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Based on latest edition standard textbooks ELITE BIOCHEMISTRY BB saci HOW TO USE THIS NOTE Edition 11 CONGRATULATIONS + High Yield Concepts You now posses the book that will guide Medical PG Aspirants to score the + Referred from the best rank in PGMEE. With appropriate care, the binding should last the latest Standard Useful life of the book. Keep in mind that putting excessive flattening textbook. pressure on any binding will accelerate its failure. If you purchased a book + Direct reference from that you believe is defective, please immediately return it to place of National faculty purchase. lectures. FOR BETTER RESULTS Start Early: Use this notes as early as possible while learning the basic medical science. The first semester of your first year is not too early! Devise a study plan and make an early decision on resources to use and do not shift on your resources. Its always better to keep things simple and stick to one resource rather than confusing yourself with multiple sources. Consider ELITE NOTES as your annotation hub : Annotate material from your primary resource, such as lecture class or videos, into your notes. We have already referred and incorporated almost all information from the available sources. This will keep all the high-yield information you need in one place, BOX ANNOTATION : We have introduced concept of Box annotation 41. REDBOX: includes the most repeated topic along with the next potential MCQ that we believe will be tested in future exam 2. BLUE BOX : AllMS/ NET PG new pattern question 3. PURPLE BOX : Recent NET PG recalls Prime Your Memory : The visual representation of concepts incorporated into the notes serve as a useful way of retaining key associations and keeping high-yield facts fresh in your memory just prior to exams. CONTRIBUTE TO ELITE NOTES : No resource is error free and we do not guarantee the notes are free of errors. If you feel you want to add more contents or wish to be a part of Content Dev please contact us at Lite Biechenistryy We hope you enjoy using these notes They have been hand-crafted with an obsessive attention to details, with aim of capturing the course’s contentina way that’s right for you. Thank You Forte Stobde fim We Clot @ notespaedia Join our official telegram handles to get all updates t. me/notespaedia oar eons Carbohydrates Genetics Lipids ‘Amino Acids Vitamins Enzymes, Table Of Contents 111 142 159 CARBOHYDRATE Cn Han On Gilucose — Polyhydroxyl . a ——~s . Reducing Sugars Non Reducing sugars —C=0 doesn't nave ¢ =o °8'O Trenalose = Glu+Glu 29: Glucose ® Sucrose = Glu + Fru No pree Carbony! gnp Linkage is A-La IStC of Gru @ 2°4C oF Fructose Benedicts Test > Semi-ayuantitative test Benedicls Reagent > Cuso4 + Nacos + t v Blue Alkaline Stabilises cOlorto med the sol” goin n@® in Reducing Subsiance Cu™(Cupnic) to Cut (Cuprous) Reduct" eo Cus0dg, Cu20 Red) GER “s gain op e-—> Reduct” Benedicis test] Positive Negative ® ¢ ides ave reducing Sugars. eg: Glucose 2g: Sucrose ; Trehalose Fructose Oligosacchanides | Polysacchanides @ Antioxidants luce a] O02 Sps 2g: j ® ce @ Homgentisic acid — $/i ALKAPTONORIA @) Ineorn Error - Pigment” Pinna , tip ob Nose , Palma Crease -H/o wrine turn dark Invg: OHPLC @ Tandem Mass Speciromeiry (Can be used to Screen S4 Inborn error 05 meianolism) © Detoxipicat” Reac” Phase 1—> Non Polar Substance Polar Substance Glucoronidat” geis excreted mM unine —On Long term Aepirin use -¢ i : < Monosacchanides (Cn Han On) Disacchanides (Cn(H20)n-1) Colour Rex” Of Carboxyl Molisch Test — Purple Ring Benedects Test Barpoed Test - dibh b/w mono & digacch Fenling Test — diph blw aldo 4 Ketognp Seliwnanopy - Ketogrp Osazone Test - diy Reducing monosach O Needle shaped - Glu t Fvuc Msunplower " - Maltogazone @Powderpuby " _- Lactosazone Complex Upid or Simple : proteins attatched mono Fen ee 7 Lipid { Prot. Igo ~-> 3-10 ci Poly —> 211 Qlycolipids = _Proteo eg: ganglioside glycans Monosaccharides Clagsiicat pased on —— - : Aldoses Ketoses Racpnang heme i a ® Based on nowopic'alom Erythvose = 9 &: Trioses Tetroseg Erytnnuiose Pentoces ete Malto-Trioge] (misnomer) ~> Oligosacchouride - Trigacchanide @ 3glucose residuec - Contains 16 ¢ atoms - MALT — Multiple Gilucose residues Disacchanide Sucrose d Glu+ Fructose @ aU>2) linkage ing { Mautose Glu ada) Reduun { 9 |gOmoutose } + (6) Tenolose J M4 ecu) lactose = Galact+ Giu All Corbonyavale prefer to nave aC1,4) linkages a ; atbranch—> & (6) Linkage Cellulose — Blinkage — Humans can't digest except Lactase (Laciose) multiple BC1,4) Qlucoge multiple molecwes Polysaccharide] 2 Ilunits Mt lysaccnanides ides bnaiaal (oF - Hetero polysacchani individuat units ; 2 - Same - Aipperent Storage Strucdurab £9: Gilycose Amino Sugars: Homo Homo \ V Highly Cem stn brancned conteun eg: |. Starch li. Glycogen Onbr multiple glu é 4 abn NOt Stable & Ciyb) Linkages (Melting Temp) -Melting Temp -15% 50% aw v Uoaywid at So Solid part Room temp [BLYGOIEN] (vive mucere) 7 SONOSE. berm tp Giugogenin — Spherical molecule qd) to which glu - ev sinaignt chain 3 is attaicned eo directly / indirec -Uy UrI3 Glu residue (14) Linkage ; @ Brancn a Ub) — arranged in @ compact ayer Structural Homo Polysaccharides 2g: ac cae @lnsulin @Ccnitin 4 4 O plant Ceu wall © Fructose © Component op exoskeleton @Mutiple glu € tn Planis : BCL linkage tubers C): CD @ Maele up Ob NAG HETEROPOLYSACCHARIDES eg: MPS / GAG Glycosidic linkages ‘o'glycosidic N' glycosidic @ opthem Linkage Linkage Ruwes Nucleogidase © All MPS Long streught unbranched chain @ \ Quid & Amino sugar As) as Repetitive except” - {KE} inclead ob UA @ All MPS ~ Uronic acid -@D Giucoronic a cxcone (Iasnonie | » Gapain Tbe) Heparin Sw phate Dermalan Suiphale @(Giu NH2)— All MPS have glucosamine por Amino sugar except” (Gal NH2)> Mm @ (80¢7/cH3C00-) AMPS preper to get acetylated /Suiphoded to corny negative chorge Adv- Nataitvacted more To -vecharge; carries walker along Zz it ~> Cot viscosiy Ob ECM andl selectivity Oh aM ce srnc —aa Hyaluronic acid > © Synovium »% viterous KS type 4 0 => cornea Ke type an’ — loose connective ts. Heparin => © Mast cells : Naturc —> © Wn Aortic wan ; bun"- holds enz along vessel (Cipase} acts on TAG — converts to DIAG Glycerol + FA <— MAG Lipoprotein ipase — acts on Lipoprotein TAG ® in Blood transport Ob Lipids Chondroitin Suipale —> Cartilage ’ Bones ¥ Suipole — (Gilgest aisiriouiion} extha celular matrix. provides Gel-like consistency > -ve charge @ selectivity Ob Glomerwiar BM @ Heparin - Nodurat anticoagwant @ Heparin Swipate > enz. along vessel wall © K&T1 > Transparency ob Cornen Ccorneou scorn > oa ® > ©w Scleva > shape To @WA >O Neither culpoted rn nor narated @ Not omosened to —_ ® act as Sco i nat ® auring pum. ® During development - eipmndiiotyation: © Meiastasis COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATE Ribosomes (Free Ribosomes) Read prom 5/tO 3! ; codons <— 2 mRNA t-RNA ¢(Anticodon) Amino Acid — polypeptide chain grows prom Amino terminal end to Carboxyl end Cast) - can altatch only aminoacid. Label lysosomal - Mannose -6- P04 