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Review article S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 1 ; 1 3 1 : 3 6 5 – 3 7 4 · w w w . s m w .

c h 365
Peer reviewed article

Recreational scuba diving, patent foramen

ovale and their associated risks
Markus Schwerzmann, Christian Seiler
Cardiology, Swiss Cardiovascular Center Bern, University Hospital, Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland

Scuba diving has become a popular leisure pansion of gas filled body cavities (mainly the lung
time activity with distinct risks to health owing to and the inner ear). Decompression sickness results
its physical characteristics. Knowledge of the be- from the growth of gas nuclei in predominantly
haviour of any mixture of breathable gases under fatty tissue. Arterial gas embolism describes the
increased ambient pressure is crucial for safe div- penetration of such gas bubbles into the systemic
ing and gives clues as to the pathopyhsiology of circulation, either due to pulmonary barotrauma,
compression or decompression related disorders. transpulmonary passage after massive bubble for-
Immersion in cold water augments cardiac mation (“chokes”) or cardiac shunting.
pre- and afterload due to an increase of intratho- In recreational divers, neurological decom-
racic blood volume and peripheral vasoconstric- pression events comprise 80% of reported cases of
tion. In very rare cases, the vasoconstrictor re- major decompression problems, most of the time
sponse can lead to pulmonary oedema. Immersion due to pathological effects of intravascular bub-
of the face in cold water is associated with brady- bles. In divers with a history of major neurological
cardia mediated by increased vagal tone. In icy decompression symptoms without evident cause,
water, the bradycardia can be so pronounced, that transoesophageal echocardiography must be per-
syncope results. formed to exclude a patent foramen ovale. If a car-
For recreational dives, compressed air (ie, 4 diac right-to-left shunt is present, we advise divers
parts nitrogen and 1 part oxygen) is the preferred with a history of severe decompression illness to
breathing gas. Its use is limited for diving to 40 to stop diving. If they refuse to do so, it is crucial that
50 m, otherwise nitrogen narcosis (“rapture of the they change their diving habits, minimising the
deep”) reduces a diver’s cognitive function and in- amount of nitrogen load on the tissue.
creases the risk of inadequate reactions. At depths There is ongoing debate about the long term
of 60 to 70 m oxygen toxicity impairs respiration risk of scuba diving. Neuro-imaging studies re-
and at higher partial pressures also functioning of vealed an increased frequency of ischaemic brain
the central nervous system. The use of special ni- lesions in divers, which do not correlate well with
trogen-oxygen mixtures (“nitrox”, 60% nitrogen subtle functional neurological deficits in experi-
and 40% oxygen as the typical example) decreases enced divers. In the light of the high prevalence of
the probability of nitrogen narcosis and probably venous gas bubbles even after dives in shallow
bubble formation, at the cost of increased risk of water and the presence of a cardiac right-to-left
oxygen toxicity. shunt in a quarter of the population (ie, patent
Most of the health hazards during dives are foramen ovale), arterialisation of gas bubbles
consequences of changes in gas volume and for- might be more frequent than usually presumed.
mation of gas bubbles due to reduction of ambient
pressure during a diver’s ascent. The term baro- Key words: diving; pathophysiology; decompression ill-
trauma encompasses disorders related to over ex- ness; patent foramen ovale

In 1943 Emile Gagnon and Jacques Cousteau rising. Today, the “Schweizer Unterwasser-Sport-
invented a self-contained underwater breathing Verband” has 12’000 active members, 150 diving
apparatus (scuba) with a demand valve, sensing the clubs and 55 diving schools. Around 50’000 per-
ambient pressure under water and automatically sons are diving on a recreational basis annually in
delivering the amount of air a diver needed at a par- Switzerland, mostly using compressed air for
ticular depth. Since then, the popularity of scuba breathing.
diving as a leisure time activity has been and still is Diving itself and the use of any high density
Recreational scuba diving, patent foramen ovale and their associated risks 366

gas impose several physiological stresses on the order in which they occur during a dive. Special at-
body which involve different organs at different tention is paid to the occurrence of decompression
stages of a dive. In order to understand most of the disorders. The influence of a cardiac right-to-left
morbidity and mortality related to the underwater shunt (mainly across a patent foramen ovale) on
environment, a brief introduction into its most rel- decompression events and possibilities for the sec-
evant physical principles will be presented. There- ondary prevention of such accidents will be dis-
after, this review addresses the major medical cussed.
health problems arising from scuba diving, in the

