ſaid 2oth of May, all Perſons who ſhall
take and proſecute any ſuch Felons to Conviction, ſhall have a
Certificate thereof gratis from the Judge or Juſtices, expreſſing
the Pariſh or Place where ſuch Felony was committed: and in
caſe any Diſpute happen about the Right to ſuch Certificate,
the Judge or Juſtices ſhall direct the Ecrtificate into ſo many
Shares as they ſhall think reaſonable, which Certificate may be
aſſigned over once and no more; and the Proprietor or Aſ-
_ ſhall, by virtue thereof, be diſcharged from all Pariſh or
ard-Offices in the Pariſh or Ward where ſuch Felony” wa
committed; which Certificate ſhall be inrolled by the 0
the Peace for One Shilling Fee. 8 de
XIV. Perſons having made Uſe of ſuch Exemption ſhall
not then aſiign over ſuch Certificate. 36 hed
XXIV. Perſons ſlain by any ſuch Houſe-breakers, Horſe>
ſealers, or other 'Felons aforeſaid, by endeavouring to appre-
hend them, their Executors' or Adminiſtrators ſhall have ſuch
Certificate, as aforeſaid, gratis
XXXVI. Such as after the laid 2oth of Mo, ſhall commit
any Barglary, Houſe-breaking or Felony, not within the Bene-
fit of Clergy, in ftealing Horſes; Money, Wares or Goods, and
being out of Priſon, ſhall diſcover or cauſe to be diſcov
Two or more Perſons guilty of _———_
thereof convicted, ſuch Diſcoverer ſha]l have
don for ſuch Burglaries, Ec. committed before ſuch D

XXXVII. After the ſaid 2oth of May, all Perſons convict of

Theft or Oy; wil the Benefit of Clergy, ſhall inſtead of
being burnt in the Hand, be burnt with the uſual Mark in the
moſt viſible part of the left Cheek neareſt the Noſe in open
Court, in the Preſence of the Judge. 1

IXXVII. No Clerk of Aflife, Clerk of the Peace, or other

Perſons, ſhall take any Fee of Perſons bound by any juſtice

of Peace to appear as Evidence againſt any Traitor or Felon

for Diſcharge of their Recognizance, nor ſhall take above 2 .
for drawing any Bill of Inditment againſt any ſuch Felon,
_ Penalty of 51. to the Party agrieved with full Coſts of
it. | | ;

the Jury, ſhall loſe the Benefit of

to C
ce King's Pare
178 Felons and Felony.
- XXXTX. If any Clerk of Aſſiſe, Clerk of the Crown, Clerk
of the Peace, of the Indictments, or other proper Of-
ficer, their Clerks or Deputies, draw any Bill defective, they
| ſhall draw new Bills gratis, or forfeit 5 J with full Coſts of
Suit, to be recovered by thoſe that will ſue. for the ſame
Action of Debt, &c. wherein no Eſſoign, Es. ſhall be als
XI. Stat. xz M. 3. cap. 6. The Ads of 13 8-14 Cor. 2,
cap. 22. — 5 — 2. = 3. —”_ 30 Car. 2. cap. — ä
A 2. CAD. 0 prevent Theft a
— . Neben Borders of England, —— for Elm
2 End of the Fir Seſſion of the then next Fur.
Jiament. | t a 4
"XLI. Declared that the ſaid Ads ſhall be taken and reputed
Publick Acts. 28 | 1 b35'%

XIII. Stat. x A. cap. 9. If the Principal be convict of Fe.

tony, ſtand Mute, or challenge peremptorily above 20

the Acceſſory may be proceeded againſt as if ſuch Pranci

| Felon had been attainted, notwithftandin g ſuch Principal be

admitted to his Clergy, rdoned, or otherwiſe delivered before
Attainder. And ſych A e if he ſtands Mute,
or challenges, as aforeſaid, ſuffer as if the Principal had

been attainted.
XLIII. Buyers and Receivers of ſtollea Goods ingly, may
be proſecuted for a Miſdemeanor before the Principal be con-

victed, which ſhall exempt them from being puniſhed

ſory when the Principal is convicted. DT
XLIV. Witneſſes for Priſoners upon Trials for Treaſon or

Felony, ſhall be ſworn as Witneſſes for the Queen are, and be

fubjet to like Puniſhment for Perjury. 5
LV. Captains and Mariners belonging to Shi —
the fame to the Prejudice of the Owners and —
ſuffer Death as Felons. |
XLVI. The ſaid Offence committed on the High Seas ſhall
be determined in ſuch Places in the Realm as ſhall be li-
mited by the Queen's Commiſſion under the Great Seal,
we according as 28 H. 8. cap. 15. For Trials of Pirates, di-
1. ; ;
Any Perſon convict of the laſt mentioned Offence ſtanding
Mute, or Challenging above 20 Jurors, ſhall ſuffer Death witt-
our Benefit of Clergy, Boy |

XLVII. Stat.; A. cap. 6. After the 14th of F ;

ſo much of 10 W. 3. cap. 23. as concerned inflicting the 2

meat of Burning in the Cheek is hereby repealed.

k | XLVIIL And
> RO

— EE ga 3954 ESSSESS K 338959 -





or Adminifirators, or Perſon to whom

elan —

7 VIII. And whete/any Perſam ſhall of Theſe

22 S DIES tht
and gud the. — re whom the — is | Ted, Kok Gon
cretion award :

— or Workhou
chan — E

op 2 5 171 i 152 N

ore One ©

ſrces of the Peace otie of the

reſtion or | Worlthouſe there to remain without — les

than Twelve Months, nor more chan Feu Tears, — —

r 31 Nd if me Ki

neglect his Duty above directed, an

fiſt or-Gaokdelivery, 8 Rod mT

ker drm nay e on<r e

2-1 U 4

ſuch Felony — he ought to have Wü bb

Eee "he ſhall dae be required de

fall be)puniſhedava Clerk k convict,” (1 Io 137

12 ii. en! 4 E if 94 1c l S 201

. — ig oh 2 bh erb e al rake

del dame the Lege mi A

t the ſaid Reward to be d

— the ſucceeding Sheriffs ſhall pay the 1 in 2

Deſauk, ſhall forfeit to the Perſon or Perſom to whom

ſuch Money is due, double the Money, to be an
the Courts of Record at oy 0 «xt by AQtion of Debt, i

or Information, with
LIE. In cafe any Perſon ſhall be killed by ſuch ——
breaker, endeavouring to apprehend him, then the Executors
the Right of Admini-

4 | M2 ſtrazzon


3 4

_ {BI And upon

Other man che Penalties 2. if not ſufficient in the

Felons and felunx. |

Aue Certificate delivered under the
—_ of the Aſſiſe of the _ ——

dore, for the Two next Juftices of Peace,

fo killed, ſhall rene nat from the: . 3 Wat
done ; and upon . bla oo TE
covered, with 1 as aforeſaid.

the Certificates and Receipts,

Sheriff ſtiall be allowed hg their Accounts all Mode 5

Tuch Sheriff, the Sheriff 28 byt the Lord Tre

Certificate <fithe Clerk of

LIV. And if 1 commit — 2 daphey er br

ny; and aſter diſcover Tw] o ho ſhall have committed ſuch

hrics or Felonies, ſolas they be convicts Diſcoveter

mall have 40 L- and the on Advantagetigiven to ſuch Talker

ot Proſecutor, and ſhall be entitled toia Patdon of all Burglatia

andFclonict, except Muriter and Treaſon, which ſhall be a Bar
to any | far the{ame. 5:1. rat ard Bulono digett 20

I. any Perſonſhallteceine or buy knowingly, any: ſtollen

Goods, or — harboue or conceal Feluns, he ſhall be ta-

ken ar Acceſſory * 3 eee ſuffer
Dead ana Felom ? % d 04 2h to f vo nn od gt
ALVI. af. 2 — be taten ky 28 to be convik,

et the Perſon buying on teceiving be proſecuted

* a — — to be — by Fine l

mer Corporal uniſhment as che Court ſſnall t

exempt: thorſaffrider from beit 8 puniſhed as Accatidey,
if che Principal be aſte Convict. „ ni l, II vie Kili
2 EVIL. The Jud Mar — eu and Houſe-break.
ers ſhall be con vitt, mall * the — — and Shares of Perſots
en ſitled to OE ies aps Cenificates without Fre,
hefdre che End d A ener . um Cor
vidtion.ſhall-be 124.0 Had nt oo
„LVII. The ee being
minted in, and ta be — and Me ex by
_= 2 it's her — That go Sheriff of Londen
daleſex, take directly or indirectly any Sum or Preſeb

= Execution of the Place of Under-Sheryf,nor oblige bi his 6

— iff, by Covenant er Promiſe, or-otherwiſe, to be -#

y — yy — 5 — the — Place of Under-Sherif,

hi ually-pa the z Exce the
Rewards given oy * or 75 er A ae Appre beak
of Highwaymen, Bad Sen Coiners, and Houſebreakerz, "> 7 he
Fas. or bor palling luc His heriff's. Accounts in the E.

en * cuſtomarily fl
ow 30 NE, et I 71




Far -T3 2

8 |


Feoffments, 6cc. 13
LIN. Stat. 9 A. cap. r6. Reciti » That Anthony d ſeard,
rde 8 Mare , 1222 under an es before 4 Com
mittee of Frivy- Council for Treaſon, did, with a Ten- knife, ſtab
Robert Harley Eſq; then Chancdllor of the Exchequer, and a.
Privy-Counſellor, and being committed, died in Newgate';
there being no ſufficient Puniſhment. by any Law now in b |
for AlkgIong or fares N Privy-Counſellor, it is Practeds
That if any Perſon uolawfully attempt to kill, or ſhall I
fully aſſault, and firike or wound a 24 whan |
the Execution of his Office, the Offender being convicted there.
of, is a Felon, and ſhall ſuffer Death as in Caſes of Felony,
without Benefit of Cler x.

4424. . — | N Bd” oo of 1. 0 0 „ 1 1
I. Stat. 1 R. 3. cap. 9. Every Gift of Feoffment of Lands
made by Fraud or 3 — ſhall be void; and the Diſſeiſee,
8888 fach Alienation) ſhall recover againſt the
rſt Diſſeiſor both his Land and double Damages; Provided
he commence his Suit within a Year after the Diſſeiſin, and that
ſuch Feoffer be then Pernor of the Profits. NS

TI. Stat. 4 H. 4 cap.7. The Diſſeiſee ſhall have his Acti-

on againſt the firft Diſſeifor during the Life of the ſame Diſs
ſeiſor; ſo as ſuch Diſſeiſor be alſo Pernor of the Profits at the

Time of ſuch Suit commenced but as to other Writs in!

of Land, the Demandant ſhall commence his Suit within the

Year againſt him that is Tenant of the Freehold, at the Time

of the Action accrued to him, ſo as ſuch Tenant be alſo Pernor

of the Profits at the Time of ſuch Suit commenced, notwith»

ſanding the Stat. 1 R. 2, cap. 9. eins

III. Stat, xx H. 6G. cap. 3. In all Writs grounded upon Ne-

vel Diſſeſin, Diſſeiſees —— 1 Recoveries againſt the Dif+
leiſors of their Feoffees, as well as in Aſſiſe of Novel Diff
ſo as ſuch Diſſeiſors or their Feoffees, againſt whom the

is brought, be Pernors of the Profits at the Time of the Writ

purchaſed, notwithſtanding any Gifts or Feoffments

to other Perſons to delay the Demandants. pr

Fighting and Quarrelling.

I. Stat. 586 E. 6. cap. 4. None ſhall uſe avy chidi |

Words in the Church or Church ard, in Pain of 2 —
for ſo long Time as the Ordinary ſhall think fit, viz- of a Lay-

man, ab ingreſ/is Ecclefie ; and of a Clerk, @ Miniſterio Of

ficii, x 8 n
M 2 Lt

"of of throwing i
205 . N 4 |
Jade e 8 N
cate want Ears
the Letter F. and eee a
- . ie. 3,

1. Stat. De Finibus; 18 E. 1. St

inal is delivered in the Preſence of t

| ices, the Pleader er Hol fo Sir Juſtice, 8 de accordey : t

the e aße ſhall by hat Mach Sir R? And when
ing's Fine Is For, a _ 4 Peace cried, the Pleader ſ

declare the Sub 8

t. 4. After the Writ Ori-

e Parties before the Ju-

II. A final Concord een P. levied in the King's Coun

withour Writ Original before Four Juſtices in the Bench, or
Eyre; and it muſt alſo bt in the Freſence of the Parties, who

he to be of full Ag good Memory, and out of Prifon ;

ugh a Feme covert 2 2e muſt be examined by Four

be 3 and if ſhe ca not, the Fine cannot be

becauſe i it bars all Perſons of full Age, riſon, of g

Memory, and within the Four Seas, 5 Day of the Fine]

if they make not their Claim of * Action within 2 .

a Day by the Country.

IV. Wat. De finibus levatis, 27 E. 1. Stat. 1. cap. 1. 1

be no good Exception to a Fine, that before or at the time
of the Fine levied the Demandant or. his Anceſtors were
Ran pms or ſome pat

8 Fines ſhall be o aly read at Two certain Day inthe Week

the Diſcretion and in the mean time

by t mall ceaſe. Re. Juices, 1 -

VI. The Statute of Carliſle, 15 E. 2. In Pleas of Warran-

tia Charts, Covenant, or ether, whereupon Fines are to be le-
vied before the Juſtices of the Bench, as well the Demaghoe

as Tehants ( before ſuch Fines Tok: en ( K any be

to the nd their Age, Idiocy, and

may becdiſcerned.

VII. If the Party be not able to come before the uſtices i in

the Court, then two or one of them (by the Aſſeat 29
ef «2.

III. The Reaſon of ſuch Solemnity in . of 2 1

287 TO FA

o - ba 4 he a M
28 2 7 „

B85: 53%4 EI F.

EK 1488

ASB 277

E Poon

Gagnifance ſhall make

— the n
720 levied according to the former Ord
either the Barons of the Ex Exchequer, n nor the Tuſtices,
ſhall 2 any Attornies, ſave only in Pleas that paſs before
them; neither ſhall any of GD + or Servants bo do) and
every Admiſhon otherwiſe ſhall be void

X. — Authority of the Chancello and of the Chief Juſti-

e as hath been heretofore odere

XI. Stat. E. 6. The Plex of ban of Fins

34 E. 3- — I

ſhall be no Bar

XII. Stat, 38 E. 3. Star. 1. cap. 3 Fines * before the

Juſtices ſhall be in the Preſence of the OO who (hall Know.
the Sum of their Fine before they depart.

XIII. Stat. H. c To prevent the 2 chat

— by the — ofthe Feet and Notes of 2
wy rits Hen — whereu — **
tog r with the Dedimmus atem, an
Knowledges and Notes of the — before . drawn out
of the Common Bench by the Chi pher, ſhall be recorded
in a Roll, to remain with the Chief Jerk of that pom, for
the old Fes of 22 d uſually paid to him for entring the Con-
cord, to the end that in caſe any Notes or Fines be 1mbezilled,
* Recourſc to the ſaid Roll, to have Execution

| ATV. Stat. x K c A Fine ſhall after the Ingaſ-

thereof 8 — nd proclaimed in the Common

Pleas the ſame Term, and the three next Terms after, upon

Four ſeveral —— in the mean time all the Pleas ſhail ceaſe. |

Juſtices of Peace of the Ene County, to be in like ſort 2

claimed at their Four Seſſions holden that Lear; and both LING |

Juſtices of Aſſiſe and Peace ſhall make Certificate of ſuch Pro-

clan made the ſecond Return of the Term then next fol-

Ma 2 vn. A

184 Fines.
XVII. A Fine ſo proclaimed and certified ſhall ronclade all
Perſons, both Privy and Strangers, (except Women covert,
other than ſuch Women as are Parties to the Fine, Perfons un-
der Age, in Priſon, out of the Realm, or not of ſound Mind) if
they purſue not their Right, Title, Claim, or Intereſt, by way
of Aion, or lawful Entry, within Five Years after the Pr
mation ſo made and certified; as aft 5

XVIII. The Right of Strangers, which 8 come un-

to them after the Fine is ingroſſed, is ſaved, fo that they law-
fully purſue their Right or Title within Five Years after it ſo
comes to them; and here an Action againſt the Pernor of the
Pxofirs is maintainable. e er

XIX. If the Parties to whom ſuch Right or Title comes, be

Covert, under Age, in Priſon, out of the Land, or not of ſane
Memory, they or their Heirs have time to e their Right or
title within Five Years after ſuch Imperfection removed; fo al-
ſo have they in caſe they had Right of Title at the time of the
Fine levied. | „ N . 4
IX. Fines at the Common Law have the ſame Force they had
before; and a Fine may be levied according to this Statute, or
the Common Law, at the Election of the Parties.

XXI. Stat. 4 H. 5. cap. 24. Every Fine after the ingroſſi

ſhall beproclaimed — the Court the ſame Term, and the Thus
next, Four ſeveral Days in every Term, and in the mean time all
Pleas ſhall ceaſe. 1 hd

XXII. The Proclamations being ſa made, the Fine ſhall con-

clude all Perſons, both Privies and Strangers, except Women

covert, Perſons under Age, in Priſon, out of the Realm, or of

nom ſane Memory, being not Parties of the Fine. |
-- XXUL. The Right and Intereft that any Perſon or Perſons
(other than Parties) hath or have at the time of the Fine in-

roſſed, is ſaved, ſo that they or their Heirs purſue ſuch their

Right or Intereſt by Action or lawful Entry within Five Years
after the Proclamations ſo made; ſo alſo is the Right and Intereſt
Nayed, which accrues after the ingroſling of the Fine, ſo that the
Parties having the ſame, purſue it within Five Years after it ſo
accrues ; and in this caſe the Action may be brought againſt the
Pernor of the Profits. 3

"XXIV. If at the time of the Fine ingrofſed, or of ſuch Ac-

cruer, as aforeſaid, the Perſons be covert, (and no Parties to
the Fine) under Age, in Priſon, out of the Realm, or of
non ſane Memory, they or their Heirs have time to

their Actions within Five Years after ſuch Imperſection temo-

XXV. The Exception, that none of the Parties, nor any to

their Uſe, had any thing in the Lands at the time of the Fine le-
yied, is ſaved to all Perſons, except Parties and Privies. _
4 e XVI. Fun


they had beſare the: making this Act; and a; Fine 42

8 . Fs a FOES F818

= Po 15237 FSFT KIK 8 2.835

levied this way, or at the Common Laws:atcthe- Pleaſure

the Parties. h % ; r
8214 rn $3745 Ts eg u 21 aer XX |
XXVII. — 36. Al Fl
erſon or Perſons o

> All Fines levied by a

full-Age;of Lands intailed before the ſam
Fine, to themſelves, or to any of heir Ancoſton, in Pol on;
Reverſion, Remainder, or Uſe, ſhall immediately after the Fine
ingroſſed, and Proclamation made, be a ſufficient Bar againſt

all other claiming only to their Uſe, or to the Uſe of any Heis
of their Bodies. 1: en trees ie Tg 6
XXVIII. Howbeit this Act ſhall. not bar the Intereſt of
Perſons accrued by any Fine levied by a Woman after her Hul.
bands Death, contrary: to the Stat. of 11 H. J. 00.
XXIX. A Fine levied by him who is reſtrained Win

preſs Act of Parliament fo to do, ſhall be void, notw

w XX. Tnis Act ſhall not extend to any Fine heretofore le-

this Act.
vied of Lands now in Suit, or heretofore lawfully recovered i
any Court by Judgment or otherwiſe: nor to any Fine of |
intailed by the King's Letters Tony or any Act of Parliament,
. — whereof at the time of ſuch Fine levied being in
e Ringe e = No ae i Fay
XXXI. Stat. 37 H. 8. cap. 19. Fines Levied befare the Jufti-
ces of Aſſiſe at Lancafter, or one of them, and openly read
and proclaimed at three ſeveral Seſſion: before the ſaid Juſti-
ces, or one of them, of Lands lying within that County Pala-
tine, Viz... upon three ſeveral Days in the Seſſions, when the
Fine is ingroſſed, and three other ſeveral Days in each of the
Two Seſſions then next following, ſhall be of like Force as
— acknowleged before the ju ſtices of the Common

as. q * x

XXXIL. Stat, 2 & 3, E. 6. cap. 28. This Statute ordains

all Fines of Lands within the County Palatine of Cheſter, to be
of like Force with thoſe of the Cammon Pleas, being proclaim-
ed before the High Juſtice there, or his Deputy, in like ſoxt as
thoſe of Lancafter are proclaimed. 4115 5

XXXIII. Stat. 1 A. Parl. 2. cap. 7. All Fines where-

upon Proclamations are not duly made (by reaſon of the Ad-
journment of any Term by Writ) ſhall be as good as if that

erm had been holden from the Beginning to the End, and the
Proclamations therein made, according to the Stat. 4 H. J.

Paths XXIV. This


Fines. 3
e Lande now in Su or abe whully recoy ered
eee eee 24) 3$ 10

N four times only, viz. once in the Term

wherein the Fine is ingroſſed, and once in each of the thre
Terms then next following. 15

XXXVI. Seat. * 2
Fines of the Court r . 4 cap. 3 The Chirogr

ll be-

fore the end of Bt, Ter Term next, certiſie to that Court a Note

of all Fines entred — — Book, that were burnt in the late

Fire in the Thmple, py of: which Certificate ſhall be Tet

TI n
er ſhall alſ6 make Tranſcripts of the Fines in every

Ghirop 55 are 7 and deliver them to the reſpectiue She-

riffs, within a Week after next Trinity Term, who ſhall ſet
them up at the next Summer Aſſiſes.

XXVII. At any time within three Years next, the Chick

uftice of the Court of Common Pleas, with one or more
uſtices of the — Co may ſend for any

or other things to ſuch Fines, — upon Examination

ſhall direct — — to new ingrofs the Note of and
for ſuch Fines; who ſhall bring them ingroſt to the ſaid Chief
uſtice, and ſuch other Juſtices that ; Stall have taken the
xaminations concerning them, who ſhall ſubſcribe their
Names with theſe Words above their Subſcriptions, room, Tg,
ſecundum Formam Statuti de Anno Tviceſſim»
Secundi Regis ; the Foot of ſuch Fines ſo toe with
the Proclamations of that and the Three ſubſequent Terms,
to be filed by the Cuſtos Brevium, and the Nota
thereof by the Chirographer, among the Fines of the ſame

XXXVIIL Such Fines to be of Force as if the Writ of

Covenant, Writ of Dedimus pot 4 atem, if taken \ by Comet
fion, Concord, Foot and Note of the ard Fines, had Remain-
ed unconſumed, and upon any Writ of Error to be brou
forthe — any ſuch Fine, the Cuſtas Brevium and C
rographer, together with the Note and Foot thereof, to certifie

* 323 > bor

| X o Perſon ſha any Reward hug
done in Execution of this Act. any

* ” :
, 4

r El:z. cap. 2. e

22.02% 2


2 8388

Sr 2. 8888 FFS. =



e +Y 187

xinith adm, eats,

a ſeat, 38 23 Cars. taco Him: Bone, K.

8 aid 257 LETS 1 04 1
"es in - the King's Bench,

and all o-
Den 3;
Common ſhall be eſtreated into the Court

of 1 —— "ore Fear 6. Alla ry ow os Be-

or ing of H. 4 60 "ſtay 57 > of Ih Term; 32

iſing from the 18 every Trin Term, to the Be-

7 of i they Hllery erm. 1 be 0 reated into the Ex ·
chequer the at Day of every Hillary Term; on Pain that e-
vey Officer 78 whom el er 5 to make fo ch Eſtreat,
ing default therein, ay fone 30 l. for 852 Failure; the
one Moiety to the King, r to the Proſecutor,

II. This Act ſhall not == the Courſe uſed in certifying and
eſtreating bee from the Court of Common Bench, nor of
12 pro licontia concordamdi, nor the Termly Eftreating of

Maes ut 2 the Office of — 1 in the N uer.

i ues, Recogniſances, a rfeitures,

poſed or forteited by by or before any now 3 FN. Alkſe, ito

the Market, ot Commiſſioners of Sew ated into.
the Exc pew twice Yearly, . 6. An 75 LE Mic bael.
mas and before the firſt day of Hillary Term, on Pain
that ever Perſian, to whom it belongeth to make ſuch Eſtreats,
making Default therein, ſhall forfeit 30 J. for every Failure,
one Moiety to the King, the other to the Profecutor.
IV. Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks ſhall deliver to the
Sheriffs within 20 Days after the 29th of September Yearly, a
_— Eftreat of all Fines, Iſſues, Amerciaments, Pons. Fu

Sums of Money, and other Forfeitures, which ſhall have

been im * or forfeited in any of the Seſſions of the Peace re-
ſpectiveſy: and ſhall Yearly, on or before the Second Munday
after the Morrow of All Souls, deliver into the Exchequer a
Duplicate of ſuch Eſtreats fo delivered to the Sheriffs, that the
Sheriffs may be charged therewith on their Appoſals ; on Pain
to forfeit 30 J. for every Failure, the one Moiety to the King,
the other to the Proſecutor

V. No Officer belonging to the Courtof King's Bench, Com-

mon Pleas, or Exchequer, nor any Clerk of the Aſſiſe, Clerk of
the Peace, Town Clerk, nor any Officer under them, nor any
other, ſhall conceal any Indictment, Fine, Poſt-Fine, Iſſue, A-
merciament, Recogniſance, or other Forfeiture, unleſs by Or-
der of Court; nor ſhall they miſ-certifie any of the ſame; on

Pain to forfeit the treble Value of what they conceal or miſ-

| Ccrtitie,

5 ſition of Life or

Fines to the King, &c.

certiſie, one Moiety to the King, the other to the Proſecutor ;

and allo on Pain to lofe his Office, and be .incapable of any

Office or Place, where any Fart of the King's Revenue is ma
naged or paid. ( J

VI. Where any Sums of Money or Forfejtures due

Z Co, -

| to the
King, ſhall at any time be paid to any Sheriff or other Officer

whatſoever, and be according to the Directions of this Act, cer-

tified and eſtreated in, or into the Court of Exchequer, Proceſs

of the Green Wax ſhall be awarded to the reſpective Sheriffs
inſt ſuch Officers for levying the ſame. © 1
VII. Nothing in this Act ſhall prejudice the Rights of any
Bodies Politick or Corporate, Lords of Manors, Liberties or
| Franchiſes whatſoever, nor the Privileges of the City of Lond.
VIII. This Act ſhall continue for three Years, and from
thence until the next Seſſion of Parliament and no longer. Con-
ginued 1 Fac. 2. cap. 17. for Seven Years, and thence ta
ebe End of the next Seſſion! of Parliament. de Perpetnal

IX. Stat. 5 GV. & M. cap.1:. Six Shillings and eight

Pence ſhall be paid upon ſigning Judgment to the proper Officer

who ſigneth the ſame, in full Satisfaction of the di Fine,
and all Fees due for or concerning the fame ; which ſaid Of-
ficer, ſhall make an Increaſe to the Plaintiff of ſo much in his
Cofis, to be taxed againſt the Defendant. Fines of Lan
See 4. L cap. 16. Tit, Suits, concerning Declarations
Uſes of Fines and Recoveries made after the Fines and Re-
coveries, and about Claims and Entries to avoid Fines and Re-
coveries. | 4

Feines tothe King.

1. Magna Charta, cap. 26.9 H. 3. Nothing ſhall be given

for V ok In ion ae kh © him that prayeth 1

not denied.
Fire. Ex

I. Stat. 6. A. cap. 3 1. The Church-wardens of each Pariſh

within the Bills of Mortality ſhall before May 1708. or as
ſoon after as may be, and ſo for ever after, fix (at the Charge
of ſuch Pariſh) upon the rey belonging to any Watetwork
ſo many Stop Blocks of Wood, with a two Inch Plug, or fo
many Fire-Cocks to go into any Pipe, and at ſuch Diftances,
in any Street or Place, as ſuch Church-Wardens ſhall dns
. = a ü A x

a quis .
ember ; but it ſhall be granted freely, and


* 8

27A KS

3 rind 29
1 d ach eee wy fix a Mark in Writing on any
Houſe ainſt che Places, for the better making known where
ſuch Stop-Blocks' and Fire-Cocks lie, and keep 2 Ke in

the Honſe where the Matk is, to the ſame ; 1 of the |

23 and Fire- Cocks to bekept in ** air at the Charge
Pariſh, and the Plugs by the 222 Bn the Pipes
And every Pariſh — Bills of Motengy ſhall at
geg Pris large Fon pd Hand Engin ez kee
in eac a a. 2 n ti
Fire, and 424 — TY pe und Socket of ff "Eine. Size

as the Plug or- Fe Cock, to 3 the may de put

into the Pipe, to:convey 'the Sal be dean i _— w Engin.

Church-wardens malang Defaul 2 Ju-

ſtices of the Peade, ſhall tel bo tho 1 > cs ENG Ill Ju
the other to th oath, Gall e Poor of the P. o the UL
of the Poor, to be recoveredby TD 6fs and Sale 5; Re
Overplus tei be vetwrn'd. © The oc hen ig to ſach

whoſe Water! 6: found on; or firſt come in-

to the Pipe, where the firſt”:

de opened at Any Fire,

hal} be paid 20 by the —— 2 che ef

H. Wirdens there: Abl the firſt

En ure which brings id 4 Pariſh Engi 5
eee is, [The Second 2 t)

third 1 705. by
be re by Warrant of ewe Juſtices,
Sale © of the Goods -

II. The — —— ſer, ee to each I no - in

London and . g 30 foreach __

be free from Feng Sen or Ben ec e
and Places: of abode EY hc ary of the the
Admir 1 ST 25

II. If

an — through Negl neue

or Out- ho Herb be g ar being * convict
by Oath before 'two or more juſtices of Peace, ſhaV# forfeit
100 J. unto the ny of the Pariſn, to be diſtributed
— Sufferert 26 tod che Onureh Wardens ſhall ſec juſt.
| Upon ag ent, ſuch Seeyaitiſhall he comniſtted to ſome
Ar. kept to hard Labour.

INV. After 1 May, 1708 Al. Hontes built * be r new

Foundations within the Bills of Mortality, ſhall have Party-

Walls n Bricks thick in the Cellar and Ground-
— 2 4 > — *r from the Foundation

no Coche f Wen

ng wc tgp regis Ce
Walls of ſuch Houſes ſhall be built of Stone or Brick, —

Fire OF 135
Ng Srop-Blovhs i to, lie Je On wich ke Pavemient
ofthe OE ont ſame may be opened without

otkhouſe:by Wutrant of one ſuch | Juſtice bord Months, to h

Sen of
5 — I
A to b. 0 im —


for All
wy their Staves, and be, ai

enant:. rims

ar ens)
genic 2 25

contin ce Years, and.

next 555 . — _ 5

1 1. a L ch. . «4 ' es in J
Peri 1 — — Sed
Ar! 0 one Co — other, 5
* The Revards payable to, the e ao
ic as abous Dot without
(whi 20d: Direction of 755 Alderman. of che-Ward when 2
the Fire ha ppeped, or of his Deputy, or —
Council-Men of the ſame Wantz the layers — — rt
be alfo paid. in like Propaytions and in _ ame manner, to
\ Keeper of other large Engine, who, ſhall-bring it in
to help, — the r in good n enen
_ h *tis not a Pariſh
. Proviſa, That if. it che Veſtries within the Weekly Bills
of? Mortality ſhall think ix meceflary to have mare than one
great Evgine or Hand Engine, they may provide it at the Pariſh
Charge by an Aſſeſſment to be made, as by the former Act,
— r Regulations * Engines een
Ras 06% 495 5 3 Vi a fac g

75 7 N a g $13 ©

wa eg

— . 2007 2

©. © w * 92 * * , 5 0 , Y
"x0. There

S285 FN - WY £2 2.252) = op han wn





=> 4

2 5 Ps



D Ke.
F Tor

r |

8 Stop - Cocł

Pipe for the thereou

dl The Church-wan Overſeers, of the Poor, 2
1 Ja. in L 10 and; way rate rate. oh.
competent as ſhall be to 0
ay the Ganges of Prov e ines,
Stop and re Coca, nar aber Fe
rerials, and for Payment oreſaid ; which —
— conſirmed as the — are, may be |
e manner.

XIV. Where St a 6220 on any Mas a

Fire-Cocks are made and ied =» Plugs, 8.

longing to any Watgr:W


of ſuch Water-Warks, in ſuch aſe they

like upon the

per Charges, fix the

where the Church-wardens
ind the Pie lll be remoned tothe H whe re th

tags The Clauſc in the former ,

Walls ſhould be wholly of der 6. (Ses
not extend to any a Tondo
IXVVI. All Houſes to bees —— — Hound
in the Bills — —
the —_— o f Thamer below

Bridge ) ſhall have —

Narr . 5 1 5
Caſes, W

and Plates of — e ps in the Cellar,

an half thick ue to the Top of the Garret - [ove By a

Gable-Ends Brick in Le and *

Roof and to have no Beams or _ - — of
the Gable · Ends.
XVII. All Party- be i dr duet each Mars
Ground, r old- * 5 Stoner, or
Timber ; the firft Builder ſhall pull it down, 4—.— b 9 up

the new Party-Wall, as aforeſai * aid by th

— the next — after the fad, of 5 - Ro 28

he ſhall have built the Party-Wall; and "ran f. all Reede —— |

will not yield 20 1. Per Anmum Rent more than the Ground -
Rent, to be left to the Diſcretion of the Builder, ſo as all Party-
Walls be built with Brick.

XVIII. Chimney-Jambs and Backs ſhall be 9 Inches thick

from the Cellars to the Roof; and all Withs — Inſide of fach :

Chimneys ſhall be 4 Inches and an half broad, and all the Fun-

nels 5 plaiſtered in * Inſide from Bottom to Top: All Chimneys

be arched under the Hearths with Brick (except on a

Ground: Floor) and no Timber ſhall | ie nearet to any Pes


Ws. RE

N Fe krults ad Tenths..

— or Funnel chan 5 Inches: AI Mantles between the Jathby

be arched 1 975 Brick z and no Wood ſhall Be fx-
gan to the Fro amb or Mantle of a Chimney gearer
than 3 Inches GBs nfide of fneh*Jamb or Mantle Ay
Gable-Ends _ . In 38 thick in Party-Walls all Be ren
85 on the R All Stoves, Boilers, Coppett, und

ſhall not der nearer than 9 Tacker to the Houſs:: 5 und

tos Taber e be" nexrer than 5 Iacher"ts 97 Eheplics'or

fr. No Perſon ſhall diſtil or boil Turpentine ve draw

any Oyl of Turpentine and Roſin by Difling common Tur.
ine, nor boil above 10 Gallons of 22 to-

ether at . time in any Work- SOTO Ut uous to 's

widing, in London,” Weſtminſter, or 5 what
Mall be diſtant at leaſt 5 9 oc! (execpt® Houſes already” buite
or the fame Trade in Southwark, and Gr pk Daniel Ibmbes:
till at, Hol bourn. Brigo) upon Pam off 100 J. for every Ol.
fence, to be recovered in an Action, with treble Cofts; one

Moiety to the Crown, the other to him HC will ſue.

Ear No Brick or op us in the Fronts or Party: *

on-Walls of any Houſe in Londom or Waftmimſter, Hall

n any Timber (except upon Plans where neceſſary

for” nba in unſound Ground; and on he eder

and on the River of Thames below Brid 7 ) the W. to

be — for three Months without 264 9193+

No Door-Frame or Window-Frame of w. *

Lingo or Weftminfler ( except an London- Bridge, &c.)

1 be ſet nearer" to the outſide Face of the all thay

gin. os mo e eee
a Ib" '' ASL 4

XIII. Stat. * 2 45 T The ge made in un Kd

A 6 A. Intituled, un Perrer preventing Mi

chiefs which may ba Pep by Fin — That no Action fhall

be had againſt-any in whoſe'Aouſe or Chamber any

Fire ſhall 1 ; ot Say Recom be made by ſuch Perſon

for = tony ny ſuffered ; and that" if any Action ſhould be

t, the Deſendant mi ight p plead the General- Iſſue and give

this Act in Evidence, and if he recover, ſhall have treble Cofts:

Which Clauſe IVY — was by this Act made Fer:


girl ufs and Tenths.

I. Seat 26 H. 8. cap. 3. The Firſt· ruts and Profits for one

Year of every Spiritua Living is granted to the King, which
2 2 Perfon ſhall Pay or ſecure by Bond his
of his Benefice,
II. Search








pointed. by the King for that Purpoſe ; and the

2 | and
Securities taken upon ſuch Compoſitions made before - my 2 ng

cellor and Maſter of the Rolls only, ſhall he paid and delivered;
unto the Clerk of the Hanaper, for which he ſhall render Ac-
count, as he uſeth to do for other Profits of the Great Seal; but
being made before other Commiſſioners, ſhall be paid and des,
live:ed unto the Treaſurer of the King's Chamber, or ſuch

other Perſon or Perſons as the King ſhall authorize under the.

Great Seal for that Purpoſe to receive the ſame. |

III. Acquittances for the E * any Money paid for Firſt ·

Fruits, under the Hands of the Clerk of the Hanaper, Treaſurer

of the King's Chamber, and the Commiſſioners, ro any of them,

ſhall be a Diſcharge for the ſame in * the King's Coutts, |

IV. An Obligation for Firſt-Fruits ſhall be of like Force as 4

Statute-Staple, and no more ſhall be ſo taken for ſuch an Obli-

gation than 8 d. and 4 d. for an Acquittance. | |

V. The Commiſſioners ſhall every Six Months deliver by In-

denture unto the Treaſurers, or other Perſon of Perſons alitho-
rized, as aforeſaid, ſuch Money and Specialties as they ſhall re-

ceive z and in caſe they do not, or do conceal them, they ſhall

forfeit their Office, and be fined at the King's Pleaſure, _

VI. If any be convicted by Preſentment, Vexdict, Confeſllong
or Witneſs, before the Lord Chancellor or other Commiſlioners,
to have entred upon any Spiritual Living before Payment of
Compoſition made, as aforeſaid, he ſhall forfeit the double Value
of the Firſt-Fruits. | qt
VII. All Fuſt-Fruits heretofore payable to ' other Per ſons,
ſhall be from henceforth paid to the King. i |
VIII. Provided, That Biſhops may give Inftitution and In-
duction, notwithRanding this Act. | \
IX A Rent of Penſion out of ev Spiritual Living ani-unt-
ing tothe Tenth Part of the annual Value there f, ſhall h. Years
Iy paid unto the King at Chriſtmas, and the Collector there f
ſhall pay them in Yearly before the Firſt of April. =
X. The Lord Chancellor ſhall appoint Commifloners in every
Dioceſe, for the Diſcovery of the Yearly Value of every Spiritual

Living there, and to make Certificate thereof, as alfo of ſuch -

Deductions as are to be made out of the ſame; Which Commi-

ſionets ſhall be aforchand ſworn by D-dimus poteſt atem duly to
execute their Commiſſions. |
XI. Every Spiri:ual Perſon ſhall be charged for his Tenh in
the Dioceſe where he in, albeit their Poſſeſſions lie elſewhere,
XII. Biſhops ſhall be charged With the Collection of all the
Tenths within their reſpectiye Dioceſes, and ſhall make Pay-
ment tHereof Yearly before the Firſt of April, unto the Treas.
Vol. II. 5 2" | nel

Firſt-Fruſts and Tenths t;

II. Search for the Value of the Benefices, and Compoſition.
for the Firſt-Fruits thereof, be made by the Lord Chan-
cellor, Maſter of the Rolls, and other r to be ap-

o *
22 — —

— YFo# n CTA WE Ae. +

— anbCeinhs.”

ſuer of the King's Chathber, or other Petſon authorized to,

e che lms. „ e Notrpayment thereof, Proceſs ſhall

f ch
113111. Biber 1 xchequer e them f and no by Cen-

—— nd the Church 1 15 er W 4 nd no me
ition ear, or ment N
de allowed to hinder the ſame. wrt x; How FH C330:

IIV. Durit /the Vacation of Biſhoprick, the Dean and

Chaprer ſhall be charged therewith. /

"XV. If Tenths being due, ſhall not be paid within in 40 Days

after Demand thereof made by the Biſhop or his Officers,

Incumbent ſo makit; Bora after Certificate thereof into the

W pet under the Seal of the Biſhop, ſhall be adjadged de-
8 ved oſs fi o of all ſuch 3838 _ —__ rime of

e or at any time aſterʒ and the Benefice or

= wah e ſhall be adjodged void, as if he were

XVI. The Biſhop op making fuch Certificate ſhall bediſchorged

of ſo mach as is certified ro be unpaid ; for the Recovery where-
of Praceſs ſhall iffue our of the Excnequ zinſt che Incum ·

bent, his N or Adminiſtrators, or Tuber than the King

hall loſe it) ſr) gan it his Succeſſor.

XVII. The Acquitrances of the Treafurer of the King Cham-

ber, ox other Comſlioners antborized to receive the T
and all ſuch Certificates, ax aforeſaid, ſhall be allowed in all
Courts without further Warrant. N

XVIII. No Officer of the Exchequer ſhall take any thi

the Biſhop or his Collector for hin Account or Ouietus oft, in
4 loſe e e and to be fined at the King's Will, |

They which pay Penfions to others out of their Spiritu-

21 Livipgs,may zetain the I enth Fart thereof, and ſhall be there ·
in protected by Plea upon this Act.

XX. No Penſion ſhall be reſerved upon the Refignation of 2

en above the” alue of the Third Fart 2

who in one Corporation aggregate of many have

<p i diſtinct Poſſeſſion belonging to t 7 reſpective
78 ſhall only pay for their own | ns, and not for al

"XX. Ne if. Fruits ſhall be paid for 2 Benefice bei

above the Yearly Value of Eight Marks, except the 5
live Three Years after his Induction or Collation thereunto; and
there ſhall be an Exception inſerted in the Obligation, that in
caſe he live not out thoſe Three Years, the Obligation ſhall be
void, bur if he out-live them, the eur ſhall be paid by
him, his Executors or Admi

XXIII. Fees payable by any Biſhop or other Prelate for Tem-

hoe Juſtice, ſhall be de ue out ©} the Valuation of their

veral Di gnities, vo .
| XIIV. Stat.


* *

ZF an: ?& ram 8 @&@ FouT

» T5 ES

E Hasi

cery, or Adtion of Debt, for the Recovery of the ſame. . -

irt Fruits and Tenths. 185

Farmers of Spiritual Per-

\ Pant

in reſpect of- the

Year. | 2
he Tenth id,

$,. by Bill in Chan-

XXVII. Stat. 32 H. 8. cap. 22. If a Biſhop or any of his

Deputies will make Oath that they cannot levy a Tenth, they
ſhall be diſcharged thereof upon their Account in the Exche-

uer; which Court ſhall alfa have Power to examine the Truth
thereof by Witneſſes, or otherwiſe, and alſo to iſſue out Com-
miſſions, and to receive Certificates for that Purpoſe. 4

IXXVIIE If it be certified into the Exchequer by Commiſſi-

On, or ts > 97; Hr any Spiritual Promotion is omitted out
of the Original Certificate of Tenths, which ought to have been
there inferted, that Court ſhall have Power to enter it into the
ſaid Original Record, to the end it may from thenceforth be

_ chargeable therewith,

XXIX. Stat, 32 H. 8. cap. 47- The Bi of Normich-

and his Succeſſori ſhall collect the Tenths of all Spiritual
Promotions within his Dioceſe, notwi the Stat. of
27 H 8. (not printed) which did exempt them the Col-

III. Stat. 24 &35 H.8. cap. 1). The Tenths and Pooſ-
2 3 of oe; Fine new Bi of



gun rue and Tenths:


The Penalty f. *
fun of ny 356 1 — the Perles by On

only Benefice out 122 in

de e of 26 H. f. cap. 3. * ; *

XXXUT. Stat. 7 E. &. cp. 4. The Colletors of Tenths ſhall

before Midfummer next give good Security to fave the Biſhop

harwleſfs a ERS
X The B iſhop ſhall have the laſt Day of Hay for
he Payment of Tenths, and'for making Certificates for ſuch

as have refuſed to pay them, notwithſtanding the Stat. of

26 H. 8. 18.

- XXXIV. » Benefice be void, ſo that no Tenthcan be there

received, the Biſho op ( upon Certificate) ſhall be 7
thereof . then the King ſhall have it levied upon the

wa izure.
% ANV. The Patent of a Collector of Tenths ſhall be good
— — chan N Granter in

Xrryl Stat. x El cap. 4. The Firſt-Fruits and Tenths

reſtored to the Crown; the Statutes preſcribing the Grant and

e — 2 e

y which they were taken away) r

2 — be within the x7) eva

vn. All Advowſons of Vica —_ incident to any of

the Queen's 72 ſnall be led in her, ..

ne by Cardinal Fool, or Grant made by
Queen Saving unto all Perſons ( except ſuch unto whom
ſuch — yr have — — their Right and Intereſt into, or
uch Imp
XXVII. Fe — — all other Yearly Payments ſhall be
paid as before the Act of 2 & 3 R & M.
IA. All Perſons in Arrear for thoſe Duties, ſhall be
anſwertble for them to the

- XL. Vicarages of 10 l. per Anmum, and Parſonages of

Fee Annum, or under, ſhall not be with

I ar runts.

III. If an Incumbent continue in the Benefice half a Year a-

ter the la Avoidance, and die, or be legally outed before the
end of the Year, he, his Executors, Alminiftrators or Securities,
_ 4. pay a Fourth Part of Firit- Fruits; if he live out

2 be outed within 8ix Months after the Year,

A only halle 1 4 ruit: _ z and 4 5 out the
ear ie, or within one Year Three
LL toe e

- #

AI bit

oO OO MimziwHy tt =

mx 8 2
58 8. N


d * ».

and Canons o

AF BAT BY F F 8847 8.

Fit), Fiſhers and Filing. 159)

III. Diſcharge of Firſt-fruits and Tenths, heretofore grant-

ed by any of the Queen's Predeceſſots to the Univerſities

or the Colleges in them, or to thoſe of Eaton and Wincheſter, -

ſhall remain * notwithſtanding this Act: alſo the Dean

Windſor, ſhall be from henceforth diſcharged

thereof, 5 \ ;
XLIII. All Grants of Impropriations dejoqging'to the Arch-
denronry of Wells ſhall remain good notwithſtanding this Act
yet the ſaid Archdeaconry, and all Spiritual Promotions d
to it, ſhall from henceforth pay Firff-fruite and Tens
XLIV. All Impropriations, and other Profits or Emoluments
Eccleſiaſtical, which were formerly within the Survey of the
Dutchy Court of Lancaſter, ſhall be re-continued notwith-
ſtanding this AR, or that of 2 & 3 P. & A. r
XLV. The Revenues of Hoſpitals and Schools ſhall not be

— with the Payment of Firſt· fruits or Teaths notwith-

g this AQ.

© Filh, Fiſhers and Fiſhing, -

| | Weſt, 2. cap. 4 = 13 E. 1. None ſhall take Salmons betwixt

the 8th of September, and the 11th of November, nor y |
Salmon with Nets or other Engines, at Mill-Pools, betwixt th
midſt of April and the 24th of Jume, in Pain of having their

Nets and Engines burnt for the Furſt Offence; for the Second, to
ſuffer a Quarter of a Years Impriſonment; fox the Third a Years
Impriſonment, and after to have their Pumſhment increaſed ac-
cording to the Treſpaſs. And in Places where freſh Waters
Overſeers of this Statute ſhall be aſſigned and ſworn to inqui
of the Offenders. : „

IT. Stat. 31 E. 3. Seat. 3. cap. 1. No Herring ſhall be bought

or ſold in the Sea, nor before the Fiſhers be come into the Ha-

ven, and the Cable of the Ship be drawn to the Land. |

III. Stat. 31 * Stat. 2. cap. 2. The Order and Time of

Bringing in and Selling of Herring at the Fair of Great Yay-
mouth, and there the Price of a Laft of Herring ſhall be 40 *

IV. There ſhall be ns Foreſtalling of Herrings, but they ſhall

come freely unſold into the Haven.

V. No Piker ſhall buy any freſh Herring in Yarmonth Have

between the Feaſts of St. Michael and St. Martin, in Pain
1 at the King's Will, and ta forfeit the Herring
bought h

VI. No Piker of London, or of any other Place, ſhalf enter

Fenn dr Ce to . * Fair, in Pain to forfeit the
* Goods COT» |

| N 3 VI. The

2983 Fil, Filhees aud Fiching.

VII. The Hoſtlers there ſhall be ſworn before the Wardens of

Fair to treat 82 S W 8 have god. for every

1 others beſides thoſe ſold to them

. ell a to
t. W of the Laſt; and thoſe of Tar mouth 2

of Red Herring bought for 5 hoe eee

London for 2 ee they bring them thither
2e end act ane. Herring freſh, ſhall be
2 ten equal in in
Price with one Laſt. of ſull Herring, and Two Lafis
| — wrongs Mull be Sli Mat dener than 3 La of full
ue The Fa ſhall t K , or elſewh
at all bay their Falk a [aid 22 * Reb
due be gal be brought to the Fair; and none ſhall ſell Herring

within Seven Miles of Tarmouth, but within the Three Towns.

thereof, unleſs it be Herring of their own Fiſhing.

XII The Barons of the Five Ports are to have the Govern-
wen of tf of the Fas and this Ordinance for Buying and Selling of
erring ſh he Gliervel 1 in all Towm where 2 is
taken and old. |

XIII. Stat. 31 E. 1 cap. 3. The Chancellor and

Treaſurer, taking to them and otters of the King's
ſhall in Remedy — elk Wins aß

of Stock-Fiſh of St. YR. Pen

| XIV. Stat. 3x E. 3. Star. 3 Doggeis JL: ind Shi
of, Blackney-Baven an: the MUD ſha 72
: 2 Fiſh = the Haven Till or ie thee 7 in Pain of | tall
nment at King's Wi t
fold on hipSoar. s Will, to forfeit their Fiſh, and it ſhall be

Xv. Stat 31 E. 3: Stat.

ping of Dogger of Dogger- Ari Blackney Fair in Nor-

XVI. None but Mugen of Ships, and Mariners that ener

5 gil Foy FO ated dhe

2. The Ordering and Pri

XVII. Stat. K. All Perſons ma Herring in the

Fair - time at Gre 1 ſo openly, mp7 buy Her 4

XVIIL No Man ſhall enter into a Bargain of Herring until |

"the ink Chapmaa hath dove with & So



28 ow ys name cc <u=XUgwwahye -0

nn FT. TT }2}AT7ac - A war

ſwear U er-Confervators, to hear and determine +

* 8 7 S rs B&m*3 & 748

Lin, Fiſhers ann Fin. 18

E Fiſher ee 45 yp when hee:

XX. Stat. 13 R. 3; cap. TY No Fiber fhall uſe any Engine a7

by which the Fry of Fiſh may be deſtroyed, upon tho Pains meny
2 ed in the Stat. of Weft, 2. 4."

XI. Salmons jn Laxcaſhire nat be taken betwixt/ A

chaelmas and Candlemas

XXII. Confervators ſhall be ſworn 0 fee this Stat. dab

and the Offenders omar 5

XIII. Stat. 17 R. 2. „ Juſtice of Peace bal be

Conſervators of the Amt Zw > 2; c. 47. & 13 R. 2.
cap. 19. and ſhall have Fawer to ſearch all W cars, Jeſt by their
8 the Fry of Fiſh may bein

XXIV. Juſtices of Peace ſhall have Power to ook god and

Offences of this kind, and to puniſh the Offenders by I pri

ment and Fine, whereof the nder · Conſervator Which be
is to have half, |

XXV. The Mayor or Warden of of Londen hath like Poger| in

Thamss, from Stans to Lu and in A, a as far er
Citizens Grant extends,

XVI. Why, 22 E. 4.*4Þ. 2. None ſhall ſell or ſet to Sale |

any e N
tain 4. <p = Barrel 42 Gallons, and the Half

27 Gallons, well packed, in Pain te forfeit for every Veſſe +: .

8 d. And it ſhall not be ſold or put to Sale in any Veſle), up

it be well packed: ui. the great Salmon by it ſelf, 8

mingling any Grills or broken-bellied Salmon therewith

the ſmall Fiſh (called Grills) ſhall be packed by them ſelves

223 ſuch Mingling; in Pain to forfeit tc every Veſſel eker.

acked and ſet 1 65. 8 d.

II. None ſhall ſer any Herring to Sale in Veſſel, unleſs

the Bartel contain Me Gallons, and the Half Barrel and Fir-
kin accordingly : ſhall alſo be well packed, of one
times packing and faking, and as good and as well packed in
the Midſt as at the Ends, in Pain to forfeit for every Veſlel

Ein 20:4 600 Cagch Br OPENED 4 |

XXVI1II. None ſhall ſetto Sale any Eels by Veſſel, unleſs the
ood ay contain 42 Gallans, and the other leſſer Meaſures Wat
logly z neicher ſhall any mingle red, gall-beaten, * 50 mr

Eels with good Eels, but pack the good Eels b oy the themſelves,
r $0908 any red Eels at all, in Pain to forfeit for va
ned als ferro Sale Io 5. and as mut tis At every Velle].
wi ed or ict to contrary to this
15 Na XXIX. None

XXIX. None ſhall ſet to Sale any barrelled Fiſh, uflefs it be

well packed, viz. the great Fiſh (called Tail-Frſh, contain
in. Lepgth from the Bone in the Fin to the Third Joynt in the
Tail, 26 Inches) by themſelves,” and the Leſſer Fiſh called
Grills) by themſelves, without mixing Thukes or Breken
Bellied Fiſh therewith ; neither ſhall the ſaid Fiſh be laid
double in the N nor the Napes thereof longer than the
little Bone that refte: upon the great Fin, and the Bone ſhall
be taken away to the Navil of every ſuch Fiſh, which ſhall
alſo be ſplatted within a handful of the Tail, in pain to for-
flit for every Barrel of Fiſh otherwiſe ordered, 3s. 4d.
: X. Head. Officers of the Corporations, Boroughs, Markets
Towrs, and other Places, ſhall appoint diſcreet Perſons to ſearch
and gauge Veſſels of Fiſh, for the Prevention of the aforeſaid
cCe1ty, 4 ; | ;
kl, The Forfeitures of this Act ſhall be divided betwixt
the King and the Proſecutor. Howbeit, within a Franchiſe the
Lord of the Liberty ſhall have the King's Part. N

XXXII. Stat. x1 H. 7. cap. 22. The Stat. of 22 E. 3. cap. 2,

3s confirmed, and the Gauger, Searcher and Packer's Fee ap-
rointed : viz. for Gauging every Veſſel of Fiſh, a Farthing; for
Ecarching and Packing (if need be) of a Barrel of Salmon, 1 d.
for Bonipg, Napping, and Paccing a Barrel of Fiſh (if need be)
x d. for Searching and Packing a Birrel of Herring, 2 d. and as
much for Eels; and ſo ratably for leſſer Meaſures of Herring

and Fels, - |
| kin. The Gauger, Searcher or Packer ſhall take no

more, and that anly when they execute their Office, in Pain to

= 1 their Office, and to ſuffer 40 Days Impriſonment without

XXXIV. Stat. 31 H. 8. cap. 2. None ſhall fiſh in any

ond, Stew or Moat in the Day-time without the Owner's Con-
ſent, in Pain of Three Months INE, and to find Sure-
ties for their good Behayiour. But this is altered by j Elis.
cap, 21, Vide infra, | eee FL

XXV. Stat. 2 & 3 E.6. a 6. No Officer of the Admi-

ralty ſhall take any thing of any Perſon that goes to Trade for
Fiſh into Jeland, New. found land, Ireland, or other Places
commodious for Fiſhing, for any Licence to paſs, or otherwiſe,
n reſpe& of ſuch Voyage, in Pain to forfeir for the firſt
Offence treble the Sum or Valueof the Reward ſo taken. to be
divided 2 — King Sen Party 1 or _— Proſe-
tor; and for the leco tence to loſe hi Office, and to
fngd at the King's Will e 18050

2 ANNVI, Dat,

< mo de


= A



vn. An Perſons having uriſdiction of 'Confervancy


X / .
nd LF I —
Fiſh, Flchers and Fiching⸗ 25

- XXXVI. Stat. 1 Elia, cap. 17. None ſhall aſe any Net or

or Trouts out of Seaſon, or Pikes ſhorter than 10 Inches, Sal-

mons than 16, Trouts than 8, and Barbles than 12 ; or ſhall
uſe any Engine to take Fiſh, other than Angle ot Net, or a Tra-
me al 2 Inches and an half Meſh, in Pain to forfeit 20 s. the
Fiſh ſo wrongfully taken, and the Net or Engine wrongfully

upon Streams of Waters, and Lords of Leets, have Power up-

on the Oaths of 12 Men, to hear and determine theſe Offences, |
and ſhall have all the Forfeityres which accrue e RE
* XXXVIII, The Steward of a Leet ſhall give this Statute in
Charge to the Jury, in pain of 40 3. to be divided berwixt the
Queen and the Informer. 54 1 7 N 18
XXXIX. Here, if the Jury wilfully fotbear to preſent Of
fences of this kind, the Steward or Bailiff ſhall impannel ano-
ther Jury to 1 their Default, which being found, the
firſt Jurv ſhall forfeit 20 8. apiece, e.
XL. Upon Default of Pteſentment in Leets within one
Year, Juftices of Peace in Seſſions, Juſtices of Oyer and 7 er-
miner, and Juſtices of Aſſiſe in Circuits, have Power to herr
and determine the aid Offenes. ole Ts
XLI This Act ſhall not reſtrain the taking of Smelſts. Leeches
Minews, Bull-heads, Gudgeons or Eels, with Nets or Engines
formerly uſed, ſo that no other Fiſh be taken therewith; not
ſhall exrend to abridge any former Privilege of Conſervancy
lawfully enj»yed, or Fiſhing in Tweed, Lade, Vys, or in Wa-
ters let to Farm by the Queen, fo that the Spawn or Fry of
Fiſh be not therein wilfully deſtroyed · POT TOE

XLII. Stat. 5 Eliz. cap. 21. None ſhall unlawfully break

down Fiſh-Pond- Heads, or fiſh there, without Licence of the
Owner, or enter into any Charter-Park, Woods, or other
Gr and there kill or chaſe the Deer, or take any Hawks
or Hawks Eggs, in Pain to ſuffer three Months Impriſonment,
and to be bound with good Sureties to the good — — ſor
Seven Years after. 1 e

XLIII. The Party grieved ſhall in Seſſions or elſewhere re-

cover treble Damages againſt the Delinquent, and upon Satis -

— ſhall have Liderty to procure his Releaſe of the Beha-
viour. | *
XLIV. Juſtices of Oyer and Terminer, Aſſiſe, Peace and

Saol- delivery in Seſſiom, have Power to hear and determine

thoſe Offences, [571

XLV. ſuftices of Peace upon the Offender's AcknowleJg-
nt in Seffiions, and Satisfaction to the Party grieved, ſhall
— to releaſe the Behaviour. Ts 15

ine to deſtroy the Spawn or Fry of Fiſh, or take Salmons

Fi; Filhers and Fibing. ;

| t. T J. 1. 23, In the of 5
| 7 — ö Grnvall, > hall be la rad Hen
57 * any M ws Ground var 25 1

diſcover F. Fiſhermen to y their Scams

there without Foe nog gn Treſpaſs. New

en. VII. Stat. 3 Jac, neee

or Wears along the Sea-ſhore, or in any Haven or

five Mules of the Mputdet x, Haven or Curt, or

will ly deſtroy the Spawn 1 24 of Fiſh, in Pain of 101,
to be betwixt the King the Proſecntor: Neither
ſhall any fiſh in any of « * Places with an Net
a leſs Meh — 0 n half betwixt Kot

for the takin © Smoulds in Nov 481

with a Canvas Net or other whereby t

Fry of Fiſh+may be deſtroyed,; in Pain to Four Baer ihe Grid
Net or Engine, and x0 5. bn Money, to be divided betwixt
the Poor the Dart a0h NP. 2 be le
vied in Corporatiom - $-, ers, and in ks Places
by Diſtreſs-and Sale no — a 1 of 'a Church Wren
of Peace, directed ow the Conſtables rigs
of the ſame Pariſh'f or that Purpoſe.

17 7 — 13 & 14 Car. 2. cap. 28. **

the firſt o 1 the laſt of Ne in any Yea, ſhall
take Fiſh —.— any Brig Nes. Trammel or Stream - Net or
Nets, or other Nets of that Sort, within one and
4 half of the Shoxe of Cornwall or Devon, on ain to
forfcir the Nets or the Value of them, and be one Month


25 If any not being Owners, Partners or Adventurers i in

the Craft of Fiſhing, make Pichards or meg: in uk

gegen Ray ve or tranſport andere, 99 1322 they buy them of the

or with theit Leave yy ſhall forfeit

chow them or thi F. e, one half to the King, other to the

L. Purloyoers, 1 Imbezillers, Mc. of Pilchard-Fiſh I ſatis

fic 8 , and 17 ſent 80 id Houſe of ( for
three Months

cious Perſons flock g toget about Boats,

Nets 2 belonging 10 2 2 5
wn n and — . _ —— x. A bau
gay to the Foor of yet en e the Soc
ve |

LII. Stat. 15 Car, 2. cap. 16. No Herring of En i cc

een .




Fr E

-Filh, Filhers and Fiſhing. 203

and well aid end packed! and ſhall be of _ one time of ta ·
ſalring, or Ying, and equally packed in every part ofthe -
125 and by a ſworn Packer; b 1 the Veſſel
with a Mark denoting Gauge thereof, and
Quantity. and Quality of Herrings, and the Re 2
The Bailiffs of Great Yarmouth, and the Head ey 2
Fort, Ne. where any Veſſels go to ſiſh for th
firſt of July in every Year, ſhall a t Packers, and givet |
an Oath for well EN hair) , on Pain to for eit 100 K.
H 2 ro Gong *.
ſhall proceed Eng Vor age from

Tilden Weftmony, out of any * Oc. till 1 N

ch in any Year, on Pain to f orſeit ſuch Shi ny 25

caught. No Perſon ſhall levy or take in
Duty for any Fiſh of Engliſb Catching, on Pain to way re
double the 8 or * he takes takes. None [ball lay Nets — or
near any Harbou Nemo ound-land, to. 7 Spaun or
Young Fry of the Por 55 3, or for any other Uſe, except for
taking Bair on Pain to loſe fuch Nets 2nd 4Fiſh taken, or the
Value, to be recovered. in pay of 1 Se, Courts in New:

found land, or Courts of Record

LIV. None ſhall deſtroꝝ or © fea 5, Utenſils for Fiſhing | or
making O ended other Goods left a

* rbour in 1 nl. ud.

1 Kurie 12205 ahi ol als

_ or
here by to hve
wy Ex Ordering of. Fiſh, 'or making Oy — to a

the Value, to be recovercd in 8 of e

Vide Tie. Hunters end Hunt . 4 d
ſervation of Hiſbing in the: River evern, Tie. Severn.

LV. Stat. 4 & 5, A. cap. 21.

and better — of fab. Salmon, and other Fiſh in op
of Snchempton

Rivers in the Counties

LVT, 9 A. cap. 26. After 10 Juns 1711. It 85

be lawful for the Court of, Aſſiſtants of the Fiſhermens Com-
y, ox the major Part of them, to make ſuch By-laws for the
vernment of the Company, as they ſhall think fit; ſo as the
ſame be by the x Mejor and Alermen of Lov
don, and iſe allowed and confirmed accordi
Statute in that Caſe made: And every Year after the 5d
of June, there ſhall be choſen at the next Court of the 1500
Mayor and Aldermen, out of the fix Wardens of the ſaid Com-
pany, one fit Perſon to he a 4 ap of the Art of Fiſhery ;
and out of the twelve Aſſiſtants fix fit Perſons to be Wardens
of the ſaid. Art, whereof the Water Bailiff of the City of
London 11 be one} and out of ſixty of the in
3 7 Wilts,

An Ad for the Increaſe 5

264 -+Filh, Fichers and piſhing,

thirty Perſons to be Aſſiſtants of the ſaid Company; which
| aid Maſter, Wardens and Aſſiſtants, or any ſixteen of them
together with three of the Wardens, are hereby conſtitut

the Court of Aſſiſtants of the ſaid Company, and ſhall

meet on the firſt Thurſday in every Month in thele Common
Hall, in order to ſorm the Court, and to ory tha ſame for
Regulating Abuſes in Fiſhery z the Water Bailiff ſhall be

always ſummoned to attend the Court; and the major Part

of the ſaid Court of Aſſiſtants may call before them any

Perſon, who ſhall fiſh or wo in the Limits of the
Fiſhery as common Fiſhermen, and cauſe every Perſon duly
qualified, or who ſerved. on Board the Navy. two Years, to
regiſter their Names in a Book there kept for that 5
together with the Place of his. Abode, and the Name
every Servant or Apprentice he hath, uſing the Trade of
Fiſhing or D:ulging in the ſaid Limits; and ſhall cauſe a
Mark to be ſet on every Boat, not to be defaced, changs
eld, or altered, that every Perſon - offending may be found out,
and that the Crown may know what Number of Able
bodied Seamen the Company can furniſh; and any Perſon
duly ſummoned by the rt, to appear before them, in
order to be entre and ferve on Board the Navy, and neg-
lecting to appear, ſhall be ſent on Board the Navy, and
difabled from Fiſhing in the Thames for Two Years. --
LVII. No Perſon after the ſaid zoth of June ſhall
wilſully kill, or expoſe to Sale, any Spawn, Fry, or
Brood of Fiſh, or Spat of Oyſters, ox any ſmall or wn
wholſom Fith ; or catch, kill or deftroy any Fiſh out
of Seaſon, or expoſe ſuch Fiſh to Sale, or wilfully buy,
harbour, or receive, or uſe; as Food for H or other-
wiſe, any Spawn, Fry, Cc. and no Salmon ſhall be caught
within the ſaid Limits, between 24 Aug. and 11 Novem.
in any Near: The Lori-Mayor, upon N to him
by the Court of Aſſiſtan s, may direct any Number of
Stakes to be driven in any Place within the River, betwirt
the London Mark- ſtone, above | Staines-Bridge, and Lon
abu- Bridge, fo as the fame be not prejudicial to the Navi-
| 8 the River; and no Perſon ſhall remove or looſen
e ſame. | | |
LVIII. No Fiſh ſhall be fold more than once within
Billineſgate or within 150 Yards of Billingſgate Dock;
Ne 2 any Perſon ( except Fiee Fiſhmongers in their
Houſes and Shops within 150 Yards of the Dock, and
not in the Marker of Billingſgate, and except Fiſher-
men, and the firſt Importets of Fiſh to the ſaid Market
ſell, or expoſe to Sale, any manner of Fiſh in the ſai
Makes or within 150 Yards of tho Dock, aſter the ſaid
170 June, |
* ur Thy

Fri, Fichers and Fiſhing. 203

III. The aid Court of Affftants ſhall Yearly pay the Wa-
ter-Bailiff 30 J. free of all Taxes, on Eaſter and Michaelmas

dem Portioni; and he may grant Licences to fiſh in

uted = A or poof oe acebrding to Cuſom. =
ſhall LI. No Fiſh ſhall be fold or expoſed in Billing ſgate Mat-
mon ket, or 150 Yards of the Dock, beſore Three, of the Clock in
for the Morning, from Lady-day to Michael mas, and before Fe
de in the Morning from Michaelmas to Lach- day; and the proper
Part WI Omcer ſhall ring a Bell for that purpoſe. ©
ay LXI. The Lord-Mayor and Aldermen of Lendbn, for all Oſ-
the WW fences in his Juriſdiction, and the Juſtices of Peace of the te-
duly ſpective Counties, or any of them, for all Offences committed
s, to in their Limits, ſhall haye Power, upon View or Complaint
** made, to examine and determine upon Oath all Offences againſt
: this AR, and upon Conviction to impoſe a Fine, not exceed-
A ing 10 l. nor leſs than 5 . to be levied by Diftreſs, unl:fs the
a Fine be immediately paid, or good Security given to abide the
ang · Order of the Court of ervancy, upon ſuch Conviction
Fm, as ſhall be made by the Lord - Mayor; or at the General Quar-
ble ter · Seſſions by the Juſtices, u a Conviction made before

them, or one of them, in the Offender ſhall. think fit to

appeal to either; and if no Diſtreſs can be had, the Offen-
der may be committed to the Houſe of Correction, without
Bail, for any time not exceeding two Months; the Forfei-
tures and Penalties for a Offences within the Juriſdicti-
on of the Conſervatory ſhall be paid, one Moiety to the In-
former, the other Moiety to the Lord-Mayor, as Conſer-
vator of the River Tbames; the Forfeitures out of his Juriſ-
dition ſhall be paid, one Moiety to the Poor of the Pariſh
— IIreie Tun be committed, the other Moiety to the
ecutor. . | |
LXII. General Saving of all Rights to Fines, Forſeituret,
Amerciaments, and Wreck at Sea, &. |
LXIII. Provifo, That the Act ſhall not prejudice the Rights
and Privileges of the City of London, exerciſed by the Lad,
Mayor as Conſetvator of the Thames and Waters of Med-
ny Rights of Admiraltics or Vice-Admiralties of


. way; or a

1 22 or 2055 or the Fiſhings of the City of Lon on, or

ſen any other City or Corporation, or any Lords of Manors,
hin I or Owners of Rivers within any Part of the ſ. id
mir. |

ck; XIV. Proviſc, The Act ſhall not extend to Fiſhermen or

dere — 4 who dwell in the Cinque- Ports, or in Rocheftey,
way Strood. Chatham, Findibury, Gullinghan, Milton, Queen-

borough, Feverſham, Whiteflaple, or the Places adjacent.

ct LXV ; Tin Act ſhall be taken to be a Publick Act; and if
f an Action is brought againſt any one for putting it in Execuri-
ad en, the Deſcendant may plead the General Iſue, and give 1 ;

[be |

s Flax and Hemp, & .

Act and Special Matter in Evidence; and if he recoy
have full Coſts . r er, fal by
1: NI. do 2

out. of all Moines — to the ſaid Com | 417

Flax and hem. 1

I. Stat. 33 H. 8. cap. 17. Nene ſhall water any Hemp or WM ha
Flax in any River, Running-water, Stream, Brook, or common WM ÞaV
Pond, where Beaſts be uſed to be watered, but only upon the MW dau
Ground, in Pits ordained for that purpoſe, or in their own fe. {cnc
veral Ponds, in Pain of 203. to he divided betwixt the King and

the Party grieved, or other Preſceutor.

£ Prerog. Beg. cap. 9. 17 E. 2. The King ſhall have tle

Cuſtody of the Lands « RG Fools, taking 2. Profits thereof
without Waſte, and finding them Neceſſaries, of whoſe Fee ſo-
ever the Lands be holden ; and after-the Death of fuch 11iov,
ſhall render them to the right Heir; ſo that the Lands ſhall not
be fold, nor the Heir diſfinherited. |

Pꝛerog. Beg. cap. 10. 17 E. 2. The King ſhall e that

the Lands of Lunaticks be ſafely kept wickout Waſte, and
and their Families, (if they have any) ſhall be maintained wit
the Profits thereof; and that the Reſidue be kept for their Uſe,
and be delivered unto them when they come to right Mind; fo
that the Lands ſhall not be aliened, neither ſhall the King have
any Profits thereof to his own Uſe: but if they die in uch ERate,
the Refidue ſhall be diſtributed for their Souls by the Advice f K.

the Ordinary,

Foxcible Entry,

I. Stat, 5 K. 2. cap. J. None ſhall enter into Lands or Ts

nements by Force, in Pain of Impriſonment, and Ranſom at the
King's P leaſure. | | ;
II. Stat. 15 R. 2. cap. 2. When forcible Entry is made into
Land or Church-Livings, one or more Juſtices of Peace, taking
ſufficient Power, and going to the Place fo kept by Force, ma
commut the Offender to the next Gao), there toremain Con «

- Foxcible Enter. 20e

aftice's Record, till he have made Fine and Ranſom ta

by 2 And herein the Sheriff and all others ſhall be Aſ-

ſiſtants, in Pain of Impriſonment and great Fines making.

III. Stat. 8 H. 6. cap. 9. The Stat. of xy R. 2. cap, 2. ſhall

be duly put in — bath againſt forcib Lr 0 forci-
ble Detainer, although it were after peaceable Entry; and all
this at the Coſts of the Party grieved. Fr a

IV. When Complaint of any fuch or Detainer ſhall be

made to any Juſtice or Juſtices of Peace, he or they by Precept
ſhall command the Sheriff ro ſummon ſufficient Jury, and
having by them made Erquiry of the Force committed, ſhall
cauſe the Tenements to be ſeiſed, and that as well in the Ab-
ſence as Preſence of the Party offending. And here the Alie-
nation of the Tenements ( ſo entred into, or detained by Force)
for Maintenance ſhall be adjudged void. 8

V. If the Jurors make Default, Iffues are to be ſet upon them

by the Sheriffs thus; 20 f. upon the firſt 1 u
( 22

VI. The Sheriff or Bailiff that ſhall = his Duty herein,

ſhall forfeit 20 J. to be recovered againſt him, as well before the

uſtices aforeſaid, as before Juſtices of Aſſiſe, by Indittment or

ill, and to be divided betwixt the King and the Proſecutor,

II. In an Aſſiſe of Novel Diſſeifin, or Action of Treſpaſs

2gainſt the Party guilty of forcible Entry, forcible Detainer
_ 2 as aforeſaid, the Party grieved ſhall recover tre-

e Damages. | 79

VIII. Hezd-Officers and Juſtices of Peace of Corporations

have like Power within their Franchiſes, that other ſuſlices of
Peace have within Counties. |

IX, This Statute ſhall endamage none where peaceable Poſſeſ-

ſion hath been enjoyed by the Space of three Years. |

IX. Stat. 3x El. cap. 11. There ſhall be no Reftitution

an Indictment of torcible Entry or Detainer, where the Defend. |
ant hath been three Years next before in quiet Poſſeſſion, and
his Ettate therein not ended. | |
XI. Stat. 21 Fac. 1. cap. 15. Upon Force or Derainer, as
aforeſaid, a Juſtice or Juftices of Peace have Power to give Re-
ſtitution of FPoſſeſſion as well unto Tenants for Years, by Elegit,

Statute Merchant or Staple, 1 or Guardians

Knights ſexvice, as unto thoſe t claim Free hold or late




© Foeeftallers, Regratozs, Jngrofſers,

I. Stat. cap. 5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 14. He or ſhe that ſhall buy or

contract for any Merchandize, Victual, or other thing whatſo-
ever (in the way) before it ſhall be brought. (by Land or
Water ) unto any City, Port, Road, Fair or Market, where it
ſhould be ſold, or ſhall cauſe the ſame to be ſo bought, or ſhall
diſſwade People from bringing any ſuch Commodity to any ſuch
Place or (being brought) ſhall perſwade them to inhance the
Price thereof, ſhall be adjudged a Foreſtaller. _

II. A Regrator is he that buys any Grain, Wine, Fiſh, But-

ter, Cheeſe, Candles, Tallow, Sheep, Lambs, Calves, Swine,
Pigs, Geeſe, Capons, Hens, Chickens, Pigeons, 'Conies, or
other dead Victual whatſoever, brought to a Fair or Market,

to be ſold there, and doth ſell the ſame again in the ſame Faic
or Market, or in ſome other Fair or Market within four Miles.

III. An Ingtoſſer 1s he that gets into his hands by Buying,

Contract or Promiſe (other than by Demiſe, Grant or Lea
of Land or Tythe) any Corn growing in the Fields, or other
Grain, Butter, Cheeſe, Fiſh, or other dead V. whatſo-
eyer, with Intent to ſell it again.

IV. The Party guilry of any of the Offences aforeſaid, ſhall

forfeit for the firft Offence the Value of the Goods fo bought or
had, and ſuffer two Months Impriſonment without Bail ; for
the Second, the double Value, and ſuffer fix Months Impriſon-
ment without Bail ; and for the Third, ſhall forfcit all his Goods,
te ſet upon the Pillory, and be impriſoned at the King's Plea-

ure. |

V. This Act ſhall not reſtrain the Buying of Barley or Oats

to be converied into Malt or Oatmeal ; nor the Proviſion of
any Town Corporate, Ship, Caſtle, Fort, Berwick, Holy
T/land, c. or any Fiſhmonger. Inn-holder, Victualler, But-
cher, Poulterer, or People dwelling within one Mile of the
main Sea, which uſe to buy and ſell Fiſh, for any thing con-
cerning their ſeveral Myſteries or Tradings, they Retaihng the
ſame at reaſonable Prices; nor any Badger, Lader, Kidder or
Carrier, aſſigned to that Office by three ſuftices of Peace, and
delivering the Commodity out of his hand within one Month
after he buys it; nor the taking of any thing reſerved upon any
3 lo that all theſe things bz done without Fraud or Fore


VI. He that buyeth Grain in any Market for Change of Seed,

ſhall bring as much the ſame Day, and ſell it, if he can,
ing to the preſent Price of Grain there, in Pain to ſorleit dou
ble the Value of the Grain ſo bought. bk


20805 &I=oawinu

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22 32442882 5

determine the aforeſaid Offences by Ihqüiftion, Þ

e :

Foreſts, Shade Ports Mate- 2

He that buys any Cattle; aud ſells the ſame again 3

n Pee Wert“ de Cet Sa 5 00s phe
ring which time he ought to —— upoh Paſture, whith be
hath either by Grant or

VIII. Juftices of Peace in — ts to bes * :

teſent ment,
Bill or Information, or by the Teſtimohy of Two Wi

and to exact the one half of the Forfeitures to the Uſe of 54]
King, and cauſe the other half ro ok levied te the Uſe of the
Proſecutor by Fieri avias or and when the Proſecu-
Ease t at the ing ; Sai only, to exuct the Whole to l

ing's |

IX. Nohedhall be pariſhes Nice for the fame Offence.”

X. This Act ſhall not — the Tranſporter of Grain echt

tle from Port to Port (allowed by Three Juſtices of Peace and
not Foreftalling.):ſo that he embark the Fleet Forty yD

after he buys them, and bring back from ſome Juſtice of _

Certificate of rheix unlading | 8 agrotable to

The Offencesagainft this Statute ſhall be profecnted with

in Two Years od
XII. This Act ſhall not reſtrain 2 Drover allowed by Thee
Juftices of Peace (1 Que.) and ſelling his Cattloar Foory Miles.
iſtance from: the Place where he bought them. Ho beit, c
CE ee ee int . n
1: S707 3.37 ' 11
XIII. Stat. 13 Elia. cap. 25. in Ine. The Sette of 5 8&6
E. 6, cap. 14. ſhall not extend to Wines, + ars, oo
Currans, ox other Foreign Victual Wenn” fron Een
Fiſh and Salt only excepted-
XIV- Go more ontient Statutes of


11% & Bad

5 5 Ta Parks, ns 5

I. Chart, de ** c 1 11 25 d F
\1, Ear. Foy Cop aw 3 3 Al e

refted any other Woods than his own Degel 1 Wt art 7 20

prjadiced, & they ey ſhalt be ak ; Saving Corhinon 2
e and oth
— 2 — 2 | the! qreft, to uc as have ac:
Cap. 2. 1 * dwelling out of the Foreſt ſhall come be-
fore the Juſtices of our Foreſt by common Sammons, unleſs

they be impleaded there, or bs Sureties for others that are at ·

tached for the F oreſt
1. III. Cap.

Vol. 0
Dn *

wag gang Chuſes, Parks; an

III. Thr 8 —. 4 N. i. e ee,

2 N Wood ts fn Frets,

2 as t ed of

e W — — — tes e

of the Coronation of 3. and they. that make —

ard ſhall be anſweiable to the King for the ſame:.'

V. Cab. 5. ers of the Fereſts ſhall. — theiv Offices

* Was ed 4 t Coronation of H. a. and: not other wiſe.

YI. Cop wing of Dogy ſhall be made in Foreſts: from

Thrs Kare e by the Vie and Teſtimony of Law-

Men en, and os, — and he that hath not his lawed

8 22 ee ſo no Os ſhall be taten for Lawing of

be done by the uſual Afhſe, iz. — "Three
Clans ofthe Fo be cxt off by the Skin Howbeir, ſuch

Laing flo bur whercit hath: bees uſen fret 0.

Is e Foreſer or. Bade ful make Soc,

- Ba * Gard, $, Corn, Lamb or Pig, but by the 8 *

2 When they ſhall —— their

Qu — e elt 0 — Rangers aſſigned for the Keeping o
* as ſhallſeem teaſanably tent for the fame.
L. Cap. 8. Were ſhall be only Threr :Swain-mores in the
ar, viz one 11 Days before Michadleras, another about Mar
| as, and the Third 13 Days before Midſummer ; av the firſt
two. of which none ſhall * by Diſtreſs but the Foreſters,
9 ,Geft-eakers, and at che — only the F
:;Howbeit, the Foreſten and Ve ſhall: meet
_ 40 Days to fee the Arrachments of the Forefts, 25. wel ſor
Green-hue as Hunting: And the Swain-motesſhall'not not be Kept,
bat in the Coupties where they have been-ufed to he hept.
IX, Cap. Every. one —— Wood in the Fœveſt, they
Nit, 5 2 —— _ — — 2 iD 2
rive 3 or olfew
Fe wed Purpoſe ; Hogs ee they bu all Night in the Foreſts, he ſhall
not be queſtioned ft or it.
X. Cap. 10. None ſhall loſe- Life or Metaber for 755 .
| 22 * Jars be fined for it, if he have an ;
ned: a Yeariand 2 Day; — (if it 0
E Anne enen e tal a

1 27 ie dane he Bi xing fent for by. the King,

in coming rel may ki. Two 1 by the For

through Sich he paſſe it Ky — not be done
vily, but by che Fe of the © Honder ic but i abſent,

8 cauſing one to blow « ane he ente fiealthe



. 42 * .
1 k 4
- % * © +

SS _ =%

2 8 d 788.8 K.

kuss 85 255 e eleaſel, inding Sirk

7 dete, eure, Patte, terte 211

= EOS Brery 1 12 In. che Foreſt 5

) mie à Min obt; Matl-pit Fat.

or Arable R by thotit ihc Atable, f Ji be —
5% ee an PAK RE A428 of Bi K,
mau m4 %
22 fe Es Hony found in his Woods viel

| 5477 V: Cap 12 No —— man besten

but by a in Jo that Farms His Bailiwick, at

leh wt He theit es Dat, Bark of Coal, 5 — * TL

and x 4 a. We an Horſe, :

yealy 4 al ke lt oy taten where it i ue ec

ken, and not Eben, 3. all any Ch

of of Rich 16 catty Borchen of | Bae 4 Ser A |
= fell it, unleſs they tike then our of f hs King's Dem

All Perſons outlawed for E ee jo Fotetl

od mdre

bfl{ble, Cafte 5 ot Bailiff, ſhall hoſf

Pleas of Bn Ay who hue or Hunting but the Foreſter al
attack Tuch Pleas, atid pen: them to the Veſts e
them ergo of BY

inc wie ib fo ſhall 1945 ne fate vey

their $ tanto the ice of the

2 Parts to hold Pleas of the Foteſt, nr ao

4 "Theſe Libtetis of the Foteft the K ig pairs |

Men' 55 g to all other Ferse n the Liberti e

in Foreſts, atrens, 1 Places, ni lormetiy


XVIIL. Merten, C4 17.20 Ef 4. The Erde det * 3

goers of Tre paſfers in their Parks 22 Pani,
as denied by the King, and fo deferred,

XII. Weſt. 1. Caps, 20: 3 E. gegen e a+

hall g give treble Damages to the Part 2

cars Imprifonment, fined at the 25 87 en,
Surety never to offend in rhe like kind again : And if 2

not find ſhall abjure the Realm, ot being Fugirive

nr HE 4 l, of being n
XXI. Ordiniatio Foreſte, 33 E. 1. Stat. 5. Thoſe to he

— Kin hath hl granted lw es — 8 are di

* Foreſt, but thea

ſhalf'be qi =

XX. Stat. 21 E. f. A Forefier, Parker or W arent

hor be queſtioned for Killing 2 teaſer who ( after the
cried unto him) will not himſelf; To it be dor gone rt

ſome other former Malice.

* —

212 Foreſts, Chaſles, Parks, Warrens. |

they are to have no Common there: Howbeit, ſach are wil.

ling to return their Woods into the Foreſt, ſhall enjoy

— other Eaſements there as they did before.

| XXII. Ordinatio Foreſts, 34 E. 1, cap. 1. Preſentment of

Treſpaſſes of Green-hue and Hunting in Foreſts, ſhall be made

at «the next Swain-mote by the Foreſters within their ſeveral
Bailiwicks, before the Foreſters, Verdors, Regardors, Agiſtors,
and other Minifters of the Foreſt ; and they ſhall be alſo anqui-
red of by the Oaths as well of Knights as other lawful
(not ſuſpeted ) of the neareſt, Parts where the 'Treſpaſſes
| were committed; and the Preſentments fo inquired of ſhall
be ſolemnly confirmed and ſealed by the Seals of the ſaid Mini-

„III. Cap. 2. If any Officer die, or be otherwiſe hindred,

© that he cannot preſent at the Swain-mote, the Juſtice of the
Foreſt or his Lieutenant ſhall put another in his Place, that the
Indictment may neverthe made by all, in Form afore-
ſaid ; Alſa Oficers which are to be placed, ſhall be put as hath
been uſed ; except the Verdors, who ſhall be ordained by Ele-

Ction or Writ. ; : | 5
XIV. Cap. 3. No Miniſter of the Foreſt ſhall be put upon
any Aſſiſe, Jury or Inqueſt to be taken without the Foreſt.
Av. Cap. 4 No Officer of the Foreſt ſhall ſurcharge the
Fareſt, in Pain to be r by the Juſtice of the Foreſt or
his Lieutenant; and he by whom they were placed ſhall be alſo

be made of Surchargers, Forefters, and other Miniſtert

there, and 4 Oppreſſions done to the People, that Reformation

may be made. |

XXVI. Cap. 5. Treſpaſſes committed in Grounds diſafforeſt-

ed, ſhall be pardoned, yet ſo as the Hedges and Ditches ſhall be
cali down and removed: Saving the grit Arrentations, which
ſhall remain according to the Aſſiſe 0 the Foreſt: Allo the

Wood felled in the Foreſt ſhall be carried away, but that ſtand-
ing (though ſold) ſhall be preſerved. | 1
XXVII. Cap. 6. The Juſtice or his Lieutenant ſhall take
Fines and Amerciaments of Ind ictees for Treſpaſſes commit-
red there, and ſhall not tarry for the Eyre. Commoners re-
rained from their Commons by the Perambulation ſhall be
— to them again: Saving the King's Arrentations, as is
_ XXVIIL. Stat. 1 E. 3. Stat. 1. cap.8. None ſhall be taken or
- impriſoned for Vert or Veniſon, unleſs he be taken with the
Manner, or elſe indicted according to the Form of the Statute of

E. 1. And then the Warden of the Foreſt ſhall let him to

7 until the Eyre of the Foreſt without taking any
thing for his Deliverance ; And if the Warden will not fo G,

12 at the King's Pleaſure. At every Swain · mote Inquiry -



_ Miniſters of the

Foreſts, Chaſes, Parks, Wartens. 213

he ſhall have a Writ out of the Chancery of old ordained for .