Protein - Membrane - Lipid side Chain - depault (doesn't can be attaicnea have eitner of 2) Only by RER / Holgi bodies Signal REcog” @ Amino OL these \ Peptide (RP) Terminal 3 proteins} | coguence lwides pol ide Chainto 9 polypepti oe Apter aitadching to RER ~> SBP is removed. Pre- Pro proteing ———> Pro-Proteing Modipicet” occurs as iney move through RER re- a ” 2g: Protein folding enapeomnn — io) Post-Translationor eg: Hyaroxyiat® Ob Praiine by vitc Proteins : —— Post translational Polar Non-Polan v Sorted out depending On label Proteogiycans > Pas GilycoproL gk * Bie onain MPs Side chain OA AS 2@vely charged | = ® in Eom core proteins 4 higher carb- é highly branched Oligosacch. content i ® w Ice £ ECF iit AU plasma. proteins except. Albumin (its a single prot) iv. ALL Receptor proteins *Ceninal core prot @ shoot highly branched oligosaccn: (Corbonyarate side chain) * Ils Side Chain aitodched to ‘olunkea - (Serine Fahreonine|”” [ (REpaRQIREN inven GPT anchored Carnbonydrale —> Carboxy end Ob Core Prov? al Obher end, Phosphotidy! inositol op Cell memio. Adv ob GP anchovage —> Longer arm ef mobility encounter any toxic subsiance. ee = ew Senate B Acclerating |_ cosq Ir, factor) curongmae Nocturnal ace pate op MAC bglobinunic. Classical Mannose Alternate Binding <— Showa be kept under check clone by coy. (during sleep @ night drop Up PH [PNA] ) - PIAA gene mutation y Codes (er PIGA enz. Catasyces Gilipialion sep DAF & CD5a @ @® B prot- 5 bunctionally defective DAF cDs5a Gilipialion step bor Anchoring need Pi&& enz.- Functions ob Giycosylation + Helps in { ing — alters solubility 2 Helps in — torespecive Inclusion Cell As — git, aepecive targetving / Labelling enz .to lysosome So There wil be inclusions v Muutiple inclusions in ces Tay Sach ds MOrganomegaily (Hs megaly) Gaucners as @ Coarse fea1ures ome** Invg: S-Lysosomeuw enz. aciivity —> high in plasma Tissue Lysdsomeou enz- activity > low Qa ce iad hs Es Lysosomal * Tcell ds T- Lysosomat | ISOMERISM >2¢ame ®have dipy str formula a Sains epatiovorientat” OOPlical > depends on plane polarized Lignt —t— Levo dextro U/- alt @Stereo — Aibper only in Spatial Oviemtat” i OG _, and’ @Eunetionak t — Fone came molecauar pormula, ; but @ GiU _, ain postn Ae i oaioc. dipb: punctionat grp peer 29: CoHi2 06 Sterepisomers © on asymmetnic c’atom v v ; In Glu > except Ist & Last glucose Fructose iis Cane ec Ribose Ribwose @c erytnose Eryinrulose |e in Fruc= except Is ,2"4 spun” @ NO of Stereo _ W'=No ob asymmeinie c’ atom Ot PH #-4—> Closed Ri glucose > © Sov’ ie ie Fructose > @) Aledose ketose stereoisomers Crystalline Gla 0 @ ae prystotogia | Glu — 32 ae “Form pH Fru > 16 Mutarota. : ov ahre ("se Ring porm @ PH-7-4 Be Guacopyranose vs Pyranose Furanose, — [B-Silucopyranoee 2/2" v v sc alom 4@ ctom Most Of Gil ee * st 26h Catom @D B-D Glucopy e Outside Ring ® Anomenism @ Epimerism ® Diastero Isomerism @ Enantiomenism 2 Respect t© anomenic / Funelional of Ls Ingu — iste Fru —> 2c is -OF Lies peed B < Plane ob Ring ib -OH Les creat a Plane op Ring Property by which same me i : Aib> wrt one op the Aasymm.c atom Olner than penultimate c’alom 8g @*)post” — OGilu._* Galas . @Ripose > cHo = n H oH = Arabinose 4 OH @@4 posi” H OH CH20H © Glucose & Mannose @ @Y c' atom diphb wrt one/more asymm. vc’ atom eg: Galac- + Mannose — @ 2743 4th Avabinose & xylose > @ ond 4 ard Lyx0se > both @ 2°44 3rd oF RIBOSE Enantiomerism] €nantio- mirror) mirror images orieniat” O4 OH in penultimate c¢ atom Rt Side »~ D>canbe dort’ of lt Side— L>canbe dort’ Racemase Racemic mixture Eayual aniant. DL v ODL ; —— (CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM ——— Codabolicm ETABOLIS Prnaboligm Cada.bolicrn * Complex ——> Simple * Break Covalent linkage , ; i, Enengy currency Enengy released trapped in ATP i. On wanted heat |. Substroue iwi > Enengy released trapped into ATP simuttoneously. + Oxidodive phosphorylat” — More Common. Oxidative Phospnorulat" oxidise puel —> energy trapped —> ce ase initially in NADH or FADH2 ae & C Reducing equivalents] nm eT oe released Substrate level Trapped in ATP Phosphogiycery) Kinase» Giycolysis (ADP —> ATP) Pyruvode Kinase Succinate Thiokinase > TCA Cydlef only : = Prono Creatine Kinase -> Muscle et Anapolisms] €g* + Glycogen So Pineubolic + during Starvation eq: Citric Acid Cyde depends on Energy Siatus Ob cou == Anabolic ; inlermediales ¥ gives accumulates 10 ATP per cycle ° — AbP © [Aigh]—> ATP ys ATP “Nn ADP FAD. NAD FADH, = NADH FADH2 NADH FAD NAD ast Step Acetyl CoA> Citric Synthase et ; u ———_ Citric Add GKalONLeIaIE>—> por Acparraie Synthesis 4 Can beused _ eecoth bor FA synthesis ee aL stad ; and cnolesterol por Protein Synthesis synthesis Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transamination Transaminase AST (SHOT ~—> PAspariate == Oxaloacetate ALT / SGPT ~— Alanine — Pyruvate ON OAK dehydrogenase —>ak& accumulate Gluiamale —> prot-Synthesis 2 Glutamine On@STK— Succinyl CoA accumulates used for Heme Synthesis 4S step: Glycine 7 ALA Synthase /PLA Succiny) CoA GLYCOLYSIS} aKo. EM pathwoy [Embden Meyernog] * in Cytoplasm Sphiiting Of Glucose (6c) Aerobic Anaerobic * 2Pyruvate * Qlattcue + 7ATP * ATP * Only pathway that can generate ATP even in Qosence of Oxygen: RBC, Retinal Corneal cele — devoid a ia le Lee ee aaa ws oats wronie acd — Aerobic S ‘o ial Glucose Hexokinase_ - Glutokinase * Investment eS -aatP ee > Glucose, - nlucose -6-@ SPP > MMP shust on ooh Phosphohexo isomevase —Alloglevic cel Regulation * tovalent Fructose -©- P J eat ep oil Phosphohruttokinase - 1 rofrattotinnee-1 QR + Fie bis ® = Rate limiting Enzymes Aldolase ft © 2x Glyceraldghyde <—————> DHAP 2xNAD_ Hts, 3-® Phospho Iniose Isomerase . Se G NADH | Giiyeeraldehyde- 3-© dehydragenase < lodo acetate Srdedive : phos eporglath 2x C eee wbstrate kvel ) Gm « | @ a @intlyporia. & SARSENATE — Anemia. ax C3@G) | Mutase ~~ positional Isomerism ax C2-QO- Glycevole ) by Nook & K oxalate. 2g Greytube > Glu: { Enolase y on Pechimad?) 2x Phosphoenol pyruvate wm GEKTBE —-| Pyruvate kinase (Subetrate ivi) ‘cages Allosteric enz- leads To tlemolylic, activeled by F-\,6-BP Prnemio Net Al? Genevaled = 7] Inhibited by ATP, Alanine, Acetyl CoA 2% Pyruvate eal Kinase —> deped in REC chape Anaerobic hlycolysis i) + 1. RBC Hemolytic anemia 2 White Musde fibre 3 Lens, Retina Gr-6-PD deh —> oxidative dam age in| | 4- Brain 6. Renal medulla In_ Anaerobic ha 2 Lactose Gilyceraldehyde -@-® dehydrogenace inhibited ; D a 80, LDH cenverie pyruvate to Lactate { Rogenerat” ¥ Ob NAD*] in the absence of Oa. attivale only in higher substrate conc” Michael & Gilucokinose ~ ISOENfVMes! ~ Hexokinase | || constant Liver & B celle all celts C sub) con kn 09 oe city) abpinity bligh abbinity lew eae por glucose only glucose, galactose , abpinity| bructose. woe Inducible by Insulin — defect causes teredstory Fructose Intolerance Hypoxia. —> 2,3 BPG ~> VAbbinity ob Hb for O2 ° ODC to® Anemia. —> « poctlitade unloading C13) Fm ~—> 62.5) Bre gentler BPG 2,3 BPG shur GPG mutase phosphatace! oF * BPG binds more weakly to . oe aa Felal ttb thon to adutt He ery af * Less proppund ebpect