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1. Which of the following statements about the rotation of the Earth is correct?
A) The Earth rotates on its axis from east to west.
B) The Earth rotates on its axis from west to east.
C) The Earth does not rotate on its axis.
D) The Earth rotates on its axis randomly.

2. What is the purpose of the folds, or wrinkles, in the human brain?

A) To increase the surface area of the brain.
B) To decrease the surface area of the brain.
C) To facilitate communication between brain hemispheres.
D) To protect the brain from external impacts.

3. Which of the following conditions is associated with a deficiency of vitamin D?

A) Scurvy
B) Rickets
C) Pellagra
D) Beriberi
4. Which of the following is not a type of satellite?
A) Geostationary satellite
B) Weather satellite
C) Lunar satellite
D) Telepathic satellite

5. What is the primary source of Earth's magnetic field?

A) Rotation of the Earth's core
B) The Moon's gravitational pull
C) The Sun's magnetic field
D) Human-made magnetic interference.

6. Which gas is known as the "Silent killer gas"?

A) Oxygen
B) Carbon monoxide
C) Nitrous oxide
D) Methane

7. Ebola was caused by

A) bacteria
B) fungus
C) single-stranded DNA
D) single stranded RNA

8. The instrument used to measure wind speed is?

A) Anemometer
B) Barometer
C) Hydrometer
D) Hygrometer
9. Which of the following electromagnetic radiations has the highest frequency?
A) Gamma rays
B) Ultraviolet (UV) rays
C) Radio waves
D) X-rays

10. Which element is the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule, responsible for capturing light energy
during photosynthesis?
A) Iron (Fe)
B) Magnesium (Mg)
C) Zinc (Zn)
D) Copper (Cu)

11. Which of the following statements about the rotation of the Moon is correct?
A) The Moon rotates on its axis at the same rate as its orbital period around the Earth.
B) The Moon does not rotate on its axis.
C) The Moon rotates on its axis in the opposite direction of its orbital motion around the Earth.
D) The rotation of the Moon is irregular and unpredictable.

12. Which of the following phenomena, caused by solar flares, can have adverse effects on power grids
and disrupt electrical systems on a large scale?
A) Electrostatic discharge
B) Magnetic interference
C) Capacitive coupling
D) Electromagnetic pulse (EMP)

13. Which of the following plastics is commonly used for making food containers and water bottles due
to its transparency, durability, and resistance to impact?
A) Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
B) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
C) Polystyrene (PS)
D) Polypropylene (PP)

14. Which of the following elements is commonly used as a dopant to introduce an excess of free
electrons in creating N-type semiconductors?
A) Boron (B)
B) Phosphorus (P)
C) Gallium (Ga)
D) Indium (In)

15. Which of the following natural signs can be used to determine the direction of north in the Northern
A) The direction in which moss grows on trees
B) The position of the Sun at noon
C) The flight pattern of birds
D) The flow of water in rivers

16. Which of the following taxonomic ranks comes between order and family in the Linnaean system of
A) Class
B) Phylum
C) Tribe
D) Genus

17. In the endocrine system, which of the following hormones is often referred to as a "master
hormone" due to its role in regulating the release of other hormones?
A) Insulin
B) Melatonin
C) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
D) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

18. Who was the first human to travel into space?

A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Neil Armstrong
C) Buzz Aldrin
D) Alan Shepard

19. Which of the following nutrients is not commonly found in typical commercial fertilizers?
A) Nitrogen (N)
B) Phosphorus (P)
C) Potassium (K)
D) Carbon (C)

20. Which of the following statements about proteins is true?

A) Proteins are made up of nucleotides.
B) All proteins have the same structure and function.
C) Proteins are involved in various biological functions such as enzymes, structure, and transportation.
D) Proteins are only found in animal cells.


Question 2:

A. In December earth is closest to the SUN but in Pakistan, we have summer in June, why? Support
your answer with a pictorial illustration of the earth-sun relationship.

a. Venus’s atmosphere has lessons for us in terms of the greenhouse effect, elaborate?
b. What is a galaxy, write a note on Milky Way.