Diving physics
Water has a higher density (ρwater = 998 kgm-3) law, the partial pressure (Ppartial) exerted by each
and viscosity (ηwater = 1  10-3 Nsm-2) than air single gas of a mixture corresponds to its percent-
(at sea level: ρair = 1.29 kgm-3, ηair = 1.82  10-5 age in volume:
Nsm-2). A change in depth of 10 m in water corre- Ptotal = ∑ Pipartial
sponds to a change in hydrostatic pressure of 1 atmo- The partial pressure of oxygen, when using
sphere (1 atm = 101 kPa = 1.01 bar), thus at a depth compressed air for diving at 30 m under water can
of 30 m of seawater, the ambient pressure has risen be calculated as Ppartial = 20%  4 atm = 0.8 atm or
to 4 atm (3 atm of hydrostatic pressure and 1 atm 80 kPa. The amount of gas (C) dissolved in a liq-
atmospheric pressure). This rise in pressure also uid is directly proportional to the partial pressure
applies to any breathing gas used by a diver. of the gas (Henry’s law):
The physical properties of a gas are governed C = Ppartial  α
by its temperature, pressure and volume. At a con- The constant of solubility (α) for a specific gas
stant temperature, the volume (Vi) of a fixed mass and a specific liquid is influenced by temperature:
of gas varies inversely with the pressure (Pi) exerted the lower the temperature, the higher the solubil-
on it (Boyle’s Law): ity (open a warm versus a cold bottle of carbonated
P1  V1 = P2  V2 beverage). The solubility of a gas and its diffusion
This means that at 10 m under water (P2: am- in the tissue are crucial for the occurrence of de-
bient pressure = 2 atm), its volume (V2) is reduced compression events and inert gas narcosis.
to one half of the original volume (V1) at the sur- Being in a medium with low visibility in addi-
face (P1: ambient pressure = 1 atm). Note that the tion to the distortion of the optical information
change in volume of a given volume, for example due to refraction of light at the face mask can se-
5 l of gas at the surface between 20 m and 10 m verely impair a diver’s performance. In Switzerland
under water is much less than the change between with its cold lakes, loss of body heat due to con-
10 m and the surface during a diver’s ascent (∆V = vection (water has a 30 times higher degree of heat
0.8 l vs. 2.5 l). Therefore, sudden depth changes in conductivity than air) and evaporation is a further
shallow water lead to larger changes in gas volume severe physiological stress to the body, affecting
than equivalent depth changes in deep water. not only muscular, but also the central nervous sys-
Dry air is a mixture of roughly 4 parts of ni- tem function [1].
trogen and 1 part of oxygen. According to Dalton’s

Immersion in cold water

Immersion in water at a thermoneutral level temic resistance, blood pressure and left ventricu-
rapidly augments cardiac preload due to redistrib- lar wall stress [5]. In a few otherwise healthy per-
ution of blood from the legs to the core of the body. sons, this vasoconstrictor response can even lead
Intrathoracic blood volume increases by up to 500 to pulmonary oedema [6, 7]. Interestingly, more
ml, resulting in a 30% increase in cardiac output than half of them develop arterial hypertension in
and stroke volume. Right atrial pressure rises up to later life [6], probably reflecting a predisposition
16 mm Hg [2, 3]. The increase in central blood vol- for increased vasomotor reactivity.
ume stimulates diuresis (immersion diuresis and Immersion in cold water is also accompanied
natriuresis) mediated by a reduction of antidiuretic by vagal-tone mediated bradycardia [5, 8]. In div-
hormone and an increase in circulating atrial na- ing animals, this reflex phenomenon drastically re-
triuretic factor [4]. Cold water reinforces the ve- duces cardiac output and oxygen consumption and
nous redistribution due to immersion by an addi- serves to extend the duration of breath-hold dives
tional vasoconstrictor effect. The cold, as a strong [9]. In humans, cardiac output decreases only
peripheral vasoconstrictor, augments cardiac af- slightly during immersion in cold water [5]. The
terload. Arteriolar vasoconstriction increases sys- negative influences of bradycardia and the increase
S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 1 ; 1 3 1 : 3 6 5 – 3 7 4 · w w w . s m w . c h 367

