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Leonardo da Vinci’s Visualization of Gravity as a Form of


Morteza Gharib, Chris Roh, Flavio Noca

Leonardo, Pre-Print Articles, Vol. 56, No. 1, (Article)

Published by The MIT Press

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T e c h n i c a l A r t i c l e

Leonardo da Vinci’s Visualization of

Gravity as a Form of Acceleration
M o r t e z a G h ari b , C h ris R o h , a n d F l av i o N o ca

Despite limited tools, Leonardo da Vinci displayed ingenious problem- Acceleration as a Degree of Velocity

solving. The authors examine a combination of Leonardo’s thought

Throughout his lifetime, Leonardo was fascinated by the dy-
and physical experiments regarding the acceleration of falling objects.
Leonardo recorded that if a water-pouring vase moves transversally namics of objects in motion, from bird flight and projectiles
(sideways), mimicking the trajectory of a vertically falling object, it to falling hail, flowing river, and moving clouds.
generates a right (as in orthogonal) triangle with equal leg length, He worked tirelessly to understand the laws of motion
composed of falling material lining up diagonally (forming the and the nature of the “impetus,” or momentum in modern
hypotenuse) and the vase trajectory forming one of the legs. On the mechanics [2], the parameter that, at the time, was believed
hypotenuse, Leonardo wrote “Equatione di Moti,” or equalization of
to enable objects to move. Leonardo was more intrigued by
motions, noting the equivalence of the two orthogonal motions, one
effected by gravity and the other prescribed by the experimenter. The
a specific type of impetus that caused objects to accelerate
authors present an analytical solution using Newtonian mechanics to toward earth under gravity, or gravitas. Leonardo described
confirm Leonardo’s “Equivalence principle.” the action of gravitas by observing that “a weight that de-
scends freely in every degree of time acquires . . . a degree of
Background velocity” [3]. Many scholars of Leonardo [4–6] note that this
About 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci tried to uncover the statement indicates that Leonardo correctly understood that
mystery of gravity and its connection to acceleration through the velocity of a falling object is a linear function of time. This
a series of ingenious experiments guided only by his imagi- discovery is popularly attributed to Galileo.
nation and masterful experimental techniques. In this article, In his efforts to understand gravity by studying falling ob-
the authors focus on da Vinci’s approach and thought pro- jects, Leonardo conducted a series of experiments with roll-
cesses and present them in the language of contemporary ing balls on inclined surfaces [7] that could be considered the
scholarship. The authors intentionally avoided a historical precursor to the experiments presented in this article. Leon-
review on the subject of gravity, while acknowledging that ardo was clearly aware of the distinction between constant
breakthroughs by Galileo, Isaac Newton, and Loránd Eötvös, velocity and accelerated motion as well as the fact that falling
among others, played essential roles in unraveling the laws of objects do not fall with constant velocity [8]. It is important
gravity and dynamics [1] In this article, we hope to display an to note that the concept of inertia was unknown at that time.
example of problem-solving by a great mind without access In his earlier writings, Leonardo had accepted the Aristote-
to modern measuring instruments or mathematical tools— lian belief that imparting a continuous force is necessary for
just his creativity. any object to move [9]. It must have been puzzling for him to
observe objects such as a rolling ball on an inclined surface
or a stone accelerating toward the ground without any force
imparted to them. In the series of Leonardo’s experiments
we present here, he concentrated on the accelerated motions
from which he could envision a relationship between gravitas
Morteza Gharib (educator), Graduate Aerospace Laboratories, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125, U.S.A. mail: and the natural motion of falling objects without the need for
Chris Roh (educator), Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cor- the Aristotelian concept of continuous force. In his later writ-
nell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, U.S.A. Email:
ings, including a note to himself, he advised: “Speak first of
Flavio Noca (educator), HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western
Switzerland, Geneva, Switzerland. Email:
motion, then of weight because it arises from motion; then of
See for supplemental files associated with
force, which arises from weight and motion” [10]. From what
this issue. we present here, one can arguably conclude that Leonardo’s

