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To ensure that every learner understands the learning objectives for a lesson and
how to judge their own progress, assessment is a vital tool that should always be present in
our everyday classroom teaching and learning processes.

As teachers, we should have a good classroom assessment strategy to collect evidence of

student learning so that we can make instructional decisions. It informs teachers about what
their students know and can do. Teachers must also identify what students misinterpret and
where the misconceptions are in order to plan effective instruction. A good classroom
assessment plan provides a road map for students as well as assists teachers in constructing the
next educational stages. Therefore, students should have access to the assessment at all times so
that they can utilize it to inform and steer their learning.
During my classroom observation 2, one of the observable indicators required was
developing, selecting, and organizing diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment
strategies consistent with curriculum requirements. I utilized diagnostic, or pre-assessment, and
formative assessments only in my lesson plan. Because my topic during observation did not
cover the entire topic or was just a portion of a topic, summative assessment was not included in
my lesson plan.

I employed "Mobile Legend Classroom," an offline game in which students were asked
to identify the raw materials of the given commodity goods. After that, they were provided with
a few questions touching on the topic of the lesson as part of my pre-assessment. In this task, it
helped me to evaluate their strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to their

Moreover, as part of my formative assessment, I employed different activities such as

creating a concept map guided by the module, doing editorial cartooning analysis, and writing a
gratitude letter. Also, upon discussing the lesson, there were several questions to assess the
student’s comprehension of the lesson. This formative assessment helped me identify concepts
that my students were struggling to understand, skills they were having difficulty acquiring, and
learning standards they had not yet achieved. This allows me to adjust or make changes to the
lessons and my instructional techniques.

Realizing this, students should not be measured solely by the end result. Learning is a
process, and I believe that actual learning takes place during this process. Aside from being
graded on the basic information, students should be measured on how well they apply their
knowledge and skills, especially in their daily lives.


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