Lore of The East Coast

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Lore of the East Coast.

1) State of Jones (The Capitol)

2) State of Mercy (The Commonwealth)
3) State of Riverside (The Wild Lands)

1.1) The History Before the Rise of the Twilight.

The Furthest back history is known in time is to 3 years before the Rise of the
Twilight, where the industry known as “Ozyrian Ring”, developers of the energy
based on the liquidation of a ambar and the use of a stone 1 in the creation of clean
energy cells, that could last 20 years being charged by a special solar panel
generator, creating clean energy for the people at home, and on the run for things
like cars, devices, tools, etc.

The Ozyrian Ring was founded in the year 1900, by a entrepreneur and business
woman named Milley Navita, originated from a state in the west side of the country,
she developed this new kind of energy, after a visit to the east coast national park
researching initially for the reason after some mysterious forest fires had occurred in
the zones nearby some mountains, and apparently near certain type of trees being
burned, the reports to a external reason for the fires, like someone causing them, an
accident, chemicals, etc. were inconclusive since forensic analisis give impressive
results as they could trace the burning of the tees directly from the roots, like
something inside the earth produced a heat so intense that the roots caught on fire
and went up and up to the main log and started the fire.

1 the stone and the ambar dont have a name yet, but they are linked to the story of the civilization that
created the wall, and its underground.

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