Perſons indicted, to be bailed till the Eyre.

XXIX. If the Warden after the Writ ſerved deliver not the ö
Perſon indicted to Mainpriſe, the Plaintiff ſhall have a Writ
out of the Chancery directed to the Sheriff, to attach the War-

den to anſwer his Default before the King at a certain Day; and

then the Sheriff — Verdors being called to him ) ſhall deliver

the Perſon indi

ed by good Mainpriſe in the Preſence of the

ſaid Verdors, and ſhall deliver the Names of the Mainpernors to

the ſame Verdors to anſwer in the Eyre before the Juſtices.

XXX. If the Chief Warden be thereof attainted, he ſhall be

awarded to pay treble Damages to the Party — commit
ted to Priſon, and ranſomed at the King's Wi |
XXXI. Stat. 1 E. 3. Stat. 3. cap. 1. The great Charter, and |

alſo that of the Foreſt, are confirmed.

XXXII, The Perambulations of Foreſts ſhall continue as they

were bounded in the Time of E. 1. and every County ſhall have
a Charter thereof; and where they are not bounded, it ſhall be
2 done, and a Charter thereof ſhall be alſo made accord-
Igly. | |

XIXXIII. Stat. 1 E. 3. Stat. 2, c Li Every Man having

Wood within the Foreſt, may take Houſe-boot and Hay-boot

in his ſaid Week withour being attached for the ſame by the

oreſt, ſo that it be done by the View of the


AXXXIV. Stat. 25 E. 3. Stat. 5. cap. 7. No Foreſter or

other Miniſter there, ſhall gather any Victuals, or other thing,

by Colour of his Office, but What is due of old Right.

XXXV. Stat. 7 R. 2. cap. 3. A Jury for the Trial of a Treſ-

paſs within a Foreſt, ſhall give up their Verdict where they re-
ceived their Charge, and ſhall not, by Menace or otherwiſe, be
conſtrained to give their Verdict ofa Treſpaſs done 1n the Foreſt,
otherwiſe than their Conſcience will clearly inform them.

XXXVI. Stat. 5 R. 2. c. 4. No Officer of the Foreſt ſhall take |

or ; any without due Indictment, or per main ouvre,

with his Hand at the Work (that 1s, being taken with the Man»
ner, or Treſpaſſing in the Foreſt;) nor ſhall conſtrain any to
make Obligation of Ranſom againſt his Will, and the Aſſiſe of

the Foreſt, in Pain to pay the Party grieved double Damages,

and to be ranſomed at the King's Will,

XNXVII. Stat. 22 E. 4. cap. 7. If any having Woods in his

own Ground within any Foreſt, Chaſe or Purlie w, ſhall cut on

2 * OI") Lata "RL 2 WP " g W »
APE" * . 99 4 * * F „ : L _ 7
: « N L : 1 *
Tu — a * /

* 1 1 \

without Licence, ( where they belong to chere) he ma
0 and CET Fad ha Seven Years next u
EAling. | : | * 3

s Foreſis, Chaſes and Parks riting under the of

his Office, may make 23 many Deputies as he pleaſe, which ſhall
ba fe Power; as the Jufiice wr hath- 1 6

XXXIX. Stat. 16 & 17 Car. 2, cap. 16. An Add for Wo

tainty of Foreſts, and of the Meers, Kais, and Bounds thereof,
Ses the Statute at large, MT

F oxfeiture, |

I. Magna Charta, cap. 22. 9 H. 3. The King will not hold

the re of Perſans convict 2 Felony, longer than a Year

and a Day, and then they ſhall be delivered to the Lords of the


II. Stat. 17 E. 2. cap. 14. The King ſhall have the Eſcheats of
e Lands of Frse-holdets of Archbiſhops and Biſhops, which
happen in time of Vacation, to diſpoſe of at his Pleaſure,
the ſaid Free-holders being attainted for Felony : Saving ta
ſuch Prelates the Service that thereto is due and 20 .

A | | |

UL. Stat, 17 E. z. cap. 36. The King ſhall have all the

| Goods of Felons and Fugitives, and the Lear, Day and Wafte of
their Lands, and then the Land ſhall be delivered to the Lord of
the Fee, who may alſo (if he pleaſe) compound with the
King for the Year, Day, and Waſte. |
IV. Here certain Lands are excepted, viz 1. In Glouceſter-
Pire, where after the Year and Day the Land ſhall deſcend to the
next Heir. 2. In Kent, (Lands called Gave/h:ind) where the
Father may go to the Bow, and yet the Son to the Plough. And

in Gavelkizd all the Heirs-Male ſhall divide the Inheritance,

and ſo ſhall the Heirs-Female, but Women ſhall not make Parti-
tian with Men; Alſo a Woman ſhalf be endowed of the Moiety,
and if ſhe commit Fornication in ker Widowhood, or Marry,
me ſhall loſe her Dower. ; |

V. Stat, De Catallis Felomum, None taken for Felony 6

which he ſhall be impriſoned, ſhall be diſſeiſed of his Lands or

Charteſs until he be corvidted theredf; but 21 ſon as he is
Ae kis Tenements and Coxttely n be viewed de eng

A Fonzkeiture. en N 1 |
e ee Fe Ae d nei e.

XXXVIIL Stat, 32 H. 8. r Eyery Juſtice or ſhe

OE nd. MS LE. E FT

4 —A-

< 2 |
» — *
A 4.

"FS ww TY _

_ ry



SFT S 2.39.0
Forfuiture 7.

: 1. Stat. Elia. c .
lingly, ſud

Tanger ot falſe Deeds. Lt Try

Officers of the King and lawful-Men, and invento-


7 Juſtices of the Chatrels;ior the Price: Saving

— ele Family! their Necellaries as long as: he

ſhall be impriſoned, asd his reaſonable Eſtover, fo that when he

is convicted, the reſidue of his Chattels (beſides his Eftover)
may remain to the King, with the Lear and Day of his Lands;
ney” he be acquit, his Chatte ſhall be rettored. Fido Be.

VI. Stat, 31 E. 3. Stat. 1. cap. 3. If any charged with the

Goods of Fugitives and Felons, will, in Diſcharge of himſelf, a
ledge another that is chargeable therewith, he ſhall be heard,
and Right ſhall be done him. X e
VII. Heat. 25 3. cap. 12. There ſhall be no Forfeiture of
Lands for Treaſon of dead Perſons not attainted in their Lives.
VIII. Stat, 1 R. 3. cap. 3. None ſhall ſeiſe the Goods of
any arreſted for Suſpicion of Felony, before he be convict ot
attainted thereof, or the ſame Goods be otherwiſe lawfully for-
feited, in Pain to forfeit to the Party grieved double the Value

of the Goods ſo taken, to be recovered by Action of Debt, c.

wherein no Eſſoign, &c. ſhall be allowed. | 2 5

IX. Stat. 11 H. . cap. 1. None that attends Upon the Ki

( for 7 being) in his Perſon, and doth him faithful Ser-
vice of Allegiance in his Wars within the Realm, 'or without,
or is in other Places at his Command, ſhall be convict or at-
tainted of High Treaſon, or any other Offence for ſo doing,
whereby he may forfeit any thing, but ſhall be clearly diſchar-
of all Vexation and Loſs which he may incur by reaſon of
the ſame. And if any Act or Proceſs of Law hereafier happen
to be made ther it ſhall be void. Provided, that none

hall table Benefit by this Act, which ſhall hereafter decline from

X. Stat. 24 H. 8. caſh 5. If any be indifed or appealed fur

the Death of one attempting to murder, rob, or commit

glary, (and fo found by Verdict) he ſhall forfeit no Lands
j the ſame, but thall be fully acq lit and diſcharge
TFomer of falſe Deeds,

Amy debe c Gch others, l a;

| tily and rc or abe or d to 5
120 4 |

216 Font offalleDeevs:

\ made;any falſe Deed, Charter or Writing ſealed; Court Roll of


Will-1n Writing, to the Intent that the Free-hold or Inheritance

of Lands, or the Right ox Title therevt, may be troubled, de-
ſeated or charged, or ſtall publiſn or ſhew forth in Evidence
any ſuch forged Writing as true, know ing the ſame to be falſe
and forged, and ſhall be thereof convicted, upon an Action
of Forger of falſe Deeds (to be founded upon this-Stature )
at the Suit of the Party grieved, or otherwiſe, he. ſhall pay
to the Party grieved double and Damages, to be aſſeſſed
in the Court where ſuch Conviction ſhall be, ſhall be ſet upon
the Pillory in ſome Market-Town, or other open Place, and
there have both his Ears cut off, and alſo his No k fic
and ſeared with an hot Iron; he ſhall alſo forfeit to the Queen,
her Heirs and Succeſſors, the Iſſues of his Lands, arid -ſuffer
perpetual Impriſonment during his Life; And the ſaid Cofts
and Damages ſhall be firſt levied upon the Gdods and Iſſues
1 the Leeds of the Offender, - notwithſtanding the Queen's
Title thereupon. : |
II. For ſuch Forging, Ic. of a Leaſe .for Years'of Lands,
(not Copy- hold) or of an Annuity, Obligatien, Bill, Acquit-
tance, Releaſe, or other Diſcharge of any Perſonal Thing, the
Offeyder ſhall pay double Coſts to the Patty grieved, to be af-
Tefled, as before, be ſet upon the Pillory, loſe one of his Ears, and
fer a Years Impriſanment without Bait.
III. The Party grieved may have his Remedy for his double
Cofts and Damages by Original Mrit. out of the Chancery, as in
Caſe of Treſpaſs, by Bill in the King's Bench, or in the Exehe-
quer, in vhich Suit no Eſſoign, c. ſhall be allowed.
TV. Howbeit, he that is once puniſhed for this Offerice ſhill
not after be impeached for the ſame; and albeit the Plaintiffs
Releaſe orDifcontinuanceof Suit may diſcharge his own Remedy,
et the reſt of the Puniſhment ſhall be nevertheleſs inflicted b
Judgment and Command of the Court.
V. The ſecond Offence is Felony without Clergy, -where-
of the Offender being convicted or attainted, he ſhall forfeit
his Lands and Goods as in other Caſes of Felony :-Saving to
all other Perſons their Right. &c. neither ſhall ſuch Convicti-
mot Attainder extend to Loſs of Dower, ot Diſheriſon of
Heir. SR | 1271494

VI. Provided, this AG ſhall not extend to charge any Ordi-

N * e for partin their Sea 822

any Will, not knowing the ſame to nor for Wri
GAs 1 or the Probat — Hap | .
- Juſtices er and mer and A ſſiſe, in thei ons

ſhall hear and determine theſe Offences. - x : s

VIII. Provided, this Act ſhall not extend to any Proctor,
dyocatę or Regiſter, for Writing, Setting forth or Pleadin
am Proxy for the Appearance of any Perſon cited to a —

* 1 - >

WS bz Ke .



—3 878%



F *

FPrednebites uud Liberties 27

ade ecken Court, gi $0 any Axchdeacoi or Ofc
E their Seal to fuch z not to any Eccleſiaſtic
Judge for admitting the ſame, nor to any Attorney or Coun-
ellor for | pleading or ſuch forged

giving in Evidence any. ach forged

Writing, being not Party or Privy thereunto, nor to any
Perſon that ſhall plead or ſhew forth any Writing Exemph-
fied under the Great Seal, or the Seal of any other Court
this Realm, nor to any Judge, Juſtice, or other Perſon that
ſhall ſet any ſuch Seal therennto, not knowing the ſame to be

1 * * * 1 1 _y N © g ,4 © * * * a * of 8 8 4 y CT kw . *
0 A ranc ; |
N 0 1 4 — ; .. . ot 1 , " . od £. F

violable. ©

agua Charta, cap. 9. ꝙ H. 3. The City of Tandon, and,

1 Pau Cities, Lac * the Barons of 5 live Ports,
and all other Ports, ſhall have all their old Liberties and free
Cuſtoms. 3 | 2 ; | » : 5

III. Magna Charta, cap. 37. 9 H. 3. All free and antient

Lib? and Cuftoms of I Nhe, 2 well Spiritual aa Tem-
— are reſerved, which the King himſelf promiſeth to ob-
erve, and commandeth all Men of this Ream to do the like:
He likewiſe further promifeth, neither he nor his Heirs ſhall
rocure or do any thing to infringe them ; and that if any thing
ſo procured, it ſhall be void. 1 |

IV. Stat. De quo Warranto, 18 E. 1. If any can verifie

by good Inqueſt or otherwiſe, that they or their Anceſtors or
Predeceſſors have uſed any Liberty, whereof they have been im-

by Que Warranto before the Death of K. 1. and have

hitherto (not having abuſed ſuch Liberty) they ſhall de ad-
journed to a reaſonable Day before the Juitices, within which
time they may repair to the King with the Record thereof fi
ed by the Juſtices Seal, which done, the King will confirm their
Eftates * and if any Judgments have been given upon ſuch Writs
by the Juſtices at Weftmrnſt-r, upon the Complaint of the Party
grieved to the King, he will give them Remedy. n

V. All Pleas of Quo Warranto ſhall be from henceforth

2 and determined in the Circuit of the Juſtices; and all

leas now depending ſhall be adjourned into their yo Coun-

ties, until the Coming of the Juſtices into thoſe Parts. Note,
That this Statute was confirmed by another Statute De quo
Warranto, of the ſame Tear, and to the ſame _—_; Ms

- wil. | Fries ag Livni 3

0 .
1 V1. ht to the 1 8 5 5 Wy Men 1 59 80 fc
: ation,
| goa Lien, Mal er he! 0 0 (a; the fr Atl

when they ; Rk, into theſe, racy aw Oey old th

which the ave for $ in che 0
pear not, the derte 15 be ed in the ans 5
Al ofthe Form of another R n, that ſuch : 2
ing's Officers ſhall

VII. Stat. Ds Tallagio non concedendo, Ten F.r. ET

All + ſhall hays their Laws, Liberties ree
as largely as they have uſed to 1 them — they had then
peſt; A And 55 any ay & have been me ror ot
t in by us or gur 5 ors, 4 if any Article
| r bu this Charter be found contrary thereunto, they ſha

ws N led Towns ſhall enjoy all Gel Fr
— Uſes, as they ought and were wont to do.

IX. Stgt. 14 E. 3. Stat. x. cab. 1. Holy Church. ſhall af

Fer Liberties in Quitneſs: hc great Charter and that of the

Foreft, ſhall be balden in all Point: And the City of

and all other Citjes and Boroughs, ſhall enjoy all their Frachi-

fes and Cuſtoms which they have m had and uſel in

times paſt,

X. Stat. 25 E 3. Stat. 3. c All Privileges and Ta

chiſes heretofore granted to 2 are conlrmed, a ſhall
be holden in all Points, h

XI. Stat. 6 R. 2. Stat. 1. cap. 1. The Chy of Eagles

fhall 5 all her I beste SE a, wh of Eu nk ne ſhall
fully enjoy and uſe. |

XII. Stat. 1 cap. 1. Holy Church ſhall eajoy all her

iberties and Franchiſcs, as ſhe had them in the Tims of the
ing's Progenitors. The kite is granted in 2 * 2. gap. 1. 3 N. a.

cap. f. 5 R. 2. cap. I. 12 R. 2. cap. 1. & 1 H. ca In P

XIII. Stat, 2 H. 4. 0 bi The Church ſhall have hee

Rights ar d Liberties. All Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Ch
ries, Boroughs and Towns enfranchiſed, fhall enjoy their Li-
berries apd Franchiſes, which they have lawfully uſed, or have
Fo by the "um of the King's Fredeccſſon, Kings of Englone

cir Grievaticns to the Wir |

at, E. 3, Stat. x; p. p. All Citi 1 |

1 E. 3 x; cap. 9 *

- Fymiehifes:andiLſhevtien, — 712
ge ut WA cg. . & 4 H. 6.

11 "Stat. 27 H. G cap. 24. None but the King ſhall han

Roe da terden Treaſon d F ng; or ſuch at are Acceſſory to,
og qutlawed ſame, notwithſt ou any Gr nn
Preſcription, A — other — — to the met Ai

XV. None ſhall make ER f 3 Pence, or

Gaol delivery, 4 1 5

N 5 ; —
bon · Peace, it ſhall be ſed mo done — the P |
hall and not 5. 675 1 — 'of any other Ferſon, Eng —
XVII. Provided, that, Juſtices of of Afſiſe, Gaol delivery and
Peace, in the County 1 of Larcaſter, ſhall be ſo made
77 the King's uſual Seal of RY Ar

XVIIL Provided alfo, that Corparations which haye Power

to have Juſtices of Peace and Gaok-delivery, may have eat
notwithſtanding this Act.

XIX. Stewards, Bailiffs, and other Miniſters of Liberties, mall

attend the Juſtices of Aſſiſe and Gao delivery and Peace, and
make due tion of Praceſſes to them directed, oy wr theix
Liberties :.and the Bajliffs there, or their Deputies, ſhall alfo
attend and aſſiſt the Sheriff at the Gao yz for for Execution

of Priſoners. |
XX; Pr that the left Clauſe ſhall not be prejudicial to
any man or Bailiffs * Cor r Which ar 20
lable to attend ox a their
XXI. The King IL bare the Fines, 3
and Forfeitures which ſhall be ſet upon, or loſt by Stewards,
Bailiffs, or other Miniſters of Liberties, natwithſtanding an
Grant, &c. And Amerciaments for inſufficient Returns =
— ſuch e ſhall be ſet upon their Heads; los
II. Purveyors may take Proviſion within Liberties, not-
withſtanding any Grant, &c. provided fuch-Purveyors obſerve
the Statutes made for them in that behalf. |
XXIII. The King's Officers may keep their Courts within
the Verge, and his Clerk of the Market only ſhall execute his
Othce there, notwithſtandin ng any Liberty but London,
XXIV. All Statutes: made againſt "Sheriffs Under Sheriffs,


8 3

RA T -

4 —FranchileandLibertles:
| their Offices, ſhall extend to Stewards, RNs
nifters of Libertie.

XXV. Stewards ab Balliſfo of Liberis and their

wind e * my execute their Office above 3 a Lear, porn

fland Clauſe "Hh

N All ſuch 8 as is ions ebene in

this Act, ſhall haue Power to hold their Seſſions of Peace; 3
to deliver the Gao within their Liberties, and to execute all o-
ther things within the ſame, in as ample manner as other Juſti-
ces of Peace and Gaol· delivery do in any Shire, notwithſtanding

Act. Grant, & c.

XXVII. The new Juftices now to be made by the
within Liberties, ſnall ſit where ſuch Juſtices have comm only
{cd to fit before ; and none within the ſaid Liberties ſhall be
pellable to appear — other Juſtices of the ſame Liberties,

XIVIII. Sir Thomas Englefield, now Juſtice of Chefter and

Flint, ſhail-not:be — by this Act.

XXIX. This A& ſhall not be + to Corporations, but

they ſhall enjoy ſuch Liberties, Fines, Iſſues, —
and Forſeitures, as — did before the Making t |

XXX. The Biſhop of Ely, and his Steward 557 f r the ba

mal be Juftice of Peace within the ſame Iſle, be nchen
this Act; ſo alſo ſhall the Bi of Darbam and his Chancel-
lor in that County Palatine, and the Biſhop of York and bis
Chancellor i in Hexam within that Precinet. |

IXXI. Out. 22. . S. cap. 20. The ſame Franchiſcsthatthe

late Owners of Religious Houſes had within three Months
before their Diſſolutions, ſhall be revived, and be actually in the
King, and in the Sarvey of the Court of Augmentations; and
the Stewards, Bailiffs and Minifters thereof ſhall account there,
as other Officers Accountants of the King in that Court have


XII. The Franchiſes of the late Religious Houſes which

havecome to the King's Hand by Attainder, ſhall be in the Order
of the Court of General Surveyors ; and the 8 Bailiff
and other Miniſters thereof, ſhall account there , as other Of-
fi:ers Accountants of the King in that Court have done.

IXIIII. The ſaid Stewards and other Officers ſhall be Atten-

dant and Gbedient in all other the King's Courts, as the Officers
of the ſaid late Owners were; and no Sheriff or other Foreign
Officers ſhall intromit into their Liberties in any other manner
than they lawfully might have done before the ſaid Franchiſes
came into the King's Poſſeſſion.

/'XXNXIV. Every Perſon may uſe all ſuch Liberties as he hath

by the King's Grant or other wiſe, notwithſtanding this AR .
ſo the Offices, Fees, Annuities and Profits of all Perſons out of
any _ the Lands _ the ſaid Religious Houſes are ſaved.

Av. Finet

Fg EPSPETSD © gorgs erg 89

s 88888


Fe B


| v. Fines: ma dienen i in Cour.

Mis 2 Lands + b may. e in tin Cone
wties 2 pe Glanzer = to the K
Nth- Ur which concem ae 5, ma beds egtolled wi.
TYRE Fee, - nom 25
ed in TVI. Provided, that The King
Ind within the Verge» nd his Gent. of none om

noty DE any Gra, Je. Net

. 4.9 and of
dere 208! Tracie bo: —

mes —_ — hoſe Lives Libets

ö be. See Kings

. Officers are po el do in:
ents ES B e not annul or diminiſh any of theLi-
ry 2 — to the ſaid Dutchy, on t0 n 2 or a
Y embets t
ding XXIX. Tbe beuten, e 8 Gap 4 12.5 1. Nove
an ſhall be compelled to 7 r: Meld any Benevo ·
— * or — like Charge, without Conſent b 2 of —
* Refuſeh 5 70 do, ſhall te 2
. . ako >= A ak _ *
—— 2 * — the
_ — or 2 . her, ſhall 5
wad impriſoned or . A uſe ſhew __ Hout If ks
-- [5 The or Marie: an ſhall not be Hefe the-Quarter — |

7 rs: 2 oc
hae Martial La 0 hall de and al Hom neit er alle — lhe News

hick be iſſued out hereafter 20 qke-Subject (by —— _ 2

wall B-: be deſtroyed r put to contrary to the Laws: and F

e Reishi et de Sbisa p
r Of aay of the Premiſles, Fe hereaftex be drawn into jet

— Pr or Example: and the King declares, his Pleaſure to be. |

i foreſaid, all his Officers and Minift

— ee ine — Realms»
ale Fraud and Fraudulent Conveyntices.

_ I. Star. 50 E. 3. cap. 6. Fraudulent Aſſurance of Laces

| — Goods to deceive Con ſhall be void, and the Credirors ſhalt
wok re Dies — hah Ge had been made.
Fi Ren II. Stat,


DS + b geteerten,
aS Lands, Te Lent, Tere B pins —

S Bord or Dity EA . — nr
* or Duty is {> Ir iq
ceſſors, 2 or Aſſigns


be 8 id,
ae e, Fate
z hll

— — of ve fumes ie

— 1 — Qed 775 Hil

ro era Re 4 Fot.

ä bein the | io Tire

= R Ses Recortres 0 2 | iis ny

hold ſhall be * ts Act 0 5 ſha

Eſtreats made for t procuri pts Vous e

Neither ſhall this Att tend t

on good Conſderation, 5 nu

— our Bail.

35A. Vi 9:12 j er G
V. Stat. 27 El. 1 1 28
Incuthbranice, 232 uf Uſt ot of, =
any Lands or other TY
chaſer of the ſame in Foe, 8 Be at 0 4
again ſuch Purchaſer oh
— — Bond by | et ti th fin Money, 1
r er btained 5,
good Confidera
u Ereryof oh G Peder te rr — ces
2 Heteanto, who ſhall juftifie the ſime to Be made
e, and on 80 r to the Biſtuixbance o
bone file an ihe Pu or of" .
from, by, or under him, ſhall forſeit
Lands or other Hereditaments fs purchaſed of ch 0, 1
divided betwixt the Queen and the 3 grieved ; inter a Noe.
thereof convicted, ſhall” ſuffer Ralf 4 U ipeshmddt w
VII. Conveyances made | i bons
e ee Fa nt
s be firſt conveyed with Clau or
Condition of Revocation; Detet 2 or Alteratioti, af-
terwardsſold or changed for Money or other good Confiderati-
on, dan the firf} Conveyance Was * altered of *

1 8 oh

F, PESPY ONP SFE. pY)ogn pogo THER


- * 5




Foot TS =


I d Fanta an FES

by this * 81

1 che 5
BB rap pci
255 ball 1 fo wh

5 5 5 25
og more.
. — on ET 7 700 8
= 7; Bare 5 ws nl 8 888 the |
there s of |

4 nh am Samer
8 of I;

— one A Pain to, forfeit for every Statute

ode tred, Sk 1 0 be
win * 1

. Aer ſhall take * the Sea

Yeari'Seatch, in Fate t

1 8 aid a

— 1 — the Day
le \
2 8 N * ty *
5 erben 2Gyak ö |

td 0 217 14

19 e
A Arn

5555 1

the 23th of June, to

— to anſwer Dams 21
ge ihe Defendant upon any _

charge an Executor ona —

af bu own. — ax co

224 Frauds and Fraudulent-Conveyances:

to anſwer for the Debt or Miſcarriage of another, or upon an

greement on Conſideration of Marriage, or on any Contract

or Sale of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or any Intereſt
concerning them, or on any Agreement not to be performed
within a Year after the making, unleſs ſuch Agreement, or ſome
Note thereof, be in Writing, and ſigned by the Party to be

charged, or ſome other by him authorized. e

XVII. All Deviſes of Lands or Tenements ſhall be in Wri-
ting, and ſigned by the Party deviſing, or ſome othen in his
Preſence, and by his Direction, and ſuberibed in his Preſence
by three or four Witneſſes, or elſe ſhall be void. |
XVIII. No ſuch Deviſe in Writing ſhall be revocable other-
wiſe than by Writing, or by Burning, Tearing or Cancelling
theſame by the Teſtator, or in his Preſence, and by. his Gonſenr,
XIX. All Declarationsor Creations of Truſts, ſhall be mani-
fefted by ſome Writing ſigned by the Party, or by his Laft Will
in Writing, or elſe ſhall be voie. N
XX. Truſts reſulting by Implication of Law, or transferred
or excingullhed by At of Law, ſhall be as if this Statute had
een made. e 1. 70 oe
1071 Aſſignments of Trufts ſhall be in Writing figned by
515 aſſigning by ſuch Laſt Will, or elſe ſhall be of note
A ; |

XXII. Sheriffs and other Officers, to whom any Writ or Pre:

cept ſhall be directed at the Suit of am Perſon, upon any Sta-
tute, 2 Recogniſance hereafter to be had or made,
may deliver Execution of all Lands, Cc. whereot otbers; ſhall
be ſeiſed or poſſeſſed in Truſt for. him againſt, whom Execution
u ſued. Truſts in Fee -Gmple ſhall. he Aſſets to Heir.

XIII. Provided, That no Heir chargeable byxeaſon of am

Truft, made Aſſets by this Law, ſhall; by, reaſon, of any Plez,
or Confeſſion of the Action, or ſuffering Judgment by. Nient
dedire, or any other matter, pay the Condemnation out of hi
o Eftate, rn

XXIV. Any Eſtate Pur aut er uis ſhall be Deviſable ,by a

Will, ſigned and ſubſcribed, as aforefaid : and if no ſuch De-
viſe be, 0 * be 228 in the . of the Bets if A.
come to him by a Ipecia CUPANCY as Allets cent;

0 / and be Aſſets in their Hands.

XXV. Guy Judge or Officer of any of the Courts at. Weſt

minſter, that ſhall ſign any Judgments, ſhall (without Fee)
ſet down the Day of the Month or Year of his ſo doing; upon
the Paper or Record, c. which he ſhall ſign, which ſhall be
entred upon the Margin of the Roll of the Record of the ſaid
Judgment : and ſuch Judgments, as againſt Purchaſers. bon
fide for valuable Conſideration, ſhall be Judgments only from
ſuch ſigning.

it ſhall go to the Executors, /


| { } FO

in V



Frauds and Frautielent Conveyances; 125
XVI. Ne Wit of Execution hall bind the Property of
3 ˙ ie"; year Pati Free

of or ( | eceipt without Fee)

ſhall endorſe on the Back thereof the Day of the Month ar Year
when dt. g & e
XXVIL. No Contract for the Sale of any Goods for 20 I. ot
upwards, ſhall be good, except the Buyer actually receive pat
* or give fomerhang in Earneſt, or ſome Note the1
in Writing be made and ſigued by the Parties to be charged, or

their 5 | lr ö 1 L GY
XVIII. The Day of the Month, and Year of the Inrolment
of Recogniſances ſhall be ſer down in the Margin of the Roll;
and no Recogniſance ſhall bind Lands in the Hands of Purcha-
ſers bona fide and for valuable Conſiderations, but from the time
of ſuch Enrolment. 12 | U3W 1
XXIX. No Nuncupative Will ſhall be good, where the
Eſtate os 1 — exceeds 30 J. that is not proved by the Oiths
of Three Witneſſes, that were preſent at the making thereof,
nor unleſs the Teſtator bid them, or ſome'of them to bear
Witneſs, That ſuch is his Will: nor unleſs it were made in the
laſt Sicknels of the deceaſed, and in the Houſe of his Dwelling,
or where he had been Reſident Ten Days or more, except
where he was ſurprized from his own Home, and died/before
his Return. 4 & 5 Anne, cap. 16. Good Witneſſes at Common
_ 2 Witneſſes to prove ſuch Nuncapative Will,
8 it, a | | |
MX. After Six Months paſſed after ſpeaking the 2
Teſtamentary Words, no Teſtimony ſhall be received of ſuch
Nuncupative Will, unleſs the ſaid Teſtimony were c
to Writing within Six Days after making the ſaid Will.
XXXI. No Letters Teftamentary, or Probat of 4” Nun-
cupative Will, ſhall paſs the Seal of any Court till Fourteen
Days after the Teftator's Deceaſe. Nor'thall aty.Nancupative
Will be proved, unleſs Proceſs have iffued to call in the-WY
Gor nat Kindred to the deceaſed, to conteſt it, if thay
XXIII. No Will in Writing of any Perſonal Eſtate, ſhall bs
repealed by Words only, except the ſame be in the Life of the
Teſtator committed to Writing, and read to him, and allowed
by him, and that proved by Three Witneſſes. .
XXXIII. Soldiers in actual Military Service, and Mariners at
Sea, may diſpoſe of their Perſonal Eſtates, as before the making

of this AR. :
Iv. Eccleſiaſtical and other Courts havi Right to the

Probat of Wills ſhall retain the ſame, but ſubject to the Di-

tections of this. Act. | |

Vol IL * Xxx. S.

& 4 0 "a
0 A * .

226 Frauds and Fraudulent Conveyances.

/ XXXV. Stat. ; & 4% & M cap. 14. All Wills concern-
ing Lands, or — 2 Profits, Ten or Ch out of
the ſame, whereof the Deviſors ſhall be ſeiſed in Fee ſimple,
in Poſſeſſion, Reverſion, or Remainder, or have Power to diſ-

ſe thereof, after the ajth of March, 1692. ſnall be deemed

(only as againſt Creditors upon Bonds, or other Specialties, their
Executors, Ic.) to be fraudulent and void. iſt d
*"XXXVL. And ſuch Creditors ſhall have their Actiom of Debt
againſt the Heirs at Law, and ſuch Deviſees joyntly ; and ſuch

viſees ſhall be chargeable for a falſe Plea ; as any Heir

ſhonld have been. | | | *
XXXVII. Where there ſhall be any Deviſes of Lands for Pay.
ment of juſt Debts, or Childrens Portions, other than the
Heir at Law, in purſuance of any Marriage Agreement made
— Writing, bona fide, before ſuch Marriage, they ſhall bein

XXXVTII. Where any Heir at Law ſhall be liable to pay the

Debt of his Anceſtors, in regard of E deſcending
to him, and ſhall make over the ſame before any Action
brought, ſuch Heir ſhall be anſwerable for ſuch Debts to
the Value of the Land made over; in which Caſes all Cre-
ditors ſhall be preferred, as in Actions againſt Executon
and Adminiſtratorsz and Execution upon any Judgment ſo
obtained, ſhall be taken out againſt ſuch Heir, to the Value
of the Land, as if they were his own Debers ; *
Lands bona fide, aliened before the Action brought not
III. Where any Alen of Debe upon a Special
re an ion o 2 alty is

brought againſt an Hei, he may plead Rien: A ene at the

time of the Original Writ brought, and the Plaintiff may reply
that he had Lands from his Anceſtor before the Original Writ
brought; and if upon Iſſue joined thereon it be found for
the Plaintiff, the Jury ſhall enquire of the Value of the Lands
deſcended, and thereupon Judgment ſhall be given and Execy-
tion awarded, as aforeſaid ; but if Judgment be given +
ainſt ſuch Heir by Confeſhon, without confeſſing the Affer
deſcended, or upon Demurrer, or N.hil dicit, it ſhall be for
So Dove and Damages, without any Writ to enquire of the

XL. Deviſces made liable by this Act, ſhall be chargeable 1

the Heir at Law by Force of this Act, though the Lands de-
viſed by aliened —— the Action brought,
XLI. This Act to continue for Three Years, and to the End
of the then next Seſſion of Parliament. Made perpetual by
Stat. 6 & 7 . 3· cap. 1.

XIII. Stat. 48 517.8 NM. cap 16. If any Perſons ſhall

borrow any Morey, or for any other valuable .

= LF FA. 7


. "Freehold, 227

for the Payment thereof, ſhall acknowledge or ſuffer to be

entred againſt them a Judgment, Srature, or Recogniſance,

and ſhall afterwards borrow' any other Sum of any other

Ferſons, or for other valuable Conſideration, and for ſecuri
the Repayment or Diſcharge thereof, ſhall mortgage La
to the ſecond or other Lender or Lenders, or to any oc her
Perſons-in Truſt for him or them, and ſhall not give Notice
to the Mortgagee of ſuch Judgment, Statute, or Recogniſance,
in Writing, before the Execution of the faid Mortgage, un-
les ſuch Mortgagor or his Heirs, upon Notice given tne Mort-
gagee under Hand and Seal atteſted by Two or more Witneſ⸗
ſes, of ſuch former Judgment; c. ſhall in Writing within Six
Months pay off and diſcharge the ſame, and cauſe the ſame to be
vacated or diſcharged by Record, ſuch Mortgagor ſhall have no
Benefit in Equity for Redemption of the Lands mortgaged.
XLIII. Ifany Perſon, who hath or ſhall once mortgage Lands
for Security of Money, or for other valuable Conſiderations
ſhall again mortgage the ſame Lands, or any Part thereof, to
any other Perſon ( the former Mortgage being in Force) and
ſhall not diſcover to the ſecond Mortgagee the firſt Mortgage
in Writing, Tuch Mortg ſhall have no Relief or Equity
of Redemption 2 the ſecond Mortgagee. ; |
XLIV:-But- ſuch ſecond or other — — may redeem
any former Mortgage. | | ;
XLV. This Act ſhall not extend to barony Widow of a
Mortgayor from her Dower, who did not legally joyn wit
— >" in ſuch Mortgage, or otherwiſe lawtully ex.lude
e - N


I. Marlbz. cap. 22. 52 H. 3. None ſhall diſtrain his Free-

tolders to anſwer for their Freeholds, or for any Thing touch-
ing the ſame, without the King's Writ ; nor cauſe his Free-
ho to ſwear againft their Wills; for none may do that
without the King's Commandment. Bip

II. Stat. x5 R. 2. cap. 12. None ſhail be compelled to an-

ſwer for his Freehold, or for any other Thing touching the
ſame, or for any other Thing Real or Perſonal, before the Coun-
eil of any Lord or Lady: And if any be hereafter moleſted
in that Kind, and thereof complain to the Chancellor, he ſhall

have Remedy.

III. Stat, 16 R. 2. cap.2. The Statute of r5' R. 2. 6p. 12. ſhall

be duly pur in Execution; and if any Lord, Lady, ox other do io
tre contrary, they ſhall ſorleit 15 I. to the King. Foul |

| 2 be

AH ITN: rat aff

* $3 3 ; 7 35 | 2 +2 bt : $477 ' 9 nnn, ,

i e N „ n ee


Length Four Foot beſides the Catf: Every Talſhide named of

ons, ſhall, within 2 Foot of the Midſt, be 16 3 of wo, 233 of

# „„ &
| 8
f * 47
= 4 173 T k ; "$7 3: g
- & *Y - $ \ , 91 R 2

2. F * 25 > 33% As Pg
'$ S$. © > AY 4 * ;
. . —_—

1 * 0 3. 1...
JW: <4
44% A

Nhels of good and clean Coal: A Talſhide ſhall contain in

rb, 28; of four, 33 3 and of fs, 38 Inchts about: Alf

"every. Billet mall contain in Length 3 Foot 4 Inches; and being

named a Single, ſhall contain 7 Inc
"CK," 10; and Two Caſts, 14: Likewiſe a Faggot bound ſhall

and an Half about; a

be Three Foot long, and have the Band 24 Inches about, be-

- Hides the Knot.

II. Billers of Two: Cafts may be made wichont Danger df

Forfeirure ; they being made according to the aforeſaid -Excik,

and marked within Six Inches of the Midft ; but a Bil et of

one Caſt ſhall be marked within Four Inches of the Rijd


III. For every Talſhide, Billet, Faggot, or Sack of Cazk

'otheiwiſe made and put to Sale, the Maker and Seller thereof

ſhall forfeit

35. 4d. | 5
AV. None Matt buy any ſach Fuel but Wharfingers or Barge-

men, or ſuch as wilt burn the ſame, or will retail it fo ſuch i

Will burn it, in Pain to forfeit the "treble Value of the Fuel

_ otherwiſe bought; neicher ſhall any alter any Mark. br Aſſiſe

V. Here, if the' Offender be not

ture, he ſhall ( upon Conviction by
of Fuel, upon the like Forfeiture : All which Forfeitures arc
to be divided betwixt the King and the Proſecutor, but ac
profecuted within a Year after the O-

not recoverable, unleſs pr:

fence committed. |

oy to ſatishe the Fork:

itnefs or otherwiſe) be

ſet upon the Pillory in the next Market-Town on the Markci-

day at 11 a Clock, by Command of a Juſtice of Peace, or any

otter of the King's Officers, having a'Billet or Faggot boun

to fome part of his Body.”

ep. 7. us concerns the F

VI. Stat. 3 Eliz. cap: 14. 80 much of the Statute of 7.£.6.

orfeitute of 3 3. 4 d. is repealed ; But

the Aſſiſe of Fuel ordained by that Act is ſtill continued; and

.enjoyned to be

obſerved in London, Weſtminſter, and all other

Corporations where Tall-wood, Billet, and Faggots are uſed to

; be fold.

VII. If any bring any Tall-wyBod, Billet or Fagygot, to ary


City, Borough, or Corporation, to be ſold th exe, or being broug

Aſſiſe limited by the Statute 7 E. 6. cap. 7. or hereafter by 2

to the

all put the fame to Sale, not being made according

I. Stat. Y B. G. cap. 4. The Alfie Gf Fuel ſhall heteafer
be as ſclloweth: Every Sack of Coal ſhall contain Four Bu-

Bags SS2DOT8>





28 ©

Far T8 -

24 Inches; he Gy 8 r aa
5 you 210 1 ge op an
Big — 5 whey ; * it,

7 1 * 11 K > cop. 27˙ None 4 rain 258

Sheers, in

e the. Ove f 7 Aa
ed to che 90
3:1] JZ

11275 Every Talhide — 4 ons. STOR: ond Boch if

contain 16 Inches and an half in Compaſs,being half died, hy 19
half marked

f yp rt cleft, 18. Inches- and an half;

„23 Inches; half round, 27; and quarter cieft, 26: mark-
ed three, and round, c 333 quarter cleft, 32:
marked four, and —— Bi 3 127 393 "a cleſt, =_

98 Aal e ee are 2 ee e xo
oy 1. e — es ee *
nqt aqmit the

ter of the {a1 4

11 Do Hills pa 925 215 {ſhalt Bk i m
ing ones 7 Inches e Den hs

"Xl. 12 Biller marked ave, e en

ſhall contain in compals 11 Inches

cleft, 72 marped 7 alled ior Gy

5 8 7

— oh will not 2 the all An AM other 755 it =

e Pour

— — io Com 0 1 |

204 1 417 i

4 ne!! FS

1 |


any other Inftruments than the bro: F20 .

it every | ach Detaulr, to be divided brrwixt ep: King 52

II. The M Wardens of 8h.

72 75 Warkmanſhip 19 0

hare Power to ea
Steer, as well ſar Fuſtiam as Cloth; and this AQ |
cues as well againſt Denizens as Strangers.

Py .

Int." Star: 39 Eliz. cap. 13. Ke ted i London or —_
1055 ani the Mafter and Wardem 2108407 of 'Cloth-
er there, or ſuch diſcreet Perſons 4s the ſaid Maffer and
Wardens ſhall appeint, may make ſuch Search at the lay Ma-
Fer and Wardens of Sheermen might + * the 8 tatute
11 Hy cap. 26. And none ſhal ſt ſuch Search, in
Zi of 20 5, to be divided betwixt the King and . the Þ, Pro:

ecutor. 0 Fact

ö 2 * £ + 5 429%

7 "
492 Fer; {JEN ig t, SLAC CE en

AM 12 * a — — 2
* 4 Cy * "TY 9 | > * 4 el R
Nai s „ 192 rel 52.4 . „tune
IP ' Gauging, * - att? 1 OL 155
I 1 A N

1 Stat, 27 E. d A LU Wines White and Red

1 » 8, Stat 5 the King's Dominion, Fa 'be the Tov

ed by the King's G or their Deputies, and none ſh

eſiſt them, in Pain to forfeit the Wines, tc be impriſoned, and

0 be. ranſomed at'the King! Will.

M if the Gauget be not ready to do his Office vpon Requeſ,
- or, uſe Fraud there'n, he ſhall pay to the Party grieved'trebe
728 bſe his Office, and be impriſoned, an ranſomed at

| Raden 5 Ve re want due Meaſure, the” Valueof that win

bind he "ei of the Price 2 "9. Ut (43% ti

Al Iv. wen. 1 E. * If any ſell a. Tenor pi 10

5 ine not 1 5 ke that forfeit the fame N dt tee
Jus Kit they 10 the K King.

M V. Stat. 4 4 R. ech. I. The: e Sete * fort Gan-

ſhall be duly * in Execution Yah all other . „
1 Vinegar,” Oy Honv, and other L ugeable,
(brought into the King's Dominions ) aul got

424 dy the Gaugers thereunto aſſigned, ky Nike Depy

ties; and if any reſiſt them, or if they be found Faule),
both the one and the other ſhall incut the Pains ordered by
the former Statutes.
VI. Stat. 14 R. 2. cap. 8. Nope mall be moleſted for not
Gauging of. Rleniſo Wines, nor incur any Forfeiture fer ihe
ſanic,'o rwiſe than hath been uſed of ol tine.

VII. Stat. 18 H 8. cap. 17. All Tuns, Pipes, Tierciam

and Hagſheads of Wine and Oy] ( to be ſold within the Realm
hall be lau fully gauzed by the King's Gauger, or his Deputy,
before they be ſold, in Pzin to forfeit to the King the Wine, Oyl
ond _y otherwi'e ſold, or the Value thereof,

4 Ji


T 0 16 T >

——_— * *

r eee

* VIE nen

Sauging. 1231
VIII. If any fell any ſuch Veſſel wanting the due Meafure,
he ſhall abate fo much of the Price as it wants of Meaſure, in
pain to forfeit to the King the Value of ſuch Wine, Oylor kla:
ny otherwiſe ſold, TIEN RSA als +
IX, The Informer who will diſcover ſuch Forſeitures to the
Lord Treaſurer or Barons of the Exchequer, ſhall receive half
thereof for his Labour. ' . |

X. Stat. 23 H. G. cap. 16. The Gauge - peny ſhall not be paid

to the Gauger, or any other in — before he or his De-
puties have gauged the Wines, and then he may take it, and no

4 .

more. * | n 71
II. He or his Deputy ſhall (upon Requeſt) be ready! to
do their Office: And this Act 1 — be 79 — 2
the 8 the Pain comprized in the Statute of 27 E. 3.
cap. ne LEST 44%, yo ee {IT We iſe A
11 * 745

XII. Stat. 31 Eliz. cap. 8. No Brewer ſhall ſell or put to

Sale in London, the Suburbs, or within two Miles Compaſs
the Suburbs, any Beer or Ale in Butts, Pipes, Punchiqns, -
heads, Tierces, or ſuch other Veſſel brought from beyond Sex;
and never lawfully gauged within this Realm, before. the ſame
be lawfully gauged, and the true Content thereof ſet down
— . y the Gallon appointed for Beer and Ale, according
to the Standard) by the Maſter and Wardens of the Coopers o
the City of London, or their | Deputies : neither ſhall any
Brewer ſell or put to Sale any Beer or Ale in ſuch Veſſel elſes.
where in England. or Wales, before the ſame be lawfully gau-
ged, and the ttue Content thereof ſet thereupon. by ſuch'as by!
the Statute of 23 H. 8. cap 4. (vbich ſee in Coopers) are to
have 8 Barrels Kilderk ins and Firkins, elſewhere
in England and Wales, in Pain to forfeit every ſuch Veſſel, and
alſo the Beer and Ale therein, to him that will ſeiſe the ſame.

and beſides 10 5: for every ſuch Veſſel ; all which Forfeitures

are to be divided betwixc the Queen and the Proſecutor. 565

XIII. The Fees of the Gauger ſnall be for every Butt or Pipe
2 Peny, for every Punchion, Hogſhead or Tierce, an Half-peny,
and for every .other Veſſel after the like Rate.

XIV. This Act ſhall extend to Denizens as well as to Strag-

fer ; and the Gauger may retain the Veſſel until he be paid

XV. The Maſter and . Wardens of the Coopers in London,

or their Deputies or Deputy, within 48 Hours after Requeſt to
them made, ſhall come to any Perſon in London, or the Pre-

eir cts aforeſaid, and ſhall auge and mark his Veſſel, in Pain of

Forfeiting to him that makes

ion ol Debt, Fe.

uch Requeſt, 20 f. to be tecover ·

1s provid
Toy | ); Houſes:

be found; the Offender ſhall be carried. before. a Juſtice of

Peace ; and if he do not give a good Account |
A 1 Party of whom he boug
venient Time, or ſome Credible [Perſon ta de —
h ſuch Sale thereof, he ſhall be convicted of fuc
the ſaid Juſtice, and forfeit for every Hare, Partridge; Ofc.
other Game, any Sum, not under 5 4. and not —_—
s. One Moiety to the Informer, and the other to the Poor
iſtreſi is ring t V s
nt of Diſtreſs ſhall be committed to the Houſo of: Cer
jon for any time not exceeding a Month, nor | leſs than
Days, there to be whip: and kept to Labeur. -\And if
Perſon not qualified by Law, do keep or uſe any Bows,
Grey-hounds, Setting dogs, Ferrets, Coney-doga, Hays, 'Lur-
chers, Nets, Tunnels, Low-bells, Hare · pipes, Snares, or o-
ther Hnſtruments for Deſtruction of Game, and ſhall be con-
victed, as aforeſaid, he ſhall be ſubject to the Pains and Fe-
nalties aforeſaid. And if any Perſon ck ſhall not
before the ſame Juſtice give ſuch Evidence of his lanocence,
a+ aforeſaid, he ſhall be convicted thereof in like manner av
the Perſon firft charged therewith is hereby directed to be,
and fo from Perſon to Perſon, till the firſt Offender be dil

covered. . |
III. Lords of Manors and other Royalties, or any autho-
rized by them, ſhall and may oppoſe and reſiſt ſuch Offenders
in the Night-rime, within their reſpective Manors and RoyaF
ties, as if ſuch Fact had been committed in any antient Chaſe,
Park or Warten incloſed - 8 .
| No




# #

; f Same: 1 Ke 23 3
IV. No Perſom whatſoever ſhall, after) the 25th ef Manch,
22. , ie thaw the ken and, Sellers therenk, he
way ny, a Ar in the Sale thereof, and other than
the Owner or ) Ard Owners

ing in am River or
ner o Qccupier: And

of a Juſtice
of Perfoh
ſuch ſame |

Vie: or to rf ban 30 00 eb ieee T :

V. This ſhall not extend{to-abridge Fiſhermen or their Ap-
nas ny authorized, to Fiſh in Navigable Rivers or
aters,; with | l 1 6 5
" . 5

Nets and En > $

VI. No Certiorari ſhall be allowed to remove any Con-
viction or other Proceedings concerning any Matter in
this: Add, unleſs the Purties againſt whom ſuch Conviction
fall be, ſhall before the | Allowance thereof become bound to
the Proſecutor in rhe. Sum of 50 J. with Sureties to be ap-
ed of: by the Juſtice or Juſtices of Peace, before whom
Offender | was convicted, to pay the Proſecutot wich-
in a. Month after ſuch Conviction confirmed, or Procedends
(> EY full Cofts and Charges, to be aſcertained upon

VI. Offenders puniſhed by Force of this Act, ſhall not incyx

the Penalty of any other cf the fame Offene.
VIII. Perſons profecured» at Law for any thing done in
purſuance of this Act, may plead the General Iſſue, and 11
this Act, or any other ial Matter in Evidence; an i
the Verdict paſs for the Defendants, or the Plaintiffs bee
Non-ſuir, or ſafer a Di , the Defendants hal
recover treble Coſts. | LI I le
IX. H any Inferior Tradeſman, Apprentice, or ot her diſſo-
lite Perſon, ſhall hunt, hawk, fiſh or fowl ( unleſs in Com-
pany with the Maſter of fach Apprentioe qualified by Law )
they ſhall be ſubje to the Penalties of this Act, and may be
ſued for Frefpaſs in coming upon any Perſon's Ground; in
— Suit the Plaintiff ſhalt recover his Damages and full

X. For the better preſerving the Red and Black Game of

Growfe, commonly called Heath-cocks or Heath-colts, no
Perſon whatſoever on any Mountains, Hills, Heaths, Moors,
Foreſts, Chaſes, or other Waſts, ſhall burn, bet u een the ſe-
cond Day of February and the 24th day of Juno, 12

| ing,

234 3 _— _

Ling, Heath, Furz, Gors or Fern, on Pain of being commit:

ted to the Houſe of Correction for any time, —
Month, nor under Ten Dayt, there to be whipt and kept to hard

4 N Noa
145 Ms 1

e . k zo % le din 0 0 a1
II. Stat. 5 A. Se 2. cap. 14. If any Higler, Chapman,
5 unleſs ſuch Game
in the Hands of ſuch Carrier be ſent by ſome Perſon quali.
ed to kill the Game) ſhall be carried before ſome Juſiice o
the Peace where the Offence was committed: and upon View
. Oath ſhall | forfeit for every Hue, Feaſant, Sc. 1,
Half to the Informer, and half to the Poor of the Pariſh where
the Offence was committed, to be levied by Diftreſs by Warrant
of the Juſtice before whom' ſuch Offender is committed; and
for want of Diſtreſs, to be committed to the Houſe. of Cor+
rection, for the firſt Offence for three Months without Bail,
for. every other Offence four Months. „O of
1: Proviſo, That the: Conviction be in three Months after the
Offence. And if a Certiorari be allowed to remove the Pro-
cecdivgs, the Party, beſare the Allowance, ſhall be bound
to the Proſecutors in the Sum of 50 J. with ſufficient Secu
rity on Condition to 2 Proſecutors ( within 14 Day
after ſuch Conviction or Frocedendo granted) their full Coſti,
to be aſcertained on their Oaths; and in Default thereoſ,
the, Jubices or others may; proceed to execute ſuch. Conv

II. Atiy Perſon who ſhall deſtroy, ſell or buy any Cich
are, Feaſant, Moor, Heath-Game or Growſe, and ſhalt
Wwithm three Months make Diſcovery of any Higler, Chap-
lan, Inn or Ale-houſe-keeper, or Victualler, that bath
he, ſold, or offered, or had the ſame in Poſſeſſion, ſo at
— convicted of ſuch Offenee ; the Diſcoverer ſhalt be dif:
rged of the ſaid. Penalties, and receive the fame Benefit for
uch Dif overy as other Informers. Lc + aha? 1996
XIII. If any Perſon not qualified ſhall keep or uſe any Grey-
hound, Lurcher, Seiting-Dog, Tumbler, or other in to
deſtroy the Game, and ſhall be thereof convicted by a Juſtice o
Peace where the Offence is committed, he ſhall forfeit 3 I. One
half to the Informer, the other to the Poor of the Pariſh there;
to be levied by Diſtreſs and Sale of Goods by the Warrant of
the Jufiice before whom convicted; and for want of. ſuch
Diſtreſs, to be ſent to the Houſe of Correct on for three

Months for the firſt Offence, and for every other Offence four
ſpective Liberties, and

pective Manors, to take


Months. 123 2
AIV. The Juſtices within 22
the Lords of Manors within their re

away 25
ſuch Hi
found ir
Nets, 2
Manor 1
his Gan
the uſe «
ſent or ]

in force
from the

to burn
upon the
Land in
buy ing
Peck; 6
own Ul
ſaid, 1
palcies |

own R
on Hig

or Poſl
kill Gan
the ſam

— >=
— ©

rr 4” » RS WS Of 0 -..

Game. 235
zway any' fach Hare, Feaſant, Ie. or any other Game, fiom
{ach Higler, c. and Perſons dot qualified to Kill the ſame?
ſound in their Cuftody z and! alſo to rake/ away! ſuch Dogs:
Nets, and Engines, to their own Uſe: And ſuch: Lord f
Manor may; by Writing under his Hand and Seal, impower
his Game- to kill any Gaine whatſoever but if ſuc
re under Colour of ſuch Power to kill or take for
the uſe at ſack Lord, ſell or Yiſpoſe thereof Without the Gon-
ſent or Knowledge of ſuch Lord, and ſhall be convict upon Com-
laint of Nich Lord before ſuch Juſtice of Peace; ſuch Games
Feeper "hall be committed to the Houſe of Correction three
Months, and be Kept to hard Labour. Tnis Act ta continue
in force for thtee Years, from the firſt of March; 1709. and
from thence to the End of the next Seſſion of Parliament.
XV. No Perfon' ſhall cut Ling, Heath or Brakes, in order
to burn the ſame to Aſhes, r hall burn che ſamie to Aſhes
upon the Ground in the Foteſt of Sherwood, or any Waſte or
Land in the County of Nttingbam, without Licence from the
Owner of the So l, under ty of 10 . And the Perſon
buy ing Fern aſhes from ſuch Perſon, to forfeit 10 3. per
Peck; one Moiety to the Poor, and the other to the In-
former. The Officers of the Foreſt and Owners of the Land
where the Offence is committed, may take away to their
own Uſes the Inſtruments to be uſed to the Purpoſes afore-
ſaid, The Parry convict before ſuch juſtice upon Qath, not
paying the Penalties, to be committed to the Houſe of Cor»
rection, and kept to hard Labour for a Month, unſeſs the Fe-
ralties be ſooner paid. 1:3 wvd 19. Yall! 23 NIH vj nb eg {os
* es | >

XVI. Stat; 9 Auna, cap:25: The Statute 3 Anya, cab. 14.

is made Perpetual ; and after 1 May, 1711. no Lord of a Ma-
nor ſhall appoint more than one Game-Keeper in one Manor,
with Power to kill and deſtroy the Game; and his Name ſhall
be entred with the Clerk of the Peace, without Fee, Who ſhall
give him a Certificate thereof; paying 1 5- and if any Game-
Keeper, whoſe Name ſhall not he thus entred, or who is not
otherwiſe 'by Law qualified to kill Game, ſhall kill any Hare,
Feaſant, &c. or if any other Perſon, not being qualified in his
own Right, ſhall ſell, or expoſe to Sale, any Hare, Feaſant,
Partridge, Mor, Heath-Game, or Growſe, he ſhall, for eve
Offence, incur ſuch Forfeitures as are infl Qed by the fail A
on Higlers, Carriers, Inn-keepers, &c. for buying or ſelling
Game; ſuch Forfeitures to be recovered in ſuch manner a8 pre-
ſcribed by that Act. $45; | ne.
XVII If anv: Hare, c. ſhall be found in the Shop, Houſe,
or Poſſeſſion of any Perſon not qualified in his own Right to
kill Game, or being entitled thereunto by ſome Perſon qualified,
the ſame ſhall be adjudged an expoſing to Sale. VIII I.

236 Gaming.
XVIII. Tf any Perſon ſhalt take, kilk or deſtroy Hare
Ea. in the No time, he — very, Of

incur ſuch ituret, as id, to be _recavered by the

e Means. 14 / MM | YT 57
XII. If any Perſon, between x July and 's/Septembar in
Year, ſhall, by. Hays, Tunnels, hg ho Nets, drive 8
any Wi Teal, Wigeon, or any other Water Foul,
in any Places of Reſort for Wild-Fowl, in the Maling Seaſon
the Offender being convicted thereaf: before one Juſtice! of the
Peace where the Offence ſhall be committed, and by the Qath
of one credible Witneſs, ſhall forfeit 5 5. for every Fowl, one
Moiety to the Informer, the other to the Pont of the Pariſh
where the Offence was done, to be levied by a Warrant of the
Juſtice before whom the Offender was convited; by Diftreh
and Sale of his Goods ; and for Want of Diſtreſs, tobe em-
mitted to the Houſe of Correttian for any Time not exc

one Month, nor lefs than 14 Days, there to be whipt, and

at hard Labour and the Juſtice ſhall cauſe fa Hoe —

Nets to be ſeiſed, and immedia Wee is hte
fence Ws A IILOF $262 Mn od kt 19" - *

24 > mi

” . * * J

p + F N * i: ”

4 6 | #. 1
1 _ 4 : , **
8 0 E. . , ; ; J i al
" 4 * — 4
. 4 * *
Shad 4 | 1
— pe

I. Stat. HAS 14. For preventing exceſſive and dereit

ful Gaming; tis Enacted, That all Securities, where the whole
or a you of the Conſideratian ſhall be for Money, or other
— e thing, wan at Play, or by Betting, or for repaying apy
2 — lent for fuch aming or Betting, or
the Time and Place of Gaming vr Betting, ſhall: be yoid'; and
that where ſuch Mortgages and Sccuriticy ſhall: he made of
Lands or Tenements, they ſhall-enure ta the 1 of him of
her who would have been entitled to the ſame in caſe the Mor-
made for the preventing to enjoy e;
n. 4 = 24, be, If any Derfon (hall te
II. t 1 „ r7ix: If any Per loſe at one
time the Sum or Value of 10. and hall pay it to the Win⸗
ner, in ſuch caſe the Loſer may, within 3 Months after, ſuc
the Winner for the ſame, which he ſhall recover, with Colt,
in an Action of Debt founded on the AR, in which Action
no Eſſoign or * — Parliament ſhall be allowed ; and
the Plaintiff ſhall declare, that the Defendant is indebted to
him, or received to his Uſe, the Money loſt and paid, ar
that the «Defendant converted the Goods won of the Plaintiff
to his the Defendant's Uſe, whereby the Plaintiff's Action ac-
.crued to him, according to the Form of the Statute, with-

out ſetting forth the 9 and in caſe the La

S N. N


reh FS way, as eee eee

r ww ww WW 6#&#

— — 7 *

dt. James's Palace, fo as it be for

ſhall not bring his Action wichin che Time before limited
any other Perſon may ſue for the fame by the like, Action, and
ſhall recover it, and Treble the Value, with Cofts- of Su
againſt the Winner, a Moiety to himſelh, and the other Molety
to the Poor of the Pariſh where the Offence ſhall be do

III inner be compelled to anſwer on Sich

Bill preferred Train him, for Diſcovery of the Money,

other thing won at Play. 3

IV. Proviſs, That 4 the Diſcovery and 1
the Money, or other thing won at Play, the Perſon be dif-
charged from any further Penalty. Fig | 3
V. Any Perſon by Fraud or ill Practice at Play getting or
winning any. Sum of Money, or other thing, or winning at
one time above rol. and 5 victed thereof on an Indict-
ment or Information, ſhall forfeit five times the Value, to be
recovered by any one who wall ſue for the ſame in an Action,
8 and ſhall ſuffer ſuch Corporal Puniſhment as in
erjur xp. . |
VI. Two Juſtice of Peice may cauſe any Perſon ſuſpected
by them to have no viſible Eſtate, Profeſſion or Calling to ſup-
t himſelf, to be brought before them ; and if ſuch Peſan
all not make it appear, that the principal Part of his Main-
tenance is not got by Gaming, then they may bind him to his
I nx > pe with Sureties wks * z and if he can not
ureties, they may commit him till he can. |
II. And if ſuch Ferfon do find Sureties, and ſhall after-
wards at any one Time ry Seebbres for more then 20 6. it ſhall
be a Breach of his Good Behaviour, and a Forfeiture of his

Recogniſance. 5 | f |
VIII. Any Perſon aſſaulting or — + another to fight
for Money won at Play, and being convicted thereof upon an
Indictment or Information, ſhall forfeit all his Goods and Per-
ſonal Eſtate to the Queen, and Her Succefſors, and ſhall be
committed to the Common Gaol without Bail for two Years.
IX. Proviſo, That Perſons may £7 in White-ball and
Mone). |


I. Stat. rt & 12 ,. 3. cap. 19. For Building and Repairing

of Gaols, it i Eosdel, "Thar the uſtices of Peace upon re-
ſentment of the Grand Jury at the Aſſiſe or Great Seffions
of the Inſufficiency of their Gaol, do upon the Examination of
Workmen, agree on a Sum for Building or Repairing thereof,
and equally levy the ſame on the ſeveral Diviſions of the
County, by their Warrants iſſued at the Quarter Seſſiom to

II. Perſons

the High Conſtable, &fc.

238 Nh Gigwills.

II. Perſons not pay ing their Aſſeſſments within four Days
'afrer Demand, may be diſtrained by Warrant of a Juſtice, and

the Diff reſs ſold after four. Days.

III. The Juſtices, or major Part of them, are to conſtitute 3

Receiver of the ſaid Monies ; which Receiver; High Conſtable,
Ec. tetuſing to account within four Days after Demand, ſhall
de committed to Priſon, till ke do account for and pay the Money

remaining in his Hands.

IV. The Receiver's 3 ſhall be a Diſcharge to the Hj

Conflable, &c. and the Diſc args of the Juftices at the Aſſiſes
or Great Seſſions, ſhall acquit the Receiver: And the Juftices
are to contract with Perſons for ſuch Building or Repairing,
V. All Murderers and Felons ſhall be impriſoned in the
Common Gaol only, whereof the Sheriff ſhall have the Keeping,
VI. This Act ſhall I ſuch as have any Common
Gaal by Inheritance for Life or for Years. ;
VII. Nor charge any Perſons in any Liberty, City, Town,
Fc. which have Common Gaols for Felons taken in the ſame,
and Gaol- Deliyery of ſuch Felons, for any Aſſeſſment to the

| County Gaol .
VIII. Perſons proſecuted for what they do in purſuance of
this Act may plead the General Iſſue, Cc. and the Defendant
may recover treble Cofts. ;

IX. Priſons or Gaols, ſituate on the Lands or Hereditaments

of the Crown, ſuch Lands, &c. with their Appurtenances,
ll not be alienated from the Crown, but remain for publick

rice. 0 ö

X. No Collector ſhall enter the Houſe of any Peer or Peet

els to diſttain for the ſaid Duries, |

XI. This Act to continue for 10 Years, and thence to the

End of the next Seſſion of Parliament. 4

XII. Stat. 10 4. cap. 14. Enacted, That the Act made

71 & 12 . 3. Intituled, An Act to enable Juſtices of the
Face to build and repair Gaols, which was to continue for
ten Years being expired, ſhall be revived and continued from
1 May 1712. for the ſpace of ſeven Years, and from thence to
the End of the next Seſſion of Parliament.

I. Stat. 5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 22. None ſhall uſe any Gignil

for the Working of any Woollen Cloth, in Pain to forfeit for

every Cloth ſo uſed 5 i. to be divided betwixt the King, and

te Proſecutor.

Glals and Glals-CUares, Vide Taxes.



D” = wo a©mrFP

ow” D

FLY 2 ,
R . ” *% — . 1 = , \ N * i 2
: 6 * 4 : * * 1 P hy - 25 2 go % . N
TTX. N 1 S £ . m . EA
p 4 * . 1 % - '
| | LEA

* « u4 *
— 44 3 1

oÞ 5+ 4885 4 2 Lec ; E j
Sold, Sſlber, and Gold Imitbhs.
5 Nn 2 2 ö 725 N 4
1. Preic; ſuper Chart. cap. 20. 28 E. 1. None ſhall make,
br cauſe to be made, any Veſſel, Jewel, or other Thing, of
Gold or Silver, except it be of good and true Ally, viz. Gold
of a certain Touch, and Silver ef the 772 Allay, or bet-
ter; and none ſhall work worſe Silver than Money. j
I. No Veſſel of Silver ſhall, depart out of the Workers
Hands until it be aſſayed by the Wardens of the Craft, and
marked with the Leopard's. Head; neither ſhall any work
worſe Gold than of the Touch of Paris: And the ſaid Wardens
ſhall go from Shop to op to __y whether it have
= * a and if any other be found, it ſhall be fors
it to t . bs. £54
III. None ſhall make Rings, Croſſes, or Locks, nor ſet any
Stone in Gold, unleſs it be natural; and Gravers of Stones
and Seals ſhall give to each their Weight of Silver and Gold,
as near as they can. 2 :
IV. The Jewels of baſe Gold which they have, they ſhall
utter asſoon as they can; and if they buy any ſuch Work hete-
after they may buy ir to work upon, but mult not ſell ir. |
V. The Goldſmiths of all other Places in England ſhall be
governed by this Law, and one ſhall come from each Tow
to London to be aſcertained of their Touch. | 6
VI. If any Goldſmith offend againſt this Law, he ſh. ll
ſuffer Impriſonment, and be ranſomed at the King's. Will,
VII. This Act ſhall not impeach the King's Prerogative.

VIII. Stat. 27 E. 3. cap. ta. All Merchants, Den'zens

and Strangers, may import Plate of Silver, and Billets of
Gold, and all other Gold and Silver, to the King's Billion or
his Exchanges taking there Gold or Silver equal to the Value ;
And any Man may take 13 Coin without Impeachment,
jet he may refuſe it, if he pleaſe. | boy
IX. No Coin ſhall be current in the King's Dominions but
his own : neither ſhall any export Gold, Sterling, or other
Money, ſave only that which is new, except Merchants
Strangers, who importing Money will employ the ſame
within this Realm; in which cafe they may export, without
Impeachment, ſa much as they import, for ſo much thereof
2s ſhall not be ſo 1 owbeit lawful Search thereof
ought to be made in the Port where they arrive, and the Mo-
ney ſo imported muſt be put in Writing by the Searchers, co
the end they may not export more than they import, But here
no Officer (by colour of ſuch Search) ſhall unduly vex the
Merchant Stranger. 5 X Al

240 Sold, Silber, and Goldſmiths,
. All falſe Money fhall 3 the King -

fore it

Stat; 37 7 Ed. 3, . 7. Goelafmick fill make WY frft ma

his SY of ilver rs y of 2 ay. good e 1

and ſhall have a proper y wat .
as ſhall be aſſigned 7 the King ee his Work 2 Al N


XII. The Goldſmith ſhall not ſet bis Mark

the Surveyors have made their 56 Mack ſhall be chereqato a
the King and his Council: And when the Aſſay is made, the
op nin the Kings Mark, and after the Golofaith


XIII. No Goldſmith ſhall rake for Veſſel ite and full for
the weight of a 77 (wiz. of the E two Marks -of
Paris 7 10 but 18 d. as they do at

XIV. 1 n in Bu . Hal forſeiz

i t. H. Matt Gol "$2

e 420 beben per mee * 0

XV. Stat. H. 4. cap. 1 None ſhall id any Rings er o-

ther things * et — 5 E Ge ny ——
the Church 1 Chali * the 10 Fan e ring in

e part thereof) in — Fn wy © King, un

Damages to the Party deceived

VI. Stat, 2 H. 5. Stat. 2. ee gil

no Silver Wares but of the Allay ter

take above 4 5. 8. 4, for a Pond of They Gilee'ts Gilt, ke

more or {eſs * the ſame Rate, in Pain to forfait t the King
the Value of the thing otherwiſe ſold. |

XVII. Stat. 8 H. 5. cap. 3. None ſhall gi

any Metal but Silver, and the Ornaments 14 22 Gere.

neither ſhall any ſilver any Metal but Knights Spurs, and
Apparel appertaining to a — or above that Eſtate, in Pain
to torfeit ten times the Value of the thing ſo gilt, and to ful-
a Years Im mans he alſo that will ſue for the ſail
orfeiture ſhall have a third part thereof for his Pains.
XVIII. . Juftices of Peace have Por to hear aud determine
the Offences committed againſt this AR,

XIX. Stat. 2. H. 6. cap. 14. None ſhall fell any Work &
Silver unleſs it be as fine as Sterling, except what Sodder is ne-
ceffary to be uſed therein, for which Allowance ſhall be made
accordingly. |

XI. None

Gold, Silver,:and: — 241)

ſhall put to Sale any Silver Harngfs
4 om mY = ſo ers) an i Gal alte ee M 3 1 |
it made known tothe VTardens ae Pain to for- a
1 the comple thereof. 1, : ?
45555 Keeper x ofche Touch mark fach Harneſs with the

122 „Which is not as fine as Sterling, he ſhall forfeit

e eee i the Party:
Lincoln; Norwich; Briſtol, Salithury;

2nd ral Touche according to the Or-

ey x; 0 Tech which hall be direed by.
8 4 Conde upon, * like . | 8 *
elſewhere, w e is no ouch; g
ſhall put to 88405 any,” 8 of Silver) under the Fineneſi of Ster-

ling, 2nd ſhall ſer their ark thereupon, betone weren

, Upon the like F eiture. VEE «901 1 1.
HIV. All Juftices of Peace 22. * and determine the
Offences committed gaink joel 3 if, the Mint-
Maſter offend, he ſhall be according to the Form
of his Indentures. r * 2 ie» i Ser. Ia. r


XXV. Stat. 2 n or Goll and Silver Mal

en el the Mit Case, and. G M d, for the
ers of the | an it the
Amending of Coin and Plate, ps ich he ſhall receive the
true Valee ) in Pain to forfeit the Value of the Gold or Silver)
32 * or ſold, to be divided betwixt the King and the

VI. Neither ſhall any ſuch Finer ſell any Silver in Maſs
molten and allayed, in Pain to forfeit the fame, to be divided
tetwixt the King and the Finder.

VII. All fine Silver which is to be parted, ſhall be made

ſo fine, that it may bear Twelve peny Weight of Alt
Pound 'Weight, and yet remain as good as * A err
Finer ſhall put his ſeveral Mark ſuch fine Sil A
2 qr gy Value thereof, to be W the Ring and


XVIII. No Goldſmith ſhall welt or alla any ſine Silver;

ns it be for making Amels, Goldſmiths Work, or mending

te to make it as -_ as Sterling, 1 neither ſhall he ſell any

line or allayed Silver molten into Mals, to another Goldſmith,
or to 5 Sher Perſon whatſoever.
This Ordinance ſhall be obſerved by all Goldſmiths,
in Pain to forfeit their Silver, or the Value thereof, to be divi-
&] betwixt the King and the Finder.

Vol. II. | "0 XXX. Stat,

2 «fs. "Governnane. | - —
X. Stat 8 Elk. 6a t5. No Goldfmith than wiew fen
or exchange any mith's Ware of Gold under 22 Carrets fine,
nor ſhall put more Sodder, Amel, or other Stuffings in his Work
chan is neceſſary for the Finiſhing thereof ; — ſhaJl be take
above 11 4 for the Ounce of Gold ( beſides the Faſhion ) more

wan che Buyer may be allowed 2 the Tan er

or et ·

Changed, Pain to forfeic the Valud of

XI. No Goldſmith ſhall make, ſelf or
eight, oy take above 12 d. for ESA

be Ware of Silver leſt in Finenefrthan

NS ol for i 4c th ap Pome: Mih
w or r ly to
Silver Werk Se he hath ſer his own W parts
_ reof as conveniently bear the ſame, in Pain to
; forfeit the Value of the Thing ſo fold or ache ped; ©:
XXIII. If any — Work be marked 2 allowed
the Wardens or Muſters of that Myſtery, and be afterwar
found Faulty, the Wardens and Corporation of the ſaid
ſhall forfeit the-Value of the thing fo ſold or exchanged.
XXIIII. The ſaid Forfeitures are to be divided — th

Queen and the Party grieved, See = Nr.

- XXXTV. Stat. 1 W. S M. 901 1. WL.

Statute made inthe Fifth Year of R H. 25
Enacted, That none thenc wth ſhould wſe to multiply
Gold or Silver, ov Uſe the Craft of Multiplication ; and if any
the ſame do, t incur the Pain of Felorry, be it Ei-

acted. That the ſaid Branch, Article or Sentence be re

XXV. Provided that all Gold and Silver-that ſhall be eig.

eln by the Art of Melting and Refining Metals, and otherwiſe
Improving them and their Ores, be employed for, the
Tncreaſe of Monies, and no otherwiſe ;- and that the Place here-
by appointed for the Diſpoſal thereof, aſl be in the Mint inthe
Tower of London ; where they ſhall receive the Value of ther
Gold and Silver ſo extracted.

XXXVI. No Mine of Copper, Tin, Tron, or Lead, ſhall here

after be adjudged to be a oyal Mine, though Gold or Silver
my be extracted out of the ſame.

- Government.
T. cap. 2. An Alt

i: 2 RY W. Lis. M. 8: Sefſ. 1 2
| bis Majeſt and drtain fuch Polos as be ſhall
find find juſt Gs Cen of pet are —_— aint the Govern.

II. Be

30 Whesen 1 a
he Fourth, it was

phi AQ
olve th
ment ex

os 1 8
. Stat. 1 W. M. Seff. 1. cap 7. I
ts Maje ebend in ſuch P he N
fad . 70 fuſpet? 2 Lo 2255 Fra G ſþ
ment. |

im. Stat: x W. & N. reh 29, All Perſons that ſhall

be in Priſon the 23th Day o — 1689. or after; by Warrant

of their Majefties Privy Counci a ſigned by Sly of the Conn /


cih for Suſpicion of High n or Treaſenable Practices,

ze, till
of Ju ·

may be detained in Cuftody; without Bail or Mainpri

the 23d Day of October, 16896 And no Judge or Court

Rice Bl bail or try any ſuch Perſons without Order from

—— ajeſties Privy Council, figned by Six, till the ſaid 2 3d of
IV. From and after the ſaid 23d of October ſuch Perſon
ſhall have the Benefit of the Habeas Chiu Act, and of all
other Statutes providing for the Liberty of the 8ubject.
V. Nothing in this Act ſhall extend to prejudice the antietg
Rights and Priviſeges of Parliament. r

I. A true Copy of every Warrant for ſuch Commitment,

ſhall be entred and kept by the Clerks of the Privy Coun-
cil in a Book apart, and ſigned by ſuch of the Privy Council
ſhall grant the Warrant; and no Warrant, not ſo entred and
8 and kept, {hall be adjudged to be a Warrant by virtue of

VII. Stat. 2 V. & M. Sefſ. t. cap. 6. Whenſoever and as of-

ten as his Majeſty ſhall be abſent out of England, It ſhall and
may be lawful for the Queen to exerciſe and adminiſter the Re-
gal Power and Government, in the Names of both their Ma-
jeſties, for ſuch time only during their Joint Lives, as his Ma-
jeſty ſhall be abſent out of England. 1

VIII. Noching in this Act hal debar his Majeſty, * his

Abſence, from the Exerciſe ot Adminiſtration of any of
Ach of Regal Power or Government; and neither the _
- Act, nor his Majeſty's Royal Voyage or Abſence ſhall diſ-
olve this preſent Parliament, or determine any Commiſſions
granted by his Majefty, nor avoid any other Ad of Govert-
ment executed, or to be executed by him. 120

IX. Provided, That as often as his Majeſty ſhall return into

England, the ſole Adminiſtration of the Regal Power and Go-

verment ſhall be in his Majeſty only. |

X. Stat. 6 4. tap. 15. An AR to inipower ber Majefly to

ſecure and detain ſuch ber Ma all ard

Conſpiring — as FI NU * 4 |

Fr This Act was only to continue till the 23d of Odober,

08. Frei ;

Q 2 Sꝛants.

© LT 1

0 . * . - 2
2 1 . £ _— Y +*
N * N N on + * -
* 2 =" a * * .
; D
| .' -
„ N. > e I : L * 12
I. Stat. 3 & 4 E. 6. cap. 4. An Exempliffeation of the Enrol-
ment of the King's Letters Patents under the Great Seal, ſhall
| be of as good Force to be ſhewed or ;pleaded in Behoof of the
Pateatees; their Heirs, Succeſſors and Aſſigns, or of any other, ha-
ving any Eſtate from, by or under them, or any of them, orb
any other Means under the Date of ſuch Letters Patents, as if
the Letters Patents themſelves were produced.

II. Stat. 13 Eli. cap. 6, An T rr of the Enrol.

ment of the Letters Patents by H. 8. E. 6. Qu. M. P. & N.

. Eliz or any of chem, ſince the gth of February, in the 27th

Year of H. 8. or hereaftex to be granted by the Queen, her
Heirs or Suceeſſors, ſhall be of as good Force to be ſhewed or
pleaded in Behoof of the Patentees, their Heirs, Succeſſors and
Aſſi gm, and every other Perſon, ha any Eſtate from, by or
under them, or any of them, as well againſt the Queen, her
Heirs and Succeſſors, as againſt all other Perſons whatſoever, as
if the Letters Patents themſelves were produced.

* — - FY * . —

| Habeas Cozpus.
I. Stat. VN A 7 Henſoever any Habeas Corpus ſhall be ſerved
31 Cay. 2. upon any Officer, or other Perſon, or left at
the Gaol with any of the Under-Officers, within Three Days
after that ( unleſs the Commitment were for Treaſon or Felony
expreſſed in the Warrant) the Priſoner, upon Payment or
Tender of Charges, to be endorſed on the Writ, not exceed.
ing 12 d. per Mile, and giving his own Bond to pay the Charges
of carrying him back, if remanded, and not to eſcape by the
Way, thall be brought, and the Writ returned, and the Cauſe
ol his Impriſonment certified, unleſs the Place of Commitment
be. more than Twenty Miles diſtant ; and if ſo, and not above
One hundred Miles, then within Ten Days ; if further off, then
wirhin Twenty Days, and no longer. |
II. Such Writs ſhall be marked thus, Per Stat. Thicefimo
Primo Caroli Secundi Regin, and be figned by the Perſon
awarding the ſame ; and Perſons committed ( unleſs for Tres
ſon or Felony, as aforeſaid) or detained out of Term, may,
-or any one on their Behalf, complain to the Lord Chancellor
or Keeper, or any Judge, who upon View of the Copy of the
Commitment, or Oath of its being denied, ſhall upon Re-
queſt by ſuch Perſons, or any on their Behalf, _ - a

the M


7 » S 53 Oe» ce» © OQ

r Ex

| Þabeas Coꝛpus. 2
fubſcribed by Two Witneſſes,” grant a Habeas OwPus under
the Seal of their reſpective Courts, returnable immediately 3
and the Prifoner within Two Days after he ſhall be brought
up, ſhall be diſcharged, entring into Recogniſance with one
or more Sureties, to appear in the King's Bench next Term,
or at the next Aſſiſes, Seſſions, or general Gaokdelivery, or ſuch
other Court where the Offence is Cogniſable; into which Court
the Writ, Return and Recogniſances aforeſaid, ſhall be certified
unleſs it ſhall a that the 2 is detained upon à Le
Proceſs out of ſome Court, or arrant of ſome Juſtice of
Il. Peres renleRing Two Terms after their In priſonment

III. Perſons neglectin o Terms after their Impri |

to pray a Habea: — ſhall not have any in Vacation- time in
purſuance of this Act. | a |

IV. Officers refuſing to make their Returns, or bring the Pri-

ſoners, as aforeſaid, or to deliver, within Six Hours after De-
mand, a Copy of the Commitment, ſhall for the Firſt Offence
forfeit to the Party grieved 100 J. and for the Second 200 l. and
be incapable to hold their Offices. |

V. No Perſon delivered upon any Habeas Corpus, ſhall be

again committed for the ſame Offence, other than by Order
and Proceſs of Court; and Perſons knowingly recommit-
ting any contrary to this Act, ſhall forfeit to the Party grieved

VI. Perſons committed for Treaſon or Felony, expreſſed in

the Warrant, upon Prayer in open Court, the Firſt Week of the
Term, or Day of the Seſſions of and Thrminer, or Gaol-
delivery, to be brought to Trial, if not indicted the next
Term, Seſſions of and Teymmer, or Gaòl - delivery, after
ſuch Commitment, ſhall, upon Motion, the laſt Day of ſuch
Term or Seſſions, be let — * Bail, unleſs it appear _
Oath, that the King's Witneſſes could not be 7 t
Term or Seffions, And if fuch Perſons upon ſuch Prayer —
not be indicted and tried the Second Term or Seſſions after Com-
mitment, they ſhall be diſcharged. 8

VII. This Act ſhall not extend to any Perſon charged with
Proceſs in any Civil Cauſe.

VIII. Perſons, Subject, of this Realm, committed for -

Crime, ſhall not be removed into Cuſtody of any other Ot
ficer, unleſs by ſome Legal Writ; or where the Priſoner is
&livered to the Conſtable, c. to be carried to Gaol ; or
ſent by any Judge, or Juſtice of Peace his Order to a Work-
houſe, or removed within the Comeny in order to a Trial or

iſcharge ; or in caſe of Fire, Infection, or other W

Perſons ſigning any Warrants for Removal, contrary to this
Act, or counter-ſigning the ſame, and the Officers obeying
them, ſhall incur the Forfeitures above-mentioned, both for the

Firſt and 3 Olence, to « Who grieved. IX, Priſoners

Þabeas Cozpus.

may obtain their Habeas Corpus nf the


u n a C u
2 ſhall forfeir! to the Party grieved 300 J. = in
X. Writs of Habeas Corpus __ run into County Palatine,

70 = Places and into the Iſles of

Priſoner: = it into any 1 Parts; Perſons ſo impriſoned

may have an Action of falſe Impriſonment againſt ſuch az
commit or tranſport them, and all others framing or counter-
Ggning any Warrant for ſuch Impriſonment or Tranſportation,
or ſhall be aſſiſting in the ſame; and ſhall recover treble Cofis
and Damages; which Dama 18065 ſhall not be leſs than 300 J.
Perſons offending herein ſhall be diſabled to bear any Office of
— or 2 within the Realm, or Dominions — be ·

— and incur — Statute of Fremunive, and be incapable

of any Pardon from the King. ·
This Act ſhall not Extend to ſuch as ſhall agree by
Contract — Voting! with an — oe . * . 1 to be
tran upon ſacl „nor to
Ferfons convicted we; Felony, and praying to be tranſported,
nor to the Impriſonment, or any thing relating thereto, of any
Perſon before the Firft of June, 1679. nor to Perſons reſiant
within this Realm that ſhall have committed 12 Capital =
fence in Scotland, Ireland, or any the Iſlands or
rations of the King; but that ſuch Perſons may 2
ceive Trial as before this Act.

XIII. Perſons'offending iel this Act ſhall not be implead-

ed but within Two Years after the Offence committed, unleſs
the Party grieved be then in Priſon and if ſo, then within Two
Years after the Deceaſe or Delivery of ſuch Perſon.

XIV. Aſter the Aſſiſes — — none ſhall be removed

from the Common Gaol in purſuance

of —— but ſhall 12 before the — Aſſiſe in

TV. Defendants in Süits for Offences againſt this wi N

jad the general I, and give the ſpecial Marter in Bn

XVL Perſons _—_— 25 e ec before the Fact to al

— Treaſon or Felo Suſpicion thereof, or wit

of -omeaitenent, ſhall not de removed or bailed by virtue d

V7 habiting within the Realm, ſhall be ſent

| Hall-Shet

n of Petty Trealo Felony, e expreſſed in the Warrant

N wa!


hd . SE . A. A l

Mouths, xe

vv 45» TY Wy 55 <= mrs IT © ns

ö p FS , ; a
$A 2 + OY
JL 4 $36 2.6 * — CY

n _ 7 rz


Aer .C4p. 1 The Statute

Anno 3 E. 6. . N
pod Enacted, 2 21 erſon the Sing of (open r

Parliament ſhould ſhoot any Hail- Shot or more wh Lond of

one, under Ae een Lapciſonment for 5

Hats and Caps.

I. Stat. 8 Eliz. cap. 11. None by himſelf or any other ſhall
work Hats or Felts with Foreign Wooll or Stuff, unleſs he hath
been Apprentice, or Covenant Servant ſeven Years at leaſt to
the Myſtery of Hat or Felt-making, in Pain to forfeit the Hats
or Felts he ſhall make or cauſe to be made, and alſo 51. for e-
very Month he ſhall ſo continue.

II. None ſhall make, fell, or cauſe to be made or fold, any

thing of Felt but Hats, nor any Cap of any Woollen Cloth not
knit, nor dye, or cauſe to be dyed any Cap, with Bark or Swarf,
bur only with Copperas and Gall, or with Woad and Madder-

III. None ſhall full in og I Mill any Cap, until it be firſt well
ſcoured andcloſed upon and half thicked (at leaft a= |
the Foot-ſtock.

IV. The Nafler and Wardens of Haberdaſhers in London

callin One 96g of, 2s Company 2 1 +
the Hat - makers, ſhall have Power to ſearch (in London, and
within three Miles round) all Cappers and Hatters, and to
puniſh them that offend, by Fines ox otherwiſe, as they do o-
ther Offenders in that Company. The like alſo ſhall be done by
Mayors and other Head-Officers in other Cities and Corparati-
ons elſewhere. 105

V. No Hat-maker Mall retain above two Apprentices at

once, or take any for leſs time than ſeven Years, in Pain to
ſafer for for every Apprentice otherwiſe taken, a Month's Impri-
ſonment without Bail, and every ſuch taking ſhall be void 3-and
the Party ſo taking, ſhall be from thenceforth diſabled to have
any more Apprentices than one.

VI. This Act ſhall not reſtrain a Felt or Hat-maker to im-

ploy his own Children, not extend to the making of Hats with

worſted Yarn i in Norwich.