on HbF so HoF Dis Adv= zero igher affinity to Or Adv=2,3BPG produc” Reol Tube} —> No additive ~> Separated Serum Grey Tube]—> NawE 1 kcouplade ~> Glucose [Violet] —> cec oe Enolase [Royal ul Goa. citvate [Green] —> Lithium, Heparin —> for Biochemical analycic Neow 7 Ovangel| > Gel Seporvated Tube “fpr longer storage. on Polrnitic aciol —> 106 ATP Oxidat” Ctearic aciol —> 120 ATP Neurons —> Glueose ; Rarely Ketones for Energy Cardioe muscle fibres —> Namereus mitoehondria > RBE t low rate 0} alyuoyas | “St Free Fadty held for eneroy has gota high ofpinity por |! High mitochondria Oo 2 (ood Lipoprotein Lipase low Km / high appinity, FTARUIS DISEASE]> Type ? Glycogen disorden + dehect in PFK-1 * Most apbected Cell —> RB —> * RBC swells — Hemolytic anemia —> Erythropoesis * 2,3 BPG not produd”— afpinity of RBC t» O2 > High cele —> Hypoxia [Pyruvote Kinase deh] —> (lemolytie anemia.) anemia. — 2,38PQ produc” ~ So, no tissue tlypoxia S>Nb clotting paclor — @D in inborn evron Z tlemolytic anemia. Pt-- @; unlil pt exposed to Oxidocive stress CNADPH is not regenevaled ) Aepends on energy status of, Cetl ® when Low pyruvate ‘ depende en aerobic ov Anaovebic > Pyruvale LDH pyruvale {i NaADt dehydrogenase} Cs NADH Lactate ee ba? into Tea by yee in 4 converting into Mitochondia| — Acetyl Cok modrix ® when High Se Wall bed Starvation = v "ep 4 Transaminase acts (glucose, ARLES Alanine fovmed — Glycogenolysis: ‘Gioneogeness Storis : 2hv after meal begins Gh» after ti 12-IRhre previoue meal v d cing glyvogen converilg Non- Corb. ae aa resource into glu: © Substrole for Gluconeo i glyeero “SNES ti, Ladede ti Alanine @Energy rey-@ate * Gluconeogenesis always dependent on peripheral lipolysis TAG Insutin = Hormone Sensitive Lipase Counter Reguiodory Pas Glycerol + FA b glucagon cee 2 GH } . aia During glarvat"—> $: FFA T Hypoglycin (5/7 unripe pruit) vena | f e ——~> pt: preseriis as — ‘ypoglycemio. a Medium Chain fey! Cok Dehydrogenase gluconeogenesis Pyruvate Reversal of tiycolysis | Pyruvate carboxylase Oxaloacetate yw (Phospho Enol Pyruvate Carboxy kinase) (needs GTP as Co-engyme]) Phosphoenol pyruvate Glucose High Energy Stole ¢ well ped siale —> Anabolic Pyruvate A, Alanine DH Comp i © wn mitochondria. ii. Catolyses an Ivreversible Oxidative - Decarboxylat” step NaDt+ ——> i. NADH {es acts of, PDH : Wi. CO2 Complex ti. Substvates li Acetyl Cor : i Pyruvate it NAD tie Com Subunits of PDH Compley <— © by ARSENITE Ei) Pyruvate dehyetrogenace CPD) Ezii) Dihydvolipoy! Transacetylage CDHTA) Esti) Dihydvolipoyl dehyorogenase CDHD) 5 Co- enzymes POH) Thiomine Pyrophosphate_ ——> cos Pyruvate decavboxylates parents Hydroxyethyl TeP ®. ; [DHLTA] Lipoamide Caccept Hydnoxyethy arp) @ Coons V 2H + FAD- Acetyl Lipoamide + TPP , [DAD] FADA2 ficely! Cok + Dihydro Lipoamide NAD™ Co- enzymes of PDH Complex NADA |. TPP 2. Lipoamide 3 Con 4 FAD 6 NAD Enzyme Requiat” Allosteric Regula” O Allosteric s e @ Covalent Moditicot” & a glucagon Cotabolic hovm. oO See SC aiucos Cholesior| aie shal by phosphorylacion @ae oO HK dt ; ; ATP siglo GAMp ~—> Pyruvate kinase —> Phosphorylation Caan Cat) Rephosphorylation CAnablie ene) Pyruvale Carboxylace > t glucose —> @ Glucagon by s Phosphorylot” © Induction / Repression 29: tnsulin e” Glusokinase Regulation of PDtl Complex | Allosteric regulation —> © by Acetyl Cor, NADH, ATP 2 Covalent modipicat —> decyeases glucose 3 Induction or Repression — > Incluced by Ipsutin > Dephospho -vylatn anabolic horm- a nanan exaahey Fe oxidot” Newrons 1 use only RECs ae ¥ 2 Cardiae (= Giucose | > amiga 2 muscles g| old be nc FA. ; spared § Boxidation © Glucose Yo Acely! Cok oxidot” e 7 Glucose aghast aaa thege PDR NAOH complex 7 as — ATP PFK-1 <———25——® Citrate 8 ATP Acetyl Cor ® stmwate pyruvate carboxylase iz + _© reba a gluconeogenesis ATP (glucose spared for Newvons & RBC) — Inhibition of Anaerobic oxidlat” by Aerobic oxidot” pats 2g: OCitvole s At? 2—> PeK-1 @ kelo diet —> high FA diet (Biotin > Co-enz > hor Corboxylat” Rect” Relotive anaerobiosis pd when glucoce con” is increased wn constant supply of Oxygen CITRIC ACID CYCLE 7 strictly Aerobic - aka KREB’s / TCA cycle 4 + Amphibolic beco2 if anowropic * Genevoles t0ATP all NAD and FAD ~—> NADH & FADH2 *in mitochondria. motrix *Stimulode by High [NAD , FAD_ . App| NADH” FADHa’ ATP) omesoud 23 sitate se. © Flowroacetate NADH Oxaloacetate + {Acetyl CoA}———> citvate maine Aconitoce Isocitrate Moatote FEA = Common Melabolie ik f { —— sts ~s napa Fumowole OKO /Rale. C02 KODE” timiting FAH, <—S rsare SPH Succinate <—— Succinyl cok % NPOH Succiny) TWiokinose App ATP <—Substnate level Oxidodive Decarboxylation ® POH Cott; lowenergy stodus a, Ce @ ICDH ® XKodH © 02 phosphorylot” @ 6 phospho DH gluvonate ® 02 decewboxylai” ® NAOH ; NADPH Sources of © HMP Shunt NADPH @ Cytoplasmic IcDH '® Modic enzyme ® Reoyuired bow Reductive Pyruvate Biosynthesis all Lipid @ Necessary for Regenewaling (4SH) Gludathione (mReee) * Glutathione is a Twipeptide CGama Glutomy! Cysieinyl Glyane) contains Sulphahydril grp. GSH + 4202 +t GSH | Glutathione peroxidase 2H20+ G-S-S-H NAaobPH ————> Glutodhione Reductase 1 Oxidative phosphorylat” 2 Oxidolive decavboxyled” 3 Same cubunit enzyme 4 CO-enz as PDH 40 Succiny! Thiokinase . @oOdd chain FA © Substrate lvl a eg: AC [pve > Aeetucon @® 2 lsoporms 2 ADP use “DP fu 2c > Acetyl Con PEPCK enz. 5c ATe as CO. ae § > 20> Acetyl Con @ liven; kidney 3c Propionyl CoA Propiony + Propionyl CoA comboxy = § Biotin enters TCA afer D-Methy| Malony! Com Suingl © Aled Racemase [Methyl Melony! Cor co-enzy- me @a| MM mutase © Adenosy! Bia-—“Suceinyl CoA In Bia. def © Methy! Bia Estimade : Ns S$ Bi2 lol © Sub A/c Combined Degenerat” Methyl Malonic acid in Ao® FA-— Myelin unine apler overnight SDH nee FA synthesis © Moalonote Fropiong| Con MDH ib NAD cor? high all Malate —> Oxaloacetate ip NAD cor low all of —> Malate eM Retz on pono BAPE cool High NADH Ratio > High ATE Ratio NAD all pyruvede wat? acate High energy all OA —————> Molote v gluconeogenesis Skips meale v Emply Calorie - <— B12 + Folale < micronutrient degicien eae deficiency (Essenitiol) aed spe Thiamine 1st i Redited= Thiamine dety Thiamine “Os 1P Fcohol 2 Thiamine abcorp? ) intertevs © vigrabcorp? Dextrose (D-Glueose ) Pyruvode Neede ( MamillaryBody —> Global Congusion’) wernicke Thiamine (N 34,6 —> Opthalmoplegia. Encephalopathy Cerebelour Neurons —> Ataxia (It Thiamine defidency ) ele Fileoholic susceptible ).y © tin Input @ for Fatty Liver aig emmsgenanie Of Lipial 0 ‘ un Oulput ® [ Reg OD TCA > Amphibolic > can be uced for - Anabolism —> lnliver +e —Colovoolism —> wn muscle Aneplewrotic Reac” @ in Ter — responsible for accumwladion oO} Intermediate radher then depleting Sources Ob Ka Sounces Of Succiny! Cok (Movi) 0 Glutamate Valine @ Glutamine @ Isoleucine @ Histidine @ Methionine : Proline @ Odd chain FA. oxidatpalte Best ;- Malic enz. conveyting Malote ——————> Pyruvate GAD pal prom Pyruvate —> Ter ~ [175] Glucose|— Complete oxidod” —@) (7+a5+25] C To (02 ) Glucose fn Glycogen \T Giyvogen 5 _ em phosphorglase in Pi Poruvate a ae Gilyvogen + Gilucoce -| -® Acetyl CoN Acetyl! CoA : | V y Glucose - o-© TCA TeA (By pases HK :S0 |ATP 1 y conserved } 1o-ATe 10 ATP Net _20+5+?