©2023 ISAST LEONARDO, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 21–27, 2023 21

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motivation to conduct these experiments was to demonstrate generated prescribed motion could emulate that of a falling
his hunch that gravitas is a form of acceleration and that it object for each degree of time [15]. One may wonder how he
can be simulated to act on an object in any direction. could have conducted such an experiment without having
In his writings, Leonardo used the term moto natural to an accurate timing clock. Reliable timing clocks only became
refer to the “natural motion” of falling objects under earth’s available in 1658, almost 140 years after Leonardo’s death [16].
gravity and moto directo, or “prescribed motion,” to refer to To resolve the lack of time measurement, Leonardo (cor-
the motion of objects with finite acceleration. His approach rectly) assumed that the time it takes an object to reach the
to proving his idea was to find a quantitative equivalence for ground from a given height is constant. Throughout his ex-
“natural motion” through a simulated “prescribed motion” periments, he therefore used height as a measure of time.
that could mimic an object’s natural movement under earth’s In other words, he switched time with space to be able to
gravity, say in a transverse direction. Leonardo’s search for conduct this experiment [17].
this elusive gravity-related “prescribed motion,” as presented
in Arundel MS 263, folio 144v [11], is one of the rare cases Mimicking the “g” Effect
where he tries to show such similarities through “quantitative In this article, we attempt to make a coherent story from
equivalence” rather than through “qualitative analogs” [12]. Leonardo’s scattered writings on connecting “g” to accel-
Considering what was known at the time, Leonardo had a eration. As conjectured above, it appears that Leonardo in-
limited understanding of the nature of the gravitational field. tended to mimic the effect of gravity on an object to show
However, he correctly understood that the velocity of falling that the gravitas effect is not unique; that a similar falling
objects under moto natural is not constant and that veloc- movement could be created through a unique type of pre-
ity increases with time. He was determined to find to what scribed motion in a direction other than toward earth. He
“degree” of velocity a falling object gains for every degree of had already realized that the motion of objects moving to-
time so he could mimic it through a simulated prescribed ward earth is secondary to the more important principle—
motion. In other words, he was, inadvertently, aiming to that the resultant acceleration vector determines an object’s
find the degree, or the constant, that relates time to veloc- motion and trajectory, toward either earth or sky. One can
ity (V = constant × t), or as we know this degree today: the conclude that Leonardo knew that the effect of gravity could
gravitational constant “g” [13]. be countered or modified by acceleration or that the effect
Leonardo conceived of an experiment that, as we show of gravity and acceleration on a given mass are the same and
below, would have a non-Aristotelian nature. He was inspired are thus interchangeable.
by observing fast-moving clouds that produced hail. He con- Leonardo presented the theory behind his jar experiment
jectured that a cloud should have traveled the same distance in the form of a right triangle, shown in his sketch (Fig. 1a)
as the descending hail would have if it had the same velocity [18], where the vertical axis represents the direction of the
behavior of the hail with time [14]. He thought of using a naturally falling motion of an object (moto natural) and the
jar (as the stand-in for the cloud) that could pour sand or horizontal axis represents that of an imposed prescribed
water (to simulate the falling hail) to show that an artificially movement in a transverse direction. As stated above, Leo­

a b c

Fig. 1.  Leonardo’s schematics

and notes for his hypothesis and
experiment of the equivalence of the
effects of acceleration and gravitation
d [24]: (a) Leonardo’s hypothesis;
(b) Leonardo’s presentation of his
experiments with acceleration for
granular materials; (c) and using
liquids; (d) Leonardo’s note on
the formation of an isosceles right
triangle; (e) Leonardo’s descriptions
e of conditions for the transverse
prescribed motion to be equivalent to
the falling natural motion of objects
(see supplementary material for
translations). By permission of the
British Library.