in afterload on cardiac output are nearly compen- water immersion can degenerate into ventricular
sated for by the increase in stroke volume due to a tachycardia or fibrillation [11]. Tachyarryhthmias
higher preload. The degree of bradycardia is de- (atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response,
pendent on the water temperature: the colder the ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation)
water, the profounder the bradycardia [10]. In ice are mainly observed in healthy divers in the setting
water, bradycardia on initial immersion of the face of severe hypothermia with a core temperature
can be so pronounced, that syncope with drown- below 30 ºC [12]. The cardioinhibitory effect of
ing is possible. In divers with known coronary cold water can be used to slow down and convert
heart disease, slow sinus bradycardia due to cold paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia [13].

Oxygen toxicity and inert gas narcosis (“rapture of the deep”)

Rising ambient pressure during a diver’s de- tal processes and impaired neuromuscular coordi-
scent elevates the partial pressure of oxygen. Oxy- nation” in probands subjected to an ambient pres-
gen toxicity is caused by the production of free rad- sure of 4 atm while breathing air [21]. They cor-
icals which overwhelm the cellular antioxidant de- rectly attributed this clinical picture (ie “rapture of
fence, resulting in cellular membrane, enzyme and the deep”), similar to alcohol intoxication, to the
nucleic acid destruction [14, 15]. The respiratory raised partial pressure of nitrogen in the tissue of
system represents a susceptible tissue for oxygen the nervous system. The narcotic potential of
poisoning. In patients requiring mechanical venti- nitrogen is related to its high lipid solubility and
lation, prolonged exposure to hyperoxia causes its property of interfering physically at synapses
pathological changes of the lungs, consisting of an or nerve junctions. Current concepts in general
acute exudative phase with interstitial and alveolar anaesthesia suggest a physical effect of the gas on
oedema, merging into a proliferative phase with the bilayer permeability of a nerve cell or compet-
interstitial fibrosis and hyperplasia of type II alve- ing for the binding of neurotransmitters [22]. Dur-
olar cells [16]. Symptoms of pulmonary oxygen ing dives with compressed air, symptoms may
toxicity range from mild substernal discomfort and occur at depths deeper than 30 m (ambient pres-
coughing to dyspnoea at rest. After 12 to 16 hours sure 4 atm). At depths deeper than 55 m, a diver’s
of exposure to oxygen at 1.0 atm pressure (corre- performance is severely impaired. At extreme
sponding to a depth of 40 m when using com- depths of 90 to 100 m under water, unconscious-
pressed air) pulmonary symptoms occur in most ness and death results [23], when using compressed
individuals [17]. Higher partial pressures lead to air for breathing. Aside from oxygen toxicity de-
central nervous system toxicity. Minor symptoms scribed above, nitrogen narcosis further limits the
like tinnitus, vertigo and nausea are followed safe use of compressed air to dives not deeper than
quickly by convulsions [18]. Oxygen convulsions 40 to 50 m.
are accelerated by hypercapnia due to cerebral va- The high pressure nervous syndrome, a state
sodilatation and a higher rate of delivery of oxygen of general excitation with marked tremor, dizzi-
to the brain [19]. Divers are particularly prone to ness and vomiting, represents the physiological
hypercapnia because of the higher density and vis- opposite of inert gas narcosis, but is seen only in
cosity of the compressed breathing gas under the technical or professional divers, at depths of 150 m
increased ambient pressure of the surrounding or more. In order to reach these depths, nitrogen
water. The higher density of the gas is associated has to be replaced by helium or neon as breathing
with an increase in the breathing resistance, aug- gas. As in nitrogen narcosis, a direct effect of the
menting dead space ventilation and accumulation breathing gas (eg, helium) on the lipid membrane
of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, ventilation can be of the nervous cell is suspected. Contrary to nitro-
reduced due to narcotic depression. Therefore, gen with its high lipid solubility, the less lipid sol-
divers should always attempt to keep the partial uble helium might increase the surface tension on
pressure of oxygen below 1.6 atm or 160 kPa [20]. the bilayer membrane, resulting in constriction of
This prohibits the use of compressed air for dives cell membranes at high ambient pressure with
deeper than 60 to 70 m. destabilisation and increased excitability of the
In 1935, Behnke and co-workers described nervous cells [24].
progressive “euphoria, retardment of higher men-