= 32 ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN} Innen side of Inner Mitochondvial memb- NADH FADHa ine™ Ate ADP Tool of Oxidative phosphorylation 1, [Malate shuttle] —> trensport e- in form of Malate. ®@in oul cella except 2 enz. used © in white muscle and © Cyloplasmic MDH Newrons atle on NADH takec e~ and gives to Substrale (OA) to Malote ® Milochondriod MOH _ Moalode ee Oxaloacetate 7 NAD 2 [Glycerol Phosphate shulile : ‘uaa L,® tm white muscle & Neurons 2enz.used jloplagmic Glycerol 3 ® Den e + atle or NADH —> NAOT+ e7 “given 10 Dihydroxy Acetone © > Giy-3-© CDHAP) ol 2 oe ifochondricl Glycerol -3-© dehydrogenase w3® vs DBE f2aTP missed | _ FAD FADH2 So when cell uses Glucose Gi aie ceri ie 7-2. while muscle fibres —> GP Shuttle —> Net ATP =2 Anaer [ masigeyci | Highly lipial soluble © vbioywanone ® | DH linked © cayeeerome’S”benyrogerae nt “2 Mobile @ = @3PD Complex _--4@ foylioad Complex es Succinate 277 only Gut? Pash NG) “ eo ani® Coenz @, See ‘ 8 @ cydochrome ATP Synthase @ dehyptrogenase*, 8,61 AAs y Complere i Reductase oxidase Fe Fare Prosthetic grp O2 “ae tern b - 562 fa Haem b- 566 Ci Fes MitchelleS Cherni Ogmotic Theor: 1 order of Redox Fotersio! decreasing order of energy lvl measure op ability to get veduced X Stale of Oxidod” Cytochrome tleme proteins —> if metal in certler active in both porns in prone Non ogft eg: Fe—> fet? Fet? Myoglobin J tleme protein 02 ~—> energy liberoled —~> is used To pump Hydrogen tons prom matnix to Inner: Mitochondviel memb - Clrilerymemb: suse Through ATP Synthase complex [Fo subunit ] ~~> lonophore CFI & Fo) 4 Cubunits Some energy released is used ton ADP —> ATP Pen ite used for : “caalgie gite T—> QO 4H 2 our Q —> D— 4H* } translocated “syhace g — B— at Att through Fo —> LAT? genevolled FADH2, DB@—= Q-~ No energy liberated-— So No H* translocated FADH2 ~> energy > 'SATP COHt translocated > SDH T © by Matonate - ©by OTTFA © Carboxin I5>a —> T+ c—-+-B ew by so Ree © Amobarbitone / Barbiturote @ 0 @ FPerecidin A ® Rotenone O2 ——> ——> Phosphorylat” puel * ale ADP *ATP n [GREBUPIERE] > bend” distciate, oxide” in Reap: Sate Wr an 1 No ATP pda” 2 T Heot pd” 3 t Rode of Oxidat” of puets Ol Uncouplers ave lonophoves —> inserted Innen mitochondwial memb. j 4 H* ions bypasses Fo So no ATP Uncowplers generated but Heot pd. Physlological Artipioial © Thyroxine © 2,4 Dinitro phenone © vedi : ® Brown Adipose @ Vadinomyear ‘ Brown dit ® numerous agra an ELD Posterior Sub capsular : Cotovad * Helps in : Non - shivering 80, ao prom market Thermogenesis alt S/i Neonates Hibernoting Animals %* Ag age advances ¥ seme © Fo component of ATP Synthase Complex also © oxidation So Not an Uncouplen ATRACTYLOSIDE © ATP- ADP Tranglocatoy in Inner milo - t -memb. MP court be synthesised ATP accumulaled inside LYCOGEN METABOLISM) Branches @ every Ii” residues * Storage Homo Poly. (only glu ) . BD Glucose —> GeP —> Tapped in cell UDP- Glucose —> Active form Glucose J HK; 1ATP oP 4 Phosphoglucomutase G@1iP ONE 5) | UDP Glucose pyrophosphate Tri UDP glucose { Glycogen eyrtnase —> activaled by De phosphorylation attotches glusose _ Rale Limiting residues to prosmishiog glycogen chain 5 if, elongating chain is not present then 11-13 Residueg Attached To TYROSINE residue of Polypeptide Glycogenin L, ako. oLU- Le Glucan transkenase oui enz. cleaves last'6’ [x 4, Linkages] and fons [xu 6 linkage] Glycogenolysis in Liver} _2igwogen Phosphorylase —> Phosphorylysis —> Breaks a 1,4 Rate (phosphorylot" )~> B adrenergic Linkage limiti Gluco. veceptors also I indeds Pi seen until 4 Residues To be active in chain Glucose -|-® on each gide ob branch point Glycogen Fo cn-1) a%-© gc G6 Phosphatase SS ely ition ee ig usedin Glucose muscle. Muscle lacks Glucose [ Glucose - 6-Phosphottage \go end pdt is G-6-P] During exercise ~> Immediate source of energy is 2 Red muscle fibre Aerobic fuel > Glu; Stored as TAG , Choleslevol esier white muscle fibre In In Isotonic lsometnic Contract” Contract” ‘ tin Tone ; a Hate metabolism Glucose —> Stored as Glyrogen Debranching enz.—> X14 Te XL4 Gilucen Transterace removes Trisacchavides - and FA oxide” alco got actior Atelinkage attaches 10 othenc’ 2 a4 linkage : and exposes o L6 linkage last > Physidlogical Sa -ly tae Le “acti | wo i te only tn Conse is eaten © oh mi G@eP GeP le ° y { Glucose ATP hibition 7 Covalent modikicat” ® Glucagon © Epinephrine © Epinephvine © Cot? Glucagon Epinephrine (Strees hormone) Airmulates Aimulates ial aol Bolh liver and muscle phosphorylace phosphorylace Von Gierke’s ds G)-6- Phosphalase defective Typel Glyvogen Glu 6® ——> Glucose Storage disorder Bhi coats ketones <—- AcetylCok —> PDH —> Pyruvate Ct accumulodes ) accumulates FA Cholesterol tactote high 4 je TAG Cholesterol i esters ee G-6-® — umP shunt enters 4 yormat? @ NADPH @ Ribose-5-© ~—? used in Synthecis AMP Cato.bolised ait Urie Acid ee urine) £ Pyramidines Von Gierke's de Sj =~ 0 Hypoglycemia 4 FFA @ Hyper TAS © Hypercholesterolemia. catapolic state ® ketosis J © Lodie fedosis © Hyper wricemio. Mc Ardle’s ds|—> olepect in Muscle phosphorylase presenis ac Exercise Inlolevance [ fmoarasic ] Type@ Gl en_$: 2 ds (dit ATP depletion, é, = Hers ds . (aa a Gl s je disorder Depective liver phosphorylase ~—> occas ee . : © Hepedom Eanes glycogen Srrbesic ® > depends on Peripheval lipolysis © emaciotion low musde TAG —> FFA—> TFFA- mass cleaved > uses lactate Clactate musde alanine) poaluce dikjerentiale bi Non Gierkes ds Hers ds Lactate V Laciate NTAG ) FFA Neonotol Hypoglycemia not responding to counter reguiodory hormone dibb blw Both Glyeogenolyss and Gluconeogene sis is inhibited Mc fAolie's ds e IGLUCONEOGENESIS > gluco: See Qlucogenic Substrate glucose from non carb. s — Prolonged Fasting and cturval? © Glycerol = Inlense exercise ®@ Lostate (lactate pol —> glucose’) i CORI CYC! @ Alanine a ele —> tn DM il © © Covticol = Pyruvale Hoos Hormones Glucocorticoids cBrboxgiase| Biotin that ® Glucagon ArPx® Epinephrine : 2 Oxaloacelate © Insulin cyto PEPCK i axa | Trancport by Malate shutie: 2 Phospho Enol Pyruvate hp Enolose | a Phospho - glycevote 2 (3,4 BPG) icegie } ATP x@ Energetics Kinase ctianaats a os ae Gilyterold Qmoles of GIP “dude DH ATP x6) 2 moles NADH 2(G3P> Aldolase J Eyfoplosm Fructose 1,6 BP * Fructose 1,6 Rode timiting iat = Giver & musde) Fructose - 6- phosphode Isomerase Gin ER Glu-6-© tr Glu-6- ———— Li s 7 Glucose (Gluconeogenesis} ~ Reopuires Muitiple Sub organelles * Liven - vesponcible fon ¢67. * tn Starvalion / Metabolic acidosis > 507. glu. : pormed Both Giycolysis & Gluconeogenesis Common Ailosievic regulator Fructose 2,6 Bisphosphate ——> pat of PFk-2 ; Tandem enz) ; © Mimuladon of Glycolysis + Bijunctional activity @ © Gluconeogenecis on © Fruttose-1,6- Gisphosphotase When gels Phosphorylated e L,octe as Fruetose:2:6-Biephosphatase When dephosphoryated \ ate a3 PFK=2. GLUT-1| >> Newrons ; RBC : Placenta [GlwT-2] /- Enlenooyles, tepatoayles, Runcneas (Bcells), PCT GLUT-3 IGLUT-4| - Insulin Dependent Glucose Uplake Cekmusde caurdiac mucde Adipose tiscue) [GWWT=5] - Fructose absovph Enlenoeyte > GLUT-2 © on Baso lateral side SGLT=1 © on Lwminal side Indian Dependent Glu Uplake in All except © Sk muscle @Cardiac muscle @Hepotooyle @ Endothelium Insulin Dependent Glucose uptake — ® So, tlypergiycemia —> Toxicity (Glucose > Y Glucose entenc Lens Alolose reductasee ~> Reduces - CHO—> CH2 OH Sorbitol + aceumulodtes inside lene > presenite € lens Changes woler accumulotes Lens ibres swells up Goloctose metabolisnn Galactose needed Galactose KS | gainctokinace 2. Myelin gelactose.