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Tennis Performance Research Group, Spanish Tennis Federation (RFET), Barcelona, Spain; 2Faculty of Physical Activity and
Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Granada, Spain; 3Royal Netherlands Lawn Tennis Association, Amersfoort,
The Netherlands; 4Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and 5ASPIRE, Academy for Sports Excellence,
Doha, Qatar

ABSTRACT running speeds. The results indicate that, independently

Fernandez-Fernandez, J, Sanz-Rivas, D, Sanchez-Muñoz, C, of ability, tennis match play satisfies the American College of
Pluim, BM, Tiemessen, I, and Mendez-Villanueva, A. A compari- Sports Medicine recommendations for quantity and quality of
son of the activity profile and physiological demands between exercise for the development and maintenance of cardiovas-
advanced and recreational veteran tennis players. J Strength cular fitness in healthy adults and seems to be a viable and
Cond Res 23(2): 604–610, 2009—The aim of the study was to highly popular mode of healthy activity.
examine whether differences in playing level influence the KEY WORDS energy expenditure, fitness, heart rate, racquet
activity profile and physiological demands of advanced and sports, oxygen uptake
recreational veteran men’s tennis players during an hour of
tennis match play. Ten advanced (International Tennis Number INTRODUCTION
[ITN] 3–5, 45.3 6 5.1 years) and 10 recreational (ITN 7–9,

ennis is one of the most popular sports worldwide;
44.8 6 4.7 years) veteran men’s tennis players participated in
however, relatively few studies have investigated
4 experimental sessions: (1) an ITN on-court assessment, (2) the activity profile and physical demands during
a laboratory incremental treadmill test, (3) an hour of simulated play (2,4,6,28,31). A better understanding of the
tennis match play, and (4) 30 minutes of tennis match play physiological demands and movement profile of tennis is
using a portable gas analyzer. Subjects’ V_ O2 and heart rate (HR) important, to develop optimal practice drills and to give
were recorded by portable analyzers. Moreover, energy expen- sound training recommendations. In addition, knowledge
diture was evaluated by indirect calorimetry. Temporal structure of the intensity, volume of work involved, and estimation
and distance covered were determined from video recordings. of energy expenditure in playing tennis enables a comparison
Subjects’ V_ O2 (24.5 6 4.1 vs. 23.3 6 3 mlkg21min21), HR to be made between tennis and other forms of physical activ-
(148.3 6 11.5 vs. 149.8 6 8.4 bpm), duration of rallies (DR) ity from a health perspective, which may lead professional
tennis organizations (e.g., International Tennis federation
(6.3 6 4.1 vs. 7.6 6 5.5 seconds), and effective playing time
[ITF]) to espouse health benefits of tennis participation on
(EPT) (21.7 6 5.0 vs. 23.6 6 5.4%), HR (148.3 6 11.5 vs.
the basis of experimental interventions (13,24).
149.8 6 8.4 bpm), and energy expenditure (263.1 6 49.4 and
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), to
281.3 6 61.8 kcalmin21) during play did not differ significantly promote and maintain health in healthy adults, recommends
(p . 0.05) between advanced and recreational players. The engaging in moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity (i.e.,
advanced players covered significantly more meters than the intensities of 40–60% of V_ O2max; 60–75% of maximum heart
recreational players during their 1-hour tennis matches (mean 6 rate [HRmax]) for a minimum of 30 mind21, 5 dwk21 or
SD: 3568.8 6 532.2 vs. 3173.8 6 226 m, p , 0.01) at lower vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., 60% of V_ O2max; 75%
HRmax) for a minimum of 20 mind21, 3 dwk21 (1,13).
Previous studies on the physiological demands of tennis have
Address correspondence to Jaime Fernandez-Fernandez, jauma_fernandez@ focused on activity profile (2,8,15,19,20,23,26,28), heart rate (HR) (2,8,15,15,20), blood lactate concentrations (2,4,8,24,28,30),
23(2)/604–610 and V_ O2 (9,28,29) during tennis play. Mean HR during singles
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research play ranged from 140 to 180 bpm, equating to 70–90%
Ó 2009 National Strength and Conditioning Association HRmax, and mean V_ O2 during play ranged from 23 to
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40 mlkg21min21, reflecting 50–80% V_ O2max (8,15,16). Laboratory Treadmill Test

