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Anti-Coruption Agencies (ACA's) and Accountability Institutions
indispensable part of this fight against corruption. They have the
and corrupt
statutory means and power to hold even the most powerful and
accountable to the society. Following are some agencies
mechanisms that have been setup:
I. Central Bureau of Investigation [CBI],
Commission [CVC],
I1. The Central Vigilance
II. Crime Investigation Department
Auditor General [CAG]
V. Comptroller and
V. Lokpal and Lokayukta Information
Information Commission [CIC] and Right To
VI. Central
VI. Protection to Whistle accessible and
must be transparent,
Application Agencies
operate with the utmost integrity,
vital that they
accountable to citizens. It's professionalism
and demonstrate
ofobjectivity and systems
a reputation anti-corruption
naintain Unfortunately our
their duties. or anti-corruption
ueciveness in flawed. No vigilance is
and intently been kept Either an agency
erently and final.
is independent
influences or
both. Since
y i n our vulnerable to political most
it is is o n e ofthe
mmendatory or corruption
d e t e r r e n c e against anti-coruption
creatingan effective
Indianeeds a total
overhaul ofthe
effective and
mportant steps,
steps therefore, needs a statutory,
daant immediately agency, paid
deliverysystem. The country prosecuting m u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y
and profëssionals.
lependent investigating led byindependent
rom the Consolidated
e Consol Fund and

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