2017 Batch 2014j Human

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Duration: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 100

1. (a) What are the Human Rights? Trace the origin and development of Human Rights. (Refer
Page No. 63)
Explain different kinds of Human Rights. (Refer Page No. 12)
(b) Write a note on Theories of Human Rights.(Refer Page No. 6)
Evolution of Human Rights. (Refer Page No. 9)
2. (a) Bring out the relationship between the international covenant on civil and political rights
and the international covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. (Refer Page No.
95 & 117)
Explain the provisions of Human Rights under U.N. Charter. (Refer Page No. 69)

(b) Write a note on U.D.H.R. 1948.(Refer Page No. 82)

Commission on the status of women under Economic and Social Council.(Refer Page No.

3. (a) Explain the functions of American Commission and American Court of Human
Rights.(Refer Page No. 251)
Discuss the human people’s rights enshrined by the African Charter.(Refer Page No. 257)

(b) Write a note on Rights and Freedoms under European convention. (Refer Page No.
Jurisdiction of the European Court on Human Rights. (Refer Page No. 245)

4. (a) Indian Constitution bears the impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Elucidate. (Refer Page No. 82)

With the help of decided cases explain the role of courts in protecting Human Rights in

India. (Refer Page No. 39)

(b) What are the functions of National Human Rights Commission.(Refer Page No. 538)


Write a note on State Human Rights Commission. (Refer Page No. 549)


5. (a) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has stipulated that the children are entitled

for special care and assistance. Explain the rights of the child. (Refer Page No. 515)


Discuss the rights and freedoms of women enumerated under convention on elimination of

discrimination against women.(Refer Page No. 506)

(b) Write a note on significance of the declaration on the rights of disabled persons. (Refer

Page No. 382)


Rights of Minorities.(Refer Page No. 378)


Duration: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 100


1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions.

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each.

3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely.

1. What are Human Rights? Explain different kinds of human Rights.(Refer Page No. 12)

2. Write an essay on Universalisation of Human Rights. (Refer Page No. 152)

3. Explain International Bill of Human Rights.(Refer Page No. 131)

4. Describe the Rights enshrined in the American convention on Human Rights. (Refer Page

No. 248)
5. Explain the various writs available under the Constitution of India for protection of Human

Rights. (Refer Page No. 560 to 589)

6. Discuss the constitution, powers and functions of National Human Rights Commission.

(Refer Page No. 538)

7. Explain the Rights of women guaranteed under the convention on the Rights of women.

(Refer Page No. 512)

8. Write short note on any two of the following:

a) Human Rights Council (Refer Page No. 489)

b) Amnesty International. (Refer Page No. 141)

c) Rights of Minorities. (Refer Page No. 378)

9. Solve any two of the following problems:

a) A person aged about 22 years was detained by the Sub-Inspector of police out post on the
charge of Theft. Later, his dead body, with wounds was found near a Railway Track. All the
Evidence indicated custodial death. The man’s mother has filed a writ petition against the
government and police for monetary compensation. Is she entitled to get compensation?
Discuss. (Refer Human Rights, Volume - II - Separate Book)
b) The government of Finland has detained John on the charges of committing terrorist
activities. He has been kept in prison for more than 5 months without trail. He has
challenged his detention as violative of Articles 5 and 6 of the European convention on
Human Rights. Decide. (Refer Human Rights, Volume - II - Separate Book)

c) The Karnataka State Government gave permission to a company to start chemical

manufacturing factory in a village near Bengaluru city in the year 2010. Two big lakes are

situated near the village. After two years the chemical factory started releasing polluted

waste water into one of the lakes. This started polluting the lake water and also damaged

the environment. This resulted in health problems to villagers and they want to protect

their village. Advise the villagers. (Refer Human Rights, Volume - II - Separate Book)

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