Thus, exercise intensity during singles tennis play seems On arrival at the laboratory, anthropometric measurements
high enough to categorize it as a moderate- to vigorous- including height and weight were determined, and skinfold
intensity sport. However, most of the previous studies measurements were taken. Percent body fat was determined
investigated young, regular tennis practitioners exclusively from the sum of 7 skinfolds (34) using a Lange skinfold caliper
(2,4,6,8,19,20,23,26,28), who usually carry out intensive (Takei Grip-A, Takei Scientific Instruments, Japan). The
tennis practice with the goal of mastering sport-specific complete set of skinfold measures was taken 3 times, and
skills. It is likely that many of the adults who can choose median values were used for analytical purposes. All subjects
tennis as the preferred physical activity to promote and performed a maximal exercise test on a motorized treadmill
maintain health have lower-skill levels than their younger (RAM 550S) to determine HRmax and V_ O2max. The
and more dedicated counterparts. As tennis has an important treadmill test consisted of an initial workload of 8 kmh21
technical component, poor sport-specific skills can prevent with an increase of 2 kmh21 every 3 minutes at a constant
less skilled practitioners from deriving sufficient health grade of 3%, with a 1-minute break between each stage, until
benefits out of tennis match play (18). Therefore, the aim exhaustion (31). Respiratory gas exchange measures were
of this study was to examine the physiological parameters taken using a breath-by-breath portable gas analyzer (K4b2,
(HR, V_ O2), energy expenditure, and activity profiles of Cosmed, Rome, Italy) and recorded at 5-second intervals.
advanced (high skill level) and recreational (low to average Heart rate was recorded by the K4b2 with athletes wearing
skill level) tennis players during match play. In addition, this a chest belt (Suunto t6). The volume calibration of the system
study investigated whether the physical demands of tennis for gas analysis was conducted before each test day, and the
meet the criteria laid down by the ACSM for improving and gas calibration was performed before each test using instruc-
maintaining cardiovascular fitness in healthy adults (1,13). tions provided by the manufacturer. The highest 30-second
mean V_ O2 and HR values measured during the test were used
METHODS as maximum reference values (HRmax and V_ O2max). Criteria
Experimental Approach to the Problem for determination of V_ O2max included plateau in V_ O2 despite
To determine whether tennis match play can provide an an increase in workload, respiratory exchange ratio .1.1, and
adequate intensity stimulus to improve cardiovascular HR . 90% of predicted HRmax (12).
capacity, we recruited 20 physically active recreational (n =
10) and advanced (n = 10) men’s tennis players. The variables
On-Court Testing
analyzed were used to describe various physical and
International Tennis Number Test. The ITN On Court Assess-
physiological responses of veteran (i.e., $40 years) tennis
ment is an objective on-court assessment based on a set
players when playing an hour of tennis.
number of tennis-specific tasks (i.e., ball control, accuracy,
Subjects power), developed as a tool to enable players to benchmark
The study population consisted of 20 men’s tennis players, their tennis level against themselves and others around the
divided into 2 groups according to standards of play based on world (14). The ITN On Court Assessment was performed
the International Tennis Number (ITN) test, which represents following the instructions provided by the International
a player’s general level of play (14). The subjects in the first Tennis Federation (
group (group A) were advanced tennis players (ITN levels A ball machine (Tennis Tower, Professional Model, Sports
3–5, which represent top division/middle division county Tutor Inc.) was used to feed balls to the players who were
players and top club team players). The subjects in the second tested. A radar machine (Speed Chek, Personal Sports Radar,
group (group B) were recreational tennis players (ITN levels Tribar Industries Inc.) was used to measure ball velocities
7–9, which represent lower club team players and players during the ITN tests. Previous research has demonstrated the
competing regularly in singles and/or doubles) (14). Each accuracy of the ball feed from the tennis ball machine (5).
subject gave written informed consent to participate in the study,
Tennis Match Play. Each player (groups A and B) played
which was approved by the university institutional review board
a singles match of 1 hour (in pairs), resulting in 10 matches
for studies involving human subjects. A medical examination
(5 matches for players of group A and 5 matches for players of
was required of all subjects before participation in the study.
group B). All players were equipped with a Suunto t6
Study Design chest-belt telemetry monitor to record HR. Before each
Four experimental sessions were conducted during a 30-day match, subjects performed a standardized warm-up for
testing period: a) the ITN on-court assessment, b) a laboratory 5 minutes, including ground strokes (players were asked to
incremental treadmill test to identify HRmax and V_ O2max, c) play the balls to the center of the court), volleys plus overhead
an hour of simulated tennis match play with video analysis plays (one player on the baseline, the other playing volleys),
to record the activity profile and HR monitoring, and d) and services. All matches were conducted on an outdoor clay
30 minutes of tennis match play using a portable gas analyzer court and were played according to the rules of the ITF. A set
to determine V_ O2 and energy expenditure during play. of 4 new balls (Slazenger, London, UK) was used for each test.