Decompression related disorders

Most of the medical health problems in recre- cording to the physical mechanisms involved (bub-
ational scuba diving are consequences of decom- ble formation from dissolved gas or over-expan-
pression during the ascent. They can be divided ac- sion of air-filled cavities with secondary arteriali-
Recreational scuba diving, patent foramen ovale and their associated risks 368

sation of gas bubbles), and according to their clin- sequence of Boyle’s law: due to the decrease in am-
ical relevance with respect to therapy. Because of bient pressure, the gas volume in the lungs pro-
considerable clinical overlap and common ele- portionally expands. If no expiration of gas takes
ments in their pathophysiology, the term decom- place, pulmonary parenchyma will over-expand
pression illness is used for describing decompression and rupture, with secondary migration of gas into
disorders with bubbles as the initiator. This term the pulmonary circulation, into the perivascular
encloses decompression sickness, resulting from the sheaths, pleural cavity, retroperitoneum or subcu-
growth of gas nuclei in predominantly fatty tissue, taneous tissues of the neck. Arterial gas embolism,
and arterial gas embolism due to gas invasion into pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax are the
the systemic circulation. Barotrauma encompasses common corresponding clinical manifestations.
medical problems particularly related to overex- The entrance of air into the arterial system via pul-
pansion of air-filled spaces (ie, mainly the lung, ear monary veins and the left chambers of the heart is
and sinuses, rarely the stomach). the most hazardous of these conditions. Most of
Air embolism due to pulmonary barotrauma the time, it occurs at the end of a dive in shallow
ranks second only to drowning as a cause of recre- water, where the rate of gas expansion is greatest
ational scuba diving fatalities [25], and is more and a diver’s body is still loaded with a consider-
frequent in novice divers. Unintentional breath- able amount of dissolved gas, so that a distinction
holding, bronchospasm or mucous plugs inhibit between arterial gas embolism and decompression
deflation of the expanding lungs during ascent. sickness may not always be possible.
Disruption of the pulmonary parenchyma is a con-

Cracking joints – pathophysiology of decompression illness

Bubbles are formed in the human body also risk of decompression illness [28], probably due to
without changes in ambient pressure. Joints actu- the formation of additional intrinsic gas nuclei.
ally do crack when joint surfaces are pulled apart Beside the joints and the spine, bubble forma-
and the flow of liquid into the widening gap is re- tion from gas absorbed into sweat glands and skin
stricted due to its viscosity. The resulting decrease pores can be observed only in the superficial layer
in local pressure leads to the formation of bubbles of the skin [29]. Blood itself seems to be resistant
of water vapour, which audibly crack during nor- to bubble formation, an observation made already
malisation of intra-articular pressure [26]. In by the grandfather of Charles Darwin [30, 31].
recreational divers during their ascent, most bub- However, tissue bubbles gain access to the capil-
bles are thought to be formed by expansion of a lary or the lymphatic bed by migration. Small vol-
pre-existing gas phase (gas nucleus) [27, 28]. These umes of venous gas bubbles are well tolerated and
gas nuclei are found at normal atmospheric pres- entrapped in and exhaled from the lungs if no car-
sure in the joints of the limbs and the spine due to diac or pulmonary shunt is present (fig. 1). Large
gaseous cavitation, as just described. Excessive amounts of venous gas overload the filter capacity
joint movement before or after a dive increases the of the lungs and bubbles escape into the arterial

Figure 1
tissue bubbles
Pathway of bubbles
in the body with
several possibilities
for arterialisation.
ASD: atrial septal
defect; lymphatics capillaries
AV: arteriovenous;
PFO: patent foramen
venous system arterial system

heart ASD

lungs AV-Shunt
S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 1 ; 1 3 1 : 3 6 5 – 3 7 4 · w w w . s m w . c h 369

