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re Sot NEI I SSE SY MODERN ARCHITECTURE e-62- MOVEMENTS ees opie - Rak and — Grof} — movement 2 Ant Novveau w Rat Deco. De — shil cs tyley Bauhaus, Aachigrann. Stal duralis an Malebolicn Q — Barustalism Fuduntsm and 8. Construchiv ism w Pecoastruach uiem. 2 PIMas Exprasionism INTRo DvE TON Art Deco t . Tnternationalism Tensile stuchung Brutality» ART DECO ace ae Teli — Phot 1410 and 1430 localomy— British Sst, anh — Sihapquuritly SPR actos Gureanenionmy 2 BatHish mpi and to He td oF Europe. ash Empl B. Worth amurice. ———__— 88 BOT A a APO e@sears ~ 2 im frst used by le Conbusion in an Tnternabonal expositias BROS HE ok acloun Indutniah —deconahive atl, Panis Ochinadion - Hrsdie Pr eelretic fon of Ant thal combina Hand, Crafted Anaditiond — motis machin madi conager imagenancs _ Key Polts Fone and gexec ig very tem poront Mort towards machin acathelicg and malt production - Mel minimalist ~ bely of forms and Shapa super imposed | Highly, onnanentol influened — by AS Mouvean —— Geamahiie abstnacem from th. ndunall. forms imate ot Bawhowy. mroveunt. CASE StuON Oruysler Balding, Rew Yonk by Withtarn Van Alen, 830 = Empim state Building, Nero York by Shwe, Lamb and Horamen , 1430 Qe sry / style —_— Timaine = Phowd 1977 ard 1431. Location = The moved louriched in eae CIN TERNATIONAL ~ Eunepe, Bim and obyedtss - Ant and dletign movenund — ty supporded , to a chae He trauma of — Wanld. wilh a kun fo onda”, Key Point = Going beyond Prdatediow , IwserRED BY C perce PAIOTESS — suxtapasition ~ Tho ver Dos Rung ot 3 primary colon, G Pid Ylondnain . i CARE STUDY — RIET VELD sCHRODER HOUSE , HEOERLANDS. "rT PrrwwwewervvusgsesTeCgeevyw BRU TALISM Timmekin - Abod (450 and: 1440 By English Architects. Brick — Brdelisen - Evpewd Baik werk — along with — exposed once | Rein Gud - naw concrube. Prhitest = Le Conbuaien Ales - Transioving — meduunigmm te pesd — modunnisen tnvdeed from ty matoal — prufownce used fn. Principla and _— objectives — - astuhc ie bat 3 a Morelithic Style. Pou matoud). Pw. procen of conabrcin visu, heavy sbuchuu. Key poids - Put modouak- concsude, bark, stent, Procas of — constaucton ny" Strudhunoh daily ( Glumas + bang) Visible rem outséd, Visually heavy Sbrachon, mal in bautalicm. Rokio of fenartnodgn ig des - Ose of gtas in » Svarheary [Floating contideun wart pel Huy Form wenk estudio — shoud be disighed below, Impined — by - ia Blige cond Peben, — Smidhgon - be Conbusion, CASE STUDY — Basten City Hell, © Genhandd Kall mann ond. Ne Michad. - Hek'cral Assembly Building of — Renglactsh, by Courts kaha 16l- 168. - de Edger Hoovan Buildigy in Wathlegn 7 D.C. - Rego Stwon Buldicg, sa New Rruutalisnn , ose CIAM — C Conqruss, Tnfourational d! Anchiteche Modenre : > Th Nw Brudolisw = Ethics on Aevthodica"” by Ailisorn @ Smittton Melabolism ; Truth of Meded = Truth of Dasign » exposed = madera! & concept of sewant Q Sewed, Aw - we —citia — trayed) in