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 2 | MARCH 2009 | 605

Copyright © N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Veteran Tennis Players

Activity Profile. Each player was individually videotaped for 0.80 or higher was considered reliable (27). The differences
the entire duration of the match. A match protocol developed between the group mean values of the variables measured
by Smekal et al. (31), which has been shown to be reliable with the treadmill test and the on-court assessments were
(20), was used to monitor and record the duration of each tested by unpaired Student t-tests. Data were checked for
game and each rally, the duration of the rest intervals normality (Shapiro-Wilk test), and, in cases of nonnormality,
between games and changeover breaks, and the number of nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank tests were performed.
shots per rally. From these data, the following variables were Values of p # 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
calculated for each game: 1) the duration of rallies (DR in Data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software (version
seconds), 2) the rest times (RT in seconds), 3) the work:rest 13.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill).
ratio (W:R; the ratio of duration of rallies to rest times), 4)
effective playing time (EPT; expressed as a percentage of the RESULTS
total time of play in a game), and 5) strokes per rally (SR).
Subjects’ characteristics and the results of the laboratory
The EPT was determined by dividing the entire playing time
treadmill test are shown in Table 1. Both groups were com-
of a game (from the beginning of the first rally until the end of
parable with regard to age, height, weight, and fat percentage.
the last rally) by the real playing time (sum of the single
In addition, there were no statistically significant differences
duration of rallies) performed in a specific game.
in the mean V_ O2max (p = 0.64) and HRmax (p = 0.25) values
Distance Covered and Running Speed. The distance covered (m) that advanced and recreational players achieved during the
during the entire match by each individual player and the time treadmill test.
spent (seconds) in various speed categories were measured
using the software Winanalyze V1.4 (Mikromak, Berlin, Activity Profile
Germany) (6,7,24,25). This automated software tracks a visual The variables describing the characteristics of the matches for
marker frame-by-frame in the video files taken during the both groups are shown in Table 2. The results show that
matches. The visual marker was set afterward and was placed differences between the advanced and recreational players in
on the right hip of each tennis player. This position was DR (p = 0.98), RT (p = 0.94), SR (p = 1.00), and EPT (p =
chosen because during the analysis it became apparent that 0.80) were not statistically significant. Figure 1 shows the
the visual marker kept best track on the right hip compared mean distribution of work (i.e., DR) and recovery (i.e., RT)
with all other body parts. In case the visual marker lost track, periods at given time intervals during the 166 games
the marker position was reset manually by one experimenter. analyzed. For both groups, most of the rallies (about 55%)
Final marker positions were analyzed using Matlab 6.5 (The were performed at time intervals between 1 and 6 seconds
Mathworks, Natick, Mass) to calculate distance covered and (p , 0.05); when combined with rallies between 6 and
running speed (by differentiation). Five different speed 9 seconds (about 20%), this represents 70–80% of the total
categories were defined according to a study by Burgess points performed during the matches in groups A and B.
et al. (3): 0–7, 7–12, 12–18, 18–24, and .24 kmh21. More than 70% of the RT was between 9 and 18 seconds.
Test-retest reliability of the method was assessed within More than 60% of all rallies demanded players to execute
1 tennis match. between 1 and 2 strokes (p , 0.05). When combined with
rallies demanding 3–4 strokes, this accounted for more than
Physiological Demands 90% of the total rallies.
V_ O2 Measurement During Match Play. A week after the singles
match play, 13 players (group A, n = 7, group B, n = 6) played
singles for 30 minutes, using a Cosmed K4 portable gas
analyzer to measure V_ O2 and to estimate the quantity of TABLE 1. Subject characteristics.
energy expended during tennis play. Subjects’ V_ O2 and HR
were determined at 5-second intervals. Energy expenditure Advanced Recreational
was calculated from the V_ O2 values using 5 kcalL21 O2 players players
(n = 10) (n = 10)
as the caloric equivalent. Values were averaged for the
30 minutes of each tennis match to obtain the total energy Age (y) 44.3 6 5.1 44.8 6 4.7
expenditure (31). Weight (kg) 75.9 6 7.9 79 6 3.9
Height (cm) 176.1 6 4 177 6 3.6
Statistical Analyses Fat (%) 21.6 6 3.2 21.9 6 4.8
Mean and SD were calculated for all specified outcome HRmax (bpm) 180.3 6 6.5 185.3 6 5.3
measures in groups A and B. Differences in rally duration, rest V_ O2max 44.9 6 4.3 44.1 6 3
times, and strokes per rally were evaluated using 2-factor (mlkg21min21)
analysis of variance. To test the test-retest reliability of the Values are mean 6 SD. HRmax = maximum heart rate.
Winanalyze system, we assessed the intraclass correlation
coefficient for single measures. An intraclass coefficient of
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Advanced players spent more time in the lowest speed