-I-® __voP iu 3.GM 1 liogide! tnluegee (90100 rls 1 Gal -I- PUT deficiency Galoctose transierase- LMR upe os - Organo Epimevase : is 3. Catavoct © © ® upP Galactose lvl * ——» Galaclosemia. — Only Cotanact gets into lens pibres cotovact <— Galactitol /Duleitol <—Aldolase Recluctase © Gal-1-euT —> causes [Classical Galactosemia ee Neonate Penile |. Cotowact Vomiting E. coli eae > Pi Glycogen Phosphorylase Sepsis Ovarian bailure Cinacdive) C ape <> ate] tlypoglycemia. 3 ATP deficreney “ N\ in Liver tn PCT J Joundice Fanconi Syndrome Hepottomegaly CHyperunicemia.d ADP excess — > calabolised to Unie Acid ee unic add compeles T lactic anol Laclic acidosis | gote georeted in PCT and lactate get actumutoled When fa also Merial Retard - ¥ Myelin & ¥GM ganglioside Hypotonia- V Ks HE FRUCTOSE INTOLERANCE €asily metabolism tm DM, bypass - PFK Sto, Fructose Fructokinose Fructose -|-® Aldolase - B Giycerololehyde — Dihydnoxy Acetone phogphoite Thiokinase G-3-P us Glycolysis Fructose - unregulated metabolisr (By Pass Rate limiting step) Lipogenic. -> Fructose Grlucose pogenic > ‘osea cliet > based diet Defective Fructokinase —> S: Fructose lvl ® Benign tnto leng fibre Aldolase doesn't acte on Fructose doesnt get trapped No codanach v i Fructose back into cirowation 1 Benedicis —> Detect any reducing suger Fructose in Unine —> Dx - fEoventiol Fructoswnia ceaie merceroeeeeem an Clinitest ve ve bud specific. test bor beenign unine sugon b on Otherwise ptis® ee Alololase & depect —> oe Fructose |. Lethal Phaspho Fructoaldolase I ee | ety blo Vorniting. pier intake S- Fructose Wi? Ob pruit juice VP ~ similar To can also presented i nea P 2 eh. Hypoglycemia. Are. _ ee Hepatocyte No Fanconi Synd gqasknlies Hepotomegaly Hyperunicemia Mowlode tui: ~> Lactic dedosis 7 aft Lactate: ene dejeienesy im Intestine, No absorption of Lactose ( c/F ilisee > © Acidic pH gui bac utilises 2 Gabing ® Froathing stool ® Flotulence GENETICS (rom Ribose =O onary fp Shunt/ egninesis ( PP NADPH poeta one Punines. ramidines @ Rings Q Ring @ Atoms ©Atoms __. nacil > RNA Aa 3 ine Wlemine DNA © Adenine © i ®@ Guanine ee ® Unie Acid Capyeine = [1.89 Trimethy| Xanthine] Theophyllia [1,3 Dimethyl Xanthine Theobvomine [3.7 Dimethyl Xanthine] H XS oo. = on OH — Ribose Deoxyribose Nucleosid - BN Glywsidic linkage N-4 of Purine } 2nd ¢' -0H grp N-1 Oh Pyromidine Nucleotide £Phoephaie arp} 0: a to Nucleoside —> Phospho - Ester ce converts To Nucleotide lonosine ES ophoe | (MP IMP bormed in Purine De Novo Synthesis Peat ion AMP ime fetal) (Aspartate | clehyobrogenase | Glutamine Qminetion aqme Drug © IMP Dehydrogenase ———> Mycophenolode mopelil © Duplication of Chromosome ——> Replication eg: un Rapidly dividing cells agpected Lymphocytes Immune Suppression Degenevacy of Coden —> >1 codon fpr AR 3 slop Codon © VAG Amber 64 codons @UAR Ochre @UGA Opal /Umber 60 codons por AK —> 20AK Wobble Phenomenon |> Isnt in AC OL tRNA is tonosine Lard Oh Anticodon of tRNA & Non- specific > doesn't {pillow watson- Crick BP rule > 37 pain of Hybnidieat” Ccodon) > Non Speciic. Oiphosphate Nucleotide [linkage}> Acial Anhydwide linkage b/w 2acd 2 linkages in Twi phosphate 1 linkages in Diphdsphaie These linkages —> Sources of Energy ae paid -oH grp Conly @ 3-ongrp > linke @ 5’ Phosphate grp of next nucleotide Linkage —> Ester linkage C3’s’ Phospho Diesien linkage> T¥e arm it broken ard —> Instead of Ni Co giywosidic linkage: yw oo HUMAN D 1° Str Ob DNA Bend contributed 2? and 3° str of Protein Ordered bunctional Domains units Polypeptide chain u organised in 3D ahdix space to fundional p pleoted protein [Histones] > Basic protein Histone —H) © in Odarmer Linker pragmert lonm gril ela on itsell; Upon which width ineweases --- 30nm fibrils wound around Chromosome Scafhold 0g loops % Spirals Condensed state Go phase oi ie Mphose Resting beeo2 Mitotic spindles are formed Ret ee Reunites Histone deacetylase Removes all acetyl grps- So, Retains as @ ee. o... . Unconelencalion —> Unwinding —> Replicat” —> Division CELL CYCLE $ Complete YY Rest oe G1 G2 \ / \ M \ Cell divides uilo 2 ‘~@ortions Cal Yivision & phase — Replication of DNA Gi phose > Pre- Synthetic phase —> Prooy Reading e G2. phase — Post - Synthetic phase —- Repoun —> needs Pre - Mitotic phase) ‘opeondensed ERPHAS Cuncondensed > Ccydin> DE, ALB Go =e (Condensed) GS Gam Transition Transition Cyclin D> Phosphorylate RE prot. —> will not be ible to recreate S activates oD-k4 fistone Deacetylase Based_on Durat” of Go —> Gu Phase Cells Clagsikied into 3 © Continously dividing—> € |. Epitheliat Cet! Labile cells a. tlemopoelic celle © Temporary Cells —> 49:1, Parenchymal:Celle Temporary in Go —* Hepattooyte > Replenish loss @ Permanent Cells eg: |: Neurons” stays in Go forever *Muscle cells given by QUARTENARY STRUCTURE OF DNA —>Wodson & Crick Quonternary Str —> only by >| polypeptide cnoun Of Protein interact 2 eg: Hemogiobin each other Backont.o Phospho diesier linkages ener lodcler Ribose / Deoxyribose Sugewrc 1 gt — Nboses linked by S Complimentary a Ge) Anti pewroulel Stobbilises DNA —»> 7Conbirmartion Eom stable, @D gy ‘3! every turn > |Obp ench Bp raises height by 3-4K[Sol hu tun 324A] width by 204 > One Major 8 Minor —> al 2’ Endo forms —> Kinking at : groo : onde 5 x °; 4 " Deoxy> + zy 3 a i OH [Atype] conpinmotion S/\> Hybrid bliw DNAs RNA —* No majon / minor > I bp / turn RNA-RNA —> Same ee — [No 2' Endotprms] Legt handedly coiling Lut All DNA Rt hand] > 12 bp/tum 7 > Seen = in those Wohin GC seoyuence conbinrnation Process 7 which de DNA unwind: breaks H2bond and fon Single stranded [Melting temp] ;- S07. of ds DNA ~> Unwind fb form Cm) = Gea O5E content A=T conlent (FcR! invitro amplipicat” of desired Fragment of DNA Blood —> Centnijuge —> Plasma wee C bupby Wat) High Soult Metnod nee Cell ‘aa Nerd “tel > sy - Anemia. a gs “LI Coot pep) 2” ve |- Denaturation. 