bomb — blag = Hinoshima ond, Pagorake’ Ned ef non Fuinctiorel ually fo be molded without. inde inoncih §—suppoth fn Las Ba, Only in Andki tee huw. Baio Key oink - movenund « + Wena) Styte - Reba — struchuer Hoo te ky fewer of Ha Buuilng Ethics in ditign pring = Bladked ~ Mabish - Bambeo , wade, Serpined By — “~~ _ Kenzo Tenge. CASE sTRY - Merina Gty, — Chicage. Difounce in Rawhaus, Bahu. Boukalism + Function in He fiat Aasthehc i main prlonity 2 Minindism in Prune in mabedad Truth to maou eancountahon + Pwr forms Pinion emus Daige Gone, and —omnol gam ade ond pudty in metouded, 4p: atiatk, orrarged, with — brutelen, Medabolisen Prvnciple of daign Expoacd Sewice cons woith — bouwtaligh eh 7-32-23 Struchunalisn Trmeling ~ — Behoeen 1A2B anh §— (1594, Uccutioo eT Ais oot) ia, gewel bene iy a mock of thought of He 20 centeny sive rae abou in Aenead places, ot differnd th and in ditout Sdd . Eh can oho be found in antinepslogy, philrophy aad and | Wa geisha Bin * Stradtunalism ax a — movemucl. in onchitechuw andl corban planning. " Sbucwalism ja a tuanefical . Parodign emphasizing that clemudta of chan muh oe unduestood =n toums oot) thal ulations and abruchos Principles and objectives - doo Langer 1 everaeicling 3 qstem Key Qeln- The AeatheHes ot Number) ferrmulated by P\do Von Byk in 1954. 2. TH Anchitechwt of Lively Vowels ( Shuunchor and coinddince ) , formulated b4 hn, H abnadean in et fase Studd Bunoptan apne cuden , = ES TEC, - — Piagesn How. ~ Gebdh Pd Mutium = Repited 67. — Ho was formed fn 12602, ~ won nto Faluctin, antichorote and — p comumurist ~ Ayeldtesly = phen cook, — Wanun Chalk, Ren Herron, Dennis — (nompten , Michael Webb and Dew'd — Greene. ¥ BP Wak City, Ron Hanon, (464 % Plugio city» Pah ook, 1964 YIngted Gy, Paton Coole, \4- 3-23 tLe Gnrbusion. = taittally a pastes,» sloping roots. s wenked on moduler drrony Cad on golden Radin 121,618 ) + Pilolis €Pillan Costruchion) ( Finst to deveore) * Ribbon windows * Roof Gaxden ° Free Facade * Ramps and Stoincase * Shifting . Frames * Dom-ino House + Double loaded Comniden. Prvieds - Vila Stein de — Monzie, G arcdus , Paris , 1926-29, Vila Soveye 1 Poissy , France iqag~ a1 - Unite — d' Habitation | Maneiles 1aaF-52. = Mill Cunen's — Alsseciation Building, Ahmedabad , Inclia , asi, @ > Vill Sanabhai , Ahmedabad , India Miles Van da Rohe “WYVWWWWWWRwwewvenew minisnal'’sro . * Rancelona Povilion - 1424 . le. angen Farnsworth, sed + Ruconmnnll House ~ 1946-145) © Antanedtionel Style e Lak! ghee Oouve Apachmed « modinnem . + Crown Hall, LT Oheago, * Scagnam — Building » Medeanism 2123-23 — Bese of pnthited / Bavragin, Home , Mexico Gly, Cian?