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The movie Coach Carter tells the story of Ken Carter, a high school basketball coach who
takes over a struggling team in Richmond California. The students being in high school
while playing basketball, the story revolves around how the team balances their school to
basketball ratio and how the addition to coach carter changes both their school as well as
basketball lifestyle. The film explores themes of discipline, education, responsibility, and
the power of sports to transform lives.
Research questions
Q1- Is a strict method always necessary to produce good results?
Q2- How does participation in extracurricular activities affect social and emotional
development in young people?

1. Sample
A sample is a relatively limited subset chosen from a larger population, which is utilized
to provide an overall representation of the group. This is commonly done during
research, as it would be impractical to survey every single member of a population due to
its vast size.
2. Unit of analysis
The unit of analysis refers to the primary subject or entity that the researcher aims to
investigate in their study. This is typically determined by the research question and can
be thought of as the "who" or "what" that the researcher wishes to analyze.
3. Description
3.1 Gesture
3.1.1 Environment at the Basketball court
Coach Carter sets a strict and disciplined environment for his basketball team in the
movie. He requires them to sign contracts agreeing to maintain a minimum GPA and to
attend daily study sessions, and he sets strict consequences for those who fail to meet
these requirements. He also requires them to dress professionally for games and
mandatory study sessions, to support the players in their studies.
3.1.2 Environment at School
The school environment in Coach Carter is characterized by numerous challenges, it also
shows the potential for young people to overcome these obstacles with the support of
caring adults and a strong sense of personal responsibility.
3.1.3 Environment at Home
Many of the students come from low-income households where resources are scarce and
where they may face issues such as domestic violence, substance abuse, and family

3.2 Theme
3.2.1 Pressurizing
Throughout the film, Coach Carter places significant pressure on his basketball team to
excel both on the court and in their academic pursuits. He sets high standards for the
team and makes it clear that he expects them to meet these standards. It ultimately
leads to their growth and development both on and off the court.
3.2.2 Motivation
Coach Carter motivates the team through his leadership style, which emphasizes
discipline, hard work, and personal responsibility. Through this motivation the players
develop a strong sense of personal responsibility and a commitment to their academic
and personal goals.
3.2.3 Grudges
Throughout the movie the players hold grudges against one another, Coach Carter holds
grudges against the administration for not agreeing with his methods, but eventually all
characters overcome these grudges through personal growth and understanding.
3.3 "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure."
The quote is often used by Coach Carter to motivate his players and to encourage them
to push beyond their limitations.
With respect to the first research question posed, the result of the movie Coach Carter
suggests that strict methods can be effective, but that they are not the only factor in
achieving success. Other factors such as motivation, dedication, compassion, and a focus
on personal growth and education are also important as these ultimately lead the team
to success.
With respect to the second research question posed, participation in extracurricular
activities, such as sports, can have a positive impact on the social and emotional
development of young people.

Brahma Tapare
71 B

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