2. Annealing ara high Temp— 94/95° | add Primers They ane compli ds DNA- 2 Ss DNA —meniary To flanking Sequence 8- Extension Optimum temp - 5° less than melting temp Of Primens Failure of PCR © Excess Caled DNA“—>DNA stabilise > Cant undergo 7 ® Failure to add DNA sample vansinneate Extra: Kinetochore. is ® in Centromenie region | FORMAMIDE : ieal Telomenic end 6 and 3/ | Used bor Chemica! b Chr corilaing ertis een HUMAN GENOME SEQUENCE: Only 5% > Codes for protein CCoding Seauence ) 48-5 non coding seoyuence Bpunctn projects from Mutarit Helps in Evolul” ~—> Crossing Over 1. Condencodion Meiosis tn “M phase 2. Pairing ob homotoguS \_consists Of 4 stages Chr Prophase 2. Breakage * Exchange Metaphase ©b Chr b/w non- sister Anaphase Chromedids of tlemologus Telophace chromosome ec in Pachylene stage . Prophase -1 ob Meiosis -1 + Breakage £ Exchange ob genetic mateniat b/w non- gister chromatid Of 2 Non -homologus Chr => fusion palts may be formed In EColi > «91957 coding—> So No Crossing oven occurs No unioyue peatures > Segment of Chy —> Codes jor prot or RNAS) aka oo and alge non Coding seqruence+, [introng] 2ko Primary Transcript —> tntrons + Exons Hetero conten RNA (RNA formed in Nucleus) undergo 3 post- Transcriptional modification functional RNA = (ls Nucleolus) leaves Nucleus ; Reaches Cytoplasm © 7 Methyl Guanine 1 to S’end Ribosome — tranelodes @ Poly A tail to 3’ end into polypeptide @ Splicing Chain Nucleus rich in See a Endonudease Exonuclease. Splicing rN, Cut within the Cut atends Removal of Introns polypeptide chain! Polypeptide in = oe Mtieieaction, No a Histone gene (Prokorryotes) modiipicact” No need for Splicing Poly Ataul not added ae eae So 3'end protected ing & by Stem lo part of, Posl-Tranecriptional ee Modification a 2 Deoxyribose Ribose 4 OH orp Alkoui_labile Q as ss D Changagy Fairirg Rule Conterits ob A=T 2 Gece V ~ Repain activity — ® 4 Eukaryotic toe aes ws> -alw Ribosomes types > Ss 58s [8s 28 = all except Ss are pelis of ene common gene Primary ironscript G1Ss rRNA) Post. Transcriptional modification Gs) (as) Ges) Rigozyue RNA & @ enzymatic activity °3 2¢¢ —> Pepnidy! o (ERA) aaa messenger RNA shifts Polypeptide RNR ne Aaeplasr J [Zgene|-> dibs. proteins pate by => Tiseue_specific_hequiation. epzgenesseyuenre ®t Enteroeyte transpen TAG to Extra h Ic ts 0 Bloo —> VLDL pe Blo Cc jormad in tepactocyles| transports endogenous TAG by Wer To Erctie epee te Gpo BAB in Evilenocyle > ee deaminoles CAR geoyuence ~ onlye premature 4 forms “emia oO} protein bes éyntneci apo i. Stop Coden [Trunceded protein] 8 — transhers AA prom Af pool to Ribosome — 50-100 tRNA's ere Acceptor 4Hable arm Avonioble arm - Truncoded tRNA in ee Nucleotidy! _ erase gets attatched alee Triplet nucleotide eel Complimerilary to mRNA Nudeotiole > Non Specipic => TY¥C arm ‘Darm = attachment a peeudo uridine Amino Acyl tRNA pun2- Ribosomal attachment} Synthase | —_—— i RE [alueiney> octvasea —_ Glyeiny! enz. high energy phosphate Fiditity of gene conperrecl by Amino Acyl t NA Synthetase Primary LRNA transenipt —> Single Chain Straight ; Post transcriptional modifseotion s Intva chain Base pairing we . § given Uridine ————— Peuedounidine Adenosine lonosine — deaminetion Random alkylalation Nucleus Truncated - tRNA addition of CCA Nucleotide by Nudleotidyl trang,enace Addition of AA by Amino firey! a on anaes ( +-RNA [ab © Base ] SRNA (Small RNA) — form of Regulation of gene a exprescion sienna Small_nuclean Sra Interface RNA types —inferyers @ gene expression a O1 to Uz (except Us) ( Gtranserietion + tvansiation) bor Ribosome. Ribosome £380} £3823 transletionall ivi: oad el — 7 — Si RNA binds Z@ complimerilary p Sile_in RNA and inlerpers -@ Hl in Giicenment =— 5 ee at Ribosome So, Ribosome recruite RISC = | Silencing Complex Euchromatin Helerochromatin ‘elerochweraiiy * Uncondensed + Condensed * Stain less densely * Slain densely * Transcriptionaly * Transcriplionaly Cactive) Cinoctive) (Constitutive - [Facultective => Transcriptionally => active sometimes tnactive always hound tn hen, coding} { Certtromere & : Telomeric ends i i geqvuence mastly © > tn germ calle Both X chromosome ane transcriptionaliy active IHUMAN GENOME ee 2DK- 25000 —> genes iderttipied 27000 bp —> Avg size ob gene Avg size functional tRNA —> 2000 nucleotides DMO gene largest gene Twitin gene = max £ largest Exons Smallest gene HGS Go”) Gy CD Class P Clase B Clase B Trangposons/ Miscellaneous me, Sais on a a Simple Segment Exong wslrong ft Repeated b/w ee: \ sarin Baged on length eee Based on length Lines 2 ar 6to8kb > fon ae ee ms in om No. ee Restviclion enz. a Histone Hi Mutat” ob | NE Neuro fibromodosie Satewite DNA | Used or pergon identibicadion 2 Eotewnal Dispute Ca8e CVNTR Analysis) Se micro Sat Repeats ot Stoci each 8 Micro settetlite Ingtabili © peed tlunlington's Chorea GA Repeat Instability > @gpino cove ‘oxi GX Repeat instability coqahtudlonic. Dustropey CaB) Repeat instability > SFragile x Syndrome GAP Repeat Inctability—> Friedrich Atoxia. « Anticipation * Magnitude & No of Repeats * No of Repeats teing in No- of, Meiosis MITOCHONDRIAL _DNA NARP— Newropathy ; Ataxia ; Retinitis Pigmertiosa. Mild M@ gg, Leighs Suna | [NRE J Heleroplasmy GO-65 % mitochondrial mufain 7.40% rnutect” majonity from malevnal it ; mitochondrial DNA roinonity. gnem patern al Mitochondrial DNAL> @ Circulawn closed © Codes only por Lremaining by nucleus] @ Codes bor 224RNAS © D- 4 Cates bor ‘on oa = ® More prone to get mulated “)'DNA Polymerase @ tletenoplasmy tmulot” —> Spectrum of mani ~ tectattions DNA Replication Semi consevvadive procece 1 needtemplate strand 2 new Strand synthesised only in 5! —> 3’ direct” 3. polanity of templole sivand #—>s! 4 need a primen for elongation RNAase ag primen —> In Vivo DNase as primen —> In Vivo Sneed DeoxyNeucleotide Twiphosphates CANTPs> eneed (Mg2t or mn®* ) — Catalyst Arr * Bugher —> maintain pH a For PCR rearuinements 1 Template > need P20 reading prpeded 2 DNA polymerase, — 3! 5! 3 Primer ena? Exonuclease 4 AUG ANTPS 5 Cadalyst (ig2+/ Min D |exceptio & Bupyer | aa — onigin Senyuence LyNo. of hyetrogen bonds less —medioted by Cinitiation is by Ori Binding Protein> — Single Stranded Binding Prot: binde to unwinded There willbe parts prevents RNA primate —> Identipy 3’end RNA primerc DNA polymerase 1} —> Synthesise continously linearly Cleading Strand) 3! orm —> RNA Primer J, PRIMOSOME s! oe ie 3’ tlelicase Primase DNA Polymerace ‘wf NA Poly 1 acs To remove primer 7 Cusing 5/3’ exonudeose § Replication Fork Lagging Strands activity > OKAZAKI fragments ‘Cigase}- will ite the pa by ie | RNA Primase a 2. DNA Polymerase yunet? DNA Polymerase Si DNA Polymerase ft —> Leading Strand Syninesis Okazoki fragmert Syrtihesis DNA Polymerase 2 —> Removes primers / nick Translation Repair of deumaged DNA DNA Polymerase Q—= helps in proo} Reading & Repain * Srnouler genome] larger qeoeee Loree *Open, Linear Ageing ,- Multiple Ovi death s : ; Neoplasia. ce End shortening Telomerace enz ake. human Telomerase its a Reverse transcriptase + Reverse tranconiptase + DNA Polymerase 7@0 Removes Primers é~ fille gape in lagging RANSCRIPTION gtrand Synthesis RNA from DNA gene / Transcription unit \° transcript Replication 2 Strands unwind Both strande ads as Template Transeription 2Strands unwind bul only one acts as Template other will be coding strand C5! > 3) came. polarity < Coding Strand = 5/> 3! * polarity i, not specitied always a Bi —> 3! * gene sequence always written as coding Strand ie 5’/—>3! DNA RNA polymerases -\ LO polymerases Similarit. : | need a primer aa + donot need primer ae temps * NTP 3- Proof Reading Poe FO Noinged por prool, 4 Repair activity rene > hepa @ all Ribosomat RNAS except Ss rRNk @ mRNA 4 miRNA Precursor of @> tena Sn RNA 5s rRNA All RNA polymerases dithen wrt