category (0–7 kmh21) than recreational players and less time
TABLE 2. Movement pattern and associated in all higher-speed categories.
physiological responses during 1 hour of tennis
match play. Physiological Demands During On-Court Assessment
The physiological responses of the on-court assessment (i.e., 1
Advanced Recreational
hour of tennis match play and 30 minutes of play wearing the
players players
portable gas analyzer), which were calculated as mean values
DR (s) 6.3 6 4.1 7.6 6 5.5 for all games performed by players, are displayed in Tables 2, 3
RT (s) 14.5 6 5.2 13.9 6 5.5 and 4, respectively. During 1 hour of tennis match play,
W:R 1:2.3 1:1.8 differences in HR (p = 0.61) and %HR (p = 0.52) were not
EPT (%) 21.7 6 5 23.6 6 5.4
SR (no.) 2.1 6 1.3 2.3 6 1.6 significantly different between advanced and recreational
Distance 3568.8 6 532.2* 3173.8 6 226.0 players. The results also show no significant differences
covered (m) between the advanced and recreational players in HR (p =
HR (bpm) 148.3 6 11.5 149 6 8.4 0.39), HRmax (p = 0.79) and V_ O2 (p = 0.54) percentage of
%HRmax 80.4 6 5.1 80.7 6 3.5 laboratory V_ O2max (%V_ O2max; (p = 0.55), percentage of
Values are mean 6 SD. DR = duration of rallies; RT = laboratory HRmax (%HRmax) (p = 0.90), or energy expen-
resting time between rallies; W:R = work-to-rest ratio; diture (p = 0.18) during the 30 minutes of play wearing the
EPT = effective playing time; SR = indicates strokes per portable gas analyzer.
rally; HR = heart rate; %HRmax = percentage of maximal
heart rate obtained in the laboratory.
*Significant difference between groups (p = 0.04). DISCUSSION
The purpose of this study was to provide a physiological basis
on which to recommend regular tennis play as a healthy
exercise modality in middle-age individuals. Accordingly,
Distance Covered this study investigated movement patterns, physiological
The reliability of the Winanalyze system for measuring the responses, and energy costs during tennis match play. The
distance covered during play was high. The intraclass coef- main finding of the present study was that singles tennis
ficient for single measures was 0.98, with a lower bound of match play can satisfy the ACSM recommendations for
0.57. The advanced players covered significantly more meters quantity and quality of exercise for the development and
than the recreational players during their 1 hour of tennis maintenance of cardiovascular fitness in healthy adults (1,13)
match play (3568.8 6 532.2 vs. 3173.8 6 226 m, p = 0.04, regardless of the playing ability of the participants (i.e.,
Table 2). Running speed between the advanced and recrea- recreational vs. advanced players).
tional players revealed differences in the average speed while Time motion analysis is important to quantify the
playing (3.8 6 0.3 vs. 5.0 6 0.3 kmh21, p , 0.01) and in the physiological responses and requirements of a particular
total time spent in the different speed categories (Table 3). sport (28,32). The present motion analysis characteristics (see
Table 2) showed no significant
differences between groups,
with average values (DR  7
seconds, RT  14 seconds, SR
 2 seconds) in agreement with
previous studies (8,16,17). In-
terestingly, playing level (ad-
vanced vs. recreational) did not
influence activity patterns dur-
ing tennis match play (see Table
2). We have previously shown
that physiological responses
during tennis match play are
influenced by movement pat-
terns (9,20). Thus, as can be
expected, none of the measured
physiological responses were
Figure 1. Mean percentage of playing time and rest intervals during an hour of simulated match play. Black and
white bars represent the duration of rallies (DR) and rest time (RT), respectively, for group A. Dotted and stripped significantly affected by the
bars represent the DR and RT, respectively, for group B. playing levels of the subjects in
the present study.