VII, Stat. 1 2 I, cap. 1). Tbe Forf orfeitures and 888

— by the Stature of 8 Elix- cap. 11. and alſo by this preſent |
atute, ſhall be divided i King and the Vill. Note

245 Havens, 8c.
VIII. None ſhall make, or cauſe to be made any Felt or
Hat, unleſs he hath ſeryed Seven Nezrs as an Apprentice in
Felt- making, neither ſhall he retain other than Journey ·
men who have lawfully ſerved in that Art, and Apprentices
lawfally bound to the ſame, nor have above two Apprenti-
ces at once, nor thoſe for leſs time than Seven Years, in Pain
* NE 5 J. for every Month he offends contrary to this
tute. | | | | 5 5
IX. None ſhall retain in the Art of Hat or Felt-making:
Perſon born out of the King's Dominions, in Pain to forfert 5 l.
for every Month he ſo continues him. | Ms
X. This Act ſhall not prohibit Parents, lawfully exerci-
ſing the ſaid Art, to imploy their Sons in their own Houſe,
ſo that they be bound Apprentices by Indenture for Seven
Fears, which may not expire until they attain the Age of 22
ears. 1 ä :
XI. Felt- makers at the time of this Statute, and their Ser-
vants, may fo continue, albeit they have not ſerved ſeven Years
as Apprentices. - | | |


Havens, Parbourg, Piers, Keys, and


I. tat. 2 H. G. cap. 15. None ſpall faſten Trinks or other Nets

over Rivers to the Deſtruction of the Fry of Fiſh, and Diſturb-
ance of the common Paſſage of Veſſels, in Pain to forfeit x l.

to the King: Howbeit, they may uſe them in ſeaſonable Times,

ſo they draw them as other Fiſhers do their Nets, without faſt-

ning them, as aforeſaid. And here every Mans Right of Fiſh-

ing is ſaved. 5
II. Stat. 4 H. 7. cap. 15. The Mayor of London and his

Succeſſors ſhall have the like Fever homer he and Authority in all

the Iſſues, Breaches and Ground overflown, as far as the Water

ebbeth and floweth, grown out of the River of Thames ( a
touching the Puniſhment for uſing unlawful Nets and Engines)
as he hath within the ſaid River. |

III. Stat. 23 H. 8. cap. 18. & 27 H. 8. cap. 23. Two ſeveral

Acts were made to the fame Effect, for Preſervation of the Ha-
vens and Ports of Plymouth, Dartmouth, Tinmouth, Fal

Fowey, and other Ports in Devon and Cornwall: and that

none ſhould labour in 'Tin-works near the Freſh Riveis of thoſe
Havens : and thoſe who labour in Tin-works ſhould prevent
the falling of Stones and' Gravel into thoſe Havens, upon 3
Forfeiture, Alſo, if any ſhould be troubled in the Stannary for


ged, t

"ww as tt ww 9 as Ay

. pay. 249
executing this AR, ſach Suits ſhall be void, and if any ſhould
be impriſoned by the RO he ſhould be diſcharged by 4
Juſtice of Peace: Saving the. Liberties of the Stannaries. Seo
the Statute at large. 8 |

IV. Stat. 23 H. 8. cap. 18. No Fiſh-garths or other En-

ines ſhall be ſet in Ooh or. Humber : and with what N.
hal Fiſh there. Sor i Stars at large.

V. Stat. 27 H. 8. cap. 18. If any Perſon do or procure any

thing to be done to the Anoqying of Thames, making of Shelves
there, by 1 Digging, caſting of Dung, Rubbiſh or other
thing therein, or otherwiſe howſoever; or convey away any
Boards, Stakes, Timber-work, Pillars, or other things, from the
Banks or Walls thereof, except it be to repair them, or under-
mine any Banks or Walls there to the Damage of the ſaid River,
he ſhall forfeit for every ſuch Offence 5 J. to the King and the
Mayor and Commonalty of London, to be recovered by the
ſaid Mayor and Commonalty. | |

VI. This Act ſhall not reftrain the taking of Balaſt for Ships
in the Shelves near the Thames, nor to carry away the Gravel,

Earth or Rubbiſh found in the ſaid Shelves.

VII. Stat. 31. H. 8. cap. The Mayor and Bailiffs of Exe-

ter may break all Wears and other Lets in the River of Exe,
and ſhall pay to the Owners and Farmers of ſo much Ground as
they ſhall dig the Rate of Twenty Years Purchaſe, or ſo much
25 ſhall be adjudged by the Juſtices of Aſſiſe in the County of
Devon, See this alſo at large. 1

VIII. S H. 8. cap. 2 None ſhall caſt or unlade out

of any Ship or Veſſel in any Haven, Road, Chanel, or River,

flowing or running to any Port-Town, 2 „Borough or o-

ther Town, any Balaſt, Rubbiſh, Gravel, or other Wrack

or Filth; but rg By on the Land above the full Sea-mark,

20m of 5 J. to be divided betwixt the King and the Pro-

tor. ;
I. Stat, 27 Eliz. cap. 20. It ſhall be lawful for the Mayor
and Commonalty of Plymouth to dig a Trench fix or ſeven Foot
broad through all Grounds lying betwixt Plymouth and any part
of the River of Mew, for conveying that River thither, and to
repair it, and to do all other things neceſſary for the ſame, they
paying the Owners and Farmers of the Grounds, ſo to be dig-
god, the Value thereof, to be aſſeſſed by two Juſtices of Aſſiſe.
Howbeit that Water ſhall not be conveyed through any Orchard,
Garden, or to the Hindrance of any Mill, without the Owners

2 Stat,

250 Þavens, &cc. :

X. Stat. 27 Elix. 21. An Act co ing Or

yea in Suffatk cap. ha concerning ford Hy

* XT. Stat. 27 Eliz. cap. 22. An Act far making 3

Chanel from the City of Chicke ter to the Baburks eee |

t beſe two laſt Statutes at large. 0 oy Te 5

| Xll. Stat. 3 Jac. 1. c. 18. An A for the making a ·

; ws. ng — the Water from Chadwel and yr bag pt

XIII. Sine. 4 Jas. 2.6 , 12. An Act for the Explanation

of the Statute of 3 Fac. x. cap. 18. and to give Pon er ta the
Mayor and Commonalty of Londox to convey the ſaid Water
in a Trunk or Vault.

; 4 - 73 & 14 Cor. 2. cop. Aa AR for repairing

of Docs Mabel 85 the Statute at large.

XV. Stat. 16 & 2 Car. 2.cap. 12. An Add for making the
River Avon Navigable from Chr:ft-Church to the City of

XVI. Stat. 22 Cav. 2. c 2 An AR for vepalel the Hz,

ven and Piers of Great — Vid —

XVII. Stat. 29 Car. 2. cap. Io. Vide ibidem..

XVIII. Stat. 1 V. & M. Se. 1. cap. 11. The Powers, Autho-

rities and Benefits given to the Mayor and Aldermen, Bur-

and Commonalty of Great Yarmouth, by an Act made
in the firſt Year of the late King James, Intituled, An At
For Clearing, Preſerving, Maintainimę and Repairing the Ho-
. and Commonatey of the fd By
exmen, Burgeſſes, and Comm

rough, that now are, and their Succeſſors ; And the Pow
Aurhorities and Benefits by the ſaid Act, given to the fai
Mayor, are hereby veſted in the Bailiff or Bailiffs for the time
horny, an their Succeſſors. |
Bog of Fer doen es arp TG yang
| appoint ore-ment or this ma
the —— Powers therein given and directed. +
XX. Monies directed by the ſaid Act to be paid into the
Hands of the Chamberlain of the ſaid Borough, ſhall be paid
into the Hands of ſuch as the Bailiffs, Aldermen, Bu and
Commonalty in Common Council aſſembled ſhall direct. |

XXI. If within the Refi ue of the Time by the {aid recited

Act limited, there ſhall be any Alteration by any new 8

v cmpw =7 £ > TROY s TFT

r n


Bailifs to Mayors, them the Mayor, Aldermen,

— ſhall execute the Powers, c. — vn |
Act mentioned, as therein is expreſſed. -

XIII. Stat, 10 & 2x . 3. . The Act made Anna

1 Face 2, touching the Haven 204 Ne of Great Tur month, ex-
plained, Ann 1. & M. being near expired, it is Enacted, for
the Clearing, Repairing, and 2 ſaid Haven and
Piers, and the Depthning that part of the River leading from
Great Yarmouth to Noywich, called Brayden, That after the 24th
of July, _—__ 21 Years, and to the End of the then next
ion of Parliament, there ſhall be paid by the Maſter or Com-
mander of any Ship or Veſſel unlading in the Haven of Greas
Yarmouth or in Yarmouth Road, between the South part of the
Town of Stratby in Norfolk, to the North part of ten in
Suffolk, at the time of the unlading, for Chalder of Coals,
of Corn or Grain, Weigh of Salt, and Ton of other Goods
( Fiſh excepted )-imported or unladen in the ſaid Haven or
urg mmona in
Council aſſembled, ſhall a 3 j
XXIII. The ſaid Magiſtrates and Commonalty may during
the ſaid Term, chuſe ſach Perſons to be Collectors or Receivers
of the ſaid Monies, as they ſhall think fit ; who ſhall pay the
{ame to the Chamberlains of the ſaid Borough, or to ſuch as
only. | |
XXIV. There ſhall be Twelve Commiſſioners to inſpect the
ſaid Accounts, whereof Three to be nominated Yearly by the
ſaid 25 Three by the Mayor and 1 0—
wich, Three by the Juftices of Peace of Norfolk, and Three by
the Juſtice of of Swffolh, at the reſpeftive Seſſions ; which
Commiſſioners. or any ot them, Five being of the Counties of
Norfolk, Suffolk, and City of Norwich, ſhall require an Account
from the ſaid Collectors, of the Monies received and refting
due on ſuch Account, and may order it to be laid out for the
Purpoſes aforeſaid ; and one of the Bailiffs of the ſaid Borough
may adminiſter an Oath to ſuch Collector, for the true Exe-
— his Office; which Collector may have ſuch Allowance
out of the Monies received, as the ſaid Magiſtrates {hall think
ht, not exceeding 6 d. per Pound. 1 bo
XXV. The ſaid Colſector may, at ſeaſonable times, enter into
any Ship or Veſſelin the ſaid Haven or Road, to ſee what Goods
arcunladen and if the ſaid Duties be not duly paid, the Cob
lectors, by Warrant from one of the ſaid Bailiffs under Hand and
Seal, may diſtrain every ſuch Ship or Veſſel not mga,
and all the Tackle, Ce. till Payment be made, and if not paid
within Ten Days alter ſuch Diftre's, then to ſell the "nes —

turning the Orerplus.

252 | Papen, &cc.

XXVI. But Fiſh, Oil, and Fiſh-Livers, got in à Fiſhing Vor-
age, and the Remainder of Salt, Bread, — and —

Maintenance of the Maſter and Mariners, ſhall be

from Payment of the ſaid Duty. 4 exempted

XXVII. The Commiſſioners for Norfolk and Suffolk ſhall be

nominated Yearly at the General Quarter-S-flions next after the

Epiphany ; and they and the Commiſſioners for Norwich
within Six Weeks, or before the toth of March after, and af-
ter Fourteen Days Notice to the Bailiff of Yarmouth, meet Year-
at Great Yarmouth for executing this A ; and if Five of.
em do not fo meet, then the Magiſtrates and. Commonalty
of Y.zrmouth may for that Year put the ſaid Act in Execu-

ion. | h ;

XX VIII. The ſaid Magiſtrates and Commonalty may, at their

Pleaſure, place and diſplace any Collector, Officer or Work-
man imployed in the Work about the ſaid Haven, Piers, or
Chanel, and direct the Payment of the Monies arifing by this
AR, as Occafion requires, and by themſelves, or ſuch as
ſhall appoint, take the Accounts of the Receipts and Di{-
burſements thereof by Warrant from one of the ſaid Bai-
lifs, and levy the Arrears by Diftreſs ; and for want of Di-
fireſs, to commit the Perſon, ſo in arrear, or refuſing to ac-
count, to Yaymouth Gaol, till he account and pay ; and the
ſaid Bailiffs, &c. ſhall be anſwerable for the Montes paid to am
Collector by them nominated. |
XXIX. It upon good Advice five of the ſaid Commiſſioners for
the Countics of — and Suffolk, and City of Norwich, at a
Meeting at Great Jarmouth, ſhall find it neceſſary to erett ;
new Works touching the ſaid Piers or Depthning the Hay,
they may contract wich any skilful Perſons for Seine;
upon Performance thereof, the Money fo contracted for, ſhall
be paid by the Receivers out of the Duties ariſing by this AR,
to fuch Perſons as the Commiſſioners under their Hands ſhall
appoint. ig: OP: | |

XXX. The Commiſſioners nominated by the ſaid —_

Aldermen, eſſe and Commonalty aforeſaid, or any
them, may, if they think fit, act joyatly with the other Com-
miſſioners, or any Five of them. a | |

XI. Stat. 8& 9 V. 3. cap. 29. For Repair of the Pier

of Bridlington alias Burlington, in the Eaft-Riding of Yorkſbire,
it is enacted, That after. x May, 1695. and until x May, 1
there ſhall be paid for the Repairing and Amending the fri
Pier, one Farthing for every Chalder of Coals that ſhall be
Joaden on Board any Ship, or other Veſſel. at or in the Port of
Newcaftle upon Tyne, or at Sunderland, Blythe, Suton Sluce,
Culler Coats, or any Place reputed a Member of the Port

of Nerraſile. Which ſaid Duties during the Term afornlnn

n 66 3 52 4." WV 0 Se 7” = wk. or mt." * S 7.

ꝗ— , , , ,,,

Sir Griffith Boynton, Six Charles Hor bam Six William Strick

Puties, one or more Books, in which all Receipts and Pay-

5 Þavens, &cc. 253

ſhall be anſwered and paid unto Arthur Lord Viſcount Fi

land, Sir William St. Quintin, Baronets; Sir Michael Wharton,

Sir Matthew Peirſon, dir William Hufiler, Six Richard Osba

deflon, Knights; bVWhharton, John Buck, Rohert Monckton,

Heb Bothell, Robert Byerle, Charles O-:born,. Eſquires, and to
the Wardens of Tranity- Houſe at Hull for the time being, tho
Survivors and Surviyor of them, and the Executors and Ad-
miniſtrators of ſuch Survivor, or to their Depary or Deputies
thereurito appointed by ſome Writing under their or the maj

part of their Hands and Seals, -by the Maſter of the Veſlel
whereupon ſuch Coals ſhall be loaden: The ſaid Duties ta be
paid 5 ach Place or Plates as ſhall be appointed, in or near the

place . | EP 2 cot 7
XXIII. No of the Cuſtoms within. the Ports, Har-
bours, Creeks or Places aforeſaid, ſhall, during the time aſore-
ſaid, take any Entries, or give any Cocket or other Diſcharge
for any Ship, or other Veſſel ſo loaden with Coals, as afore-
ſaid, till the Duties hereby granted ſhall be paid to the re-
ſpettive Deputies appointed to. receive the ſame, as aforeſaid ;
and that the Maſter of ſuch Ship or Veſlel do produce an
Acquittance teſtifying the Receipt thereof :, And every Offi-
cer of the Cuſtoms, making Default in Fi of the Premiſſes,
ſhall forfeit the Sum of 50.4. to the ſaid; A. Lord Viſcount
28 G. B. &c. to be recovered, with Coſts, in any of the
ing's Courts 6f Record, by Action of Debt, e. wherein no
Eſſoĩen, &c. ſhall be allowed. - capa es _
XXX1II. Any Perſon or Perſons, by. Warrant under the
Hands and Seals of the ſaid 4. Lord Viſcount 7. Sir G.
&c. or the major part of them, may go on Board any Ship
or other Veſſel loaden with Coals at any the aforeſaid Places,
to inſpes and take an Account of the Lading of. fuch
oals, | |
XXXIV. All ſuch Sums of Money which ſhall be raiſed by
the Duties aforefaid, and recovered for 1 in this
Act appointed (other than what ſhall be laid out, or allowed
for Collecting the ſaid Duty, not exceeding 6 d. in the Pound
ſhall be by the ſaid A. Lord Viſcount 7. Sir G. B. 8c. a
ed to the Rebuilding, Repairing, and Amending the ſaid Port.
or Pier of Bridl: alias Burlington; and there ſhall be
provided and kept by the ſaid Perſons, their Deputy or De-

ments by virtue of this Act, ſhall be entred, expreſſing th,

time when, and Perſom from and to whom the ſame were
made. And once Yearly the 2 of the Peace for the
Eaſt· Riding of the County of York, at their Quarter · Seſſion:
may order the ſaid Books to be brought before them to inſpect
the ſame, and upon any Miſ-imployment of the ſaid Duties,

234 Havens '&

to make fuch Orders for the better Management of the fame;

according to the Intent of this AQ, as t ſhall rhiok

fit. Which Orders ſhall be obſerved by all Perfons concetn-
ed, upon ſuch Penalties, not exceeding 100 l. as they ſhal
e . l * N
XXXV. The faid A. Lord Viſcount F. Sir G B. &c. or the
reft Number of them that ſhall be then living,” may, by
nture under their Hands and Seals, convey and aſſure
the Duties granted by this Act, or 1 thereof, as a Se
75 Money to be bortowed for the Ends and Purpoſes of
this 4 we ok OTIS
- *XXXVT. If any Perſon ſhall be ſued for any thing done
by virtue of this Act, he may Fr the General Iſſue,
and give the Special Matter in Evidence, and upon Non-
foit or Verdict for the Defendant, he ſhall recover / double

XXXVII. After t May, i697: the ſaid A. Lord Viſcount'f;

Sir G. B. 8c. or any Three or more of them, may from time
to time ſutvey and inſpect the ſufficient Building and Repai
of the Pier aforefaid, with all Walls, Jetteys, Sluces, Soc
and Locks thereof, and certiſie the State and Condition
the fame in Writing, to the faid Juftices at their Quarrer-
Seflions ; who are hereby impowered to charge the Lands for-

mer nted i ames I. 20 ember, in the 2ift

Foal Reps, wb Et of lion bn Hon
- with ſuch equa ients as they ſhall judge ſuſ-
cient and neceſſa fon Repair of the fame; and in Dau

Payment of the faid Aſſeiſment, the Defaulter to be diſtrai

by Warrant of Three of ſuch Juſtices, and after Four Days

the Goods to be appraized by Two or more Inhabitants
and to be fold, and the Overplus above the Aſſeſſment
and Charges of Diſtreſs, to be immediately reftored to the

XXIVIII. Stat. 9 & 10. 3. cap. 12. For Enla Ne.

pairing and Preſerving the Bridge and Key of the |
of Bridgewater in the County of er, it is Enacted, That
for Fourteen Years after the Firſt of , 1698. Every Mi-
er or Perſon, having the Command of any Ship or Veſſel un-
lading on the ſaid Key, or into any Barge, Boat, Hoy or Ligh-
ter, to paſs through the ſaid Bridge, ſhall pay at the |
thereof, as follows, viz: 28 4

XXXIX. For every Weigh of Coals, ( arcvrtiog a Mex-

ſure uſed there) Laſt of Wheat, Rye, Barley, Malt, and other

Grain, and ſor every Weigh of Salt, and every Ton of an

other Goods or Merchandizes whatſoever ( and ſo
ably for 5 greatex or leſſet Quantity imported and un

of any
en in

e ·
t ·

* 5 N rer

padens . 2
de fad Port )-fach Sum; not exceeding Twelve Pence ( in-
cluſive of all | Keyage, Wharfage, 5 _ 'Cranage, _
tofore payable) as the Mayor, Alderm
* of the 1 or | and theis Succeſſors, in
Common Council 'hom time to time order or


K. The ſaid — A , Burgefles, and Common-

fo aſſem 23 aforeſaid, the = 1 Noam pro
1 Peron wo be be Colleton . Reed, card may

N oney, fo hich On
„. „ 2 they hall char 6 fit 4
ſhall pa the ol to Receiver of
— ſaid Poror rough, ro the Uſe of the ſaid 285 enen,

monalty, for the Purpoſes or, Armen, an to,

28 rp wharſoever
XLI. There Hall de 3 45 any! Fine of thin Congo |
miſßonets to tale the the Receipts and
Duburſements of rhe Month fo 'fo' abel. during the ſaid
Term; Four of which ſhall be Yearly nominated by the
Mayor, Aldei 3 and Commonialty in Common
Council aſſembled, and the other Four by the \ Barn Saf
the Peace for the faid County of Somerſet, at the reſpeRive'

Quiner: ions of the - nd which . Comm qr, ee, or any

ve of them may from time to time reg t

who ſhall receive the M 18. 8 wo!

render them a true mall reſt
due upon ſuch Acco Nene to te Lai
out for the Uſes aforeſaid, a there alf be Cauſe': And che
Mayor of the ſaid Borough i is to adminiſter 'an Oath to the
Collectors, and Perſons i for the faithful Executing
their Offices, in and about rhe Premiſſes.
XLII. The ſaid Collectors ſhall be allowed for their Pains
in Executing the ſaid Office, out of the Monty by them 1e.
ceived, fo much as the ſaid Mayer, Ir. in
cl fſembled, ſhall think fr, not exceeding one Shilling in |


XLIN. Tre ſaid Collectors may at fexforable times

ny any Ship or Veſſel, within — ſaid Port Bridgewater,
oe Ay» 2 ſhall de in the e - 4

the Sums of Money to a —

ſhall not be * by the — ox ot ber Parte having the

Command y Ship or Ye tes gen a aforeſaid,
then the ſaid Colle cor: may, by Warrant fro ** Mayor
or Aldermen of the ſaid Boroug h, or one of them diſtrain
ſuch Ship or Veſſel, and all Tackle Apparel, and Furnitu

thereunto belonging, and keep the fame till be ſatisfie

and paid the Sums 1mpoſed by this Act; which if not paid
within ten Days next after ſuch Diftecls, then the ſaid Col-
leftors may fell the _ Diſtreſs, and therewith ſarisfi-


5 258 e Kc.

themſelves for. the Pulp 6 unpaid, l alſo for keeping fac

Diſtreſs, rendri verplus. _.

XL1V. The faid Mayor, Ne. in Comm | Council Ka
EA ny
| dies $ or e A8 a
45 for — — 47 20 Money them to payable, we =
es of this Ad, to any Perſons that have oe
. * advance any Monies upon ſuch. Security:
which Money to be borrowed ſhall be imployed. towards the
Inlat ng. Preſerving and Ne the 10 Bridge ot Key ol
ri —.— aforeſaid. T7
V. The Keys or When now ſtanding, on, each ' fide
of th River, below, the Bridge of Bridgewater 277
t ſhall be inlarged or repaired (not exceeding in Len
on each ſide of the ſaid River 270 Yards) are and ſhall
taken for lawful Keys or Wharfs for the Landing or Lay-

ing on Shore any ſort of Goods and Merchandizes, w

2281 e *
all be de mandel , |

N 12 Repair of
2 cap. 5. For the f
Dove 142 it is 2 | eater * firſt rſtof A , 1700
to the firſt Tins Hua 17 ip or Veſſel w
Tons to = , — Giſchapging, 55
this . — for, — or b. 53 ſhall pay to the
3 oil 76 Bear, 3. 4. per Ton to
Sauber Coals, Grindſtones and Pur i 2
Portland Stones) —— te ad and Grindſtones being only to pay
Three half er Ton; to be allowed by dhe Merchant
to the Maſter or Owner, paying the ſame, by way of Ave-
rage. the Mop to be paid over to the Receiver-General or
Caſhier of the aſtams ar L ondon, and by him ta the Tres
ſurer of Dover Hirboyr for the Uſe aforeſaid.
XLVIIL.. No Coafler or Fiſherman to pay the Duty oe
than once in a Year.
XLIX. The Warden, Lieutenant, and Adiftants
ſaid Hart obs 2 are to 2 the ſame to be repaired, i to be

the 3 dul 47 1m
4 he 8 for five Years to ſuch
lend i therenpn york age ay A not exceeding at One time
ES J. and 6 Ann. Intereſt.
LI. The Graber Cent * the ſaid Monies ſhall. be account-

| CR pon Oath to the uſtices of Peace of Eaft-Ke

Nan aa ub FT HEE

WE | f L1L.No


5" 6 CY = 5g "CD co, 00 aan 0 00 06 CY -Q

IC * -

| OS 5, CY 0 0 COS | HE MIS IND vy *

ww” K RNVP&5 Oo =

III. No mote ſhall be raiſed than 3oroo 7. or no more han

ſhall be neceſſary to repair the ſaid Harbour, NT

LIII. The Ships and Veſſels belonging to Weymouth, and

Melcomb Regis, and Lyme Regis, ſhall be exempted from pay- =

ing to the ſaid Harbour.

„And all Ships and Veſſels, Engliſh built, and manned

according to the Act of Navigation belonging to Great Tur.

— hal likewiſe be exempt from the faid Duties, as alſo

the Ships and Veſſels belonging to Ramſzate in the Iſle of a

theſe Places be Owners of

Thanet, ſo as the Inhabitants of

the major part of ſuch Veſſels.

LV. Stat. 12 V. 3. cap. 9. There ſhall be paid for 21 Years

(above the Duties accuſtomed to be 2 to Tregonwell Lut-
terell and his Anceftors ) for Wooll, Woollen, and Bay Yarn
imported or exported at Min bead, ſuch Sum not i
One Haltyeny for Stone for Wooll, and One Peny per Stone
for Woollen and Bay Yarn imported, as the Truſtees herein na-
med ſhall appoint, the Stone to contain 18 Pound.

The Duty is to be paid by the Merchant or Perſon to whoſe

Cuſtody, or by whoſe Order, the Goods are delivered.

The Wooll to be weighed at the Town-Hall. |

"Ry mamas d. to be paid by the Mafter

tne Vellel. |
IVI. To be — the Mafter for every Veſſel coming in-
2 wg ur for Security, it not being their Diſcharg -

ort, Viz | 22
"For every Coaſter of 30 and not of 30 Tons, 1 4.
For every Coaſter of 5o Tons and upwards, 2 5.


For every Veſſel of 30 Tons and not of 50, trading to Ire-


land, or other Parts of , or his Majeſty's Plantations in

America, 2 1. 6 d. > Es
For every Veſſel of 50 Tons and upwards, trading to the
faid Parts, 5 5. |

For every Veſſel of 30 Tons and not of 30, trading to Places

in Afia, e or America, other than his Majeſty's Plantati-
ons, 5 8, |
For every Veſlel of 50 Tons and upwards, trading there, 102.
The Maſige paying the ſaid Duties ſhall have Allowance of

the Merchants. FS
LVII. Sir Fobn Trevellian and others appointed Truſtees for
Iring the Harbour, and Ordering the Collection and Diſ-

tion of the Money and Duties. if any Truſtee die, or

ä 8 |
LVIII. Froviſo, That there ſhall not be more than 2 Tru-

fees at a Time, and the Lord of the Manor of Minhead for the

time being to be one. |

Vol II. n I. The

"II 4 Ms. ah. — 1

£ * 7 „ [6 + 1
1 N ® q I
„ Las | '


W 2 , od BE cs. bf
: "EE l 4 Ty \F WS L
: ”S — 4 by - Cs whe” mY .
. 1 * , - a N 4
* . .
- FA L * b * WY ie
> j ** % GT 4 l * >
N ve. * - > 2 3s
\ . = *, f : IT a "4 *
& 8 * N — , * vt * 3 + a ; 4 3 =
— — 3 "Ad. — e 899 , 1 ” * , 4 N
5 b 0 a D = | 4
1 2 J 9 2 " in
> @ 57 a © 1 1

258 | Havens, cc. 5

_. LIX. The Truſtees to make Rules, and give Authority
Collecting the Duty. No Officer of his Mie on

's Cuſtoms
make Entries, &'c. for Diſcharging of Goods Ache ſaid Duties :

ate paid, upon Penalty of 20 J. 6 |

LX. The Perſons authorized by the Truftces may difirain the
Veſſel, or any part thereof, and upon Neglect to pay for ro Days,
may ſell the ſame. 7
LXI. The Duties and Forfeitures to be applied to the
Work, |
A Book to be made of all Receipts and Diaburſements, and an
Account to be made once a Year upon Oath. eo 0
LXII. The Truſtees may borrow Money upon the ſaid Du:

IXI. The Lord of the Manor of Minhead, at a Court-

Leet of the Manor may chuſe a Water-Bailiff to require Vel.

ſels to anchor and moor in proper manner, and that they throw
not out Balaſt ro 1 bour. |
LXIV. After ſaid Term, fo long as the ſaid Harbour

ſhall be kept up, there ſhall be paid to the Lord of

of Mi for Goods there imported, viz.
For every 20 Stone of Wooll, 2 d. .
For every 20 Stone of Woollen and Bay Yam, 2 4.
For every ter of Corn, 2 d. |
For every Ton of Salt, 2 d.
For every Quarter of Malt, 2 4. |
For every Chalder of Coal, 2 d tat
LXV. Proviſe, That nothing in this Act ſhall leſſen the
antient Acknowledgments or Rights of the ſaid Lords of the

1 NI. The Receipts and Disburſements according to Stat.

S 10 W. 3. cap. 12. Intituled, An A for the B
Pepairing and Preſerving the Bridge and of the
of Bridgewater, Ofc, ſhall. be entred in'a Book, and an Ac-
count be made at the General Quarter · Seſſions for the County


of” when it appears to the Quarter-Seſſions, that ſuſſiient

Money has been levied upon 6 Months Notice by the Quarter-
— the Mayor, &ec. of Bridgewater, the Additional Duty

C ,
LXVII. All Powers given virtue of an Intituled, 4»
At * cb Hh — s leading AS the Town of
Birdlip and Top of Crickly {ts to the City of Glouceſter ) to
the Undertakers to repair the ſaid Highways, are veſted in the
General er gy and the Security given by the Uader-

oO C © |
-» (aid - - and Collectors to paſs an Account of
88 and paid upon Oath, and to pay over the Mo-
as Jultices ſhall direct.





I I:

= pn


* — << TT” SV 3 ; - a ** a

. 717 oO eaws Wo & WW - OW oo


LIVIL Froviſs, Not to

Duties given to any Perſon b advances

LXIX. Stat. 1 A.c . Aſter the Firſt of

there ſhall de * Mey, 108:

or Owners of every Ship that ſhall load Coats: av

. Tyne; or any Member thereof, One Farthing

per Chalder.
LXX. For Coals landed at Whitby for every Chalder for

ine Years, and frog thenes to the ef the hen Sellibel of

Parliament, 6 d. per Chalder. |
LXXL 17 > every Weigh "4
LXXII. For every Quarter of Corn, 4 d. 2
— For Foreign Goods imported in Engliſh Bottoms;
Ir. * Foreign Bottoms, 6 d. 5
XIV. ted Fi Et off dete pe Be Firkin, 14 1
LXXV. For dried Fiſh off there per Score, 1 4. . |

LAXVI. For Mad Fiſh ſhipt off there pey Score; 14

LIIVII. For Barrel Fiſh 1 off there er Barrel, 3 4 1 7

LXXVHE Fot every Engi ers the Piers, x 5:

N oy mie And for every F Ds

2 5, For nor Nag, hs WE Me * 85

LXXIX to id at Ship
Se Collector may 23 *

Coals; and for Non- 7

—— Monies collected to be imployed in

1 in Repair the Piers,

= «7 N 4 *
* Fg 4
- * %
0 - <
© - of
„ =
: *.
= ©

any — *.

paid tothe of the Manor of Wh |

2237 and others, Truſtees for Repairing the Port 25

I. The Truſtees once a Year ſhall make up aid |

of Receipts, Disburſements, and Balance.

LXXXIL, The Lord of the Manor of Whitby, and Jaſtices of
the North. Rid ing may inſpect and examine the Accounts.
LXXXTII. The Truſtees or major 28 Lau
Contracts for repairing and keeping in 1A
LXXXIV. And they may engage the Profits of 11 ſaid
88 advancing Money at SI Cent. to be imployed
LXXXV. Proviſo, If the Duties raiſe C000 7. ce he
an e
ty of One Farthing upon Coals ſhall ceaſe, 1
6111171 The The General aarter- Seſſions of the Noi
my impoſe a Fine (not — treble the Money
he L. the Copy rags And if the Accounts = not laid
next General Quarter-Sefſions after the
— — fine the Truſtees, not enceeu-
Moiety to the Queen, the other for repairing che

7 4.

uk vn H 2 Truſtee die, en. or nn

e Thirty Bm as chaſe g e a


560 Havens, Sc.

No Perſon ſhall throw Balaſt, Rubbiſh, c. into the Har-
bour. Annoyances to be determined by the Truftees ; the Pe-
| mikey for every Offence not to exceed 40 5. and recoverable by
the Fruftees. - |
= LXXXVII An Ships Eng liſb. built, and manned according
to the Act of Navigation. belonging to Great Yarmouth,
be erempt from the One Farthing per Chalder 22 by this
ery producing Certificate from the Bailiffs of Taymouth aſore ·
id. Us |

LXXXIX. Stat. x A. Sof]. 2. cap.7. Whenſoever the Name

of the Corporation of the Borough of Gyeat Yarmouth ſhall be
changed, the Chief Magiſtrate thereof ſhall enjoy the Trufts
and Powers in 10 W. 3. cap. 3. (Concerning tbe Haven, and for
3 the Rights of Great Yarmouth) and ſhall have all
the Interefis and

uriſdictions of the Bailifts, Aldermen, Burgef-

ſes and Commonalty of the ſaid | ;

Borough. ;

XC. Hroviſe, That they ſhall make good the Montes col
lected by virtue of the ſaid Act, and be liable to all other Mat-
40. Herz, That they ſhall perform all things that the

0 . 0g Ina orm 2 ums

Bailiffs, Aldermen, 18 es and ——— of the Burgh of
Great Yarmouth are liable to do. | .
- ACII. There ſhall be Twelve Commiſſioners, Three to
be nominated by the Burgh of Great Yarmouth, Three by
the City of Norwich, Three by the Seſſions of Peace of Nor.
Folk, and Three by the Seſſions of Peace of Suffolk ; which
Commiſſioners, or any Number, Five being of Norfill, Sf
folk, and the — of Norwich, may appoint the Monies due
upon the ſaid Act to the Uſes therein mentioned, and exe -
| 1 which the Commiſſioners had by virtue

XCIII. Stat, 2 A. „ 7. The Act of 11 I, a . Fir

the _ of Dover Harbour continued — S April,
1709 till 1 1718.
NIV. Every Ship that goes in at the Gates, before ſhe go
in ſhall take down her Sails, upon Pain of 10 5. for the Uſe of

e Harbour. | |
- XCV: No Perſon ſhall throw Dirt or Filth into the Baſon
there, upon Pain of 5 1. |

kl. Stat. 4 & 5 A cap. 18. An Ad for Enlayi

the Pier and Hiatous: of Parkin in the County of —

nga. |
XCVII. Aſter the Firſt of May, 1706. for Eleven Years,
there ſhall be paid to Thomas FO Mes 5 and The

mas Lamplugh of Lamplugh, and their Heirs, Six William Prn-


© « TT _ _7Oono &S 0 WHTrTrRs

as SS ww

r an nn bit. tn. Zo

| Habens, &c. 26r

nington, Sir Richard Muſgrave, Sir James Mountague,. and

24 4 ok Perſons named in the ſaid Act, for Enlargin Clean-
ſing and Maintaining the Pier and Harbour of Parton, |
Proprietor of Coals who ſhall ſhip Coals there, within Ten
Days after ſuch Coak ſhipped, alſo wy every Maſter or
Owner of any Veſſel that ſhall lade Coals there, 2
192 Gallons of Coals ſhi there ; And afrer the End of the
ſaid Eleven Years, One Farthing for every 192 Gallons wha
ſhall be ſhipped there (to be paid by the Maſter or Owner
the Ship) for ever, * e,

XCVIII. All the Monies to be employed for the Enlarg -

ing, Deepning, Repairing and Cleanſing the ſaid Harbour,
except the neceſſary Charges of collecting the ſame (which
ſhall not exceed 6 d. per Pound ) and the C arge of paſſing this

Act. |
ICIX. Novi, That if the Duties of 2 d. to be paid by
the Proprietors of Coals, and 2 d. to be paid by the Matter
of * for every the ſaid 192 Gallons, ſhall raiſe the Sum of
1600 J. above the Charges ot Collecting, and Intereſt upon a
Sum not exceeding 1500 J. (to be taken up at Intereſt upon the
ſaid Duties) and above the Expences ot paſſing this AR of
Parliament, in lefs time than Eleven Years, that then the ſe-
veral Duties of 2 d. for every 192 Gallons ſhall ceaſe, and only
the Duty of One Farthing for every 192 Gallons ſhall continue
for ever after. | | '

C. No Perſon ſhall caſey any Balaft, Rubbiſh, or do any

other Annoyance to the ſaid Harbour; which Annoyances
ſhall be examined and determined by the Truſtees, or oy Se-
ven of them, who may impoſe Fines upon Perſons offending,
not exceeding 49 5. to be employed about Repairing the ſa
Pier and Harbour. |

CI. Perfons ſued for executing this Act, may plead the Ge»
neral Iſſue, and give this Act and the Special Matter ia Evi-
dence ; and if Judgment be 2 the Plaintiff or Proſecutor,
the Defendant ſhall r:cover full Cofis. And this Act ſhall be
allowed in all Courts as a Publick Act. —
A. to the manner of Collecting the ſaid Duties. and Ma.
naging the Repairs of the ſaid Pier and Harl our, ſoo the A
At | | ;

* *

2e. ; 5
CII. Stat. 8 4. cap. 12 The Mayor, Alder nen, Bailiffs,
and n of * have P wer to make

a Wet-Dock, or Baſon in a Piece of Grourd co taining Four

Acres, lying near a Place called, The Pool.

CIIL. After the zathof June, 1710. and till the End of Twen-
ty one Years next enſuing, there ſhall be paid to them and
their Succeſſors for every Veſſel ( cxcepting the Queen's Ships
imployed in her Service) N or coming into the Port

| 3 or

* ra 9 Y 9
8 * R 3

d. fox every

" as

F *

282 Þavens; &.

of it with any Goods; the Extent of which Port i
— 8 * Lake, and from thence all «ty D

River Merſey to Warrimngeon, and Frodſbam-Bridges, the Duties

following : | |
Civ. For every Ship fo trading between the ſaid Port
Sr. Davids-haad, Or Carliſle, 1277 Ton. MY IN
© CV. Between St. Davids-bead. and the Lands and, or be-
| nr, to any part on this fide the Shetlands, or to and

CYL: oy Yor ir . d. per Ton.

Dun. Up ueen's Chanel beyond the Lands-end, or

Shetlands, 4 d. per Ton.

i OVIIE. To and from Norway, Denmark, Holſtein, Hol.

land, Hamburgb, Flanders, or any Part of France wi

the Streights of Gibraltar, or Jerſey or Guernſey, 8 d. per

Cl. To and from Newfoundland, Greenland, Ruſſia, and
within the Baltich, Portugal, Spain without the Sterights,
Canaries, Maderas, Weſtern Iſlands, Azores, 12 d. Ton.
CX. To and from the Weft- Indies, Virginia, or other Part
of America, Africa, Europe, or Afia within the Streights, or
any part of Africa without the Streigbts, ox Cape Verde Illes,
13. . On.
CI. Duties to be paid at the Ships Diſcharge, in-
wards or outwards, at the Cuftom- in the ſaid Port,
payable but once both out and home for the ſame Voy-
xl The Duties of Tonnage pan be aſcertained, by mer
ſuring the Length of the Keel of every Veſſel ſo much
e treads on the Ground, and the Breadth»ro be taken
within board by the Midſhip- Beam from Plank to Plank,
and half that Breadth ſhall be accounted for the | of
the Veſſel; then multiply the Length by the Breadth, and
the Product thereof by the Depth, and divide the whole by gh
and the Quotient ſhall give the true Contents of the T

na „ 0 N 3

m The Mayor, Aldermen, Je of L of are

Trufices for making By-Laws, entring into Contracts with
Workmen and others, for making Dock and Baſon,
and repairing and cleanſing it, and for ordering the Mo-

*Exrv. The Money ſhall be collected and received by ſuch

Ferſon as by Writing under the Common Seal of the Corpora
tion, and choſen by the Mayor, Aldermen, e. ſhal} be ap-
pointed; who fhall 45 to ſuch Perſon as ſhall be mentioned

in ſuch Writing; and he muſt give good Security to the Mayor,

Aldermen, Cc ie anſwer and pay its 5
g CXV. Na

Havens, & 253

CXV. No Cuſtom- houſe Officer of Levorpool' ſhall make

t, or take any Report outwards for any Veſ-

n the Dock, until the Duties are paid by the Ma-
llector ; 45 to receive it

aſter muſt produce an Acquittance under the

Officer for the Receipt of the Duty, which Acquie-
tance he muſt give without Fee, otherwiſe he forfeits 20.
to the Mayor, Cc. and every Cuftom-houſe Officer making
Default in what he is enjoyned to do, forfeits to the Mayor,
Se. 20 l. both which Sums ſhall be recovered by Action or
ron ; ory a Court of Record, and applied to the Repair- |
N c =

©xvi. The Collector of theſe Duties may go on Board any

Veſſel to take the Dimenſions, and to collect the Duties; and
for Non-payment thereof, or refuſing to let him come on Boged
to take the Dimenſions, he may take and diſtrain the Veſſel
and all her Tackle, or any part thereof, and keep it till he 1s

id, and if not paid in Ten Days after the Diſtreſs, then to
— it * by two ſufficient Men of the Corporation,

| to be choſen by the Mayor, &c. and fold to ſatisſie the Duty,

and for Refuſal of Admeaſurement, and for Charges reaſonable ;

ne Diftreſs ſhall be made till Ten Days Demand of |
E dies. N bo : |
CXVII. The Money ariſing by theſe Duties ſhall be laid out
in Building and Repairing the Dock, and the Collector ſhall en-
ter the Money in a Book, and the Time when received, and of
whom, and for what Uſe the Payment was made, and an Ac-
count ſhall be drawn from that Book by the Collector, and
delivered to the Mayor, Ic. upon Oath, which the Mayor
ſhall adminiſter. y | . |
CXVIII. The Mayor, Aldermen, e. may, by Indenture
under their Common Seal, convey the Duties as a Security for

Money borrowed for the Purpoſes aforeſaid, fo as it doth not

exceed 6000 1,

CXIX. From and after 24 June 1711. no Perſon ſhall |

Dutt, Balaſt, Earth, So. do any ance to the Docks
this ſhall be determined by the Mayor and Juſtices of the Cor-
poration, or two of them, who may fine the Offender. not ex-
_ 51. to be applied rowards the Building and Repairing the

ock. |

CXX. The Mayer ani Aldermen, c. may put in or diſ-

place any Co „ Receiver, Officer, or er im-
prayed about the Dock, and direct the Payment of any Sum
Docks oe e che” Chanel, and may; ined ale Ac-

or ing the anel, may inſpest all Ac-

counts of CalleGicns and Disburſements, and call before
them the Collectors and Receivers, and others, e. who
thall give them a true . and if they ſhall be found

4 in

266. - Havens, &c.

in Arrear, or ſhall refuſe to account, then the Mayor and Ju-
Rices of the Corporation, or -any two of them, may by War-
rant the Money in Arrears, by Diſtreſs and Sale of the
Goods of the Offender, and for want of ſuch Diſtreſs, commit
him to the Goal of the Corporation till he account, and pay or
- ſecure to be paid the ſame. |

CXXI. Proviſo, That the Mayor, Bailiffs, c. may lett the

waſte Ground on the Sides of the Dock to build Cranes, and

all other Waſtes of the ſaid Town ſhall 'remain to them as
heretofore. I
CXXNII. After twenty one Years, and ſo long as the Dock
. ſhall be continued, One fourth part of the Duties ſhall be paid
to the Mayor, Aldermen, c. or to their Collectors, or
puries, in the ſame Method, as aforeſaid. LET

CXXIII. There ſhall be Nine Commiſſioners to inſpect the

Accounts; Three to be named Yearly oy the Mayor and

Aldermen, c. Three by the ſuſtices of the Peace of Lan-

caſhire, at their Seſſions at Ormskirk ; Three more by the

uſtices of the Peace of Cheſhire, at their Eafter Seſſiom;

which Commiſſioners, or any Five. of them, may call before
them any Perſons imployed in receiving and collecting the
Duties; and theſe Commiſſioners may direct all the Monies
due on ſuch Accounts to be laid out for the Purpoſes in the
Act mentioned; and their Meeting muſt be at the Common

Hall in Leverpool. |
© CXXIV. Proviſo, That no Ship forced into the Harbour

Streſs of Weather, or of the Enemy, or otherwiſe. or whi

ſhall ſell any * — her — in oy * Vel 18

or repair, or for other neceſſary Services of the |
be canned with theſe Duties.
CXXV. Proviſo, That any Veſſel — or bound to or
from Cheſter, and coming into the Port, not be charged,
ſo as the Veſſel ſhall neither load, or diſcharge the Goods
therein in the ſaid Port.

CXXVI. Saving to the Corporation of Lever?col, and to the

Inhabitants thereof, all Franchiſes and Rights, Se. |

CXXVII. If any Action ſhall be brought again any one for

what he hath done in purſuance of this Act, he may plead the
General Iſſue, and give this Act and ſpecial Matter in Evi-
denn I ſhall recover full Cofts : This to be taken as a Pub-
ic f br

CXXVII. Stat. 10 A. cap. 24. Reciting an Act made

12 W. Buck 9. (which ſee above Seft. 53.) by which
certain Duties were granted after 24 June 1701. for Twen-
ty one Years, and to the End of the next Seſſion of Parli-
ment, for Building out a new Head, Clearing the Beach and

other Works, for Sccuring and Maintaining

Pier and Har-

= ca > ; T7.

Havens, &c. 265

bour of Min bead, and a new Head being ſince built; but that
the Duties have not been ſufficient to defray the Charge, c.

tis therefore Enacted, That the antient Uſage and Cuſtom

in that Act mentioned, and the Rates and Duties thereby laid
on Goods, and upon Shipping, after the 24th of June, 170r.
for Twenty one Years, ſhall from thenceforth continue to
be cha el upon and paid, for the farther Term of Sixteen
Years after the ſaid Twenty one Years, and be levied and
collected as in the ſaid Act is directed; and all the Clauſes
and Things in the ſaid recited Act contained for the Pur-
oſes, continue and be in Force during the ſaid Sixteen


CXXIX. Sir William Windham, Sir Thoma, Worb, Sir

Jobn Trevelyan, Sir Francis Marr, Baronets ; Sir Jacob Banks
Knight, Francis Gwyn. Nathaniel Palmer, as Dyke, Wil-
lian Martyn, Edmond Bowyer, Thomas Rich, Thomas Luk -
terell, William Mallet, William Blake, Francis Webber,
Eſquires z and Foſeph Alloway Merchant, are appointed Tru-
ſees to put this and the former Act in Execution; and the
— the Manor of Minbead, ſhall be always one of the
runees. | ;

CXXNX. A large Lanthorn, ſuch as the Truſtees ſhall approve,

ſhall be fixed at the Key-Head after the new Work is finiſh-
el, and ſufficient Lights ſhall be burnt therein, between the
Firſt of September and laſt Day of March, wy Year; and
the Maſter of every Veſſel coming into the ſaid Harbour ſhall
pay 64d. and of every Fiſhing-boat, not belonging to the

bour, 3 d. and of all other Fiſhing-boats belonging to the.

Harbour ſhall pay 4 d. during the Fiſhing Seaſon ( viz.) from.
the Firft of September to the laſt of March, to be. levied as
_y Dutior by the former, Act granted, and under the. ſame
enalries. |

CXXXI. All Goods ſhipped, or diſcharged within the Li-

berty of the Port of ape; by the Permiſſion of the Cu-
ſtom- Officers, ſhall pay the Duties as if actually ſhipped or land-
ed within the Harbour. | |
CXXXTII. Whereas Ano 6 A. an Act was made for Repair-
ing the Harbour and Key of Watcher in Somerſetſhire, by vir-
tue whereof, all Goods ſhipped or diſcharged in the ſaid Har-
bour or Key are charged with certain Duties; and whereas'by
the Permiſſion of the Cuſtom-Officers, Goods are often ſhipped
and diſcharged at a Place called Blue Anchor or Cleave Steps,
and at other Places adjoyning to the ſaid Harbour and Key,
tis now Enacted, That all Goods ſhipped or diſcharged in
thoſe Places, ſhall be charged with the ſaid Duries, and the

ſame Power of rgcovering the ſame Penalties, as in the former


CCI. And whereas by the ſaid recited Acts the Powers

wen by an Act made 9 & 19. 3. for Repairin the High-
ays leading from Birulip, and Top of Crickly-Hills to the

City of Gloucefter, to | the Undertakers for Repairing the

id Highways, were velied in the Juſtices of Peace at the

Nuarter-Seſſions fox the County of Glouceſter, and the Secy-

rity. given by the Undertakers was diſcharged ; fince which,

though the Toll hath been conſtantly paid, but the Hi hways
not. repaired, tis therefore Enacted, That the Toll of 6d. in
the Pound, and all Powers given to the Undertakers, and

Juftices of the Peace for Repairing the ſaid High-ways be veſt-

ed in Sir Edward 2 Baronet, Sir Edward Williams

Knight, Thomas Maſters, Edmond Chamberlain, John Bridg.

man, Edward Cooke, John Cocks, Fobn Kirle, Herbert Rudball

Wefifailing, Joba Slip, Robert Biddulph, Foſepb Clerks,

Thomas Lewis of Harpton, and John Curr, Eſquires; who

or the major Part of the Survivors of them, may by Writing

under their Hands and Seals, give Orders and Directiom for
| Repairing the ſame, or for Receiving, Paying, and Account.
ing for the Sixpences in the Pounds, and the Duties arifing
by the Turn-pike, as they ſhall think fit; and may conſtitute
any fit Perſon to be Undertaker, or Surveyor of the Highways,
in order to make the ſame Good, and to be Collector of the

Duties; and if any Money ſhall be found in the Hands of the

Undertaker or Collector, then the ſame ſhall be paid to ſuch

Perſons as the ſaid Truſtees, or the major Number of the

8 ſhall direct, to be applied towards Repairing the

id Highways.

CXXXIV. Proviſo, That nothing in theſe Acts contained,

ſhall give Power to any Perſon to demand or collect any At-
rears of 64d. in the Pound granted by the former Act, but
that the ſaid Arrears ( other than what was in the Hands of the
Collectors before the 17th Day of March 1711.) ſhall be dif-

Þawkers and Pedlars.

Vide.” Tares, Stat. 8 & 9 W. 3. cap. 25.

- Hawks and Hawking,

I. Stat. 34 E. 3. cap. 22. A Hawk taken up ſhall be delivered

to the Sheriff, who after Proclamation made in the good
Towns of the County, ſhall deliver ber, ( if challenged ) to the

ight Owner. |
291 If the Hawk were taken up by a mean Man, and be not

challenged within four Months, the Sheriff ſhall retain her, ſatis-
fying the Party for taking her: But if by a man of Eſtate, who
2 may

4 —— 267

may conveniently keep an Hawk, the Sheriff. ſhall reftare hex

to — again, he 29 for the Charge of K 2
III. If any do take away or conceal a Haw 3 ſhall
anſwer the Value thereof of jp. the Owner, and ſuffer two Years
Impriſonment; and in ea be not able to anſwer the
Value, he ſhall remain in Priſon a longer Time.

IV. t. E. C 9 He that Reals and LEA

W 1 * of 34 E. 3. _

-Hoy-Barket... |

L Stat. 8 & « W. 3. cap. 17. Aſter 25 March, og

bon Oe Foy Mar * that "Rand to be fold 3 in *

ket, in the nn » 1 1 the

714 and bag Jaa 8, Within the Liberties of 1 24
ſhall pay 3-4. and every Cart-load of Straw 1. d. in Ea
the r — by the — Pariſhes, for and towards the 12.
yn Amending the Street, -

WE ee that] a and is nat fold, ſhall not pay

he han rker-day for Standing. |

III,. Upon Refuſal of E 128 550 he of Fea Goods may

2 an by mand any of peace of Middle- *
ſex or Weſtminſter, ſold within Days after
N the Orerplus.

IV. The ſaid Street ſhall be conſtrued to extend in Length

from the Old Tbll- Poſt ac the u ri, End of the Hay-Market, to
the Phenzx Inn at the Lower End, and in Breadth from ma
I which ſhall de eftcemed the Bounds of the ſaid

V. A Hand- Bell 98 be rung by che TolkGatherer about |

the te Market. twice 2 Day on every _ day, viz. Tueſday,

y 569 Fan aturday, of En at one Hour Diftance, ta

otice of the time of Ending the 2 according to
2 2 W. & M coh- Default. of ſuch Ringing, —
fons ſelling Hay or oh Il the next immediate Market» -

Day ſtand and ſell Toll-free.

VI. All Forfeitures given by the aforeſaid Act ſhall be de-

manded in the ſaid Market by the Bell-ringer on the ſame Day
2 e — 2 86 7 Complaint ſhall be ade. of of

ence to lame Quarum in minſter be+

fore ſucceedip g Market-day, or elſe no — ſhall bg
liable to ach Forfcimane.

VII. The Collectors of the ſaid Toll ſhall Yearly at

every Seſſions give to the Juſtices of the Peace of the
lad C n upon Oath, of

268 Pearth⸗ Honey, &c:

their Receipts and Disburſements, and the Overplus to go
thee REP Middleſex. ap Es * 225
peatth · Money.

I. Stat. 13 er 14 Car. 2. cap. 10. For Hearth-Mon

tituled, An 3 7% 15 ow Zh an Additional —
on his Maj⸗ Heir: and 8 7 Mors, for the better 5
Port 72 bis — thery Crown and Dignity. Repealed per Stat
1 W. & M. cap. 10.

II. Stat. 15 Car. 2 cap. 13. An Additional 48

Fer ehe better Ordering and 541425 e Revenue ariſing by
Hearth-Money. Repealed per Stat. 1 N

14 1 whe — gy 2
— 1 ee rs 1e. Repealed per Seat. fin

M. cap · 10. |

IV. Stat. 1 W. & M. Seſſ. 1. cap. 10. An Act made in

the Parliament begun at We miner tte 8h of May in the
23th Yearof King Charles II. intituled, An Act for 8 eftabliſh-
. ing an Additional Revenue upon bis Majeſty, his Heirs and

Succeſſors, for tho better Support of his an their Crown and

Dignity; and another Act made in the Second Seſſion of the
ſaid Parliament, in the x5th Year of the ſaid King's Reign, in-
tituled, An Additional AR for the better Ordering and Cul
x leRting the Revenue raiſed by Hearth. Money eY5 and another At

made in the 16th Year of the ſaid Fo $ Reign, intituled,

3 for Cullecting the Duty ar ifi ng 50 Hearth LY

8 to be appointed by bis Magen, are hereby

— and made void.

V Nothing in this Act ſhall hinder or prejudice the Nen

the ſaid Revenue * by Hearth- Money, which ſhall grow
dye on the 25th of March, 1689. and all Arrears of the faid

| Duty now due and payable by 92 104


I. Stat. 29 Cay. 2. cap. 9. The Writ Ds Heretic combu-

_ with all Proceedings thereon, and all Puniſhments by
Death, in purſuance of any Eccleflaſtical Cenſurez, are from

henceforth utterly aboliſhed. N

= we

vv», ” w © 3 532 XS Taly, Sly $ CTY ms .


F e

the Liberties. thereof,


walt be -within the County of Nr.

| pigbway men.
I. Stat. 4 C 5 N. & AM cap. 8. Every Perſon who ſhall
2pprehend one or more Highway - men, and Proſecute them
till they be convicted, ſhall have from the Sheriff of the
County, where ſuch Conviction ſhall be, without paying a-
ny Fee, 49 J. within a Month after ſuch Conviction, and De-
mand thereof made by „ P the ] 855 Hand be-
fore whom ſuch Conviction thall be; and if any Diſpute ariſe
berween the Perſons apprehending ſuch Felons, touching their

Right to the ſaid Reward, the Judges Fee ſhall in their

Certificate direct the Reward to be paid amongſt them in ſuch

Proportion as they ſhall think reaſonable : And if any ſuch
Sheriff ſhall die, or be removed before the End of the Month,
the Reward being unpaid, the ſucceeding Sheriff 'ſhall pay it
within a Month after Demand and Certificate, as aforeſaid.
The Sheriff, in caſe of Default of Payment, ſhall forfeit
double the Sum he ought to pay, to the Perſons to whom the
Reward is due, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill,
Plaint or Information, c. with treble Coſts of Suit. 3
II. If any Perſon ſhall happen to be killed by ſuch High-
way-man, endeayouring to apprehend him, his Executors or
Adminiftrators, upon ificate under Hand and Seal of a
Judge of Aſſiſe for the County (or of two next Juſtices of
eace) ſhall receive the ſaid Sum of 40 J. and in Failure of
Payment, ſhall recover double the Sum, with treble Cofts of
Suit, as aforeſaid. : | my
III. The Sheriffs to be allowed the faid Sums of 40 J. up-
on their Accounts, without Fee or Reward.
IV. If upon the Account of any Sheriff there ſhall not be
ſufficient in his Hands to reimburſe him, the ſame ſhall be paid
by the Commiſſioners of the Treaſury out of the Revenue of
S or cunrifing ink Tides. as's
+» Terions Aa ing or con ch Ro as 4
further Reward. ſhall — their Horſes, Furniture, Arms,
Money, and other Goods taken wich them. Provided, that this
Clauſe ſhall not take away the Right of any Perſons from whom
the ſame were before telonioully taken.

VI. If

370 Highways.
VI. If any Perſon out of Priſon ſhall commit any
bery, and ſhall afterwards —— two or mote Robbers, —

have or ſhall commit any Robbery: two or more of them

ſhall be convicted, ſach Piſcoverer 71 1 io entitled to How

Ma jeſties AED which e e N! An to

* 8 5

* W

| vighways. |

1. Stat. NY 15 # 8. 0 6. An La EY for alter-.

ing the Highways in the Wild of Kart. Sas the Statute of large,

26 H. 8. 8
n *. kg cs ue

II. Stat. 37 H 8. c An.

3 7 r Pair. Seo
IV. x M. Pitl. 3. cp. 5. Ji

and Sue wn eſe t

Hee — Caaſey me detwixt en and 2

N Le
V. Star. 2 & zP. A M. e galant l Conſtable i FO
wardens 0 eier Þ : n or
day in Eaſter Week, 1 together TTY of th "thee Neighbors
and then make Choice * two ien the Pariſh ray vt
of the Highways — ear er who ſhall 1 — tale
that Office upon them, in Pain to forfeit 20 5. apiece, The ſaid
Conſtables and . ſhall then alſo nominate four
Days betwixt that time and Midſummer to he ſet apart for the
Amendment of the Hi 2 * ſhall giye
thereof in the Church the T after Ea
VI. The Officers and Days being ng thus appointed, every one
| Having a Team, or Pl nd either in yo or Paſlure, u
chargeable to ſend wy fs able Men with a 1 on 7 an
venient to work eight Hours upon every one of tho
in Pain to forfeit 10 s. for every Day that Default An
Sod ad every Cottages is bound to work himſelf, or to find 2
- abourer to Work for him, as ald,. in Pain te
— 12 d. for every Day.
VII. The Surveyors E. power to appoint, inſtead of 2
Team, twoable Labourers to work, as aforeſaid, who ſhall not
fail, in Pain that the Party who ſhall ſend them ſhall. forfeit
12 4. for every Day that either of them makes Default. |
VIII. Stewards in Leets have Power to enquire after the
Breach of this Act, and to ſet Fines upon ſuch as moke Default,

a their — ; and ſhall within 6 Weeks after Mic —


lick Notice


deliver indented. Eftreats th


— Highways. 272]

the Bailiff or H Conftable f the Liber agate pro.

viz. One to ailiff or High- able ol the rty, th
other to the [oe x bl, hs of the Pariſh where
the Default was made. e Tatar ae
IX. In Default of Preſentment thereof in Leets, the Juſtice
of Peace in Seffions ſhall enquire thereof, and ſet ſuch Fines as
they or Two of them (. Au.) ſhall think fit; ae the EE
Clerk of the Peace ſhall alſo deliver indented Eftreats under |
Hand and Seal, ih like ſort, as aforeſai HS
I. Their Eſtreats ſhall be a ſufficient Warrant for the Bailiff
or Chief Conftable to levy the ſaid Fines by may of Diſtreſs.;
and if no Diſtreſs can be found, or the Party do not pay the

Fine within Twenty Days after lawful Demand ther e or

they ſhall forfeit double fo much. All which Fines and For-
of the Highs

feitures ſhall be imployed towares the Amendment

Ways. W315 OE » n
XI. The Bailiff or High- Conſtable ſhall Yearly, betwixt the
firſt of March and the laſt of April, zender unto the Conftables
and Church-wardevs, unto whom the other Part of the Eftrexts
was delivered, a true Aecount of the Money received by him
in Pain of go#. and the ſaid C bles and Church-wardens have
— to call the ſaid Bailiff or High - Conſtable before TW o or
more Juſtices of Peace ( x Qzz.) to paſs his Account; who have
Power to commit him until he have ſatisfied all the Ar.
rearages by him received, ſave 8 d. in the Pound for his own
te Few, Ad ins e he dere de ol
the nd in e, K es 2
S have the ſame Power that * Predeceſlors

Xl, Seat. 5 Eli. cap. 13. It ſhall be lawful for the Sue
veyors to turn a Water-courſe (hurtful to the Highway)! into
any Man's Ditch, or to take Rubbiſh ready digged in or nean

any Man's Quarter; and for Default of Gravel, Ic. elſewhere,

to dig in any ſeveral Ground, ſo they forbear to dig in How

ſes, Orchards, Gardens and Meadows, or to make a Pit above
Ten Yards : But if they fill not the Place again with Earth
( to be done at the Coſts of the Pariſh) within One Month
after it ſhall be fo digged, they ſhall forſeit Five Marks
4. Owner of the Ground, to be recovered by Action of

XII. The Hedges and Ditches adjoyning to the Highw

ſhall be kept ED and ſcoured, and the Trees and Bug
ing in the Highway, cut down by the Owners of the

wund which thall bz instead by whe if. Hedges ant
Ditches, |

XIV. Inftead of the Four Days appointed by the Statute of

2 & 3 F& M. cap. 8. Six Days hereaftes ſhall be ns”:

27 Highly,
AV. The Snrveyors, or one of them, ſhall preſent every De.
fault within One Month after it ſhall be made, to the n฀xt Jy.
ſtice of Peace, in Pain of 40 f. and the ſaid Juſtice of Peace ſha
certifie the ſame Preſentment at the next Genetal Seſſiom, in
Pain of 5 J. where the Juftices ſhall have Power to enquire of
the DefaultFand ſhall ſet ſuch Fine upon the Delinquent as they,
or Two of them, ( 1 Q.) ſhall think fit. | |
XVI. Here the Preſentment of a Juſtice of Peace in Seſſion,
upon his own 1 ſhall be a good Conviction, where.
upon the Juſtices in Seſſions, or any Two of them, (r 97.0
may aſſeſs a Fine, as well as upon a Verdict of Twelve Mer,
Howbeit the Delinquent ſhall here be admitted to his Traverſe,
28 in other caſes. : : |
XVII. The Fines aſſeſſed in Seſſions ſhall be eſtreated by the
Clerk of the Peace, - levied, accounted, and employed, as by the
Statute of 2 &. 3 F. & M. cap. 8. is provided. 50 c

XVIII. Stat. 18 Elis. cap. 10. A Subſidy- man according

to 5 J. in 3, or 40 58. in Lands, not chargeable towards the
Highways by the Statute of 2 & 3 P. & M. cap. 8. ſhall find
Two _ Men to labour in the Ways, as by the ſaid Statute is
| mrede | : :

IX. Every Perſon having a n or rang in ſeveral Pariſhes,

ſhall be chargeable with a Team or ht in the Pariſh only

where he dwells : Howbeit having intire Plough-Lands in ſeveral
Pariſhes, he ſhall for every one of them find a Team in the
— Pariſhes where they lie, although he be not Inhabitant

XX. Every Perſon not ſcouring his Ditches, or not keeping

low his Hedges, Trees and Buſhes, according to the Statute
5 Eliz. cap. x 3. ſhall forfeit for every ſuch Default 10 5. and he
that ſcoutes not his Ditches in the Ground next adjoyning to
the Ground which is next the Highway, to the end the Water
may have the better Paſſage over t ſaid Ground next the High
way, ſhall forfeit 12 d. for every Rod fo left unſcoured.

XXI. None ſhall caft the Scouring of his Ditch into the Hi
way, and ſuffer it to lie there Six Months, in Pain to
feit 12 d. for every Load: And it ſhall be lawful for the Sur-
veyors to make Sluces where any ſuch Banks have been hereto-

fore caſt Ws ;

XXII. The Penalties forfeited upon this Statute ſhall. be le

vied by the Surveyors for the time being by Diftreſs and Sale
of Goods, and ſhall be employed towards the Amendment of
the Hi __ : bur if the Surveyors neglect to do it within One
Year after the Offence committed, the Conſtable and Church-
wardens ſhall do it, according to the Proviſions of the before re

cited Statutes. |

XXIII. Jaftices
65 E. N


A Fagarr ETT 7REF2R

determine the ſaid Offences,

Digbbloyy J
XXIII. Juſtices of Aſſiſe, Oyer and Turiner, Juſtices o
Peace in Seſſions, Stewards in Leets, have Power to hear and

XXIV. Certain Proviſions for the Repair of King's-Emryin

of Sheep: and of the Ways ban thanoutdne-! 7o ve

XV. Stat. 39 El. cap. 19. An Act for the Ropes of the
Highways in the Wilis of er, Ec. uſed for Iron works
wherein Juſtices of Peace have Power to meddle. See the ta-

XXVI. Stat. 13 & 14 Car. 2. cap. 2. An Act for Repair-

302 the Highways and Sewers, and paving and keeping clean
a the Streets in and about the Cities of London and 2
fler, and for Reforming Annoyances and Diſorders in the Streets
of and Places adjacent to the ſaid Cities, and for the Regulatin
and Licenſing of Hackney-Coaches, and ſor the Enlarging of ſe-
veral ſtraight and inconvenient Streets and Paſſages. 'This'A&
to be in Force till the End of the firſt Seſſion of the next. Parlia-
ment. . - . n, te een

L Nuten;

XXVII. Stat. 13 & 14 Car. 2. cap. G. An Act fot Enlarꝰ

ging and Repairing of common Highways. This Act ſnall von?
tinue to the End of the firſt Seſſion of the next Parliament; ànd
no longer. Expired. ! een

"bis £5 1 6. 1 an £2 „nl en 1
XXVIII. Stat. 15 Car 2. cap. 1. An Act for Repairing the
Highways within the Counties of Herrford; Cam rides and a
Huntington. Expired as 3 and Huntington. R-
vived for 15 Tears, per Stat. 4 & 5 W. Se M. Sell: 4. cap. 9.

XXIX. Stat. 16 & 17 Car. 2. cap. 10. An Act for Continu?

ance of a former Act for Repairing the 3 within the
County of Hertford. See the Statute. Revived for 15 Yoavy,
per Stat. 4& 5 W. & M. Sell. q. cap. 9. Continued for t5 Tears
per 5 An. Sell: 2. cap. It. . - 37. 26000901
XXI. Stat. 22 Cay. 3. cap. 12. Every Conſtable or Sur“
veyor of the Highways, neglecting to put the Acts touching
Repairing, c. Highways in Execution, ot wilfully ſuffering
any 3 Carts to paſa in other mannet than by this A
is allowed, ſhall upon Complaint to Juſtice of Peace, By
Outh of one Witneſs, ar View of the Juſtice: himſelf, be con-
victed, and incur ſuch Fine as the Juſtice ſhall impoſe, not ex-
ceeding 40 5. to be levied by the High. Conſtable br othtt. Of-
ficer, by Warrant. under Hand and Seal of ſuch Juftice, to be
employed for the Amending the Highways of the Pariſh ot Pla.

Voll II. 8 8 XXXL: Truſteet

a.- Þighways.

- XXXN1I. Truflees of Lands given for Maintenance. of Higb:

* gw High.

ways, Ic. ſha them to Farm at the moſt improved Yearly

Rent without Fine. The Juſtices of Peace in their open Seſſi-
ons may order the Improvement and Employment thereof ( other
than of Lands given to Calleges and Halls in either Uni
that have Viſitors of their own) according to the Will of the
Donor, if they find that the Perſons entruſted have been Faulty,
IXIIII. Perſons convicted, as aforeſaid, of reſiſting any em-
ployed in the Execution of this or any the Acts before mention-
cd, or of reſcuing Goods diſtrained oy virtue of them, ſhall
forfeit 30 . which if they pay not within ſeven Days after No-
tice of ſuch Conviction, any Juſtice of Peace near the Place
. may commit them to the County-Gaol, till Payment to the
Surveyors of the Highways for that Pariſh, for Amendment of
thoſe Highwars. | N N
XXXIII. Actions for any thing done by means of this AQ,
ſhall be laid in the proper County : And the Defendants may
lead the General Iſſue, and if there be a Verdict for the De-
ant, or the Plaintiff be nonſuit, or difcontinue, the De-
fendant ſhall have treble Coſts. Where the — cannot
be amended before the Nativity of St. Jobs 7/t Yearly,
they ſhall be repaired before the Feaſt of St. Luke, without in-
cargey any Penalty for not doing thereof before the Nativity of

St. 70 MN. Defects of Repairs of Highways or Bri

ſhall be — -r only in the County where they lie, not

any ſuch Preſentment or Indictment be removed, till it be tra-

verſed, and that Judgment be thereupon given.
/ XXXIV. The Occupiers, and where there are none, the
wners of Lands, Houſes, c. adjoyning to the Highways,
Streets, c. in the Suburbs and Libertics of Londos,
of Southwark, and City and Liberty of Weſtminſter, which
are or ſhall be paved, ſhall be liable to the Scavenger's Rates, 2
by 14 Coy. 2. cap. 2. is appointed, and where any
ſo as there may be a DMpute who ought to amend the
the Juſtices of Peace in their Quarter Seſſions fall de-
termine it. | |
rc a k A 5 in | * at
Corn untbreſht, Coal, Chalk, Timber for — Materiah
for Building, Stones, or Ammunition, or Artillery for the
King's Service) ſhall go in any Highway with above five Hor-
Fes at length: And if any draw with more H-ſcs or Queen, they
ſhalldraw all in Pairs, except one Horſe, This loft Sactiom Ex-

of the



dann where Err. another Third to him that ſhall d

oy at their Quarter-Seſfions, may by W under


TIT ano RS rr TREAT CO APES AUNTS; Ay owns5,

— Highways. 75
be impoſed and levied as the Penali os he
me; to be im as the Penalties im
chis Act on Conftables and Surveyors fox neglecting to bel
the Laws in Execution. e
XXXVII. Where the Uſage is to carry Materials for ſuch
Amendments on Backs of, Horſes, or by other Carriages, the
Inhabitants ſhallYend them in With able Perſons to work with _
them, in like Manner and under the like Penalties as is appoint-
ed for Carts and Team. IS .
XXXVIIL. If any fail to make their Days Labour, ot neg-
lect to ſend their iages, c. the Surveyors ſhall complain
to the next Juſtices of Peace, who upon Oath thereof by one
Witneſs may levy by Diſtreſs and Sale of Goods, for ev
Day-Labonrer negleQing, without a reaſonab'e Cauſe, 1 4. 6 d.
for every Man and Horſe, 3s. and for every Catt with two
Men 10 8. which Penalties ſhall be ploy! Repairing the
Highways in every reſpective Place and” Pa | 5
IXXIX. The 11 and Ocderers of the Highways
be yearly choſen by ſuch Perſons as by 2 & 3 P. &. M. cap
is appointed, upon ſome Day in Chritmas-Week, and ſhall :
int Six Days for providing Materials for Amendment of t
ighwavs, giving Publick Notice before the ſeveral Days ( at
which Days all Perſons liable to the ſaid Works ſhall attend)
and ſhall make Return of the Defaulters within;a Month after
every Default to ſome Juſtice pf Peace, who ſhall pre ent the
ſame at the next Quarter-Seſſions ; and Offenders agaioſt thes
Act, in all Caſes not particularly directed by this AQ, tha
incur the Penalties i by the Laws now in Force for a-
mending Highways. 212 IG Mar
XL. For ten Years next followings the Juſtices of Peace in the
Counties of Cheſhire and Lancaſhire, upon Preſentment of rhe
atrant *
nds and Seals of the major Fart of then being Sit 12
leaſt, then preſent, cauſt to be erected new Bridges in High
ways where they judge neceſſary, and repair ſuch 3s were de-
moliſhed in the 4. ar ; and charge their whole Sanne or

Hundred or H s, therewith,. to be levied at

2H, 8 cop. 1 Did Vide Tie. Bzidges; ia * wy

XII. Stat. 30 Car, 2. cap. 3. An AR bs boat tal

o n 5
Words in a Clauſe in a former Act of 24 Car. 4. cap. 6. In-
tituled, An At for Enlarging and Repairing common High-
XIII. Stat. 3 & 4 V. & Af. cop 11. The Laivi and Statutes
In force — the Highways, — hereby akerdd or —
Execution. |

ed, ſhall be put in

= + es XIII. Upod

. r

XIII. Upon the 26 of Deceniber yeatly, unleſs: that Day be
Sunday, and then on the 2) Day, the Conſt. bles, He dbo-
*#dughs, | Tything- men, Churchwardens, Surveyors of the
Highways, and Inhabitants in every Pariſh, ſhall aſſemble, and
"the ma pr Part of the Aſſembly ſhall make a Lift of the Names
"of a tompetent Number of tre Iihabitants, whochave an E-
ſtare in Land i their own Right, or 'thefr Wives, of 100.
Her Annum, or n Peiſonal Eſtate ef 00 l. or are Occupiers of
H uſes, Lands, c. of the yearly Value of 30 l. if fuch there
Dey and if Not, then 2 Lift of the moſt ſufficient Inhabitants,
and return it to Two or mote Juſtices of the Peate at a Spe-
*cial' Seſſions to he held for that n Day
of January next following. or within Fifteen Days after : For
which Purpoſe the Juſtices are required to hold à Special
Seſſtons, and to give Notice to «the Conſtables, Headbo-
"Fought, Fo. of every Pariſh within the Dwiſion Ten Days
before the Holding of the ſame ; and out of the ſaid Liſt by
Warrant under-their Hinds and Seals, they ſhall nominate
One; Two; or mote, to be Surveyor or Surveyors of the
Highways of erety Par.ſh within the Diviſion, or for any
Hamlet, Precindt, Town of and in the ſame, forthe Year
zedſting; which Nomination ſhall by the Conſtables, Co. be
(Botiſied to the Perbens nominated, within ſix days, by Ser-
wing them witch che Warrants, or Leaving the ſame, or a Co-
1 thereof, at their Houſes: And if Perſons ſo nominated
Mall refuſe ot neglect to take upon them the ſaid Office, they
mall forfeit 3 M to be lebied on their Goos by Didreſs and
\Bale thereof, by Warrant of two Juſtices of the Peace; which
Warrart the Juſtices are required to make upon the Informa-
ation of one crblible Witneſt upon Oath; the Moiety of fuch
Fbrfeiture to che Informer, the other to go towatds the Re-
pairing of the Highways; and in ſuch caſe the Juſtices ſhall
nominate ſomeothet fit Perſons to perform the Office, who ſhall
- Upon like Notice take upon them the Office under the ſame
Penalty: And Conſtabl ei, Headboroughs, c. or ſome of them,
bo ſhall not return ſuch Liſts of Names, every one of them
ſo feglecting ſhall forfeit 20 85. to be levied in the mannet, and
employed to the Uſei aſoreſa ie.
XLIV. No Perſons ſhall lay in any Highway not twenty Foot
broad, any matter -whereby the ſame may be obRruGel or
þ rh ry on Pain to forleit 3. to be levied and diſpoſed, at

a een RI |
XLV. If any Timber, Stone, Hay, Straw, Stubble, or other
matter for making Dung, or on any other Pretence, ſhall be
*eJaid in any ſuch Highway, the Poſſeſſors of the Lands next
| - adjoyning ſhall remove and diſpoſe of the ſame to their own Uſe.
And if they neglect to clear the Way, or to cleanſe their Ditch

es, Cc. adjoyning thercunto, ox to cauſe the Earth taken *

. ² X44 ̃FERPFR'Y'T RIES TT MESSTFS 2 4 235 3

R *

Highways. - | 277

out to be carried away, and to lay ſufficient Trunks or Bridges |

where there are Cart- ways into the {aid Grounds, by the Spaces:

of ten — after Notice given by any af the Sutveyors, they

ſhall forfeit 5 5. for every ſuch Offence, to be levied and diſ-

poſed, as aforeſaid, | „Hel e: tor

- XLVI. No Tree, Buſh or Shrub ſhall be permitted to grow

in any Highway not twenty Foot broad; but ſhall be cut

down by the Owner of the Land where it ſtands, within ten
Days after Notice given by any of the Surveyors,' on Pain to
fotfeit 56. for every ſuch Otfence, to be levied and diſpoſed,

as aforeſaid. |

XLVII The Poſleſſors of Lands adjovning to Highways,*not

twenty Foot broad, ſhall keep their Hedges pruned: right up

{cm the Roots. A

XLVIII. Surveyors appointed, 25 aforeſaid, ſhall within four

teen Days after their Acceptance of this Office, and ſo from time

to time, every four Months, view the Roads, Water courſes,

Bridges, Cawſeys, &'s. within the Pariſh. c. where he is a

Surveyor, that are to he repaired by the Pariſh, &c. and pre-

{ent upon Oath in what Condition they find them, to ſonie

Juſtices of Peace, or to incur the ſame Penalty, as if they had
refuſed to execute the Office, unleſs they have ſome reaſonable
Excuſe to be allowed of by two juſtices of the Peace: And
what Defaults they thall find, they thall the next Sunday, after
Sermon ended, giie publick Notice of in the Pariſh Church;
and if the ſame be not amended within thirty Days after, ſuch
Surveyors ſhall within thirty Days amend the ſame, and diſ-
pole of the Annoyance for the Repair of the Highways, and
thall be reimburſed their Charges by the Party who ſhould have
done the ſame; and in cafe of Retuſal by the Party to pay
ſuch Charges, the Surveyors ſhall apply themſclves to a Ju-

tice of Peace, and upon Oath before hiar made of Notice ta

the Defaulter given, as aforeſaid, the Surveyors ſh- Il be repaid

ſuch Charges as the Juſtice of Peace ſhall think reaſonable, to
be levied, as aforeſaid. 37 2 IH; of 76a

XLIX. The Juitices of Peace ſhall once in Four Months ho!d

of the Highways, and declare to them what they are obliged to

do by Virtue of this, or any former Act. After which, the

Surveyors ſhall make a Preſem ment to them upon Oath, of the -

State of the Highways within their reſpective Pariſhes, c.
and what Offences and Neglects any are guilty ot: And betore
any Surveyor be diſcharged cf his Office, he thall at ſome ſuch

Special Seſſion give an Account upoii Oath, of all Money that

has come to his Hands, which ought to be employed in A+

mending the Highways, and how it has been diſpoſed -

ot; and if any remain in his Hands, he ſhall debyer- it

to the next Survgyor 3 or in caſe of Failwe, ſhail for-

HEELS: S 3 ; "6

a 2 Seſſions, and ſummon thereunto all the Surveyors _


2% pigbways. .

fir double the Value, to be levied and diſpoſed, a afar

L. Surveyors neglecting their

this Act, ſhall forfeit for every nce 40 f. to be levied and

* 23 aforeſaid. | | 5
b If any Juſtice of Peace ſhall neglect or refuſe to do what

this Act requires, he ſhall forfeit Five 'Pounds 3 One Moiety

to the Proſecutor, the other to be employed for the Amtnd-
ment of the Highways where the Perſon who ſues ſhall inhabit,
to be recovered in any of their Majeſties Courts of Record, by
Action of Debt, &c. |
III. Surveyors of the Highways, where the Ditches and

Drains already made are not ſufficient to carry off the Water,

may make new ones through the Lands adjoyning, and k

them open, and come upon the Grounds with Workmen for

III. Upon Notice given by the Surveyors to the Juſtices

at their Special Seſſions, and Oath made of what Sums they
have expended in Repairing the Highways, the Juſtices, or
any Two of them, may by Warrant cauſe an equal Rate to
be made to reimburſe them, where they are forced to lay out
their Money, according to the Method preſcribed in an Ad
made the 43d of Eliz. Intituled, An Act for the better Relief
the Poor of this Kingdom; and if any refuſe to pay what
mall be aſſeſſed on him, the Sarvegcrs ſhall levy the ſame by
Diſtreſs or Sale of Goods. be: 1
LIV. No Fine, Iſſue, Penalty, or Forfeiture, for not 2
mending Highways, ſhall be returned into the Exchequer,
or other Court, but ſhall be levied into the Hands of the Sur:
veyors to be applied towards the Amendment of ſuch High-
ways: And if any ſuch Fine, &c. impoſed on any Pariſh,
c. for not Repairing the Highways, ſhall be levied on one
or more of the Inhabitants, _= Complaint to the Juſtices
of the Peace at their Special Seſſions, they, or any Two of them,
may by Warrant cauſe a Rate to be made to reimburſe them,
which the Surveyors ſhall levy and pay Within a Moath af-
ter the Making thercof.
LV. The Surveyors ſhall make every Cartway leading to
any e Eight Foot wide at leaft, and as near a3

ma be, .
LVL Inhabitants within the Weekly Bills of Mortality,
Brewers, Scavengers, and others imployed in carrying away

the Dirt and Soil of the Streets, c. may uſe any Car, Cart,

or Dray with Wheels ſhod with Ion, and narrower than

: Inches in the Fellies, and drawn with more than Two

Horſes; any Act, Law or Uſage to the contrary notu it

LVII. Wbere

in any thing required by


oa * 9799808282320



2 A

Highways, 279
LVIT. Where the Juſtices of Peace at their General Quar-
ter Seſſions ſhall be ſatisfied, that the Hi hways, Ce. can-

bot be ſufficiently amended without the Help of this At, AA.

ſeſſments u erſons uſually ratable to the Poor ſhall be

made, and levied by ſuch Perſons, and in ſuch manner, as
the Juſtices at ſuch Seſſiom ſhall direct and appoint; the Mo-
ney to be raiſed, to be imployed according to their Orders
for Repairing the Highways, c. The ſaid Affeſſments, f
not paid within Ten Days after Demand, to. be levied by
8 Sale of Goods, rendring the Overplus, Charges

ded . | F a k
LVIII. No ſach Aſſeſſments to be made in any one Year,

| ſhalllexceed 6 d. in the Pound of the Yearly Value of Lands,

c. nor of 6. d. for 20 Il. in Perſonal Eftate. |

LIX. If any Perſons find themſelves agrieved by ſuch Af-
ſeſſments, or any Act by the Juſtices of Peace, Juſtices
of Peace at their General Quarter-Seſlions, ſhall take Order
therein, which ſhall. conclude all Parties. a AS
LX. None ſhall be puniſhed for any Offence againft this
Act, unleſs he be 2 within ſix Monthe aſter the
Offence committed ;, nor ſhall any Perſon punithed by virtue
of this Act, be puniſhed for the ſame Offence by virtue of
former Law. |
a * Horſe-Cawſey ſhall be under Three Foot in
read t.
LXil. The Juſtices of Peace for Middleſex, may at their

Quarter · Seſſions makes Rates for paving & ton, in ſuch

N ou oy by — Act e 2 ol
cir Majeſties Reign, for Paving a þ t eets
of London and W, — | 8
LIIII. All Matters concerning Highways, c. ſhall be
determined in the County where they he, and not elſe-
where; and no Preſentment, Indictment, or Order made by
— this Act, ſhall be removed by Crtiorari out of the.
nty. ö hs Fu | |
LXIV. The Juſtices of Peace of 22 at theie
Quarter Seſſions after Eaſter, Vcarly, ſhall aſſeſs the Prices of
all Land-Carriage of Goods to be brought into any Place
within their Juriſdictions, by any common Waggoner or
Carrier; and ſhall certifie ſuch Rates to the Mayors, or other
chiet Officers of every Market-Town ; and Waggoners or
Carriers taking more than what ſhall be fo aſſeſſed. ſhall for-
8922 Offence 54. to be levied by Diſtreſs and
Sale of C » by Warrant of Two Juſtices, to the Uſe of the
party grieved. # : 55
LIV. In Actions commenced againſt any Perſons autho-
rized to put this Act in Execution, the Defendants may es
the General Iſſue, and give _— and the Special Matte
: . | in

* 4
OFF 4 Wan z*

280 Þighways,
in Evidence; and if the Plaintiff be Non-ſuit, or forbear
Proſecution, or diſcontinue, or a Verdict paſs againſt him, the
- Dcfendant ſhall recover his double Coſts. OE Top |
G LXV J. Stat. & 5 . & AM. cap. 9. The Toll mention-
ed in the Act made in the 15th Year of the Reign of King
Charles II. Intituled, An Att for Repairing the Highways in
tbe Counties of Herttord, Cambridge, and Huntington; And
in an Act made in the 16th and 17th Years of the ſaid late
King, for Continuance of the ſaid Act, to be taken at Wages
Mill in Hertfordſhire, ſhall be revived, and taken as ain in the
manner by the ſaid Acts mentioned, for Fifteen Years ; the
Monies thereby ariſing, to be imployed according to the Tenor
of the ſaid Acts. | | TIED
IXVII. Provided, that if the ſaid Highways before the End
of Fifrcen Years be inſufficient Repair, and an Adjudication be
made thereof at the Aſſiſe or General Quarter Seſſions of the
County, as is provided by the Statute of 16 and 17 Car. 2.
the ſaid Toll ſhall from thenceforth ceaſe. |
ILXVIII. The ſeyeral Officers and Perſons impowered by
the ſaid former Acts, ſo far as relates to the County of Hert-
Ford, ſhall have like Powers by Virtue of this Act; and all
Clauſes in the ſaid Ads concerning the Collecting, Paying In
gaging or Accounting for the ſaid Toll, {hall by virtue of this
Act be renewed, and put in Execution, as if here again re-
peated · Vids poſt x A Stat. 2 cap. 10. Continued per 5 d. S4,
2. cap. 11. ſor 15 Years. | | |

ILIIX. Stat. 5 & 87V. 3. cap. . For Repairing the High-

__ between Shenfield and Ingateftone, and between Kel-
wedon and Stannaway, and from St ir wood to Harw:ch, and al-
o the Road between Colchefter and Langbam and alſo the
Road called Bulmer Tye, leading to Ballington, in the County
of Eſſex, Enacted, that the Juſtices of Peace ſhall at the Quar-
tet-Seſſion: of the ſaid County next after the Paſſing of this
Act, and ſo from time to time, appoint able Perſons inhabiting
near the ſaid Roads to be Surveyors of the ſame for the Year
next enſuing, who- within one Week next after Notice of
their Election, ſhall meet in their reſpective Diviſions for
which they are appointed, to view and ſurvey the reſpective
ruinous Places, and confider of the beſt Method for Repair-
ing the fame, and what the Charges will be, and make Cer-
tificates thereof to the Juſtices at the next Quarter-Seſſiont;
who there ſhall make ſuch Orders about the ſame as to
them ſhall ſeem good, which ſaid Orders ſhall be duly ob-
ſerved. And the ſaid Surveyors ſhall appoint ſuch Carts and
Labourers as are liable to Work in Highways by Statutes
now in Force, for Which they ſhall-pay ſuch Wages as _
| Ps a | accot

T” i & S.

