Himadri Shikhar Bandyopadhyay Proposal

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Final Year Project


Submitted by: Himadri Shikhar Bandyopadhyay

University ID: 17031259
College ID: NP01CP4A170165
Supervisors: Dhruba Sen(Internal) and Sumit Bajracharya(External)
Smartphones have now become a part of human lifestyle. It has major impacts on an average
person’s life. With advancement in technologies cheap smartphones are getting better and are
now closer to replacing traditional methods of doing things. About a decade ago computers were
still the go-to devices, more like they were the only proper choice if a person needed to access
the internet or process data. But recently with smartphones that are getting smarter than ever,
people have been ignoring computers unless their smartphones are incapable of the task. In
recent years I’ve seen many schools face problems in managing their student’s attendance and
their details. Many schools print out small notices to give them to the student’s for them to give
it to their parents, this lengthy and inefficient process has many loopholes and is not 100% sure
to deliver the goal. For example, the student’s could loose the notices before giving it to their
parents. Printing out a ton of notices can also cost a lot if the school has many students. Handing
out physical notices to all the students is also a tedious process for the one doing so. The app
targets to notify the parents about updates regarding the school. The app will also have a school
calendar with school holidays marked (not including cases unforeseeable events like blockades
and natural disasters , etc)

a. Problem Scenario: Small time schools might not have the budget to fund a
server to store student information. Their attendance methods are also very
traditional. Some organizations might not even have the budget or space for a
small computer and even those with all available resources have no idea how to
use them. They might have a computer, but the only use case could be storing
transaction information which is a good thing to do but that isn’t the proper
utilization of a capable device.
b. Project as s Solution: Recording student information on a piece of paper can
be risky as it can be misplaced or destroyed but doing so on a smartphone means
the data can be stored in a mobile database and the probability of losing that or it
being destroyed is low. Even if you do end up destroying your smartphone the
records will still be safe somewhere with multiple backups. The parents will be
able to check tasks assigned by the tutor to their children and help them complete
their task and be up to date with school updates.
Aims and Objectives
The main aim of this project is to encourage schools to use more modern and efficient methods
in managing student information and attendance instead of inefficient and un-dependable
methods. The end product of the project is going to be a mobile application that is easy to use,
that has proper features and has a decent enough user interface. From reminding parents about
things like upcoming parent-teacher meetings this application is intended to be a multi-
purpose(Attendance record, progress tracker, reminder, etc.) application. In a 3rd world country
like Nepal technological growth is much slower compared to countries like the US so I’d like to
develop small apps that actually make a difference in people’s daily lives.
The major objectives of the project are:
 To store student information
 To replace old attendance methods
 To innovate automation where possible
 To learn application development
 To develop a good relationship with the users
 To learn about how small changes in workplaces can affect the overall work flow

Expected Outcomes and Deliverables

The end product of this project es expected to deliver an application that parents can use to track
their children’s status, attendance and their progress. The app would be easy to use with minimal
and simple user interface. They parents can track progress of the task their child has been
assigned. They app would be flexible with room for extra features if needed. This product is
expected to make children progress tracking easier and simpler. Instead of asking for progress
reports from teachers, the parent can track their children’s progress from the app. With
notifications being delivered about any updates regarding holidays and meetings the parents will
stay more updated.
Project risks, threats and contingency plans
The major risks and threats of the project are:
 Security
 Reliability
 Performance
 Memory storage
 Interaction with other devices
 Native and Hybrid Application
 Software & Hardware Compatibility
 Testing
 Power Consumption
Contingency plans for the above-mentioned risks are:
 Encryption
 Stability testing and timely updates
 Keeping the design simple and minimal
 Using cloud storage
 Using multi-platform framework
 Rigorous testing to make sure the app is not buggy
 Ensure that the app is not draining all the battery and is only using the resources that
it actually requires.
There are many methodologies of application development but mainly 4 methods are followed.
Namely these 4 methods are: Agile Development Method, SDLC (Waterfall model), DevOps
Method and Rapid Development Method. Considering the current scenario and circumstances I
have decided to use a hybrid approach combining Agile and Rapid development method. AGILE
methodology is a practice that promotes continuous iteration of development and testing
throughout the software development lifecycle of the project. Both development and testing
activities are concurrent unlike the Waterfall model. Rapid application development is a form of
Agile software development methodology. Unlike Waterfall methods, RAD emphasizes working
software and user feedback over strict planning and requirements recording.
Agile is a useful project management method that can be used within a New Product
Development (NPD) process to accelerate certain stages of product development. The Agile
framework for incremental product development uses one or more cross-functional teams,
responsible for creating and adapting their processes within 3-week Agile Sprints.
Agile is built on the concept of breaking down the project schedule into smaller, more
manageable work components. This is effective for longer projects or projects where not all the
design elements of the product are clear. Projects that require innovative approaches to realize
the final product design will often benefit from an agile approach to their development.
[CITATION Mic16 \l 1033]

Resource Requirement
The development of this project won’t be easy. Prerequisites need to be setup and multiple tools;
languages, frameworks and software are required.
 Software Requirements: Various software, platform and frameworks are
required in developing the project, the major ones are:
1. Framework: Flutter
2. Language: Dart, Java, SQL XML
 Hardware Requirements: Android app development is quite less demanding
than iOS app development.
1. Computer running windows or mac
2. Android/iOS device for ease of testing
Work breakdown structure

Work Description Estimated

Research and data Research about prerequisites/requisites and gather 2 weeks
gathering required information
Time and cost Plan and divide the project into different tasks and 1 week
estimation estimate the budget for the project
Prototype/ Design a prototype for the application 1 week
Wireframe designing
Documentation Description of the product development and a sort 4 months
of “How to use” for the users
Problem Analysis Analyze the problems, identify risks and plan the 1
contingencies week(Flexible)
Use case model Map out actors and design a use case model 1 week

Development Developing the application 2 months

Testing Test for bugs and errors. Polish the app until it is 1 month
market ready. Release a beta phase of the
Release Publish the final product on the market 1 week
Project Gantt Chart

First Sample Project

Research and data gathering 1/5 1/18 14 14 0 100%
Time and cost estimation 1/19 1/25 7 5.6 1.4 80%
Prototype/Wireframe designing 1/26 2/1 7 4.2 2.8 60%
Problem analysis 2/2 2/8 7 1.4 5.6 40%
Use case model 2/9 2/15 7 7 0 20%
Development 2/16 4/16 60 48 12 100%
Testing 4/17 5/16 30 18 12 80%
Release 5/17 5/23 7 2.8 4.2 60%
Documentation 1/5 5/16 132 52.8 79.2 40%

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

Research and data gathering
Time and cost estim ation
Problem analysis
Use case model


Figure 1 Gantt Chart

This application can solve problems for busy people who have to work off hours to make ends
meet. Even if they are unable to meet the teachers to check up on their child’s progress they can
track it through the app. I personally feel that this application could maintain and solve problems
related to the progress tracking . I have always wanted to create a mobile application so, my
journey in creating this application will surely be a pleasant experience for me.
Stanleigh, M., 2016. Business Inprovement Architects. [Online]
Available at: https://bia.ca/rapid-product-development-projects-using-a-hybrid-agilewaterfall-
[Accessed 16 9 2019].





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