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Cultural diversity is an essential aspect to consider when designing an urban public space.
Public spaces are meant to be inclusive and accessible to everyone regardless of the culture
that they belong to.
Cultural diversity plays a very important role in shaping a space because the space itself caters
to the preferences of the people who will be using the space.
By taking cultural diversity into account during the design process urban public spaces can
become more welcoming for all members of the community.
It is crucial to understand the preferences of different design elements and different spatial
arrangements catering to different cultures.
Any urban public space should aim to incorporate design elements that respect the cultural
diversity of the community.
In this way any urban public space can become a vital gathering place that caters to a sense of


Urban public spaces are meant to be accessible and welcoming to all members of the
community. Considering cultural diversity during the design process helps to ensure that the
space meets the needs and preferences of a diverse population.
Designing urban public spaces that respect cultural diversity shows that the community values
and celebrates the unique cultural backgrounds and identities of its members.
Urban public spaces are places where people come together and interact with one another.
Incorporating elements that reflect the diversity of the community can help promote social
cohesion and foster a sense of belonging.
Urban public spaces can be used to preserve and showcase cultural traditions and practices. By
designing public spaces that reflect the cultural heritage of the community, the space can
become a vital cultural hub and preserve the identity of the community for future generations.


The aim of a researching cultural diversity in urban public space is to understand how cultural diversity
affects the design of an urban public space, how an urban public case can be better designed so that it
can be more inclusive and welcoming, How and then public space can promote social interaction social
cohesion, and a sense of unity across different cultures.

The objective of this research is to study in urban public space and understand the incorporation of
elements that reflect unique cultural backgrounds and to further understand how the public space is
able to celebrate diversity of the community and at the same time promote cultural understanding and
respect and promote unity overall.

Tasks that can help research the cultural diversity in an urban public space are as follows:

Engaging with community members to understand their cultural background, preferences and needs.
This can be achieved through holding meetings or workshops or surveys to gather information and

Understanding design elements that reflect cultural heritage of a community. This involves types of
materials, colors, patterns or symbols and motives.

Researching of plans of such urban public spaces to create a better understanding of the spatial
arrangement which can help understand segregation of spaces in an urban public space such as
meditation space, playground, sports space.

By following these tasks, the researcher can have a better understanding and grasp over how diversity
affects or can be tackled in such a public space.

Research has shown that cultural diversity can have a significant impact on the design of urban public
spaces in many ways.

Firstly, cultural diversity can influence the way people use and interact with public spaces and different
cultural groups may have different preferences when it comes to such public spaces, such as the way
they prefer to socialize.

Cultural diversity can also affect the esthetic design of the public space because different cultures have
unique art architecture and design styles that may be incorporated into the design of the public space.

After reviewing research papers on culturally diverse yet inclusive public spaces it is seen that successful
public spaces incorporate design Elements that reflect cultural heritage of a community and
accommodate diverse needs of a community while promoting social interaction.

Cultural diversity can also impact the way public spaces are programmed or managed, for example
cultural events or activities that are important to a specific cultural group.

It is important to design public spaces in a way that is sensitive to the cultural norms and values
of the community. This may include providing separate spaces for men and women, ensuring
that food and beverage options are appropriate for different cultural groups, and designing
spaces that respect religious and cultural practices.
To design a public space that is inclusive of different cultural groups, it is important to have a
deep understanding of the cultural context. This includes understanding the cultural practices,
beliefs, and values of the community, as well as the history and heritage of the area. This can be
achieved through community engagement, research, and consultation with cultural experts.
Public spaces can be designed to promote social interaction and facilitate the exchange of ideas
between different cultural groups. This can be achieved through the use of seating areas,
community gardens, and other gathering spaces that encourage people to come together and
Overall, the literature suggests that consideration of cultural diversity while designing an urban public
space is crucial for creating an inclusive accessible and welcoming environment that would also meet
the preferences of a diverse population.

Different cultural groups may use public spaces in different ways, and it is important to design
spaces that can accommodate these diverse uses. For example, a public space designed for
recreation and leisure activities may not be suitable for cultural events or religious ceremonies.
Therefore, designers should consider the multiple uses of a space and design it in a way that
can be easily adapted to suit different cultural activities.
Public art installations, murals and sculptures that reflect cultural traditions and values of community
help create a sense of belonging and pride among the community members.

Cultural diversity in an urban public space ends up promoting social interaction and cohesion among
community members this is another important aspect of a public space, while designing specific features
can be incorporated that encourage social interaction such as communal seating areas, gathering

In an urban public space due to cultural diversity a fear of safety and security arises which can be tackled
by designing a public space with clear line of sight and good lighting to show that people feel safer.

In short, designing urban public spaces that are inclusive of cultural diversity requires an understanding
of the cultural context, consideration of diverse use, promotion of social interaction and sensitivity to
cultural norms.

The expected outcome of the research is to gain a better understanding of how to create public
spaces that are inclusive, accessible, and welcoming for diverse communities.
This research can help in designing better public spaces that meet the needs and preferences of
culturally diverse communities and help ensure that public spaces are accessible for all.
Research can highlight the importance of engaging with communities to understand their needs
and preferences when designing public spaces.
The expected outcome of the research is to create public spaces that are welcoming and
inclusive for all members of the community.
The scope of the research is broad and multidisciplinary, as it includes fields such as urban
design, architecture and cultural studies.
However, there are also some limitations to the research topic.
The diversity of cultural practices and preferences can make it challenging to develop a public
space that caters to all communities.
The impact of cultural diversity on public space design may be influenced by other factors, such
as socio-economic status, gender, and age.
Cultural preferences and practices may change over time, which may require ongoing
adaptation and modification of public space design.

• Designing for Diversity: The Role of Public Space in Promoting Social Cohesion" by Daniel F.
Knapp and Ann Forsyth
• Culture-Sensitive Design of Public Space" by Ebru Cubukcu and Ayse Sema Kubat.
• Cultural Diversity and the Design of Public Space: The Case of Los Angeles" by Dolores Hayden.
• Diversity and Design: Understanding the Connections between Identity, Culture, and Design in
Public Space" by David W. Hedrick and Christopher E. S. Warne.
• Designing Public Spaces for Social Integration: A Case Study of an Ethnically Diverse Urban Park
in Sweden" by Johan Hultman and Ulf Mellström.

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