GC © 5 Ws V Hs V

-Highwaps: 28r

according to the uſual Rates in the Country j and if Difference

ariſe, the ſame to be ſettled concluſively by the Iwo next

ſtices. 3 5 e r 05 va
111. Provided no Perſon be compellable to travel a-
bove Four Miles from his Dwelling-houſe, nor to work a-
bove o_ _ in any one Week, nor in Seed-time, Hay-
time or Harveſt, age ao ane eee e tu 1 |

LXXI. Where there is not ſufficient Gravel, Chalk, Sand

or Stones within the proper Parifh, it ſhall be lawful for the
Surveyors or. thoſe appointed by them, todig, rake and carry
away Gravel, Chalk, c. out of the Waſte or Common of any
Neighbouring Pariſh, without Paying any thing for the ſame;

go where there is not ſufficient in any Wafte Ground near

adjovning, to dig in the ſeveral Grounds ("not being Houſe,

Garden, Orchard, Yard, Meadow, or Park ſtored with Deer
Avenues and planted Walks) and carry away ſo much of
the ſaid Materials as the Surveyors ſhall judge neceſſary for
the Reparation, paying only ſuch reaſonable Satisfaction to
the Owner of the Ground for Damage ſuſtained, as ſhall be
aſſet by the Juſtices at the next Quarter-Seſſions, and that
= Pi:s digged be filled up, if defired by the Owner of the

round. e

LXXII. The ſaid Juſtices at the Quarter - Seſſions aforeſaid

ſhall chuſe and appoint One or more Rect iver or Collectot
of ſuch Monies, in the Name of Toll or Cuftoms, to be paid
for ſuch Horſes, Carts, Coaches, Waggons, and Droves of
Cattle, as ſhall paſs through the ſaid Way, v:z. Every Horſe r 4.
Stage · Coach or Hackney-Coach 6 d. every other Coach, Ca-
laſh, or Chariot 6 d. Waggon 15. Cart 8 d. every Score of
Sheep or Lambs 1 d. Score of Calves 3 d. Score of Hogs 3 d.
and ſo proportionably for a greater or leſſer Number, not un-
det Five, every Score of Oxen or Neats 6 d. and ſo propor-

tionably, The place for Collecting the ſaid Toll to be upon

the Highway between Brentwood and Ingateftons, by ſetting
up a Turnpike, or otherwiſe, as the Juſtices of the Peace at tha
nex: Quarter-Seſſions ſhall appoint. ' In the mean time two
NR of the Peace near Shenfield ſhall order a Turnpike to
ſet up at or near Mount neſſing, and appoint Collectors

the ſaid Toll there, who ſhall give in a Weekly Account up-

on Ouh to the ſaid Juſtices, and return the Money received

to the next Quarter: S:flions. And every Receiver or Col -
lector to be afterwards appointed at the Quarter Seſſions for
Recciving the -faid Toll, ſhall, Weekly acbount upon Oath.
And in caſe any Perſon or Perſons upon Demand of Toll
aforeſaid ſhall refuſe io pay the ſame, then the Collector may
diſtrain and detain ſuch Horſe, Coach, Waggon, Oxen, EF.
until the ſaid Toll with Charges of Diſtraining and Keeping
the Diſtreſs ſhall be ſatisfied and paid. Which faid —_—

made 2

182 Highways;
ſo received, fhall be paid proportionably to the [aid reſpedive
1 his towards the Mending the Ruinous Places in the
ighways. |
LXXIII.. And the ſaid Sarveyors at the Quarter Seſſion
next after Eafter, Yearly, ſhall yield to the _ —
ſembled a perſect Account under their , of all Moniez
received from the Colleftors of Toll, and likewiſe their Dif.
burſeme Re if any be) to the dur ·
228 Year enſuing, to be laid out in Mending
aid Roads. |
. LXXIV. The faid Juſtices at the ſaid Quarter · Seſſioms ſhall,
out of the Benefit of the ſaid Toll, make fuch Allowance to
the ſaid 8 rs for their Pains, and ſuch other Perſons
who * — i — the * - the ſaid High-
wa advancing any. Money, or otherwiſe, as to them
ſhall ſeem good. And in caſe the Collector or Receiver of
the ſaid Toll ſhall not upon Requeſt pay the ſame to the
ſaid Surveyors, as aforeſaid, or in caſe the Surveyors ſhall
not make fuch Account and Payment unto the Perſons ac
cording to the Order of the Juſtices, then the ſaid Juſtica
at any Quarter-Seſſions ſhall make Enquiry concerning ſuch
Default, and upon due Conviction ſhall cominit the Party of-
fending to the Common Gaol, there to remain till he
rſect Account and Payment, as aforeſaid.
The ſaid Surveyors, or the more part of them,
may by Order of the Juſtices made at the Quarter- Seſſiom,
and not otherwiſe, engage the Profits arifing by the ſaid Toll,
and by Indenture under their. Hands and Seals transfer the
Laid Profits, and grant and convey the ſame for any Term
not excceding fifteen Years, to any Perſon or
who will upon that Security advance the Sum of Money, with
Intereſt for the ſame after the Rate of 61. per Anmun,
for . Pound; which Money fo advanced ſhall
— — 5 at the Quarter · Seſſions for the Pur
es aſo | |
LXXVI. If any Perſon, not having lawful Excuſe, ſhall
neglect or refuſe to take upon him the Office of Surveyor, be-
ing thereumo nominated, as aforeſaid, or to do his Duty in
the Execution of this Act, the ſaid Juſtices may at their
Quarter-Scſlians impoſe on him ſuch Fine not exceeding 5.1. as
they ſhall think meet, and levy the fame by Diſtreſs and Sale
of Goods, rendring the Overplus if any be; and then, and
in caſe of Death of a Surveyor, ſome other Perſon ſhall be ap
pointed by two or more of the next Juſtices.
LXXVII. All Fines and Forſeiture incurred by virtue of
this Act ſhall be paid to the Surveyors for the tune being,
for the * the ſaid Highways.




Highways be: wee Actleborough and

Suit ſh had nſt

LAXVIIL. If any Suit ſhall be againſt any Perſon:

for any thing done in purſuance of this Act, the Action ſhall be
Jaid in Eſſex, and the Defendant may plead the General Iſſue,
and give the Special Matter in Evidence, and that the ſame was
done by Authority of this Act, and if it ſhall ſo appear, or that
the Action be brought in any other County; the Jury ſhall find
for the Defendant, who ſhall have his double Cofts'; fo if the
Plaintiff be nonſuited ; or diſcontinue his Action, or Judgment
upon Demurrer be given againſt him. | 2,716
LXXIX. No Perſon paſſing the Place where the {aid Toll is
taken, and returning the ſame Day before Eight at Night, be-
tween September and February. or before Ten in other Months,
with the fame Horſe, Coach, c. ſhall be compelled to pay the
{ajd Toll a Second Time. |

LXXX. Excepted from Payment of the ſaid Toll, Perſons

coming ftom any Pariſh next adjoyning to the ſaid Road, cat-
rying any Quantities of Stone, Sand, Lime, or Gravel, Dung,
Mould, or Compoſt, Brick, Chalk, or Wood, not going- to
Marker, and all Carts with 1 — going to Market,
in the Straw at Hay-time and Harveſt, Plows, Harrows,
all other things imployed in Husbanding and Manuring of the
Lands in the faid Pariſhes, all Soldiers upon their March, and
Cop and Waggons attending them, and all Perſons Riding
LXXXI. All Perſons chargeable towards the Repair of the
ſaid Highways, ſhall ſtill remain fo, and do the Works as ſor ·
LXXXII. This Ad to be of Force no longer than Fifteen
Years from the Paſſing hereof ; and if at any time before the -
Expiration of the ſaid Fifteen Years, the ſaid Highways ſhall
be 5 by the Juſtices of Peace of the County at their
Quarter - deſſions, to be ſutficiently amended, then after Re-
— of the Money borrowed, the ſaid Toll ſhall ceaſe aud

rmine. : | |

IXXIII. Stat. 5 & 8 V. z. 15 26. For Repairing the

dham in the Coun-

ty of Noyfolk, being part of the Poſt-Road from London to
Norwich, Enacted, That the Juſtices of the Peace at the next
Quarter-Sefſions for the County, next after Paſſing this Bill,
may then, and from time to time in every Year, appoint a
convenient Number of ſufficient Perſons inhabiting in ot
near the Ruinous Places in the ſaid Road, to be Surveyors

ol the Places aforeſaid for the Year next enſuing 3 which

ſaid Surveyors, having no lawful Impediment, within One

Week after Notice ru of their Election, ſhall meet to yiew
and ſurvey the ſaid Ruinous Places, and conſider of the beſt

Means for the Repairing thereof, and the Sums that will be

otherwiſe, as the Jul

234 bighbays, a
for. the ſame, and make their Certificates th
— 42 of, Peace at the next Quarter - Seſſions, ones

thereupon. make,ſuch Ocders in and about the ſame as to them

ſhall ſcem good, and the ſaid Surveyors are hereby impoweiel

to appoint and require ſuch Carts and Perſons at are liable to

work in the Highways from time to time, ro work in the ſaid
Places as they ſhall think needſul, and the faid Surveyors ſhall
pay for the Work, according to the uſual Rate of the Country;
and if un Reg happen, the ſame to be ſettled by the Two
next Juſtices of Peace. [64S 13 IT...

> XIV. Provided no Perſon be compelled to travel above

Four Miles from his Dwelling, nor to work above Two Days
in one Week; nor in Seed-time, Hay-time, or Harveſt. _
| LAXXV, It ſhall be lawful for the ſaid Surveyors, and ſuch
as they ſhall appoint, to dig and carry away Gravel, Chalk, Sand


or Stones, out of the Waſte or Commons of any of the Towns,

Villages or Hamlets, where any of the ſaid Ruinous Places do

ie, without, paying,any ng r the ſame ; or where there is
not ſufficient of ſuch Marerials in any Common, to dig in the
ſeveral Grounds of any Perſòn in the ſaid Towns, Villages, or
Hamlets (not being an Houſe, Garden, Yard, Meadow, or
Park ſtored with Deer, Avenues, or planted Walks ) where any
ſuch Mareria's are to be found, and carry away what they
juige to be neceſſary, without paying any thing for ſuch Mi-
terials, ſave only.ſuch reaſonable Satisfaction for the Owner of
the Ground, for the Damage he ſhall thereby ſuſtain, to be aſ-
ſeſſed and adjudged by the ſaid Juſtices in caſe of Difference.
And the Pits and Places from whence ſuch Materials ſhall be
digged for the {aid Reparations, ſhall with convenient Speed be
filled up and levelled. | | "es
LXXXVI. And for Defraying the Charges about the ſaid Re-
parations, the ſaid Juſtices at their Quarier-Sefiions ſhall ap-
int ane or more Receiver or Receivers, Collector or Col:
ectors of Toll to be paid for all Horſes, Carts, Coaches, Wag-
goi.s, Droves, and Ganes of Cattle, as in time to come ſhall paſs
in or through the ſaid Way, viz. For every Horſe, 1 d. For every
Stage, or other Coach, Chariot or Calath, 6 d. For every Wag-
ny, Is. For every Cart, 6 d. For every Score of Oxen or Neat.
Cattle, 6 d. and fo proportionably, to be paid by every Perſon
who ſhall travel with Horſe, Coach, Cart or Waggon, or

drive any Oxen through the Highway aforeſaid, The Places

for Collecting the ſaid Toll to be on the ſaid Highway, between

Attleborough and Ge by ſetting up a Turnpike, or
ices ſhall appoint ; and in caſe, any Perſon

refuſe to pay the ſaid Toll, upon Demand, the Collector may
diſtrain and detain ſuch Horſe, Cart, Coach, Waggon or Oxen,
until the Tall be ſatisfied, with Damages ſuſtained in and about
making oe {aid Diſtreſi or keeping thereof ; which Monics ſo
PER = 5 FI to

thereunto nominated and

pigbways. Af

to be received, ſhall be paid to the ſaid Surveyors, for and to-

wards the Mending the aid Highway. 75 te 2 hom

LAXX'V 11.” The. Surveyors ſhall at every Quarter-Seffion
next after 'Eafter; Yearly, yield up to the ſuid Juſtices a perfect
Account in Writing under their Hands, f what Monies the
have received from the Collector of the Toll, and of their Di-
burſements, and pay the Overplus, if any be, to the Surveyors for
the Year enſuing, to be laid out in Mending the faid Raad
Which faidJuftices:ſhall; out of the Benefit of the ſaid Tl,
make ſuch Allowances to the ſaid Surreyors for their Care, a
to ſuch Perfons who OT to the Amendment of the
ſaid Highway, by SIO . oner, or otherwiſe, c to
mem ſhall ſeem meet. And if the {aid Coletor ſhall not, up-
on Requett; pay the Monies received for Toll to the Surveyors,
and if the Surveyors ſhall not make ſuch Account: and Pay-
ment, then the ſaid Juſtices at any'Quarter-*ellions'ſhall;
due Proot'by the Partie: Confeflivn, or the Oath'of one ot mote

and Payment, as aforeſaid. ©! + Nene "1's

LXXXVIH. The ſaid Sarveyors gut 4 by Order of the Juſti-

ces at the Qaarter-Seſlions, and not otherwiſe; engage the Pro
fis ariſing by the ſaid Tol for ſuch Sums of Money as ſhall BE
by them borrowed for the more ſpeedy Rłæpairimꝑ the Premiſſes;

Witneſs, commit the Party ſo convict tothe Cou * Beef

without Bail, till he or Hey ſhall have made true Account

17 enter 1 14g

ad'by Indehture uindet:them Hands and Seal grant te Pi6fits

os the ſaid Poll for any Term not exceediug? Fifteen: Years, tu
any Perſon or Perſons mat ſhall advance aty dum or Sums of
Money, with Intereſt for the ſame at 6 I. per Centum per An-
num; which ſaid Money ſw advanced :Mhall be diſtributed at
the Quarter Seſſions, for me Purpoſes atoreſaid --
ILIXXXIX. If any Perſong not having azlawfal Excuſe, ſhall
neglect or refuſe to tałe upon him the Offwe ofiSurveyor choliig

'choſen; or to dolhat Duty therein

the (aid- Juftices at their Quarter-Seſlions may impoſe on ſuch
Perſon a-Fine-not exceeding y. and cauſe the fame to he
ed by Diſtreſs and Sale of his Goods; And them and in
the Death of any Surveyor, ſome other Perſon ſhall be appoint=

ed by Two or more Juftices that live rieareft tp the Patt / ſo dy-

ing or refuſing ; an the Perſon ſo appeannted —
{aid Office in ſuch Mapper; and under ſuch Penalties, as if he
Lad been choſen at the deſſions .
XC. All Fines and Forfeitures impoſed by virtue of this Act,
ſhall be paid to the Surveyors for che time being, for and to-
wards the Repairing the fad Highways: !/ 37 tt 1 2 66
XCI. If any Suit ſhall be commenced againſt any Perſoh for
any thing done in purſuance of this Act, the Action ſhall be
laid in the faid r and not elſewhere; and the
Deſendant in ſuch n may plead the General Iſſue, and
| give

OOO RS” „„ =
* *

the Jury finds for the Defendant, or the Plaintiff ſhall be Non-
de given the Plaintiff, the De
Col againft t 7

Place where the Toll is taken, and return the ſame Day,

of any Kind, Brick, Chalk, Wood, and all Carts with Hay, not

Waggons attending them, and all Perfons Riding Paſt, ſhall paß

ol Fifteen Years, to be accounted from the Paſſing thereof ; and

mall be committed, which Forſeitures ſhall be levied in fuch

County, the Jury ſhall find for the Def. — and where

uit, or diſcontinue his Action, or if upon Demurrer judgment

N ſhall have

ACI. Provided, That no Perſon having Occaſion to paſs the

ay, be

fore Eight at Night between September and February, and

fore Ten e Nig _—_— reſt of the Year, with the finw
hariot, Wa |

[7 Span 2 ſecond time. And all Perſons coming from any P

riſh next adjoyning to the ſaid Road, ſhall have a Liberty to
carry any Quantities of Stone, Sand, Lime, or Gravel, Compot

going to any Market, Corn in the Straw at Hay-time and Hu-

veſt, Ploughs, Harrows, and all other things whatſoever em-
loyed in Husbandry, ſhall paſs to and fro through the ſaid
File where the ſaid Toll ia to be received, without paying any
ming. And all Soldiers on their March, and all Carts and

the ſaid Place without paying, f.

Tall. All Perſom by Law chargeable towards the Repair-

ing the ſaid Highway, ſhall ftill remain ſo, as before, under
— Direction of the ordinary Surveyors of their reſpective Pa-
-,. XCIV. This Act ſhall be in Force no longer than the Term

A at any time before the Expiration: of the Fifteen Years, the

Rumous Places in the ſaid — — ſhall be ſufficiently repair-
Mir Queer Seflou, (hen, ater lack Adjatcer

at thei e afte judicatian, :

Repayment of the Money borrowed, the foreſaid Toll ſhall

and determine. | |
cv. Stat. 7& 8 V. 29. Every Owner of any
contrary —_ ring, fs, Bet, or Onen, oli

to this eit 40 . to t or ot
Survevors of the Pariſh, Town or Vullage where the Offence

manner as the Penalties impoſed by the Act made 12 Cay, i.

cap. 12. are dire cted and appointed, and no otherwiſe, And
the ſaid Surveyors, ſhall receive the ſaid Forfeicures, and pay
in, and account ſor the ſame upon Qath, to the Juſtices

Peace at their Special Seſſions holden once in Four Months,

purſuant to the Act made 2 & 3 V. & M. The ſame to be em.


38.888 ENA


e ts
ployed in the aeg of the — ee fuck Paten
were committed no other wiſe· 4
IVI. Afrer the Fu Day of Auguſ, 2 2 derten
* Wain, or Carriage, wherein
—_ 5 — hay ſuch a as employed thraſh”

Husbandr 7 — aw, un :
wn ' . Marin Fane Building, Ammunition
1 * Bb at one

way with above ore Buhs

YO Erd 1 * or 12 0
Iwo Horſes, or Four zen
2nd Four Horſes ; which ſaid Horſes and Oxen ſhall draw. in
Pairs, with a Pole between the Wheel-Horſes, and the other
Horſes to draw in a Line with the Wheel-Horſes ar Oxen,

in ſuch manner as hey draw. 5 Coaches, upon Pain that

—— Owner of ſuch Wain, Cart, Carriage, Horſe,
or Oxen, ſhall forfeit Forty Shillings, Two Third Parts to the
Uſe of the Highways, the other to the Informer, to he levied
by Diſtreſs .of any one of the ſaid Horſes, which * wag
Da be ſold. This hy ber

XCV WII. I If any Inſhi |

to repair their own 2—— Y halt 1 Pl and im-
led the Rate of 6 d. in the Pound for the Repairs, and
Nor not ſufficient, the Juſtices, at their next Special
Seſſions, may order the Pariſh to contribute to. the - ſaid Re-

XCVIIL. Any Perſon having in-his Poſſeſßon Wood-Land
Mn 12> 4" wy per Anmm Value, ſhall be deemed ta

n to all or any of the Purpoſes yah any

Statutes Concer Highways.

XCIX. After 4 — of every Perlon who
pull up, cut down, or remove 1 e Stone,
of Earth, or other Security, up. or made for Wan,

Horſe - Cauſ —— Foor-Cauleys,

and Carty, dun ee ,, Julie ofthe Pave
by tte Onthof ons Wen) = — 5 n to the
rveyors of Highways, to em n ——
the ſame, the other to him that ſhall diſcover the
levied, as aforeſaid.
2 In * 2 General Surveyor, or Deputy . —
of his Majeſty own private Roads, or
Peſos ore orP ſhall make any Compoſition, or A nc any
Oar ng ward — — of * 1 or ber of
Perſon, upon the Account of 2 w
I ta this-AQ, 4 — — 5
One Nec! - Repal N Cd kg _ the ather
oiety to the r of t Ways, to
luch Perſon as ſhall ſue for the ſame · 8

——ü—U — — —

as dll

bly for à greater or leſſer Number, not being un

their next Seſſions for the County of — ſhall appoint ny

veyors of the Highways for the Year enſuing, purſtant to the
Stat. 3 V. 8 M. cap. 12. who ſhall meet and ſurvey tte Lande
leading from Mood. harcb Borough to Sidlom Mall, and Salmon's
Croſs, in the [Pariſh of Rygate, and the Lands called Horſehil,
and Bono burſt, aud Peteridge, in the Pariſh of Morley in the
County of Surrey, and make their Certificates thereof to the
ag whothereupon ſſiall make ſuch Orders in and about
he ſame, as to them ſhall ſeeni god.
+ CIL The Surveyors ſhall require ſuch Carts and Perſons
as are liable to work in the! Highways, to work in the reſpe-
ive Places, paying according to the uſual Rate»of the
Country. deen HT „ ni ant.
III. Where there is not! ſufficient > Gravel, Ohalk, Sand,
or Stones to be found in the” proper Parifh, the Surveyor,
or whom they ſhall appoint, may dig, take, and carry away
the ſaid Materials, by | Direction o W aur of the
Wafte or Commom of any Neighbouring Fatiſh, paying a rea-
1 te Juen at thc -Bpocial Seffions: thall Spur
- CIV. uſtices at their ions appoi
one or more Receiver or Receivers of Toll, c. Of every
Horſe, 6 d. Coach, 2 d. Calaſh or Chariot, 6 d. Waggon or
Cart, 4. Score of Sheep or Lambs; 1 d. and ſo propartionably.
Score of Calves, 2 d. Score of Hogs, 2 d. and io proportiona-
u Jer Five,
Score of Oxen, - or Neat Cattle, 6 d. and. ſo-proportionably;
that ſhall-paſs through the ſaid Way after the Paſſing of this
Act. The Place for 9 ſaid Tolls to be at ſuch
convenient Place. upon the Highway, in or near the ſaid
Lanes, as the Juſtices of Feice at their Special Seſfiom ſhull
einn ein 0 yu ee 72 4+?
CV; The Receivers or Collactors of the ſaid Toll ſhall
gie a Monthly Account upon Oath, to one or more of the
next Juſtices, to be .retarned to and examined by the Ju-
ſtices at the next Special Seſſions. The Horſe, Cart, c. of
any Perſon: refuſing. to 77 ſaid Toll may be diſtrained


CVI. The Surveyors ſhall at the next Special Seffions ac-

count” to the Juſtices in Writing under their Hands, ſor all
Monies received of the Collectors, and Disburſements in or
about the ſaid Highways, paying the Orerplus to the Sur-
veyots for the Tear enſuing And the Juſtices ſhall make Al-
Jowances to them for their Care and Pain, :as to them ſhall

and detained, till the Toll and Damages of Diftreſs be ſa-

i -
bs P * "FL" « -
o ” ” > A * ay , > * * ö — * 4 o
* i
— R II.


ET oss.


5s FL


—5 to take upon them the Office of 8

cn. err of the — ge |

dul yr e to t Surveyors

ſhall o make ſuch 9 — 5 —.— as the ſuſti

ſhall order, the Juſtices, upon due Proaf, may imptifon the |
III. The Surveyors, or ; the more part of them, by

Order of the Juſtices at thei Special Seſſom, may engage
the Profits ariſing by the ſaid Toll, by Indenture under their
—— and Seals, for any Term not exceeding Fifreen Years,
Perſons who ſhall lend any pteſent Sum of Money at
61. by i uſo Which Money fo advanced ſhall be diſtributed
Tuſticee ae thifr Specul m, the Purpoſes afore-
. Such as veglect or refuſe (being no lawful Ex-
urecyor, being thero-
choſen, ſhall be fined by the Juſtices, not excee
Th to be levied by Diftreſs and Sale of Goods, and in ſuch
caſe, or in caſe of Death, ſome other Perſon to be choſen

CX. Au Fines and Forfeitures incurred by virtue of” this

Act, ſhall be paid — for the cove deine |

towards the — the ſaid

CI. Actions againſt any Perſon, for thing done
in purſuance of this WY hal be laid in —
of Surrey, and not elſewhere 3; the ay > may dy pen the
General Iſſue, and give the ter in Evidence, c.
and in caſe the Cauſe goes for = Defendant, he ſhall have
double Coſts
CXIL Perſons paing the Place where Tall is taken, and
returning the —. Day, ſhall not pay Toll twice; nor ſhall
Perſons pay who paſs with Carriages from any next ; adjoyning |
Pariſh, going to arket, or in Matters of Husbandry, nor Sol
_ cir March, nor Perfons riding Poſt.
. Perſons chargeable. by Law n. the Repairing of
a ſaid Highways ſh ſhall {till remain ſo. |
— Tbis Act ſhall be of Force no longer than =
222 and if the ſaid Lanes ſhall be ſooner amend»
ſo adjudged by the Juſtices at their Quarter-Scſlions,

| hen afrer Payment of the Mouey borrowed the aforeſaid Toll |

ſhall ceaſe.
CXV. The Juſtices of — and _—— the Juſtices of
— ſhall nr = the Ep Hom of cx ns, if they
think fu, appoint Three Perſons of each ——— to view
the ſaid Lanes, and eng Surveyors Accounts ; and
in caſe they find any Mi _—_ the Momics levied by

this Act, to certihe the ſihe to the Judges at the next Aſſiſes
eee determine

Vol. II.

7 | CXVI, Stat.

N . — |

* — tl dt

— A HET ꝗ IS ISI ny rn Ng > AO. ne —— WIS iD —— — —— ̃


N 5 X




* 5 _—_—— =

290 pighuays-

+» -

xv. Stat. 8 & 9 . 3. cap. 16. For enlarging Com-

mon Ar Ie is Enacted, That the Juſtices of Nen

at the Juſtices of Peace

„City, Cc. or the major Part of them (Five a:

leaft ) at Heir rter-Seſhons, may enlarge or widen
- pe Unc in Wir reſpective Counties, ſo that the Grounl
to be taken into the ſaid Highways do not exceed Eig

- Yards in Breadth, and that they do not pull down any Houſe,

1 away any Ground from Garden, Orchard, Court or

5 XVII. For Satisfaction of the Owners, the ſaid Juſtice

ſhall impannel a Jury, and adminifter an Oath to them; that

they will afleſs ſuch Damages and Recom to | the
Owners or others interefied in the Ground (not exceed
25 Years Purchaſe ) as they ſhall think reaſonable, &c. A
upon Payment of the ſaid Money ſo awarded, or leaving it in
the Hands of the Clerk of the Peace of the County, for the Uſe
of the Owner, the Intereſt of the Owner ſhall be diveſted ou;
of him, and the ſaid Ground ſhall be efteemed a Publick High-
way to all Intents whatſoever. | .

CXVIII. And the ſaid Juſtices ſhall order Aſſeſſments to

be made and levied upon all ſuch Perſom̃that t to repair

the ſaid Highways; and the Money thereby raifed ſhall be

1mployed towards Parchaſing the Land, to _—_— the faid
Highways, and making Ditches and Fences, The ſaid Aſſeſſ.
ments to be levied by the Overſeers of the Highways, by Di-
Kreſs — Sale of Goods, if not paid within Ten Days aſtet

CXIX. No ſuch Aſſeſſment ſhall, in one Year, exceed the

| Rite of 6 d. in the Pound for Lands, nor 6 d. in the Pounl

| for Perſonal Eftares, -

CXX. The ſaid Juſtices, at the Requeſt of any Perſon for

enlarging Highways, ſhall, at their Quarter-Seſſions, iſſue out
their Precepts to the Owners of Ground to be laid to the ſaid
Highways, to appear and ſhew Cauſe why the ſaid Highways
ſhould not be enlarged. 1
CCXXI. After an Order or Decree is made for the laying
out of Ground for — — Highways, the Owner hath L-
berty, in Eight Months after, to cut down any Wood or Tur
ber growing upon the ſaid Ground; or upon Neglect,
= Juſtices ſhall fell it, and deliver to the Owner the

alue. n 4 wk & !

CXNII. Perſons grieve , by Order of the Tuftices, may

peal to the Judges of Aſſiſe 7 the next Amt —
affirm or reverſe the ſame; and if they ſee Cauſe to affirm, to
award Coſts againſt the Appellant. |
CXXIIII. Where any Common Highway ſhall be encloſed,

after 2 Writ of Ad quod 21 iſſued and executed, any

Perſon injured or agrieved by ſuch Incloſure, may complan

the Juſtices at the Quarter-Seſfions next after ſuch i- 4

Kon, 355 may hear and finally determine the ſame} CCS. —
— if no ſuch Appeal be made, then the ſaid 44 and —_
Return, recorded by the Clerk of the Peace, to be for ever f
(Av. Juſtices of the Peace, at their reſpective Special Seſ-
fions to be held by virtue of the Star. 3 & 4 V. & M. (cap. 12.)
in ſuch Caſes as they ſhall think neceſſary, ſhall direct their
s to the Surveyors of the Highways, where Two or
more Croſs Highways meet, requiring them to ere, where
ſuch Ways joyn, à Stone, ox Foft with an Inſcription, di-
recting to the next Market-Town, to Which each of the ſaid
Croſs Ways lead. And in caſe the Surveyor or Surveyors
neglect or refuſe ſo to do, for the ſpace of Three Months,
every ſuch Offender ſhall forfeit 10 5. to be levied by War-
rant of one Juſtice, directed to the Conſtable, requiring him to
diſtrain and ſell the Goods of ſuch Offender, and imploy the

Money to the ſaid Purpoſe. _

CXXV. Stat. Jong wh 3. 1. The Juſtices of Peace

at the Quarter ns for the County of Glouceſter ( or
any Five of them) next after x May, 1698. may then and eve-
ry Year nominate and appoint Surveyors of the ruinous High-
ways and Road from the Town of Biralip, and the Top of
Crickley Hill in the County of Gloucefter, to the City of Glou-
ceſter, tor the Lear enſuing, out of the Inhabitants of the ad-
Jacent Pariſhes, who within one Week after Notice given them
of their Election, are to meet in their ſeveral Diviſions to ſurvey
the ſame, and conſider the beſt Method for Repair thereot,
and certifie the ſame to the Juſtices at the next Quarter-Sefſions z
who thereupon ſhall make ſuch Orders about the ſame, as
to them ſhall ſeem good, which ſhall be obſerved by the {aid
Surveyors, and all others concerned in putting this Act in


CXXVI. The {aid Surveyors may appoint ſuch Carts and Per-
ſons within the ſaid adjacent Pariſhes, te come and work in
the ſaid reſpective Places, as they ſhall think needful, for which
the Surveyors ſhall pay the uſual Rate of the Country, in caſe
— ſhall be quires to work beyond the Times limited by

tatutes. el

CXXVII. Where there is not ſufficient Gravel, Sand, or

Stones, in any Pariſh or Ham'et where the ſaid ruinous
Places lie, to repair the ſame, the ſaid Surveyors, and ſuch
as kt ſhall appoint, may dig and carry away any Gravel,
Sand, or Stones, out of the Waſte or Common of any
Neighbouring Pariſh or Hamler, without paying for the
lame; and in Default thereof, may dig the ſame in any Per-
ſon's Grounds (not being an _ Garden, Orchard, Yard,

2 or





SEES 52% F rA

OE — * —
— — - K = —
P. . w rs tg"

29% Pigs.

as the Damage ſuſtained thetebß.

. ⁵ 5 AS Dec. TTT

— —— —̃as. uu v ͤ—
. .

ſonable Satisfaction to the Owner br Oecupier of fuck Ground nd,


Highway, between the Top of Birdiip and City of Glouceer,

appoint. ps .

XXIX. Every Receiver ot Collector, ſhall, if required,

ve in a Weekly Account upon Oath, to one or more of the
uſtices, to be returned to the Juſtices at the Quarter-Sefſons,

ro examine and make ſuch Order thereln, as to them hall tem

CXXXN. Any Perſon refuſing or ecting to pay the
ſaid Toll on nd, the Collector or Receiver may d
and detain ſuch Horfe, Cart, Coach, Calaſh, Chariot, Wag
gon, Oxen, Hogs, and other Cattle, till the Toll be paid, wit
amages in making the Diſtreſs : Which Money fo recer
ved ſhall be paid to the Surveyors towards Mending thc

2d ruinous Places in the faid Highways, and not elle

where. 1 _ hi
CxXXXI. The ſiid Surveyors, at the Quarter-Seffions next a
ter the End of their Year, ſhall give an Account to the |
of their Receipts and Disburſements, that the Overplus of
the Maney (if any) may be paid to the ſucceeding Survey-
ors, towards Amending the ſaid Highways, or Repaying
Money lent before-hand : And ſuch Allowances ſh
by the Juftices, to the Surveyors and others, aſſiſting in the ſad
Amending, or Advancing Monies thereto, as to them ſhall ſeen


C XXIII. If the Collector or Receiver ſhall not duly pay the

Surveyors, or if the Surveyors ſhall not make the Payments or-
dered by the Juſtices, then the Juſtices at the Quarter-Seffion
ſhall ur on thereinto upon Oath, and commit the Perſons
convicted thereof to Gao), till they have made a true Account
and Payment, | HTS:

CxxIIII. The

Woo ocong wr mnwmth,oo mw 0

OED = Zoos greg erer ow


2272 LES23

| of the Juſtices, or

. PRIESST BARE EE sss fs £8.

ä ..
CXIIIII. The rs ws for the time being, by Order

Five of them, may A Profits

ariſing by the ſaid Tell, and by a Levy * r reſpective
Pariſhes, purſuant to the Act made 3 & 4 V. 8 M. forthe
better Repairing and Amending the Highways, and for Set-
ling the Rates of Carriage of or by any other Act,
for che Monies by them borrowed for that Pu z and may
under their Hands and Seals, transfer the ſaid Profits for any -
Term not excceding Fifteen Years, to ſuch as will, upon that
Security, advance Money ſo lent, with Intereſt : And the
Juſtices ſhall diſtribute the ſaid — to any Perſons, giving
Security, to _ and amend the ſaid Highway, in the Pro-

ons 2

CXXXTIV. Any Perſon, without lawful Excuſe, ior ein


or refuſing to take upon him the Office of Surveyor,

thereunto choſen, or to do his Duty therein, may be
by the Juſtices, not exceeding 51. And in ſuch caſe, or in
caſe of Death, ſome other Perſon ſhall be appointed Surveyor
by the Juſtices, or two of them: Which Fines and Forfei-
ww Mall be paid tothe Surveyors, towards Repairing the ſaid
izhways, 3
XXXV, If a Suit be commenced for any thing done in
purſuance of this Act, the Action ſhall be laid in the Coun
of Glauceftey only, and the Defendant may plead the Gener
Iſſue, and give this Act, and the Special Matter in Evidence;
and if the Action be laid e ſewhere, or the Plaintiff be non»
ſuit, or diſcontinue his Acton, or have Judgment againft
1 Demurrer, the Defendant ſhall have double Coſts
arges. | |
CXXXVI. No Perſon paſſing where the Toll is taken, and
returning the ſame Day, ſhall pay a ſecond time ; and Perſons
paſſing — the ſaid Place from any — may
catry Stones. Lime, Gravel, Dung, Mould or Compoſt, and
Carts with Hay not fold, or going to Market, or Corn in the
Straw at Hay- time or Havel, P ught, Harrows, and other
Implements of Husbandry, and Stock of Cattle 3 |
the Lands of the reſpective Pariſhes, ſha}l paſi the ſaid. F
without paying ; as alſo all Soldiers on their March, and the
Cong Waggons and Coaches attending them, and all Perfons
ing | Ge 2 3
_ CXXXVTI. All Perſons chargeable by Law towards Repair-
ing the ſaid Highway, ſhall till remain fo. . © 5
CXXXVII. This Act ſhall not be in Force longer than Twenty
Years from 24 June, 1698. And if before the Expiration of

tze ſaid Term the ſaid Highways ſhall be ſufficiently amended,

and ſo adjudged by the Juſtices at their Quarter-Szfli5ns, then

upon Repayment of the Monies borrowed, the ſaid Toll ſhall

ceaſe. | | Y
1 3 CxXXXIX. No

* 5 A
294 Highways. |

CXXXIX. No Turnpike ſhall be erected, nor Toll demind-

ed, till Security given to the Juſtices at the Quartet · Seſſiam,
that the ſaid Highways ſhall, within Five Years, be ſufficien-

* CFI. The Perſons ſo giving Security ſhall have full Power

to levy, for Twenty Years after 24 June, 1698. Six Pence in

a S>Y2TDnD

and ſhall cauſe to be done by the Pariſhioners within the ſaid

Pariſhes, all that is required by the forementioned Act of 3&4
WW. 8 M. for the better 2 the Highways, or by any
other Act. And if the Toll granted by this Act, with the Sum
charged on the ſaid Pariſhes, be not ſufficient to 1 the
ſaid Highway within the time limited, the Perſons ſo giving
Security ſhall levy and collect 2 d. in the Pound onthe Has
drei and Hundreds in which the ſaid Highway, or any Part
thereof doth lie, to be levied by Diftreſs and Sale of
if not paid within Ten Days after Demand. And if the Perſons
ſo giving Security ſhall not do what is required of them by
this Act, they ſhall forfeit 100 J. every Year to ſuch Perſons as
ſh211 ſue for the ſame. 3

CXLI. Tre Perſons fo having given Security, in caſe the ſaid

Highway ſhall not be ſufficiently repaired, or certified ſo to be
by the Juſtices of the Peace for Herefordſhire, or Ten of them,
by the time limited in their Security, ſhall, over and above
the Sums they ſhall be bound for, forfeit 300 I. One Moiety
to the Repairing the ſaid Highway, the other to ſuch Perſon a
ſhall ſue for the ſame, "Wt |

CXLII. The Toll ſhall not be demanded by virtue of this Ad.

unleſs the Security given to the —— of Peace of Glouceſter-
Hire at the Quarter-Seſlions ſhall be approved of by Fre Juſt
ces of Peace for Herefordſbire, under their Hands and |

CXLIII. Stat, 12 W. 3. cap. . The Powers given by 9 V. z.

cap. 18, ( Concerning Repairing the Highways from Birdlip to
Glouceſter.) to the Undertakers, veſted in the Juſtices of the
County of Gloucefter, at their General Quarter - Seſſions. |

CXLIV. So 1 4. cap. 18. All Clauſes in 22 H. 8. cap. 5.

for Bridges and ighways, not hereby altered, ſhall continue in

Force. |
CXLV. The General Quarter-Seſſions, upon Preſentment,
That a Bridge (by them uſually repaired ) is our of Repair,
——— rr to afſeſs upon each Town and Pariſh as they
nally 2 „ | | So
. And the Money ſhall be levied by the Conſtables of each
Pariſh, c. or by ſuch Perſon appointed Treaſurer, and in
ſuch manner as the juſtices at ſuch Seſſions ſhall appoint. And

_— — — — „ — , » — » ͤ %


i :

182 89228

2 4

E 23 20 „„ t©r © 2


bb 55
And the Money collected -ſhall be paid to the High- Con-
ſtable in Six Days aſter Receipt of the ſame, and be pat by the
High-Conftable in Ten Days to ſuch as the Juſtices of Peace
by Order of fach Seſſions, ſhall direct, and be employed and
accounted for according to Order of the ſaid Juſtices, for
Amending ſuch decay'd Bridges and Highways at the End of

the ſame. : . |

The. Affeſſments to be levied by Diftreſs and Sale of Goods

of the Perſons not paying in Ten Days after Demand, rendring
the Qverplus, deducting the Charges of the Diſtreſs. ' 46
CLI. Perſons neglecting to aſſeſs, collect, or pay the Mo-

, as herein before directed, ſhall forfeit for every Fees 40 5.

very Treaſurer that l Money, except by Order of
Seſſions ( which Order the $ are hereby required to make
only for Bridges, and Highways at the End of Bridge:)
for every ſuch Offence ſhall forfeit 5 J. .

CXLVII. No Fine for not 1 ſuch Bridges and High-

ways ſhall be returned into the Exchequer, or other Court, but
ſhall be returned to the ſaid Treaſurer, and applied by the
— —.— towards the Building or Repairing of ſuch Bridges

a 1 F

CXLVIII. All matters concerning Repairing ſuch Bridges

and Highways, ſhall be determined in the County, and not
removed by Certiorari. AN, fi Fg -

CXLIX, The General Quarter-Seffions ſhall have Power to

— concerned in the Execution of this Act 3 d. per

ound. | f ELD "

CL. Perſons authorized by this Act, may plead the General
Iſſue, and give this Act, and the 22 H. 8 cap. 5. in Evidence,
and tor ment be for them, they ſhall have double Cofts.

CI. Brovifs, That this Act ſhall not diſcharge either parti.
cular Perſons, Eftates or Places, from Reparations. ;

CLII. All Penalties upon this Act, ſhall be applied to Re-

pairing the ſaid * and Highways. 1
ö — Jt _ 23 Elix. cap. 11. for Re<difying Cardiffe ©

ridge repeale1. | ids

CLIV. Cardio Bridge ſhall be reputed a common Bridge,

and be eb war the County, he *

CLV. Proviſo, That nothing herein ſhall make void any Oc-

der for — of the ſaid Bridge heretofore made.

CLVI. In all Informations or Indictments in her Majeſty's

Courts of Record at Veſtminſter, Aſſiſes or Quarter · Seſſions,
the Evidence of the Inhabitants of the Town or County, in
Which ſuch decayed Bridges or — lie, ſhall be admitted.

CLVII. Tne Wardens and Afiiftants of Rocheſter Bridge ſhalb

be yearly choſen on Friday next following Eaſter Week, not-
Wibſanding, Stat. 18 Eli. cap. 17. e 405 1

T4 CLVIL tate

* * 9 ©» 1. LO 8 5 2
i \
int ſuffici erfons a the. Pariſh
oad between the Pariſh of Harlow, W
County of Eſſex, to be Surveyors fo their
who, or any Two of „are to view the ſaid Roads, and t ..
turn to the next Special ſſions, how muth — will make
them ,' who ſhall make Orders thereupon.
the Surveyors are to appoint ſuch Carts and. rerſom
44 the Statutes are liable to work in the Highways. and
y the uſual Rates, wherein if any Difference be, it i
to be tle by by two Juſtices of the Fae which
to be Conc
CLIX. rale, That no Perſon be elled to work above
Four Miles f rom his Houſe, nor above Two Days in a Week,
nor at all in Seed, Hay, or Harveſt-time.
CLI. Where in any Pariſh, wherein the ſaid Road lies,
there is not 1 IA Shak. Sand or 22 — Sur
1 ors, irection of the ces, may dig t Pariſh oe
the wie or Common of any Neighbouri -
Ing ſuch 2 Satisfaction for Damages, 1 n Special
Scilions ſhall adjudge in caſe of Difference.
CLXI. The laid Special Seſſions. 25 appoint Collectors of
— Toll, viz. For ev — * Coach or Calaſh, 6d.

Waggon, f Cart, 8 4. Lambs, 1 d. Score

ves or 3d. Score ay 7, qe leat Cattle 6 d. and
7 po rtionably.

e Place of Payment on the * Turnpike is to be

ſet = as the ſaid Special Seſſions ſhall

The Collectors are to give an Account upon Oath to one

or more ol the Juſtices, Iiving near the Turnpi y — 0
count is to be returned to the next Seiſions Scilions for
wages the Turapike is,

2 the Collector may Ane ſuch =

be and detain the ſame till the Toll be paid, and
2 es for Diftraining.

1. The Surveyors at the firſt Special Seſſions for their

Dit, by Force of the recited. Act, ſhall give an Account

of Receipts and Disburſements, and pay the Overplus to the -

next Year's Suryeyors.

And the (ei Seſſions ſhall allow the Surveyors, and others
for their Pains. -
And if the Colle & o pay not to the Surveyort, 1 the
Surveyors make not fuch Account and Paynient, accord ing
to the. Order of the ſaid Juſtices, then the Quarter Seſſions th

commit the Party to the County-Gaol, without Bail or Main-

priſe, . W nnn PT LT,
$22 If cim. Tho


#3 vakg F


S .T=ES . BY CRE F Eire ©

cixm — by order of ——
ve or mejor part, y 8 l.
Seffions, may borrow » and for Payment thereof ac 6

fer Cent. engage the Toll tor 14 Years.

CLXIV. It any Perſon ' refuſe the Office: of Surveyor, or

neglect his — 4 W the * Seflions 55 8 y im +4

Fine not, — 10g $ t ſame by 28

in ſuch caſe, ar in elect Death, whe the Juſtices neareſt fuch

ty may appoint another.

CLXV. The Fines and Forſeitures on this AQ; ſhall be 701

to the Surveyors for Repairing the ſaid Road.

CLXVI- Actiom for thingy done in nce of this Act, |

ſhall be brought in the County of Efex, and the Defendanc |
may plead the General Iſſue, and give the AR in Evidence.
And if the Action be brought in another County, the Jury
ſhall 8 and if Judgment be ons him, he

ave C
CAVE No Perſon paſſing and returning, before Eight
at Night between September and February the ſame Da "hw

before Ten at Night the reſt of the Year, with Coa

Perſons coming from any Pariſh next adjoyning to the aid:

riage or Cattle, ſhall pay again.

Road, may carry Stone, Sand, Line, Gravel, Dung, Mold, Do

poſt, Brick; Chalk, or Wood, not going to Mar det, Hay,

going to Market, Corn 1n the Straw at Hay or Ha
or other things and-Implements ( imployed in — 2 thi
Land ) without paying Toll.
Soldiers, and Carts and —_—_— attending them, and per-
bon riding Poſt, not to pa |
CLXVIII. Perſons by 1 Low chargeable, ſhall Rill fo remain.
CLXIX, This Act to remain in Force for 21 Years only; y 3
but if adjudged by - Quarter-Seflions to be ſuſſiciently
paired before and the Money borrowed be repaid, the Toll
cea ſe.
CILXX. The General Quarter - Seſſions of the County |
Yearly ap two Perſons to view the ſame 2 by |
amine the my 4 Accounts; and if the —__ any Miſa
plication or Abuſe therein, to idle the J ger of Alle _
ate to determine it. |

- CLXXI, Stat. x 5 4.c 8 = at

Quarter-Sefſians * the Cou bci. Ch —— the Pang
this Act, may nominate — inhabiting near the Rujnous
r Re ES

4 K the 0 4 8
cum Milton, and Chowley, being three Miles and a half, to be
Surveyors for the Near next enſuing; which Surveyors, in a
Week after Notice of their Election, ſhall meet and confider
= * that will be neceſſary to _—_ good the *

298 | Þighways. EET

make Certificates thereof to the Juſtices at the next Quarter:

Scfſions, who ſhall make Orders to be obſerved concerning

the ſame. | $9] | N a} ge

The Surveyors to appoint ſuch Carts and Perſons (/liable to

work in the Highways) as ſhall be needful, for which the Sur.

ors ſhall pay according to the uſual Rate of the Country

whinka if Dificrence be, the ſame to be ſettled by the two dexe
Juttices, which ſhall be concluſive, 05
Provided, That no Perſon be compellable to travel above
four Miles from his Dwelling, nor to work above three
in a Week, nor at any time in „Hay, or Harveſt- time.
CLXXII. Surveyors may dig and take Gravel, Sand, Stones,
Grig or Heath, out of the Waſte or Common of any Pariſh, &c,
Where the ſaid Road lies, or Pariſhes, &c. next adjacent, with.
out paying for the ſame; and if not ſufficient there, then in the
ſeveral Grounds of the ſaid Pariſhes, c. not being Houſe,
Garden, Orchard, Yard, Pavement, Park ftored with Deer,
Avenue, or planted Walk, without Payment for Materials,
ſave only reaſonable Satisfaction for the Damage, to be aſſeſſel
by the Juſtices at the next Quarter-Seffions, if any Difference
be. The Pits, if deſired, to be filled up. \
CLXXIII. The ſaid Juſtices at Quarter-Seffions, or major
Part, being Five, may enlarge the ſaid Highway (not ex-
ceeding ten Yards in Breadth to be taken in) and may im-
>" a Jury to aſſeſs Damages to the Owners and others in-

MCI XXIV. And may appoint Collectors of a Toll, vir. For

every Coach, Chariot, Calaſh, Chaiſe and Waggon, 1's. Cart,

6d. Horſe, 1 d. Score of Sheep or Lambs 4 d. and proportionably -

for a greater or leſſer Number; Score of Calves, 4 d. Score of

Hogs, 6 d. and ſo proportionably for a greater or leſſer Num-
ber, not being under Five. Score of Oxen or Neat Cattle, 8 d
and ſo proportionably. The Toll to be collected oy Setting up a
Turnpike, or otherwiſe as the ſaid Juſtices ſhall direct.
Refuſal to pay, Collector may diſtrain the Horſe, Coach, 2
or any of them, and detain till Toll paid, and Damages; and
if not paid in 3 Days, may ſell, rendring Overplus to Owner.
CLXXV. The Surveyors and Collectors ſhall yearly at the
Quarter-Seſſions held next after 1 ** render an Account u
on Oath of their Receipts and Diuburſements, and pay t
Overplus of Money in their Hands to the Surveyors for the
next Year, and be allowed out of the Toll by the ſaid Juſtices
for their Pains ; and if the Collectors pay not to the Surveyors,
or Surveyors make not ſuch Account and Payment according.
to Order of the ſaid Juſtices, the ſaid Juſtices may commit to
the County-Gaol, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize
until true Account and Fayment made. 5


”> Sz» FTA 8

5 2» =

Z. 8 FSS

02 _-

rn EY)



ſpective Works as before.

NS 2 NS.

Highways. * 299
CLXXVI.: The Surveyots by Order of Quarter · Seſſions ma
mortgage the Toll for any time during this Act, for any Sur
with Intereſt not exceeding 6T. per Cent. ſuch Sum to be di-

ſtributed by the Quarter Seſſions for the Purpoſes aforeſaid.

CLXXVII. Perſons neglectiug to take upon them the Office

of Surveyor, or todo their Duty, may be 51. by Quar-
ter · Seſſiont, to be levied by Diftreſs and Sale of Good 3; And
in ſuch caſe, or of the Death of Surveyor, ſome other Perſon
may be appointed by any two Juſtices that live neareſt the
Party dying or neglecting, and ſuch Perſon to be appointed to
— the ſaid under ſuch Penalties, if choſen at Quar-
ter- Se 1068s. 5 . ; a

CLXIVIII. The Fines and Forfeitures ſhall be paid to the

Surveyors towards Repair of the ſaid Highway.
CLXXIIX. Suits for matters done in purſuance of this Act
ſhall be brought in the Great Seſſions at Cheſter, and not elſe-
where; and the Defendant may give this Act and the Special
Matter in Evidence; and if Judgment ſhall be given againſt
the Plaintiff, the Defendant ſhall recover double Cofts. _

CLXXX. Perſons returning the ſame Day before Eight at

Night, between Sept. and Febr. and before Ten at Night du-
ring the other Months, with the ſame Horſe, Coach, Cattle, &c.
ſhall not be compelled to pay the Toll a ſecond time. Perſons
inhabiting the Townſhips of Golborne, David, Handley cum
Milton, or Chowley, may carry any Stone. Sand, Lime, Gravel,
Mould, Dung or Compoſt, Wood or Brick, not going to
Market; and all Carts with Hay not going to Market, Corn in
Straw, at Hay or Harveſt-time, Implements of Husbandry,
and Soldiers, Carts and Wagner attending them, and Perſons

riding Po, to paſs without Payment. ;

ſhall ſtill do their re-

C I. Perſons by Law chargeable,

CLXXXII. This Act not to be of Force for longer than Twenty
ane Years; and if adj dged ſufficiently repaired before by the
Quarter-Scfſions (and the ſaid Mortgage-Money paid ) the

CLXXXUIT. Stat, 5 A. Sefſ, 2. cap. 10. An Act for Re-

pairing the Highways between Hockl:ff and Woborne in the
County of Bedford, | "IM
CLXXXIV. The Juftices of Peace at their Quarter-Sefſions
for the ſaid County to appoint à Collector of the Toll follow-
Ng, VIZ | N
For every Stage or Hackney-Coach, and for every other
Coach, Calaſh, Chaiſe, or Chariot, 1 5.

For every Waggon, Wain, or Cart loaded with Grain, 6 d.

For every other Waggon, I s, FLY A) OED. ST be

ot cyery other Cart, d d. *

agen Gre Be 1

= 22292 ͤ—t-—

the County of Hertford.


. Box gooey Doons of Sheep or Lambs, being 40. nt more,

5 5 | | i a 12] 1 |
For every Drove of Hogs, being 36 or more, 3 d
For every Gang of Packhorſes,' being 7 ot more,
than Heres laden rich: Grate foo... 2100 4 £5 28
CLXXXV. The Toll to be collected by ſetting up a Tum.
Sas in the ſaid Highway, or otherwiſeyas the Juſtices or any;
Provifo, That the Toll hereby granted ſhall-not contin
longer than 21 Years from the 24th of June, 707.
- [Memorand. That moſt of the other Clanſis are the ſame as in
the la Ir of Parliament, to wbich the Neade

Clxxxvl. Stat. ; A. Sf 2. cap. 11. An AR for Con:

nuing the Acts formerly made for Repairing the Highways in

VII. The Moiety of the Toll mentioned in 15 Car,

2. cap. 1. and in 16 & 17 Cay. a. * and in 48 5 V. & A
— g. to be taken at Wades Mill, ſhall be continued for
fifteen Years after the th of November, 1707. and be employ-
ed in the Repair of the Highways in the Contty of d,
according to the ſaid Acts. | |
- CLXXXVUI. Proviſo, That if Adjudication be made at the
Quarter-Seſlions for the County of Hertford according to
16 & 17 Car. 2. cap. 10. That the Highways be in ſufficient Re-
pair, then the Toll to ceaſe.
CLXXXIXI. The Perſons im by the faid Acts, as to
the ſaid County of Hertford, ſhall have the like Powen,

and all Clauſes and Penalties, as to paying, engaging or ac-

counting for the ſaid Toll at Wades to be continued du-
ring this Act. * |

CXC. Stat. 5 4. S.. 2. cap. 12. An Ad for Enlaying

the Paſſage leading to New-Palace-Yard through the Gate-

houſe, Weſtminſter.

- CXCIE. Stat. 5 4.' cap. 21. An Act for Repairing the

Highways be:ween Fornbill in the County of Bedford and the
Town of Stony-Stratford in the County of Buckingham,

' -CXCHI. The Hononrable Charies Lee, Sir Rich. Temple,

and Thirty more appointed Truſtees for putting the Act
in Execution, and to erect Gates or Turnpikes craſs any of
the Road between Fornbill and gs hy and to
take for every Coach, Chariot or Calaſh before they paſs,
13. |

7 > was every Waggon, Cart or Carriage loaded with Grain,

2 Far

r 28820 8

3 from the' my


For every other Wa r | VAN TT N 114]

For geg aber & Ian A 8 * 5 AB: 1141

For every Horſe, 1 d. * r 714

For every Chaiſs with age Horſe 6 | NA rg o6148%3
For a Score of Oten, 6 6d. reibe 33% 54
For a Score of Sheep or Lambs 14 1 be 80

For a Score of Hogs ns i inet hore

Number exceeding five. e. Tre Toll fo to be raiſed to de reſted
95 9 — ſaid Truftces for Repairing the faid Way.

CL Re, — — —. Toll all only have Con

„ for twenty —

ſn agb
26 la AB for |
do a 6 vi

l 2 the 4e
in ſuc Aal

-CxCTV. Stat, 5 4c
the Highways —
and — the Top Ae vl and Rowe Ford, in the

of — 7
be Juſtices A Pesch at the Quintcr-Seſſions 0

pin Collin ofthe Tal lowing, .

— every Horſe, 1d. $729 Kd «

a For ney. Coach, Chariot, Calaſh, Chaiſe, Carayan, a or
aꝛ8gon, 13.
| or every Cart or Wain, 6 4 5
2 — evety — 3 of Sheep, Lambs, Calvesor Hog, 540

For every Seore of Ouen and Neat Cutie, 10 d and fo

CVI. H for Collecting the laid Toll to be up⸗

on the ſaid H n the top of 2 |
Rowd-ford, ' by e ike, or otherwiſe "
Pens at the Quarter-Sefſ} 2 fa the ſaid County of Wilſhire

2 That 2hie AR flatl bay” be of Force

longer than 2x 225 from the Paſſing thereok. -
[ Memorand. That moſt of the Clauſes ** ** * uin
4&5 A. cap. 9, Sw bifors Set. rm] 1

CXCVIII. Stat. 6 4 cap. 29. That ) & 8 . 3

cap. 29. 23 to the Clayſe that pries or Oxen drawing Wag
gon or Carriage whereit Goods are drawri for Hire, ſhall draw

Pairs with a Pole or Double Shafts, under the Penatry of

TWO Thirds to the Uſe of the ways, and — Third

tothe Informer, ſhall be and ſtand repealed.”

CXCIX: All Suits depending upon the ſais Clattſe are here-
by diſcharged.

CC, No travelling Waggon or Carriag e (other than

Carriages ewployed about Hwbandry, and 4 carrying Hay,


3 Highways;

Straw, Corn, Coals, Chalk, Timber for Shipping;-Material fv

Building, Stones, Ammunition ox Artillery for the Queen)

ſhall be drawn with above fix Beafts,. upon Pain-that

Owner ſhall forfeir for every ſuch -Offence 5 l. Qua Mga

to the Surveyor of the Highways: of the Place, where any

Offence committed, for Repair of the ſaid Highways, and the

other to him that ſhall diſcover and proſecute for the ſame,
(provided he be an Inhabitant of the Town or. Place) to
be. levied by Diftreſs of all or any the ſaid Beaſts, by War-
rant of one Juſtice of Peace: And if the Penalties! not pai
in three Days, the Perſon diſtraining may ſell, and
the Overplus, the Charges firft ded . 'And if ſuch Sur-
veyor ſhall negle& to put this or any former. Laws. for Re-
pairing Highways in Execution, he ſhall forfeit 5 I. to be di-
vided and recovered, as aforeſaid, , * - 0
CCI. Proviſo, That nothing herein ſhall reſtrain ſuch
Owner of — Waggon or Carriage from. drawing
with as many Beafts as ſhall be neceſſary to draw; up
Hills, as the Juftices at the Quarter-Seſſions ſhall order, which
Order ſhall be kept amongſt the Records of the Seſſions, and
all Perſons to have re to it without Fee. 9 5

CCII. Stat. 9 A. — 9 18. After 24 June, 1721, any Per-

on whatſoever may diſtrain or ſeiſe any Horſes, Oxen, or
Beaſts of any Perſon drawing with more than 6 Horſes, &c,
againſt the Statute 6 A. and forthwith deliver the ſame to the
Surveyor of the . or other Pariſh- Officer, ol the
Place where the Offence ſhall be committed; and in eaſe the
Penalty be not paid in three Days, the Surveyor or other
Pariſn- Officer may by Warrant of one Juſtice of Peace ſell

the ſaid Diſtreſs, and deliver the Money to the Juſtice, who

muſt diſtribute it as by that Act is directed; or if the O.

fender ſhall immediately pay the Penalty to the Surveyor,
or to the Pariſh-Officer, or to the Seizer, then the Perſon re
ceiving it, ſhall deliver it to the next Juſtice, to be diſtribu-
ted. as aforeſaid. 7 |

CCIII. Proviſo, That if the Perſon ng the Cattle, ſhall

mos to bring them to the Surveyor, c. he ſhall forfeit 20 l.
to be levied by- Warrant of one Juftice, and for Want of fuch
Diſtreſs ſhall be ſent to the County Gaol, there to remain till
it be paid: One Moiety ſhall, 2 Order of the Juſtice, be
paid to the Infoxmer, the other Moiety ſhall be laid out to re-

ir the Highways of the Pariſh where the Seizure was made.

— — - other om de fuer 2 re _
ox Fen y mm received to t ice, eits 20 J. to
levied = diſpoſed, as aforeſaid. |




re ·

Polp days, and Falfing-days: 303

Cv. Perſon employed by a Carrier, or other Perf
ſubject to the Feral in that Act, and driving or aſſiſting to |
drive any Travelling Waggon' or Cart with more than Six
Horſes, Oxen 3 ſhall forfeit 5 J. to be levied and dif-

ſed, 23 | 4 ; "ESL 0 __ * 3 5 ; 4 2 p
Cv. 8o much of the ſaid Ad as relates to the Drawing-up
Hills with more than Six Horſet or Beafts, is repcaled.

CCVI. Proviſo, That where Six Horſes are not ſufficient to

draw up a Hill, or out of any foul Place, any Perſon may, by
the Conſent of the Owner or Driver, add more Beafls from
any other Cart then travelling the Road, to help draw up the
Hi, or bur che font BRRgP=Y Von 34h hn nn 24 0 OPER
4 Polp⸗ days, and Faling days. 5

L Stat. 2 & 3 E. 6. cap. 19. An Act prohibiting Fleſh to

te caten on Fiſh Days. But Jo 6 greater Penalty inflitted
5 Ha.cap e

II, Stat. 5 & 6 E. 6 cap. 3. Holy day: and Faſting · d

are appointed. But by x M. Patl. I. cap. 2. this AA is repealed .
and afterwards by 1 Jac. I. cap. 25. 1 M. is repealed: And
therefore Quære whether it bad been now in Force, unleſs it
bad been revived by ſpecial Words. ;

III. Stat. 1 Car. 1. cap. 1. All Concourſe of People out of

their own Pariſhes for any Paſtime whatſoever, as alſo Bear-
baitings, Bull-baitings, Enter ludes, Common Plays, and all other
unlawful Paſtimes, are prohibited on the Lord 's-day. ;

IV. The Offender againft this Law being thereof convicted

by the View of one Juftice of Peace ( in the County) or by a
Chief Officer (in a Corporation or by his own Confeſſion, or
by the Oath of one Witneſs one ſuch Juſtice or Officer,
ſhall forfeit 3 s. 4 d. to the Uſe of the Poor where the Offence
is comminel to be levied by Diſtreſs and Sale of Goods ( upon
Warrant from the ſame Juſtice or Officer) by the Conſtables
or Church-wardens of the ſame Pariſh ; and in caſe no Di-
fireſs can be had, the Offender ſhall fir in the Stocks Three
Hours: But this Offence ought to be proſecuted within One
Month after it ſhall be committed. And if the Officer be
ſtioned, he ſhall plead the General Iſſue, and yet give the Special
Matter in Evidence. „„

V. Stat, 3 Car. 1. cap. 1. No Carrier with his Horſe, Wag-

goner with his Waggon, Car: man with his Cart, Wain-man
with his Wain, or Drover with his Cattle, ſhall travel upon the
Lord'sday, in Pain to forfeit 20 5. for every ſuch - _

| | | o

304 Poly bers, and * |

VI. No Butcher liber fel any Vi- upon the fa

P 63:84. pdt ot eel Et ay xc

Dit He the Congigieg "the Offender, and the Lon

and Employment of the Foxſeitures, are 99

2 — —— Scare: Save only ESE
eſſary, 2 may r a
Gee. E of he oe or Cor e
Offence was bo mutt and in that caſe
x may jon che. the Prof gat of the K fe, bs
9 above 2
This 5 8 ſhall be p . within Six Moaths:
A Oo mpg ihe General Ius.

IX. Stat. 12 Car. 2. cap. 14. All 1 and their Sue

ceſſors (hall Annually celebrate. the 29th of ay, by ——
Praiſes and Thankſgivings for the King's Reflanration ; Fogg -
is erſons ſhall reſort upon that D * ſome uſu
uch Publick n ſhall be 3

ive Notice to their Pariſnioners at Morning P BE

ay next before, and ſhall then read this R te _

Fon: 13 Car. 2. cap. 14. J | *

* +4 State 75 Corr 3- rp. 0, Eve oth of gene ary kb

Falls upon a Leeds D a, then ay after, ſhall

ved in all Churches and Chapels in the King's .

Day of Faſting and payne — the Murder of v ole
the Firſt. Confirmed 13 Car, 2. cap. 7. |

„Stat. 29 Car. 2. cap. 7. All Lans in Force concerning

| the Obſervation of the Lord's Day ſhall in Force coneapn
and all Perſons ſhall on every Lord's Day exerciſe themfelyes
8 Dove, of 5 hep publickly and privately : No perde ſhall
do any Worldly Labour or Buſineſa on the s Day (Woch
_ of Charity and Neceſſiiy oy . er ) andall of the Age of
Fourteea Years. or upwards in the Premiſſes, ſhal
forfeit 5 5. and no. Perſon mall i ickly cry, ox expoſe to
Sale any Wares whatſoever on the d3Day, on Pain ne

XII. No Drover. Horſe- Courſer, W Was oner, Butcher, Higler

their Servants, ſhall travel.on the Lo ,on Þ

it 20 5. No Perſon ſhall uſe or wave] « on the ie Los 872 with

any Boat, Wherry, &c. except on extraordinary Occahpn, to
allowed by a juſtice of Peace, or Head-Officec 6 of the pla 85
on Pain to 1 55. if Offenders in any of the remill b
convicted befare a Juſtice of Peace of the County, or Chicf Of
ficer or Juſtice of Peace « the City, Borough, &. where '&
upon his or their View, or dal Confeſſion, or Oath o one/Witoels;

1 Cc. W onſtables or
Juſtice, Cc. ſhall, give V . 1

Fg. FRE PST S277 288 Lore


= =
| j
4 IDs a

— pops: .-

Lord bo 1 .

fer ; EH 2 1 8 — — 4
a | 2 2

e od Set” 8 1

"74 be 1 bot ki i) * — r 7

bene, a 15 2 i !

EY FAT 2 AR for. — che dc

(wich yo Maron and Lands there

G 8 the } hall haypa.bee Io

ere; alſo the ere n

— —— 5 Cnaſe; all — to de ben Vet
0 net. 0 e e 33 andexed
oe ny by he A hea Fe oth»
the makingof th

II Stat. 33 KM K 6 2
_ — — in Come. 2.4 and Bu e fry —

ee Viewer, which ſaid mer

pointed fo the Survey ef the.Caun of Augmentation. by

off. 6 ht T. 2 The Eng: Mad

Rut IB?

14 ay
| Þopp. 1 7 F'Y 2 f
"I hi

. Stat. I _ tap. 18. None ſhall bring, or cauſe tobe

broug ht into 5 EEE e, any Hops deceit-

= 1% 01 13
| * 6
ks, his
I. Seat. 9X % 23. Affrex's Pup
= 22 1 5
ee RY
W pep
. — eek

ar a W the a6 from the. e Se

hall be forfeited; ; And ſeifcd, or Ram: Ole bu .

ö 3
wi a



=> OCH TSEHYIS C2pLoÞ 00Q= . wick.

ET ip my


fille be * Ns
| Solow bedr 2 and DAE

into ——
N | "hall gre Nox here's * Ke Fall

e next the 9 17 8855

pg 3 pe plan here.

| grow, and pier ; .

— exery Ye — on or e "an ve Fontan as

— il. Proviſs, That the Perſons who are to 1 Tx

91 ſhall not go or ſend farther Gow the next, Mane wn to

24 — et 998 Dana - 22 5
ven enter it in a Book, Wi gt at

_ dF... Fall rx on — Forks feiture, of 1 . 5

920 whaſe Notice not be

*. IX. After x Auguſt, L ge 1697 Ou fs

houſe e ace or Ine for curing alga; + Hops, with-

out givi Notice x . as Forfeiture |

. ev
1 Tie Ones or Pl or Planters of Hops Bin wich Si x Wea
after the Ga or Picking, bring them to be
bagged at fi „or other Places as — a oe

Toe and res; on Cath —

wage as to ſuch 5
ek after they begin to

Hows at leaſt before every. Day AEST

wainder of the Hops that Year, Nor .

885 Hours before every Days e b

cer oſ Exciſe may be N at the 88855

No oy rn; fame; the 1 — to dy :

0 Rory S 004

A. m

1 |

— —

— - w —

| DAT Lache Mall attend the B.
in wo Wal cauſe the true Weight of ey
EEE of

e of rhe Bag excepted ) to be n

on the A and Ren or it in his Book, and =

r in, wr > Fe the Commiſſioners of Exciſe,

& Copy heteöf with" the Planter, if demanded ;

8 il of th Omer ſhall be a Charge on the Planter;

25 1 reflec or neglect to leave ſuch Copy, he for-

to th nter
8 3 att Il be fern Dae Cen Moers if b
e Juſtices of Peace, joy the due — 2 — of their o
ice; and — before whom they were ſworn, mall giv

rtificate ,th
: dS 5 Tat an Allowance after the Rate of r01/per
"Cent-ſhall be rigs rl the Tare of the Bag,
97 XV. Planters ſhall,” within Six Months s after the Hopy ſhall
ought'to be cured; bagged, and — hed, a all the
in Pain of forfei ng double che e Sum of 'the Duty
whereof: the Payment ſhall be neglected, viz. Two third Part
8 the donbs double 8 to the Queen, and che Arber Third Fart to

ET may* at any Time; by Day or Night re

i Eh: Ol 4 — ſtable) * into Planter of! On or

e urin Keep! 0 ter or Owner

_ 1 1 F Lol gh *

VII., After 1 June, 171. no er ſhall remove, ci

A s way from 1 Gufl, Store-houſe, Ofc. any H ö ar
il the 564 have been cured,” bagged, and weighed; te
Duty aſcertained ;- unleſs where the Officers having Norice ſhall
rept to to attend, unter the Fortciture of 501. for every. Of-

II. Planters e. fraudulentiy concealing Hops, forſeip

* and all the Hops ſo concealed, to the Queen.
AIX. Pickers or Gatherers of Hops, or other Perſons 1
vat —_—_— away any * from the Place of

_ fre Place ce where chey ſhall be 'put in order to

: appt, a 8 y i, and in
Ky "ſe Officers may ſeiſe _ the Of-
fender before 2 Juſtice of Peace ; —

before the Juſtice, and the Gender Abe not Offence op

"the Pehalty, and no fafficient Diftreſs can be found, the fo

"tice may commit him to the Houſe of Correction, there to
*be-whipr, and kept at Hard Labour for any Time not exceed-

nz One Month; any Perfon — an Officer in the 1

. eetition'of his Office, or beati abuſing: hi , forfeits 5

and If n5 Diſtreſs can bead, Offender may be comme,
as aJor
S IIA n 7 11

eren neee 00 fs = AMR, za, on eee . ere

x, Al Hops i we of he Planter, 4
XN. All Hops in of the Planter, or c ſor
his Fee, ar charge able for the he Pane Ms:
in arrear and owing by the Planter, and to all Penalties.
NT Hs Pe ne 25s, Bit gas eu”
I. Stock in Hand on r June 1711, to pq the like Hu-
ties as the ſame Hops after 1 June and the Owners aue 2
enter the Stock upon the ſaid Firſt Day of. June, at the
Office. of Exciſe, upon the Forfeiture of 0 J. and Ee:
Hop not entred ; and within Six Days after the, fad Entry
ſh No gs 0 ons 1. * the Duties: dun Þ 74
or Security given for ſt to t cer, to pay it with .
Mo oo 2 * ſhall have Diſcount air the Rate of 4
Per tor Prompt- payment | | for Stock in Hand
for the ſaid Three. wh : Perſons wy paying. this Duty
for Stock in Hand, or not ſuffering the Officer to Account,
of the Stock, ſhall forfeit: 201. and the Value of op Hops;
the ſame Forfeiture for Clandeſtinely Removing any Stock in
Hand, and the Concealer, in whoſe Cuftody ſuch Hops ſhall
found, forfeits 10 3. per ib, Logs, ij 422469
63 . 2 Britiſh Ho N Which he Duty hath.
paid, ma Exportec to Lreland, giving rity co
the Cuſtors-Offcer, that the ſame ſhall * be relanded in
Groat Britain.

XIIII. Proviſo, That if after the Shipping ſuch Hops to

be exported, and giving and tendring ſuch Security, in or-
der to obtain a Drawback, the Hops ſhall be Relanded in
Great Britain, the Hops which are landed, or the Value
thereof, ſhall be forfeited, beſides the Penalty of the Bond.

XXIV. The Exporter of Hops to Ireland, ſhall make

Oath before the Collectqr, that he believes they are all of
Britiſh Growth, without any Mixture of Foreign Hops,
and that the Duty hath been paid or ſecured ; and thereu
on the Collector ſhall give him a Certificate, expreſſing the
Kinds and Quantities of ſuch Hopz, and the Duties paid;

hich Certificate being produced to the Collector or Cu-

where the Hops are exported, and Oath made by

the Exporter before the ſaid er, that-they are the
lame mentioned in the Certificate; then the Co ſhall
give him a Debenture expreſſing the true Quantity of Brj-
ſh Hops ſo exported ; which being produced to the Gol
Lector appointed to zeceive the Dury on Hops in the Conn-
ty or Place where they did pay the Duty, he ſhall forth *
repay the ſaid Duty to the Exporter, or his Agent; ard |
the Collector hath Re Money, enough in his Hands,
the Commiſſioners of Exciſe ſhall pay It ; ot Securit
only giyen for the Dury, it ſhall he delivered up and



a e
ſeicure of

XXVIIL All Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures, in relation to

er ſhall be fued for and recovered, Ar
ays and Methods as any Fine or Penalty is or may be re-
covered or mitigated by any Law of Excife, and not by Action
of Debt, in the Courts at Weſtminſter ; One Moiety to the
2 1 to the 2 | Hop | Bon dt
| » No ties granted on except
Britiſh Growth) ſhall be repaid or drawn back wn the Ex-
tation for Ireland; and no Flanders Hops, nor any other
beſides Britiſh Hops ) ſhall be imported into Ireland, up-
on Pain of 2 the Hops imported, or the Value
thereof, and of the Ship and 2 Two third Parts to
the Uſe of the Poor of the Pariſh in Felend where they ſhall
be ſeiſed, the other third Part to him who will profecate in
land; and the Importation of any Hops into Poland isa
Common Nuſance. OY | |
| Upon any Contracts by Planters and others

X dealing
in Hops, made before 9 May 1711. to be delivered after x Jung

following, the Duty ſhall be added to the Price. j

X There ſhall be as many Commiſſioners and Office
2s are neceſſary, and they ſhall parent their Duties under the
| Cres, Forfeitutes and Diſa ilities, as are preſcribed in an
AQ made 9 . 3, Intituled, An Ad for Raifing 200cooo b
upox Fund for Payment of Annuities, 8c. 5
XXII. Proviſo, That any Perſons may lend upon the
Credit of the Duties, granted by this AR, 180000 J. and have
Inte. 0 por Coat. and not to be taxed, **
III. The Lenders ſhall have Tallies of Loan ſtruck,
orte for Repayment ; upon which Order there {hill
a Warrant for Payment of Intereft every Three Moriths ;
Orders be regiftred and paid fa Coarſe


to the Dates, and no undue Preference; but if any undue

Preſerence ſhall be made, the Officer ſhall be liable to a0 Af
_— w- 44 Aa ww w_nc< 2% 2 Eun mT

S3%, Frs


E. —
oe Heat 4 1 89 wing in 25 A 00

Er Preng

8 EER AF - 14 2E

* . 5
f "


Twenty four iles — The Wa of ane in =

don may ſearch all Ware belonging to their Myttery in

2nd within Twenty ſout Miles ins eb oor *

Ely 9 Ste the ir bay at larg un pore, th r r. 1

fute it RO 7 5 25 Alen {it 5 . —

in part R 57 ac, 1. Cap.

IL Stat. r. cap. 1 The A 22 e

rf ary je 1247 1 cap 8 Search 1 129 7
Sturbridge and d L, and the Limitation ou I Prices hes
Horns as they were to be had for at the making of the
A) tal be revived, and be of bike Fore as FR. had not
1 2 1 Jac

None be fell 2 tp Horns unwrovght to 2 —

nor ſend any ſuch Horns beyond Sea, in Pain to ferfeit th

Value thereof be dn betwixt the King and the r

v ooſes, Pares, and Cattle.

J. Stat. 20 R. 2. cp. 5. None ſhall take this Horte 6 aft

of any to ſerve the King, r or.
ficient Warrant, in Pain to be anne mu
the Party grieved. a TY

II. Stat. 21 H. 7. cap. 13 J None hut ſhall convey ary Har ar

of the Realm TILE King's e r To. 1
ſame, nor any Mare above the Value of 6% 8
her, the Owner thereof receiving 6 z. 82 0Þ it he
4 the Seizure, otherwiſe that alſo is to be forfeited. 4

Mare immediately aft after Seizure is to be appraiſed

dec 8e there, and her Price (above the 6 5, 925
i to be divided betwixt the King and che oy etl the Ki
part thereof to be cee rot 393


portes, Kc. wm Ri 5
III. None ſhall nd under
h VX ay » for thoſe
e e 8 3
= that to: tranſported
beyond d R King Ft 5 the Cuſtom ſhallibeis 6. 8d

e by paid, befo 22 be ſhipped, in Eain'to--fafeit


* If any at the Bert Will for eng. ſuch Mere of Uude-

e give 7 s. and pay for her, he ſhall have her, if ſhe were
betre taken by the King's Officer, or the King's Licence for
2 her were not. To obtained.
VL 6 Act 2 ok 2 2 » 2 a
without the King's Licence) a e for bis e,
t Oath hefore the Cutiamer or eu o the For
that he intends pot 0 {ell him.

vn. Stat, 2 H. 8. cap. 6. E one 3 ET

or'Freehold in 2 ark Phy: for Rs, and à Mile 255 or his
Farmer, ſhall keep two Mares ph, and able to 3, each
of them being thi Hands high from the lowe * the
Hoof to gh Joke, 5 of * — ny — Rad con-
taining four Inc a, in Pain of 4o f. for every Mon
them: And 5 Park de four Miles abou, they ſhall kerp low
fuch Ian, Kc the like Pain-

VIII. If ay of the Mares die, they have,three

0 — provide another, Without Danger of 3 .

. They ſhall not ſuffer their Mares to be les ty ay
2 Horſe under fourteen Hands high, in Pain o

X. The ſaid Forfeitures are to be divided betwixt 12 Kiog
| and the Proſecutor. *

XI. This Act ſhall not extend to orice of Cumber-

land, and Northumberland, nor the Bi of Durban,
nor to Parks wherein the Inhabitants of the Town next _—
in bave Common.

I. Spiritual perſons may ſell the Increaſe 2nd Breed «

their "Mares, notwithſtanding this Ad. * 205505

XIII. Stat. 32 H. 8. cap. 13. None ſhall put to Wel y

on Fareſ}s or Common Ground, any. Stoned Horſe, heing above
_ kf, old, and not 15 Hands high from the lower part of

to the upper part of the Wither (every Hand 2

N Inch d n
SEM "SORT, * ee

r ess G3inon mia

eee eee, 4
"ther the Pariſh + ad jou ' fach Horſe |
— EN by alioOficar

her f _ wwe nr er —

ot er c

preſence of three uſf New b be mage 1 2 and foupd

, ee eee fark

ſuring ef acti

Defaults to be: dwided 5 bonwinbthe King AM

XVI. Ad ore cut makes an Eſcape into uch Com

ſhall not be q oned, fo that he ſtay not above Four Days |

ter Notice thereof given at the Owner's Houſe, or in his Pariſh-

Church. I ee Nx And 1 7 12 471 |

XVII. Foreſts and Comme Grounds ſhall be ien =

at Michaelmas, or within 15 Days after, by the Keepers or

ſa d
den anf ge rs Fs bo he Vere; fuck

Power likewiſe have the Owners of ſuch Grounds : And here,

oa che Driſt, if at anlikelyeJite aal de ſound, e
WII. Jafticezof P eace in Seſſom ha hate Power to —.—

determine thoſe, Offences; ohh ny Sb

Pars ce —

Preſentments of them; whi 9.

General Seſſions, or to the 8. in Pain 97 0 ob
XIX. None ſhall put IP Sener. FANG bee Common

Bete — ſoadded 25 — Horſe,” in Panty forfeit 10.

in keepiog of Horſes under

IN. This Statute ſhall. not refirai

the Statute upon Commons, wh re Mares are not 1775 cept.

II. We? 1 E. G. caps None ſhall co 1 * Ell, or *

liver any Horſe ate Scot lan 225 or any other
(without the Licence, or for his. ee the ie War 4
Fin to forſeic fan Horſe, and 40 J. to ded, betwixe the
King and the Proſecutor. -

XXII. Wardens of the Marches, and Juſtices of ow. in Ur

2 . 775 to hear 22 be n abt theſe ere 2

2 aw or an
—— 2 Bis Ade Scotchman 5725 other rc walten en 1 ade ea

% y &1 oo
17 t. hath the King' OPTION
into Scotland, dar, hath, before he ſo conv 2). ſhew his Li-
coy to one of the Mains 7 Aalen ned) ip? cad Os
amber « of them may e in feit his

ork 4 5 Se. Value .of them, to Gael e betwixt che

ing and the Proſecutor.

XXIV. This AR ſhall not reſtrain the Warden: of the the Car
Ports to give fix, Horſes or Geldings. and no er-
fn beyond Sea, being within the King's Ami 77 ; 3 ſhall.

it impeach the Maſter of the King's k 2 e

714 \oſplcals and Holhſaller.

| Ge Takeo yen re tan
| XXIV. e Tug |
_ „ of Stoned

. 1. 8. The Statute of H.
— t c. 1 .

Holpitals and >rrocemad |

1 Stax. 2. J. Star, x. 64 1. The Ordinary ſhall have

Power to — of, and r the Foundation, Eſtate aul

ent of Hoſpitals : viz. Thoſe of the King's Partronzy:

or Found tion, by Commiſſion, and ſhall — Toquige
ons thereof into the Chancery ; but for thoſe of others he ſhall

do it as Qi ie.

U. Seat; 116 cap. 2. That the Hoſpital of 8 Lei

in York may gather their, Thraves of Corn as formerly, and upon
Denial have en Aion of Debt for the ſame. Soo the Statut

* . Cap. 27. That the Earl of Lei er

UI. Stat: 124 22 Eee Loiceſr wy

People in Wrwi zeal ſhall have city to

e in any of England, ales mh 1

Joy Avnanes, and not hedden of the ueen ö

epics, or by Knight-Service not in *

IV. Stat. 14 Eli e for the Affrance fl

Gums made and to he mats Poor in Hoſpitals

V. Stat. 18 Eli. Two AG were made (but

for the Hoſſital of 8 W: the

et fs cue Lotus ine, ni

VI Stat. +7 Elis Alſo two Ads not print one |
edle Holpital 3 Chrifi ae Sberborn 10 de r 2 . —
other far that of Eaftbridge in Canterbury. 2

VII. t. 30 Elix. ſhalt be lawful for Perſon

Sis Bs v Lovful fro Pa 7

| widiy wel
| cry J to

or Houſe of Corre(tion,

Poor 28 hey Sleaſe; winch

all be incorporated, and

900 Corporation ſhall have br Fare

b, alfo Lands not exceeding the Value of

hell by Kight-Service, 6 45 5 Te

been; fa all thi

the $ 7

without Licence, or the

Courts, and to have ſuch a Commom Sea as the ror
Hap may
II. They ſhal r viſited and ace
it the Founder, his Heirs and Aſſigns, upon 95 1 7

il. Te) Fal e . * mel in a

Ger bo Erect 0 Coe b W
34 . K to the ede of . IT
not repugnant to thetILaws and Statutes Peg 5 3
. Powe > de

I. Provided, that all Leaſes and Eſtat |

Corporition for above one and twenty e Por |
ſeſhon, and N the accuſtomed Neaslyk
er Part of Twenty rs befare, mall not be re ator er

ly pate. ſhall be void.

II. The Right of all Perſons, ſave of {ee
Heirs and Rs io is ſaved. bs hs * as

XII, This A& ſhall not 1 Infants, 2 Loon lh

72 On Husbands, or Perf: eval ot of {ſine Memory,

38 or
No fac Corporation . ſhall be We, inen the de
* the ondary. DR 8 ene * bf
pet, by
clear ———_— Value of 10
a 25 "1
505 r us

ided, that the Corparatio

Foe oi 8 4o or ſu +10 be. 229

moſt heneficial for hor Or 2 0 ab, Poo, an

ing of all

pets NETS . e a en e
IV. Stat. 39 Elz 2 way te 4

e EE 1 5

— EE to: 2 5 4 form
ſavin re

h g ; Cordon 422 24 s an 27045

I Stat

IVE Stat.

ancellor, or

vpompital and artes.

3 Eliz., caf + t. Pall be lawful
W per for l LR nd for for he La
ior of Of the Dutchy of Lan after ( wide thi 10 hh ) S7 award
88 into * TE 15 14 the N reſpectiyely, to the
there be tis Chancellor (if any at that time) and to
= exſons of Behaving, authorizing Four or more of
o enquire, as * * the Oaths of Twelve or more lav
n, 4s oth all Grants, Gifts, Augmentatiom,
. and \ppointments and of all Abuſes and Miſ-en-
mount? of all Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, and of
Goods and Chattels els given, limited or appointed to charitable
We The er havin ng called the Parties inte.

| n made Eh quiry by the Oaths of ſuch tele hx os

. unto whom lawful Challenge may be made b Par-
ries ſo intereſted) and ſet down. ſuch Orders and Decrer
rherein, that the things ſo given to — Uſes may be
9 A7 7 e Orders and Decrees ſo * (bei
n pt to the 2 of the Founders or Donors)

executed accordingly, until they ſhall be al

=; by he 15 Keeper, or Chancellor of the ail
hy reſpectively pedively, upon C Complaint made to them thereof by
e Porey ri his a ſhafl not extend to any thing given to any
na. or College in the Univerſitiet, or to the Colleges of f.
minſter, Eaton ox Wincheſter, or to any Cathedral Church, or
& any City or Town Corporate, or to any Lands or Tenemenu
Gere to the Uſes aforeſaid in any ſuch City or Town, where

ere is a' ſpecial "Governor or Governors to govern, thing

fpoſed' to ſuch cial Vii to am) College, Hoſpital or fret:

1 having ſpecia I firors or Governors appointed by the

IT, TA ſhall not be prejudicial to the Ordinary ©:

2 None x horigee thing thing in Quin, or pr pretending Title

therennto, 'ſh foner or

XXI. This Act ſhatr 508 ns each amy Parchafer (Bona fi)
4 things Fi iven to Charitable Uſes, not having Notice thereof;
wheit Gin that TIfe') the P arty or Part Partics who. have broken
their 'Trutt in felling the ct thei Executort and Ad-

ſhall male. Satisfaction by the Decree of the .

8 7 1 mY Rave elt Allet, or ſo fat as the.