-42), Liig Rarragan. Wie civer. Hoac, Mence City G1865):) Lats Beoagan, — Gaadna San Crichdbel , Les Clubs, Mexico Cty Cive—Eed , tus Baviagan. - BB Hnochima Peace Memonicl Museum, Hlneshima , 1455, Kenzo Tange. = Yoyegi Noktond «Gymnasium fom ey (464 Stummen olgmpl cs Tokyo , Kenzo Tange . ~ Ministenie da Swahig a om “ Palacio da Iutbiga” eministay of JusHeey 1462 Osea — Nitmeyan, = Nokona Congruss of Brazil =, 1958 | scan Mieon ya, =~ Palacio de — Alverada. + Oscan Nim eyar - Chedma of Brasilla, , Osean Miemeyar. w Waxhington Dalla | Thtornationd — Ainport SOT Gen ch Communied Party headquarters sia Paes, NACE, Oscar Ntem exon. = -Nifend i Comes porary Pat Mureum | raat. Osean Miemegor 7 ceert, Pimedabad 2 (&.V. Doshi ~ iM , Bonglone , BV. Desk — insttete of indology , Abmedabad - S- Doshi — Chunch of +m light. Tspan, '489. Tadac Ando. — Rew House, Semiyeshi., Vedas Prde. Al bom Reokko Rousing 1, MW, WW, Kobe, 1a83- 1994 Tacdac Ande — wWorer Temple 7 Preeeyi PASI, “Todee Arde — Medern Pech — Meusuum 5 Teena, U8. Xedac And 2 CLnvessancnnl Same pee Fe an luw PRrelto. ~ municip at — Itbneny «Viper, Erntend, Alvan = Radente CGonctentum » Eraland 2 1 429° 3B, Alay Aalte = vile Molnea , Fintlond » Alvar Aalto — Baker Howe, MIT. Cambudge, USA, Alvar Dalte — Pelsink + University of Technole gy, Fialond Alver Balto — Gotewoy Roch , 058 — TWH Tein od. ro SEK Lnternctional Ainp eal . Eero Saarinen ~ Nele — Unlorsitg Ant Gallerg. Low's cho ,YA62, - ilenel Ahmedabad. ,» Lows Rehn — lationadl Resembly, Butldg » Dhaka» Bangladesh, Lous Kahn. 1452-82. Kabel Arch Meaneum , Teves Low's Khas. ~ ealK lake Snatitedle. , California (166-72, Lois Kahn, 1959-65 —_+ —— a eeier — oT cote SS es Ses ~ GComplevity and Conta dichien 10 ena || ae = Learuning Spon Los Vegos - “Bake “end “Oeconoted Shed” words = Vanna Vendo Howe, Philadelphia GaGa), Robert Venhou, = =e Hour, “Te Glaxg Hew, Prilp Shas-> — ~ Gui’ Cdtadrod —, Philip Tohoson Sony . Building 7 Philip Sshoseon = BTA T Building » — Dolphin Resort 5 Michael — Gnowes. z Kamera Building 7 Midnaed Grover. - Pazea Qt Vella, \NiMord Maer - ote — Conlo— felvca in Genoa, Ftaly C1981) ; Aldo Ress; - Bonne Lont en = Wl ston. » TaN allan fancy Case - 44) + Aldo Rossi - World Tobe Centen, Neo York , 1965 7 MINOMM Yosnesaky = Buitke - Syoe Missow, 1955, Minorat Yarnaank a 28-3- 23 EE xeREssionism i (iato- 1440) = Expryionist — architechne wor en onchifectural — pnourned . thal developed ie Euro pe during Ha tinst — decaduy gk Hy Jo Contry tn penal) with th expresioniel visve- axel peu mee ants. = Eiasteln Tower. in Potgdom — Berlin by Entel Mendel san n | 1-22. Prepoxt prakerials | a yt —et stad - Gwe - peprttsa edt ae CuTURism im ee Ciqoa- 1944 > jahion we Fatt onclitecho tA onchdtechont of caledation, ‘ : a ot stenplicihy fe a pudoetors . temersy on De) guinferced — concute gles, alell. |, candbeosd 2 i Lextile Cibo. and ot att Hoe cubits fom vaad oe aren and brick, S Rhythm of Hun papiben of Ving, Hina, owes, Row — matou'el - ee ON STRUCTIVIS M4 ~ BSVOVOVUUVUUCUUUCUG YUH Se Ce ee etn stratus Tow er = world's tetlest 400 m: = Chartaizticn- 7m slyle Inconperitad sbrnigh ling, inde, cobaond pudbange j and menatd care rrr LU _. a, fusion.

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