sensitivity to Oc insensitive in Enterocyte <—-@ inhibit @ In any gene +) +2 +3 ++ 5 ATG 3 uence Transcription Control Regions > ® Zin gene or away prom gene 2types fon every gene regulators promoters €ither tor ¥ No: of times Fideti Freapuency Ob Transcription of gene Preomoers promoters ( Enhancer / Repressor +1 te to Qpecipies noo Inducer Seq, Seay _ RNA polymerase times genes ont To 29: TATA Box has to transcribed 9 used under Basal cond” in humane 2g: GC Box CAAT Box Other eq o} Fidelity promoters 1 Inn 2 DPE (Downsiream Promoter Element) PROMOTERS REGULATORS I They ave sequence specie } in Humane TATA Box as TATARAG — idelity 2 Position Specitic act as pata coy ib © present at -25 (1) Function 3 Orientation Specipic ©} 4 Not Gene Specipic © 5 Highly conserved } Species Specipic a Specie Tissue / Cell specitity Ene ert ( TRANSLATION | Degeneracy of Codon one AK Canbe exception i. Tryptophan Coded by > I codon ti. Methionine 2. Unambiguos 3 Non- Overlapping 4. Not pnd —> Frameshift mui? 5 Universal @ few exceptions SD Types oh Mutation Class 2 Ebpect on Nucleotide Seo, G@ Based on AR sev @ Based on fund” of prot. TL. Eppect on Nucleotide Seay Goon Point nowt” Frame shi Substitution one nucleotide by loss / gain gain other eledyon _insertion Transition Transversion Pu — Pu Pu = Pur Pyr > Pyn T. Based on AK Seoueme f el Missense Non a AA seoy - © AA seoy altered + Replaced by even abler mut” apie mut” Stop Codon Nucleotide Seay Nucleotide seay * Truncated prot: altered altered + Premature Terminot" W. Function op Prot. Acceptable tial) Completely ‘ em Unacceptable Change in Nucleotide Sey —> AR seay altered Nucheeny all — ie 8 but punct? @ ee altered tb toning eg. Hb varianis : Not immediately 6" post” AA of Pglcbin Like threatening In Valine —> Replaced by Acpertic — BRISTOL Glutamic —> Mill waiker Alanine —> Syndney Fartially aceeplable —> 6 6} Bglobin gene Glutamic aud —> Replaced by g-__ Valine(nenpolan) Sickle Cell Anemia tlydnophobic C to c ‘al inleraction * Completely unace le—> 29: Congenr — = 2 ° Methhemoglobinemio. ‘Histidine Fe replaced by Tyrosine Steps Tronelati Initiation : 2 Elongallion elF2c guided by 3 Termination 20 guides initial of LRNA to 40s Ribasome ‘ binding ISt Step > Dissociation “oC Stabiliset” Op4+0s by 13 7 eukaryotic Pre - tnitiot” 2 4A iaaan., add Ternary Complex @ 3 subunits e/F 4a/48~® its ATP ata Hel Nase) OQ? Kal “in 1 CIF 20 2: initiation tRNA meth ot gal Ok a 3. GTP attalcn Cap three eS guides mRNA To 40¢ Ribasome Prokaryote C shine Dalgarno Seoy Kozak Seay hoctavysle } “3% +4 Should be purines Initiation AU& Tin Removal 3 & it | done by elFS ablen which 40s Reassociation “1s Alw 60s t P&ASile Oo Ads & 60s hence Pgite is atiotched E initiationtRNA @ Methionine ELONGATION 4 eon a agghy An + @Ip-" e A 3 a ie format” Peplidyl transpevase —> No energy utilised TRANSLOCATION — Elongation jaston 2 + aTe~) Ribosome moves Trarelocetes Ribosome Agite pree & 3™4Carbon TERMINATION — Ribosomes moves till theve is StopCodon at A site ; Releasing pacion + GTP initiation Methionine tRNA Amino acyl tRNA ac EF 1h attatched to Peite attatched to Kgite 3 4 NIP Cd/t noTtranslocation step) Total Energy rey = An por 1 polypeptide ‘yn’ AA TRANSLATION STEP INHIBITORS i ? Initiation ve Weep © Polysol powmat” Bactenicidal © every slepob Wanslation [Tetracydine] —> © Elongation Factor 1A CRibozyme) ‘Reptidyl Transyprase Inhibitors added Bact culture v Prokaryoies Eukaryoles _ cdorcbrse Chloramphenicol Ricin lTnanslocation Step © Prokanyotes Eukaryotes 8 Macrolides Diptheria ADP Clinelamycin 5 Ribocylation Pseudomonas op EF2 Toxi ‘ * Amino Acyl tRNA Analogue * Couse premature termination o, Polypeptide (Protein zn Synthesis) Reoauirement pd” of * DNA Polymerase Identical copies * Supber . Mg? 7Mn Qt * ANTP * Primers Cel| Baged Cloning / Invitro DNA techonology Slep1 Cleaved ueing Multiple pragmerits Human Restriction endonuclease : chr Sep 2 Idertity pragmerts Z Gene Ob Ilerest per which we use tHybridiget”/ Blotting ‘technioyue Gene is attatched E gene in Step 3 Recombinent Vector High Electvicity~-> pores real Step 4 Electroporation and insert Rate limiting ¢/ Recombinant vecton into E- Cali RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASE becoz © they cut @ Restriction sites / “PALINDROMIC SEQUENCE Cshort sea of DNA) double gtranded Sey.where 3'—> 5! seoy 5/—> 3! seo read Atypes in Reverse direction \. Sticky End : ph RE 2 pe a RE °%' Hpat. still in use SS © Separate progment Lv bosed on length in Electro phoresis ®@ Denature bragmenit © Blot @ tlybridisalion - Radiolabelled Probe hybnidises t gene Ob interest © Ray Auto Radiogram Repeat the same technioyue- @lule the 2 band ~—> used for DNA —> Southern Blotting ~, Probe used in DNA RNAS Complimertlary to DNA/RNA \sMild denaturation step Protein > Wesienn Blotting > atypes <— Aenaduring on deneduring Probe : Antibody VECTOR) Qualities of Veclor | Should be Capable OF Sel Replication ie > 1 ori 2. Specie Resiriction site hor RE 3. Should have | or more Marker genes Mo) used plasmid vector is pBR 322 got 2 Resistant gene © Ampicillin Resistant gene E-coli @ vectors ® Tetracycline Resictarit gene Arp- Resist eine eset E.Coli @ Recombinant vector (0) (0) Tout Amp Resist gene ee) Culture Plate Nedural €-coli E-Coli - Natural vector) LNo vectors ] Artipicial vector Mc used manker — B galactosidase gene BLUE & WHITE Technioyue used for Identigying WHITE Colonies ae ; : bia tid Cua Length ob genome | Veclon Smalt ci Plasmid | expe cronal enn] outside nucleus [sae penne rinniramore ep >50 Kb Bacterial Artijicial Chr eeobunan Yeast Avtibicial Chir Yeast Ariipicial Chr Human genome canbe Cloned but cannot be expressed in E.coli From B cell culture — bunctional mRNA in Vitro | Reverse Transcript. Os Template RNA RNAase H Synthesise 7 SSDNA Removes Template RNA (eDRal » Complimerilary ds DNA formed prom functional ee have mRnf& Ivtrons Can be introduced PCR Tecnnioyue 30-35 cyelee pats > 2% to 2 Invitro Amplipicotion of desired pragmert of DNA \ Denaturction 94 /45° QX SSDNA formed Aa Primers added to Anneal? Flanking Seauence Optimum Temp. (Melting Temp - 5° c P C of Primers J 2 Primers added ; complimevitary 3' —> S'planking seqyuence @hould be 5)— 3) 8. Elongodion— Temperollure ig ixed at 72° DNA Polymerase should be Thermo stable extracted prom / Thermo cyclere Thermus agyuatiow tnttot Spring _ maintain theTemp So aka Tac DNA Polymerase. needled fon the step INETICS OF PCR = Senin erythi No- ef Plateau gol sed tp Produds} Initial Lag phase jo Peregem exponential roulliplicotion 30-35 no- of Cycles SVBr green is used in Or Tagy Man Probe { @por Amplipiecdion y Real Time Per] iby — er quarrying viral load initial Lag / exponential Baclerial load DACTYLOGRAPHY RFLP — Resiriction Fragment length Polymorphism DNA pingerprinting —> Tebpbery NO 2 person no- % size pragments ; in Resiriction digest is identical Restriction enzymes needed eee Radiolabeled probe Auto regulotion RFLP used pon Disease Identification 2 known mulat” site Ladder O55 Z known yee 2 tengt ATED] ¢@) i, MO” codon cut by 1g Mst@ other it wont 1% cut