XXII. The Gu Wilbers ſalt not meddle with 'any Lands

eien cbme t the Hands of H. 8. Ed. 6. Queen Mary
r Queen Pit; unleſr the Grant tb Charitable Uſes were
mad ſince the Beginning of Queer Elizabeth's Reign.

in Commiſſions; [kh the Cid.

ger or e of the pra {reſp 5
nech l Oder the en | (48 tot 95 i
ſhall ſeem t. „ $7489 en ox .

pounflow-beath, Dull, Pundzeds. 3x5

XIIII. The Orders, Judgments and Decrees ſhall be certified

into the Cha e Danby oper

under th ** de Ce ners

Tf ay j
XXIV: if the Pabty ag aan „hem the Degrce is paſt, cor

—.— mf If inſu upon Complaint thereof 1 to

ei Gene Ke vet 0 —

ſaid Chancellor; a of the, Dutchy (re-

ſpectively) he ſhall have de Redreſy, if there be cauſe ; bus if not,
55 hey ſal rg yoo Colts genf hit fot Com TY

it 136 {21 -4 Of 39493 Of . bade fue

* poitiſlow-peath."”. 5 60 OY

15 029K + R 20x53 tic a) eM M4

L 2 371 1 6. cap. 2. Arenſ bes Hasi in Cb Adi.

which contains 4293 Acres and one Rood of Ground, extendi
into ſeveral Pariſhes, ſo much thereof as is: the King's Inh
tance, and is tet for Tillag e, Paſture; > Meadow; brother f.
ral Groind,' ſhall be” in the Nature and Condition of 9258
hold Land vor che ſame may be let by the Steward of the Ma
nor at Will, for Twenty one Years, which the Loſſte hall an#
may improte. 4

* H zur A ot Ai H þT . 265 8

Li 9% | 1079051 adkk. has : we at 2. HN e 11

aw m 1 Hull. 98 15 Jl 111 201477916

3 Tho Vis wy 16 4 Kl

I. Sear. 33 1 cap. 33 The Statute of 2

(which was jar, for Fae” away of certain ——
the Mayor and Commonalty of Hull — — Fiſh ) 1s repeal
ed: But by this they may take ff — — ——

Laſt of Herring, 20 d. for an Hund 14 and fok

a Laſtof 24 8 4. and of one not —— fora :Laſtof Her-

ring, 2 5. 4 d. for an Hundred , e e

UAE x; * — E
1 100 iel 38
2 wY nrg 75 9 OD 109 |
— + / 1: I n 111 1 0 £111 A
3 dn pg) od 31) best wor
I. Irtic, £ for uper tho: cap. 14 28 E. 1. Bailiwicks an
dreds ſhall Job be ler to Farm an over great Sum, 'W
Fane may be [PE OE. 1 2 e 5
1 | | | irg x

. Oey ——— wat 1 ent > oe: AA


Park, in Pain of 0

ati hedthe id Forſeicurs, the ſaid ein


kill any Hare in the Snow: and, Juſt

| Lice killorchaſe any

1 1 # of? $\+4SP * 4 * 15 * 7
e 191 15 7 2 8
WA 4 od 353% + 4 ew |

Den nb 2nd ls Ager

p: deer, . 0 5% 446
211.3 wr 8 1 12,16
ny 2 75 * LG

— .
.Geatlem Dame, in — 7 Peers Hare,
ue, which Juſies of Peres hall have ISL

Stat. 29 KT 1. cab. 17; Nogs ſha am Der- ha

25 39.2 in 2255 Foreſt or Na Pain to fo Fr
for every Month they are ſo kept, 40 5. neither ſhall any Fr
with any Buſh or to any Deer, Except in his own Foreſt

IH. None ſhall take an old Heron withou his own Groun,
in Pain of d . 8d. nor Heron, in Rain- of 28 4. fu
which —— e a-that will, may by Action d

2 Juſtices of Peace in Seflions may examine b.

91 to nee tn to Priſon till they har

1624 99

V. Stat. 14 8 15 H. 8. cap. 10. None ſhall trace, , deſtroy u

ices of Peace in Sede ug
Stewards in Leets, have Power uireof ſuch Offenders, ui
ſhall Aſffeſs every ſuch Offender, G s. 8 d. which em
Lol rc — 180 e bur in W the
{ A? 14 Tc 7 8 in " |
'VL Stat..3 Jae 1 g ee tees the Ownah

Conies in any-Parks or ir
—_ . Bai qo-fls 5 —

200 10 ved, to

ſeſſed cke Juſtices before hom he ſhall be convicted afta

the ſaid Three Months expired, and to be bound with Two
good Sureties to the Behaviour for Seven Years, or u
remain ſtill in Priſon till hend Sureries : Bur here the
— grieved (being ſatisfied) hath Liberty to releaſe the Behs

II Jufties of Oper and, Terminer, Aſſſe and ne

hs dave. ower to ay on We theſe Offences ; and ju
Peace in Seſſions feſſion and Sariifaction o

the Þ or grieved ) have _ to releaſe the Behaviour,

VIII. If any Perſon not having 40 J. Per Annum, in
or- 200 J. in Goods, or ſome incloſed Ground uſed for I —

hes TH:

burt or take away: Gn

Deer are kept, without

7 uſted: thy 2
. Mae .

their Enla *
III. N aer by 7 e
Penakey of apy other LE we kg e

XII. Stat. ane 33 Car: 3

Voiog der her

may TE



he toe flu Bows, Ofc, = de: 2 e

Lord of the Manor, orotherw |

XIV. Perſons hot bi having Lands. .or ome . Eſtate .
„ 0 i Winer 872 of (997 |
or e, or
Aun. other than the Son 7 HE


; "or -Watrahts, forte with Peer

N refts, Ee —
Ons ns net 0 REED 290
Ys Willa 5 0 Coſt uf

de 5255 three Months, and ans — find Suretie: for

5 Auer te n n

= t Grounds uſed for
4 Sr de Ge by c. TIM take ſuch 7 c
Fe within ſuch time, as ſhall be appointed by the e N ice of Bow

pace before . th ſhall —— convicted, and pay 2 the 0 thro

= 3 5 e = Fee fie; ndt er I

808 committed to the .

Month, and 1 —
a z eder ines, ſhall be |
{0201 WT Fa 1 2

REED Di 1 lore _
1 Ke 1 in ens ee
one Wiehin z —
Ne ce; 1 ichen ,

e not Exceeding reble Damages ad


N Uo wk RG the Poor of

Ot cn en Juke
— Default of Payment

i to. e Jevig Jol Gd by Winnt

ö fen ja e * the Offener to be


mitted,” rh: . — unleks 3

Boiid 4 one Ur Ark Suret we Patty in ed, not er
. E never to offend in ie manner. — 10 *.
2 I. The. Iuſtice before Tech Offenderſhatt deco

via, for deltrey Fee! here with he thai be appee

Pei ved by any Judglent! by vin pe of thi

| l appeal tõ the next 88 vr hoſe Onder hl
2 Title to am Land, Dorfer or Fiſhoty be therein

hcern 0 4 06K 1 6.3

AX. This AQ hilt not abridge any Royalty er
pot he King, * an pace; of the Forelt-Laws

. ww 12 41 17

. 14 as

6 *
LS _
P *

* * N

ay. en busen
ns rok |
me y: . 1. cap. 1. The Owners. 4 . of |
255 Lands in Marden, Bodenbam, Mollington, 7 8. Michael,
br'l Sutton n e e e, in the Cu
m- 8 > LIE incloſ{ t thereof; with divert
ly and Proviſions — thoſe Places. For
28 ch ſee the Statute at Lage, . 1 of
er : . Stat. 7 Tar. 1, 6 G Al Pesto, 1
keep: ll may 2s IE the Bettering of their Land.
Jence, III. Boarnen ma dach erfand, and caſt it out of their
ice of De both uſed to be landed, A
0. BY tharogh ufual Ways. Soo the Staruts. | 3 958
— IV. Stat, 15 ed 2. 8 7. Vide c. IA
— 1 22 Nomanic. 444 D av

here F the Lands, Goode, or Chattels of aty - Perfort
= x5 . . = -
5 h to an ing's
the me Eee Identitate Nomini ro diſc 0 =

And if the Officer be — of — thewwiſe, he ſhall pap

double Damages to the Fe y grieved, and be 7

— puniſhed to King.

rank IL Stat. 9 H. & cap. 4. A Writ of Ldernitate Numin re

= r le by Executors as well as e

ber ide were lring.

en- Leolall.

is 7 S Sa HS. « 0. After an Iſſue n chars du

—— be] judgment given, wen any Ieofail or r
rein II. Stat, 18 Elia cap. 14. After Verdict given in *

Court of Record, there ſhall be no Stay of Judgment, or Rev Tea,

—.— for want of Form in any Writ Original or *
Count, 1— 3 Bill, 4% or *
Vol, II. * 4


of any Writ Original or Judicial, or by teaſon of any imperfe

or inſufficient Return of Jo Sheriff by! other Officer, or 5
want of any Warrant of Attorney, or for any Default in Pto-
greſs upon or after Aid Prayer'or gt 0 HIT 4
III. This Act ſhall not extend to any Writ, Declaration, ot
Suir of Appeal of or Murder; or to any Indictment er
Preſentment of Felony, Murder, Treaſop;or other Matter; or to
any Proceſs upon any of them, or 6 thy Writs Bill, Action, ot
Information upon any Penal Statue
IV. Provided, That all Attornies inany Suit in a Court of Re-
cord, ſhall deliver in the Warrant df Attorney in ſueh Suit, to
be entred or filed of Record, as by the Laws and Stutites of
this Realm they ought to do, in Pain to forfeit 16 I. to be i
ded betw irt the King and the Officers where the Warrant ſhould
have been ſo filed; and to ſuffer Impriſonment by the Diſcretion

of the Juſtices of the Court where the Default is made.

V. Stat. 21 Jac. 1. cap. 13. After Verdict giyen in

Court of Record, the ſadgment ther ſhall or 10
reverſed for any Variance in Form o y between the Original
Writ or Bill, and the Declaration, Plaint, or Demand; or
for lack of an Averment of the Parties Life or Lives, fo as it
— | pay — they be in Life; or for that the Vomre fucias
Habeas Corpus, or Diſeringas, was awarded to a wrong Off
cer, upon any in ent eftion ; or that the Vn wat
in ſome part miſ-awarded, or ſued out of more or fewer Placei
than it ought to be, fo as ſome one Place be right named; or
for miſ-naming any of the Jaxors, either in the Sirname or
Addition, in any of the Writs or Returns thereof, fo à Con-
Far de perſona ; or for want of a Return of — the faid
Writs, fo as a Pannel be returned and annexed thereunto; or
for that the Officer's Name is not ſet to the Return, ſo as it ap
ar by Proof that the Writ was returned by him; or by res-
that the Plaintiff in an Zjettione firme, or in any Perſonul
Action, being under Age, did appear by Attorney, and the

Verdict paſs for him. : ONION 2

VI. This Act ſhall not extend to any Writ, Declaration, ot

Suit of Appeal of Felony or Murdep, nor to any Indictment ot
Preſentment of Felony, Murder, "or Treaſon, nor to any Pro-
ceſs upon any of them, nor to any Writ, Bill, Amer Infor

mation upon any Penal Statute-

s *

VII. Stat. 16 & 17 Car. 2. cap. 8. After a Verdict Judg-

ment ſhall not be ſtayed nor reverſed in the King Court of
Record at ef minſter, Coufts of Record in he Counties
Palatine of "Lancaſter, Cheſter, Durham, or of the
Seſſions in yr the Twelve Shires of Wales, for want of Form,
or fox want of Pledges ; for not producing any Deed, _=_

S eser gscrgz sg TO


28282 37%

ils. 1,
- ww —
* F 2

8 it



Judge or Juſtice ſhall bail or try any ſuch Perſon wit

ters of 'Adminiffration'; for want of NA Armis, uc

Hacem z or for . the * — or Sirname- of

a Month, or Lear, bei

3 or in the ſame
; nor« for

ant might have ode

Ei, 5 rr cre
1 — 35 Nor naa Judge.

right 1 named i in Ty

or Place wh

after Verdi IX Actionem, A"
lite 2 de reed for of a —

the other ; nor for —

eee of vc
in an or

a Coptatur or becauſe

gripe 6 1
— bf Cofts Alter a V

Tdeo conce

upon a 1 — — thy bares ed a it the Requeſt pfthe

Rt for whom the ee is given; nor Ooſte i in any e
ment entred by 1 ntiff, and all Derart
lie nature ſhall-be 77 UE 4
nth gen de enen be 4 1s-of - Folony-«
Murder Indictments, Penal Statut

5 her than — —.— Se t f Tonhage 1


I. Phis AQ fill continue for Three Years; and to the End

efthe nee Seſſion TI CAE ee Male prepetuel 0 Yak



dnnn n

1 k. 6 is C An AR for Impeiforiing Sie

2 Lg 27 2 5 Charles Bates, _
. * and refining them from * their E.


II. Stat. 7 & 8 . 3. bind. It. the Perfon Gar mall be

in Priſon within the Kingdom of En 15 Wales, or Town of
27 on the zoth of February 695: - or after, the Warrant

by Six of the Pri do or Suſpicion of High

ſon or Treaſonible Prattices, or by Warrant ſigned by

Secretary of State fox ſuch Cauſes, may bedetained without Bail
or r Miioprize til the Firſt Day of September, 1696. And no

ſigned by Six of the Privy-Council. ©
III. After which ſaid Firſt of September the Perfons ſo com-
mitted ſhall have. the Benefit and Advantage of the Act made
31 Car. 2. and of all other Laws and Statutes any way | felating
bo, or 2 fox the Liberty of the Subjects o this Realm.

X 2 | | Tv. Nothing

324 Ampuſonment⸗ |
IV. Nothing in this. Act ſhall extepd to. tue antlent "Righti
| and Privileges of + oxto che 1 rr or Detain-

ing of any M the Conſent bn the

uſe, of which =. is a: hes Hons be obtai

V. The Lieutenants, or 'Two or more of their Deputie, n
the ſeveral Counties of England, Wales, and Town Berwick,
ſhall till the Firſt of Sapt. 1696. by. Warrant under their
and Seals, em . ION Perſons as they think fit 105 Which a
. A Militia, and the Conttable ot hi
Vahr 8 to ſeach and ie all Horſes above 57
Va belonging to Perſons whom ;the- ſaid — 0 or
any Three or more Deputies; ſhall jud erous. to. the
Dogon of the Kingdom; which ſaid A ese cans may be kept and
A for 0 2 15 6 the Owner to pay wget how 92
t to an: not 1 1. per W.
ded ro uch Search: be made bus Sun-riſe and Sun.
except in Cities and their Su \ ing —— —.—
pn —— — and within the Bille of Monti, where
th may ſearch in the Night by Special Warrant. All Horte
Jo ſeiſed and detained, may, in caſe of an Inyaſion, or Inſurr
and not otherwiſe, be employ d for the King againſt hy
VI. :Nothiog in this Act fol extend to ſeiſe any — *
ate in Fole, or having | Colt at her Foot, or Colts under
hree Years old. > Ado

VII. Stat. 8 IW. 3. cap. 3, Verſus finenr, EnzQed That—

Counter, Jobn Bernardi, Robert Caſſell, Robert NN
Chambers, and Robert Blackburn, and ſuch other Perſons who
Mall hereafter render themſelves, .or ſhall be-- 71
againſt whom there ſhall be 1 Oath o
cerned in the late Conſpiracy of nating his Sacred Mi
Pay o "Io be Kine in EY nm By ail till the i
— — of = 1697. u t a ner bailed
Council, ſigned by ox Ne Cee. 8

VIII. Stat. 9 W. 3. cap. 4. Enacted, That the Perfors bi

| 1 kept in 8d till oe uf of an, 1698


IX. Stat. 10 & 11 . 3. cap. 13. Enafted That the afore-

ſaid Perſons being in Newgate, as aforeſaid, be detained and
kept in Cuſtody without Bail or en Guring his Maſe:

ſty's P

X. Stat. 1 4. cap. 29. The aforeſaid Perſons ſhall be detain

ed and kept in Cuſtody w M her
1 8 $ — nn nanny HP



ae Intontinency of Pyſeſts;
. Stat, 1 H. 7. cap. 4. The Ordinary ſhall puniſh Priefls;
Jauds Clerks, and Religious Men,

for Incontinency, by Impriſonment,

ich 1 according to the Quantity and Quality of their Treſpaſs.

* | n ee

J. 5 8 | l
1 Ancumbent. |
te | | | cha
and I. Stat. 13 R. 2. cap. 1. The Statute Do Cleyo, 25 Z. 3.
keep WH cap. 3. touching the Examination of the King's Title to a Be-
roy nefice, when he preſents in another's Right, is confirmed.
Sur BY 7/::ch ſoe in Advowſon, FN TOA | 0
orate II. When the King preſents to a Benefice full of an Incum-
here bent, his Pre ſentee ſhall not be received by the Ordinary until
orſes the King hath recovered his Preſentment by Law. |
Von III. If the King's Preſentee be received, and the Incumbent
by put out without Proceſs, the Incumbent ſhall begin his Suit
ng within a Lear after the Induction of the ſaid Preſentce, |
| IV. Stat. 4 H. 4. cp. 22. Where an Incumbent is put out |

without due Proceſs, he thall be at large to fue for his Remedy

by the Statute of 13 R. 2, cap. r. at what Time he pleaſeth

A within or after the Tear.

who | |

ndet, Indemnity.

u 7, Stat. 6 S 7 W. 3. cap. 15. An Act to indemnifle Sir Tho»

Fut mas Cooke from Actions which he might be liable ro, by Rea»

an {on of his Diſcovering to whom he paid and diſtributed ſeveral

ff Sums of Money therein mentioned, to be received out of the

1h Treaſure of the Eaft-India Company, or for any Proſecution

5 for ſuch Diſtribution. I = Cap


fore- | |

nt, . Stat, 34 E. t. No Writ of Indicavit ſhall be granted bes

% BY fore the Suit hanging ip the Spiritual Court between the Par.
ties, be recorded, and that the Lord Chancellor be certified

1 thergof by the Sight of the Libel. .

het 2

1. Aeg. 2. cap. 13.23 Z4x.'Sheriifs, Bailiffdof Franchiſes, ant i A

| Tint of, kal Go 2 by . en art

others, that tak of Malefactors,

Twelve Lawful Men, who ſhall put their Seals to ſuch Inquiſ:
tions, and the ſaid Officers ſhall impriſon ſuch Malefaftors. **

II. If they impriſon any without ſuch Inqueſts, the Pa

N ſhall maintain an Action of falle Impriſonment aaf
m. 1 5

III. Stat. 1 E. 3. Stat. 2 c. 17. Sheriffs, Bailiffs of Fear

chiſes, and others, who take Indictments, ſhall do it by Roll ins
dented, whereof one Part ſhall remain with the Indictors, anf
the other with him that takes them; ſo as one of the Inqueſt may
have one Part thereof to ſhew to the Juftices when comg
to make Deliverance, AE

IV. Stat, 25 E.3.Stat. 5. cap. 14. After one is indicted for Fe

Jony before the Juſtices of Oyer and Terminer, the Sheriff ſhallbe
commanded to attach his Body by a Capias ; and if the Sheriff re
turn a Nan eft invents, another Capias ſhall iſſue out ( returns
ble in 3 Weeks) whereby the Sheriff ſhall have Power to ſeiſe his
Chattels, and to keep them until the ſaid Return; and then alſo
if the Sheriff return a Non eft inventus, an Exigent ſhall be
awarded, and the Chattels ſhall be forfeit : but if he yield hin-
ſelf, or he taken by the Sheriff or other Officer, before the Retum
of the ſaid Capzas, his Goods and Chattels ſhall be ſayed.

V. Stat. 11 e 9. No Indictments ſhall be made but

by Inqueſt of Lawfu n returned by Sheriffs, Bailiffs of Fru.
chiſes, or other Officers who ought to do it, without _
them nominated by other Perſons to the ſaid Officers z and

Indictments otherwiſe found, ſhall be void · | 7

VI. Stat, 3 H. 7. cap. 1. pars inde. Juſtices of Peace may tale in!
(by Diſeretion) an Inqueſt, whereof every Man ſhall have 4
of the Yearly Value of 40 5s. to enquire the Concealments of 3 Pill
former Inqueſt, taken before them or others, of Matters _ I
* 2 1 before them, and whereof Complaint

ma i - ..

? , :
VII. Stat, 37 H. 8. cap. 8. pars inde. Theſe words, Vi en
Armis, viz. Cum bacul is, cultellis, arcubu : & ſagittie, or the Inf
like, ſhall not of neceſſity be put into any Inquiſition or Indict- 4
ment, but they ſhall be adjudged go notwithſtanding thoſe
4 therein omittet. |
Words axe th 7 8 en


; 9 Infants, eh
I. Stat, 7 A. cap. 19. After 10 May, 1708, 3p Perfon un:

* — * 7
. 6 ”
* *
R 1 — -
"OR Þ +1 = $5 . %
= ® 8 LY " 1 0
+ 34 4 454 : = |
v - . wh 64.4 -
S 7

, 2nd der the A Twenty one, may by the Direction of the Court
le of Lon rod Exchequer, in an Order on Hearing of all Parties
quilt, ition of him for whom ſuch Infant ſhall

ed, Upon the

be ſeiſed in Truſt, or of the Mortgagor, or of the Guardian of
the Infant, or of the Perſon entitlel to the Money ſecured on
the Lands in M eee e-
demption, convey ſuch. Lands as | rfs Le ;
which ſhall be _ as if the Infant were of ful Age. |

rer IL An Infant being Truftee or Mortgagee only, be

ul iy compelled by ſuch Order to make ſuch 2 — as Tf ä
E. or Mortgagees of full Age are compellable to convey or aſſian

their Truſts and Eftatcs,


I. Stat, 12 R. 2. cap. 13. None ſhall cauſe to be caſt any

Garbage, Dung, Intrails, or any other Annoyance, into the
Ditches, Rivers, Waters, or other Places, within or near any
City, boron or Town, or the Suburbs thereof, in Pzin to be
called by Writ before the Chancellor ; and, if found Guilty, ta
be puniſhed at his Diſcretion, | [EE

Infozmations, Vide Judicial Pzoceedings;

4 & 5 W. & M. cap. 18, 8

Kc | nfozmers.
| | n
I. Stat. 18 Eliz. cap. 5. An Informer ſhall exhibit his Sui
in proper Perſon, — 19 it by himſelf, or by his 2 |
in Court, and that by Way of Information, or Original ARion,
— ſhall have no Deputy ; and all this in Pain of 10 l. and the

II. A Note of the Time of exhibiting the Information ſhall

be truly taken, and from thenceforth it ſhall be accounted ta

of Record ; before which Time no Proceſs ſhall iſſue out up-

on it. |

III. The Clerk that makes out the Proceſs ſhall indorſe the
Informer Name, and alfo the Statute upon which the Informa-
tian is grounded, in Pain of 40 4. | | |

Ro" IV. N


528 1 Intolments:

Penal Law, when the, Offence was committed above Th

Miles 4 — MWeſtminſter, wry [ Attorney General, for —
rea ſonable Cauſe, require lame I. 5... 182
Ar. No Informer thall compound th any Defendant before
Anſwer, nor then but by Conſent of Court, in Pain of 10 J.
and the Pillory. „
VI. Where the Informer delays ox diſcontinues his Suit, ot
otherwiſe is Nonſuit or overthrown, the Court ſhall aſſign Cofls
to the Defendant, to be immediately levied by Execution iſſa
ing out of the ſame Court. e e Aa Eh feed
VII. Juſtices of Ozer and Terminer, Aſſiſe, and Peace, in their

ion have Power to hear and determine theſe Offences, -

VIII. This Act ſhall not reſtrain Actions brought for Main-
tenance, Champerty, Buying of Title, or Embracery, nor any
Certain Perſon o Body Politick, to whom any Forfeiture ox Pe
palty is ſpecially limited, nor certain Officers who have lawfully
uſed to exhibit Informations. _ | 85

IX. Stat. 29 Eliz. cap. 3. in fine. If any ſhall be ſued

any Penal Law, in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, or En.
hequer, where ſuch Perſon 1s Bailable by Law, or may appear
6, ttorney, the Perſon ſo ſued ſhall, at the Day contained in
the firſt Proceſs, appear by Attorney to defend the Line , and (hall
Hot be Arr alia Pecſonal Appearance; ar to put in. Bail to an-
4 | * b

KX. Stat. 31 Eliz. cap. 10. The ſaid Clauſe of 29 Elix. cap, 5:
= only extẽnd to Natural-born Subjects, or Free Deaizers,
none others, f e

| Jnrolments.

I. Stat. 6 R. 2. ca . Deeds chat were inrolled, 3 ute

torn or imbezilled 2 els in the late Tere reeds 400 ex ·
theme nielves

emplified, ſhall be of the fame Force as the Deeds

would have been if they had been extant.

„II. Stat. 27 H. 8. cap. 16. Bargains and Sales to an Uſe of

Inheritance or Free-hold, muſt be oy Deed indented and inrolled
within Six Months after the Date thereof, in ſome Court of Re-
cord at Weftminfler. or in the County where the Land lieth, be-
fore the Cuſtos Rotulorum, Two Juſtices of Peace, and the Clerk
of the Peace, or Two of them, whereof the Clerk to be ane-
And here the Fee to be paid for ſuch Inrolment, when the Land
is not worth 40 f. per Annum, is 2 3. and when it is mote; 10 1.

# be equally divided berwixy the Juſtice or Juſtices then —

. No Tury ſhall appear at Weſtminſter for a Trial np

IV. No — rcon of ft Upon



Fer a e enn

| 1 ; 5 l
- © # Yo tg 24h : 0 — 1 | 44 |

A aig} Hill Nene A. woo 26 tie ta fie bs

w "and to deliver them unto” ce Cue Rotulorum
* Ts yy not extend to Lands, Tenements, or Here-
I . 18 > * * | 3 K
ditaments in Cor ratians; where an Officer or Officers there -

have lawfully uſed to inroll Deeds or other Writings.

"Iv. Stat. 34 & 35. H. . cap. 22: All Recoveries, Deeds in-
1154 and ** 3 ged or taken before any Officer
or Officers of any Corporation, having Authority to receive the
lame, ſhall remain in Force, notwithſtanding the Statute of
22 H. B. cap. 28. Which ſee in Leaſes,

V. Stat. 5 Eliz. cap. 26. All Inrolments of ſuch Writings

indented, as ate . in the Statule of 27 H. 8. cap. 16. of
Lands, Ec. in the Counties of Lancaſter, Chefter, and the Bi-
ſhoprick of Durbam, being inrolled within Six Months af:
the Date thereof ( viz. thoſe in Lancaſhire in the Chancery a
Lancafter, or before the Juſtices of Aſſiſe there; thoſe in Cheſhire
in me Exchequer at Che ffer, or before the Juſtices of Aſſiſe there z
and thoſe in the Biſhoprick in the Chancery at Durbam, or be-
fore the Juſtices of Aſſiſe there ) "ſhall be as ego in Law, as if
they were inrolled in any of the Courts at Weſtminſler. _

| Intereſt of Poney. +

I. Stat, 12 A. Seſſ. 2. cap, 16. Enacted, That no Perſon after

29 September, 1714. ſhall, upon any Contract made after that
Time, take for of Monies, Wares, Merchandizes, or any
other Commodities above 5 1. for the Forbearance of 100 J. for a
Year, and after that Rate for a greater or leſſer Sum, or for a
longer or ſhorter Time: And all Bonds, Contracts, and Aſſuran-
ces whatſogver, made after that Time for Money leat upon
Uſurv, where there ſhall be more taken, ſhall be void, and
the Offender ſhall forfeit treble the Value of the Money,
Wares, Merchandize, and other Things, ſo lent, bargained,
exchanged, Ce. |

IT. No Scriveners, Brokers, Solicitors, Drivers of Bargains

for Contract, ſhall after the 29'h of September, 1714. take

more than 5 s. for 100 J. for a Year, for Brokage, ſoliciting

or procuring the Loan or Forbearance of any Sum of Money,

and fo rateably ; or above 12 d. over and above the Stamp-
ties, for making or renewing the Bond or Bll
or Forbearing thereof, or for any Counterbond & Bill con-
cerning the ſame, on Forfeiture of 20 J. with $s of Suit
e Moiety to the Crown, the other to the Informer who will
for rhe ſame in the County where the Offence was m—
2 : |

r Loan,
Jntrufon, 7

ene war ues

i Yn When he Kin To
ns Gh Na 2 0 nds 5 bes

er or received iin ebe Kin, N

oo ain no A and if — Fra ſeiſed during that ti 1
WIE in der be end owed thereof: eee
r eee

II. Stat. 21 Fac. 1. cap. 14. When the King; or clin

* his Title, ſhall 0 of Poſſeſſion, ing; 0 225 receh
the Profits of Lands, c. within the Space of Twenty Lem

ore any Information of Intruſion t to recover the

fame ; in this caſe the Defendant ſhall plead the General Iſſae,

if he thiak fic, and ſhall not be ciall

1 as erin the kuf han He .f the Ti be ul
c In
III. Where an Information of Intrufion may fitly be
Jab dal be forced wo 2 Br cl Peng, ; and be re
ced to a Spe v
| the Grace intended by Ons

Ipſwich. -

I. Stat. 13 Eliz. cap. l

County of Suffol k, and of the Suburbs thereof, ſhall 1
with good Paving-Stone, and for eyer be repaired by the
ers, Landlords, or Terre-Tenants, along, from and againft their

wich in <>

— Lands and Tenements adjoynin to N via. f

— the ſaid Street in Length as his © Lands, Je. i
adj ning extend. _ and in Breadth 4 e
hanel, or to ſuch Place as the Chanel t

—— by the Bailiffs to extend unto; in Pain to ode fo

every Yard ſquare not ſufficiently repaired, 8 d
It The Bailiffs of Ipſwich, and the Port- men there,
Church-wardens, and Four of every Pariſh, ſhall have Aubin
to tax upon w_ Houſe, Ground and Tenement N
and — ) able Sums of Money to be Yearly
well towards the Kai ding of a convenient Sti 4
within every Pauiſh the * of c nder.

5 "4 2 * . & « P
. * *

Kate a l .

rok 1 BAN Fes det im

1 1 . e _—

n 255 caf.. l. The onen in 55

* N 1 0 ho De He 80 in I ;
* ſhall make no Furvey-

King) |
j wy ac * e 7 E I 1
nd EA by Neben "only, and by ihe. Aae hg

ET in the Ripe ; Frome ae e

view, Je hull rite ot i Ft Dd

AF 4. The Fees fox every Bill Der

of the Juſtices there, tall be 44 far the Bill, and

bt: 4. The Macha Fee for a Prifoncr, when he lu
, wer
Vil Cop! 6. No Pardon of the Death of 4 Man, or othet
elony, or for Flying for theſame, ſhall be granted by the Ju-
tices there, but only at the King's Command, and eva

Vin. Cap. 7. No Officers there ſhall receive any Original |

Writ, which is pot ſealed by the Beal of boland, or by
| 1 2 uer Beal there, of things concerning that Caurt.

| e Juſtice 01 Treland ſhall not delay or adjourn

u. Net 25 n there, fave qa Wm
* Oh and while he ſhall remain ther

rt. 26 E. 17. All kind of fecha

1 e, be and inc . l 2,48 We oy

a1 Denizens.
XI. Stat 3. cap. 18. All Perſons who have Lands
in 4

and pra may freely import and export their

the Commodities thither, and and from thence, W tm Impeachment.

rec XII. Stat. 1 H. 6. 2 AN By 1 avoid the -
* i dom, except 808 % gefcel Lawyers dane Toke
ter ritance cen "oe Yan of 0 Parent, | deut gious -
| ts, Bur and ot itants ©
* . ons Abe 2 2 ; and all they hall ind
5 ba for dep good Abcariag rpg


8 Ireland, and Jriſh-men; _ _

XIII. No Iriſimen ſhall inhabit here in the Univerſiti; &
elſewhere, without a Teftimonial under; the Seal of the Lieut.
nant or Juſtices of Ireland ( teſtifying that he is of the King,
8 to be delivered to the Chancellor here, in Pain to
be puniſhed as a Rebel. 1 F
XIV. No Iriſiman ſhall be Head or Governor of any flal «
ö | 5
© XV, Stat. 2 H. 6. 2 coming to live in E
Zand ſhall give Surety for their good Abearing : viz in the
Univerſities to the Chancellors; in Counties to the Juſtice d
Peace; and in Corporations and other Liberties, to the Hey
Officers reſpective ß. ; 27

8 XVI. Stat. 16 & 17 Car. TL, cap. 1 . An Act for a —

Contribution and Loan towards the Relief of the 7 ite
— Subject: of the Kingdom of Ireland. Ses the Statuts &
1 | p b
XVII. Stat. 16 & 17 Car. 1. cap. 33. An Act for the
ſpeedy and effectual Reducing of the Rebels in Ireland to iber
due Obedience to the King and the Crown of England. Au
cap. * 35, 8c 37-. certain other Additional Acts were madefor

the urpoſe, and for the Sale of forfeited Lands ther

All which ſee at large.

XVIII. Stat. 32 Car. 3. cap. 2. The Act made 18 Car, 2. Iv

ticuled, An Act againſt Importing Cattle from Ireland, and -

t her parts beyond the Seas, and Fiſb taken by Foreigners, i te
viyed, and Power given not only to Conſtables and Officers, but
to every Perſon whatſoever, in any Place whatſoever, to take
and ſeiſe the Cattle and Goods imported contrary to the fad
yok and that ſuch Seizor ſhall have the Benefit given by dis

XIX. And to prevent fraudulent Seizures, Sales and Com

tions, the Seizors ſhall, within ſix Days after Conviction and For
feiture, cauſe the ſaid Cattle, Sheep and Swine to be killed, and
the Hides and Tallow ſhall be to the Seizor, and the Remainder
of the ſaid Cattle, Sheep and Swine, ſhall be forthwith diſtribu-
ted amongſt the Poor of the Pariſh, by the Churchwardens and
Overſcers, upon Notice thereof to be given by ſuch Seizor.

XX. If ſuch Se zor, Churchwarden or Overſeer, ſhall

Fail in the Execution of his ſaid Duty, they ſhall ſeverally
forfeit 40 5. for every one of the \Rrear Cattle, and 10 (. for
eyery Sheep or Swine which ſhould have been fo killed and
diſtributed ; one Moiety thereof to the Poor of the Pariſh,
and the other to the Informer, to be levied by Diſtreſs and
$3le of the Offender's Goods, by Warrant of any Juſber

Ireland and-Arih-menz — 335

26 of the County or Place where the Offence is ſo commits
a, OT 34 of the. Party, View of, the Juſtices, or
er ) the OV o the Owners, ir ä
hy _— deducted. And for want of Diftreſs, the Offender


for three Months without Bail o

XIII. That after the ſaid 2d of ya no

ball be imported; and thaf all chat ſhall be Iwparted ſhall b.
ject to the like Seizures 972 the Importers and Sellers to

7 er or Sel of any Beef, Fork, or Bacon. n *

XXII. That after the 2 of February, no Butter or
Cheeſe ſhall be imported from Ireland; and if imported ore
Ute poſed to Sale, ſhall be liable to the like Seizures, 20d the Im»
Sellers to the like Penalties, as are appointed in am

Negligence, or otherwiſe, removed, and found alive in any o

defor er Pariſh * Place, they It be liable to like fas **
there Atde Seizor and Poor of the Pariſh, or Place to the like Benefi
and the Cattle, e Swine be forfeited, and the Proc
incumbent upon the Owner, as if ſuch Cattle had never been
2. Is eiſed before. 8 ebe |
XIV. If any Engli or other Cattle, driven or intermixed
ine with Iriſb Cattle, ſhall be ſeiſed together with them, ſuch Cattle
;, but ſhall be deemed 17, and ſhall be ſubject to like Forfeiture,
o take nd be ordered and diſpoſed in all Reſpects as if they were Iriſh,

e f, XVI. Proviſo, That nothing therein hat por tothe For-

y this WY feiture or Seizure. of any Cattle that are or ſhall be in

before the ſaid Second of February. 18. Car. 2. cap. 2. and 20

Car. 2. cap. 7. Suſpended per Stat. 5 & 6 M. & M. as to Im-
Fer Portation of Bacon, during Stat. 4 & 5 M. & M. Seſſ. 4, cap. 3.

Ayu. Stat. 1 . & M. Sefſ. 1. cap. 20. No Eccleſiaſtical

ribu- Terſon promoted or beneficed in Treland, and who hath been
and forced to forſake that Kingdom, being of the Proteſtant Religi
on, who isor ſhall be ted, c. to any Benefice or Promo-
ſhall tion in England, Hotty Acceptance thereof loſe any Benefice
; 7

erally or Promotion in but may hold the ſame till he may

. for and ſhall be reſtored to his Promotion or Benefice in Ireland,
4 and WY fo as be may enjoy the ſame as before the Troubles, =
ariſh, WY XX VII. Provided, That if ſuch Eccleſiaſtical Perſon fo pro-
mateq here, ſhall not within three Months after the Cos 4

534 Feria, ann Ar e

_ be Pole is [nn hep * bw 851 5 0 cs © No

ice thereof to the * the e

trons may tefent or collate 5

XXI. Such Eerlefiaſtical Ertdg 9 f

fice, Cc. here, ſhall n Kat and b.

„XXX. Stat. 1 N & NM. 312. cap Ho Kat 1,

of late = at Dublin, — any Authority der

* A \ 25

ed to 2

from their Maſeſties, . inſelves 4 Pärliament,

not, nor are 4 Parliament, but an Unlawfaland Neteller

bly ; and al ae dever made, done

paſſed in the aid pretended F de el ſhall be ad

null and void ; and no Add, pare,

Dung Sentence, Order, ox other a „ fince t

Day of N 1688. had, made, paſſed,
done, or to be had, made, e or done
whatſoever, Colour of 4 Commiſſion, owerty
Authority in Fel and {ak n fuch as have — or ſhillk
given by o derived com their Majeſtics ) ſhall, be of a

orce or
e” XXXNT. All Cities, Boroughs and Towns, and all Botsch
= te, e or 'Temporal in Ireland, are hereby &
red to be reſtoted to all intents and purpoſes, 3 25 they ver
on the 24th Day of June, 1083. any Proce Proj
by Quo Warranto, Scire aC1as, c. or any Pr 1 —
ments or Executions thereon, ot any new
million, or any Surrender, or other Ads ſince 1 — Sew
contrary notwithſtanding. - All which 8 Stirs, Procedd-
ings, Judgments, Seizures, Pxecutions, Cha s, Com
mn ons and Surrenders, are hereby declared void
XXXII. No Perſons whatfoever of the Protcftant
> be liable to any Lofs, Forfeiture or Prejudice, in
, Perfoh or otherwife, by reaſon of their Abſence ae
of Ireland at any time face the z th of December, 1085. & Mat
for Nonpayment of Rent, or am other Duty due to then ploy
Majeſties or the Crown, for or by reaſon of any Link Te: tber

z5th of December till ſack time as che 1 Kingdon X

ſhall be deckred by their hence to be reuce 49 ts Cha
XXIII. The Proteſtants of Boland ſhall be, and are ſhall
reſtored to all their Poſſeſſions Re hal bs — 2 clar:

in ſuch manner as they, or thoſe under whom 8 20 fe

bad the ſame oh the 25th Pur of December, 1
ſons detaining ſuch Poſſeſſions, after a — by
| may be proceeded againft, as in cafe of 1 Foc

XXL. Stat

aid abr ö
is vic. and

es »
tthers of Hier, 63m the D of 2B aron — — re,
others havi OY =

eb Civ

„Fee or Wages T alben ef ay Sr nt




ſhillk | *
of a in | row ne yhe. Lun
| W

et Cap Has Pork — nog af gras

by & roxy they

ere tp ty the 0 of :

1 after mentioned ; Gebet 7 * ke

1 to ecu

= 13. And Tale. 2 = —— having


eſiaſtical Promotion A
""Thall be 7 ed, be
i 1 EX wo Gnas and ba. tr

1 or — — any Pay, wr, bf Fee or Wa-

5 2 4 aforeſaid, or being 2 bf: and £5

® _ id, negleing ſo. c e do a, hall by > F hr

ce E L. an 64

4 Mer G e 2. lace, = , ele br Ear

8 — —5 or ater _ ore rofit appertai

1d Ry and dach - Office and Place ſhall, be gage

gon An Aalen roche Attornies, Clerks and Officers in

ther other Courts, and their Deputies,or that ſhallpra*

Say n in 28 after the laſt D * Hillary Term next,

oy Gal take the.Caid Oat bs, 20 and make and ſabſcribe the ſaid, De |

claration in the * . * in, betote they be

claim, BY ted to exerciſe any Place or Office, or to practiſe or Tory

Fer- any Court; and all Perſons that after the Find Day of aß

Party BY next, ſhall be admitted into ay Office or Imployment, or come

rcibie into any Capacity, by reaſon of which they ſhould have

obbget to take he ſaid 8 Oaths, ſhall take the fa


336 Zreland, and dei mer 3

ths, and make and ſabſceibe the Declaration haves. annetcs
&d, an BL Time, and before ſuch Perſons as they he 1

taken the ſaid former Oath, by virtue of the ſaid
XXXVII. No Perſon that is or ſhall be a Peer of Ireland
ſhall vore or make his nary the Houſe of Peers, ox fit there
during any Debate; nor ſhall any Member of the Houſe of
Commons vote or fit there during any Debate, after the Speaker
is choſen, unleſs he firſt take the faid Oaths, and make, ſub-
5 and 1 — (ain) TA. B. do feln.
| ncerel), in the Freſeuce » Proteſt, ti ti, and di.
[Frog at I do believe that int . 4 42478 Sup.
per, there is not any Tranſubſiantiation of the' Element of Bread
and Wine into the Body and Blood of Chriſt, ar or after ths

- Conſecration thereof by _ * whatſoever ; and tbat the

Invocation or Adoration of the Virgin Mary, or any other Saint,
and the Sacvifice'of the Maſs, as they are now uſed in the
— of 8 ts Su 7 7 Kii an. 8 2 14
emnly, in t once - profeſs, teſti clare, That
22 2 this Be ends every part thereof, int the Plain
and * f the Woyds read unto me, as they are

common ood by Proteftants, without Evaſion „Eau

r tangy ed. py
Penſation already granted mo for this Purpoſe by the Pope, or
any other Authority or Perſon whatſoever, or wi Di *
vion from any Perſon or Authority whatſoever, or vit hour
Lirving that I am or can be acgquſttod before God or Man, or
Te ved of this Declaration, or any part thereof, although the

e, or any or ber Perſon or Perſons, or Powey whatſoever, ſhoul4

ſpenſe with, or annul the ſame, or daclare — it was null
and void wes (orgy; | IVES
XXXVIII. Which ſaid Oaths and Declaration ſhall, in the
next, and every Parliament of Ireland, be made and ſubſcrided
berween Nine in the Morning and Four in the Afternoon by
the Peers, at the Table in the Middle of the Houſe, before they
take their Place, and whilſt a full Houſe is preſent, and their
Speaker in his Place; and by the Members of the Houſe of
ommons at the Table in the Middle of their Houſe, when 2
full Houſe is fitting, with their er in his Chair, in ſuch
Method as each Houſe is called over; during which time all
Buſineſs to ceaſe, and the Clerks ate to record the ſame, ta:
king of every Member of each Houſe 15.
8 XXII X. Peers, and Members of the Houſe of Commons,
Barriſters at Law, Attorneys, Clerks or Officers in Chancery
or other Courts, and Deputies in any Office, offending con-
' trary to this Act. ſhall be diſabled to hold any Office or Place
of Profit or Truſt, Eccleſiaſtical, Civil, or Military, there ot
here, or in any of their Majefties Iſlands or Plantations, and
ſhall be diſabled to fit in Parhament, or make a Proxy, or to

- -, far
- *

1 4 £1


. Tce


3 = —

a4 ©

7 ta a
4 . * — 4 1 ep « ' N «> io
„ * „ 12 r
". * 1 - * - r 7 1
* 4 * wy * Ex 22 ” a5
. 4 » . *

IJTreland and Arich men 337

fue at Law or Equity, or to be Guardian, or Executor, or

iniſtrator, or to take a Legacy or Deed of Gift, and

all forfeit 500 to be recovered by them chat will ſue for

1071 The Oaths required to be taken by this Act are

7 J. B. do fincerely promiſe and ſoar, That I will be faith-

ful, and bear trus Allegiance to their Majefties King William
/ E's + _ SohelpmeGod;

TA. B do fwear, That I do from my Heart, abbor,

deteſt and . Impious and Heretical, that damnable
Dottrine. and in, that Princes Excommmenicated and
Deprived by the Pope, or any Authority of the See of Rome,
may be 7d or murdered by their Subjects, or any other what-
ſever. I do declare, That no Foreign Prince, Perſon, Ha-
late, State or Fotentate, 8 or otaght to have, a ny Jurif |
dition, Power, Superiority, eminence or Authority, Ecclefi-
aſtical or Spiritual, within this Realm. 1 5 RE

XII. This Act ſhall not extend to any now Chaplain, Secre-
tary or Attendant to any of their Majeſties Ambaſſadors, En-
voys, or 1 in any Foreign Courts, or Preacher td
any Engliſh Factory, or to any Chaplains in their Majefties
Service by Sea or Land, out of Ireland, ſo as they take the ſaid
Oaths, and make and ſubſcribe the ſaid Declaration within
three Months after their Return; nor to any Proteftant now
in Office or Place of Truſt or Profit out of Ireland or England,
who ſhall return into Ireland, and take the ſame before the
25th of December, 1692. in the King's Bench, the next Term

er their Arrival there · i a

III. Archbiſhops and Biſhops of Peland, and others ha-

ving any Eccleſiaſtical Office or Promotion, or being a Lecturer
or Curate there, that ſhall be in England tte fiiſt Day of
Hillary Term, 1691. ſhall take the ſad Oaths, and make and
ſubſcribe the ſaid Declaration before the End of the faid Term
in the Chancery or Court of King's Bench here, and again
before the 25th Day of July, 1692. in the Chancery or
Court of King's Bench there, as aforeſaid ; and if they neglect
or refuſe ſo to do, they ſhall be 1pſo fatto deprived, and be-
come incapable to be Lecturers or Curates any where ; and
all other the Perſons above-mentioned, who ſhalt be here on
the firſt Day of the ſaid Hillary Term, ſhall take the ſaid
Oaths, and make and ſubſcribe the ſaid Declaration in
Cnancery ex the King's Bench in England, or elſewhere, ſhall

te judged ip fats incapab difabled to hold and enj

Vel fl. 7 . le, and 2 a chop

4 10 . n
338 Treland and Jrich⸗ men.
ſuch Office, Pay, c. Imployment or any part of them!
Which taking r 4 ſaid Oaths, Fo. in England, ſhall be as c
Cual as if they had taken the ſame in Ireland.
XLIII. This Act fhall not extend to difable any Perſon,
-who on the third of October, 1697. were reſidi wh Em
rick, or in any Garriſon then in Poſſeſſion of the, IviſÞ, or
Officers or Soldiers then in Arms by virtue of any Commit
ſion from tht late King James, or any commiſſioned Of
cers then in their Majefties Quarters, that did belong tothe
Triſb Regiments then in . or were then treated with, ««
who were not Priſoners of War, or who had not 1
Protection, and have ſince ſubmitted to their Majeſties
dience, from uſing their Profeſſion or Calling of Barriſter

er of La
Phy ſick, 195

a IV. Provided that every ſuch Barrifter at Law, Cc. who

ſhall claim any Benefit hereby, to be exempr from —
the ſaid Oaths, &c. ſhall make ont his Claim thereto, a
Ing to the Qualifications herein before expreſſed, before the
Court of King's Bench in [reland, on or before the laſt Dy
of Michaelmas Term next, for the Recording whereof 1
ſhall be 2 and no more, and in Default of ſuch Claim to
deere. :
XIV. If any Perſon before he have taken the ſaid Oathin
the King's Bench in PHeland, or at the General Quarter-Sefliom
in the Place where he inhabits, and procured the ſame to be
recorded, and obtained a Certificate thereof, ſhall praftiſc
his Calling or Profeſſion, he ſhall forfeit 300 J. to fuch as will
ſue for the ſame, and be uncapable to uſe or exerciſe ſuch
Profeſſion or Calling. SY

XLVI. Two or more Juſtices of the Peace, whereof oneto

be of the Quorum, ſhall direct their Warrants to any Conſt
ble, Tything-man or other Officer, to fummon any P
of Eightecn Years of Age, or upwards, to appear before fuch
Juſtices to take the Oath above mentioned, to be faithful, &.
and for want of Appearance, having no lawful Let, and u
caſe of Appearing and Refuſing to takethe faid Oath, the ju
ſtices ſhall commit ſuch Perſons to the Common Gaol ot
Houſe of Correction for three Months, unlefs they ſhall py
down any Sum not exceeding 408. as the Juſtices ſhall require;
which Money ſhall be paid to the Church-wardens or Orr
ſeers of the Poor of the Pariſh or Place where the Offender
laſt inhabited; and after the Three Months ended, two et
more Juſtices ſhall direct their Warrant to ſummon ſuch Of
fender before them, to take the ſaid Oath; and for want of Ap

arance, or in caſe of Refuſal to take the faid Oath, be

all be committed, as aforeſaid, for fix Months, wileſs he Pl

down what Sum the Juſtices ſhall require, not exceeding 1

at Law, Clerk in Chancery, Attorney, or !


F Jeelanld WP Frihubent 339

under 5 I. to be diſpoſed, as aforeſaid ;"and unleſs he be-
— len Surcries; ro appear ar the next Aſſiſes
or General Gaokdelivery, and in the mean time to be of the
Good Behaviour ; and in eaſe of Refuſah at the Afliſes ot

See EE.
unlels ender be a Feme Covert, Who upon N
fulal ſhall be committed only to che Common Gaol, till. he
takes the ſaid Oath., * 71 2 * nene 2245
XI VII. Ir ſhall be fuficient for Quakers; produ

following Declaration, viz.

JA. B. & y prom
and the World, "Thae'] "4

—— yo 110
And I doſolenmly profeſs and

XLVII. But no = ne
ing any Office, Imployment, Salary, &. whereunto any
Perſon taking the id Oaths, Ge. dall er may be ett

ti ? ; | | a bas * g
XLIX. This Act ſhall not be diſpenſed with by any
Warrant or Letters Patents under the Great Seal of Eng-
_ or Ireland, but ſuch Diſpenſations ſhall be null —
Yo! . : Sa : PM g 11. | ' 15

L. Stat. x 4 cap. 31. Where Rectoties impropriate with

the Tythes, Oblations? Obvenſions, Glebes, Advowſons of
Viczridges and Appurtetiajices (directed to be e ed in
Truſt for Repairing Churches, and Augmentation of ſwall
Rectories and Viearidges pe 11 M. ep. 2. Vide the. Sta-
kuta, and Taxes.) are liable to Incumbtances joyntly with
other Heredicaments

ech in the Truſte es for Sale ot For-

feited Eſtates in Velaud, the other Eſtates ſhall in the firſt place
be liable and be ſold; or part thereof fold to that Purpoſe
and the Reſt be conveyed in Truſt, as aforeſaid, free from In-
cumbrances. wee | liter
LI. Stat, x A. cap. 32. The Purchaſers to them and their
Heirs under the Grantegs of Forfeited Eſtates, to whom the
Sum of 21000 J. was adjudged by the Truſtees, - purſuant to
It W. 3. cap. 3. may enjoy the Hereditaments Conveyed to them,
dane to the” Truſtees Thirteen Years Purchaſe for Fee-
ple, Six and a half for an Effate for Life in Poſſeſſion, and
the fame for Fee-ſimple in Reveiſion, or Reverſion after an E-
ſtate for Life in Foffethon; and ſo in proportion for lower In-
teieſts, according to the Rents in 1701. the Yearly Quit Renta,
Crown Rents, and Compoſition-Rents firſt deduc cd.

3499 Ireland, and Iri<-men: -

III. Tbe 21000 J. by 11 V. 3. cap. 2. appointed to by
paid in part of 39502 J. edt hom paid by the Pay a Co
chaſers to the Grantees, ſhall 0 if not paid by the Truftees ) *
be allowed in part of the Thirteen, Years or other Purchaſe. _
Money, or remain a Charge on the reſpective - purchaſe —
Ates. f ' f | 955 11 5 * "YT xa Y
III. There ſhall alſo be deduted and allowed to the Pu —
chaſers under the Grantees purchaſing again, all Money by Ge.
the Truſtees to any Perſons on their Claims, and an Alan 1
ment of ſo much as by | Judgment of the Truſtees ſhall BY --
be 1 for Eſtates and Intereſts, charging the purchuſeſ | th

I. The Purchaſers under the ſaid Grantees hal i.

have an Abatement of one third part more of their Purchaſe
Money proved paid to the Grantees, and upon Payment ofthe WY.
Surplus, ſhall have the Benefit of this Act, as if the "Thirteen -
or other Years Purchaſe- ney, had. been fully paid, which
5 to be paid the 25th of March, 13. Nr
LV. Proviſo, If any the ſaid Purchaſers made Default 2 2
WP age 4 the n ee Lands of *
erſon neglecting, and pay them their reſpective rtiom o
the . J. — the third part hereby allowed. on —
LVI. After Payment of the Purchaſe · Money, the Parchi- «a
ſers and their Heirs to enjoy the Hereditaments purchaſed, #
if purchaſed by virtue of 11 V. 3. cap. 2. KH
VII. If any Perſon educated in, or profeſſing the Popilt
Religion, under Eighteen Years of Ages hal not in ſix Montis
after Eighteen take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy,
and ſubſcribe the Declaration expreſſed in 30 Car. 2. Stat, *
cap. 1. in the Chancery or King's Bench of England or be
Land, or Quarter · Seſſions there ( where he does reſide ) and cn
tinue a Proteſtant, he ſhall be diſabled to take by Deſcent, Devil
or Limitation, any Hereditament aforeſaid, or Rent or Profit
out of the Premiſſes; and during his Life, or untill te take
the ſaid Oaths, and ſubſcribe the ſaid Declaration, tie
het of his Kindred, a Proteſtant, ſhall enjoy. the Pre
mi 7. 3 58 4 48
EYE 1 — ny — N.. —
or Profit or Int out o | and al ances
Pp mand: Pi
LIX. Leaſes of the Premiſſes ſhall be made to Prateſſam WH the l
only; and if any Leaſe ſhall be made or aſſigned to er in
Truſt for a Papiſt, it ſhall be void; and 2 wall the Perlow WY P.
making, as he for whoſe Uſe the ſame is made. ſhall foricit LY
treble the Yearly Value, one 22 to Her Majeſty, the o- 2
ther to ſuch Proteſtant as ſhall ſue for the ſame in the Quern
Counts at Dublin. + Nr „ enen > 8

p %” * 1
enen ' 1 ,
10 „ q
1 .

- >>»


Jreland/and:Ariſhaten;-—o 347:

L Frovis, That nothing hereinſhall make void 2 Leaſe, of


or Cabbin, under the Learly Value of 30 5. por Ann.

Libowet {110 e eee TEA]
ſo, That ng” herein: ſhall extend to the
n late, &

make Deductiom out

1 ſhall f ;

ceived or to be received, of the Premiſſ; the Payment

chaſe of the Remainder of the 13 Years — 27914

ſhal LIIII. Saving to Her — zal Rents, and to

ale Wi" and out of the Premiſſes, as if this Act had not been
, ai 848 b
le Name, or in ny TY
' ach cr any Intereſt in or out of the fame. - Aud, all ſuch Convey-

ances and Truſt for them ſhall be void.

0 LIV. No Papiſt, during the time he ſo continues, ſhall

uc: be <:pable to take by Deſcent, Purchaſe, or any other Convey-
d, a ( znce, che Herediraments. and Fremiſſes, or any Truſt or, In-

"WY tercft therein, or Profit out af the ſame, And if any Per-
cpi . Lon profeiing, or educate! in the ſame Religion, not having

png tenounced the ſame, being of full Age, in fix-

onths aftex his Title acerues, or oy under 9 ſhall.

not fix Months after Eighteen,. take the Oath o

and Supremacy, and. ſubſcribe. the Declaration expreſſed in

Allegiance .

rhe g | Xpre '

30 Cay. 2. Stat. 2. cap 1. in the Chancery, or Kings Bench

lor of England or Boland or Quarter - Seſſions there, where he
Profit ſhall reſide, and continue's Proteſtant, he ſhall be incapable

to take any Hereditaments aforeſaid, or Rent or Profit out of

* the fame. And during his Life, or until he take the ſaid
p. Oe, and make and ſubſeripe the ſaid Declaration, the nert

of Kin, a Proteſtant, ſhall enjoy the Premiſſes. =

iſe LXVI. Leaſes of the Premiſſes ſhall be made to Proteſtants.
n ony; and if any Leaſe be made or aſſigned, to or in truſt for

2 Papift, it is void. 10 2, „ Hok : I

Nans IXVII. And as well the Perſon making, as for whoſe Uſe
or in WY dhe Leaſe is mage, ſhall forfeit treble the Yearly Vajne, to
m Proteſtant ax ſhall ſuc for the ſame in the Queens Courts at

re Vll. Erie, Not to make void any Leaſe of 3 Cottage.

cen r Cabbin, under 30 f. per Ann. to à Day-Labourer. ,; (/ /

. * * NS
$53 29 FF 4 3. 13%
_ e eee

342 Ireland, and Teich men.

LIIX. Proviſ6, Net ''to make void Leiſe'b the
Nees.” not exceedin — 2 11 my * Tur
LXN. The Truftees in Twelve Months Tim Time ſhall-p n.
din Falmey 1200 4) and in Def Hamer ſhall ehjoy the
Eftate called Dirpat#ick for Twenty one” Near,

the Clauſes beten to be performed/by othet Froteſtant bun

. 61 90 to 35

chaſers |
"AL In = Ad of this Seffioh relating

Eſt he Oatk late the Farr

4 joyning the Oat nee, w

_ Oarh of — ber is omitted every Perſon ſhall at

be fon ie a he Oath of Popremacy under the -like

enalties. N21". 215

LXXII. There ſhall not be let- with any Cottage or Cab-

bin) above TWO Ace, and not above one Cottage to one
Day: Labourerz H/ otherwiſe; - the Leaſe hall be void, and
as well the Perſon making, as taking ſuch Leaſe, ſhall for
treble ehe Yathe Vie © 11

IXXI. This AR ban be talen as aPublick AR. |

£7709 MH *
| LXXIV. 2 & 5 A . 2. The rafters for
Forfeited Eftates, or any Seven with the Conſent of Three
or thre Commiſſioners of the Revenue there, mav 2

any Quit-Rent, Crown. Rent or Dumpoſition- Rent, pay-

abe to the — and charge the ſame with the Ar-

in” Parech: ta Sr het ere
at eve art 1c ing

by I — may be Rue

— — in Nel ſhall be — 200 dy be re·

ſerved to Her Majeſty in the Turchafe Need, and the Pre
miſſes ſold, "diſcharged from the Reſt of ſaid Rent.
Andiif the Truftees and Commiſſioners ſhall not agree in
the ſaid Apportienment before the zgth of ay, r, ot
ſooner diſagree in any of them, the! Chief Governour of the
o like ec. is hereby ae to make Appontioanett

LXXV. All Eſtates veſted in the faid Truſtees, which

ſhall not be ſold before the 24th of June, 1703. or 'dil-
po'ed- purfutnr to the former As, and all Judgments, 7
curiries, Debts, Specialties, Goods and nal
veſted in the ſaid Trufiees, not diſpoſed of before — fo
time, (Forfeired Eſtates veſted in others i 12 rſuance of
ther of Parliament of England excep ed) th all be veſt
ed in her Ma her Heirs and 1 for the Uſes
2 by the Act: aforeſaid, ſubject to the Appointments
of the Darhiament 1 n afcor the 24th of June, 15

8 F

* F

= x
» g





Ireland; and Ariſh-men, 33.

to t id Truſtees, ente and the
a Days after the ſaid 24th of June :

all Powers ige

Truſtees Within -

deliver to the Commiſſioners. af the Revenue there, by

Indenture, to be inrolled in the Exchequer there, all the
the Deeds, Writings, Records and Papers, touching the
Premiſſes ; and after the Taid 24th of —_ the ſaid Come,
miſſioners ſhall levy. the Rents, and Profits of the ſaid For-
feited Eſtates and, Arrearages. ia her Majeſty's Name, and

the ſame, the Charges of Levying ) into

* 8 be applied for the Uſcs aforefhid. accord -
ing to the Orders of Parliament of Engl and, as afore ·
LXXVI. Debentures made forth by the Paymaſter General
of Forces in England, purſuant to Certificates from Commiſ-
foners of Accounts, and Debentures made forth by Com-
miſſioners for Accounts, or any Three, or by the late Com-
miſſoners for Tranſport-Service, for Principal and Intereſt
due thereon by Act of Parliament, ſhall be applicable to pur-
EVIL. All Soles, Mortgages, Leaſes, or Diſpoſitions of
; es, Mortga aſes, or Diſpoſitions
Forfeited Eftates, ſhall be to Proteſtants only, according to

I Ac 715 A SpA ME | AED

1 II. The Truſtees may accept only one Third or

more of the Purchaſe- Money, to be paid before the ſaid 24th of
June, and make Conveyances. Proviſo, to be void on Non-
payment of one Moiety of the Reſidue on or before the 25th
of December, 1703. and of the other Moiety, on or before the
24th of June, 2704: with Intereſt for the ſaid Moieties at
81. per Cent. Engliſh 41 the Exchequer in Ireland,
or in Debentures, Tallies, Or Tickers and Bills applicable
by the ſaid Act to ſuch Purchaſes. The Monies paid to be
applied as by 11 W. 3. cap. 2. The Officers of the Exchequer
to cancel the ſaid Debentures, Ic. which ſhall be paid, and
franſmit an Account to the Exchequer of Ek. as the
Truſtees ought, and to endorſe Receipts upon the Payments
aforeſaid, on the reſpective Conveyances, on the Entries there-
of with the ſaid Truſtees, and on the Inrolment thereof in the
Chancery in Fel and, hy:

The, Truſtees or any Seven may convey to Pur-

chaſers, at any time before the roth of July, 1703. the For-
— Eftates, by them agreed to be ſold, before the ſaid 24th of
une, | |

LXXX. And that the ſaid Act of 1 A. cap. 32. may

not be evaded, all Leaſes, Agreements, Releaſes, Bar-
ains, Sales, Jadgments, or Obligations, for Security of
uch Bargains and Agreements, made by any Perſon reſto«
by any Act paſſed in the laſt Parliament, with or in
Iruit fac any Papitt, * the fitſt of May, 1699, *
| Y4 -

n 7 89 a N P y 4. (Kt 2
oY All (7 x \
N 2. 0

be void ; and Perſons claiming Benefit of ſuch

ments, ſhall be liable to the Penalties and Bie e —

of the ſame Act of 1 A. 9 every - Perſon win ll is reg
has given Money, in Conſideration” of ſuch Agreement, u intere

7 fo reſtoxed, ſhall recover the fame in an Adi ken

eht. 4 e 1 3 2 of

IIXXI. A Clauſe to clear ſome Doubts, which ariſe by t

fon of 1 A. cap. 31. in a Priyate Act made 1 4. Regine, int
ruled, An Adi for the Releaſe of Sir Redmund Everard, Pest
Fagan, and the Proteflant Children of Sir Anthony/Mullady
deceaſed. with Relation to the Forfeited Eftates"in" Ireland.
LXXXII. A Clauſe for giving 2 longer Time for the I
ment of Two thouſand five hundred Pounds inte the Eiche.
quer, to the Proteſtant Trufices mentioned in 2 Private AF
of 1 A. Reginæ, intituled, An At for making Froviſim fu

be P.oteftant Childyen of the Ear] of Clanxiccard, and th Wi . XC

Lord Bophin. Ts | | Fay
| | —
LXXXIII. Stat. 2 A. cap. 10. Purchaſers of Forfeite XC
Eſtates, who have paid one third or more of their Purchaſe: ing!
Money, according to Direction of the Truſtees, * 4 te chaſc
Company for making Sword Blades, and the Lord Bophrp, an fore
his Truſtees ) may pay one Moiety of the Reſidue, on or be be
fore the 2g th of June, 1904, and the other Moiety on ot be cepts
fore the 25th of December, 1704 and Intereſt at 81. per Cent. ſame
in Engl; Money, as valued in England. _ XL
,.EXXXIV. Frou, That on Non-payment of either of the bety
ſaid Moieries or Intereſt, the Conveyance to the®Perſons luk WW upo
ing in Payment ſhall be void! | |
LXXXV. The ſaid two Payments ſhall be made in the *
ſame Manner, and the ſame Rules ſhall be obſeryed in Ca Perl
celling Debentares, c. Tranſmitting Accounts, c. (a or r
cept what is altered by this Act, as to the Days of Payment) N for
as by 1 A. cap. 21. are appointed, | lapf
I. Within 6 Months after the 25th of Dee feit
all Perſons having unſatisfied Debentures intended to be
charged out of the ſaid Eſtates, may ſhew the fame to fuch 7
Perſon as ſhall be appointed by the High Tre, ſurer, or Com for
miſſioners of the Treaſury. to regiſter the ſame Debentures ; Io
Who ſhall cauſe every ſuch Debenture to be entred in a Book, bee
and deliver back the ſame Debenture to the Party bringing
the ſame, without Fee. | | N :
LXXXVII. Iatereſt after the Rate of 5 I. per nt. from the du
25h of December, t701, ſhall be allowed on ſuch of the the

Debentures as do not bear Intereſt, for the Principal Sum con- in

taiued in ſuch Debentures, © e e th

IXxXXvIII vr a.

. 5 4008-0 D 5 3 IJ
Jian de üben: 34g ©
* by n 3
foreſaid, one Year's Intereſt ſhall be paid ſo ſoon as the Gar
is regiſtred ; and towards . of the ſaid. one. Year's
Intereſt, the Treaſury ſhalt cauſe the Sum of Nine thouſand
feven hundred ſeventeen Pounds, Three "Shillings, not re-
maining in the Exchequer of England, of Money ariſen of
forſeited Eftates in Ireland, and the Sum of Twenty five. thou-
fand Pounds, raiſed and to be raiſed on the Eſtate of the Lord
Bas re 3 in Py Money, purſuant to the

bee "were 3B the reſiduę of the ſaid one Year's

Intereſt to — ſuch further Money as ſhall ariſe

es. | |

the ſaid f . |
1151 ; applied to the Purchaſing any the

XIX: No ed | |
faid forfeited Eftates, the ſaid 2 th of December," (hall be
intitled to Intereſt, by virtue of this Act. en
XC. The Treaſury ſhall have Power to iſſue Timpreſt
Pay n Money for Diſctarging the ſaid one Year's
ICI. The Intereſt upon Debentures, Tallies, ' &. ( er.
ing Intereſt) as are or ſhall be applicd to make good the Pur-
chaſe-Money,. paid or to be paid, by ſuch Days of Grace, as
Foreſaid, ſhall be reckoned, till the Time the Principal hall
be applied in Payment, as aforeſaid, and the ſame Intereſt ac-
— a4 pait of the Purchaſe- Money, or Intereſt for the
XCII. This Act ſhall not make void any Agreement n .
between the Truſtees and Purchaſers touching the ſaid —.—
ypon Debentures. s. AA 5
xo. Stat. 3 A, cop. n5. An AG for Relief. of ſeveral
Perſons who had lapſed their Times for paying their Money,
or naming their Nommees for purchaſing Annuities; and alfo-
baſe hs Time for paying Gare of ha Fichaſe money for 3 For
a 1s Time for paying part | money lor a Fore
ACTV. Stat. 4 & 5 A. cap. 24. An Act to enlarge the Time
for * unſatisfied ntures upon Forfeited Eftates in
Tal and, and for Renewing of other Debentures, which have
been loſt, burnt or deftroy'd. = |

XCV. Stat. 4 & 5 A. cap. 26. An Act for making fe:

Qual a Grant of their late Majeflies King W. & Queen M of
the Town and Lands of Seatown to the Archbiſhoprick of Dub-
lin, and for Reftoring the ſame to the ſaid See. |

XCVI. Stat. 5 A. cap. 25. An Act for making the Acts

more effectual for Appropriating the forſeited Impropriations


W + t. 4 an 80
5 Ep 5 4.59, 33 And ator 0 Ene 2
arll nt.

AIcvn. Stat. 6 Jr IT Ri t
to any the Eſtates Alan 15 el. Api ids EK
feited Eſtates in Tel and, or any Intereft or
„on Pretence » the ſame were not in | in the Nen
ces, Ws any 2 ye ſhall proſerate Tac h — Gn
m- 10 ule, 17 in one of
Courts of ” Recor = Ireland : - Andi Default thereof, . 2

© his H 7 Align,
Gall —.— r medy.
t ii ſuch Party, whoſe C Claim is intended

to de Site. be Teme Coe within Age, Non compos, or in

Priſon, then ſuch Perſon ſhall proſecute his Claim wichia ty two
| Years after ſuch Impediment removed. ls
C. This Act ſhall be deemed a Publick Acc.
CI. Provo, That nothing herein ſhall be * pre:
— the Right or Title o an Perſon in . Toſſeſſion of
any Eſtate ſold by the ſaid I

A Jeon, 2 |
I. Stat. 28 E. cap. 1 Iron made in En gland, Wage

into England and ſold, not be Tach de 3 ur

feit the Value thereof to the King, Engl
Ported, per Stat. 5 & 6 W. & M. cap. 17.

II. Juſtices aſſigned have wes 4 uire of Sa

and other Juſtices to be aſſi the King, ſhall alfo have
Tower to enquire of ſuch as ſell 105 at too 2 2 Price and ta
puniſh them according to the Quantity of *
Ille of Wight.

I. "EN 4 H. J. cap. 16. None ſhall take more Farms than

one in the Iſle of Wight, which one ſhall not exceed ten Marks
in Yearly Value, in Pain of 10 J.

II. If any have ſeveral Farms above that Value, he ſhall

keep one or more of them at his Election, ſo as what he keeps
exceeds not that Value.

HI. Such as have bcen at Charge with their Fam, in Fines

or Repairs, ſhall be indemnified.

K Judgments:

Petition) Complaints for

FT oh, wing .

e I att cul® 7 x
P a 8
0 51 * 1 , a : vs

+ oct AS ee enen Lived leck

* n * 4 : 5 . N a
5 15 260-1 nee ee

4. TEIETD... . Di: ta; ALA. Oh

22M . f ' . 1 Y þ

+ 4 : ay. a} T J - 2 | 0 * . r ? - a — 1 FT 7 2 1 >

* a 2 - * ” , l * c + ;

I, Stat. 14 E. 3. r 2 APrelate, two Eark, and two

- „ a . b ,
ing's Commiſſion to hear (b

Barons, ſhall have Power 5 5 |

Delay of Entring Judgments, and ta-
call before them the Juſtices, and Records wheceof ſuch Cam-
plaint ſhall be made ; and calling to them the Chancellor, 'Prea=
ſurer, the Juſtices of the one Bench or the other, and others of
the King's Council, (as many as they ſhalt think fit) ſhall give
judgment thereof; and then the Records ſhall be remanded to-
gether with the Judgment, which ſhall be immediately entred
acco . Git If 14; 00408 ; «44 ++ &
II. Incaſe the Matter be too difficult, it ſhall be referred tal
the next Parliament, to be determine...
III Judges and other Officers in Courts of Juſtice may be in-
creaſeq or diminiſhed: as Need ſhall require; and when they
ſhall enter into their Offices, they ſhall: ake Oath duly to-
ſerve the King and his People. . LEE beLT - Ae on

IV. Stat. 4 H. 4 cap. 23. Judgments .given ſhall continue,

and the Parties for whom they are fo given, and their Heirs,
ſhall be in Peace until they ſhall be attaint by Error, iſ any be-

V. Stat. 4 & 5 W. & M. cap. 20. The Clerk of the Eſſoins

of the Court of Common Pleas, every Clexk of the Dockers of
the Court of King's Bench, and the Maftet of the Office of Pleas
in the Exchequer, ſhall before the End of every Eafter-Term put
into an Alphabetical Docket by the Defendants Names a Parti-
cular of all Judgments of Debt, by Confeſſion, Non ſum infor-
matus, or Nibil dicit, entred in the faid reſpective Courts of
the Term of St. Hillary preceding, containing the Names of the
Plaintiffs and Defendants, their Places of Abode, Title or Pro-
ſeſion (if any ſuch be in the Record) and the Debrs, Damages
and Cofts recovered thereby, and where the Actions were laid,
and the Number · roll of the Entry thereof; and every Clerk
of the Judgments, and other Clerk of the Courts of Common-
Pleas and King's Bench, ſhall within ten Days before the ſaid
time, bring to the Clerks of the Dockers, Notes in Writing of
al >, by them entred of the ſaid Term of Sr. Hillary,
upon Verdicts, Writs of Enquiry, Demurrer, and every other
Judgment for Debt or Damages, in all things, as aforeſaid z
and that the Clerk of the Judgments, and every other Clerk
of rhe Exchequer, ſhall within the time aforeſaid bring unto the
Mafter of the Office of Pleas, the like Note in Writing
the like Judgments by him entred, to the end they may be
reſpectiveiy entred; and the reſpeftive Officers and al

a. * 2
4 + aa * % **

345. Judicial Proceedings.

ſhall before the laſt Day of the Term of St. Michael, make the
lice Dockets, containing all Judgments of the Terms of EA
and 2 in all things as aſoxeſaid; and before the laft
of every Hillary - Term, the like Dockets of Judgment i
abael mas- Term: The {aid Dockets to be kept in Bobs h
Parchment, to be ſearched and viewed by all Perſons at reafop
able times, paying for every Terni's Search 4 d. and no more,
on Pain that every Clerk of Eſſoins of the Court of Common
Pleas; Clerk of the Dockets of the King's- Bench, and Mafter
of the Office of Pleas in the Exchequer; and every Clerkbefare
mentioned, ſhall for: every Term, in which he ſhall negleR'his
Duty, forfeit 100 J. One Moiety to the Party grieved, and the
other Moiety to the Profecutor. | ot via

VI. No Judgment, notdocketted, as aforeſaid, ſhall aſfect am

Lands: as to Purchaſers or Mortgagees, or have any Preference
- againſt Heirs, Executors or Adminiſtrators in the Adminiſin-

tion of their Anceſtors, Teſtators, or Inteſtates Eſtates:

VII. The Plaintiffs in every of the faid Judgments; ſhall pay
tothe Clerks of the Judgments, for every t entring; 44
over and above the Fees now du:. A £

VIII. This Act to continue for one Year from the 25th Dy
of March, 1691. and from thence to the End of the next Selhon
of Parliament. - Continued by Stat. . & V. 3. cap. 14. fir

one Tear long er, and from thence to the End of the next di

ons; made perpetual by Stat, 7 88 W. z. cap. 36.

12212 Judicial Pꝛoceedings.

I. Stat, x W. & M. Sefſ. 1, cap, 4. Whereas the Term of
St. Hillary, 1688, could not be kept, Be it Enacted, That al
Pleas, Writs, Bills, Actions, Suits, Plaints, Proceſs, Precept,
or other thinzs whatſoever, that were returnable, or had Day ot
Days in the Chancery, King's Bench, Common-Pleas, or Exche-
quer, in OZ. Hill. Quind Hill. Craft. Pur. or Od. Pur. lik
aſt, or at any Day (certain after any of the ſaid Returns, ſhal
Rand and be revived, and are hereby continued and adjourned ta
the Return of uind Faſch, next enſuing ; and Parties that had
Day at any time in Hill. Term, ſhall appear on the faid Return
of Quind. Paſch,under the ſame Penalties that might have incur
red for not appearing in Hillary Term, if it had been held.
II. Writs of Error upon Judgments in the King's Bench, re-
turnable, or upon which Day was given in the Exchequer-
Chamber, at any time in Hill. Term, and all Proceedings tnere-
upon, ſhall be revived and adjourned to the 20th Day of April,
1689. and all Parties are to apſ ear then, under the ſame Pe
nalties that would have incurred if any had made Default in Fil.

— 12
? III. Writs

* IJuvicſal-Pzoceedings: 349 I
. Writs of Error upon Judgments in the Court of Exche- 9
| — upon Which Day Las : given before the Lord Chancellor,
and the Lord Treafurer in Hall. Term, and Proceeding Bev: |
upon,.ſhall be revived and adjourned to the 23d Day of Apri


n i A* :
1680. and all Parties are to appear then under the fame Pena |
— har youll have incurred if they made any Default in Hill.
' erm, C9c, . . ; 1% raids

— Fi upon which: Preclamation ought to have | been

after made in Fil}, Term, ſhall be good, as if ſuch Proclamation had 1
in been made; and if the Fourth and laft Proclamation was to 4
l have been made in Hill. Term, the five Years ſhall be account- 3
d the ed from the 12th Day of February, 1688. 5
I V. Where _ Judgment was by Warrant of Attorney to

dme been entred in Hill. Term, the fame may be entred in

ence Bl Zofter-Term, if the Parties be then living. ©
ir I. Any Perſons before the 17th of il, 1689. may
proſecute any Precept, Writ, Meſne-Proceſs or Execution,
* 0) BY returnable in the ſaid Courts on ſome Return or Day in
46 Eaſter· Term next; and the ſaid Writs in the King's Bench, =».
7 Common-Pleas and Exchequer, ſhall be dated on the Days hop

1 WY are actually ſued out; which Writs and Proceſs ſhall be poo :
y'> _ the Want of any Original Writ, or being
atteſted. | We. .- © Wo.
87 VII. It ſhall be lawful before the ſaid 19th Day of April,

to te any Writ of Habeas Corpus in Civil Cauſed, to be

211 0 aforcfaid, returnable . Pekes any of the |
uſtices of the King's Bench, Common-Pleas, or Barons of the T

xchequer ; who oceed thereupon, as if the ſaid Term

eee .

+ VIII. All” Pleaz, Writs, Bills, Actions, Suite, Plaints,

' Proceſs, Pleadings, Proceedings, Indictments, and Informa-

Po, tions, Cauſes Things whatſoever, pleaded, returned, de-
he pending, or being in the Court of the Dutchy-Chamber at Weft-
10 minfler, in the Great Seſſions of Wales, or in the Conrts
hat within the Counties Palatine of Cheſter, Lancaſter, or Durham,
It or in any other Court of Law or Equity, upon the zith
ha Day of December, 1688. ſhall be continued and revived, and
1 may be proceeded upon without any Continuance or Adjaurn-
od IX. Perſons that fince the ſaid 11th Day of December, 1688,
50 and before the 13th Day. of February following, have com-
— mitted any 4 — . Burglary, Perjury, 2 |
re. BY Togery, or any other Crimes for which they were in Cu-
w1 „or ſtood upon Bail, on the ſaid 13th Day of February,
% ſhall be proceeded againſt as if the ſaid Crimes had been

4 committed before the ſaid 11th Day of December; and a 4

| Perſons for any Matter ariſen fince the ſaid rxth Day of |
s Damber, and befote the laid 13th Day of February, tall be ©


, - . a 2 . by 1
350 Judicial Pꝛoteedings.
liable to any Action; and it ſhafl be ſafficient' in all b.
dictments and Informations for any ſach Otimes, und ip
all Actions and Declarations for any fach Cauſe, to 1.
ledge the Vear of our Lord, inſtead of the Year of the King
and in fuch Indictments, Informations or Actions, herd
Concluſions uſed to be contra pacem Domini Regis, to conclade
contra pacem Regni; and Indictments for Felonies committei der 2
within that time ſhall be good, having the words contra pam of ti
Regni, though the words Domini Regis Coronam & Dignits WI Caul
tem, be omitted. _ | 11 8
X. Recogniſances, Statutes and Obligations, made fince the
ſaid x1th Day of December, and before the ſaid 13th Day of ſons
February, in the Name of, and to the late King James II. agait
be good, and may be ſued in their Majeſties Names; pad
all Perſons who are bound by Recogniſance to the ſaid e I Char
King to appear in the Court of the King's Bench at any time in Nor if
Hillary-Term, or at the next Aſſiſes, Oyer and Terminer, Ge. WK infor
neral Gaol-delivery, or of the Peace, ſhall be obliged to appey Wawa
in the ſaid Court of King's Bench on the Firſt Day of Paſte. Wl ſhall
Term, 1698. and at the next cage 7 — of Oyer and T- Rec
miner, * under the Penalty of forfeiting the ſaid Recogni- tion.
nce, &c. bf |
XI. Writs and Proceſs iſſuing out of any of the Courts of WM ſaid
Weſtminſter, as of Michaelmas-Term, 1688. that have becners X
cuted before they were returnable, and all Bills, Plaints, Judg Cou
ments and Proceedings in any Infertour Court, and Executi- pu
ons thereupon fince the ſaid 11th — 2 December, and before y /
the ſaid 13th Day of February, fhall be good, as if the ſaid lac Spec
King had continued ſo, | X
II. Bail-Bonds taken by Sheriffs, Ofc. though not Utla
aki ſince the Firft Dux of November, 1687. and Recogni- Wi Spec
ances of Bail taken fince the ſaid 1th Day of December, be: Atte
fore any Perſon who upon the Firſt Day of December laft wa n
2 of the King's Bench, Common Pleas, or Baron of the the
xchequer, ſhall be good, and may be inrolled in Eafter-Term Sher
1689. and all Commitments to Priſon on any Writ or Proceh

by the ſaid Judges fince the ſaid r1th Day of December, ſhallbe Wl Bail

good in Law, | turn

X11I. No part of the time from the zoth of December, 1688 requ
until the 12th of March, 1688. ſhall be accounted as part of the char
ſix Months from the time of the Avoidance of any Church in A
| Which any Perſon is bound to bring his Darrein Preſentment, Ul
or Quar- Impedit, or as any part of the Time in which any Per Wii
Gn by virtue of any Statute of Limitation ought to bring his . Sure

Action. 1 Eh
_ XIV. Stat. 4 & 5 V. & N. cap. 18. The Clerk of the Crown
ol the King's Beach thall not, Without expreſs Order in "on
| 7

nm "OTE WE"

ib —- For
N * * LO : * > *
* ol Se _
* 8
f - ” * 1 \
| „
. d © . 1 7 a *
& , "oe
W . * 4 F.
; . __ . p | 8 *
Xx 1
i 0 351
1 1 ”

receive or file any Tnformation for Treſpaſſes, Batteries,

EY 2 Miſdemeanors;' or iſſue any Proceſs thereupon,
to of. before he ſhall have or fhall have delivered to him a
* ilance from the Informer, with the Place of his Abode,
herds Tatze or Profeſſion, to be entred to the Perſon profecured, in
late 20 L. Penalty; to proſecute with Effect, and abide by ſuch Or-
. der 3 8 direct; which R iſance the Clerk

of the Crown, or a Juftice of Peace of the Place where the

Cauſe of any Information ſhall ariſe, may take; and the Clerk of
the Crown ſhall enter the ſame upon Record, and file a Mamo-
randum thereof in ſome publick Place in his Office, that all Per-
ſons may reſort thereunto without Fee. And if the Perſons
222inft whom ſuch Informations ſhall be exhibited, appear and
plead to Iſſue, and that the Proſecutor ſhall not at his own
Charge, within a Year after Iſſue joyned, F a Trial,
or if upon ſuch Trl eat paſs 5 the II. or .
Informer procure a ofequz to be entred, the Court ſhall
award the Defendant Coſta: unleſs the Judge, before whom it
ſhall be tried, ſhall at the Trial in open Court certific upon
Record, That there was a reafonable Cauſe for ſuch Informa-
tion. And in caſe the Cofts be not paid within Three Months
after they are taxed, the Defendants ſhall have the Benefit of the
ſaid i{fance ta compel the Payment thereof.

XV. No Perſons who are or ſhall be outlawed in the ſaid

Court for any thing ( except Treaſon or Felony ) ſhall be com-

to appear in Perſon to reverſe the fame, bur may appear

y Attorney, and reverſe the ſame without Bail, except 2 oa

Special Bail ſhall be ordered by the Court. |

XVI. And if any Perfon fo outlaw'd be taken upon a Capias

Utlagatum, the Sheriff who hath taken him (in all Caſes where
Special Bail is not required by the ſaid Court) may take an
Attorney's Engagement under his Hand to appear for him,
and to reverſe the Outlawry, and thereupon may diſch
the Defendant : And where Special Bail is required, "the
Sheriff may take Security of the Defendant by Bond with
one or more Suretics, in double rhe Sum, for which Special
Bail is required, and no more, for his Appearance at the Re-
turn of the Writ, and do and perform ſuch things as ſhall be
required by the Court; and after ſuch Bond taken, may diſ-
charge him. |
XVII. If any Perfon ſo outlaw'd, and taken upon a Capias
Utlagatum, ſhall not be able within the Return of the ſaid
Wrn to give Sccurity, whenſoever ſuch Priſoner ſhall find -
Surety for his Appearance by Attorney at ſome Return in the
Term then next following, to rererſe the Outlawry, &c. the
oncritf may diſcharge” him. 2


1 ** ö

: ' 4 . * 4 a : P * et
— — — » * 4 of _ p — &\ 8 'y
** "EF * 4 F

352 Judicial Pꝛoteedings.

Name of their Majeſtie: ner or commo
e e . end g
| , n mile ol any or Queen of, thi
Realm, all "Pleas to Informations ſhall fiand, 8. th
the Defendants to plead anew, unleſs the Defendants
— COM for that Purpoſe within Five Months after
emile. 5 |

XX. Stat. 4 & 5 W. & M. cap. 22. No Corporations, Loni

of Manors, or others, having Grants 14 Charter or other
Conveyances, who have inrolled, and had the ſame Aovel h,
the Court of King's Bench, ſhall be compelled to plead the ſane
to any —_—_— returned by any Coroner. And if any Ca-
5 rds of Manors, or others, have or ſhall have fad

rants from the Crown for Felons Goods, Deodands, 2

other Forfeitures, they ſhall not be compelled to enrol they
whole Charters or Grants, but ſuch part thereof as may ei
preſs the Grants of ſuch Felons Goods, Deodands, and Fork
rures, and no more; for doing whereof the Clerk of the Crom
ſhall receive 20 s. for his Fee, and no more; and from and i
ter ſuch Enrolment, they ſhall nat be compelled to plead the
ſame to any Inquiſition, |

XXI. If any Clerk of the Crown ſhall hereafter iſſue ont

any Proceſs againſt ſuch Grantees after ſuch Enrolment, he
y_ 2 for every ſuch Offence, to the Party grieved the

um of 5 J. | |

XXII. But the Clerk of. the Crown ſhall incur no Penaly
mentioned in this Act, for iſſuing Proceſs againft any Perſon,
who ſhall not, upon every Purchaſe of the Title of ſuch Felon
Goods, c. inroll and plead the ſaid Purchaſe in the ſaid Coun,
nor againſt any Deviſee who ſhall not inrol or plead ſud
Deviſe, nor againft any Heir who ſhall not inroll his or he
Right by Deſcent, and till after ſuch Pleas have been allowel
of - the ſaid Court, nor where by any Inqueſt of any Coroner
the Goods of any Felon or Felons, or Deodands, ſtal
— be found in the Hands of ſuch Purchaſer, Deviſce, a

eir. | |

XXIII. Upon iſſuing of any Exigent for any Crimini

Matter, betore ſuch Conviction, there ſhall iſſue a Writ ol
Proclamation, bearing the ſame Tefte and Return, to the She
riff of the County, City, or Town where the Perſons in the
Record of the ſaid Proceedings are mentioned to inhabit, 2
cording to the Form of the Statute made Anno 31 Eliz. which
Writ ſhall be delivered to the Sheriff Three Months before the
Return thereot.