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 2 | MARCH 2009 | 607

Copyright © N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Veteran Tennis Players

the current study: they drew

a grid on a 21-inch flatscreen
TABLE 3. Speed analysis: the average speed and the amount of time (s) the advanced television and calculated a pro-
and recreational players spent in each speed category during 1 hour of tennis match portionality model. They did
not describe the reliability of
Advanced Recreational this method.
players players A subject’s V_ O2max value is
(n = 10) (n = 10) p an interesting variable from
21 which to glean information
Average speed (kmh ) 3.8 6 0.3 5.0 6 0.3* ,0.01
Walking (s) 2772.0 6 231.4 2525.2 6 194.3† 0.02 about the intensity of play
Jogging (s) 365.8 6 68.8 450.4 6 53.6* ,0.01 during a match, and it also may
Striding (s) 126.5 6 35.0 221.6 6 36.9* ,0.01 serve as a reference from which
Sprinting (s) 24.6 6 8.1 73.2 6 13.3* ,0.01 to provide practical informa-
Max speed (s) 11.2 6 8.6 29.6 6 9.1* ,0.01
tion about suitable condition-
Total match duration 3300 3300
ing for different players (8).
*p , 0.01; †p = 0.02. The mean V_ O2max of players
involved in our study was 44.9
and 44.1 mlkg21min21 for
advanced and recreational
During 1-hour matches of tennis, players covered distances players, respectively. Normative V_ O2max values for sedentary
of approximately 3–3.5 km at different running speeds. adults range between 30 and 40 mlkg21min21, and the mean
Although the emphasis of running speed is in the lowest V_ O2max reported for regular tennis players ranged from 35 to
speed category (i.e., walking 75–80% of the total time), players 65 mlkg21min21, depending on age, gender, and training
still need to accelerate for 10–15 minutes to reach the level (9,16,17). According to the ACSM, the minimal training
necessary running speeds to get to the ball in time. In this intensity threshold for cardiovascular exercise is approxi-
study, advanced players covered greater distances than mately 50% V_ O2max. Studies using portable gas analyzers
recreational players. This can be explained by the higher have reported V_ O2 levels during tennis play ranging from 23
skill level of the advanced players, enabling them to hit to 29 mlkg21min21 (2,8,23,31). This corresponds to about
sharper angles and resulting in full use of the court and longer 50% V_ O2max, with values ranging from 46 to 56% V_ O2max
running distances. However, speed analysis also revealed that (8,16,17). In our study, both groups achieved the recom-
advanced players had lower average speeds and spent more mended stimulus for effective initiation of cardiovascular
time in the lowest speed category (walking) during the 1 hour adaptations and conditioning as expressed by the percentage
of tennis match play compared with recreational players, of V_ O2max (50–85%), with exercise intensities ranging from
demonstrating a more continuous movement pattern on 53 to 55% V_ O2max, which is slightly above the minimum
court. These findings cannot be explained by longer rally intensity recommended by the ACSM (1,13). Moreover, the
durations of the advanced players because rally duration and results show no significant differences between groups,
EPT were not significantly different between the 2 groups. suggesting that a lower technical level (i.e., in the recreational
The most likely explanation is the better anticipation of the group) did not prevent these players from obtaining a positive
advanced players. Although the advanced players have to cardiovascular stimulus.
cover more meters during play (because of the wider angles) The measurement of match HR provides a useful index of
compared with recreational players, by anticipating well, overall physiological strain during play. The mean HR in
advanced players could use lower speeds to move to the ball. trained players ages 20–30 years ranges from 140 to 160 and
The values found for distance covered in this study were from 95 to 165 bpm during singles and doubles tennis
much higher than those reported by Murias et al. (21), who competitions, respectively, rising to 190–200 bpm during long
reported 1447 6 143 m for nationally ranked players on and fast rallies, reflecting phases of high activity (8,16,17).
a clay court during 90 minutes of play. The distances covered These mean values represent approximately 70–90% HRmax.
by the hard court players in that study were even lower The average HR values in this study were close to 150 bpm
(1199 6 168 m), which was to be expected, because rallies on for advanced and recreational players, with no significant
hard courts tend to be shorter than rallies on clay courts. differences between groups, which represented approxi-
There are several explanation for this difference. The main mately 80% HRmax. These values are well above the
reason may be that Murias et al. (21) only analyzed distances threshold (60% HRmax) for the cardiovascular training effect
when the ball was in play, whereas in the current study the and are, therefore, within the recommended cardiovascular
walking distances for picking up the ball and changing ends training zone for the entire hour of tennis play regardless of
were included as well. Furthermore, Murias et al. (21) used experience and level. Thus, on the basis of exercise HR
a different, less accurate methodology than the one used in responses, both groups achieved the recommended stimulus
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different playing levels (i.e., recreational vs. advanced players).