22 Gharib et al., Leonardo da Vinci’s Visualization of Gravity as a Form of Acceleration

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Fig. 2.  Leonardo’s analysis
of his experiment in which
he correctly used the phrase
“equalization of motion” for
the trajectory of an object
moving under two identical
but orthogonal acceleration
fields [25]. By permission of
the British Library.
a b

nardo assumed that all objects falling under moto natural a uniform acceleration) and showed that the granular particles,
will reach the ground from a given height at the same time or continuum liquid, would line up in a straight line, repre-
interval. Thus, he could use the height as a measure of the senting the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle, consistent
time. He also used the marked distances along the horizontal with his prediction. It is important to note that if Leonardo had
axis as a relative measure of time with respect to the triangle’s mimicked a constant velocity (zero acceleration) rather than
vertical height. a constant acceleration for the vase, as we show below, there
Next, Leonardo conjectured that if one releases particles, would be no hypotenuse and thus no triangle would form. It
such as sand for example, continuously from an object such is hard to imagine that Leonardo would have missed seeing
as a vase, that the sand would move along the horizontal axis the equivalency of “g” in the vertical axis with the vase’s physi-
in a prescribed motion (constant acceleration). The move- cal acceleration in the transverse direction. Otherwise, why
ment would represent the hypotenuse of a triangle created did he even try to match it with a type of prescribed motion
by connecting the position of the first particle moving along that produced his celebrated isosceles triangle? To support the
the vertical axis under natural motion to those particles re- above point, we note that on the schematic where he shows
leased subsequently from the vase, thereby representing the an analysis of his experimental results (Fig. 2) [19], Leonardo
location of all particles released up to that instant of time. wrote “equationi di moti,” or equalization of motions, only on
Leonardo applied the above conclusion to any prescribed the isosceles right triangle.
(accelerated) motion of the sand poured from the vase, ex- For today’s experimentalists who consider the visual-
cept for zero acceleration (i.e. constant velocity), for which ization challenges in Leonardo’s experiments, one realizes
no triangle would form; instead it would form a vertical line. that he could not have imaged or seen such a straight line
Following these thoughts, Leonardo claimed that if he (hypotenuse) of the front of the falling sand particles. We
could precisely replicate the same prescribed motion (ac- can only conclude that he used his visual skills and graphical
celeration) for the vase that naturally falling objects are memory to visualize a moving hypotenuse and locate its two
subjected to, but in a transverse direction, then the triangle endpoints. Today, such experiments can be conveniently per-
he previously described would be an isosceles orthogonal formed using high-speed cameras or numerical simulation
triangle (Fig. 1d). We note again that by comparing the dis- of Lagrangian equations of motion. In the next section, we
tances traveled by the falling sand along the vertical axis, present such simulations to gain a better insight into Leon-
Leonardo exchanged time with space as a unit of measure. ardo’s attempts to unravel the nature of gravitas.
To demonstrate equation di moti, or equalization of motions,
Leonardo determined that he needed to keep the height of Simulation of Leonardo’s Experiment
the vase fixed, to mark a horizontal distance equivalent to the Here, we examine Leonardo’s experiment using Newton’s
vertical size, and try to accelerate the vase to reach that dis- second law to show that Leonardo’s observations are con-
tance at the same time the first pieces of sand hit the ground. sistent with modern mechanics. As the vase moved to the
According to Leonardo’s depictions in Arundel MS 263, f143 right, the location and initial horizontal velocity of a released
(Figs 1b,c), he conducted an experiment where he would move particle depended on when the particle was released. The
a vase filled with granular materials (quantita disscontinua) particles, after leaving the vase, no longer experienced hori-
while allowing the contents to fall from the neck of the vase zontal acceleration but rather started to experience vertical
to the right of the point of inception “a.” He reported (deduced gravitational acceleration. Therefore, the “time of release” = ti
by the authors of this article from Leonardo’s figures) that he is suitable for labeling each particle released from the vase.
could exactly mimic the natural motion of falling objects (i.e. (In classical mechanics, this is called the particle’s Lagrangian