XXIV. This AR to continue for Three Years from 25 March,

1663. and to hg 700 of the then next Seſſion of Pali
F, Perpetual by Stan. 7 & 8 W. 3. cap. 36. „

Chancery, Court at Weftminfler, or Court of

Great Seſſions in the reſpective Counties of Wales, ra gy
Cauſe or Cauſes originally aroſe, may iſſue forth Execution
or Executions, or other Proceſſes, upon every Judgment or De-

cree given or made in the Court, held before the Preſident

aal and Council of the Marches of Wales, before 1 June, * 4
AI. bf fuch Judgment or Decree had been given or made in either
he ſane el the fad Courts of the Exchequer or Grand Seſſions.
ny Cr. IXIVI. Provided, That the faid Courts have Power td
ve fac ſpeview, rehear, reverſe, or affirm the ſaid Judgments and
ds, 2nd RV ecrees. F.- 3 5 * 5

XIVII. Stat. zo & 11 . 3. cap. 14 For quieting

Titles and Poſſeſſions under antient Fines and Recoveries, |
antient Judgments, it is Enacted, That no Fine or Common Re-
very, nor any Judgment in any Reil or Perſonil Action, ſhall
after 1 Mo, I be reverſed for ny Error. therein, unkefs
he Writ of Error or Suit for reverſing ſuch Fine, Recovery, or
Judgment, be comeutpesd — org with Effect within
I'wenty Years after ine levi ecovery ſuffered, ot
udgment fi or entred on Record. | is
XXVIN. But Perſons entitled to ſuch Writs of Error, be-
ng within the Age of 21 Years, or Covert, Non compos mentis,
mpriſoned, or beyond the Seas, when ſuch Title accrued, they,
heir 2 Executors, or Adminiſtrators ( notwithſtand-
g the ſaid 20 Years expired) may bring their Writ of Er-
vr for reverſing ſuch Pine, Recovery or Judgment as they
night have done if this Act had not been made, fo i: be wich-
ive Years after their being of full Age, Diſcoverture,
ming of ſound Mind, Enlargement out of Priſon, or Re-
— ous beyond Sea, or Death, but not afterwards, or
dtherwiſe. |

Juries and Jurozs.

I. Marlbt. cap. 14. 32 H. 3. Such as have Chatters of Ex-

aption not to be impannelled upon Juries, ſhall ( notwithftand-
ng their Privilege) be ſworn upon Great Adliſes, Perambula-
ns, in Deeds and Writings of Covenants (where they be na-
ed for Witneſſes ) and in Attain's, and when their Oaths are
requiſite that without them Juſtice cannot be adminiſtred.

Vol. II. 121ö;—æ¶

. 1 - 4 K 2.
Aa wy” Cx? SY
_ , 1

* 27. 9:

* 1 * E N A 7,
Y " 3

z : as
* ' 0
5 - i

XXV. Stat. 9 K 10 W. 3. cap. 16. The High Court of nM

F N 8

„„ 3
I. Weſt. 2. 8. 13 C. 2. No marc
n ave ANG ther Treg eur.
the Age of Se. ling or ſick or 13 — . —
* or not dw in the A
m—_— etit Aae & ſhalt any be pu
luste a of ene 1 e
Aſſiſes or Iuries be taken out of the R

IU be Aunum at except ſuch hee B

neſs to Deeds, of other Wk and be able to tes

eig. This Statute ſhall not extend to Aſſiſes, w

e e
i erve, a
of the Car County, ſo they ave Lad in the County for wh
IV. No Sheriff, 'Under-Sheriff of Bailiff ſhall offend gu
tun Law, i in Painto to anſwer Damages to the Party, and ta be
| Tu

3 of Aſie have Power to hear and determin det

VI. Stat, 21 EA 1.1 Tear. r. None ſhall be i ta

ſerve. out of their proper Counties, unleſs they have Lin
worth 5 J. or Atom hen E I

| have Landyworth 40 s. per Anmon. turne

VII. This Statute ſhall not extend to ies taken before Jv at ©

a ane a 0

VIII. Artic. ſuper Chart. c

impannelled but as 1s ordained wi

+. E: t, None dar ts,

and they ſhall be new

Neigh oſt ſufficient, and cious; in Pal

that. the ng doth atherwife fon _ double Dr
ee = ere e

IX. Stat. 5

ury, be impriſo e
Bj _ he I

; Serin d IR
„ Sa0.o0' 4 a6 i tha th

Kin and the Party grieved, ne dis

Treſpaſs and Damage.” |

II. Stat. 34 Z. 7-6 i ties

e Pat be Sling ee — Verna
— o to
XIII. IH. ey. be proſecuted by any other than one of the Patties”
he ſhall have the Fine; but if by one of the Parties, he

te Aſſeſſment of the fo

ver Dirtiages taken.

Te we ma tl Be proces belos rh 3
IIV. Stat. 2 H.;. e 7 Nori ſhall be Shsttel
to paſs in an Inqueſt upon Trial of the Death of a Man, or
betwixt Party and Party, in any Plea Reafor Perforial, Where:
of the Debt or Damage declared athounts to Forty Marks,
unleſs he have Lands or Tenements' of the Yearly Valde
2 deze Tera, Callenge thereof Wy

XV. Star. BE. 7 3. Evety Juror i impannell d and |

2 — 5 1 1
. nt Lf img rr ſhalt be bet
appearin a a |
and he ſhal not be Snercied, no loſe Hues n


XVI. No Default, Eſſoign, or othet Delay of ei Party

Plaintiff or Defendant Y in any Perſonal Ac the Law
heretofore ted _— this Ordinance be prejudiced” or
aken — in any manner; bat pers bebte the making ind 7
7 as ardple nhanner 2 they were before

— —_——— on any — the Sheriff's

but ſuch'as are of good Name and Fame, having Lands
and Tenements in the fame County, viz. Free-hold of 20 5.
and Copy-hold of 26s. 84 per Annum ; in Pain that the
Bailiff or other Officer ſhall forfeit for 18175 ſo returned

not of the Suff hr; 4.4

* fad Forkiftrevmhay
pac Renner 2 Debr, 240 ll be bel beit the. |

=_ 7 m Shan,

to be paniſhed n foi —
e of the

pets 2

XVII. Set. 1 R. 3. cap; 4. No Bailiff or *


5 4

356 Juries and Juroꝛs. |

XVIII. Stat. 4 H. 8. cap. 3. For Iſſues loſt by Jurors in Ton-

don, given to the Mayor and Sheriffs there by the Statute

11 e 21. ( which ſoo in Attaint) the Tal Mayor —

Sheriffs ang their Succeſſors may diſtrain reſpectively, vi

| mr for his, and the Sheriffs for their. 8 Ow.
| * of London have Power to return Pannels

of 3 in any of the Courts at Meſtminſt

rors $ m any o $-aTYYVeimm
5 in London, being Citizens, and — Goods of
the Value of a Hundred Marks, who ſhall ſerye and be fworn
in like manner as if they had Lands and Tenements of 20,5. per

Annum. |

XX. The Sheriffs of London ſhall return upon the firſt Di-
ſireſs upon every Juror 20d. and _= the ſecond Diftreſs 40 d.
and upon every other Diſtreſs after that, the double, until a
full Jury appear and be ſworn, in Pain of 10 J. to be divided
betwixt the King and the Profecutor.

XII. Stat. 5 H. 8. cap. 5- The Statute of 4 H. 8. cap.

( to the Iſſues to beſet upon Jurors) ſhall be underftood

of Writs of Diftrels before Juſtices or Juſtice of Niſi prius, in

Suits depending in the Courts at Weſtminſter, and triable at
St. Martine Ie Grand in the City of London , and nat of other
Writs or Proceſſes iſſuing out of the ſaid Courts. Fo

1 one. A, — 8. cap. 2 Trial of Felons in Co 1

owns ma ree-men of the fame Corporation w

in Goods, albeit they have no Free-hold. | 4

XXIV. This A& ſhall not extend to any Knight or Eſquire

dwelling or reſorting in or to any ſuch Town. 1

XXIV. Stat. 35 K. . cap. 6. Where ſuch Perſons 2s ſhould

paſs upon the Trial of any Iſſue in any of the Courts at Weſt
mninſtey ought to have Free-hold worth 40 f. per Anman, the
Writs ſhall be in this Form, Rex, 8&c. P.acipimus, 8c. quod
Venire facias coram, 8c. 12 liberos & legales bomines, &c.
quorum quilibed babeat 40 ſolid. terr. tenem. vel. red. per Au.
mum ad minus, per quos rei.veritas, &c. But when that is not te-
quiſite, the Clauſe, Qgorum quilibet babeat 40 |ſolid. Terr. to-
nem. vel redd. per Annum ad minus, ſhall be omitted.
XXV. Upon every Venive facias that hath the ſaid Clauſe,
Quorum quilibet, &c. the Sheriff or other Officer ſhall not Re -

turn any having leſs than 2 s, per Ann. Free - hold out of au-
tient Demeſne, and in the ſame County where the Iſſue is to be
tried, in Pain to forfeit for every one otherwiſe returned, 205.
They ſhall alſo return Six Hundredorsat leaft, if there be ſo many

in the Hundred where the Venue lieth, in Fain to forſeic for e-

very Hundredor not fo returned, 20 s. And in every ſuch Writ

wherein that Clauſe is omitted, they mall not return any; Br

8883. TK


| e him, to be levied as Iſſues of Juiois uſe by the Common

4 ”
2 * -

Aauries and Jurow. 8 357

fs he may diſpend ſome Lands or Tenements out of Antient
Demeſne, and in the ſaid Hundred, and alſo Six Hundredors

. | A EN 15
XVI. Upon every Writ of Habeas Corpora, or Diſtringar
with a Ni/i prizs, the ſaid Sheriff or other Officer return -
— 14 Man as —— = upon Wo Writ, 58.
t „10. upon t ird, 133. upon ev
other Writ afterwards, 26 5. 8 d. in Painof 5 5 we
XNXVII. In every ſuch Writ of Habeas Corpora, or Diftvin-
as, if a full Jury appear not, or being full, fell ſhort by Chal-
e, the Juſtices =_ Requeſt of either Party) may com-
mand the Sheriff or other Officers to name fo many others then
pm as may make the Jury full, who ſhall be added to the
mer Pannel, and their Names annexed thereunto. | |
XXVII. The Parties may have their Challenge to theſe Tales
de circumſtantibus, and the Juftice may procee i to try the Iſſue
by them, together with the others returned, as well as if fuch
Tales had been returned ſuch Habeas corpora, or Diftrin-
gar; and in ſuch caſe the Trial hall be a effectual as if it had
n tried by Twelve of the Turors returned. 2
XXIX. It any of the Tales being pieſent do. not appear or
after Appearance withdraw himſell, the Juſtices may ſet a Fine


III. Albeit the be made full by the Tales, yet the

Jurors that made Dt ſhall loſe il, 2. if the Jury Had re-

mained deſt Rive for want of Jurors. _ | |

XX.XI. Upon a reaſonable Excuſe ( for Default of a Juror)

proved by Two Witneſſes before the Juſtices, they may dit.

charge the Iſſues loſt, and in that caſe the Sheriff or other Of-

ficer ſhall not incur the Penalty for not returning Iſſues: Alſo

yt the not coming of the Jaſtices the Jurors ſhall be dif-

of their Iſſues, and the Sheriff or ocher Officer of their

Penalties, Ef

be not Jaw

an Habeas or Difiringas any Juror

ond or diſtrained, the Sheriff y Joes

Officer ſhall loſe double the Iſſues returned upon ſuch Juror.

XXXIII. The ſaid Forfeitures (not Iflues ) ſhall be divided

betwixt the King and the Proſecutor. 5 |

XXXIV. The Right of others to Iſſue: ſo forfeited, is ſaved.

XXIV. The Act ſhall not extend to any Sheriff or Miniſter

os Corporations ſo that they return like Iſſues as before are li-

XXXVI. Stat. 4 & 5 Þ. & M. cap. 7. A Tales de circumflane

t:hus may upon Re for the King or Queen by any authort-
22d thereun o, or alliened by the Court, or upon Requeſt by the
Froſcwar or His Aue eg hd by the Wr

” on UT ou waar” EE n —
N * 6 ,
1 *

358 ' Juries and Jos.

Penal Statute.

as it doth there to the Plaintiff, as i Suits for the

_ the ſame Effect with the Statute of 35 H. 8. cap. 6. Se

fendant forbear or refuſe to pray a Tales, it ſhall be granted

2 — e _—_—— * B 712 8 3 my *
mt. Wy 8 = 2

in that reſpect the. Writs ſhall be Quor quilibet habeat qua

Third, 30 5. and the . of 30 8. afterwards, until a full Juy

* .
"4 N
| |
v4 4
7 |
9 :
0 -
; |
i pF -
_ >
| }

a / -

Allie or Nift price, be granted in a Suit cammenced upaq :

XXXVIL The Statnte of 5 H.8.c . 6: ſhall be interpretes 1

to give like Advantages to Ki Queen and Proſecutot,

been there particulatly meatianed, ”

ſnall be grantable I the Tus ve ee of Wale an the

Counties Palatine of Chefter, Lancaſter, and Durham, being 4

nes of Longs.
XXXIX. Stat. 14 Eliz. cop. 9. In cafe the Plaintiff er De-

(by the Juſtices of Niſi prius in England, or thoſe of Oyer or

Affiſe in Wales, Cheſter, Lancafter, and Durham) at the Pray:
ex of the Defendant or Tenant ; and that as well in Suits upoy
Penal Laus, as upon other Trials. Th "re

XL. Stat. 27 Fliz. cap. 6. The Ability of Jurors , returgel

upon Tys!s ordained 8 of 2 H. 5. Stat. 2 cap |
and * . 8. cap. 6. to be 40 4. per Annum, is increaſed to g ,
Annum, upon the like Pain of 20 5. to be forfeited by the
Sheriff or other Officer, for every Juror otherwiſe returned; and

I:byas, 8c.
XII. Here the Iſſues to be returned ſhall he as ſalloweth, viz
upon the Firſt Writ, xo s. upon the Second, 20 3. upon the
be ſworn, or the Proceſs otherwiſe ceaſe; in Pain that the $h6
riff or other Oihcer ſhall forfcit 5 J. for every Juror returned
with leſs Iſſues ſet upon him. 225 .
XLII. Upon Iſſues loſt by a Failure of lawful Summons, the
Sheriff or other Officer ſhall forfeit the double Iſſues. |
ALI. The Sheriff or other Officer that takes a Bribey and
agrees to take it directly or indirectly, for the ſparing of a Jurot,
(hall forfeit 5 J. to be divided berwix: the Queen and the Proſe
cutor. |
- *XLIV. Upon any Trial Two Hundredors ſhall be
deemed ſufficient ; notwithſtanding any Challenge hereafter to
be made againſt the ſame. |

_'XLV. All lawful Challenges ſhall be admitted; notwithſtand- Wl fine

ing this Act; neither ſhall it extend to Jurics-in Corporations or L
x Rh | ea
XI. VI. Stat, 16 & 17 Cay. 2. cap. 3. An Af far the Rem vive
Ingo bl lt Fours Tiba Fa

X. VI. Sau,


Ln rl 1a

84K. ®

FD: Yuries and Jurops. | 359

XVII. Stat, 7 & 8W. 32. Hat any Time hereaf-
ter any Plaintiff 7 nt; being 2 Iſſue, ſhall bring to
the Sherilf any Writ of FYenive facras, upon which a Wric
of Habeas Carpora, or Diſtvingas, iſſue, in order to try ſuch
Iſue at the Aſſiſes, and fach Plaintiff or. Demandant ſhall not
proceed to Trial at the firſt Aſſiſes after. the Tofte of ſuch
Haheas z in all ſuch Caſes, (other than where Views

Jarors ſhall be directed) the Plaintiff or Demandant, when

he ſhall think fit to try the ſaid Iſſue at any other Aſſiſes, ſhall
ſue forth a new Writ of Yenire, directed to the Sheriff in this

Form : | |

XLVIII. Quod de novo Venire facias coram, &cc. duodecim

liberos legales bomines de Vicinets de A. quorum quilibet
babeat decem Tibyas terre, tenementorum vol reddituum per
annum ad mins, ques, &c. & qui nec, cc.

XLIX. The R after the ancient manner. Which Writ

being returned and filed, a Habeas Corpora, or Diſtringas, with
a Neff prius, ſhall iſſue thereupon, whereupon the Plaintiff or
Demandant may proceed to Trial, and fo faties quoties, 2s the
Caſe ſhall require, So alfo where the Defendant or Tenant
ſhall be minded to bring the Cauſe to Trial by Fou.

L ny Writ of Vonive, Habeas Corpora, or Diſfivinges, -

with a Ni prius, ſued out according to this Statute, Mall be
= and warrantable by Law, and not erroneous or affiznable

ror, N |

LI. Where there ſhall be Occaſion for a Tales by virtue of the

Statute, the Sheriff or other Minifter to whom it ſhall ap-
p:rtain to return the Tales-Men, ſhall return Freeholders or
Copyholders of the County where the Cauſe is to be tried,

who ſhall he returned upon ſome othexiPannel to ſerve at the

ſame Aſſiſes, and then attending, to ſerve upon ſuch Tales;

and the Plaintiff or Defendant may have his Challenge to the
arors ſo named, in ſuch wiſe as ih they had been impannel -
upon the Yenire : And the Juige of Aſſiſe hall and may
— to try the Iſſue with theſe Talos · Men ſo newly adde
virtue of this Act, as he might have done if all the Jur
returned on the Venire had appeared. And every ſuch Trial,
after the 24th of June, 1696. ſhall be good in Law. And in
caſe any Freeholder or Copyholder ſo returned on the Tales,
arg preſent at ſuch Return, ſhall reſuſe to appear when
called, or after Appearance ſhall why withiraw himſelf,
Be Julge of Aſſiſe, who awarded ſuch Talis, ſhall and may
> him, | |
LII. All Conſtables and Headborouzhs of Towns in each
County, ſhall Yearly, at the General Quarter · Seſſions of the
Peace, in the Week after the Feaſt of St Michacl, return an
ive a tive Liſt in Writing of the Names and Abodes of. all
Pcrſons within the reſpe@tive Places for which they ow, |
Pare" Z 4 Gale!

— —

—— — «„
— —— . - — *

| cauſe
ſaid Lift to be fairly entred in a Bock, _ among
| impannel

return any Perſon to ſexve in any Jury at the Aſfite, Gaok

| — to be ſummoned be abſent from his uſual Habitation, x

ſor the Sheriff, if he ſummons one who is not qualified ; and

2 . Action be brought thereupon, the Sheriff may plea

f LV. After the 24th of June, 1696. none ſha!l be returned

after he ſhall he ſworn. And every Iury-man having


delivery or Seſſions of the Peace, that ſhall not be named ig

the ſaid Lift. Conſtable or Headborough failing to make ſuch
Return, as aforeſaid, ſhall forfeit the Penalty of 5 J. to the

K k ; | ,

Lit. Every Summons of Perſons qualified to ſerve on

ries, 1h }| be made by the Sheriff or his Officer, at leaſt $i
Days be fore, ſhewing to the Perſon the Wartant under Sez] d
the Office, wherein he is nominated to ſerve; and in caſe fuch

ote in Writing under the Hand of ſuch Officer, to that Effed

_ beleft at his Dwelling-houſe, with ſome Perſon there in

iting. 5 |

LIV. The Return to the Juſtices ſhall be a good Excuſe

neral Iſſur, and give this AQ in Evidence; and i

the Plaintiff be non ſuited, diſcontinue his Action, or a Ve
dict for the Defendant. the Plaintiff ſhall. pay (treble Coll
And if the Sheriff, his Deputy or Bailiff, ſhall ſummon an
Freeholder or Copyholder otherwiſe than aforeſaid, or neg-
I-& his or their Duty, or excuſe any Perſon for -Favour of
Reward, or allow of any Exemption to any Perſon under the
Age of Seventy Lean, ſuch Sheriff, his Deputy or Bail,
ſhall farfeit the Sum of 20 l. to uch Part grieved, or who
elſe ſhall ſue for the ſame, in any Court of Record at Maui

to ſerve on any jury at the Aſſiſes, Gaol-delivery, or Seſſions

of the Peace for — County of York ( the City « of York. and
Town of Kingflon upon Hull, excepted) above once in Four
Years ; and every Sherift of the ſaid County for the 268
be:ng, ſhall keep a Regifier of ſuch Perſons as have

on Juries. wheigin their Abodes and Times of Service hall

be xy x me ond entred; which Book ſhall be from time to
time delivered over to the ſucceeding Sheriff, within Ten Days

t the Aſſiſes, Gaol - delivety or ons, ma ir to the

deri or Under-Sheriff, to have his Name need th the ſaid
Regiſter, of which he ſhall, upon Requeſt, have a Certificaty

a II Fr

Es ;


rs Ei II EEmra ESTER F Eons SI

— 1


e, F 1 henceforth — — of the City of

mſter e rom 1erving in any jury at
en of the Ben? for the Sn of Nl
x. « 4 8 wo
LVIII. The AR of the 4 & 5 V. & M. cap, 24, as to
ſo much thereof as relates to the. Returning of jurors, ſhall
be in Force for ſeven Years from the firſt Day of May, at
and from. thence to the End of the next Seſſions of Part

ment. | h x
LIX. This Act, or the laſt-mentioned Act, fhall not give
or require any longer Time for rhe ſummoning Juries that

are to try Iſſues joyned, and triable in London, or County of

Middleſex, than was by Law required before, nor any longer
Time for the Return of any Writ, Precept or Proceſs of Voniro
— — Cr pora, or Diftringas, than was by Law re-
i ore. |
TLL. This Act ſhall not extend to the City of London, nor
to any other County of any City or Town within this Realm,
nox to any Town-Co te that hath Power by Charter ta

———_ ivery, or of the Peace. Vide Poſt.

INI, Stat. 8. z. cap. 10. It ſhall be law ful at any

time before the firſt of November, 1697. for all Sheriffs, or

Cororers of Counties, where Lifts have not been returned pur-

ſuant to the Act made the firft Seſſion, of this preſent Parlia -
ment, intituled, An Act for the Eaſe of Jurors, and better
Regulating of Juries, to make Returns o } ex wy in all Caſes, as
they might have done before the making of the ſaid Act. And

from and after the Feaſt of St. Michael, — Do uſtices of

. |

the Peace are required and commanded, at their Seſſions of

the Peace next re the Feaſt of St Michael Yearly, to
ve forth Precepts to the reſpective Conſtables within their re-

ſpett've Counties or Diviſions, requiring them to make ſuch.

Rerurns of P to s, as by the ſaid Ach

2 erſops to ſerve upon Juries, as by

LXII. Stat,

a 1

py : | - ; | ! 5 8 s
362 Juries and :Jurogs-
IIIIIL Stat. 1 A. c. 23. continues ie
the End of the next Seſſions of P Ac

May, 1703. for ſeven Years, and from

the next Seſſions of Parliament.
LXHI. No Perfen qualified

of | part of 4 |

Penalty of 204. on Sherif » Under-Sheri ages

ing Return and Summons, by Perſoy nd fat

ſuing tor the ſame in the Courts of Record at Weſtminſter. as afor

LIIV. Stat. 3 4. cap» 18. That if any Sheriff of the

County of York, after the firſt of May, 1505. during the lf.
mentioned Act, refuſe or neglect to — a Regiſter as the ſai &
Act requires, or te enter the Names of Perſons ſerving u |u. ibe G
rors at the Aſſiſes or Quartet - Seſſions for the County or ki
dings (while he ſhall be Sheriff) their Additions, and Tine

and Place of Service (as is by the ſaid Act directed) or within LI

ten Days after the — — ſworn, tb deliver hin WRccor:
the Books and Regiſters, made as well in his Year as thoſe Count
made four Years before, and delivete over to ham by his be. Murd:
* ; — * — — ertificate in Wr
at is, then every Sheri re or in all ox LX
— the ſaid Caſes, ſnall forſeit the Sum of 750 J. One Moiey Habe.
to her Maj eſty, the other to the Perſons that ſue for the fans to hav
in any the Courts at Veſtminſler. named
LXV. If any Sheriff of the ſaid County, Under-Sheriff, ot Wl recurr
Buliff, knowingly ſummon or return any Perſon to ſerve at
any the ſaid Aſſiſes or Seſſions, who within four Years before LX
ſuch Summons or Return have ſerved, ſhall not, v- WJ ral go
cing ſuch Certificate to the Perſon. ſummoning, Sheriff, Un- WM turnir
der-Sheriff, or D uty, diſcharge the ſaid Summons or Return, tinnec
and thereof give Notice to the Party ſammoned fix Days before Act
ſuch Aſſiſes or Seflions, then the Sheriff, or Under Sheriff, of That
Perſon ſummoning, or refuſing to diſcharge, ſhall forfeit to and 8
the Party ſummoned 20 J. to be recovered, as aforeſaid, with intitu
full Coſt:. | | gaſy 1
IXVI. The Juſtices of Peace for all Counties of Englend Wl fions
and Wales ſhall Yearly, during this AR, at the Quatter · Scſſiom tinue
next after the 24th of June, iſſue Warrants under the Hands WE thenc
and Seak of Two or more of them, to the Chief Conſtables 2
of the Hundreds, requiring them to iſſue their Precepts to WM That
the Conſtables, Tytning-men, Ir. within their Hundreds, WW {*rve
requiring them to meet the faid Chief Conftables in fourteen Tork
Days after the Date of ſuch Precept, at ſome Place in the BF ty of
Hundred, where the Conſtables, c. ſhall make a Liſt figned Hul
by them of the Names and Places of abode of all Perſons widr —

in dhe reſpective Places they ſerve, qualitied to ſerve on Jo

. { 4


Arras "Bp &g

S222 5

S282 =



- - . 0 *
6, , "hrs . —
* 7 % p N 83 A

— —
cs, according to the Ad of 4 F. & M. » Titles and
140 . :Y and
«by 7 Mag . ede which Ade Conte
l der M:cb celmas, on the el Day thefaid Seffions ſhalt
-held, ſhall give t. the uſtices there in open Court. Every
onſtable of the Hundred failing to iſſue his Erecept, to. for-
eit 10 J. And Conſtable, Tything- Man, Cc. failing to meet
Ts failing to make a Lift, and give in the ſame in open Court

W aforeſajd, to forfeit 3 J. And every High-Conftable, Con-

fable and Tyth

fliſes,. Seſſions
— Fe for the better Obſervance of this Act, and 4 & 5

ing · man, offending, to be proſecute) at the

of Oyer —_— Gaol- delivery and

& M. cap. 24. and 7 V. & M. cap. 32. the Juſtices at

be afar 7s. Heng held or ad the 24th of June,
ſhall cauſe the ſaid ſeveral Acts to be read in open Court.

LIVII. Stat. 4 & 5 A. cap. 16. Venire out of Courts of

Record at Weſtmim/ter ſhall be awarded of the Body of the

County, except in Appeals and Judgmen's of Felony and

Murder, and Fadictmenes and Preſentments of Tieaſon, and
in Writ, Bill, or Information on Penal Starnes. ö |

LXVIL), Courts at Weftmin/ier, may order ſpecial Writs of

Habeas Corp. or Diftringas, to cauſe fix or more Jurory
to have the Matters in Queſtion ſhewn them by two Ferſons
named in the Writs appointed by the Court; and the Sneriff ta
return the View. a

LXIX, Stat. 10 A. cap. 14. reciting, That there are ſerve -

ral good Clauſes in an Act * & 5 M. 3. relating to the Re-
turning of Jurors, which being made for three Years, were con.
tinned by an Act 7 & 8 M. 3. for ſeven Years; and by another
Act 1 Anne farther continued for ſeven Years ; reciting alſo,
That ſeveral other Clauſes and Proviſions, relating to the Returns
and Service of Jurors, were made by an Act 3 8&4 Anne,
mtituled, An i ua an Al for the more
eaſy Recovery of ſmall Titkes, &c. all which Clauſes and Provi-
lions are now Expiring : Enacted, That the ſame ſhall be con-
tinued for eleven Years from the Expiration thereof, and from
thence to the End of the nex: Seſſionot Parliament. |
LXX. And whereas by the ſaid Act 5 & 8 V. 3. tis Enacted,
That after 24 June, 1696. no Perſon ſhall be returned to
ſerve at the Aſſiſes or Seſſions of the Peace for the County of
Tork, above once in four Years (the City of York, and Coun»
ty of the ſaid City, and Town and County of Kingſt»- upon
Hull, excepted) Now for explaining the Words, Seſſions
tbe Peace, the ſme ſhall be conſtrued to extend to any 8
bons of the Peago to be hallen for any of the Ridings, 5


&c, -Vearly at the Quarter. Seſßons in the

F * N * p * * <

354 YJurlovlilon, Ke.

' alfo to any Seſſiom of the Pence Which ſhall be

or Privileges granted to the

ty of Toma, An. Act Ac

Fying ſever 75 ly

I. Artic. Cleri. cap. 6 9 E. 2. Albeit a Cafe be debated,

and have judgment in the Spiritual Court, yet the King!

Court may aftetwards diſcuſs the ſame Matter, as the Party

ſhall think expedient for himſelf. 7 |

1 Stat, Pro Clevo, 23 E. 3. Stat. 3. cap. 8:Cognizance o

Avoidance of Benebce: delzags tothe ZockSlalcel Tadge, md
not to the Temporal. | |

Juris utrum.

I. Ueſt. 2. cap. 24. 13 E. 1. A Writ of Juris utrion ſhall

be granted to try whether Free Alms belong to one Church or
33 where they are transferred from one Church

Juſtice and Right, and Juſtices.

I. Stat. 2 E. 3. c . 8, No Command ſhall be made under

the great or little Seal to diftutb or delay common Right ; and
the Juſtices ' ſhall proceed to do Right notwi ing ſuch

Commands, | |

II. Stat. t8 E. * Stat. . ca * 1. The Oath to be

given to Juſtices, wi they ale ele Places, is to this Ef-
ect; vis. To ſerve the King in their Offices, to wam
him of any Damage, do Juſtice, take no Bribe, give no
Counſel where he is a Party, maintain no Suit, nor

deny Right
(rhough by Tommang from the King) to procure the =


8. KL 2E

SRxz353 287

9 **
* ry

Gen found in

20E. 3. cab. 1. The $ aſtices ſhall do R

to 12 Reſpect of png pans Right
Lene be rhe, ep

Commands to the contrary ; and if a

— the King and bis Council ee with

party; and 3

in Body, phe - uk

IV. Stat. 20 E. 3. 2. The like is commanded to the

Barons of the Ex — ——

before them without 7.

v. Stat. 20 E. 3.cap. 3. Jaltices afigned by Commiſſos;

and of Aſſiſe and Gaol-de * and their Aſſociates, ſhall made

ſuch Oath as ſhall be enjoyned — . — King's Council or

the Chancery, before their Commiſſions be delivered unto them.

VI. Stat. 1 Jac. 1. e 10 None ſhall take any |

Promile forthe: ores eG . ——

yay es of the King's Judges or Court, dei or in or indirectly, in

of and to loſe his Office or Place in the ſame Court.
he Pa Wed wil foe for it; Wer if act, en -
the rarty * or it; not,
twirt the Kin and any other Proſecutor,
VIII. This c ſhall not prohibit the Clerk from taking for
hu Pains in Writing the Report, viz. 12 4. for 1 firft Sheer,

and 2 d. NEO

Juſtices in err.

ald, cop. 24 H. 3 uftices in Eyre ſhall not amerce

Town ips, becauſe all of 12 — 6 came not before

the Sheriffs and — to make Enquiry of Robberies,

and other Offences againſt te Crown, ſo that a

of thoſe Towns-ap hs : Howbeit, upon an Inqueſt for

the Death of a Man, all of twelve Years of A Age ought to ag

pear, unleſs they have ſome reaſonable Cauſe of Abſence.

IT. Weſt, . cap. 18. * r

oc beef

e l . wi hes hoaal
been uſed: And the ſaid Juſtices ſhall cauſe the Parcels thereof to
b erated lud Exchequer, *

Pal vers and other

* fa 4 * - &
« % * »
"BS ,
/ * SF. |
_ Julfices in Ee. 365

and ds anſwerable to the King in Body, OF.

_ * pop — =


125 - Juſtices of Alle; -

Ss 4 udn e in Hive (in the thei cy
fall ce ef the chief Jo

ty Coneein ,
ſhall have — — — Writs that abate —
7 which may be amended p alfo * o

= 55 within the 12 2 es of D
re im eintauent, and it —
wih be ſaid Summons ind of N ny

I. Stat. 5 7c. arum, incer ti een

eight rare

— Nis

1 ga St

the Eaſe of the People; and Writs of 50

nizances, ſhall be granted to be taken before none bat —

ſave of the Special Grace of the King.

IV. Stat. 20 E. 3. cap. G. uſtioes of Aſſiſe have Power to

enguies of the 5 of Sh Eſcheators,. Bailfh,

V. Stat. 6 R. 2 cap. 5+ Juſtices of Aſſiſe and Gaol delivery

ſhall hold their Seſſions inthe chief rag Der
where the Shire · Courts thete uſe to be holden.

VI. Seat. 8 R. 2. cap. 2. Ne Man el Law hall be luer

Aſſiſe or Gaol- del in his own! Country; and the

ſtice of the Common Bench ſhaltbe aſſigned

| Ot nn SI 8 55

King's Bench, it Hall be as'for the mo *

Jed Years aſt ind ban erben be

VII. Stat. 11 R. 2. c 1. Becauſe it was found incenves

ent to the SubjeR, rhat | ces of Adſiſe ſhould be bound to

J theix Seffions where the Shite· Courts uſe to be held, the

7 — by the Advice of the ſhall have Power to
der that otherwife, as need ing the Sta.
ute of 6 K. 2. cap. Je =

VIII. Stat, 20 R. 2. 3. Ns Lord or thr ſhale up

n the Bench with the J. of 4095, in Pain of "="

— the King, and the Juftices there co not to

er it *

IX, Stat. 11 M. 4. 3. J ices of Ae hall geliver i in-

o the Treaſury the Leer. of Aſſiſes of Novel diſſcifin, More-
lancefter, and Certifications, every ſecond Year after the Plea
fetermined and J en; antrhoſe Records ſha not de
amended or impaired after 118822 given and recorded.

I. Stat. 14 H. & cap The Seſſions of the Juſtices of Af -

lle, and Gaol- delivery — ſhall be —.— (in the
2 in the City of Carliſle, and not elfe.
here, according to the Statute of 6 R. 2- cap. 5

II. Stat. 33 H. 8; cap. 24. No Juſtice or other learned in

he Law ſhall = Juftice of Aſſiſe in the County where he was
om or doth inhabit, in Pain of 100 J. to be divided betwixt the
King and the Profecutor.
III. This Statuse halb not extend to the Clerk of Aſſiſe, or
o any Afffociate; ox to any ſuch Juftice of Aſſiſe.
III. Neither ſhall theſe Wot, Juſtices of ASM, 8
earned in the. Law, extend to Officers in Corporations, but tha
they may be Juftices way. of freſh Force, or other Af
In the Places where they dwell or were born.
XIV. This Act ſhall not. be prejudicial to any Juſtice" of the
8 . or the other, for hearing and determining Aſſiſes in
hoſe Courts, nor to any juftice that ſhall take any Aſſiſe by
525 nment 8 thereof.
3," Clerk. of Aſſiſe ſhall not (during the Seſſions) be
Council to any within the Circuit, otherwiſe than as to his
nce A a in in mga, * 10 J. to be divided betwixt the

Fon IVI, Thin AG ainor extend to nage Clit, non Clerks

Aue Tichin Tho TOY PR en Lancafters



Nun ·
ad for
| for

% 5 y N , of 4 : . _ 2 Viz : wa *
* - 4 * F "VB IR — 5
0 = - F *
* « F » -
” N - * —
N 4 " *
; * R} - [ 7 © i

* 8 K * 3 2 2 ; v
* b f ; 3 : : i ö :
£7 .. I N 13 0 5
. | F | ; , |
- j p * 4
2 A
3, . | | by
% + , i * 5 N
s I's ka % „„ YL x +> * . * *
* * "as : 4 2 9 Y = = Sh 4 *
, . * 4 >, P F
7 ; yy * -
: k F 4 6 * . : * *
decided by the

uftices of the nch, bef: be commence):
yer ſig ſhall net be entred and allowed, but let none pn

II. Stat. w H. 6. r The Juſtices, Serjeant,

and the King's Attorney, ſhall be paid their Wages by the Tra-
farer of England at Eaſter and Michaelmas by even Port
without any other Suit. But this Statute is not in the prints
Book, of Statutes. *

Juſtices of Gaol-delivery.

I. *t&. De finibus levatis, cap. 3. 27 E. 1. Juſtices of Ab

= ſſeꝛs preſently 2 the Aſſiſes taken hall deliver Jt Gaols: but

*. i one of them be a Clerk, the other that is Lay, AGONY

4 to him one of the moſt diſcreet Knights of the County, ſhall
liver the Gaols, |

II. The Jufiices ſhall then alfo quires whether Sheriff or

any other have let out by Plevin any Priſoners not pleviable, «
have offended in any thing — the Statute of Weft. 2. 13 EL
and ſhall puniſh them according to the Form of the ſaidStatutt

II. Stat. 2 E. 3. cap. 2. Juſtices of Gaol-delivery and Or

and Terminer procured by great Men, ſhall not be made again
the Form of the Statute 27 E. 1. cap. 3. And Aſliſes, Atta
and Certifications ſhall be hereafter taken before Juſtices con-
monly aſſigned, being and lawfal Men, and having Know-
ledge in the Law, a none other, according to the Stz

ute of t. 2. 29. E. 1. which ſee in Over and Terminet, |

. TV. Stat. 4 E. 3. cap. 2. Good and diſcreet Perſons ſhall be

_ | aſſigned in all Shires of England to take Aſſiſes, Juris, and
4 | — and to deliver the Gaols three Times in the Yeu
„ ⁊tꝗt leaſt.
V. There ſhall alſo be ſigned and lawful Men in ever]
County to keep the Peace; and ſuch as ſhall be indicted or tr
ken by them, and are not bailable by Law, ſhall not be let ©
Mainprize by the Sheriff or 14 Miniſter, nor o
delivered than at the Common Law. T |
VI. Juftices of Gaol-delivery ſhall have Power to deliver the
Gaol: of thoſe that ſtand indicted before the Keepyl of of
| Feace ; which Keepers ſhall ſend thoſe Inditments ah

. 4 * he

1. Stat. i 2. 3. Seat. 2.
every County good Men and
——— the County,


1. Stat. f d. Gerbe 2. Two or Three e des 6

of Reputation in ſhall be aſſigned Keepers of the

tee by the King's Commiſſion, who together with other

* wiſe a 2828 doe ine one Cones I

termine Felomes ink A

& n OT WOT *

E. 3. c 1. There ſhall be af "9"

Rand expo ceping o the Pogen, One Lord, tines or
Four of the moſt wor thy of the County, with ſome lea in
the Law; 5 — REP arreſt and .
Barretors, other Offenders, and alfo to im >>.
them according to Law, and by Diſcretion and
lo to bind Fe ME een ne Tore! ir Ye hee
— FF the ſame

is Tn |
IV. Nd ef Gen und Terminey ſtall be granted according
e n
. I ref dend and not by the Party.
2 iries heretofore granted within any
bee * ſchieſs done thereby ) ſhall from henoe-

A impoſed n
| be erbte 206 juſt.”

In. Stat, E. a. | Tn the CommidGo 1

ESL e . K. wes

Aa | vm. Stab +
"4 ”
. *

1 quttices of 1
id * VIII. Stat. Cantenb. caps 10. 11 R. 2. In every Commiſkor


Nas « all be but Six ſires aſſigned, who ſha}l keep their Sei. |
ions every Quarter at in Pain to be 1 f Tun
tion of the King's Council. ws Sou

IX. Every Juſtice of Peace ſhall have for hu

Dans and te 2 of the Peace, 2 5. far ſo X
ons ſhall laft, to be paid by the Sheriffs out ſox
Amerciaments ariſing at the ſame Seſſions, whereunto Lords d the.
Franchiſes — be alſo coptrilutary, after the Rate of their Pan way
in t
Judges and r *
ons, but when they can conveniently attend it. 2
XII. Stat, 23 K. 2. Sear. x. cap. 7: Notwithſtandingthe i make
tute *% 12 R. 2. cap 10. which ay the Stewards of Lark feit t
8 to e of the Peace, the moſt ſufficient Knights, 12 2 Proſe
| tlemen of the Law, ſhall be put in Comes
. frorn to put in Execution, without en, — *
concern their Office. r 342; 5 ee fx
. Stat. 14 R. 2. cap. op. 11, There dun be Eight Jule Reco
o eace alligned in every or Ex
XIV. Double — ol the Fe Elves and Amerciaments ariſing |

7 the Seſſions ſhall be 175 containing the Names of all che Ju» WW 22
ſtices there preſent, and the Number of Days they fit, and am ſlices
of the ja grbag 1" Avon any re out -of which he 2 his P

to the Juſtices their Wages by 2 ow

the Sheriff ſhall be again 4 we in the and

upon his Account: But no Duke, Earl, — Baronet ( WY Juf
though he be Juſtice of Peace and holds Seſſions with m- Comp
Fight J ſhall. have any Wages allowed him. the Br Bi Reme
ought not to be Banneret; or fo it it tw £58 b their
Rattal, which I have. | Nr
NV. Stat. 2 H. 5. Star. 1.c ow of Proc iveny guilty
ry named of the 1 Jew within the (ave and 9
Shire (except Lords, udges, Serjeants at Law, and the King! Satut
Attorne ney ) and ſhall keep their Seſſions yeugs times in the Lea that e
viz, in the Firft Week after Mi | LOOP

and the Tranſlation of St. Thomas the E biz. *

ing me 7th of July; andoftner, N | Res
XVI. Stat. 2 H. 5 . Stat. 2. cp. 1. | 1 *
be made of the moſt — — 22 the fa

* * .
* *
3 1 g of N
1 52 =

e [== 0!
8 95 = —

the HT

XVII. Stat, 10 K. 6. f Peace 1.

hr are not : TE 1 in
ear, notwi te 7
way they aun abs *

11. None Me Er
77 (a 7570 be wow of
cir Lance mg tar 201, ax 7

. Force of ſuch en bell
ng 29 {ro be n detwin ue King and


TIY'Y x. Juſtices 48 engerer

IX. Star.
General Seſſions Recog zances taken
hom. where, if 1 8 3 being =_y do 2 79, gs kench, 5 E.


Recognizances ſhall —

or eee.
commandeth all Ta-
to the _
e Poor

to the next Ip be 5 no

Remedy there, rothe 1 e, if r

_ into that try; Ic if it be, then to the Chan-

222 and then the King wil ſend for the

3 him 1 = EE the a ic” 6

acco to his Demerits, 8 |
. dal be rding

_ y r-Seſſiont, in Pai
hat ny Juſtice her there ecm eu ſo prochimed,

. 2132 5

XII. Stat. 2 8 E& M. A new Comimiion bf

the Peace or AI 2. County fhall G by Pa

Buporſedeas to a former like Co granted to ; 2 Ci

Tous Ter, bein ©" <q

2 2 | II Stat:


a 4 5 3 5 N r

FTIIII. Stat. 5 . d M. cap. 4. Whereis by 2 Statute made

te 34th and en H. 8. — An Att Foo Certain Ordj-

. k p

„ nances in the
Wales, there is a Clauſe contained in theſe Words, vis.
there ſhall not exceed the Number of Eight 2 of the Race
in any of the ſaid Shires, over and above the Pre Council

Solicitoy. ſhall
put in every Comm

ve Sbires; and whexeas this Clauſe is found incon-

venient : Be it Enacted, That the ſaid Clauſe be repealed Fay |

that it may be lawful to and for the King and Queen, by

miſſion under the Great Seal, to conſtitute, nominate and ap-
point any ſuch Number of Perſons to be Juftices of Peace inany
of the ſaid Counties of Wales, as they ſhall think fitting, ac
cording to ſuch Ways and Methods as are commonly uſed for
the Confinaing, 1 and Appointing of ſuſticei of
Peace for any County of England; And that the Perſons fo

conſtituted, nominated and appointed, ſhall have Power and

Authority to act and do any t appertaining to the Office of

a Juſtice of Peace, in as large and ample manner as any Juſtice

of Peace within the Dominion of Wales might or ought to har

done before the making of this Act, any Law, Oc. to the om
trary notwithſtaning. | | EE |

XIV. Stat. 5 & 6. & M cap. 11. In Term-time no Cv.

tiorari at the Proſecution of any Party indicted, ſhall be granted
out of the Court of King's Bench, to remove any Indictment
before Trial had, and from before the Juſtices of the General or
Quarter-Seſſions of the Peace, unleſs ſuch Certiorart ſhall be
granted upon Motion of Council and Rule of Court in open
urt ; and that the Parties indicted profecuting ſuch Corti
vari, ſhall find Two M ptors before One or Two Jufticei
ol the County in 20 J. to plead to the ſaid Indiftmenc in the
King s-Bench, and at their on Charges to procure the
that ſhall be joyned upon the ſaid Indictment, to be tried at the
next Aſſiſes held for the County where the ſaid Indictment
Was found, after ſuch Cerriorari ſhall be returnable, if not in
London, Weitminiter or Middleſex ;, and if in the ſaid Cities
or County, then to cauſe it to be tried the next Term after
ſuch Certiorari ſhall be granted, or at the Sitting after the ſaid
Term, if the King's-Bench ſhall not appoint any other time; and
if 1 time, then Natice to be given to the Proſecutot,
and the ſaid Recognizance and Certiorari to be certified into
the King's Bench, and there filed, and the Name of the Proſe
cutor to be indorſed ; and if the Party proſecuting ſuch C.
tiorari, being the Defendant, ſhall not, before Allowance
thereof, procure ſuch Manucaptors to be bound in 2
a 0 5 . J

ing t Majefty's Dominion and n

d Fultices aforeſaid, and the King's Attorney and Solicitor ;

which Preſident, Council, Fultjces, and the King's Attorney and
be | Noi ace in every of




0 a Ss 8 0 *
* 5 »,
ry 1 *
* 7
. " .
— 8 a

„ Iullices of Peace. 37
zznce, the Juſtices of Peace may try the {aid Indictment at the _
faid Seſſionꝭ, notwithſtanding Naeh Certioruri ſo delivered. 5
XIV. And if the Defendant 1 ſuch Certiorari be -
convicted, then the King's-Bench ſhall give reafonableCofts ro
e Proſecutor, to be taxed goconding Rede Courſe of the ſaid
Saur and within Ten Days after Demand upon Oath, and
Refuſal thereof, he ſhall have an Attachment againſt the ſaid 4
Defendant by che Court for his Comempt ; and the Recog- 9
nizance not to be diſcharged till the Coſis ſo taxed ſhall be

paid. | | * V

ma grant an the Juſtices of. t ing Bench,

— Names ſhall be Mdorſed, and the Name of the Party at

whoſe 4 — it 1 NN 1 — da"

Writ the Party indicted, ting { ,ertiorari, and 7

ſuch Sureties as before mentioned in this Act. : TN

XXVII. And alfo upon every Cerriorari granted within

Chefler, Lancaſter and Durbam, to remove Indictments, as

aforeſaid, the Parties indicted proſecuting ſuch Certiorari ſhall

find Sureties to try the ſaid Indictments at the next Aſſiſes or

General Gaol-delivery ; and if convicted, ſhall be liable to like

Coſts, to be taxed as by this Act provided, where the fatne are

granted out of the King's-Bench. ;

IIVIII. Provided, If any Indictment be againſt

for not repairing 142 uſeys, Pavements or Bridget, and


WH the Title to repair the ſame may come in Queſtion; upon ſuch
r., Suggeſtion, and an Affidavit made thereof, a Certiorari may be
nted granted to remove the ſame into the King's Bench, any Law to
nent the contrary notwithſtanding. | 8 + roo,
a of XIII. Provided, That the Parties proſecuting ſuch Certio-
| be rari ſhall find Two Manucaptors to be bound in a Recogni-
open By 2ance, with Condition, as aforeſaid. This Att made perpetual .
1the UN XXX. Stat. U & 9 W. 3. cp. 33. The Ad made 5 & 6
fue . & M. cap. 11. ind, + Mos. he Delays of Bo |
— i of te" any ces
2 in AI After the 21ſt of April, 1697. the Party 2 — 1
Wes any Certiorari to remove an Indictment from the Quarter- Sei-
after ſufficient Manucaptors to enter into a Re-
— one of the Juſtices of the King - Bench,

under the ſame Conditions, as are requi-


774 Keeper of the Seat Seal ol England.

the Party ſuing out the Certiorari ſhall appear from Day to
not depart, til ae

Day in the Court of King's Bench, and

charged by the ſaid Court: l

o oy
> * my EE Ad ˙ MoS on. 4 1 a Bl. p

his — * —

.-- Keeper of the Gzeat Seal of England.

I. Stat. T HE Authority, Pre-eminence and Adva
7— c. 18. 1 of the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and oft

Chancellor, are declared to be the ſame to all Intent,

Conſtruckions and Purpoſes, I pug: 1

King and Queen,

Vide Rights and Libertſes.

I. Stat. 13 Car. 2. cap. 1. If any during the King's Life ac.

viſedly publiſh or affirm the King to be an Hererick or Papiſt;
or that he endeavours to introduce Popery ; or ſhall advi
publiſh or utter any Words or Thing: to flir up the People
do diſlike of the King's Perſon or the Government, ſuch Pere
ſons being thereof convicted, ſhall be diſabled to have or eier
ciſe any Office or Promotion Eccleſiaſtical, Civil or M „or
any Imployment in Church or State, other than that of

II. , ſhall be proſecuted for any of theſe Offences, but by
Order of the King or his Succeſſors, under the Sign Manual, ot
of the Council-Tab/e, to ſome of the King's | learned,
ror unleſs they be proſecuted within Six Months after the Ob

5 5 committed, and indicted within Three Months after ſuch

roſecution. 1 :

III. The Offender muſt be accuſed by Two Witneſſes, who it

his Arraignment muſt be hromght before him, Face to Fa.
IV. A Peer convicted ſhall be diſabled during his Life to ſt
in Parliament, ynleſs the King pardon him. The King's Pat

don ſhall reſtore Peers and Commoners, as if they never had bees —
convicted. 8 5 . . Ja

V. Stat. 2 l. 8 NM. Seſſ. 1. cap. 2. The Lords and Common #4

publiſh, declare and ne . That they do recag- —
nize and acknowledge that their Majefties are, and Cor

ought to be, by the Laus of this Realm, their Sovereign Leige

Lord and Lady, King and Queen * England, France and bs Cle
land, &c. in and to whole Princely Perſons the Royal State, ate
Crown and Dignity of the ſaid Realms, with all Honours, Pre ents
rogatives, Ce are fully, rightfully and entirely inveſted, incor ſha!
porated, united, and annexed; "97,

Ea $35 Tan%s Pew

King and Queen: vas.

VI. Aud all and fingular-the Acts made ip the Parliamenc

| aſembled the 13th Day of Fe 1688. were and are the

Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom, and as fuch ought-to be

reputed, taken, and obeyed. Z·lTU
VII. Stat. 13 W. 3. cap. 6. All that bear Office, Civil or
Military, receive Pay, Fee, or Wages, by reaſon of Patents or
Grants from his Majeſty, or have Command or Plagth of
Truſt from his Majefiy-or his Predeceſſors, or by his Mu-
thority, or derived from him, or be in the Service of his Ma-

jeſty, Prince George, or Princeſs Anne of Denmark; All

Eccleſiaſtical Perſons ; All Members of Colleges and Halls

in either Univerſity of the Foundation, being Erghteen Years
old; All Perſons teaching Pupils; All School-maſtets, Ufhers,
Preachers and Teachers of Separate Congregations, Perſons
that ſhall act as Serjeants at Law, 'Councellers, Advocates,
Attornies, Solicitors, Proctors, Clerks, or Notaries, by
practiſing as ſuch in any Court, who ſhall be within the
Cities of London and Weftminfler, 8 E after Term, 2702.
ſball, before the End of Trinity Term follo ing, in the Chance-
ty, King's Bench, Common Pleas, or Exchequer, be ween Nine
and Twelye in the Forenoon, take the Oath tlierein after men-
tioned. Vide the Oath, poſt. Sect. 30. x
VIII. To which Oath every the ſaid Perſons ſhall ſubſcribe
their Name or Mak; and every the ſaid Perſons not ha-
ving taken the ſame, as aforeſaid, ſhall at the General oe
Quarter-Sefſions of the County where he ſhall be, inhabit
or reſide on the zoth of day, 1702. take the ſaid Oath be-
tween the 1 of Nine and Twelve, and ſubſcribe his
or KK 17 1 = £ ;
IX. All that ſhall be admitted into Office, Civil or Military,
or receive Pay, Fee, or Wages, as aforeſaid, or ſhall have
; or Place of Truſt, as aforeſaid, or ſhall be admit-
ted in the Service, of the Houſhold of his Majeſty, Prince
e, or Princeſs Anne of Denmark, after the Fitſt Day of
Term aforeſaid, ſhall take the ſaid Oath, at the time
— Gaſs make the — 3 — — 25 — |
P. 2. eventing ers which may happen from Popi
Recuſants. nd all Eccleſiaſtical Perſons ; All Members of the
laid Colleges, and Halls, that are or ſhall be of the Foundation,
when Eighteen Years of Age; All Perſons teaching Pupils ;
School-maſters, Uſhers, Preachers and Teachers cf Separate
tions; and every Perſon that ſhall act ag Serjeant at
Law,. — Advocate, Attorney, Solicitor, Proctor,
Jerk, or Notary, or practiſing as ſuch in any Court, wh.o ſhall,
alter the Firft Day of the ſaid Eafter Term, be admited to, or
cater on the ſaid Benctices, Offices, Employments, or Places,
tha! within Three Months. af er take aud ſubſcribe the ſaid
RT Aa4 Oath

Outh in | Wepminfler, or Quite

OE aero — 2
| Prov: t to extend to any now H Sea, fo
as» ſuch Perſon, within Three Months after hi tate
and ſubſcribe the ſame. WE
IXI. Every Perſon: that ſhall negle& or refaſe to take the
T:id Oath, as aforeſaid, ſhall be adjudged incapable to enjoy the
2 Employ ments, or any part of thaw, or any Mu-
te or Thing aforeſaid; and every fuch Office, Place,.or En-
Þ N. Every Perſon which, after lach Negle@t orRefula,
Every Perſon which, after eglc& or
himſelf, his Deputy or Truſtee, ſhall execute the ſaid X
ces or Employments after the ſaid time is expired, being
lawfully convict, ſhall be diſabled to ſue in Law or Equiy,
or to be Guardian to any Child, or to be Executor or Ad.
miniſtrator, or capable of a Legacy or Deed of Gift, or toben
any Office, and ſhall forfeit 300 J. to him or them that ſhall
ſue for the ſame in any his Majefty's Courts at Weſtminſter,

XIII. It ſhall be lawful to the reſpective Courts to admins

ſter the ſaid Oath to the Perſons aforeſaid.

XIV. Proviſo, That any who by Neglect or Refuſal loſe am

Ockce, may be eapable of a new Grant of the ſaid Office, or of
* they taking the ſaid Oath. - |

V. Froviſo, That nothing ſhall extend to any in Service

on board the Fleet, or beyond Sea, or who ſhall Ly be
yond Sea in his Majeſty's Service, before the z0th of My,
1702. ſo as they take the Oath in Three Months after then
Return to England. X |

XVI. After the 25th of March, 1702. no Peer ſhall vote,

make his Proxy, or fit in the Houſe during any Debate, nor
any Member of the Houſe of Commons vote, or ſit thete du-
ring any Debate after their Speaker is choſen, until ſuch
Peer or Member ſhall take the ſaid Oath, and ſubſcribe the
ſame between the Hours of Nine and Four in the Afternoon.
Which Oath is to be taken by every Peer at the Table, whillt

à full Houſe is there, and the Speaker in his Place; and |

every Member of the Houſe of Common at the Table, whull
a full Houſe of Commans is there with their Speaker in hit

Chair. F
XVII. If any ſuch Peer or Member vote, ar make his Proxy,
not having taken and ſubſcribed the ſaid Oath, he ſhall be
adjudged -a Popiſh Recuſant Convict, and diſabled to hold
any Place of Profit or Truſt, and to fit in either Houle,
make his Proxy, or ſue in Law or Equity, to be Guardian
to à Child, Executor or Adminiſtrator, or capable of a Legs:
cy or Deed of Gift, and ſhall forfeit for every wiiful Offence
againft this Act 500 J. to him or them that ſhall ſue for the

fame in his Majeſtys Courts at Weſtminſter. ;

Es - ” XVIII. Provifh

Once f Inherieance, fo 2 che | i his

0 I ; \
(according to 25 Car. 2. cap, 2. Self. 1.) — ſhall br —1
ſubſcribe the Taid Oath, and be approved by his Majeſty, under
his Privy Signet. 8 : 4
XII. Perſon authorized to tender the Oaths mentioned in
1. & M. Sefſ. x. cap. 6. may tender this Oath, and ſhall
certifie the Refuſers to the next Quarter · Seſſions, and the
Refuſal ſhall be there recorded and certified by the Clerk of
the Peace into the Chancery or King's Bench. |
XX. Froviſo, That this Act ſhall not extend to High-
Conſtables, Petty-Conſtables, Tything-Men, Headb —

Overſeers of the Poor, Church-wardens, Surveyars of

ways, or any like Inferior Civil Office, or to Foreſter, K
of Jar, CH Warren, Game, or Bailiff of Manor, or like
Private | | Ez: DE. oh
III. Pyovi ——_ — — — -
er to hinder to ſucceed to the Crown, ſhall be adj
High Treaſon. * K
XXII. After the ſaid 25th of March, 1702. there ſhall be
et out of the Aſſociation to be ſubſcribed by 7 W. 3. cap. 27.
theſe Word, Againſt the late King James, and all bis Adbe-
rents ; and there ſhall be inſerted theſe Words, Agarmſi all
bis Majeftys Enemies whatſoever. ork

XXIII. Stat. 1 4. cap. 8.- All Patents and Grants of Civil ©

and Military Offices and Imployments ſhall continue in Force
for Six Months, unleſs made void by her Majeſty. N

XXIV. No ſuch Patent or Grant hereafter to be ſhall

be void by the Demiſe of her Majeſty, or any her Heirs or
Succeſſors, but ſhall continue in Force for Six Months next
after ſuch Demiſe,'unleſs made void by the next, and immediate
Succeſſor, to whom the Crown is limited. - |

XXV. The juſtices of Aſſiſe, Oyer and Terminer, Gaol-

—_ Prius, and Peace, may proceed as if the late
King William were living; and that no Proceſs upon Indict-
ment or Information, or for Debt, Account, Lands, or Tene-
ments, belonging to his ſaid late Majeſty, ſhall be diſconti-
nued by his Demiſe. |

XXVI. No Writ, Plea,- or Proceſs upon an Indictment or

Information, or for any Debt or Account to her Majeſty,
her Heirs or Succeſſors, for Lands, Tenements, or Revenue
mi to her or them, depending at the time of the De-
miſe of her, her Heirs or Succeſſors, ſhall be diſcontinued
thereby, . | q

xxv II. No


3738 min
XX * 1
ne —

1 — nor Proceſs


or any Certiorari, Habeas


miner or Aſſociation, Writs of Admittance, Si non om N

ſiſtance or Commiſſion of the Peace, ſhall not be determine
but ſhall continue in Force for Six Months enſuing ſuch Ds
miſe, unleſs ſuperſeded by her Majeſty, her Heirs, or Succeſſag
No Writ Original, or of Ni prius, Commiſſion or In
ceeding whatſoever of any Court of Equity, nor upon ay
Office or Inquiſition, nor any Writ of Certiarari, Haba
Corpus, Attachment, or Proceſs for Contempt, Commiſſion d
Delegacy or Review for Matters Ecclefiaftical, 'T
or Marine, or Proceſs thereon, ſhall be diſcontinued

the Demiſe of her Majeſty, or any King or Queen of tha

Realm. 2 HF" 6k
XXVIII. This Act, and the Clauſe in the 9th of Vill;
cap. 27. That no Commiſſion, Civil or Military, ſball determny
by the 22 1 A I Bene oy 7 a 5
rinue for Six ths a uch Demiſe, unleſs 4
to Succeſſor, to whom the Crown is limit 2
„ erſey, Guernſey, and her Majeſty's Dominion i
erica. *
XXIX. This and all Adts, to which the Royal Affent ay
ven after the 8th of March, 1701. and before the End of thi
Seſſion, ſhall be oy to commence upon the ſaid 8th Dy
of March, unleſs ſome other Time for Commencement i l.

XXX. Stat. 1 4 cap. 22. Aſter the 20th of April, im

the Oath contained in the 13th W. g. 2 * „ J. an
ſhall be adminiſtred in Form, as herein a ibed, n

IA. B. do truly and ſincerely acknowledpe, oſs, teſti

and declare in my 2 52 God — Fa 2442
our Sovereign Lady Queen Anne, is lawful and rightful Qua
2 Realm, and of all ot ber her Majefty's Domntons «nd
ntries thereunto belonging , and I do ſolemnly and ſincerely

| de-lare, Tat I do believe in my Conſcience, that the Perſon —

tended to be the Prince of Wales, during the Life of the |
King James, and taking upon bimſelf the Stile and Title o
King of England, by the Name of James the Third, hath nd
any Rigtt or Title whatſoever to the Crown of this _—
* 6 *

nn TT
Fe 4 "IE. : £4 veto kai 20 | tS r Wo.
find dhe any Allegrance or DEA to him; and 1 %
. That I will bear Faith and true Allegiance to ber Ma-
iy Queen An and bey will defend to the Uittermoſi of my
4 arain il Ty aiterous Con] iracie: and Attempts —
ur, whi ſled be made again br Perſon; Crown and D




2 8

» 18
he , and 1 will do be avour to diſcloſe and mal.
en ay g ; o Her | Ae, and Succe * eaſons and
eren ConſPiracies, which I ſhall kuow to be againſt Ber,
6s, BS «ty of them; and I do faithfully prom'ſs, to the Utmoſt of my
0 20 maintain 2 defend Limitation 2
ch Deuce the own, gain bim the faid James, and all
ben ber Perſons » 4s the. ſam is and and: limited by
. 4d, Iotituled, An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties
dn che Subject, and ſettling the Succeſſion of the Crown to her
Lehe {cnt Majeſty, and the Heirs of her Body, pens Proteſtants 3
bon das the ſame by one other AA, Intituled, An Act for the fur-

her Limitation of the Crown, and better oecuring the Rights

| Liberties of the Subjects, is and ſtands limited, after the
Deceaſe of her Maieſty, and for. Default of Iflue of her Majeſty
> the Princeſs Sophia, Electoreſ and Dutchels Dowager c
amover, and the Heirs of her Body being Proteſtants; and
I theſe things I do plainly — 2 achnouledge and ſwear,
ing to theſs expreſs Wor A, me ſpoken, and according
the plain and common Seuſs and Underſtanding of the [ame
ords, vithas any Equiwcation, mental Evaſion, or ſecret
ſervation whatſoever : And I do make this Recognition, As-
owledoment, Abjuration, Renunciation, and ae Bear-
2 iſtian.




ly, wi truly, upon the true Faith of a

so help me God, |

XXII. All Perſons required to adminiſter, take or ſub-

cride the Oath in the reciced Act, ſhall adminifler, take and
ubſcribe the ſame, according to the Form herein preſcribed.

XXXII. So much of the 7 V. 3. cap. 27. or any ſubſequent

ct, as relates to the ation, declared void.

IXIIII. Such Members of Parliament as have taken the


A one in 13 M. 3. cap. 6. ſhall not be obliged to take the Oath

That n this Act, during this Parliament, either as Members of either
_ ouſe, or in reſpect of any Commiſſion or Place of Truft, Fee

or Wages, which he did hold at che Time of taking the aid


s XXXTV. That all Ferſons who are obliged to take the Oaths
mentioned 1 . & M. Sefſ. 1. cap. 8. For Abrogating the Oat ho
F Alegiance and Supremacy, &c. and to make and ſubſcribe
he Declaration mentioned 23 Car, 2. cap. 2. may take the ſaid
Matlis, and ſubſcribe the Declaration, and deliver the —




XXV. The Names of all Perſons that tte Cl
in the Common Pleas and Exchequer, ſhall be enrolled
with the Day and Time of . The Rolls for the (
Pleas ſhall be hung up in the chief Prothonotary's Office, he
Exchequer, in the — s Remembrancer's Office, and t
remain during every Term, for one to Jook on with
ae and none hall py above 12 & Lach of his taking
XVI. The Perf: — 2 take the Oaths by t
and the former Act eee within Three Months hy
— * enter 1. v e Buſineſſes in the ſaid former Ad _
the next Term, or at the' next Soy —
—4 they * enter the ſaid Buſineſs, t ang the
Three Months, take ſubſcribe the ſaid Oath?
Four Conn at Weſtminſter or Quarter-Seffions. But po
fons as ſhall neglect to take and ſubſcribe the ſaid Oath, ti
| — or Seſſion, as aforeſaid, ſhall be liable to the hu
ties and Forſeitures, as in the former Act are mentioned, u
to the Penalties for executing ſuch . if he eren

XXVII. Stat. er . AR for N

2 — Sheriffs in and 257 5 the 2.

NN Rowe —
mine them

3 Stat. 1 & 2 A. cap. 2. That the by LA

ters Patents or Indentures, under the Great Seal, may gun
to ef N e E. U nt 2 9
100000 J. Yearly, viz. oO J. out of the Exciſe, grantel
12 Car. 2. cap. 24. and 50000 l. out of the Poſt-Office. Ty
hold after the Deceaſe of hee Majefty, — i his natural lik

ble at the Four moſt uſual Days of Pay

XIII. The 100000 J. to be — br the 1

ers, Pofl-maſlers, Farmers, Treaſurers, Receivers, and
lectors of the ſaid Revenues, without Fee, and ——
Warrant to be ſued for or had, and ſhall be Tax free. A
if the ſaid Officers neglet to pay, the Prince or his f(a
Grantce, may ſue — and their Securities, and recover fat
ſuch Sum due on the ſaid Annuities, as ſhall be in tht
Hands of the ſaid Officers, at the time of Demand a

XI. The Queen may grant to the ſaid Prince, or to hi

Uſe, Kenſington Houſe, and the Lands in Sr. Margaret Wefimw

Is, Kenſington and Paddington, purchaſed by King Willie

e Third of Daniel Earl of Norti

ce at Winchefter, and Lands
on thereof, or laid tothe ſame within

| nd St. Cvoſs, to ho

=o =


ald the
ife, Lives or ia rp
| lang live, and the her

4 — *

by nne.

III. Her Majeſty may grant the ſaid two Palaces _

5 js of Inheritance in Truſt for the ſaid Prince, his Exect-
Sell nt, 5 for one Year, 339 after the Expiration or
ter K xx Determination of the ſaid _ ears; and
the fo t the Premiſſes, wherein Her Majeſty hath an Eſtate for
ch ker 5 Lives or Years, unto ſuch Truſtees for one Year, to-
th, te e Effect as aforeſaid, if the particular 'Terms or Eftate fo

eas continue. All Perſons having Intereſt in the ſaid Two

ed, a alaces and Premiſſcs to be conveyed, in Truſt for Her Ma-

execs ty) are required to joyn in the ſaid Grants for Benefit of the
| ">

II The Powers and Clauſes to be contained in the ſaid /

ine th ers Patents, or m—_ for the Payment and Aſſurances

7 The faid 14 —, Sum of J. ſhall be good and
4 — 5 ichſtanding Stat. x A. cap. 7. and any N or other
III. Salvo to all Wee her Majefty, and her Tru-
by Les, all Rights, Qc.

XLIV. After the Grants of the ſaid 100000 l. Two Palaces

dd Premiſſes, ſhall be paſſed for the Benefit of the ſaid Prince
nder the 82 Seal, then the Yearly Sum of 8000 1. and the
um of 20000 J. and all Benefit that was to accrue to the
pid Prince by a Deed Poll under Seal of her Majeſty's Father,
ſaid n er ar inrolled in Chancery, are veſted and
in a
IV. If the Prince ſurvive her Maj , and Iſſue, he ſhall
de capable to be of the Privy ember
if Peers, and enjoy any Office Civil or Military, and Grants
rom the Crown, notwithſtanding, 12 M. 3. cap. 2.
XLVI. Proviſo, —— herein to im the Yearly Pen- |
bn granted by Kin II. to the Dukes of Sober,
on, and Nort — and — reſpective 5
XVII. Pee, Nor te. n ban ol
iſo, Not to take away the Year
of Gaal,

— _ 8 Ayad.c to the Dutcheſs

XIV. Boris,

SS Fa. 2.
4 8 3


of the Houſe |

| ,

382. ——

- XLVEA,L.. reviſe, Na Not to- Dee Parent

ed. by Charley II. os
grant out of _—_— 15 i

the Fr e. os on boy nal

XLII. Provi/ſe wg to — ayment I.
5 7 Ki 7 ary ace Sir Francis Windban, w *
- Heirs

wal che Here

77 5 Jens proulce we ee of, Na 2 . f

tor 99 Vearty if he or his Eldcft Son o lu

LI. Proviſs, Not to prejudice 2 Grant by Charles
— 22 St. * in Truſt ſor the Ee of WY rh that
III. Proofs, to prejulice a Grant made by KingWilien —

and Queen , Sum of 3 500 J. to the now

11 Pronto, Norts 7 — Ole. 18 rig us
. 5, Not RANGES ice the Yearly Sums
195. 3. and 2gth pa —— 2 16 5, rag -
, to the Queen Dowager a n eace
E Il. out of the Hereditary Exciſe. ; N Mk
ie Moy 02 gn oe Korn. the (ai
granted to Maynard Duke of Schonberg ing Ai
out oſ the Boſt- Office, until his ſaid TR ſhould pay 100000], BY LX.
tot ocbfor e am
of the Poſt · Office. P , ry
LVI. Proviſo, Not to pre pee eB Right of Sir Samuel Mu
e of 2001, Lealy, Fm ad Si om
ditary Exciſe es, An Charles II. to
Father during |

IVI. Stat, N Lt ar. 2. cap, 2. If ſuch 8 ; ought

to! have taken the Oath preſcribed by 23 3 with the
— 2 contained in I A. cap, 22. tals 88

of Auguſt, 1703. take and fubſcribe the ſaid Oath fo alter

= ſuch manner az by the ſaid Adts is preſcribed 2288
dens hall be for fuch EA
Penalties and Diſabilities incurre

LVIII. Proviſe, That no — bath forfeited any Of

fice, c. to which any other Perſon hath been preferred, ſhall
be reſtored to ſuch Othce. EF.

HK * ſhall endeavour to deprive the next is

Succeſſion to the Crown for the time being (acparding tot tothe 15

mitations by 1 M. & M. 8. 2. cap. 2. and the 12 r.

from ſucceeding after her ajefty s Death, and the —

— Fe e — be adjudg

ed _ re

14 AB

; by xcaſon of any f
xs, or 9 7 Ar or Place of Ty.
r Majeſty or Pr | |
And |
iverſi Ne is; and dag Papils, School ;
2 Preachers and Teachers of ſe on Barrios

: — L as Serj
dvocate, Attorney, So 3 ee Clerk or Notary

or Practifing as pa nd en
chin Dublin, or. 30 Milf the fame, in Keie, Term, x703-
ſhall in the ſid Termor in Thini Term next, inthe Chancery,
$s Bench, Common Pleaspr Exchequer there, between
und echbe in the Forenoon, take the ſaid Oath, and ſub-
ſcribe his Name or Mark; and all the ſaid Perſons not havi
gp Wi 1d a e th fa Oath, ſhall on or before the
| 703- at the General Quarter-Seflions for the
Kg — in lend wi where he ſhall reſide on the 2oth Day af
AC between Nine and Twelve in the Forenoon, take
Oath, and ſubſcribe his Name or Mark under 7

1141 All Perſons that ſhall be admic into any Office,

ſhall receive any Pay, Fee, or —— aforeſaid, or
tave Commiſſion or Place of Tr aforeſaid, in o fa
after the firſt Day of Eaftey-Term a brelaid, ſhall take and ſub»
ſcribe the ſaid Oath, — they ſhall take the Oaths and ſub-

ſcribe the ed by the Statute af 3 M. &. M.

(4p, 2, for Oath of mac And all
Ecclefafticks a . Perſons aforeſaid, who ſhall, after

the firſt Day of Eaſtar- Term aforeſaid, be admitted 3 into any

the ſaid Officcs,, Benefices, Practice or Employments afore»
h the WY faid, ſhall, after Admittance into the han, rake and ſubſcribe
ee the BY the laid Oath next Term inone of the ſi or at next
alter: General Quarter-Scfions for the Peace in the
| Pers 1
n al LXII. Perſons that hott ov pefule the Oath, Tilt be flable
y Of
xt 10
e L

to the Penalties and Diſabilities of 13 W. 3. cap. G.

LXIII. Proviſo, That the ſaid Perlons m England may take

and ſubſceibe in England ; and that Perſons out of Em
and Ireland, or on board: the Fleet, * take and ſubſcri

— ons where they 2

next Term, or General

after their Return to Ira

p, 2. LXIV. The faid Courts to adminiſter the ſaid Oath to Per-
ſhall lors tendring themſelves ; a Regiſter thereof to de kept, as per
adg- 2 Car, * 2. for Subſcribing the Declatarion.

LIV. Per-

141 No Peer of Ireland ſhall yote, 5

fir in the Houſe af Peers there, nor Member of the Houſe &
Commons vote or ſit in the ſaid Houſe of Comment, un

take and ſubſcribe the ſaid Oath at the time 22287

eee per _ & M. cap.2. For Abrogating

nd, &cc.
XVII if Ke Nes of Fel and, or Member of the


of Commons there, ſhall 8 not

taken and ſabſcribed the Oath, be ſhall be to the

nalties of 13 ,. 3.cap.6. -
LXVIII. Proviſo, That this Act extend.vot_ ts the(

| of High-Conflable, Petty-Conftab thing an, ta

' borough, Overſeer of the Poor, ——
lee or any like Inferior Civil Office i Io it


. 2.

| IXIX. Stat, 3 4. 6 252 A PIP oh

Her Majeſty to grant the Honor and Manor of W,
with the Hundred of Wootton, to the Duke of and
his Heirs, in Conſideration of 1 Services by lin
1 — to her Majeſty and d Pablick. Ses afin

LAX. Stat. 4 4. cap. x. A Bill for the Naturalaniad
Princeſs _— Electoreſs and 1 ager of Hanam,
and the her Body, may be exhibited « to this preſet
Parliament, and twice read, any Sow or Sms to the cap
trary notwithſtanding. -

. LXXT. Stat, 4 4. c That the Princes Sophia, th

Qoxeſs and . of Hanover, and the ſue d
her Body, and all Perſons lineally deſcending from her, ſul
be deemed * Subjects of this Kingdom.
LXXII. every Perſon. who ſhall be naturb
zed by views of this AG, ſhall become a Papift, ſhall te
— oy — Advantage of a Naturalborn Subje&, but ſhall be

IXIII. Stat. 4
ment ſhall not be Ae 5 * of Bl Her Maj
Heirs or Succeſſots; wy > icting at the time of ſuch Di
is impowered to act x Months — prorogued or
ſolved by ſuch Ferſon to whom the n ſhall come,
ing to Qs As menzogrd in the former pac. of th f

EN +

ze Tit; Treaſon. And if the ſaid N

-gued, then it th Day to which
nd ys he eſidue of an Months „ Buleſt
NU or * ; S Sd „ A i + 3 "Wn |
LXXIV. If there be a Parliament 1 ing at the Death of
er Majeſty, her Heirs or Succeſſors — 2 by Proroga-
jon or Adjournment, ſuch, Parliament. ſhall immediately
neet and fit during the time of fix ths, unleſs ſooner proro- 1
ed ot diſſolved, as aforeſaid. — Y "= 7 -
LXXV. If there be no Parliament, at the Time of ſuch Death, 4
hat has ſate, then the laſt preceding Parliament ſhall meet *
d fit at Veſiminffer, and continue, as aforeſaid. + #-
LXXVI. Proviſo, That nothing herein ſhall abridge the
Power of the Queen, her Heirs or Succeſſors, to prorogue or
ſolve Parliaments, nor to repeal 6 V. & M. Parl. 2. Sefſ. 6.
. 2. Vide Tit. Paritament, ( For frequent meeting and cal-
, ng: r in things not inconſiſtent with the Ditecti-
MN this 50 *
LAXVIL Neither Privy- Council, nor any Office or, Em-
loyment Civil or 1 in any her Majeſty's Domini-
ns, or the Plantations, ſhall be void by the Death of her
efty, her Heirs or Succeſſors; but the ſail Priv .
nd other Officers ſhall continue and Act in their Offices a
mploy ments for fix Months after, unleſs diſcharged by Suc-
dellor. i \
LXXVIII. Great Seal, Privy Seal, and Signet, and other
Publick Seals, ſhall continue till Suceeſſor order the con-

AV. | PISS: -. : 8
LIIIX. If the —— die Without Iſſue, the Privy-Council
ith Speed ſhall cauſe the next Proteſtant Succeſſor to the Crown
by the Statutes aforeſaid to be ſolemnly proclaimed in uſual
nanner ; and every Member thereof wiltully ne _ ot
fuſing, Qhall be guilty, and ſuffer Penalties of High-Trea-
on; and every Officer by the Privy-Cauncil required to make
Proclamation, wilfully neglecting or refuſing, ſhall be guiky
f, and ſuffer the Penalties of High-Treaſon.

LXXX, For r the Adminiftration of the Go-

ernment in the Name of ſuch Proteſtant Succeſſor till his
rival in England, the Seven Officers who ſhall be in Poſſeſſi -
dn of their Offices at the Death of her 1 vi. the Arch-
ſhop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor or Keeper, Loid
High-Treafurer, Lord Preſident of the Council, Lord Privy
peal, Lord High Admiral, Lord Chief Juſtice of the Queen's
Wench, all at that time being, are hereby appointed Lords Ju-

ices of England, until ſuch Succeſſor arrive or determine

Ir Author Ky» | :

Vol, IL, * IXXXI. The


Juſtices, to act with them as Lords uftices

not being few fewer than Five, ſhall

mived, ins Fogle by pn

vw re m
ror eee Archbiſhop of

voke or alter ſuch Appointmen

: 8 If an 23 3 2 *
or de remo e ces e
ſuch Pcrfons, their 1 — and Admin a ee No in
—.— 2 them to the Succeſſors of the Perſons
ed. Which Inftruments, after the Demiſe of herb
Han Iſſue, ſhall be immediately

322 and be opened, read, and enrolled in oe

A X XII. If the Perſons with whom depoſited, or o

| in Whoſe Cuſtody the fame ſhall be after the Deceaſe of the

=. id Perſons, ſhall open the ſame, or wilfully neglect a v

4 aſe to produce them, as aforeſaid, ſuch Perſons han incur tt

| Penalties of Premmnivye.
produced bet

RENT: If all the ſaid Inftraments be not

the Privy-Council, then one or more to be as effettual ; i

If no ſuch Inſtrument, then the laid Seven Officers, or 1

Five, to be Lords Julien

LXXXV. The uſtices ſhall not diffolve the k

ment without GR

diſabled -

Oath mentioned 1 V. & M. Sefſ. 2. cap. 2. (Vide *

Liberties) and the Oath after mentioned, beſdre

ers Civil a ilitary, w this

tinuedy-ihall dle the faid Oprho, and 40 the othir Ac

Goal Ae
quifit ere Sona bon ren
"XXVIIL Aſter . . A.
nſtead of the Oath to be taken 55
Vids ante, Soct. 30.) the followin Ouch Dl be 0 2
Perſons requited to take the ſaid Oath.

2 A. B. do truly and fincere WI" , "jy, |

1 in my Con u befor e God _ 25 d,
2. fry Rigbt ful
all other s Dominions and —
"= 2 Hieleng ng g; ( 474155 Þo folemmly and fincerely des
lore, That I do ay e that the 9
ended 10 be Prince Wales du _—__ e of the late
ames, and ſince his Deceaſe prot 5 to be, and taking —
mſelf the — Tirle Kin land, by the Fas of
nc the Third, hath not any R 754 or Title whatſoever to the
rown of this Realm, or any other the Dominion: thereto be-
; And I do reniowncs, 7 and abjure any Allegi-
te or * Obediencs to bim.) And TI do 1 That I 7 will bear

5 33 LA

to tt
aith and true Allegiance to will defend
Cu, tbe Utmoſt. o = oy Pow againſt al Tr aiterous Conſpiracies
* nd Aue bat ſoever againſt Perſon, Crown, or
Dynity ; And I will do 2 Endeavour to diſcloſe and
ale known to 14 5 Succeſſors all Træaſons
nd Traiterous Con ſpiraciss which I flatt know to be a Oh

or them ; And I do ly promiſe to t

of my t to fo ſuppert oY nr a7 ane he
lim and Succe the Crown againſt bim the fd
me, ad all of Perfine what ſoover . . *
t, intituled, An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown,

j better ring the Rights and * of the Subject)

and flands ed to the Princeſs Sophia, Eleftoreſs and
Du —— Fond and the Heirs cf ber Body, be-
v Proteflants, And all theſe things T do plainly and fincerely

age and ſwear, according to thefs — Words by

the lame Words, wi an ation
lental Evaſion, or ſecret Jorge r. Au

do make this Recognition, Acknowle agent, jurat ion, Re-

ation and Promi ſe, , beartil Y, * illinghh, 3 truly, pon
So help me God.

RAA — :

vim, Faith of a Clifton



330 ahn an n,
| The Blanks of the Oath to be filled up (with chr
Name of him or her next in Succeflion, according to 12 13
cap. 2.) when the ſaid Oath is to take Place, wit the
ae of ber, bis, or him; And after the Death of the (
Pretender, the Words in the Firſt and Secord Parentheſs int
Oath to be left out, and inſtead thereof, the Words ( Aga
all Perſons whatſoever ) to be inſerted. F-/
XC. Such ſucceeding Queen or King may affix to
Writing the Seal by them uſed before their Arrival; it hs
ing ſignified thereby, that it ſhall have the Effect as if
under the Great Seal of England, or other Publick ors

© > i |
5461. If Parliament called by the Lords Juſtices, the ſame
rot to be diſſolved by the Arrival of ſuch ſucceeding King «

XCII. Proviſo, If any the Seven Officers, except La
Treafurer, ſhall be in Commiſſion at her Majeſty's Deutz

then the Firft Commiſſioner ſhall be one of the Lords Jui

ces; And if no Lord Treaſurer, and the Office of Treium CI
in Commiſſion, then the Firſt in that Commiſſion to be Lui cot be
ce. ellors
j XCIII. The ſecond Clauſe in Sect. 15. Tit. Rights fr M.
Liberties, 12 V. 3. cap. 2 concerning the Privy-Council, whom
. ca p. 2.
XCIV. The fourth Clauſe of the ſame Sectipn, concerninf 1
Officers being Members of Parliament, repealed. ſhall |
XCV. Proviſo, That no Perſon having new Office («Mi tor th:
Truſt or Benefit thereof) hereafter to be erected, under or diff
Crown, nor Commiſſioner or Sab-Commiſſioner of P¹ CII
Secretary or Receiver of Prizes, Comptroller of Acc⁰i in Sec
of the Army, Commiſſioner of Tranſports, Sick or Won With t
ed, Agent for Regiment, Commiſſioner for Wine Lien ed on]
Governor or Deputy of Plantations, Commiſſioner ef . CIV
Navy employed in any the Out- ports. nor Perſon having ai fignific
on from the Crown during Pleaſure, ſhall be geb ment «
being a Member of the Houſe of Commons hereafter to iy for co
holden. - | 3 | Great
AXCVI. Roviſo, If ſuch Member accept of any Office of Pr CV.
fit from the Crown, his Election ſhall be void. I witho!
ſuch Member ſhall be capable of being again elected. to glx.
XCVII. Proviſo, That no greater Number of Commiſbong 13 & 1
ſhall be conſtitured for the Execution of any Office, thank nifo1
been for ſuch Office before 25 Offober, 1705. | land t
XCVIII. PFroviſo, That nothing herein ſhall extend to foi teſtant
Member's being an Officer, who ſhall receive a new Com every t
fion in the Navy or Army. | ; to ſuch

XCIX. If ſuch Perſon declared incapable, be clefted,

Election ſhall be vojd; and if he ſhall fit or vote, be


* — 5 4 * : 4
7 „

= King-and Queen 389

tfeit 500 J. to fuch as ſhall ſue for the ſame. Ses more of this
48, Treaſon, Set 66. i * h 23 | f xl

1 )

C Stat. 5 A cap. 3. An Act for the ſettling the Honours

nd Dignities of John Duke of Marlborough upon his Poſte-
ity, and annexing the Honour and Manor of Woodftock, and
oule of Blenheim, to go along with the ſaid Honours. Seo
before, Sock. 6g. 57

CI. Stat. 5 A. cap. 4. An Act for ſettling upon 7obn Duke

Marlborough and his Pufterity a Penſion of 5000 1. per Ann.
or the more Honourable Support of their Dignities, in like
nanner as his Honours and Dignitier, and the Honour and Ma-
por — 3 oodſtoce and Houſe of Blenheim, arc alrcady limited
6 ettiCds SEN

This 5000 J. per Annum 7s granted out of the Revenue of the


CII. Stat. 6 A. cap. 7. This Parliament, or any other, ſhall

not be diſſolyed by the Death of her Majeſty, her Heirs or Suc-
ceſſors; and if Sitting at ſuch Death, is impowered to act

fix Months, unleſs ogued or diſſolved by ſuch Perfon ta

whom the Crown of Great Britain ſhall come by x V. & M.
cap. 2. and 12 V. 3. cap. 2. (Ses Rights and Libertics.) and
5 A. cap. 8. (See Scotland.) And if prorogued, then it
ſhall fir on the Day to which it's p ed, and continue
2 ns of the ſaid fix Months, ſooner prorogued-
or diſſolyed. | |

al Memorandum, The ſame wm - ——_—_ as bor *

in Seck. 74, 75, 76, 773 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 2

with this Alteration * hat whereas thoſe Sections extend-

ed only to England, this Act extends to all Great Britain.

CIV. Any Appointment already made by the next Succeſſor,

fignified by ſuch Inftruments depoſited, ( See what Appoint
ment and Inſtruments, Set. 81, 82.) ſhall be deemed effectual
for conſtituting the Perſons ſo nominated, Lords Juſtices of
reat Britain. : |
CV. The Lords Juftices ſhall not diffolve the Parliament
without Direction from ſuch Succeſſor ; and are hereby diſabled
to give the Royal Aſſent to any Bill for repealing or altering
* 14 Car. 2. cap. 4. ( See vice and Sacraments.) for

niformity of Publick Prayers, c. or the Act made in Scots

land the laſt Seſſion of Parliament there, for ſecuring the Pro-
teſtant Religion and Presbyterian Chutch Government: And
every the Lords Juſtices concurring in giving the Royal Aſſent
to ſuch Bill, ſnali be guilty of High- Treaſon, .