No significant differences between the groups were found in
TABLE 4. Physiological responses during 30 minutes any of the parameters investigated. The results also suggest
of tennis match play. that regular tennis play (i.e., 2–3 times per week) can satisfy
Advanced Recreational the ACSM recommendations for quantity and quality of
players players exercise for the development and maintenance of cardiovas-
(n = 7) (n = 6) cular fitness in healthy adults, regardless of the playing ability
of the participants (i.e., recreational vs. advanced players).
HR (bpm) 150.5 6 7.8 148 6 7
%HRmax 83.5 6 3.5 79.8 6 2.8
_ 2(mlkg21min21) 24.5 6 4.1
_ 2max
%Vo 54.9 6 9.5 53.0 6 7.1 The results of the present study suggest that individuals
Energy expenditure 263.1 6 49.4 281.3 6 61.8
playing tennis on a regular basis (2–3 times a week) can work
at a sufficient intensity to meet the ACSM’s recommenda-
Values are mean 6 SD. HR = heart rate; %HRmax = tions for enhancing aerobic fitness and promoting total body
percentage of maximal heart rate obtained in the mass and fat weight loss (1,13) regardless of their playing
ability (i.e., recreational vs. advanced players). Therefore,
even players with low to average skill capacities could obtain
positive health benefits from regular tennis play. Moreover,
the ACSM suggests that adults also will benefit from
for effective initiation of cardiovascular adaptations and performing activities that maintain or increase muscular
conditioning as prescribed by the ACSM (60–90% HRmax) strength and endurance for a minimum of 2 dwk21 (13).
(1,13). Therefore, tennis, in combination with supervised strength
The ACSM guidelines recommend that an exercise routine workouts, would therefore be an ideal sport to improve
should elicit an expenditure of 300 kcal and be performed for physical activity levels of the general population, and it may
a minimum of 3 dwk21 for total body mass and fat weight have positive benefits on lifelong health.
loss (1,13). An expenditure of 200 kcal is also recommended if
the frequency is more than 3 times per week. Data in this ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
study indicate a moderate caloric expenditure for this mode
of exercise (~265 and ~280 kcalmin21 for 30 minutes of This work was supported by a research grant from the
match play in advanced and recreational players, respec- International Tennis Federation (ITF). The authors would like
tively), which supports the notion that tennis is an exercise to thank the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation (RFET) and
modality that can be appropriately prescribed for enhancing the FIATC insurance company (Barcelona, Spain), especially
weight control and fat weight loss. On the basis of the Arnau Florit, Drs Angel Cotorro, and Angeles Estruch for
responses of the subjects to an hour of tennis match play, it their technical assistance. Moreover, the authors thank the
would require approximately 30 minutes to expend approx- members of Real Club de Tenis Barcelona 1899 (Barcelona,
imately 260–280 kcal (i.e., between 8 and 10 kcalmin21). Spain), players and especially Ventura Durall for giving their
These values are similar to the results obtained by other time and effort to participate in this study.
authors (10,11,23). Thus, during 1 hour of singles tennis play,
a recreational tennis player would be expected to burn REFERENCES
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VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 2 | MARCH 2009 | 609

Copyright © N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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