Figure 2
Long axis trans-
oesophageal echo-
cardiographic view
in an individual with
PFO. Panel A: Inter-
atrial septum with
fossa ovalis (thin-
walled section be-
tween the atria)
and region of PFO
(arrow). Echocontrast
bubbles are just
entering the right
atrium via superior
vena cava (right side
of the panel: cranial).
Panel B: Identical
view as in panel A
with the region of
the atrium now filled
with echocontrast
bubbles. A small
cloud of bubbles en-
ters the left atrium
directly via PFO. The
diagnosis of PFO re-
quires crossing of
the bubbles within
4 heart beats. Other-
wise, appearance of
bubbles in the left
atrium is considered system [32]. Massive pulmonary air embolism topsy shows incomplete fusion (ie patent foramen
opens arterio-venous shunts in the lungs and raises ovale) in 25–30% of human hearts [34]. In 1988,
LA: left atrium; pulmonary artery pressure, facilitating further Lechat and co-workers found a relationship be-
PFO: patent foramen transpulmonary passage of bubbles [33]. tween patent foramen ovale in patients under 55
RA: right atrium. Of all possibilities for arterialisation of venous years of age and crypotgenic stroke [35]. Today,
gas bubbles, a patent foramen ovale is probably the contrast transoesophageal echocardiography is
most prevalent pathway. Patent foramen ovale is a part of the assessment of younger patients with
persistent opening between the septum primum crypotgenic stroke because of its superior accuracy
and secundum at the level of the fossa ovalis. Dur- for detecting patent foramen ovale compared to
ing fetal life, the foramen ovale serves as a flap valve other imaging and Doppler methods (fig. 2) [36,
to ensure unidirectional blood flow from the right 37]. For prevention of stroke recurrence in the
to the left atrium, bypassing pulmonary circula- presence of a patent foramen ovale, medical ther-
tion. Postnatally, left atrial pressure exceeds right apy with warfarin or antiaggregant medication
atrial pressure, moving the valve against the lim- [38], surgical [39] and percutaneous closure [40]
bus of the fossa ovalis, with fibrous sealing of the are possible treatment modalities.
interatrial channel within the first year of life. Au-

Clinical manifestations of decompression illness

The pathological effects of nitrogen bubbles exchange of dissolved inert gas between blood and
result from their physical presence with mechani- tissue. Tissue nitrogen then diffuses into the gas
cal disruption of the tissue concerned (for example nuclei along a concentration gradient and in-
nervous tissue [41] or the endothelium [42, 43]), creases their volume. Tissue perfusion, and the sol-
with compression of non-compliant tissue or ubility and diffusion coefficients of the inert gases
blood vessels and lymphatics, or from simply ob- are the major physical determinants of bubble for-
structing blood vessels. They also evoke a tissue re- mation beside the rate of reduction of ambient and
sponse with activation of platelets and the coagu- tissue pressure (ie, the rate of a diver’s ascent).
lation cascade [42, 44], complement [45, 46], and Clinical manifestations of decompression ill-
leukocyte chemotaxis [47, 48]. The damaged in- ness are traditionally classified as minor (type I) or
tegrity of the endothelium leads to an increase in major (type II) symptoms [51]. Minor symptoms
the haematocrit due to extravasation of plasma vol- include musculoskeletal pain (“limb bends”) and
ume [49, 50]. “skin bends” with rash, pruritus and painless
These pathological effects are exerted by ex- swelling of the skin due to lymphatic obstruction.
panding pre-existing gas nuclei. The rate of They usually require no recompression in a pres-
growth of these bubbles depends on gas exchange surised chamber for treatment. By contrast, major
between the bubbles and the surrounding tissue. decompression illness requires therapeutic recom-
Blood flow is the primary factor that controls the pression and includes neurological and cardiores-
Recreational scuba diving, patent foramen ovale and their associated risks 370