; b 3 _ fei

and other Sums ariſing to Scotland by way of Equiva

» << LAS x” _ FR 1 9 , * .
= 4 has . 3 f * Fs * — 4 *
2 * E. . ” 4 , /
A ,

CV Mowarandun The Tame Mater is repeated in th

Act as above in S. 86, 87, 88, 89, 99, 91, 92, 93> 9h gy

25 2 Perſon Güzel to be

n diſabled to be elected or vate in th

Houſe of Commons of any Parliament of 7 and, ſhall be
diſabled to be elected or vote in the of Commons of Py.
liament of. Great Byritam. | |

CVIII. No Commiſſioners for diſpoſing of the 98085 J. 4

rhe Purpoſes mentioned in the Articles of Union) ſhall by

rexſon thereof, or of any other Commiſſion for 0

thereof, or of any Part thereof, or the Execution
Commillion, be diſabled from being a Member of Pali


CLI. Stat. 6 4. Cap. 1 ; Al Okkcers Civil and 8

in Scotland ſhall take Te Gath following, viz Riley

T A. B. do truly and ſincerely acknowledge, proſe 75 feſt

Je of 4 2 befor ' Gadd fd 12
our Sovereign Queen Anne, is la |
| this Neale and of all. other ber Maje 8 Qu
wntrits thereunto belonging. and I do
declare, Tbat I do believe in my Conſcience, the
ed to he Prince of Wales during the Life of
James and fince bis Deceaſe pretending to be, and eating 22
himſelf the Stile and Title of King of England, by the Nany
James the Third, or of Scotland, bythe Name of James the Fj
or the Stile and Title of King of Great Britain, nat any Ri
ar Title whatſoever to the Crown of this Realm, or any other ti
| Dominions thereunto belonging and I do renounce refuſe
ohjure any Allegianco or U 1 to bim. 'andT
at I will bear Faith and true Allegiance to ber Maj
Queen Anne, and ber will defend to ths 2 of my Pown
againſt all Tyaitorous Con ſpiracies ttempits whatſoeva,
which ſhall be made againfi her Ferſou, Crown or Pignaty. 4nd
F will do my utmoſt Endeavour to diſcloſa and make known t1
ber Majeſiy, and ber Succeſſors, all Treaſons and Traiteres
2 which TI ſhall know tobe againſt hey, ov any of then.
And do faithfully promiſe, to the Ui moſfigof my Power, to ſup
— maintain and I the Succeſſion of the Gun, agai
bim the ſaid James, and all other FP, whatſoever, as 92 of co
is and ſtands ſettled by an A, Inrituled, An AQ
ing the Rights and Liberties of the Subject, and ſettling the Sus. GX
ceſſion of the Crown to her preſent Majeſty, and the Heirs a withi
her Body, being Proteſtants , and as the ſame by one other Att, Brita
Intituled, An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown, Coun
di berter Securing the Rights and Liberties of the Subjct, bre



es F




x * ” 0 ”
* * < 2
— * E 1 > * * * k " *
* * * 4 1 —_ m_— C Th C- *
4 * e * F. # . 4 ?
2 9
[ A.

: ; :
y 8 „

- f j * WD.
®, 4 4

and entailed, aftey the

W ;
rbeſe t |
6 plat |. Common.
4 of the Words, wit 1
2 ; — thout any Equi

and Promile,

CX. All Perſons having any the ſaid Offices, and in re-
ſpect thereof obliged to take in Scotland an Qith, called, The
Oath of Allegiance and Aſſurance, ſhall be obliged, on or be-
fore the zoth Day of April, 1708. to take and fubſcribe the
Oaths hereby appointed, before the Privy-Council while it con-
tinues ; and after the Determination thereof, in the Courts
of the Lords of the Seſſion, or Juſticiary, or Exchequer
there. And all others now in other Offices, who, in relpt of
other the Offices aforeſaid have been obliged to take the ſaid
Oath of Allegiance and Aſſurance in any other Court or Place,
ſhall be obliged to take and ſubſcribe the ſame at the next
\ "0g Seſſions of Peace of any Place where ſuch Otficer ſhall
relide, |
CXI. All Perfons who ſhall be admitted to Offices in Scot-
land, ſhall, in Three Months after Admittance, take and ſub-
ſeribe the Oath hereby appointed. | .

CXIL The ſaid Courts ſhall adminiſter the Oaths to Per-

ſons tendring themſelves to take the ſame, and keep Rolls of
Parchment, in which the Subſcriptions of Perſons taking the
L be made, to which all Perſons may have Acceſs
without Fee. |

CXIJIL Officers neglecting or refuſing to take and ſub»

ſcribe the ſaid Oath in —_— as above directed, ſhall be diſ-
abled bs _ any Office in reſpect whereof he is obliged to

8 .

4 — neglecting or 2 22
iy Or Deputy executing ſuc ace, being there-
4 ſhall incur the Penales by 13 & 14 V. 3. cap. 6,
XV. Two Juſtices of the Peace, one to be of the Quorum,
within any their Counties, Ridings, Stewartries, c. of Greas
Britain, pr other Perſons by her Majeſty (by Ocder of Privy»
Council) by Commiſſion appointed, may ſummon they
ſulpett to be dilalfeed, 1 Oath; and hls


* bY

Quanter-Seſlions-of be Peace-to-be held fo

ndred, certifie the Names and Places of Aled
ing to take the ſaid Oath, to be recorded ther,

7 ak c. in England, to the N Sed Queen's Bench ,

CXVIII. Stat. 10 A. cap. 4. After the Iſſue of the Body d

the Queen, the Princeſs Sophia, the Elector of Brunſwick, her
Son and Heir, and George Auguſtus Electoral Prince of Ha
rover, and Duke of Cambridge, and the Heirs of the Body of
the ſaid ;Princeſs Sings, being Proteftants, ſhall have Pre-
cedence before the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and all Great
Officers, and Dukes, and all other Peers of the Realm.


I. Stat. De Ailit. 1 E. 2. Divers Cauſes for which 1

Man may be excuſed from taking upon him the Order d
Knighthood. See the Statute at large.

II. Stat. 16 & 17 Car. 1. cap. 20. None ſhall be hereafter

1 by Writ, or otherwiſe, to take upon him the Order
— | — and all Proceedings concerning the ſame ſhall

* Vo. | :

Labourers, | Artificers, Servants, ns

& Appꝛentices. |

I. Stat. 2 & 3. A Workmen, and Labourers, that

E. 6. cap. 15. conſpire together concerning their Wort
or Wages, every of them ſo conſpiring, ſhall forfeit for tis
_ ficſi Ottence 10 J. to the King; and if he pay not _y —

2 | 2

= * 7”

Days after Conviction, by Wirneſt, Confeſſion, or otherwiſe,

: ſhall ſuffer "Twenty Days 3 r and during that
ime ſhall have no Suſtenance at

de ſecond Offence he ſhall forfeit 20 l. and that not paid wich-

n Six Days, as aforeſaid, ſhall ſuffer the Pillory; and for the

Time, ſhall again ſuffer the Pillory, loſe one of his Ears, and
— ever alter Taken 2 4 Man infamous ard not to be cre-
II. Juſtices of Aſie, Juſtices of Peace, Mayors Bailiff, and
tewards in Seſſiom, Leets a ourts, have Power to c
and determine theſe Offence:. But Jo" Whether this Branch

of this Statute be not repealed

ar, 2. cap. 19. I Jac. 2. caps 17.

III. Stat. 3 El. cap. 4. So much of all Statutes made, and

every Branch thereof, as touch or concern the Hiring, Keeping,

dy of M Peparting, Working, Wages, or Order of Servants, Workmen,

; her Artificers, Apprentices, and Labourers, or any of them, and
He the Penalties and Forfeitures concerning the ſame, are re-
ly of rezled: Howbeit the ſaid Statutes, and every Branch and
P Matter therein contained, not repealed by this Act, ſhall re-

Feat main in Force. 3 | |

IV. Nene ſhall hire or be hired for leſs than one whole
Year in the Arts of Clothier, Woollen Weaver, Tucker, Ful-
ler, Cloth-Worker, Sheer-Man, Dyer, Hoſier, Tailor, Shoe -
maker, Tanner, Pewtercr, Baker, Brewer, Glover, Cutler,
Smith, Farrier, Currier, Sadler, Spurrier, Turner, Capper,

ich + Hat or Felt-maker, Fletcher, Arrow-Head-maker, Butcher,

er of Cock, Miller. |

V. Every Perſon unmarried, or under the Age of Thirty

Years though married, having been brought up 1n any of the
Arts aboveſaid by the Space of three Years, and not worth
in Lands qo s. per Annum, or in Goods 10 J. and fo alowed

Officer, or Two diſcreet Burgeſſes of the Place where the

Party ſo brought up hath lived by the Space of one whole
Year, not already retained in Husbandry, the Arts aboveſaid

or any other Art or Myſtery, or in any Service, upon R ueſt

of any Perſon uſing the ſame Art, ſhall not refuſe to ſerve
for the Wages limited by the Statute ; and being ſo retained,
ſhall not depart from his or their Service without one Quarter's
Warning before Two lawful Witneſſes, or ſome lawful Cauſe
that to be proved before One Juſtice of Peace, or Head Officer,
Vort WW in Pain of Impriſonment without Bail; but upon Submiiſi-
the on to perform the Service, they ſhall be in/arged without Fee;

— which Commitment and Enlargement Two Juſticcs of *

Labourers, & 303
t Bread and Water; for

hird Offence forfeit = and that not paid within the ſaid

the. general Words ff

5 Eliz. cap. 4. following. Revived and Continued, 22 & 23

under the Hands and Seals of two Juſtices of Peace, the Head

N 9 *
+ d *

N 2 TORO INTEL * e : *
AS : an a a 5
,” * r :
4 C

— P

VI Every Perſon between the

Officer in any other Place where he is to dwell, ſhall ſuffer ln

394 Labouretg, c.
the Head Officer, or Two , as 1
Complaint ſhall be made, haye-Power to
Diſcretions, upon due Proof, ſhall be thought
e of ta and

retained in any Service, nor implo

Glaſs, Coal, Fifhing, Sailing, Prov
London, nor Gentleman born, nor Scholar in any
or School, not worth 40 2. per Aunum in Lands,

depart that Service, otherwiſe than as is before limited, upu

Pain above expreſſed. :

VII. None ſhall put away his Servant before the End cf his
Term, without a Quarters — — ſome lawful Cauſe tobe
proved by Two ſutficient Witneſſes before the Juſtices of Oy
and Ter miner, Juttices of Aſſiſe, Juhices of Peace in
a Head Othcer, or Two diſcreet Aldetman or Burgeſſes, iy

Pain of $o | 4 3 '
- VIII. No Servant having ſerved in one City or Ton, ſhul
5 to ſerve in another without a Teſtimonial, viz. in 4
own-Corporate under the Seals of the 'Town and

- Houſholders there, and in the Country under the Seals of the

Conſtable or Conſtables and Two Houſholders there ; which
Teſtimonial ſh:il be made and delivered to the Pay,
and alſo regiſtted by the Minifter of the Place when
the Scrvant dwelt, for which the Maſter is to have Tun

IX. The Form of the Teſtimonial is this: Ademorandun,
That A. B Servant to C. D. of 1. in the County of E. Huzhand
man or Tailor, &c. in the ſaid County, 1s Loaf to
from his ſaid Maſter, and is at bis Liborgy to ſarve elſev
— the Statute in that caſe mad. and provided.
tne[s, &cc. |
X. The Servant which ſheweth not ſuch a Teſtimonial to
the Chief Officer in a Corporation, or to the Miniſter or ſome

iſonment till he procure one; and if he procure not one within

1 — one Pays after his Impriſonment, or ſhew a falſe on,
he ſhall be puniſhed by Whipping as a Vagabond; and the Me
— mt retains a Servant without ſuch a Teſtimonial, ſiall for
K 5 J. |
XI. Thoſe that work by the Day or Week ſhall continue at
work, betwixt the middle of March and the middle of Septen
ber; from Five in the Morning till betwixt Seven and Eight ut
Night, except Two. Hours allowed for Breakſaſt, Dinner and
Drinking, and half an Hour for Sleeping, from the midſt of Ma
to the middle of Au ; and all ther 2

1 ee in
r Wages every



realy Nave tet tone Tonk y

+ i Oneen's Service, Licence of t

r nern 2
ik od Damage, to be recovered at the Common Law for the Loſs - |
19% U | =

IIII. None retained in Servige to work ſhall depart without

icence,. in Pain of one Month's Impriſonment. Leah
XIV. Such Wages of Labourers, Artificers, and others, as
ave been formerly rated, or concern Husbandry, ſhall be year-
j aſſeſſed for the County by, the Sheriff and Juſtices of Peace
Seſſions, and in tions by the Head at their
Eaſter- Seſſions, or within Six Weeks after, and before the 12th
if July following ſhall be certified under their Hands and Seals
1 the Chancery? whereupon the Lord Chancellor or Keeper
Gu dawn priced! E * ing every Coun-
a rparat ore @ 0 eptember chen next
Gllowin ; hich the ſaid Sheri, uſtices and Head Officer,
hall, before Michael ma, after, cauſe to be rolled and pro-
lamed, Doe hover wary old Rates ſhall be certified to
tand no Proclamation 1 |
IV . A Juſtice of Peace or Chief Officer, which ſhall be abſent
x taking of Wages ( being not letted by Sickoeſs, or ſome other
Blob u to be allowed by the Juſtices upon Affi davit)
[hall farfeit 10 * |
XVI. None ſhall give greater Wages than thoſe ſo rated, as.
foreſaid, in Pain of 5 J. and ten Days Impriſonment without
Bail; and if any Perſon ſhall be convicted before two
Peace or a Head Officer, of taking more Wager he ſuffer
wenty one Days Impriſonment without
XVII. Every Retainer, Promiſe, Gift or Payment of Wages,
r other thing contrary to the true Meaning of this Act, and
0 Writing and Bond to be made for that Purpoſe, ſhall be

XVIII. If any Servant or other ſhall be convicted before to

Juſtices of Peace, or a Chief Officer, as aforeſaid, by his own
Conſeſſion, or the Teſtimony of two honeft Men, to have af-
lulted his Maſter, Miſtreſs, Dame or Overſeer, he ſhall ſuffer
one Year's Impriſonment, or leſs, if the Juſtice or Chief Officer
ſhall think fit ; and if the Party ſhall be thought to deſerve a
more ſevere Puniſhment, then to receive ſuch open Puniſhment
( Life and Member excepted ) as the Juſtices in Seſſions, or the
H and four of the diſcresteſt Men in the Corporation
| con
* XIX. Artificen |


396 Labouxers, &c.

XIX. Artificers ſhall work in Hay- time and Harveſt, in pit

of Impriſonment in the Stocks two Days and one Night, which
the Conſtable thall inflict them, in Pain of 40 5s.

XX. It ſhall be law ful for Laboprets (other than ſuch x xe

retained in Service according to this Statute) to go- to othe
Shires to work in Hay time and Harveſt, ſo that they bring with
them a Teſtimonial under the Hand of one Juſtice of Peace, &
a'Chief Officer, teſtifying that they have not ſufficient Work i
the Place where they lived the Winter before; for which Tell
monial they Mall only pay a Peny. > Od

XXI. Every unmarried Woman, fit to ſerve, being abox

twelve Years old, and under forty, ſhall, by two Julie of
Peace, a Chief Officer, or two Burgefles, be compellable to ſene
for convenient Time and Wages, in Pain of Impriſonment.

XXII. Husbandmen being Houſholders, and uſing half :

Floughland at leaſt in Tillage, may take by Indenture Apprey
rices above the Age of ten Years, and under eighteen, to ſerie
in Husbandry until the Age of twenty one Years at leaſt, a
twenty four Years, as the Parties can agree.

XXIII. Every Houſholder of the Age of twenty three Lem

dwelling in a Town-Corporate, and uſing there any Art or
Myſtery, ſliall and may take an Apprentice for ſeven Year x
jeaſt; howbeit, the Term ought not to expire before the Ap-
prentice accompliſh the Age of twenty four Years.

XXIV. Merchants, Mercers, Drapers, Gold-ſmiths, Irons

monzers, Embroiderers, and Clothiers, dwelling in Corporat
Towns, ſhall rake no Apprentices but their own Children,
ſuch whoſe Parents have Inheritance or Freehold of 40 . pn
Annum, to be certified under the Hands and Seals of three ſu
ſtices of Peace of the County where ſuch Lands lie, to the Heal
Officer of the ſaid Corporation, who ſhall cauſe the ſame to be
recorded. Artificers in Market-Towns not Corporate, beirg
Houſholders, and of the Age of twenty four Years, may tale
other Artificers Children to ſerve as Apprentices.

XXV. Merchants, Mercers, Drapers, Gold-ſmiths, Ir

mongers, Embroiderers and Clothiers, dwelling in Market
Towns not Corporate, ſhall take no Apprentices but their om
Children, or ſuch whoſe Parents have Inheritance of Free-holl
worth 3 J. per Annum, to be certified under the Hands 1
Seals or three ſuſtices of Peace, as aforeſaid,

XXVI. Smiths, Wheel-wrights, Plough-wrights, Mill

wrights, Carpenters, Rough-maſons, Plaiſterers, Sawyety
Lime-burners, Brick-makers, Brick-layers, Tilers, Salter
Helyers, Tile- makers, Linen-weavers, Turners, Coopers
Millers, Earthen Potters, Woollen-weavers (of Haut
wives Cloth only) Fullers, Wood-burners; Thatcher and
Shinzlers, may take Apprentices though their Paren's have 90

wm | XXVII. Non

bit Cz


be cer
of the
cap. 9

7 1
th 2
Labourers, Kc. 397

VII. None whieh hath not ſerved an A pprenticeſhip ſeven

Years in any Art or Myftery now uſed, ſhall uſe the ſame, or
ſet any other to work therein which hath not ſo ſerved out that
time, in Pain to forfeit 0 s. for every Month. © ü

XXVIII. Woollen Cloth Weavers (other than ſuch as inha-

bit Cumberland, Weftmartand, Lancaiter or Wales, ox in Cities,
Corporations, or Market-Tqw-ns) ſhall take no Apprentices; not
teach any their Art, ſave their own Children, or ſuch whoſe
Parents have Inheritance or Frechold worth 34. 65 Annum, to
be certified under the Hands and Seals of Three Juſtices of Peace
of the County where the Lands lie, in Pain to forfeit 20 6. for
every Month; and the Indenture ſhall within three Months be
regiftredin the Pariſh where the Matter dwells, the Fee of which
Regiſtring is 4 d. This Section repealed per Stat. & 6 W. & M.
ca | 6 Fe. . ;

ln. Every Cloth - worker, Fuller, Sheer man, Weaver,

Tailor and Shoe-maker, ſhall for every three Apprentices keep
One Journey-man, and for every Apprentice above three, ano-
ther ſourney-man, in Pain of 10 J. x Ks

X. This Act ſhall not prejudice Worſted- makers nor

Worſted- weavers in Norwich and Norfolk.

XIII. If any Perſon fit to make an Apprentice refuſe to ſerve

upon Demand, One Juftice of Peace, Mayor, or Head-Officer, -
unto whom Complaint thereof ſhall be made, hath Power to
commit him to Ward, until he ſhall be willing to ſerve accord-

ingly. | 5 5

Mn. If there ſhall ariſe any Difference betwixt the Ma-

ſter and the Apprentice, One Juſtice of Peace in the County,
or Mayor or Head Officer in a 1 or Market - Town,
ſhall have Power to reconcile it, if they can; if not, then to
bind over the Maſter to the next Quarter - Seſſions; where the

| Juſtices of Peace, or any Four of them, (1 Q.) or the Head

Officer, with the Conſent of Three of his Bietnren, ſhall, upon

Default found in the Maſter, in Writing under their Hands and
Seals, have Power to diſcharge the Apprentice of his Service;
and if Default be found in the Apprentice, then to inflict ſach
— upon him as in their Diſeretions ſhall be thought

IXXIII. None ſhall be bound to enter into an Appren-

— other than ſuch as be under the Age of ty one
by |
rs. |
XXXNIV. Juſtices of Peace in their ſeveral Diviſions, and Head
$ in Towns Corporate, ſhall meet twice every Year, viz.
once betwixt Michaelmas and Chriſtmas, and another time be-
twixt the Lady-day and Midſummer, to give Order for the due
Execution of this Statute. IE |
XXXV. Juftices of Peace and Head Officers ſhall have 5 s. for
every Day they ſit about tie Execution of this Statute, to — |
| o

358 »Liabourers,
lowed. them out of the Fines. which
thereof, ſo that their Sittir
this Statute, and not above
XNXVL. The Forfeitures a ſaid - (i
wile limited ) ſhall be divided — the
Proſecutor; and all Juſtices of Peace, or any
(1 Qu.) pro — 2 to
determine the Rreach of this Statute, — —
iſe, and to aw ard Proceſs and 1
Yearly in Mic ba- ma: Term by Eſtreat — the
er the Fines which accrue n Statute, in —
_ ht to do in other Caſes.
VII. This Act — not refiraio the Cities of Loads
and Norwich from tak Apprentices as in Times paſt,
XXXVTII. None ſhal 9 — — 9 — otherwiſe than is l.
mited by this AQ, in Pain of 20 Indentures otherwiſe
rr ſhalt be bound by his Inlemss
An entice
not ithſtanding M Nos 7 21 Years,
XL. The Inhabitants of Iming in Surrey may take and
uſe ſuch Arts and Apprentices as Market-Towns may do by vit
2714 The Fi this AR 3
ines accruing is in
hall be appointed by the ead Officer, 222
— Fines and Amerciaments, for the Uſe of the ſame
XIII. When an Apprentice departs from his Maſter's der-
=> — another County or Corporation, it ſhall be lawtdl
uſtice of „ ead - Officer there, being j
gs Peace, to direct Pias to the Sheriff, or other
| Chief Officer, for his A ** — and being taken, the ſaid

Juſtice of Peace or Head Officer ſhall comm mx him to MWA III.

1 Security that he will honeſtly ſerve out bu —_

XILIII. Notwithſtanding this High-Conflables have WH tute ar

| Power to keep their Statute · Seſſions, ſo that Wap there do 0 |

thing repugnant thereunto. | D |

XLIV. Stat. x Fac. 1. Cap. 6. The Statute of 5 8 &

ſhall give Power to the Juſtices of Peace to rate the Wages of
any Labourers, Weavers, Spinſters, and Work- meu or Watt
women whatſoever.

XLV. The Rating of ſuch Wages in Scllions by the more

of the Juftices, within any particular Riding or Diviſion

Chen here General Seſſions have been uſed ſeverally to be ken)

hole Gun as Is as theſe rated a $6 Seſſions of the

W i


= oclaimed in :
| 1 3 — Lord
1 ſerve, upon
2 e Pains and — | Statute of
* Elix. e * e n
= VII A Clothier „ the Taſtices
wheo of Aſſiſe or Peace in Seſſions, or before Two Juſtices of Peace
( Quer.) by his own Confeſfion, or the Evidence of TW
WI 2%, not to have obſerved the ſaid Rates, ——

yan the Rates ſo appointed, ſhall forfeit xo 5. to

ted, to be levied u Warrant from the ſame Juſticts by
fireſs and Sale of his Goods.

XLVIII. None ſhall incur amy Danger for not maki

1 15


is bs Nene of the Rates into the Chancery according to 5 Eis. cap. ig.
wiſe XLIX, A Clothier being alfo a Juſtice Peace, thall ng .
Rater of Wages: for any Artificers tat e making
me, Wo! Cloth.
e and
— Lancatter,
onate 1 Seat. 33 H. 6. cap. . An Indidment found in l
d # igainſt a {Yah dwelling in another County ſhall be void;
ſame CCW
E II The like Law is of an Indictment found in another Coun-
wil ty (and not in Lancaſbire ) againſt an Inhabitant of Lanca-
3 re where each Juror hath 197 Land and Tenements worth.
17 51. per aum. 4
21 H 8. cap * 8 the IE
t hu — — — by the King with — the
Enlarzement and — _—_ the ſaid oy. * Sta-
have tuts at large.

IV. Stat. 2 & p & N. 20. A farther Enlargement

of the ſaid Dutchy, See the Statute.

74 | 'Y

5 **

atk | Leaſes.

more I. Stat. 32 H g e. 28 3 Tenant in Tail, oe

— by him w 1 ep dhe ch e ade by Tenart i (they

ho is
4 3 85 3 Kade Latin, G W. be
and effectus w their
2 in 1 OR Iver,
, 7

4 ; II. This

Leaſes. qot
Ie of AR ſhall nor Liberty to the Wife or her
zuns e Thi, met Leaſe; ROM: to he made of the Wife: I6-
de beritance by t — men ty ane Yedrs or
now, Wunder, or Three Lin nable Yearly Rent
hich for Twenty Years b e is ef wed, \ according to the Tenor of

* VIII. This AQ att not extend to make any Leaſc niade
by any Ecclefiaftical Ferſon, which is ke grod a by Authority |
TY *; Parliament, or by any ſuch Perſon or other now attainted of
4 Treaſon.
and x. Sat x lis na printed. All Wage ma a
r the {WH Archbiſhop or other Biſhop, of any Manor, Lands, c. Parcel
neh f the Pof ww. of their iſhoprick, o or united or
ella xreunto, to * Perſon or 2 „ Politick .

_ than to t Heirs Succeſſors, and

han for the Term he Queen __ one Years or Three Les fo frotti the


ll be Time of ſuch Eſtate made, and whereupon the accuſtomed

d (he early Rent or more ſhall be reſerved and Payable Yearly du-
Hul. ng uch Term of 45 one Years or Three Lives, ſhall be |
= to all intents and purpoſes.

g J

X. Stat. 13 Eliz. cap. 10. All Lea » Conveyance ot

18 made y any Miter or Fellows of any College, Vean
d Cha my ef ny Cathedral or Collegiate Church, N or
uardian of = Hoſvital, Parſon, Vicar, or any. having
y Spiritual or Eccleſiaſtical Living, or any Houſes, Lands,
* or other dy Oo rg being Parcel of - 4 College,
— EE |, Parſonage, Vjicarage, or
Promotion, or thereunto, other than from
— one Years or Three 1 making thereof, and
n the accuſtomed Yearly Rent or more ſhall be reſer-
payable Yearly during the Term, ſhall be utterly void
all; intents and
Xl. * all not make good any Leaſe or other Grant

inſt the Private Statutes of any College or Collegiate


III. This Act ſhall not extend to any Leaſe her be
ade upon Surrender of a former Leaſe, ot by Reaſon of any
nant or Condition contained in any former Leaſe, and ſtill
Ir . ſo as the Leaſe to be made contain not more Years

ſidue of the Zeqee of fack Faagpes hands. may any les

ent than is thereby reſerved.

XIII. Stat, 1 Elia. cap. 20. No Leaſe made of any Benefice

Eccleſiaſtical ion with Cure, or any Part thereof,
and not impropriated ) ſhall endure any longer than white
e Leſſor ſhall be ordinaril y x 7 and Serving the cou

, without Abſence above 80 Days in any ee

: 7 . it, an Par

on boue ;

| Mall cesſe and be yoid:

Mall loſe a Year's of tis
the Ordinary among the Tec of

XIV. Renn Thr ovary Parſon allowed to have Ide Be.

Hefices may Demiſe one of them (upon which he is not moſt
ordinarily reſident ) to his Curate only; but ſuch Leaſe ſhall
endure no longer than during ſuch Curate's ade e
Abſence above 40 Days in any one Years

- out. Eliz. 27. In In thoStarmes, x Br 2. 04,20,

ords L 0260 Furt 7 all com into

155 above Eanbiddbn, or 1

All Bond, Contracts, Promiſes, and 8. here-
en de be made for ſafferm cring or permitting any Perſon toenjoy
any Ber.efice or Ecclefialiical Promotion With Cure, or to take
the Fruits thereof, (ether than ſuch Bonds and Covenants made
or Aſſurance of any Leaſe heretofore made) fall be adjudgel
of ſuch Validity (and no otherwiſe than) as Leaſes thereof made,
| by Ces is of Leaſes, Bonds, Promiſes, or Covenanh, made

XVII. The Branch of the Statute of 23 Elis. ca. 10. made

to avoid certain Leaſes made by 0 Perſons having Spiritual
Liwings, ſhall not extend to Howſeifirnate in n
Market Towns, or the Suburbs thevebf, 3
wppertaining to ſuch Houſes, ſo as rhey be not te becher
— of fuch Perſons, nor have abeve 0 Ares of Ground be

a aging to them.
VIII. Provided, That no Leiſe mull de made Ae N ie
vs Act in Reverſion, or without teſerving the E
Yearly Rent at leaſt, or without cha the Leſſee then t
—— or for longer Term than 4o Years. Neith ot the
Houſes be alienated withermt Purchaſing preſent # he or
other Lands in Fee. ſimple of as good Value, and av great Te Lid St
Value, as the Houſes fo alienated. ſeit t
XIX. Stat. 18 Elz. cap. 6. v beg mide by o |
in the Tuo Univerfities, 75 inchofler and Futon, the Third Pa M 7x
7 the Rent ſhall be reſerved in Grain, to be delivered to em 5 fo

Yearly at Days arg after the Rate of 6 5. $4. for 2 W

ter 1 Wheat, and Er for a Quarter of Malt, or or under the 0
Prices : or it ſhall be in- the Election of the Leſſee to pay ther
in kind, at the beft Rates found in thoſe ſeveral Markers well
Kren the next Market-days before che fad Day for tix
-Fayniemt or Delivery there: and all Leafes otherw herwiſe made

T# -7

Leaſes, 405
and all denen dagger . than be void.
Which ſaid Grain or Money th for the Relief
of the Commons and Diet whe fad leg 3
without Fraud, * Pain of ivation of the Chief
by. Colleges reſpectiveiy, and of all others conſenting
IE This Act ſhall not extend to ny Levſe tobe m 250

the Preſident nd Scholars of Sr. Fobn's — 1 Cn 7575

* ta: Id, to the 4 of Sir

85 Knight, late zermin * ** Founder 2 ſaid


III. Stat. 18 Zliz, cap. 11. Au Leaſes made by uch Fer

ſom as are mentioned in the Statute of 13 Eliz. cap. 10. read:
another Leaſe is in being, not 1 be 2 N ot
ed within Three Years next after t
Leaſe, ſhall be void; And all Bonds and r —
n ſuch Leaſe contrary to this AR, or to the ſaid Sta-

ute of 13 Eliz. cap. 10. ſhall alſo be void. ybeit this AR

ſhall not extend to any Leaſe or heretofore made by any
ſuch Perſon or Perſons.

XX1E. After Complaint to the Ordinary, and

5 =

upon any Offence - —_—

Stante of 13 Elix. cap. 20. whereby
225 ol his Benefice, 2 Ordinary, wh

ies of ſuch Benefice, to be lo |

the Sequeſtration ſhall EE the Ordinary; and ;

then the Churchavardens and Pariſhjoners 4 to account to him
ot them to whom ſuch Stqueftration ſhall be —. and
* they —_ —_— the ſaid Profits Amar Uiew as by the
Lid Statute of 13 Eliz. cap. 20. are appointed, in Pain to for-
ſeit the double Value the Profits A Ak- heiden to be reco-

ered in the Eccleſiaſtical Court by the Poor of the Pariſh.

XXII. Stat. 43 El An] he ren hereaſrer to

had for the — hays of © any Leaſe

binute of — 2 — 18 Eliz. cap, mag -

them, Ace in duch fort as
ants are appointed to be void, which are made 22

: ces r. pony

4 Leaſes.
nnn or by the þ
or by their preſeat Majeflies, or to be m
ears next enſui 2 Letters Pa
tures under the Great Seal 7 — or Seal of
of Exche A or Copy of . oll, according to th


Gre Manors of the. Dutchy, of any os

„ Parks, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, Paci

of the {aid Dutchy of Cornwall, or annexed to the — (other pore)
than of Honors, Lordſhips or Wee, ſhall be 1
Lux, according to the Purport of the ſame Copies, Lese u nan?
Grants, ag the preſent King 2 bal ne their Heirs and deter
It ha Grant
the D
ved, t
20th þ
before the Lean, 1 PF ogy oy a _
have the Inheritance; or elſe a reaſonable Rent, not being ua ed in «
EEE Dn eee
enants, ion ts 0p
Leaſe made, as aforeſaid, ſhall be ano in in Law, according Mon
the Contents of the ſame, not only againfi them, to whon he IX
Reverſion of the laid Lands hall come, but againft them, u and 50
whom the Intereft of the ſaid Leaſes ſhall come, av if — Comm
Majefties at the making ſuch Covenants and C XX;
actually ſeiſed in — of the ſame. ven Le
XXVII. Savin geo all 8 Nang and Bodies oo wrt their He the Le
and Succeſſor ( {a ving the Ie Chanc
the Dukes of de the the —ç ow — ph 15 fad T
or whoſoever ſhall enjoy the Dukedom b cings a0 cotdin
— a ack Rights and Dema . the Ha
to, ox out of the faid Offices or Lands, or any of L. by cellor ;
had before the making of this A ; any thing herein goal,
ſtandi ce
XXVIIL The Fees and Charges 14 for Palng charge
N Perſon Leaſes of Tenements of f 1 Val the F ;
or Value of ſuch Leaſe or Grant — 1 — further
not exceed 80 1. ) ſhall not exceed the Sum morn Greens
_ Leaſe, and 41. for every Copy ( beſides the ſaid Fine or Val of the
the ſaid 10 J. and 4 l. to be divided among the Officers an Ho
Exchequer employed for the Preparing and Paſſing ſuch &llary

or Grant ; — any Ofucex cxcged the ſame, he ſhall 25

to the Part grieved ſo_much 1 5

© ll ii 20. ty whereof ſhall be forfeited to the K
bg WY nd the other co the Peng grieved. 1,
Index III. Stat. 12 W. 3. caps 13. Leaſes made in
ah bes. telonging to rhe bar of Ovawall, wi
c. ing to te

Offices, BN den 1 8
Pacd BY vor) ſhall be good in Law againſt the
(other BY inheric che ſaid Dutch. | 8 3
a X. Froviſo, That ſuch Leaſe or Grant be not for more

than Three Lives, or Thirty one Years, or ſome Term of Years


determinable on Two or Three Lives; and if ſuch Leaſe or

Grant be made in Reverſion, that then the ſame, with the
Eſtate in Poſſeſſion, do not exceed Three Lives, or Thirty one

Years, and not Diſpuniſhable of Waſte ; and ſo as the Antient

in *


Rent or more, or ſuch Rent as hath been paid for the fi

Lands for the greater Part of Twenty Years, before 2680. b
reſerved to them that have the Inheritance, or other Eſtate ol
the Dutchy: And where no ſuch Rent ſhall have been reſer-
ved, there ſhall be reſerved a reaſonable Rent, not under the
2oth Part of the clear Yearly Value; and all and Grants
. and Agreements cogtaite -
. ec venants, tions | FP, 1
ed in every Grant and Copy of Court-Roll, ſhall be good in
Law, eyes againſt Foy | neon as againſt them to Whom
the Intereſt of the Leaſes, Grants or Copies ſhall come, as if his
were ſeiſed in Fee. ſimple. 5 . n
II. Saving to all Perſons (other than the King, his Heirs
en, VS :nd Succeſſors, and fuch Perſons as ſhall inherit the Dukedom at
Cemal) all their Rights, Titles, Claims and Demands. -
XXXIIL In caſe any Leaſe or r within Se-
den Years next enſuing ſhall compound for increaſed Rents with
the Lord High Trealarer, Commiſſioners of the Treaſury, or
Chancellor of the Exchequer, or ſuch Perſon or Perſons as the
ſad Treaſurer, Commillioners or Chancellor ſhall appoint, ac-
cording to ſuch Directions as ſhall be given in Writing under
the Hands of the ſaid Lord Treaſurer, Commiſſioners or Chan.
cellor; then, upon the Compoſition paid to the Receiver Ge-
and enrolled before the Auditors, the ſaid increaſed: Rent
hall ceaſe, and the old Rent only, or compaunded Rent, ſhall be
cha Try =- _ — — 4 ; ko ſuch
His Majeſty, his Heirs or Succeſſors, may make Wcn =
further Grants of 34h or Edifices, Part. of the Manor of
Greenwich, lying near or adjayning to ſome Ground, and Part
of the Palace of Eaft-Greenwich ( already granted for Erecting
an Hoſpital for Relief of diſabled Seamen)] as he ſhall ſee ne-
&llary, | |
| — XXXV. Suat.


* . 4 a : " 1

8 Ao 25. All Leaſes and Grants Grants wude

ee be _ Fats 1825 Roll of the Manor: bk, cha
Dutchy of Cornw — thereto and all Le

Grants to be made in
os a 4 the Great Seal

Jew next by Lenten 2 17840 This

Heredramet er than Honouts, 1

. the Cuſtom of th fp Five

he ſaid Dutchy, of EE
the , Or Cope |
be — 15 Law, according to the putport Ks

ſes and Grants.

2 Proviſo, That ſuch 14 be not VA
Bae 50, 1 or 31 Years, or for ſome det erMinable og
Three Lives, and not 1 and Km made in Re
falten or Expectancy, then the ſame, with the Efate in Poſh
fion, not to exceed. ree Lives, or 31 Years, ; — not diſpuniſy
able of 8 and ſo as the D or uſual Rent, or more, or
23 hath

been paid for the ſame for the greater Patt d

goF Years next before the Year, 1600. be reſerved ; and where nd
uch Rent hath been reſerved, then there ſhall be reſerved 4
Fa: aſdnable 1 not under the 2oth Fart of the clear Yeuty
es oth + $a tra

Covenants, Conditions and Agreements in ere

xy Grant, Leaſe, or, Copy of Court-Roll, fo made, ſhall be g
perſon, abe to the Contents of the Fame, againſt the Re-

>» Pint en to whom th Inoreſt Here u

AXXVIUI. Saving to an perſons er thay the Queen nl

Bucceſſors, and the Dukes of Cornba Ind their Hem, d.

my Ml Right, Claim Demand they had before the making thu

7 Tea ag If any Tenants of the ſaid Duteby ſhall' within

ars agree with the Lord Treaſurer, Commifhoners of de

fury, or Chancellor of the Exchequer, or Perſony by then
Pra appointed for the Diſcharge os of increaſed Rem >
ſome Years after = Reftauration of Ci L

abs WY to ſuch Rules as ſhall be given in nelle by the fx

Treaſuter, Commiſſioners or Chancellor; then, t upon ſuch Com
205 25 — the Monies paid thereon to the Receiſen

metal of 1 he Dutch, ing to Prem — ogg ſition, and er

rolled before the Aud tor he ft from thencelon)
ſuch | increaſed Rent to ceaſ

XI. Stat. x0 4 18 R That [Grants ha

been made by the Crown a e Th n el
and under the Seals of the Dutchy of ren Torr
England and Wales, to take Effet in Poſſeſſion, or Wy

FJature Intereſt, for Gre, Two or Three Lives, or the f cet

tam Term of Leap, not exceeding Fifcy Years, or or Jo




4 -

Eſtate and Term not to exceed three Lives or Fifty Years,

= the Dass of ſuch Grant or Leaſe, with Corencath tin”
porting, That the ſame ſhould be 2 before the Auditor
of * within a Time kmited, which have not yet
been enrolled, fo that the daid Leaſes are void or voidable ; now
Enacted, That an Perſom havin beſts the 34 of March. 1711,
omitted to enroll ſurh Leaſes, ſhalt before the 3d of March, 17s:
bring them to the Auditor to be enrolled; and that in
ſuch Cafe the Leaſe fo enrolled within that time, ſhall, upon
the Enrolment thereof, and Payment of all Rent arrear, be
xdjudged to have its being as if no Forfeiture for want of Enrol-
ment only had been incurred. VI 2.

XLE, Proviſo, That this Act fhall, not continue any Leafe
2 . adjudged in any Caurt to be forfeited for Want
XIII. Where in any Declaration or Pleading whatſoever, an
e in Ci, the Perſon fa pleading ie, 1 pint
a ic in Ceria, the Perſon fo it, may produce
— or al ry — the — | in an — which being

examined with t nrolment, 1 the pro

Mall be 1

and proved on Oath to be à true Copy,

— On 1 Indenture of Bargain and Sale werg

XLIII. Where any Fee-farm-Renty, intended by the A

22 Car. 2. & 22 & 23 Car. 2. to be fold, and are ſold pu

thereunto, ſhall be named and deſcribed in any Deed or Fine,

Declaration, or other Pleading, by ſuch or the like Names or

Deſcriptions, as the ſame were deſcribed in the Indentures of

Bargain and Sale made by the Truftees for Sale thereof, fuch
Names and Deſcriptions may ferve for conveying or pleading the
Nile to fuch Rents from and under the Truſtees. "3
XLIV. Proviſo, That this Act ſhall not give any Benefit in
wr ens Deriving a Title to any Rent, which hath not been
id or levied within twenty Years next before the Time of ſuch
Leading or Deriving a Title, -


I. Stat, 1 V. & M Se. 1. cap. 3. reas an Ad made

in the 2oth Year of the 1. n a mia Gene 2. Intituled,
As 4 for 2 1 Liberty 2 and export Leather and Skins
fanned or ed, was revived by another Act made in t
rt Year ot the Reign of the late King Fames 2. Intituled,
An Att for Reviving 4 former 7 for Etporting Leather,
which Act will expire at the End of this Seſſion; Beit Enacted,
That the ſaid two Adts be revived and continue in Force from
of this Seſſion of r fat Seven Years, fo
| c 4 am

according ta the Statute of I Fac, 2. ſhall be adj

| freſſcd" in Allom and Salt, or

i 2% , b

| OF © : ' '(" ia
I. Stat, 1 I. & M. So. 1. cap. 33. Every Hide, Skin, ot
Piece of tanned Leather, ſhaved or and Ca
judged to
the made Ware and Manufacture of the Currier, and ſubjet
a the View, Search and Seizure of the Maſter of the fever;]
yſteries of the Cordwainers, Curriers, Gitdlers and Sadlers of
the City of London, or the major Part of them, is by the ſaid
Statute 18 provided ; and ſhall be liable to be ſeiſed, and fubjet
to the ſame Penalties as other Wares inſufficiently. made of tay
ned Leather are liable and ſubject to by the ſaid Statute,
III. Nothing in this Act ſhall give any Power to the Ma-
Rer and Wardens of the Company of Curriers to ſearch or
ſeiſe, any Leather, Hide or Skin, but ſuch as fhall be curriel
in on, or within three Miles thereof, 77 ſome Members
of their own Company; nor in any other Place, but the open
1 or in Shops, Houſes or Warehouſes of the
ſaid Curriers, | e
IV. All Perfons, whatſoever, deali
may buy all ſorts of red tann'd Leather in any open Fair or
Market, curried or uncurried, the ſame being © ſearched
and ſealed according to Law; and may fell the ſame again in
their Shops, or convert it to other made Ware.
ng Perſons may buy or {ell Leather, Hides or Skins by
t. * ' : ;

or working in Leather,

VI. Stat. 9 Anna, c * After 24 June 1711, for thir-

by two Years followin * ſhall bg for all Skins and


iſe perfectly dreſſed, and imported, 6 d. per Pound, 2

wie pet pus all Loſhee, Buffalo, RET any other Hide
dreſſed in Oyl, 4 177 Pound. | 3 ; 3M

For Ruſſia Hides imported, 2 d. per Pound.

I. For tanned Hides and Calve-Skins imported, a Peny Hal

reg = Pound. |
XI. For Horſe, Mare, or Gelling's jdes importgd, and
eſſed in Allom a cal, or otherwiſe tawed, one
Shilling per Hide. R
XII. For Hides of Steers, Cows, ox any other Hides it
ported, and dreſſed in Allom and Salt, or Meal, or other
tawed, 2 5. for

| ery Hide, |
XIII. For Cave Sing and Kipps imported, dreſſed ig Allom,

Salt, or Meal, or otberwile tawed, a Peoy Hal Fenn 2

XTV. For

= | 3
. oy *
d **
- * N
bf w a



8 *

For all flink/Calve-Skins. i
XV. Salt, or . otherwiſe, with t
Pound ; peng fox all Hair, a
like Dogs Skins. . $4 3 s £3 of
4. For ivants, 4 5. Par —— N
IVI. For re not uſually called Cordivants, - im-
0 » and deofjed in Oyl or Allom, Salt, Meal, Meal, or other,
per Po For all Kid-Skins imported, dreſſed KS...
Shilling Per Dozen, and if any of the Kid-Skins ſhall be Gf
after im no farther Duty ſhall be paid. |
XVIIL For all Sheep-Skins imported, and dreſſed in "Ogl |
14. 6d. per Dozen, and for Lamb-Skins dreſſed in Oyl 2 5.
Dozen, and upon all imported Sheep-Skins/ and
Skins dreſſed in Allom, Salt, n e


XII. For all Hides and Skins, and Pieces, i |

ned, tawed, or dreſſed, and not before charged, and for _
Wares made Ko Manuſacture of Leather, or whereof: the

teſt Part is Leather, a Duty after the Rate of 257;

br rr 100 J. of the real Value, to be paid by the oe

EAX. For all Hides tanned in England, 1 d. pe Pound. /

XXI. For Calves-Skins, ny. hs n agd Dog Skins,

tanned in England, a Peny Per Fo

XXII. For Goat-Skins tanned with Shomack, or otherwiſe,

in reſembling Spaniſh Leather, 2 d. per Pound.

Ell. Hoe 2 Sheep Skin which ſhall be tanned for Roans,

— 7 For all Skins and Lamb-

= — neland, for Glovers, and

IN. For all other Skins gation of Skins (not before
r a Duty after the Rate of
gh for every 100 J. of true Value, to be paid by the
V. For Hides of Horſes, Mares and Geldings, dreſſed in
Allom, Salt, or Meal, or tawed in England, 2 s, 2 Joy Hide.
XVI. For Hides of Steers, Cows, or any other Hides, dref-
ſed in Allom, Salt, or Meal, 2 3. per Hide.
XXVII. For Calve-Skins and Kipps dreſſed in Allom, Sale,
or Meal, in England, a on fer Per Pound. |
VIII. For all ſlink Calve- Skins dreſſed with the Hairing,
11. 6d, per Dozen; and dreſſed with the Hair off, and on
all twed Dog-Skins, 6 d. per Dozen.
1 For all Buck and Doe · Skins dreſſed in Allom, Salt, or
Meal, in England, or tawed, — 5
XXX. . all Kid-Skins, 6 oY 0s 12
XXXI. For Goat Skins, I 5, «<4 er Dog


— AXXH. all Beaver-Stim, 2 8; Doren. 10 1 *

ll. Fe a
For Sheep-Skins and Lamb-Skiny, 'a Habf-peny pe Comn
XXXIV. for all other Skins and Parts of Sim ty. 8 |
ed in England, 11 l. in the Hundred of the true Value, mcf the
) Se or leſſer Quantiries: Al dhe XL
— de paid by the Tawers or Makers there into Wl and St
2 3 ; ; * tute 1
XXV. For all Hides and Steins dreffed in Oyl, in Exlai WW XL
Ce Pane” . "Wor the
XXXVI. For Deer-Skins, Beaver-Skins, Goat-Sking, ed or
' Calve-Siins, dreſſed in Oyl, in England, 4 d per Pound. to Sal
XIIXVII. For Sheep-Skins dreſſed in Oyl, and for Lamb fered
Skins, a Peny fer Pound. * | for ev
XXXVUEL. For all other Skins and Parts of Skins dreffed in BI ſhall |
Oy], 251. for every Hundred Pound of the true Value, and fs *
88 50 | Ker Wy L
IX. Tanned Hides are ſuch as are tatined in Wooze md thoro!
of the Bark of Trees, or Shomack $5 Hides dreſſed in Oyl, are Wi » ſhed
ſuch as are made inte Leather, in Oyl, or any Liquor of which WI Moe
4 dy tent is Oyl; tawed Hides are ſuch as are dreſſed IL
mAllom, Salt, or Meal. : foner
XL, For all Vellom and Parchment made in England, d fubtti
_ imported, after the Rate of 1 s. per Dozen for Vellom import- Wl veyor:
e, if made in England; to ' the . 2
XLI. The Duties on Hides and S0 Vellom and Patch: Cor
ment imported, to be paid by the Importer in ready Money I te E.
| before they are landed; and if landed before. due Entry L
y or before the Duty paid, or without a Warrarit from WW the 1
the Cuftom-Officer for the Landing them, the ſame ſhall be much
forfeited, and may be ſeiſed or recovered of the Importer or I Mari
ietor, one Moiety to the Crown, the other to te hall
| Proſecutor, who ſhall ſue for the ſaid Commodities, or the Bl tie 1
Value, in the Courts at Weftminfer, or in the Court of E LI
Tl. Whenthe Duty , imported, the Oh 70
When the is paid on Skins imported,
222 „ 2
paid. | eir
III. The Duties ſhall be raiſed by ſuch Rules and Method, beſor
and under ſuch Penalties and Forfeitures, as the Duties cala I be
Subſidies upon Poundage-Goods imported. ol.
XLIV. The Values of the imported Skins, which axe to of
ad Valorem, ſhall be taken to be ſo much as the imported Ll
e ST bf
uſtomer receive 't
the Merchant or Importer, | +


ILV. All thefe Duties to be 2 1 5

Ich 0

Commiſſioners of the Cuſtoms in EPS |

ivers General omz are to pay 1 4
the Exchequer dr ih from al thee B 4
ve , and the

the Money int

tute 1 Fas, x. concerning 'Tariners.

of an

3 2
7 —

Sale hy 77 Butcher, then he 41 gaſhed it, or w | 1

1 E + 4 1 ga?

fred it to Sale, mall forfeit 2 3. 6 d.
for every Calve- Skin, One Moiety to whe
ſull be offered to Sale or found, the other Moiety to the In-
Mm Tanner ſhaving a Hide or Calve Skin before tis
tanned, ſo that tis impaired, and the Duty dimi-
tn hed, the ſame ſhall be forfeited, or the Value thereof, One
which ay fn the Crown, the other to the Informer.
dreſſed BY XLIX. The Crown or the Treaſury may appoint Commiil-
foners for Managing this Duty, and theſe Commiſhoners may
nd, of ſubſtitute Receivers-General, Collectors, Comptrollers, Sur-
mport- WY teyon, and other Officers requiſite, and both the Commiſſion-
nd the BY ers and all the Officers for the ſaid Duties, ſhall have out of
the ſame, ſuch Salaries as the Treaſury ſhall allow, and the
— ee ſhall cauſe all the Money, &c. to be paid intq
tie Exchequer. 6
n L The Value of the Hides and Skins, which are to pay
it from che Duty ad Valorem, being dreſſed in England, ſhallbe
hall de much as they are, Bona fide, worth, to be ſold at the next
ner ot I Market, without re ſpect to the Duty, and that the Collectot
o te all receive theſe Duties, upon an Oath to be adminiftred to |
or the tte Tanner or Maker. | | | | |
of By K 2 and 15 Dreſſers of ies in 2 muſt be⸗
re the zoth © 1711. give Notice to the proper Officer
Officer of their Names and Places of Abode, and of their Tan-yards
Duty nd Tan-pits ; and fo they muſt if they afterwards
err Places of Tanning ; and ſhall not work in their Tan-yards
ethot, WY defore they have -acquainted the Officer thereof, as aforefaidy
cle the Tanner, c. neglecting to leave Tuch Notice, ſhall farf
o l. One Third Part to the Crown, the other Two Thirds to
to Proſecutor. t |
. . * 32 Fe, tall not uſe any Place þ for Dering Hap |
a or Skins, c. wit givi otice to Er rs
Nath d of the Places for and ing their Hides, Ofc. They
muft give or lend ro in. x Na Two Days before

of the Ti {i out of the Mil

l the Time when they take the Hides, Ofc. out o Woors,
9 ""%

ar, or Oyl, wherein they are tanned
be Se hangi 4 or 1 tem wh
| nul permit the U to d Account of the
Number any Qualicy of al Hides, +. caken out ofthe Wau
c. and within "Two Days after they are taken out, they ſhui
make reve Pater © f with the proper Officer, of the Nan-
ber and Quality of the Hides taken out to be dried, and Qui
verify ſuch Entry on Oath, to be adminiftred by any Juſtice of Ml bay t
Peace, ox by the upery? or Collector of the Duty; and 10
Tanger 12 1 out 3 Yard, 220 Hides, &c. taken our
e Wooze, c. unleſs the Duty us charged and entteſ
nd a Mark be put on the ſame. „
III. Officers may enter he Tan-yard, c. at ſeaſotuble
Time:; and if the Owner or Occupier refuſe them Entrance,
the Forfeiture is 10 J. One Third to the Crown, the' other
© Two Thirds to the Proſecutor : Tanner, Oc. uſing a Private
Tan- yard, or not giving timely Notice of taking Hi .
out of the Wooze, c. or not making due Entries, and gj
ving an Account of his Hides, or removing or carrying them
away, or N them, forfeits for ev ence 20 L
Oge Moiety to the Crown, the other to the Proſecutor; and
moreover all Hides, c. found in Private Tan-yards, &.
removed. or 'fraudulently concealed, ſhall be forfeited, or the
Value thereof, One Moiety to the Crown, the other to the Iv

former. |
IIV. All Tanners, Je. ſhall at their ſeveral. Yards keep tim
Weights and Scales for Weighing Hides, & c. and Sworn Oft.
cers ſhall be appointed to give Attendance at every Yatd.

LV. Tanners, c. muſt give Notice to the Officers Two

Days before they remove any Hides, c. out of their Yards,
and What Hides, c. they intend to remove, and ſhall not
be obliged to go farther than the next Market-Town to pr
ſuch Notices e Tanner, Ic. ſhall bring the Hides and Ski
to the Scales for which any Duty is to be paid by the Weight, with
and ſhall help the Officer in Weighing them, and ſhall permit WI but ©
him to take Account of the Numbers and Qualities of al JW ©
Hides and Skins for which the Duty is to be paid by Trl, count
and ſhall give a true Account upon Oath of the Value
Hides, Ec. intended to be removed, whereof the Duty is to be bor v

12 ad Valorem. ; 2

LI. Aftet the Duties ſhall be aſcertained by Weight, Tal, MW Tenal

or ad Valorem, the proper Officer ſhall enter in a Book the Proſe
Weight, Tale, and Value of all Hides, &c. and ſhall return t
in Writing to the Commiſſioners or Collectors, or other Per
yu! appointed for that purpoſe, and leave a true t
with the Tanner, Fc. which Return of the Officer (hall be 4
Charge on the Tanne.
* *

* *
- % =

IU. Aft




R 2

p true

_n *
l | *

o -” * 5

marked. ul
yy Tanner |
» as an. * ron bes. © 12

91 K. The Fanners in the Weckly Bills of Mortality ſhall

y the Duties to the Receivers, at the Head-Office/ of the
miſſioners within Fourteen Days after the Hides, Ofc,
ſhall be marked, and in all other Places within Six Weeks to
the reſpective Collectors, for which they ſhall give Receipts

711. Proviſe, No Perſon ſhall go farther to pay the Duties

than to the got Market-Town to the Place w the Hides
were ma . ' - . |
LIT. Tanners, c. negleRing or refuſing to make ſuch Pay-
ment, forfeit double the Sum of the Du -
ment ſhall be neglected; and after ſuch
deliver, or carry out any |
Pain of Forfeiting double the Value of the Hidesand Skins, c.
ſo ſent out. Tanner, &c. not keeping juſt Weights and Scales
in their Yards, or not permitting Hides, c. to be weig
or refuſing to bring the , or to abſt at the. Weighiog, or
Removing any Hides, Ofc. from his Yard or drying Place, bees
the Duties ſhall be fully charged by Weight, Tale, or ad Va-
— 20d beſpee the ides, Ofc. Hall be marked 175 if any
er ſhall carry away from the or dryi ace, a
Hides or Skins, Je. belore the ſame ſhall be — hey fal
reſpettively forfeit 50 J. for every Offence, One Moiety to the
Crown, the other to the Proſecutor ; and all the Hides or Skins
lo remoyed or ſold, ſhall be forfeited to the Crown, and may be
leiſed by the Officers. | 5
LXII. Tanner, &c. ſhall once in Three Months account
with the pr Officer for all Hides and Skins, c. taken
out of the Wooze, c. within that Time, and for all En-
tes thereof with the Officer, and ſhall then Rr the Ac-
count by Hides and Skins, &c for which the Duty ſhall have

ault ſhall not ſend,

been charged, and by thoſe remaining in his Poſſeſſion unmark d,

for which the Duty ſhall not have been charged; which Ace-
count (if — ) every Tanner ſhall truly make, under the

Penalty of 30 l. One Moiety to the Crown, the other to the _


LXIII. Collar-makers, Glovers, Bridle-cutters, and others

who dreſs Skins in Allom, Ec. and who cut the ſame into

Wares, ſhall be accounted Tawers, and ſubject to the Fe-

nalties and Forfeitures aforeſaid, and ſhalt be charged with

5 Duties before the Skins be cut or converted into

ares. | |

2 | LXIV, Stock

16, That the Mark may be made of any Part ef

Ibe deſired by, the Tal t f

whereof the Pay-

Skins until the Duty is cleared, on

—— v7 3 LI

eather. AB
VII. After the Duty is paid, and Entry: thereof made in
. Officer's Boks þe bal | n Tok and Skin to be

© LXTVY. bee

W oat obs ſhall before the ut

c. 2 *

ver to the roper Scree a Particular i hat Fab, of

tock on Oath ; the Officers may emer into Shake 0 or W

to view the Stock ; ſing to let them enter (K 1s

22 ſorſeits 30 J. one Moiety to the Crown, the other t
1. The Galle, open Receipt f any ſach Duties

of any

Stock, ſhall give n Acquittance s; and if fuch Datics &

| Stock be not paid before the xg of Sqrember, 1711. then thy
Officer may levy the ſame by & and

LXVII. Tete ſhall be a Diſecunt for prom Payment

the Duties on Stock, after the — of 10 J. pra, 1 6

LXVIII. Tannen, Cc. neglecting to * Por'icnl

df their Stock, on ar before the vom oth of Juh, re ol
and the Stock concealed.

LMI. After the for Stock is paid or ſecured, exe

Hide or Skin fhall be ed. 8

LXX. Officers ſhall take no Fee or Reward from any Tir

ner, c. or others, for making Entries.

LXXI. Two Juſtices of Peace reſiding nezr the Place where

any of theſe Forſeitures ſhall be 2 or Offence
againſt the Act is committed, or where ny Offence fa
be committed againſt the — oe. 1. ee eat

termine the 1 which Tuftices may, n an Craghin

wade within Three Mong aſtet ne mats”

— 2 232 4— the — 24 — =; Wit-

es; an n ppeari or empr to r
Proof of Worn given) may proceed 1 to — e
. Oath, and give Sentence accordingly ; 1 z and if the Party i

iſſue Warrants to T Penal

on on the 9 of the Offender, by iRreſs and there-
of, in caſe they ſhall * —+ within Six Days : =
Party grieved may a to the next rter-Seſſions,
may 2 2 Oath, and finally
1 and in cafe of Comviftion, iſſue Warrants to levy the

7 En. The Juſtices m my gs te the Penaftics, the res

fonable Cofts el Charges , as well in Diſcover
ing as Proſecuting, being always allowed over and above
121 and fo as tis not reduced to lefs than One

Co the Penalty, over and abore the Cofts and

| Ein. Commiſſioneri for theſe Duties to have the fame

Power as Commiſſioners of Exciſe.
LXXIV. Where Hides or Leather Manufacturet are export:

* in ſuch caſe, * Shipping them, and upoy iaficion ts




= =

Sande in ——
” rt bore dae We in Writ |
_ of the Hides, Calve- 1 e ny 2
producing that 92 to the Collector of the 5

w exported, then he, or in his

Te or wine nn al of > Duties, ſhall repay Two

of the Duties which were before charged for theſaid Hides,

n Wares fo ſhi to be exported. Sach

de made, tho the Mark to Uenote the uty doth

yot appear on the made Wares and if the ; are re-landed,

they are forfeited, together with treble the Value, one Moiety
to the n, the other to the Informer. |
LXXV. Wares made of; Hides or Skins ſhall have no Draw-

bus as made Wares, in reſpect df being dreſſed or curried by a

III. The Commiſſioners of the Cuſtoms are to provide

S-2mps for Hides imported; and ſhall cauſe them to be diftri-
buted amongſt the Officers for that purpoſe ; and the Commiſ-
foners for the Duties aforeſaid ſhall provide Stamps of one and
the fame Kind, with which all Hides and Skins tanned, c. in
England, ſhall be ſtamped, and ſhall 8 Stamps of another
Kind to mark the Stock in Hand; the Officers in uſing theſe
—+ — not 3 the Hides, c. Forging Stamps is Fe-

wit $ |

LXXVII. Commiſſioners, and every Subordinate Officer ſhall,

before they act, take an Oath duly to execure the Office; the
Commiſſioners to be ſworn before another Commiſſioner, and
the Officers before a Commiſſioner or one Juttice of Peace, whe
ſhall adminiſter it gratis.

LYXVIII, Fates and Tails ſhall not be charged by Weight,

but at 15 J. per Ce ore removed

nt. ad Valoyem, to be paid

from the Place of Drying ; the ColleGor upon receiving the Du-
ty, is to give an Acquictance, expreſſing the Number thereof,
without Marking them.

LXXIX. No Information, ©c. hal be brought in the

Cres in T9 er in e Offences are cognixable
dy the ſuſtices; no Cert iorari ſhall be allowed to remove the
wa, ings of the W but their Determination ſhall be

0 a
2000000 J.
1 oners and Officers ſhall not, by Word,
ment-Men, under Neualey of to the Queen, -

ce ſhall be

the other to the Uſe of the ow wind Op

1 E uporect it che Cyns

* In 'the Court of Ex
| 1
er 0 RA

LXXXIT. Stat. 2 12 Anne, ry 2. 9. ( 88 Bus

T all \Sheep-Skins, and 27 A 9. (4
_ h are chargeable with — Dutic h

C — A Anne, yg ation thereof

FLIP Allowance of Two The: rds of the — he
as upon Exportation — i

aa 57 me by
Lee River.

r3 Eliz. cp. 1B. 18. For Fox making the River of 2 2

are to tat ute.

| I. Stat. 1
Vigable from

I. Stat. 18 Ed 2. The Articles of a Charge in a Leet |

II. Stat. x Fac. I. cap. 5. No Steward or Deputy-Steward

of any Leet or Court Baron, ſhall make Benefit to the Value of

12 d. or more, by colour of any Grant made of the Profits or
Perquiſites of any fuch Courts whereof he is Steward, in Pain
to be diſabled = ever after to be Steward of any Court, and
befides to forfeit 40 l. to be divided betwixt the .
Proſecutor. |

' Libel.

L- Stat. 2 H. 5. cap. op. 3; A Copy of Lie! granablint

Eccleſiaſtical Court, ſhall be preſently * upon the Defend
ant's Appearance.


1. Stat, 7 Anne, cp. x4 4. In ev

ſhall be erected, it ſhall be

os Founder, and his Orden And its irections ſhall

II. That every Incumbent, beſore he ſhall be —
to uſe the Library, ſhall give ſuch Security as the O

y Pariſh where a Low

for the Uſes decke

I ; — 1






e ſhall immesdiat ey order It to be reflow

n nnn as

| Limitation. tion.

+ cal thts e Hott e WY

the Ti Time of H. , in a

ceftor, Writ
Return of
4 [hou Baile. ee



3 Scifai a Wii of Ri be, bande

„ Bt when ev ame Wont, 7
Die — Cynoge, AploW ; Writ of

Beg — an

| 2 Ea it it hall be within An Fifty Years before

the? 2275 1 the Original of any ſuch Writ

3 Writ npon the Parties own Seifin or

9215 within Thirty Yeats before the Teſte of the Ori

e Writ, 1
VL In an SN nec : for for Rene, Sui oe Str
Fre is Anceftor, Predecefſor, or his own, ot
any other whoſe Eſtate he erf to have, it 128 be
within Forty Ycars before the 1 ſuch Avowry ot Cog

Fes be: in Reverter or Remainder, and Scirt fais

wpon Fine, ſhall be ſued within Fifty Yeaus aſter the T.
of Action accrued, and not after.
VIII. The Party Demandant, Plaintiſf or PRs tat
(upon Traverſe or Penier by the other P cannot proje
ſſeſſion or Seiſin within the Times a limited, L. =

| Po
fox ever after barred in all fuch Wiits, "Attions, A
iſance, _ tions, Oc ;
—— hat in any of the (aid Aom, Avowties
—— e the Parties grie ved ws have an Attaint up”
Verdict given.

Js Y 2. cap. 5.
A elend ce Fit wg 22.

2 *

© N

Il. Stat. 27 Foc. * or

ſors, 2 —— — TE Lands, 4 Te: |
or Hereditaments, (other Liberties
— and the Iſſues and Profits which concern the ſame)
make an Demand of, in, or to the ſame,

by ron of 297 ight or 2 A Tong nnd among:

now ia e
ſome other 3 whom he anſwered (by
Force of ſuch Right or Title) the Iſſues and Profitsthere-
of within Sixty Years next ginning of this Paxlia ·
* or _ the ame have red duly in Charge to the King,

ims, have been

be fd Time en ad to impelch the King's Right |

not exte ing .
or Title to any Reverſion or Remainder, nor to alter the Teaures
or Services of Lands. Ann.
(fare of the ing is ſaved.

XIII. Nei this Act extend to annul the Cuſtom of

2. pad for every Chae of e ut Newcefile upon

XIV. Provided, That no putting in Charge, ta

or anſwering the Rents or Profits of any Lands or ge
ments, by Force or Colour of any Patents, Grants or
Concealments, or defective Titles, or of Lands, Tenements,
or Heredirameats, out of or by — ny
1 Preſentments — Commiſſion 8 — 2
out les or
AS Hereditaments, out ee ſhall be de

or taken to be a putting in , . —
Vuning the Re or 12 Profits or
unleſs ſuch Lands, Tenements or —— have
been upon any Information or Suit, ( on the Behalf of the King
or his Predecefſors ) upon any lawful Verdict given, or —
mureer in Law adjudged, and upon a Hearing ordered ar
pol to the Kiog, oc his Predeceſſors, within the ſaid Tree of
V. This A& ſhall not extend to Lands for- which Compoſiti: |
on in or ſhall be made before the End cf this Parliament.

XVI. Stat. 21 Jac. 1. cap. 16. All Writs of Fromedon f in

ender * or A for any Title or Cauſe now

wee, ſhall be ſued within 8 2 Years next after this preſent

" 8&2

els the * * ſome of his Predeceſſors, or

Elizabeth, oc have ſtood in ſuper of Record within

| 2
i *


. > F

| accrue to the ſame.

Years next aſtet the

in Twenty Years next aun other Title ator wa

ſhall at any Time hereafter make any Entry 1 * Tene-

ments or Hereditaments, but within Twenty Years next after his
or their Right or Title, which ſhall heeeaker firſt deſcend

XVIII. The — of any Infant, Feme- covert, Non

montis, one — tr or beyond Sea, are faved, fo cont

— 1 it wit Ten Years alter ſach ſuch Imperfectiom

r; . A ee upon the Cſe {other than or Suk:

Actions for r other than ſuch as concern Merchandise

Actions of eig De , Detinne, Trover and Replevio, ſhall

be commenced within Three Years after this ur Sofia of
Parliament, or within Six Years after the of fuch Ach

FA Suits, and not after,

. All Actions of Treſpaſs, of Aſſault Battery. Wound-

| 5 ment, ſhall be I One Year

and not a

on, ot within Four Years after the Cauſe of Suit,

INT. All Adden, uponthe Cafe for Words ſhall be commen-

ced T within One Year aſſer this preſent Seſſion, or within Two
Years after the Words ſpoken, and not after. ©
XIII. Ro Thar if in any ſuch Actions be
ſor the Plaintiff, and the ſame be Error,

or a Verdict paſs for bim, and upon Motion in Amel of Jug-

ment it is given againſt him, or if the Defendant be outlawed

in the Suit, and after Reverſe the Outlswry; in theſe Caſes the
Plaintiff, his Heirs, Executors or Adminiſtrators, may com

mence a New Action within a Year after ſuch Judgment rever-

ſed, — againſt the Plaintiff, or Outlawry fo reverſcd, and

XXII The Right of Action in the Caſes aboveſaid i is ſaved

to an Infant, Feme-covert, Non compos mentis, a Perſon in-

riſoned, or beyond Sea, fo as they commence their Suit with-

in the Times aboye limited reſpectively 4 their Imperſecti

— removed.

* . VF

Lis 2B,

- 1
an "- <A
«© —


| the

r his |
d or &Þ
* Lern i before whom: be ſhall be ct
tions 115 juftices and Terminer, — 2 and Juſtices
or t 1 ve rower to hee = ..
1 et Offences. - 2 * 1
l1ze IV. The Informer that ſhall at the bert Seſſions of the
ſhall Peace, after the Seizure, to be kept-in the County where fuch - *»
1 of Seizure is made, or before Two Jufticcs (1 Qu.) make due In- :
Bom formation of the Offence and Seizure, or procure the Oftender to WM
| be there indicted, and be bound by Recogniſance before th 4 BK
1 Paco il
_ nce, as or nl amet | t Lo1Ie! . <=
Suit, what he 42 the Sheriff or — . Ge ths
; Queen's Uſe, ſhall have the other Moiety for his Paine. |
wen. V. The Juſtices before whom theſe Offencesare tried, ſhall by
Two Eſtreat certifie the Forfeiture into the Exchequer. x

it de VI. Stat. 15 Car. 2. cap. 15. Any Perſon, Mativeor Foign-

cor, er, may ſet up in any Place whatſoever in England or Wales,

ung. Privilege i or Unprivileged, yay war" or not te, the

wed Trade of Breaking, Hickling or Dreſſing Hemp or Flax, and of .=

$ the ing and Whitening Thread, and Spinning, Weaving,” Ma- =

ling, Whitening or Bleeching Cloth made of Hemp or Flax only,

and the Trade of making Twine or Nets for Fiſhery, or ſtaring



, and Cordage, or making Tapiſtry Hangings: |



VII. Foreigners that ſhall uſe any of the ſaid Trades Three
Years in England, Wales, or Town of Berwick, ſhall from
thenceforth, taking the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance be-
be Two Juſtices of Peace near to their Dwellings, enjoy all
fectr Privileges as Natural born Subject; :

VIII. Foreigners that exerciſe the ſaid Trades, ſhall not be li -

able to other Impoſitiom than Natural born Subjects, unleſs the
Trade as Merchants to and from Foreign Parts; in which cafe

inen ba Aliens Cuſtom for Five Years next enſuing, and F

Dd3 Livery

by in
1 — the Lands ſhall
iſed, | eſne Profits anſwered to the King ; an
| caſe Scire facias ſhall iſſue out againk the Party to
why they ſhould not be re-ſeiſed. Yide Artic,
.28 E. x. cap. 19. to the like Effect as to the Onfter le
— and Rendring the Meſne Profits, when there is ao Cauſe

II. Stat. 28 Ed 3. cap. 4. Where the King's T

ds he hath bad Livery, hath been charged with
other Payments become due after ſuch 1
Time 2 rata) hereafter the Eſcheator
with caſual and continual Profi's which happen before
the Livery (pro rata) — to the Time, and the T
ſhall receive certain Payments of Rent, &fc. which happen
rer 4 without any Abatement thereof ( pro rats)

une. |


28 ol


- Liveries of Companies and Retainers,

1. Stat. 1 N. 2. cap. J. None ſhall give Liveries for Main-

tenance of Quarrels or other Conſpiracies, in Pain of

ſonment and grievous Forfeiture to the King ; and the]
_ of Affiſe ſhall —_ uire of ſuch as gather together in
Fraternities for ſuc Purpoſes, and ſhall puniſh them according

to their


227 FFD




8d 7.


2 t
ſuch Caſes ſhall be

recover them

Stat. —— E. 2.
i t

1 as

Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen, being indifted,

ſhall be cauſed by S to come before the King's Ju-
ices aſſigned thereunto out of the City, and there ſhall »be
made to anſwer as well to the King as to the Farty grieved
their Trial ſhall be by Foreign Inqueſt as aforeſaid ; where-
upon if they be attainted, the ſaid Pain ſhall be levied upon

and the Plaintiffs alſo ſhall recover treble "

IV. In the Proſecution of ſuch Suits, the Contiable of tht
Tower or his Lieutenenr ſhall execute all Proceſſes in the City,
Which Proceſs ſhall be by Anachment, Diftreſs and ZExgone z
and in the King's Caſe the Exigent ſhall be awarded after the
firſt Copies returned; but aſter the Return of the third Capias,
a the Suit of the Party, | 5
V. It they have Lands out of the City, Proceſs ſhall iſſue a-
gainſt them in the County where ſuch Lands be, by Attach-

VI. Every of them that appear ſhall anſwer particularly

1 himſelf, as well at the Perilof him chat is abſent, as of him
VII. This Ordinance ſhall extend to all other Cities and
the Realm. Howbeit, the Inqueſts in
taken by Foreign People of the ries
wherein ſach Cities and Boroughs are fituace ; and the Pazns
to be 1 be adjudged by the Juſtices thereta

VII. Stat, 1 H. 4. cap. 13. The Penalties of 1000 and 2009

Marks ( impoſed by the Statute of 28 E. 3.) ſhall not be limited
to a Cextainty, but the Penalties ſhall from henceforth be left to
the Diſcretion of the Juttices thereunto aſſigned, in like manner
u it in ſox other Cities and Boroughs. . N

Dd 4 IL, Stat.

* ISR. _ * 5
my - F ” — S
/ -
= 8 —

6 No
IX. 35 H. & cap. 10. An AR for repaiting, making |

NA. Stat. 19 Car. 2» cap, 1 An Ac for erecting 2 Judice-

ihe by v als in Lond See the 43. +

I. Stat, 19CS: . 6% 2. For the ſpeedy Rebuilding of

the City Lani and 4 of the New Build
for the Prevention of Outragious Fires, the Rules and Di-
XII. If any Perſon be convicted by the Oaths of two Witnel-
ſes before the Lord Mayor or two Juſtices of Peace for the City,
of Building contrary thereto, the Houſe ſo built ſhall be
2 common Nuſance, and the Builder ſhall enter into a
mſance for Demoliſhing the ſame, or Amending it according to
the ſaid Directions; and in Default of entring into ſuch Recag-
niſance, ſhall be committed till he abate or amend the ſame; or
2 | Houſe ſhall be demoliſhed by Order of the Court of
ermen. BER
XIII. The Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council, ſhall or more Surveyors to ſee the ſaid Rules obſerved;
and may give. them an Oath for the true Execution of theit
e ,

c rt W ot
XIV. There ſhall be only four Sorts of Buildings: The firſt
Sort of Houſes Fronting By-Lanes; the ſecond Fronting Streets
and Lanes of Note; the third Framing high and principal
Streets; the fourth of Houſes for Citixens and other Perſans -of
extraordinary Quality, not Fronting either of the three former |
Ways. | |

XV. The Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council,

before the Firſt of April next, declare which ſhall be —
By-Lanes, which Streets or Lanes of Note, and which high and
N Streets. | 1

XVI. The Outſides of all Buildings in and about the City,

ſhall be of Brick or Stone, or of Brick and Stone together, ex-
cept Door-Caſes and Window-Frames, the Breaſt, Summers,
and other Parts of the Firſt Story to the Front, between the Peers
which are left to the Builder's Diſcsetion : but ſhall be diſchar-
ged of the Burden of the Fabrick by Archwork of Brick or

tone. |

| XVII. There ſhall be Party-Walls and Party-Peers ſet out

equally on each Builder's Ground, to be built by the Firſt Builder,
and convenient Toothing lett in the Front-Wall: None ſhall
Build on the ſaid Party-Walls, or their own contiguous Ground,
till they have paid the firſt Builders the Moiety of the Charges
of ſuch _— alls, with Intereſt at 6 I. per Cent, from the

Sinning of the firſt Building. Differences concerning the V 0


$41 KK




= *

* 4 4 * N *
1 /

3 N
Is Rs,

of ſuch Charges ſhall be referred to the AHlerman of the

and his Deputꝰ : Where one of them is'a Party, or where
annt compoſe fch Difference, the Lord Mayor and Court
XVIH, The Houſes of the firſt Sort of Bui ſhall be two
S:ories high, beſides Cellars and Garrets ; the fix Foot”
and a half high, if the Springs of Water hinder not, each on
nine Foot high; the Walls in Front and Reer as highas the firſt
Story, two Bricks length in Thickneſs, thence upwards to the
Garrets one Brick and a half, the Thickneſs of the Garret Walls
on the back Part not leſs than the Length of one Brick (of the
party - Walls one Brick, and half avhigh as the Garrets) inthe

Garrets one Brick at leaſt.

III. The ' Houſes. of the Second Sort, Fronting Streets and

Lanes of Note, and the Thames, ſhall be three Stores high ; the
Cellars fix Foot and a half high, if the Springs of Water hinder
not; the firſt 8 ten Foot High, the Second the like, the
Third nine Foot; the Walls in Front and Reer as high as the

firſt Story, of the Thickneſs of the Length of two Bricks and a

half ; and upwards to the Garret Floor, of one Brick and a halls
the Thickneſs of the Garret Walls, on the Back Part not leſs
mo Becks Length vs high the den derm ond wp th Cue:
two Bric th as high as Story, up to the Gar -
rets of one Brick and 2 half. ; Pb
XX. The Houſes of the Third Sort ſhall be four Stories high:
the firſt Story ten Foot High, the ſecond ten Foot and a half,

the third nine Foot, the fourth eight Foot and a half: the
Walls in Front and Reer as high asthe firſt Story, of the Thick-

reſs of the h of two Bricks and a half: and upwards to the

Garret-Floor, of one Brick and a half: the Thickneſs of the Gare
ret-Walls not leſs than the Length of one Brick: of the Party-

Wall two Bricks Length as high as the firft Story, and upwards |

to the Garrets one Brick and a half.

III. The Houſes of the Fourth Sort ſhall bear the ſame

— 1 in the Table are ſer down for the ſame, the Num-
ight of the Stories ſhall be left to the Builder's Bi-

ber and
cietion, ſo as he exceeds not four Stories. |
XNIL. In the Front of Houſes in high Streets there ſhall be
Balcomes four foot Broad, with Rails and Bars of Iron, of
equal Diftance from the Ground, to contain in h the
third Part of the Front, the remaining Vacaney to be ſupplied
with a Pent-houſe of the Breadth of the Balcony, covered
with Lead, Slate or Tiles, plaiftered underneath : The Wa-
ter falling from the Houſes, Balconies and Pent-houſes, ſhall _.
be conveyed into the Chanels by Party-Pipes on the Sides or
Fronts of the Houſes ; and Pavement of Flat Stone at the
due Charge ſhall be made under the B. Iconies and Pent-

», | |


x *
5 #
CI „
- 8
7 x

= . A * \s

x . 4
4 1 oy
wal Loden. / 425

* | au "1
- i |

þ '

extend eleven Inches into the Han 1
XXIV. If any Houſes burnt or pulled down at the Time of tie!
the late Fire, are not rebuilt within three Years next enſuing, if
Proclamation ſhall be made by Act of Common Council be- LXD
twixt Twelve of the Clock, and Two in the Afternoon, u n
ſuch Ground, and upon the Exchange, to cauſe the ſame |
rebuilt within nine Months: In Default whereof, the
and Court of Aldermen ſhall iſſue Warrants to the

into the Chamber of London, and thence iſſued to them that are
intereſted in fuch Ground, axcoating to their cetpoaive hay

ercin, which Sale enrolled, according to the

City, ſhall conclude all that have Right. |
V. In caſe of Combination or unreaſonable Exattion by
Brick-makers, Tile-makers, or Lime-burners, the Juſtices of
the King's Bench, or two of upon
Mayor and Court of Aldermen, calling ſuch of the ſaid Work-
men, working Within five Miles of the River of Themes,
as they think fie, may upon Conference with them, if pre-
ſent, or otherwiſe in their Abſence, aſſeſs the Ir
of all Carriages thereof by Land
| ater. f
XXVI. And in caſe of Combination, or Exaction of un»
reaſonable Wages by the afore-mentioned or other Artificen,
Workmen or Labourers, the ſaid Juſtices upon like 3
may 9 their Wages ; which Rate, together wich the Pri
of the ſaid Materials and Carriages, being proclaimed, ſhall bind
all Perſons: Artificers and Workmen refuſing to ſell or work
for the Prices and Wage ſo appointed, or leaving their Work
unfiniſhed, unleſs for Non-payment of their Hire, er other
Cauſe to be allowed by a Juſtice of Peace, or _— for
reater Wages or Prices, and convicted thereof by Oath of one
Wairneſs before a Juſtice of Peace, ſhall be committed to the
Common Gaol for a Month, unleſs they ſhall pay ſuch Fine as
the ſaid Juttices ſhall ſet, not exceeding 10 l. out of which the
Juſtice ſhall award Satisfaction to the Parties injured, and pay
the Reſt to the Chamberlain of London for Re-cdifying the Pub-

lick Buildings of the City.

XXVII. Artifcen


ay; who, if they be Parties, or cannot determine them,

Artie them to the Mayor and Court of Aldermen,
ktermine the fame without Appeal. |
IIII. Common-Sewers, Drains, Vaules, and the Order and
Manner of Paving and Pitc the Streets and Lanes, ſhall be
KK d and ſet out by ſuch as Mayor, Aldermen, arid
nonalty ſhall appoint under their Common Seal; which Perfons,
or ſeven of them, with ti Snreeyors,or one of them may order
nd direct the making of new Vauitz, Drains, and Sewers, or
cut into, alter or cleanſe auy already made. To effect which,
or No foe + op wn een wo rey > hr et
receive t "I. e 8
17 All other Com mi ers ſhall be ſuſpended to
1 in the Premiſſes till the ſaid Buildings ſhall be fully
go1 . . ;
III. The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council
nay prohabit ſuch Trades in high Streets as they judge noiſom or
perilous in reſpect of Fire ; and may remove into other Places, -
or contract into a leſſer Compaſs, Conduits in high Streets now
ſanding, or hereafter to be erected ; and may enlarge in ſuch
manner as there ſhall be Cauſe, with the King's Approbation
the Places hereafter mentioned, viz. Fleetflyeet, &c. Ses the Sta-
tte at largo and may, by virtue of this Act. inlarge other
ſtraight Paſſages within this City that arelefs than fourteen Foot
in Breadth, giving Notice to the Parties intereſted before the
firſt of May next enſuing, and may make a new Street from
Guildhall to , as wide as think fit.
IIII. And if the Parties i in ſuch Ground will
not or cannot treat. and agree for the ſame, the Lord M
and Court of Aldermen ſhall iſſue Warrants to the Sheriffs of
London to return a ſury to aſſeſs ſuch Recompence as they
think fit: and ſuch Verdict, and the 4 of the Lo d Mayor
and Court of Aldermen thereupon, and the Payment of the Mo-
2 ſhall be binding.
XXXIL In cafe of Refuſal or Incapacity of Perſons inte-

- 14


Ho refed in ſuch Houſes as receive Advantage by ſuch Regula -

ay don and Enlargement, to agree with the Lord Mayor, Al-
d- „ and Commons for the ſame, a Jury impannelled, as
aforeſaid, ſhall aſſeſs upon them fuch Sums as they think tit,

to be paid to the Chamberlain of the City, who may recover

en le fame by Action at Law, and ſhall be accountable according

« | to

Inches. Inches.
K the n Summers —————ů—ð——
Wall-Plate — —

Foot g t ſoot 8 a
Lau- Principal Rater unter—1 — Cn

Length Thickneſs. 5
„„ Sw

— hi . te why 186 2
. r

35 7

o- to- 1
[ner . 15

| ders in
from — ws 12

pri ;



Hl ſt 186 Man
| | <9 5 fy.

5+ 53. Fe
41225 81

* & of as * N * , "FE:
: RT EY p >
- N 3 1 =
* Ly
þ 67 * * ** N
# ry *

4 2 "OO EI * * j

* 9 F **

1 *
4 -
- *
* *
v : * %
» j
” —
5 ;
* > .


a * . . . 57 ! 1 5
| 1 | by 9 175 awed Timber 7 BY .
bs, III. Scartlings for {+ " and Lathe
* 7 * 0 .
\ 4
p 4 1 N

not i than,

* *

= Go


e f 555 — Brick on end.
Bottom Paved 1 3 |

uv. © General Rules,

1. In every Foundation within the Ground, add one Brick in

Thickneſs to the Thicknefs of the Wall, (as in the Scheme) next
1 Foundation, to be ſet off in three Courſes equally on

2, That no Timber be laid within 22 Inches of the Fore-ſide

of the Chi at the Back of any -
— of fix Diſtance from the

3- That no Timber be laid within the Tunnel of any Chim-

by, on Þ II the Workman for every Default, 10 6. and

1. Cv it continues unreſormad.
+ Thatno Joyſts or Rates be laid at greater Diſtances from
one another than 22 Inches, and no Quarters at greater Diſtance

1 3. That


- — 4 : Fa : a
” | * an e = * E * « of
= 6 by 1 4, 1
” . <”

a —

4 0 :
.” *

* « 2 *

ü London. 433
A1. The Mayor; Aldermen and Commons may enlarge the
I way of Holbourn-Bri 0, fo as it may run ina Bevil ——
nuke BY - Houſe called the Cock to the Swan Inn. | |

| LI, Corner-Peers of Stone or Brick to be erected ſhall be of:

| the Dimenſions of the Peers of Stone mentioned in the former

$anl WY a+. Builders of Corner-houſes may uſe Oak - Timber inſtead:
o the

of the Corner - Peers of Brick or Stone, of ſuch Dimenſiontr as the

ors of the City ſhall dire. oa ir hf TOP

Lit Water from the Tops of Houſes Fronting Streets, Lanes

or Paſſages, ſhall be conveyed: into the Chanels by Pipes and

* II n. Streets or Paſſa es from cheap fd th zn Soper-

. The Streets or g roug

Lane to T hames-Streot, and thence to the River, and from the

Three Cranes to the River, Gal remain as they now are: And
the Marks for — or Sinking any Streets, as they are or ſhall
be before the 29th of September, 1671. ſhall be obſerved.
LIV. The Surveyors with as little Variation as may be, ſhall
aler the ſaid Marks, ſo as Buildings erected before the 14th of
May, 1668. may receive as little Damage as may be : Owners
upon their Refuſal, or being agrieved by their Determination,
may Petition the Mayor and Ceurt of Aldermen, whoſe Deter-
mination ſhall be final. NEO | 2 4
LV. No Builders ſhall Jay Foundations till the Surveyors have
jewed the ſame, and ſeen the Party-walls and Peers equally ſet
out ; before which Survey taken, the Builders ſhall. go to the
Chamberlain and enter their Names, and the Places where their
Buildings are to be, and pay 6 5. 8 d. taking an Acquittance for
the fame ; upon ſhewing which to the Surveyors or "ny of them,
they ſhall ſurvey and ſet out the Foundations within three Days
er ſuch Requeſt. Builders that have laid Foundations fince
he former Act, ſhall pay to the Chamberlain 6 5. 8.4. for every
Foundation, in Default whereof, he may ſue ſor it before the
Mayor and Aldermen. f *
LYT. Perſons concerned to give Obedience to the Determina-
on of the Alderman of the Ward, c. by the former Act, or
othe Mayor and Court of Aldermen by this Act, ſhall obey the
ane, under the Penalties that may be inflicted for any irregu-
ly-built Houſe. | _
LVII. Differences concerning miſplacing, ſtraitning or ſtops
g up common or private Entries, Alleys, Ways, Stairs and
ther Eaſements, ſhall be determined as Differences concern
lacing and ſtopping Lights and Water-courſes, are appoin

0 be determined by the former Act, and under the Penalties for

ot-obedience that may be inflicted on * — Builders.
nd all Obſtructions to Lights, Water-courſes, Gutters, Alleys,

tries, Stairt, &c. may by Order of the Mayor and Alder:

ben be abated. | 5

Vol. II. Be © Tru Sah

4 , i 7 i
434 London. 2
- LVUL Such Rates ſhall be taken, and np other, for Wharſage
and Cranage, as ſhall be aſſeſſed by his Majeſty; a Table where»
of ſhall be hanged up at every Wharf, on Pain to forfeit 100
for every Offence, with full Coſts of Suit to the Party pri
LIX. The Act for Erecting vt as revived with addi
tional Powers, and to remain in Force till the 29th of Sf

ber, 1071. |

11. The Term of forty Years ſhall not be added to any flute
for Life, or term of Years, fo as to make the whole exceed
fixty Years by any future Decree. 7 57

LXI. Where no laint or Requeſt ſhall be exhibited be:

. fore the ſaid Judges and Barons before the 29th of September,

co. the Landlords or Proprietors — re-enter and avoid the

par . - the Tenants in Poſſeſſion, and otter meſue Tenants,

LIII. Where Termors have omitted to rebuild, and their
Landlords or their Aſſignees have built or to build, the
Leaſes of ſuch Termors hall be void : But the Judges may make
them ſuch Recompence as they think ft. |

LXIII. Leaſes and Counterparts thereof ſhall be executed 20

. cording to their Decrees, and ſhall be good in Law, any Law,
Stature or Inability notwithſtanding. Preſent and Additional
Terms may be conjoyned in one Leaſe.

