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Leaves is a powerful song about how important it is to forget. It's a lesson that we
can still find healing and hope even when we've been hurt. The quote "You'll never
really love someone until you learn to forgive" says a lot about what love is. It seems to
say that true love isn't about being perfect or never making mistakes, but about being
able to forgive the people we love when they hurt us.
Forgiveness is a powerful act that can have a profound impact on our lives.
When we forgive someone, we are not saying that what they did was okay. We are
simply saying that we are no longer going to let their actions control our emotions or our
lives. It can help us to heal from emotional pain, to move on from the past, and to build
stronger relationships. Forgiveness is not always easy. It can be difficult to let go of
anger and resentment, especially when we have been deeply hurt. But forgiveness is
essential for healing and moving on. When we forgive, we release the other person from
the power they have over us. We also free ourselves from the negative emotions that
are holding us back.
Forgiveness is a process that takes time. It is not something that can be forced or
rushed. When someone hurts us, it can be difficult to let go of the anger and resentment
we feel. We may feel like we need to punish the person who hurt us, or we may feel like
we need to make them pay for what they did. However, holding onto these feelings will
only hurt us in the long run.

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