piratory symptoms. It carries the risk of permanent the bone necrosis. There is a good correlation be-
disability or even death. tween aseptic bone necrosis and either a history of
Musculoskeletal pain is a common symptom of decompression illness or the number of decom-
decompression events, typically occurring in the pressions a diver performed [53]. In recreational
region of the joints of the upper and lower ex- divers with short diving times and a limited num-
tremities [51]. Limb bends occur early after surfac- ber of decompressions, bone necrosis is rarely
ing or even during the ascent. Often, the pain re- seen.
solves after local pressure to the compromised site Large amounts of venous gas emboli reaching
[52]. Growing bubbles trapped in the periarticular the lungs can damage the pulmonary endothelium
tissue and tendons are thought to produce pain by resulting in dyspnoea, cough and pulmonary
compression of nerve endings and induction of a oedema (“chokes”) [54]. Retrosternal discomfort is
tissue response with release of pain producing in- usually the first symptom and can be caused by
flammatory mediators [29, 47]. only 5 ml of air arriving as a bolus [55]. Larger
Aseptic bone necrosis was first seen in caisson- amounts provoke cough and discomfort, leading to
workers and affects mainly the long bones and right-sided heart failure. Bubble-induced activa-
juxta-articular regions. Secondary arthritis is a tion of leukocytes leads to an increase in vessel per-
consequence of collapse of the articular surface. meability with pulmonary oedema, contributing
Obstruction of nutrient-supplying blood vessels further to arterialisation of gas bubbles [48].
by nitrogen bubbles might be an explanation for

Neurological decompression illness

In recreational divers, neurological symptoms sion illness primarily to intravascular bubble injury
comprise 80% of reported cases of decompression (ie, arterial gas embolism) [53]. Local bubble for-
illness [29]. Bilateral paraesthesia occasionally fol- mation seems unlikely, because of the high cere-
lowed by regional numbness and progressive bral blood flow with effective wash-out of excess
weakness below a certain spinal level, or impaired inert gas. Results of neuroimaging studies of divers
bowel or bladder control are symptoms of spinal with cerebral decompression illness are consistent
cord involvement [56]. Unilateral loss of sensory with the emboli theory [59, 60]. For spinal de-
function can be related to local neurapraxia of pe- compression illness, Hallenbeck and co-workers
ripheral nerves [57] or to patchy involvement of favoured epidural venous thrombosis to be re-
the spinal cord during bubble formation. Focal sponsible [61]. Because of the anatomy of the
cerebral signs (eg, aphasia, visual disturbances, loss epidural venous plexus, gas bubbles are thought to
of consciousness, seizures, hemiparesis, hemisen- accumulate and activate the clotting mechanism,
sory loss, ataxia, hemineglect) are signs of cerebral resulting in venous stasis and, ultimately, tissue in-
decompression illness. In half of the cases, symp- farction. Autochthonous bubble formation can
toms occur during dives respecting the limits of further impair spinal cord function by disruption
decompression tables and without identifiable of axons or the myelin sheath and by tissue is-
reasons, ie, are unexpected decompression events chaemia due to compression. Spinal tissue is much
[56]. In an analysis of 1070 cases of central nerv- more saturated with inert gas than the brain at the
ous decompression illness, 23% of the cases in- end of a dive due to the differences in tissue per-
volved the brain, 66% the spinal cord and 11% fusion, allowing rapid growth of embolic bubbles
both [58]. when they are entrapped in the spinal cord.
Current concepts relate cerebral decompres-

Asymptomatic divers
Generally, embolic events occurring in the bral embolism in divers may frequently be asymp-
human body (eg, in bacterial endocarditis, left tomatic, compared to spinal embolism, which usu-
heart thrombus or fat embolism) far more often ally results in symptomatic lesions, because of the
cause cerebral than spinal symptoms, which may concentration of neurologically important and
relate to the corresponding proportion of blood eloquent tracts in the spinal cord [62].
flow. Extending this fact to gas embolism in divers, Recent neuroradiological studies are consis-
more cerebral than spinal cord symptoms would be tent with the concept of asymptomatic cerebral
expected. This contrasts with the observed clinical embolism in divers. Several investigators observed
predominance of spinal cord symptoms [58], an increased number of ischaemic brain lesions in
which is only partially explained by tissue perfu- asymptomatic divers compared with non-diving
sion differences and the resulting decreased wash- controls [63–66]. An investigation in 84 divers with
out of the spinal nitrogen load. Alternatively, cere- fluorescein angiography of the eye showed patho-
S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 1 ; 1 3 1 : 3 6 5 – 3 7 4 · w w w . s m w . c h 371