LXIV. The ſaid Juſtices and Barons may decree Leaſes +

inſt. Infants and their Truſtees, upon Petition of the Father,
her, or next of Kin to them, not exceeding fifty one Tem
to ſuch as will undertake the Rebuilding of ſuch Houſes, upen
ſuch Terms as the ſaid Juftices or Barons, or Fhree of them, ſhal
think fit ; ſuch Infants when they come of Age, and in caſe &
their Death, their Heirs, Executors, c. ſhall execute fud
Leaſes, and the Tenants the Counterparts. FA)

LXV. Such Decrees ſhall bind Iflues in Tail, and Remair

ger men and Reverſioners. 3 ;

LXVI. Perſons decreed to build, and building according.

ſhall enjoy their Eftates according tothe Decree, notwithſtanding
any other Intereſt in Law or Equity,or Incumbrance whatſoever

LXVII. Perſons decreed to pay Money may be ſued for ths

lame in any Court of Record at Meſtminſter or London, an
Five the Decree in Evidence: Perſons decreed to do any A+
ſhall be liable to an Action upon the Caſe for Nom perfom
— or may be enforced to perform the ſame by a Bill i

ty. | |
LXVHT. The faid Judges and Barons may hear and det
mine all Differences ariſing about Houſes in London conſume
by Fire within three Years before the late dreadful Fire,
like manner as they may any marter herein mentioned. |
LXIX. The ſaid Judges and Barons, or Three of them, may

termine all Diffexgnces ariſing by reaſon of Eularging, 5

on *

$creets, and making the new Streets called Rmg's-ſtroet, leading

from Guild ball into C Beap: ide, and Queens-/treet, leading from
der lans to the Thames. &. 8
X. There ſhall be paid for all Coals imported into the Port
of the City of London, after the iſt of May, 1670. and before +
the 24th of ran 2677. 2 5s. Per Chalder, over and above the
former Impoſition, and after the 24th of June 1677. till the
29th of September 1687. Z s. per Chalder : To be collected and
levied as by the former Act is ſimited: And all Powers, Directi-
om and Proviſions in the former Act, relating to the Duty of
124 per Chalder impoſed thereby, ſhall be in Force, and be
exerciſed for the Collecting and Levying the Duties aforeſaid :.
'The Monies fo to be received, to be paid into the Chamber of
London, and from thence iſſued according to the Appointment
of this Act, via. three fourth Parts of what ſhall be raiſed after
the Firſt of May 1670. and before the 24th of os 1677. ſhall
te imployed rowards the Rebuilding of Pari urches, ac-
cording to Order from the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, the
Biſhop of London, and the Lord Mayor of London for the
time Ing or any two of them, by Warrant under their
Hands and Seals; and the other fourth Part for giving Satis-
faction for Grounds ſet out for enlarging Streets, making
Wharfs, Market-places, and other publick Uſes in this and the
former Act mentioned: And one Moiery of Monies which ſhall
be raiſed after the 24thof June 1677. for the Re-building, &#c.
of Pariſh-Churches by Warrant, as aforefaid, and the other
1 — ö 85 Satisfaction for Ground ſet out and implpy-
, 38 aforeſaid. | | =
LXXI. 10 s, out of every 100 J. ſhall be defalked for the Uſe
of the City, in lieu of the Trouble and Charges attending the
1 27 and Payment thereof. 8 SIM
_ XXII. One fourth Part of the Money —— for Build-
1g Tariſh- Churches, may be imployed towards the Building the
Cathedral Church of St. Paul. ;
LXXII, The Archbiſhp of Canterbury, Biſhop of London,
and Lord Mayor for the time being, may engage the Profits
ariſing by the ſaid Impoſitions, and appointed for Building
Churches, to any Perſons that will advance Money upon that
&curity : The Money borrowed to be imployed accordingly ;
and may aſſign ſuch Proportions of Monies out of the {aid Im-
tions, to ſuch as will ſecure the Advancement of preſent
oney for Building their Pariſh-Churches. And the Mayor,
Commonalty, and Citizens of London, may engage the Reſidue,
of the Profits ariſing by the ſaid Impoſitions, as Security for
Money taken up for that Purpoſe ; and may aſſign any Sum or
dum to be paid of Courſe to any whoſe Grounds ſhall be taken,
vaoeſaid, Vide Poftea, Sett. 124.

Ee 2 | LXXIV. There

: * -
2 9 * 7

/ #

, K Wi
F-Y . . LY * k *
8 —— * 9

„ „„ N. a A | * 2
2. . ab * * 8

E . 92
3 *

130 ES ondon. 8 1
©. *LXXNIV. Thee ſhall be left a Key or yu Wharf from Low MW und:
to the Temple, forty Foot

e Bri * t broad; and in order ing i

ttmereunts, all Buildings, Sheds, c. within forty Foot Nonh- þ
Ward of the Thames, ſhall within eight Months enſuing be be u
taken down and removed, and the Buildings to front the ſaid for ſ
Key ſhall be of the ſecond or third Rate of Buildings, obſer- I.
ving Uniformity as in other Streets. Ses more in the Statute WI ſhall
at large, 3 0 | Grot

4 LXXV. Bridewell-Dock ſhall be made Navigable from the don,

| Thames to Holbourn- Bridge: And the Ground ſet out for the WM there:
Ereadth of the Channel and of the Wharſs on each fide ſhall abutt

not be leſs in Breadth than 100 Foot, nor exceed 120, the Line Tear:

of the Chanel, and the Wharfs and Levels thereof: together every
with the Cranes and Stairs to be placed thereon, ſhall be afcer- WI Years
tained by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, with the Wl way e

| King's pprobation, and ſet out by Surveyors before the Fir I other

ef of May next: The Charge to be defrayed by the Mayor, Com-: the L

monalty and Citizens of London, out of the fourth Part of the LX
Impcſition upon Coals. For giving Satis faction for Ground im- Wl riſh-C
ployed, as aforeſaid, or impaired, and raiſing cf Money upon that a

uch as are meliorated, the Authorities and Forms of Proceed- 2

ings in the former Act ordained in like Cafes, ſhall be obſerved, i their

The Return of the Key about White-Fryerys-Dock ſhall not ex WW LN:

cced the Breadth of twenty Foot. : bents,
LXXVI. No Houſes built upon the Site of any Houſe burnt BW builde

or demoliſhed, ſhall be liable to any Incumbrance by any matter} filt in

before the Fire, beſides what the Value of the Ground unbuilt Wi vary's
would extend to ſatisſie, unleſs ſuch Incumbrances as were co united
tracted by the now Owners, Churc

: LXXVII. If any Perſons lawfully poſſeſſed and eftecmed BY Strang

Owners of Ground for the Space of twenty one Years, ſhall LX)
grant Leaſes upon valuable Ground-Rents, ſo ta be eſteemed Bi ©joy t

the Mayor and Aldermen, or Three of them, though ſuch thu A;

Lands be recovered from the Grantor,” the Leaſes ſhall be LX
good, the Builders paying the Ground-Rents only to the right N. A
Owners. | | | Comm

LXXVIII. The Water houſe near Broken-Wharf may be Lord!

built with Timber. No Continuance of the ſaid Refiraint of Mc
from Building ſhall extend to the Water-houſe on Londen- Bi tle fan
Bridge. Proprietors of Ground may leave old Foundation breed «
unbuilt to make new Streets or Paſſages, or enlarge old one Act is
paving and amending the ſame within convenient time aftet
their Building, |

LXXIX. The Mayor and Court of Aldermen may. cauſe : Fame

Street to be opened fourteen Foot wide, from the Weſt End
of T bread-needle-Strect down to Lotbbury, if the Proprietan i Froßt:
do it not before the 24th of June next, making Allowances, 4 ed for
by the ſormer Act for Opening of Streets 13 aida, IT. Th

4 a N
* * * =
© © , 8
4 4 4 * * * 1
» 1 $ . N 4 L
+, 5 2 « 3
g — % 7 „ 0 of
* Y _—
* * þ o *

11XX. The Remainder of Bury-ftreet in Beault Mar

for ſuch Ground according to the uſual Rates:. — 3

LXXXII. The Mayor, Common alty and Citizens of London.
ſhall have a Market three or four Days in the Week upon the
Ground now ſet out by the Dean and Chapter of Sr. Faul, Lon-

m the WI don, within Newgate The Dean and Chapter ſhall make Leaſes
or the WY thereof to the City, and of the Wall ef the Church-yard
ſhall i abutting upon Pater Nyſter-Nom and the Old Change, for forty
Lie Years, at 4 J. yearly Rent for the Market-place, and 2 d. for
ether every ſuperficial Foot of the Soil of the Wall: And ſo from forty
aſcer- WM Years to forty Years, for ever: One Years Rent to be paid by
th the WY way of Fine: No Building ſhall be erected on the Market · place
Firſt Wl other than the Market - houſe already built, without Conſent, of
Com. the Dean and Chapter. ä r .
of the IIIXIII. The Number of Pariſhes to be ſettled, and of Pa-
d im- riſh-Churches to be rebuilr, hall be fifty one, in lieu of 2 "
upon WY that are burnt and demoliſhed. For their Names, ſee the A
occed- i & large, as al ſo for their Demenſions and Method of Building,
erved, 8 their Unions, Rates and Charges. | n
ot er · . LAXXIV. This Act ſhall not deprive the preſent Incum-
bents, now in Poſſeſſion of any the Churches not to be re-
builded, of the Profits thereunto belonging, ſo long as they aſ- :
liſt in ſerving the Cure and other Offices according to the Ordi- b
rary's Direction, in the Church whereto their Pariſhes ſhall be Wi
united. Saving to the King the Fuſt-Fruits and Tenths of ſuch | =
Churches conſolidated, as aforeſaid, and ſaving the Rights of
dtrangers. |

LXXXV, The Warden and Minor Canons of St. Pauls ſhall

12 Duties ariſing within St. Gregory's Pariſh, as before

LXXXVI. The Sites of the Pariſh-Church impropriate of |

St. Mayy-Cole-Church are hereby ſettled upon the Wardens and %
Commonalty of the Mercers Company, who ſhall: Pay to the i

Mayor and Aldermen of London tor the ſame, ſuch Sum

of Money towards the Rebuilding of the Church whereunto
tte ſame is by this Act appointed to be united, as ſhall be a-
peed on or aſſeſſed by a Jury, as in other Caſes by the former

Act A =

LXXXVII. Incumbents indemnified as to Rebuilding their

Chancels, Parſonage and Vicarage-houſes, and from the
Payment of all Firſt-Fruits, Tenths, and Penſions due to the
I; and all other , Dues whatſoever till they receive the
Frohts as formerly. Minifters preſented ſince the Fire indemni-

bed for nor reading the Thirty N ine Articles, or not doing other
e thingy

3% -+ | Lone
oh av ogy by Law, till the Churches are made fit for Pub-
orinm | / ; N
LXXXV II Parſons and Vicars may let their Glebe-Lanly
with Conſent of Patron and Ordinary for any Term not exceed-

ing Forty Years, at ſuch Rent without Fine as can be obtain-

ed: No Lapſe incurred fince the Fire ſhall make void any Pre-
8 * ſince by the Patron, whereupon the Incumbent
i inducted. 8
LXXXIX. If the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens are con.
cern'd as Parties in any Difference, whereof the Determination
3s by this Act referr'd to the Mayor and Court of Aldermen, the
ö of the King's Bench, Common Pleas, or Barons of the
hequer of the Coiff, ſhall finally determin it.
XC. A Poſtern ſhall be made on either fide Ludgate; for
which Purpoſe the Gate may be enlarged. ;
- NXCT, The Mayor, Aldermen and Common - Council ſhall not
proceed to fell any Ground for not Building on it before the
24:h of March, 1671. and any Perſon may leave part of the an-
tient Foundation unbuilt to make a Court, Yard or Garden
backwards. | 6 8
XCII. Tenants in Tail, Tenants for Life, Lives, or Team de.
terminable upon Lives, may demiſe Ground of burnt Houſes
without Fines, at the moſt improved Yearly Rent, to ſuch z
will build, for any Term not exceeding 50 Years.
XClIII. His Majeſty and his Privy-Council ſhall determine al
Differences touching Serjeants- Inn in Fleet -ftreet ; and may
Decree Sino to be made thereof not exceeding 60 Year, to
the Uſe of the Society of the Judges and 4 — at Law.
XCIV. The ſaid juſtices and Barons, ox Three of them, may
derermire all Differences ariſing between Landlords and Tenants
concerning the Houſes blown up or pulled down for Safeguard
of the Tower, as if they had periſhed by the late Fire.
_ XCV. Defendants in Actions for any thing done in Ex
tion of this or the former Act, may plead the General Iſſues
and give the At in Evidence; and if a Verdict paſs forthe
Defendant, or the Plaintiff be non-ſuit, or diſcontinue after
the Defendant hath appeared, the Defendant ſhall have doubæ

XCVI. This Act ſhall not make void any thing done by vir
tue of any Commiſſions granted by his Majeſty. his Heirs or
Succeſſors, in purſuance of two Acts of Parliament, one in the

irſt Year of Queen Elizabeth, and another in the Fourteenth

of the preſent King, or of any Right or Law whereby his My
jeſty; &c. may appoint Wharfs and Keys, and declare the
Bourds and Privileges of the Port of Loudon, &c.

XCVII. Stat. 22 & 23 Car. 2. cap. 14. An AR for Deterni

nuion cf Differences touching Houſes burnt, or demoliſhed wi



| 77
in Four Years ſince the late dreadful Fire in London. Seo the

Seatute at large. ; .
XCVIII. Enacted likewife, That the Mayor, Aldermen and
Common-Council of rhe City of London, ſhall nor fell ny
Ground whereon any Houſe flood at the Time of the late dtead ·
ful Fire, for not Building thereon, before the 29th of Septem-
XCIX. The Maſter and Chaplains of the Sabey may demiſe
the Brothers Lodgings there for any Term not exceeding Forty
Years, under ſuch Yearly Rents ai they can procure,” without

C. Stat. 22 & 23 Car. 2. cap. 15. The Annual Tythes of Pa-

rihes in London, whoſe Churches were demoliſhed or conſu-
med by the late Fire, and which remain ſingle, or are united,
ſhall be as follows, viz. h e
i | FA L 8. d.
The Pariſh of Al ballows Lombard. ſtreot 110 — —
St. Bartholomew Exchange-= — — (v—-—-—t—-—-— 8 100 — —
St. Bridget, alias Brides— — 11 —
St. Bennet Fin — — — 5100 — —
dr. Chriflophey-—— —— -—— 120 — —
bt. Dionis Bacleburch ya ———— ——
St. Dun ſt an in the Kafi— = - : - 200 — —
St. James Garlicl Hytb. ————— 100 -
gt. cbael Corn. = — — — 140 — _
St. Michael Baſh — — 132 11 —
St. Margaret Lothbury— — — 00 —
St. Mary Aldermanbury —— —— — 150 — —
8, Martin ate p 4 160 —
— 828 —— — 110 —
. en Coleman ſtreet- | — 2110
St. 8. Ic bre —— = 4 20Q — —

Alballows Bread-ftreet and St. Jobe the Evangelifi- 140 — —

Alballows the Great and Alballows the Leſs 200 == —

St. Alban Wood-flreet and St. Olaves Silver-ſtreet— 170 — —

bt. Anne and 8.7 and St, Fobn Zachary 149 - —


bt, Auftin and St. Faith e— — 79 —

St, Andrew Wardrobe and St. Ann Black fryars-— 140 — —
$t. Antholim and St, Joby Boptifi———=—— 120 — —

Bennet Grace-Church and St. Leonard Ea 1,

2 —
F, Bennet Pauls-Wharf and St. Peter Pauls-Wharf- 100 — —
8 Church and St. Leonard Foſter-· lan; 200 — —
Sr, nd the King and St. Nicholas Acons —— 180 — —

emi” BY $1. Geor oh ph Billi

' ge Botolph lane and St. Botolph Billings- Ld
— 4e R — or 2 $ _ x

Ee 4 St. Lawrence

” 23

440 London.
RE 1. 87 8.

St. Lawrence Jury and St. Magdalen Milkflreet-— 120

St. Magnus and St. Margaret — I.
St. Michael Royal and St. Martin V mtry ——— 140 — .
St. Matthew Friday-ftreet and St. Peter Cheap 150 —
St. Margaret Pattons and St. Gabriel Fenchurch— 129 — -.
St. Mary at Hill and St. Andrew Hubbard. 200 —
St; Mary Woolmoth and St. Mary Woolchurch— ——— 169 —
St. Clement Eaſt-cheap and St. Martin Qrgari—— 140 — —
St. Mary Abchurch and St. Lawrence Pountney-— 120 — —
Sr. Mary Aldermary and St. Thomas Apoſtles 150 — —
St. Mary le Bow, St. Pancras Soper-lane, and — 3

Balls: 2 — — *
St, Mildyed Poultry and St. Mary Colechurch——— 1707

St. Michael Mood ſtreet and St. Mary Staining=—— 100

St. Mildred Bread-fireet and St. Margaret Mcſes— 130 — —
— 160 —

St. Michael 8 the and Tyinitj

St. Magdalen Old Fi ſtreet and St. Gregor 120 — —
St. Mary Somerſet and St. Mary Iſount ham . 110. — —
St. Nicholas Coleabby and St. Nicholas Olzves-—— 130 + —
St. Olave Jewry and St. Martin Ironmonger-lane— 129 — —
St. Stephen Walbrook and St. Bennet Sherehog —— 109 — —
Bt. Swithin and St, Mary Bothay ———————— 140 — —-
St. Vedaſt, alias Foſters, and St. Michael Quern— 160 - —

The Sums to he the Annual Maintenance ( beſides Glebes and

Perquiſities, Gifts or Bequeits ) of thereſpeCtive Parſons, Vicars
and.Curates. . 3 0 ms

CI. Aldermen or their Deputies, and Common Councikmen

of the ſeveral Wards, with the Church-wardens, and one or more
Pariſhioners of the reſpective Pariſhes, to be nominated by ſuch
Alderman, Deputy, Common-C-ouncil-men, and Church-war
dens, or any Five of them, whereof the Alderman or his Deputy
To be one, ſhall before the 3oth of May, 1671. aſſeſs upon all He-
reditaments whatſoever, except Parſonage and Vicarage-
the reſpective Sums, or ſo much of them as is more than what
each 8 is by this A ct enjoyned to allow]; the ſaid Af-

ſeſſment to be finiſhed before the 24th of July then next enſuing-

CIHL. Perſons agrieved by ſuch Aſſeſſment, may complain to the
Mayor and Court of Aldermen within Fourteen Days after No ·
tice thereof ; who Summoning the Parties agrieved, and thoſe
that made the Aſſeſſment, may determine the ſame in a Sum:
mary Way without Appeal. —_
_ CIII. Aſſeſſments made by virtue of this Act may be reviewed
and altered within 3 Months after 24 June, 1674. according to
the aforeſaid Rules, and again within 3 Months after 24 June,
168, every ſuch new Aſſeſſment to be liable to the like Appeal,
33 aforeſaid, — |

"0 55 CIV. If
0 \

- CIV. If the ſaid Alderman, Deputy, c. after Sammons'

ind Requeſt by the Mayor and Court of ' Aldermen, or In-
cumbents of the ſaid Pariſhes, ſhall neglect to make ſuch Aſ-
ſellments, Perſons authorized and required by the ſaid Aller-
man. Deputy, c. may do the ſame. *

DC. The Affefſors within ten Days after ſach Aſſeſſments

made, and the reſpective Appeals, if any be, determined, ſhall
make three Tranſcripts thereof in Parchment, and ſubſcribe the
ſame ; one of which ſhall, within twenty Days after ſuch Sub-
{criptions, be returned to the Lord Mayor of London, to be
kept among the Records of the City; another into the Re-
gitiry of the Lord Biſhop'of Lendon; and the other ſhall re-
main in the Veſiry of ſuch reſpettive Pariſh, -

CVI. The Sums ſo aſſeſſed ſhall be paid at the Four uſual

Feaſts, or within Fourteen Days after each, by equal Payments:
The Payments to begin from ſuch Time as the Incumbents ſhall
begin to officiate in the reſpective Pariſh-Church, or ſome
Place to be nominated by the Biſhop of London, or the Arch-
biſhop of Canterbury within his Peculiars. | 1
= CVII. The Impropriators of any of the ſaid Pariſhes ſhall _
— allow what they ought to do before the Fire; ſuch Allowance to
— be efleemed part of the Incumbent ': Maintenance. oe

. d.
— —
— —
— —
— —
— —

— ny

CVIII. Upon Refuſal of Inhabitants to pay the Sums here-

by appointed to be paid, upon Demand made at the P:emiſles
whereout the ſame 1s payable, the Lord Mayor of London,

and upon Oath of ſuch Refuſal, may grant Warrants for the Col-
cars lettor, with Aſſiſtance of a Contiable, to levy the ſame by

Diſtreſs and Sale of the Party's Goods, reſtoring the Overplus.

nen CIX. If the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen ſhall neg-
ore left to execute the Powers hereby granted, the Lord Chan-
uch cellor or Keeper of the Great Seal, or two Barons of the Ex-
ar- chequer,may by Warrants under their Hands and Seals, do what
y the Lord Mayor, c. ought to have done. 123
le- CX. Where the Pariſhes have become vacant ſince the Fire,
ſes, the Surviving Incumbents of Pariſhes therewith conſolidated, -
hat ſhall have ike Remedy for the Tythes hereby ſettled, as i
A- actually 22 Ce. into both Pariſhes ſince the Umon.

CXII. No Court or Judge ſhall hold Plea of Money due by

he viitue of this Act, other than the Perſons hereby authorized.
0- CXII. The Warden and Minor Canons of St. Faule may re-
oe — — Duties ariſing within the Pariſh of St. Gregery, as
m tetotore. 8 1

ed CIIII. Stat. 22 & 23 Car. 2. cap. 17. A Clauſe in a late

to Act of this preſent Parliament, Intituled, An A# for the Re-
0, tulding of the City of London, wherein was Enacted, That the
ls Numbers and Places for Common Sewers, Drains and Vaults,
and the manner of Paving and Pitching Streets and Lanes 2

| | =
442 London.
ſaid City and Liberties, ſhould be ſet out by Perſons appoint
by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council, or — of
them, together with the Surveycrs, or one of them, within their
Precincts — which Perſons, or ſeven of them, were
impowered to impoſe Taxes upon Houſes, in Proportion to the
Benefit they receive thereby, and to levy the ſame by Diſtieß
and Sale of Goods; and all other Commiſſioners forbidden to
intermeddle in the Premiſſes for the Space of ſeven Years, ant
till the intended Building ſhould" be finifhed, is hereby made
perpetual, together with the Powers thereby given and appoint-
ed to be executed. | 5
CXIV. The ſole Powers of Regulating, the keeping clear,
Pitching and Paving the Streets, &c. with the manner thereof,
and of making and cleanſing Drains and Sewers, ſhall remain in
the Mayor,Commonalty,and Citizens, to be executed by ſuch a
the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons in Common-Council ſhall
appoint, or ſeven of them, being all Members of the ſaid Court,
CXV. Perſons imployed in any the ſaid Works, enjoyned to
obſerve the Directions of the Perſons in that behalf authorized,
- CXVI. Offenders may be proceeded ayainſt at the next Sefli-
ons of the Peace for the ſaid City and Liberties, unleſs they ſub-
mit to the Cenſure of the Perſons in that behalf autherized, and
Pay the Mulct by them impoſed to the Chamber of London, to
imployed toward the Works in this Act mentfoned.
CXVII. The Perſons fo authorized may impoſe Taxes upon the
ſeveral Wards and Precincts, and direct Precepts to the
Deputiesand Common-Councilmen to aſſeſs the ſame in manner Wl fer C
following ; and like Precepts to Scavengers to collect the ſame. ſhall
CXVIII. Where any Church or Church-yard ſhall front any Wl Lord

Street, &c. they may afleſs a reaſonable rtion upon the Dept
Pariſh, to be paid be the Church-wardens;; af which Affetſ- Bt c
ments the Deputies and Common-Councilmen ſhall retum WF or an

Duplicates with the Scavengers Names, within Twenty Days

Aer Receipt of the Precepts; in Default of the ſaid Deputies ind *
Common- Council, the ſaid Perſons to be authorized may rate wich
the ſaid Affeſſments ; in Default of Payment within Six Days if Dep
ter Demand, the Scavengers may levy the ſame by Diſtreſs and
Sale of Goods, &. 7 | Pain
CXIX. The Money ſo collected to be paid into the Chambet =
of Lendon, not to be iſſued thence but by Order of the ſaid Pers by 6

ſons fo to be appointed, or ſeven of them.

CXX. 5 — agrieved through Defe& or Decay of Pare- _=

ments, or Want of cleanfing the S:reets, &c. ſhall upon Proot WW © 1

that ſuch Grievance is unreformed, receive Directions from the

Perſons ſo to he authorized, or ſeven of them, for redreſſing te fore

ſame, and a Warrant to the Chamberlain of London, to iſſue

nies for defraying the Charge thereof, together with any 8 for Pay
Encouragement of their Diligence, not exceeding 10 e XXI.

is London. 443
CXXI. The Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, in Common-

Council, may ſet 3 purchaſe Ground for Layſtalls and

Places for publick Stores, for Receipt of Durt and Rubbiſh car-

ried out of the City, and for other Materials and Commodities ;

the Money for the fame to. be paid out of the Monies ariſt

the Inpsldten 2 Coals appointed for publick Uſes of the

City, other than the Money appointed for Building Churches.

CXXII. Perſons agrieyed by any Charge impoſed by virtue of

this Act, within Five Days after Demand thereof, may ap

tothe Mayor and Court of Aldermen ; whoſe Order therein £

CXXIII. No Perſons by this Act made liable to be rated to-

wards the altering, mending, or cleanſing the ſaid Vaults, Sew-
en, ot cleanſing, &c. Streets, Lanes, Ic. ſhall, after the Firſt of
My, 1671. be n_— charged or liable —— tf Perſon

in purſuance of. this Ad, may plead Gene ue, per


CNV. Stat. 1 Jac. 2, cap. 15. For Enabling the Lord

Archbiſhop of Canter ury, the Lord Biſhop of Longon, and the
Lord Mayor of London. for the time being, to finiſh the Cathe-
22 th Fn * 8 aid for a Con 2 a+
the 20th ot September, I an ore tne 2 0 5
I hall 6 wa ted into the Port of * or the River ©

ames, within the Liberty of the ſaid 22 the River, be-

fides all other Duties, according to theſe Rates, viz. For all
Coals or Culm fold by the Chalder, 18 d. per Chalder, and
far Coals ſold by the Ton, 18 4. per Ton; which Impoſition
ſhall be paid to the ſaid Lord Archbiſhop, Lord Biſhop, and
Lord Mayor for the time being, or any two of them, or their
Deputies appointed under Seal, before breaking of Bulk, or be-
fore a Meter be . and at ſuch Place or Places as they,
or any two of them, ſhall appoint ; upon the Payment a Receipt
ſhall be given without Fee. | | |

CXXV. The Coal-Meters, ſo ſoon as any Veſſel freight

with Coals, ſhall be unladen, ſhall. certifie in Writing to the
Deputy or Deputies of the ſaid Lord Archbiſhop, Je. the
vorts, Quantities, or Number of Chalders or Tons of Coals, on
Printobe ſuſpended from their Office and Benefit thereof one
Whole Year, and to forfeit Ten Pounds. And if it ſhall appear
dy ſuch Certificate, or atherwiſe, that there was on board any
uch Veſſel a greater Number of Chalders or Tons than for

which the Impoſition ſhall have been paid; in ſuch caſe there
ſhall be | to the ſaid Lord Archbiſhop, c. for every Chal-
der or Ton concea!ed, over and above the ſaid Impoſition, the
further Sum pf Five Shillings ; for all which Impoſitions the Veſ.
and detained till

CXX VI. Provided,

ſels, their Tackls or Furniture may be attac

Payment. : 8

444 Londoy.

CXXVI. Provided, That if the Importer ſhall, within 1;

Hours after ſuch Certificate, give in his Poſt-Entry and pay
Be whole Duty, upon ſuch Payment the Penalty ſhall be dil
C arge — N | 7 1 5 5

CXXVIE The ſaid Lord Arch-biſhop, &c. may by War.

rant appoint Officers to goon board all Veſſels laden with Col.,
and to inſpect the Coal Meters in their Work, and to certife
- as directed by the Warrant. + 3

CXXVIII. There ſhall be kept by the ſaid Lord Archbi-

ſhop, c. or their Deputies, one or more Book or Books of
Parchment, in which all Monies to be re&ived upon the Impo-
ſion aforeſaid, ſhall be entred ; and other like Book or Books,
wherein the Accounts of all Disburſements ſhall be entred, er-
preſſing the Time, Occafion, and Perſons to whom paid; and

erſons in any wi concerned ſhall have free Acceſs to the ſaid |

Books, when the Office is open, without Fee. And the ſaid
Lord Archbiſhop, &#c. ſhall before the End af Michaelmas-
Term in every Year after 1687, tranſmit -into the Receipt of
the Exchequer an Abſtract of the ſaid Books of Accounts,
containing the Receipts and Disburſements in the Year pre-
celing, and ending on the 24th of June next before, there to
be received gratis, and kept amongft the Records of that Court;
where any Perſons concernei may have Acceſs to, and View
the ſame without Fee, Go.

CXXIX. The Money to be raiſed by virtue of this Ad, ſhall

be diſpoſed towards the Finiſhing and Adorning the ſaid Ca-
thedral, according to ſuch Direction as the ſaid Lord Archbi-
— Lord Biſhop, and Lord Mayor, or any Two of them,
ſhall give; and ſhall be paid to ſuch Perfons as they by Wu

rant under Seal ſhall appoint. |

CXXX. Any part of the ſaid Monies, not exceeding 4d. in

the Pound, may be diſpoſed of to ſuch Perſon or Perſons a
ſhall, from time to time be appointed to be Treaſurer or Trea-
ſurers, Pay-maſters, Book-keepers, c.

CXXXI. The ſaid Lord Archbiſhop, Ce. may by Indenture

engage the Profit ariſing out of the fd Impoſitions, as 2 de.
9 1 for Money by them to be borrowed for the Purpoſes of
this At. |

CXXXII. In any Action brought for any thing committed or

done by virtue of this Act, the Defendant may plead the General
Iſſue (Not gnilty ) and give this Act and the ipecial Matter in
Evidence ; and if a Verdict paſs for the Defendant, or the Plain-
tiff be nonſuit, or diſcontinue after Appearance, the Defendant
ſhall recover double Coſts, I
CxxXIII. All Monies to be received upon the ſaid Impoſition

ſhall be paid to ſuch Perſon or Pe ſons as the ſaid Lord Archbi-

ſhop, c. ſhall appoint under Seal, he or they giving Security to
the Dean and Chapter of St. Pauls, for the Repayment theres

| london. 445
Security to be approved under the Hands of the Lord Ch
— * two Chief Juſtices, and Chief Baron of the

chequer, or any twoof them. _ + |

1A The ſaid Lord Archbiſhop, Ic. may by Warrant
appropriate ſuch part of the Impoſition granted by this Act,
2s ſball in their Derg, dem ſufficient for completirig
ſuch Parochial Churches in as may happen to remain
unfiniſhed at the Expiration of the Act made Anno 22 Car. 2.
ſo as the fame do not exceed one faith part of the ſaid Impoſition.
CXXXV. This Act ſhall not extend to charge a certain Lear-
ly Allowance of One hundred Ch- Iders of Coals which are to
be anſwered and delivered by the Mayor and Burgeſſes of
Newcafile upon Tine, for the uſe of Chelſey Hoſpital ; the ſaid
Mayor and Burgeſſes giving Notice to the ſaid Archbiſhop, & c.
of the intended Delivery of ſuch Coals three Days at leaſt be-
a F z 1 ;

fore the Delivery thereo

CXXXVI. Stat. 2 N. & M. Sef. 1. cap. 8. Whereas 2

Judgment was given in the Kings Bench in Trinity Term, in
thezsth Year of King Charles II. in a Quo Warranto againſt
the Mayor and argon dn Citizens of London, Thar the
Franchiſe of the ſaid City ſhould be ſeiſed into the King's Hands
a1 forfeited, which Proceedings were Illegal and Arbitrary :
Be it enacted, That the ſaid Judgment, an eqery other Iudg-
ment given or recorded in the ſaſd Court for ſeiſing the Fran-
chiſe of the ſaid City into the King's Hands, be reverſed and
made void, and Vacats entred upon the Rolls.

CXXXVII. The Mayor,Commonalty and Citizens of London,

to remain a Body Politick, by the Name of Mayor and Commo-
nalty and Citizens of the City of London, c. without any
Seizure or Forejudger of the ſaid Franchiſe, &c. upon Pre-
tence of any Forfeiture or Miſdemeanor done or to be d
and to have and enjoy all their Rights, Charters, &c. which
vey lawfully had at the Time of the Recording or Giving the
laid Judgment.
| III. All Charters, Letters Patents, c. for Incor-
porating the Citizens and Commonalty of the ſaid City, or a-
hy of them, and Charters, c. concerning any of their Liber-
ties, Fc. Lands and Tenements, e. Rights, Title or Eftates,
made ſince the ſaid Judgment by the late King Charles II. or
King James II. are hereby declared void.

CXXXIN, Yet no Recoveries, Verdicts, Judgments, Sta-

Wtes, Recogniſances, Inquiſitions, Indictments, Preſentments,
Informations, Decrees, Sentences, Executiors, nor any Plaints,
Proceſs or Proceedings in Law or Equity, had in any Court
wirhin the ſaid City or LE thereof, ſince the ſaid Judg-
I 120 avoided he * — of ny LOO in ſuch.

ed as Judges or Officers belonging to the fame. _ |

18 men

I” have been admitted into the Freedom of the City ſince the (ail

CXL. This Act ſhall not extend to diſcharge any perbm Ml ede
from any Penalties for not duly qualifying theniſelves to Ad Day
upon ſuch Nr Grants ox Commiſſions.
CXLI. All Officers and Miniſters of the City that right.
fully · held any Office or Place therein, or in Southwark
| fuch Judgment was given, are hereby med, 23 fully a
they held them then; except ſuch as have voluntarily ſurtendred
or been removed for juſt Cauſe; and Perſons admitted fitce
the ſaid Judgment into any Office or Employment within the
ſaid City, upon the Death, Surrender or Removal, as aforeſaid,
of the former Officers, are hereby confirmed, as if they had
been admitted there according to antient Cuftom.

'CXLII. Leafes and Grants of Lands and other things, before

the ſaid Judgment, belonging to the City, made ſimcs the faid
Judgment, by the ſaid late King Charles II. or King Fame Il,
or any taking upon them to be Truſtees for the City, upon Fre-
tence of any Commiſſion from either of the {aid late Kings,
being made for a juſt and valuable Conſideration, and whereup
onthe accuſtomel Yearly Rent or more hath been reſerved, ſhal
be good upon the Terms therein contained, and the Commo-
nalty and Sen ſhall have all Benefit and Advantage there.

CXLII. All Judgments, Decrees and Sentences obtained by

any Perſons taking upon them to be Trufices, as aforeſaid, coo
cerning any Interefts belonging to the City, ſhall ſtand in Fore
and be proſecuted and executed by and to the Uſe of the
City: and all Perſons, natural born Subjects or Denizem, that

Judgment, ſhall be free thereof, as if admitted before.

CXLIV. The preſent Mayor, Sheriffs, Chamberlain, and

' Comimon-Council ſhall continue till new Elections, and the per-
ſons to be elected ſworn ; the Election of a Mayor, Sheriffs aul
Chamberlain to be on the 26th of May, 1690. and of the
Common-Council on the zoth of June, 1690. - Perſons (o
elected, to continue till the uſual Time of Electing ſuch Oß̃
cers according to Uſage, and from thence to continue for the
Year enſuing. 1 |

CXLV. It the Mayor, Sheriffs, Chamberlain, and Common

Council ſhall not be elected as aforeſaid, the Mayor, Sherifh,
Chamberlain, and Common-Council, which were in being at
the Time of the ſaid Judgment ſhall be and continue in tho
2 Offices till new Elections be made according to ar
tient Uſage. |

CXLVI. All Perſons ſo to be reftored and continued, ſhull

take the Oaths appointed by an Act made in the firſt Year d
their Majefties Reign, Intituled, An A for the Abrog ating th
Oaths Supremacy and giance, and Appoint ing otber
Oaths, the next Term after ſuch Reſtitution, under the
tics and Diſabilities in the ſaid Act provided. 8


cn. The Mayor, Sheriffs, and Chamberlain, fo to be

defted, ſhall be ſworn in uſual manner on or before the 2oth
next. | ; ;
Day VIII. The ſeveral Companies and Corporations of the
City ſhall Rand and be incorporated by ſuch Names and in ſuch
manner as they were at the Time of fuch Ty, mp ven; and
ts a

5- Bs

re hereby reſtored to the Lands, e. Ri Liberties

drei which they lawfully had then; and all Surrenders and Char-
ſince ters for new N _ of them, and concerning any
| the Wl cf their Liberties granted by either of the ſaid late Kings
aid, de laid Judgment, ſhall be void; but no Perfon ſhall be
ſecuted for any thing by him lawfully done in purſuance of kuck
Charters, Oc. . | 5

efore CXLIX. Provided, That all Leaſes, Terms, and Eſtates granted
faid BY by any of the ſaid Companies fince the ſaid June, for juſt
a I. nd valuable Conſiderations, and whereupon the accuſtomed
pre- Yearly Rents or more are reſerved, ſhall be of Force as if they
ings, WY had been granted by the faid ſeveral Companies as hereby re-

ſtored ; and the ſaid Companies ſhall have all Benefits and Ad-
yantages thereof. 3 , ,

CL. Perſons ſince the ſaid Judgment admitted into the Free-
dom or Liveries of the ſaid Companies, according to the
Cuſtom of the City, ſhall enjoy the Rights and Privileges of a
Freeman and Liveryman. |

CLI. This preſent AR ſhall be ted a General and Pub-

lick AR of Parliament, of which all Judges in all Courts ſhalf
take Notice, as if it were a Publick A relating to the whole

CLIL Stat. 2 V. & Ir Self 2. cap. 8. From the 15th Day

of Dec, 1690. all Perſons within the Pariſhes in the- Weekly
Bil of Mortality in Middleſex and Veſtminſter, and the Liber-

I Il


the des thereof, and in Sorethwark, or in any Streets, &fc. compri-

ons ſo rd in the ſaid Weekly Bills, and in 2 ſhall on every
h Oß· Bl Fedneſday and Saturday fweep and cleanſe all the Streets, &c.
for the WW before their Houſes, — that the Dirt may be ready for the

Scavenger, on Pain to forfeit 3 . 4 d. for every Neglect. And

men- none ſhall lay or ſuffer to be laid any Seacoal-Aſhes, Duſt,

c. in any open Street, Lane, or Alley, before their own

eing u Houſes, or any publick Places, on the Penalty of 5 5. And

in thole i done ſhall lay any Aſhes, Dirt, or Soil before the Houſes or
% Wi Walls of wy Perſons Inhabitants of the Ciry, Pariſhes, or Pla-
cs aforeſaid, or before any Church, Church-yard-Wall, or

d, ſhall y of their Majeftics Palaces or Places; or ſhall throw or

Year of cue to be thrown into any Common-Sewer or Highwa

ring i Within the Pariſhes and Places aforeſaid, or any private Vault
A other of 1* the ſaid Inhabitants, any noyſom thing wharſoeyer,
e Perab keep the ſame in their reſpect ve Houſes, Yards, or
0th 5 Backſides,

of 205. for every Offence. 7

8 N *
Backſides, till the Scavenger or other Officer come to tale
them away, on Pain to forfeit 20 3. for every ſuch Offence,

CLIII. The reſpective Church-wardens, and the Hon.

keepers and other Keepers of bit. hall, Somerſet- Hou
St. James's Houſe, and St. F ames's Park, and the Guard-Houſs

and Stables, Ic. And the Uſhers, Porters, or Keepers of Count

of Juſtice, and other publick Places, ſhall ſuffer the like Penal.
on for Offences or Neglects done or ſuffered before any fuch

CLIV. None ſhall hoop, waſh, or cleanſe any Veſſels in an

the ſaid Streets, Lanes, or open Paſſages ; nor ſhall ſet ) cen
Dung, Soil, Rubbiſh, or empty Coaches to make or mend, or |
rough Timber or Stones to be ſawn or wrought, on the Penalty


iE aw Hi,


CLV. The Rakers, Scavengers, &c. ſhall every Day in the

Week, except Sundays and Holydays, bring Carts * 2 ſan
Bell, or otherwiſe, give Notice of their coming, and carry away
the Dirt, &c. daily, on Pain to forfeit 4o 5. for every Offence be far
U. 0 8 La nd An ed, ſhall be N
pen Streets, Lanes, eys, now pay dr No!
kept fo at the Charge ot the Inhabitants; and —— Houſes ett at ti
are unoccupied, at the Charge of the Owners, that is to men
every Houſholder or Owner to amend the Streets, @. before CLX
his on Houſe, c. on Pain to forfeit 205. for every Perch or iP "gers,
Rod for every Default, and of zo s. a Week for every Week il.
ter till the ſame be amended. |
CLVII. One or more Juſtices of the Peace may view and i.
ſpect new Ways made or to be made; and if they find them
t to be paved, ſhall certifie the ſame to the next General
Quarter-Seſſions, where the Juſtices of Peace ſhall take fuch
Order fqr Paving them, as t &Q ſhall think fit; and Owner
and Inhabitants of Houſes now built, or hereafter to be built,
adjoyning to any new Streets or Ways adjudged to be paved
or amended, ſhall pave with Stone or Gravel, or otherwiſe
amend the Ground before their Houſes and Buildings to the
Middle of the Way; and in Default thereof ſhall forfeit 455.
for every Perch not paved or amended, and the like Sum for
every Week till it be paved, c. and when. paved, the like
Sum as thoſe that ſhall not pave or repair open Streets, &.
by virtue of this Act.
CLVIII. Such antient Streets, Lanes, and Alleys, as by Ctr
ſtom or Order have been — in any other Order ot Ma
ner, N hereafter be paved and maintained as hetetofote hath
been uſed. |
CLIX. Within the Pariſhes of St. Anne and St. James will.
jn the Liberty of Weſtminſter, Scavengers ſhall be choſen as by
the ſaid Ads is directed; and the Aſſeſſments for Scavengen
and ſuch-like O-kcers ſhall be aſſeſſed and raiſed according 8


Fay ment.
CLI. Wit


Peer. |
ſſed and collected for cleanſing
le Streets, ſhall be yearly accounted for by the Scavenger,
dtwoor more of the next Juſtices of Peace within 28
the Election of new Scavengers, and what remains in their
ands ſhall be paid over to their Succefſors; and two ſuch Ju-
es may commit Scavengers refuſing to account, till t
e and pay over, as aforeſaid, what remains
their N |
III. The Scavengers ſhall have Liberty by Order of the
vices at their Petit Seſſions, or any Two of chemi, to lodge
ar Dirt, c. in ſuch vacant and publick Places near the
beets as ſhall be thought convenient, giving Satisfaction to
Owners; and in caſe of unreaſonable Demands, the Ju-
8 ſhall moderate the ſame z and Perſons aprieved by any
A made by virtue of this Act, or by the Determination of the
uces, Cc. may have Recourſe to the General Quarter · Seſ-
", whoſe Determination therein ſhall he final.
Vol. II. | FC CLAII. And

25, >


from time to |
the Juſtices at their Quarter-Sefſions ſhall direct, and the
ney thereby raiſcd to be employed and accounted for —
to their Direction, towards the Supporting ſuch Hi
i ord EEE
6 ment Wichin I J
the O hes, Changes dedufted.. | <p | 0 iy

verplus, Ty?
CLXIV. No ſuch Aſſeſſments to be made in any one
| ſhall exceed q d. in the Pound of the Yearly Value
nor 8 d. for every 201. in Perſonal Eftate.
CLV. New Sewers made ſince the 12th Lear of Ring
Tos, 2, in the ſaid _— ſhall be ſu
ers of the Sewers ; and the ſaid Commi


of by two or more Juſtic | 2

| CLXVIL Every Truſs of Old Hay bought or offered to bal
within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, between the laſt'of
uft and the firft of June, ſhall weigh 36 Pounds at leaſt;
and — —ABML. ENG being new
Hay of that Summers Growth, ſhall weigh Pounds ; and
being old Hay of any former Lears Growth, ſhall weigh 56
Pounds. The Perſon offering any Hay to be ſold of leſs Weight,
to forfeit for every Truſs 18 d. 1 |
»CLXVIIL No Perſons ſhall ſuffer their W Carts, G.
to fiand in any Place within the Weekly Hills of Mortality,

Joaden with Hay or Straw to be ſold, from M:ichaelmas to Lai

day after Two a Clock in the Afternoon, nor from Ladyay
to Michael mas after Three a Clock, on Pain to forfeit ; & for

ſuch ce. |
XIX. Juſtices of Peace in the Places aforeſaid, - withi
their reſpective Limits, may upon their own:View, Conſeſſa
of the Party, or Proof of one credible Witneſs upon ©
convict Perſons of the ſaid Offences; One Moiety of theF
feitures to the Poor, and the other to the Proſecutor; and
caſe of a Conviction by the View of a Juttice of a Peace, ®*

* 2

- BE

1fts the Relief of the Poor, and


be —
as afo

be levied and

* 9




in Writing left at the Of

6. the Otfender, not being a Peer, ſhall
Common Gaol till Fayment. N
The Wheels of Carts; Carriages or Drays, within
the ſaid Places where the Streets are paved, ſhall contain fix
Inches in the Felly, and ſhall not be wrought about with Iron-
S.. WM work, nor drawn with above two Horſes after they are up the
Hills by the Water · ſide. Owners of - Carts, c. the Wheels


har. WY whereof ſhall not be of that Breadth, or with Iron, or

Goo drawn with above two Horſes, as aforeſaid, ſhall forfeit 40 6.
em. for every time ſuch Cart, c. ſhall be for the Uſes, and
ancs to be levied, as aforefaid. * 1
ects CLXXT. This ſhall not extend to Country Carriages bring<
L ing Goods to the ſaid Places, or carrying any Goods hal,

die beyond the pare Broccts, N WEEN

ad CLXXII. No Perſons ſhall keep Swine within the Houſes
» that WY or Backſides of the paved Street, where the Houſes are con»
orfeit — upon Pain of Forfeiting the ſame to the Uſe of the
e ue Poor of the Pariſh ; and Churchwardens, Overſeers. of the
el Poor, Conſtables, ; Beadles, Head boroughs and Tything-men

| may, in the Day-time, by Warrant from the Lord Mayor ©

p Sale or any Juftice of the Place, ſearch for Swine, and
oſt of WY drive them away to — the Money to be delivered to the
leaſt; e Churchwardens and Overſcers of the Poor of the Pariſh, for
| new BY the Uſe of the Poor. 3 6
; nd CLXXIII. The ng of the Streets, Lanes and Paſſages
n within London and the Liberties thereof, ſhall be managed
right, WY according to the antient Uſage of the City. | i

CLIXIV. The Lord Mayor or any Alderman may vpn his

„en Knowledge or View, in the General Quarter-Sefſions

alin, make Preſentment of any ſuch Offence within the City and

ml Liberties thereof; and the Lord Mayor and Juſtices of the

dry City ſhall at the ſame Seſſions aſſeſs Fines for the ſame, not


exceeding 20 5. for every Offence, to be paid to the Chamber-

kin of London, for the Uſe of the City. | ;
CLXXV, In Actions, &c. commenced for what any Perſon
Ball do in Purſuance of an Act made in the 22 & 23 Car. 2. In-
ttuled, An Ad for the better Paving and Cleanſing the Streets
and Sewers in and about the City of London, or this Act, the
Defendant may plead: the General Iſſue, and give the ſaid
At and the Special Matter 75 * ; and if the Plaintiff
| 2
or become Nonſuit, or ſuffer 2 Diſcontinnance;
leading from the Eaſt-ſide of Cum
meet, ſhall be paved according to


| his Act. DEA

CLXXVII. Stat. 8 & 9 W. 3. cap. 7. After 10 April,
1697. all and 75 Perſon auf 8 2 — in ded

Pariſhes of Midleſex and Weſftminfler, and Liberties

in the Borough of Soktbw

ayk, or in the Streets, Lanes or Al

net on, Wee on atur at 5
between the Hours of Six and G2 in the Forenoon, cauſe to
be ſwept and cleanſed all the Streets, Lanes, Alleys, and Pub,
lick Places, before their reſpective Houſes, Buildings and Wan,
as well as of Churches and other Publick Places, that the Din
and Soil in the Streets, may be heaped ready for the Sa
— to carry away, upon Pain to forfeit 10 5, for even

nce. .

CLXXVIII. If any Conviction upon this AQ, or that of

2 V. & M.(Seff. 2. cap. 8.) ſhall be by View or Knowledgeof1
Juſtice of Peace, then one half of the Penalty ſhall be to the
Poor, the other ( if for Default of Payement ) towards Repairing
the ſame, and Cleanſing the Streets, ꝛ0 be paid to the Scaret
ger, otherwiſe to the Relief of the Poor. |

CLXXIX. Where one fide of a Street or Lane lies withinthe

Bills of Mortality, and the other fide without, the Juftics d
Peace may cauſe the reſpective Inhabitants to pave that other
ſide, under the ſame Penalty as if the ſame been within
the Bills of Mortality.

CLXXX. The aforementioned Act of 2 V. & M. and tit

Clauſe therein againſt the Breeding, Feeding or Keeping
Swine in the Backfides of the paved Streets of the faid Ci
ries, &5c. ſhall after the roth Day of April, 1697. be effedui
Iy put in Execution againſt all Perſons whatſoever who ſhal pre-
ſame to keep any manner of Swine, ſo far as the conti
1 of the ſaid Streets ſhall extend, or within fifty Lu
thereof. |

CLXXXI. Where there is any Liberty, Precin& or Vila

within the Weekly Bills, that uſes to repair their own Hie,
ways, and alſo perform Days Work to other Highways, 2
are, or ſhall become unable, then, after the ſaid Toth L
April, the Juſtices of Peace at their Special Seſſions to be
every four Months, may allow ſo many Days Work 3s f
ſaid Juſtices ſhall think tit, to be employ d by the Inhabi i
of ſuch Liberty, &c. in Repairing the Highways within us
Libetty, Nc. and the Reſidue of the Days Work as ſuch 19

London. 453

bitants are liable to do, ſhall be employ'd in Repairing the

CLIIXII. So much of the antient Highway leading from
Tutenham-Court near St. Giles: towards u, as
u now built on both ſides thereof, ſhall be hereafter repaired
paved, and maintained by fuch Perſons: as have heretofore uſcd
2 pave, and maintain the ſame, under the Penalties

CLXXXII. Sir Robert Clayton, Sir William Aſbburft

dir Richard Onſlow Bar. Denzil- Onſlow Eſq; Antho! Bow.
ur Eſq; Charles Cox Eſq; Jobn Arnold Eſq; Same Lew.
en Eſq; Tbomat Wymondeſal Eſq; William Gulſton EIq,
Francis Wilkinſon Eſq; Thomas Roffey Eſq; John Riches Eſq,
vir Fobn Fleet, Sir Jobs Payjons, ' Sit James Houblon,
Sir Richard Lovett, ” Comper Eſq; Joſeph Scriven Eſq,
or any Eleven of them, ſhall have Power and Authority to
treat and agree with the of fuch Houſes on or near

the South-end of London-Bridge, as they ſhall think fit to be

removed, rebuilt, or pulled down, or any part of them; and

n Payment of ſuch Money as ſhall-be agreed on, to appoint.

| pr to pull down the ſaid Houſes, or cauſe the ſaid
Owners to rebuild accordingly. : *

CLXXXIV. And this Act ſhall indemniſie the ſaid Com-

miſſioners, and all Perſons authorized by them, as if the ſame
had been fold by Deed, and done by Fine and Recovery, or
any other Way. And if any Perſon or Perſons ſhall wilfully
refuſe to treat and agree, as aforeſaid, or through Nonage or
or other Diſability cannot, in ſuch Caſes the ſaid Commiſſon-
ers may iſſue out a Warrant or Warrants to the Sheriffs of
London and Surrey, to return a Jury before the ſaid Com-
miſſioners, or any Eleven of them; which Jury are, upon their

to enquire and aſſeſs ſuch Damage and Recompence as

they ſhall judge fit to be awarded to the Owners and Occupiers
of any ſuch Houſes ; and ſuch Verdict of the Jury, and judg-
ment of the Commiſſioners thereupon, and the legal Payment
or Tender of the Money ſo awarded, ſhall be binding againſt the
Parties, their 1 Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns,
and all others claiming any Intereſt in the ſaid Houſes, or
Ground whereon they Rand, and ſhall be a full Authority
for the ſaid Commiſſioners, or any Eleven of them, to cauſe the
ſaid Houſes to be removed and pulled down. |
CLV. None ſhall act as a Commiſſioner to the Pur-
aforeſaid, till ſworn betore the Lord Chancellor or
Keeper, for the due and impartial Execution of the
Truſt repoſed in him. |

1 7 3 8 CP * © 4 4 Q * * * * 9 :
N | 3 - ae . ß
_ 2 * 4 "
4 - ; — *
— x *

| Landen. 5
VI. Stat. 6 A. cap. 16. An AR for FI
CL Ee Fiſt Year 4. Kin fg n

g James the Firſt, ' cap,

4A Alt for the wil
| to the City
CLXXXVIL The part of this A repeals the ſaid Ad
of 1 Fac. 1. Proviſo, That the Mayor, Adlermen, and Com-
m from time to time, may appoint a fit Perſon to
execute the Office of Garbler in Lal at the Requeſt
only of any Owner of _ Drugs, or other Garbleable
Wares, ſhall garble the fame, and receive for his Pains what
no more. |
. CLXXXVIIL The Profits of the ſaid Office being part of the
Revenue of London, and lett by Leaſe to William Stewart, lj
Brokers in London ſhall be admitted by the Court, of Mayor
and Aldermen there, and ſhall, on Admiſſion, 1 the
Chamberlain of the ſaid City 487. and Yearly on the 29th
of September 40 5. which Monies ſhall, in the firſt be
applied towards paying the ſaid Stewart 96) I. 10 5. for his
Intereſt; and after Payment thereof, all the Monies ariſing
ſuch Admiſſions and Yearly Payments, ſhall be enjoyed by
the City of London, and the Leaſe to William Stewart ſhal
ceaſe at the End of this Seſſion of Parliament.
CLI. Every Perſon who ſhall act as a Broker, or em-
ploy any under him to act as ſuch in the ſaid City, not being
admitted, as aforeſaid, ſach Perfon ſhall forfeit to the ſaid City
for every ſuch Offence 25 I. to be recovered by Action of
Debt in the Name of the ſaid Chamberlain in any Her Max-
ſty s Courts of Record. — 255
CXC. Stat. 7 A. cap. 9. For explaining an Act made
19 Car. 2. for Rebuilding London, and other Acts now 1.
cited, tis Enacted, That the Perſons authorized by the May-
or, Aldermen, and Commons of London in Common-Cour
cil, have and ſhall exerciſe in London and the Liberties there-
of, all the Powers given to Commiſſioners of Sewers in any
other County or Place. 3 |
CXCL. If any Perſon appointed by the Statute 23 C..

to be Collector of the Duties or Rates, that ſhall be aſſeſſed

according to the Directions therein mentioned, ſhall negiect
or refuſe to appear before the Commiſſioners of Sewers we
on due Notice giyen, to give a true Account on Oath, of
Money by him received for the Purpoſes aforeſaid, which
Oath ſeven of the Commiſſioners may adminiſter, or flul
neglect or refuſe to collect the Money ſpecified in 2 Roll
dehvered to him, or to pay it, when collected, into the
Chamber of the City, he ſhall forfeit, not exceeding —

Tard Frs



* 09,

Jar Hike?






| ther Fines ſo impoſed; ſhall be levied 1

ky Dif nd Sale of th . .
miſhioners, $of t er,
and paid int ber of Lede, and applied to the

iſo, Th 3 in this AR ſhall extend to

9 Toes of the Thames, or to abridge the Power
8 LEES of London touching the ſame.

CXCUL any Action ſhall be brought for

what is done . ws this Act, or the other Acts there-
in recited, the kad may plead the General Iſſue, and
give the Ach and Special Mater in Evidence, and ſhall reco-

ver treble Cofts.

ad and this AR fhull be taken to be

PP 15. Enacted, That the

f tank or the firft Commiſſioner
d . » the Speaker of the Houſe of Commons,
Commiſſioner of the Navy, the firſt Commiſſioner
e, the Admirals of the Red,” White, and Blue Squa-
drons, the Mafter of the Trinity-Houſe, the Prefident of the
Royal Society, the Royal Aſtronomer of Greenwich ; the Sa»
vilan, Lucafian, and Plumian Profeſſors of the Mathematicks

in Oxford and Cambridge, all for the 2 CS Right

2 Thomas Earl of Pembr |
7 ed Bi Lord Biſhop ns r 2 Lord Biſhop al
of ; Thomas Hanmer Baronet,
„Ce. Francis n James SO. —

and William Lowndes, Eſquires ; ſhall

itude at Sea, and 22 w_

for Diſcovering the

amining all Propoſals re to it; and that any five of them
may receive Propoſals for that P e; and if they be ſa-
of the Probability of ſuch Diſcovery, they ſhall certific
to the Commiſſioners of the Navy, with the Authors
and on producing ſuch 2 the Commiſhoners
Aer ſhall — Bills or mal Sum not exceeding
they ſhall think fit, for ing 2 r ;

pre d 2 Treaſurer of the N as

out of ae ana the Vie tho

II. After

rf 4

| Reward ſhall be paid when the major part of the Commiſ-

fhoners ſhall certifie the ſame to the Commiſſioners of the

| Games, called Lotteries, having for divers Years laſt paſi been
ſet up in moſt of the eminent Cities and Towns in this
| | 25 5 FE.

II. After the iment is made, the. | |

pointed by tis AH ſhall determine how far, and to what N
e of Exattneſs tis practicab va Se I
fl. The firſt Diſcoverer of a Methed fot Gadifg, thy Low
gitude ſhall be entituled to a Reward of 10000 l. if it de-
tormines the fame to one D of a Circle, or 60 .
hical Miles; and to 15000 J. if it determines the ſame to
wo Thirds of that Diſtance ; and to 20000 J. if it tin
the fame to one half of that Dillance ; and one half of ſuch

fioners agree, that any ſuch Method extends to the Secur

of Ships within 8 — Mile: of the Phones, wh

are Places of the greateſt Danger; and the other when

2 Ship, by the Appointment of the Commiſſioners, ſhall fail
over the Ocean from Great Britain to any patt in the
Weſt-Indies, which they ſhall nominate for the '
— without loſing their Longitude beyond the Limits men-

cio .
IV. As ſoon as ſuch Method ſhall be tried and found Practi-
cable at Sea within any the Degrees aforeſaid, the Commiſ-

Navy, with the Authar's Name, and on ſuch Certificate the

Commiſſioners ſhall make out a Bill for the reſpective Sums to
which the Author ſhall be entitled, and to be paid by the
Treaſurer of the N w |

V. If the Pro be found of conſiderable Uſe, the Author

— ogg lf Reward, as the Commiſſioners ſhall thin *


I. Stat. 31 H. 8. cap. 10. A Dire cdion how Lords and

Great Officers are to be plared in Parliament. See the Statuts
e. ]


I. Stat. ro & 11 M. 3. cap. 15. Many miſchievous and unlawful
dom, by Colour of ſeveral Patents under the Great Sea
the ſaid Lotteries, or ſome of them; it is enacted and |
That all ſuch Lotteries, and all other Lotteries, are Common
and Publick Nuſances; and that all Grants, Patents, and L-

cences for Lotyerics, are void and againſt Law.

II. That

IL Tha * h of December * *
t 291 5 c ;
ſiſh or Privately . exerciſe, keep open, ſhew op. expoſe' to be
uyd or drawn at, or thrown, at, or ſhall draw, play, or
— at any ſuch Lottery, or any other Lottery, — —
by Dice, Lots, Cards, Balle, or any other Num Fi.
gures, or any other Way 4 and every o
— c. ſhall for every ſuch Offence forfeit 300 l. ne

Third to the King, another to the Poor, and the other

85 double Coſts 133 to the — Fair or Proſecutor; and

he Offenders ſhall likewiſe be proſecuted common Ro-

III. And ev Perſon that ſhall play, eee
any ſuch L Ec. ſhall for every Offence forfeit 1 ts
«4 Uſes aforeſaid.
IV. This Act ſhall not extend to e.
for the Remainder only of the Term for hie
* anted by Patent — the Great Seal.
or to reſtrain the 1 now in being,
my Charitab] ble Adventure for the B enefi efit of of Greenw 5
ox l, by t the preſent Undertakers thereof, with the ——
Governors of the ſaid Hoſpital for _ *

the 24th of June, 1700.

VI. Stat, 8 A. cap. 4. The Duties cas bis mat

Cinders, and the new Duties on 8 are made a

for thirty two Years, for raifing Yearly, * * 29th of

, 1720, the Yearly Sum of x l 5 b

to be brought | into the Exchequer ; and

Lg made good out of the firſt Aid Þ An LA bar.

. Po That if 1 500000 J. be not paid in, then the

Fund to be proportionable to the Sum advanced. |
VIII. Every Adventurer — advance 10 J. and as
More entite Sums of 10 L. as he will; and for each 10 l. he
receive a Ticket to be put into a Lottery, and drawn
the Act preſcribes E it 2 drawn Blank, it entitles him
014 3, per- Anmun for Far Years to-be id once a Year
at weten if ir be 2 e it ſhall be ye ng

n Cafes a Ticket, is Felony with-

PL. A Tramer ce ſhall be eſtabliſhed in London, *

Commiſſioner thereof appointed by the Queen, to whom the
Ticket Book ſhall be dehvered by the Managers; This Com-
miſſoner is to receive all the Tickets delivered — and .
to deliver to the Bearet thirty cwo Vellum or 8 |
for the Thirty two Payments of the 14 s. every Year, *
fiy four Vellum or Paper Tickets for the fixty four half Yearly
Tajmenti upon the — falle Tickets ſhall be cut, —_—

253. 5%


1 Fs Fr FEI EA


A " ry *
9 „

4 J. to be |
to be recovered by the Oath of / Office
ofthe 885 e Fon th Fn 2
t. not

if in any 2 of Great

Strong Be euer IH V IP
er, Sma „Pe — erj |
Mead, om Waters and 4 Spire; | 2
Duties on P Raifins N Cinnamon,
* ). which ſo 10 The Exciſe. are
thirty two Years, * for a Fund for
I. by the * Payments of 10. per Ticket, to to 1
wn in a Lottery, the Blanks to have 14 . Fe pew
for thirty two Years, the ſame Duties
pr oo indeed Pounds paid into the To 9 pe IE
— Purchaſe of 2 Annuity, Which ſoo in i 0

IV. Stat. 94 cap. 6 6, The alditonal Dui nd"

Culm, Au Cinder and Candles, are given for thirty two Lem
to be a Fund Yearly for 135000 L. for thirty two Year, to
57 the Principal 2nd Intereſt of tarot os Horrow-
g 2500000 J. to be advanced by ſeveral ten ds pe
Ticket, to be drawn in 3 Lottery:

. XY. Mint. 9 Anne, c + 6. The Stattite W's 1

2 1 ſha! a # — ob home — * Juſtice
— 2 all Mayors and heke Hake
—— to prevent the Drawing — * —

ſetting up unlawful Lotteries with — Intent to have then

drawn, forfeits for every Offence 100 l. to be recovered i
the Courts at Weſtminſter, one Third Part to the Queey,

another to the Poor of the Pariſh where the Offence

III pay On Guy .

. XVI. An

noe Duties on Leather, cis woody That the

Veek out of the Fot · Office, and all the Duties on Lens

nie up

Annum, nr be a Yearly Fund for thirty two =


oo =>,



to be appointed by the Queen, and

* ers are to Columns, and upon the thace Co-
& — 2 — b
6. It- ;

nen are to
Cook, Wl Receivers, and
Yea, BY tributors, and
ars, to Wy the Managers,
"ron BY rolled up and
ds pe BY remain in the
| 2 —


e Leng
ut ice
wi other Tickets 200 2 and 1379, ſhall
then Bi ſeverally writ 110 7. the — INS
red u ickets 5 upon one there ſhall be writ . u another
* rinks wks ap er 7
; 400 J. upon five ot upon another 1
ch ful writ 200 J. and upon the —, 2557 ſhall be writ "71

the third Claſſis ſhall conſiſt of 4000 Tickets; Upon one

be writ 4500 J. — another 3000 l. upon another 2000 J. up-
2 7009 J. upon another 300 J. upon four more 2


2» 2,

8 a Nu
writ 125 J. The drawn
nother 4000 l A .
another +
: . on each to wh
upon five others I. on „ Upon 250 others ſhall be Num!
writ 200 l. on eac 9 the remaining 6394, ſhall be =
writ 1301, on each; which Sums to be written on the ſa Ml Num
Tickets, together with ſo much as will make 5ool. to the Ae
Owner of the firft and laſt drawn Tickets of each Claſln, Wl ©:
beide the other Premiums which may happen to them, yl 1
amount to the Principal Sum of two Millions 6202001. fo f
that the Owner of every Thins of which the Coun Aue
ſhall be drawn, will be entitled to 110 J. for the firſt Nen,
, 2115 J. for the ſecond, 120 l. for the third Claflis, 12ÿ 1 H g.
for the fourth, and 130 J. for the fifth Claſſis, and Intereſt = I ton,
the Rate of 6 J. por Cont, 8 for the Principal Sum —
of each reſpective Claſſis, the 29th of , 2711, how
tat the Principal Sums are paid, and a Chance for larger i 15
XIII. Broviſo, If the firſt gch Part of the two Million I 5,
is not paid before the 25th of Juns, 1712. then the Fund 1 f
is to be proportionable do the Sum advanced ; The 20000 ing t
Tickets are to be put into five Boxes, marked with due il ©:
Letters; which five Boxes ſhall be tly put into at ?
other firong Bex locked, and the Keys kept by the Mz Aſſo
nagers until the Tickets are drawn; and no Money to be Bi T.
received from any Contributor after the 25th of Jum ; Mon
L agermaerhananTer avi egy 1
XXII, Before the 1ſt of Auguft, rr. the Manager tall ve
cgcauuſe the Boxes and Tickets to be brought to Guild-Hall ; —

an indifferent, Perſon ſhall draw one Ti out of the Box

numbered A, and another out of the Box numbred B, where
the Tickets of the firſt Claſſis are, until 1330 of the fad
Tickets ſhall be drawn; and then each ſhall be opened a

are drawn, and named aloud ; and the Numbers which

ſhall be drawn againſt a larger Premium tnan the certain
principal Sum and Intereſt of each reſpective Claſſu, ſhall be
put on the File with the othec Tickets drawn againft them;
and the Tickets which ſhall be entitled only to the "me

ipal Sum
_ 1 together with the
i put on another File; 2
ae ate drawn, then the remaining Tic :
the 2670 Tickets in the Box C. ſhall be drawn, in the ſame Man-
1 a0» per; and the Number of each Ticket drawn ſhall be ent
each, : Numerical Order, in which the ſame ;
1 Seeed ſhall be diſcharged in_the ſame Order, the Firſt
Claſs to paid. El
ſhall WY ILV. There ſhall be a Table printed of the Number, Or-
o er and Courſes of the Tickets, and the Managers ſhall adjudge
other BY (whom the Premiums belong. = ene
1 NV. Forging or Counterfeiting a Ticket, or Altering the
ll be WY Number, or Bringing a forged Ticket, or one the

Number is altered, ( knowing it to be ſuch) to the Managers,

2 or any Perſon who is _—— to deliver out ſtanding Or-

ute . lieu of the ſaid Tickets, is Felony without Benefit of
1 Fen Managers ſhall make 4 Book, in which the Names
* of the Fortunate ſhall be entred, and tranſmit it to the Exche-
quer and every Perſon ſhall be paid off and diſcharged as his
1 ame is entred in the ſaid Book, out of the Fund, with Inte-
f reſt, by Quarterly Payment:; and the Perſons who are not For-
dum WY funate ſhall likewiſe be paid out of the {aid Yearly Fund the
4 _—_ Sum and Intereſt belonging to the in which
. their Numbers ſhall be drawn. es
arget BY VII. Managers to be ſworn. Officers of the Exchequer;
nam WY or other . 8 ing Fees, — — ys miſapply-
ing any Money to into chequer for
— the Gil Fund, or iNuing out the ſame otherwiſe than —
ing to the Act, or not keeping Books, and making Entries,

. — forfeit their Office, and are inca of any Truſt, and forfeit
Mz vol. and treble Cofts to any Adventurer, his Executors, Ofc. or
o be WY Afgnces, who will ſue for it in any Court at Weftmin/ter, One
5 Third to the Crown. the other Two Thirds to the Proſecuton.

F the 8 teat ſhall be Tax - free. TEES |

IXVIII. Tickets are to be exchanged for ſtanding Orders, to
; ſhall be ſigned by the Treaſury ; the ſaid Orders to be made upon
. and Vellum, Parchment, or m__ ſtamped, to be paid in ſuch
er Lourſe, — out of the Money ariſing by the ſaid. Veacly
here Fund of 186670 J. according to the reſpectve Courſe of Pay-
fad vent in which the reſpective Tickets were drawn. |
d 1 IIIX. The Firft and Second Year's Intereft of the
"Hick BY Pramiums ſhall be endorſed and paid upon the Orders, foi
in rich the Owners ſhall give Notes under their Hands before
1] be ey receive their Orders, impowering the Perſons who ſhall be

entitled thereto, to receive and diſcharge it: The Orders are to

be paid in Courſe. *
| AXX. Where

e for the hs

iſo, That apon the Firft of the Four

mance of Oe dran Pound for one Tickets the K __

ſhall allow fo much Money as the Intereſt ern
will amount unto, after the Ra I 6. ow Cent. Per Dia
to be reckoned from the Day „ ch Payment, to the

to 7

29th of „1711. and 4 d. per iem for the Intereſt d

the remaiting Three Payments.

XIV. Receivers may take in Money before they have the

Books from the

XXXV. Proviſo, That a Contributor advancing one Part of

the Payment, and failing in the next, forfeits What he ha
2 Proviſo io, That the enz ſhall be pen dts

the Act, as the Treaſury

That if in the Term of * two Year,
ties ſhall ceaſe.

ance of his Office.

„ „„ . Oulcs 2 1;

XL. Receipts for Plate brought into the Mint to be cn

ad, ſhall be taken as Money for Contributions in the Claſls ;
and the major Part of any Bodies Politick, Corporate or Col
e, may advance their Money or Plate on the Credit of thi

III. The Beneft-Tickets in the Lottery 2770. may be a
PE ry gy np ere Kanye Bape ior} hon

XIII. The Money ariſing by an Act 9 Anne, for gu

ing. a9 060 to her, by a Land-Tax, and the A

iſing by an Anne, for

the Duni A Malt, E — Fe. Dog de the „. ur

Ling by an Act 9 Anna, for reviving the Duties upon Con IL

Water-born, Sf. and the Money avi 8% an AR 9 Ames Cope,
lying a Duty on Hops, after all the paints

Ach, or thereby transferred, ſhall be paid, ry

ſhall be appropriated in the firſt Place to pay *. ue

and all ſuch Sums of Money 26 ſhall be due to them by
5 an 09 me, el ther to exchange 1122
S ee e ae e Fe ihe Bet
O . Unt a * 89
apr the Charges of the Navy, and for the Sea-Ser-
vice in the Ordnance ; and for and towards 9
Men raiſed to ad in Conjunction with the Alter; and for maid-
tuning the — e 2
the Queen's Proportion of the Charge of 3000 Pal atinos, for-
merly taken into her Service, and the Allies; and for the Pro-

r eaten ipco er Service, =

nd of the States General, in the Year 1707. |

ILIII. Novi, That any Sum not Dr L 10 .
may be taken out of the Money to be iſſued to the Guards and
Gurifons, towards the Charge of maintaining of Soldiers raiſed,
and to be raiſed for Sea-Service, with their Officers and contin-
gent Charges; and out of the Money to be iſſued for the Ser-
nice of the Navy and Sex-Service, there nay by taken 2
plied ſuch Sums, as together with the ſaid Sum not exceed-.
ing 87125 J. 10 3. ſhall be neceſſary for the Charge of main-
taning the faid Soldiers for Sea- Service, Ic. But no Appropri-
ation ſhall hinder the Payment required by any other Act to be
made by the Treaſurer of the Navy ont of au Publick Money,
Tallies or Orders, &c. charged tu make good any Deficiency to 1
the South-Sea Company. 1 wo 3 1
XLIV. The Sum of 103003 L. 11 f. 4 4 ſhall be diftri- i
buted amongſt the Inhabitants of Nevis and St. Chriſtophers,
who have reſettled there after the Invaſion and Depredations
of the French, according to the Loſſes that appear to the Com- iy
miſſioners for Trade and Plantations by the Return of a Com- 1
miſſon ſor that purpoſe iſſued; fo that the Sufferers may be en-
E nl according to their re-

ILV. Commiſſioners of Trade and Plantations ow» require
on Oath concerning the Perſons reſettled in the ſaid Iſlands,
and who are entitled to ſuch Shares. 5

XLVI. Coals carried from the Weſt of Scotland to Nel andor

the Iſle of Man, ſhall be e with the ſame Duty, and no
more, as Coals exported from the Weſt of England to Deland
and the I ef Man, are charged by the Act 9 A. For reviving
and continuing, &c. Duties on Commodities exported, and cer-
tam Duties on Coals, &c. |

XVII. Stat. 10 A. 6. 19. The Rates and Duties upon

Nope, Paper, chequer'd and trip d Linens, and upon printed,
pamted, flained, and died Gonds, and upon flampt Vellum:
Farchment and ger, (which ſes in Title Cuſtoms, 10 4.)
ac given for an Yearly Fund of 168033 J. per 2

* drawn.

9 hs bee fa hundred thouſand. Pounds, by paying
| ern dag 10 for which they ſhall be entitled fo u. to te.
ceive ſuch Principal Sums of Ten Pounds advanced, and the
Intereſt thereof, out of the ſaid Yearly Fund; and ſhall alſo fo toy
80 Fund G. Sum A0 f be c to one 1 in the

II. The ga Managers and Director

for delivering Tick 2 * proine —

at ſome Pub-
lick Office, and fall ide — with and
how the Innermoſt of the Columns there ſhall be printed 60000
Tickets, and in the Outermoſt Column ſhall be printed 2 Se.
cond Rank of Tickets of the fame Numbers, om which ſhill
be printed theſe Words, viz. Lottery No . This Ticket a.
eitles the Bearey to Ten Prunds, to be paid in Courſe, with In-
S 25th of December, 1712. or a better

| Mo Receivers to be appointed by the Lord Treaſurer ; and
| nagers are to examine the — and to deliver them Ar

Receivers, who upon receivin . ſhall cut a Ticket out of

the Outermoſt Column of the and deliver it to the Con-
tributor, ſigned by the ſaid Baer

LI. Receivers ſhall re-deliver the Books to the ox lee

and the Outermeſt Column of the Tickets not diſ of
2 be delivered into the Exchequer, and from thence

LII. In the Second Book of Two Columns, all the Tickets

of the Outermoſt Column ſhall be rolled up and made fak
with Silk or Thread, and put into a Box marked with the Let-
ter (AJ till drawn, and the Tickets in the Innermoſt Coluan
ſhall remain in the Book.

ILIII. In the Third Book of Two Columns,

Part of thoſe in the Outermoſt Column, ſhall be
Tickets, upon one of which ſhall be written 12000 L upon
— 5000 l. upon another 4000 ; more 1009 xy wp

Two more 2000 |, upon Ten more 1000

aden more 500 J. each, upon Thirty more
upon 100 more 100 J. each, upon 564 more 30 pn
| on 0269 more 20 J. each ; the 8 of theſe

be rolled up and put in a Box marked (I) to be thet

LIV. The of the-Firſt and Second .

Number drawh muſt relate equally to the Tickets of the
Number i in every of the Three Books.

LET Sarodt Ea

1 AS EnSSESUSS REED wan Dork rr

* * > FR r * — ET N
9 : * — #&
I » Fig % Ky 2
: n 2 44 7.4
* * ch;
> IZA * 8 4 8 8
* . 9
* *
bs AS
7 6 2
Lv. There hall be an exact Table printed of we Courſe of
payment. | ; a |
LVL. The. Poſſeſſors of fortunate Tickets above 201. muſt
appear before-rhe Managers by the, 24th of Febryary, * c
with their Tickets, that may write down their
Names, Cc. | 2 . Ps $14 203,558 7 0
LVII. The fortunate Tickets ſhall be printed: Forging, or
Counterſeiting any ſuch Ticket, or altering: the Num |
thereof, or bringing any forged or counterfeit, to the Ma
ers, the Number, whereof is altered, knowing it to be ſuch,
to the Intent to defraud the Crown, or any Contributor, is Fe-
hny without of Clergy. 1 * '\ * 0p
LVIII. Managers are to enter the fortunate Lots above 30 I-
Principal Money, in.a Book, and the Names and Sirnamies of
the Perſons entitled thereunto, and tranſmit the ſame into
the Exchequer . by the 24th of arch, 1712. the Intereſt to
be paid half-yearly by equal Payments, and both the fortunate
= > r unfortunate ſhall be paid and diſcharged out of the
4 und. ̃n . iS :
LIX. Managers ſhall be ſworn before they ad.
LX. Officers.,of the Exchequer. taking any Fee or Reward,
or diverting or miſapplying any of the Sums for 2 up
the ſaid Fund, . orfeit their Office, and ſhall pay
ueble Damages ta the Party grieved, who will ſue for the
lame in any Court of Record at Vefminſter, with full Coſts,
one third of the Damages recovered to tne Crown, the other
two thirds to the Proſecutor. | |
LXI. The Money lent ſhall be free of all Taxes.
LXII. The Tickets may be exchanged for ſtanding Orders, to
be ſigned by the Treaſury, _ bY
LIXIII. Notice ſhall be given in the Gazette, of taking in
Tickets, and delivering. out Orders; which Orders ſhall be
numbred in Courſe as they are brought in; and as the Money
comes in, it ſhall be divided into three equal Parts for the
three Lotteries ; the Orders to be paid numerically, and any
Number of Tickets, not exceeding 100, may be included in
ooe Orders ſo as they be in the ſame Lottery and Courſe of
ment. | : | . |
LXIV. Several Orders for ſmall Sums ariſing by this AR
may be applied to pay off the Principal and Intereſt. *
LXV. There ſhall be no undue Preference, if any ſubſequent
Peder be paid before others who do not demand Their

Mey. . ä
LXVI. Proviſo, If there be a Deficiency of one Year, it ſhall
te made good out next.

xt SEK
XVII. Proviſo, If there ſhall be any Surplus, it ſhall be
lied to make good tte Deficiencies. N

ol. II. Gs LXVII. Notics ..

| 3
4 + 4

un "ORE , 2
« ® , BY 0 \ » 1

- 4. PA's —- " » 4

a > IE WV — n
ol Ns 7 2
. y y * 4
— 9 0 «>
* =

FE "Ms. - ;
” 2 "— * 5 y
__ "8 S
* 9
1 Z 4
0 , N F

0 8 "IE
_ a -; _- e
N = 2 l 9

nt r e

I __ OS

"II. — F road hog >

_— £. 9 N

* SY „ *

— *


466 | —

2000. oe

* * .
EXVIIL Notice ſhall be hung up in the Office whet Orders

91 bes ro That 8 4 Cent. Diez, ſhall be |

| 0 er 1.
lowed to a 9 pr 5 ap ow} — —

44. Per Cont. per Diem for the other Payments,

ap Receivers may take 1 in Money before the Books | are pre-

red. | LE

PLXII. Contributors advancing one fourth. Part, and fail-

ing in the reft, ſhall forfeit the firſt fourth Part; and if the
Receiver ſhall not have delivered out any Ticket to the Contri-

butors, it ſhall be returned into the Exc

LXXII. Treaſury may appoint a Pay-Maficr obs the 15

and Intereſt near the Exchequer in Wh;

5 thereunto appointe], may regiſter 2 — —

1 the ſtanding Orders, taking Ade ud ſuch Officer for his
due paying the Money, Cc. and the Or hall be ſub-

x to the Rules of the Treaſury,

LXXIII. Aſſignments of Per ns Orders. ſhall be regiſtre]
without Delay, and without Fee. |
LXXIV. 1/0, That the Queen may reward the Mana-
ers, Directors, and Clerka, out — the We ariſing by theſe


Treaſury may cub extrao!

ivided into ſtanding Orders, not"! than 300 J.
rn and Intereſt.

LXXVT. Proviſe, That if all the Principal and Intereſt be dil.

— before birty two Years, then the Reſidue ſhall be diſ-


21 VII. Guardians may contribute for In nts, ſo as the

Name of the Infant is expreſſed in the Receigt of Money,and
upon the Ticket delivered out.

LXXVTII. The ſeveral Benefit Tickets in- the Lottery 17

150000 L for the Year 1710. and in the r. of ——
and the Adventure of Two millions for the Year 1711. 2
which have not yet been adjuſted, may be ſettled and ad
by the preſent Managers, before the 25th of December, 1712.

LXXIX., Where Exchequer Bills or Lottery Tickers have

2 loft, on Oath made before any of the Barons vf the Ex-
chequer, "that they were loſt — the th of 2 1712.

e proper Officers, upon producing a Certificate fro

ch Affidavit made before him, and upon

— ſuch Officer to indemnifie him againſt I Perl
concerning the Money ſpecified in, or due on fuch Bill ſhall
make forth Duplicates thereof, and pay the ſame, and all ſuch
Intereſt as they ſhould have paid on the original al Bill or Ticket ;
and if there ſhalf be no ſuch proper Officer, then the Treaſury
ſhall do it upon ſuch AT made, and Security given, 3

wen. IXXX. Stat

— 4


/ 5

a *
* *
* n
5 7 1 9

* * 1 ns
+ as 1 *
" " ”y

* 8 ' þ N

IIII. Stat. 1 Anne, cf 26. The Additional Duries

Hides and Skins, Vellum — 4 — Starch, Coffee,
ea ind Drugs, and upon Gilt and Silver Wire, and Policies
of Aſſurance = Thirty two Years, are given — + |
/ Fund of 1680034. for clearing 6ff 1800000 J, Part Bf T
millions 3419904. intended to de raiſed on thoſe Daries; which
Sum of 1 J. was immediately to be raiſed by Perfons con-
tributing 100 J. each; for which there ſhall be made 18000 Tick;
ets, divided into Five Claſſes, Fc. * + 203

LXIXI. Reciting, That notwithſtanding the Proviſion by an

Act 10 V. 3. for ſuppreſſing unlawful Lotteries, and;by an Act

laſt Seſſion, for preventing the ſetting up any Office or Place for
making Inſurances on Marriages, Births, Chriſtnings or Service,
Intituled, An Alt for Reviompg, Continuing, propria
ting certain Duties, & c. ſeveral Perſons have ſet up Offices fox
making ſuch Inſurances, &c.
10 V. 3. and the Act made laſt Seſſion, ſhall be put in Execu-
tion; and that any Perſon erecting or keeping any ſuch .
Inſurance, or any other Office, under the enomination o ales
of Gloves, Fans, Cards, or Numbers, or the Queen's Picture, oe
the Improvement of ſmall Sums of Money, ſhall forfeit for
every Offence 300 I. to be recovered with Cofts, by Action
of Debt in the Queen's Courts, One Third Part to the Crown
One other Thira Part to the Poor of the Pariſh where, the Of:
ferce ſhall be committed, and the: other Third Part to the Per-
ſon who will ſue: Every Printer or other Perſon, who ſhall b
8 Writing, publiſh the Setting up or Keeping ſuch
Ofice, ſhall for every Offence forfeit 100 J. to be recovered and
diltributed, as aforeſaid ; and every Perſon who after the 24th
ef June, 1712, in any Office before that Time erected for ma-
king Inſuranges on Marriages, &c. or any other Denomination, .
ſhall make any new. Inſurance: on Marriages, c. ſhall fortcir
100 J. to be recovered and diſtribut&d, as aforeſaid. 1

LXXIXII. wht That the Offices under the ſaid Denomi-

nations, ſet up before the ſaid 24th of June, may be continued
alter that Time, for making good ſuch Contracts only as were
mate before that Time. | 5
9 Lottery Fund 35000 J. per Annum for Thirty

o Years. Fi Ls,

LXXXIV. Lottery Fund 116573 I. per Anmum for Thirty

two Year:, upon Sope, Paper uered and [ftriped Linen,
Starch, Coals and Staraps, Per, oy by —

LXXXV. Stat. 12 A. Seſ. 24 9. An Additional Duty

on Paper, Paſtboard, Sus, Sade e Linens, printed Stuffs,
Sarch, Coals exported, and Stamps, is made a Fund for the
. Sum of 10 3000 J. for Thirty two Years, commencing

the 29th of September, 1714. for diſcharging the Prin-


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