Cmulated> 14 = ha Livibs grp. nonpolar —> sdluble in non pol solvert Ethen, > Moditjed Bloor’s classipieat” Simple Complex Derived / Precursor Upide Upide Upide Esters of FR & Alcohol ° 9 W CH2-OW — oH-C-Ri ae Ri ° ¢h- OH + OH-C-Ro Gta-0-E-Ra CHo- OH OH-C-Ra CH2-0-¢-Re ul Simple Lipid i ° Based on Alcohol present Low Mol ost- High Mol wT: 8° Fot wax TRG Wax Serine —>_Sphingosine Cranino alcohol) Posrnitoy| CoA [ R-NH2 OW So im wax Ephingosine attatched to FA @ Amino grp Sphingo -NH2 + on-¢- H20 ai eee fF y eg: Ceramide sphing” NAG in Osine Camide linkage) on 6 | SPningns Compound / Complex lipials| Esters confaining @ Adelitioned grp @ FA ® Alconol sees based on Additional Qrp attatched T Phospholipids coals ari Eulpholipide FA + Alcohol] [FA + Seringosine | €9, coproten i eg a Propane carb pity acid oo compound of | Phospholipids] major conetituents of kage Plasma. memb eters containing Phosphate grp 2 FA s Acohol devivative of Phosphatadedte . T P0q2 FA Glycerol CHa ce (Polmitic acid) cH -0-C-Re (Palmitic acid ) Ctt2-O- PO ° ip phosphate gnp attotched to Choline C Phosphattidyl Choline > most abundant Ja as Choline > Choline > phosphatidyl Choline a to Serine >Pnosphatidyl serine weit Non-Na2 containing Inositol >» Phosphatidy! inositol (PT) Ethanol amine (Cephalin) Plasmalogens| rare 10% optotal PL = ane PLZ; Shows gite: Brain arctea iot ‘anti city Sk-m (hite bilbred) oS role ofinee irked até atom ne 2 Corstaining ; Cephalin & Cardiolipin Choline PL: nhangesioe PL ® in innen Mitochondrial Dipalmitoyl Phogp! eh Choline > Surfactant 29: por lecithin oe [Sphingo phosphatidyl Choline|—> — Sphingoglycolipide “esters & Ognp addition to FA & Sphingosine ‘derivatives of Ceramide ° Shing — NHa~ E-Ry ‘Sphingomyelin_ a major Componeril ob (Ons - P-o-chaline 3 myelin Bed \ uw Sphingolipids - cns (white matter) Sphingomyelin - on hydrolygie FA +@®& + choline and Sphingosine Esters coriaining Carbohydrate gp in adldition to FA } Alcohol > always in Sphingosine (Amino alcohol ) aka, Sphingoglycolipids. Sevine + Palmitoyl com ivati' i 29: GI | ceramide derivatives of Ceramide 9: Gilucosy a ile covennetle Ceramide + Conbohydvate = CSphingosine + FA] 2g: Lactosy! ceramide Ceramide + Oligogacch = (glu +gal or N- Acetyl galactosamine ) Cevamide + Oligosacch +NAM = Ganglioside Ceramidase aGalactosidase Be €g: GM ganglioside Cen} Giu + Gal rsa) a » n i 4D senmvedl = GMa arose Hexose aminidase A } @et)’ Tay Sach de) GM ganglioside ako. GM2 gangliosidoses Removed by (0 Gabcoai)D Generale Qangliosidosis a GM, gangliosidosis) »d converte GM3 ganglioside —> Globoside dep: Lipicl Storage ds| 5) Galactosidase —> converts Geb: Fobry'sde) —“iloboside —> Cerebride it is XLR disorder Do Fucosidase - Fucosidosis biHeKoaminidase - Tay Sach 3 ce Hyperamm. |” “wand e 8 Variant on Ornithine : a 'sds ® Hunters de Ceram Uhre (galactosidase) Lipidosis reo | Sulphatiose -A > romatic leuko -ayet @ P glucosidase y Cerebroside —> Ceramide C/E: Bruising , paligue anemia, G@o4 all low blood plotelets, enlargemerit Ob liver and spleen ®D Ceramidase (del: Farber’ de) Ceramide —> Sphingomyelin + — granulomatous dc ey = Paingul Sic nodules t RF NAM GM gangliosido| @ Galactosidases i lam sis N-Acety| Muramicacid Tay Sachs Hexoaminidase A DP Galoctosidaces : Fabrys & Galactosidase fb: KRABBESus Gauchers P glucosidase Farbers Ceramidose ds Derived Upids 7 Pre -Curson non- polan eg: FA, Cholesterol: Bile Acid ; Steroid Hormone St contain Saturated ~ 40 ond SCFA-4-6 ©atoms CSUbpi¥- anodic acid) MCFA- 2-14 Anti Thrombotic LCFA-16-20 Anti Inplomm. VLCFA > a4 Fatty Acial : DaLinolenic acid Cplartoil) Cig:3 0%") Unable to 2) €icosapertianoic acid? marine oil Syrthesize in 2 Cervonic & humans SQa:e) (20:5 0584) dietary eesentiat AKA DHA D Linoleic dd C18:2 8°) Octdecadienoicd. Dy Linolinee & DAvochidonic & 0:4 O7%1v4) Eicosatetraencic & ) Cis Oleic. & (18:1.4%) Octadecanoie Tans Elaidic @ (18:1 44) Other FA found in mounmolain tissue Lawrie acid - Dodecanoie A (I2+0) Myprisitie acid - Tetra decanoie & (IM:0) Palmitie acid - Hexadecanoie & (16:0) Stearic acid - Octadecanoic & Cit:0) Palmitoleic acid- Cis- Hexadecanoie & Ue:| 44) Detailed description & Nomenclodure Saturated - donot corficin double bon rary Aaa Ceupyx -anoie avi] soduwated - containe double bond oll FAare Aliphatic eno. acids] In naturally occuring FAs these Clg -(CH2)n- COOK bonde are always tn Cis as opposed to Trane congig. 1 [670 Numbering Numbering brom-COOK end = + Even chain FA in hwmens = - position of st double bond prom ‘wend. Numbeving from Ctiz- OO] Wo W3 Sadunaled FA => Now family - gee tee coon Beaton &Catom eg: Wa FA> means fivst double bond after wa C atom Linoleic — Ise @ We t Nutritional A Linolenie—iee Z wa J essential ++ rah have only a4 a& ah a4 luman Desadurase Enz: Sysiem udilise H2 atoms and introduce double bonds upto Bq position $0, I$¢ > can pd only Wa FA but not We/l0s FA Arachidonic acid — 20¢ T We ### Semi essential FA Chain - elongation System > go, Arachidonic acid canbe synthecised prom Linoleic aud & Linolene — 12 : W3 Eicosa <—Timnodonic aud - 20: Ws pemanerc Ceryonic acid - 22: Ws eryonie Oud Geccertiol bor myelination G seeders together Steroid denivodive Tae modibying 17 +e due To © Of -OH grp @ 34C > Amphipaihie. ‘Subttance Based on Solubility. Lipide Cnon- polar) & Z polar grp* Z non polar grp Amphipedhic neutral lipid * “Promote © Gholesteral ester Denovo Syn: Sysiem - + Ocoure in Cyfoplasm resent liver, Kidney, lung , mammary gland, adipose Ovary testes advenals * Building Block: Acetyl! CoA: PDH ‘ource O Rynuvale Sr EA Quid ———> Se ( ° Mitochondvia @ t Mitoch. to Cytoplaem by as Cholesterol FAR 2 yn yn: c2qAcetyl CoA Acely! Con GD Malate Sire — (ac) = Cholesterol Syn Co-enz fon Citnic Acid Cycte entens >a lipid reduction Ketone bodly Sun © HMP Shunt we ote iitig “RABBI” { cytoplagm ic 4. @® Malic enz lony| Con fcelu! Cok —z—> Malonyl coh | Tat 0-C-CHe-¢~8 chs heat » HCOs” aos Cok aka. FAS complex EA Synthase Complex > 2FA Synthesised at each end © Cytoplesm @ These are 2unite (Dimer) each have & Subunits Ay! ougier but 7enzymalic adlivity [I is acP] (domaine ) Exe Or. Yo aa \ aes o2Ce 6 _Walong! ee &) nin 0 20°° 2 Acetyl Trane — transtere Acetyl grp Cysteine end 3 MaJonyl Trans—> transpere Malonyl CoA fo Aoudlose a 4. Keto acyl Synthase ‘Pan - Go CHa-G- CHs> Keto acyl Enzyme oO Nappa Napen—s| 5 veto acyl Reductase. Cys . Pan - g - CHa- cH - Cs Hydroxy acyl enzyme ° OH IN Hydratase Cys H20 “pan - ¢- CH= CH- CHa (Ungaturated Acyl enzyme) ° | > Enotase Reductase Cys pan-¢ ~CH9- CHa- CHa ° | FA Synthesis in prev: cycle attodched to Cys. end cys + Bec cia Cs pan - C-CHa-C-0" o 860 Cys f C02 ‘Pan-¢ - CHa-C> Cry CHa-CH3 ° o=' FACPalmitic aid) is @ 4 Phospho pantothenic end @. Mhioesterase|—> Cleavee palmitie acid | Acetyl Trans acelylase | Mammals can jSeethesice 2 ModonylTrans acelylase Only even Chain'FA 3 Kelp acyl Synthase 2. Odd Chain FA synthesiced 4 Kefo acyl Reductase Only in inilectine ob s. Hydwodase vuminont cottes & Enoyl Reductose > Thioesterase. 8- Acyl Carrier prot.

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