logical changes of the retinal microcirculation in- diac right-to-left shunt might explain the subtle
dependent of a history of decompression illness, neuroradiological abnormalities and functional
indicating central nervous system vasculopathy as deficit in divers without decompression illness
a marker for neurovascular injury [67]. Similar re- events. In the only study with divers and non-div-
sults were obtained in a pathoanatomical study ing controls using cranial MRI and contrast trans-
[68]. Neurological studies in sport [65] and pro- oesophageal echocardiography, 1.2 and 0.6 is-
fessional divers [69] indicate subtle functional chaemic brain lesions per person were detected in
brain damage even in the absence of a history of divers with and in divers without a patent foramen
decompression events. Correlations between neu- ovale, respectively. Among controls, 0.2 and 0.1 le-
rological tests and neuroradiological lesions in sions per person were detected, respectively (p
asymptomatic divers are weak [65], possibly indi- <0.001 for all groups; fig. 3 and 4). In a regression
cating a more complex than simple linear correla- analysis, diving increased the incidence of one or
tion, or simply illustrating the fact, that a patho- more ischaemic brain lesion fivefold. Diving itself,
logical change is not always proof of a functional even more than diving in the presence of patent
deficit. foramen ovale was associated with the presence of
Regarding the high prevalence of venous gas ischaemic brain lesions [66].
emboli even after dives in shallow water [70], a car-

Figure 3
Panel A: The average number of predominantly decompression sickness or arterial gas embolism events per divers (vertical axis, left side) and of
decompression sickness events per 10’000 dives (vertical axis, right side) is shown for divers with and without PFO, respectively. Panel B: The average
number of ischaemic brain lesions per person depicted by MRI (vertical axis) is shown for the different study groups (horizontal axis). Data from [66],
reprinted with the permission from the American College of Physicians – American Society of Internal Medicine.
Abbreviations: PFO: patent foramen ovale.

Decompression illness in divers Ischemic brain lesions

number of decompression illness events / person

7 2.5
number of ischaemic brain lesions / person

p = 0.03 p <0.0001
p = 0.01 8 / 104 dives 2
p <0.0001
sickness events 6 / 104 dives 1.5 p = 0.07

3 arterial gas
embolism events 4 / 104 dives 1 p = 0.04

2 / 104 dives .5 p = 0.44


0 0
divers with patent divers without divers divers without controls with controls
foramen ovale patent foramen ovale with patent patent patent without
foramen foramen foramen patent foramen
ovale ovale ovale ovale

Figure 4
T2-weighted axial
MR images of three
divers without symp-
toms and no history
of decompression
incidents. Large not
well delineated hy-
perintense lesions
corresponding to
ischaemic infarcts
are seen in the
periventricular and
subcortial white mat-
ter (arrows in panels
A, B). Round or linear
shaped hyperintensi-
ties corresponding
to Virchow-Robin-
spaces are seen
in (B) and (C)
Recreational scuba diving, patent foramen ovale and their associated risks 372