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a b c

Fig. 3.  Leonardo’s simulated vase experiments: (a) Leonardo’s experiments; (b) simulation with prescribed acceleration equalling gravity; (c) simulation with prescribed
acceleration equaling quarter of gravity. Particle trajectories are shown in open circle. The vase moves from left to right. The duration of the vase’s movement is 1 second.

description.) The initial position and velocity of the released prescribed and gravitational acceleration are equal (Fig. 3).
particle at ti is Hence, Leonardo had to emulate the “g” type of accelera-
tion for his vase to produce an isosceles triangle. If the vase
Initial Position = xo = –12ati2
was accelerated to a constant velocity, only after which the
Initial Velocity = vx,o = ati particles were released, the line formed by the particles at a
certain moment in time would be vertical lines (Fig. 4a). (See
Thus, the horizontal position of the particles follows Equa-
note, supplementary material, for calculation detail.)
tion 1a:
x(t, ti) = vx,o(ti) * (t – ti) + xo(ti) =
  ati * (t – ti) + –12ati2; t ≥ ti (Equation 1a)
Here t is advancing time, whereas ti is a marker that labels
the particle. All particles’ initial vertical position and velocity
are zero. A particle gains vertical speed under the influence
of gravity. Therefore, the vertical position of the particles re-
leased at ti follows Equation 1b:
z(t, ti) = ––12 g(t – ti)2; t ≥ ti (Equation 1b)
Using Equations 1a and b, we can simulate the various con-
ditions that Leonardo encountered during his experiments.
Figure 3 shows the trajectory of each particle as well as the
shape made by the falling particles. The falling granular par-
ticles do indeed line up in a straight line along the triangle’s
hypotenuse. In a previous study a similar conclusion was
drawn from the graphical construction of particle trajectory
[20]. Notably, Fig. 3 shows that when the prescribed accelera-
tion is equal to “g,” the triangle is isosceles. This observation
can be verified analytically by taking a derivative of x(t, ti)
and z(t, ti) relative to ti at some t = t*. b

dx(t*, ti) dz(t*, ti)

= a(t* – ti); = g(t* – ti)
dti dti

dz g
slope = = (Equation 2)
dx a
Equation 2 shows that the slope is independent of t* and ti. Fig. 4.  Particle trajectories simulated with a vase moving with constant velocity
Thus, the slope of the released particles is the same every­ followed by a constant horizontal acceleration to one “g” at time = 5. The vase
moves from left to right. The straight blue lines represent all the particles at the
where and time invariant. The slope of the hypotenuse is
same moment in time. The curved black lines represent the particles’ trajectories
equal to the ratio between the gravitational and the pre- followed through time. (a) stationary frame of reference; (b) vase’s frame of
scribed acceleration. The slope is equal to one only if the reference.

24 Gharib et al., Leonardo da Vinci’s Visualization of Gravity as a Form of Acceleration

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Fig. 5.  Gravitational and pseudo-acceleration fields in Leonardo’s experiment. The gravitational field is modified by the pseudo-acceleration of magnitude a = g,
a = g/2, a = g/4. The solid lines represent particle trajectories of particles released from the origin.