C. How rocks are formed, give examples of different types of rocks.

D. Why temperature fluctuates in different strata of the earth's atmosphere, support your arguments
With a schematic diagram.

Question 3:
a. How mutations in viruses occur, we can end some viruses but not others for example
smallpox is Eradicated but HIV is not, comment?
b. There are more viruses on earth than grains of sand on beaches but only some affect us,

B. Define artificial intelligence, and how neural networking can pose threats to the future of

C. Explain population planning and elaborate on different methods utilised for birth control.

D. Pakistan is on the list of the top seven countries most affected by climate change, considering this
what probable measures you will suggest to combat climate change in Pakistan?

Question 4:
A. Why do atoms form bonds, explain different types of atomic bonding.
B. Explain the importance and functioning of antioxidants, what are the good sources of
C. How the human endocrine system operates, explain the role of the pituitary gland, and why it’s
called the master gland.

D. Define pesticides, what are the negative impacts of excessive use of pesticides?

Question 5:
A. Explain the solid waste management system, and what possible measures Pakistan need to adopt
to improve its solid waste management system.

B. Write a detailed note on a human voyage in space, and also comment on the most recent Giant
leap with the name of the James Webb telescope.
a. Explain the functioning of a human cell and give a few examples of double
membrane-bounded organelles.
b. Differentiate between RNA and DNA?

D. Write down the applications of different ceramic materials, and how nanotechnology is
revolutionizing the Ceramic industry.

Question 6:

A. Alex and Maya are both graduate students. Alex is currently three times as old as Maya was when
Alex was as old as Maya is now. The sum of their ages is 50. How old are Alex and Maya?

B. Find the missing number in the given series:

a. 3, 6, 12, 24,?, 96
b. 9, 16, 23, 37, ?, 71
c. 0, 7, 26, 63 ,? , 215
d. 3, 8, 18, 38, ?, 98
e. 1,6,13,22,33,?

C. Find the volume of the water in a water tank with 6 meters height and 400 cm radius. 0.5 meter is
the thickness of the wall of the water tank?

D. Two trains, Train A and Train B, are travelling towards each other on parallel tracks. Train A is
travelling at a constant speed of 80 km/h, while Train B is travelling at a constant speed of 100
km/h. The two trains are initially 500 km apart.

a. How long will it take for the two trains to meet?

b. At the moment they meet, Train A's engine fails and comes to a complete stop. Train B
Continues to travel at its original speed. How long will it take for Train B to completely
pass Train A?

Question 7:
A. In a class of 50 students, the ratio of boys to girls is 3:2. If 20% of the boys and 30% of the girls
scored the highest marks in the class, how many students scored the highest marks?

B. Suppose you have two investment options: Option A and Option B. Option A offers a fixed
interest rate of 6% per annum compounded annually, while Option B offers a variable interest rate
that Starts at 4% per annum compounded annually and increases by 0.5% every year for a total of
10 Years. If you invest $10,000 in each option, determine which option will yield a higher final
amount at the end of the 10-year period.

C. A clock loses 2 minutes per hour. It is set to the correct time at midnight. What will be the actual
time shown by the clock when it reads 9:00 PM on the same day?

D. Find out the correct word from the given jumbled spellings
Question 8:
A. A flagpole is standing upright on level ground. From a point 20 meters away from the base of the
flagpole, the angle of elevation to the top of the flagpole is measured to be 30 degrees. If the
observer moves 10 meters closer to the flagpole and measures the angle of elevation to be 45
degrees, what is the height of the flagpole?

B. The sum of two positive numbers is 20, and the square of one number is 5 times the square of the
other number. What are the two numbers?

C. Two painters, Alex and Ben, can paint a room together in 6 hours. If Alex works alone, he can
complete the same job in 9 hours. How long will it take for Ben to paint the room alone?

a. what is the number of triangles in the given figure?

b. In the square shown above, the side is 2 units. The circle and the semicircle having its
diameter along a side of the square, touch as shown. What is the radius of the smaller


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