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I presented data on the inflation

rate in the form of a statistical
graph during the discussion.
While the questions guided them,
the students examined the data
that engaged them to calculate
and determine the percentage
change in price or inflation rate.
It implies that the students
comprehended the given data
with the help of processing

To discuss the causes of

inflation, I gave them a
group activity called
"Quescussion”, in which
each group received a picture
to analyze and answer the
guide questions. The
students were asked to read
the module in order to
accomplish their tasks.
Whatever answer they come
up with and agree upon will
be written in the provided
learning material.
One of the formative
assessments given to the
students was “Balitanalisis."
Students were asked to
determine which causes of
inflation are reflected in the
article's content after reading
it. They discussed and
showed their answer using
their chosen task from the
given differentiated

In the assimilation part, I

used the "Pledge of
Commitment," where
students were asked to fill
in the blanks on what they
should do to deal with the
problem or challenges
caused by inflation.
To discuss the concept,
subsectors, and importance
of the industrial sector,
students were instructed to
create a concept map. They
successfully provided their
answer after reading their
module. Through the
information they had
acquired from what they
had read, students also
answered the follow-up
questions comprehensively.

For a thorough discussion

of the industrial sector,
using statistical data on its
contribution to GDP is
imperative. Students were
asked to analyze and
calculate the percentage of
the industry sector's
contribution to the

I presented some statistics

about the industry sector’s
contribution to GDP, where
there was statistical value as
a result of their
contribution. For this
instance, students were
asked to write those
statistical values on the
board in full numerical
form. Thus, board work
activity was demonstrated.
After gaining knowledge
about the industrial sector,
students engaged in editorial
cartooning analysis on
industrialization. Students
were guided by certain
questions, and their
responses were written on a
piece of paper to assess their
understanding of the lesson.

Another formative
assessment given to the
students is writing a letter
expressing gratitude to the
different businesses that
contribute to the industrial

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