Pseudo-Acceleration Leonardo’s Estimation of “g”

Leonardo’s studies of objects in free fall demonstrate that gravi- Another intriguing aspect of Leonardo’s efforts to understand
tational and pseudo-acceleration fields are indistinguishable gravity and its nature was his attempt to develop a quantita-
locally when their magnitudes are the same. To visualize this, it tive presentation of natural motion. In a diagram (Fig. 2), he
is useful to imagine an observer running with the accelerating wrote “natural motion” next to the vertical leg, which indi-
vase. The accelerating frame of reference does not change the cates that this was his model for particles free-falling under
relative distance between the released particles; therefore, the gravitational pull. To represent this motion, Leonardo drew
released particles’ geometry appears the same to both station- a line between the object’s initial and final locations and bi-
ary and accelerating observers (Fig. 5). sected the line several times. Presumably, the distance be-
In this noninertial frame of reference, a pseudo-accel- tween consecutive bisecting locations represents the distance
eration field is created in the horizontal direction (Fig. 5). the object traveled during a fixed time-step. Mathematically,
The horizontal acceleration field modifies the gravitational after scaling the time and distance with a single time-step
field, pointing the resultant acceleration field in the direc- (total travel time divided by the number of steps) and initial
tion of their vector sum. Such an acceleration field allows the length (total distance traveled divided by two to the power
particles to follow only a rectilinear trajectory at a resulting of number of steps), his model can be represented as follows:
vector angle. (If the acceleration field is time-varying, e.g.
Leonardo’s model: z(t) = 2(t–1)n (Equation 3)
x(t) = t3, then the particles would not line up on the triangle’s
hypotenuse.) Moreover, when the gravitational and pseudo- where n is the number of successive bisections of the to-
acceleration fields are equal in magnitude, the hypotenuse is tal distance traveled (see note, supplementary material, for
a 45° angle (Fig. 5). Thus, Leonardo’s right isosceles triangle scaling details). This disagrees with Newtonian mechanics,
formed by the particles lining up is a unique case in which which has reversed exponent and base (Fig. 6a):
the gravitational and the pseudo-acceleration field are locally
Accurate model: z(t) = t2 (Equation 4)
equivalent. The sudden formation of the triangle and the dis-
covery of its isosceles nature demonstrating the equivalence One might dismiss Leonardo’s description of free-
of moto natural and moto transversal might have been a eu- falling motion under gravity as entirely wrong. How-
reka moment for Leonardo.

a b c

Fig. 6.  Comparison of doubling trajectory (Equation 5) and quadratic trajectory (Equation 6). (a) Time interval from 0 to 1. (b) Best-fit curve, z(t) = 0.977 · t 2,
through Leonardo’s model. (c) Number of halving (n) versus root-mean-square difference (see supplementary note for details)

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ever, in his manuscript, we noted the consistent way the experiment that he depicted in his manuscript,
he described the falling motion; he bisected the tra- then he could have been the first human who know-
jectory of an object four times and four times only ingly generated a “g” force effect without being in a
(Fig. 2) [21]. In Equation 5, n is set to 4. Interest- free-fall condition.
ingly, when n = 4, Equations 3 and 4 have a minimum It is intriguing to ask whether Leonardo had the
root-mean-square difference for time interval 0 to 1 equations of motion, unformulated, in front of him
(Fig. 6b; see note, supplementary material, for the (as Martin Kemp puts it) [22] and whether he had
calculation detail). Leonardo’s restrained use of this the power of insight or feeling for these equations. As
model may have been an attempt to best represent with Galileo, Leonardo’s geometrical representation
his experimentally observed trajectory. Furthermore, of the equation of motion (Fig. 2) is as insightful as
fitting z(t) = a · t2 to Leonardo’s five data points, where Newtonian mechanics’ representations of equations
a is a free parameter representing nondimensional of motion. But we had to wait another 200 years to
gravitational acceleration, shows that Leonardo’s see the power of differential calculus, which allowed
gravitational constant is 0.9774 (95% confidence in- Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to formu-
terval, 0.8535, 1.101), which is close to the nondimen- late equations of motion as we know them today.
sional gravity of 1 (Fig. 6c). These two observations For Leonardo, waiting for the future of mathematics
suggest that Leonardo’s model of natural motion, to arrive was not an option, and that is why he re-
while imperfect, was an accurate representation of ferred to his discovery as the “equatione di moti,” or
his observation of falling objects. equalization (equation) of motion. In the history of
physics and mechanics, the next time this phrase was
Conclusion used was by Sir Isaac Newton in his 1688 “principia
By developing a geometrical equivalency approach to mathematica philosophiae naturalis” or “Mathemati-
demonstrate the laws of motion, Leonardo showed cal Principles of Natural Philosophy.” After Newton,
remarkable insight into the dynamics of falling ob- Albert Einstein referred to the equivalency of gravity
jects by avoiding the need to know the exact value of and acceleration, when he introduced the principles
“g,” as long as we assume that “g” represents the rate of “strong equivalency” while developing his theory
of change of velocity or acceleration. If he conducted of relativity in the early twentieth century [23].