Patent foramen ovale and decompression illness

Already in 1986, Wilmshurst and associates to decrease the amount of nitrogen load by using
suggested, that a cardiac right-to-left shunt may be special nitrogen-oxygen mixtures (“nitrox”), with
relevant for paradoxical gas embolism among 40% oxygen and 60% nitrogen as typical example.
scuba divers [71]. In subsequent studies, the im- The reduced nitrogen content compared to air de-
portance of patent foramen ovale for decompres- creases the probability of bubble formation, but
sion events in sport divers has been repeatedly 40% oxygen in the breathing gas carries the dou-
demonstrated [66, 72–74]. Overall, patent foramen ble risk of oxygen toxicity. These are all but theo-
ovale increases the risk for decompression illness 4 retical considerations, and no prospective clinical
to 5 times [66, 75], even in divers strictly adhering trial has ever been conducted to establish their util-
to decompression tables. This relationship seems ity in daily routine for the prevention of decom-
to be stronger for cerebral than for spinal decom- pression events in the presence of a cardiac right-
pression events [66, 74]. However, the absolute to-left shunt. Transcatheter closure of patent fora-
frequency of major decompression illness is quite men ovale may reduce the risk for recurrent neu-
low (fig. 3). rological decompression events [76, 77], but this
Nevertheless, current examination of divers therapeutic option has not yet been proven to be
with a history of neurological decompression ill- effective in a randomised clinical trial.
ness after a dive within decompression table limits Contrast transoesophageal echocardiography
[ie, with unexpected major decompression illness is not mandatory in the routine medical evaluation
events) should include contrast transoesophageal of asymptomatic sport divers, nor in asymptomatic
echocardiography for exclusion of a patent fora- commercial or professional divers for the primary
men ovale (table 1). For divers with patent fora- prevention of decompression illness events. Re-
men ovale and a history of major decompression garding the lack of clinical data about possibilities
illness, a paucity of data exists about the risk for fu- for minimising the further risk of decompression
ture events. Consequently, we advise them to stop events in such divers with right-to-left shunts, they
diving. If they refuse, they should minimise the could only be advised to refrain from diving. How-
load of tissue nitrogen during dives, eg, by re- ever, the low individual risk does not justify the ex-
fraining from long deep dives, from repeated as- clusion a quarter of the population (ie, with a
cents and descents during the same dive or from patent foramen ovale) from diving.
diving several times a day (table 1). Some divers try

Table 1 Asymptomatic diver routine screening for patent foramen ovale by contrast
Recommendations transoesophageal echocardiography is not mandatory
for recreational Diver with a history of unexpected DCI* contrast transoesophageal echocardiography
divers with a patent
for exclusion of a cardiac right-to-left shunt is necessary
foramen ovale.
– with a patent foramen ovale advise to stop diving
otherwise, tissue nitrogen load during dives has to be
minimised by:
– strict adherance to decompression tables
– no repetitive dives during a day
– no deep dives (>25–30 m)
– reduced rate of ascent during the last 10 m
– no Valsalva manoeuvre during ascent, no strenuous
physical effort (like carrying heavy diving equipment)
shortly after leaving the water
– use of nitrox instead of compressed air
– without a patent foramen ovale consider other possibilities than a patent foramen ovale
for arterio-venous shunting
tissue nitrogen load has to be minimised
* Unexpected decompression illness (DCI) refers to major DCI symptoms after dives within the limits
of decompression tables and no evident cause.

Treatment of decompression illness

Treatment for severe decompression sickness whereas decompression sickness requires a pro-
and arterial gas embolism is essentially the same. longed stay at a certain depth for sufficient load-
Diving depth and onset of symptoms can give clues ing of tissues with inert gas. Median time of onset
to the underlying pathophysiological mechanism. for decompression sickness is approximately one
Pulmonary barotrauma and gas embolism can hour and for arterial gas embolism 2 minutes after
occur during a dive in only a few meters depth, surfacing [78].
S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 1 ; 1 3 1 : 3 6 5 – 3 7 4 · w w w . s m w . c h 373

Aside from emergency treatment for respira- avoiding additional gas loading of tissues during
tion and circulation, first aid includes administra- recompression, oxygen is preferably used [79].
tion of fluids, because dehydration and haemo-
concentration are common in severe decompres-
sion sickness [49, 50, 79]. Administration of 100%
oxygen increases oxygen delivery to underperfused Correspondence:
areas and secondly, enhances washout of inert gas Dr. Markus Schwerzmann,
from the tissue due to the absence of additional Prof. Dr. Christian Seiler
inhaled inert gas. Consequently, inert gas diffuses Kardiologie, Schweizer Herz- und
from bubbles to tissue, causing them to shrink. Gefässzentrum Bern
The definitive treatment requires recompression, Universitätsklinik Inselspital
since increased ambient pressure further reduces CH-3010 Bern
the volume of tissue gas. Although bubble volume Switzerland
cannot be reduced to zero, the reduction in vol- E-Mail:
ume often leads to reduction in symptoms. For or

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