Acknowledgments 4 E. Macagno, “Leonardian Fluid Mechanics—Unexplored Flow Stud-

ies in the Codex Arundel 263,” IIHR Monograph 106 (February 1989).
We thank Raimondo Pictet, whose work was crucial in translating the
legends of figures from MS Arundel 263l, f143, and f217. We also thank 5 K.D. Keele, Leonardo Da Vinci’s Elements of Science of Man (1983)
davidkremers for his encouragement and support during the initiation p. 94.
of this project. Morteza Gharib acknowledges that he was inspired by
Martin Kemp and his book Seen Unseen. In addition, we thank the Brit- 6 Capra [2] pp. 192–193.
ish Library for permission to use original images from the Arundel MS
263. Transcriptions of Leonardo’s handwriting are taken from Biblioteca 7 Keele [5].
Leonardiana (
8 MS. M, folio 59v.

References and Notes 9 See Ref. [8].

Author contributions: M.G. conceived the concept. M.G., F.N., and C.R. 10 Codex Atlanticus, folio 42iv.
conducted the data collection. C.R. and M.G. analyzed and modeled
the data. M.G. and C.R equally contributed to writing the manuscript. 11 Arundel MS 263, folio 144v.

1 J.E. Faller, “The Measurement of Little g: A Fertile Ground for Pre- 12 M. Kemp, Seen Unseen: Art, Science, and Intuition from Leonardo to
cision Measurement Science,” Journal of Research of the National the Hubble Telescope (2006).
Institute of Standards and Technology 110 (2005) pp. 559–581. 13 S. Magazu et al., “Leonardo da Vinci: Cause, Effect, Linearity, and
2 F. Capra, Learning from Leonardo: Decoding the Notebooks of a Memory,” Journal of Advanced Research 14 (2018) pp. 117–122.
Genius (Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2013) pp. 180–181. 14 Arundel MS 263, folio 216v.
3 MS. M, folio 45r. 15 Arundel MS 263, folio 144rp1.

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16 W. I. Milham, Time & Timekeepers: Including the History, Con­ Manuscript received 9 August 2021.
struction, Care, and Accuracy of Clocks and Watches (New York:
Macmillan, 1945). Morteza Gharib is a professor of aeronautics and medical
engineering at California Institute of Technology. He is also the
17 See Ref. [14].
director of Graduate Aerospace Laboratory at Caltech (GAL-
18 Arundel MS 263, folio 143. CIT).
19 Arundel MS 263, folio 217r. Chris Roh is an assistant professor of biological and environ-
mental engineering at Cornell University. He is the principal
20 E. Macagno, “Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions in the Flow
investigator of the in vivo Fluid Dynamics Lab.
Studies of Leonardo da Vinci,” Raccoalta Vinciana 24 (1992) pp.
251–276. Flavio Noca is a professor of aerodynamics at HEPIA
21 See Refs. 11 and 19; also Arundel MS 263, folio 217v. (HES-SO University of Applied Science). He also lectures at
the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne.
22 Kemp [12].
23 J. Ishiwara, Einstein Ko-en Roku (The Record of Einstein’s Addresses)
Tokyo–Tosho Tokyo (1971) p. 78.
24 See Ref. [18].
25 See Ref. [19].

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